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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:18 am
by KarenEvans

"I was hoping to make you feel welcome here and to kind of become friends. However, you have made your feelings clear so I will only address you when I absolutely have to, I suppose."

Okay now I feel a little guilty but she's just so talkative and inquisitive that it gets under my skin.

"You are forgiven."
Forgiven! Who the hell does she think she is? Boy is she going to feel like a complete ass when she finally comes to know who I really am. I never asked for her forgiveness.

Pffttt! I can't even say anything without arousing suspicions. I wish I hadn't insisted on coming here with Max.
"Thank you milady!" I bow and try to sound humble and courteous but it comes out kind of haughtily.

As they exit I turn to Liz,"I'm sorry you had to witness that Princess.I'm not much of a talker.I like being alone.She does have a volatile temper,doesn't she?"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:27 am
by KarenEvans

"I'm trying to be patient with you because I know this is difficult and not fair, but really, must you act like a child? I'm doing the best I know how!"

On hearing that I lose my temper and shout back at him,"Will you stop being so damn patronising Kivar.Do no call me a child.You say you're doing the best you can,but you're going about it the wrong way.You keep listening to rumour mongers.It's Nicholas isn't it?That bastard!"

I realise that I am shouting so lower my voice,"He plays you for a fool.I bet he told you that piece of information this evening.Didn't he?While I was dancing with Moxon.He's a spiteful,disgusting,low-life,jealous of everyone who's happy.He's the one you should throw out."

Going up to Kivar I take hold of his good hand,"You told me you wouldn't listen to rumours any more.What next?Nicholas will tell you that Moxon pays visits to my private chambers whilst you're out and you'll believe that as well?"

OOC-Was that too over the top?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:43 am
by littleroswell
OCC: Nah, it was good, Karen!


I snatch my hand back and I can see nothing but red, I'm so angry. I'm literally shaking. Without thinking I raise my hand as if to strike her but then stop myself. Lowering my hand deliberately, my eyes flashing with anger, I bite out, "You will remember your place, Vilandra! You are my wife and queen and I love you dearly but you are in subjection to your husband and king. Nickolas is a loyal subject and I will not let you continue to speak of him that way. As for not listening to rumors, there is always some truth to them and I cannot and will not ignore one that is about an assassignation attempt and usurption. I'm not going to do anything to Moxon just yet but if I find any evidence, and Nickolas is not the only one involved in the investigation my best guards are working on it, then I'll deal with it when it comes."

I take a deep breath and take a step back before I do something I'll regret. "It might interest you to know that Nickolas thinks that you are the one who is playing me for a fool and I don't like the accusations coming from either side. I cannot talk to you when you are like unreasonable. You will be spending the night alone. For the next 24 hours, you will remain in your chambers. You meals will be brought to you and the only people you will be allowed to see are me or Ava or Nickolas, although I doubt you'll want to see him. Your maid will be with you and my personal guards will be outside your door. Maybe while you are in here, you will remember that you are under my protection in this palace. It will give you time to think and calm down and we'll talk tomorrow night."

I turn to move to the door but turn back to say, "Thank you, my pet, for fixing my hand."


I look at him sheepishly. "I'm sorry to be so much trouble, Max, but would you mind just helping me to my couch inside? I'll call for the maid to help me with everything else. By the way, I do hope that you and I can still be friends. Thank you for all your help."


I shake my head at Michael's words. "I think the problem is that Maria doesn't understand why anyone might like to be alone. She gets enough of that. Maria usually comes across as having a hot temper when most of the time, it's just a front to cover her nervousness or disappointment or hurt. She's got one of the best hearts. I only hope you'll have a chance to see that now that you've gotten on her bad side." I grin at him. "You don't have any sisters do you, Michael?"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:59 am
by KarenEvans

I look at him in absolute horror as she raises his hand,and I flinch away to avoid the blow I was expecting but he lowers his hand.

"You will remember your place, Vilandra! You are my wife and queen and I love you dearly but you are in subjection to your husband and king. Nickolas is a loyal subject and I will not let you continue to speak of him that way.

I should have known it was Nicholas.But what really surprised me but shouldn't have was Kivar raising his hand at me.Once again I have been a fool and trusted him and believed him.This is not love!My father always treated my mother as his equal as I am sure Max will treat his wife.

"It might interest you to know that Nickolas thinks that you are the one who is playing me for a fool and I don't like the accusations coming from either side. I cannot talk to you when you are like unreasonable.

"Unreasonable! I would like to know how you would react to knowing that someone is constantly feeding lies to me about you?"

"You will be spending the night alone... It will give you time to think and calm down and we'll talk tomorrow night." "

"Good! Because I don't want to be near you right now."
I only hear what he says fleetingly,about only Tess and him being able to visit me.A prisoner in my own home.If I know Nicholas he will plant evidence in Lord Moxon's home.Tess,I must speak to her.I'll tell Veronica to call her.

"Thank you, my pet, for fixing my hand."
I turn away from him without acknowledging him,pretty much hating him and not wanting to look at him.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:23 am
by littleroswell

I sigh as she turns away from me without saying anything else. "I can only protect what is mine while I have it in my possession and under my watch, Lonnie. I hope that one day, you will understand that," I tell her sadly. Then I turn and go out the door, locking it behind me. Giving the key to the guard outside the door, I tell him, "Make sure that only Ava and myself are the only ones other than her maid allowed in or out. Queen Vilandra will be staying in her chambers for the next day or so."

He bows briefly and I run my good hand over my face tiredly. Going to my own bedroom, I slam the door closed. The more I think about the situation, the angrier I become. Finally, I am so angry that I pick up a heavy vase and slam it against the far wall and it shatters against the mirror hanging there, cracking it as well. My head starts pounding so badly that I can't see well. Going over to my bed, I start to collapse on it when I see that the light on my personal communicator is blinking. I have a message. Popping two of those blasted pills in my mouth, I swallow them and pull myself over to the communicator and play the message or messages.

The first is from my doctor. He needs to meet with me as soon as possible. I'll call on him in the morning. The second is from the commander of the palace guards. He has some of my men searching Moxon's home and personal transport this evening. Lord Moxon is being held in the keep until then.

Dragging myself back to my bed, the pain in my head so bad that I want to die, I drop onto it and then immediately lose consciousness.

Occ: I wasn't too over the top with this scene was I? LOL!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:26 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-Nope but I thought he would hit her :lol: when she said-"Good coz I don't want to be near you."

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:38 am
by madroswellfan
"I'm sorry to be so much trouble, Max, but would you mind just helping me to my couch inside? I'll call for the maid to help me with everything else. By the way, I do hope that you and I can still be friends. Thank you for all your help."

I smile at her. "Of course Lady Maria... not a problem. And of course we can," I say pleased that she considers me as a friend. I open the door and lead her inside to her room. I take her over to the bed. "Here" I say as I help her to sit down on it. "You have a beautiful room ma'am... anything else I can do for you? Anything at all?"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:59 am
by KarenEvans

"You don't have any sisters do you, Michael?"

I grin sheepishly,"No I don't,I'm the eldest of five brothers and I think we drove my mother crazy for several years getting up to all sorts of tricks." I chuckle at that

I had been on the tip of my tongue to mention our governesses along with my mother but I caught myself just in time.That would have aroused her suspicions.It's unlikely that anyone from a guard's social level would have nannies let alone governesses.

For some reason I like talking to the Princess,she's easy to get along with.May be it's something to do with that calm exterior of hers.

"But Max's sister is like my own.We all grew up together.Are the Prince and you close?"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:23 pm
by KarenEvans

"I can only protect what is mine while I have it in my possession and under my watch, Lonnie. I hope that one day, you will understand that,"

Am I an object to be possessed?

I hear him leave and lock the door behind him.Running to it I place my ear against the door and faintly hear him telling the guard that I am not to step out or have any visitors aside from Tess and him and of course my ladies-in-waiting.

Damn him!
I start pacing the floor agitatedly.He nearly struck me again tonight.It's true he stopped himself but the very fact that he nearly did so makes me doubt whether or not he has really changed.

Suddenly I hear glass shattering from the direction of Kivar's chambers and I open the door to the dining room that connects our private chambers.No sound can be heard now but I keep the door ajar trying to figure out what to do.

I decide to wait for an hour and then see if Kivar is asleep.If I can't open my door surely his will be open and I can stun his guard for a while until I can get to Tess and both of us can get back in to my bedroom where we can talk.Tess was raised a warrior princess,she can help me get past the guards.

Nervously I tap my fingers against the head board of my bed until the hour strikes and I make my way to his bedroom where I open the door gingerly,and stop,straining to hear his breathing and for the sound of any movement.Upon hearing none I nimbly run to his bedroom door opening it softly,all the while feeling like he'll get up any second.My heart feels like it's in my throat.

Before the guard can see me I stun him and rush down the hall to Tess' chambers hoping she will be in by now.Without knocking I enter.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:09 am
by KarenEvans

Upon entering Tess' room I see her standing there ready to defend herself but she relaxes when she sees it's only me,"Is? Hi, whats going on?"

Rushing to her I hug her and sob,"Tess,you've got to help me.I can't do this.I can't live like this.Kivar...I don't know what's wrong with him.He tried locking me up in my room and gave instructions that only you and he were to be allowed inside.He's..."

I know I must sound incoherent and crazy to her but everything is just coming out in a rush and I'm afraid that at any moment Kivar will come barging in here and drag me back to my room.