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Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 6 3/6/15

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:20 am
by jake17

thank you so much for your fb, so appreciate it.

Chapter six

Sighing breathlessly Liz let her hands fall to her side while Zan continued his fevered assault making good on his promise.

She was forgetting, letting go, of everything.

It was true, Ben was the farthest thing from her mind in that moment, most everything was except the way Zan’s hands felt on her skin.

In the back of her mind she knew this was wrong in so many ways, but for once in her life she didn’t care about consequences or regrets.

Gasping loudly as he replaced his hands with his mouth she boldly found herself clutching the back of his head pushing him closer to her breast.

Knowing this was far outside the realm of her live by the rules, straight laced personality, he growled against her skin loving that he was the one to bring this side of her out to play.

Glancing up at her as he lavished her hard peak with his firm tongue smirking against her skin, it seems that alcohol wasn’t the only thing that made Liz come alive.

Zan stared at her through slitted dark eyes as she threw her head back now threading her fingers with both hands through his thick unruly hair.

With a mixture of booze and lust rushing through his veins he felt numb to the past that had been like a weight upon his shoulders, this is what he needed, she would help him forget, she was the salvation he was looking for all along.

As his mouth lavished one breast, his fingers pulled and flicked her other nipple causing her to release his hair to dig her nails into his forearms as an unexpected orgasm began to quickly build.

Surprised at just how responsive she was it only drove him further, his single goal to please her, to make her come apart without even touching her between those precious thighs.

Breathless, Liz’s body froze, her hands fell to her side, she was giving in to him, all fight had left her as her body silently begged for more.

Arching her back, her top slid further down her spine, the sleeves hanging loose at her elbows, barely hanging on.

The sight of her panting wildly, shivering vigorously, completely under his control, was almost enough to drive him to the edge himself but he was determined to hold back.

Switching breasts he lapped quickly with short firm strokes upon her quivering nipple while groaning his encouragement.

“Stop fighting it.”

As close as she was she was unconvinced that she could come this way, she slipped her hand beneath the waist of her pj bottoms only to have it pulled away abruptly.

“Don’t even think about it.”

For some reason beyond her conscious thought she obeyed him, it was against everything she was, and yet still she mindlessly listened to his demand.

Swallowing thickly as his gruff voice vibrating against her wet flesh she bucked the air, her fingers digging into hard plaster as uncontrollable tiny thrusts searched for the pressure to give her the release she needed.

“Please… “

She didn’t even recognize her own voice as she begged him to touch her. “Zan, I need to … “

“I know what you need.”

Her long curved braid slipped between her breasts as stray chocolate pieces of her tresses fell over her flushed cheeks, past her parted lips, blowing tiny strands outward with each puff of air.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, I bet you’re even more beautiful when you come. Show me… show me what you look like when you come Liz.”

Panting harshly she began to convulse crying out loudly as she covered her face trying to hide her embarrassment.

Her uncontrollable whimpers and moans shook the dense air between them as his unbearably hard cock twitched with anticipation of being buried deep inside her.

Bringing his mouth to her ear he quickly released the buckle of his belt, the sound of metal slipping through leather caused a wave of chills to rush over her flushed skin.

She pressed her forearm harder across her eyes squeezing her fist tight as her body continued to quake and gush between her thighs.

“Don’t bother, you’re wasting your time, you can’t hide from me. I see right through you. I know what you want, what your body needs, who you really are.”

Grazing his fingers lazily between her breasts, down her body, skimming over her trembling stomach, beneath her panties he hissed as he cupped her pulsating pussy.

“Ahh… “ her voice broke at the slightest touch of his hand, thrusting her body forward against his expansive chest as her knees buckled.

Gliding his fingers over her again and again he began to tease the tip of her clit as she buried her face inside the nook of his neck.

With arrogant confidence he took his time, strumming her slowly as if knowing exactly how to get her there, purposely holding off until she could take no more.

Her eyes flew open wide as he curved his other hand around her bare hip to cup her cheek ghosting the pads of his fingers in places no man had dared touched her before.

Her vision blurred flying up to the ceiling unexpectedly catching a glimpse of the pictures taped to the ceiling, it was then that she remembered.

Pushing him hard against his chest he stumbled back off balanced shocked by her sudden change of heart.

“I-I’m sorry, I can, we can’t… this is happening for the wrong reasons, we barely know each other.”

Chest heaving, breathless, his impressive erection standing at attention he cocked his head to the side suspiciously.

Sliding the tip of his finger along his bottom lip, his eyes briefly slid shut humming his approval of the taste of her on along his tongue.

“I beg to differ with you Liz, I think I know you better than most, dare I say more than Ben ever has.”

Nudging her shirt back over her shoulders she brushed her hair from her face struggling to catch her breath.

“You’re disgusting.”

Sitting on the bed he leaned back unashamed of his hard cock pressing against his boxers.

“Funny you didn’t think so thirty seconds ago, and I have the nail marks on my arm to prove it.”

Fumbling with the buttons on her shirt she backed out of the room repulsed by his vulgar ego.

Practically falling over her feet she made it to her bedroom, locking the door behind her before searching for the picture of him and Katie that she had hid beneath the waist of her pj bottoms.

To her great relief it had slipped down behind her leg but it was still there.

Collapsing on her bed she pulled out her laptop, researching both their names watching with wide eyes as the article about the car accident quickly appeared.

Tragedy occurred last night in the sleepy town of Saco Maine when two teenagers were involved in a deadly car accident coming home from their senior Prom. Alexander Evans, the driver, suffered a broken arm and extensive glass lacerations to his shoulder and back, while his girlfriend of three years, Katherine McCarthy, was pronounced dead on the scene from massive head injuries. Investigation of the accident is still ongoing, while services are being arranged for Miss. McCarthy at Mason’s funeral home on main street, details to follow ….

Clicking on another article from a different newspaper Liz couldn't read through the words fast enough.

A devastated, visibly shaken, seventeen year old, Alexander Evans was unable to hold back tears as he appeared before the court today to face charges of involuntary manslaughter in the February 13th car accident involving the death of his long time girlfriend Katherine McCarthy. Although Evans blood alcohol level was well below the legal limit, his under age status leaves him in the eyes of the state accountable for the death of Miss. McCarthy. In a surprise turn of events the honorable Judge Wallace Masters gave Mr. Evans the choice between six years in the state penitentiary or four years in the United States Marines.

Suddenly the tragic, youthful picture that she had been mesmerized by downstairs of him in his uniform finally made sense.

Mr. Evans who will turn eighteen in one month will report to Parris Island in sixty days to the dismay of many people living in his hometown, as well as Katherine’s family, who are in an uproar that Evans will not be serving any prison time. Evans own parents were absent from the hearing due to severe harassment surrounding their son’s trail. Along with Alexander, who was once a thriving student, and noted athlete, he now lives under constant scrutiny, even going as far as receiving several anonymous death threats. Alexander and his family have been living in near seclusion ever since the unfortunate accident nearly three months ago.

It was all beginning to make sense, but somehow Liz knew this was only the beginning, she couldn’t even begin to imagine what four years in Afghanistan could have done to someone who was already severely traumatized.

Liz did know one thing for sure, as much as she wanted him, as strongly as she felt connected to him, the demons that plagued him were far too dark for her to handle.

It was clear by his unstable behavior, not to mention his drinking, that he had severe problems that were beyond her help.

She traveled halfway across the country to start over, to get away from the drama that threatened to destroy her, as selfish as she felt she couldn’t get herself involved in his life.

Still considering everything, as she looked down at the crinkled picture, she couldn’t kick him out with no where to go.

As aggressive as he was, he didn’t act alone in that room, she wanted him, it was an attraction like nothing she had ever experienced before. He wasn’t to blame, they both needed to forget, to find comfort in one another, but it wasn't right, and she knew it wouldn't lead to a healthy relationship, which is what she wanted.

She knew she had to take responsibility for her part in what happened, and to also make sure that nothing like that would ever happen again.

Grabbing a legal pad from her suitcase she began to write a note to him that she would leave on the kitchen table after she left for her job interview the next morning.

After that it would be his choice to stay or go, at least now her conscious would be clean, rules would be set, and she could move on to the life she intended to have.

While I take full responsibility for what occurred last night, I feel it would be better if we remained friends. I want you to feel free to stay until you can find other arrangements. I will be packing up everything that your family has left behind in boxes, with the exception of your room. Please forgive my intrusion last night, you have my word it will not happen again. The aforementioned boxes will be temporarily stored in the basement. Please take what you need, the rest will be donated to goodwill at the end of the month. If possible inform me of any progress you make in finding a new place to stay. Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 6 3/6/15

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:05 pm
by begonia9508
Hey Carrie,

Full of contradictions, this woman, after careful consideration! Maybe even both of them... :roll:

Thanks - wondering what will happens next!?

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 6 3/6/15

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:08 am
by keepsmiling7
Of course Zan knew what Liz needed........and he knew how to give it to her.
But, so sad for Zan........the reason for the uniform and the articles about the accident and death of Katie.
It would be so difficult to ever forget that........
So will Zan stay or go......???
As always Carrie, your descriptions pull me right into the scene.

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:54 pm
by jake17

thanks so much for sticking with me here, along with you lurkers out there :wink:

chapter seven

The next day Liz found the note she wrote him crumbled up in the trash, but he was still there, evidence of that by the loud music coming from his room, and his dirty dishes in the sink.

All the more reason that she had made the right decision.

Feeling awkward about the whole thing, and somewhat embarrassed at the way she had acted, Liz thought it best to go on with her plan to pretend as if nothing happened.

Acing her interview she had been working for the local hospital as an MRI technician for several weeks now.

She had always meant to go for her masters but it was never possible having to support Ben while he was in Med school.

At any rate she had made a few casual friends, but the biggest leap of faith would be tonight as she got ready for her first real date in years.

His name was David Benson, he was a young Orthopedic surgeon, and after a few uncomfortable elevator rides where he attempted to talk to her, they ended up eating lunch together in the cafeteria where he finally got the courage up to ask her for a date.

If there was one word to describe David Liz would have chosen uncomplicated.

He was a perfect gentleman, whose hobbies included chess, and collecting rare first edition books.

Sure he wasn’t the most exciting man walking around the great state of Maine, but he was nice, and grounded, he was exactly the type of guy she was convinced she should be with.

Fixing her hair she gazed at her reflection while her thoughts unwillingly drifted back to him.

Many nights she’d lay awake thinking of that young boy and that tragic night that would change his life forever.

She imagined how terrified he must’ve been grieving so deeply for Katie, while being shipped away to a foreign land where too many soldiers never returned.

Liz couldn't help but wonder exactly what happened that caused that accident ending that young life.

One thing for sure Zan didn’t want anything to do with Liz since their confrontation.

Knowing her schedule he made sure he was either out before she came home or locked in his room.

She didn’t blame him, not after everything he was dealing with, to lose so much, even to the point that even his own family shunned him.

Liz did however follow up on her suspicion that he suffered from post traumatic stress disorder, she asked around the hospital, and did her own research coming up with the name of a prominent Psychiatrist that specialized in PTSD who was supposedly the best in his field.

A week ago she left his business card on the kitchen table before work, Zan never said a word about it but the card wasn’t there when she came home so she took that as a good sign.

Shaking him from her thoughts she tried to concentrate on getting ready for her date.

Spinning around in the mirror, wondering if the new black pencil skirt, she had bought, was too much for a first date, she suddenly heard the door slam downstairs.

Quickly she threw on a nearly sheer red blouse over her black bra before rushing out into the hall just in time to watch his door close in front of her face.

Sighing she leaned against the wall wondering if he was angry with her or just embarrassed that he had no other place to live.

Either way his constant avoidance was being to really frustrate her, she couldn’t understand why they couldn’t at least be friends, truth was she missed him, and she hated the thought that she had upset him so much that after weeks he still refused to speak to her.

Migrating to her room she reluctantly finished getting ready thinking in her head that she would rather be sitting in front of the TV in her damn penguin pajamas and pink fuzzy slippers.


It was nearly midnight when she peaked down into her purse searching for the time on her cell, as David went on and on about his family’s close relationship with the Bush’s, often visiting them while they were vacationing up in Kennebunkport.

David drolled on and on giving Liz basically a history lesson of how George Bush’s grandfather was once the senator of Maine, among other useless facts she really could've cared less about.

Ordering another vodka tonic Liz pretended to listen to David’s praise of Bush, how he was a devoted Republican, as was every member of his family dating as far back as he could recall.

Restraining her hatred of all things Bush, and Republican for that matter, Liz threw down another drink, feeling partly responsible for suggesting they go to this pub she had heard about in Portland after their dinner.

Truth be told she was bored to death within the first twenty minutes during their meal, but she argued with herself that she wasn’t giving him a chance, two hours later she knew for sure this was not meant to be.

Desperate to change the subject she asked him about his latest search for a first addition of some Hemingway novel that he had been obsessed with finding.

“So there’s an attorney friend of mine who was vacationing in the Key’s when low and behold he heard of a lead on … “

Tuning him out, she nodded politely, trying to think of an excuse to head home, and an even better excuse to rush inside to avoid a very much unwanted first kiss that she could feel coming from a mile away.

Pushing her drink away she waved off the bartender unwilling to have a repeat performance of her unfortunate drunken behavior with Zan.

And there she was again thinking of him, wondering where he was, who he was with and if he was ok.

Liz couldn’t help but remember that night, his hands teasing her to the point of distraction, his mouth hot and demanding sweeping along her skin.

She thought about the tattoos that covered his arms and chest, where they came from and what each one meant, she wanted to know, she needed to know more about him, especially about what exactly happened the night of the accident and the four years he spent in Afghanistan that made him the complicated, tortured soul that he was today.

“... so I was thinking that I would head up there soon, it would be so nice to get away from the cold and all this snow, don’t you agree Liz?”

Hearing David clear his throat, Liz tore her eyes away from the twinkling white lights that were strung along the ceiling, realizing that she hadn’t been paying attention to one word David had said since he uttered the words ‘low and behold’.

“Liz, is everything alright?”


She could hear the disapproval in his voice as he adjusted his pale blue sweater vest, it was the same look he gave her when he eyed her outfit up and down as they met at her door.

Liz didn’t think it was that revealing, but it was obvious David was embarrassed when they walked into the exclusive members only country club that he had belonged to for as long as he could remember, or maybe it was as long as Liz felt like paying attention.

Holding up one finger she slipped off the barstool. “I’m actually not feeling well David, I’m so sorry, I’m just going to use the ladies room, and if you don’t mind head home after that.”

A single nod followed by an uncomfortable silence told her all she needed to know, this was a total disaster.

Rushing through the crowd she ducked down a narrow hallway leading to the bathrooms, barely able to see with the dim lighting she pushed open the door.

Taking a moment to breathe she spun around to turn the lock only to find herself staring into Zan’s broad chest.

Stunned she stumbled back on her high heels hitting her back against the door to one of the stalls.

“Zan what the hell? How? Why are you here? What are you doing? This is the ladies room!”

In one swift move Zan locked the door and charged towards her lacing his hands through her long silky hair to edge her flushed face up towards him.

“I’ve been watching you, what is he a lawyer, doctor, some fancy suit with big money?”

Stuttering, not wanting to admit that he was right, she shrugged, trying to regain her composure.

“What? S-Seriously Zan, why does it matter to you? He’s my date, it’s really none of your business.”

Grinning, he swept one hand along the curve of her hip, while brushing his thumb along her bottom lip with the other, desperate to touch her anyway he could.

His smoldering amber eyes lingered on her mouth for several seconds before meeting her wide stare.

“I knew I was right, so which is it? He’s a doctor I bet, met him at that hospital you work at didn't you?”

Working hard to steady her rapid breath, as his hand curved around her waist pulling her flush against him, she sighed, trying to seem irritated but failing miserably.

“What? Are you stalking me? How did you know about my job?”

A faint scent of whiskey drifted around her as he stroked her cheek with the tips of his fingers.

“You leave your photo ID on the kitchen table every night, don’t flatter yourself Ms. Elizabeth Parker.”

Averting her eyes from his intense close gaze, she pressed her hand against his chest in an effort to move him.

“Fine, yes, he’s a doctor, are you happy now?”

Sliding his hands down to cup her ass he brought his mouth to her ear.

“The question you should be asking yourself is are you happy Liz… because you seem bored out of your fucking mind, in fact it looked to me like your head was somewhere else entirely.”

Between the vodka and Zan’s firm body bracing against her Liz was finding it hard to think.

Lifting her eyes to the ceiling all she could hear was the thumping sound of the music in the bar and his hot breath against ear.

Liz knew she should be outraged at his arrogance, furious that he followed her into the bathroom.

He had no right to interrogate her about her date, especially after weeks of ignoring her, but for some reason none of that seemed to matter as his lips trailed along the slope of her neck.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Does it matter?”

“Y-yes, we… you should stop.”

“Is that what you really want?”

Just then Zan curved his fingers under her cheeks pressing her hard against his cock showing her exactly what she was doing to him.

A whisper of a moan fell from her lips as he slammed his mouth on her, his tongue delving inside to caress hers before suddenly releasing her.

Breathless, his chest heaving he stared into her eyes as she panted softly, half wishing he would just leave, while praying to god above that he wouldn’t.

“I have to go… David’s waiting.”

Falling to his knees, Zan pushed her skirt quickly up to her waist, before brushing his thumb over her wet core to edge her panties to the side.

Lifting his darkened eyes up to her, he breathed out his opinion before taking one long lick between her thighs.

Fuck David.”

Before she could comprehend what was happening she felt him lash against her, his tongue flicking hard rapid quick small circles against her clit.

Gasping loudly her hands fell to his unruly dark hair in a half ass effort to push him away.

He gripped her tight shoving his mouth closer, diving inside causing her cries to echo off the walls in the small cramped room.

“Oh god!”

Dragging his fingers down between her thighs, he parted her further stroking her clit unrelentingly until she came hard digging her nails into his scalp, holding him there as she shivered convulsing uncontrollably finding it almost hard to breathe.

Just then a series of knocks struck the door. “Hey! You almost done in there?”

The strange woman’s voice quickly brought her back to reality as she shoved him away.

Quickly smoothing down her skirt, she ran to the mirror doing her best to fix her lipstick that was smeared across her swollen lips.

Rushing to the door, she stopped briefly, hearing his husky whisper close behind her, before bursting into the hallway, back into the crowded bar.

“See you at home Liz.”

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:57 pm
by debbyin
Oh, Liz seems fickle in chapter 6, but having gone through a hurtful breakup with one of my ex's I can understand going back and forth and feeling like her emotions are on a roller coaster. Zan is at risk to be a rebound for Liz. Poor poor Zan. Living with guilt on top of a lost loved one. Being forced to go into the armed forces to a war...poor Zan. Makes me sad.. I'm so glad your posting. You posted chapter 7 while I was reading chapter 6, cool :-) , so I'm on to chapter 7....

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:29 am
by begonia9508
Thanks Carrie!

I have the feeling that Liz is on the bitch side with Zan! :? Why? I guess she is lying to herself and with that boring guy, talking all the evening about his connection with Bush!? :roll: :roll: Anyway,what's a pedant ass...e! This guy was... :twisted:

It seems that she is struggling with herself!

EVE :wink: :mrgreen:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:32 am
by debbyin
Just read chapter 7....I was wondering how Zan would react to Liz's date. He more or less claimed her at the bar and she might as well stop fighting it. I have to remind myself why Liz isn't surrendering to her passion...that she was trying to transition her life to get past her broken heart when she moved to looks like even though Zan has 'life and love' demons to deal with he wants Liz. Just like (the TV series) Grandma Claudia's advice had once been, "Well one thing I can tell you, if it's not complicated, he probably isn't your soul mate." I can't wait to see more. I'm loving this story! Please come back soon! :mrgreen:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:32 am
by keepsmiling7
I can see it, the elevator awkward.
Poor Zan.......PTSD.......will he ever have relief from that?
Love Liz's thoughts of her penguin pajamas......I have a blue robe that is my comfort feeling.
Yes Zan, you are stalking Liz......looking forward to their meeting when she gets home.
Thank you Carrie,

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:23 pm
by saori_1902
I do not know how I missed so many parts! I can only say "wow"! Waiting for more. :twisted:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 3/13/15

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:06 pm
by AlysLuv
Oh wow. Speechless. :lol: