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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:00 am
by StormWolfstone

While the guys were helping me get the things into the room, I was trying to decide where I was going to set everything up. I mean, I needed to make certain it was well prepared for studying and researching but I also wanted to make certain I had a good area when needing to do spells. Lost in thought, I found myself jumping when I heard Xander's voice behind me, “Hey Will!” I turn just as he adds, “Oh nice place you got here.”

"Thanks. It'll be even better once I get things unpacked again." I reply and walk over to him, giving him a hug. Xander has always been my best-friend and despite how I felt about Oz, a part of me would always dream of more with Xander too. Still, after that brief experience I wasn't expecting anything to come out of my dreams.

Moving back after a moment with the hug I look at him with a smile, "So, how long are you here for? Any news on the home front about the research?" I cover up what I was really asking until the guys are completely finished helping me and I see them walk out of my room and close the door after them. Phew... I'd almost said evil demon...

Moving across the room, I began unpacking my lap top and setting it up on the desk that had been moved earlier in the day. Man, I had a bunch to do in order to get my room in better order. At least I don't have to worry about another room mate. I turned to look at Xander, "Now that I can be plain spoken, any more news on this evil? I'm going to be doing some hours of researching once the room is set up."

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:48 am
by maougha

Ha! I made the most powerful witch in the world jump, yeah I’m bad! I think grinning quickly wiping it from my face though before she turns around.

"Thanks. It'll be even better once I get things unpacked again." she says grabbing me in a hug. I laugh hugging back. She then pulls away smiling and says. "So, how long are you here for? Any news on the home front about the research?"

I glance over at the guys bringing in what I guess is the last load of Will’s stuff. When they finish packing she begins pulling random things from boxes. She sets up her lap top then turns back to me. "Now that I can be plain spoken, any more news on this evil? I'm going to be doing some hours of researching once the room is set up."

“Nothing but the normal ‘it well bring about the end of the world’ bit. So same old same old right? So did you find anything? Know what’s spose to do it this time? Evil hell god, some random demon, or is it the source of all evil? And yes I know I gotta stop watching charmed.” I finish lamely. Willow is always on my case about that because the show doesn’t show what real pagans are like or something.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:10 pm
by madroswellfan
“I thought Miss Topolsky was an alien, she was our guidance counselor. But it turned out she was just an undercover FBI agent. And I really wish I was kidding when I say that. It must be nice to come from a small town that doesn’t have crazy alien hunters harassing you every other week.”

Alien hunters? So the FBI think there are aliens in Roswell? Which means... they're probably is, if I'm anything to go by. Thank the lord they haven't start coming after me...yet. But what does this mean? Should I go and seek out aliens that mean that FBI agents might be set on me? When they might not even be there?

I think not.

"Wow... yeah its nice in that respect I guess. But Smallville, "Meteor Capital of the World" is not exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you say "Normal"." I give him a small smile and a shrug as I start to put some things away in the closet. "So uh... whats this about a party? I take it this place is very uh.... alcohol and...chick orientated?" I sigh. "Well... I have a girlfriend so hopefully they won't tell me to go and score with some girl..." I look over at him. "Right?" I ask nervously.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:07 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Buffy..." Giles starts and then begins to wipe off his glasses again. Judging by the tone of his voice this convo is not going to be one I enjoy having. Sometimes when he talks all monochromatic to me it sounds like this. ’Ultimate evil…blah blah blah. Concentrate on your training…blah blah blah. Chosen One…Duty to the world… I want a scone.’ or something like that. "Do you have plans today? After any work at college you must have" He sighs dramatically and then drops the small talk altogether and goes in for the kill.

“Buffy we need to talk." So any time a man says that phrase you should automatically cringe up in fear. When will the male species figure out that this is a cruel way of broaching the subject? It automatically flares up our defenses. He motions for me to follow him over to the sofa where I reluctantly sit down. I’m not sure if I have prepared myself for what’s about to take place. "Buffy, I have referenced practically all my books...I've checked out the libraries in town - which by the way only one is of any use..... and since I don't know what I'm looking for I'm coming up blank."

He lets out a harsh puff of breath and I take note of his defeated tone. "I simply can't use that damned machine... and I don't see there’s anything any of us can do until either something bad happens... or you go and speak to Angel." Oh my god! No he didn’t! He said the A word. The look on my face must convey more emotions then I meant to because he quickly adds, "I'm sorry Buffy but I've exhausted my resources. You brought me here to give you my opinion and help, and to be frank, I can't do that unless I have more to go on than, "Big evil in Boston"."

I completely understand his frustration and as far as relocation choices go I would have much rather have followed the big bad to the Bahamas ,but what can you do? Evil is not thoughtful. Nor does it appreciate the beach or those fruity little drinks with the umbrellas. Giles takes a sip of his tea and continues, "Besides, you know your going to have to see him sooner or later, and we both know sooner would be better than procrastinating."

I know he’s right ,but… the thought of seeing him. The mere thought of it shatters my heart all over again. As apprehensive as I feel I meet his eyes and I wonder if he can see how haunted mine are. “I know.” I say quietly. “It’s just that…He is… I mean he was the love of my life. We put both time and space between us and yet he’s still the one I run to when I am in trouble.” I feel tears coming forth but I force them back. I am stronger then this.

“ He’s in my prayers every night and more times then I’d like to admit he is in my dreams. It seems like we are both cursed. He will never get to have a moment of pure happiness thus insuring that I will never experience one either.” I state rather dejectedly before abruptly rising from my feet. “I know what I have to do.” I let out a sigh at the irony of my situation. Discussing Angel always makes me feel vulnerable and that is not an emotion that a Slayer can afford to feel.

“I’ll go to him and tell him what’s going on. Maybe he can help. I’m not sure he’ll want to ,but he always was good about seeing the big picture without letting pesky feelings get in the way.” I stammer feeling the least bit bitter. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:45 am
by madroswellfan
Buffy never usually shares her private thoughts with me unless its to do with slaying, or an evil or both. Oh....and of course the "incorrectness of having to slay on a date night." But that is about as far as she will go. So I admit I am surprised by her reply.

“I know. It’s just that…He is… I mean he was the love of my life. We put both time and space between us and yet he’s still the one I run to when I am in trouble.” she says quietly. I look at her carefully, as I try to work out what on earth I'm meant to say to that...

“ He’s in my prayers every night and more times then I’d like to admit he is in my dreams. It seems like we are both cursed. He will never get to have a moment of pure happiness thus insuring that I will never experience one either.”

I'm so tempted to clean my glasses again right now, but I will not. It will make Buffy think I am uncomfortable. Which of course I am, but this is not the point.

She rises to her feet. “I know what I have to do.” She sighs, and I know she has made the right decision, even if it is the hard one.

“I’ll go to him and tell him what’s going on. Maybe he can help. I’m not sure he’ll want to ,but he always was good about seeing the big picture without letting pesky feelings get in the way.”

I stand up slowly and reply, "I'm sure he will help if he can." I say gently. I sigh as I look back at the computer. "Well I'll be here...trying to work out why that search engine comes up with no hits for words like 'evil'." I look back at Buffy and say, "I think there may be a chance I'm not doing it right rather than the idiot box."

I give her a small sympathetic smile. "Well... you know where I am if you need me."

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:08 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Giles mirrors my actions by standing up and clearing his throat. He‘s not too comfortable with where the conversation went and I‘m not in a place where I can censor things from him to make him feel better. We‘re all adults here and now I just have to start acting like one. At one point or another we all have to do things we‘d much rather not and I suppose this is just one of those times. "I'm sure he will help if he can." He replies with a sigh as he turns to the computer in the corner.

"Well I'll be here...trying to work out why that search engine comes up with no hits for words like 'evil'." I gaze upon my mentor with sympathy. The computer research is really Willow’s area of expertise. Poor Giles wouldn’t know a gigabyte from a whole in the ground. If I ever told him I blogged last night he’d think it was some dirty sexual reference that all the teens are using nowadays. "I think there may be a chance I'm not doing it right rather than the idiot box."

I nod feeling pity for the older man. He really should leave the online stuff to Will. When it comes to dusty ancient volumes Giles is the man but if we’re dealing with anything after the 20th Century he’s utterly lost. He gives me a smile that says everything’s going to be okay and then states, "Well... you know where I am if you need me." I nod thankful for his encouragement. “Thanks. I shouldn’t be long. I’ll report back to you once it’s done.” I swallow nervously as I head back to my room.

Exactly what do you where to meet with your ex? It takes me forty five minutes and four wardrobe changes before I make my way out the door. I settled on a ‘no muss no fuss’ pair of blue jeans and a cute green top that gives the impression ‘I’m over you but not in a rub it in your face kind of way’. There is an art to wardrobe selection. Once I’m satisfied with my appearance I make my way toward the place where he is. It doesn’t take me long to get there. I think that if I closed my eyes I could find it just by sensing him.

I wonder if he’s noticed anything different. It always feels like the air is loaded with electricity when he’s near. I reach Angel Investigations in record time. I hesitate slightly at the front door. What in the world am I going to say? ‘Uh. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could drop everything and put your life on hold to help me find a big baddie that’s a brewing here in Boston.’ Yeah I don’t think that will work. I don’t have time to practice any more intro lines because to door swings open. “Oh Hi.” :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:20 am
by madroswellfan
I've been sitting here for a while. I guess Cordelia has some sort of audition as she hasnt checked in yet.

But if she hasn't checked in...why do I hear a noise outside the front door...footsteps. Silently I walk into the front room and stand by the door. It's not Cordelia, or she would have already opened the door. So that means its someone else. So why are they just standing out there.

I guess I'm about to find out. I stand back slightly so that when I open the door the light won't catch me. I swallow before swinging the door open.


I look at her, stunned. Except of course I won't look stunned.... I'm dead after all.

“Oh Hi.”

Buisness as usual for Buffy. Or at least she's trying to make it that way. In her mind of course the last time we saw each other was when she came here to tell me I should have told her that I was watching her and then she pretty much left. To me of course.... that day went rather differently. Or at least it did the first time.

"Buffy..." I say quietly. I stand back further, allowing her to come in. I don't know what to say so I wait for her to enter before I say, "I'm guessing this isn't a social call..."

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:36 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Buffy..." Angel says my name at just above a whisper as if he‘s astounded. Still his facial expression never changes so how’s a girl to know. As if we don’t already have a hard time reading men them as it is. When their dead it’s twice as hard. He steps backward so that I can enter and I do so trying to keep as much space between our bodies as I can.

I’m just not willing to tempt fate these days. Being around him is hard enough as it is. Not even counting the sexual tension that always seems to be looming. "I'm guessing this isn't a social call..." He states with a knowing look that causes me to frown. I hate that he knows me so well. I wouldn’t have come had it not been important ,and he realizes that.

I turn to face him as he shuts the door. He looks good. Not a bit different then the last time I saw him. Except he’s wearing his hair a tad differently. I don’t know why I expected some sort of change. He will never age. That was a part of the problem remember? It’s sad when you have to remind yourself why it didn’t work out in a relationship. ”No, it’s not.” I admit a tad reluctantly. “I wish it was …but as it is the world appears to be in a peril and you know the drill.” I shrug unenthusiastically.

“The Watcher’s Council asked me to move here. To Boston I mean. Apparently there’s a old nasty trying to rise and if I don’t stop it the world as we know it will be gone.” I take a deep breath and look up to meet his eyes for the first time. “I resisted at first. The move I mean ,but then I started having these horrible nightmares. I was fighting this horrific battle and there was all these people that I don’t even know ,but seemed so real to me.” I pause unsure about how to go on.

“In my dream I didn’t save some of the people. I tried but I failed. I…I need you help. Have you heard anything about a powerful being stirring up trouble?” I question having a hard time standing in front of him without embracing him for a comforting hug. Old habits die hard I guess. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:03 pm
by maougha

"Wow... yeah its nice in that respect I guess. But Smallville, "Meteor Capital of the World" is not exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you say "Normal"." he shrugs then smiles before going back to unpacking. "So uh... whats this about a party? I take it this place is very uh.... alcohol and...chick orientated?" he sighs. "Well... I have a girlfriend so hopefully they won't tell me to go and score with some girl..." he looks over at me kind of worriedly. "Right?"

No I suppose that isn’t to normal but come on what’s weirder aliens living among us or rock falling from the sky? Shrugging I answer his question. “It’s just another random party although it’s spose to be a big one though. Yeah the beer well be flowing tonight.”

I wonder if any of the guys are coming to the party? I hope not. “Oh don’t worry the guys probably wont do anything. Just bring your girl friend and they’ll leave you alone. And if they don’t I’ll just have a little word with them.” I then shrug. “Or just go somewhere else for the night that’s what I’m probably gonna do cause the parties here suck.”

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:50 am
by StormWolfstone

“Nothing but the normal ‘it well bring about the end of the world’ bit. So same old same old right? So did you find anything? Know what’s spose to do it this time? Evil hell god, some random demon, or is it the source of all evil? And yes I know I gotta stop watching charmed.” Xander finishes in response to my question and I shake my head.

"One of these days, I'm just going to do some sort of spell on you to make you hate everything about that show if you keep quoting the false adherance." I say, my hand is placed on my hip as I glance around the room. "I haven't found anything and from what I've heard, I doubt I'll be able to concentrate much tonight because all the girls have decided that the entire dorm has to go to some party over in one of the male dorms. So, are you up to going to a party, Xander? Somehow I have a feeling that being there would be the best option."

I sigh, "Who knows maybe the big evil will show up there like they seem to enjoy doing at parties. What better place to wreak havoc then a drunken frat party?" I shrug my shoulders, thinking I'll need to call Giles and find out what else he might know. But, for the moment, I think everything should be set up in my room first.