Wrong Turns (Seq.) (UC, Z/Ma, Ma/Ky, ADULT) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 31

A couple hours later, Michael rushed into the hospital waiting room. He had gotten on the first flight to Indianapolis right after Jim called him. “Kyle,” he called spotting his distraught friend. “What’s going on? Isabel and Alex are on their way. They should be here in a couple hours.” he asked.

“Maria’s asleep,” Kyle said, “and my…my daughter…they havn’t let me see her yet,” he said, the tears coming back. “They are setting her up in ICU because her lungs aren’t fully developed,” he explained. No matter how many times he said it, he still couldn’t make himself believe it.

“Oh, Kyle,” Michael said hugging his friend tightly. “Is Maria ok?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Kyle said with a slight smile. “Thank god, she is ok. They had to knock her out though because she wouldn’t sleep, and he body was shutting down.” He answered, almost in a dead voice.

The four of them sat in the waiting room in silence for another 30 minutes until Dr. Vic came out with another doctor. “Kyle,” she said softly, approaching him.

“What’s going on, is she ok?” he asked standing up.

“Kyle, this is Dr. Howard. He is going to be taking care of your daughter. He is a specialist in pre-mature babies. I’ll let him explain everything to you,” she said with a small smile.

Dr. Howard looked at the 3 other people with Kyle and said, “Maybe we should go somewhere else.”

“No,” Kyle bit out, “They are family,” he answered.

The doctor sighed and said, “Ok, well, the good news, is that we have your baby set up in the incubation cell.”

“And the bad news?” Kyle asked.

“She has an infection in her left lung, that because it isn’t fully developed, she is having trouble fighting.” The doctor said.

Kyle nearly fell, but the chair behind him caught him. Jim wrapped his arms tightly around his son, tears falling down his cheeks. “What does that mean? Is…is she going to be ok?” Kyle asked.

“Mr. Valenti, we are doing everything we can. We are giving her anti-biotics, and that should help her fight the infection.” The doctor answered. “The best thing you can do is be there for your girlfriend, and your daughter. They are both going to need you.” Dr. Howard said. “You can go in and see your daughter now.”

Kyle stood up and nodded, wiping his face on his hands. He looked at his dad who tried to give him a reassuring smile, “We can only have two people in there at a time.” The doctor said, “So if you all want to see the baby, we will have to split you up.”

“Dad, will you come with me?” Kyle asked quietly.

“Of Course,” Jim said standing up next to his son. “We will come to get you two if you want to see the baby,” he turned around to Tess and Michael. They both nodded and watched Kyle and Jim follow the doctor down the hall.

Tess finally let the floodgates open. She had been holding her tears in all day because she wanted to stay strong for Maria and Kyle, but now they Kyle had left, she let them fall. Michael scooted over next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Everything is going to be ok,” he said. “That baby has DeLuca and Valenti blood in her. She’s a fighter,” he tried to assure.

“I know,” Tess said, “It’s just that I love Maria and Kyle so much, and they have both been through more than their fair share, especially Maria. When will they have suffered enough?” she asked.

“I know,” Michael said. “I know,” he rocked her back and forth in his arms. All they could do is comfort each other. Everything else was out of their power.

The doctor lead Jim and Kyle into the post-natal ICU. The Valenti baby was the only one in there, and He silently pointed for them to enter. He left them alone as they approached the clear bubble that was surrounding the child. Kyle cried harder at the site. “She’s so small,” he said looking at his baby for the first time.

Jim held his son tight, as he laid his eyes on his beautiful granddaughter. “She’s beautiful,” he said, “Looks a lot like her mommy, but she’s got her daddy’s hair,” he sniffled.

Kyle sat down in the chair next to her, and slipped on a medical glove. He pushed his arm through one of the holes that were there so that you could touch the baby. He gently ran his fingers over her tiny hand. “Hey, baby,” he smiled. “I’m your daddy,” he cried. “This mean looking guy here is your grandpa,” he smiled.

Jim sat on the other side of her pod, and put a glove on, doing the same as Kyle, “Yeah, and I’m going to spoil you rotten,” Jim chuckled. “Mommy and Daddy can be as mean as they want, because you are Grandpa Jim’s little princess.” He smiled.

Kyle was crying again as he felt his daughter’s tiny fingers curl around his index finger. “I love you, baby.” He said. “I love you so much, and I need you to be strong.” He told his daughter. He looked back up at his father. “How is it possible to love someone so much that you have only known for a few hours?” he asked in awe.

“I don’t know, but trust me it can happen. This is how I felt when you were born,” Jim smiled.

“She needs to be ok,” Kyle cried.

“I know son. She will be ok.” Jim said, “I can feel it.” Kyle nodded and looked at his daughter again.

“We should probably head back so Michael and Tess can see her. And so I can be with Maria when she wakes up.” Kyle said quietly. Jim nodded and the two men removed their hands from the incubator.

As they left the room, ,Jim held his son tightly to him. They approached the waiting room and saw that Isabel and Alex were there. “Kyle!” Isabel called running to her friend. She wrapped him up in a loving embrace as the tears began to fall once again.

“Did you see her?” Tess asked.

“Yeah, you two can go on back if you want.” Kyle said from Isabel’s arms. Then he looked up at Isabel and Alex, “Then you two can see her. She is beautiful,” he smiled through his tears. Isabel smiled and walked Kyle over to the waiting room chairs.

“So what happened?” she asked.

Kyle spent then next couple of minutes explaining everything he knew. From Maria going into labor early to the infection in his daughter’s lung. “Oh Kyle,” Isabel cried. She didn’t know what she would do if something like that happened to her baby.

“We are here for you and Maria, man.” Alex said placing a firm hand on Kyle’s back.

“Thank you guys for just being here.” He said. Then he looked up at his dad. “I’m going to go back and wait for Maria to wake up. I promised I would be there when she did. So, I’ll come to get you when she is awake so you all can see her, ok?” he said. Everyone nodded and watched him retreat down the hall.

“When is Maria ever going to get a break?” Alex sighed. “I mean it is one none-stop battle fr her in her life. Can’t god just grant her a few small miracles.” He went on. He was getting very sick of the fact that Maria had to go through so much.

“I know honey.” Isabel said. She agreed with her husband. Maria had been through enough. She didn’t need this on top of everything else.


A few hours went by, and Kyle sat right by Maria’s side, holding her lifeless hand. He kept talking to himself and he knew that anyone would think he was nuts, but he couldn’t help it. Maybe he was a little nuts. Mid sentence, he noticed Maria’s eyes flutter open. “Kyle?” she asked, trying to focus.

“Yeah baby, it’s me,” Kyle smiled at her.

“Where’s the baby?” Maria asked, almost afraid to know.

Kyle sighed and moved onto the hospital bed next to Maria. She scooted over to make room for him. “The baby is in ICU. She has an infection in her left lung that isn’t fully developed and they are giving her antibiotics.” Kyle said, keeping control over his emotions this time.

“What?” Maria cried, grasping onto him. “Is she going to be ok? Oh God this cant be happening,” she cried out.

Kyle held her tightly to him, “Shhhh, baby, she’s going to be fine. There is no other choice, she is going to be ok, but we need to stay strong for her now. We need to visit her, and love her and help her fight this.” Kyle whispered into Maria’s ear.

Still crying, she looked up at him and nodded. “Where is she? Can I see her?” Kyle smiled at her and nodded, pulling the chord for a nurse.

A few minutes later, a hefty woman of about 50 hobbled into the room with a smile. “Can I help you?” she asked looking at the embracing couple.

“Can we get a wheelchair so we can both go see our baby?” Kyle asked. The nurse smiled warmly and nodded, turning around, only to return in a couple minutes with a chair.

She walked over to Maria, and helped her out of bed and into the chair. ‘You cold, baby?” Kyle asked. Maria nodded, so he pulled the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around her. “Ready?” he asked.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Maria said, dying to see her daughter.

Kyle wheeled her down the hall, away from the waiting room. He knew her friends wanted to see her, but she needed to see their daughter first. So, he went the back way and soon he was standing outside the door that lead to his daughter. “She’s in here,” Kyle said looking in the window. He opened the door and pushed Maria in.

Tears sprang to Maria’s eyes as she saw all the equipment attached to her. “Oh God,” she cried as Kyle wheeled her closer. He took out a latex glove for her and showed her what to do to touch their child. He then put one on himself and stuck his hand through the hole.

Thier daughter’s fingers immediately went around both of their hands, and Maria couldn’t help but smile. “She’s so beautiful,” Maria said. “And so little.”

“It helps if you talk to her, the doctor said. He says she can sense when her parents are around.” Kyle explained.

“Hi, I’m you’re mommy,” Maria said into the pod. “This is your daddy, as you have already met,” she laughed, “And I have a feeling you are going to be a daddy’s girl.” Maria laughed looking at Kyle.

“You bet she is,” he smiled back. “She’s just too perfect to punish.” He gushed.

Maria looked in silence at her daughter. She smiled as she saw the baby’s lips turn up into a smile in her sleep. “I think we should name her,” Maria said. “That way we have something to call her.”

Kyle smiled, “Ok, have anything in mind?”

“I was thinking Madison.” Maria said, “It means Great Fighter,” she explained her eyes filling with tears again.

“I think it’s perfect, baby.” Kyle said. He looked back down at the baby and said, ‘What do you think, Maddy?” The baby smiled again in her sleep and Kyle and Maria laughed. “Looks like that is ok with her.”


They spent the next 2 hours with Madison. They talked to her, touched her, and cried over her, and finally, they decided to go abck to Maria’s room to talk to the others. When they entered, Kyle warned them all to keep calm for Maria’s sake, and they all agreed.

They spent the rest of the day in her room, trying to cheer her up, and keep her mind off Madison’s condition. Finally, visiting hours were over, and Kyle handed his father the key’s to their apartment. “You guys just stay at our place tonight,” he said not wanting them to get a hotel room. Jim nodded and took the keys.

Tess was the last one to leave and said asked, “Do you want me to take Zandar with me, or do you want to keep him here?”

Maria looked at Kyle. “Take him home,” she finally said. “He wont be able to sleep well here. Bu can you bring him back tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Tess said with a smile, then she left the two alone.

“Tired?” Kyle asked a yawning Maria. She nodded and he moved into the bed next to her. “Sleep, we can see Madison again tomorrow.”

Maria smiled and snuggled into Kyle as they both fell asleep after the longest day of their lives.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 32

A Week later, Maria and Kyle were still playing the waiting game. Jim, Isabel, Alex, and Michael were still in town and Tess was staying with Zandar at the hospital all day. Maria was starting to slip into a depression, and Kyle was worried about her, but he knew he had to focus on his daughter at this point.

Dr. Howard knocked lightly on the door and then entered. He sighed heavily before turning to the couple on the bed. “Kyle, Maria,” he greeted, not paying the others in the room much attention.

“What’s the news?” Maria asked sitting up straighter.

“Madison’s infection isn’t getting any better, and we have used all the anti-biotics we can safely use,” the doctor said solemnly. He hated giving these young parents such bad news.

Maria began crying, “Wait, what does that mean?” she asked.

The doctor sat on the bed next to the distraught Maria and Kyle and continued, “It means, we have done all we can. The incubation with help her lung develop. It is already almost completely developed, but the infection is out of our hands.” He explained. Kyle cried hard as Dr. Howard went on, “The best bet is to continue to visit her. Talk to her, show her you love her. It is all up to Madison now,” he said. The odds didn’t look good for the little baby, but he didn’t want them to give up hope just yet.

“Ok,” kyle said through his tears. The rest of the room was crying as well. Alex held Isabel and Michael held Tess. Jim had to stop himself from running his fist into the wall. Why had this happened? He walked over to Maria and Kyle as the doctor left and wrapped his arms around them.

“We are going to get through this,” he promised through tears. Michael realized he needed to inform the school of the latest news, so he gently moved out of the room and to the payphone down the hall.

“I want to go see her,” Maria finally said, rubbing her eyes. Kyle nods and helps her up as they walk out of the room and down to the ICU.

Maria and Kyle both took deep breaths as they entered the room and walked over to their daughter. They put on their gloves and placed their hands inside the pod as usual. Maria cried lightly as she said, “Maddy, I love you so much. But mommy needs you to be strong. You can’t leave us,” she said. “We love you so much, and we would be lost without you, so please, please fight this infection,” she said, knowing that her daughter couldn’t understand her.

Kyle looked up at Maria and smiled, “Maddy, it’s daddy. You are so beautiful. We are so proud of you. We just need you to work a little harder. Please, baby.” He cried as he rubbed his thumb over her tiny fingers.

They spent the next few hours crying and talking to their daughter. They valued their time with her, not knowing how much time they actually had. Maria thought of Zan as she talked to her daughter, and quietly asked him to help her. She hoped he approved of Madison, and hoped he would help her fight this infection.

Jim was next to go into the room with his granddaughter. He sat down next to her and smiled and how beautiful she was. “It’s grandpa Jim again,” he said giving her a goofy grin. “We are all rooting for you,” he said quietly. He watched the baby silently. He watched her moved and sleep, and smile, and play.

And then, for the first time in 15 years, Jim Valenti prayed. “God, please watch over my grandbaby. Help her get through this. She needs you. My son and Maria need you too. They have been through so much. Their relationship is hard enough as it is, but I don’t think they will get through this if anything happens to Maddy. Zan! He called out. Zan, if you are watching us, please help us. Please see Madison through this,” he cried. “I know you would want Maria to be happy.” He said finally. He wipped his eyes and looked back at little Madison. He blew her a kiss before leaving the room.

Later that day, there was a knock on the door. Isabel and alex were napping on the couch in the hospital room, Tess was sitting in an armchair with Zandar. Michael was at the table. Maria and Kyle were on the bed and Jim was leaning against the back wall. “Come in,” Maria called out softly.

Two of Maria and Kyle’s students quietly entered the room. “Tiffany?” Maria gasped surprised.

Kyle saw his quarterback next to her, “Jake?”

“Hi, Mr. Valenti, Ms. DeLuca-Guerin,” Jake said softly. He handed them each two bundles of letters. “These are from the kids at school.” He explained.

“We got together and wrote you letters,” Tiffany said, tears stinging her eyes. Maria got off the bed and walked over to her student, pulling her into her arms.

“Thank you,” she whispered, trying to get a hold on her emotions. “Thank you both,” she said looking up at Jake.

Kyle soon pulled Jake into an embrace as well. “We wanted you to know that we are thinking about you, and Madison,” Jake said quietly.

“We love you guys. You are our favorite teachers, and we hope everything is ok,” Tiffany said as Maria let her go.

“The team really misses you,” Jake said to Kyle. “And we wanted you to know that we are playing the game at State next week for you, Ms. DeLuca-Guerin and Madison.”

Kyle openly wept, hearing his student say that. “Thank you,” he said. “We really appreciate it.” That didn’t even begin to describe how he felt. The gesture by the students had touched his heart in such a way that words couldn’t express.

“I hope to see you in class soon,” Tiffany said as the two students began to leave. “We are praying for you.”

“Thank you,” Maria breathed as they left. All she could say was thank you. She never knew her student’s cared that much.


Two days later, Maria and Kyle were still emotional wrecks. Nothing seemed to have changed, and they were starting to lose hope. “What are we going to do?” Maria asked Kyle.

“We aren’t going to give up,” he said firmly, holding her tight.

Just then the Dr. Howard walked in the room. He looked happier, but Maria didn’t take that to mean he had good news. “Any change?” She asked.

“I have great news,” he said. Everyone in the room went silent, anxiously awaiting what the doctor had to say. “Madison’s infection had begun to dissipate. Her lung is fully developed and the infection is 75% gone, and getting better,” he said with a bright smile.

Maria let out a sigh of relief and Kyle pulled her into his arms. “Oh God!” he cried.

Everyone burst into tears of happiness around the room. “This seems to be a miracle.” The doctor said, “But we are not going to question it. Madison looks like she is going to be just fine.” He said.

Maria pulled the doctor close into her. “Thank you so much!” she cried, nearly suffocating the man. He laughed and nodded acknowledgment.

After he left, the rest of the group decided to leave Maria and Kyle alone as well. They deserved some time alone after this happy news. “Can you believe it?” Maria asked, tears still in her eyes.

“That’s our baby, she is a fighter,” Kyle said.

Out in the waiting room Michael, Alex, Isabel, Tess, and Jim all embraced each other, and cried some more.


By Thursday, Madison’s infection was completely gone, and the doctors were only keeping her for a couple more days for monitoring. Maria looked at her daughter with pride as Kyle ahd his arm firmly around her waist. “Baby?” she said looking at him.

“Mmm hmmm?” he replied still looking at Madison.

“I want you to go to the game. Coach your team at state.” She said happily.

“Oh no, I cant. I should stay here with you,” he said.

“No, I want you to go. Your team wants you there. I will be fine. I know you want to be there with your team, and it would be good for you,” she said seriously.

Kyle thought about it, and finally gave in, ‘Ok, but you have to call me if anything happens.” He said finally.

“I promise,” she said kissing him lightly on the lips.


The next day at the game…

It was the 4th quarter and Kyle’s team was down by 2 at the State game. All of Kyle’s team were ecstatic that their coach was back, and even happier that his daughter was safe and sound. At half time, the school had done a celebration dance for him and his family, and he couldn’t help crying. The man who never cried in front of anyone, was now weeping in front of his teenage students.

They were on their last play, and needed to get a field goal to win. If they got it, the game would be basically over since there was only about 20 seconds on the clock. “Ok,” he said to his team. “You can do this, we are going to kick a field goal at the 25. You guys have done this. Just have fun,” he said with a smile as his players took the field again.

15 seconds later, the football passed directly between the pipes and Kyle’s team won the game by one point. Everyone in the crowed cheered. The opponents got on their feet and rooted for the coach that had been though so much.

As he passed the players on the other team, telling them they had a good game, they all expressed their congratulations on the newest addition in his family. Kyle had never been happier in his life. He had a State winning team, but more than that he had a family. A beautiful daughter, and the woman of his dreams by his side. He wished she could be there but he knew she was watching it on the TV.

Finally, the opposing teams coach shook his hand. “Great Job, Coach,” he said to Kyle. “We have been praying for you. Glad you could be here.” He winked. Kyle smiled back on cloud nine.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 33

It was only a few days later when Maria and Kyle were aloud to come home with Madison. “Dad, do you have the bag?” Kyle asked as he lifted his daughter into his arms. Tess was behind him with Zandar.

“Yes Kyle, I’ve got the bag,” Jim said with a smirk. His son was damn near hysterical, running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Kyle nodded and turned around to see Maria slowly exit her hospital room.

“Ok, I just want to make sure we having everything,” Kyle said as he made his way out to the car. He set Maddy in her car seat and buckled it up and as Tess did the same with Zandar, then he turned around to help Maria to the car.

“Baby, I can make it,” Maria chuckled as he put his arm around her.

“I know, but I just love having an excuse to touch you,” Kyle quipped back. Tess and Jim watched them flirt with each other and grinned knowingly at each other. Those two were going to be ok. “Ok, lets go,” Kyle finally said helping Maria into the car. Jim got in his rental with Tess and they headed back to the apartment where Isabel, Michael, and Alex were waiting.

Everyone was going back home the next day, but they wanted to see Maria and Kyle settled with Maddy before they left. Kyle again carried his daughter into the apartment, his father leading the way. Maria and Tess walked in together, Tess holding Zandar. “Hey!” the others in the apartment greeted.

“Hey,” Maria said tiredly. She loved her friends, but she was so ready for them to leave so she could just get into bed, laydown with Kyle and Maddy and Zandar and just revel in being at home with her family.

Isabel, as intuitive as she always was said, “Ok, how about we get your stuff in here, eat dinner and then go back to our own hotel. You guys don’t need a houseful right now anyway.” Maria smiled at her with relief and nodded. That sounded great.

Isabel and Michael had already made dinner. It was Pasta, everyone loved pasta and it was easy. Maria sat at the table feeding Zandar from a bottle as the gang sat around talking. Madison was asleep in her baby carrier, and Kyle couldn’t take his eyes off of her for longer than a few minutes, “I feel bad for her, man,” Michael said with a laugh pointing at the sleeping baby.

“Why’s that?” maria asked confused.

“Because with a father like Kyle, Maddy isn’t going to date before the age of 40,” Michael laughed. The rest of the table laughed as Maria got up to clear off the table.

“No, we’ve got it,” Isabel said motioning for Maria to relax. “Why don’t you go take a bath and relax. We will clean up.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, baby go take a bath,” Kyle smiled at Maria. He had something special planned for her tonight, and he wanted her to be happy and relaxed for it.


An hour later, Maria emerged from the bathroom, clean, relaxed and in her PJs. She didn’t care that there were a bunch of people in her apartment. She wanted to be comfortable, and it wasn’t as if her friends hadn’t seen her at her worse. “Feeling better?” Alex asked flinging his arm around her. Maria smiled and nodded noticing that Madison was in her grandfather’s arms and Zandar was asleep in Tess’s.

“Well, we are going to go. We’ve all got early flights in the morning,” Michael said hugging Maria.

“Ok, well have a safe trip, and hopefully you guys can come out here again, you know not for a holiday or crises,” Maria laughed.

They all promised and reluctantly Jim handed off his newest family member to Kyle. “You guys be safe, and if you need anything call me,” he said to his son and honorary daughter.

“We will, bye,” Maria said as she shut the door. She leaned against it and let out a deep breath. “Whew,” she smiled.

Tess grinned at her. “So, do you want me to take Zandar or Maddy tonight? Both?”

Maria shook her head. “Nope, Tess, why don’t you take the night off,” Kyle said winking at Tess. Tess knew what was going on and just smiled at him.

“Ok, well I’ll have my cell phone on me if you need me,” she said picking up her coat and heading out the door. When she was gone Maria turned back to Kyle and smiled brightly at him.

“Finally alone,” she grinned from ear to ear. Since she had gone into labor 2 weeks earlier, she had yet to have any alone time with Kyle and she was surprised at how much she craved being with him.

“Yep, what do you say, you and I put Zandar and Maddy in our bed tonight and just spend the night together.” Kyle said as he set Madison in her baby carrier and walked over to Maria. He gently smoothed his hands down her sides and brought her into him.

“Mmmm, that sounds wonderful,” Maria sighed as she leaned into him and kissed him softly. The soft kiss turned deep and passionate quickly as Kyle pressed her body into his. “God I miss kissing you,” she breathed as they parted.

“You have no idea,” he returned taking her hand in his. He picked up Maddy with the other and Maria picked up a sleeping Zandar and they made their way as a family to the bedroom. Kyle pulled the comforter down on the bed and got Madison comfortable in the middle and he laid Zandar right next to her. Kyle then stripped down to his boxers and got into bed next to his daughter, while Maria moved in behind Zandar.

“They are so beautiful,” Maria said looking at her two children. They looked different. Zandar was defiantly Zan’s son, though he did look a lot like her, and Madison was a daddy’s girl. She had his thick dark hair and her green eyes. They finally changed.

“I know. I can’t believe that I have the two most beautiful children in the world.” Kyle said and immediately tears shown in Maria’s eyes. She was so happy to hear that Kyle thought of Zandar as his. “I will always see them both as my children,” he assured her reaching out and brushing her hair out of her face. He looked down at Madison and smiled as she whimpered in her sleep.

He leaned over his children and kissed Maria lightly on the lips, but then he pulled back abruptly and reached into his side table. He pulled something out and looked back at Maria who was looking at him questioningly. “What do you have?” she asked cocking her head.

Kyle took a deep breath and smiled at her. “Maria, I love you. I’ve always loved you, and I know that I always will love you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“I love you to,” Maria said with a smile as she moved in closer to him.

“I want to ask you something,” Kyle said pulling out the box in his hand. Maria’s eyes immediately filled with tears, as she knew what was coming. “I want to be with you forever. I want you to be my wife, I want you to marry me and I want us to be a family. You, me, Zandar, and Madison.” Kyle said opening the box to reveal the most beautiful ring Maria had ever seen.

“Oh God, Kyle,” She cried as she leaned over her children wrapping him in a tight embrace and kissing him hard on the lips. “I would love to marry you.” And for the first time she realized that it was ok to move on. It was okay to marry Kyle, move on, be happy, and start a family with him. Zan would want her to. It was in that moment she knew what Zan was saying in the note and video he left her. She finally realized what Tess meant when she said it was healthy to move on.

She didn’t love Zan any less, her heart was just big enough for them both. As the two broke apart Kyle slipped the ring on her finger and she looked at it on her hand. This was the beginning of her new life, and she was blessed. She had a man who loved her completely whom she loved right back, two beautiful children and a job she loved. She could never again feel sorry for herself. After everything she had been through, she had come out on top and in a better place than most people could hope for.

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