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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:22 pm
by Roslover39
Another day begins on Antar. The court is abuzz with the news that Max and Liz are and have been married for some time. The couple spent their first night together as a bonded couple. Max is the first to awaken; he looks over at his beloved queen then whispers in her ear,

"What kind of crown would you like my love?"

Liz rouses from her slumber and faces her king.
"Crown, what crown?"

"Queens wear crowns; even on Antar. I was thinking, you're going to have to be officially presented to the court as my wife. There's a lot to be done."

"Well, do they have to be done right this minute?" Liz gazes at her husband.

"No, do you have something better we could be doing," Max asks her gazing back at her.

"I think I can think of something to slow that brain down.
Liz strokes the side of Max's face and gives him a kiss laced with the promise of much more.

Zan is on his way down to breakfast when he crosses paths with Ava. He smirks down at her while she frowns up at him. The hallway is electrified with emotions; Zan's lust and Ava's anger.

Just when she thinks she's cleared herself of him while passing, he speaks to her.
"Good morning."

She turns and stares at him quizzically but remains silent.

The silence annoys Zan.
"What, I'm not allowed to say that to ya?"

Ava puts her hands on her hips and lets Zan know how she really feels.
"Actually, I wasn't aware that you were capable of having anything nice to say. All I've heard from you were obscenities and insults. Excuse me if I have no time or desire to exchange pleasantries with you. Good day!"

Zan is taken aback that she had the nerve to tell him all that and remain perfectly refined.

Ava turns to be on her way to breakfast when she hears Zan exclaim,
"Well hell!"

Ava hears that and stomps back with a lot more to say.

"Who died and made you supreme ruler? I mean I've never met anyone as uncouth in my life. When Isabel told me about you, I figured she had to be exaggerating. Then when I watched you perform the night of the party, I realized that she didn't go far enough to give a clear picture of who you really are. Do me a favor and be nice to your family; don't waste your time on me because I don't like you!"

Ava storms off in a huff leaving a dazed Zan.
What a woman, he thinks to himself.

No woman has ever spoken to him like that before and instead of getting upset, he likes it. In fact he could feel his cock get hard as Ava read him the riot act. Her face flushed with anger turned him on; that was totally unexpected. Unbeknownst to anyone, that exchange had an effect on Zan. He decides to have breakfast in his room and ponder the exchange for the rest of the morning.

Max and Liz come to breakfast and receive a standing ovation and rousing applause from Michael, Maria, Isabel, Alex and Ava. The queen looks an very pleased.

Maria remains standing as the rest sit down. She decides to speak for the group.
"Seeing that I spilled the beans about the ritual, I figured I would continue in that tradition and tell everybody that you two are already married .We're all very happy for you two. If I didn't believe in destiny before I'm a firm believer now."

Maria takes her seat and the Queen stands to her feet.
"Liz, welcome to the family. I don't know if Maximus conveyed my earlier feelings but I was just concerned about the future of the dynasty.

If It was indeed destiny that brought you and my son together, we all have reaped the benefits in some way. Having said that; there is much to be done. You have to be presented at court as Antar's new queen.

That reminds me, I need to speak with Maximus and Zan."

Jim has something to ask of the queen.
"My lady, may I speak to Zan before you do? I have something very important to discuss with him."

"As you wish Jim, but I want to see them as soon as you're finished."

"Yes my lady."

Right after breakfast Jim asks Zan to meet him in the library. He readies himself for a hard time as he browses over the many books where he's standing.

Zan enters the library looking royal. Jim wonders if he'll ever really act that way.
"Yes Jim, you wanted me?"

Jim turns to him and replies,
"Yes Zan, your brother wants you to feel like a key part of the court so we found you a position."

"Really," Zan takes a seat and looks at Jim.

Jim takes a seat beside him and continues.
"Max wants me to be the next Court Minister of Security when the current minister retires. He wants you to be my assistant and I thought that would be a great idea."

Jim readies himself for all the obscenities that are gonna spew out of Zan's mouth.

Zan shocks him as he calmly replies,
"Ok, maybe my mercenary experience can be of help to ya."

Jim looks over at him and scratches his head. He can't believe that he didn't get a huge tirade about Zan being tired of people telling him what to do.

Zan shocks him once more.
"So, when do we start?"

Jim clears his throat,
"When Max installs me into the position. Zan, are you sure you want to do this?"

Zan nods in agreement.
"Yeah, I need something to occupy my time here. Is that all; can I go now?"

"Of course go right ahead." Jim watches Zan walk out the library and wonders what caused the obvious change in him.

Ava headed right to Isabel's suite after her quarrel with Zan.

Isabel lets her in and sits down next to her.
"You look very flustered; what happened?"

Ava nods and adds,
"Your brother said Good Morning to me before breakfast and I just lost it. I couldn't believe that he would have the nerve. I heard that him and Max got into a fight. Did he hit his head or did Max intentionally bang his head against something hard?"

Isabel stands and starts to pace around the room.
"I have no idea what's going on but I need to find out. I don't need him playing games with you. It's got to be a reason why he's doing this."

Ava's eyes grow wide with curiosity.
"What do you mean Isabel, what motive could he have?"

"I'm sure he found out that Liz is officially Max's wife so she's off limits to him. Maybe he's interested in you."

Ava shakes head vigorously. She's clearly not pleased with what Isabel had to say.
"Oh no, I left someone with the same mentality at my father's court. No, that kind of man I don't need or want."

Then there's a knock on the door; It's Alex and Isabel lets him in. He's had a Zan sighting as well.

"Anybody run into Zan today?"

Isabel informs him,
"Why, was he on his best behavior with you too?"

"Yeah, but why is he doing this? What's bringing this on?"
Alex is just as puzzled about Zan supposed change of heart.

Isabel stares at Ava but says nothing. Ava doesn't like the implications, takes offense, and rises to her feet.
"The man my father wants me to marry has Zan beat in so many ways, but I'd rather deal with him and be subjected to a more sophisticated form of foolishness. Will you both excuse me please?"

Ava heads for the door, opens it and leaves quickly.

"Wow, she must really hate Zan." Alex exclaims while taking a seat.

Isabel walks over and takes a seat beside him.
"Or she really likes Zan but hates herself for her feelings. Alex, I've known Ava for a long time and people usually don't affect her that way. When she first met Michael she didn't respond to him like that and you know first hand how abrasive he can be with new people."

Alex shakes his head as he remembers the day he met Michael. He sees the Zan/Ava situation as a good one.
I can say this much, if Ava's being here is bringing on this change, that could turn out to be a good thing for all of us."

Isabel peers at Alex with a differing opinion.
"Not if Ava wants no part of him. She's my oldest and dearest friend; I will not have her subjected to Zan and his shenanigans."

On Cryton:

King Julian is in the throne room speaking to Ava's betrothed.

"Sean I've sent for you to give you some news."

"Your highness, is it about Ava? She's been gone for quite a while. Shouldn't she return so that we can get on with the bonding ceremony?"

"Yes Sean, she's been angry with me long enough. As royalty, we all have duties to perform and now is the time for her to perform hers. I'll send word to Antar that Ava is to return immediately."

"Thank you your highness, I can't wait to see her. By your leave your highness."

The king nods his head and Sean bows then turns to leave the room. He has a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Soon, I'll have everything I've ever wanted. I'll have Ava, a title and in time the throne of Cryton will be within reach.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:41 am
by Roslover39
Max receives word from official channels that King Julian requests his daughter Ava to return to Cryton immediately. He goes to Ava who is in her room with the news.

"I've got to ask if you feel comfortable going back there. She told me how disturbed you were with the situation there when you accepted her invitation."

"Yes Max, I didn't want to involve you or the court in this situation but I felt I had to get away. Isabel's invitation came at just the right time. Now I find myself in quite a bind."

Max needs to get clarification on what Ava is speaking about.
"How can I help you?"

"Well as you know, I'm to be married very soon to a man my father deems suitable. I sense that he's using my father and the marriage to gain power in the court. Then I have your brother and his inclination to make me feel uncomfortable here. Max, I feel as if I'm in between a rock and a hard place."

Max puts his arm around Ava,looks down at her, and reveals,
"Ava, you're one of my oldest and dearest friends, and I'm here for you. If staying here would be best, by all means do so. Don't worry about Zan, I'll take care of him.

If you want to go back to Cryton, I will support you in that as well. It is totally up to you."

"I guess the best thing to do is communicate with my father and then make my discussion."
Ava's eyes show her distress over the problem she finds herself in.

Max gives her a friendly hug.
"If there is anything I or the court can do for you, please don't hesitate to communicate that to us."

"Thank you Max, that means more to me than you could ever know."

Regretfully, she sends word that she will be returning to the Crytonian Court.

As Max leaves Ava's room, Zan is in search of Liz. He finds her in the solarium having a leisurely lunch with Maria. He walks into the room and interrupts their conversation.

"Liz, you said you would help me with Ava. Does dat..that offer still stand?"

Maria starts poking her fingers in her ears as if she's having trouble hearing what he said.
"What, the great Zan is asking for help?"

Liz places her hand on Maria's hand in effort to prevent her from irritating him. She understands how hard it is for him to ask for help.
"I'm glad you decided to come to me. Did something happen?"

"Yeah, I said good morning to her and she went off on me. I know I've been an ass since I've been here but now I want to be better. I want Ava to see that I can and I am changing. Liz, I need you to tell her that."

"Ok Zan, but why don't be both go and talk to her. She needs to see that you mean business. Coming with me might do that."

"Hey, whatever you think will work . When do we go?"

Liz notices Zan's eagerness to set things right with Ava. She's so happy to see this that she decides not to hesitate.
"Why don't we go now, something is telling me that time is of the essence."

"Good luck bucko, you're gonna need it!"
That was Maria's way of wishing him well. Zan knows her well enough to know that. He's not dumb; he knows he's gonna need all the help he can get!

When they get to Ava's room, Liz decides to take the lead in the situation.
"Ava can we speak to you. "Liz asks after knocking on Ava's door.

"Sure Liz but who is we...."

She opens the door to find Zan standing behind Liz. She almost shuts the door in both of their faces but Liz holds the door open.
"Ava, I know that Zan has been terrible to you but he's seen the error of his ways. He wants to make amends. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe him Can we come in so he can plead his case?"

Ava throws up her hands and walks away from the door.
"Sure, but it makes no difference now. I'm preparing to go home tonight."

"Why, why are you leaving now? Is it because of me?"
Zan wants to kick himself for using the time he had with her to do nothing but show his ignorance.

"Actually no, my father has ordered me to return to Cryton. I'm to be married soon."

"Married?" Zan can't believe his ears.

Zan looks at Ava then Liz with mournful eyes. He knows he has to do whatever he can to stop her from leaving.

He walks up to her as she packs her things and takes her two hands in his.

" Ava, I've been an ass and I know it. I want to know ya better but now it's too late. I don't blame ya for not wanting anything to do with me; it's just that I wish I could do something to show I've changed inside."

Ava can feel electricity shooting throughout her body as Zan holds her hands and confesses the way he really feels.

His hazel eyes convey his sincerity as he peers into her baby blues. Overwhelmed by his confession and the sexual tension, she pulls her hands out of his and backs away from him.

"Zan, I appreciate everything you've said to me but what's done is done. I have a duty to my father, to the court and to Cryton.

I can't say I'm not attracted to you, but it's too late to even consider getting to know you or anyone at this point in my life. The dye is cast and my path is set."

An idea floods Liz's consciousness.
"Zan, why don't we leave Ava to pack."

"But Liz, I...."
Zan is definitely not ready to leave the room.

She pulls on his arm to motivate him to leave.
"No Zan let's go! Sorry to interrupt your packing Ava."

"No, not at all,"Ava looks at Zan as Liz pushes him out the door. In a split second, Zan's and Ava's eyes meet before he turns to walk out the door behind Liz.

He's upset with Liz and tells her so when they get out into the hall.
"Liz, what the hell is wrong with ya. I think I was getting somewhere with her."

Liz looks him straight in the eyes,
"Are you serious about showing her you've changed and that you're really interested in her?"

Zan scratches his head wondering what the hell Liz is trying to do.
"Yeah, but what do I do now? She's leaving Antar tonight."

Liz looks up at Zan with a satisfied grin while conveying her plan.
"You show her you mean business but going to Cryton after her."

Zan's mouth flies open. He can't believe that she would suggest he do something like that.
"Now how am I gonna be able to get away with that. She could have me shot on sight there after the way I've treated her here."

"Zan, you have no imagination; there's no thrill of romance in your soul."
Liz pats him on his shoulder.
"Are you not a Prince?"

"Yeah, you all keep telling me I am."

Liz gives him a friendly push to lighten up the moment.
"And you brother is King, right?"

He lets half a smile show while asking,
"Yeah but what are you getting at Liz?"

Carefully, Liz lets Zan in on her plan to get him to Cryton under the guise of official business.

"Max is going make you Antar's Ambassador to Cryton. You will go there, meet the king and persuade him you're there on official business. You told Maria and I of your mercenary adventures; well this is the time to put your money where your mouth is.

You said you've infiltrated foreign territories before, this will just be another one for you. Do a good job with the king, and he might let you stay long enough to talk Ava out of getting married.

But be warned, if you fuck up, your brother might have to send the Antarian Guard to rescue your ass. "

Zan seems lost in thought. Liz notices, places her hands on her hips and gets him out of his mental fog.

"You came to me for help. I've given you an answer to your problem. So, what are you going to do?"


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:51 pm
by Roslover39
Tonight, Liz is on a mission. A mission to help Zan win Ava, and show Max that his brother can be a responsible member of the royal family.
When she arrives at their suite, Max is lounging on the bed wearing nothing. Liz's eyes roam over his body as she inches closer to him.

This conversation might go smoother than I thought, she thinks to herself as she reaches the huge bed.

When she reaches him, she climbs onto the bed and leans down to whisper in his ear,
"How much do you love me?"

Max rises up into a sitting position.
"Uh oh, what am I in for?"
He starts to grin brightly at her.

Liz lifts up to remove her clothes as she starts to convey her thoughts to him.
"You're not in for trouble silly. It's just that I have a plan and I'm gonna need your complete cooperation to make it work."

"Then by all means tell me your plan. You're nothing if not a very level headed person. I'm sure I'll be able aid you in whatever your little heart desires."

"Great! "
A smile warms Liz's face as she sits naked with Max on the bed. She takes a deep breath and then conveys her desire.
"I would like you to make Zan Antar's ambassador to Cryton."
She leans into give Max a kiss full of gratitude.

Just as her lips are about to make contact, he pulls back to exclaim,
"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT? Liz, have you taken leave of your good sense?"
Max bounds off the bed while throwing his hands into the air. Then he stomps around the room.

Liz falls back on the bed in disbelief that Max is going to veto her plan. She tries her best to reason with him.
"But Max, weren't you saying all along that responsibility was all that Zan needed in order to feel a part of the family?"

Max turns and then stops pacing to peer at his wife.
"Yes Liz, he needs responsibility but not a position that could lead to war if he does something stupid. I can't risk an intergalactic incident. HELL NO!"

Max regains his composure enough to ask another question as he walks back over to the bed.
"Of all the planets in the galaxy, why Cryton?"
He thinks he knows the answer but wants to hear it from Liz.

Liz clears her throat, takes a deep breath and tells him everything.
"The night you proposed to me, I noticed Zan's attention was focused on Ava all evening. In typical Zan style, he came on to her and she shot him down.

I went to him to tell him that I could help him if he wanted. Of course he refused my help that night but came to me with his tail between his legs earlier today. We went to Ava's room and Zan confessed that he had feelings for her and apologized for being such an ass."

Max is glad that Zan has feelings for anyone other than Liz.
"My love, that's great that someone can bring out any goodness in Zan but why do you want me to make him an ambassador? He has no experience in intergalactic or court diplomacy."

"That's where you're wrong, Zan knows a thing or two about dealing with people. He was a mercenary when I met him. He told me of how he had to sell himself under different identities and make the right connections in order to do his hits.

I know his experience and court etiquette are two different things but can't you give him a quicky course on diplomacy? Just think how happy your mother would be to know that her two sons are working together on something constructive."

"But Ava is going back home to be bonded to a man her father picked for her. Don't you think that fact makes your scheme a moot point?"

Liz shoots a question right back to her husband.
"Max, would my being bonded to another man have stopped you after we met?"

While Max and Liz are still discussing her plan for Zan, Ava goes to Isabel's room to say good bye before she leaves.

"Isabel, is it a good time to talk?"

"Sure Ava, it's always a good time to talk to you. Come in in and make yourself comfortable."

"Ava steps inside and takes a seat on Isabel's bed . Her eyes are full of sadness as she tells Isabel what she came to say.
"Iz, I'm here to tell you good bye."

Isabel can't believe what she's hearing. She takes her friends hand while asking,
"Good bye, why are you leaving now?"

Ava shakes her head in frustration as she tries to find the words to explain her plight.
"My father has waited long enough for me to come back and be bonded to the man he picked for me. I don't want to go but I have to accept my responsibilities as crown princess of Cryton.

As my father's only heir, I become queen upon his death. He wants to insure future heirs before that day comes."

Isabel rubs her friend's back in a show of support.
"But Ava, shouldn't you have a say in who you are bonded to?"

Ava looks at Isabel and then bows her head in sadness.
"It would be wonderful if I did but my father is just following tradition. On my planet, the king always picks the female heir's mate."

A look of shock mars Isabel's beautiful face.
"Oh Ava, I thought those archaic practices were abolished long ago."

"Not on Cryton I'm afraid. What's worst is the fact that although I will be the sovereign, I will be required to defer to my husband. Sean has no royal blood whatsoever but he will be able to do as he pleases.

"Ava, Something has to be done about this before the bonding ceremony."

"I couldn't agree with you more, but I'm helpless to change my father's mind in this situation. Cryton is a patriarchal society where the men commit suicide before enduring familial embarassment."

Isabel shakes her head vigorously.
"No Ava, I will not accept the fact that there is nothing that can be done. There's got to be a way and we will find it."

"Just accept the situation the way it is Iz. I've made peace with my fate."

She lets a subtle giggle escape as she continues.
"You know my father wanted me to marry Max but your father told him that Max would pick his own mate. The galaxy knows that he is bonded now."

Isabel starts pondering what Ava said and informs her friend,
"Yeah, but Zan isn't!"

The next day:
After seeing Ava off with everyone else, Isabel goes to Zan's room to have a talk with him. Zan is very surprised when he opens the door.
"Isabel, what are you doing here?"

He peers out into the winding corridor to see if Michael is with her. Then he gestures her to enter his room with his left hand as he closes the door with his right."

She takes a seat in the nearest chair and wastes no time expressing her feelings.
"Zan I know that we haven't gotten along since you arrived but we are family and we need to behave as such."

Zan walks over to Isabel and remains standing.
"Right but why da change, ya had no problem treating me like shit."

Isabel peers up into her brother 's eyes.
"I'm going to come right to the point of my visit. I need you to help me with Ava."

"Ava, what's wrong wit her ?"

"She's headed home to bond with a man she doesn't like, much less love."

Zan kneels down by Isabel and asks ,
"What does dat have to do wit me?"

"Zan, her father wanted to bond her with Max but father told him no. That was before anyone knew you existed . I was thinking; what if you could persuade King Julian to call off the bonding ceremony?"

Zan can't believe that Isabel is agreeing to help him with Ava, albeit in a round about way. Instead of revealing Liz's plan to his sister he decides to play along with her for a while.
"Ya saw me as an embarrassment before ya figured I could be used."

He gets up and walks away from Isabel to peer out of a bank of windows located opposite his bed.

"I know and I'm sorry about that Zan. I know I should have been more cordial towards you but the same can be said for you as well. You had no problem making me feel uncomfortable at every opportunity."

Not wanting the conversation to turn touchy-feely, Zan changes the subject.
"Ok, what's ya plan?"

"Before I tell you, I need to talk to Max. My plan won't work without his cooperation. After all, he is king. "

Zan smirks at the thought, then turns back to face Isabel.
" I'm sure dat will go over just fine. I know he still sees me as nothing more than a pain in his ass. Now, why I should go along with ya?"

Isabel knows that Zan has every right to refuse to go along with her plan. To convince him, she takes a few moments to gather her thoughts.
"This is your opportunity to show Max and mother that you can be responsible ..... that you've changed."

Zan gives Isabel a look of confusion.
"I don't see Max going along wit this."

"Zan, just leave everything to me. I know how to get him to go along with what I want."

Later that evening:

Maria is talking to Michael in her room.
"Well, it seems like my friend has finally decided to open up to someone."

"Friend, what friend are you talking about Maria?"

"I'm referring to Zan babe. He came to Liz for help with Ava."

Michael laughs,
"Did Liz turn his obnoxious ass down?"

"No, she left me high and dry in the solarium to come to his aid. That's ok , I can take the back seat for Zan."

Maria noticed the veins popping out of Michael's forehead before she finished her sentence.
"Baby, please don't have an aneurysm over what I've told you .

Michael starts to run a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Now why would she do that; help that fool? When will these people ever learn?"

"Learn what Michael, Liz is only helping out her brother-in-law. Yes, he is family and I think everyone should have accepted that by now. When will you learn to accept that fact?"

"Oh Shit, not you too!"
Michael peers at Maria then gets up to leave the room. He has a mind to slam the door but changes his mind and closes it softly. He doesn't want to anger Maria with his actions.

Maria was going to stop him from leaving but figured it best that he be alone with his thoughts. She knows that everything she told him was true and that he has to face facts about Zan and the family sooner or later.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:25 am
by Roslover39
The queen summoned Max and Liz to her suite to discuss plans for their upcoming ceremony. Max tells her what he thinks should happen.
"Well Mother, it's been announced that Liz and I are bonded. I figured with that done, why don't we have what they have on Earth? I want to give Liz the wedding of her choice."

Max puts his right arm around Liz and she snuggles into him.

The Queen nods her approval of the idea.
"That's a wonderful idea Maximus. I've done some research on Earth and its diverse cultures. I've found that it has many wedding rituals depending on religion. Liz dear, do you have a particular religious affiliation?"

Liz takes her gaze away from Max and then replies without hesitation.
"I definitely believe in a higher power but don't have an affiliation, your highness."

The Queen gives Liz a very disappointed look.
"Your highness? My dear, you're family now, albeit in a way other than I would have liked. I would have loved for the ceremony to be performed here but what's done is done.
I would like very much if you would call me Mother."

Liz smiles brightly at the Queen and honors her request.
"Yes mother."

The Queen beams brightly, then continues the issue that has Max and Liz there.
"What we need to do is...."

Just then there's a knock on the door of her suite. The servant answers the door and lets Isabel inside. She enters and gets right to the point as she enters the sitting room.
"Sorry Mother; this can't wait. I have to talk to Max."

Max turns in his seat to face Isabel .
"What's wrong and what can I do?"

Isabel takes a seat next to the queen, opposite Max and Liz and explains why she interrupted their gathering.
"Max, I would like you to allow Zan to go to Cryton. We can't allow Ava to go through with the bonding ceremony."

Max can't believe what she's hearing.
"What, you're in on this too? Liz almost wouldn't let me....sleep with her last night because she wants me to make him Antar's ambassador to Cryton."

The Queen is beside herself as she listens. She loves that idea.
"Oh Maximus, I think that is a wonderful idea. Zan needs to feel as if he belongs and is a viable part of the family."

Liz smiles while nodding her head in agreement.

Isabel agrees.
"Yes, I couldn't agree more Mother."

Max scratches his head, then runs his fingers through his hair in bewilderment.
" I don't understand how this happened. It wasn't long ago when everyone but Mother hated his being here. How is it that now he has supporters?"

Liz nudges Max and tries to express what's happening.
"I think I can explain the change. Zan has allowed himself to open up by asking me for help with Ava. Then he apologized and confessed his feelings to her in front of me."

Although he's glad that Zan is coming around, Max knows he has to remain the voice of reason in this situation.
"But Liz, what I told you last night still applies. He has no experience in court etiquette or diplomatic protocol.

Isabel has a plan.
"I might be able to help with that Max. I think I might be able to dream walk all my experience into him. I think it's worth a try because we can't allow Ava to be bonded to and spend the rest of her life with a man she doesn't love or trust."

Liz places her hand on top of Max's and gazes into his eyes while asking,
"Could you imagine spending the rest of your life with someone you didn't love?"

Max strokes Liz's cheek lovingly and then looks at his mother and Isabel.
"I can't imagine one day without Liz."
They nudge each other lovingly.

"My dears, I have to tell you that I have reservations with this proposed plan but I'm willing to give it a try. I'll have Zan meet me in my office to talk tomorrow. Then if I feel he can do the job, Iz can try implanting the information into his mind."

"I'll be ready when you need me Max. And may I say thank you on Ava's behalf."
Isabel walks over to Max and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, thank you Max."
Liz gives him a kiss on the cheek also.

Max looks at the Queen boyishly and asks,
"Do I get one from you as well?"

The question makes the queen grin lovingly.
"But of course my darling. You, your sister and Liz have made me very happy today."
The queen rises and walks over to her son to give him a kiss. Max takes her hands and kisses her on both cheeks.

Isabel returns to her suite euphoric after the meeting with Max, Liz and the Queen. She enters to find Alex sitting on her bed waiting for her . He notices the happiness on her face and asks,
"You look radiant my love, what's the good news?"

She walks over to Alex and melts into his arms. After the embrace she tells him about the proposed plan. " I think a way has been made to get Ava out of being bonded to a man she doesn't love."

"Really, that's great news. What's gonna happen to stop the bonding?"

"Brace yourself; Zan is going to go to Cryton and convince Ava's father not to go through the bonding ceremony."

Alex is very skeptical about what he's heard considering the way he knows Isabel and Michael feel about Zan.
"But why, is this a scheme you and Michael cooked up to be rid of Zan for a while?"

Isabel is shocked but not surprised by Alex's question.
"No Alex, there are no ulterior motives involved. I want Zan to go to Cryton to help Ava.

In fact, I went to his room and had a talk with him. Now see how I've added to the resentment he feels towards us.With all that he's been through, I should have tried to get to know him.

I didn't reach out to him as a sister. Instead I expected him to reach out to me."

Alex is impressed by Isabel's confession.
"It seems that you've experienced quite an epiphany. I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you've taken steps to try and understand him."

"He is my brother, Alex."

Later that evening:

Max finds Zan in the library leaning on a book shelf looking through a huge book.
"Catching up on your reading," Max asks with an amused look on his face as he takes a seat.

Zan is surprised to see that Max wants to be in the same room with him.
" I was in the mood to find out about Cryton. What's up?"

"Well that's what I'm here for. Mother, your sister and Liz have been urging me to make you my ambassador to Cryton and let you go there. Something about saving Ava from a fate worst than death. "

Zan perks up after hearing that.
"Does that mean ya thinkin about sendin me there?"

"Yes but there are some things you have to understand. You have to remember that you'll be representing the Behrian dynasty. Any lapses in judgement on your part could lead to dire consequences here.

You have to be very careful what you say and do, especially around Ava and King Julian. I have to say that I'm impressed that you want to do something to help someone other than yourself."

Zan puts the book back on the bookshelf and sits opposite Max.
"It's more than that Max, I've never felt about a woman the way I feel about Ava. I wanted her on sight.

After that I tried to see if it was just that she was new here, so I came on to Liz at the party and her refusal didn't affect me the way I thought it would.

Ava's brush off made me feel way worst. No woman has every said the things Ava and Liz have to me; I guess we got a thing for strong women."

"We are twins you know!" Max winks at Zan.

"Yeah," Zan replies with a pleasant expression on his face.

Max gets up to leave the room when he turns back to address Zan.
"I've got to ask you. Liz was singing your praises just about from the beginning but how did you get Isabel on your side? She's a tough nut to crack."
Max chuckles as Zan nods his head in agreement.

"I got no idea how that happened. She came to my room about saving Ava. I wanted to do that anyway so I felt kinda spooky that she would come to me about that. Can she read minds?"

"Not exactly, she's more a seer than a mind reader. She makes contact with your mind and witnesses your thoughts and dreams."

"Wow, has she probed your mind," Zan asks very interested.

"More times than I would have liked. She probed Mother's mind once and she didn't sleep for a week."
Max and Zan shake their heads in unison and share a laugh.

"Speaking of that, I need Isabel to probe your mind and implant all that she's learned about court etiquette and diplomacy. It's very important that you are equipped with that knowledge."

"Does it hurt,"Zan asks anxious to know.

"Oh no it's a painless procedure."

Zan is ready for action.
"Ok, when do we do this?"

"As soon as Isabel is ready to do it. She's never tried to implant knowledge from herself into someone before. It might take her longer than usual to prepare."

"Whenever she's ready, I'm ready."

Max nods at Zan clearly impressed with his evolution. He goes to Isabel to tell her to ready herself for the process.


Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:19 am
by Roslover39
Liz is in Maria's room talking about what happened earlier in the queen's suite.
"I couldn't believe the way Isabel interrupted the audience Max and I were having with the que....I mean Mother."

Maria leans back and gives Liz a very surprised look.
"Wow, I know you're family now but the realization that you call the queen mother is too much."

Maria starts to wave the way Earth's royalty and beauty queens do.

Liz chuckles,
"Yeah, she insisted that I do that. Anyway, Isabel came to convince Max to let Zan go to Cryton."

Maria shakes her head at the revelation.
"Wow, what's the odds of you and Isabel on the same wavelength concerning Zan. I thought she hated him."

Liz nods and tells Maria,
"Whatever the reason I was glad she came aboard to pester Max . I know he felt surrounded with the women in his life urging him to do something he didn't want to do. Thankfully we got him to listen to reason."

Maria lets out a hard sigh.
"I wish I could get Michael to listen to reason. Last night I made the mistake of bringing Zan up.

He got so upset, so I told him he was blowing his gasket in vain. Zan is family and he's on his way to being accepted and given all rights and privileges as a member of the royal family."

Liz rubs Maria's back in sympathy.
"I'm sure that didn't go over well."

Maria places her hands over her temples.
"He barged out of here in a big huff. I thought he was gonna slam the door off the hinges,but he didn't.

I'll be glad when he realizes he's fighting this battle all on his own. But what I hate is the fact that he probably thinks I'm a traitor, since I'm not taking his side in this."

Liz shakes her head and sympathizes.
"Men, what can you say about them. Max almost went ballistic when I mentioned Zan going to Cryton as Antar's ambassador."

"I'm sure he did, there could be potential political fall out if Zan says or does the wrong thing. Wow, so I did learn something in political science class. Never thought I'd remember those words of wisdom Professor Seligman imparted to us."

Liz starts to bounce on the bed after remembering the favor she wanted to ask her best friend.
"Oh that reminds me, I'd love for you to sing at the ceremony that Max and I will have. Since we went through the bonding ritual, Max wants us to have an Earth theme ceremony. I need you to add your own special magic to the festivities."

Maria hugs her friend filled with joy.
"You got it babe! Hey all this stuff about Zan going to rescue Ava from marrying the wrong man reminds me of that song by Prince.

Remember that song, he was talking about meeting a virgin on her way to get married. He took her virginity and married her instead. Now what was the name of that song?"

"I think Head was the name of that song."
Liz is surprised that both of them remembered that song.

Maria starts to sing the song and prance around the room.
"I'm just a virgin and I'm on my way to be wed. But you're such a hunk so full of spunk.... Head, love ya til you're dead!"

Liz falls back on the bed laughing.

Maria stops singing and dancing. Turning her attention back to Liz, she asks,
"You think Zan's gonna do that?"

"Do what Maria?"

"Take Ava's virginity before the bonding ceremony, if there is a bonding ceremony?"

Liz shrugs her shoulders.
"Heck if I know."

Maria grins and then fills her in on some prime court gossip.
"The grapevine has it that he stopped screwing the hired help. I'm sure he's in need of a good blow job by now."

Liz can't believe she said that.

Maria laughs and exclaims,
"Hey, I gotta be me babe! Besides you love me this way."

Liz laughs but then gets deathly serious.
"I just hope Zan doesn't mess around and get in a dire situation. Michael is not going to be pleased about deploying his men to get Enemy # 1 out of a bind."

Maria nods her head in agreement hoping that all goes well for all involved.

Later that evening:

The Queen, Max and Isabel meet in Zan's room for the transference of knowledge. The Queen and Max take a seat while Isabel walks over to Zan.
"Are you ready for this?"

Zan decides to lighten the mood of the room.
"Not if it's gonna hurt?"
He backs up with his hands out in front of him.

Isabel giggles,
"No, it's not going to hurt, in fact you won't feel a thing."

"Yeah, I'm ready."
Isabel and Zan clasp hands and close their eyes.

Isabel shakes his hands to get his attention.
"I need you to empty your mind of all thought."

He does as he was asked.

After about a few minutes the transference begins. As all of her life's worth of knowledge is being implanted into Zan's find, she's getting glimpses of his past.

Zan opens his eyes when he thinks the transference is over and finds tears running down her face.

Zan asks truly concerned,
"Hey, did something go wrong?"

The queen and Max are equally alarmed as they go to her.

"Are you hurt; did everything go alright?"
Max is anxious to know what's wrong.

The queen takes Isabel in her arms and hugs her.
"Oh, it's alright my darling."

Isabel is speechless as she weeps in her mother's arms. Max rubs her back as Zan looks on.

After a few minutes she's able to compose herself. It is then that she walks over to Zan, kisses him on his cheek and tells him,
" I'm so sorry."

Zan is totally confused as he watches Isabel head for the door. The Queen walks over and strokes his arm lovingly.
" Don't worry dear I'll find out what happened to your sister."

Zan looks his mother in the eyes and nods without saying a word.

Max is the last to leave the room. He taps Zan on his shoulder and says,
"Everything is ok."

Zan watches Max leave and then sits on his bed confused. He's got new knowledge and thoughts of what could have happened to Isabel dueling for attention in his mind.

The queen and Max amble down the long and winding corridor accompanying Isabel to her suite. They're anxious to find out what alarmed her so. When they get inside, Isabel exclaims,
"Have a seat, I have something to tell you."

"Did you see something," The Queen asks.

"Yes Mother I did."

Isabel takes a seat, takes a deep breath and then goes about expressing everything she saw.
"While the transference was taking place, I dream walked Zan's mind without trying to."

"What did you see Iz," Max asks.

"I witnessed scenes of sadness, loneliness, confusion and anger. He's been through a lot in his short life."

The Queen and Max look at each other sadly then they face Isabel.

As Max ,Isabel and the Queen are coming to grips with what Isabel witnessed, Michael looks for and finds Maria meet the lavishly exotic palace flower garden.

Antar has the same Orchids, Tulips, Roses and Lilies as on Earth but here the flowers have a metallic tint that makes their colors sparkle differently in sunlight and moonlight. Maria reaches down to touch an Orchid when she notices Michael standing in back of her.
"I thought I'd find you here."

"Yeah, it's such a beautiful night. I had to get a closer view of the lavender sky and those beautiful platinum moons. I wanted to enjoy this night with you but it seems we're in the middle of a disagreement."

Michael comes in closer to Maria. Looking into her eyes, he explains his position.
"Maria, I've know Max and his family almost as long as I've known my own. Actually, they are more my family then mine have ever been. all I've ever had was my father.

He was King Philip's second in command until he died. When the king agreed that I would be Max's go to guy, Father dumped me in military school when I was thirteen. In time I learned to like and then love the Antarian Guard.

Because Max was the future king, he was sent to the same school I was. Not bearing to go home for the assorted ritual days, Max invited me to come to the palace with him. In time I wished that he, Isabel, the king and queen were my real family because they always made me feel welcome."

Michael pauses for a second then continues.
"Yes, I know that Zan is family but they are mine. I would do....will do whatever to protect them. If that means that Zan and I never get along because if that well so be it. I just don't trust him."

Maria strokes Michael's face.
"I think that is the answer right there. You feel that Zan is taking your place with them. Babe, don't you know that could never happen? Max, Isabel and the Queen love you for who you are.

Nobody could ever take your place; not even Zan.And don't you ever forget that I love you too. Babe, I don't want to fight anymore. Can we just agree to disagree?"

Michael tilts Maria's head up and kisses her passionately.
"Why don't we just sleep on it."
They smile at each other and head to Maria's room arm in arm.


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 1:33 am
by Roslover39
Max,Liz,Michael,Maria, Isabel and Alex are together relaxing in the solarium before dinner.

All eyes are on Isabel as she tries to get rid her consciousness of the stark realities that were Zan's life.

Max tells his sister,
"Iz, maybe talking about everything would make you feel better."

Maria chimes in,
"Oh heck yeah. I for one would love to know what made that man who he is today."

Liz nods as do Alex and Max, but Michael frowns and rolls his eyes. He wants to tell everyone how full of shit they are but decides to keep the peace now that he and Maria have mended fences. Sensing how cordial is be being under the circumstances, Maria rubs his shoulder and kisses his hand in support.

Isabel ponders Max's idea to divulge everything about Zan's life but decides against it.
" To do that would betray his confidence."

Alex is very proud of Isabel and her resolve.
"I agree with her one hundred percent. I think it's great that he has someone who knows what he encountered and can related to him. Maybe the two of you can talk about this when he's ready."

Everyone agrees but Michael as he releases a huge sigh of boredom. He runs his fingers through his hair and stands to get everyone's attention.
"Hello! I wish you people would wake up from the demented group delusion you're having. Sorry to break up yet another Zan pity party but he's going to Cryton tomorrow.

Max, I think we need to come up with a plan A,B, and C just in case his fantasy of saving Ava from a fate worst than death backfires. I mean hell; how did Zan become Prince Charming all of a sudden?

Did anyone ever stop and think of how Ava might not appreciate us unleashing him on her unsuspecting planet? Sorry Maria, but I've listened to you all singing his praises long enough...."

Isabel decides to stop Michael's tirade.
"Yes Michael; everything you've said is true. I know where you're coming from because I helped you plot against him but I'm past that now.

Michael, the moment of truth comes in everyone's life and this is Zan's. I'm sure Max had that when he was on Earth and I sent word that Father had died. "

Max adds to what Isabel said .
"I was totally unprepared to be king when Father died. What if my subjects decided that I didn't deserve a chance? What if they decided to revolt against me? Thank goodness they didn't.

I believe that my people allowed the time to learn and adjust because Father was such a wonderful king. Zan had no one to emulate; no one to look up to or learn from. Should he continue to be trashed for that?"

Liz enters the conversation.
"My moment of truth came the day I had to fight and kill my own father. I knew it would happen eventually but that thought never prepared me for when the day came.

Killing my father freed me to be the person I was meant to be. I know that sounds weird and bazaar but it's the truth. We all have paths that we must travel in life. My path led me here."

"And I'm so glad it did!"
Max gazes deeply into Liz's eyes and then they kiss tenderly.

Maria shakes her head then places two fingers in her mouth and whistles loudly,
"Hey Gidget and Moondoggie; go get a room."

The room erupts in laughter and then a servant enters.
"Your Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen; dinner is served."

Alex gets up out of his seat and offers his hand to Isabel.
"I don't know about you, but I'm really hungry."
She takes it and they head out of the room with everyone else following them out.

After dinner, Michael gets his opportunity to corner Zan before he leaves for Cryton. He doesn't hesitate reading him the riot act.
"Hey, it seems you've convinced everybody that you've changed. Everyone that is but me."

He waves his hand in Zan's face.
"If I find out you fucked up on Cryton or that you're using the family for some kind of twisted scheme, Max won't be able to stop me from tearing you a new asshole."

Zan steps in closer to Michael.
"Fuck off; ya don't scare me."

Maria notices the two guys talking and senses trouble. Quickly she heads over to them.
"What's up guys?"
She peers up at Michael with questioning eyes.

Zan answers the question while throwing Maria a friendly wink.
"Nothin I can't handle doll."

"Michael, is everything ok?"
Maria waits for his response but gets only silence.

"Ok, I'll leave da two of ya alone."
Zan sends an icy glare Michael's way before he turns to leave.

Michael returns an evil smirk as he replies,
"Just remember what I told you!"

Zan throws Michael an ugly sneer. With a defiant turn of his head, he struts past him. Those looks don't escape Maria who hits Michael and declares,
"I can't leave you alone for five minutes.'"

"Ah baby!"
Michael whines as she walks off with him following close behind.

After dinner everyone gathers at the hangar of the Antarian Guard to say their good byes before Zan enters the space shuttle.

Isabel hugs him briefly as she whispers in his ear,
"Be careful and thank you for going this for Ava."

Zan gives her his trademark crooked grin. Liz trades places with Isabel and gives Zan a hug.
"You're going to be just fine."

Max shakes his hand and taps him on his shoulder.
"Remember, you're representing your family on this trip. Isabel will be in contact with you should you run into any trouble. Wrap things up as quickly as you can and get back home."

Maria is next and she shouts,
"Yeah and keep the royal Johnson in your pants!"
she slaps him soundly on his back.

The only people left are Michael who has nothing else to say in polite company and Jim. The Queen decided to stay at the palace because she hates good byes.

After a few minutes, everyone starts filing out of the hangar. Just as Zan turns to enter the craft, Jim walks up to him. He wraps his right arm around him and states,
"Son, I'm proud of you and what you're about to do. Everything will be fine because I know that you're more tnan capable to take care of the business at hand."

Zan tells Jim how he feels.
"Thank you Jim; you've always been there for me. I've wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your support."

Jim is taken aback by Zan's new found eloquence.
"How; when did your diction change?"

Zan grins and explains.
"It didn't; I just practiced the way Isabel talks from the information she gave me. Yo, you've always been in my corner so I wanted ta show ya that I could do da job."

Jim is proud enough to hug him but doesn't want to embarrass him. He gives him a firm handshake instead.

Oh,I almost forgot to give you this. It's from your Mother. See you when you get back."


After Zan is comfortably inside the shuttle, he remembers the note Jim gave him. He discovers the note is from his mother.

My darling son,
I wasn't at the hangar because I abhor good byes and I didn't want my emotions to embarrass you. I am so proud of you for stepping out of yourself to help someone else.

You've got blood of the illustrious and ancient Behrian Dynasty running through your veins.I know you'll be just fine because destiny is guiding your steps. All will go as you wish.

Above all, be safe and remember that I love you

Zan holds the note to his nostrils and takes in the scented paper. He remembers the fragrance to be the one his mother always wears. He looks at the note and sniffs it once more before whispering to himself,
I'll be safe Mother.


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:36 pm
by Roslover39
Zan is comfortably on board the shuttle craft. They left Antar an hour ago and will be on Cryton in four more. He's surveying his royal accommodations while thinking to himself,
this beats the hell outta not being royal. I should have found out who I was sooner!

He slinks back in his comfortable leather-like seat with his hands behind his head when his keen Clan Gangrel hearing picks up a conversation between two soldiers.

"Did you hear the latest gossip going around the base," Soldier #1 asks.

Soldier #2 responds,
"Not sure; what's going on now?"

"Soldier#1 fills his comrade in,
"Commander Guerin has been telling the high ranking command that he doesn't trust or respect Prince Zan."

"Yeah, I've heard that more than once. I was wondering if he is really King Maximus' brother. For all we know that guy could be a genetic plant. It's easy to create a genetic replica from DNA left on in-animate material. Actually he gives me the creeps the way....."

Angry enough to tear both men apart, Zan morphs into his hell dog persona. He ambles quickly from the luxurious royal quarters to the cramped soldier's quarters to confront the two men. He announces his arrival with a blood curdling growl. The rumbling unnerves the soldiers.

Quickly they try to retrieve the plasma weapons situated on their hips but before they can grab them, Zan morphs back into his humanoid form.
"Gentlemen; this conversation would have been much more interesting if you had the balls to include me."

The soldiers fear for their commissions knowing that Zan can go to the king and confront Michael about what he overheard. Instantly they start to grovel. Soldier #2 starts the recanting process.
"Your highness, we had no idea we were being overheard. We didn't mean anything you heard us say. It was just mindless gossip."

Zan crosses his arms over his chest and peers at the soldiers as if he's making every effort to hear them out.

Soldier #1 gets right to the point.
"Please don't tell Commander Guerin what we said. He'll have us for breakfast."

Zan continues to peer at them and then comes up with a plan.
"I need you to do me a favor."

"Anything your highness, just ask." Soldier #1 is desperate to get out of the situation he finds himself in.

Itching to have that long awaited brawl with Michael, Zan tells the soldiers,
"This is what I want you to do. When you return to Antar, tell your commander that I made you stop on the planet Scorpios and spent time in a space brothel before allowing you to continue on to Cryton."

That bastard wants something ta bitch about, then so be it!

Soldier #2 declares,
"But your highness, the commander will go to the king with that information."

Soldier#1 chimes in,
"You'll be falsely accused."

Zan assures them that he knows what he'd doing.
"Gentlemen, let me handle the king and the commander. Now, do we have an arrangement?"

"Yes your highnes," both soldiers reluctantly reply.
That asshole just gave me something else to hate his ass for. He's a whinning little bitch.

The rest of the trip is uneventful.

When the shuttle craft makes it to Cryton, a large green sun is setting in the horizon. The neon yellow sky glistens as multi-colored stars seem to twinkle a greeting to Zan and the crew.

The shuttle craft lands and Zan is met and questioned by Cryton's Royal Sentry Detail. He tells them who he is and that he know's Ava. Promptly she is called on for verification.

When Ava reaches the royal detail and gets a look at Zan, she almost loses her breath. Noticing her reaction one of the guards says,
"Sorry to interrupt you your highness but we need verification. This man says he's Prince Zan of Antar and that the two of you are acquainted."

She turns her attention to Zan to ask,
"Why are you here?"
Zan scrambles for the right thing to say so after a few minutes he tells her,
"Max appointed me Antar's ambassador abroad. He thought it would be good to make Cryton my first stop since our planets have always been friendly."

Ava peers at him surprised by his newly acquired diction. For a minute she thinks it's Max playing a joke on her but she knows he would never do such a thing. It is that and Zan's ever present ponytail that assures her that she's speaking to the right person. In all the years that Ava has known Max, he's never had long hair.

"Yes, he is King Maximus' brother and we are acquainted."
She knows she's going to regret not ordering the guard to send him back to Antar.

The men step away from Zan and await further orders.
"Thank you your highness, by your leave?"

"Yes you may go, thank you." Ava can't help peering at Zan trying to appear annoyed as she ponders what to do next.

She turns to Zan to say,
"Max should have informed me that you were coming here, but what's done is done. It's late so I'll arrange for a servant to show you to a room. Prepare yourself for an audience with my father King Julian bright and early tomorrow morning."

Moving in closer she whispers,
"For the record I know you're lying but no matter. You'll trip yourself up soon enough."

Being so close to Ava again arouses Zan who answers,
"Now how could I possibly lie to someone as beautiful as you? So, when's the bonding ceremony?"
Zan tries to kiss Ava on her neck but she maneuvers herself just out of his reach.

"That's none of your concern. You'll be back on Antar by that time."

I don't think so baby doll, Zan thinks to himself with a sly grin. As ordered, a servant shows Zan to his room for what Ava thinks is one night.

Ava is no fool. As a member of Toreador Clan, she has the ability to see past what a person is saying and almost uncover their soul. She doesn't want to delve into his psyche for fear that she might lose her soul to him. Members of her clan also have a deep and abiding love of beauty in all of its forms. While not understanding his actions, Ava finds Zan to be very beautiful.

On Antar:

Max is talking to Isabel in her room.
"I'm glad that you can dream walk Zan to keep in touch with him. He might need your help."

Isabel nods,
"Me too but somehow I get the feeling he's going to be just fine. Just to be sure I'll contact him tonight."

"I was hoping you'd decide to do that." Max smiles brightly at his sister.

Right before bed Isabel concentrates on Zan and after a few minutes she goes into a deep sleep and enters his mind. She gets the shock of her life when she realizes she's right in the middle of his pornographic fantasy in which Ava is the star. Immediately she closes her eyes and rants about what she saw.
"Oh great galaxy Zan, I came to talk to you. I had no idea I would end up mortified for the rest of my life."

Zan feels bad but can't help but chuckle to himself.
"Sorry Isabel, but what can I say. Ava does that to me."

After Isabel takes a few minutes to get her mind right she asks,
Does that mean that all is well?"

"Yep, I meet Ava's father tomorrow morning."

Isabel admonishes him lightly.
"I don't have to tell you to be on your best behavior, right?"

"No and don't worry,I got this Isabel."

"I certainly hope so. From now on I'm going to have to make sure your mind is decent before I pop in."

Zan chuckles and tells his sister,
"Yeah you do that."Good night Isabel."

"Good night Zan."

Isabel holds her head in her hands trying to erase the debauched image of Ava and Zan that she dream walked on.
"ICK! How will I ever get past seeing my brother and my friend together like that? How can I look them in the face again?"

She stays up until she grows too tired to think .Then she settles in for a much needed rest.

The next day On Antar:

Everyone but the Queen is gathered for breakfast in the dinning hall. Not much is being said so Max decides to break the ice.
"Izzie, did you get in contact with Zan last night?"

Isabel turns her attention and answers Max sheepishly.

Her quick answer intrigues him.
"So, how did it go?"

Isabel stares down at her plate as she tells Max,
"I'd rather not talk about it."

A dull clang can be heard as Michael drops his eating utensil on his plate haphazardly.
"I knew it! Isabel found out that I was right all along. What did the idiot do?"

Maria doesn't want to believe what Michael just said.
"Oh no Isabel, tell me that's not right. Zan is doing alright, right?"

"No, no Zan is just fine. Nothing happened specifically."
Isabel looks at Alex who starts to rub her back in support.

"Whatever happened it can't be that bad, can it?"
Liz is not very anxious to find out what did or didn't happen.

Alex tells her,
"Just take a deep breath and answer Max's question. I know you'll feel better once you get it out."

"Ok, Ok?"
Isabel shouts hysterically.

"When I entered Zan's mind last night I saw, I saw......"
She puts her hands over her eyes and lowers her head.

"Yes, yes?"
Maria leans in in Isabel's direction. She can't wait to find out. Somehow she knows it's going to be juicy.

"Oh Isabel it can't be that bad."
Max can't understand what would fluster his sister so.

"Ok I'll tell you. I saw Zan having sex with Ava. That's bad enough but the position they were in I've never seen before. I don't know if he was hurting her or what."

"Is that it, I knew it would be juicy. You go Zan!"
Maria starts to laugh and soon the others join. When the laughing finally stops, Max asks,
"Well other than that, everything is going fine, right?"

"Yes, he told me he's to meet with King Julian sometime today. Like I told him, I'm sure all will go well."

"Yeah we'll see about that."
Michael starts grumbling loudly.

Maria pops him on his arm to settle him down.
"Will you give that man a break?

"I'd like to give him my size twelve shoe... up his ass!"



Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:24 pm
by Roslover39
On Cryton:

The next day Zan pads out the bathroom in his room when he hears a knock on the door. He figures it's a servant so he thinks nothing of going to the door in a towel slung low on his slender hips. He's surprised to find Ava standing in front of him.

He smiles and quickly invites her inside. She hesitates for a moment, peers out into the hall and then walks inside.
"I thought it best to remind you of the audience with my father today."

Zan places both hands on his hips to show his annoyance.
"What's wrong, are you concerned that I could embarrass myself, Antar and you?"

Ava replies,
"I was but now I'm worried about what could have happened to you. Your diction is flawless, did someone kick you in the head?"

"Oh that's funny. No, Isabel helped me out in her own special way."

Ava places both hands on her face as if the revelation terrifies her.
"She dared to probe your mind? When does she get out the lunatic annex?"

Clearly Zan is not amused.
"Again with the jokes, what am I going to do with you?"
He moves closer and ends up backing Ava over to the bed. Before she tumbles down on it, she pulls her hand out in a effort to stabilize herself. Instead she ends up snatching the towel from around Zan's waist.

Ava's eyes wander quickly over Zan beautifully sculpted body. Zan notices her roving eyes and can't help commenting.
"I knew you wanted me! How about a little seduction to get me in the mood first?"
He laughs triumphantly while leaning down to meet her lips.

Ava is not amused by Zan's snide query and backs away from him on the bed.
"Zan, you're the last person I'd want to mate with."

"Are you sure about that?"
Zan bends down to pick up his towel and secure it around his waist.
"I'm looking forward to meeting the man your father picked for you."

He turns his back to Ava who then lets out an inaudible sigh. The sight of Zan's naked body stirred her blood. Feeling quite warm, she takes a few deep breaths, rises up off the bed and heads for the door quickly.

Noticing where she's heading, Zan walks over and takes her left arm gently.
"I think it's time I put my cards on the table. I'm here to get you out of bonding with your father's choice. I heard he wanted you to bond with Max. I'm sure he would consider your being bonded to me instead."

Those words cause her to bellow,
"Now that takes real nerve! I've known Max all my life. You are not your brother in any way, shape or......"

Zan grins down slyly while interrupting Ava.
"I'm sure I'm much better. Taste and see that I won't disappoint. Come on you know you want to."
Zan tries to caress her cheek when she blocks his hand.

"YOU ASS!!!!

Zan is in shock. Ava has managed to slap him not once but twice.
"What da hell ya do that for?"

Ava folds her hands over her ample breasts wearing a huge grin. His anger delights her.
"So anger brings the real Zan back. I'll have to remember that while you're here. Maybe I can trip you up and hasten your return back to Antar or wherever it is you belong."

A determined grin appears on Zan's face.
"Don't count on it doll. You might not be sure of what you want but I am. I want you and I plan to do what I have to be worthy of you. Stand back and watch me work!"

Ava breaks away from his grip and rushes for the door.
"You should wean yourself off of the hallucinogens you're taking. They're making you think you can do and have things you can't."

Ava leaves the room full of mixed emotions. She wants to trust Zan but knows she must do as her father wishes.

She runs down the winding corridor until she comes to and turns the corner. She plants her back to the wall and takes deep breaths while wondering,
What if Zan succeeds in convincing my father that he's the one instead and not Sean ?

Unbeknownst to Ava, Sean followed her to Zan's room. He catches up to her and voices his displeasure.
"Why were you in that room?"

A startled Ava addresses him.
She shakes her head showing her disapproval.
"You're resorted to spying on me?"

He answers matter of fact sort of way.
"Let's just say that I'm doing whatever to protect my investment. Now, I asked you a question."

Ava gives him a piercing look then answers,
" We have a guest here. His family and mine have been friends for ages. He's here on official business."

Sean gives her an evil sneer as he pulls her closer to him.
Ava, I'm only going to say this once. You're to be my wife and you're not going to embarrass me....EVER! Stay away from him."

The command incenses Ava.
"Don't you dare order me around! I'm not afraid of you!"
Ava tries to jerk her arm away from him but he captures it in a vise like grip.

A wicked snort erupts from Sean before he informs her,
"You should be!"

He squeezes Ava arm until she's in excruciating pain."
"Sean, you're hurting me. I'm going to Father about this."

"Your father can't help you; can't you understand that? You're going to be mine to do as I please and no one will stop me!"
Sean pushes Ava back into the wall where she slides down to the ground in a heaving heap.

He leaves her alone to whimper in the hallway.

Back in his bedroom Zan is licking his emotional wounds.

Did I waste my time comin here? My gut tells me I'm right and Ava belongs with me. Just gotta convince the king.

On Antar:

Max enters the solarium with a bouquet of multi-colored tulips and notices Michael enjoying a mid morning snack while reading the Antar Daily.
"Good morning Michael, light day today?"

Michael looks up from the periodical to reply,
"Yes, I've decided to take it easy. So, what are the flowers for?"

"For my wife of course. Today is the one year anniversary of the day we met on Earth. I want to celebrate that day to the fullest. First the flowers, then a titillating dinner and then who knows.

I ordered a dress made just for this evening. It's made of the most sensuous black silk. It dips low in back and is cut high along the thigh. Oh I do worship Liz's body."
Max looks as if he's about to drool just at the thought of seeing Liz in that dress.

"I hope she'll decide to wear her hair up tonight. I just love caressing the nape of her neck. And then I could...."

Michael starts to frown at Max's words.
"Whoa, now that's too much information Max. If you want Liz to wear her hair up tonight, why not tell her?"

"No Michael, you never tell a woman anything. You simply suggest in the subtlest way to make them feel it was their idea all the time."

Max chuckles then moves in closer to Michael. He puts down the flowers and has a seat.
"I'm sure Maria would appreciate it if you'd introduce more romance into the dynamic."

Michael doesn't want to believe that but then he thinks about how happy Max and Liz are and concedes to the idea in his own way.

Max gets up with a grin on his face.
"Excuse me, I've got to go and make sure the dress and bouquet are on the bed when Liz goes back to our room."
He pats Michael firmly on his shoulder.
"Remember what I said. I promise you won't regret it."

Later that evening, Michael finds Maria on the bridge on the palace property admiring the pond when Michael tries to sneak up behind her.
"Guess who?"

They're linked so of course she knows he's there but pretends to play along.
"Michael, you scared the hell out of me."

She turns to see a smile gracing his attractive features and wonders about it.
"You seem to be in a good mood. I guess Zan being out of town would do that."

Michael gazes into Maria's beautiful green eyes.
"There will be no negative thoughts and words today. I have a question for you."

Maria has no idea what he's going to ask for but his good mood arouses her.

"If I could do anything to make you happy, what would it be?"

"Ok Guerin, what have you done now? Did you get someone to rig Zan's shuttle craft with explosives?"

A sly grin appears on Michael's face as he ponders being rid of Zan permanently. Maria's slap on his arm brings him back to the present.
"Owww, no Maria I didn't do anything. Now answer my question."

Maria smiles brightly and then tells him,
"I want you to take me for a ride in a shuttle craft; just the two of us."

Michael is surprised by the answer.
"Really, that is what you want?"

"Well, that's not all I want but it's a start."
Maria winks at him.

Michael beams and then kisses her.
"Ok, get cook to pack some food, I'll arrange for the shuttle, and we'll leave for the hangar in two hours."

Maria starts to jump around joyfully.
"Really, at such short notice? Goody, this is gonna be fun."

She pulls Michael to her and asks an important question.
"You can put the shuttle on auto-pilot right?"

"Yeah, but why?"
Michael is clueless to what Maria is getting at.

"You'll see Space boy!"
Maria slaps Michael on the ass.


Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:53 pm
by Roslover39
Chapter 37a
Author's Note:

I wrote this update and realized that I had too much story for one update. This story is coming to an end and there are important tidbits that I want everyone to get. In an effort not to confuse anyone, I've decided to break this update into 3 posts.

I will be posting the other 2 parts Wednesday& Friday.

The power to re-shape the subjects emotions, instilling a sense of willing and just devotion toward the vampire.

Reveler's Memory:
The terrifying ability to remove or re-create the subject's memories.

Just as Zan clears the thought of Ava's visit from his mind, a servant comes to tell Zan that King Julian is ready to receive him. The servant has orders to personally deliver him to King Julian but Zan tells him to go and that he will be along. It is then as the servant leaves that he realizes that he has no idea where the throne room is.

He rushes out of his room to catch up to the servant. As he tries to gather his bearings, he hears the sound of sniveling. He turns the corner to find Ava sobbing on the ground.

"What happened, are you alright," Zan asks very concerned as he sits down next to her along the wall.

Ashamed that he caught her crying she stops instantly and tells him a lie.
"I'm alright, I have something in my eye."

She tries to get up off the ground so Zan offers his assistance to her. When he touches her arm she winces in pain. He notices the flinch and surveys her arm to find deep red bruises. He wants to roar from the rage he feels but doesn't want to frighten her. So with a calm but determined voice, Zan asks her,
"Who did this to you?"

Ava looks at Zan and then hesitates for a long moment. Then as a single tear rolls down her cheek she comes clean.
"Sean, the man my father picked for me."

Zan asks with pleading hazel eyes as he wipes tears from her face.

"He caught me going into your room."

Zan tries to keep his anger in check as he asks,
"Ava, has he done this before?"

Ava puts her head down while shaking her head.
"No, this is the first time he's been physical with me. Until now he's only threatened me verbally."

Zan caresses the side of her chin and declares,
"And the last time, I promise you!"

Ava pulls away from him and demands,
"If you want to help me, just stay out of it."

Zan just doesn't understand the way things are going concerning Ava.
"But why, does he know what this guy has been doing or what he's capable of?"

Ava shakes her head to the questions.
"I believe that Sean is using blood magic on my father. I'm not sure what form. He's very proud to declare that he's Clan Ravnos. That clan is filled with nothing but space gypsies, charlatans and spies. I'm Toreador Clan, so I can stop him from invading my thoughts but somehow my father can't."

" Ava let me get you out of the bonding ceremony and then you can go back to Antar with me. If you develop no feelings for me by then, so be it! I just want you to be happy."

A look of shock comes over Ava's face and she starts to move around in a cocky way as she asks,
"What happened to I'm the one for you and I'm going to prove it?"

Zan replies with a bashful; almost boyishly naive expression. He grabs her by her shoulders gently and tells her how he feels.
"I still feel that way but now I realize that you're being free to have the life you want is the most important thing. Please let me help you."

Ava says nothing so Zan changes the subject by reminding her that her father is waiting for him in the throne room and that he has no idea where that is. After a quick giggle they head there.

Zan is led through many winding hallways until they reach the throne room. He carefully surveys his surroundings and takes the opinion that this palace is not as sumptuous as the palace on Antar. There are paintings, fine furniture and panels depicting Cryton's illustrious past but nothing captures his attention.

Once in the throne room, he notices people huddled in mini clusters seemingly in an effort to occupy time until the king bids them an audience. Then he notices the king in deep conversation with an order man. The room goes silent and everyone bows as Ava ushers Zan through the mass of people. Instantly the conversations turn to how attractive a couple Zan and Ava make.

It is then that King Julian notices them and stops his conversation abruptly. He gestures for his advisor, Owen Blackwood to leave his presence as he straightens himself on the throne. He peers at Zan then asks,
"Ava, why didn't you inform me that Maximus was here?"

The king peers down at Ava like she did something terrible and the look makes her flinch. Watching Ava appear so uncomfortable makes Zan feel the same so he decides to answer the king's query.
"Your highness, my name is Zan. I am Maximus' twin brother."

King Julian gives Zan the once over and then turns his attention back to his daughter.
"Ava is this true?"

"Yes Father, I assure you that it is."
Ava sneaks a look at the one thing that separates Zan from Max, his long dark ponytail.

The king is astounded by that bit of news.
"Twin; nobody ever mentioned a twin. Well, I've known your mother and father for many years. Before Philip died our families socialized every chance we could. I thought there was only Maximus and Isabel."

Zan realizes that the king is fishing for information that he doesn't want to reveal. So he tries to find the most acceptable way to express that he don't want to talk about it.
"Your highness, something happened that I can't bring myself to talk about. All I can say is that providence reunited my family and I."

The answer just intrigues the king more but he decides to change the subject.
"Welcome Prince Zan. Tell me, what brings you to Cryton?"

"Maximus conferred to me the title of Ambassador. He said that Cryton and Antar has always had a close personal and political relationship and suggested that I make your planet my first stop on my global meet and greet."
Zan hopes his lie is convincing.

The king smiles as he replies,
"I'm glad that Maximus still holds Ava and I in such high esteem."

Zan adds with a smile,
"He does and may I say that I find your daughter to be very beautiful."

"And willful as well," the king asks.

"Yes your highness but I love a woman with spirit."
Zan smiles at the king and then at Ava who is captivated by Zan's ease with her father.

The windmills are turning in the king's mind.
"Ava dear, I would like you to give Zan a tour around the palace."

"As you wish Father."
They both bow to the king and then Ava gestures for Zan to accompany with her.

They leave a room electric with gossip of who Zan is and wanting to know everything about him. King Julian feels the same and gestures for his advisor to return to him.

"Owen, that was the brother of the man I wanted Ava to marry. He looks just like him. The Behrians have a long and illustrious dynasty such as we do."

Owen takes the time the remind the king of something important.
"Yes your highness, but Ava is betrothed to Sean."

The king leans into Owen and exclaims willfully,
"Ava will bond with whoever I choose."

Owen bows his head to the king and his will.
"As you wish my lord."
He bows and leaves the king's presence.

Just then Sean enters the room and overhears chatter concerning Ava and a man he has yet to meet. Not happy with this situation he rushes to speak to King Julian.
"Sorry your highness, may I speak to you alone?"

Sean peers at the king and activates Entrancement on him. The king then rises and orders everyone out of the room. Sean wastes no time getting right down to the business at hand.
"Your highness, Ava has been back for over a week and you've yet to announce the day of the bonding ritual. Is there something wrong?"

The king tries to placate Sean.
"Sean there is no rush. I think it would be better if the two of you took more time to familiarize yourselves with each other."

That is not what he wanted to hear and tells him.
"Your highness, I thought we had a deal. I didn't want to do this but you've made it necessary.

Sean peers at him again and activates Reveler's Memory. Instantly, the secret that King Julian wishes to keep private comes flooding back to him.

"You will do as I wish,"
Sean demands ruthlessly.

King Julian nods and bows his head mournfully in defeat.


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:15 pm
by Roslover39
When Max gets to his suite, he finds that it's too late to place the dress and flowers on the bed. Liz is on it sound asleep.

He thinks to himself,
Look at my angel.

He plants himself lightly on the bed while nibbling on her ear between whispering,
"You're napping in the middle of the day, are you alright my love?"

She rouses from sleep and her eyes meet those of her husband.
"Yes, I'm fine Max. I felt drained after lunch so I decided to take a nap."

"Without me," He asks with a disappointed look on his face.

That look makes Liz chuckle as she informs him,
"I came here alone to get some rest; not get ravished."

Max laughs,
"Well, how was your rest. I hope you're feeling refreshed."

Liz knows instinctively that Max has something up his sleeve by the way his eyes are wandering over her body.
"What do you have in mind?"

"My love, do you know what today is?"

Liz thinks for a moment and then replies confidently,
"Yes it's понедельник 24,( June 24) right?"

Max continues his line of questioning.
"Where were you this time last year?"
His hazel eyes search hers for the answer.

Liz takes a moment to ponder the question.
"I was on Earth."

Then her eyes grow large.
"And so was you. Is this....."

Max's face beams as he confirms her assumption
"Yes my love, this is the first anniversary of the day we met."

Liz smiles brightly back at him.
"Is that why you're holding flowers behind your back? You forget my sense of smell is far superior to yours."

"Yes but that's not all I have for you."
Max goes into his clothes closet, taps a wall and steps back as a secret door swings open. He reaches inside and brings out a large red box. Rushing back over to the bed, he presents the box to Liz with a chivalrous bow of his head.

Liz is amused. She's not a snoop but wants to know more.
"So, you've got secret places and passageways?"

Max grins at his beautiful wife.
"My secret; I've got to use everything at my disposal to stay one step ahead of you darlin. Do me a favor, open the box and slip on my present as I check on our dinner."

Liz likes the sound of that because she's very hungry.

Max blows her a kiss, and strolls over to the door when he hears a knock on it. To be on the safe side, he rushes back and closes the bedroom door. Then he opens the suite door to find a servant waiting with a tray. He gestures the servant inside the sitting room while he shakes his head.

This evening is not going as planned.

Max looks over the food and after finding everything acceptable, he leads the servant out quickly. He opens the bedroom door to find Liz in the dress he had made for her. He finds that she has used one of the shimmering flowers to secure her hair in a sexy topknot. Max looks down and finds himself overcome by the vision of Liz's bare back and the thought that she's wearing no bra.

"Elizabeth, you've never been more beautiful."

He watches the material of the dress move effortlessly against her petite figure.

She turns heads towards him with feline grace.
"Oh Max it's beautiful! I love it, how did you get my measurements right?"

Max answers as he watches the material of the dress move effortlessly against her petite figure.
"My darlin, you dance through my mind every night. I know every part of you from memory."

"Do you?"
Liz stops in front of him with a playful look in her eye.

Max's cock juts through his black silk trousers but he doesn't want to lose control of the evenings' festivities.
"Baby, I want to throw you on the bed right now. But that would mess up all my plans for this evening. I need you to work with me."

Liz notices the bulge and wants to touch it but nods and allows Max to lead her out to the terrace connected to their suite. Outside there are candles that highlight the already romantic atmosphere of moonlight,stars and a beautiful pond below. Then she notices a sweet fragrance wafting in the air. She hasn't smelled it since she left Earth.

She turns to her husband,
"Max, is that what I think it is?"

"Yes my love, it is. I wanted this night to resemble the first day I noticed you on Earth. I never forgot the smell of your perfume. I fell in love with that fragrance when I fell in love with you. I had my chemists create a fragrance that resembles Vanilla on Earth and make a perfume just for you.

Max rushes back to the closet and returns to Liz holding a bottle the color of a mystic topaz.
"This is what they came up with."

She is overcome by the wonderful gift as she reads the label. It has Королева моего сердца Queen Of My Heart etched on it in Antarian.
"Oh Max, you didn't."

"I did!" Max moves close enough to touch her and then opens the bottle slowly. He runs his fingers delicately along the bottle opening and tilts it until some of the perfume and his two fingers makes contact.

"May I," Max asks gallantly.

"Please!" Liz can feel his fingers caress her body before he actually touches her.

He begins to apply the perfume slowly starting at the hollow of Liz's ear. Then he moves down to the sensitive part right underneath her ear.

"Oh Max!"

Trying to control himself, Max continues to his wife's body with the perfume. The next destination is the nape of her neck. He lets more of the elixir glide over his fingers and runs them over that area of skin. Max then brings his nose to her neck to inhale the combination of the fragrance and Liz's skin. He wants to bite her neck but knows if he does they won't be eating dinner tonight.

Next Max turns Liz around to take advantage of her exposed back. He uses three fingers to get more perfume and then lets his fingers glide seductively down her back. He can feel the goose bumps building on her flesh as he goes down to the small of it.

Liz is overcome with desire as she turns to Max, hikes her dress up and jumps on him.
"Let's forget dinner and make love all night."

"Liz baby, we can't do this! I have......."

Liz kisses him hungrily. No longer able to contain his desire, he gives into it. Just as he's about to carry her over to the bed, there is a knock on the door.

A visibly frustrated Max sits a bewildered Liz on the bed and answers the door. Isabel and Alex are standing on the other side of it.

Max wipes a bead of sweat off his brow as he greets them.
"One minute longer and you two would have been too late!"

"We almost didn't make it here,"
Alex confesses as he steps aside to allow Isabel into the suite first.

"Alex!" She is clearly embarrassed that her brother heard that information.

An equally embarrassed Alex takes Isabel's hand, kisses it and apologizes for the faux pas. Max ushers the couple out to the terrace to find Liz sitting at the beautifully arranged table staring out into space. Max knows he owes her an explanation for the abrupt interruption.

He makes his way over to her and takes her right hand in his.
"My love, I knew what I wanted this evening to be like for you. I also realized that having you in that dress and wearing that perfume would change my plans very quickly so I invited Alex and Izzie to partake of dinner with us. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no I don't mind at all," Liz replies half heartedly as images of her husband naked barrages her psyche.

The two couples enjoy a delicious dinner and reminisce about life on Earth and how things have changed for them. It is then that Max stands to his feet and raises his glass of wine for a toast.

"To my wonderful wife. I'm so glad I didn't let father talk me out of coming to Earth. My life would have been empty. I love you more than words can say. To Liz!"

"To Liz," Alex and Isabel exclaim in unison with their glasses held high.

Max takes his seat and Liz can tell his mood has suddenly changed. She places her hand over his and tells him,
" I wish I could have met your father. He had to have been a wonderful man to produce such a wonderful man."

Max's mood brightens as he reaches over to kiss her tenderly.

Isabel adds to the conversation.
"Liz, I think you and father would have gotten along famously. I often heard him tell mother that he wanted Max to meet and bond with someone strong but tender. I never knew quite what he meant until I met you. You are perfect for my brother in every way. I also don't mind saying that if Max never met you I wouldn't have met Alex and Michael wouldn't have met Maria. You've just been magic for all of us and I'm so glad that you're apart of the family."

Liz is pleased with that Isabel said.
"Thank you Isabel, that means so much to me. Speaking of family, I feel the need to go back to Earth soon and see Mom. How about you Alex?"

"I would love to go back and see the family. Do you think they would still remember us? We've been gone so long, I'm sure they're beyond worried about us."

" My dear cousin, one advantage of being an Assamate high priestess is the blood magic abilities you possess. I can clear a human's mind of any or all thoughts if I wish. Hey why don't we all go back and check things out. Maybe we can convince Michael and Maria to come with us?"

Isabel agrees with the trip.
"That sounds like fun Liz, I've never been to Earth."

Liz chuckles,
"Great! I can't wait to see you in blue jeans."

A puzzled expression appears on Isabel's face so Liz waves her hands and a pair of jeans appear at Isabel's side. She grabs and scrutinizes them.

"Yeah, that will be the day when she wears them!" Max chuckles and Liz and Alex do as well.

Isabel is so fascinated by the material that she pays no attention to the chatter.

"Speaking of jeans, I need to get Max into some very soon. I love the way he looks in them. His body was made for them."

"Is that right,"
Max asks while his right hand travels under the table to rest on Liz's thigh.

"Oh yeah,"
Heat builds in Liz as Max's hand moves further up her thigh. Unable to resist his advances, she gets up out of her seat and moves into his lap. Then she starts nipping his neck.

Taking the hint, Alex and Isabel get up to leave the suite.
Isabel takes a few candles from the table before they leave the terrace.

"Alone at last,"
Max tells Liz as the suite door closes. He picks her up and carries her from the terrace to the bed.

"Now whatever will we do," Liz asks sheepishly.

"I can think of a lot of things we can do."

Liz agrees, waves her hands and Max's black outfit disappears.

"I love when you do that." Max tells her. " It saves so much time."

Liz nods and decides not to make her clothes disappear. She rises up on her knees and pulls her dress up very slowly to reveal little bits of skin. The action drives Max wild.

He places his hands on Liz's hips and pulls her black thong down as she pulls the dress carefully over her head. After flinging the dress to the floor, she undoes her topknot and lets her hair flow freely down her back. Then she lays back and lets Max pull her panties down her legs.

Max moves over Liz like a lion in heat. She can feel his throbbing cock as he finds his place between her legs. She reaches between them and starts to stroke it.

"You know just what to do," Max rumbles in her ear.

"I'll do you one better!" Liz leads his cock into his favorite place and they make love for the rest of the night.