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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:14 pm
by Fehr'sBear

We're so close I can hardly breath, and then Maria doesn't make it much better. "I'm not too worried about it. There's several things that I am really good at." She says teasingly, and for a second I wonder when we went from honesty to flirting, but then I'm distracted by her next comment.

"Care for a demonstration?" She grins devishly, and reaches up to kiss me, but then halts herself, pushing past me to get to the door. "Uh... Maybe another time." She says quickly, and I turn, stopping her just before she can leave, gently grabbing her hand. What is she worried about? I mean, I've never heard of her running out on a guy who wasn't even trying to put the moves on her. Does that scare her?

Instead I take control, leaning forward, erasing the slight dizziness from my mind as I place my lips upon hers and pull her towards me. After the longest, but probably the best minute of my life - okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating - I pull away, staring into her eyes as I question her recent actions.

"Why are you leaving? Is something wrong?"

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:32 pm
by isabelle
madroswellfan wrote:~~~~~MAX~~~~~

Mom smiles. "The community hall. Ive hired the two smaller rooms and everything. But I dont want you letting in just anyone. I want invited people only. Im relying on you two to behave..."
She looks at Zan before looking at me "...and to keep things in order"! I smile at Mom. "Thats sounds great. And I promise you can rely on me Mom" I tell her.

I exhale through my teeth, trying to keep my cool. There he goes, acting like the perfect one again, trying to imply that I'm something inferior -- carefully ignoring the fact that HE was the one who just ATTACKED me in the livingroom.

"Me, too, of course. I'm not the one who goes around jumping people." I give Max a scathing look although my voice is still gentle and controlled as I talk to Mom. "There will be no problems with MY part of this event. Do Rath and Michael get any say in this? Maybe the food and other stuff? It seems only fair," I say.

Please say yes, I beg her silently. The more bits of the party that are farmed out to others, the less there is that Max can actually do. Or maybe I should hope that he is in charge and then let the whole thing fall apart -- except for the music, of course.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:02 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Michael takes my hand in his and whirls me around. Before I know what to think he plants a hot and needy kiss upon my lips. Wow! Sensations I never knew exsisted flood me causing me to lose my breath. I never even knew that I had shut my eyes until they flutter open to peer into his soulful eyes. "Why are you leaving? Is something wrong?" Words escape me. How do I explain that he is absolutely perfect. That his wonderfulness is actually problem.

I'm not used to caring about the people I mess around with. It's just not something I'm used to. I usually just chew them up and spit them back out. I actually care deeply or Michael. No, this won't do at all. "No. No. Nothing's wrong." I assure him with a gentle smile. "Quite the opposite actually." I reveal trying to find a way to word my feelings. "I really like you." Realization hits me as soon as I state it. "That's not good." I shake my head willing him to understand. "You know my reputation. I'm sure. " I announce finding a spot to stare at on the floor. :wink:

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:40 am
by StormWolfstone

Alex grins and replies, "Don't make that offer unless you really mean it 'coz I won't think twice about climbing in to your window one of these nights."

"I do mean it, Alex." I reply just before he's giving me a kiss and I feel like melting. What happened to me? I was never this... mushy. Well, I can say that I liked the idea of having him around. I wish my brothers hadn't screwed it all up. When he draws back I'm a bit disappointed. "I'll call once I am done.See you Princess."

"See you, Alex." I reply and stand there, watching him as he leaves. With a sigh, I turn and go back inside the house and toward my room. I'm not wanting to get in the middle of things with my brothers and I'm going to take a shower. Grabbing clothing to change into, I head into the bathroom and take a shower before dressing and trying to decide what I want to do to pass the time. I'd call and ask Tess to hang out at the mall with me or something but I know that she's busy with that homeless shelter gig.

I don't have anything against her doing that, it just... well she's the only one I really trust to talk to about things. Am I making a mistake with Alex? I haven't let myself get close to a guy in a while after what had happened. Was I rushing things with him? I could feel the fear of getting hurt begin to fill my mind. This wasn't good. Doubt, fear... those were always two things that caused problems for a relationship. Okay, so maybe I started it. I started talking to him during swim practice and then again in the Crash... but it doesn't mean that I am all miss cool. There is something about Alex that is different. I don't see him as a distraction from regular life. Normally that's exactly what guy's are for me.

I'm sure that Alex thinks the same way as most guy's do. That I sleep with the guy's I date... even when those dates are maybe once or twice. After all, so many guys are attracted and think they can get some. Drew spread several rumors around the school five months ago when I'd broken up with him after three weeks. He spread all sorts of things about the sexual things we'd supposedly done but guys never believe a girl when she says it didn't happen.

With a sigh, I decide to grab my purse and head over to the school. A think and some practice will do me some good... I hope. A few minutes later, after having grabbed my car and driven to a small bit of techno music to the school not far from the pool, I park and go over to unlock the pool and head in through the outer entrance to the locker room. Once in there, I change into my suit and take a quick shower to wet the suit properly, pulling my hair back and into the swim cap. Towel in hand, I make my way poolside and start stretching. I don't know how many laps I'll be doing or how long it will take but I set my towel near the side of the pool with my cell phone hidden beneath it so if it rang I wouldn't get it soaked when I reached for it.

I thought about last night when Alex and I had come here and talked. How I'd initiated the kiss, how I'd felt when Alex had told me I was the only girl he'd wanted to be with. I could still see the expression in his eyes when he'd admitted that. I'd admitted that I was falling for him. "I am NOT going to reject you.Everyone has flaws.I'm willing to takeyou for everything you have to give...good or bad." I could still hear those words echoing from when he'd said them while I was on the swing explaining why people aren't allowed to see the side of me I'd shown him.

A part of me was still a bit nervous about being so vulnerable around him, so open because he was capable of having a power over me that I don't give anyone. "Just swim, Isabel." I mutter to myself and dive into the water beginning my laps.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:41 am
by StormWolfstone

I could have gone to the party, but I wasn't the type for it. Not to mention today I had to get up early and head out to the shelter to start setting up with the meals there and also the clothing line. "Tess, good to see you." I turn as I hear Raymond, one of the directors of the shelter.

"Hi, Ray. I've got everything ready to open the doors." I tell him and he smiles. He's a rather nice guy, his son was even nicer. Cute and rather interesting, but there was another that often filled my thoughts. Someone I doubted even saw me. "Where do you want me?"

"Office actually, you and Daniel are in charge of helping with inventory this time. I have to go out of town for a meeting and I asked Daniel to come in and work with you. You know even more about things then he does. I need an inventory put together, a list of needs and I'd like for you both to brainstorm some ideas for donations to start trying to get. We're going to start doing some campaigns for it. Also, don't forget to take a lunch break." Ray told me and I laughed.

"I might take some of the work with me when I go to get lunch." I tell him and he shakes his head good naturedly. "Have a safe trip Ray. I'll keep things in check." I promise and make my way into the office to find Daniel already seated there with some of the books open. Did I mention that mister tall, dark and handsome was also a college student in his fourth year? Well, yeah. Daniel is taking several humanitarian courses. So, we seem to have a great deal in common and we've been sort of dating from time to time, though not openly.

"Tess, glad you came. I've got one of the books done except for the supplies I don't deal with as often as you do..." And so it was, Daniel and I went over things for a few hours before we decided lunch was needed. "Crashdown? We can take our campaign ideas there and do some more brainstorming?" He suggested and I nodded.

"Sounds good to me." I can't help but laugh as my stomach begins to growl.

It doesn't take long for us to make our way to the Crash and when we took a seat, Liz came over to take our order. "What can I get for you today, Tess?" She asked and then looked toward Daniel, "And Daniel?"

I'm not surprised that Liz remembered him since anytime his father gave us projects we'd come in for lunch. "I'll just have the usual, Liz." Both Daniel and I start laughing when we realized we'd said it at the same time and Liz joins us in laughing.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." Liz said and I watched her walk away. She looked... different for some reason.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:42 am
by StormWolfstone

After I watched Zan pull away, I'd turned for the first time to look around since entering the Crashdown. "What a mess!" I exclaimed softly and began clearing trash and dishes planning to get it cleaned up before the place was actually opened. The last thing Maria and Kyle needed was to have this reported to their parents by a customer when they returned from their trip. When I filled a couple of trash bags, I took them out back and went to repeat the process,

"Hey Liz." I hear Maria suddenly say as I walk back in from emptying the second string of trash, "I didn't see you there. Did you come in through the back entrance?" Shaking my head, I prepare to answer her but she continues, "You missed a hell of a party last night." I can't help but feel myself blush as I remembered how late it had been when we'd come back to the Crashdown to find most of those we knew gone. I didn't regret it for a single moment, having had the best time in my life while out with Zan and waking up with him in my apartment had felt strangely comfortable.

Just then my best-friend walks in, "Hey Maria, will you show me where the couch is? Oh, hey Liz, didn't see you last night. Or, well, if I did, I don't remember." I know my redness deepens and I look away as I pretend to be focused on getting more trash bags.

"That's cause her and Zan didn't show." Maria begins and I'm suddenly wishing I could go invisible. "I don't think you should take the couch." She replies to Michael and I'm beginning to wonder what's going on. "Liz and I are gonna be running back and forth through here all morning. You'll never get any rest." As I'm grabbing a few other things from the back that I needed to get the cafe completely clean, I can't help but here hear as she says, "My bed. You can take a nap in my bed.I'd let you sleep it off in Kyle's room ,but there are things in there that have never seen the light of day. Trust me. It's a danger zone."

I turned to look at Michael as Maria moved to help escort him and note that he really doesn't feel well. I'm tempted to tell him that he made the mistake of getting drunk which I didn't do. Of course, I wonder first what had caused him to be an idiot and get so bad. Not that he had ever been a light drinker but he wasn't known for going all out like that. I really want to have a talk with my best friend, but I know now is definitely not the time. Still, I can't help but wish I had been smart enough not to ask about working extra for Maria's mom.

"No arguments, A Deluca's word is final." Maria's voice brings me back to the scene at hand just as I'm recollecting how it had felt kissing Zan last night and wanting to spend more time with him.

"Lead the way," I hear Michael reply and as they move off I groan as I hear Michael call back, "Liz, you and I are talking later."

Sure, I know what the talk will consist of. Lots of protective prying. With a sigh, I go back out to the front and finish getting things in order before starting the grille and getting everything in the kitchen set up. When that was done, I wiped down the tables and neatened up the counter. Then, it was time to open and I began throwing myself into doing things as much as I could. It didn't stop me from thinking about Zan as I took orders, delivered food and drinks. I was picturing him as he'd been helping me last night before we'd closed. Then, my mind would fill with other memories as I took time to fill the different staples that went around the tables and counter.

I lost track of time until noon and swore as I turned to one of the other waitresses and told her I was taking a break. With car keys in hand, I ran out to the back and started up my car to rush it over to the shop so that it could be fixed. Surprisingly enough by the time I'd walked back to the Crashdown I still had some break time left but instead of taking it, I went back in and continued working. I'd eat later when I felt like sitting down.

OOC: See last paragraph...... WORKING... I realize that I had the wrong word there... but she was working..

went back in and decided not to take the rest of her break... she'd eat later when she felt like sitting down...

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:29 am
by madroswellfan
"Me, too, of course. I'm not the one who goes around jumping people."
Zan says as he gives me a look. Yeah well I dont go out with my brothers dream girl!

"There will be no problems with MY part of this event. Do Rath and Michael get any say in this? Maybe the food and other stuff? It seems only fair," Zan says to mom. I look at her, part of me wanting her to ay yes, and part of me wanting her to say "no let Max handle it"

"Yes of course" she says with a smile. "I think the Guerin's are going to talk to there sons about it" she says.

No they wont. The Guerins never talk...they only shout if they need to communicate.
"Well, I have to run some errands for your father." she says getting up. "Boys, behave. If I hear "jumping" or the like associated with either one of you, the party is off. Understand?"
I nodd. "Crystal"
She smiles at me and then Zan before walking away.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:11 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-I need an opening for Alex 'coz I don't know what to do with him after he finishes up at the school.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:10 am
by StormWolfstone
ooc: here's a few ideas for that Karen

1) He goes to check on Max at the Evans house, noticing Isabel is gone.

2) He calls Isabel like he told her he would.

3) He's about to call her when he realizes that her vehicle is in the parking lot near the pool...

4) Being a friend to Max, he decides to confront Liz.

Give me time and I can probably come up with many more.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:19 am
by isabelle

I stay impassive through this, wondering if Max really is going to refrain from attacking me again. "I say we put Michael in charge of the food and Rath can be in charge of the decorations. That'll leave you in charge of ... sending out invitations and acting like a dork," I say with a sneer. Now that the intense pain in my groin is fading, I'm starting to ache in all the other different places where he hit me.

As mom leaves, I spare Max one more glance. "She doesn't belong to you, you know. She can make her own decisions. You can't go beating up everyone that she's friends with." Then I turn, before he has a chance to answer, adding. "I'm gonna grab a shower."

I head upstairs and do just that. It feels good to be cleaned up again. Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my middle and clear the condensation from the mirror so I can examine my face. There's a bruise growing just below my left eye. It's not too bad but it does ache. Damn Max.

Frowning, I step out of the bathroom and go to my bedroom to put on some clean clothes.