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Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA) AN 10/6/09 [WIP]

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:17 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,

After a few crazy months as you can see from the authors notes. However I am happy to say I am back! I have not forgotten about this story and in my absence I have been writing. I hope to really write and update more on this story more often or when real life will let me.

I hope you are all enjoying the fall weather and that all is well with you all.

To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted! :D

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me!Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me sine the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

Thanks again everyone for everything.

*Side Note: I did a lot of research for this next part that are important to the story.

The Star Antares is a real star you can learn more about it here.

More information on Antares as well as some photos. ... CAwQ9QEwAA

Photo of the Star Antares

The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal is a real award the Air Force gives out you can learn more about it here. ... vice_Medal

Photo of The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal

Hypoxia is an actual Medical condition that pilots can suffer from. More info here

All drink names are real. B 52,Tequila Sunrise,Kamikaze, and Little Green Men. Yes Little Green Men is an actual drink. Don't believe me look it up. Had a good laugh over that one!

Little Green Men Drink

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Thirty One

“Can’t anyone get a dissent cup of coffee in this town!” A woman with dirty blond hair said as she sat in a lonely booth. “Sorry dear.” A waitress said as she poured and filled the strangers ceramic mug with the brown liquid. The woman smiled sweetly up at the waitress. “You look tired miss.” The waitress said at the weary stranger.

“Been on the road all day traveling does that to you.” He woman said as she took a sip of the bitter liquid from her mug. “Oh where were you traveling from?” The waitress asked. She didn’t want to pry the woman but it had been a slow day and she could use the conversation and company.

“Nebraska and then headed to Arizona to see some family.” The blond haired woman said as she glanced up at the waitress and shuffled through a stack of old newspapers.

“Oh Arizona is beautiful what part is your family from?” “They live in Phoenix. My Mom and Dad and little brother just love it there.” The woman said as she took another sip of her coffee and glanced over at the TV.

“Agnes table two.” The cook shouted from the back. “Oh Phoenix is nice. If there is anything I can get you please let me know.” Agnes said as she smiled at the woman and went on her way.

The TV buzzed with the latest weather report. “Sunny with a high of 85 for tomorrow. Tonight is cool dropping to the mid 50’s. Sky conditions are clear and for all of you stargazers out there if you look at the moon tonight you might catch a glimpse of the bright red star Antares. This is a rare occasion that you will not want to miss being it is only close to the moon a few times a year and it is rare that you can see the planet Venus hovering close by.” The reporter on the screen said as the woman stared at the TV with intensity. She then flipped through the old yellowed newspapers she had at hand.

She flipped to the weather section and saw the red circles where she had marked important information. The phases of the moon where circled along with how close the planet Venus was to it.

Then she flipped to the front page. Bitter Lake Daily Journal 1972 Shelia Silo Hubble found murdered at Peppers Café in Bitter Lake. The headlines read in bold back ink. She skimmed the article quickly until she found what she was looking for underlined in red pen.

“Not since the James Atherton murder in 1959 has the region of Bitter Lake encountered such a killing spree of this proportion. Like Atherton the victim’s at Peppers Café were found dead with the same silver handprints on their bodies. Is a cold blooded killer back on the loose? Or our supernatural causes to blame for this one? According to Sheriff Jim Valente Sr. he claims it is the little green men who are to blame. However police officials are not so quick to believe Mr. Sergeant Martian and are looking future into the investigation.

After a quick glance the woman then flipped to another fairly new newspaper. She turned the pages until she found what she was looking for. The headlines read letters Roswell Daily Record

Daniel Pierce was found missing after his plane vanished when he was on wrought from Nevada back to the Roswell Air Force base. No wreckage from the plane was found. Sources suspect fowl play while local residences suspect it is another abduction.

The woman flipped to the back of the paper and circled the section she wanted before she grabbed another black and white newspaper. She took a huge swig of her coffee and banged her mug down hard on the table as she viewed the front page.

On the front page was a photo of a man in his mid twenties dressed in his Air Force Uniform. Holding up a medal of a gold sunburst with a blue circle in the middle that surrounded by a circle of silver stars. The headline read

Daniel Pierce graduates top of his class and is awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal for his outstanding service and leadership to his class, his community, and to his country. We know he will make us proud.

The woman looked at the photo with a piercing gaze as if she wanted to go into the photograph as her thoughts traveled back to that day.

The Peppers Café was crowed as graduates toasted to their hard work and achievement. “Why out of all the places did we have to have the celebration here?” Ted Griffin sighed as he drank his beer. “ Why what’s wrong with Pepper’s Café. It is a tradition for all of the Military and Air Force to go here after graduation. This place dates back to the 1940’s.” Daniel grinned as he felt a sense of nostalgia of all of the history the run down bar held.

Ted grew quite “You know about the Pepper’s Cafe murders that happened here in 1972 not to mention the other one in 1959. I am telling you Bitter Lake is cursed.” Ted said in a cautious tone and shivered as if he had jus seen a ghost.

“Oh relax Griffin that is just an old wise tale this place is not cursed with little Green men. Go have another beer and be happy we graduated” Daniel said as he shrugged off his friend antics and he went to get another round for the table. Leaving Ted to ponder over his theories.

“Hey Peter we will have another round of beers for table six and can I have four Kamikaze shots.” Daniel smiled as he waited for his drinks. “Really I am surprised you didn’t order a B-52 while you were at it. I mean really how cliché can you get.” A woman with blond hair and piercing blue eyes said as she rolled her eyes in disgust.

“Well speaking of cliché how about I order a Little Green Men for you.” Daniel said as he looked at the woman next to him. “Cute did they teach you that one at the Air Force base?” the woman said as she took a sip of her golden colored drink.

“Wow aren’t you just a bundle of sunshine.” Daniel smirked at the woman next to him. “I try.” The woman laughed and blushed as she looked into the man’s piercing blue eyes. “There was defiantly something about a man in uniform” she thought as she looked at the attractive tall dark haired man in front of her. “I’m Daniel. Daniel Pierce.” Daniel said extending his hand. “Vanessa Witager. Nice to meet you.” Vanessa said as she shook Daniel’s hand.

“So what is an attractive woman like yourself doing here in Roswell New Mexico of all places?” Daniel said as he took a seat next to Vanessa. “ Research and I have family who live her. “ Vanessa said as she finished off her drink.

“Research what kind of research? Does it involve any of those little green men?” Daniel said as he looked at Vanessa and smiled. Vanessa laughed. “Not those kind of men. I mostly deal with genetics. I work in a lot a labs that is why I am here in Roswell. I am doing research for the University of Las Cruse in their college of science and once a week I work at the military base and with some scientist friends of mine.” Vanessa said as she looked at Daniel.

“Wow a scientist that’s pretty interesting. I always have enjoyed science. However flying planes took over that priority. But I try to help out when I can at the local schools.” Daniel said as he looked at Vanessa and smiled.

“What are you drinking? Daniel asked as he noticed her drink was empty and he didn’t want this mystery of a woman to leave just yet. She was different and a ray of sunshine from his ordinary life. He wanted to know more about her.

“A Tequila Sunrise.” Vanessa smiled. Her smile was like the sun and Daniel was sure he was blinded by her beauty.

Daniel placed Vanessa’s order and waited. “Your drinks are ready.” Pete said as he placed the large drink order in front of him. “Pete can you ask the waitress bring it over to the table. Thanks.” Daniel said as he totally ignored his friends and Ted who was calling over to him to come back to the table and celebrate.

Pete smirked as he looked at the young cadet hitting on the attractive girl next to him. He had seen the act played out so many times that Daniels outburst didn’t phase him in the least. He called over the tall dark haired waitress who was cleaning up some empty glasses from one of the tables to the bar.

“Give these to table six. And watch out for those top guns. They can be a handful.” Pete chuckled as he handed the waitress the drink orders on a large tray and looked over at Daniel who was still trying to win over the blond next to him.

“So are you from Roswell? Vanessa asked as the bar tender placed her drink in front of her.

“No originally from Texas. Born and raised.” Daniel said as his southern twang come through. I have been living here for the past four years. It’s not bad I can’t complain. Earned my wings here.” Daniel said with a pride as he looked down at the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal he had received earlier that day. He was proud of all of the hard work and sacrifice he had put into his work and was happy to share his service with his fellow countrymen.

“That’s some Medal. It almost looks like the sun is rising. I bet if you looked closely into the blue circle you could see the night sky and travel among those silver stars.” Vanessa said with a dreamy look in her eye. “The blue circle almost looks like the blue in your eyes.” Vanessa whispered as she leaned in closer to Daniel.

“So how long are you in town?” Daniel said hoping he could spend more time with her.

“Actually I am leaving today." Vanessa said with a sorrowful look in her eyes. “I am heading to Arizona to see my family and brother.” Vanessa said as she took a sip of her cool drink.

“That’s too bad. I would have loved to have shown you the sights.” Daniel said in a remorse tone. “What like the little green men?” She said laughing. “Maybe next time Airman.” Vanessa said as she finished her drink and got up from her seat grabbing hold of her large bag.

She and wished she could have stayed a few more days and talked to him for hours. However her family was expecting her and they would worry if she wasn’t on the bus when they came to pick her up.

Daniel quickly paid for the bill and followed her as she headed to the front door.

“It was nice meeting you Daniel.” Vanessa smiled as she looked at the mysterious man with the piercing blue eyes.

“You too Vanessa. Daniel said as he watched her leave though the glass door into the sunset. Vanessa was still debating if she should stay or go as she walked along the hot dessert street when she heard a voice call her name.

“Vanessa” Daniel cried as he ran up to her. She turned and looked at him glowing in the orange light. I want you to have this.” Daniel said as he placed the metal into her hand.

“I can’t I don’t even know you.” Vanessa said in shock. “Please maybe when look at it you can take a trip to those stars and think of me.” Daniel begged with pleading eyes as he looked up at her.

Vanessa nodded and looked down at the metal in her hand as she looked at Daniel and smiled before she quickly kissed him goodbye and headed off into the sunset.

Tears filled her eyes as she wiped them away. She reached under her shirt and pulled out a necklace that held the star shaped medal Daniel had given to her many years ago. She looked at the medal and remembered the last time she had seen him before his fateful flight

“I want to give this back to you. Maybe it will get you to those stars.” Vanessa said as she pinned the medal to Daniels shirt.

“I can’t believe you still have this.” Daniel said as he watched Vanessa pin the medal to him. “It is my good luck charm. After I met you it has brought me nothing but luck.” Vanessa said smiling.

Daniel leaned down and kissed her on the tarmac before the final announcement was called over the loud speaker.” “I will see you in a few months.” Daniel said as he smiled at Vanessa and brushed a long piece of her blond hair behind her ear. “If I see any little green man I will let you know.” Daniel said as he and Vanessa shared a laugh.

He then ascended the stairs to the plane. It was going to be a long trip for him but he had enjoyed the time he had spent with Vanessa and was thrilled when she found him in Nevada after he was stationed there a few months after she had left Phoenix. She had been assigned to the colleges bio lab near the military base in Nevada and was excited to reconnect with him after so long.

He had looked well since the last time she saw him. However there was something different about him. She first noticed it one day when she was working one night late in the lab and Daniel had come over to pick her up to go out to dinner. She was in the middle of putting away her paper work into the tall file cabinet. However the cabinet on the top was too tall for her to reach. “Daniel can you place this file on the top second draw under molecule structure.”

“Of course” Daniel said as her took the large file. “Thanks Dr. Holt wants all this paper work filed by the weekend.” Vanessa said as she sighed off on the latest lab work giving it her seal of approval before she placed the folder on top of the other one she had just given Daniel.

“So what is all this research for anyway?” Daniel said as he scanned the large file cabinet looking for the right draw to open. “No idea for all I know it could be about Area 51. You know Dr. Holt and her secrets. She seems really interested in the biology of this area for some reason.” Vanessa said as she scanned an important document in front of her. “All I see are nothing but a bunch of rocks and cactus’s. It is oh so interesting our labs on the water levels that the cactus hold with out getting picked.” Vanessa laughed as she closed another folder and filed it in the desk near her.

“Well at least you are not on an air base that makes you get up at five in the morning for morning drills. I swear the lack of sleep or stress must be getting to me. I had the strangest dream the other night. I dreamed that I was sick and then the next thing I know I am seeing a bunch of stars the strangest things you ever seen. Then I woke up and had worst head ach like I had been light headed and was suffering from Hypoxia due to the increase pressure and lack of oxygen from flying at a high altitude.” Daniel said as he reached up to open the file cabinet.

It was then that Vanessa saw the glimmer of silver shinning a few inches above his waist line as his shirt rose up when he lifted his arms the place the folders inside.

She stared at the strange foreign image on him. From the normal eye it looked like it was just some paint used to touch up some fighter planes on the airbase. However Vanessa had seen the image before in one of Dr. Holt’s journals. It was a journal that no one got to look in. She kept it locked away in her office in a cabinet under a series of maps.

Vanessa had only seen it once when Dr. Holt was working late one night and Vanessa came to tell her that she was finished for the day.

“I’m leaving for the day.” Vanessa smiled as she entered the office to see Dr. Holt engrossed in the book she was reading. “Oh Vanessa you startled me.” Dr. Holt said frazzled as she quickly placed the book down and tried to hide it by placing some papers on top. “Sorry I should have knocked.” Vanessa said as she smiled.

“Reading anything good?” Vanessa said curious about the book her professor was reading. “Oh it’s nothing to trouble your pretty little head about.” Dr. Holt said as she closed the book and placed it in her desk draw locking it before she glanced up at her student. “Well then I will see you tomorrow.” Vanessa said thinking about the strange book as she left.

A few weeks later Vanessa was locking up the lab. The lab was empty the hallways were empty and Vanessa knew that now was her chance to get her hands on that mysterious book.

She cautiously looked around her to make sure no one was coming as she entered the dark office. She went to the back room and flipped the light on. She went to the desk and prayed that the draw was not locked. However to her dismay it was closed shut. She sighed in frustration. She couldn’t pray it open it would look like someone was trying to break in and then she really would be in trouble. She stared searching the desk picking up papers hoping she could find a key somewhere.

She searched everywhere the desk, the file cabinet, even the bookcase. No such luck. She was about to give up when she looked at the strange figure on the desk she had to laugh when she saw space ship shaped pencil sharpener that Dr. Holt brought from Amy Deluca one day when she was visiting Roswell.

There was nothing special about the space ship pencil sharpener. There were two dome shaped circles one was the top part of the spaceship the bridge. The other circle was to represent the lower decks. She picked up the pencil sharpener and smiled as she began to play with it making it zoom through the air as she held it in her hand. When she made it come in for a landing she let it go and the ship skit across the desk crashing on to the floor.

Vanessa bent down to pick up the ship hoping it was not broken. Her heart sank when she saw the top part of the bridge had popped off. She picked up the pieces hoping she could put it back together. As she looked at the top part of the ship she saw that the top part was the space ship where the bridge was used to hold pencil shavings. However this didn’t hold any shaves because Dr. Holt never used it. Instead there was a key. It was the key she had been looking for.

Smiling she bent down to the desk draw and place the key into the lock. It clicked and the draw opened. She pulled out the book Dr. Holt had placed there. It was a black book with gold writing. The title read Lost Treasures by Claudia Parker. Vanessa opened up the book to the first page. The book was filled with newspapers and letters. She took the letter from the first page. It read.

“Dear Laura,
Here is my final copy of the book I was working on as promised. I hope you enjoy it!

However the copy you have is a little different I added a few personal touches that the editors and publishes made me cut out being they thought it was too outlandish. Please keep it in a safe place. I trust you with my life.

Your faithful friend,

Vanessa flipped though the book and begin to read. She saw images of strange things and events that had taken place in the New Mexico area and in Roswell. However she also saw images of events that had taken place in Arizona, Texas, and Nevada.

The findings the book contained were every thing she was researching. The theories were so accurate you would think it was an actual truth instead of a myth and a theory. Some images frightened her or made her feel uneasy. She read about countless encounters and discoveries. Some even included photos.

It was here that she had seen the same silver handprint that now adorned Daniels stomach. Most of the encounters with the silver handprint resulted in death. She saw corpses with the strange mark. Only a few accounts she read said that the person who had the mark survived.

“Are you ok Vanessa?” Daniel cried as he looked at her staring at him with a strange look. “You look like you have seen a ghost?” Daniel said as he slammed the file cabinet draw shut. The loud bang broke Vanessa from her thoughts she looked at Daniel and smiled. “No I am fine.” She said in a soft tone. “Lets go get some dinner.” She said as she packed up the last of her things and closed the door behind her forgetting about the silver handprint and everything that happened.

Those few months in Nevada had felt like a dream and had been the happiest time of Vanessa’s life. She was sad to see it all end as she saw Daniel off to his plane on the air force base.

“Vanessa I can’t promise the stars but I will bring you back the sun if the little green men let me.” Daniel said as he smiled and waved at her before he entered the plane.

Vanessa laughed and blew him a kiss as she fought back the tears that were starting to fall down her face. It was so hard to let him go especially after the few months they had spent together.

She watched as his plane took off into the night sky. She watched the plane fly over the moon and saw the planet Venus shinning brightly. She then saw the star Antares shinning brightly in the sky as if it were a beacon of light guiding a sailors ship home as she saw Daniels plane vanish into the night sky.

A few days later she received the horrible news that he was missing in action and that the plane was lost. It was strange the reports said there was no wreckage or body to be found yet she had received a strange package on her door step a few days after she had gotten the news.

When she opened it she almost passed out from shock and grief being it was Distinguished Service Medal that she had given Daniel right before his flight. “Maybe it will get you to those stars.” Her words came back to haunt her tears filled her eyes.

She wept for him and she clutched the metal tightly to her. Then she became even more hysterical as she body convulsed and shook as she sobbed and screamed, “They took him! They took him! The little green men took him!”

Vanessa then looked at the pile of papers in front of her and flipped to the most recent one she had collected. The headline read.

“Two Roswell resident found trespassing on Private Property after hours. In the wee hours of morning of September 23rd Liz Parker daughter of Jeff and Nancy Parker was found trespassing on the private property of the desert along with Brody Davis father to Sydney Davis. No idea as to why the Parker girl was in the desert late at night in the first place. At first Mr. Brody Davis was questioned as to his intentions to the teenager.

Mr. Davis has been know in the past for his crazy escapades stating that a strange man named Larek comes to visit him from time to time. However doctors have ruled out that being he sufferance from acute insomnia it can case a person to hallucinate at times due to lack of sleep.

However Liz Parker insists that she was not taken advantage of and that Mr. Davis had lost his way and passed out due to his other condition of necropsies. As of this date no charges against Mr. Davis have been filed by the Parkers.

The Parkers insists that their daughter was just being just being a good citizen in helping out a fellow neighbor. “I owe my life to Miss Parker. Who knows where I would be if she did not find me in time and I couldn’t put my daughter Sydney though that again. I can’t imagine what she does when I am away and Larek is in town.” Mr. Davis expressed with gratitude towards being rescued.

However the over all situations is being furthered looked into by Sheriff Valentie, in light of the situation that was filed a few weeks back by Nancy Parker. She calmed she found her daughter passed out and naked with a silver handprint on her stomach. No report has been found of this incident being the work of a local gang in the surrounding area or that supernatural forces are to blame.

Vanessa then flipped to the weather section of the paper and circled in red the phases of the moon where the planet Venus was located. On all accounts of the articles she had read Venus had been at the exact location in all of them and you could see the star Antares.

“Are you finished with your coffee miss?” The waitress Agnes said as she stood over the intense woman frantically packing up her belongings.

“Yes.” Vanessa said as she placed her final items into her bag. “Can I get you anything else?” The waitress said as she wrote out her check.

“No thank you I think I found what I was looking for.” Vanessa said as she slammed her money down on to the table and ran out the diner’s door into the night.

Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA) NEW AN 1/12/10

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:22 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

Well I am back after a long time of not posting here. So sorry about that Real Life has been very busy however my Muse is in full swing. So that is a very good thing! I am loving where she is taking me and where this story is going. I love my muse so much. So yes I hopefully will be posting more!

To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted! :D

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me!Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

Keepsmiling-Welcome! So happy you have been abducted and that you are enjoying this story! Lots more twists and turns to come.

Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me sine the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

Thanks again everyone for everything.

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
"One of these days
letters are gonna fall from the sky
telling us all
to go free
but until that day
I'll find a way to let everybody know
that you're coming back,
you're coming back for me"

~Letters From The Sky by Civil Twilight

Part Thirty Two

The group made their way on to the bricklayer streets as the chill from the desert air hit them as they walked into the night. “Maria you were amazing!” Alex beamed as he and Marcus packed up Chris car with their musical interments. “What can I say you can thank me when we win a Grammy.” Maria gushed as she threw her high heel shoes into the back seat of the car.

“Thanks for inviting me you all sounded great.” Max beamed as he helped Nicky carry the last of the equipment and placed it in the trunk of the car. “No problem man come again any time.” Nicky said as he hit Max on the back and smiled.

“I would invite you all back to my house by my mom has had enough excitement for one day.” Maria signed remembering how furious her mother had been over Max not calling.

“I swear your mom was about to kill me when I showed up at the house to pick you up.” Alex laughed as he climbed into Chris car. “Yeah well my mom can be a little over dramatic at times.” Maria sighed as she slammed the door of the car.

“Listen if you guys want you can come back to the Crashdown for some Men in Blackberry pie compliments of Mrs. Deluca. You are more then welcome to!” Liz beamed. “Thanks for the offer Liz we would love to. “ Michael beamed as he climbed on to his motorcycle.

“I wish I could but I am beat.” Marcus yawned as Nicky leaned against the back car window and closed his eyes. “I wish I could hang out more but I got to get the car back to my parents.” Chris chimed in as he looked at Liz from the driver’s seat of his car.

“OK how about Chris drops my rocker boys and then Alex and I go back to my house say hi to my mom and we pick up my Jetta and meet you there.” Maria smiled as she leaned out the open car window. “Sounds great.” Liz beamed as she watched her friends leave.

“See you later Liz and Maxwell.” Michael beamed as he speed off into the night.

“Tess you are more then welcome to come.” Max said in a friendly tone hoping she would join them. Tess hesitated for a moment she was still shaken up by the stranger she had encountered at the Pizza Pan as well as the strange phone call she had received earlier that night. She knew that if she went home her father would be asleep after a long night drinking with his former colleges and the last thing she wanted was to be alone. “Sure that would be wonderful.” She smiled as Max and Liz looked at her with kind eyes.

Katherine woke to the sound of a door being jarred open as the click clack of metal rubbed together as the door banged as if a strong wind had blown against it. Her heart pounded as she grabbed a book from the nightstand and walked slowly down the stairs to the frightening noise. The door swung open with a powerful force. Katherine screamed as she saw the shadow of a figure inside the doorway as the moon illuminated the figure. She held up the book she was holding and used it as a shield to protect her from the creature. She was sure this was the end as the figure came closer to her.

“Really cousin you were always the scardie cat.” The voice of a woman spoke as she grabbed the book from Katherine clutches and smiled. “Vanessa! It is you!” Katherine gasped as she looked into the piercing blue eyes of the woman in front of her.

“It’s me. Soaring the Star by Bryce McCain.” Vanessa read as she looked down at the book Katherine had been holding. “Really I thought you were done with these stupid trashy romance novels. It’s bad enough you live in the alien capital of the world! You have to read about them as well.” Vanessa cringed in disgust.

“Bryce McCain is a three time Hugo award winner and he could give those other authors a run for their money. The story is amazing! It’s about a human girl who gets taken by this group of Aliens and they are at war and they hold her captive and she falls in love with their leader and… Why are you here anyway?”

“Do you have today’s paper?” Vanessa said as she walked passed her confused cousin and flipped on a few lights in the kitchen. “I think it is still on the dinning room table?” Katherine said as she followed Vanessa into the other room. Vanessa went to the windows and cautiously looked towards the sky before she drew the curtains closed.

“Why are you here?” Katherine said again as Vanessa flipped the TV on to the local news channel. Vanessa slammed her large bag down on to the table. “It is Aunt Ida? Is she ok? Is my cousin Nicholas ok?” Katherine cried as Vanessa started pulling out stacks of newspaper and spreading them on the table. She pinned her long blond hair up into a bun and grabbed Katherine’s paper. “ Both Aunt Ida and Nicholas in Phoenix are fine.” Vanessa sighed as she skimmed through her pile of papers.

“Are you going to be her for long?” Katherine questioned with concern as she looked at her cousins behavior as she glanced at the TV and then at her. “ It depends.” Vanessa said annoyed as she flipped though the most recent paper and pulled out a red marker from her bag and uncapped it. She frantically started circling the paper in front of her with the marker.

“Turn that up!” Vanessa barked at Katherine as she glanced at the TV and then back to her papers. Katherine looked at her with a puzzled look as she saw Vanessa flipped through to another section of the paper and started circling it again in red. “Vanessa what is this all about?” Katherine cried as she turned the TV up and looked at her cousin who had stopped circling the paper and was now listening intently to the news as a woman with blond hair was reporting from a camping ground.

“Sky conditions were clear tonight for a local stargazers group who were in Firazier woods just near the city limits to look at the moon. They were hoping to catch a catch a glimpse of the bright red star Antares. This is a rare occasion in that the star Antares is only close to the moon a few times a year and it is rare that you can see the planet Venus hovering close by.” The reporter said as they showed footage of the stargazers camping sight complete with tents, sleeping bags, and telescopes.

“However tonight these stargazers witnessed a strange occurrence that took place in the sky. One local Rocky Calhoun calmed he saw the sky on fire.” The reporter said as the camera panned up towards the night sky and then on zoomed in on the local stargazing group.

“We could see the red star Antares near Venus and then we saw it burst into this bright red light. At first we thought the star was exploding but when we looked again the star was still there.” A man with glasses named Larry exclaimed on screen as the reporter held her microphone up to him.

“Then we saw the strangest thing happen after that we saw the star Antares near Venus and the a few other stars I guess you would call them or planets I am not sure form a V like pattern. Like the stars were making the letter V in the sky among the bright sky and then in a flash the image was gone.” A woman with short blond hair who was standing next to the man with the glasses named Jennifer clamed in wonder as the reporter looked on.

“This footage was taken on a hand held camera by one of the stargazer’s in the group Buzz Calhoun just moments before the event. As you can see it appears there are a series of flashes just before the formation of the letter V seems to be spelled out in the night sky.” The reporter clamed as the footage of the images is shown. The camera then went back to the locals being interviewed at the campground.

“I had my camera out see if I could get a glimpse of the star Antares near Venus. I was filming the night sky when I caught this strange event at just the right moment on tape.” Buzz Calhoun exclaimed in wonder as he talked to the reporter.

“You wait years for a sighting like this to happen!” The man Larry with the glasses exclaimed in excitement. “Well UFO or not you can be sure these stargazers had a night to remember. Reporting live from Frazier Woods I’m Eileen Burrows for 14 KQNM News.”

Vanessa frantically started scribbling on the newspaper as she wrote frantically.

“Vanessa why are you here!” Katherine screamed as she snatched the pen from her hand. Vanessa looked up giving her cousin a venomous look. “It’s been eight years since I last heard from you. No note, no phone call. not even a damn post card! Vanessa what happened to you!” Katherine whispered in fear over the frantic and possessed woman in front of her.

Vanessa took a deep breath before she answered her frail cousin who was on the verge of tears. “Katherine look I am really sorry but you shouldn’t be pulled into this. I needed a place to stay. It’s research. Nothing more. Nothing you should worry about. For the past eight years this has been my greatest project. I couldn’t tell you about it because I would be killed if I did. That is why I never called or wrote. It was too risky. If they ever found me…” Vanessa whispered with a vague expression in her eyes.

“Who Vanessa who is after you?” Katherine whispered as she looked at her worried cousin. “Is this about Daniel?” Katherine said as if she has seen a ghost as she eyes the medal he had one given to her years ago peaking out from her bag.

“Daniel has nothing to do with this. This is my research now.” Vanessa said in a hallow voice as she went back to writing her notes. “Look Vanessa its ok. I mean have you looked at yourself lately. When was the last time you slept or have had something to eat? We all know Daniel meant a lot to you but you really should let it go.” Katherine sighed as she looked at her disheveled cousin. She was not the woman she remembered. So full of life and sunshine now was a bitter and hallow. There was no light that shinned in her eyes. The spark had burned out years ago.

“Let it go sure it’s so easy for you to say Kathy open your eyes it’s all around you! The paper the news!” Vanessa cried as she pointed to the newspaper and then to the TV as she became even more enraged.

“It’s all around you the signs can’t you see or are you blind and believe that it really was just another freak accident, a weather balloon, a flash of light from a flair, a new military plane in the sky. Oh Katherine how naive can you be!" Vanessa spat as looked at her cousin with a harsh expression. “You read about it for god sake!” Vanessa screamed as she held up the Bryce McCain book and threw it towards Katherine. Katherine flinched and ducked just before the book hit her.

“So don’t tell me to let it go!” Vanessa gasped with a determined look in her eyes.

“Your insane! I won’t have you turn into another loon like Jim Valenti father! I will not have my world renounced cousin become another sergeant Martian! I won’t let it happen! I won’t have you become another Brody Davis and act like a raving loon! You need help Vanessa! Please let me help you!" Katherine pleaded as she started to cry.

“I’ll call Ed maybe he can help you. You remember Ed. I’ll call him over and we can have a nice chat and catch up like it is old times. Won’t that be fun?” Katherine pleaded as the knowledge from her former psychology degree started to kick in full gear.

“I don’t need your help and I don’t want to get Ed involved with this do you understand. This is a private matter. Please Katherine. This project is top secret people could die if I am not careful. You have to believe me.” Vanessa begged hoping her cousin would understand. Vanessa rubbed her head in frustration and sighed. She then pulled out Daniels Air Force Distinguished Service Medal.

“As you know this medal belonged to Daniel and he had been wearing it the day he was on his final flight. As you know they never found the plane or a body. He was just missing in action so they claimed. A few days after official word had gotten out that he was gone forever this medal showed up out of the blue and was sent to me. There was no note no address but there it was as clear as day. How could I have gotten this medal when no body was found or wreckage?

Look Katherine there are things I have seen and there are things I have done that you would be horrified if I told you. But this medal was a sign. A sign that Daniel is alive! I have risked my life so many times to get closer to the truth. I am so close now I can feel it.” Vanessa whispered as she clutched the medal close to her.

“Vanessa as much as I would like to believe you, you have to face reality sometime. Look I know you want to believe Daniel is alive and be hopeful that he is out there somewhere. But if he were alive don’t you think he would have found a way to contact you? I know you think that medal is a sign but that medal was sent to you by the military and not by some stranger. Vanessa as much as this hurts me to say this the truth is Daniel is dead. He is not coming back.” Katherine said in a sympatric tone knowing that her anger was just part of the psychological grieving process.

Vanessa started to shake and gasp for air as she clutched her fists together. “He is not dead! He was taken! So don’t tell me he is dead when you know deep down that is not true! Every time I close my eyes I see them! They haunt my dreams and create my nightmares. They are my own personal living Hell! They destroyed my life and for that they must pay! I will not sleep until Daniel is back in my arms!" Vanessa spat as she threw the medal on the table. She then broke into hysterics and crumbled to the floor.

“Vanessa who is after you?” Katherine cried as she bent down and held her frail cousin as she wept. “It doesn’t matter Katherine. No matter where I hide they will find me. They will even find you. Anyone of us could be next. James Atherton and Shelia Silo Hubble were killed by them and Daniel is...” Vanessa gasped as her shaking became even more intense.

“Dead?” Katherine whispered as she held her distressed cousin close to her. “No not dead he was abducted.” Vanessa breathed softy as she clung to her cousin in the darkness.

“Will you stop watching the TV and for once help me with these pies.” Maria cried as Michael looked at the TV with an intense look. “ Must you always be so bossy?” Sean grimaced as Maria shot him an annoyed look as Michael glanced up at the TV once last time and helped Maria with the pies.

Liz was busy helping Alex make coffee as the group gathered inside the Crashdown Café. “So you really think we have a chance of being the opening act for the KROZ Blind Date concert this year.” Alex beamed as he filled the coffee maker with water. “I am sure of it after tonight’s performance Chris thinks we are a shoe in.” Maria beamed as she started cutting the pies her mom had made.

“We will have to get a van and do that gig at Las Cruse University and do that battle of the bands next month.” Alex beamed as he grabbed a few mugs and placed them on the counter.

“Who do you know who has a van?” Liz asked as she helped Maria serve the slices of pie and placed them on the cream colored plates.

“Don’t even think of it Maria!” Sean braked as he tried to steal a taste of the dripping filling of the pie that was left in the silver tray. Maria quickly hit his hand as he flinched in pain. “Ouch” he cried shacking his hand. “Ok OK you can use the Van. But I swear if you get one starch on it there will be consequences!” Sean said in a stern tone as Michael burst out laughing. “What is it with Delucas and cars. It is bad enough Maria’s Mom gets on her back about the Jetta.” Michael smiled as he grabbed his plate of men in blackberry pie and went to looking back at the TV.

“What has got you so intrigued space boy?” Maria questioned as she saw Michael looking intently at the TV screen. “Nothing just some crazy report of campers in Friazier Woods looking for some fire in the sky.” Michael said as he chewed a huge piece of pie.

“So anyway back your van. How much does it fit and do you think we can place a drum set in there?” Alex beamed with excitement as Sean went on to explain the van he used once and a while for work when he was helping Maria’s Mom deliver party goods. “Kyle has a bigger van you could use if you need one.” Tess interrupted as she grabbed a piece of pie on the counter. “I could ask him.” Tess smiled as she sat down in a booth across from Max.

“Thanks Tess for the offer but Sean has us covered.” Alex beamed as he went to pour himself a cup of fresh coffee. “However we will need someone to tell people to come to the gig.” Alex said as he took a sip of coffee. “Will do.” Tess smiled as she took a bite out of her pie.

Sean sat down next to Michael as the TV buzzed on in the background. Max sat across from Tess and ate his pie as Liz joined him placing a cup of coffee down next to him. He quickly took a sip of the bitter liquid and smiled at Liz as he pulled her close next to him. “You guys are more then welcome to sleep over if you like. I got a few sleeping bags upstairs and my parents won’t mind at all. They will be home tomorrow anyway. Plus it is nice not being alone.” Liz signed as she leaned in closer to Max.

“A Parker sleep over I am so there!” Sean smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows at Liz. “Sean it’s not that kind of sleep over!” Liz cried as she rolled her eyes over Maria’s cousin’s antics. Maria threw Sean a menacing look as Sean threw up his hands in defense and mouthed “What” to her as Michael laughed.

“I already told you that Michael, Alex, and I are staying.” Maria beamed as she walked over to the booth. She hesitated when she saw Tess being she didn’t really know her that well or liked her. She hung out with Isabel Evans and the popular crowed of West Roswell High and that meant trouble. However Alex did invite her to hear them play and she did come. Plus she hung out with Liz and Max for most of the night. Especially Max. Maria did not like that one bit but then again maybe Max was just protecting her from the wrath of Isabel. Tess had seemed on edge the whole night and looked up set. Maybe Max was just being a good friend and decided to help her.

Maria signed and rolled her eyes. Forgot it she thought as she sat down next to Tess. She made Tess scoot down further into the booth. “How’s the pie?” She asked as Tess took another mouth full of the berry tart filled pie. “Delicious! Your mom is an amazing backer. I must get the recipe sometime.” Tess said in bliss as she closed her eyes. “Sorry it’s a family secret.” Maria beamed as she winked at Max. Max smiled at Maria as he took another sip of his coffee as he remembered their first encounter together and how similar tonight was to that fateful night.

“Tess you are more then welcome to stay the night. How are you feeling?” Max asked in concern as he looked at Tess. He knew she had a hard night and wanted to make sure she was safe. “Well I will stay if everyone is staying then I will too. I just have to call my dad and let him know.” Tess whispered as she smiled as the expression in her eyes said a silent thank you to Max for all he had done for her. Plus she was still shaken up from the night’s events and the last thing she wanted was to be alone.

“Great I will get some more sleeping bags. Come on Max you can help me.” Liz beamed with excitement as she grabbed Max’s hand and lead him threw the aqua teal door. They climbed the stairs and headed towards Liz’s room. “I think my mom left the extra sleeping bags in my closet.” Liz said as she headed towards the closet door. She then felt a hand on her arm as she spun around and came crashing into a passionate kiss as Max held her close in the dark room. The kiss was electric and intense as they melted into one another and held each other close. Max then broke the kiss and looked deep into Liz’s eyes.

“Thank you” He whispered. “For what?” Liz gasped breathlessly as she looked up at Max. “For everything. For my new life for making me feel like I belong.” Max said as he threaded his fingers though Liz’s long brown hair. “You do belong.” Liz smiled as she leaned up and cupped Max’s cheek in her hand. She smiled up at him knowing the words she spoke were true.

In the past few days and especially tonight she saw how well he got along with everyone she knew on earth. If one had not known his deep dark secret you could have sworn he belonged here. It made her heart soar to know while in his planet was in great peril that her world was giving him some piece of mind and hope.

Max smiled as Liz pulled away and opened the closet door. She started searching for the sleeping bags as she rummaged through her things. “Max I think I left one of my sleeping bags outside on my balcony. Can you check and see while I bring this down to Maria?” Liz said as she held a green sleeping bag in her hand. “Sure” Max said as he eyed the window and smiled at Liz as she left the room.

Max climbed through the window and entered Liz’s balcony. The air desert cold air hit him as he looked over his surroundings. He saw her lawn chair surrounded by old votive candles and an old radio. His eyes scanned the area until he saw the sleeping bag across the way lying on the concrete. He walked over and picked up the sleep bag. He was about to enter Liz’s room again through the window when he heard shouting outside. He walked over to the brick ledge where Liz had her telescope that she used from star gazing and looked down to the street below.

“There right there! Look! Look it’s right there! Look see the light! Aw there is another one! Wait till the news breaks out about this!” the voice echoed in the chill of the night as Max observed two locals pointing up to the sky. Max watched them and noticed two other kids joining the original two.

“What is this all about?” One voice cried and Max recognized it as the voice of Kyle Valenti. He observed Kyle join his jock friends and they pointed to the sky in excitement. “Kyle you got to tell your dad about this! Look there is another one!” Kyle’s teammate shouted as he nudged Kyle in the ribs and gestured him to look.

“Malamoot I don’t have time your crazy drunken antics. I think we need to put the UFO theory to rest. I don’t see this light show you speak of.” Kyle signed as he pushed Malamoot a tall boy with sandy blond hair off of him. “Look Kyle I am serious this time! Look over there see it.” Malamoot shouted. “It’s right in front of us right out by where the desert starts. See the moon. Now look down a little and you will see the red looking star Antaras.” Malamoot exclaimed as he moved Kyle in the direction he wanted him to be and pointed up to the sky.

“It’s right there! You see it? Look there is another one!” Malamoot screamed as Kyle looked up to where his friend was pointing. “No Way! I see it! I see it!” Kyle said in wonder as the whole group looked up at the sky.

Max watched the display unfold in front of him until he realized he had to get back to Liz and the group. He turned and looked up at the sky. There staring back at him was a series of powerful flickering lights or rather stars in the sky that were in the form of a V lighting up the night sky. He stumbled back as he felt the air leave his lungs and his heart constrict as he gasped for air. He knew what the V of stars meant. It was a sign a message from his planet telling him they wanted him to return.

Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA) NEW Part 32 3/4/10

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:46 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the summer weather. Well I happy to say that I am back after a long time of not posting here. So sorry about that Real Life has been very busy however my Muse is in full swing.

So that is a very good thing! I am loving where she is taking me and where this story is going. I love my muse so much! I have already written about 3 more chapters in this story that I hope to post soon. So hold on tight for some crazy ride.

To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted! :D

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me!Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76


Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me sine the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

I know you all have a lot of questinons as to what the message means.Will Max will leave. How will Max and Liz survive and communicate well unless they use Brody again however you all know how that went. :roll:

Vanessa obsessed well she is a mad scienetist after all! :mrgreen:

Your questions will be answered in all good time. Get ready for one crazy ride! :twisted:

Thanks again everyone for everything.

*Side Note: I did a lot of research for this next part that are important to the story. All of the Greek Mythology stories are real. I love Greek Mythology and learning about star and constellations.

Photos of Orion

Stories of Orion

Antares in Scorpio ... tares.html

History of the star Antares

Stories behind Constellations and how they relate to Greek Mythology.

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Thirty Three

“I’m sorry mister we are closed. This is a private party.” Maria signed as she looked at the crazed and gitty man in front of her. “Please I must speak to Liz Parker!” The man cried as he tried to push his way past Maria. “May I ask what in reference to?” Maria said as she elbowed herself even further in front of the door making sure she was a barrior between the man and the open restaurant. “This is top secret. Please I must talk to her.” The man insisted as he tired again to push his way through.

“Look she is not here.” Michael said in a stern voice as he tried to help Maria with the situation. “ I suggest you come back in the morning!” Michael said as he lean on the doorframe and glared at the man.

“Milton?” Liz said in a surprised tone as she saw him from afar as she entered through the diamond window blue door. “Parker Oh thank goodness. These ruthless ghouls would not let me pass!” Milton sighed as he walked past a very angry Maria as Michael gave him his stone cold stare.

Liz stood paralyzed as Milton made his way towards her. Her heart beat loudly as she questioned why he was here and was it something important. “Milton what is this about?” Liz whispered as she looked at the crazed man in front of her. “About? You haven’t heard? This is like, the cherry on top of a Sunday, the icing on the cake, the encounter of all encounters. Never in all of my close to 30 years of being a Ufologist have I seen a sighting like this!” Milton beamed as he looked at Liz with excitement.

“A sighting? I don’t understand?” Liz asked confused as she tried to reason with the over zealous man in front of her. “Tonight in Firazier woods a light flashed in the sky but not just any light. It was a series of lights. These stars we nothing like I had seen!” Milton beamed with wonder in his eyes.

“Liz is this man bothering you?” Alex asked in concern as he approached the stranger Liz was talking to. “No Alex I am ok really.” Liz smiled at her friend giving him a reassuring look. “Milton look why don’t you have a seat and I will get you something to drink and you can tell me from the beginning.” Liz said as Milton took a seat and tried to calm his excitement.

“Liz!” Max cried as he stumbled though the diamond blue door. “Max what is it what’s wrong?” Liz asked in concern as the group rushed to help Max gain his balance before he fell to the ground.

“Give him something to drink. Don’t crowd him!” Maria barked as Alex rushed to get him some water. “Come on lets get him to a chair.” Sean cried as he and Michael carried his limp body to a chair at one of the near by tables.

Tess sat in the corner silent as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. She sensed something was wrong as she watched Max who looked helpless and scared. She knew her friend was in danger and was afraid. Afraid of what she wasn’t sure but she wanted to help him.

“Evans!” Milton cried as he looked at the boy across from him. “Milton?” Max gasped as Maria handed him a glass of water.

“Evans did you see it the brilliant light display in the sky! We had contact! The V shaped symbol that was formed near the star Antares near Venus!” Milton beamed. “I am sure you are in shock. A true believer like yourself must be beside themselves. I know I myself almost passed out from sheer excitement.” Milton smiled as he looked at the boy who looked a little green around the gills and was about to faint.

Max took a sip of the cooling water and leaned back as he tried to regain his surroundings.

“Of course I went to the Rowell observatory for a closer look and I saw that they weren’t stars that formed the V shaped symbol but were in fact planets. Planets. How could that be I asked myself a planet or star shines bright all the time. Unless they are covered by a cloud in the sky. They don’t flash for one second and then burn out only to flash again in order to form a pattern. I have never seen the V shaped pattern in the history of all of the stargazing I have done or in the collection of star maps I have. The only conclusion I came to was that we have made contact!” Milton cried as he jumped up from his seat in excitement.

“They were communicating to us in a form of mores code. What does this V shape mean? And what do they want from us? If I could give you that answer I might just of made the most epic discovery in all of scientific history. They will build monuments for me and my name will forever be in the history books and I will look in their faces and say I told you so!” Milton beamed with pride as a glimmer of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. As if his whole life’s work was waiting for this moment.

Liz looked at Max in concern if what Milton said was true then what did it mean and how did it affect Max.

Just then the bell over the door rang as Liz saw Sheriff Jim Valenti enter the Crashdown Café. “Evening Miss Parker. I was doing the rounds and I noticed the lights were on. I was concerned being I know your parents are out of town and I was worried something bad had happened.” Jim said as he looked at the teenagers and Milton.

“Sheriff some of my friends were just sleeping over. So I wouldn’t be alone. You know for protection and all.” Liz smiled as she tried to sound convincing and not scared about the events she had just witnessed.

“That’s very smart of you Miss Parker. Milton what brings you out tonight?” Jim said as he question the intentions of why Milton was at the Café if it was so post to be closed to the public. “I was just here to inform my fellow citizens of the miraculous event that has taken place tonight!” Milton beamed with pride as if it was his epic discovery.

“Oh you mean the lighting show in the sky. My son Kyle saw it too and called me. We are getting reports from Vegas New Mexico that it was a prank from the local high school’s homecoming barn fire pep rally going on tonight as tribute to their schools mascot the Vegas Vikings. A few kids have already been arrested for illegal use of fireworks being they are minors and you are not so post to own them.” Jim said as he looked at Milton and then at the group.

“Damn that’s ashame! I could have sworn I saw planets when I was at the Roswell Observatory! Are you sure it was fireworks?” Milton sighed in frustration as if his life long dream was unraveling right in front of his eyes.

“You can call the school if you like. But by now I am sure it is going to be front page news and all over the news outlets” Jim said knowing in his heart he wanted it to be true being he believed in the supernatural. However he didn’t want people to know the truth. He knew that he had to keep the peace among his fellow citizens and didn’t want to be labeled as a raving loon like is father had been.

His eyes scanned the café and then landed on the strange boy with dark black hair and amber colored eyes. The boy appeared to be shaken up as if he had seen a ghost.

“Are you alright son?” Jim asked in a soft tone as he touched the boys shoulder. “Just a little shaken up I guess.” Max whispered as he looked into the sheriff kind blue eyes. “It happens to the best of us. I remember my first sighting. I was shacking in my boots and scared to death. After a few sightings you learn to get use to it and learn it is only a flash of lighting or a plane.” Jim said as he tried to ease the boy’s fears. The boy reminded him so much of his son.

Max looked at Jim with scared eyes like a child would when they are lost and separated from their parents who are searching to find them in order to be safe again.

“What’s your name? Jim asked in a warm tone hoping to make this strange boy feel safe. “Max…Max Evans.” Max whispered as Jim smiled.

“So Max what brings you to Roswell besides the Aliens?” Jim laughed as Max gave him a look of panic as if he had just found out of deep dark secret.

“He is my distant cousin. He is staying with my mom and Sean.” Maria beamed as he rubbed Max’s arm hoping to ease his fears. “Max is Liz’s boyfriend.” Sean bellowed out from behind the counter as Maria just rolled her eyes at her inappropriate cousins behavior.

“Yes Max and I go way back.” Liz chimed in as she looked at Max and then at the sheriff with a concerned look. Jim looked at Liz as he remembered the conversation they had a few months back when she had come in after her mother had called over the incident that had happened to her as well as to the Bordy Davis private property desert event. He remembered their conversation as if it has happened yesterday and the promise he had made to her.

“Liz if that boy healed you then consider yourself lucky. My dad encountered many who were cold- blooded killers. Liz I know what the silver hand print means. I know you were abducted. But I want you to know your secret is safe with me. You must have been very special to him.”

Jim looked at Max and then at Liz as the truth hit him. Max was the boy who had abducted her. However he also knew that this boy would never hurt her and that he was in love with her. He also knew that Liz was in love with him as well.

Jim smiled as he looked at Max and then at Liz. “ I know the history of you two. I guess when it comes to love some secrets are worth keeping.” Jim smiled as he gave Liz a wink to let her know that he knew the truth and that her and Max were safe.

“Maria you have a distant cousin why you, Sean, and Amy must be thrilled he is here to visit.” Jim beamed. “Yes we are pretty excited to have him in the family.” Maria beamed as she ruffled Max’s hair.

Jim wanted to make sure that the teenagers knew he would protect them so he decided he would say one last thing before he parted.

“Milton I am sorry you didn’t get your 15 minuets of fame. However if Aliens do ever come to Roswell I will personally tip my hat off to them and welcome to them for coming and hope they enjoy their stay.” Jim said as he adjusted the collar of his leather jacket.

“This is why the people of Roswell don’t know how lucky they are to have you around!” Milton said in a firm tone as he got up and shook Jims hand to state his point that not everyone thought he was crazy.

“Goodbye Liz and Max I will see you around and may you never stop being true believers! Tonight we got one step closer to the truth that to me is epic. Someday they will believe me! Just you wait!” Milton cried as he ran off into the night.

“What a weirdo!” Sean laughed as Alex and Michael burst into laughter as they watched Milton run down the streets of Roswell like a raving lunatic.

Tess watched the crazed man Milton run down the streets and then thought of her father and the strange phone call she had received earlier that night. She was also still shaken up by the stranger she had encountered at the Pizza Pan later that night.

What if there was a crazed man or a group of pranksters running through town or something worse that could hurt her and her family. Tess thought as her mind wondered over the evening events. She ultimately just want to put her mind at ease and wanted to make sure her father was safe as well as her.

The Sheriff claimed that it was just a prank from a near by high school however in her heart she felt it meant something more and could feel a shift in the wind as she shivered as a cold draft from inside the restaurant hit her.

Tess looked at Max with pleading eyes and saw the pain behind his and wished she could do something. She only knew she had made a promise to him and knew she had to fulfill that promise even if she was scared. She had to be strong and find the courage to protect Max as well as her family.

She slowly made her way to the Sheriff who was chatting with Maria about her mom and their new houseguest. She then took a deep breath before she began to speak. “Sheriff Valentie I was wondering if you could please stop by my fathers house on the way home.” Tess said in concern as Jim turned towards the blond haired girl.

Jim always liked Tess Harding and her family and knew that her and Kyle were good friends. She was a sweet girl so full of life and was like a ray of sunshine to anyone she met. So naturally anyone who was a friend of his son who was that kind he would take care of.

“Tess it is nice to see you. What’s is this in reference to? Kyle said you looked a little shaken up tonight at the Pizza Pan.” Jim said in a cautious tone as he tried to get some answers.

Tess took a deep breath it was now or never she thought as she found the courage to tell her story. “Well you see tonight we received a strange phone call at my house and I just wanted to make sure that it was nothing. You never know with all of the crazies out tonight. Just look at Milton. It could have been Brody Davis for all that I know who was calling my house to say the little green men had arrived.” Tess said as she laughed nervously.

Jim was concerned as he looked at Tess who looked frightened and scared. He wanted to ease her fears to the best of his ability but he needed some answers to his questions. Even if the phone call wasn’t related to a supernatural nature he still had to make sure his citizens were safe no matter what the threat was.

He had a feeling that strange and supernatural things were happening and wanted to make sure everything was under control and that people were safe. However he also wanted the group of teens to know that they also had an allie in him as well.

“Did the person on the phone say anything?” Jim asked in cryptic tone as he looked at Tess who looked like she was about to cry or pass out.

“No nothing there was just silence then the person hung up.” Tess said as she fought to be strong and thought of Max.

“I will have my dispatcher send over a cop car to your house to stay the night after I stop by and see if your father Ed is ok.” Jim smiled as he gave Tess a reassuring look and patted her on the shoulder.

“Oh thank you Sheriff. I feel safer now that I know you will look into it. You know me and how much I worry over my father.” Tess smiled as a wave of relief washed over her.

“Not to worry the Roswell police force will be out tonight especially after the incident that occurred. We don’t want anyone in town to be disturbed by these pranksters or for any more antics to occur.” Jim said as he looked at the group and then at Max one last time before he looked at his watch and got ready to leave.

“Well I am off. Thank you Miss Parker. You kids have fun and don’t forget to lock up. I want you to be safe.” Jim said as he turned to leave. He then stopped in front of Max and tipped his hat to him. “Max it was a please meeting you. Welcome to Roswell. Hope you enjoy your stay here.” Jim smiled as he looked at Max one last time before heading out into the desert night.

Liz and Maria beamed knowing the Sheriff was on their side and Max smiled knowing he had just made another friend who know about his secret and would keep him safe.

“Why did Milton insist on speaking to you Liz?” Michael said as he walked over to a near by booth and sat down in front of Max and Liz.

“And Tess what is with you asking the Sheriff to see if your father is safe?” Michael asked as he raised an eyebrow to the blond and he tried to piece the night’s events together.

“And why did you almost pass out? You look like you have seen a ghost?” Michael asked as he looked at Max.

“Look Mr. NYPD Blue will you quite it with the twenty questions. It has been a long night for all of us. Plus you know how this town can get with its crazies.” Maria laughed as she sat down next to Michael. She desperately wanted to tell him the secret about Max but thought it was best that Max tell himself. When ever that would be she wasn’t sure.

“Sorry Maria it’s just that it doesn’t make any sense.” Michael sighed as he took a sip from his coffee. “I mean Liz you don’t know Milton but he sure seemed to know you and Max really well. And Tess what’s this about your father? Is he alright?” Michael asked in concern. He didn’t know Tess very well but he wanted to make sure her and her family was safe.

“I received a strange phone call tonight at my house. I must have been a prank phone call from the guys who short off those fireworks.” Tess signed as she sat down at a near by table next to Max.

“I had to do a research paper on Venus for Mr. Singers class so that is how Milton knows me. I borrowed some books from him.” Liz said knowing her cover was somewhat convincing. She did technology borrow books on Venus. However they didn’t know it was really to get information on where Max could have been.

“Liz we are not even up to the planet Venus in Mr. Singers class. Remember he wanted us to get through red giants and stars first before we started on the planets?” Tess said knowing full well her straight A science lab partner would of not messed up and assignment or failed to do a paper on the wrong topic.

“Oh right must have slipped my mind.” Liz squirmed knowing her alibi was blown. “However you know me I always want to be on top of things a few months ahead.” Liz said as she gave Max a cautious look.

“Liz what was the real reason why Milton was here? What are you hiding? Did he do something to Max? Is that why he was so shaken up?” Alex demanded, as he looked deep into the eyes of his long time friend. He knew her all too well to know when she was lying and when she was telling the truth.

“Alex you already know the reason. Think long and hard. Lights in the sky.” Liz whispered praying her friend would connect the dots.

Alex looked stunned as he looked at Liz and then at Max as memories of the conversation he had with Liz when she was sick came flooding back to him.

“I was sleeping and was abducted. When I awoke I met King Maxwell Zandar of Antar. I was afraid at first but soon my fears left me once I got to know him. He told me he loved me and took me as his Queen and we got married that night. He then placed a silver handprint on me so I would remember him. Then I awoke to find that I was back on Earth.”

Alex gasped as he slightly fell backwards in realization of who Max was starting to come to the surface as he tried to reason with himself over the idea. “Liz that’s crazy Max…Max is Maria’s distant cousin!” Alex cried as if saying the words out loud would change his mind and justify the truth.

“Not some… Alien who abducted you!” Alex chocked as he rubbed his head in shock.

“You mean to tell me that one of the little green men is staying at our house!” Sean cried as he looked at Maria as if she were an alien herself and had grown ten heads as his mind tried to wrap around the information.

“Well clearly he is not green and not so little! Honestly Sean where are your manners!” Maria spat as she hit her cousin on the back of the head and gestured with her hands for him to look at Max.

“How long have you known about this Maria?” Michael said as he looked at Maria and then at Liz. “Just this afternoon but Liz told Alex and I what happened to her when we came to visit her a few months back. Of course we thought she was delusional but we believed her anyway no matter how crazy the story sounded.”

“Who else knows?” Alex said in concern as he looked at the group who was surrounding Max. “I do” Tess piped up as the group turned and looked at her for an explanation. “ I figured it out on my own. From the beginning I always knew.” Tess said as she locked eyes with Max.

“No this can’t be true! This can’t be happening!” Sean sighed as he rubbed the temples of his forehead. “Wait so you mean to tell me… the desert! The desert! You trespassing on private property! It was…it was because of him?” Sean stuttered as he looked at Liz and then at Max. Liz nodded, as Sean started to pieces the past few months together.

“Wait so the girl you mentioned who you met once and then had to leave when you went away that was Liz right?” Michael said as he remembered the first conversation he had ever had with Max in art class. “Yes.” Max whispered as he looked at Liz as they shared a smile.

“Look I was going to tell you all eventually but I wasn’t sure if you would believe me. So I thought it was best that Max tell you himself. Now that you know you have to promise me you will not tell anyone. Please Max’s life as well as mine depends on it.” Liz pleaded as she looked at her friends and then at the love of her life Max.

“I would never hurt any of you. I think you know by now that my intensions are good. I am not here to invade or to take over. I’m just trying to find my way and seek some answers before I am called back.” Max said in a kind yet bittersweet tone as he addressed his newfound friends. He wanted to desperately to fit in and have their trust.

He was used to it the loyalty of a King was give to him with out question. He had done nothing and yet he had loyal subjects. Loyalty was something that wasn’t earned. You could be loyal to anything. You could be loyal to an object, a place, a person. Yet you could never really know the reason why you were loyal unless there was some other meaning behind it. He had seen soldiers loyal to their swords because it gave them strength. Seen citizens been loyal to their planet because living there gave them hope, and had seen people be loyal to one another in the form of love.

However trust was something to be earned it was something to work for to strive for. When a subject was loyal as well as trustful to him then Max knew he had respect and that was the driving force behind their intentions. For with out respect then love can’t happen. You first must trust in order to be accepted. To know you are safe and that on one will hurt you. You must find some quality in that person to respect and then you are open to love.

Max hoped and prayed that trust had won in the end as the fate of his life rested in the hands of these six teenagers. He knew one already had his trust and love as he looked up at Liz who was pleading with her heart for the others to accept him like she had.

“You already know that Maria and I will keep you safe no matter how crazy this may all be. The two of us made a pack a while back when Liz had told us what happened to her and we vowed to keep her safe no matter what the cost. After all what are friends for.” Alex beamed as Maria gave him a huge hug.

Michael then slowly got up from his booth and cautiously approached him.

“You already have my back Maxamillion.” Michael cried as he smiled and patted Max on the back.

“Any distant cousin who is a friend of Maria’s is a friend of mine. Besides I already live with creatures from outer space anyway.” Sean beamed at Max as Maria rolled her eyes and smiled.

“I already promised you I would keep you safe.” Tess smiled as she squeezed Max’s hand.

“I told you as long as I am living I will do anything in my power to keep you safe.” Liz whispered as she leaned in and kissed Max. They both wrapped their arms around each other tight. Finally they pulled back from their hug and looked at the group. “Thank you” They said at the same time knowing that as long as their friends were with them they could face anything together.

Max figured that it wasn’t the best time to tell the group what the V meant to him. He wanted them to process the new information that he had told them that he was not of their world and was a stranger to them. Even if they accept them it still was an eerie concept to know that they were not the only ones in the universe and that he was not human. So he let the group have a moment before he explained the reason why he was so distressed.

“The reason why I almost passed out is because that V in the sky well Milton was right it was more then just fireworks. It was a symbol a symbol from my home. I am not sure what it means I think they are calling me back?” Max whispered in a tone that was one mixed of aw and sadness. He was shocked that his planet found him but he was also saddened as to what he would find when he returned. The last few hours when he was back on Antar his kingdom had fallen and were in the mist of chaos.

“So Milton wasn’t insane when he said how he saw planets?” Liz gasped as she looked at Max. “I would have to get a better look and see if he was in fact right.” Max sighed as he looked at Liz.

“Well I hate to break it to you but the light show ended hours ago.” Michael said as he glanced up at the TV that was reporting the event on the nightly news was now on some late night talk show.

“Well we could always check the Roswell observatory they keep nightly records of the events in the sky. Maybe we can find something there.” Tess chimed in hoping she could be of some help.

“Or I can read the star maps and see if there is anything unusual about them that a normal human wouldn’t notice.” Max said as he got up and walked over the glass window of the Crashdown to check the night sky for any paranormal activity. However all that greeted in was the constellation of Orion against the ebony sky. He squinted his eyes and then walked outside to get a better view of the constellation. The group followed to see what had Max so intrigued. “Max what is it?” Liz asked as she ran to Max’s side.

“They used Orion belt to form the V shaped symbol. You see the three stars well look off to the left hand side.” Max gestured with his hand as he pointed up to the night sky. “They shined two stars next to it to form the shape. At least I think they were stars? We can check the observatory to make sure. Anyway the story of Orion is that he was a hunter who was killed by a scorpion.

Another myth is that Orion fell in love with Artemis a daughter of Zeus and he was killed by his lovers bow. Artemis had mistaken Orion identity when her brother Apollo the sun god told her to shoot knowing that Orion was swimming in the river and wanted him dead being he was a threat to him. Artemis was so heartbroken that she placed Orion in the sky.

However some myths say that Orion tried to take advantage of Artemis and she killed him with one of her arrows in self-defense. I tend to like the myth of how Orion and Artmeis fell in love.” Max said as he turned to the group.

“Look Max as much as I enjoy this star gazing lesson what does this have to do with anything that happened tonight?” Sean cried as he pulled his jacket tighter around him to fight off the desert chill.

“Tonight on the news they clamed that some local star gazers where out to look for the star Antaras near Venus.” Michael chimed in hoping the information he knew might help.

“Right well the star Antaras is part of the Scorpion constellation. It is the Scorpion heart. Antares means holds against Mars or Aries. The goddess of war which means I think that Antar is holding it’s ground against our enemies.” Max said as he scratched his head trying to make sense of what the strange V symbol meant.

“But that can’t be right for if the V means Venus then she fell in love with Mars after leaving the craftsman Vulcan.” Tess sighed as she racked her brain for an answer.

“How do you know this?” Alex cried as he looked at Tess in shock. “I brought a book of Edith Hamilton Mythology with me tonight in case I got board and wanted something to read.” Tess said as she shrugged her shoulders and looked to the night sky.

“Cool can I see it!” Michael cried as he beamed with delight. “I love that stuff!”

“Come on let’s go inside it is freezing!” Maria chattered as she shivered in the cold night air. As much as Maria would love to sit and help her friends she didn’t want her lips turning blue. Michael draped an arm around her hoping his body heat would help. It didn’t she shook even more. “I’m taking my girl inside before she turns into an ice cube.” Michael said through chattering teeth.

“Great. I’m so getting more pie and making hot chocolate!” Sean cried as he huddled close to his cousin as they raced inside the Crashdown for warmth.

Alex and Tess soon followed leaving Max and Liz to stare up at the stars. “If Tess’s theory about Venus is right maybe I can search those books Milton gave me to see if I can find any information that would be helpful. We also have my grandma Claudia’s journals that we can look at as well.” Liz smiled as she turned and looked at Max.

“What you did tonight was very brave telling everyone your secret.” Liz said as she took hold of Max’s hand and squeezed it. Max smiled slightly and looked down at their intertwining hands.

“Don’t worry we will figure out what that message in the sky meant. Just remember as long as you are with me I will keep you safe.” Liz whispered knowing the words she spoke were true. Max smiled and squeezed her hand to let her know he would do the same thing for her if the situation were reversed.

Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA)New Authors Note 1

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:24 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well and that you are enjoying the wonderful fall weather and that you all had a great Halloween!

Life for me has been busy. However I have not stopped writing. My Muse is in full swing! I will try to post when I can. I love this story too much and I will finish it! So please don't forget about this story if i have not posted in a month or 2.

Thank you for all of your patients! It means the world to me. To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted!

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me!Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me since the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

Thanks again everyone for everything.

*Side Note: I did some research for the next part.

The Magastic Tweleve did exhist and was formed in 1947. Learn more about the group here.

Photo of The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal

In case you want to brush up on your stars and constellations I posted the links again. Yes you too can be a master of Astronomy like Max! :wink:

The Planet Venus

The Star Antares is a real star you can learn more about it here.

More information on Antares as well as some photos. ... CAwQ9QEwAA

Photo of the Star Antares

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Also round 14 for nominating stories for Fan Fiction Awards is underway so remember to vote for the ones you like and enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
"Here we stand
World's apart, hearts broken in two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground
I'm reaching for you

Feelin' that it's gone
Can change your mind
If we can't go on
To survive the tide love divides

Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways"
~ 'Seperate Ways' by Journey

Part Thirty Four

Smoke filled the air of the crowed bar as a man entered the gritty atmosphere. The door slammed as the eyes of the patrons pierce through him as if to say “Your not from around here get out you don’t belong!”

The man ignored the local townies as he walked over the long wooden bar and sat down on one of the creaky stools. He glanced up at the TV hanging above as the image of woman interviewed locals at a near by campground who were buzzing about seeing fire in the sky.

“What can I get you?” a woman wearing jeans and a black tank top asked as the stranger’s eyes turned and glanced at the voice in front of him. “Whiskey” The man said as he glanced into the girls hazel eyes. “Coming right up” the blond haired girl said as she turned and walked down the long display of illuminated liquor bottles. She gracefully grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and placed the shot glass down with a bang in front of the man.

“ So where are you from stranger?” the girl said as she poured the amber liquid into the glass. “Around.” The man said as he watched the girl top off his shot glass. “Your car break down or something?” The girl asked with a puzzled look. “No.” the man said in a hesitant tone as he grabbed his drink and then looked at the girl. “Well I only ask because we rarely get any strays here. Unless it is for a convention, then all of the crazy’s show up. Your not one of those loons are you looking for those green men or fire in the sky?” The girl said as she wiped down the counter. The man smiled “Not unless that fire is being shot from a B52.” The stranger laughed.

“So you’re a pilot. I should have known. We got a lot of those military types in here once and while. Are you on leave?” The girl asked as she went to pour a beer from tap for a local. “Something like that I actually spent some time in this tumble weed town a few years back.” The man said as he downed the strong bitter clove liquor from his shot glass. “Well you either must have family from here or your one of the loons. That’s the only reason why people ever come back here.” The girl said as she refilled the stranger’s glass before she left to take another locals order.

The man downed the shot as he watched the blond bartender start to dance as the cords of a country song started playing on the jut box. She started humming along to the song as she grabbed a few beers and uncapped them before she placed them in front of the men dressed in baseball caps and wrinkled flannel shirts.

“If you boys need anything else just ask.” The girl said as she started to sing a verse of the song playing in the bar. The ring of the cash register opened as the girl started to place the money she had received into one of the lined rectangle boxes. She then pulled out a few dollar bills from another box and closed the cash register with her hip as she strutted over to the men as she handed them their change.

The stranger signed as he turned and started watching an intense game of pool being played at a near by table. The clacking from the pool balls memorized him as he starred off into the distance.

The traveling on the road was getting to him as he turned and leaned his elbows on the bar. He sighed as he rubbed his temples and tried to fight off the sleep he so desperately needed. He closed his eyes for a second as he tried to forget. The images flooded his mind like a ghost haunting his dreams and he fought to shack off the uneasy feelings he had since he had entered the town. However he knew he couldn’t stop. Not now when he was so close he had to find her.

“So who broke your heart?” The girl said as she stared at the man with an intense look. “Excuse me?” the man said as he turned to the girl who had taken his drink order. “Well from the look on your face it looks like your heart was hit by a speeding truck on the 285 South!” The stranger looked up at her surprised but didn’t answer. He almost laughed thinking of how she reminded him of a similar blond he had met in a bar once so many years ago.

“I also can tell you clearly don’t have family here or else one of the locals in this bar would have mentioned that fact when they saw you around these parts. It’s a small town after all.” The blond hair girl said as she looked into the strangers piercing blue eyes.

“And I know and you are not a loon. How do I know you are not a loon? Because if you were you would be sitting here babbling on and on to me about government conspires and the supernatural findings of weather balloons back in 1947.” The girl said as she placed her elbows on the table and leaned in closer to the man.

“Are you a mind reader or something?” The man smirked as if the blond had figured out his deep secret.

The girl shook her head and laughed. “No not a mind reader more like intuition. I observe a lot working here. It’s more of a six sense for me when it comes to reading people.” The girl said she looked at the man and smiled.

“So the only other reason why people ever come back to this town are people who are searching for either the little green men or some lost love.” The girl said, as she looked deep into the piercing blue eyes of the lost and weary man.

“It was a long time ago.” The man said as he gulped down his shot and signed. “ So what was her name?” The girl said as she filled the mans glass again with the amber liquor.


“Vanessa. Vanessa I like that name. You know her name means butterfly.” The girl grinned taking another glass and place it in front of her. She then poured her self a shot and gulped down the liquor.

The man stared at the girl with blond hair and hazel eyes as he laughed. “A butterfly she would love that.” The man said shacking his head.

“So what happened to this Vanessa did she leave you for another man?” The girl said as she poured herself another shot. “No we just lost touch.” The man said as his heart constricted remembering the last time he saw her.

“Is she the one who got away? You left her and now you regret it after all these years.” The girl said as she downed her drink. “Got away is an understatement. I was on the brink of death twice and she was the one thing that pulled me though. The thought of her give me a new life.” The man said as he handed his shot glass for the girl to refill it.

“You want to see a photo of her?” The man said as he reached into his coat pocket for his wallet. “This is a photo of us when we were in Vegas many years ago.” The man said as the girl took the worn wallet size photo and looked at it. In the photo was a couple standing on top of the Stratosphere as the lights of the Vegas strip gleamed in the background. The woman had long blond hair and was smiling as she hugged the man beside her tight. “She is beautiful.” The girl commented as she handed the photo back to the man.

He looked at the photo with a distant look. “Thank you. It was taken a few days before… anyway it’s not important. What’s important is that I am alive.” The man sighed as he placed the photo back into his wallet and put it into his jacket pocket.

“That must be hard being in the service risking your life and leaving your loved ones.” The girl said in a sympatric tone as she tried to in someway to ease the stranger’s pain. She could tell it was a hard subject. “It’s hard but it’s worth it.” The man smiled at the girl.

“Vicky I don’t pay you by the hour to talk to customer’s all night long!” A man yelled from the back kitchen. “Relax Eddie! Do you see anyone here complaining! They all have their drinks and food. Calm down ok!” Vicky spat as she grabbed some clean wet glasses from the bar sink and started to dry them rigorously with a towel.

“Freaking Eddie!” Vicky muttered under her breath. “Sorry about that my boss can be a little rude at times.” Vicky signed annoyed as she placed the dried glasses back on to the glass rack as she gave Eddie a messing look. The man laughed. “You remind me of her in some ways. Vanessa was a fierce one that’s for sure.”

The Vicky laughed. “Well I have been know to stir up trouble every now and then.” Vicky said as she grabbed the Jack Daniel’s bottle and poured her new found company another drink.

“I’m Vicky by the way.” Vicky said as she placed the bottle of Jack down as she topped off her glass.

“Daniel. It’s nice to meet you Vicky.” Daniel said as he held up his shot glass. “To butterfly’s and to victory.” They clinked glasses and drank down the liquor. “Victory?” Daniel asked in a questioning tone.

“It’s the meaning of my name and you my friend I think just found one.’ Vicky smiled as she winked at Daniel. “Really how so?” Daniel asked intrigued by the girl’s spunky spirit. “ Well you’re in the town that your Vanessa is from. At any moment you could see her or run into her. That has to feel somewhat exciting. So yes a victory indeed. I feel your life Daniel is about to change. Like the caterpillar in the cocoon ready to hatch.” Vicky cried in excitement.

“Ok little lady I think you have had a little too much to drink.” Daniel laughed and shook his head. “Sorry it’s just we don’t get a lot of new people in here. So it is a nice change to talk to someone who is not from here.” Vicky said as she started to clean up a few empty beer bottles from the counter.

“You’re the most excitement we have had tonight since that stupid fake UFO sighting. Have you seen the news? I swear the loons are out tonight. I mean really do they actually think that we made contact with another life forum and in the shape of a V no less. Loons I tell you!” Vicky cried as she started to count the tip jar money.

Daniel looked up at the TV with an intense look. He saw the V shape flash on the screen.

“Reports from tonight’s fire in the sky incident from Fraizer Woods can be debunked as nothing more of a prank gone wrong of a few high school students from Vegas New Mexico. It was a prank for their local high school’s homecoming. Who’s barn fire pep rally was tonight. The V shape was so post to tribute to their schools mascot the Vegas Vikings. However that wasn’t the case for some campers in Fraizer Woods who thought they had made contact.

A few teens from Vegas New Mexico have already been arrested for illegal use of fireworks being they are minors and you are not so post to own them. How they got the fireworks and who sold them to the students is still being looked into but for now you can be assured these teens will think twice before doing a stunt like this again. Talk about a close encounter with the law. For more on this and other stories please stayed tuned to 14 KQNM News for future updates.”

Daniel gasped as he saw the V shape on the screen. “That’s impossible! How could it be?” He thought as the image brought back so many memories. Maybe tonight was a victory for some but a what coast and why? So many questions ran though his mind as he looked at the image.

“Well Vicky it’s been a pleasure thanks for making my first night in Roswell a Victory. Daniel said as he went to get his wallet out to pay. “It’s on the house. You have yourself a good night. I hope you find your Vanessa.” Vicky smiled as she started to dry a few clean glasses. Daniel put his wallet back and smiled. “Thanks I hope so too. It was nice meeting you. Take care of yourself.” Daniel said as he got up to leave. He was almost to the door when Vicky called out to him.

“Wait before you go. It’s so funny your Vanessa reminds me of this girl I know in town. Her name is Tess Harding. Has the same exact blond hair like the sun. Her father Ed comes in here every once and a while to grab a bite to eat before he teaches his classes at the University.” Vicky said as she slammed the cash register shut.

Daniel looked at her with a strange look as the image of the girl she had just mentioned flashed in his mind as he remember bumping into her at the Pizza Pan later that night. He remembered her sitting with the boy with the amber eyes as she chatted with her friends.

“Really I think I saw her tonight when I was at the Pizza Pan. Wait Ed Harding I have heard the name I think Vanessa read a few of his scientific books over the years. Do you where one might find them?” Daniel asked in a quantized tone.

“I am not sure I think they last lived on 433 Crestview. You could check and see. They are lovely people. If you see them tell them that Vicky Delaney says hi.” Vicky smiled as she looked at Daniel.

“Will do. Take care Vicky. Thanks for making this stranger feel at home!” Daniel said as he gave her one last wave. “See you around Judge.” Vicky cried and waved back.

“Judge?” Daniel said taken by the nickname the girl had given him. ‘It’s the meaning of your name.” Vicky smiled as Daniel shook his head and laughed as he turned to leave.

He was almost to the door when he heard Vicky scream. “Wait!” She ran to him and gave him a hug. “Good luck. I hope you find your butterfly.” She said as she let him go and watched Daniel leave into the night.

The cop car made it way towards Crestview Road. It slowed down and turned off it’s flashing red and blue lights as Jim Valenti made his way towards the fount door of the beige stucco house. He knocked on the white door and waited. From the outside it looked like the house was deserted there were hardly any lights on as Jim peered into one of the windows. He feared the worst as he waited. He knew what was at stake.

He had witnessed many things growing up and his father knew of the little green men. He had seen the amazing and astonishing things they could do. Heal someone from the inside out. They could connect with people and talk to them even from far away like what happened to Brody Davis.

However he also knew of the side of these creatures that was pure evil. They abducted people and were savage killers. He saw it with the James Atherton murder in 1959, The Bitter Lake incident at Peppers Café in 1972, the missing in action of Daniel Pierce in 1986. He saw too much pain and heart break among the gleaming shimmer of a ghostly shadow of a hand that didn’t belong to one of his own.

He remembered reading the reports his father had written long ago. Jim himself remembered the night of Peppers Café and how he watched his father zip up the black body bags of the victims who had been slaughtered in cold blood. Only this blood ran in the form of silver. It’s liquid burned on the inside causing the blood to bubble and be consumed into ash by its foreign essence.

He remembered seeing Shelia Hubbled that night looking like a fallen angel as his father encased her in black and wheeled her lifeless body into the hospital car as it drove off to the morgue. How the bodies looked alien foreign among the fallen asphalt as the blue and red lights from the cop cars made them glow in an eerie light. Caution tape blew in the desert wind as the bodies were photographed like celebrities on a red carpet. Only this carpet wasn’t red and made of expensive fibers but of harsh gravel and white parking lot lines.

He remembered the grief that lay in the eyes of the remaining victims of Peppers Café and the bitterness that now coursed through the hearts of citizens of Bitter Lake. It was after that his father was made the sacrificial lamb. The people knew deep down what really happened but they were afraid of their own death by quick silver in the shape of a hand. So the nickname sergeant Martian was born after Jim Valentie Sr. tried to get the truth out as to what really happened at Peppers Café instead of it being a lie and cover up. Ignorance is bliss they say and so was the motto of the citizen of Bitter Lake. By the time Jim Valenti Sr. was called back to his work as Sheriff in Roswell New Mexico the nickname stuck and scarred his career.

A select few saw the light so to speak. Everett Hubble, Claudia Parker, Lauren Holt, and Ed Harding were the first to establish the secret support group who believed that Sheriff Valenti Senior was not a loon and that the victims of Peppers Café were not murdered but were abducted just like James Anthon had been in 1959 and that supernatural forces were to blame.

The group studied and wanted to learn all there was to know about these outsiders just in case another attack should happen again. They never spoke of their findings in public like Milton did. Let the tourists and the UFOlogolist deal with the locals thinking they were the ones who were off their rockers.

Just like the Majestic Twelve who were chosen by the government to keep the 1947 Roswell crash a secret they had made that pack a long time ago to never discuss the outsiders in public to no one but to do what ever it took to keep their loved ones safe.

Not all of the outsiders were bad in the years of research they discovered that a rare few were good and used their gifts for healing purposes or for communication from one world to another. The people they touched might have bore the same silver handprint but in those cases no one was ever hurt.

Jim saw this once an old man in town named River Dog was very sick and was suffering from a deadly disease that had no cure. His tribe on the reservation was concerned that he would not make it in time and that his fever would spread. The next day he was ok. He told people saying how he had a dream that a medicine healer came to him and left his mark on him. That mark was the silver handprint. Over time it faded but River Dog talked about how the spirits in the sky saved him in a dream.

The encounter that had happen to Liz Parker was not a dream it was real. One look into the amber innocent eyes of the boy who stood by her told him he was one of the Outsiders they had so often researched and kept the encounters they had experienced secret in order to keep their loved ones safe.

Jim knew Max was on their side after all he had not killed Liz Parker when he had abducted her however so many questions still remained why did he abduct her? Why did he let her return to Earth? Why was he here? Was their any one looking for him? Or was any one looking for him and at what coast?

He just feared that those lights in the sky were not a signal of something evil to come as he sighed and waited for the door to open.

The door creaked open “Jim” Ed Harding said as he stood in the open doorway. “Ed” Jim said as he stared into Ed’s eyes with an intense look.

“I was just patrolling the area after what happened tonight I wanted to make sure everyone was at ease. A lot of pranksters caused quite a disturbance tonight.” Jim said as he tried to see if Ed was in any danger.

‘Did you receive any strange phone calls this evening?” Jim said in a concerned tone as he looked at Ed with a cautious look.

“Non that I know of. Is this about Tess? Is Tess ok? Is she hurt?” Ed said in a frantic tone, as he feared the worst had happened to his daughter.

“Tess is fine. I just saw her at the Crashdown Café with Alex Whitman and Liz Parker.” Jim smiled as he hoped his information eased Ed’s mind.

“Oh right she went to see Alex’s band play and mentioned something about staying over at a friends. I didn’t know it was at Liz Parkers.” Ed signed as he looked at Jim.

“I know Claudia Parker was a friend of yours. They are good people Ed. I just feel bad what Jeff and Nancy had to go through with their daughter.” Jim said hoping Ed would understand.

“Silver seems to be the favorite color of this town.” Ed said as he gave the sheriff a knowing look.

“Please come in.” Ed smiled as he gestured to the dimly lit room with his hand.

Jim smiled and entered as Ed closed the door. Jim and Ed entered into the living room where the group was sitting as the TV buzzed on about the fireworks in the sky.

“Quite a light show we had tonight.” Everett Hubbert spat as he eyed Jim from his seat on the sofa. “Fireworks in the sky. I swear if I had a dollar for every time I heard that story I would be a rich man.” Everett laughed bitterly.

“Following in old daddy’s footsteps off to catch the little green men this time? Sergeant Martian would be so proud if he could see his son today.” Ed snickered in a bitter tone as he downed the last of his drink.

“Everett that’s enough.” Ed spat as he looked at the glassy eyes of his drunken friend.

“Look I’m just here to do my job. I am just trying to keep the people of this town safe.” Jim said as he looked at Ed and then at Lauren.

“Safe! Safe!” Everett cried in rage as he leaped off the sofa and lunged for Jim.

“It’s because of you and your family that Shelia was abducted by those monstrous creatures and you did nothing… nothing… to stop them! They took her and killed her and left her lifeless body in the street to rot! Your dad called it a cold case when you knew, you knew those monsters were behind her murder!” Everett gasped as he shook and hit Jim will every ounce of strength he had left in him.

“Stop it Everett you’re hurting him!” Dr. Lauren Holt cried as her and Ed tried to pry their friend off of Jim who was starting to bucking at his knees and bleed from his nose as a result of Everett’s right hook.

“That’s enough Everett! You think it doesn’t pain me everyday to know that Vanessa is gone!” Ed shouted as rage ran through his body.

“You got off easy Ed Vanessa left you it wasn’t like they abducted her! I just wish everyday they had taken me instead of Shelia!” Everett snarled as he gave Ed a vicious look.

“You lost someone you love well SO DID I!” Ed screamed “So don’t you dare tell me that I don’t know the pain you feel everyday Everett!” Ed spat as he clenched his fists and tried to control his anger.

“Look at yourselves it makes me sick! If Claudia could see you now she would be disgusted! The way you are acting is childish! We are accomplishing nothing by pointing fingers and saying who is to blame. Remember the pact we made tonight to protect and honor the ones we love.” Lauren sighed as she looked at the distorted men in front of her that she called friends.

“This fighting is getting us no where. The main reason we are all here is to talk about that V shaped symbol in the sky not to rehash the past!” Jim said as he gave Lauren an understanding look.

“What do you make of the whole thing? Is it bad are we in danger?” Ed asked as he tried to calm down and focus on the strange image he had seen on the news.

“I was hoping you could tell me Ed. I have never seen anything like it in all of my years except maybe for the night of Pepper’s Café.” Everett said as he poured himself another drink and tried to relax.

“Yes I remember that night well. It was a new moon. The night was pure black and there were a thousand stars in the sky. Then I saw it that V flash in the sky but I didn’t know what to make of it.” Ed said as he quickly ran to his study leaving the group to question his sudden and abrupt behavior. He then emerged with a black book in his hand.

Lost Treasures by Claudia Parker the title gleamed in gold lettering as if the sun was emerging in the ebony night over the hard cover.

“Jim you mentioned the Parker girl so I thought lets start with the greatest one I know.” Ed said as he flipped open the dusty book and turned to the main page.

“Claudia was one for her research maybe she came across something that will give us answers.” Ed said as he skimmed the main table of contents and flipped to the page he was interested in.

“Yes the planet Venus is only close to the moon a few times a year hovering close by is the in bright red star Antares. Antares is the sixteenth bright star in the night sky. It is known as a red super giant because they are larger then most stars in terms of volume. They last 100 to 100 million years and are found in clusters.” Ed read as the group listened intently.

“Theory: My hypothesis is to show that stars are used as a communication device among planets. I will see if my theory is true by studying the planet Venus in the night sky when closest to the star Antar. ” Ed said as he started to decode Claudia’s handwriting.

“Observation: Venus close to the moon. Noticed the star Antares burning bright then a series of three lights started to emerge in the night sky. The stars flashed a minute apart from one another then a series of two more lights flashed in the sky. There were five stars in total making the stars form a V shape constellation.” Ed read as he started the flip through the pages of the book.

He then placed it in front of the group so that they could see the photos. The photos consisted of high glossy definition constellations and star clusters. You could see Venus in the night sky with the star Antares burning its hot crimson color against the ebony sky.

Venus showed her colors of blue, yellow, and white as each photo showed different angels of the twin earth in her different phases.

Then there was a series of the V shaped symbol with number data written next to it.

“Formulation: My experiment from the data and photos I gathered of Venus and the star Antares was to examine how Venus and Antares share a common bond or connection that causes the stars to form this V shape constellation. I noticed that the stars at first were only 1 or 2 sometimes would start as 3 like Morse code but always 5 stars would form the V constellation. Ed read as Lauren looked at the book with a skeptic look.

“Conclusion: After a few months of research I have come to the conclusion that my original hypothesis was false and that these stars were in fact just hiding in shadows and once in a while would reflect the light of the moon that would appear to be forming this V shaped constellation.”

“That’s wrong!” Lauren cried as she startled the group and broke Ed from his reading.

“It’s wrong all wrong. Claudia proved her theory.” Lauren said as she looked at the book Ed had on the table. “It’s not here. Her photos her notes they edited it.” Lauren cried as she searched for the information she was desperate to find.

“What are you talking about?” Everett asked as he looked at his distressed friend.

“The editors they thought that Claudia made some of her theory’s up and that it was her crazy imagine running wild. So the publishers decided to edited the book. I have the original locked away in my office. She wrote a note to me along with the book and told me she trusted me with her life.” Lauren said as she looked at the group.

“Is there any way we can get your copy?” Jim asked with a concern look. He knew what it meant of the book fell into the wrong hands.

“I can try.” Lauren said as she looked at the book again. “What is it Lauren what are you looking for?” Everett asked as he looked at his friend who was deep in thought. Lauren skimmed the page and stared at the photos. ‘Yes of course.” She whispered.

“What? What is it Lauren?” Ed said as he touched her shoulder in encouragement.

“The Distinguished Service Medal.” Lauren said as her eyes glowed with delight as if she has just cracked some code.

“Excuse me Lauren I’m a little lost. How does a Air Force medal have anything to do with stars?” Everett signed in frustration as he looked at the scientific book in front of him.

“The medal is very unique in shape. It has these points that hold this circle of stars and it forms this V shape around it. In the center is this small circle that hold a blue like jewel. “ Lauren said as she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen and drew the medal from memory.

“I remember that Claudia was very interested in this device because she told me once it was not just a medal but a gateway to communicating with others worlds. How she knew this I am not sure but she expressed that it was a very powerful device.” Lauren said in a cautious tone as she looked at her group of friends.

“I saw this particular medal once.” Lauren smiled as an image of a man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes came to her mind.

“It was a long time ago. However the owner of the medal went missing and the medal was lost.” Lauren signed as she remembered reading the headline in newspaper and seeing his photo on the front page.

“Well isn’t that special. A damn light show in the sky and we don’t even have the one device we need to solve this thing.” Everett grumbled as he pushed the book away from him.

“Maybe with a little more research the answerers will come to us.” Ed said as he jumped up quickly hearing the doorbell ring.

“You didn’t call for back up Jim did you?” Ed laughed as he got up from the table. “No. It was just me who stopped by to check up on you. Jim laughed as he watched his friend head towards the front door.

Ed opened up the door and saw a tall man standing in the doorway. He looked like he had been traveling for a long time. His dark hair was disheveled and his cloths were messy but his piercing blue eyes told him the stranger meant no harm.

“Are you Ed Harting?” The man spoke. “Yes can I help you?” Ed asked as he looked at the man. “Are you Tess Harding’s father?” The man asked as he looked at Ed with concern.

“Yes why is she ok?” Ed said as panic coursed thought his veins. Was his daughter ok was she safe? How did this man know his daughter? He wondered as he looked at the stranger.

‘She is fine. I think I saw her earlier tonight with some friends at the Pizza Pan. Is she here?” The man asked as his eyes quickly scanned the inside of the house.

“No. Look I don’t know who you are or how you know my daughter but I suggest you go and leave my family alone.” Ed said feeling his warm welcome to this stranger had ended.

“Vicky at Cow Patty’s Bar directed me here and told me to tell you she says hi.” The stranger said quickly in protest before Ed has the chance to slam the door on him.

“Vicky as in Vicky Delaney. Why didn’t you say so any friend of Vicky’s is a friend of mine. Come on in. Sweet girl that Vic. She has always has been nice to my Tessie and I. Ed said as he showed the stranger inside.

From the kitchen there was a sound of a glass breaking as it hit the white title floor shattering into a million tiny pieces. Lauren Holt stood frozen. Her body shook as she stood fixated as if she has seen a ghost.

“Daniel!” she screamed as she looked at the stranger in front of her.

Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA)NEW Authors Note 5

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:13 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

These past few months life for me has been busy. I have not had a chance to sit down and write for a while. However I never forgot this story and would write when I could. Thank you to my wonderful Muse who never fails me. Some great inspiration has come to me. I have written a lot and I can't wait to share it with you all.

I love this story too much and I will finish it! So please don't forget about this story even if I have not posted in a month or 2.

Thank you for all of your patients! It means the world to me.

To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted!

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me since the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

I have been really working hard on this story to improve my writing and take it to the next level. I have been writing fan fiction since 2003. Over the years I have been growing and learning in this craft called writing that I love and adore so much. This story has been a lot of work and I am learning so much as far as writing goes.

I hope you are enjoying this story. Please hold on I can assure you this journey will be worth it! So if you need to reread a few chapters or the whole story from the beginning please do.

Also spread the word about this story!

Trust me I am amazed with how my muse has taken this story which was going to be originally a one part story and has turned it into glorious 34 chapters and has taken close to 6 years to write!

So please hang in there with me!

Thank you for all of your patients! It means the world to me.

Thanks again everyone for everything.

*Side Note: In case you need a refresher course on the research I have done so far trust me you will need it for the next part.

The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal is a real award the Air Force gives out you can learn more about it here. ... vice_Medal

Photo of The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal

Hypoxia is an actual Medical condition that pilots can suffer from. More info here

In case you want to brush up on your stars and constellations I posted the links again. Yes you too can be a master of Astronomy like Max! :wink:

The Planet Venus

The Star Antares is a real star you can learn more about it here.

More information on Antares as well as some photos. ... CAwQ9QEwAA

Photo of the Star Antares

*Also being I am a huge music fan and love to listen to music as I write I highly recommend the Tron Legacy Soundtrack! It was such an inspiration to me when writing this next chapter and the best writing music I ever discovered! Needless to say my Muse was very happy! :D

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Thirty Five

“Daniel! I thought …you were dead?...Your dead!” Lauren cried as she shook in hysterics.

“Lauren. I am very much alive. Look you can touch me. I am not a ghost.” Daniel whispered as he offered his hand to his long lost friend.

“No! Get away from me you monster!” Lauren screamed as Everett held Lauren back as he looked at the man in shock. “Your one of them!” Lauren screamed as she started to cry. “You can’t take me I won’t let you take me!” Lauren sobbed.

“I hear they shape shift to look like humans!” Everett cried as he placed himself in front of Lauren like a shield to protect her.

“I suggest you leave or else I will have to arrest you.” Jim said as he started to take his handcuffs out of his back pocket. He had no idea who this stranger was but clearly he was a disturbance and had upset Lauren in someway.

“Please Sheriff get this crazy man out of my house! He is causing a scene and in no way is he going to get to my Tess!” Ed cried as Jim started to grab both of Daniels hands and pull them into an x shape as he crossed his wrists over one another.

“Lauren it’s me Daniel Pierce. Please you have to believe me.” Daniel pleaded as he felt the cold meal of the handcuffs encase his wrists.

‘Get my wallet out of my back pocket. I have proof it is me” Daniel said as he struggled against the restraints of the cuffs as the metal dug into his wrists as Jim held his arms.

Ed grabbed his wallet from his back pocket in disgust and threw it to Everett. “Lets see who you really are.” Everett sneered as he pulled out Daniels drivers license and read. “ Name Daniel Pierce eye color blue hair color brown State is from Texas.” Everett said as he tossed the license on to the kitchen table.

“So what’s a guy from Texas doing in Roswell New Mexico. You running from the law or something?” Jim said as he forced Daniel around and threw him so that his back hit the wall.

“Now answer me. How do you know Lauren Holt?” Jim said in a forceful tone. “ Lauren knows me through Vanessa Whitaker.” Daniel pleaded as he hoped and prayed they would understand who he was.

“Vanessa how do you know Vanessa? Ed cried in shock as he looked at the stranger in his house.

“Look at the photo in my wallet Lauren. You will see it is really me.” Daniel cried as Lauren flipped though the wallet until she pulled out a worn and tattered photograph.

The picture was of Daniel and Vanessa on top of the Stratosphere. Lauren looked at the photo and remembered that day being she had been the one who had taken the photo before Daniel had left to leave to go on his mission. Tears filled her eyes. She knew he was not one of the little green men. He was Daniel. The Daniel she had learned to become friends with thanks to his love for Vanessa.

“Jim let him go. He is not a criminal or one of the little green monsters. He is my dear friend Daniel Pierce who went missing in action so many years ago.” Lauren smiled as she looked into the piercing blue eyes she had missed for so long.

“So sorry about all of this.” Jim said as he un cuffed Daniel. Daniel rubbed his free hands in relief. It felt good not to have the metal digging into his skin anymore he thought as he tried to stretch his arms from being held back in the cuffs.

Next thing he knew he felt two arms around him as Lauren hugged him. “Oh Daniel. We thought… we thought you were dead! What happened to you.” Lauren whispered as her and Daniel started to cry over their joyous reunion.

“Come let him sit down and I will fix him something to eat. I think we still have some fried chicken left over and he can tell us everything.” Ed said as Lauren and Daniel made their way to the kitchen table.

Ed fixed a plate and placed in down in front of Daniel as he started to eat. He was ravenous it has been so long since he had a decent meal as he eat like a mad man.

Daniel took a huge swig of water before he gained his composer. “Lets see where do I begin. I guess it would be a few years ago. I was suffering from headaches. The doctors at the base thought that I had hypoxia. It is common when one flies at high altitudes. I went for test after test because the headaches were getting worse. Turns out I had a brain tumor.

I never told anyone at the military base for fear I would never graduate. It was years before I had met Vanessa. She never knew about my condition. It was my deep dark secret. The doctors told me my tumor was cancer and that it wasn’t treatable.” Daniel said as memories came back to flood him.

“What do you mean I can’t fly? I’m a dead man in a few months if I want to fly the friendly skies then so be it. Now let me get on the damn plane Ted!” Daniel screamed as his voice echoed in the airplane base.

“You know that Major Carlson will have a fit and you will never graduate!” Ted cried as he watched his friend climb into the aircraft despite his best efforts to stop him.

“I won’t graduate! I am going to be dead in a few months anyway!” Daniel shouted as he put his helmet on and started to flip some switches.

The engine roared to life causing Ted to jump. “Dead what are talking about Daniel we are all going to be dead once we enter the war zone in a few months! We will all be lucky to get out alive”

“Look Ted, just make sure Major Carlson doesn’t know I took the plane. The doctors are already on me for my hypoxia! I got to go catch the sun while I still can!” Daniel said as he turned the plan on to the tarmac and took off into the sky.

“I remember I was flying way to high and got light headed and the dizzy. I was losing control of my plane and was in a tailspin when I saw this light.” Daniel spoke in a distant tone as he played with the glass he held in his hands.

Daniel opened his eyes. His head pounded and he felt like death as he tried to adjust to the harsh light. He could hear voices in the distance as he tried to figure out what they were saying. They sounded like whispers. Where was Ted he was sure he would be telling Major Carlson about what happened and that Major Carlson was ready to read him the riot act.

He tried to get up but it was then that he was held down by a forces and saw that his hands where tied to a table. He pulled with all of his might and looked toward the door for help. It was then that fear and panic raced through his body when he realized that he was not in the infirmary at the airbase but in some strange room.

It was then that he saw what looked like a child a twelve-year-old boy coming close to him.

“Oh good your up. I hope you enjoyed your beauty sleep.” The boy said as he grinned. “Nicholas what do we have here?” The voice of a woman cooed, as he got closer to Nicholas.

“An Earthling!” Nicholas smirked as he looked fondly at the tall woman next to him.

You got me an Earthling! I never had an Earthling!” The woman cried in delight as she smiled and clapped her hands.

“Oh Nicholas I could kiss you!” The woman grabbed the boy and spun him around. “There is nothing stopping you Lonnie!’ Nicholas said as he looked at Lonnie with lust.

“Your sweet Nicholas but not if you were the last life forum in the Galaxy.” Lonnie said as she playfully rubbed Nicholas head.

“One day you are going to change your mind! I am destined to be King of the planet Skindora and someday all of the Skins will bow down to me including you once we are married.” Nicholas spat as he gave Lonnie an intense look.

“You know that is why I brought you the Earthling. A gift for you my Queen as a token of my graduated and love for you.” Nicholas said as he came closer to Lonnie looking like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

Lonnie sighed in frustration as she looked down at Nicholas. “Nicholas I appreciate your gift however that does no mean my feelings for you have changed now please leave me and the Earthling alone understand!” Lonnie spat as she gave Nicholas a cold look.

“As you wish!” Nicholas cried as he stormed off to brood.

Daniel watched the display in front of him as he tried to comprehend the strange names he had heard. Earthling, Skindora, King, and Queen. Where was he? What did they want from him? He questioned but soon his thoughts were broken as he woman came closer to him.

“Oh I see you are awake. Oh good!” Lonnie clapped in delight.

‘Where am I?” Daniel spat remembering he was tired down as he struggled with the restraints. “In a galaxy far far away.” Lonnie whispered as she touched Daniels cheek and then grinned wickedly.

“Oh we are going to have so much fun!” Lonnie giggled as Daniel felt a sharp object and gasped in pain.

Tears picked Daniels eyes as he downed a shot of whiskey Ed had poured for him. “She tortured me. I was her little slave. She did what ever she wanted with me. I was at her backing call. It felt like I had been there for days or weeks. I wasn’t sure. I thought I was dead. I should have been dead. How I survived I don’t know?

Then one day I was returned. I woke up to find I was out in the damn desert somewhere with the wreckage of my plane near by.

I had been missing for a week. Everyone at the Air Force base thought I was dead. Ted told them how I had taken the plane. I explained that I had whipped out. The military all assumed that maybe it had been an accident of that I was shot down in the line of duty and was dead because of the dangerous area my plane was found in.

They declared it a damn miracle I was alive!” Daniel said as he took a quick swing from his drink. “That’s how I got the damn Air Force Distinguished Service Medal! The majors and commanders saw how I had potential and how I was a top student a natural born leader to my class and it broke their hearts to know I was worm food somewhere and that I might have died in the line of duty.” Daniel shouted in disgust.

“When they found out I was alive I was known as the Miracle, The Come Back Kid. So I lived the lie. I was shot down and whipped out in the line of duty and lived to tell the tail. However no one could know the truth that I had been abducted.

Then the nightmares came. Well I wasn’t sure if they were nightmares I am pretty sure I was on that ship or planet with her. "There is my Earthling. You can never leave me because I will find you!" she would whisper to me. I didn’t know what to do. My headaches became worse I wanted to die then to face night after night being abused by the little green men.

I wished for death to consume me. I begged that when I woke up that today was going to be the day I died just so I didn’t have to go back there.

For years I was held prisoner. Especially every time I flew. I never knew when the Skins would get me or when Lonnie would get her claws into me.

The day I graduated the Air Force I met Vanessa and I felt as if I had found my ray of light. For the first time in my life I wanted to live. So I fought like hell to get back to Earth every time I was taken.

I never told Vanessa about my brain tumor or about my abductions. How could I she won’t believe me and I didn’t want her to worry about me. I knew that if I only had limited time on Earth to live then I was going to live it to the fullest.

Then one day when I was abducted it wasn’t like the other days. I woke up to war.” Daniel whispered as he poured himself another drink.

Daniel opened his eyes. The room was shaking as he tried to make sense as to where he was. Was he in his bunk was the base being attacked? Daniel thought as he got up from the bed. When he turned to wake up his roommate Ted it was then he realized he was no longer at the air force base but on some vast ship in the middle of space.

Images blurred before him as he saw the creatures hurry past him. He heard the shouting of a strange language that sounded like orders. He then saw the root of all his problems Lonnie distressed and in a fit of rage as she stormed into the room that was holding him.

“I told you Nicolas that Kivar was too strong for us to attack them! Their weapons are no match for us! I want to crush them for all they have done to Skindora! I will not have my kingdom fall by the solar energy they are throwing our way!” Lonnie shouted.

Lonnie grabbed Nicholas by the throat and held him up while he struggled like a fish of water gasping for breath. “Do you understand!” Lonnie spat a fit of rage as she threw Nicholas to the floor.

The boy looked like a rag doll as he gasped for breath as he tried to breath.

“Tell the ships to use the asteroid dust we have! Make a cloud of dust for them! Distract them and then when the time is right we will come and attack them while their guard is down while they are still trying to figure out what the dust is! We will crush them! I will rule over Kivar someday!” Lonnie cried as she pulled Nicholas by the ear and threw him out of the room.

Daniel didn’t know what to do as he felt another rumble from the blasts going on outside. It was then that he noticed he was in the main deck of the ship as he saw Lonnie with a bunch of maps and was feverously waving her hands as he watched images of planets and stars wiz by him.

It was then that he saw a quadrant that appeared to be a Whirlwind shape.

The image grew larger as Lonnie focused on something in the map it was a series of stars that formed a V shap. “Antar” she whispered then waved her hand in a flash and the image was gone.

“Kivar is working with Antar! They are using something that Antar has that we don’t! That is how they are harnessing the solar energy!” Lonnie gasped over the new development. “I want what ever Antar gave to Kivar in order for them to attack us! I want that weapon!” She spat as her rage grew even more.

She then stormed about the control room as she punched a few codes into a near by panel. “Queen Lonnie it seems that the Asteroid dust is working Kivar ships are retreating!” One of the commanders told her when all of the sudden a burst of blue light came flooding into the ship. Piercing screams could be heard as they echoed in the light and then everything went black.

“Then what happened?” Lauren whispered as she reached out to hold Daniels hand as he continued.

“I woke up. “ Daniel whispered as memories came rushing back to him.

Daniel opened his eyes the lights hurt his eyes as he tried to adjust. His body ached as he tried to sit up and realized he was in what looked like a hospital. What happened he thought as he looked around him. Was he still on the ship? Was the galaxy still at war? Would Lonnie come back to hurt him? What was this the Antar she had spoken of? What was that blue light? He thought as he tried to reason with his mind over the situation.

It was then that fear took over his body as he saw a man approach him. The man was tall with grey eyes and hair like the golden sun. Daniel tried to run before the stranger could hurt him. However he was too tired and his body betrayed him as he fell back into the bed he was laying in.

“You have nothing to be afraid of.” The man said as he tried to ease Daniels fears. “His vitals look good my King.” A woman spoke as she took Daniels arm causing him to jerk in wonder. He saw his arm glowing with a strange light as the woman held it. "Thank you Serina." The man said as the light flickered then disappear,as Daniel looked at the two strangers in shock.

“Who are you?” Daniel whispered unsure of what was happening to him.

“My name is Kivar. You took a pretty hard beating when we found you on the Skindar ship.” The stranger said as he smiled at the young man.

“And the blue light was that you?” Daniel said puzzled as he tried to make sense of everything. “Yes that was us. The blue light was a star actually a very powerful star. It was our last resort other wise we would have been dead.” The man said in a solemn tone as his grey eyes cast down in remorse as he reflected on what might have been.

“You’re healing nicely rest now Earthling.” Kivar whispered as Daniel felt his eyes grow heavy and fell into a deep sleep.

“The next thing I knew I woke up and was in the desert by my broken plane and the rest is history. Half of the time I think it was all a bad dream. But I knew it wasn’t. I can’t describe it but a few days later I had this strange mark on me. It was silver in the shape of a handprint it was on my stomach. I still have no idea what it means after a while the mark was gone. The crazy part was that after I met this man. I was cured my brain tumor was gone and I had this new lease on life. He gave me a second chance. Why? I mean He could have easily killed me.

Why did he save my life? That I was never understand. All I know is that I am here now.” Daniel signed as he rubbed his forehead and looked up at his fellow friends.

“Daniel I had no idea!” Lauren whispered as he looked at the man in front of him.

“And this Kivar did he say what he wanted from you? Why he chooses you? What happened to Skindar? Is that why the sky has gone mad?” Everett spat as he looked at the images flickering on the TV.

“Look Daniel as Sheriff of this town if we are in danger I have to know.” Jim said in concern.

“I wish I could be more help to you but like I said even I am trying to figure it all out.” Daniel signed as he started to flip through Claudia Parkers book Ed had left on the table.

“So you were friends with Vanessa?” Ed Hading said as he looked into the weary eyes of Daniel.

“Friends I wanted to marry her. If that answers your question.” Daniel said as he downed the last of his drink.

“Strange Vanessa in all the years we were married never once mentioned you.” Ed said in a cold tone as he looked at Daniel in disgust.

“Well you know Vanessa and her secrets.” Daniel spat as he looked at Ed.

“So why were you looking for Vanessa now and what does her daughter Tess have to do with all of this?” Jim intervened as he tried to stop another fight from breaking out.

“You want to know how the explosion at the Eagle Rock Military Base started.” Daniel said as he pointed to a photo of a huge brick building.

“What are you talking about Daniel that was an electrical malfunction a cable caught on fire! Lauren said as she shook her head in confusion.

“Your wrong. I was there that night with Vanessa. It was not an electrical fire. It was something more.” Daniel said as he read the caption below.

The Eagle Rock Military Base founded in 1941 in Roswell New Mexico went up in a massive blaze on Friday night after an electrical fire broke out due to a fatly wire. Among the wings that were destroyed was the key medical research facility.

The Medical facility had a rich history of training fellow nurses and doctors to be surgeons in wartime. The medical wing made history when it was used during the 1947 Roswell Crash in which a weather balloon crash on to the Roswell desert just a few miles away from the base. Those who were injured were sent to the wing for medical assistance.

Even after all these years the Military base and Medical Facility has operated full time and has remained one of the top research facilities with in the state of New Mexico.

However all that came to a crashing halt when a fire swept through the base causing a huge fireball explosion to occur. Several people have died and many have suffered several injuries. Among the ones who got out alive was world-renounced scientist Dr. Lauren Holt along with a few people from her research team.

The base is being under close watch under Meta Chemical to make sure hazardous materials did not escape into the air or seep into the water supply.

“You really want to unlock the secrets of Vanessa lets just say it wasn’t a fireball that cracked open Pandora’s box. It was something more powerful that cause the explosion.” Daniel said as he glanced around the room.

“In the months after my abduction Vanessa was assigned to one of the college biology labs near the military base in Nervada and was concentrating on plant samples that you Lauren has been researching in the desert. I was helping her pack up one day after work. It was right after the man Kivar healed me and I had gotten the good news that I was cured from my disease. She was so happy and it looked like things were getting back to normal between us but then something happened. It was a slow change I noticed how she became more and more distant. Like she was somewhere else. Her research eventually had landed her back in Roswell at The Eagel Rock Military base.

At first I thought it was stress then I noticed that it was more like an obsession. She locked herself away in her work. Night after night I would try to visit her but she would say, “Oh Daniel I can’t tonight I have to work late.” Daniel said as he rubbed his head in distress.

“One night I came over to the base and I told her that she was not well and that it was not healthy to be such a workaholic. Of course she blew me off and yelled at me saying that I had no idea what she did. It was during our argument that I noticed the book written by Claudia Parker.

I had never seen the it before I remember picking it up and saying “It’s this book your obsessed over! Vanessa please tell me what is wrong?"Daniel begged as he looked at Vanessa crazed eyes.

“Give that back Daniel!” Vanessa spat as she grabbed the book from Daniel in one swift motion. “I am on the most amazing break though of my life!” She smiled and then laughed nervously.

“Come one let me show you my greatest discovery!” Vanessa beamed as she grabbed Daniel and walked down the long hallway towards one of the labs. He heels clacked against the hallow halls creating an erry feeling as she stopped in front of one of the main medical lab doors.

“It’s time to show you the little green men!” She whispered before she ushered Daniel into the doorway.

Daniel stated to cry as he looked up at his friends. “I walked into a room that was light by dim neon lights there I saw what looked like a man and a woman and a little boy. They were tied to medical tables tubes were inside of them hooked up to monitors. The one man was drenched in sweat while the woman shivered as it looked like her skin has been burned. The boy had a bleeding wound going down the center of his chest and it was at that moment I realized these people had not been injured they were being touchier as the boy with the amber eyes cried out in pain.

“Who are these people Vanessa? Daniel screamed as he saw the mother try to reach out to consol her hurting son but was held back by the restraints digging into her arms. Vanessa just laughed and smiled.

“Why Daniel theses are my greatest discoveries and they are not even human. Look I will show you!” Vanessa cried in delight as she got a folder and showed me a blood sample of green cells. “See they might look human but their cells are not. The team found them a few miles back on the weapons testing ground. We must have shot them down.” Lauren said as she flipped the folder close.

“Well aren’t you going to say anything or are you going to sit there in silence.” Vanessa pouted as she looked up at Daniel. “Vanessa does Dr Holt know about this!” Daniel spat as he grabbed Vanessa and spun her around to look at him.

“Well yes and no. Look I know she will be thrilled to know that I was able to prove her friend Claudia Parker right. It was all in her book. The book I found locked away in Dr. Holts office. Wait till Dr. Holt sees what no one in the world has been able to prove until now. Daniel can you imagine the possibilities. This will open so many doors for my career! I have proof living proof!” Vanessa screamed in delight.

“Career Vanessa do you have any idea what you have done! Look at them they are not just objects or some lab rat you can run your little experiments on. They have feeling!” Daniel cried as he turned and looked at the painful souls before him.

“Feelings these monsters need to be stopped! They are dangerous! The truth is I did it for you. All for you! Daniel I saw the mark. The silver handprint on your stomach. I know the truth. I know your plane was not shot down in the line of duty. The little green men took you. I am trying to protect you! Protect all of us from them! They need to be locked away!” Vanessa whispered as she touched Daniels cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

“No you will be locked away Vanessa after they find out what you have done! These are innocent people! They did nothing wrong! Have you gone mad?” Daniel cried as tears welled up in his eyes.

“No Daniel. I’m pregnant! After I saw the mark I got scared thinking maybe you were one of them after what they did to you that I was carrying one of them. I don’t know I panicked. I just wanted to learn as much as I could about them for us for our child. I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” Vanessa sobbed as her body shook and trembled.

“Shh it’s ok. Shh” Daniel said as he held Vanessa close as she sobbed. “Please. Tell me what to do?” Vanessa cried as she looked into Daniels piercing blue eyes hoping for some answers.

“We set them free.” Daniel whispered as he looked at Vanessa’s tear stained face. “Then we get out of here and put this all behind us and live a normal life you, me, and the baby.” Daniel whispered as he kissed Vanessa.

“Normal we are not normal they are not normal!” Vanessa spat as she pointed to the three creatures in anger! “They stole everything from us! All that time! All that time we could have been together living a normal life! They stole if from us! They stole you from me! Who’s to say they won’t steal you again and take you away from me away from our child! No! No Daniel. Don’t you see we can’t have a normal life!” Vanessa cried in anger as she pushed Daniel away.

“Vanessa you want to know how I got the handprint? I was healed. Look I wanted to tell you before but I was suffering from a brain tumor and they healed me. They are not all bad look Vanessa you have to believe me I am alive because of them.” Daniel cried hoping he could convince Vanessa to understand.

“I don’t believe you! They are playing mind trick with you! Feeding you with their lies! What about Peppers Café you mean to tell me Daniel that those people were healed? No those people were murdered in cold blood by them! That handprint is the mark of death! I panicked when I saw the handprint because I knew you only had a few days to live. That is why I was determined to understand what I was researching and to find a cure for you before it was too late. Or at least try to find a way to keep you safe from being abducted when you flew.

However the more and more I looked into Claudia’s research I found that I was right these creatures were vicious beings that needed to be stopped. No wonder Claudia Parker risked her life for her research and kept it a secret if the people of this planet knew the truth of what these monsters were capable of there would be mass hysteria all over the world!” Vanessa spat in anger as she looked at the distressed beings before her.

“Vanessa what are you doing?” Daniel cried as he saw Vanessa run over to the three creatures. “Something I should have done along time ago!” Vanessa spat as she ran to one of the machines and turned up the electrical current on one of the heart monitors.

A blood curdling sound was heard as the creatures cried out in pain. “Vanessa stop! Daniel shouted, as he watched the three bodies convolving on the medal tables. Sparks started to fly as the electrical circuits on the wires of the machines started to smoke. A small fire started to blaze as Daniel watched the flames start to engulf one of the white bed sheets hanging off from a table near by.

Then the piercing sounds of fire alarms could be heard and the shuffle of feet outside the lab door as people in the halls started to evacuate the building. Among the buzzing sounds Daniel could hear the screams of the frantic people as they ran toward the exits hoping to escape the smoke filled halls.

“Vanessa we have to get out of here now!” Daniel chocked as the smoke rose with a black ash. “NO not until I finish what I started!” Vanessa cried as she picked up a metal scapula from one of the tables and headed over to the boy. “If I can’t have a normal life with our child then they can’t ether!” Vanessa gasped in rage as she walked over to the trembling boy screaming out in pain.

“No!” Daniel shouted as he watched the boy’s mother start to glow with a blue light.

Vanessa got close to the screaming child and was just about to plunge the scalpel into the boy’s heart when she jerked and felt something push her away as the scalpel clang to the floor as Vanessa fell to the ground.

The doors to the lab shook and clanged together with the jolt of energy that was spreading throughout the room as the lights in the room exploded like fire works.

“Vanessa we have to leave now!” Daniel shouted as he help grab Vanessa of the floor. They both ran for the doors before the blue light exploded with a strong force permeating the room in it’s light and blew off the doors to the lab in a violent rage.

“I remember the alarms sounded as we ran pushing the doors with all of our might as we made out way outside. We ran like we had never run before as we made it outside of the base and into the cold desert night.

“My truck is over here Vanessa!” Daniel shouted as he looked at Vanessa who was running beside him. By that time the desert winds had started to pick up as Daniel tried to see in front of him as the sand whipped by his face. He knew it was going to rain soon as he went to his truck and hurried to unlock the door.

“Come on Vanessa we don’t have much time!” Daniel cried as he opened the doors to his car. Then they heard thunder coming from the base as they both turned and looked towards the sky. It was then that they saw a V shaped star formation take form.

“I have to go back!” Vanessa shouted. “What are you talking about get in the jeep Vanessa!” Daniel screamed as held the car door open for her.

“The V Daniel look the V!” Vanessa said as she pointed to the stars in the sky. Daniel looked and saw the strange formation and then looked at Vanessa. “They know they will find us. Please I have to go back!” Vanessa cried in a frantic tone.

“Go back Vanessa are you insane! The building is on fire. No I won’t let you!” Daniel cried as he looking into her deep blue tear stained eyes.

“Goodbye Daniel.” Vanessa whispered as she started to walk away.

“Vanessa!” Daniel cried as he grabbed her arm and spun her around.

“I love you Daniel Pierce! You were always my Sunshine!” Vanessa cried as she kissed Daniel goodbye and then sprinted towards the burning base.

“Vanessa NO!” Daniel cried as he watched the base exploded into a huge fireball right before his eyes as streamers of gold and red colors pierced the night sky making it glow dark amber.

“As I turned back to head on to the highway I saw the fireballs begins to explode the windows of the building, as the fire got worse. The cops and fire department was on the scene in minutes however the damage had destroyed all of the medical wing and most of the base. There were very few survivors and Vanessa wasn’t listed as one of them. I had just assumed she was dead. Then a few years later I came across her name in an article she had been working on research that helped with the funding of a new observatory in Nebraska.

So after that I was determined to find her. I wanted answers. I assumed she must have started over and tried to live a normal life. She met you Ed and had a kid and the rest is history.” Daniel sighed as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.

“So is Tess yours? Is that why you want to see her?” Ed said as tears filled his eyes. “Yes.” Daniel said as he looked up at Ed with a sense of nostalgia. “The first time I saw her was tonight at the Pizza Pan. I ran into her when I was walking to a table. Her golden hair reminded me of her mother. It wasn’t until she looked up at me and I saw she had the same piercing blue eyes as mine that I knew. It was overwhelming being I had never seen her before. Vanessa left before I knew she was born. I had always assumed that Vanessa died that night of the fire. I felt like I was someone who had regained their sight back and seeing the sun for the first time. Tess was more beautiful then I could have imagined.” Daniel said as tears filled his eyes.

“Vanessa never once mentioned she was yours another secret she was set on keeping to her grave. By the time we married I just assumed Tess was mine. It all makes sense now about how she acted all those years. When Tess was 10 she left us. There was no note. We didn’t even know the reason as to why she left. We woke up one morning and she gone. I guess she was off searching for you or the little green men. ” Ed sighed as he shook his head in disbelief.

“It still hurts to this day to talk about her leaving when I did everything for her. But what broke my heart the most was to see the look on her daughters face every time Tess would wait and see if this was the day her Mom would come home. She was so full of hope thinking today would be different but then she came realization that nothing changes and the ray of hope in her eyes would get dimmer as the years went on. Eventually Tess stopped waiting by the door and got on with her life. I did the same but it still hurt.” Ed cried as tears filled his eyes.

“Thank you Ed for raising Tess and for being there. I know it must have been hard but I thank you.” Daniel said as he smiled at the man who had kept his daughter safe all these years as he patted him on the back.

“So is that why you came back for Tess?” Lauren said as she looked at her friend and smiled. “ I honestly was just looking for Vanessa I had no idea I would find my daughter as well along the way.” Daniel sighed.

“The strange part was I also found someone else, a child that I have not seen in close to eleven years. In all those years I have never forgotten those amber eyes. Tess was with the boy who had the same amber eyes of the alien Vanessa had tried to kill so many years ago that night in the lab.

“Max” Jim said out loud as he interrupted Daniel. “Max the boy you speak of is Max. I met him for the first time tonight at the Crashdown Café with Liz Parker. I had seen the lights on in the place and wanted to make sure everyone was ok. Tess was there with the group. They were all staying over Liz’s for the night. “ Jim said as he remember the scared and shy boy he had met a few hours ago.

“Parker as in Claudia Parkers granddaughter?” Lauren Holt gasped in amazement.

“Yes. A few months ago Liz had abducted by Max. Her parents had found her the next day in her bedroom stricken with fever and naked. She too had the same silver handprint you spoke of Daniel. Her parents were a wreck and thought maybe she was raped by a gang out in the desert or by the boy she spoke of. I met with Liz and she told me the story. I knew she was lying to protect Max. However I assured her that I was aware of what really happened to her being my father believed in things of the supernatural and I remember being with him the night of the Pepper café murder and seeing the silver handprints. I told her she was lucky to be a live.

Eventually over time the situation died down and I am sure that after tonight her parents will be put to rest by the group of high school students who were jailed for having fireworks and causing havoc.” Jim said as he took a sip of his drink.

“So are we in danger?” Evetted whispered in a frightened tone.

“I can assure you after meeting Max he means no harm. I even told him I would keep him safe. He seems like a good kid and after what happened tonight with the V symbol and if he is in danger then I am willing to risk my life to protect him as well as Liz and her friends.” Jim said in a strong and reassuring tone.

“So Vanessa has my book! She stole it from me all those years ago and here I thought it was locked safe and sound in my office. Daniel do you think Vanessa is here now?” Lauren said in a concerned tone as she felt a sense of dread creeping through her body.

“I don’t know but is she is we better be careful who knows what she is up too. No one is safe as far as I am concerned.” Daniel said as he looked at Jim hoping to get his point across.

“Not to worry Daniel I will be checking the Crashdown around the clock to make sure the kids are safe.” Jim said in a reassuring tone easing Daniel and the rest of the group’s fears.

Re: Abduction Seduction (AU M/L Mature/WA) A/N 5/2/12

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:23 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

These past few months life for me has been busy. I have not had a chance to sit down and write for a while. Real life has been crazy a good crazy but I have had not had a chance to sit down and write and update as much as I would have wanted to.

However I never forgot this story and would write when I could. Thank you to my wonderful Muse who never fails me.

I love this story too much and I will finish it! So please don't forget about this story even if I have not posted in a while

Thank you for all of your patients! It means the world to me.

To all of my beautiful and fabulous readers! You are the most creative and smart people and have been an inspiration to me and to my muse. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a hug and a one way ticket to be abducted!

To all of my new readers and lukers welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and please leave me feedback it makes me smile and encourages me to take my writing and this story to new heights!

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support! Your comments mean the world to me! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

Also special thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me since the beginning. You guys are in inspiration and I want to thank you for encouraging me to continue with this story!

I have been really working hard on this story to improve my writing and take it to the next level. I have been writing fan fiction since 2003. Over the years I have been growing and learning in this craft called writing that I love and adore so much. This story has been a lot of work and I am learning so much as far as writing goes.

I hope you are enjoying this story. Please hold on I can assure you this journey will be worth it! So if you need to reread a few chapters or the whole story from the beginning please do.

Also spread the word about this story!

Trust me I am amazed with how my muse has taken this story which was going to be originally a one part story and has turned it into glorious 34 chapters and has taken close to 6 years to write!

So please hang in there with me!

Thank you for all of your patients! It means the world to me.

Thanks again everyone for everything.

*Side Note: In case you need a refresher course on the research I have done so far trust me you will need it for the next part.

The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal is a real award the Air Force gives out you can learn more about it here. ... vice_Medal

Photo of The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal

Hypoxia is an actual Medical condition that pilots can suffer from. More info here

In case you want to brush up on your stars and constellations I posted the links again. Yes you too can be a master of Astronomy like Max! :wink:

The Planet Venus

The Star Antares is a real star you can learn more about it here.

More information on Antares as well as some photos. ... CAwQ9QEwAA

Photo of the Star Antares

OK now on with the story! Enjoy!

Hope all is well. Keep on Dreaming

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
"What if the storm ends and I don't see you
As you are now ever again?
The perfect halo of gold hair and lightning
Sets you off against the planet's last dance

Just for a minute the silver-forked sky
Lit you up like a star that I will follow
But now it's found us like I have a found you
I don't wanna run, just overwhelm me"
~'What If This Storm Ends' by Snow Partol

Part Thirty Five

“Kyle will you quite watching those blinking lights in the sky and help me!” Isabel Evans spat, as Kyle looked at her confused. “Isabel what are you doing here?” Kyle questioned wondering how Isabel caught up to him and the rest of his jock friends after they had gone to the pizza pan.

“I am wondering if you have seen Tess. The last time I saw her she was all over Max Evans! I told her he was mine and look at what she does she tries to steal him away from me. I should have know, she would do something like this to me! Aw what a back stabber keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Kyle are you even listening to me!” Isabel cried as she waved her hands in front of Kyle’s face.

“Isabel the last time I checked Tess left us because you had to criticizes her and went to hang out with Alex Whitman and his band mates for the rest of the night at the Pizza Pan. Then she went off with Max Evans and Liz Parker. Oh and for your information Max is dating Liz.” Kyle said as he shook his head in annoyance at Isabel.

“What do you mean Max Evans is dating Liz Parker!” Isabel screamed in a high-pitched ton causing Kyle to flinch.

“Isabel you know how word travels fast when it comes to the rumor mill at West Roswell High. I heard they were seen making out on the hill at the Crashdown Festival. Word on the street is he is Maria Deluca’s distant cousin.” Kyle said as he rubbed his ear hoping ease the ringing of them.

“What Aw Maria Deluca that freak who can’t sing and acts like she is on a serious case of crack Max Evans the Greek God sent from Heaven is related to THAT!” Isabel cried in disgust!

“Sorry but it is true. Amy Deluca confirmed it the other day I saw her at my Dad’s office filling out paper work to get him transferred to our school. She told my Dad that Max was family and staying with her at her house.” Kyle said as he shook his head and laughed over Isabel’s antics.

“Aw well what ever no problem just a little minor kink distant cousin that can be like a distant cousin twice removed. I can deal with that! At least he has my last name thank god!” Isabel sighed as she laughed over how ridiculous the whole situation was.

“Isabel it’s not like you are going to marry the guy or something.” Kyle laughed as he looked up to the sky.

“Your invite will be in the mail as soon as he pops me the question!” Isabel sighed in a dream tone.

“Oh no your serious? Listen Isabel you have done some pretty insane things before but this is disillusion!” Kyle sighed as he looked at his friend.

“Have you even said more then two words to the guy? Plus every time you have spoke to him he clearly has shot you down and has told you time and time again he is not interested. ” Kyle said as he tried to reason with this friend.

“Kyle it’s called playing hard to get. Honestly I don’t get you men. No wonder they say that Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus. I thought you of all people would understand where I am coming from when it comes to guys but I guess not. Max clearly said those things because he so wants me.” Isabel huffed in frustration.

“Keep dreaming Isabel. Besides even if I am from Mars I would know what rejection is even if Venus herself threw her half shell at me.” Kyle smirked a he shook his head.

“Venus half shell what?” Isabel said with a dazed and confused look.

“The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. Mr. Cowan Art History class junior year.” Kyle said in an obvious tone as he looked at a baffled Isabel.

“Isabel you remember he must have shown us that painting a hundred times and went on and on about the Greek mythological story about how Venus was born of the sea.” Kyle said as he tried to make Isabel understand.

“Kyle how can Venus be born of the sea if it is a planet!” Isabel cried as she waved her hands in annoyance.

“Venus is also known as the Goddess of Love. Anyway forget it.” Kyle said as he shook his head in frustration. “Look we have to find Tess and my father I have a feeling something is not right after seeing that crazy light show in the sky.”

“Kyle honestly you are unbelievable all you can think about is Mars attacking while I am pouring my heart out about the love of my life. I should have known you would have sided with Tess!” Isabel spat as she gave Kyle a cold look.

“Earth to Isabel in case you have not noticed those lights in the sky were not normal and the little green men might be closer then you think. I honesty think you are living on your own planet with the way you act! Now come on lets go find Tess and my father!” Kyle spat as he grabbed Isabel’s arm.

Isabel shrieked and screamed “Get your hands off me Kyle.” Isabel spat. “Oh I’m sorry your highness but we have bigger problems at hand then upsetting the Ice Queen!” Kyle said as he spun Isabel around and looked into her eyes.

“Now listen to me my grandfather might have been know as Sergeant Marian in this town but both him and my father have seen things over the years. Some have been more terrifying then any nightmare you have had. More alarming then one of your lame fashion crisis, or more disturbing then who is dating who in the West Roswell High popular click and if you don’t believe me then fine. Call me a freak or insane what ever you want to call me but you listen to me Isabel what ever that was flashing in the sky could mean we all could be dead.

My father and grandpa were at Pepper café in 1972 and saw what happened to those people. They say it was a closed case but I know in my heart of hearts what happened. I have seen the photos and heard all of the stories my grandpa told me. It is crazy to think that a man, who was asked to protect the citizens of this town, was thrown into the loony bin by the same people he had risked his life to protect for close to 20 years!

It was hell for my father when he took the badge after my grandpa was put away. My father and I believe my grandpa and think that he is not crazy. We also know here are others in this town who believe my Grandpa and my father as well. My father has encountered some crazy things over the years in this town but I believe he has also saved us from things we shouldn’t know.

And that symbol in the sky was not some crazy light show from a few plans. It was a warning to us all. Now if you want to live you are coming with me to find Tess and my father understand!” Kyle cried in a forceful tone.

“Kyle I don’t understand. Trying to keep me alive what are you talking about?” Isabel pleaded as panic took hold of her. Her hands shook as she tried to steady herself against Kyle’s strong hold of her arm.

“Isabel you remember growing up hearing the rumors in this town about the sliver hand prints about creatures who can kill and heal at a moments notice. Peppers Café 1972, the murder of your grandfather James Atherton in 1959. Daniel Pierce who plane went missing in action.

You remember what happened to Brody Davis a few years back and how he has his abduction episodes. You read in the papers what happened to Liz Parker out in the desert. This has been building up for years and what ever that V symbol was that we saw tonight was the last straw. It could mean a declaration for war for all we know. Who knows who is here right now plotting against us ready for the invasion to begin? Isabel I know this is hard to understand but you have to trust me.” Kyle begged as he placed his arms on Isabel’s shoulders.

“OK lets go find your dad and Tess.” Isabel said as she grabbed Kyle into a hug and sobbed hoping it wasn’t too late to save their lives and the ones they loved.

“So why do you look human?” Alex asked as he looked at Max in aw.

“Well you see I look like you because Antar is docents of the planet of Venus other wise know as the twin Earth. However our research has shown us that we are connected to the Earth in some way. It is hard to explain how but we are like distance cousins to the earth if that makes sense.” Max said as he smiled at Maria and Sean.

“So you have any powers?” Michael beamed as he slapped Max on the back and smiled.

“Yes I can heal and I can give others memories. I can also use stars powers and channel them. My Mother was big into stars and their energy. She taught me how to use stars for healing but also as weapons if war was ever to come to Antar.” Max said on a somber ton as he thought of his parents.

“That’s awesome so have you blasted anyone.” Sean bellowed as he jumped up from his seat.

“Sean!” Maria screamed as she gave her cousin a look of annoyance before Max continued with his answer.

“Once in training. When I as little I used to train with my dad and then with my guardian.” Max said as he remembered training in the open fields of Antar.

“That’s amazing so where are your parents now?” Alex asked as he looked at Max in wonder.

“They both were murdered when I was little. I was captured along with them. We were torched. I was lucky I survived. After that I was had no choice but to become King of Antar. Now I fear it is too late to save it. When I escaped to come here we were in the middle of a civil war.” Max said as he tried to hold the tears that were forming in his eyes.

“I am so sorry about your parents Max. We all are. I had no idea.” Michael said as he pulled Maria close to him as he looked at his friend who was hurting. Michael now understood why Max had acted the way he did when he had first met him in act class a few weeks ago. The heart ach he had to endure must have been hell being Max really was a stranger in a strange land and was a lost soul who was searching to find his way home.

He knew Maria was amazing for taking Max in and making him become part of his family even now with knowing his true identity Maria did not judge Max or was scared of him. Michael knew he was so lucky and blessed he found her as he kissed her forehead.

“Do you think that V has something to do with your planet is it your people trying to get in contact with you?” Liz said as she held Max’s hand and squeezed it for reassurance to let him know she was there to support him thought this difficult time.

“I am not sure I saw the symbol only once when I was little. However I have no idea what the V shape means only that it is from my planet.” Max said as he tried to make sense of it all.

“So like a communication device. Do you think the observatory might be able to give you more answers then the Zodiac signs?” Tess said hoping she could help her friend find some answers.

“I am not sure I guess we can check it out tomorrow it is too late now and with everything that has been happening it might be best to lay low until the news of the light show and the pranksters in Vegas dies down. If we go now the cops will think we are in on it. Even thought we have Sheriff Valenties help other members in the town might be suspicious.” Liz signed as she tried to make the group understand.

“Liz is right there is nothing we can do tonight anyway. Let go tomorrow night and see what we can find then.” Max said as he signed in frustration.

Come on I think we all need a good night sleep and we can figure out what we can do tomorrow.” Maria yawned as the group started to get ready for bed.

Everyone pulled out their sleeping bags and blankets in the back room as the group tried to get ready for bed. “If you want some of you can use my parents room or the extra guest room.” Liz said as she draped a blanket over one of the couches in her living room.

“Michael and I will take your guest room. I don’t think Space boy here could deal with sleeping on the floor.” Maria teased as she smiled at Michael. “Maria I think you just want the bed because I know you couldn’t last a day camping out at the Roswell Fathers day camp out in Frazier woods.” Michael said as he grabbed a pillow from one of the closets.

“You got me. Five star hotels all the way.” Maria laughed as she hit Michael with a pillow. “Just wait when The Whit’s hit is big that is all we will be staying in.” Maria beamed as she looked at Alex.

“Champaign and cavier dreams.” Alex said as he lay into his sleeping bag. “Maria we can look back and say remember how we stayed at Parkers and now we are staying at the pent house suit.” Alex beamed as he snuggled into his pillow.

“Tess you can take the couch.” Sean said as he gestured towards it. “Really” Tess said with a look of aw. “Yeah I have to get going anyway. I want to make sure my Aunt is safe after all that is going on tonight. Maria I will tell your Mom you are safe and sound in the arms of an alien.” Sean beamed at his cousin.

“Sean Deluca you will do no such thing!” Maria screamed in horror and threw a pillow at him. “Honestly after all we have done for Max and this is the way you treat our distant cousin.” Maria said as she started to hit Sean with more pillows from the couch.

“Hey stop it I am only kidding. Look I made a promise and I will keep Max safe no matter what. Your our family now.” Sean said as he tapped Max on the shoulder.

“Maria I will call you when I get home. See you guys tomorrow. Be safe.” Sean said as he hugged Liz and left.

Liz watched Sean leave into the dark night. It was getting late and she knew everyone had a hard and taxing day. It was a huge day for Max and she feared the worst for him as she got her keys. She was just about to close the lock on the door to the Crashdown Cafe when she saw Kyle and Isabel show up to the door.

“Kyle we are closed.” Liz said as she looked at Kyle and then at Isabel who was rolling her eyes in disgust.

“We are looking for Tess is she here?” Kyle asked as his eyes scanned the area hoping to see a glimmer of her blond hair.

“Kyle?” Tess said in shock as she walked over to the door.

“Tess your safe!” Kyle beamed as he ran past Liz and made his way towards her as he pulled her into a huge hug.

“Of course I am safe. Kyle what is going on?” Tess said in a concerned tone as she looked at her friend.

“Oh great look who decided to show up the Ice Queen and the Sheriff son!” Maria groaned in disgust as she looked at Isabel and Kyle.

“Well at least I am not some freak wanna be rock star who sings like she is starching her nails on a chalk board!” Isabel spat as she looked at Maria.

“Oh that’s it the Ice Queen is about to get dethroned!” Maria cried as she lunged at Isabel. However Michael grabbed her before she could start a flight.

“Maria it’s not worth it. Your too good of a person to fall subject to the Ice Queens evil ways.” Michael spat as he gave Isabel a stone cold stair.

“Get out Isabel! You have already done enough damage for one night!” Michael growled as he looked Isabel and then at Maria, Alex, and Tess.

“Will you all just stop fighting we have bigger problems to deal with! In case you didn’t notice the sky is falling!” Alex cried as he tried to calm the group down.

“You saw them the lights in the sky didn’t you.” Kyle spoke softly hoping no one would hear him.

“Yes we all did Kyle! Now that we have found Tess can we go! Isabel huffed as she stormed up to Tess with a look of determination and anger on her face.

“Tess how could you leave us and go off with Max when you know full well I wanted Max all to myself!” Isabel spat as she pulled on Tess’s arm.

“That’s enough Isabel! Look I don’t think you get it but I am with Liz and Tess is my friend. So back off or I will be forced to do something I will regret.” Max said in a firm tone, as he stood tall like a true leader controlling an army of thousands.

Isabel let go of Tess arm. “Oh really Max what are you going to do with me.” Isabel breathed as gave him a cloying look.

The lights in the Crashdown cafe flicked as a flash of lighting shot through the sky and thunder boomed in the distance. Another desert storm was brewing as the electricity in the air became thick.

Isabel swallowed as Max looked deep into Isabel’s eyes as he started to walk closer to Isabel like a lion ready to attack his pray. “Isabel what if I told you I was an alien. And not just an Alien but an Alien king who abducted Liz and took her as my wife.”

Isabel laughed nervously as she back away from Max slowly. “Max that’s madness. That’s impossible. And Alien who abducts people. You really abducted Liz. “ Isabel laughed as she pointed to Liz with a shacking hand.

“Yes Isabel that’s right. Max did abduct me and I am his wife.” Liz said as she watched Max get closer to Isabel.

“See Isabel I am telling the truth. If I wanted I could have abducted you.” Max said as he inched even closer to Isabel who stumbled as she backed away. She hit into the wall and dropped her bag as her schoolbooks and bridal magazines scattered all over the floor.

Maria and Tess burst into laughter as they eyed Isabel’s reading material. Isabel looked down embarrassed and she tried to run to collect her belonging but it was too late Max already had her trapped.

“You would have been so easy to take.” Max said as he leaned in closer to Isabel with a cold hard expression on his face as his hand crept slowly towards her face. Isabel’s lips quivered and her eyes filled with panic as fear tore through her body.

“Lucky for I didn’t” Max then smiled and laughed at her as his expression became more lighthearted as he dropped his hand.

Isabel huffed started to shout in anger. “That’s not funny! Look Max. I don’t know what game you are trying to play but that is one sick and twisted story.” Isabel spat as she tried to gain her composer.

“Actually it is all true.” Max said as he grabbed Isabel’s hand. She screamed and then a sense of calmness washed over her when she saw that Max wasn’t hurting her and wasn’t trying to kidnap her.

“Isabel I know what happened to your grandpa James Arherton.” Max whispered.

Isabel gasped and looked at Max in aw. “My grandpa how do you know about my grandpa James Atherton?” Isabel said in shock.

“Max what are you talking about? How do you know Isabel’s grandpa?” Liz cried at the shocking revaluation.

“I know he was murdered in 1959 near the Bitter Lake reign. My parents tried to get to him in time but it was too much we couldn’t save him our enemies got to him first. That is why he had a silver handprint on him. My parents tried to heal him but he was already gone by the time they got there.” Max whispered. Isabel just looked at Max in shock.

“My parents never speak about that night. Ever time I asked as a child what happened to him or what he was like they wouldn’t give me answers. They would just cry and cry. After a while it was forbidden to even speak his name in our house. I only saw a photo of him once in one of the books he had written about UFO’s.” Isabel said as tears filled her eyes as she remembered seeing the old photograph of a man in his early 20’s dressed in his 1940’s military uniform smiling as he leaned up against an army jeep in the middle of the desert.

“The only person I knew who was close to him was Claudia Parker. My parents would speak about her from time to time saying how she had a strange and vivid imagination that ended up hurting people. I just assumed it was by knowing her that is how he died being everyone thought Caudia Parker was crazy and was involved with something terrible and secret.” Isabel whispered as the tears started to run down her cheeks.

“That is why my parents and I hated the Parkers so much. I’m sorry Liz. The only reason why I hated you was because I always thought your grandma was the reason my grandpa was murdered.” Isabel sobbed as she looked up at Liz with tear stained eyes.

Liz stood there in shock all those years Isabel had made fun of her and tormented her she had no idea the real reason of the pain Isabel and her family harbored over the Parkers for years.

Liz rushed over to Isabel and hugged her. “It’s not your fault.” Liz whispered. “This town has lost so much because of something we don’t understand.” Liz whispered as she rubbed Isabel’s hair. “We all have suffered from the mistakes of the past. However I can assure you Max and his family was trying to help them. Trust me his race meant you no harm.” Liz spoke as she looked into Isabel’s eyes.

Kyle rubbed Isabel’s shoulder as Tess came over to sit near her friend. “My father often talked about a race of Aliens who were healers and who were kind creatures. He had seen it first hand their kindness to healing the people of this earth from their sickness. Max is a good person we can trust him” Kyle smiled as he patted Max on the back.

“She is right Isabel. Max means no harm. He is good. He never hurt any of us and was kind to us all.” Tess whispered as she handed Isabel a tissue.

“Tess is right. The first day I met Max he was lost and an outsider but he never harmed me. He was scared just like all of us were when we were freshman.” Michael said as he held Maria close and smiled at his friend Max.

“He never harmed my family. When I took Max into my house that night he was respectful of my Mom and Sean. Even thought I know it was a cover story I really feel like he is my distant cousin in more ways now then ever.” Maria said as she gave Max a kind smile.

“Please Isabel now that you know you must keep him safe. You must keep the secret. My life and Max’s depends on it. “Liz said in a forceful soft tone as she looked at Max and then at Isabel.

“I know this is hard to take in at once but please Isabel you have to understand I mean no harm to you or your people.” Max said as he fell to his knees and begged for mercy being he knew his life was at stake. One word about his existence and he would be killed he was sure. He knew the price of losing his parents because their secret was revealed.

Isabel whipped her eyes from the tears that had been forming there and looked at Max in aw. He was so frail and vulnerable. It was hard to believe this boy was not of their world. He looked like a lost scared child trying to find his way home.

She then looked up at Liz who was just as scared and hurting as if someone had cut out her heart as she felt Max’s pain. It was then she knew how deep their love really was for each other and how she would do anything to have someone value her and love her like that.

“Yes I will keep you safe, I mean after all the Ice Queen has to protect her people.” Isabel said in a firm tone as she smiled over her joke and squeezed Max’s hand.

“Thank you” Liz whispered as she kissed Max on the forehead and looked at Isabel with a grateful expression and ran to hug her.

Max sighed in relief knowing his life was speared and that his secret was kept safe. He knew his safety was all because of this one human girl. For the first time tonight he saw more then just a girl he had fallen in love with but the great Queen she was destined to become. He knew his parents would have been proud over his choice.

The light from the UFO museum pulsated with it’s green light as a man walked though the street. He was tall with blond hair and gray eyes and was dressed in a black suit. The green light made him glow in its eerie emerald shadow as he stood in front of the building and read the sign.

“Excuse me but I am sorry we are closed tonight. I thought we were on the brink of amazing greatness only to find that the light show in the sky was a teenage prank! Fireworks! Fireworks! Damn blinking fireworks! I swear I thought we were so close to making contact!” Milton signed in defeat and he looked at the stranger in front of him.

“I know you are disappointed and upset. But there is nothing more we can do tonight so scram and leave me be. The answers you seek will be here in the morning.” Milton mumbled as he turned to lock the UFO center.

“I was wondering do you know anything about Venus in the night sky?” The stranger spoke as his grey eyes shinned in the green light making them look like a steal trap.

“Well yes there are lots of books on Venus but you will have to wait until tomorrow to research the planet. Or you can hit up the Roswell Observatory. They should be open at this hour.” Milton said as he looked at the man tall man as his blond hair showed off a green tint in the neon light.

“What do you know about Antar?” The man said as he stepped closer to Milton.

“Look you should come back tomorrow and I can give you all the answers you seek. But all I know is that Antar was a planet in the Aries Quadrant that went missing years ago. It became a red giant and burned out. The planet is no more” Milton said as he became more uncomfortable with the strangers questions.

“That’s just an old wise tale the planet is still around. It might have been dying but it is back and fighting. Antar will come back stronger then ever. Yes we will win this war.” The man whispered with a smile on his face as he looked towards the night sky.

“Come back? Antar? Win this war? What are you talking about? You are starting to sound like that Max Evan kid? He told me that Antar was still around and that my star maps all were wrong? Are you a friend of his?” Milton gasped in shock as he looked at the stranger with a confused expression.

“Max” The stranger laughed as he leaned back and shook his head “ Max...just like his mother always interested in those star maps.” The stranger said as he rolled his eyes. “So the message was right the King is here.” The stranger smiled as he looked at Milton.

“King? Message? What are you talking about?” Milton cried as he looked into the stranger’s gray eyes.

“I think it’s time I paid him a little old visit. Thank you Earthling for your service.” The stranger said as he bowed and then started walking away leaving Milton speechless.