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Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] TWENTY NINE, pg 14 - (5/30)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:56 pm
by kay_b
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I also want to reply to your feedbacks but I have to rush to class. And I figured you'd rather read on to the latest chapter. I'll try to put individual thanks on the next one.

Hope you all (feedbackers and lurkers) enjoy the new part.


Chapter 30

As Thala and Zan before them, the joining of the two’s spirits had called forth the power of the Granolith.

It began to transfer some of its power to Liz, healing her, making her stronger, more powerful than she ever imagined.

And Max was right along with her for the ride.

The Granolith’s power was surging into their system like a raging river, passing on more and more as their connection continued to blaze.

Everyone was looking on as green electrical currents ran just underneath Max’s and Liz’s skins. And then, Liz’s dome shield began to form over the two.

“Not again.” Kyle spoke up.

“What’s going on?” Alex asked.

“I have no idea.” Isabel answered. “But whatever it is, I think Max was able to heal Liz.”

“Yeah, cause I don’t think she would have been able to bring her shield up if he wasn’t able to do anything.” Michael responded.
Back in the dome, Max and Liz were able to communicate telepathically as they absorbed the power being sent to them.

‘Is this really happening?’ Liz asked in her mind.

‘I think so.’ Max replied.

Just as Max finished that sentence, more power surged into them. They both grimaced as the transfer began to hurt.

Max was wincing and biting his lip as tears started flowing from Liz’s eyes.
“They’re starting to feel pain.” Maria exclaimed.

“What?” They all turned to look at her except for the two still enclosed in the dome.

“Max and Liz, they’re hurting in there.” Maria began to look frantically for Cal. Once she spotted him, she marched over to where he was rooted, just watching as the scene unfolded before him.

“Do something!” Maria demanded.

Michael grabbed her elbow and spun her around to face him and the others. “Maria, what are you talking about?”

“I can hear them, Michael. They’re speaking to each other telepathically. And…and…”

“And what, Maria?” Isabel asked anxiously.

“I can feel their pain. Whatever is happening to them, it’s causing them pain.”

“Michael, what should we do?” Alex questioned his friend.

Michael was at a loss. He turned to Cal; “Tell us how to stop whatever that is!” he pointed at the dome which was now glowing brightly from within.

“I can’t.” Cal said right after he hung up a call on his cell phone.

“What do you mean you can’t? That’s my brother in there! You are not just going to stand there and do nothing this time.” Isabel yelled at the shapeshifter.

“I just got a call from the soldiers stationed at the Granolith.” Cal calmly interjected.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Kyle spoke up.

“It’s been activated.”



“By whom?”

Questions were fired at him from one person to another. And he could only give them a single answer as he moved his head to once again look at his king and queen.

“By them.”
‘I don’t know how much longer I can stand this, Max.’

‘Just hold on, Liz.’

Then both pairs of eyes that were locked on to each other suddenly flashed and turned to black.



Maria gasped.

“What? What is it?” Isabel was beginning to panic.

“That’s no longer Max and Liz in there.” Maria replied with a slight tremor in her voice, giving way to her fear.

“What do you mean they’re not Max and Liz anymore?” Michael asked.

“Their former lives have broken through.” Ava spoke for the first time since all of the chaos took place.
Dark clouds began to roll in, in menacing speed but no one noticed. And as the Granolith was winding down from the other end of town, it sent the last of the power meant for its royal line.

Lightning bolts crackled downward, straight into the dome, piercing through, sending shockwaves of unfathomable power into Max and Liz.

Screams were heard from outside of the dome. But neither of the two noticed as their own voices drowned out the sound.

Finally, it was over. Max and Liz closed their eyes, drained from the transfer. They fell into sleep as the dome began to dissolve. The residual currents running through their veins also started disappearing. To anyone looking, it would seem that nothing had happened and the two were merely sleeping. But that didn’t stop the others from running at full speed towards them to check if they were alright.
Michael was the first to reach them. He quickly took Max’s wrist to check on his pulse.

“Are…are they…?” Alex couldn’t even finish his question while he held on to his wife.

Isabel was on the edge of a breakdown. Her family was just reunited; she can’t lose anyone again, especially not Max.

“He’s ok.” Michael answered.

Isabel breathed a sigh of relief and went to her brother. “Max” she called to him.

No answer.

She looked at Cal who was tending to Liz. “Why isn’t he waking up?”

“They were probably exhausted from what happened.” The shapeshifter did a quick scan on Liz’s body, hovering a hand above her to check for injuries. But he was happy to learn that she had none.

He moved over to Max and did the same. But just as he crouched down to be near his king, Max’s hand shot forth and gripped Cal’s neck.

His eyes popped open and there was nothing but blackness within.

Max stood up, still not relinquishing his hold on the protector.

“Max!” Isabel yelled.

Michael was trying to stop his best friend from choking Cal but he couldn’t pry Max’s fingers open. Instead, it was tightening even more.

“Max, let go.” Michael was holding Max’s arm, struggling to pull it back.

“You endangered her life with that task.” Max was speaking calmly, though his voice was evident of his growing fury.

Cal was gasping for air, clamoring at the hand on his neck.

“Max, let go of him!” Isabel yelled.

Max whipped his head to face his sister. “He almost killed your queen, Vilandra!”

“What?” Isabel stumbled back.

“That’s not Max.” Ava said.

Kyle only nodded silently as he looked on.

Ava went beside the king to reason with him. “Zan”

Max faced the blonde hybrid.

“Please let him go. He didn’t mean to cause harm. He was only training Thala to make her stronger, to make all of us stronger.”

“She wasn’t ready.” Max replied, no longer looking at Ava but back at Cal once again. “And yet he kept pushing. He’s been manipulating her all her life.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Liz, I’m talking about Liz and how this bastard kept on with the lies.”

“Max” Cal was running out of air.

“Maxwell?” Michael knew that if his friend was already referring to Liz then it couldn’t be just Zan in there anymore.

Max looked at his second.

“You have to let him go. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He thought Liz could do it.”

“No. He knew she wasn’t going to make it. Hell, I saw her struggling. I knew!”

Max turned to Cal, “Any last wish, old man?”

“Max.” Liz woke up and was being assisted up by Serena. Liz’s eyes were the same darkness that Max’ possessed.

“Don’t tell me to stop, Liz. He almost killed you with that stupid stunt.”

“We still need him.”

Max wasn’t listening to her. His eyes narrowing as he gripped tighter.

Cal was beginning to turn blue.


‘He should be hanged for treason! He betrayed the crown!’

No one knew what was happening. Liz just looked at Max; Max was still seething at Cal. But no other word was spoken.

“They’re talking in their heads.” Maria whispered to Michael.

Michael turned his head to look at Maria who was standing right behind him.

‘You were almost lost to us. I will not let that happen, not again!’

‘I’m still here, Zan.’

‘No one jeopardizes your life and gets to live a second longer.’

‘I could have stopped, but I didn’t. I wanted to keep going. It was my choice.’

‘And it was an erroneous choice! But he put you up to it.’

‘Zan, please. Don’t do this.’

Max sighed and loosened his grip a bit. ‘You really want him to live?’


Max pushed Cal away, the older man stumbling to the ground, coughing for air.

Liz moved to check on him, but Max grabbed her arm, preventing her from reaching him.

“You will not stoop to him. He is nothing.”

Liz didn’t say anything and heeded his command.

Max then addressed Cal, but he retained his hold on Liz. “I know you are programmed to follow our orders so you will follow this. If you ever try to risk Liz’s life once more, I won’t have your blood on my hands. You will kill yourself instead.”

“Max!” Michael yelled.

“No.” Liz whispered, stunned.

Isabel gasped in shock.

This man was no longer their friend. The man before them was not the brother they used to know. This man was a leader, more powerful and far ruthless than they had ever known.

The man standing before them was now the past and future king of Antar.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] THIRTY page 15 - (6/16)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:47 am
by kay_b
A/N: Hi everyone, sorry I'm late with the new part. You'll be pleased to know that the next chapter is already in the works and is about halfway done. I think it's safe to say we're at the beginning of the end. Finally, after 3 years, I know where this fic is going. I just don't know exactly how many more chapters it would take though.

And on with the thank you's:


- They're still there, just improved, I think.

Natalie36 - LOL, look at what you've started. But I'm not complaining, I like the description. It was exactly how I pictured it.

Michelle - Ah, you always seem to know what I'm thinking. Losing're definitely on to something there. And about reincarnation, if we're basing it on them remembering their past lives, yeah, I would say Max and Liz are also Zan and Thala. But if you include science in the mix wherein Max and Liz have both alien and human genetics, then basically they're kids of Zan and Thala with other partners. But for this story, especially since we're dealing with aliens genes, I go for reincarnation.

Wow, I'm honestly surprised at the reaction about Max. I thought you all would start hating him because he became aggressive and might have been too harsh on Cal. But a powerful and take charge Max was exactly what I was trying to depict. Sorry, but I got tired of the one that everybody kept pushing around in the show.

So again, thank you all.


Chapter 31

Max still has not let go of Liz’s hand as he practically dragged her away from their training ground and into his SUV.

The others looked on still reeling from the episode they witnessed.

“Was that Max?” Alex felt compelled to ask.

“I think so.” Maria replied.

“Well, I guess that means practice is over.” Kyle clapped his hand and turned to Serena. “Do you want to catch a movie tonight?”

The two have started dating and were getting closer as time passed.

“Ok.” Serena answered.

“Great. 7 ok with you?”


“Kyle, can we hitch a ride with you?” Alex called over. He and Isabel rode to the area with Max and since he pretty much left them there after he drove back into town with Liz.

“No problem.”

Isabel still remained silent. She still couldn’t believe the way Max acted moments ago. She looked over at Michael and saw a reflection of her own emotions flickering on his face.


Michael was numbly rooted at the spot since Max left. His mind wasn’t working; the shock has not worn off yet.

Maria looked at her fiancé after hearing the concern in Isabel’s voice. “Michael.”

Both women tried to get a reaction out of him but nothing. That is, until he looked at Cal, who was currently being helped by Ava.

“Are you ok?” Michael walked up to the shapeshifter to check on him.

“I’ll live.” Cal said; his voice hoarse.

“Did you know?” Michael asked in a controlled voice.

Cal remained silent.

“Did you know?! Michael yelled, causing Maria to jump.


Michael only shook his head and walked away without looking back. Maria rushed right behind him.

Soon everyone followed Michael and they drove back into town.
Max gripped the steering wheel hard, to the point that his knuckles were turning white, anger still fueling his veins. Liz silently sat in the passenger seat, looking at him from time to time.

“I need to check on Zan.” Max said softly.

Liz only nodded.

Max parked the car on his parents’ driveway and using his key, entered their home.

What he found made his heart stop.

They found plates with food left uneaten on the dining table, toys on the floor, the TV was on, and water was pouring from the faucet that was left open. But his parents and Zan were nowhere to be found.

Max began to panic as he raced up the stairs to the bedrooms, taking two steps at a time. But still, he came up empty; no one was in the house aside from him and Liz.

When he came back down, he was met with a baffled Liz. “Where are your parents?”

“I don’t know.” Max fished his phone out of his pants pocket and dialed Isabel’s number.

“Max?” Isabel answered the call.

“Are there abandoned cars in the street, Iz?”

“What?” Isabel was confused at her brother’s question but nevertheless, looked out to the streets to check the traffic from the van’s window.

“Are there any other cars, Isabel?” Max repeated more strongly, though he was barely holding on to his wits.

“Uh, no.”

Max was silent right after that.

“Max, what’s going on?”

“It’s happening again, Isabel.”

“What is?” Isabel looked at Michael with worry etched on her face.

“The Skins are in White Plains.”
While Max and Liz waited for the rest of the group, he told her of what happened in Roswell.

“Are you sure that’s it? Maybe they just forgot or—” Liz was scared. She was afraid to face what this was. Does this mean they were going to war? For all the times she said she would fight alongside the aliens, nothing could prepare her for the real thing.

“Yeah, I really think this is it.” Max said as he held on to his son’s blanket.

“So we’re going to war.” Liz whispered,

Max nodded and looked at Liz just then.

She was pale, all the color drained from her face. Max moved to sit beside her and took her hands in his.

“It’ll be ok, Liz. We didn’t undergo months of training for nothing. Plus we have soldiers on our side, thousands of them.” Max was uncertain if he was reassuring Liz or himself.

Liz just nodded numbly as fear began to settle within.

“Liz, look at me.” Max instructed.

Liz turned to face him.

“We can do this.” Max told her. He needed her to believe that they can do this.

Tears started to slip down her cheeks. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to help. You saw what happened earlier.”

“You just received the power of the Granolith, Liz. You’re now more powerful than you think. Don’t you feel it?”

Liz closed her eyes and concentrated within. That’s when she felt the faint trickle of power within her, waiting to be called upon.

Max wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumb. “I know you’re afraid, I am too, but I have to be brave. For Zan.”

Liz understood then. She took a deep breath and spoke, “I’m sorry, Max. I didn’t mean that I won’t join the battle. I’m just scared that we might not make it through this. But I will fight, even if it costs my life.”

Max smiled at the front she was putting up, “I don’t think Thala would let you die, Liz. And I don’t think Zan would either.”
Isabel rushed into the house and found Max and Liz sitting on the couch, facing each other. The two looked at her as she barged in.

The first thing Isabel noticed was how they were sitting too close to each other. And under any other circumstance, she would be happy for her brother, but right now, she was more concerned about the missing members of her family.

“Max!” Isabel rushed to where Max and Liz were.

Max stood up, “Where are the others?”

“Right here, Max.” Michael answered as everyone else walked into the Evans’ home.

“What’s going on?” Alex asked.

“My parents are gone. So is Zan.” Max informed everyone. “When we got here, it was as if they just up and left. The kitchen sink was left running and the food on the table was still warm. It was like—”

“When the Skins invaded Roswell.” Kyle finished his sentence for him.


Liz and Serena just listened in, not knowing what else to say. It was obvious that the Roswell group knew what they were up against.

“Maybe we should have Ava and Cal here.” Liz mentioned cautiously.

Max looked at her sternly. “No, Ava can come but I don’t want Cal here.”

“Max we need him.” Isabel added.

“All we need is the power of the Four Square.”

“I think they’re right, Max. I get that we’re more powerful now but it wouldn’t hurt to have more ammunition on our side.” Michael said.

Max seemed to mull over what Michael was saying. He didn’t like it but he was right. Besides, this was his family that was in danger. He can deal with Cal later on.

“Ok,” Max nodded. “Call him.”

Liz got out her phone and contacted Ava.


“We need you and Cal at Max’s parents’ house. His parents and Zan are missing.”

“Ok, we’re on our way.” Ava said on the phone while staring at Cal who was anxious to know what was going on.

“And Ava, Max says they think the Skins are in White Plains.” Liz interjected.

Ava’s eyes were wide open as she hung up the phone.

”What?” Cal kept asking.

“Max said the Skins are here.”

Cal blinked, “That’s impossible. How can they infiltrate the town?”

“I don’t know, but somehow Max thinks they’re here and his parents and his son are missing.”

At that, Cal immediately got his phone and called several phone numbers, including Serena’s parents.

And then, he took out a silver hexagon-shaped artifact that was unmistakably of alien origin.

“What is that?” Ava asked as they began heading to Cal’s car.

“A communicator.” Cal said as he pushed three buttons.

“Who exactly are you trying to get in touch with?”

‘If Max is correct and the Skins are in White Plains, we need to call in some reinforcements.”

“Who else is there to help us?” Ava was instructed to drive.

And as the car’s engine roared to life, Cal replied.

“The rebels.”

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] THIRTY ONE, pg 17 - (6/24)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:47 am
by kay_b
A/N: So I'm back. I hope you'll like this new part. And I was right, we're getting close to the end. I already have a portion of one of the last chapters written, but I still have more than a couple to go. Anyway, thanks are in order.

Cocogurl - Hi, thanks for the FB. More will be revealed soon. Can't say too much because honestly, even I don't know how the Skins found them. So far, I have the second, or maybe thrid to the last part. But nothing else in between.

Michelle - Yeah, I always found Cal to be sneaky. One thing that I kept wondering about was, if he was a supposed protector and he can't disobey Max, how was he able to endanger his life in that reel vault? Wouldn't that be totally going against everything he was put on Earth for? Oh and Cal has always been conspiring with the rebels. You'll find out why below.

Natalie36 - Thank you.

Lena7 - Don't worry, I won't kill off our favorite couple.

EVE - Thanks for leaving fb.

Michelle17 - Cal always had contact to the rebels, but I don't think we're referring to the same one.

Kris - I really don't know if Zan and the parents will be injured. All I know at this point is that little Zan has an important role to fill in the future so I can't really do much damage to him.

littlewind - I think this is the first time I saw your name here. Thank you for taking the time to post fb.

roswell3053 - Hmmm, I was thinking that too, the Skins aren't the only threat really.

La'Shon - Thanks for your feedback. Glad you're liking this.

RoninBehr - I'm back! Hope you'll like the part below.

paper - It's ok. I find myself doing that too, unknowingly reading something that I have apparently forgot about. But the good thing is, you find you have a lot of new updates to read.

Thanks to all the feedbackers and lurkers.



Cal and Ava were heading straight towards the Evans’ house at an alarming speed.

Ava wasn’t worried about getting caught speeding since they were in White Plains after all. Who would dare pull her over?

As Ava weaved through the streets of the small town, Cal placed the communicator on the dashboard.

Ava was watching him and watching the road. It wouldn’t help them any if they got into an accident.

Then, a hologram appeared atop the communicator. The screen was as big as half the windshield.

“Kalan.” An alien appeared in the hologram. It had the same image as when Liz saw Thala’s true form. The alien’s head was on the screen; its skin was color silver and seemed semi-transparent. The eyes were round and big and were all white but with streaks of pink and blue and yellow, exactly like an opal stone.

“We need your help. The Skins have invaded our territory.” Cal spoke.

“Are you sure? What happened to the guards situated at the perimeter?”

“I don’t know. But I’ve tried calling them and I haven’t gotten a response from any of the guards yet.”

“Have you called everyone back?”


“And the Antarian Elite?”

“Half are already headed to Max’s house.”


“It was Max who told us that the Skins might have penetrated White Plains. And his Earth parents and his son are missing.”


“Half of the elite are searching for them as we speak.”
Sam and Valerie walked into the Evans home. Max, Michael, Isabel, Alex and Kyle were ready to blast at their unannounced entrance.

“No!” Serena yelled, jumping in front of them.

“Don’t shoot.” Sam shouted. “It’s just us.”

They all lowered their arms as they realized who came in.

Max moved forward, “Sam, have you seen my parents?”

“No, Max. Cal called us to come here. Half of the elite soldiers are looking for them now. The rest of us are outside. We need to bring you to the Granolith.”

“How could you let this happen?” Max burst. “I thought there were soldiers assigned to guard them!”

“Max, we would have known if the Skins have come in town. The guards positioned at the boundary of White Plains would have alerted us instantly.” Valerie replied.

“Max, the Skins may not be in town yet, but maybe they used that rod thingy like what they did to Roswell.” Maria spoke.

“What rod thingy?” Sam asked.

“It was this huge green rod that was stuck in an alien billboard posted just outside of Roswell. It caused the humans to disappear.” Maria said.

Sam and Valerie only looked at each other before they began pushing everyone out and back into the van. “We need to go, now.” Valerie said.

They were surprised with the number of people standing outside.

“If they didn’t have a clue that the king lives here, they do now.” Kyle remarked.

“There’s no point in hiding anymore. If they hurt Zan, I’m going after them.” Max responded.

Sam took his phone out and handed it to his wife as they all piled into three vehicles. Max and Liz, along with four soldiers were in Max’s SUV. Michael, Maria, Serena and Kyle got in the van as well as another four guards. And Sam, Valerie, Isabel and Alex hopped into Sam’s car.

As they drove through the streets, they saw all the residents getting into their own automobiles and following them to the warehouse that stored the Granolith.
Cal instructed Ava to change their route. They needed to go to the Granolith.

“How could they be missing? Weren’t there guards assigned to them?” The alien’s voice got louder, bringing Cal’s attention back to the hologram.

“There were but they have no idea how they could have disappeared without them knowing.”

“Khivar must have a new toy.”

“I think so too.” Cal agreed.

“What of Max and the others?”

“Sam and Valerie are taking them to the Granolith.”

“And the other soldiers?”

“Ready for battle.”

“And Liz?” The alien asked.

Ava whipped her head back to the hologram. Who was this alien and how did it know her friend?

“She’s alright. She’s with Max.” Cal responded.

The alien breathed a sigh of relief.

“However, since we don’t know exactly what we’re up against, we need more people. We need you and the rebels here, K’ladia.”

Ava’s eyes almost popped out of her head if that was possible. This was Liz’s grandmother.

The alien nodded, “I will need the Four Square’s help if we are to transport a legion of loyalists through the Granolith. Will they be ready to use such a magnitude of power? Is Liz ready?”

Cal looked at Ava before returning his gaze to the image in front of him. “I don’t know, K’ladia. But something happened today.”

Cal was worried of how his news will be received. “Liz almost died today.”


“She was training, they all were. But as she was trying to lift a huge log, it fell on her. Max was there though.” He was quick to add.

“He saved her?”

“Yes. They were enveloped in this bright ball and electric currents surged into the two of them while Max was healing Liz. Then I received a call from one of the guards stationed where the Granolith was that it activated itself.”

K’ladia gasped. ‘Could the same thing that happened in the temple so many ages ago happen on Earth as well?’

“The next thing we saw was that they were unconscious. But when Max woke up, he wasn’t just Max. It was as if Zan was alive and with us again.”
“Are you sure that there are people looking for them?” Liz asked one of the guards riding with her and Max in his SUV. She was worried about Zan and Max’s parents. This was exactly the reason why she was willing to fight way before she knew what she was. She wanted to spare the lives of innocent people. And Zan and the Evans were three of those innocents in this world.

“Yes, your highness.” The older man spoke, “They are searching the entire town as we speak.”

Liz was a little taken aback after hearing how the man addressed her. Thala was Antar’s queen, not her. Even though a part of Thala lived in her, she was different. She was half human now.

But as she pondered on that, that part of her that was Thala pushed forth in her mind. As long as Thala lives, even if it’s just a speck of blood in her, she is still the queen, whether on Earth or Antar.

Then Liz felt something else calling to her. They had to go to the Granolith, now.

She turned to Max and put a hand on his arm. As she did that, she felt their connection and the fear and worry flowing within Max through it.

“It’ll be ok, Max. We’ll find them.” Liz tried to assure him.

Max nodded numbly. He didn’t want to breakdown now, his son and his parents needed him to be strong. They needed him to save them.

“Go faster, Max. We’re needed at The Granolith.” Liz requested.

Max looked at her briefly, wondering what that was about. But instead of questioning her about it, he only stepped on the gas pedal harder.

Seeing Max speed up, Kyle and Sam did the same.
Several vehicles pulled up in front of the warehouse that sheltered the alien relic. Everyone immediately got out of their vehicles, waiting for a command from Max.

“Liz!” Ava shouted when she saw her friend. She ran up to where Max and Liz were to get more information. “What happened?”

“Zan and the Evans are missing. Max thinks it’s the Skins.” Liz answered.

“Something like this happened in Roswell before. All the humans disappeared, except us and those changed by me.” Max added.

“So you think it could be them again?” Ava asked.

Max nodded.

“Ok, the four need to activate the Granolith. If this is it,” Ava looked meaningfully at Liz, “we’re going to need backup.”

“Who else can assist us in this fight?”

Ava didn’t respond and instead looked to where Cal was.

Cal walked over to where they all were. He went to Liz and handed her the communicator, the hologram still active.

Liz had a curious expression on her face when Cal carefully placed a silver item in her hands.

“Cal, what is this?” Liz looked at him. Then she looked at the hologram in front of her and what or rather who she saw gave her a muddle of mixed emotions.

“Hello, Honeybear.”

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] PART 32, page 18 - (7/1)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:14 pm
by kay_b
A/N: Thank you for reading this. Glad you're liking the events as they unfold.


- Thank you for taking the time to leave fb. Glad you're enjoying this.

La'Shon - Yup, you're about to get a lot more action from here on out.

Natalie36 - LOL, thanks for that fb.

Michelle - Glad you liked Cal's name. I was thinking of going with something that sounded like his Earth name. I figured that's probably what they all would've done, change their names to sound more earthly and not like have something specific in mind before arriving here.

Cocogurl - Yes, there are a lot more surprises to come.

Ok, hope you'll enjoy the new part below.


Chapter 33

“Hello, Honeybear.”

“Grandma?” Liz was confused. She was looking at an image of an alien, not of the grandmother she knew growing up.

“Hi, Lizzie. How are you, sweetheart?”

“No” Liz shook her head as tears pooled in her eyes. “You…you’re not my grandmother.”

Max felt the distress Liz was feeling and moved closer to her, placing a hand on her arm.

“Liz, it’s me.” K’ladia said. Then she changed her appearance, making herself look like the old lady Liz remembered so well.

Liz’s eyes widened as she watched the change occur. “You’re really alive. Cal said that you were but I didn’t want to believe him.”

“I’m sorry for deceiving you, my child. But I am alive and well, and living on our planet.” Claudia saw Max from the corner of her vision.

“Hello, Max.”

“K’ladia.” Max greeted back.

Cal was surprised, hearing how the young king addressed a former guardian of the Granolith.

“Ah, Zan.” Claudia said with a small smile. She was in a way happy as she remembered the young king.

Liz looked at Max and sure enough, his eyes were now all black.

“How have you been, young sir?”

“I’m well, considering the circumstances. Will you be able to help us?”

“I believe only you and my granddaughter can answer that question.”

“What do you mean?” Liz inquired.

“Do you have the power to bring us back?”


“Myself and those loyal to the house of Zan.” Claudia answered.

“You’re coming back?” Liz said, her voice cracking.

“Yes, sweetie. But I need your help. You need to call on the strength of the Granolith. Let its power travel to Antar and round up all those loyal to you and bring them to Earth. Do you think you can do that?”

“I…I don’t know.” Liz stammered.

“Look within, child. I believe you can. Don’t be afraid of what you are. Don’t be scared of who you were. You are both Liz and Thala. You’re the daughter of Faras and Yonra and Jeffrey and Nancy Parker. You’re the queen of Antar, keeper of the Granolith, and my little Honeybear.”

Liz had tears in her eyes upon hearing her human parents’ names.

Claudia continued, “You’re not being asked to embrace one or the other, Lizzie. You’re supposed to find the balance between the two, because that is who you are. You can do this, sweetie. You’re stronger than you think.”

Liz nodded, took a deep breath and closed her eyes, causing one lone tear to travel down her cheek. She knew she had to do this. She had to help Max. If it was the other way around, she would want someone to be willing to help her bring her parents and son back. And Max’s family is innocent. They did nothing wrong, they only chose to adopt two alien kids, give them a loving home and a family to call their own. And this was what they got in return. They didn’t deserve it. They were being used as pawns in a fight they had nothing to do with in the beginning; unlike her parents.

She now knew that their deaths were brought about by what she was. Though they were aware that their lives were always in danger, that didn’t mean that they should just accept what happened. She wasn’t able to save her mom and dad but she wasn’t going to just stand idly by and do nothing for the Evans’. Liz was willing to risk life and limb to prevent the same thing that happened to her parents happen to Max’s.

When Liz opened her eyes, they too were all black. She brushed away the tear and told her grandmother, “Get everyone ready.”
Max, Liz, Michael and Isabel stood proudly in the warehouse, with the Granolith right in the center. Each one was in a corner, altogether forming the Four Square.

“Michael, you ready?” Max asked. Though his eyes still had that alien quality to them signaling that the part in him that was Zan was still in the forefront, they all knew that it was Max they were talking to.

“Yup, I’m ready.” Michael took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, his eyes flashed and became all black. Rath was now standing before them.

“Iz?” Max turned to his sister after witnessing the change in his Second.

Isabel’s eyes were already shining black. “You don’t need to ask, Max. They will pay for messing with our family.”

All four of them stretched out their arms on either side, palms open wide. Currents of power raced through them as the Granolith started to turn. It began rotating, the huge cone going faster and faster.

It shot forth a burst of light, first towards Liz, then Max, then Isabel and lastly, Michael. The Royal Four channeled the power of the Granolith, and with one thought, sent it to Antar to transport all those loyal to them, to help them fight and end the war once and for all.

All four hybrids were getting tired from the exertion.

Soon the Granolith slowed and the light that was coming out at the top dimmed until the icon stopped turning completely.

When it was over, Liz was unconscious and lying on the ground. Max was on his hands and knees. Michael was in the same predicament and Max. And Isabel was slumped on the ground, breathing hard.

The large warehouse that was usually empty, except for the alien icon, was now full of extraterrestrials. Some of them attended to their royalty while the rest watched.

“Lizzie? Sweetie, wake up.” Claudia knelt on the floor, cradling her granddaughter’s head in her lap.

Healers were checking on the others as each one of them tried to recover from the strain.

Max was aided by two aliens, flanking him on both sides. He instructed them to help him walk over to where Claudia and Liz were.

Claudia looked up when she sensed her king standing near her. “She still won’t wake up.”

“Let me heal her.”

“No, Max, you’re still too weak.”

“I may be, but the Granolith isn’t.”

“Max, don’t risk it.”

“We need all four of us.” Max insisted. “Besides, Liz isn’t the only keeper anymore.”

Claudia was surprised at that. So that was the reason why Zan and Thala were brought together by the Granolith. In all that time that she was a guardian and spent all her days studying, not once did she come across such an incident.

She recalled that time in the temple when Zan came barging in, the Granolith already began the process. But why?

Claudia quieted down as her thoughts took over. She allowed Max to take Liz from her and his hands glowed briefly as he touched her forehead, causing the royal seal to flare brightly underneath Liz’s skin.

It didn’t take long before Liz began to stir and open her eyes. But while the others’ pupils returned to the normal, human state, Liz’s remained as dark as night.

“Thala” Max called.

“I found them, Max.” Liz said softly.

Max’s eyes grew wide. Isabel tried to rush beside them. “Where are they?”

“They’re in another plane, some other dimension. They’re fine. The Granolith is keeping them safe.”

“What? If the Granolith is protecting them, why can’t we just bring them back as well?” Michael pressed.

“We can’t. The only reason they’re being protected is because of Zan.” Liz replied. “And they are better off being away from here.”

“What does this have to do with Zan?” Max was wary.

“He carries a part of Zan.”

“No, he’s not a part of this!” Max yelled.

“He’s your son, Max. He has royal blood in his veins.” Claudia added.

Liz turned her head swiftly to look at her grandmother. She was here; she was kneeling right beside her.

Liz began to sit up and continued to stare at her grandma.

Claudia noticed that Liz was looking intently at her.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Liz asked, tears brimming in her eyes. “You’re really here.”

Claudia nodded, “This isn’t a dream, Honeybear.”

Liz let her tears loose as they created trails down her cheeks. She reached forward and engulfed Claudia in a fierce hug.

“Liz, what did you mean by it’s better that they’re away from here?” Isabel asked.

Liz pulled away from Claudia to look at Isabel, then Michael and lastly, at Max.

“The Granolith wants us to end this once and for all. Khivar and the rest of his army are here. The war is now on Earth.”

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] CHAPTER 33 on pg 19 - (7/6)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:20 am
by kay_b
Hi, paper! To answer your question, the Skins were able to make them disappear, like what happened in Roswell, but the Granolith brought them to a different dimension. It's as if the Granolith enveloped them in its own power to protect them from whatever effects the disappearance could have and so that the Skins can't bring them back whenever they want and maybe use them against Max.

Hope that made sense.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] p33 pg19, A/N pg20 - (7/6)

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:38 pm
by kay_b
Hi everyone! I know it's been a month already since I last posted. I've been busy with RL so I haven't had the time to write as much as I want to.

The good news is, I have part of Chapters 34 and 35 written. The bad news, since 35 is somewhat done, I'm having a hard time trying to make the story flow from Ch 34. It is getting there though which means a longer update when I post it.

Thanks so much for all the bumps. Here's hoping that I get to post the new part by this week.


My Favorite Regret ~ Chapter 34

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:51 pm
by kay_b
Disclaimer: A line was taken from Roswell's Destiny

A/N: Thanks so much for waiting patiently for this update. I'm still having problem with the next one but hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for it.

Thanks so much again for all your feedback and for still reading this.


- Good eye. That's all I'm going to say about that, lest I spoil you. :wink:

And here it is, Part 1 of the much-awaited smackdown. I know it's not up to par so please bear with me. Hope you enjoy the new chapter.


Chapter 34

“The war is now on Earth.”

Just as Liz said that; the town was rocked by an explosion.

All the Antarians rushed out of the warehouse and were met by the other soldiers.

Cal went to Claudia and greeted the old woman. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“What’s going on?”

“The guards at the perimeter have just reported back to me, the Skins are here.”

“Yes, we know that, Cal. What are your defensive measures?”

“We have first squadron from the perimeter meeting with the second in town. They’ll rendezvous closer into White Plains so we can prepare for the Skins in case they penetrate through.”

Claudia nodded, “We have thousands with us, all capable and ready to fight.”

“Sam, Val, I need your troops to stay with the Royals.” Cal instructed.

Sam nodded and ordered his troops to regroup. Twenty of the Antarian Elite stayed with Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael. Alex, Maria, Kyle and Serena stood by their side as well.

“Maria, maybe you and the others should get away from here as far as you can.” Michael suggested.

Maria’s face clearly went from scared to worried to angry in 2.5 seconds flat. Seeing this, Michael took a step back, Kyle moved away from her and Alex sported a grin waiting for the fireworks to fly.

“Michael Guerin,” Maria began taking one slow step towards Michael, and another, and another until she was standing right in front of him. “If you think that you can push me away from here because you think that it will be ‘safer’ for me, then you have another thing coming. I am not leaving, you got me?” She punctuated each word of that last sentence with her voice getting louder and louder and her index finger poking his chest painfully.

Michael winced, “Yeah, I got you.”

“Good. And if I hear one more word about this from you, I will have Kyle blast you back to Roswell!”

“O-kay”, Max spoke. “We will be the Granolith’s last defense. The soldiers will be the first wave. The rebels will be the second. And we will be the last.”

Claudia and Cal nodded.

“Alright, let’s get this over with once and for all.” Claudia said.

Ava was getting ready to hop in the car with Cal but was stopped by Claudia. “Ava.”

Ava stopped and looked behind her.

“Stay with them, you were Thala’s protector.” Claudia reminded her.

“But I can be of more help out there.”

“Do your duty, child. Protect Liz.” Claudia conveyed her concern for her granddaughter. She had to fight so she couldn’t stay to watch over Liz, but if she can assign a million soldiers protecting her, she would.

Ava nodded and gave the keys to Cal. “Good luck.”

Cal gave her a small smile and was about to get in the driver’s seat.


Liz ran up to them and hugged the older man. “Be safe.”

Cal returned the gesture, albeit awkwardly. And without saying another word, he quickly got in the car and drove off.

Then Liz went to her grandmother and hugged her fiercely. Tears started pooling in her eyes, “Come back to me, please.”

Claudia took Liz’s face in her hands and wiped her granddaughter’s tears away. “I always will, Honeybear.” She kissed Liz’s forehead and hugged the young woman to her.

Before the two could even pull apart, another explosion sounded off. Max went to Liz to take her in his arms. He felt her sadness and fear of never seeing her only family again.

Liz allowed herself to be pulled away from her grandmother by Max. She looked on, Max’s arm on her shoulder, as her grandmother and the rest of the rebels marched into position.

In the distance, the sky turned hazy as flecks of skin darkened the air.

“It has begun.” Ava whispered.

Cal was dodging blasts left and right as more Skins advanced into town. Their strategy was to fight off as much as they could and allow the enemies to think that they were the only ones protecting the Royal Four.

He knew that they wouldn’t be able to finish them all. Even though they had close to thirty thousand soldiers engaged in the war, Khivar’s army outnumbered them. The Skins were skilled to fight as ruthlessly as possible and they took pleasure in killing. White Plains’ soldiers were firing just as strongly but it wasn’t enough.

When their numbers were swiftly dwindling down to ten thousand, Cal instructed everyone to pull back. They retreated back into town and met up with the rebels.

At that point, Khivar’s second who was leading the Skins vanished with a smug grin on his face. He was farther back from the attacking Skins, and merely watched the spectacle, inwardly laughing that these mere soldiers could actually believe that they could win against his king.

When he saw that they began to retreat, he went back to where his master, along with fifty thousand of his own men were situated.


“The soldiers are down to a third of their original number, your Highness. Zan and his group of rascals were not with them. The remainder of them has retreated, probably to run back to the boy.” Nicholas spoke arrogantly.

“Your troops have done well, Nik’la. Let them regroup till you’ve cornered them. Finish everyone except Zan and his lackeys. I will deal with them personally.” Khivar ordered.

Nik’la bowed down to his king before returning to the scene of the war.

He rallied the remainder of the Skins, totaling to about thirty thousand compared to those of the soldiers that scampered back into town. Once they were regrouped, they began to march into White Plains to eliminate every single one of Zan’s followers.

However, Nicholas didn’t count on the rebels. And he was shocked as he saw K’ladia a ways back, grinning at him. It looked like they had about forty thousand more troops with them.

When the shock wore off, Nicholas accepted his fate. He ordered his men to charge, without any real offensive strategy. He knew he was beat but he was going to take down as many loyalists with him as he can. He and his group of Skins may be defeated in this battle, but the war is far from over. Khivar will definitely eliminate them all.

Just as he was about to report to his king, Cal showed up right behind him and blasted the communicator away from his hand.

“Good to see you again, Nik’la. I was told you were dead.” Cal said.

“Who told you this, Kalan? That boy you believe to be your king?” Nicholas huffed. “Well you were told wrong. As you can see I am very much alive and well.”

“Not for long.” Cal bantered back. Then he fired a blast against Nicholas.

All around them, the war ensued but the two were locked in a battle all on their own.
Michael was getting antsy but he knew he couldn’t go charging against the enemy. They were to hold down the fort. He was needed in case the Royal Four had to fight.
Isabel was worried. She felt humbled by the cause of the soldiers, laying their lives to protect them. They didn’t even know them and yet they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. She made a promise to do something for them, she didn’t know what yet but she had to come up with an idea. And that was what she did, making herself busy thinking about something else than the war that was raging on. She was only mildly relieved that her parents and nephew were protected by the alien artifact.

Max looked calm as they waited for news, but inside he was ready to burst. First, his family went missing and now Khivar has brought the war to Earth. What next? He wanted to get this over with, he wanted to end this so he could finally have the life he always wanted for himself and his son.

Liz was getting tired of waiting as well. She needed to know what was happening. Two of the most important people in her life were risking theirs for hers. She had to find out what was happening.

She allowed her mind to drift, sending her senses to the two soldiers who meant the world to her. She first sensed Claudia, and knew that she was far from harm’s way. Satisfied with that knowledge, her mind traveled to where Cal was. She stopped short when her mind’s eye saw him in battle.

She had no idea who he was fighting against but the younger man exuded power in the physical sense. It was going to be a tough match and she hoped and prayed that Cal would be strong enough to beat his foe.

She hovered above them like a ghost encircling the two forms. She watched as blast after blast shot forth, one man on the defensive while the other was on the offensive and vice versa. The battle between the two ensued while the war raged on all around them.

And then just as suddenly, Cal was hit. This in turn caused Liz to scream.

Back at the warehouse, Max turned towards her voice and went to her. He saw that she had her eyes closed. He immediately tried to wake her but his efforts were wasted.

“What’s going on?” Michael asked upon reaching the two.

“I don’t know. I think she’s asleep but she screamed and now I can’t wake her up.” Max answered.

“Maybe she’s just dreaming.” Maria suggested.

“I don’t think so.”

Max was holding on to Liz’s arms and he opened their connection, checking her for any injuries. But he was taken aback when he felt that Liz wasn’t where they were supposed to be.

He suddenly felt himself floating on air, their open connection pulling him to where she was.

What he saw was carnage as bodies were being harmed left and right. He looked for Liz, wondering what was going on. Was this a dream? Or were they really in the middle of a battlefield?

“Liz!” he shouted.

He flew across town, now realizing that he was seeing the war going on in White Plains. This was real and this was now. He had access to finding out what was going on despite being a few miles away from where this was all taking place.

He kept floating, looking for her amidst the chaos going on around him. And then, he found her.

She seemed to be standing on ground though her feet were probably a couple of inches off the earth.

He hovered right next to her and followed her line of sight. He saw Cal, fighting against Nicholas.

“He’s still alive?”

Liz abruptly turned to him. He knew then that she could see and hear him.

“You know him?”

Max nodded. “He’s Khivar’s secondhand. We’ve met him before.”

“He’s strong, Max. Stronger than him.” Liz’s fear seeped into her voice.

Max looked at her closely. She was scared. He draped an arm around her shoulder but his arm just went through her. He wasn’t surprised though, he knew they weren’t in a physical state.

“He’ll be able to beat him, Liz. Don’t worry.” he said as a way to comfort her.

They watched as the two continued to fight. But Cal was weakening fast. He didn’t know how much more he can take. That blow on his side was deterring him from moving as quickly as he would want. It was proving to be difficult to maneuver against Nicholas’ blow.

He did manage to get a few nicks on the younger alien as well, but nothing as lethal as his wound. Nik’la was after all Khivar’s general, while he was just a measly soldier. But nevertheless, he vowed to protect his king and queen, more so his queen.

Just then another blast ripped through his shoulder, disabling that arm from firing any more shots since he couldn’t even aim.

“Cal!” Liz yelled, lurching forward.

Max tried to hold her back but once again, his ghostly hands just swished through Liz.

For a brief moment Cal stopped abruptly. He thought he heard Liz but that was impossible. She was far from where they were; she was safe with the rest of the Antarian Elite.

He was getting weaker, as he tried to dodge every strike Nik’la threw at him. It was futile; he was going to die. But he wouldn’t have died in vain, that he was sure of. He would die doing the most honorable thing, fighting against his monarchs, defending them to the death.

And with one last blast, he managed to hit Nicholas’ thigh, causing the enemy to grasp at his leg and stumble to the ground. But Nicholas wasn’t done. He wanted the old man dead, especially since he was able to get past his defenses and cause harm to his harvested body.

With precise aim, he fired a blast going straight for Cal’s heart.


Cal was certain he heard Liz’s voice this time and he looked in her direction. As he was falling to the ground, his eyes grew wide upon seeing Liz materialize a little off to the side.

Cal imperceptibly shook his head, warning her to stay back, pleading with her to stay safe. But Liz didn’t even notice. All she could feel was rage.

Max was panicking. He had no idea how Liz was able to physically appear to where the war was going on while he was trapped in that ethereal state. He was trying to become visible as Liz did, but it was no use. He could only watch as she marched over to where Nicholas was.

Liz’s eyes were now all black with rage. Thala was in control now, and she knew how much Liz considered Cal like family. The fury creeping up within was fueling the power raging inside her, calling forth her old identity.

Nicholas wondered who the pathetic soldier was looking at and turn to follow his line of direction. What he saw caused him to fear for his life.

There was this small human being, a ball of energy surrounding her, her eyes as dark as night and her hands and arms were glowing and crackling with power.

This was no ordinary earthling but he didn’t know who she was since he’s never seen her with that gang of misfits from Roswell.

“Liz” Cal whispered, struggling as blood oozed from his body.

“Aww, you’re here to protect him.” Nicholas couldn’t help but taunt, masking his dread.

Thala kept walking, saying nothing as she closed the distance to where Cal and Nicholas were.

Her arms rose as she took aim. Just then, Max too appeared right beside her in her spherical shield.

Nicholas’ eyes were as round as saucers upon seeing Max. Then his eyes narrowed in anger. “Zan, have you come to watch your precious protector die? Stupid, stupid boy. You’re sacrificing the lives of Antarians for a lost cause.”

“No, they came to fight alongside us, to free themselves from a life of tyranny.”

“Well, then watch as they fall one by one, starting with this one.” Nicholas had a sinister grin as he took aim at Cal. He tried to fire a blast at the fallen protector but found himself powerless.

He looked at where Max and the petite girl was and saw her arm outstretched. “What did you do?” he screamed.

“I’ve rendered you incapable, Nik’la.”

Nicholas looked at the woman closely, who was she and how did she know his name?

“You seem confused. Do you not remember your queen?”

“No, it can’t be.” Nicholas’ eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets in shock. How was that possible? Tess said that Thala wasn’t with them?

“That’s impossible! Thala’s dead, she wasn’t cloned.”

“You’re right with that one, Nik’la. But there were other ways for me to return.” And with a smirk on her face, Thala’s blast shot forth, incinerating Nicholas just as swiftly.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] Chapter 34, pg 7 - (8/10)

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:27 am
by kay_b
The new part is coming, I promise. I'm just having some problems tying it up with future parts that have already been written. I'm so sorry for the delay.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] Chapter 34, pg 7 - (8/10)

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:48 pm
by kay_b
A/N: I'm so sorry this has taken so long. I have no excuse other than the muse wasn't cooperating and even though I sit in front of the computer for hours, no words are coming forth.

But now I have something to post. And I'm hoping you'll all like it. Thank you for all your feedbacks and bumps.

So without further adieu, on the the next part.




“What?” Khivar bellowed as he was upset over the interruption. He was currently daydreaming about how he was going to kill Zan slowly and painfully. First he will kill Rath by slitting his throat, watching him bleed out as he dies. Then he will torture Vilandra, making Zan the helpless observer as he looks on at his beloved sister’s demise. Then he will deal Zan a slow and painful death, torturing him just enough to wish that he be killed but always bringing him back to consciousness so he could feel the new bout of pain he would inflict on the boy that wanted to steal his throne.

“Y-your highness,” the soldier stuttered as his leader yelled. If he was already angry without having learnt of the latest casualty, what more when he tells Khivar the news?

“What is it? Stop stammering and tell me what you need to tell me!” Khivar shouted once more.

“Your majesty, I am sad to report that General Nik’la has been killed in battle.” The soldier rushed out to speak.

“WHAT?! How was that possible? Did you see who killed him?” Khivar turned to face the cowering warrior

“Y-yes, sire.” The answer came out as soft as a whisper.

Khivar was waiting for the soldier to continue but when it was obvious that the younger alien wasn’t going to say anything more without him asking, he had to pry for the information.

“Well, who is it? Speak up!”

The warrior, with all of the courage he had to muster to go out and fight in a war where he risked his life day in and day out, was deathly afraid of what might happen when his master finds out. He knew his leader would lash out in anger and he wished that he wasn’t standing directly in its path.

“It…it was Zan, your highness.”

Silence filled the room but the fighter knew that he was being given time, time to run and hide before his commander burst in rage.

“Amplify the pladithium.”

“But-but sire, that will make all of us disappear as well.” The soldier was baffled by this new course of action.

“Not everyone. Zan, Rath and Vilandra won’t be affected.” Khivar said calmly, clearly not adding the word “Royal” to his foes’ title.

“There was someone else, sir.” The soldier added.

Khivar was confused, “Someone else?”

“Yes, your majesty. Zan was with her and she was the one who killed the General.”

Khivar began racking his brain for who this other person was. And while he paced, the soldier continued to describe what he had witnessed.

“She used a lot of power on him. At first he was just battling with Kalan. Then out of nowhere this woman appeared, followed by Zan and they were in some kind of sphere.”

Khivar had his back turned on the soldier reporting to him. But when he heard about the woman in the sphere, his eyes opened wide, he stood up straighter, his back tense and he quickly turned to face one of his minions.

“Did the sphere look like a shield or was it just a small ball of energy?” Khivar asked slowly.

“It was both, sire. From where I was stationed, it looked like this massive ball of energy but it was also acting like a shield, protecting her and Zan.”

After that statement, Khivar seemed to have this faraway look in his eyes, like he was recalling something, or rather, someone.

And then he spoke, “Thala”.
Liz was weak after expending that much energy, but it was necessary. This Nicholas or Nik’la or whatever the hell his name was, he was strong and she had to use a lot of firepower to get rid of him.

She saw Cal holding on, gasping for air. She knelt beside him, tears spilling forth.

“No, you can’t die. You’re they’re protector. You’re supposed to be stronger.” Liz spoke from within her shield.

She looked at Max and he gave her a brief nod in answer to the question she posed in his head.

With Cal looking on, he saw Liz’s shield fade to nothing. “No.” he tried to speak loudly, ordering her to raise up her shield once more, to protect herself and her king.

“He can’t heal you if he can’t touch you.” Liz explained.

Cal shook his head slowly, his eyes threatening to close one last time. “Too…late.”

“Don’t! Don’t say that. Please, I need you here.” Liz was crying fully now, and Max was holding her, at the same time looking out for any threat to his or Liz’s safety. He was ready to throw out his shield at the slight hint of danger.

“Max…take care…of her.” Cal wheezed.

Max nodded. This was what wars brought. Death, unnecessary death. He never asked for this, never asked to fight an intergalactic battle, never asked for thousands to lay their lives for him, and certainly never asked for a throne or to rule a planet he hadn’t even known existed. He just wanted to live his life as peacefully and quietly as any normal human being does. He just wanted to be left alone so he could give a normal life to his son.

“Stop saying that.” Liz pleaded. She then turned to Max, “Please, heal him.”

Max could only look on; the injury is too deep, too severe. He knew that if he tried to heal Cal that would leave him and Liz defenseless against any type of attack.

“I…” But before Max could complete a sentence, Cal saved him from saying anything more.

“Don’t. Protect…yourselves. Return…to the…Granolith.” He coughed up some blood that Liz wiped away with her shirt. “It’s…been an honor…to serve you…once more…your majesties.”

“Cal!” Liz cried.

And after taking one last breath; Kalan, protector of the Royal Four, was gone.
“How is it possible?” Khivar murmured to no one in particular.

He didn’t notice the soldier’s surprised look on his face upon hearing the name of Antar’s beloved queen. Yes, Thala was loved by all; she was young yet she showed the maturity of an old soul. She was kind to all of the people of Antar and the rest of the people on the Whirlwind Galaxy. And it wasn’t because she was the queen, not because she was a guardian of the Granolith, but because it was her nature, she was simply being Thala.

“Amplify the pladithium!” Khivar demanded once more.

“But—” The soldier began but was quickly cut off by his leader.

“Did I ask for your opinion on this matter? Amplify it now. I don’t care if you all disappear from this forsaken planet for the rest of your pathetic lives. Just do as I say or it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever hear!”

“As you wish, m’lord.” The warrior saluted and quickly ran to the direction of the command deck of their vehicle to relay Khivar’s orders.

“Now we’ll see if Thala is really alive.” Khivar said to himself.

Khivar was on an alien craft, parked just on the outskirts of White Plains. The vehicle was cloaked in invisibility so no one on Earth could see where he was and that the planet has already been invaded. But he mused that they will know soon enough. Once he has gotten rid of the pesky brats posing to be the original royals of Antar, he would siphon all of Earth’s natural resources and return to Antar once the planet has died.

However, in order to do that, he would have to destroy all of mankind first.
Liz was sobbing hard. She’s been through loss after loss all her life, and now, one more has been taken away from her.

Max took her in his arms and allowed her to weep for the protector that she considered family. He couldn’t fathom how much pain Liz was going through. Sure, Cal was an alien like he was, arrived on Earth in the same ship that brought him here but he didn’t consider him family. His family was the people he ran away from Roswell with in an old van and the humans that took him in and loved him as if he was their own flesh and blood. And while it hurt to leave them behind, they’re still alive and now lived just 2 houses down from where he and his son do.

All these…Antarians laying down their lives for him; he didn’t know them and they were fighting for the memory of an old king that was supposedly reborn in him. But he knew nothing, he wasn’t a king, he had no clue on how to rule. He was simply a young man, became a father too early. He barely knew what to do in raising Zan, let alone ruling over a galaxy.

Max looked around him, watched as people, no, aliens who looked like humans fell to their deaths. When will this all end?

He then noticed that no one was touching them. Why was no one attacking them? He and Liz were out in the open though he had his shield up; surely a few skins would have jumped at the chance to kill them. They were the ultimate goal after all, weren’t they? Why was nobody coming up against them?

Max looked around and stood, pulling Liz up as well in the process. Something was going on, he could feel it. He wanted to pull Zan to the forefront of his mind. He needed his past self’s expertise. What did he know about fighting? Max had no clue but Zan surely did.

Max drew Liz away from him at arms’ length. Looking at her, he knew she was grieving but now was not the time. They had to get out of there and back to the Granolith. He tilted her bowed head with a finger on her chin to make her look at him. “Liz, do you think you’re strong enough to put up your dome?”

Liz stared back at him with her sorrowful eyes but nodded anyway. She understood that they were still in a war zone and them dying would’ve made Cal’s demise all for nothing.

With a raise of her hand, she effortlessly created her dome shield surrounding them once again.

“We need to get out of here.” Max said to which Liz only responded by looking at the ground where Cal’s body once occupied before turning into dust.

“Liz”, Max called; turning her head to face him. “We need to get back to the others. Something’s going on and I don’t like it.”

Liz looked at Max with alarm. Was there something bad happening to the other troops? Was it her grandmother?

Max figured out where Liz’s thoughts had taken her and quickly explained that it wasn’t that. He just felt someone or rather something calling him back to the others. They needed to form the Four Square now.

With one last look at where Cal died, Liz gathered her resolve and nodded at Max. After all this was over, she’d do something to honor Cal and all the other soldiers that died in battle. She would do everything in her power to end this stupid war once and for all.

Focusing their energy within themselves, both Max and Liz closed their eyes. Holding hand in hand, their bodies glowed as they called forth Zan and Thala.

When Thala came to the forefront, she immediately concentrated to make her and Zan be transported back to where the Granolith and the others were. Their essences started floating, returning to where they were originally instructed to stay. As they flew through the town, they saw more soldiers wounded, fallen, both Antarians and the Skins, but the fighting kept on.

Thala observed Zan, noticing how he didn’t seem to look anywhere else but at the direction they were going. Although Zan was as strong and as brave a fighter as Rath was, she knew that the side of Max that has never witnessed a war, would feel responsible for all the deaths around them, whether it be Antarian or of the Skins.

She looked at their joined hands and for a brief moment allowed herself to be enveloped in happiness that they were once more together.

Zan felt the emotions coursing through her and spilling over to their connection. He threw a quick glance at her and smiled, gripping her hand tighter in his.

Just then, another explosion sounded off, it was nearer to where the Granolith was. Thala and Zan surged faster; they needed to get back. Even Thala was feeling the pull as well.

But as they were getting closer, she instantaneously halted in mid-flight. Zan wondered why she stopped and followed her line of sight.


Thala quickly changed course. She was about to go straight into the huge battle scene, but Zan’s free arm held her back; and with one arm holding on to her, he was embracing her entirely in the process.

She looked at him pleadingly, “Zan, it’s my meran. She’s here, she lives.”

“We have to go.” Zan simply replied.


“We’re needed back, Thala.”

Thala shut her mouth and gave a brief nod in acquiescence. She gave one more look at her beloved grandmother before returning to their initial route.

Soon enough, Max and Liz emerged back to where their group was.

“What the hell happened?” was Michael’s quick retort on their disappearing act.

“Kalan’s dead.” Max said coldly.

“Who’s Kalan?” Isabel asked.

“Langley.” Ava answered on the couple’s behalf and quickly regarded Liz’s silence. She also noticed that her friend appeared as if she has just been admonished.

Alex was surprised at that but he knew that realistically speaking, there were going to be casualties.

Maria went over to Liz and hugged the shorter woman. Liz returned the gesture briefly but went back immediately to Max’s side.

“Something’s happening but I don’t know what it is. The Granolith is pulling me, us, here. What happened while we were gone?” Max demanded.

Isabel was silently watching both Max and Liz. She noticed something was off. Not once did they address Michael’s question. Max wasn’t acknowledging anyone for that matter. And the way he told them of losing Cal was a bit harsh, like he didn’t care that one of their protectors just died. And then there was Liz’s somber mood. Granted she just lost someone she treated like a relative, but she wasn’t shedding any tears. It’s as if a switch inside her was turned off.

At that last thought, Isabel knew what was different.

“Zan?”, she called out to her brother.

Max then turned to face her and nodded.

Then the pull felt stronger and Maria, Kyle and Alex began to shimmer.

“What’s happening?” Kyle was yelling.

They noticed how the other Antarian Elite began to show the same things, including Serena and Ava.

“Oh my God!” Serena was beginning to get scared.

“What is this?!” Ava was worried, she wasn’t told of anything like this ever happening.

Everyone was becoming alarmed. Michael and Isabel were holding on to their partners as they began to disappear.



Then just as quickly as it began, it stopped. Everything was still. The silence was deafening. And the only ones left were Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael.

Isabel had tears streaming down her lovely face. Michael, on the other hand, was breathing hard, trying his best to control the fury within.

The four of them were scared. They were all alone. What was going to happen now? What happened to the other Antarians, soldiers that were to fight by their side? Has everyone one Earth shimmered into nothing?

One important question rang in everyone’s minds. Is this how it all ends?

Zan and Thala’s bodies began humming with power. They got the message loud and clear. The Granolith needs to be awakened.

“It’s just the four of us now.” Zan said.

“No shit, sherlock. What now?” Michael snapped.

“We need to activate the Granolith and you need to call forth Vilandra and Rath.” Thala informed them.

“Why?” Isabel questioned.

“We need you at your best. No human emotions involved. We’re soldiers first and foremost.” Zan spoke commandingly.

Michael nodded and so did Isabel.

They walked into the warehouse that sheltered the Granolith and took the position of the Four Square.

With arms stretched towards the person on the other corners, palms open to form a link, energy flowed. It illuminated the room as currents of electricity seemingly connected the four. The view from the top clearly depicted a blue glowing square with the black iconic cone right smack dab in the middle.

The Granolith started to turn, rotating clockwise and glowed from inside. Lights were flickering and wind was blowing as the cone created a whirlwind from its motions.

They closed their eyes from the force of the wind blowing inside the warehouse.

The four focused their energy to jump into the icon. Then Michael and Isabel were pulling their powers from within, concentrating to call on their past selves.

Finally, the winds and the lights decreased as the Granolith slowed, then coming to a full stop. All four of them could feel the power flowing within was like a raging river, its waves crashing but unable to go anywhere, begging to be released.

When they opened their eyes, pupils as dark as night gazed into each other.

They walked towards the center, closing the distance from one another. They surveyed their surroundings and realized that they were no longer in the warehouse.

They were back where it all began…out in the desert, of Roswell, New Mexico.


Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] Chapter 35, pg 8 - (9/21)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:38 am
by kay_b
Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I am not abandoning this fic. Half of the next part is already written (since last month) but I'm having a problem tying it up with the previous chapter. Hopefully I can get it sorted out soon and I'll be able to post it ASAP.

Thanks so much for all your bumps. *hugs*