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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 8 9/3

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:44 am
by Natalie36
all caught up poor liz

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 8 9/3

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:49 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad that Serena and Max talked. Hopefully Max will be able to figure out what is going on with Liz. Poor Liz :cry: The vision must have been really bad. I'm glad Max is there trying to help Liz. I'm also glad that Max got a doctor Kara to help. I hope Max won't block Liz's visions she will need them to warn Max if Kivar comes and tries to kill him. I hope Max and Serena will try and help Liz control her powers. What was the vision Liz had? Was the vision bad? Will Liz tell Max about the vision? Can Liz control her vision? Will Max and Serena help Liz control her visions? What will happen when Liz wakes up? Will Max and Serena be there when Liz wakes up?

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 8 9/3

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:53 am
by keepsmiling7
Can't believe Liz is having those visions and is trying to become a seer.
And being sent to a mental hospital is even worse.
Can't something else be done??

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 8 9/3

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:37 pm
by max and liz believer
Oh shit... That's not good. So you only become a "seer" through a curse? And the only thing that'll remove the curse is the Granolith but it might damage parts of Liz's personality?

But I guess the other option is no good - Liz going insane.

Waiting for more

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 9 9/4

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:56 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Yes poor Liz!

L-J-L 76 We don't know what the visions are! For now Max is having the visions blocked with a drug.

Carolyn Being sent to a mental hospital would be one of the last resorts. Max learns of another way to help Liz in this part.

Jo Being a seer is considered to be a curse by some, because the visions are very powerful. There has been more then one driving crazy by them. There is another way to gain control of them.

Part 9

Liz woke with a groan. She could hear the soft beeping of some kind of medical monitor.

"Good you are awake." Came a voice.

Liz turned to see a woman holding a scanner in her hand.

"Am I ok doctor?"
"Yes. Though you should have told the Prince as soon as the visions started."
"I thought I could handle it."
"Liz, the seer visions are one of the most powerful mental gifts you can get. There have been full blood antarians that can't handle them. I was very reluctant to give you the blocking drug."
"Because I am part human?"
"Yes. Liz, there is very little history of hybrids reactions to most of the strong drugs we have."
"I understand that. But what is going to be done about the visions?"
"That is up to the Prince. My job is to keep you healthy."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Said Liz

The door opened and Max walked in.

"How do you feel Liz?" Asked Max
"I am releasing you of your duties until we see if you can learn to cope with the visions."
"What if I can't?"
"Then I will have the guardians remove the gift from you."
"But that can change who I am. Our gifts help shape who we are."
"Liz, that would be a last resort. If we can't get a handle on this then you could go crazy."
"My mom got visions. Well that is what my dad told me anyway."
"It is common for a child to in get their gifts from their parents. I am going to talk to my mother see if she has any idea on how we can help you."
"Thank you. Is my sister upset with me?"
"No, she is worried about you. She will come see you today. Now if the good doctor clears you it will be fine for you to go out to the garden."
"As long as you keep the monitor on it will be fine. The fresh air will do you good." Said Kara
"OK." Said Liz
"I will see you later Liz." Said Max

Max left and Liz could only hope that Max and the Queen would be able to come up with something.


Max walked into his mother's study. She looked at him with a sad smile.

"Mom, I need to know if there is away to help Liz get control of the visions she is getting." Said Max
"The visions of a seer are very powerful and also very rare. Her mother had been a seer. She knew what both her daughter's destinies were."
"But they weren't driving Liz's mother crazy! Liz is on the verge of it."
"I am aware of what is going on with Elizabeth. Max the only way to help her is for her to have a permanent connection, a life bond with someone who is stronger than she is."
"I don't understand."
"Max, you have feelings for this young lady right?"
"Yes. I believe I am in love with her."
"Then you must convince her to bond with you. You are the only one that can save her. The drug will only work for a little while."
"How am I going to convince her?"
"That I can't tell you. Max, if you can convince her then she will also have to accept her destiny. She has to make this choice on her own."
"I am going to set her free."
"That is your right, and if doing so she choose to return home to her father what will you do?"
"I don't know."


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 9 9/4

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:34 am
by Natalie36
great send her home where she won't be safe. :?

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 9 9/4

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:54 am
by keepsmiling7
I'm so glad Max's mother had the correct direction for Liz.
And now Max will free Liz........I hope she will then realize that she loves him.

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 9 9/4

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:16 am
by max and liz believer there really any need to choose?

Bond, Liz. Bond.

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 9 9/4

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:43 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Liz woke up. And I'm glad Max was there for Liz. I hope Liz and Serena will be glad to see each other. I hope Liz and Serena will talk. So Max's mom said Max and Liz needs to bond to control her seer powers. I hope Liz will agree to bond with Max. I can't believe Max is going to set Liz free. Max needs to keep Liz with him since Liz is in danger. If Kivar catches Liz who know what he will do to Liz. Hopefully Serena and Max can get Liz to agree to bond with Max and stay with Max. What will happen when Liz and Serena see each other? Will they be glad? Will Liz and Serena talk? Will Liz tell Serena what she saw in her visions? What will Serena do when she finds out? Will Liz tell Max what she saw in the visions? What will Max do when he finds out? Will Liz bond with Max? What will happen when Max and Liz bond? Will Max set Liz free? Will Liz stay or leave? Will Max and Serena convince Liz to stay? Will Liz stay with Max? Will Max help Liz with her visions? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Max, Liz live a long and happy life together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 10 9/5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:34 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Just because Max sets free, does not nmean she will go home.

Carolyn Yes Max's mother has the right way to go. It might take some time yet for Liz to realize what she feels for Max.

Jo Liz doesn't know about that yet!

L-J-L 76 Liz and Serena will talk some here. Max loves Liz so he always planned to set Liz free. Just because she will be free does not mean she will leave the palace.

Part 10

Liz sat in the garden lost in thought and didn't notice Serena until she sat next to her.

"You ok Liz?"
"I have been worried about you. I couldn't understand why you became so cold."
"I'm sorry."
"The Prince told me you are getting the seer visions. Dad said mom had them."
"Yeah. They have been coming in my dreams mostly. Never very clear. But I haven't been sleeping well."
"I understand that. But when I was told that I had to leave home to become a guardian I was so scared. The only thing I was happy about was that I would get to see you. When I was told that you were being loaned to me to help me adjust I couldn't have been happier. Lizzie, you are my big sister and I love you."
"Rena, nothing will ever change us being sisters and that I love you. But it is hard for me to know that my baby sister out ranks me in this. That I have to take orders from you."
"Liz, there is a chance that you will not wear those bans forever."
"There is only one way to get rid of these things I wear."
"Liz, there is more then one way. I have the power to set you free no strings attached. But it won't help you with the visions. My mother told me the best way to help you is for you to bond with someone stronger than you." Said Max coming up to them.
"Someone like you?" Asked Liz
"Yes. Liz, this will be your choice. I won't force you to do it." Said Max
"I just want to be sure I am clear on this. When you say a bond. You mean the true antarian bonding right? Meaning marriage and everything that goes with it." Asked Liz
"Yes. Liz, that is why it will be your choice. No matter what you will be set free in one month. That is when I expect your choice." Said Max
"Max, just tell me one thing, and I want you to be honest. You know I can tell when someone lies to me. Do you love me?" Said Liz

Max took a deep breath and bent down in front of her took both her hands in his and looked her right in the eyes.

"Liz, I fell in love you as soon as I saw you that day in the slave market. That is why I told Lord Trayer that my offer was take it or leave it in that moment." Said Max
"Uh um wow. I got to go. I will see you later Rena."

Liz took off and Max just looked at Serena.

"Is she OK?" Asked Max
"I think so. I have never seen my sister like this."
"What do you mean?"
"Liz has always been so together. Nothing gets to her. But you admitting that you fell in love with her at first sight has thrown her."
"I don't know. But I know there is a reason. My gifts are no where near as advanced as Liz's are becoming. I know mine will become strong now that I am in training. But I don't know how to read how Liz is feeling. I never been able to."
"You can read others?"
"Yes. I knew how you felt about my sister before you even admitted it."
"I really don't want her to leave once I set her free."
"You're highness, my grandmother told both Liz and me to follow our hearts. Trust Liz to do that."
"You know for a kid you are pretty smart. Oh and unless in a formal setting it's Max."
"Now you got any ideas on how to win your stubborn sister's heart?"

Serena broke into a big smile.

"Oh I have some ideas!"

Max smiled and sat down next to the young guardian.


Christina cried as the cold hearted man forced his very hard manhood into her. Her body was in pain from how rough he was with her. But she knew that this was her life now. There was no one who cared about her. She had lost her parents when she was young. She had runaway from the children's home a little over a year ago. She had lived on the streets of the city. Then came the day that she needed food. So she stole from one of the shops. She had been caught and sentenced to become a slave. She was in the market and this man came and bought her. He placed black bans around her wrists and a collar with a chain around her neck. She fought him as he dragged her through the market. Once in his transport he beat her. It was two days later that he dragged her into his bed and forced her to have sex for the first time. She winced as he pounded into her hard. She cried out as he gave one last hard thrust and his over two hundred pound body fell onto her much smaller one and she felt her hip bone break under his weight. He rolled off her and one of his men came in and took her away.


After running from Max and Serena Liz went into the library to try and clear her head. She had not expected Max to tell her that he had been in love with her from the day they had met. She really had no idea now to react. She wasn't sure what she felt. She was lost in thought and didn't hear someone else enter the library.

"Elizabeth are you OK?"

Liz turned to see the Max's mother the Queen of Antar. She dropped to her knees at the feet of her Queen.

"Forgive me You're Highness. I didn't hear you come in." Said Liz
"Elizabeth, please let's talk OK?"

Liz nodded and followed the Queen to one of the big soft couches and sat down with her.

"Now are you upset because my son admitted to you how he feels?" Asked the Queen
"No. I just wasn't expecting it. I mean I did notice how he would look at me."
"Elizabeth, you are a very bright girl. You know that the fact that he is going to set you free even though you may not choose to be his life mate breaks a lot of rules."
"Yes, Ma'am I do."
"He needs his father's permission to do that. Oh Philip will give it to him, that isn't an issue. My husband wants to get rid of the whole slave thing. But it has to be done slowly. Before Philip became King a slave could be as young as nine. He raised it to thirteen."
"I know I got lucky, by having the Prince be the one who bought me. That if Lord Kivar had gotten me then my life would not be anywhere near as good."
"No, as soon as he would have gotten you home he would have forced you into his bed. Max, respects you that is why he hasn't taken you to his bed. He doesn't want to just have sex with you. He wants you to choose to be with him."
"But how did he even know I was going to be at the market? You have people who go to the slave market for workers."
"I have foresight. Where seers can see both the future and the past. Those with foresight only see what is to come. I saw you in a vision and sent him to get you. Liz, that is what you like to be called right?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Liz, if you will open your heart to Max, he may make you happier than you have ever been."
"I am nothing but a poor farm girl. The people will never accept me with the Prince."
"I want you to think about something. There is a reason we have been focusing on the farms more since you came here."

Liz watched Queen Diane leave. Her last words running through her head.