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Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt32 9/20/14

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:06 am
by Roswelllostcause
keepsming7 I know a bunch of people who got tattooed sober. Liz wasn't drunk, you will see why she got it in this part.

begonia9508 Thanks Eve!

L-J-L 76 Thanks.

Part 32

Liz was just stepping out of the shower when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey Care you dressed?" Liz yelled
"Yep. I got it."

Liz dressed and brushed out her hair. She then made her way to the living room to find Isabel, Maria and Serena waiting.

"Hi guys." Said Liz
"So how are you and my brother getting a long?" Asked Isabel
"Very well. If you are asking if we spent the night screwing each other's brains out the answer is no. But I think Serena and Kyle did." Said Liz

Serena turned a very deep shade of red.

"Liz!" Said Serena
"Call us even." Said Liz
"OK what was that all about Liz?" Asked Maria
"My cousin took it upon herself to tell her boyfriend that my roommate here got me to go bungee jumping." Said Liz
"What?!" Asked Isabel and Maria at the same time.
"It's true. Liz jumped off a bridge with an elastic cord strapped to her." Said Carolyn
"And why on earth would you do that Liz?" Asked Isabel
"It was Care's idea. It was better then then her one of sky diving."

The other three girls turned to look at Carolyn.

"Hey I was just trying to have fun!" Said Carolyn
"There are ways to have fun without risking your life." Said Serena
"True. But Liz admit it you loved the rush you got when jumped off that bridge." Said Carolyn
"I will not admit that! Oh and ladies playing truth or dare with Care is a very eye opening experience. You will do things you might not normally do." Said Liz
"Liz what did she dare you to do?" Asked Maria
"Got a tattoo." Liz mumbled
"Of Max's name." Added Carolyn
"Where?" Asked Serena
"When?" Asked Isabel
"What?" Asked Maria
"I have a tattoo of a rose with Max's name on my left breast. I got it sophomore year at Harvard." Said Liz
"Weren't you broken up at that point?" Asked Isabel
"Yes and I had just started to see someone."
"That didn't last long. The guys she was going out with uh collected Care Bears." Said Carolyn
"What?!" Yelled Maria, Isabel and Serena
"Ted had a collection of Care Bears. Stuff ones, toy ones, movies and the cartoon on DVD. Even some posters. Needless to say when I saw that stuff in his apartment I broke it off. There is just something weird about a twenty one year old guy that had that stuff. I mean it's meant for little girls." Said Liz
"Are you sure that it was his stuff?" Asked Serena
"Yes! He asked me if I liked his collection! He wanted to know if I wanted to hug Cheer Bear!"
"You forgot his sheets. He wanted to have sex with you on Care Bear sheets." Said Carolyn
"You didn't did you?" Asked Maria
"Hell no. I faked a headache and when home. Then dodged his calls for the next week. Then told him I thought we should see other people."
"So grown man with Care Bear shit is a deal breaker Liz?" Asked Isabel
"Hell yeah. At lest by the time you started to sleep with Alex he had gotten ride of his Ninja Turtle sheets." Said Liz
"True. So what kind of sheets does Kyle have Rena?" Asked Isabel
"Uh right now blue satin ones." Said Serena
"Guy with taste. My last boyfriend had wool sheets. Not recommended for having sex on." Said Carolyn
"What Scooby get scratched up?" Asked Liz
"What? Scooby scratched up?" Asked Maria
"It seems when I was drunk one night your friend here let me get Scooby Doo tattooed on my butt." Said Carolyn
"Why Scooby?" Asked Serena
"It was better then Barney." Said Liz
"Anything else you want to share Liz?" Asked Maria
"Not really."
"Liz, so you really doing better babe?" Asked Maria
"Yeah. I am. Max and I kissed last night, I mean I got tense for a couple seconds but I did relax and enjoy it."
"That is great." Said Serena
"I really do love him."
"We would have to be stupid not to know that." Said Carolyn

The girls spent a couple more hours just talking and laughing.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt31 9/19/14

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:10 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz and Max have talked about the fact during their years apart the were with other people. But agreed not to go into details about those people. Liz hadn't told her friends much about her life back east, and her friends didn't know a lot about Carolyn before now.

keepsmiling7 I actually had the Care Bear sheets and used them until I started high school. Then I had a niece who would use them when she would visit. But I think I rather would have wanted the Snoopy ones. I collect Snoopy's now. I have about a dozen different ones. All but one gotten in the past 15 years.

Natalie36 Yes Carolyn is being welcomed right in by the girls.

Part 33

Liz woke Thanksgiving morning to the smell of cinnamon in her house. She made a quick stop in the bathroom and headed for the kitchen to find Carolyn cleaning up from baking with trays of muffins cooling on the counter.

"Morning Care. Are those your apple cinnamon muffins?"
"Yep. Don't you dare touch them. We are taking them to the Crashdown with us. They are for everyone."
"Right. I'll go get ready to head over. I am really glad you are moving to Roswell Carolyn. I've missed having you around."
"Missed you too Lizzie."

Liz hugged her friend and when to get ready to head over to see her family and friends.


Michael rolled over and pulled his girlfriend into his arms.

"We got to get going soon." said Michael
"I know. Liz is so different. I mean she has kept secret things she did back east."
"What she take up jumping out of planes?"
"Close. She when bungee jumping during collage. Oh and got a tattoo with Max's name. After they had been broken up for like a year."
"Maria, Liz has grown. Changed but she is still in the end your best friend. She dated other people mostly jerks from what I understand."
"Yeah. Oh she did date, a weirdo too. Seems that he was twenty one and collected Care Bear shit."
"Care Bears? As in those colorful bears that wanted you to express your feelings all the time?"
"Yep. He wanted to have sex on Care Bear sheets!"
"Did Liz screw him on them?"
"No said she had a headache and then broke it off with him."
"So she show Max the tat?"
"Uh no. And he has a better shot then you will ever. It's in a place you can't see."
"That's a lot of places."
"It in a place close to her heart."
"OK I only want to see that part of your body."
"Good space boy."

Maria kissed Michael and they got up to get ready to head over to the Crashdown for the big Thanksgiving get together.


"Alex hurry up. We don't want to be late."
"Iz relax. We have plenty of time. "
"I want to be there early. I want to see Max and Liz together."
"Isabel, you know they are taking things slow."
"Not as slow as you think."
"What does that mean?"
"It means they kissed the night of their date."
"That's good."
"Yeah it is. But I do have to say Liz is a very different person then she was in high school."
"Oh you heard about the bungee jumping? By the way don't bring it up around her parents. They have no clue she did that."
"How do you know about that?"
"I saw the video. Let me just say Liz said things I have never hear her say in my life."
"There is a tape?!"
"Yeah, Serena has it. Though I think Liz wouldn't be to happy if she knew I have seen it."
"I think you're right. She wasn't happy that Serena told Kyle about it."
"I bet. So Liz get back at her yet?"
"Yep, told Maria, Carolyn and me that Serena is having sex with Kyle."
"It's about time. I understand he was nervous about the idea of pushing her away by moving to fast. But they were going at ice burg speed."
"No kidding. I'm just glad when Serena left Liz's she didn't go back to her Aunt and Uncle's. I mean the Parkers are great. But it was time for her to move out of there. She will be finished with her classes this May and will start her new career."
" I know. She is going to make a great therapist."
" Yes she is. The only thing I will never understand is why she turned to drugs."
"Serena, and Liz weren't close at the time. She felt alone. So she turned to the drugs to numb the emotional pain she was feeling."
"But it left her an easy target for Sean and his buddies."
"It did. But she when into rehab after that and now she and Liz are as close as sisters."
"That is true."
"Iz, you know we need to get ready to head over to the Crashdown."


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt34 9/22/14

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:07 am
by Roswelllostcause
begonia9508 Thanks! Eve, if it hadn't been for the dare Liz wouldn't have gotten the tattoo.

keepsmiling7 Yeah, the whole taking things slow thing most likely last too long. In fact Liz might be starting to weaken already.

L-J-L 76Thanks!

Part 34

Everyone had arrived at the Crashdown by eleven Thanksgiving morning. Most of the males had headed up to the apartment to watch the football game. Well the first game of the day anyway. It was the Detroit Lions and who knows. Liz sat at one of the tables just enjoying spending time with her family and friends.

"How you doing honey?"
"I doing good mom. Max and I when out the other night. I set Carolyn up with David Trainer."
"Are you sure you're ready to start dating?"
"Mom if it was anyone but Max I would have to say no. But seeing it's Max I'm ok. Mom, Max knows me better then anyone."
"I know Liz. I'm not stupid I know you were sleeping with Max back in high school. No I haven't told your father. He would go off on that kind young man."
"Mom, I really don't want to talk about my sex life with you."
"Liz tell me one thing you have been careful? I know you were on birth control in high school. But it isn't a hundred percent and will do nothing for STDs or HIV."
"Mom, yes I have been careful. I'm still taking birth control and the few guys I have been with since high school I made sure they used a condom. There was only once other then when Scott raped me that my partner didn't use a condom."
"Liz, I love you and don't want anything to happen to you."
"I understand that. I promise that I will be careful."
"I want you happy."
"Mom, spending time with Max makes me happy. He isn't pushing me."
"OK. But try not to make me a grandmother until after you get married OK?"
"OK mom."

Liz hugged her mom and when to talk with her friends.


Max climbed the stairs to the Parker's apartment after dinner. Liz had headed up there a little while ago. He was worried that something had happened to her. He walked in and found her on the sofa looking at a photo album. He got closer and saw that she was looking at photos from their senior prom.

"That was a fun night." Said Max
"Yeah it was."
"Are you OK?"
"So what are you doing up here alone?"
"I was thinking about us. If things had been different if we would be married by now. Alex and Isabel are getting married this spring."
"I know I wanted to marry you. I still do. But until we know each other again, that won't happen."
"You're right."
"So Liz, are you going to tell me about this tattoo?"
"Is it embarrassing or something?"
"No. It's just very personal."
"Yet, Carolyn, and the rest of the girls know about it."
"No one but Carolyn here has seen it."
"I know it's from a game of truth or dare. So what was the question you didn't want to answer?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Liz, I promise not to tell anyone."

Liz bit her lip. She knew that she should tell him.

"OK. The question was when did I first fall in love with you, Max."
"That's not to bad. So what is the answer?"
"When, we were on that camping trip when we were ten and you saved my life. You know when I got my foot stuck in the rocks and almost drowned."
"Yeah. Max I never loved anyone but you. When I asked you if you loved any of the other girls you were with what did you mean, by not like you love me?"
"It means, while I did care for them, but it wasn't the same kind of love I have for you. That I will never love anyone like I do you. Liz I truly believe that you are my soulmate. The other half of my soul."
"I never loved anyone but you."

Max leaned down and kissed Liz. It didn't take long before it became very heated. They were lost in each other and didn't hear someone else enter the apartment until they spoke.

"Yo Beth! Maxie! Slow it down don't want any of parents to catch ya about to fuck do ya?" Said Serena

Liz and Max turned red as they broke apart. Liz stared at her cousin who was just standing there smiling.

"We were not going to have sex." Said Liz
"Yeah but you want to."
"Serena you hear for a reason?" Asked Max
"Yep Aunt Nancy asked me to find ya. People are getting ready to head home."
"We'll be down in a minute." Said Liz

Serena just grinned and left.

"I hate when she is right." Mumbled Liz
"What she right about?" Asked Max smiling.
"Me wanting to make love with you."
"Liz, as much as I want that too. I would never do it in your parents house with them down stairs."
"Me either. Let's go before it's one of my parents that comes."

Max wrapped his arm around Liz's waist and headed down stairs.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt35 9/23/14

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
keepsmiling7 Liz had wanted to know what he meant too. Serena may not be the only one who interrupts Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76 Max and Liz are going closer.

begonia9508 Liz is starting to give in more to her feelings and admit them.

Natalie36 Yes Thanksgiving when well. Liz is talking and giving in to her feelings.

A/N Well Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is coming. We know what that means........

Part 35

Liz woke the morning after Thanksgiving to the sound of hammering and her cell going off. She picked it up without looking at the caller ID having a very good idea of what was going on.

"Isabel why the hell is someone hammering things into my house at eight thirty in the morning?" Liz asked
"Just having Max make sure that the lights are going to be hung right."
"Isabel I wasn't planning to hang any lights."
"You need to have them, I have everything mapped out for the Santa's Village that is going to be in mom's and your yard. So you have to have lights."
"I don't want a Santa Village in my yard."
"Where is your Christmas cheer!"
"Isabel, I don't know what you have planned for me. But I will not dress up like an elf! Oh and don't even think about getting Care involved. She leaves for Boston tomorrow at noon and won't be back until after the new year."
"Shoot I wanted her to bake cookies. Oh well, I can get Amy to do that. And you will dress as Snowflake, Maria is Candy Cane, Michael is Santa. Max, Serena, Alex and Kyle will be reindeer."
"We will talk about this later."

Liz hung up and tossed the phone down.

"What the hell is going on Parker?" Asked Carolyn from the door.
"The fucking Christmas Nazi is on the loose."
"Isabel. She turns into this monster every year at Christmas. Some how everyone gets pulled in. She wants the perfect Christmas. Seems My yard and Mrs. Evans is going to be turned into a frickin Santa Village."
" Liz, I'm sure it won't be that bad."
"Care, if you weren't going back to Boston, you would be pulled into the madness. You would be spending days in my kitchen baking cookies! I mean days! Oh and top of that, she is going to make me dress like a frickin elf like in high school."
"Is it really that bad?"
"She has Max getting my house ready for the damn Christmas lights."
"Sorry, I won't be here for any of the madness."
"Wait til next year. You will be pulled in too."

Liz headed into her bathroom to take a shower. Carolyn when to put coffee on.


Liz, walked out with her cup of coffee half an hour later to find Max on a ladder putting light hooks into the house. He looked at her with a small smile.

"Sorry for waking you and Carolyn."
"Yeah well your sister called at like the same time."
"I told her you would want no part if this."
"Yeah and I told her that. She won't take no for answer."
"Hey at lest she didn't call you at six in the morning with a list of demands."
"I hung up on her before she got to all her demands for me. But I did save Carolyn from her this year at lest."
"Max have you had any breakfast yet?"
"Take a break and have breakfast with us. Carolyn is making her blueberry pancakes."
"Are they as good as those muffins?"
"Yes. It's a wonder I didn't gain fifty pounds when lived with her."

Max climbing down from the ladder and wrapped Liz into his arms leaning down to kiss her. When they broke they were both smiling. That was also when they both noticed Diane watching them.

"Hi Mrs. Evans." Said Liz
"Hi mom."
Morning kids, and Liz just call me Diane from now on honey." Said Diane
"Ok. Diane do you know what your daughter has planned for our yards?" Asked Liz
"Yes. I got the call right after you hung up on her."
"Well she called at eight thirty in the morning and with the fact Max was hammering things into my house I was a little annoyed."
"Maybe she thought you were going shopping you know the sales." Said Max
"To tell the truth, I have most of my shopping done. I buy things for people when I see something I know they will like. There were all these little shops in the Boston area I found things for almost everyone in."
"Mom, you know Liz always trying to plan ahead." Said Max kissing the top of Liz's head.

Carolyn came out and smiled at the sight in front of her.

"Breakfast is ready. Mrs. Evans you want to join us?" asked Carolyn
"Yes thank you." Said Diane

Everyone when into the house to enjoy a nice breakfast before they became the slaves of the Christmas Nazi.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt36 9/24/14

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
keepsmiling7 Yes the Christmas Nazi is on the loose.

begonia9508 I don't think any of her friends find her funny.

L-J-L 76 I'm more he type of person that wait until two weeks before Christmas to get ready.

Part 36

Isabel pulled up in front of Liz's house. She got out of the car and didn't see Max anywhere. She walked up and rang the bell. She then started to knock. The door finally opened to revealed a very pissed Liz.

"Where is he?"
"I gave him a break to eat."
"He can eat later. He has work to do."
"Isabel, I know you are just trying to be helpful."
"Liz, Christmas takes a lot of work."
"I know. But you got to understand that having Max hammering at eight thirty in the morning might piss off my neighbors."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I forgot that people who aren't shopping might be trying to sleep."
"I still don't want a Santa Village in my yard. Or to dress up like an elf."
"Liz, you are so good with kids."
"Fine but I don't like it."
"Liz, it will be fun trust me."
"Isabel, your idea of fun and my idea of fun may not always be the same thing."

Isabel rolled her eyes and when to find Max. Liz followed wishing that Isabel could have just left her alone this year.


Serena rolled over and picked up her cell and saw that she had six missed calls all from Isabel. Plus two new voice mails. She listened to the voice mails and rolled her eyes. She felt Kyle wrap his arms around her.

"What wrong babe?"
"The Christmas Nazi is on the loose."
"Aw shit."
"Yep, you are to report to Liz's to help trun her's and Mrs. Evans yards into a Santa Village."
"No fucking way!"
"Kyle, you know you won't get out of this."
"I know."
"If it makes you feel better Max is already there, Michael and Alex are at the Home Depot in Hondo getting supplies. You know those stupid fake light up reindeer. Shit like that."
"Why does she have to drag all of us into her madness?"
"Wish I knew."
"I'm a fucking Buddhist! I don't do Christmas!"
"Yeah right. You love getting gifts."
"You're right. They are best from you. The woman I love with my whole heart."
"Love you too Buddha boy. You have accepted me even when I was really fucked up."
"Red, you made some bad choices. Choices that you paid for."
"Yeah, I still have a hard time believing at times that Liz forgave me for being such a bitch to her."
"That is who Liz is. She forgives people she loves. She knew that you were messed up. That is why she forgave you."
"I told her I hated her and I would beat the shit out of her if she told anyone about the cocaine."
"But she did and you didn't do anything to her."
"Well, if not for her I might have died of an over dose."
"That is true."
"She saved my life. You opened my heart again to love, when my parents died I didn't think that I could love anyone again."
"I will always be here for you no matter what."

Serena kissed Kyle and smiled knowing it was true.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt37 9/25/14

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:42 am
by Roswelllostcause
keepsmiling7 No one is safe from the Christmas Nazi!

begonia9508 I'm sure everyone does like when everything looks nice for the holidays.

L-J-L 76 Yes Isabel will be back to normal by Christmas.

Part 37

"Alex why in the hell are we here again?" Asked Michael
"We are here to get the crap Isabel wants for her Santa Village."
" Why do we let her pull us in every year?"
"Michael if I knew the answer to that we wouldn't be here."
"Liz is going to hate this."
"Don't you think I know that? Liz would always tell me she was glad she was in Boston during Christmas."
" Yet you want to marry the Christmas Nazi."
"What can I say? I love her."
"Just like I love that Maria. Even if she has a hot temper."
"Izzy has a bit of a temper too you know."
"Don't you think I know that? Isabel nearly blew a gasket when I was thinking of getting Maria an electric toothbrush for Christmas in high school."
"That's my Izzy."
"Yeah and you can keep her. Let's get this crap. There's a football game on that I want to see."
"I want to do other things too. But first we have to escape the Christmas Nazi."
"Hi Michael, Alex."

They turned to find Jeff Parker looking at lights.

"Hi Mr. Parker." Said Alex
"What are you doing here?" Asked Michael
"Isabel, told me that I needed to replace the Christmas lights in the Crashdown. Seems that half a string of lights was out last year."
"Why are you listening to the Christmas Nazi?" Asked Michael
"Michael, I choose my battles. Fighting over something as stupid as lights isn't worth it."
"Well, Isabel is turning your daughter's and her mom's yards into a Santa Village." Said Alex
"Oh I heard about that. Diane called me. Liz is a little pissed at her. Isabel was going to pull Carolyn into the fire, but she gets to escape back to Boston."
" Lucky for her. Sometimes I think Liz didn't come back for the holidays to avoid Isabel." Said Michael
"That is one of the reasons Lizzie stayed away. Though I think she was going through something. She doesn't talk about her break up with Max."
"She's talked it over with Max. That is what is important." Said Alex
"They seemed close at dinner yesterday." Said Jeff
"Max won't hurt her. He loves her. He will do whatever he has to, to keep her safe." Said Michael
" That is one thing I do know. Of he guys Liz has gone out with, at lest the few I met he's the only one I liked." Said Jeff
"I'm sure Max would love to hear that." Said Alex
"Doesn't mean I think he's good enough for her."
"Oh, I'm sure Max knows it." Said Michael
" Oh he does. I'll see you later boys."

Jeff left and Alex and Michael kept looking for things on Isabel's list.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt38 9/26/14

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Thanks!

begonia9508 They all live Izzy, just wish she would tone it down a bit.

keepsmiling7 No guy is good enough for Liz in Jeff's eyes. But he knows that Max does truly love Liz. Yes Carolyn is escaping. But not forever!

L-J-L 76 Everything will work out fine.

Part 38

Max climbed down from the ladder and took the bottle of water from Liz.

"No problem."
" Where is Carolyn?"
"I let her borrow my car to go shopping. She is picking up some little things for her younger brother and sister."
"Let me guess things that can be found only in Roswell."
"Yeah. I told her to go by Amy's shop. That she may get the friend of a friend discount."
"Think Amy will give it to her?"
"Yeah. I already talked to Amy."
"That's good."
"Max do you want to come in with me?"

Max looked into Liz's eyes and knew what she was asking. He leaned down and kissed her with all the passion felt inside. They broke and Liz lead him inside and to her bedroom. Max reached and gently pushed her jacket off while kissing her. Max reached for the helm of her shirt and pulled it over her head. They only broke long enough for it to be fully removed.

"You OK?"
"Fine. Let's move to my bed."

Max smiled removed his jacket and kicked off his shoes. Liz had already kicked off her shoes and both climbed onto the bed. Liz laid in the middle with Max straddling her. He leaned down and started to nibble at her ear and slowly made his way down her neck. He watched as Liz's eyes clouded over as he started to bring pleaser to her body. He reached her shoulder and pushed the step of her bra down so could suck on the base of her neck. He slid his hands under her and in hooked her bra. He pulled it away and smiled seeing the tattoo on her breast.

"You surprised?"
"So even when we were apart I was always close to your heart?"
" Yes. Max, like I said you are the only one I have ever loved."

Max kissed Liz then gently ran his fingers over the tattooed breast. Then he leaned over and kissed it. A short time later only Max's boxers and Liz's panties remained. Liz smiled as she ran her hands over his chest. Max smiled knowing that she liked what she was seeing. Max looked into her eyes as he hooked his fingers into her panties. She lifted her hips to let him remove them. She spread her legs and Max very gently slid a finger into her core. She let out a hiss at the feeling. He pumped it in and out let her juices coat his hand.

"Shit Max that feels good."
"It will get better baby."

Max climbed off only long enough to push his boxers off. Liz smiled at his long hard shaft. It had been to long since she felt him inside. He placed his tip at her enternce and was about to push in when she stopped him.

"Wait Max, do you have a condom?"
"Top drawer to your left."

Max opened the drawer and found a box of condoms. He smiled and kissed her. He pulled one from the box removed it from it package and rolled it on. Then he slid into her letting out a groan at how tight and wet she was.

"God Liz, you feel so good."

Max started slow and gentle pushing in and out. He increased his speed going harder. Liz moan became loader as their love making became more heated. She had wrapped her legs around his waist locking them in place.

"God yes Max!"
"Liz, you feel so tight."

Max felt Liz stiffen under him as she hit her climax. He was right behind her grunting as he had his release. He rolled off her breathing hard. He looked at her smiling face.

"Max I love you."
"Love you Liz."

They both just laid there in each others arms.


Carolyn arrived back at Liz's and didn't see Max or Liz any where. She was heading to her room and headed moaning and grunting from Liz's closed bedroom . She smiled before heading into her room.

"It's about damn time those two worked out that sexually tension." She said to herself.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt39 9/27/14

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:11 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Yes Max and Liz are back on track.

L-J-L 76 It was time for Max and Liz to give in to their feelings.

begonia9508 Yes Eve the to loves are together again.

keepsmiling7 It wasn't going to be Max's. :lol:

Part 39

Kyle parked in front of Liz's and saw no sign of Max other then his truck and the ladder. He looked at Serena who just shurged.

"Maybe he when in to use the bathroom or something."
"Uh sure."
"Let's go find out."

Serena got out of the car and headed for the front door. Kyle was right behind her. Serena knocked and Carolyn opened the door.

"Hey what's up?" Asked Carolyn
"Where's Max?" Asked Kyle
"Please come in. I don't think Liz wants me to spread the news around the whole neighborhood."
" What news?" Asked Serena her eyes sparkling.
"Inside." Said Carolyn

Kyle and Serena followed Carolyn into the livingroom.

"So where are Max and Liz?" Asked Kyle
"Well based on the sounds I heard from behind Liz's bedroom door, they are in there together." Said Carolyn
"What kind of sounds?" Asked Serena
"Let's just say I've heard Liz, before. But never like I did today."
"Carolyn, what are you saying?" Asked Kyle
"Uh Max and Liz sounded like they were doing what I believe that you two have done in bed together."
" Oh god their having sex?!" Asked Kyle
"Uh yeah. But I got to say it has to be really good. I have never heard Liz like that."
"Buddha boy you owe me fifty bucks." Said Serena
"What?! Not unless it come out of the mouth of either Max or Liz." Said Kyle
"Pay up Valenti." Said Liz entering the room.
"So cuz you and Maxie back together?" Asked Serena
"Max and I made love Kyle." Said Liz

Kyle looked at Max who was blushing a nice shade of red.

"Fine, I'll pay you later. Max and I should get to work before the Christmas Nazi shows up." Said Kyle
"Kyle, Isabel said for you to start checking that box of lights by the front door. Make sure there aren't any burnt out bulbs." Said Liz
"Heaven forbid that there is one burnt out light." Mumbled Kyle

Max kissed Liz then headed outside to finish putting the hooks up. Kyle grabbed the box and dragged it outside after plugging in an extinction cord. Once the guys were outside Serena turned to Liz with a big smile.

"So whose idea was it to give in and renew your former relationship?" Asked Serena her eyes twinkling.
"I am not talking about this with you." Said Liz
"Come on Lizzie. I lived with ya for a long time. I've heard you have sex before. But it never sounded like it did today." Said Carolyn
"Care, then you know that I won't talk about this."
"Liz, so did lover boy say anything about the tattoo?" Asked Serena
"Just asked if he was always close to my heart."
"Gee I could of told him that you never stopped loving him." Said Carolyn
"Just answer on question Beth. Was it as good as you remembered?"
"Yeah it was." Said Liz with a smile.


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt40 9/28/14

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:12 am
by Roswelllostcause
begonia9508 Eve, we know Serena and Kyle do have a sex life. Carolyn doesn't at the moment. As for Liz answering the questions she knows her friends and cousin well enough to know that they weren't going to let the subject drop without answers.

L-J-L 76 Yes Kyle and Serena made a bet. Liz knew she wouldn't get out of the questions so she gave em some answers.

Natalie36 Oh yes they are a crazy group of friends.

keepsmiling7 Oh yes poor Max.

Part 40 Christmas Day

Liz watched from just outside of the living room as her family and friends talked and spent time together. She had to admit, even if it was just to herself that her house looked beautiful. Even if there was half a Santa village in her yard. She was lost in thought and didn't notice Max until he wrapped his arms around her and started to nibble on her ear.

"Not in front of my parents." Said Liz
"What's on your mind baby?"
"I was just thinking that this is the best Christmas I have had in a long time."
"I'm with nearly everyone I love. Yes Max I do love your slightly insane sister."
"Just missing Carolyn."
"Yeah. But she belongs with her little brother and sister."
"What about her parents?"
"Her dad left years ago. Her mom was beaten to death by a boyfriend when Care was sixteen. Her brother was eight and sister seven. Care was emancipated but her brother and sister ended up in foster care. Those two stayed together. Care visited when she could. But it wasn't often enough. She wants custody of them. But doesn't think it will happen."
"They would be seventeen and sixteen now right?"
"We could get them emancipated and they can move out here. My mom can help her."
"It's no an issue really with her brother. Jason will be eighteen on the twenty seventh of December. But both will graduate in the spring from high school. Katerina her sister is like this genius. She skipped one grade, they wanted her to skip another. But she didn't want to be a head of her older brother. Their foster parents are really great. Jason is staying in their home until graduation, and have let Carolyn visit almost any time she wanted."
"So it would just be Katerina?"
"So is Care's little sister smarter then you?"
"Uh she took the SATs already and got a perfect score. I only got 1580 out of 1600."
"So she has her pick of schools."
"Yeah. Jason, already told Care if he gets in he is going to go to school out here. I think Katerina feels the same way. So Care really needs a house rather then an apartment. That way they can live with her."
"Liz you do know everything will work out."
"That is one thing I do know."

Max kissed Liz softly. He still couldn't believe that that he was lucky enough to have his soulmate come back into his life.

"Hey, Liz! Moon doggie get your butts in here! We're going to exchange gifts now." Yelled Maria

Liz rolled her eyes smiled at Max and walked hand in hand into the living room. Max sat in an over stuffed chair and Liz sat on his lap. Serena reached under the tree and pulled out a gift looked at the tag and handed it to Isabel.

"It's from Liz." Said Isabel

Isabel ripped the paper off and found a jewelry box, when she opened it there was a charm bracelet, with one charm of a computer with "Alex" written on it, and a second of a candy cane with "Isabel" on it.

"You can add charms to it when you have kids. You know ones that fit there personalities." Said Liz
"I love it. Thank you." Said Isabel

The gifts were handed out to everyone. Liz had gotten Maria a new book on aromatherapy, Alex a CD of some band no one but him had ever heard of. Michael was given a CD of his favorite band. Kyle a new Buddhism book, Serena was given a new journal. Max, opened his to find a stone carved into a heart that read "I Never Stopped Loving You. Love forever Liz". Max kissed Liz loving the simple gift. Once all the gifts were handed out and opened everyone started to get ready to head home. Liz had missed this when she was in Boston. Soon the only one left was Max.

"Max, you spending the night?"
"You want me to?"
"I would love for you to."

Max leaned down and kissed her.

"Let me run out to the truck. I packed an over night bag just in case."
"OK. Uh Max maybe you should keep some stuff here. I'm not ready to live with you. But I think it would be OK for you to have a drawer at lest."
"I would like that. I'll clean out a drawer for you at my place too. That way you can keep stuff there."
"Great. Might make things easier when Care moves in, until she finds her own place."


Re: I Never Stopped Loving You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt41 9/29/14

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:02 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Thanks

keepsmiling7 Glad you like Max's gift. The idea came from something I got at a local art fair last year. On yeah I think Liz is a little jealous of Care's sister too.

Part 41

Max walked back into the house locking the door behind him after grabbing his bag. He didn't see Liz anywhere. So he made his way to her bedroom. He found her sitting on the bed talking on the phone. He knew it had to be Carolyn. So he decided to have a little fun. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed onto the bed with Liz. He leaned down and started to suck on her neck. He heard a groan from her and smiled. Liz tried to push him away but he didn't stop. He knew she wanted this as much as he did. It didn't take her long to hang up and toss the phone a side.

" You are so bad! Carolyn started to laugh when she realized what you were trying to do to me."
"So how is she doing?"
"Good. Misses everyone here."
"So she will be here when?"
"About a week after new years."

Max climbed on top of her and started kissing her again. He slowly started to undress her. Liz couldn't believe how he made her feel. It was amazing. No one had ever made her feel even close to this.

"God Max."
"Love you so much baby."

Max was slowly driving Liz crazy. He pulled her panties off and slid one finger into her heat. He watched as her head rolled back as she let out a groan. He smiled knowing that he was bringing this feeling to her. She started to grind against his hand trying to push it deeper inside.

"Max I need more!"
"What do you need baby?"
"I need you inside. Not just your finger. I need you."

Max climbed off and removed his boxers. He when to reach for a condom, but Liz stopped him.

"No Max I want to feel you."
"Liz are you sure?"
"Yes Max. I am on birth control, but if it doesn't work I don't care. I would love any child I had with you."

Max just nodded and placed the tip of his throbbing member at her enterence and pushed all the way. He let out a groan. She was so tight wet and hot! He set a fast pace. Liz had wrapped her legs around him forcing him deeper.

"Liz you feel so fucking good!"
"God Max! Yes! That's the spot."

Max watched Liz's face as he thrusted into her. Her moans of pleaser ringing out in the room. He felt her nails dig into his back. He leaned down to suck on her neck and felt her teeth bit into his shoulder. He groaned as he felt her body become tighter around him. Then with one final thrust both scream out the others name as Max's seed poured into her. He calsped and rolled them both over staying barried inside her. They just laid there wrapped in each others arms.

"Merry Christmas Liz."
"Merry Christmas Max."