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Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/2/16

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:01 am
by L-J-L 76
Poor Tommy he can't handle a sexy lap dance by Serena. Max and Liz are both playing with fire while playing each other.

L-J-L 76

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/2/16

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:22 am
by Roswelllostcause
I would say Tommie really has a thing for Serena! Max and Liz really seem to be enjoying playing with their friends.

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:12 am
by Lillmonster
Roswelllostcause & L-J-L: It sure looks like Tommy likes Serena doesn't it. :) Max and Liz is having fun teasing all their friends.

* * * * *

The room goes quiet when all their friends just sits there with their mouths open. Liz looks at the faces and then at Max and the next second they are laying on the floor laughing their asses off. “Oh my fucking god.... you should... you should really see your faces” laughs Liz.

Alex is looking at the rest and shakes his head “Are you kidding me? What the fuck are you doing?”

“Yeah, here I was thinking that I could have a front row ticket to a really hot show and now this. Come on” whines Kyle.

“Like that would ever happen” says Liz. “I wonder who the real pervert is?”

“What? Because I want to watch others have sex?” asks Kyle “I mean I would like to do that and I figured the way you two have been acting all night that was the next step”

“If you get the chance to watch sometime, take it” says Vicki with a smile. “It real fun and a hell-u-va turn-on”

“Have you done that” asks Kyle.

“Sure. I have watched and have had others watch me have sex” says Vicki and shrugs her shoulders like it's nothing out of the ordinary.

“Is there something that you haven't done?” asks Paulie “I mean if you already have done everything what's left?”

“I can say that I think I have done almost everything when it comes to sex. Somethings I didn't like and other things I absolutely loved. And if you are with the right person who cares if you have done things before. It could be even better then because then you know what you want and what you like.”

They are all staring at Vicki after her admission when Tommy and Serena walks in. “Ok. What did we miss?” asks Tommy.

Michael shakes his head to clear it “Oh, a lot I must say”

“Like what?” asks Serena.

“Like Max and Liz heated make out-session and Vicki's confession in advanced sex” says Alex.

“We didn't make out” says Max. “Maria asked a couple of questions, I answered them and then we had some fun with you guys”

“That was not what it looked like from here” says Tess.

“And that was the meaning of it” says Liz and feels a shiver going up her spine. Max has his hand behind her and is stroking her lower back. “But what about you? Got yourself under control now?” she asks Tommy with a wink.

Tommy sits down on the floor and blushes a bit “Yeah, the cooler air outside took care of it”

“And here I thought it was Serena who helped you out” says Pam with a wink.

“You were gone a long time... A lot can happen in that time” smiles Isabel.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you but nothing happend” says Serena with pink cheeks.

“Well alright then. If everything is under control it's Tommy's turn to ask me a question” says Liz.

“Are you sure you want a question? Why not take a dare right away” smiles Tommy.

“I think I would like to have a choice now that I have one” says Liz

“Ok... How many people have you slept with, who were they and how good were they?” asks Tommy. “Are you sure you don't want a dare?”

“That was three questions in one” complains Liz “I can answer one of them”

“Na-ha. Answer the question I asked or take your chance with another dare” says Tommy.

Liz thinks about it and is eying the bowl with a few notes left in it “How many notes are there left? Can I count them?”

“Come on. You came up with the rules and now you have to play the game like the rest of us” says Isabel.

“She's right. Either you answer or you pick a dare” says Michael.

Liz sighs “Oh fine! I'll answer since I know that Vickis dare is left in there”

“Chicken” laughs Vicki.

“After what you have told us I think we all are a bit afraid of your note” says Liz. “But to answer your – questionssss – I have slept with three people.”

“Only three?” asks Vicki “How could that be?”

“We can't all be like you” smiles Liz “I'm very picky about who is chairing my bed and I must feel something for the person. I can't just jump in bed with someone I don't know”

“Are the rest of you the same?” asks Vicki. She gets nodding head from the others. “Wow, I'm really the odd one here. Am I the only one that loves sex?”

“I didn't say that I don't like sex” says Liz “It's just that I have to like the person I'm having sex with. If I don't know him how would I know if I like him. In fact, sex with the right person can be truly magical”

“And we all know who that person would be” says Sean “I mean it's not like you're hiding that you got the hots for each other”

“Shut up now. I want to hear the rest of the answers” says Tommy.

“Thank you. Well, like I said, three persons and as you all know by now Max was the first and the one that l have been with the longest and before you ask. Of course I know and love him, he's my best friend...”

Maria turns to Alex and mouths “Love?”

“... the next one was my second year in uni, Nick and I shared some classes and we went out for coffee and continued to go out until the end of year. I knew I should be home for all summer so we broke up. I didn't want to have someone waiting for me all summer and he was thinking about transfer to another uni closer to home.

And the third one was this year. I met Jason through a mutual friend who thought we would be perfect for each other. She was right and we hit it off right away and spent almost every day together.”

“What happened to him” asks Tess.

“I knew that I would be moving home again and he wanted me to move with him to LA, but I couldn't. We had some fights. At first I suggested that we could try the long distance relationship but he was against it, said that I wasn't devoted enough and that made me think. If he couldn't meet me half way what kind of relationship would that be? So I told him that we were over and I came home and I haven't regretted it one bit”

“Alright, now we know how many and who but how good were they” asks Tommy.

“They were all good but in different ways” says Liz.

“That's not an answer” says Pam.

“Oh, well... I was with Nick the shortest time so I guess that would put him last. I really liked Jason and we had a lot of fun together but I have felt safest with Max and that is really important to me. To feel safe and loved. So there it is... Satisfied?”

“Sure” says Tommy “But the person that should really answer that question is Max. Are you satisfied?”

Max smiles wide “Sure am. I got nothing to complain about”

“Didn't think so” mumbles Maria to Alex who smiles and nods his head.

“Fine, that's over with” says Liz and in a sing-song voice calls out to Max “Oh Maaaax.... You need to pick a dare now.”

“Why are you looking so happy about it?” he asks.

“Well, I'm most certain that it's not like I hope you pull out Vicki's dare or something like that...” says Liz.

“You are a terrible liar. Did you know that?” smiles Max. He grabs the bowl and studies the little folded scraps of paper that was in there. He sighs “Ok, here we go” and pulls out a note. Before he reads it he asks Vicki once again “You promise to tell us if this one is yours?”

Vicki rolls her eyes “I've already told you I will. I promise as long as you promise to do exactly as it says.”

“That doesn't make me feel at ease... Hmmm... Ok. I promise” says Max and opens the note to read it.

“What does it say?” asks Michael “Please tell me I won't get involved in something kinky”

“And you truly believe that we will fall for that?” asks Tess “We all know you, remember... Whenever it was something kinky going on in high school you were the first one there to check it out.”

“Maybe I have grown up” says Michael and is met with a round of laughter from the others.

“Yeah. Right. You believe that” laughs Isabel.

Liz is leaning over Max to take a sneak peak at the note. “That doesn't sound so bad” she says.

Max looks at her “Hey... You have to wait like the rest of them. But I agree. Somehow I don't think this is Vicki's.”

“So what is it?” asks Kyle “The clock is ticking you know”

“Impatient much” says Isabel “Are you going somewhere or what?”

“No, I just want to know” whines Kyle.

“Liz thought this one wasn't so bad but it could be. For me that is” says Max and takes a deep breath. “It says here that I have to tell you five...” he holds up one of his hands “...not one, not two but FIVE of my secrets that I have never told anyone before.”

“That wasn't mine” says Vicki “But it's a real good one.”

“Come on now spill” says Isabel and rubs her hands together. Her and Max may be twins and knew almost everything about each other but the important word here was – almost. Isabel thought is was her privilege to now everything about her brother and she hated to know that he had secrets from her. Of course she wouldn't let Max know all about her but that was not important. Not important at all. “What are you waiting for? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.”

Max looked deep in thought. “I must decide what I will tell you and what I will keep to myself”

Isabel looked perplexed “Are you telling me that you have that many secrets from me?” She couldn't believe it. Here she was thinking that she knew all that there is to now about her brother.

“What do you think?” asks Max. “You can't possible think that I tell you everything?” and then he sees Isabel's face “Oh my... You thought that!”

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:29 am
by Roswelllostcause
Oh this is going to be good! But Isabel sure is not happy to learn that Max is keeping a lot from her! Awe of course Liz feels safe with Max! She is in love with him and has been for a long time! She is just not going to admit it to her friends YET!

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:35 am
by keepsmiling7
So Liz has only slept with three guys....
But Vicki loves sex!
Max was funny.....admitting he had nothing to complain about.....
But I can't wait for him to reveal his secrets. Will Isabel be surprised??

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:50 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the way Max and Liz are with each other. So Liz slept with 3 guys. Don't think Max wouldn't be satisfied with Liz. So now Max has to tell some secrets. Wonder what secrets Max will tell Liz and everyone.

L-J-L 76

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:48 am
by Lillmonster
Roswelllostcause: Isabel will have several problems as the game continues.

Carolyn: Isabel will be surprised. I can promise you that.

L-J-L: Max and Liz are best friends and loves to play with the rest of the gang.

* * * * *

“I am your sister. Your twin sister so of course I thought that you would tell me your secrets.” says Isabel.

“Why should I? You don't tell me everything” asks Max.

Isabel opens her mouth but closes it again. There is no good answer to that question.

“And now that you have solved your little sibling drivel could you please answer to the dare” says Michael. “I must admit that I'm curious too since we tell each other almost everything”

“Yeah but the word here is almost” says Max and smiles wide. “But ok. I'll tell you”

“And if it's embarrassing to you the better for us” laughs Alex.

“Aren't all secrets embarrassing?” asks Max

“Na-ha. Somethings you just keep to yourself that isn't embarrassing. You make it a secret to protect yourself. You know what I mean?” says Serena.

“Ok, I can agree to that” says Max “Well, five secrets.... Can I count the one about me and Liz? I mean that was one of the biggest secrets and now you all know?”

“What do you think?” Liz asks the rest “Should he count that one or not?”

“I don't know” says Maria. “He only had to tell us because of another question”

Michael nods his head “And besides me and Maria already knew about that one. I think it should be five new secrets.”

“But what if someone knows about all my secrets? I mean sometimes I talk to Liz and tell her some secret and another time I take to you and tell you stuff no one else knows” asks Max.

“Alright. You have to tell us five secrets...” Michael holds up his hand “...and only one other person can know about them. Is that ok?”

“That will work” says Max “Five new secrets...” He shakes his head and laughs “This was not what I expected when we started to play this game. For me to tell you all my secrets...”

“Oh, pumpkin” says Liz with a baby voice as she lays her head on Max shoulder. She looks up at him with her big brown eyes “Someone has to do it and it just happens to be you that got the short end of the stick”

“Yeah, thanks for that” smiles Max and kisses her on her forehead. “I guess you and Michael already knows everything there is to know”

“Enough of that foreplay. Will you tell us already” says Sean.

“Right. First one. You know when we were in 7th grade and someone prepped Isabel's jacket with itching powder?” Everybody nods their heads. They all can remember how furious Isabel had been. Even the teachers tried to avoid her that day. “Well... That was me” says Max.

Isabel shots up from the floor “YOU!!!” she yells with lightning shooting from her eyes. “You of all know how hard it was for mom the get that stuff away from my jacket. My favorite jacket on top of that. I had to wear that other old jacket for two weeks because of you. And...”

Kyle pulls on Isabel's shirt “Sit down! That was years ago”

“And?” asks Isabel “Who cares? My own brother did this to me. My. Own. Brother.” she huffs.

Michael takes one look at Max and they are laughing out loud. “Man, that was one of the best pranks you pulled and you got away with it until today. Beautiful” says Michael.

“It wasn't funny when she accused me back then but I would never guessed it was you who did it” smiles Paulie.

“Isabel. You can't be mad at me after this many years” says Max and gives her a puppydog-look.

“Can't I?” says Isabel. “Well, alright I'm not mad but remember this. You will never know if and when I will have my revenge. It could be on you or maybe I should wait until you get's some kids. I can teach them a lot of fun stuff.” She smiles “I think I like the last one best.”

“You can't do that! Why would you threat my future kids for something I did” asks Max.

“I wasn't threaten them. I said I could teach them a couple of things. I will become the aunt and of course I will teach them stuff. I can't guarantee that you would like it all but what can you do about it?” Then she looks over to Liz with a glint in her eyes “And Liz, I will take this opportunity to say I'm sorry for things I may do in the future to your kids.”

“What...?” asks Liz.

But Isabel continues like she hasn't heard Liz. “I mean, I know that you didn't do this to me and it was my bonehead brothers prank but I guess you will fell some of the revenge too” She leans forward and nails Liz and Max with her glare “Since I will be an aunt to your kids!” Then she leans back with a smile a mile wide and waits for the show to start.

Liz is looking shocked but then she sees the look between Isabel and Maria. “Ok. What are you two up to?” she asks.

“We? We who?” asks Isabel.

“You and Maria. I saw that look. What does it mean?” asks Liz “Max, do you know what they mean?”

“No, but I really would like to know too” says Max and looks at his sister “I don't get it. What are you implying?”

“I'm not implying anything.” Isabel looks at Maria “I think we are simply stating the obvious here. Don't you agree?”

“Sure does. I think we all do” says Maria.

“Then, please.... Enlighten us” sighs Liz and rolls her eyes.

“Honey... You know I love you, right! You are the sister I never had but sometimes it doesn't matter how smart you and Max are. I mean you are this groups brainiacs and I'm sorry to say but you are totally blind or deep in denial.”

Max looks at Liz “You still have the Maria-filter? Can you please translate what she is saying?”

“Sorry” says Liz and shakes her head “I'm as lost as you are”

“You are right Maria” says Michael and Alex nods his head in agreement. “Blind or in denial? I think it's a little bit of both. Remember how it was back in high school...”

“Are we back at that again” says Max. “We have already explained why we slept together...”

“But not why you continued to do it” says Kyle “I mean. I knew a whole lot of guys who wanted Liz”

“And most of the girls were after you Max” says Tess.

“Don't you think that this is between myself and Max” says Liz.

“It could count as one secret” smiles Vicki.

“No way! Like Liz said that is between us” says Max. “But Isabel, you haven't told us what you meant with your comment”

“Oh brother, brother, brother... What I meant was that if you get kids in the future the only person to be mother to those kids would be Liz. We all see that so why can't you?”

“So you are saying that now that you know about our secret back then. You see a whole lot of stuff now and for the future. Things we don't even know about?” says Max.

Maria looks down on the floor and shakes her head “Like I said. Blind or in denial”

Serena can see that both Max and Liz are getting a bit agitated “Come on. Leave that now. What happens happens and no one can tell them what to do. Right? Right! Now, I want to know more secrets. Four left Max”

Max stills glares at Isabel but when he feels Liz hand stroking his back he calms down. “Right. Secrets. Four left...” He takes a deep breath to calm down a bit more “Hmm... Second one. Back in freshman year we should dissect these cute little white mices. One day they were gone and no one knew what happened with them... Well, we happened...” Max lift his arm up around Liz shoulders “We couldn't let them be killed and dissected.”

“What did you do with them?” asked Tommy.

“We released them out by Buckleys Point” says Liz.

“So that was two and now the third confession. When Michael and I was 12-13 years we loved to be at his house – alone” Max wiggles his brows.

“You can't tell them that” yells Michael “This was supposed to be about your secrets not mine too”

“Sorry man, but you are with me in a lot of the secrets I have. Liz got her share in the last one and she didn't complain about it”

“There is a big difference” mumbles Michael and slumps on the floor with his arms crossed.

“Like I was saying, we loved to be home alone at Michael's house. In fact we took every chance we got to be there.” says Max.

“And what did you do there? Is there something you would like to tell me?” smiles Liz “Maybe something I haven't figured out yet”

“Is this one of the coming-out-of-the-closet-stories?” asks Paulie.

“No!” shouts Michael “No, no, no, no, no. Nothing like that. Besides wouldn't Liz know something about that since Max and her played bunnies in high school”

“We did not!” says Liz.

“No, Paulie. Nothing like that. I promise. It's just that we discovered that Mr Guerin had a big collection of porn-movies” says Max and laughs “I think you can understand what a goldmine that was for two young boys.”

“So what are you saying?” asks Sean with a smile “Are you saying that you watch porn and then jerk off together?”

“No way” yelled Michael again “We watched them because we were curious and we wanted to learn some stuff about girls”

Maria laughs out loud “Yeah, right! Because you learn so much about us girls from those movies. Admit it. You watch only to get turned on and then wag the tail.”

“I can see that” laughs Pam “A little Max and a little Michael on the couch with their hands busy at work”

“See what you have done” says Michael “That was one secret you should have kept”

“Michael, you are a little red there. Is it hot in here or what?” laughs Liz.

“Let me tell you this” says Max “If one of you, all of you...” he points his finger around the circle “...says that you haven't watched a porn and at some point didn't get turned on I would call you a liar. A big liar”

“Alright. We have all done that” says Tess “But maybe not as young as you”

“Well, it was there, we were curious so why not” says Max.

“Liz! You are the only one who can tell. Did Max learn something from the porn” laughs Alex.

“I'm not telling you” says Liz. “That's totally between Max and me and non of your business”

Alex holds his hands up “Alright, alright. I got it. It was just a joke. Jeeezzuz”

Max laughs at their antics and then asks “Should I continue? I can wait if you have something to solve.”

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/4/16

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:30 am
by L-J-L 76
So Isabel found out about what Max did when he was little to her. Boy I wouldn't want Isabel and Maria to teach any kids as anything. They could teach them bad things. Not surprised about what Max and Michael did when they were little. Max and Liz did a good thing by letting the white mouse free. Wonder what else Max is going to tell everyone.

L-J-L 76

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/4/16

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:26 am
by Roswelllostcause
Can't wait to see what else Max has to tell them! Boy Isabel is not happy with Max!

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:44 am
by Lillmonster
* * * * *

“Continue” says Liz and Alex.

“Right. Where were I? One more?”

“No way. You got two more to tell us” says Kyle “I just knew that you would try to cheat so I'm counting” and he holds his hand up with three fingers up in the air.

Max laughs at him “Ok, two more... Hmm... What should I tell next? Should it be... or maybe...”

“Could you just tell us” shouts Isabel “I really want to find out if you have done some more things to me” She glares hard at him and sighs “Not that it wouldn't surprise me”

“Ah, sis” says Max with a smile “You can't still be upset. Can you? I will tell you two more secrets but that's it. After that I don't want you nagging me about stuff. I'll tell and you simply accept. Ok?”

Isabels looks upset but then lowers her head and nods in acceptance.

“What was that?” asks Max “I couldn't hear you”

“Alright! I agree. Yes Max, I wont nag you about it. Alright? Fine!” says Isabel and rolls her eyes and then she mumbles “I know brothers are annoying but why did I have to get the worst of them”

“That I could hear” smiles Max “I love you too dear sister”

“Are you two finished with the sibling bickering? I for one want to know more secrets. I mean. I don't think you have a bigger secret than the one about you two” says Sean and waves his finger between Liz and Max “But you never know. Maybe you can chock us again”

“You would like that wouldn't you” says Max “Lets see what I can do about that. So this will be number four?” he asks and looks at Kyle who holds up his hand again. “Right. In the beginning of our second year at uni I met a girl”

“What?” yells Tommy “That's no secret. We all know that you went out with... what was her name...”

“Oh, I know who you mean” says Maria “She had some stupid name. You know that kind of name that you almost feel sorry for them to wear.”

“Yeah, now I remember. Bambi” yells Tommy

“That's right. Like I said... What kind of name is that? Was that really her name” asks Maria and turns to Max.

“Are you finished? If you had let me tell you you would have known by now not only the name but the secret as well”

“Sorry about that” says Tommy “Please continue”

“Thanks” says Max “As I said I met a girl and yes, her name really was Bambi. We went out the rest of the year but when summer came and I knew that I would go home I broke it off with her. We had fun and everything but there was always something missing so summer made a great excuse for me. At first she was fine with it and we went our different ways. I came home to Roswell and she went home to... I can't remember were she lived” he shakes his head.

“Yeah, I can see how much she meant to you” laughs Michael “You can't even remember that one simple thing about her”

Liz laughs and pats Max on his shoulder “She was from Kentucky”

“Wait a minute! How do you know that?” asks Tess

“Because I know all about Max history with this girl. He told me all about it in his mails or when we talked to each other.” Liz looks at her friends somewhat surprised faces “Come on you. All of you know that Max and I are best friends. I know almost everything there is to know about him and he does that same about me. You didn't think that we would go off to different schools and not keep in touch?”

Pam shakes her head “No, of course not but I for one didn't think that you would be as tight as you were when we lived here” She looks around at the other “Am I the only one who thought that?”

The rest shakes their head and agrees with her. “We knew” says Michael and points at himself, Maria and Isabel.

Paulie sighs “Of course you do but the rest of us didn't”

Max smiles at Liz “Kentucky... Yeah, that sounds right. I can't believe you remember that”

“What can I say” Liz shrugs her shoulders “You kind of complained about it several times” then she laughs “Among other things”

“Hey, I wasn't the only one complaining” pouts Max

“No, I guess your right. I did my fair share” says Liz

“And...” asks Isabel “You dumped her, came home for the summer and...? What's the big secret here?”

“Oh, yeah, right” says Max “As I said I thought she took our breaking up really good. I came home but after two weeks she started to call me. And I really mean that she called me... In the beginning it was now and then but after a while it was every day and even several times a day. If I was out with Liz or any other of you she would get annoyed. Complaining about how I wasn't missing her like she was missing me etc etc. It almost drove me nuts and eventually I stopped answer the phone when she called. About four weeks before I had to go back to school she stopped calling and I thought it was over. I went back to uni and some weeks passed by without me seeing her. And one day she was outside my door. She apologized about her behavior during the summer and asked if we could at least be friends. I told her sure we could try to be that and everything was fine until the end of the semester.”

“Wait” says Paulie and holds his hands up “After all that. Why would you be her friend? I mean if a girl had done that to me I would have run for the hills”

Max laughs slightly and shakes his head “I don't know. I guess I felt sorry for her. She had some friends but noone close to her. Like we are I mean. I kind of missed that”

“And I bet the free sex wasn't too bad either” laughs Kyle

“Is that all you think about?” asks Tess and glares at him

“What? No! Well, maybe” says Kyle and looks down

“For your information, Kyle. We didn't have sex when we went out” says Max

A lot of heads turns to Max. “Wow” says Vicki “No sex!”

“Was that the secret” asks Isabel “Cause I don't think that counts as a secret”

“No, if you let me finished” says Max before he's interrupted again

“Hey hey hey. Back it up a bit. What do you mean no sex? Didn't you go out for almost all of your second year?” asks Paulie

Max nods his head “Yeah, we did but you see. Bambi was saving her self for her future husband and I really didn't have any aspiration to be that husband so we went out, shared a lot of kisses and a few heavy make-out moments but that's it” He look around the circle “May I continue?”

“Sure, be my guest” says Paulie

“Bambi and I were friends and I thought that we were becoming really good friends that is until one party we went to. We decided to go together – as friends – and just have a good time there. And from what I can remember from that evening we had fun. That was until I woke the next morning with a headache from hell and no memory about what happened after a certain point.”

Isabel looks disgusted “Are you telling me that you – Mr responsible – drank so much that you blacked out?”

“No Isabel. That is not what I'm saying. But I have to tell you all about it for you to understand my secret” says Max and unconsciously grabs Liz hand. Liz puts his other hand on Max back. She knows what he is about to tell the others and she does everything she can to make him feel better.

Max takes a deep breath and continues “When I woke up there were a couple of things that disturbed me. First that I couldn't remember. I knew that I drank only three bears and as you all know I don't like to drink more. Second thing was that I was naked and the third thing was that Bambi was in bed with me – naked as well. I didn't know how we ended up in that bed, in that room. Hell, at first I didn't even know where I were. I didn't recognize anything in that room. Later I found out that is was one of the rooms where the party was.
I felt like shit and suddenly I became really nauseous. I thought that my stomach would turn it self inside-out but it was the whole situation I guess. I got my clothes on and somehow I got home. I can't really remember how I got there but suddenly I was home and the sick feeling I had was only getting worse. My roommate saw me and eventually took me to the ER. There I had to tell them the parts I remembered and a lot of tests was taken. I thought that I had got food poisoning or something but nope. That was not it...” Max swallows loudly and lowers his head while slowly shaking it from side to side.

“Do you want me to tell the rest” asks Liz and strokes her hand up and down Max spine “You know I could do that. I already know the story”

Max turns his head to Liz and tries to smile “Thanks” he squeeze her hand “I know you can but this is my secret to tell and you know as well as I do that this is something that I have to do”

Liz nods “I know and I understand. As long as you remember that I'm here for you. I'll always will be and that noone will judge you. Ok?”

“Ok” says Max and turns his eyes to the rest. Everyone is sitting in silence watching the events taking place between the two and is waiting patiently for Max to continue. On some lever they all are aware that this is a big secret and that is was serious.