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Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:34 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming

“We are here because the special unit of the FBI wish to investigate the serum they have created that gives alien powers to humans. We are standing in a room waiting because we can not move. The earth is spinning is slowly. People are going about their daily routine and others are not. The special unit of the FBI are looking at their new 5 subjects. Plans are being formed to get one subject out. Agent Pierce is looking through the cameras watching us, and listening to every word we say. Would you like me to continue?” Alex said. What the hell was that? It can’t be true…right? Wait didn’t he say 5? There are four of us….who could possible be the 5th?

Soon Alex and Kyle asked me what happened, “I just had some kind of dream….a man trap in some kind of white room, and 3 strangers, 2 females, and 1 male running towards him. I think I had…a…. a vision.” I said not too sure of myself.

How can this be happening to me? How can all of a sudden I was be able to see, see something that may or maybe be a dream? Or maybe it wasn’t a dream; maybe it was something in the past or future? I don’t know. All I know is that dark headed man looked really out of it, and his eyes were so lonely and scary.

“And don't ask...long questions....can't....breathe... Tell me... I didn't say....alien powers?” Alex asks us. “Alex just breath…everything is going to be okay” I said to him, I’m not sure if I believe everything will be okay.

“You did, I didn't think aliens were real. That's just the story to keep the tourists coming. Or at least, that's what I always thought.” Kyle said as he went on, “You said they gave us all this serum? We're all going to get powers?”

“Yes. We already do.” Alex said answering Kyle question. Alex is being to scary me on how he knows every question that is being ask to him.

“Great, He's turned us into freaks.” Kyle said and then went on once again, “My grandpa always said that aliens were real. But I never believed him.”

“You guy? I don’t want to hear that! That would mean….it would be real to us. It means that this transformation did happen. I can’t think about that. I can’t live with myself know I am some kind of….freak!” I said trying to say calm, “it would mean, if were every do get out of here, we would never be the same anymore.” I said sadly.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:40 am
by OnDragonflyWings

This can't be happening.

That's the only thought that's run through my head since Micahel came charging up announcing that they took Max. Max! Why Max?! Not that I could handle it if any of them were gone, but Max the least. I've lived my whole life and then some with Max as my brother.

Try not to panic too much, I tell myself slowly.

I look at Tess when Micahel looks to me. I don't know what he wants from me. He can't seriously be expecting me to ahve more of a clue.

"Do you know anything else?" I ask Tess, as my brain tries to work out where he might be. But there's too many choices and those include only the ones we know about.

My mind jumps from possibility to possibility, even insane ones, even ones that make no sense.

I need to think straight.

And then I look at Michael and then Tess,"Do you think he's conscious?"

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:35 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Sorry this took so long guys.


"Yes. The power they gave me through the serum. I was unconscious." Alex states almost robotically. What happened to my friend? He sounds more like a machine trained to answer then the witty guy with a contagious smile I am used to. He himself seems astonished by this development. "What the.... What serum? When I said that it felt like I HAD to say it... Like I had no choice!" I begin to fear for those I care about. What have they done to us?.

"LIZ! Please answer us...answer me... Liz...." Alex begs his pleading words striking my heart with great force. He sounds so lost. I wish there was something I could do to take that fear and pain away. Unfortunately I find myself utterly powerless and that is one thing that is hard as a Deluca to admit. "We need to work out what’s going on... are either of you two feeling... I don't know....strange?" My always two steps ahead friend inquires and I ponder his question thoughtfully. I do feel a bit…different.

I can’t explain this new found charge in my blood stream. I can’t quite pin point what exactly it is but I feel restless and am experiencing an usual desire to just stop everything in it’s tracks so I can figure some of this out. This is so confusing. “You were unconscious?" Kyle repeats as if he’s desperately trying to grasp the concept himself. "What about Liz? Is she here?" He asks furthering his investigation. "Did you see what happened to her when you were unconscious?"

I Haven’t said anything up until this point because to be honest I fear that whatever would come out of my mouth would sound crazy. Although I think being held captive in a government funded facility is a free pass from accusations of insanity. In answer to his aforementioned question Kyle adds, "I feel ... charged up. I need to move," Hmmm. I wonder what all this means. I notice my sudden quietness. I am almost never silent especially when I’m nervous. I must be in shock.

Alex interrupts my rampart thoughts. "What do you mean by what about Liz? Liz is in the room. I didn't see anything because I was unconscious." This is just too freaky. We’ve got to get Liz and get out of here. I guess the smart thing would be to handle one problem at a time. First of all these binds are beginning to cut of circulation and make me cranky. These government peoples won’t like me when I’m cranky. "It's like I HAVE to answer your questions... but I don't know the answers... or at least I don't think I do..." Alex retorts with disbelief in his tone. It’s unsettling not to be a able to figure out what’s going on with your own body.

"Ask me more.... ask me something I shouldn't know... ask me about you or something... ask me about Liz?!" He demands anxiously and I can hear a frantic struggle with his restraints. "Liz?! If your in the room can you hear me?!" The room is disturbingly quiet for a moment before a small voices shatters the silence. “Alex? Kyle?” It’s Liz. She’s alright. Thank goodness. I don’t know what I’d do without my favorite Chica. “I’m fine…I’m just a bit of….on the freakiest side. Where are we? Why are we here” She asks and I shrug forgetting no one can see me. Drat.

“I’m scary…this isn’t funny.” She states and I can tell she’s about to flip out. I wish I could comfort her in some way. I can hear what I assume is Liz tucking on her binds. Suddenly she stops and then whispers into the darkness. “Something just happened to me…” What?! What could have happened to her? I begin to panic my breath coming out in harsh uneven pants. I can’t lose her. Lizzie is like a sister to me. Without her I just don’t make sense.

"What? Liz are you okay? What happened?" Kyle questions and I am thankful that he can speak up. I don’t know why I have been a tad less then vocal when normally I am the one with a billion questions. I guess I’m still a tad shaken up from waking up in a room I don’t remember entering, The multitude for the odd just keeps happening when Alex opens his mouth to speak,

"We are here because the special unit of the FBI wish to investigate the serum they have created that gives alien powers to humans. We are standing in a room waiting because we can not move. The earth is spinning is slowly. People are going about their daily routine and others are not. The special unit of the FBI are looking at their new 5 subjects." Do what? Oh my God! Alien powers? As if I’m not a freak already. Let’s just add some extraterrestrial DNA shall we?

Sorry if I’m a tad sarcastic when I being held prisoner by my own country and used as a guinea pig. Don’t they care that we are in fact real people with feelings? Those fascist bastards! When I get out of these holds they are going to experience the full wrath of Hurricane Deluca at her finest. My wicked little plan of vengeance is put on pause as Alex goes on to explain. "Plans are being formed to get one subject out. Agent Pierce is looking through the cameras watching us, and listening to every word we say. Would you like me to continue?"

We are being monitored? Great the only time I’ll probably ever be on camera and I bet my hair is a complete mess. I don’t know what is sadder. This situation or my reaction to it. Alex begins to cough vigorously and I worry that his new power may be detrimental to his health. "Liz... Liz what happened..." He mutter through strained breaths. "Are you ok..." He really cares for her. I hope that if…no when we get out of here that he will admit to himself as well as her how he feels.

"And don't ask...long questions....can't....breathe..." He pleads in such a way that I could never deny him. "Tell me... I didn't say....alien powers?" He begs and I say nothing. Seems to be a pattern. "You did," Kyle confirms and I have to give the guy props he is taking this whole thing relatively well. "I didn't think aliens were real. That's just the story to keep the tourists coming. Or at least, that's what I always thought." That’s what we all assumed. Now we know better.

"You said they gave us all this serum.” He questions carefully. "We're all going to get powers?" Now that’s a point to think on. What kind of power did I get? “Yes. We already do." Alex admonishes reluctantly. Is this really happening? I close my eyes tightly and wait for the nightmare to end. Unfortunately when I open them I am still not safe and sound in my own bed. “Great," Kyle mutters dejectedly. "He's turned us into freaks." His tone sounds so defeated. I need to wrap my arms around him and assure him that…that… that what? I can’t tell him that everything’s going to be okay. That would be a lie.

Filled with regret Kyle continues, "My grandpa always said that aliens were real. But I never believed him." Liz picks this opportunity to pipe up. “You guy? I don’t want to hear that! That would mean….it would be real to us. It means that this transformation did happen. I can’t think about that. I can’t live with myself know I am some kind of….freak!” She exclaims the terror utterly apparent. “It would mean, if were every do get out of here, we would never be the same anymore.” She admits with a fringe of depression.

“Nothing will ever be the same.” I speak up for the first time in what seems like ages. “But even a altered life is better then no life at all and that is what we’ll have if we remain here.” I state while trying to come up with a plan for escape. “Maybe we can use these new ‘gifts’ to help aid us in our endeavors.” I say trying to be coy in case Pierce is listening. “Alex, what power do I have?” That seems simple enough. Straight forward and to the point. I hope it doesn’t hurt him. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:45 am
by madroswellfan
“Great, He's turned us into freaks." Kyle says. "My grandpa always said that aliens were real. But I never believed him."

“You guy? I don’t want to hear that! That would mean….it would be real to us. It means that this transformation did happen. I can’t think about that. I can’t live with myself know I am some kind of….freak! It would mean, if were every do get out of here, we would never be the same anymore.”
Thats if we get out.

“Nothing will ever be the same.” Maria says finally. “But even a altered life is better then no life at all and that is what we’ll have if we remain here.” That is very true. No life at all I would reckon.

“Maybe we can use these new ‘gifts’ to help aid us in our endeavors.” she continues. “Alex..." Immediately I open my mouth. I don't want that horrible feeling again, and she's obviously going to ask a question.

"... what power do I have?”
"You can freeze people and objects in time." My mouth slams shut once more. Good bad feeling... instead I had this strange headachey feeling. Like my head was some hyper computer that new all the answer and was trying ultra quickly to find the right one.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:01 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Immediately Alex states with a matter of fact tone, "You can freeze people and objects in time” Wow, now that could prove to be useful. “Okay.” I reply trying to get my mind to wrap around the concept of having special powers. “So I wonder how this power works.” I squint my eyes and concentrate on freezing the fan that is blowing air on us. The object mocks me by continuing it’s circled pattern. “Does anyone know if this thing came with an instruction manual?”

I question with a gentle laugh. Then I remember that questions directed toward Alex are not a good idea at this time. “I retract the former inquiry.” I say quickly hoping that it doesn’t hurt him. He seems quite pained and I don’t wish to add to it. ”I think my freaky alien power is broken.” I mumble not pleased at all. “I can’t even get that fan to freeze.” I wave at it slightly with my hand and the object ceases motion entirely.

“Huh?” I stand astonished at the sight before me. “That’s awesome. Course I don’t know how to turn my gift off. That’s a definite downside.” I add with a bit of worry. “I better figure it out otherwise we’ll burn up in here.” I do exactly as I had before concentrating on the still metal and giving a slight flick of my hand, The fan started back up as if it had never been turned off. “Well, that takes care of that.” I announce proudly. :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:27 am
by isabelle

"Do you think he's conscious?" Isabel asks.

"I don't know. One of the guys had a syringe. They probably drugged him. I don't know how long they'd keep him out," I say, nervously. Would it just be for transport? What if they keep him in a coma? Every thought I come up with is just scarier than the one before.

"I guess there's only one way to find out," Tess says. "Do you think your up to dream walking him Isabel?"

Suddenly, I understand and I feel a sliver of hope. If Isabel can find his dreams, then at least we'll know he's alive. And maybe he can give us some information.

I grab a photo of Isabel and Max from the top of the TV. It's one of only two framed photos that I have. "Please try," I tell her, pressing the picture into her hands. It's the best chance I can think of at the moment.


I feeling more and more scared as I'm waiting here. Not at all sure of what I'm waiting for.

“Nothing will ever be the same. But even a altered life is better then no life at all and that is what we’ll have if we remain here.” Maria says, giving voice to some of my fears. They took us and did stuff without asking. No consent forms. We're tied up. We're prisoners. How could the government do this to us? What's my dad doing now?

And what about Liz? What happened to her that had her so scared that now she's not even answering us again? Or is she losing conciousness? What they did to Alex seems to hurt him when bad questions are asked. What if Liz is hurt, too?

Maria goes on to talk to Alex about her power. I've been afraid to even ask but she'd doing it -- using her powers to stop the fan above us and then start it up again. I want to ask what they've turned me into, but I'm not sure I want to know -- or that I want Alex to tell the FBI. I also have to wonder who the fifth person is that Alex mentioned. What if they have my dad here?

"Do the FBI creeps know what powers they gave us?" I ask, cautiously. That's a yes-or-no question. It should be okay for Alex to answer. Biting my lip, I try to follow Maria's lead. "What can I do? And do you know what happened to Liz?" I ask.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:14 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I stare in amazement at what I’ve accomplished just by willing it to happen. That’s pretty amazing. Scary and disconcerting but also useful. Perhaps we can use our abilities to help bust us out of here. I’m sure the scientists have thought about that possibility. I wonder what great lengths they went to just to secure this room.

I am startled out of my thought process when Kyle pipes in. "Do the FBI creeps know what powers they gave us?" he inquires with an anxious tone. Poor Kyle. There’s no telling what’s running through his mind right now. I wish I could give him some words of comfort but alas I have nothing of significance to offer.

"What can I do? And do you know what happened to Liz?" Kyle asks seemingly worried about our oddly quiet friend. :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:42 am
by madroswellfan
I hear Maria try out her powers, but from here I can't see what she's doing. But it sounds like she froze and unfroze the air fan. So her powers work too then...

"Do the FBI creeps know what powers they gave us?"
A moment later, I feel the sudden strange of wanting to open my mouth I quickly do so. "Yes. They gave the four powers to the people they chose."

My mouth slams shut hard. Way too hard. My teeth give a painful throb, but I ignore it.

"What can I do? And do you know what happened to Liz?"
Ergh! My mouth opens once more.
"You can superspeed. Liz was created by the sexual relations of Jeff and Diane Parker. Liz is now in highschool. She has done many things including..."

Damn it the question wasn't pacific enough. I can feel my lungs tighten again. I have to fight back somehow... but if I do, surely I will just end up with those shocks again. But maybe theres a way to make myself answer the question Kyle actually meant. I closed my eyes as I continue to rant on about Liz's life, trying to concentrate on Kyle's question.

"Liz took her first step at eighteen months. Liz rode her first bike whe she was 7, Liz... Liz had a vision."

And with that my mouth slammed shut.

It workerd... I did it. I take some deep breathes, muttering, "I directed the question..."

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:21 pm
by isabelle

"Sorry about that, Alex," I say as he forces himself to stop a litany of Liz's entire life. I'd only asked if he knew what happened to her. Not for him to actually tell me everything. I thought it was a yes-or-no question. I thought it would be safe. My mistake.

I keep quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what he said. I can superspeed and Liz had a vision? Superspeed -- maybe that's why I'm feeling so tingly, like I'm compelled to move. Aparently if I could move, I'd be able to do it very fast. How fast?

And Liz had a vision? What does that mean? I don't know how to ask that in a specific way, so I don't say anything yet.

"Are you okay, Liz? What did you see, Liz?" I repeat her name, hoping that Alex won't feel compelled to answer. Meanwhile, I start moving my hand back and forth in the cuff, tugging in both directions. A little tug won't get me free, I know, but what if I can do it a couple hundred times? Would the anchors come free? I move my hand faster and faster. I'm amazed as I look down and my hand is little more than a blur. That's superspeed all right. This'll be amazing when I get on the football field -- although I guess I'll have to hold back a bit so they won't know I'm a freak.

The other things I want to know are about my dad and about this other prisoner. Is it another kid from school? Why is that person being kept separated from us?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:28 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I take the picture from Michael, suddenly unsure of my thoughts, my plan, my abilities. What if Max isn't even asleep? it's possible he's awake already. It's possible that, well, it could be worse. What if I can't dream walk him?

But as I look at Tess and Michael and see the hope in their eyes, I know I can't back down now. I can't reject my offer. I have to try at the very least. But I still feel nervous, doubtful.

"I'll try," I tell them with a nod, hoping they won't be angry if I can't. I thik Tess would be frustrated, but understand, but Michael's another story...

And I don't even want to think of the possibilities if I can't get in.

I sit down on Micahel's couch, and look down at the picture. I smile slightly at the memory, an actual carefree moment for me and Max. And I try to relax as I lay my hand over Max on the picture, closing my eyes, trying to elt all the tension slip away as I reach out for my brother.

Come on Max, let me in, I think, as I wait for something, anything, to happen.