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Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:15 pm
by LittleBit
Ellie wrote: As for the other 5 models...I'm thinking Duala is one of them. Otherwise her story has been told and so far the writers have been careful to get as much mileage out of each person as they can. Any way it falls it certainly is fun to speculate.:D

Duala would be interesting. She has always been in relationships that would 'help' the cylons. First with Billy then with Lee. I'm just not sure. I know they would want to shock us like they did with Boomer so it would have to be someone no one would suspect. I do not believe that it would be Baltar, Adama, L. Adama, Kara, or Roslin. And of course not Helo or Hera wouldn't be so important.

But I guess they would be with the fleet since Sharon said their were 8 other cylons in the fleet.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:31 pm
by Ellie
What about Saul?:shock: How messed up would that be?:lol: And I guess Helo would be cool too. But the more I think about it the more I suspect Duala. I guess Roslin wouldn't surprise me so much. But then I don't really care for her either way.

We'll just have to wait and see.*pouts* In the immortal words of Inigo Montoya,"I hate waiting"


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:25 pm
by LittleBit
Ellie wrote:What about Saul?:shock: How messed up would that be?:lol:
That would be very messed up. But considering I don't like him much, very fitting.
We'll just have to wait and see.*pouts* In the immortal words of Inigo Montoya,"I hate waiting"

I can think of a couple shows that make me feel like that.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:06 am
by Lillie
Was finally able to watch the premiere. My mind is still trying to wrap itself around everything that it saw.

I feel really badly about Jammer. It seems that he thought he was doing the right thing and now he is in way over his head.

I've got to say that the best line that I heard was Admiral Adama to Lee: Now Get Your Fat Ass Out Of Here. Who else is a little disappointed in the way Lee is? What happened to him?

Not sure what I think about the whole Kasey thing. Is the kid even around the right age to be Kara's? I wonder. . . She said the word Mommy pretty clearer and it made me suspicious. I estimate that it's been about two years since they took Kara's ovary. A pregnancy is nine months. So shouldn't the kid be only about fifteen months or so. Maybe it's just me being suspicious.

Wish there was more Sharon/Helo action. I've loved that couple since day one. And I can't wait until they finally get their baby back.

Balter. I don't know what the hell to feel about him. I mean, from the get go, he has always been a pretty selfish kind of guy. Which has made me wonder of late, why Caprica Six would even be in love with him? But, I wonder what his future will be. He is thought of to be a traitor. So what kind of life will he have in the end?

I honestly think that Ron Moore did a fantastic job with the entire episode. True, there were some points where I was uncomfortable. Considering the current situations around the world. It was definitely an interesting perspective.

Oh, did anyone else think that Tigh kicked ass throughout the entire episode? As scary as he was at times, he still rocked.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:41 am
by LittleBit
Lillie wrote:
Not sure what I think about the whole Kasey thing. Is the kid even around the right age to be Kara's? I wonder. . . She said the word Mommy pretty clearer and it made me suspicious. I estimate that it's been about two years since they took Kara's ovary. A pregnancy is nine months. So shouldn't the kid be only about fifteen months or so. Maybe it's just me being suspicious.
I thought the same thing but I also kind of figured that she maybe more advanced given her Cyclon heritage.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:30 pm
by Lillie
LittleBit wrote: I thought the same thing but I also kind of figured that she maybe more advanced given her Cyclon heritage.
Wouldn't Kasey and Hera be around the same age? Hmm. . . didn't Sharon go into early labor. Maybe a Cylon baby does not go through a full nine months gestation. I guess we'll have to wait until we see Hera to know for sure if a Cylon baby is more advanced. And if a Cylon baby IS more advanced, wouldn't Hera's adoptive mother be a little curious about her baby?

Watching the show over again, I have to admit that I do think that Kasey is an awfully cute little girl. Who looks like she could be Kara's daughter. Though it does make one wonder about the entire Cylon-human baby. The Cylons did try to have babies before and it didn't work. Helo/Sharon's baby was the first baby. At least that's what we were told. That's what Sharon said. She said that they wanted a couple in love, or something like that. Well, it might be plausable, considering that Leoben seems to think that he loves Kara. So who knows?

And I think it's kinda neat to see Grace Park and the actor who plays Jammer on the same show. They used to be on this teen show called Edgemont.

Now, is there anyone else wondering where the hell Hot Dog is? I like his character.

I kinda wish that Boomer had hit Cally. At least once. I don't like Cally, never have. Sure, I feel bad because she was taken without doing anything, taken from her baby. But still I don't like the girl. I've always liked Boomer, and Cally shot her. And got away with it, because Boomer was a Cylon. I do believe that there are some Cylons that are good. Like Boomer, like Caprica Six, like Sharon.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:33 pm
by Ellie
Well who says Cally will get out of the current mess? She's out there running through the woods trying to get back to her baby, and the woods seem to be chock full of Cylon today. It may get pretty messy for her.

Though I have to agree it might have been satisfying to see Cally get a good smack but not this far down the road. Sooner or later you gotta let things go. If you're going to gt revenge do so in a timely manner so you can pass it off as in the heat of the moment.:wink:

My big concern is what Helo will think after word gets back to Galactica that the meeting with the resistance was ambushed by the Cylons. I hope he doesn't think Sharon had anything to do with it, especially since the popular theory is that they're a couple now.

I hope that Ellen gets found out as soon as possible, it's best for everyone. Ok maybe not her, but everybody else.:lol:


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:44 pm
by LittleBit
Ellie wrote: Though I have to agree it might have been satisfying to see Cally get a good smack but not this far down the road. Sooner or later you gotta let things go. If you're going to gt revenge do so in a timely manner so you can pass it off as in the heat of the moment.:wink:
I wanted to slap her when Sharon came and saw her in the holding cell. She was trying to give her an olive branch after all.
My big concern is what Helo will think after word gets back to Galactica that the meeting with the resistance was ambushed by the Cylons. I hope he doesn't think Sharon had anything to do with it, especially since the popular theory is that they're a couple now.
I think he has more faith in her now. I think it would take a bit more for him and Adama to think that she was against them. After all, we don't know what has happened with the 3 of them over the last year and a half.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:23 pm
by Ellie
Good point. As long as this doesn't add more difficulty for her, she's had enough on her plate. But maybe we should be more worried about the other guy's on the ground with her. It's their reaction that will have a more immediate effect on things.

Personally though I'm waiting until the Hera secret comes out into the open. Then the fur's really gonna fly! :shock: Man is it Friday yet?*pouts*


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:26 pm
by LittleBit
I'm dying for Fridays to come too.