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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:24 am
by LoveIsForever


Max tells everyone he owns them apologies but to Liz he owns the most because he hurt her the most. The reason being that he knew Tess wasn't what she pretended to be that he caught Tess mindwarpped Liz months ago. That he let everyone think he believed Liz slept with Kyle when he knew the whole thing was a lie.

And that he didn't sleep with Tess that was also a mindwarp but he wanted to see just where Tess was going with her plan. He also knew that Tess had killed Alex when he tried to heal Alex he got flashes of what really happened.

He couldn't do anything at that point to stop Tess because he didn't know just how much she had betrayed them. For all Max knew their enemies were all around them he had to be sure first so he could protect the others.

Also what he sent Tess to Antar with was only a ship not the (can't spell Granoith right) it safety hidden away so Tess couldn't find it.

*Must have Max and Liz fight about the secrets they keep from each other.
*Isabel upset because she brought Tess into their group.
*Max and Liz making up.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:08 pm
by Chrisken
#20 - TAKEN

Imzadi challenge - Max/Liz

Based on the classic 'Star trek, the next generation' book by Peter David.

- Story starts in the fairly far future. Liz is dead, the gang is mostly split up, but Max is practically an empty shell, having had noting to live for since before he graduated high school. He gets called back to Roswell because Liz's mother is dying... she resented Max and blamed him for her death. As she dies, she twists the knife one more time, ranting at Max for not having been able to save her.

- While still in Roswell, Max has two significant flashbacks... one to the circumstances of Liz's death, which should be creepy and unresolved, and then to a significant moment in his and Liz's relationship before things started to go badly between them (ie before TLV?) The second flashback might be a POV of a Max/Liz episode from season 1, like sexual healing, blind date, heatwave etcetera... or might be something that you as the author makes up. (Ideally there should be a subtle plot connection between that flashback and the one where Liz dies.) Maybe the flashbacks are structured as Max telling somebody else about Liz... Michael/Maria or Isabel/Alex's kid perhaps??

- The second flashback should end by describing what else happened to Max and Liz in the time before she died, and end up with a scene that was in the first flashback, but different... because Max either runs into future Max directly, or gets some mysterious sign that Liz's life is in danger.

- On the way back home, Max finds something out, or realizes something, that convinces him that Liz's death was arranged by a time traveller, and he finds out that he can go back in time using the Granilith. There's a huge argument about this, and at least one other member of the gang tries to convince Max that he shouldn't upset their futures just for a pie-in-the-sky chance to save Liz. Max sneaks up to the Granilith and sets it to send him back. Probably there should be a way for multiple people to go back in time, so that Max is up against aliens from the future who don't believe that he should save Liz's life.

- The final sequence is the time travellers struggling over Liz's life and death... Future Max trying to save her, maybe recruiting members of the gang in the present... but there are Max's friends from the future working against him, AND whoever went back to kill her in the first place.

That's about all I can think of now. Any takers??[/b]

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:17 pm
by Lillie
What an interesting challenge, Chrisken. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:44 pm
by behrlyliz

Max relives the last 48 hours of his life as Zan on Antar.

Everything until It’s too late, and It’s too bad happens. During ITLAITB, when Max tells Liz that she has a responsibility to Michael, Isabel and Tess not to get into the cab, and Liz is about to get into the cab, Max grabs her wrist, stopping her movement. Unknown to Liz and Max, her powers choose that moment to kick in. Liz looks down at his hand and green electrical streaks travel from her hand to his, giving him a shock, which knocks him out.

In his unconscious state, Max dreams about the last 48 hours of his life as Zan on Antar. What’s unbelievable about it is that he’s transported back to a time when he’s having a similar conversation to the one he had with Liz, with a woman named Di’ Anya. Di’ Anya is trying to warn him about Ava, that she’s not all she appears to be and he needs to ‘wake up’ before he makes the biggest mistake of his life.

A renegade group assassinated the king six months prior and it’s rumored that his advisor’s son (Kivar), who is a radical member of the senate was in on it.

From the dream/memory, we find out that Vilondra’s involvement with Kivar is a ploy, thought of by Rath, to garner information about the plot to overthrow the monarchy, so she never betrayed her family. Kivar somehow finds out what she was doing and that’s why he kills her when he invades the palace.

Di’ Anya is Rath’s sister and has a striking resemblance to Liz. She’s also a priestess (sort of like a nun) and keeper of the Granolith. However, before she gave her life to the Granolith, she and Max were romantically involved.

We learn that Ava has been in cahoots with Kivar since day one.

* This is sort of like a prequel, although it takes place during ITLAITB.
* All events must explain and lead up to their deaths and being sent to Earth.
* The royal four, including Di’ Anya must die, with Max awakening with his full memories of his life as Zan. He cups Liz’s face and calls her Di’Anya and tells her that he believes her and will do anything to help her find Alex’s killer. He realizes that he should have listened to her on Antar, for it could have saved their lives and he wont make that mistake again.

There are certain stipulations to accepting the challenge, so please pm me and I will tell you the stipulations.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:21 am
by killjoy

I wanted to put this out here. I once found a Buffy challenge called 'The Waking Up In Vegas Challenge'. The whole idea was to have a crossover story by having characters from Buffy wake up in a hotel room to find themselves, after having a wild night of drinking,married to someone from another show.


Willow/Clark (Smallville)
BuffyLex (Smallville)
Willow/Jack (Stargate)

This got me to thinking 'Hey the gang was in Vegas for an ep so????'

Ok here's the idea, during their vacation in Vegas one couple has too much to drink and wakes up in a hotel room hungover and shocked to find married.

First off so they can get married and have it were the parents can't force a divorce, we're going to have to fudge their ages and go with that the gang was eighteen when they were in Vegas.

Second the couple can't be Max and Liz. Why? They got married at the end of the show so it has to be someone else. M/M,A/I or K/T......or in the end if you want to go wild and make it UC Kyle/Maria,Tess/Alex or Liz/Michael...than that's ok too.

Third in the end the couple must stay together. Happy ending or whatever in the end they're together.

Any rating is fine.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:16 pm
by elodie

So we know that Michael's "donor" was Grampa Dupree, but we know nothing about Max, Isabel and Tess' donors.

My challenge is to write their stories. Did they know each other? Were they considered crazy too?

So I guess this could be one big challenge, or three smaller ones. Any takers?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:06 am
by Chrisken
elodie wrote:#23

So we know that Michael's "donor" was Grampa Dupree, but we know nothing about Max, Isabel and Tess' donors.

My challenge is to write their stories. Did they know each other? Were they considered crazy too?

So I guess this could be one big challenge, or three smaller ones. Any takers?
In case you didn't know, the Roswell paperback 'Skeletons in the closet' covers some of this ground - they meet Tess' donor and get a few hints about Max's and Isabel's (and the author makes what I think is a very foolish and unlikely choice for those last two.) But of course, other points of view on this topic would be great!


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:33 pm
by elodie
Chrisken wrote:
In case you didn't know, the Roswell paperback 'Skeletons in the closet' covers some of this ground - they meet Tess' donor and get a few hints about Max's and Isabel's (and the author makes what I think is a very foolish and unlikely choice for those last two.) But of course, other points of view on this topic would be great!

Ah, ok, I didn't know that. Never read any of the paperbacks. Well, whatever. Haha.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:13 am
by sabbathcat13
If this one is still open I would love to do a M/M story off of this.

I wanted to put this out here. I once found a Buffy challenge called 'The Waking Up In Vegas Challenge'. The whole idea was to have a crossover story by having characters from Buffy wake up in a hotel room to find themselves, after having a wild night of drinking,married to someone from another show.


Willow/Clark (Smallville)
BuffyLex (Smallville)
Willow/Jack (Stargate)

This got me to thinking 'Hey the gang was in Vegas for an ep so????'

Ok here's the idea, during their vacation in Vegas one couple has too much to drink and wakes up in a hotel room hungover and shocked to find married.

First off so they can get married and have it were the parents can't force a divorce, we're going to have to fudge their ages and go with that the gang was eighteen when they were in Vegas.

Second the couple can't be Max and Liz. Why? They got married at the end of the show so it has to be someone else. M/M,A/I or K/T......or in the end if you want to go wild and make it UC Kyle/Maria,Tess/Alex or Liz/Michael...than that's ok too.

Third in the end the couple must stay together. Happy ending or whatever in the end they're together.

Any rating is fine.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:44 am
by Chrisken
sabbathcat13 wrote:If this one is still open I would love to do a M/M story off of this.
I've been talking with killjoy about doing a kyle/tess story based on what he said... a kind of 'vegas, one year later' idea. But I certainly don't mind sharing the challenge!!