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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »


Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by magikhands »

No problem Sarah...apparently my computer didn't register your update...but here it is


I turn to Maria's scream just as a loud pop explodes in the air. I thought I'd gone deaf because everything was abruptly silen. I feel heat in my stomach and my breath is taken from my lungs violently. I feel myself falling, my legs suddenly useless but I can't catch myself. My arms won't do as my brain is screaming.

I feel something hard and cold on my back but I can't comprehend that it's the floor that is cradling me. I look up but I can only see the white of the ceiling. I feel my lips moving but no sound comes out. I don't understand. Why can't I speak...or maybe I really am deaf? But why can't I move? All I know is the embrace of the cool darkness that is slowly falling over me.

What about my parents? The thought strikes me hard. Where are they? Where's Maria? Alex? Or even Kyle? Shouldn't they be here beside me? Shouldn't they be trying to help me?

My body starts to shake. I'm cold. So cold. Where is someone to help warm me?

I want to reach out, to ask what is happening to me but the darkness holds tight, not wanting to release its new pet. I try to fight the cold that is wrapping itself around me but somehow I know that it's useless even as my thoughts begin to fade.

I let my suddenly heavy lids close and see one last image before allowing the darkness to claim me. Dark hair. Amber eyes. A warm healing touch of his hands. Max. Would his touch help me? I try to reach out to him but his image fades but not before I see his expression. He's scared. For me? Or something else? I guess I'll never know.

ooc: Ok, just so there's no mistaking... I don't know what Antarprince and Isabel have planned but my Liz seeing Max in her head is just that... Since this is based on the fact that Max DIDN'T save Liz he probably won't get that close to her. But at her dying moment I wanted her to see the alternate reality of her life. Teasing her? You bet :twisted:
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Post by isabelle »


My attempt to ignore the loud customers in the corner ends abruptly as they jump up and start shouting. A moment later I see a gun and the sound of gunfire. I immediately duck my head, crouching on the bench. I'm waiting for a second shot but there isn't one. Maria screams but it's what she screams that draws my full attention. Liz's name. The doors slam and the noisy customers are gone.

I poke my head out, looking into the aisle as I raise my head. Then I see it. I see her. Liz, lying on the floor. Her eyes are shut and there's a red spot on her uniform. Every thought in my head vanishes except for one. I have to help her.

Time seems to stop. I swing my legs out and start to get up as that red spot seems to be getting bigger every micro-second. As I stand up, suddenly I'm restrained. There's a hand on my arm. I jerk my arm to get free but he's holding tight. Turning I shoot a glare, only to see that it's Michael.

I can't be worried about that. It's Liz! Liz is hurt. I can help her.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


A slam from the corner catches my ear and I tense in readiness... The boys have made it to thier feet.... It all happens so fast it's difficult to process even having lived it once. The shot is made, the sound ringing in my ears. I hear Maria scream in the corner and I know the bullet has hit it's mark. If I strain my ear's and listen close I can almost hear the dull thud of Parkers body hitting the hard floor.

I briefly cast my eyes to the door and see the two men running out the door, fleeing the scene, but it's only cursory. All my attention being focused on Max and his actions. The look of horror in his eye's makes me falter for the briefest of seconds. Can I really do this, can I have an active hand - even indirectly - in the death of Liz Parker? On the one hand, if I let her die Max will be devistated and most likely hate me - that thought alone is like a shot to the stomach. On the other....

A tiny piece of something inside of me scoffs at the very idea of me second guessing, but it also reasons, Remember the last time you did the opposite of what you knew you should, it asked. All just to make Zan Happy?

It was cruel, but it was right - I couldn't deny it. Yes, Max was to blame, he healed Liz, but it was just as much my fault for not acting when I knew I should. I could have stopped it, but I let the Special Unit fall on our heads. All because Max was happy. Not this time....

Max was up and moving. He tries to shake me off, but unlike last time I hold fast. I pull him backwards and into my arms, holding on tight. "No Max!", I whisper into his ear as he continues to struggle, eyes on a slowly dying Liz. "You can't do this. Think Max, look around you."

"I don't care Michael!"

"Well I do!", I growl in his ear. "Think of the consequences that can have Max. Hate me, hit me I don't care, but I will not let you take this risk..."


Dramatic I know, but it's hard to do without giving away that he's done this before. Besides, Michael is a dramatic person.

Your turn isabelle dear.

Oh and sarah dear, once this scene is done you can bring in pierce in place of Jim if you like.
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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »

Groovy. :wink:

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by isabelle »


Before I know it, Michael has both his arms wrapped around me, holding me back. He growls into my ear as I fight to get away. "Think of the consequences that can have Max. Hate me, hit me I don't care, but I will not let you take this risk..."

"I AM thinking of the consequences. It's Liz. She's hurt," I say, pushing hard against Michael's arms. Damn, he's stronger than he looks. Maria's bending over her and I can't see Liz properly anymore. Someone's calling for an ambulance. She'll probably be fine, but I can't trust to 'probably'.

I stop struggling for a moment. "I just have to make sure she's all right," I say, my voice soft and almost calm. What the hell is everyone going to be thinking of him holding me back like this? It's ... it's not normal. People might thing -- well they might thing things that are true but that doesn't mean I want everyone to know he has a thing for me. But that's not what this is about. Michael is worried that I'm going to try to heal Liz. I want to do that. I do. But he's right. It would be too obvious. Too many witnesses. It would have to be a last resort. But I have to know how bad it is.

I hope for my calm to rub off on him, for Michael to loosen his grip but he doesn't. He actually steps back, away from Liz, pulling me with him.

"No!" I say. I push at his arms again, this time using my powers to add to my own strength. For a moment, he moves and I lunge forward hoping to break free and to get to Liz.

Last edited by isabelle on Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I fall backward as a pulse of power hits me in the gut; not enough to be noticed thankfully, but effective nonetheless. My grip on Max is released and I stumble backward, grasping the table for balance.

My instinctive reaction is to retaliate, but I squash that impulse. I follow Max who is already at Liz's side and in action, but I can tell it's futile. I kneel beside Max - I can hear sirens approaching - and look over her body. Her eye's are cold and expressionless, but still I look. I place my fingers to her thraot in the proper place and search, but I already know.

I turn to Max who is still trying and place a gental hand on his shoulder. "Max", I whisper. "She's dead..."
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Post by isabelle »


I'm free! I race to Liz's side wondering what I'll see. How long was he holding me back? I just want to see her. To know she's going to be okay... I promise myself that I'm not going to do anything, and I only hope it's true. If she's really hurt ... I just don't know what I'll do.

I drop to my knees opposite of Maria. "Liz! Liz!" I call to her, adding my voice to Maria's. We're too late. Liz isn't moving. She's not breathing.

It can't be too late! It can't be!

"Get some towels or something!" I say to Maria, hoping she'll leave for a moment. It's bad enough there's a diner full of customers here, but someone is holding them back. The only one near is Maria. I don't want her to see this.

I don't know if this will even work. I've healed Isabel and Michael lots of times, but never anything this serious. I've even healed humans. My mom had bursitis in her shoulder once. I gave her a 'backrub' and when she went back for her check-up it was gone. She never knew. But this ... Liz is so still. I don't know if this will work, but I have to try. It's Liz.

I put my hand over her wound and close my eyes. I try to block out the rest of the world and concentrate on her. I search for her heartbeat so I can make the connection but it's gone. Gone. Everything is so still. There's nothing for me to start with.

Then I feel something warm. A pulse. For a moment, I'm nearly overwhelmed with emotion but then I realize it's not Liz. It's Michael's hand on my shoulder. His pulse. Strong and steady and warm. I can hear the ambulance sirens now, too. I can't stay here.

"Max. She's dead," he says. The whole world is a little crazy when Michael is my steadying influence. Isn't that what I'm always doing for him? Trying to keep things steady and straight? No pun intended...

"No," I whisper, although I know it's true. It's too late. If only I could have gotten there sooner. I was right here but Michael -- Michael held me back. Maybe it wouldn't have mattered but what if it did? ... what if I could have saved her?

I rock back onto my heels and then up to my feet, backing away. I glance down at the blood on my hand. Her blood. She's dead. She's dead.

"... No... I never even told her ..." I say, so softly I'm not sure who can hear me besides Michael and maybe Maria. What would I have told Liz? I couldn't tell her the truth about my feelings. I couldn't have gotten close to her and told her what I am. I know I couldn't. She would never have understood. But I wish... I wish I could have. I couldn't even tell her goodbye.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

OOC: I know we're moving a bit fast here, but it happens. Oh and I'm waiting on you Magik as to what to do with alex. Just choose a place to stick 'em, the park the mall, just not the crash lol


"No," Max whispers. His voice is rough and scratchy. There's no denial in his voice as one would expect. How could there be, his hands are covered in her blood. "... No... I never even told her ..." He says it so softy I almost have to strain to hear it.

I just sigh sadly. Maria is in tears and the rest of the crash is silent, watching us. "I know, Maxwell I know." He sits there looking at Liz and his body is shaking, meanwhile the sirens are getting ever closer.

I never actually thought that I would be in this situation, but I have planned and even replanned my responses to possible reactions from Max. I think we might be reaching #168. I should get Max out. "Come on, we should go", I tell him. He actually flentches at my voice.

He hesitates for a moment but follows in the end. The crowd splits making us a path to the door and I lead us back to the jeep.

Max left his keys and is in no shape to drive so I take his place. Looking over to make sure Max is in I start the engine and make my way down the road. We'll need room....

The Reservior.

I suck at scenes in vehicles Isabelle dear argo I didnt go far with this
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Post by magikhands »

AntarPrince04 wrote:OOC: Oh and I'm waiting on you Magik as to what to do with alex. Just choose a place to stick 'em, the park the mall, just not the crash lol
Huh? I'm lost. You're Alex, right. I'm Isabel...they aren't together...yet, are they? Help! :shock:
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