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Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:34 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I think Isable noticed the look I'm giving her and Alex, as her cheeks flush. My perception may not be that good, but a blind man could tell.

"Morning," I half mumble and half growl to her. Mornings are my least favorite part of the day. I love nights.

Then curiousity gets the better of me. And this is Isabel. If I'd claim anyone as a real friend on this boat it'd be her and Max. And sometimes, only sometimes mind you, I feel bad for being short with her. "You thinking you might go planet side?" I ask her, and then glance at the rest of the group, wondering if any of them will, but doubting it. And also, I knew if I didn't tlak to them a little, I'd get Isabel's pattented can't you try to be nice speech.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:36 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

My less then cheery friend retorts with a grumbled greeting, "Morning," I shake my head slightly in good humor. That’s just Michael for ya. I learned a long time ago that he is who he is and it’s best not to try to change him. Though that doesn’t keep me from nagging at him every once in awhile about being more polite towards our fellow shipmates. As much as I protest his bluntness and lack of tact I secretly admire his ability to just say how he feels exactly when he feels it without caring how that makes him look.

Sometimes I think he’s not afraid of anything. I on the other hand am scared of my own feelings towards a certain doctor who shall remain nameless. How sad is that? I am drawn out of my deep self analysis when Michael surprises me by asking, "You thinking you might go planet side?" I pick up a piece of burnt toast and eye it a tad skeptically before answering. “I guess I should.”

Truth is I don’t care to go alone.. It’s not that I don’t think I can take care of myself. More that I’d rather have someone along to keep me company. I can’t stand the thought of trolling the marketplace solo. I take a bite of the scorched bread. I never was much of a cook. "Alex, are you sticking close to the ship or are you going to do a little exploring?" I pretend like it doesn't matter to me either way. :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:42 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Did I say I love mornings? Well, actually I love mornings when I get to bug Max about going on land because I need to 'stretch my legs' if he wants me to fly at my best. It's true. Actually, I really feel the need to get laid or at least spend some time walking around on land. Sure, I love flying the ship. But being cooped up for so long? You need a change every once in a while.

Walking into the kitchen, I spot Alex, Kira, Isabel and Michael. Well, it's a regular party. Full of my favorite people. Taking a seat on the edge of the counter, I pour myself a glass of water.

"So who's going down to the planet today?" I ask loudly, interrupting any conversations that they might have been having. Not that there were any going on. I mean, all Michael does is grunt, and Isabel and Alex are too busy staring at each other to talk.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:38 pm
by ~Ruby~

I pick silently at my food, deciding it would be best if I let Isabel and Alex talk. I know that Isabel will be able to help Alex a lot more than I ever could. She’s probably the only person who can help. She doesn’t know that yet though.

It’s been quite an interesting morning,” Alex says and I’m sure what he really means is that its been the morning from hell. I regret acting like bull in a china shop. I should have been so much more tactful when I had told him what I had seen. “And you? How are you getting on this morning?”

Interesting is a good word to describe it.” Isabel says and I feel my curiosity rises its ugly head. I wonder what has happened to make her morning so interesting. “Good Morning Michael.”

I look up from my breakfast when Isabel says Michael’s name. Well, if it isn’t Mr. Sunshine himself. He grunts in response to Isabel’s greeting. As always you really can’t shut Michael up. That guy is one hell of a talker.

"You thinking you might go planet side?" Michael asks Isabel.

"I guess I should.” Isabel says before she looks back to Alex. “Alex, are you sticking close to the ship or are you going to do a little exploring?"

This could be very good. Spending time alone with Isabel is exactly what Alex needs. Then again, spending time alone with Isabel on the planet where his parents were brutally murdered might not be the best of ideas. I think I’m going to leave this one up to fate.

Byron, our very own Casanova, saunters into the kitchen with a easy smile and that familiar twinkle in his eyes. He has that cocky, smartass attitude that seems to be in the pilot DNA.

"So who's going down to the planet today?"

“Max and Aphrodite have already jumped ship. And these three are considering their opinions. I think that I’m going to give Janos a miss.” I state before grinning teasingly at Byron. I don’t need to be a seer to know what that boy is planning to do on Janos today. “You want me to save you some time, Byron? I could have a little peek and see if you‘re going to get lucky or not. There’s no point you going down to Janos to pant over girls that just aren’t interested when you could be helping out on the ship. I’m sure that Max mentioned some chores he had for you.”

My grin widens at Byron's look of horror. You just say the word chores and that boy goes as white as a sheet.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:48 pm
by baby_bre

Michael enters the kitchen and I nod in his direction. I sometimes feel a bit awkward around Michael, not because I dislike the guy but because he is a lot of things that I’m not. Isabel does seem to be interested in what I’ve said and it causes me to wonder if she knows that I like her… I’ve played it cool though haven’t I? What if she’s only being nice to me because she feels bad that the lowly ship doctor likes her? I know my profession is a respectable one but sometimes I don’t feel as interesting or out there as some of the other guys aboard the ship. Stupid I know but I can’t help it.

I shrug when she asks what my plans are for the day because honestly I have no clue. I’m not entirely certain even with Isabel there that it would be a good idea to leave the ship. It would be great to spend some more time her if she’ll agree to accompany me but even so the idea of getting of this ship scares me. I feel like a wimp even thinking that but what if I get off the ship and all my old memories, the ones I’ve tried so hard to burry just come rushing back? I don’t know if I could handle it.

"Alex, are you sticking close to the ship or are you going to do a little exploring?"

She asks the one question I’ve been trying to find an answer to all morning. I don’t know what to say, how to answer her. I want to go but at the same time I feel afraid. I know I shouldn’t, I should be strong because I am old enough to deal but what if I’m not? What if I turn back into the scared little kid who watched his parents as they were viciously killed? I know it’s stupid, of course I won’t but what if I feel like it anyway?

Before I have a chance to answer Bryon comes into the kitchen. I use this as a distraction to give her question a bit more thought, not that I haven’t thought about it enough. I can’t keep Isabel waiting though; she probably already thinks I’m insanely rude since all I’ve been doing since I got here for the part is staring at her or the floor. Stupid stupid stupid Alex.

I basically proceed to block out what everyone is saying as I finally reply, “I plan to.” Okay so actually I didn’t plan to but we can pretend. “Care to join me?” I ask and if she says no I going to be really embarrassed.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:36 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Byron saunters into the room as if he owns it and I shake my head slightly in amusement. Living with so many people on one ship forces you to get to know quite a few characters with diverse and complicated backgrounds. Byron is by far easiest man aboard to understand. He’s a pretty much what you see is what you get kind of guy and I respect that attribute. Probably because I am the complete opposite.

Still when he isn’t trying to get into the pants of anything with a XX chromosome he’s the best pilot I’ve ever had the pleasure of flying with. Unfortunately he knows how good he is and that can be a double edged sword.

"So who's going down to the planet today?" He questions loudly so that it interrupts all conversation. That’s just our ship’s Romeo though. Charmed.Kira gives him a knowing smile before answering,

“Max and Aphrodite have already jumped ship. And these three are considering their opinions. I think that I’m going to give Janos a miss.” I guess I can’t blame her on this one. A teasing smile plays across her lips and I lean forward eager to hear what she’s going to say next.

“You want me to save you some time, Byron? I could have a little peek and see if you‘re going to get lucky or not. There’s no point you going down to Janos to pant over girls that just aren’t interested when you could be helping out on the ship. I’m sure that Max mentioned some chores he had for you.”

Poor Byron looks nauseous at the mere mention of chores. I stifle back a giggle but just barely. Flashing the witty brunette a thankful smile before turning toward the sound of Alex’s voice. “I plan to.” There‘s an odd look marring his handsome face that worries me. I get the impression that he dreads leaving the ship. If that is so why is he doing it? I don‘t get a chance to ponder over that for his next inquiry stuns me. “Care to join me?”

He’s never asked me to do anything with him before. I wonder what makes this time different. My head says that spending time with Alex isn’t a good idea ,but my heart refuses to deny him anything. I speak without thinking. “I’d love to, Alex.” There seems to be a look exchanged between Alex and Kira. Am I missing something? I narrow my eyebrows struggling to figure out the connection between those two. I know her and my brother are intimate so it can’t be a romantic entanglement.

Immediately I dismiss the foolish notion. I’m sure it’s just my imagination working over time. It’s like with everything else I am smart and resourceful but when it comes to anything pertaining to Alex I have absolutely no common sense. Let me give you a little demonstration: This is my brain.(composed and together) This my brain on Alex. (Mush)

I finish off my charcoaled toast before lowering my voice so that only Kira can hear, “Can we talk later?” I’ve never confided in anyone about how I feel about Alex. My brother would probably frown on such a love match and Michael would more then likely preach to me about the evils of dating a member of the crew. I desperately need an unbiased girl opinion. Plus she’s a seer so maybe she can divert me from making a total idiot of myself. After all what could he possibly see in me? :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:24 pm
by Sternbetrachter
this is really great so far :)

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:39 pm
by ~Ruby~
Sternbetrachter wrote:this is really great so far :)
Hee! Thanks, Trude. Everyone is doing an awesome job. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:45 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I've kinda tuned them all out as the idle chatter continues. ANd I really just stop even glazing the main point of the conversation once it simply becomes Isabel and Alex talking. Dancing all around the subject.

I finsih eating and take my dishes to the sink, leaving them there. Not really being one to clean very often, but no one really complains too much, probably on account of the fact that I'm our main line of defense when it comes to fighting and weapons and the like. I keep them alive they wash a few bowls.

I turn and look to Byron, asking him very abruptly,"Wanna go get a drink?"

It's always better to not go drink alone when you're trying to find a woman. Some of them think it's creepy. And a guy always understands when you ditch them.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:09 am
by ~Ruby~

My attention is snapped away from Byron when I hear Alex ask Isabel if she would like to go exploring. This could be either very good or very bad. Janos holds so much pain for Alex. I don’t know if he is ever going to be ready to face his demons. Maybe with Isabel’s help, it will be easier. I don’t know though. I really just don’t know.

I look at Alex, silently asking if he’s okay. The look in his eyes tells me that he’s far from okay. I guess this is just something that he has to do. I think that I’m going to stay out of it. I’ve made enough of a mess.

Can we talk later?” Isabel asks in a whisper.

“Of course,” I state without hesitation. “Come find me when you get back.”

I look back at Byron, who is being abnormally quiet. Teasing Byron is quickly becoming one of my favorite pastimes. He is just so easy!

“You‘re being awfully quiet, Byron.” I say with another grin. “Was it something I said?”