Destiny Awaits (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) Thread #1

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Post by madroswellfan »

Firstly...woops ok! Lol Silly me! Sorry!

She didn't turn me down! I practically jump in excitement. I decided this may look rather silly for a king so instead i chose to beam.
"Wonderful. Can you please arrange something for us for after dinner... something that she would enjoy...any suggestions Keith? Also if you see my brother on yout travels see if you can get him to hurry along to dinner...I'd like to talk to him."

Post by POM »

"sir, I believe she does like gazing up at the stars--so maybe tonight after dinner--you can take her outside in the garden, and have a little champange--and just take everything in--that is the safest way to go sir. Well, at least to the best of my knowledge. Now if that will be all, I'll go be getting Sir Alexxander. Your highness." I bow as I exit the room.


As she opens the door as I ask, "Miss will you still be needing my services?" I ask kindly.
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Post by madroswellfan »

A stargazer. How poetic! Well, I would do just about anything at this point to make Elizabeth notice me, whether that be champagne in the gardens or scuba diving without air tanks!
I love the stars. And I am especially proud of my private area of the garden, the section only I and my groundskeeper have the key to. I love to go and sit there to think. The garden is beautiful, and sometimes I even tend to it myself! A king! Imagine that!
Well if fair Elizabeth likes stars, my garden is the place to see them. And champagne sounds a perfect way to intice her. I quickly tell a servant to have a bottle left cold outside ny garden for after dinner. Then on a whim, I ask them to leave some strawberries to. Strawberries and champagne are so perfect together. I hope Elizabeth approves.
So I sit here and wait for my royal court members and friends to arrive. There were name tags placed on the table as we have a few family friends staying with us. I noticed that Elizabeth was placed down the other end of the table from me. When the servants has there backs turned I quickly switched Elizabeth's name tag with Ava's. Oh how she'll like that! Ava sitting with teh servants...what a hoot!
I can't keep still. One minute Im pacing the room, and the next im sitting then ill stand again to adjust a fork. I must be going mad. This can never do for a King to bahave in such a way.
Where is everyone! Why are they always so late! I look at my watch to discover that actually I am about 15 mins early. Damnation!
I prepare myself for a long wait.

Post by POM »


Keith found me, and asked me to go see my brother-- I shruged in the fact of actually talking to him, I didn't feel like talking to him right at this moment. I walk into the dinning hall and see his standing by the window, "Brother, why are you so early? Keith told me that you wanted to talk to me--why whats wrong?" I asked. Once he turned to look at me he had this stern look upon his face, All I could think was--Great what did I do now? but I asked, "What's wrong?" I waited for his reply.
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Post by madroswellfan »

My dear brother had finally entered...yet he seemed he REALLY didnt want to talk to me?
"No no nothing, I just thought we could have a brotherly chat. Please just sit down a minute" I sais motioning towards a chair.
Alex just stood there raising his eyebrows.
"Its just we haven't talked recently and well....i've seen you around the castle. One minute you look like the cat thats got the cream...and the next you look like road kill. Is there something you want to talk about? Is it wedding jitters? Or something else to do with Mary? I won't be judgemental, I just want to help."

Post by POM »

Fehr'sBear wrote:wow, um sorry I haven't posted in a bit. How should I join in?
[ OCC: I'll start something with Rath & Mary :D That sounds good!!]


I walk down the hallway, and find Mary making sure every thing is okay--with everything before everyone heads down for dinner. I start to walk down the staircase, when all of a sudden she almost loses her balance on the staircase--but I rush to her side and catch her just as she's about to fall backwards. "Whoa! You know Mary, you should be more careful next time!!" I stopped talking just to look at her, she was still in my arms--it's almost as if she had a magical hold on me--we didn't move or say anything to what felt like a long period of time. "Are you alright Miss?" I asked and waited for her to reply.


"nothing is the matter Zan, just what you said before--some pre-marrital jitters. That's all." I looked at him, then looked away. I didn't want to seem distant from the conversation so I forced a smile on my face. "Zan,I know that you are my older brother--but look I'm not really feeling a connection with Mary, I care for her a lot --but I don't love her." I told him. I then walk past him to glare out of the window, " I know her parents were close to Mom and Dad, and that they had an agreement or should I say pact. But I don't think our parents would make me do anything that I didn't want to do. And would you?" I ask and wait for him to answer.


I layed out a dress for Ava, I'm sure that would make any man swoon over her. She got dressed, and I did her hair--and once I was finished with my duties, I was able to go. I went into my room and took out the nicest dress that I had owned, and used my powers to fix it up a little bit. I knew I was just a servant--but I wanted to make an impression on everyone, the first day I was here. I put on a simple but still extravagent sky blue gown on, fixed my hair so that my fine straight hair was curly--and dusted my face with stardust. I finished my look off with bright red lip stick. When all of a sudden there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" I yelled out.


"My Lady, I'm her to escort you to the dinning hall by request of S--" my words cut off when I finally looked up to see her standing there in pure radiance. "Y--You look amazing Elizabeth!!" I told her at once. She nodded and blushed a little, well then we much not let the King waiting." I extended my arm out to her, as she took it and walked down the staircase on the opposite side on the palace.

"Keith, do you think that my look is too over the top for tonight?" I ask him curiously.

"No, Liz--I think you look wonderful!! you don't need to change a thing." I whispered to her. I opened the door to the dinning hall, and saw Zan and Alex talking.

"Do you think we should give them there space?" I ask him.


"No, it's fine--They are not going to mind, I'll just introduce your arrival okay." She nodds in return. I clear my throat as I let go of her , and motion her to keep going forward. "LADY ELIZABETH" I yell out into the dinning hall as both Zan and Alex turn to look at me in anger, but I don't care. I point for them to look at the Lady, and as they do--Zan jumps to his feet. I turn to walk out when Alex stops me.

"Angry at Keith for intruppting us, we both look at him--but then looking to the right of him, there was this bueatiful Lady standing before us. I smirked when Zan jumped to his feet, Once I saw that Keith was leaving I yelled to him. "Wait, umm... I need help with something Keith--maybe you can help me. Zan we can continue this disscussion another time. Excuse me, My Lady." I told my brother as I ran out of the room, and closing the door behind us.


"Did I interrupt anything? Because if I did...I didn't mean to!!" He didn't say anything--he just had his eyes fixed on me. They were so intense and yet so at ease. "Please say something your highness, I fell like I am in a glass box and everyone is just looking at me from the outside in--thinking of me as this joke, as this servant trying to act like an upper class. Is that what you think of me?" I ask him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I stared at the vision of beauty standing in front of me. She was perfect. I saw her lips moving, talking but I couldn't help but stare at her, not wanting this moment to end. Suddendly I realised that Alex had left and that she was talking to me! I quickly tuned back in to the goddess' conversation.
"No! You are not a joke." I said shocked that she could think such things. I then added shyly "You look perfect".
For a moment we stared at each other. Then I realised she was probably getting uncomfortable and said,
"Oh! Look you're sitting with me. Here" I said pulling out her chair for her. She sat down and I smiled. She smiled back. Her smile was like the sun coming out. I wished this girl was mine forever. I heard the voice in my head tell me "Told you so!" triamphantly.
I sat down and said "So Elizabeth, how are you finding my castle? How is working for Mistress Ava?"

Post by POM »

I trace every line on his face--well, in my head really. I never knew that a girl of my stature would be capable of such things as this, I sit down next to him and think to myself. Either he really likes or he feels sorry for me. The silence fell over us both, I didn't know what to tell him, or what I shouldn't tell him. Then he breaks the ice by asking, "So Elizabeth, how are you finding my castle? How is working for Mistress Ava?" I didn't know just how I should reply by this, so I carefully thought out my words before I said them aloud. " The castle was quite larger than I thought it was going to be. It's weird when your looking at it from the outside, I've always pictured myself inside of here...and now that I actually am. It's what I've always pictured it to be." I replied. I felt as if he was starring into my soul, and reading my thoughts at the same time. " Miss Ava has been wonderful! I've never really had to look after anyone but myself--so, I take it will take me a little while before I get used to this job." I then gaze outside. "What a wonderful night-- Your Highness. Don't you agree?" I asked him, almost afraid that I crossed a line or something.
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Post by madroswellfan »

God she's amazing! I wish she liked me, because I think she's fantastic! She called me highness! Now normally I would insist that everybody does that but Elizabeth, no it just doesn't seen right.
"Please, call me Zan. Yes it's wonderful. I love the night time, and the stars. I was thinking I would go to my private garden after dinner to see them. Im so proud of my garden. Id be honoured if you'd join me." I said hopefully, but inside preparing for her to let me down. A girl like her would think that I would jump her and leave her. Now as much as I would like to jump her, I want it to be perfect and I want to know she likes me to. And unfortunitely I doubted a girl could ever truely love the King.

Post by POM »

I was absolutley delighted at the Kings proposal, I just wondered if he felt the same butterflies that where buzzing inside on me, that made me feel this dizziness deep within my soul. "I'd be delighted your high-- " I had to stop myself in mid sentence. " I mean.. Zan!" I blushed at my mistake. And smiled at little at my embarressment. "You know that after my parents died--I used to spend all my time--outside just looking at the stars, almost convinced that my parents were looking down on me, and I felt closure, I felt there love in the air around me. But know when I look up at the midnight sky--upon the moons in all it's glory, I think of them...and It's never been the same for me." I look up at him and met his glaze. "Look at me, just rambling on and on--" I say as I wipe the tears that fell down my checks. "What intrests do you have Zan?" I ask him as I put a smile back on my face.