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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Something like that. Isabel was always so...perfect. Everyone loved her. So yeah I had a couple of drinks you know. But that didnt get any reaction so I had a few more. But like I said, I don't have a problem. I just like a drink"

I sighed. "Max, every alcohol has a psycological reason for drinking." I tell him. "Or for most cases anyway's." I add with a small shrug. "Listen, I know it sucks being here. Being stuck in a place you really don't want to be in. But if you work with me here, you can be out in a couple of weeks. Maybe two months tops."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Max, every alcohol has a psycological reason for drinking. Or for most cases anyway's. Listen, I know it sucks being here. Being stuck in a place you really don't want to be in. But if you work with me here, you can be out in a couple of weeks. Maybe two months tops."

I growl. "Look, Im not an alchy ok! Im not. I can stop whenever I want. A couple of weeks is easy peasy" I say smirking. "And then you wont see me for dust" I tell her. "Two questions though. One, does working with you mean anything to do with family getting involved, cos I swear if I see my sister I will wont be pretty. And two, close are we talking about you and me working" I ask casually. "What does it...entail..."
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Look, Im not an alchy ok! Im not. I can stop whenever I want. A couple of weeks is easy peasy. And then you wont see me for dust. Two questions though. One, does working with you mean anything to do with family getting involved, cos I swear if I see my sister I will wont be pretty. And two, close are we talking about you and me working. What does it...entail..."

I frown slightly at his words. What is he trying to tell me? What does he- and then I get it.

"If you mean what I think you're saying." I say, looking him straight in the eye. "It's not going to happen. The boss has strict rules around this place, no dating the patients or our co-workers as a matter of fact. So whatever's going on in your head right now, it's just not going to happen." I pause slightly, my eye's not leaving him for a second. "Besides, your half drunk over here remember? You don't know what your saying. And, no, bringing in your family in here for some counseling isn't something I usually do. It's something my dear assistant, the shrink, Alex, does."

Post by POM »

I sigh as I come out of my office and patrol my clean white hallways. Making my way into the cafeteria I see two girl inmates. Walking over to them I smile. "Hello ladies, how are we doing this fine morning? Looking forward to chanting in a half hour? Ive got a great one arranged for today"

'Is he we aren't looking forward to it--we aren't monkeys locked inside a cage, waiting to sing the next show tune.' But instead of voicing my opinions I simply smile and nod.

But Serena is an entirely other story.


"Ah, Peachy keen Mr. Rodriquez--You know I live for those chanting sessions, the way you come up with all these varieties of chanting. It just amazes me--It's almost as if you practice them in the shower before the finale product is produced." I said to him with a smile on my face, and a very scarcatic tone in my voice--not afraid of what he would say.

I elbowed Tess when she started to laugh, "But you know I'm sure it's going to be a keeper non the less. I was wondering if maybe we could try something else? just you and me--in a one on one chanting session...It'll be fun." I asked as I walked closer to him with every word I said until I was only inches away from him.

"What do you say?" I whispered in his ear, and pulled back and smirked at him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"If you mean what I think you're saying. It's not going to happen. The boss has strict rules around this place, no dating the patients or our co-workers as a matter of fact. So whatever's going on in your head right
now, it's just not going to happen."

I roll my eyes. I was flirting ok, so sue me. Why does she have to take things sooo seriously. Bet she never ever lets her hair down.

"Besides, your half drunk over here remember? You don't know what your saying. And, no, bringing in your family in here for some counseling isn't something I usually do. It's something my dear assistant, the shrink, Alex, does."

"Look love, I know what Im saying ok." I state. "And yeah Im flirting with you, but maybe because its I feel sorry for you since you clearly have no idea how to have fun" I state. "And did you say a shrink? Thats never going to happen and like I said Im never going to see my family again. EVER. Period."
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Post by madroswellfan »

The first girl just nodds and smiles.

"Ah, Peachy keen Mr. Rodriquez--You know I live for those chanting sessions, the way you come up with all these varieties of chanting. It just amazes me--It's almost as if you practice them in the shower before the finale product is produced." the second girl says.

"But you know I'm sure it's going to be a keeper non the less. I was wondering if maybe we could try something else? just you and me--in a one on one chanting session...It'll be fun."

I raise an eyebrow. A cute patient throwing herself at me? Intresting. She leans in to whisper in my ear.
"What do you say?"

I smile and say smoothly. "Firstly its Mr Ramirez. And secondly, any time you want a one on one session, my rooms always open. Im happy to talk about what ever you want to help you get better." I state. I walk away to get a nice red apple from the canteen. She sooo wants me. God I love this job.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I glance up at the clock and realise that it is nearly time for my 'wonderful boyfriend cum boss's' chanting session and I had better distribute the pamphlets with the chants to the patients.

Working here used to be fun but now it's become just plain boring and depressing.And I dont' know how much longer I can carry on like this?I need a change of scene or some new faces or something.

I see two female patients,I hand them the pamphlets with a smile,"the for the chanting session." I inform them and move on to the other patients until I see a familiar figure standing inside an office,Oh no...oh no way!Jesse never told me that he's checking in.This is just great!"

I spot my darling brother talking to one of the doctors,the slightly stiff and starchy one,Liz though she's not a bad sort really.Her ofice door is ajar so I can see them clearly now as I walk towards her office.
"Max?" I call out as I reach the door
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Post by madroswellfan »

I sit perfectly still. Oh God know. "You are fucking kidding me" I mutter. I slowly turn around on the chair and look at her. The bane of my existance. "What the fuck are you doing here" I say shortly. "Fucking hell, what they do, track down my immediate family that I left the instant they got my stupid ruddy notes?"

I turn around to face Liz. "No wonder you bloody knew you've already got in contact with her...well thats fucking great" I say rather loudly.
"God I would rather be in fucking prison..." I mutter,
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Post by KarenEvans »


"You are fucking kidding me" he says in his slurred voice

"Nice to see you too,brother." I say sarcastically

Why am I not surprised?He is still the same jerk I haven't seen for about a year now.Why did I think the next time our paths crossed that he'd be any different?

"Fucking hell, what they do, track down my immediate family that I left the instant they got my stupid ruddy notes?" he asks Liz obnoxiously
"No wonder you bloody knew you've already got in contact with her...well thats fucking great...God I would rather be in fucking prison.

I roll my eyes in disgust,"Please excuse my brother Liz,he's been drinking water from the gutter from the time he was born hence his cultured language preference." I say apologeticaly to Liz,kind of embarrassed by him and then I turn to him "And not that we are thrilled to be spending our days with a drunk like you but not al of us have tonnes of cash like you do and have to work hard to earn a living.By the way,a real prison might just shake you up enough to get you to quit the poison."

Walking swiftly to Liz's desk I put down some of the pamphlets,"The chants." I say with a look of exasperation and head for the door
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Please excuse my brother Liz,he's been drinking water from the gutter from the time he was born hence his cultured language preference. And not that we are thrilled to be spending our days with a drunk like you but not al of us have tonnes of cash like you do and have to work hard to earn a living.By the way,a real prison might just shake you up enough to get you to quit the poison."

What a fucking bitch! God how dare she crow over me! I like my life thank you very much! And she has no idea what my life entails since she hasnt seen me in YEARS, thank God!

"The chants." she says handing them over to Liz before heading to the exit.

"And the perfect princess makes her brilliant exit." I say. "Watch her as she goes off back to her fabulous job that makes her darling parents so proud."

I turn round in my chair glaring at her. "You know NOTHING about my life, sister. NOTHING" I yell. "So why dont you just fuck off for once. Or were you planning on crowing over me? And by the way have you conveniently forgotten to give me my sheet? So that you can find me later in the day and crow over how Im here. Well Im quite happy thank you very much, so do me a favour and piss out of my perfect life"
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