Remember me (CC, AU, Mature) Thread #1

Like to Roswell Role Play? Like to roleplay for other shows too? Like writing fic, but want to write with others and play off their writing? Then you'll like this place

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Post by madroswellfan »

I saw Liz disappear into the building. I took a final look at Alex who shouted "go!" at me. I took off. I ran as fast I could....track fast.....and found her in the corridors. "Liz? Liz? Can we talk?" I said as I catch up with her, not even out of breath...although I was when I looked at her.

Post by POM »


"you want to talk to me...where is muffin..or Bunny? I'm sure you'll have tons to talk about with them." I told him as I kept walking.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Liz, please. You know Im not like that. There total airheads. Please just stop and talk to me. Please!" I say practically begging her.

Post by POM »


"pulling him into the eraser room...and locking the door..."Max why are you doing this..don't you remember..I'm the nerd..the nobody..I'm the girl that everyone makes fun give me one good reason to why..I should stay in here and listen to what you have to say." I asked him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"I don't see that Liz. I never have. I....Look Liz...about....what you said....I like you too" I said. Her mouth hung open and then she started to smile.
"Wait Liz. I need you to listen and understand me. You know that I've always dreamed of going pro. I....If I.....I can't be torn away from my dream right now Liz. It means everything to me. I can't. Do you understand what Im saying Liz? This has absolutely nothing to do with you. You deserve so much better. I wish that so much I could be with you....but I can't. Im sorry Liz."

Post by POM »


I stepped closer to him.."hey it's okay Max..I wasn't looking for a commitment or anything...I mean i am going away for the summer...and it would be hard to do the long distance thing over the summer right..don't worry hurt feelings here..I honestly think it's for the best..but umm.. one las thing..." I told him. Right then and there I kissed him..right on the lips...I never thought I was capable of doing so. "So, I'll see you next year Max...and we'll see from there." I told him. and without another word I was on the other side of the door. I walked into my english class and after the final was over I walked back home, I left a note for Dave...Like he cares...and made my way to flordia/

[OCC: Okay..ladies...I am going to post TWO posts for Liz..over the summer how she is changing...then it's time for the next year!! and that when she becomes popular--and all the alien drama starts happening.]
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Post by madroswellfan »

She kissed me....She kissed me. God that kiss.
I want to shrivel up an die right now. I want to take it all back...but I can't. I can't stand any more school today. Not now. I walk past the quad and Alex can see that it didn't go well. I walk home, go to my room, slump on the bed and cry.

Post by POM »


"What's Wrong"..I call after Max. I see Isabel walking towards me... "Iz..your brother has serious problems." I told as she to looked at her brothers scene.

Post by POM »


Dear Diary,

It's already time for me to go starts again tomorrow, and I can't believe how much I'vechanged...not just phyicaly be emotionally. Yeah, I do love Max Evans...but I'm glad that I did this. I'm glad that I took this time to do something just for me. My hair is long now, with blonde higlights in it. I have contacts...I don't even own a pair of glasses anymore. I slimmed down about fifteen pounds, and wear clothes more flattering to my figure. Inside I feel whole for the first time ever. I can see the true Liz I was always meant to be. I stil love school, but not as much. I'm proud to be me." I closed the journal and went to sleep. By the time I woke up..I was in Roswell, NM. I was suprised to see Dave standing there..waiting for my return. When I got off the bus...he took my bags, but there were no signs of emotion anywhere to be seen. "Hey Dave" he nodded. He loaded the bags into the car and we headed home. Once I got everything settled, and I unpacked everything. Dave gave me 3 envelopes, "What's this" I said looking up at him.


"There are one name on each envolope--your birthday is next week I thought you'd like to have a small get together...Give these out..but only to the people they belong to. No buts'... just do it.." I told her as I walked into my room and shut the door.


I looked at the names...and saw : Maxwell Evans, Isabel Evans, and Michael Guerin. "Why them..why these people." I asked myself. I shrugged it off. I went through the mail, and found my schedule for the next year...It was the same old classes..nothing new..I wanted something new. Down in flordia I had taken dance lesson, and became really good in the ballroom dance. I was going to the counclars office to see if I could take a dance class instead of regular P.E. It wasn't that long before I woke up and was ready to start my new life. For school I choose a deep pink colored dress, with the same colored high heel shoes, and took daves car to school--he didn't go to work today so it was fine. But when I got on school property...everyones attention flooded to me, but I wasn't the kind to notice..and I made my way to the office. After I changed my P.E. schedule. I made my way to first period. on the board was written, Welcome to the wonderful world of science. They put us with lab parteners...and when Mrs. Labson said.. "Evans with Parker" I almost died. When he came up to me...and smiled..but once I told him.. "Hey how've you been?" he knew that it wasen't who he thought it was...I started to laugh as he tried to get the words out of his mouth.

[OCC: Characters: Isabel, Michael, and Maria can still have reactions to the comments from the previous school year even though I started posted for the new one.]
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

[Whoa, don't you people sleep, lol? How did I manage to miss all this!?!]


I stared at Liz Parker as she entered the school, completely oblivious to the guys ogling her. She looked so different from her old geeky self that it took me a minute to realize who she was. Her hair was longer and colored differently, and she looked slimmer and more muscular than she had last year. I had never disliked Liz before, I had just never talked to her, afraid to step out of my popular box and do something different. Now, however, I could see that I would be in her company a lot more; she was going to be in the popular circle in a matter of days! I turned to my boyfriend, Michael Guerin, who looked oblivious to Miss. Parker's new looks.

“Can you believe that?” I asked him, pointing a finger in Liz’s direction.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>