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Post by Athenea »

Occ: Hope this works.


"It's okay. You've been hurt. It's okay to cry." A comforting voice says and his voice sounds familiar to me even though I’ve never met him before. A warm blanket comes over me and them I’m being tucked in like a little child.

A comforting hand squeezes my shoulder and I can’t take it any more. I fling myself at the man, wrapping my arms around him and tucking my head under his chin as I sob into his chest. Here I am taking comfort in a stranger, I must look pretty pathetic but at the moment I couldn't care less. He reminds me so much of Zan, just something about his aura is so similar.

After a few minutes of sobbing I finally calm down with his hands gently rubbing my back and stroking by hair. I’m tired but I don’t want to sleep, I’m much to comfortable in this man’s arms, I almost feel loved.

“I’m sorry.” I mumble into his now tear soaked shirt. I’m a little embarrassed at the outburst but I don’t let go, for the moment I feel so safe and I don’t want that to end.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: I hope post is guess sure are going fast and I can't really keep up. If anything wrong with my post I'll be more than happy to change it. BIC:


I looked at Dylan as he continues to get some blankets and some pillows. I don't know," he tells me. “It’s a lady and two teenagers. One of them's hurt real bad.” Sounding like that is all he knows. Ok something is really wrong. I’m the oldest one I’m suppose to know before my little brother knows.

"I gotta bring Dad some blankets for her." Dylan runs down stairs and I’m right behind him. I walk down the steps and stood there watching the scene before me.

My father heals her and I just watch what is going on. They look like their having a moment. I look to my mother she looks like she seen a ghost and really not sure what to say.

I step off the steps and stand right beside my mother and behind my father. Mom….what’s going on? Who are these people and why is dad holding that girl? I ask her telepathy. I really want to know what is going on, I'm the oldest I have the right to know. I just want my mother to answer my questions. I know she has the answers. Beside my mother wouldn't lie to me by trying to protect me. She tells me straight and how it has been said. Being the oldest has it’s disadvantage advantage.
Last edited by Dreamer_Dreaming on Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- Max didn't say Zaire was his daughter to Alexis... that was a silent telepathic message to Liz only.


Zaira falls into my arms like she belongs there and it's the most wonderful feeling. I love having her. I've missed her whole life and now she comes to me when she's so hurt and unhappy. I wish things were better, but I'm so glad I can help.

"It's all right. You're safe here. It's going to be all right," I say gently as I rub her back. It doesn't take too long before she's quiets down. She doesn't pull away, so I let her rest in my arms, wrapped in a blanket -- almost like a newborn.

"I'm sorry" she says, and I shake my head, still stroking her back.

"There's no reason to apologize," I tell her softly. "I'm glad I could help."

Looking up at Dylan, I take the pillow from him and lay it on the sofa behind Zaira's head. She's not laying down yet, but at least it's set up for her. Alexis has appeared, too, apparently following her brother downstairs. I know I'll have a lot to explain to both of them, but this isn't the time. First priority is to make sure Zaira is settled.

Still, I take a glance at Tess, who doesn't look at all pleased. Dreakus, who seems very confused but he doesn't seem to be upset. He's looking to me for answers, much like Alexis. I wonder who his father is ... If Tess was the 'Queen' was he Khivar's son?

We need to contact Isabel and Michael. Fortunately, I don't need to release Zaire to do that. *Isabel, Michael* I call telepathically. *Tess is back. She's at my house and there's trouble.*
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: I edited my Alexis post. BIC:


I sat here looking at the bills. I never knew being a single mother can be hard. I take care of the house hold and the person that come along unsurprised to my failure of a marriage, Vega. She looks so much like her father and none of me. Well just her genes but that about it. But to my disclosure, Jesse is no longer part of Vega’s life, which makes me sad. She needs a male role model, what better than her own father.

But I think the reason he moved so far away from Roswell and especially me is because of who I really am. I really can’t change who I and so goes for Vega. I just wish there something I can do.

I never imaged my life turning out this way, 2 men in my life are out of mine life with out a trait. I wonder what it would be like if Alex still alive? I wonder if he and I would have got married and have little family we always dream of. We would be the copy of Liz and Max.

I’m so lonely that all I do is come home, talk to my daughter when I can and put food on the table. I don’t have time to date. I don’t think I can. It’s been 18 years and I’m still not over Alex. Every night I dream about him, and every morning I wake up thinking it just a dream, that is it is not true. God I wish it was. I wish for just one night have Alex in my arms.

Alexis reminds me so much of Alex, she has his personality and she doesn’t even know it. I guess Liz and Max are not too willing to bring up the subject to her. I guess just as painful.

*Isabel* I hear Max’s voice in my head. I wonder what is wrong. He usually just calls me by the phone, you know just live like normal people would be. *Tess is back. She's at my house and there's trouble.* he said.

My eyes pop out of mine head, ‘oh my god,’ it can’t be true. That bitch is back, what nerve she has coming back after killing Alex.

* I’m on my way Max* I answer Max back. I wonder if Liz has even killed her yet. If she has I wouldn’t blame her. I would kill Tess if I was Liz but then again I’m not.

“Vega…we have go over uncle Max’s and Aunt Liz, come on I don’t have time to explain” I called out in the living room, that is where she most likely to be, in front of the TV. set.
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Post by isabelle »


This is so weird. My dad just used his powers to heal that girl. A stranger. There are rules about that. Big rules. Things he's told us all our lives. How can he do that to a girl who just showed up on the doorstep? Who are these people?

Dad's hanging onto that girl like ... I don't know. I'm sure it's just because she's upset and anyone would try to comfort her. Well, anyone but her mom. She's so hard. I don't like her at all. But still dad does this, heals her and then hangs onto her like he knows her or something...

"Why? Why did you do that?" I ask, barely more than a whisper. I know the girl was hurt. I know she needed it. But that's why we call 911, isn't it? Why couldn't she go to a hospital? I know why we don't. Our biology is different -- at least on the celluar level -- so we would never do that.
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Post by Athenea »

Zaira (Tess and Dreakus dialogue too)[/b]

"There's no reason to apologize, I'm glad I could help." He says to me and I finally feel capable of letting go of him and leaning back into the sofa. I take a deep breath in order to calm myself down some more and frown when I actually get a look around the room and all the strangers on it.

My eyes finally land on Dreakus’s worried face and I give him a small smile to try and reassure him that I’m okay, he seems to let out a breath and then he smiles back. As soon as my eyes fall on my mother though I glare at her. But then I look around the room for the one person I know is not there.

“What happened to Zan?” I ask somewhat panicky and Dreakus reaches over and takes my hand.

“The humans made us crash the ship and then they came after us, Zan ordered Mother to take us and make a run for it while he held them off but…” he said seemed to hesitate and I knew I wouldn’t like the rest of this, “…there were to many humans, and we think they caught him.”

I look away from him shocked and then to my mother I say, “You left him?!? How could you?” I ask mortified thinking of my brother having to fight without anyone by his side.

“I had no choice.” She says crossing her arms and looking defensive. And I sit back on the pillows and rub my tired eyes. “How long since we left home?” I ask

“A week.” She answers, “And now, thanks to the actions of your eldest brother we can never return.” She says in a huff and I cannot believe what I’m hearing. It’s been a whole week since that night and the events at the end are a little blurry. And the fact that she is blaming Zan now has me pissed. But I hold my anger in check…for now.

“Did Zan kill father?” I ask and part of me hopes he did but then the part that worries about my brother hopes he didn’t. Dreakus shakes his head ‘no’ and says, “No, he didn’t use his powers but he must have hurt him badly…their was blood on his fists after he got you.”

I take in that information before turning my attention back to the man that saved my life. “Thank you.” I tell him
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Post by Corina Star »

Vega Ramirez

I am without doubt not what we call normal. That is really my flaw, but it’s not like I totally hate being alien. It has its perks and it has it’s not so great advantages also. We all can’t be human, I guess. Although we all love to dent the fact that we aren’t perfect, we try to act as if we are but in reality we can’t hide what makes us unique.

Well, lately I’ve been rapidly developing feelings for Ashton Guerin! Who would have thought little Miss Nazi would fall for The Vampire? Well, he’s charming and has the most unbelievable and stunning sapphire eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s gonna find out sooner or later and I’d rather it be later. Ashton’s already starting to notice, and he can’t find out. I can’t risk it.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- I was hoping for Michael to respond to Max's call, too...


*I’m on my way Max* I hear Isabel reply and I feel a portion of the tension in my shoulders ease. I know that she has no greater tolerance for Tess than Liz or I do and her arrival could cause more tension, but I need her. I can't help but be pleased that she's coming.

I hear Dylan asking about why I healed Zaira. I can feel his confusion and I understand it, but I don't take the time to answer him right now.

*Be careful,* I warn Isabel, still sending the thoughts to Michael, too. *That 'military' crash last week was her ship crashing. They're out hunting her -- and her children.* I should probably explain more about Tess's children and my son, but I think it will be easier to do it in person. Or maybe I'm just procrastinating since I'm still missing so many answers. *I don't want them to find you by accident*

Zaira eases herself from my arms, laying down. She glares at her mother, which I want to do, too. And then she asks about Zan. "I'm right here --" I start to say, feeling more than a bit odd to be responding to that name, but I know it's mine.

Tess's answer interupts my thoughts as she explains about the crash and that 'Zan' was captured. Her brother. My son is Zan. I shouldn't feel so surprised, but I am. I'm even more surprised and horrified to hear her description of what happened. She just left him? And Tess is blaming everything on him?

"Did Zan kill father?" Zaira asks. I bite my lip, realizing that she's talking about Khivar. Does she know he's only an adopted father, not biological? I notice the rather formal way she refers to him and wonder if it's because of being in the palace or because there's no actual affection there. I listen for Tess's answer, hoping she says yes although I don't expect it. She did say that he was after them. Unfortunately, she says no, but adds that my son hurt him before they fled. It's not enough but it's something. I've never met him, but I feel proud of that boy.

“Thank you," she tells me.

I smile at her warmly. "You're welcome," I say, stroking her hair. "I'm going to get your brother back, Zaira. Right now, you should probably rest. I'll keep you safe. I promise."

Turning to Tess, I ask her. "Does she know?"
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Post by Athenea »


"You're welcome," Max says stroking Zaira’s hair. "I'm going to get your brother back, Zaira. Right now, you should probably rest. I'll keep you safe. I promise. Does she know?"

My eyes widen at Max’s question and thankfully Zaira is already falling asleep with Max’s comforting words. I shake off my fearful look and glare at Max.

“Know what?” I say smiling evilly. “That her father is the now reigning King of Antar and her mother is the Queen, of course she knows.”

‘Ha. My final revenge, Max’ I think to myself. ‘Your children were raised by your worst enemy.’ The thought makes me smile even more.
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Post by isabelle »


My lips tighten into a thin line. It's all I can do to not blast Tess or throw her out of the house.

"Then you lied to her and to Zan." So strange to use that name at all, and especially strange to use it for someone-else. My son... "I guess it's exactly what I expected of you. Afterall, you did nothing but lie to us, too," I say, keeping my voice extremely calm, in spite of the accusations.

"Is he the one who did this? The one who hurt Zaira? Why would you even WANT to go back to somebody who would do that to your daughter?" I ask her because it was perfectly clear that she did want to do that. She was angry at Zan for standing up to that cold-blooded murderer and didn't even seem to care that he was captured. All she cares about is keeping herself safe. Would she have left Zaira behind to be captured too except that she could use her as a tool to get in my door?

What if she lied about losing her powers? How in the world would we know?

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