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Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:40 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Look I'm back and it's not a whole month! It's only been 9 days! That's a miracle in my book! Anyway...thank you guys so much for your kind words but you just had me laughing with the thought that Max was in the room jacking off LMFAO!!

Eccentric One – Best damned beta in the world! Thank you for always being there and for your guidance and encouragement! And making sure there are no more stoves! Feel better! Love you!
out of this world

ILYMEFOREVER – Mary - Happy Belated Birthday!!
Sweet Liz
Jason's Lover
Dreamer 4 Ever

babylisou – ANN! Gah! I’ve missed you around here! Hope you are doing well. I’ll have to catch you on MSN soon! Good to see you and I hope you do plan on continuing with your fic! Hugs
Poison Ivy
Itzstacie – Stacie…I wonder exactly what is running through your mind LOL! *hugs hope everything is going as well as can be at this point! Love you!
Mariael311 – Well damn that part brought out a lot of old faces. Where in the hell have you been? I hope you’re doing good! Missed you and your crazy ass!! Muah

*This part is for Tiffany...she forced me not to stare at pictures of Jason to finish this part. That took a lot of willpower, hope you know that I only did it cause I love you! *MUAH*

Chapter 26

Liz reached the double oak wood doors a few minutes later. Her breathing was heavy and her heart was pounding thunderously in her chest. She wasn’t sure what she would see once she opened the doors, but knew that she couldn’t hesitate a moment longer. Without warning she reached for both doorknobs and swung the doors open quickly.

“Max!” she whispered out cautiously when he didn’t move from his spot in the corner of the room. He was in exactly the same spot she had seen him in a few minutes ago on the monitor. He sat against the wall, looking like he had collapsed under his own weight, his head bent forward to rest against the arms that were folded over his bent knees. What was wrong? Was he hurt? She began to shake with fear. Taking a few steps closer she could see the tearstains running down the side of his cheeks.

“Max,” she kneeled down in front of him, placing a hand on his arm.

“Liz!” he jumped to his feet in surprise. What was she doing here? And how long had she been there? He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and looked away from her piercing gaze.

“Max, what’s wrong?” she asked softly as she stood.

“Nothing. What are you doing here?” His voice was not accusing. In fact, Liz knew he was more embarrassed than anything.

“I called you…but…what’s wrong? Why were you crying?” she asked again raising her hand to his cheek.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” He brushed past her. She wasn’t supposed to find him like that. He was careless. He should have locked the doors.

Liz followed him with her eyes as he placed the brown leather bound book he had in his hands onto his desk. She took a moment to survey the room for the first time. She had never been in this room. No one had, she could imagine. Not even Michael. It was Max’s personal space. She knew he would come down to the room to be by himself. Almost every night since she moved in, he would excuse himself before bed to come down there. He had never told her she couldn’t go into the room, but she respected his space.

Just as she was going to speak once again, a photograph above the fireplace on the other side of the room caught her gaze. It was of a woman and man with dark brown hair. They were smiling and looked happy. She had to wonder if those were his parents. Taking a tentative step towards him, she changed her course and decided to have a seat on the long black leather couch in front of the fireplace.

His heart was beating so rapidly. What on earth had possessed him to come into the room? He knew why he typically came into this room. But Liz didn’t. Now, he would have to explain to Liz. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share this part of his life with her, but it was personal. Very personal. It was something he had never shared with anyone. And to be honest he was ashamed that he had kept it from her. He cleared his throat when he saw her seated in front of his parents’ portrait.

“I had it made from a picture I found in her diary,” he began nervously. He watched as she nodded her understanding.

“Your mother was so beautiful, and your father was very handsome. I see where you got your looks,” she smiled to him over her shoulder. Liz was nervous. Obviously she had stepped into a private moment and wasn’t so sure she was welcome. Max hadn’t asked her to leave, but she wasn’t sure if he would even ask her. Maybe he was just being polite. Liz was about to excuse herself, but his soft broken voice stopped her.

“Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I almost believe they are still alive. I don’t know how I remember them as well as I do,” he began but his tears clogged this throat.

“I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Lexi. I was so afraid that I would fail, you know?” she looked to Max with a half smile. He had slowly begun to move across the room to join her on the couch.

“That must have been really hard,” he offered as he took a seat.

“It was. What if I let my child down? What if I wasn’t enough? I knew after the father wanted nothing to do with me or his baby, that I would be alone. Would my child resent me because she didn’t have a father?” Liz laughed halfheartedly but continued nevertheless.

“I remember while I was pregnant with her, I would talk to her as if she were already born. I apologized to her but I also promised her that I would never leave her. That I would always love her, no matter what.” Liz looked at Max and hoped that he understood what she was trying to tell him.

“Liz, Alexis adores you and loves you so much. She’s who she is because of you,” Max offered her with sincerity evident not only in his voice, but in his eyes. He placed his hand upon hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“And you Max, you are who you are because of them,” she nodded towards the portrait of his parents. Max nodded his head but there was something he wasn’t telling her.

“What is it Max?”

“I feel like I’m a disappointment,” he mumbled out, turning his face away from her.

“What? Why?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Because I never tried to find her.”

“Who…your sister?” Liz deduced quickly that that was whom he was referring to.

“Yes. Liz, I have money. I could have hired someone to find her.” Max stood and began to pace in front of her.

“Max, you told me you only found out about her a short while ago.” Liz watched as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. His features marked with anger.

“That’s not the point, Liz. I should have read her diary sooner! I could have found her but now it’s been years! She could be anywhere in the world.” He sighed dejectedly as he crossed the room to retrieve the leather book. He began to flip through the pages looking for the exact passage. The passage that would prove how much he let his mother down.

“Max, you’re not thinking rationally. She could’ve been anywhere in the world years ago, before you were even old enough to read.” Liz tried to reason with him. He seemed to ignore her as he flipped frantically through what she had assumed was his mother’s diary.

He gave up on his search. He would have to look again when his mind was clear. “I’ve let them down.” His shoulders slumped and a sigh of sadness escaped past his lips.

“Max…” She now stood with determination to not let him blame himself for something that wasn’t his fault.

“No. Don’t you understand? She is my only family that I know of and she’s out there. What if she’s suffering? What if…I could have helped her and I didn’t?” Liz wrapped her arms around his waist. She could feel his body shaking. She knew it was taking all his willpower not to break down in front of her. If she was honest she was grateful that he was letting her into this part of his world. But she couldn’t let him feel guilty for something that was out of his control.

“Max you don’t know that anymore than you know that she’s with a loving family.”

“She should be with me, Liz. Me! I’m her brother.” Instead of pushing her away, Max wrapped his arms around her and rested his head against her shoulder. The diary had fallen to the floor in his haste to take her in his arms.

He hated his moments of weakness. Moments where he couldn’t control his mind or his emotions.

“I’ll help you, Max.” Liz smiled into his chest, wrapping her arms around him tighter.

“Y-you will?” The tears he had been fighting to hold back finally began to roll down his cheeks. He pulled away slightly to regard her. He swallowed thickly and felt his defenses completely weaken at the tender look on her face.

“Thank you, Liz.” He pulled her that much closer and finally let his control on his emotions go. Liz whispered words of encouragement as they sunk to the floor in each other’s arms.

“I won’t let you go, Max. Not until you want me to,” she whispered out sincerely as she kissed his cheek softly.

“Never, Liz.” He whispered into her hair as his tearstains soaked through her cotton nightshirt. Liz closed her eyes and allowed herself to let go. To finally feel one true moment of being loved and surrounded by him.


“How are you doing?” Liz asked a few minutes later as she entered Max’s bedroom and found him ready for bed. They had just finished tucking Alexis in for bed. And although she was already asleep, she woke up just enough to receive both of their good night kisses. Max had reminded Liz of how much he wanted to see the pictures she had taken earlier of Alexis while they were cooking. Therefore, she had made a quick stop to her room to grab the digital camera

“Better. Sorry about…” He scratched behind his ear and blushed a little.

“It’s okay, Max. Everyone is allowed at least one breakdown in their life.” Liz smirked as she hopped on top of his bed.

“Oh really?” he asked with a gleam in his eyes.

“Yes.” Liz nodded as she handed him the camera.


“Welcome.” She smiled softly. She knew he wasn’t just thanking her for the camera.

Max began to scroll through the pictures. “She’s so damn adorable, Liz.”

“Isn’t she?” Liz giggled lightly as she rested her head against his chest.

“I can only imagine…” he trailed off which only succeeded in piquing Liz’s interested. She leaned up and rested her chin on his chest.


“It’s just that…if she turns out looking anything like you, you better watch out for the guys.”

“Please! My daughter is beautiful. She might look a little like me but…” she narrowed her eyes when Max began to chuckle.

“What?” she asked sitting up completely.

“Nothing.” He shook his head and refocused his attention on the remaining pictures.

“Max Evans, tell me!” Liz pulled the camera from his hands and jumped off the bed.

“Liz, give me the camera back because I’m not telling you.” Max reached out but was pleasantly surprised to see Liz pull the camera to her chest with a laugh.

“Ha! I don’t think so!” She squealed a moment later when Max jumped from the bed to chase her around the room.

“No!” she half laughed, half yelled as he closed the distance between them.

“Give up Liz. I’m going to catch you and throw you over my shoulder again. You don’t want that do you?” his voice laced with amusement.

“I will never give up!” she dropped to her knees and crawled under his legs, but she wasn’t fast enough.

“Gotcha!” he shouted as he lifted her by her waist and deposited her on the bed with a bounce.

“Max! No!” Liz wriggled on the bed as he began to tickle her mercilessly.

“Not…until you give me the camera,” he continued to tickle her. The camera fell onto the bed forgotten.

“No! Tell me first!” she cried out with a giggle. He couldn’t contain his own laugher and fell to the bed next to her laughing as he pulled her on top of him.

“God, I love to hear you laugh,” he said as he hugged her to his body and kissed the top of her head.

“Me too. I love to hear you laugh.” Liz cuddled closer as she tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

“Now, tell me Max,” Liz asked a moment later.

“I was just going to say that either you must be blind or in denial.”

“About what?” Liz lifted herself up to straddle his waist.

Max reached out and pulled her higher up on his chest and rested his hands on her exposed thighs. Soft to the touch, he almost forgot what he was talking about.

“Liz, Alexis is identical to you. Just a smaller version. But I know when she grows up she will look just like you,” he finished with a shake of his head.

“What’s that shake about?” Liz pointed her finger into his chest throwing him a lopsided grin.

“I wish you could see how beautiful you are in my eyes,” he finished softly watching as her eyes avoided his.

“Look at me,” he whispered out as he reached up and placed his index finger beneath her chin.

“What?” she asked hesitantly. The air in the room suddenly became suffocating and intense.

“You don’t see it do you?” He waited for her response, and just as he suspected she shook her head despondently. Max leaned up and cupped her face between his hands and kissed her lips softly.

“I wish I could make you,” he murmured against her lips before capturing them again. He ran his hands up her back as he began to caress her warm mouth with his tongue. Liz allowed herself to be consumed by his kiss, as she always was. She slowly began to lay herself flush against him, all the while allowing him to devour her mouth with his. A low moan rumbled in the back of his throat the moment he felt her lithe body flush against his.

“Perfect,” he whispered in her ear as she began to trail wet kisses along his jaw line.

“So…perfect,” he breathed out as he cupped the back of her head and fused their lips together once again. Liz’s entire body began to heat up. She was losing control as she did early downstairs. It could easily escalate and she knew it. Max was clad in only a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, and she in a t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts. She needed to pull away but found it completely impossible the moment she felt that part of him that was so different from her, pressing into the softness of her stomach.

Max felt the situation escalate and his body’s reaction was almost too tempting to stop. He began to kiss her voraciously, trying to pour all the love and want he had for her into his kiss. It was too much, and he knew they couldn’t go any further. Max knew that no matter how much he wanted her, and how much he longed for her, she wasn’t ready. Aside from that though, he had decided that being with her made him a better person, and in doing so, he wanted the next time he shared his body with anyone, that he wanted it to be out of love, not lust.

Reluctantly he pulled away a moment later. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling her into a tight embrace. Both of their breaths were labored as they clung to one another. There was a comfortable silence that filled the room as they settled into a more comfortable position.

Liz had rolled onto her side to face Max, mirroring his exact position.

“Max, can I ask you something?” her voice just above a whisper.

“You can ask me anything,” he offered with a soft smile.

“How…how do you stop?” Liz diverted her eyes as her cheeks burned. She had no idea why that was the question she wanted the answer to the most at that moment.

“You mean, how do I stop myself from…” he hedged on uncertainly. Was she really asking him why he stopped himself from trying to sleep with her?

“Yes. I feel like I have no control around you, but you…you seem like you are so in control of your ah…your…” she blushed profusely. Why had she chosen that question?

“Urges?” he finished for her.

“Yes.” She answered gratefully.

“It’s not easy,” he eyed her from head to toe and back up again.

“Not easy at all, but I respect you Liz. And besides I don’t want to push you to do something you’re not ready for and…” he nibbled on his bottom lip searching for the right words.

“And what?” Liz asked as her heartbeat began to speed up. She was nervous about his answer, but had no idea why.

Once their eyes locked he licked his lips and offered her a small smile. “I want…Liz, the next time I sleep with someone, I want it to be with someone that I love and that…and that loves me back. I want to experience the difference between love and sex. I may want to be with you, but I don’t want it out of lust.” He let out a deep breath.

“Does that make any sense?” he asked under thick lashes.

“It makes perfect sense. You want to make love with…” She found herself at a loss for words. There he was telling her he wanted to make love to her. That he wanted his next sexual experience to be with her. How could she possibly hold onto her resolve now, she wondered as she stared into his eyes.

“You. I want to make love to you, when you’re ready to love me.” I do! She wanted to scream. She wanted to tell him that she never loved anyone the way she loved him. That she never would. So many thoughts raced through her mind in that instant. If Max thought that he needed to make her fall in love with him, he was too late. She was in love with him, deeply and completely.

Liz had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t realized how much time had passed. It wasn’t until she heard Max’s light snoring from beside her that she knew that he’d fallen asleep.

She gave a small smile and kissed his cheek softly before making her way over the bathroom. Once behind the closed door she let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding in.

How did he know the right words to say to her? How did he know what words would affect her the most? Most importantly, if Max had never been in love before then she was afraid that the answer to both of those questions was something she wasn’t ready to deal with.

She laughed at the image she painted in the mirror above the sink. Why was Max interested in her anyway, she silently asked herself. What in the hell did she have to offer him?

Still, as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t help but ask could it really be true? If she allowed herself to not analyze every single situation then maybe she could believe it the way she longed to.

“So now what?” she mumbled to herself. She couldn’t just blurt it out to him. He had made everything perfect for her and so she felt the need to make things just as special for him. After all his speeches, as well as the moment they shared downstairs in his den, and now the kiss and the question she had just asked, her heart couldn’t take anymore. She leaned over and turned on the sink. She splashed the cool water against her heated skin and took another look in the mirror.

She broke down in that instant. It finally hit her…hard. He did love her, not because of Alexis or because of any other reason. It was still very difficult for her to understand, but she decided that when he kissed her that last time, that she couldn’t shield herself from getting hurt.

That was what held her back from telling him, wasn’t it? She loved him but was terrified that he could never love her the way she loved him. That he would get tired of her and not want to be with her. But how would she know if that were true or not, if she didn’t give their love a chance?

Liz shook her head as she backed away from the mirror. Once her back hit the door she found herself staring back at her reflection. Was that what she was doing now, reflecting? She tilted her head to the side, then up, and then left to right, studying herself. She was looking for something, something that maybe Max saw that she’d missed all those other times she stared at herself.

Unconsciously, her hand went up and fingered the delicate necklace Max had bought her. She knew that Alexis had helped him pick it out, but the fact that he wanted to know what she would like so much, was what really mattered. In addition to which he was always finding ways to make her feel special and she did. No matter where they were or what they were doing, when she was with him she felt like the most special person in his life. She smiled giddily at the thought.

Could she really be that lucky? Here she had found herself an amazing man. Not only was his heart amazing, but he was also rich, famous and sexy as hell. No girl got that lucky her mind screamed. Her heart though had finally told her it was her turn to really start to live her life. Not in fear, not in pain, but just to live it.

“You can’t control everything, Liz.” She muttered to herself as she dried off her hands and face. It was now or never. She turned to open the door, but took one last look at herself and smiled.

She was ready to let go of her past and embrace whatever future was in store of her. Good or bad, she would stop running away. Now all she had to do was work up the nerve to tell Max that she loved him. That, she knew would be easier said than done.


FYI: Just a little note, as you can see in my sig I will be having an author's chat this coming Sunday. Hope to see some of you there :)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:19 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Well two updates in one day...that's like a major accomplishment for me. In any event, now that Confessions has but one part to go. I hope to be able to get these parts out sooner for you guys. I wanted to say that I simply adore the feedback and it truly is what keeps this story going.

In any event...this part has not been to the beta which means any and all mistakes are mine...I'll own up to them, so just be gentle :wink:

Chapter 27

The sound of the almost obnoxious alarm clock woke Max to a start. He quickly reached out his arm to turn it off before it woke Liz.

“I’m up already champ.” Liz spoke softly from her place on the couch near the fireplace.

Max rubbed the sleep from his eyes and leaned up on his elbows, peering over the bed to take in her beautiful sight. The soft sunlight shining in from the window beside her, gave her an angel like glow.

“Morning. You okay?” he asked hesitantly. Normally Liz liked to sleep in as much as possible, with having Alexis.

“I’m great. You?” She looked up at him, their eyes locked and she gave him a look he couldn’t describe. He wondered if maybe she was upset with him for falling asleep. Max slowly removed the covers from his body and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stretched his back, arms and neck, before standing.

“I’m good. Sorry, I ah…fell asleep last night,” he apologized giving her a sheepish grin. He padded across the distance between them, to sit beside her.

“You were tired Max. It was a long day and today is going to be equally as long.” Liz smiled softly as she reached out and ran her hand down his exposed arm.

“Want to know what I realized?” he questioned trying to gain control of his senses. Liz was in an unfamiliar mood, and he wasn’t sure if that was good. However, the feel of her soft, warm hand on his arm was wreaking havoc on his body. What was going on with her, he wondered to himself.

“What?” she smirked at him.

“We’re dating right?” He smiled self-consciously. What was with the looks this morning, he wondered wildly. She was licking her soft, perfect pink lips and he was at a loss for words. Was she trying to kill him? It was only five in the morning; he still had to drag himself out of the house for practice. Max knew though, that if she didn’t stop throwing him heated looks, he was going to be forced to show her how much he wanted her.

“Yes, we are.” Liz leaned in closer and nipped on his exposed chest peeking out above his neckline.

“And…” he swallowed thickly. What was he going to say again?

“And…what?” she edged on in a whisper as she traced her tongue over his lips.

“That…that we’ve never gone out on a date.” He rushed out quickly as he pulled her onto his lap. If he couldn’t have her, he at least needed to feel her close.

Liz pulled away to regard him. Her eyes sparkled in the light and her skin had a soft glowing appearance to it. She was his angel, he thought at that moment. An angel sent to him from the heavens above to show him what life was all about. About what was most important and to show him how much of his life he wasted.

“Max, that’s okay. You just got over surgery and now you’re working again and…” he silenced her with a kiss. He ran his hands through her hair before pulling away.

“That’s not an excuse Liz. You deserve more than that. So, I’ve decided I need to take you out on a date,” he finished with a nod of his head.

“Oh really?” He could see her eyes light up and that made his heart swell for happiness he could give her.

“Yes. So how about tonight, I’ll get Michael to watch Alexis and then…” he stopped short when he saw her shake her head in protest. What was wrong?

“We can’t Max.”

“What? Why?” he sounded hurt and Liz quickly explained. Obviously he had forgotten what today was.

“Kyle and his girlfriend are coming over for dinner. Don’t you remember?” she asked as she threaded her fingers through his dark hair. She thought at that moment, he had the softest hair a man could have. Her heart began to beat faster the moment he pulled her into his arms. It felt so right, why had she waited so long to give into the temptations, she wondered.

“Liz, come on. Can’t we just postpone it? I really want to take you out,” he groaned and sighed. Liz couldn’t help the giggle that burst past her lips at the expression on his face. He looked adorable when he pouted, and she told him as much.

“Aww Max, are you blushing?” she teased him lightly as he lifted her from his lap and placed her back on the couch beside him.

“No. I don’t blush Liz.” He grumbled. He had really wanted to take Liz out to a nice dinner, but instead he had to entertain Kyle and his girlfriend.

“Where are you going?”

“To brush my teeth, so I can give you a proper good morning kiss.” He winked as he switched on the light in the bathroom. Liz couldn’t help but feel giddy inside. She felt like a new person this morning. She now realized that her decision to tell Max that she loved him was a good one.

She skipped across the room and jumped into his bed. She pulled the fluffy white comforter up to her neck and waited until he returned. Her heart was throbbing in her throat, but she was not going to let anything stop her from telling him before he left the house.

As soon as Max emerged from the bathroom he caught sight of Liz tucked under the covers, she looked so tiny and fragile. He sighed, how did he get so lucky? He crossed the room and crawled up the bed. Liz giggled with excitement. The words were ready to burst from her lips.

“You ready for your kiss?” he asked huskily. Liz nodded eagerly, reaching out her hands to wrap around his neck. Once his body was flush against hers, his lips descended upon hers. Their kiss was electric, as it always was, they both thought.

Max ran his arms up and around her waist, pulling her closer, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. He smiled, knowing that she was so receptive to him. He knew even the smallest touch would cause her to react to him. No one had ever reacted that way before when he touched them.

Their lips sought out each others as Liz ran her hands up the back of his shirt. She wanted to show him how much she loved him in that moment. Without thinking she pulled away and whispered out to him, “Take off your shirt.” She waited for his reaction. It was instantaneous.

Max lifted off of her and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it over his shoulder. He began to lay back down on top of her but she shook her head, instructing him to lay beside her.

“I want to give you a back rub,” she bit out nervously. She had no idea what she was doing. Nor did she have any clue as how to seduce a man.

Max didn’t protest. He knew he was right. Liz was acting differently. But he had decided it was a good thing. Could he allow himself to believe? Did she love him? He knew she did, but would she tell him?

Liz waited until he was lying on his stomach before she climbed over him and rested her bottom low on his back.

Max almost bowed off the bed at the feel of her soft legs brushing up against his back. He almost lost it completely when he felt her soft round bottom shimmy down his back before stopping.

Liz couldn’t believe the amount of muscles he had on his back. She had of course seen and touched him without a shirt, but never had she allowed herself to truly feel the magnificence of his body.

Liz began massaging his back and could feel the tension begin to subside. “Is this okay?” she asked hesitantly.

“It’s perfect. I love the way your hands feel against my skin,” he admitted in a hushed whisper. He didn’t want to scare her but if she knew how deeply he wanted her, he was afraid she would run away.

“I love…” she hesitated. She closed her eyes and cursed herself for being weak at a time like that.

Max froze the moment the words left her mouth. Was she…could he believe that this was the moment?

“T-the way you feel beneath my fingertips.” She rolled her eyes in exasperation and thanked God that he couldn’t see the embarrassed look on her face.

Max decided that she wasn’t going to just break down and tell him she loved him, so he decided to break the silence that filled the air around them.

“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” he mumbled out as he felt her shift against him once again.

“I am. It’s her first day of school.” Liz wasn’t nervous. She was down right terrified.

“She will do great, and everyone will love her. Does she have everything she needs?” Max questioned all the while reaching out his hand to steady Liz, as he rolled over with her now in his lap.

“Yes. She has everything, but what if she doesn’t like it? Or what if kids give her a hard time?” Liz rattled on about all her fears for her daughter.

Max quickly reached out his hands to her and pulled her down against him. He kissed her lips softly and pulled her into a tight embrace. “She will be fine. I’m sure she’s going to love going to school, Liz. She’s so smart already and this way she can make friends her own age…” Max trailed off with other thoughts on his mind. Liz quickly picked up on them and questioned him.

“Nothing,” he began not looking at her. Liz reached out her hand and cupped his cheek softly.

“Please tell me,” she asked.

“Are you sure it is a good idea for her to go to a public school? Maybe you should just think more about it Liz.” Max knew that Liz had her mind made up. She didn’t want to alienate Alexis by putting her in a private school, but Max wasn’t sure things were going to go the way Liz had intended.

“Max, she will be fine. No one knows who she is,” she began but was cut off by Max.

“For now Liz. The children and parents in the neighborhood know who I am. They’re going to notice when you’re standing outside waiting for the school bus with Alexis.” He didn’t want to upset her but wanted her to be prepared.

“Are there going to be reporters, Max?”

“Maybe. Liz I can’t do too much once you’re past those iron gates. Trust me, if I could I would, but I can’t.” He felt helpless knowing that Liz wanted Alexis to have a normal life, but maybe he was deluding himself. He would never just be Max Evans. He would always be Max Evans, injured football player, turned assistant coach for the Saints. That would never end. He still had endorsement deals and other offers that he couldn’t turn down. Even though the amount he received annually for being a coach, plus the money he had already earned for playing football was enough so that he never had to work again. He couldn’t. He already felt useless and hated that he had nothing else to fall back on. So how could he just walk away from it all? He couldn’t and that was the honest truth. He wasn’t ready, nor did he think he could just be Max Evans, the man that no one knew. No, that thought was too much of a burden for him to bear.

“I know, Max. But let’s just see how it goes okay? And in the end we’ll let her decide.” Liz nodded her head and gave him a reassuring smile. Liz figured that Max would have thought she would have fought him on the issue. But she knew better. Max was who he was before she met him. How could she ask him to change who he was when he is the person she had fallen in love with? She couldn’t. And so she would take what came at them as best as she could. So long as Alexis was happy, then Liz was happy with the decision.

“Thank you, Liz.” Max smiled up at her.

“Max…I wanted to talk to you about something,” Liz edged on uncertainly. Was it the right time? Should it be more special? She wondered as she gazed down into his eyes. No, it was perfect already. She and Max were perfect; again she wondered why she had fought it for so long.

“Okay,” Max’s voice hitched slightly. His heart was once again in his throat.

“I wanted to tell you that after talking to you last night, I decided…I realized that I…” she nibbled on her bottom lip, willing herself to just say it already.

“That?” he drawled out softly.

“Max, I wanted to tell you that I…”

“Mommy!” Liz slumped and hated to say that her daughter had the worst timing ever.

“Come in princess!” Max called out and smiled at Liz. Noting the disappointment in her face, he kissed her quickly before extracting her from his lap.

“Mommy! Max! Did you miss me?!” she bounced into the room and both Liz and Max couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.

“Of course we did. But what are you doing up so early?” Liz asked as she pulled her daughter onto the bed to sit between her and Max.

“I had a nightmare,” Alexis shivered slightly and both Max and Liz reached out to comfort her. They shared a smile above her head.

“The monsters were trying to get me.”

“What monsters?” Max asked softly, running his hands through her hair.

“They were big Max! Bigger than you and Michael together!” They noted her brown eyes were wide and worried.

“Shh, it’s okay baby. Max and I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Liz cooed her daughter and she dragged her into her lap.

“I know, mommy. I know Max wouldn’t let anyone hurt me or you mommy. Right Max?” Alexis turned her worried eyes to him and he swore no one would ever hurt her or her mother, ever.

“See mommy! Max loves us and he won’t let the bad monsters get us.” Alexis nodded as she rested her head in her mother’s chest. Closing her eyes, a moment later she was asleep.

“Does she always have nightmares?” Max asked quietly a few minutes later.

“No. I mean she used to before she went into the hospital but then they stopped.” Liz turned to Max worriedly. Max quickly wrapped his arm around them.

“It’s okay Liz. She’s probably just scared about going to school tomorrow.” Max reassured her as he kissed her cheek.

“You’re right. I’ll talk to her about it later. You have to get going now don’t you?” Liz asked. She didn’t want to leave Max’s arms.

“Unfortunately. But I’ll be back soon and we’ll have a great dinner together.”

“Even with Kyle?” Liz raised her eyebrow knowingly at him.

“Even with Kyle and his girlfriend.” Max smirked as he stood to retrieve some clothes from his dresser.

“Max?” she called out softly.

“Yeah?” he turned to regard her.

“If you say that I’m beautiful. And that you want me to see it, then I’ll make you a promise.”

“Oh yeah? Go ahead.” He urged her on. A hint of excitement in his voice. She truly was a remarkable woman and he wanted her to feel that for the rest of her life.

“I promise I’ll try and see myself in a better light. If you promise to accept that Kyle looks up to you for a reason.”

“Liz,” he sighed.

“Let me finished. You are special Max. Kyle seems smart and to have a good head on his shoulders. You are a special person. You have a great heart and I know that Alexis loves you with all her heart. And if I know nothing else about you, then that would be enough for me to know that you deserve it. Let him look up to you, guide him Max. Help him be as great a person as you are. You don’t give yourself enough credit for being who you are. And it’s more than a football hottie.” Liz blushed at her last words, but she meant them nevertheless.

“So you think I’m a hottie?” Max smirked and gave her a wide grin.

“Max Evans, is that the only thing you got out of what I just said?” Liz reprimanded him.

“No, Liz. I got more out of it than that. And I promise I’ll try. But it’s always good to know that I’m a hottie in your eyes.” Liz rolled her eyes and lunged a pillow at his now turned back.

Although she didn’t get to tell him she loved him that morning, she knew that later that night, they would be alone again and she would have her chance.


“Max would you at least pretend that you’re happy?” Liz smacked his arm playfully. He had just entered the kitchen where Liz was finishing up a few last minute things for dinner. Kyle and his girlfriend would be arriving any moment.

“I am happy. To see you.” He smiled and made his way over to her side. He nuzzled her neck softly and kissed her cheek before pulling away.

“Did I mention that you look amazing?” Max whispered in her ear before pulling away to retrieve Alexis from the living room.

Liz smiled to herself. She couldn’t wait until tonight. She had even set up the balcony and filled it with flowers and candles. While she wasn’t ready to make love, she was ready to make Max feel all the things he made her feel when his hands were on her body. She shivered at the thought, and silently wished she had postponed dinner for another day.


“Alexis, sweetie, please let still.” Liz had noticed how much Alexis was shuffling around in her chair. It was completely unlike her.

“Mommy, I don’t like this dress. It feels itchy!” Alexis scrunched up her nose in disgust. She loved the color but it was too itchy on her skin.

“Why don’t I bring her upstairs to change,” Max offered.

“Oh please mommy! Please!” Alexis jumped into Max’s arms and waited until her mother agreed.

“Thank you mommy!” Alexis smiled and blew her mother a kiss.

“I’ll be right back.” Max winked at Liz before turning and leaving the room.

Liz had just finished preparing the table, when she heard the buzzing alerting her to someone being at the front gate. She walked over to the main entrance way and saw it was Kyle, Max had described his car, but besides that she could clearly see him from the position of the camera. Liz quickly opened the front gate and awaited their arrival.

Max still had not emerged from upstairs and so when the doorbell rang she promptly answered it.

“Liz, so great to see you again. I hope Max is treating you well.” Kyle said as soon as Liz opened the door. He reached out and kissed her cheek softly.

“Hello Kyle,” Liz blushed as she ushered her two guests in.

“You must be Serena,” Liz greeted and reached out her hand. Serena quickly shook her hand back. Liz couldn’t help but stare, there was something familiar about the girl. She was strikingly beautiful Liz couldn’t deny it. But it was more than that. Liz showed them into the dining room and explained why Max was missing.

“Oh, that’s fine. I’ll just pour some wine while we wait.” Kyle offered. Leaving Serena taking a seat at the table and Liz watching her closely. Liz noticed that Serena was somewhat reserved, not at all someone she figured Kyle for dating. But she was not one to judge, so she moved along. She noticed the thick; rich almost black hair that came well passed the woman’s shoulders. The golden skin of her face and exposed arms. Liz snapped herself from her perusal when she heard her daughter’s footsteps coming down the stairs in the other room.

“Sounds like my daughter and Max have decided to…” Liz’s voice froze in her throat the moment Serena lifted her eyes to her. Liz knew those eyes, well not exactly. They were familiar but all the same not. There was some so recognizable about them. She brushed it off and greeted her daughter.

“I’m all better mommy!” Alexis skipped into the room.

“Well then I’m glad,” Liz smiled and then turned to Max. “She didn’t give you hard time did she?”

“No. She just couldn’t decide.” Max laughed and walked further into the room, which is when he noticed Kyle sitting next to a very pretty, if he might add, brunette. Kyle had finally stepped up his game, he thought with a chuckle.

“Hey Kyle,” Max nodded and offered a smile.

“Hey Max, I want you to meet my girlfriend Serena Peterson.” Max walked over and reached out his hand in greeting, but froze the moment she spoke. It wasn’t her voice that startled him. It was her eyes. They were so familiar. Almost like his. And she was beautiful, not like Liz, but beautiful nonetheless. He cleared his thoughts before settling down to dinner.

Liz watched Max’s reaction closely. So it wasn’t just her, she thought. There was something about Serena Peterson that was familiar to Max as well.

The awkward silence was filled soon by Alexis telling a few stories. For which Max was grateful for. He had allowed his mind to wander once again. In his heart, he knew he was insane, but his mind told him something different. Every so often he would glace at Serena, her eyes catching his and she would squirm in her chair uncomfortably. He didn’t want to make her feel awkward so he decided to join in the conversation.

“So, Serena where are you from?”

“Oh, I was born and still live in Boston.” She smiled softly and Max felt an unsettling feeling in his stomach. There was something about her that was screaming at him to figure out.

“Did you go to school there?” Liz asked when she saw Max tense up. What was running through his mind? She reached under the table and gripped his hand. Surprisingly he tore his eyes away from Serena and Kyle to look at her. There was an almost pleading look in his eyes.


“Don’t be shy baby,” Kyle began and sat up a little straighter. “Serena is head of the Oncology department at the Children’s Hospital Boston.” Kyle gloated. Max turned to Liz, whose eyes had gone wide. The word hit home for both of them.

“Really? H-how long have you worked there?”

“Since before I graduated med school. I have been doing research for them while in college and joined the team a few years ago.”

“So that makes you how old?” Liz asked taking a sip of her wine.

“I’m twenty seven.” Serena smiled and Max stiffened up next to Liz. Was he thinking the same thing as her?

“Wow, you already graduated med school and everything?” Liz asked, Serena was still young to have accomplished all of that, she thought. Not that Liz really knew how long it took to actually graduate med school.

“Did I forget to mention Serena is a certified genius?” Kyle smiled proudly.

“So what is she doing with you?” Max coughed out playfully earning him a slap on the arm but got everyone to laugh nonetheless.

“Well why don’t we have dessert?” Liz offered and Serena offered her help, which Liz accepted with a smile.

“Kyle where did you say you met her?” Max asked when the girls, including Alexis left the room.

“Why? You know Max you’ve been acting really weird ever since you came into the room. Are you sure you’re okay with us being here?” Kyle asked and hoped that Max wasn’t upset that Liz had invited them over.

“No, not at all. It’s just Serena. There is just something familiar about her.”

“Oh God! Please don’t tell me you slept with her?” Kyle hissed out as he slumped back into his chair. It would figure, he found a perfect girl for him and Evans had already had her.

“Would you keep your voice down?!” Max ground out. He did not want Liz overhearing that part of their conversation.

“No, that’s not it.” Max shook his head and Kyle eyed him suspiciously.

“She does that,” Kyle said a moment later when he watched Max rub his temples with his thumb and index finger.

“What?” Max questioned confusingly.

“Serena, she rubs her temple the same way you do. You know Max, when I first met her I won’t lie, I was attracted to her physically. But when I finally got to know her, I realized she was much more than just a beautiful face and a nice body.” Kyle spoke up a little more, watching the array of emotions cross Max’s face.

“Yeah and?” Max bit out. He was losing his mind. There was no way that Serena could be her. It was impossible. She had just said she was born in Boston. Max was not. So he knew it was just wishful thinking.

So what she was his age? And that they were so similar…almost identical? No, he shook the thoughts off. There were hundreds of girls that had dark hair, and olive skin and similar brown eyes, like his. And what were the odds that his long lost sister would be dating Kyle? Impossible is what it was, and so he removed all thoughts of that nature from his mind.

“She reminded me of you.” Max threw him a sharp look. “If you’re comparing me to a woman then we are going to have a problem.”

Kyle shook his head profusely. “No, man. I’m just saying she’s smart and successful, but so much more than what people give her credit for.” Kyle reached for his glass knowing he had shocked Max into silence. A smug smile formed on his lips.

The girls returned a few minutes later with dessert and coffee. For the remainder of the night Max remained quiet, speaking only when spoken to. He had too much on his mind. How is it that Kyle managed to weasel his way into Max’s mind so easily? He didn’t like it. Yes, he said he would try for Liz, but that didn’t mean he wanted to jump head first into being friends with Kyle.


“That was interesting, no?” Liz asked as she entered the living room to find Max on the couch with Alexis sleeping soundly against him.

“Liz, did you see her?” Max asked knowing how ridiculous the question sounded. Liz sighed and crossed the room quickly, turning off the television. She took a seat beside him and reached for his hand. She squeezed it tightly.

“I didn’t want to say anything, but she does look like you.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. But it can’t be her Liz. She told you all about her parents and school. It’s just not possible,” he rushed out distractedly.

“But the resemblance is uncanny.” Liz offered. Not wanting to upset Max. He simply nodded.

“I think it’s just someone who looks like me Liz. Nothing more. I mean if she were my sister, she wouldn’t have parents. She would be just like me.” Max said softly, sadly even. He turned to her, offering her a lopsided grin before lifting Alexis off the couch in his arms.

“You ready for bed?” he asked as he rose to his feet.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” Liz said as she stood to turn off all the lights. She watched Max’s retreating form climb the steps.

It might be a coincidence, but Liz was determined to find out exactly who this Serena Peterson was. She knew however, she couldn’t tell Max what she was up to. For she knew if she was wrong, it would only serve to hurt him further. Which was the last thing she wanted to do.


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:27 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Sorry took me so long. I've been sort of busy with everything else going on...enough about that. I wanted to once again thank you for the feedback. I love reading what you think...especially about Serena's indentity. So what can I say except you will find out soon who she really is, and as far as Alexis''ll learn sooner than you think. Because I know you all want to know already :wink:

Last little note this part hasn't been to the beta, so you know the drill any mistakes are all mine ;)

I see this part brought some of you lurkers out...*waves* nice to see you!

Sweet Liz
Poison Ivy

**This is a mature section...but I don't think I cross over to adult so just read with caution**

Chapter 28

When Liz left Max a few minutes ago, he told her he wanted to sit with Alexis for a few minutes. It was the perfect opportunity for Liz to change in Max’s room to wait for him.

Liz quickly undressed and pulled her wine colored satin negligee over her head. She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering if maybe she might be kidding herself. She scolded herself for even thinking it. Max loved her. As amazing as it felt each and everyday she woke up, she knew that someone as remarkable as Max loved her. A bright smile formed on her lips, tonight would be perfect. She just knew it.

Turning on her heels, she flicked the light off and made her way into the bedroom. Max hadn’t arrived yet, so she decided to step outside on the balcony and light the candles she had placed there earlier. Carefully she lighted each one, and then anxiously awaited Max’s arrival.


His mind was still reeling over Kyle’s girlfriend. Serena was her name, and she grew up in Boston. That’s about all he knew about her. Was she really his sister? He wondered as he stared down at Alexis’ sleeping form. He smiled while watching her; he knew that if he and Liz ever had children, they would be just as beautiful and perfect as her. The severity of his thoughts hit him full force. There he was thinking about having children with Liz, and she couldn’t even tell him she loved him. He sighed dejectedly as he stood. Giving Alexis one last kiss on the top of her head, he turned and left her room silently.

What was he thinking? Liz may not even love him and he was thinking about having kids with her? Despite the timing and the circumstances, he could admit to himself that he wanted all of his children to be with Liz, no one else.

Max finally reached his bedroom door, it was closed, how odd he thought. Why would Liz close the door, he mumbled to himself before reaching out and opening it. He stood stocked a second later when he witnessed the sight before him.

“Liz…” his words escaped him the moment she lifted off the bed and stood looking nervously at him.

“I…I went shopping,” she offered lamely. What the hell was she thinking again? Liz found herself rethinking the entire plan she had. She wasn’t experienced enough to pull off what she wanted for the night. And now Max was standing staring at her. This was not how she pictured it to be when he entered the room. She groaned inwardly and began playing with the cream-colored lace embroidery at the hem of her negligee. Maybe he didn’t like it…or maybe he expected it to be something sexier. She quickly turned to pull the comforter from the bed to shield her body from his view, but the moment she moved he spoke.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful and sexy you are?” he whispered out to her, closing the door behind him soundlessly. His heart was thrumming in his chest and his throat was dry, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for Liz, wearing a very short, and very sexy, scrap of silk material. He swallowed thickly as he crossed the room to stand before her.

He reached out tentatively touching her arm. He felt her shiver under his fingertips. For a moment Max thought she might be cold, but one look into her eyes, he knew she was far from that.

“Max…” she began only to be cut off by his warm lips covering hers. She moaned softly when she felt him wrap a muscular arm around her tiny waist and pull her flush against him. His lips dragged languidly over hers, softly at first, and then increased in pressure with every moan that escaped passed her soft pink lips. He could kiss her forever. He could hold her forever.

“Liz, I love you,” he panted out as he slowly reached for her hand and turned to sit at the edge of the bed. Max looked up to her and without a single word she crawled into his lap. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, leaning in he kissed her lips once again. His hands weren’t idle either. They couldn’t be, not when she was completely responsive to every touch, every kiss, and every word he whispered to her.

Her entire body was on fire; she wanted him more than her very next breath. She loved him more than she thought possible. She was more than ready to tell him how she felt, but in the next second his tongue slipped into her mouth. He pulled her closer, if possible, and from what Liz could gather, it seemed as though Max wanted to inhale her. They both began to greedily feed off each other’s lips; moans of pleasure and excitement filled the room and echoed off the walls.

Max knew he never wanted to kiss or touch another woman. Liz was it for him and as his heartbeat began to race and his breathing became even more labored than before, he prayed she felt the same way.

Liz wrapped her arms more firmly around his neck and arched her back when she felt him begin to trail his mouth down her exposed neck. She felt his hands roam from the back of her neck to her waist…then lower. She squeaked in surprise, which caused Max to pull away to peer into her brown eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he began to apologize for going too far. It was so hard for him to control himself when she was reacting to everything he did. But he knew better, he had to take his time with her.

“Don’t apologize Max. I wanted you to do that…I didn’t want you to stop,” she confessed in a blushing whisper.

Max’s eyes grew wide and his breath hitched in his throat over the look Liz was giving him. Lifting his hand and cupping the back of her neck, he leaned in and began to drag his lips over hers. This time he was anything but gentle. He wanted her to know how much he wanted her. His body had already reacted to her the moment he entered the room and saw her standing in front of him, looking innocent and perfect.

“Max…yes…” she moaned out when she felt his hands begin their exploration all over again. The moment his hands came into contact with her firm backside, she couldn’t help but roll her hips into his. She took great pleasure in the groan that escaped past his lips.

Max continued his journey, to touch and caress every part of this woman in his arms. He loved her more than anything in this world and he wanted her to feel that love. Hesitantly he removed one of his hands from her backside over the soft swell of her hips, caressing them, all the while hungrily fusing his lips and tongue with hers.

“Max…God…” she panted out ripping her lips from his mouth. It was too much, and yet not enough at the same time. Liz rested her head against the crook of his neck, panting for air and moaning softly with every caress of his hands against her heated skin.

Max smiled against her chest at the feel of her body writhing above him, but he wanted more of her. He wanted her to let go. It had been too long since he’d witnessed her in that position. He held his breath in anticipation of her reaction to his next move. Taking his time he slowly thrummed his fingers over her hips and then around to slowly caress the flat expanse of her tummy. It was still amazing that she had given birth, her body held no signs of it, he thought.

Lower. His hands moved lower and he could feel the heat emanating from her. Could feel the wetness gathered between her thighs. Excitement that he’d created in her made him want her even more.

Liz’s eyes closed and her teeth sank in gently against his shoulder at the feel of his hands touching and caressing her most intimate of places. He had touched her before, but this was different because she knew he loved her and she loved him. It wasn’t an act of sex it was one of love. For the first time they were both experiencing love making, she thought with guilt. Max didn’t know how she felt about him, so he wouldn’t experience it the same way.

The instant he felt her tense in his arms, he pulled his hand away and searched her face for a sign.

“Liz, what’s wrong?” he questioned as he watched her extract herself from him. Disappointment evident in his face.

“Nothing…I just…Max can you come out here?” Liz motioned for him to follow her outside.

“Liz, just tell me what’s wrong?” Max pleaded with her from his position on the bed. He wasn’t going anywhere until she told him what was wrong.


“Then why did you leave me?” his voice small and fragile. In that instant, she believed she fell even more in love with him.

“I didn’t. I’m right here. I’m here forever, if you want me,” she whispered out with tears in her eyes. She saw the moment of clarity etched across his face.

“Liz?” he swallowed thickly as he stood with uncertainty. What was she saying? His heart began to pound in his chest, he could feel the blood pumping through his veins. He was in front of her an instant later, searching her face for an answer.

“Max, just…please come with me.” Liz reached out and pulled his arm gently, she wanted him to at least see what she did. Max peered outside and saw the candles lit up, the champagne…but he didn’t care.

“Thank you baby,” he whispered in her ear while pulling her back inside. He quickly stepped outside and blew out the candles before joining her in the room.

“What did you mean by that?” he questioned as he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Max,” Liz began but wanted to face him. She couldn’t tell him. She wanted too so bad.

“Just tell me. Whatever it is, I promise I won’t be upset,” he promised. He was setting himself up for disappointment.

She couldn’t be near him, otherwise she’d never tell him. His scent and his body were too much of a distraction. Slowly she backed away and sat at the edge of the bed facing him. After a few moments of silence, Liz finally spoke up.

“Do you want me, Max?” she questioned and watched as he nodded but didn’t move from his position.

“I want you too,” she offered with a smile. At this, she watched his eyes narrow in confusion.

“I want you for the rest of my life,” she breathed out just above a whisper. Max heard it anyway, and a moment later he was kneeling in front of her, hope shinning in his eyes.

“Liz...” She silenced him with a finger against his lips. She shook her head and allowed her tears to fall freely.

“I wanted to tell you a little story. It’s about a girl who never felt like anyone loved her. That she wasn’t good enough to be loved. She grew up and ended up having a baby too soon, but loved her baby with her entire heart. One day though her baby got sick and she wanted to die because she couldn’t do anything about it,” her voiced clogged with tears but she continued. Thankful for Max caressing her exposed knee gently.

“And just when life was about to deal her another situation that would either make her stronger or kill her, she found an angel. Now, the angel was in disguise of course because he didn’t have wings. So she wasn’t sure at first. But soon she realized that he saved her and her baby. She cried to her angel, and he held her in his strong arms. He held her so tightly, so protectively and she knew she’d found the one she was looking for. Her very own angel sent from above to help her, to be with her and to love her.” Liz swallowed and cupped Max’s face between her tiny hands. She leaned over and saw the tears swimming in his eyes. She smiled in happiness. But her story wasn’t over yet.

“Believe it or not, when her angel told her he loved her, she too was in love at that moment. But she was afraid that her angel would leave her. She was afraid that her angel wouldn’t want her after his work was done, but she was wrong wasn’t she?” she questioned and waited for Max’s response.

“So wrong,” was his hoarse response. His tears were now streaming steadily but he didn’t turn away, he wanted to know the rest. He yearned to hear the rest.

“Yes, she was wrong. So she knew she had to do something to make her angel know how she felt. She didn’t want him to fly away and leave her. And if he left, she knew she had no wings to follow him. For she knew she couldn’t live without him. She knew she never wanted to be without him. And she knew she had to tell him that his arms were her wings when she couldn’t fly and his voice was hers when she couldn’t speak, but most of all his heart was what her heart was searching for her whole life.”

“Liz…” a choked sob escaped passed his lips but she shushed him.

“I love you, Max. My heart loved you the moment I met you, it was my mind that needed a little push,” she smiled brightly and reveled in the feel of Max wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her down against him. He buried his head in her neck and cried softly.

“I n-never thought you could love me,” he confessed a moment later, brushing her tears from her eyes. Although he was confident that Liz loved him, deep down he truly believed that maybe she just couldn’t love someone like him.

“How is that possible? You’re my angel Max.” She kissed him softly and pulled away to regard him.

“And these,” she motioned to where her hands were now resting on his arms.

“Are your wings,” she said just before sealing her lips to his. Their kiss was soft, sweet and pure perfection to Liz. To Max, it was what it always was with Liz…Amazing.

They pulled away gently a moment later, foreheads resting against one another’s. They both stared at the one another before smiling.

“God, I love you, Liz. I will love you forever,” he vowed while brushing in his fingers down her flawless cheeks.

“I love you too…forever.” Liz promised as Max stood with her in his arms. The heated session earlier long forgotten as they crawled underneath the sheets and held each other tighter than they had ever before.

For the first time in both their lives they were in love and happy. Two things neither of them thought they’d ever have the chance to be.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:40 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Okay I've been working on this puppy all day long. I knew what I wanted to have in this chapter, but I haven't written in a few weeks and I felt really nervous that you guys just wouldn't like it *lol* we go with a nice dreamer part complete with little Alexis and all. Just so you know after these next few parts, I will be skipping ahead a few months, just to get things moving.

I hope you enjoy, and thank you for your patience, feedback and bumps!

Roswell 10/2/00
Sweet Liz
Poison Ivy

Lurkers, hope you enjoy!

*One last note, some of you may have noticed I have changed the rating of this fic to Mature/Adult. Not because there are gonna be hot love scenes in every part, but there are a few more than mature parts, like this one right now.*

Chapter 29

He wondered if it was all a dream. It had to be. There was no other explanation. Had he, Max Evans, truly found the love of his life? And if so, did she love him back with the same intensity as he?

Yes. His mind raced as the morning sun rose to meet the horizon. Pulling her into his arms, and embracing the fact that he had found his soul mate, he smiled. It wasn’t a broad smile that stretched across his handsome features. Instead it was a wisp of a smile, but anyone watching him would have known, it was the look of a man in love.

“Morning,” she said softly as she watched his features change yet again. She wondered just how lucky she was. She had the most beautiful, bright and special daughter any mother could ask for, and now she had the love of one of the greatest, most selfless men she’d ever known.

“I could get really used to this you know?”


“Yes. Come here,” he pulled her in for a morning kiss. To which she leaned her entire body into, wanting to soak up the moment. It was, after all, the morning after she had declared her love to a man for the very first time, and meant it with all her heart.

“Do we have to leave this bed?” she asked with a whimsical sigh.

“I wish we didn’t. But it’s still early and you know what that means?” he questioned as he rolled over on top of her soft, warm, supple form.

“No, what?” Her eyes sparkled with glee. She loved him so much; the words were bursting from her lips before she could stop them.

“I love you too, Liz.” Max smiled as he leaned in to kiss her puffy morning lips. His heart raced, and his mind began to wander. Would it always be like this? Would he get to wake up each and every morning and see her beautiful smile? He closed his eyes and made a prayer, one he hoped with all his heart would come true soon.

“And it means that I have a few hours longer to see and feel you in this little outfit of yours,” he cajoled with a wink.

“Oh so you like?” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and giggled softly when Max began to nuzzle his nose against her neck.

“I love,” he murmured softly, as he began to kiss the delicate flesh at the base of her neck. His hands traveled down her slim sides and around her back, pulling her closer to his body.

Liz moaned softly at the feel of him exploring her body, not for the first time, with his hands. She loved the feeling of his muscular body pressed against hers and the way he was so delicate with his touches and caresses.

Max began to slide his body further down hers. He wanted to do something to her he’d never done to any other woman in his life. He was nervous. Not only because he wasn’t sure if Liz would let him, but also because he’d never done it before.

Slowly, he trailed kisses down between the valley of her breasts, enjoying the feel of her rapidly beating heart underneath his lips. Max smiled against her belly button when he felt her squirm. He’d finally reached the hem of her negligee and gently began to lift it from her body. His breath caught in his throat as the sweet supple flesh of her body was unveiled for his eyes. She was a beauty, of that he knew the moment he saw her, but now this was different. She was the love of his life, and she was his…forever if he had any say in it.

“Max…” Liz’s voice faltered. It wasn’t that she wasn’t ready; it was more of the fact that she was slightly embarrassed. Max felt her legs shift and he knew she was just as nervous as he was.

“It’s okay. I want to, Liz. Let me cherish you like this,” he whispered out tenderly and watched as her eyes met his, and she nodded her assent.

Liz lifted up slowly, allowing for Max to remove her of her clothing, if one could call it that. Max too reared up on his knees and removed his shirt, tossing is over the side of the bed to join her discarded garment. Not being able to resist he pulled her to his chest, holding her for a moment before pulling away to peer into her eyes. She smiled up at him and covered her lips with his, drawing him into a deep lingering kiss. Satisfied with herself when she felt how his body reacted to her, she laid back down and shifted so that her legs lay on either side of him.

Max trailed his eyes from her rosy pink lips, down her long, soft neck, down over her perfectly shaped breasts, and then her trim stomach, noticing for the first time the medium length scar left by her body stretching to accommodate her daughter’s growing form. A smile touched his lips at the thought of Liz being pregnant; he would have loved to see it. He allowed his mind to wander in that second, to what he would feel like if she were to carry his child.

His eyes devoured her, and she loved every single moment of it. Max always seemed to be able to make her feel alive, and sexy all at the same time, with just a look. It was his piercing gaze and the way his chest rose and fell more rapidly than the next, the longer he looked.

When he felt Liz’s arm reach out and touch his, he was jolted back to the picture of perfection that lay before him. Glancing up at her once more, he continued his perusal of her perfect body. His eyes now landed on the section of her he’d only ever touched with his hands. He wondered if she tasted as sweet there as she did every place else. With the grace of lion stalking its prey, Max leaned down further onto his stomach. He reached out and placed his hands on her legs, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

Liz held her breath and closed her eyes the moment she felt him against her. The feeling was indescribable; it was as if her nerve endings had come alive. She could feel the pleasure starting at the center of her body, and quickly spreading to the tips of her fingers, down her spine, and making her toes curl. It felt amazing, and erotic. She moaned his name into the empty air, her fingers griping the sheets between her fisted hands, waiting for the moment when she would feel complete ecstasy.

Max’s inadequacies were squelched the moment he felt her hips circle, and her moans fill his ears like sweet blessings. When he first felt her, tasted her, he knew that waiting for her was one of the best decisions of his life. Her breathing became ragged and her moans grew louder the more he applied pressure to her most sensitive area. He knew she was close, and he wanted to see her come apart beneath him. His body was on fire and he wanted more than anything to be one with her, to make love to her the way he’d dreamt about for months in pass.

A second later, he opened his eyes and peered up at her, enjoying the look of pleasure etched across her beautiful, delicate features. And then without warning her eyes locked with his, and before he knew what was happening, her body convulsed deliciously beneath his assault, and his body betrayed him for the first time in his life. He had released the pent up excitement at the exact moment she had. They had shared that moment and what a sweet moment it was, he thought.

“You okay?” he asked, trying to hide his blush.

“Y-yes,” she panted out, not trying to conceal the love she felt for him in her eyes. Reaching out she wanted to pull him against her one last time, but Max shook his head.

“Why not?” she pouted teasingly. She knew why, and she couldn't help the pride she felt knowing that Max had lost control.

“Liz,” he whined from his position between her legs.

“Aww, never had that happen before huh?” she taunted delicately.

“No. I never did,” he blushed profusely. What was wrong with him? He had stamina that men would rival; yet being with Liz made him lose it so quickly.

“Good, I like that I can make you lose control.” Liz leaned up and pulled at his shoulders and reluctantly Max moved up her body.

“I love you,” she whispered out as she pulled him into kiss. For the first time, she had tasted herself on him, and she smiled. It was his first time, as it was hers and it was perfect.

“We need a shower,” he groaned when he felt the wetness that settled against their bodies. He was completely mortified but Liz’s words made him at ease.

“Join me then, Max.” Liz pushed him gently off of her, swung her legs over the side of the bed and beckoned him with her index finger to follow her into the bathroom.

“Liz you’re driving me crazy!” he growled but stood up to follow her.

“That’s the whole point, Max,” she smiled and then giggled when Max practically attacked her.

The sound of the door slamming shut and their laughter reverberated throughout the room. It was the sound of two people in love for the first time and enjoying every moment of it.


In another part of the house, Alexis Parker was just awakening. Today was her very first day of school and she was scared. What if the other kids didn’t like her? Maria had told her that she was a tough cookie, but she wasn’t sure what that meant.

She slowly pulled the covers off her body, and bawled her tiny fists up, stretching her arms above her head. She wondered if her mommy and Max were up yet. But first she had to go potty; otherwise she would never make it to Max’s room without an accident.

After washing her hands, she went back into her room and looked for her robe and slippers. Once she had slipped them on, she opened her bedroom door and made her way down the hall to her mommy and Max.


“Liz,” he groaned at the feel of her lips against his chest. She was trying to kill him, he knew it before, but now she was reinforcing his belief.

They had already washed one another and were ready to get out of the shower, but Liz had begun attacking him just a moment ago.

She loved the feel of his trim, muscled form underneath her fingertips. His body was perfect in every way. She smiled at the sight of him. His lips were parted, his head bent back and leaning against the tiled walls, his lungs gasping for air and his lower region aching to be touched. Everything with him was so intense, especially with what he did to her this morning, she wondered what it would feel like to make love to him more than ever.

“You okay?” she giggled when he switched places with her. Max began to devour her lips, slipping his tongue hotly into her mouth, all the while wrapping his arms around her, wanting to never let go.

“I’m fine,” he panted out a moment later when they’d finally pulled away from their kiss.

“You know what I was thinking?” She looked at him and enjoyed how his eyes danced when they met hers.

“That you love me, that you want to be with me forever?” he edged on cautiously. He had never experienced the feelings she invoked within him, and he was still unsure as to how vocal he should be with his thoughts.

“While all of that is true, that’s not what I was going to say,” she kissed him softly before continuing.

“Really?” he asked pulling away from nibbling on her earlobe lightly.

“Yes, really,” she answered confusingly. What was that look for, she wondered.

“I was going to say…”

“—You want to be with me forever?” he asked in wonder. When he’d said it a moment ago, he didn’t think she would feel the same way.

“Yes,” she responded with a nibble on her bottom lip. His eyes were so expressive as if he truly couldn’t believe it.

“God, I…”

“I know, Max, I know.” Liz reassured him with a gentle kiss against his lips. A second later though, she froze and her heart began to race. She pulled away and looked down to where Max’s hand rested on her abdomen, she swallowed thickly before looking up at him.

“I want this, Liz. I know its soon and everything, but…” he trailed off running his fingers along the scar he had encountered earlier.

“You mean…”

“Babies? Yes,” he grinned slightly taking in her reaction.

“With me?” she had to ask. Did he really want to be with her forever? She wanted to slap her hand across her own head, but it was almost like a dream come true.
“Of course with you…only you, Liz.” Max gave her nervous grin, she still hadn’t answered. He probably went too far. She probably thought he was moving too fast and…

“I want that too,” came her tear clogged response. His eyes snapped to hers and a smile broke out across his face.

“Yeah?” he edged on excitedly.

“Yes,” she nodded just as animatedly.

Max didn’t allow another second to pass, his lips descended upon hers, pouring all of his love, hopes and fears into it. Smiling, he closed his eyes tighter when he felt her responded just as passionately.

At that moment, though he felt remorse, he wished he had waited to make love to her. For her to be his first, no matter to him if he wouldn’t have been hers.

“What’s wrong?” she reached up and cupped his cheek.

“I’m sorry,” he began to apologize.

“For what?”

“I wish I had waited for you. I wish that when we make love, you would be my first,” he croaked out remorsefully.

Liz felt as though in that moment she fell more in love with him. It seemed he made a habit of that, making her knees weak with his words of love and adoration. She would surely be spoiled soon.

“I will be, Max.”

“Wh—” She silenced him with a kiss.

“I will be the first woman you ever make love to. And you Max, will be the first man I make love to,” she explained.

Max was speechless, she was right. He smiled and lifted her in his arms. “As much as I want to keep you in here forever, there is a certain five year old that should be waking up soon,” he gave her bottom a little slap as he placed her on her feet.

“Max!” she reprimanded him in mock anger.

“Oh you know you have a cute butt, I’m just making sure you remember,” he winked and moved passed her quickly into the main room.

“Just cute? I said you have a hot ass and I get a cute?” she crossed her arms over her chest as she reached for her robe, slipping it over her shoulders as she watched Max get dressed.

“Liz,” he spun around and pulled her to him.


“You have a sexy body, I think you know that by now,” he assured her with another little slap. He moved away to pull his shirt over his head in the next instant.

“Oh really?” She raised her brows in question and Max was quick to pull her into his arms.

“Not only are you sexy, but you taste…”

“I love you,” she cut him off quickly blushing like a schoolgirl.

“I love you too, but…”

“Mommy? Max?” came her sweet innocent voice and both adults stood holding onto one another and then their eyes slipped down to the child standing beside them.

“Morning sweetheart.” Liz dropped her arms from Max and bent down to hug her daughter good morning.

Looking up at Max she rolled her eyes at him, when was he going to learn to lock the door? ‘I did,’ he mouthed to her in response to her eye roll. How did it get unlocked, he wondered as he sifted his hands through his hair nervously.


“Yes sweetie?” Liz was nervous, how much did her daughter see?

“Do you love Max?” Liz looked up at Max and smiled, she wouldn’t lie to her daughter.

“Yes, I do.”

“Max?” Alexis turned to look up at him.

“Yes, princess. I love your mommy too.”

“YAY!” she clapped her hands and jumped into her mommy’s arms.

“Ah…honey, this doesn’t mean…” How would she explain to her daughter?

“Hey princess, how about a piggyback ride to your room? We can let mommy get dressed and then she can help you get ready for school.” Max quickly jumped in and reached out for Alexis, hoping to stave off her questions.

“Oh! Okay! Hurry mommy!” Alexis quickly settled on Max’s back and locked her arms around his neck.

Liz stood shocked, just how in the hell would she explain this one? It was fine that her daughter knew they loved each other, but in knowing that, she would soon be asking when Max would be her daddy.

An idea sprung to Liz’s mind in that instant, maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing after all.


“Mommy, I don’t wanna go!” Alexis protested an hour later, while standing outside with Max and her mommy waiting for her school bus to come.

“Why not? I thought you couldn’t wait?” Liz asked. She was already trying to fight off the tears. Her baby was growing up and going to school already.

“Because, I want to stay with you. Who will keep you company?” Alexis batted her long brown eyelashes while swinging her book bag back and forth on her back.

“Sweetie, mommy has some things to take care of today that you can’t be with me for. So when you get home from school, we’ll have a snack and talk about your first day okay?” Liz tried to reassure her, even though she wanted Alexis to stay with her.

“Princess, you are going to love school. You’re going to make so many friends and mommy will be right here in this very spot, with me, waiting for you after school,” Max felt a tightening in his chest. She wasn’t his daughter, but she was as close to being his as any. It was hard for him to see her today getting ready for school. She had come a long way from the first day he’d met her in his hospital room. Somehow those few months, seemed like a lifetime ago.

“Okay, but you promise?” She peered up at Max and her mommy one last time, as she eyed the yellow bus approaching.

“Cross my heart,” both Liz and Max said simultaneously.

“Okay, I guess I can go then,” she mumbled out kicking the pebbles beneath her white sneakers. At least she looked cute today. Her mommy let her wear a new pair of dark blue jeans, and her purple long sleeved shirt with a little white kitten on the front.

“I’m so proud of you,” Liz leaned over and kissed her daughter’s head.

“Oh I forgot the…”

“I got it!” Max said as he reached around into his pocket to pull out the digital camera.

“Thank you,” Liz breathed a sigh of relief. She would have never made it back to the house before the bus pulled away.

She snapped a few pictures of Alexis alone, then with Max. Max took the camera and took a few of Alexis and Liz together, before seeing her off on the bus.

“I love you,” Liz began to cry.

“Its okay mommy, I love you too and Max loves you too!” she smiled before bouncing up lifting her arms for Max to lift her. He kissed her goodbye and wished her luck before handing her off to her mother.

“Bye, I’ll see you soon.” Liz waved frantically and Max couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her waist.

“You are so adorable,” he murmured against her ear before turning her around to face him.

“Don’t cry, Liz.” He soothed her back gently and allowed her to sob into his chest.

“She’s all grown up,” she mumbled against him.

“Not completely. She’s only five,” he reminded her teasingly.

“I know.” Liz smiled despite her tears as Max lead her up the driveway. Today was going to be a long, hard day.

“When are you leaving?” she asked when they entered the kitchen a few minutes later.

“In a few minutes, I just have to catch a meeting and then I’ll be back. So I’ll meet you for lunch, okay baby?” he asked kissing her lips gently and swiping away her remnant tears.

“You’re perfect,” she whispered out.

“I’m not perfect Liz. I don’t want you to think I am,” he began to clarify.

“I know Max…but I think…” she trailed off with a teasing glace up at him.


“I think you are as close to perfect as anyone could be. I’m so happy Max.” She smiled genuinely at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“You and Alexis, make me happy remember that.” Max smiled wrapping his arms around her slim waist, and resting his head against her shoulder, soaking her in for what seemed like the hundredth time today. She would never cease to amaze him with her words.

He knew in that instant, that he was living heaven on earth and he was thankful.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:54 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - This is really an update *lol* I can't say how sorry I am its taking me forever and with my limited time schedule, I will try to be better but no promises! I wanted to thank each of you, but alas I have no time. Nex time I will get you all... :wink:

This is a bit of a transition and does include a few things that will take us into the next few parts...hope you enjoy nevertheless. I read through it once, so if there are any mistakes I will correct them when I have a moment...

Chapter 30

“She sounds lovely, what is her name?”

“Alexis, and she is a handful at times, but for the most part she is a perfect angel,” Liz beamed brightly as she explained to her new coworkers that it was her daughter’s first day of school. Liz stopped by the bookstore to fill out some preliminary paperwork, prior to her starting the following day.

“Have you lived here long?” asked the middle-aged woman; name Rita, whom she would be working with quite often.

Liz paused, pen in hand to regard the woman. She had spoken very little in the hour or so Liz had been there, but now she seemed peculiarly interested in the conversation ever since she mentioned she had a daughter.

“What I meant so ask was, have you lived in town long? I don’t recall seeing you before,” Rita reworded her question, acting indifferent, as she placed her elbow on the counter in front of her. She began to make mental notes of the conversation; this was proving to be an exceptionally interesting day.

“I just moved to town a couple of months. I live with M…a friend of mine,” Liz recovered quickly. Granted she knew there had to be more than one person named Max in the neighborhood, but he was a famous person living in the area and so she thought better of saying his name. She was also sure to not give the exact amount of time she had been residing in the neighborhood.

“Okay Miss Parker, it seems as though I have everything I need from you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning,” The manager stood and reached out her hand, which Liz shook immediately before leaving the store.

Liz walked out of the building thinking the job would be perfect for her and she couldn’t wait to start. However, for some reason in the back of her mind she felt something just wasn’t right. She pushed that thought to the side; she was just being paranoid for no reason.


“Are you serious, Max?” Michael asked for what seemed like the third time in a period of fifteen minutes. Max had just recapped dinner with Kyle and Serena, and how much Serena looked like him. In doing so, he had to break down and tell Michael about his mother’s journal and his sister.

“I told you, I wanted to say something but I thought it didn’t matter,” Max tried to explain his reasoning for keeping secrets from him.

“I can understand that, but you know you could’ve come to me.” Michael was still somewhat speechless. To not only find out that his best friend had a sister that was taken from the hospital the day of her birth, but to also find out that there was a girl that looked identical to Max, whom was dating a friend, was almost too unbelievable. He could understand Max’s apprehension in finding out Serena’s true identity, if there was any other identity than what she had already told Kyle and Max.

“I know. I’m sorry.” Max apologized while taking a look at his watch, it was almost time for him to meet Liz for lunch and he didn’t want to be late.

“Don’t even worry about it. So what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I honestly think Liz feels I should talk to Serena, she hasn’t said anything but I know her.” Max laughed to himself softly.

“So, you and Liz are progressing nicely?” Michael quirked up his eyebrow in question. He hadn’t seen his friend this happy in his entire life, and he was glad that his accident worked out for the better.

“Nicely? Nah, I’d say we were doing better than that.” Another smile played on his lips.

“So you finally fell?” Michael deduced quickly.

“Fell?” Max questioned confusingly.

“In love, you finally know what it feels like.” Michael elaborated.

“Yeah…I do. It’s damn amazing,” Max said as he leaned back in his chair, resting his hands behind his head. He missed Liz, he wondered if that was normal.

“It is. So, did she finally crack?” Michael knew that Liz was a tough one, understandably so, but he wondered if she let her walls down enough to love his best friend back. It appeared so, seeing as Max couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

“Yup! It was rough there for a while, but she told me last night. I have to tell you Michael, I don’t know how long I can take it.”

“Take what?”

“Waiting to be with her, have her be mine.”

“You mean…” Michael’s mind was racing.

Max simply nodded. Marriage was exactly what he wanted from Liz. He didn’t want to wait, but he knew he didn’t have a choice. It was too fast, too soon. Hell, she only just told him she loved him last night, it was definitely too soon. But God, did he want it.
“All right, where is my best friend and what did you do with him?” Michael joked knowing that his friend was in love for the first time, and Michael knew it was the kind of love that would last forever. The only problem was would it be the same for Liz? He didn’t want his friend investing all of himself, if down the line, Liz changed her mind. Which Michael wouldn’t blame her for doing, but it would devastate Max to the core, and Michael knew, Max would never recover.

“I know! This is some crazy shit! I mean this is me; Max Evans player extraordinaire. But I tell you Michael I can hardly breath with her around. The woman drives me insane.” Max leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table in front of him.

“That’s excellent, Max. I told you one day you would find the right one. What does Liz think of all this?”

“She doesn’t know. And I don’t plan on telling her, yet. We need time to get used to being together and I figured I needed to get things settled with Serena first.” Max explained, although deep down he wanted Serena to be his sister. He wasn’t quite sure what to think about that, so for now he wouldn’t discuss it.

“I would have to say, I agree with you there. How is the munchkin doing?” Michael asked about his favorite little five year old.

“She’s doing great. Today was her first day of school and I’m supposed to meet Liz in a few. You should stop by for dinner, that way she can tell you about her first day. What’s Maria up to? I haven’t seen her around,” Max treaded lightly, knowing that Michael had explained Maria had to go out of town for two weeks for some kind of training.

“Maria? She’s good. You know? Good…and busy…” Michael trailed off avoiding Max’s eyes.


“I’m going to ask her to move in with me when she gets back?” he rushed out.

“I think that’s great, Michael. I’m glad things are working out so well between the two of you.” Max smiled at his best friend.

“Now, all we need to do is figure out who this Serena girl really is.” Michael concluded.

Max nodded in agreement. “First things first, I have to meet Liz. How about after dinner, and once Alexis is in bed we’ll all talk about it?” he asked already rising to his feet.

“Sounds great. I’ll give you a call later.”

Max made his way out of the crowded diner and onto the sidewalk. He didn’t know why but he got the strangest feeling he was being watched. Brushing off the feeling, knowing that someone was always looking for a story, he made his way over to his truck, in hopes of not being late for Liz.


“Hey baby, how did the interview go?” Max asked as soon as Liz entered the small quaint restaurant he’d made reservations at earlier, not far from the house.

“It was really good. I like it there, it’s busy but the atmosphere is really nice.” Liz smiled as she leaned over the table slightly, to kiss Max’s lips.

“Tease,” he growled, as she pulled away. Liz ducked her head and blushed, but quickly tipped her head back and threw him a wink. She was driving him insane and she hadn’t even done anything. He knew he wouldn’t last long, not long at all.

“So, how was the meeting?” Liz asked after the waiter took their orders.

“It was pretty good. We were discussing the game we have coming up with New York,” Max paused and waited for Liz’s reaction. He knew it was coming, how could he not? During their late night conversations she would talk about wanting to go to New York.

“Oh! When is that game?” Liz asked just as enthusiastically as Max knew she would.

“Well if we win the next three games, we’ll be headed there real soon.” Max explained and enjoyed the feeling he got whenever he looked at Liz and saw her smile.

“I love you,” his words escaped passed his lips in that next instant.

Liz blushed, “I love you too.” She would never grow tired of hearing him say that.

“Anyway,” he continued on trying to act unaffected by her. “I saw Michael afterwards, and I told him about Serena.”

“You did? What did he say? I hope he wasn’t upset that you didn’t tell him sooner.”

“No, he was okay with it. I’m sure a little hurt but he didn’t let on. He thinks I need to find out her true identity. I mean we could be wrong you know?” Max asked trying to hide his disappointment, but Liz knew better. She instinctively reached across the table and took his hand in hers.

“Max, no matter what the outcome I’ll be here and so will Michael. I don’t know though…” she trailed off, piquing Max’s interest.


“I have this feeling, Max. I have this gut feeling that she is your sister. I don’t want to upset you…”

“I think so too baby,” he confided softly. Liz’s eyes met his in the next instant and they both smiled.

“So when are we doing this?” she asked.

“I told Michael we’d talk about it after we put Alexis to bed tonight. I figured we could all have dinner together, since Maria is out of town.”

“That’s an excellent idea, Max. Oh, how do you think she’s doing?” Liz slipped from worried and concerned girlfriend, to worried and concerned mother seamlessly.

“I think she’s probably missing you, but having a good time. To be honest, I can’t wait to see her. It’s weird to not have her around you know?” Max asked as he reached for his glass of iced tea.

“I know you do. I can tell,” Liz confessed.

“Really? How?” Max asked with a small chuckle. Was he that obvious?

“Max, she has been at your side from day one. Which means I know what you look like when she’s around and when she’s not.”

“Liz, that doesn’t mean…I mean don’t think that I don’t love being with you or that…” Max began to ramble on, he wanted to make sure Liz understood that yes, he missed Alexis, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be with her any less. Or, heaven forbid that he didn’t miss her.

“Relax, Max. Although I have to say, if you said that a month ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. But, Max I know you love me…as hard as that is for me to wrap my mind around still, I know you love me for me.”

“That’s right. And I’m going to love you for…” Max’s words were cut off by the arrival of their lunch.

Liz sat frozen in her chair. It wasn’t as if it was the first time Max had said those words to her, but there was something about the way he looked, the way he said them this time, that made her heart race. He couldn’t mean…no, she was simply reading too far into things.

They continued with small talk about the days events and how excited Liz was about her job, and even more so about seeing Alexis a little later in the day.

“Did I tell you Michael’s birthday is in two weeks? I’m thinking we should throw him a party at the house, or should we do it elsewhere?” Max asked as they stood outside in the parking lot, getting ready to meet back at the house.

“I think throwing him a party would be great, will Maria be back by then?” Liz asked since Max had mentioned she was out of town. She needed to get in touch with Maria in any event, as soon as possible, in fact.

“Yes, she’ll be back. So we’ll talk more about it later, we have to make arrangements. I think Alexis will enjoy it.” Max smiled as he pulled Liz into his arms.

“I think so too.” Liz smiled up at Max, leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips softly.

Neither of the two noticed the two men standing a few feet away, snapping an obscene amount of pictures of the loving couple.


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:47 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Look at me updating *lol* Seriously, I told you I would be back soon and here I am. I'm working on WYHWM, so that should be posted either tonight or tomorrow :D

Now, I know you all have questions about who those guys were, Serena's identity and yes Alexis' father. Have no fear, the answers are coming very shortly!!

You guys time and time again blow me away with the feedback, I have to thank you for sticking with me through my slow update patch, but I am back for good with regular updates!

Poison Ivy

Hope you enjoy cause I feel a little rusty... :roll:

Chapter 31

“Liz, if you keep biting your nails, you’ll break skin soon,” Max joked lightheartedly as he and Liz stood just inside the iron gates that surrounded his property. Alexis’ bus was due to arrive in a few minutes.

“I know. I can’t help it. Oh, Max I hope she had a good day.” Liz turned worried eyes up at Max, who, as always, offered her a bright smile of reassurance. She knew this day would come, but she had assumed that she would have to do it alone. Now though, Liz knew so long as she was with Max, she would never have to go through anything alone. It gave her a sense of comfort, but not without fear. Things were going so well, better than she could have ever dreamed. Liz knew it was just her nerves eating at her, how could they not? She and Max were in love, they were starting their lives together, her daughter was growing up, she was starting a new job; it was almost too much.

“Hey, you okay?” Max turned and pulled her into his arms. He breathed in her scent and smiled against her temple. So soft, so perfect…his. God, he never thought it would be that good. Never in one million years, had he thought that being in love could feel as wonderful as it did.

“I’m great, actually. Its just things have changed so quickly you know…” Liz trailed off peering up into his eyes slowly. She noticed instantly how his body froze; she didn’t want to worry him, the last thing on her mind.

“Max, I’m happy you know that. I’m just saying my life has changed and continues to change…for the better every minute I spend with you.” She smiled when she saw realization dawn in his brown eyes.

“Oh! There she is!” Liz jumped into Max’s arms the moment she saw the bus pull up the main road.

Max simply smiled and enjoyed watching Liz, yet another thing he would never grow tired of.

As soon as the bus pulled to a stop in front of them, Liz ran to it, waiting anxiously to see her daughter. And never one to disappoint, Alexis saw her mother and jumped from the bus, straight into her mother’s arms.

“Mommy! I missed you!” Alexis smiled as she hugged her mother, wrapping her arms tightly around her mother’s neck. The next instant though, she pulled back and kissed her mother’s cheek softly before requesting to be put down on her feet. Liz smiled knowing exactly what Alexis was doing. Abiding by her daughter’s request, she grabbed her daughter’s book bag and watched as Alexis ran straight towards Max.

“Max!” Alexis smiled as she ran with open arms to Max, who was already kneeling down on one knee waiting for the small girl to reach him. He couldn’t hide the tears that formed in his eyes, at her enthusiasm at seeing him.

“I missed you!” she whispered out as Max stood with her in his arms. She kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck, just like she did her mommy’s.

“We missed you too, princess.” Max smiled as he lifted her over his head and placed her on his shoulders. Liz was by his side in that next instant. Together Max and Liz walked hand and hand up his driveway.

To the unknowing eye, they were the perfect family, mother, father and child. To the real world, they appeared to be, Max the ex-pro football player, his girlfriend and her daughter. To the two reporters standing off to the side of the lavish property, it was a story. A story they now had exclusive information on; information, that would make them very rich.


“It was so big, mommy!” Alexis beamed brightly as she ate another piece of her lasagna. Her mommy made it just for her, and she got to help this time without falling asleep.

“I bet it was. So were the other kids nice?” Liz asked never removing her eyes from her daughter. It seemed as though the day went really well for her, but Liz wanted to make sure. Liz had already grilled her as soon as they got back to the house that afternoon, but Liz was just being cautious. Max watched the exchange between mother and daughter; he wondered how it was possible to love two people as much as he did them.

Michael sat across from Max and Liz, watching them closely. If Max thought it was too soon for the wedding bells to ring, he was surely mistaken. Michael could clearly see the way Liz looked at Max, when she thought he wasn’t looking. That, he thought, was a very good thing. He knew they would still take their time, but just knowing they both ultimately wanted the same thing, gave him a sense of peace. With those thoughts taken care of, he really wanted to find out more about this Serena girl Kyle was dating.

“Yes! The boys were nice too, mommy. The one, his name was Justin, he helped me carry my book bag.” Liz smiled.

“Justin? Who’s Justin?” Both Max and Michael spoke up for one of the very few times since they’d sat at dinner.

“He’s a boy! He’s not big like you though, Max. He’s little like me.” Alexis explained as she took a sip of her raspberry water.

“Well, he better stay little,” Max grumbled under his breath. Liz couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped her lips. He was simply adorable.

For the remainder of dinner, they all took turns asking Alexis about school. It seemed as though she couldn’t wait to go back the next day, which helped ease the pressure Liz was feeling.

Once dinner was concluded, both Max and Liz tucked Alexis into bed, at her request. Which left, the adults to the conversation that was anxiously waiting to be talked about…Serena.

“Did you ask Kyle about her?” Michael asked once they settled in the living room.

“I did, he told me Serena told him all about her childhood and growing up. Nothing was mentioned about her being adopted.”

“Max, she might not know. If her parents are the ones that took her from the hospital, then she wouldn’t know.” Liz concluded quickly.

“No. I can’t do that to her then.”

“What? Do what to her? If she’s your sister then you have a right, as does she, to know the truth.” Michael jumped in.

Max stood and began pacing. Running a frustrated hand through his hair, he needed to think about this rationally. He couldn’t just rip apart someone else’s life just so he could get his answers. It wasn’t fair.

“I can’t destroy her life, even if it may be a lie.” Max said as he took a position on the couch in the far corner of the room.

“If it is a lie, then doesn’t she deserve to know the truth?” Michael bit out angrily. This was Max’s only link to his family. Of course he may have had aunts and uncles, but now that Max had found his mother’s journal, they knew the only family either of his parents had were their parents. Which, Liz had concluded had long since passed. Serena’s striking likeness was the only link left, and he wouldn’t let his friend let it die too.

“The truth at what cost? This is her life!” Max ground out, frustrated. He knew everything Michael was saying was the truth, but could he do that?

Liz watched somewhat awed at the electricity in the room, Max and Michael were both passionate about this. She however, could see it from both their sides and honestly there was a simple way to resolve it, why didn’t they see it?

“Cost?! How about for closure? If it’s not true, then she goes on with her life as it is now,” Michael explained a little more steadily, the heat from his voice gone.

“And if it is true? Then I destroy her every childhood memory. I destroy her every belief. How can I do that in good conscience?” Max turned to regard his best friend.

“I think Max should just ask her. Why don’t we just start from there?” Liz finally spoke up as she reached out for Max’s hand, which he immediately offered.

“How do you mean?” Max whispered out.

“We invite her and Kyle over again, this time you talk to her alone. Just ask her, or better yet, why don’t you tell her some of your story? About finding your mother’s journal, how they died and how you just found out you had a sister. Let her make the conclusion all her own.” Liz explained softly.

“What if she doesn’t?” Max asked hesitantly.

“Max, if she didn’t see the uncanny likeness the two of you have, then you walk away. I know you don’t want to destroy her life, this way she gets to make the choice. It might hurt you, if she really is your sister, but it will be of her making.” Liz smiled when she saw Max’s shoulders relax.

“How the hell did you get so smart?” Max smirked when he heard Michael’s comment.

“Ditto, baby.” Max smiled and kissed her lips softly.

“And that’s my cue to leave!” Michael clapped his hands together and stood.

“You don’t…”

“Oh trust me, brother, I have to.” Michael winked at Liz and watched as she blushed. Making his quick getaway, he knew he needed to get home. He missed Maria something fierce. He was quickly counting the days until she was back home. It wasn’t soon enough.


Two Weeks Later

“Mommy, I don’t look pretty enough!” Alexis huffed out the evening of Michael’s surprise birthday party.

“Honey, you look beautiful.” Liz tried to convince her daughter for the tenth time that day that she truly did look pretty. Where was all of this coming from, she wondered to herself. It had been going on for the past couple of days, and Liz didn’t understand it at all. She tried to talk to her daughter, but Alexis simply brushed it off and would change the subject.
“Mommy?” Alexis spun around in her knee length emerald green satin dress. Her soft brown curly hair was left out and held back in the front with two crystal beaded green barrettes. Her bangs were blown out so they lay just above her eyebrows, and to complete her look she had matching earrings and a bracelet.

Liz turned from the perusal of her closet, to regard her daughter. She only had twenty minutes to find something to wear. The guests would be arriving and Liz wanted to make the very best impression. She and Max had been living together for a few months, but she had yet to meet anyone he worked and previously played with. Nor had she met any of he and Michael’s friends. Today was a very important day, she was truly terrified of what people would be expecting from Max’s girlfriend.

“Yes honey?”

“Since, Max loves you and you love him, does that mean that he gets to be my daddy now?” Alexis blinked up rapidly to regard her mother. She really hoped that she was right.

Liz was expecting this question ever since the day Alexis walked in on her and Max. She couldn’t lie, but she wasn’t sure what the truth of the matter was. Did Max love Alexis like a daughter? Yes, absolutely. Was he ready to be her father? If she had to fathom a guess, she would also say yes. However, she and Max had not discussed it any further than him wanting to be, but that would entail so much more and she didn’t want to commit Max to something without speaking with him first. Why did everything have to be so complicated?

“I know you want Max to be your daddy and…”

“Do you mommy? Do you want Max to be my daddy?” she asked innocently.

“Yes, I do. But we have to remember that no matter what happens he loves us.”

“So if you want him to be my daddy and I want him to be my daddy, can’t he just be my daddy? Can’t I just ask him?” Alexis asked feeling a little sad. Did her mommy mean that Max loved them but that maybe he wouldn’t want to be her daddy? She hoped not.

Liz’s heart broke. She quickly kneeled down in front of her daughter. Reaching out she crushed her to her chest and kissed her cheek softly. “Listen to mommy. Max loves you and I love you. You have to understand that just because we want something doesn’t mean we always get it, you know that right?” Liz asked as she framed her daughter’s face in her hands.

“I know mommy. But I really want…” Alexis trailed off.

“I know you do.”

“How are my girls doing?” Max peeked his head into the bedroom. Seeing Liz in her towel just about buckled his knees. How was it that she drove him that crazy without even doing anything?

“Max!” Alexis turned from her mother and ran straight to Max.

“Well doesn’t someone look beautiful today?” Max tweaked her nose and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you, Max.” Alexis whispered into his ear.

“I love you too, princess.” Max narrowed his eyes in confusion when he saw Liz’s face fall. Surely Liz wasn’t upset that Alexis had told him that she loved him. Right?

“I’m gonna go see Maria!” Alexis announced as Max placed her back on her feet. Watching as she closed the door behind her, Max quickly turned back to Liz.

“What’s wrong?” he made his way across the short distance to stand in front of her.

“She just asked me…”

“She asked you…what?” he lifted his hands to her shoulders. Her hair was already dried, and her sheer makeup in place, he wondered if it would be acceptable for her to greet the party guests just in that towel. She looked that beautiful.

“Max, we have to talk.” Liz sounded serious. He cleared his throat and tried to get his heart to stop racing. Would this be a good talk or a bad? He swallowed thickly, but followed her to the bed nevertheless.

“Liz, you’re scaring me,” his voice faltered, he tried to cover it up with a soft chuckle.

“I don’t mean to. But this is really important and I want you to be honest with me.” She wrung her hands together as she turned to face him.


“Alexis wanted to know that since we both love each other, if now you were ready to be her father.”

“Liz,” he began to speak but she continued on as if she hadn’t heard him.

“I don’t want to rush you or your decision. That is not my intention, it’s just that…”

“Liz…” This time he silenced her with a fingertip against her soft lips.


“I already told you early on, I wanted to be her father.”

“I know that Max. But what if…” she trailed off not looking him in the eyes. The one thing she knew drove him mad.

“Don’t do that, Liz.”

“Do what?” she turned back to face him.

“Not look at me. I’m right here, and no matter what you say I won’t be upset.” He lifted his hands over her shoulders and threaded them through her soft, silky hair.

“What if we don’t work out in the end? I hate to think it Max, but I can’t lie to myself either,” Liz shut her eyes and wanted to cry. Things were perfect, she never wanted to be without him, but she had to be realistic. She couldn’t predict the future, and no matter how much she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Max, she just wouldn’t pretend that the possibility didn’t exist that they wouldn’t end up together.

“I know what you mean,” he began and watched as her eyes snapped up to meet his. Was that relief he saw? Or was it something else?

“I know how I feel about you right now, Liz. I know that as long as I live, I want to be with you. I know that right now. And while I can’t predict the future, I can tell you that I will never love anyone the way I do you. I don’t want to. I don’t want anyone but you.” He professed gently as he placed a kiss on her lips.

“But Max…”

“Shh, let me finish.” He smirked and watched as she offered him a small shy smile.

“I’m not delusional and I know it will be a long road, that is, trying to make a relationship work. We’re not the most conventional couple, and I know that the odds are against us working. But the one thing I do know is that I know what our odds are, and I have every reason to believe; that you and I Liz already have this game beat. And do you know why?” he whispered in her ear. Sometime during his speech she managed to crawl into his lap, resting her head against his chest.

“Why?” she leaned her head up, tears streaming down her cheeks. How was it possible that he was her dream come true? It was always supposed to be a fairytale; men like Max just didn’t exist outside of the dream world. However, there she was in his arms and he was as real as anything she’d ever known.

“We’ve already beat the odds on a football star falling in love with a small town girl and her daughter. But that’s not the most important fact,” he smiled and kissed her lips once again. Covering her lips with his, stroking them gently at first, and adding pressure as it built into something more demanding. He tasted her sweet lips, caressed them with his own as their tongues glided swiftly against one another. Her soft moan broke the sexual fog that had settled between them.

Resting his head against her forehead, gasping for air, he waited until she opened her warm brown eyes.

“What fact, Max?” she panted out, enjoying the feel of his warm arms around her.

“How a small town girl managed to tame the player I used to be. How that same small town girl managed to ruin me for anyone else.”

“Ruined you how?” she teased as she stroked his collar with the tip of her index finger. Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he nuzzled her neck gently before answering her question.

“She made me fall in love with her, without even trying. And I’ve never wanted anything more than I want to be with you.”

“Only me?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Only ever you, Liz. You take my breath away, like no one ever could.” He captured her lips once again, running his hands up her back, preparing to take the kiss further.

“Okay guys! Guests have started to arrive, so put your clothes on and stop making out like teenagers and get the hell out here!”

“Maria,” Liz giggled into Max’s chest.

“Not one for subtlety.” Liz shook her head.

“Remind me why I like her again?” Max joked as he placed Liz on her feet.

“She’s Maria, no further explanation needed.” Max and Liz both nodded their heads in agreement.

“I’ll let you finish getting ready,” Max said as he slipped out the door before Maria busted it down.

“Max!” Liz called out just as he was closing the door.

“Yeah?” he peeked his head back inside the room.

‘I love you,’ she mouthed.

“Me too baby.” Max smiled as he closed the door.


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:49 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - I'm back with an update...are you surprised? You really shouldn't be, I told you I'd be back soon :)

Just wanted to say...the answers are coming and this part should shed some light on Serena...and about Alex's father its coming sooner than you think!

Thanks for reading guys! I know this isn't a short story and for those of you that have stuck with me, lurkers or otherwise, I appreciate it!!

P.S. I think some of my feedback got pruned...sooo if you're not listed below, its not that I forgot you its that I didn't get to see your feedback :cry:

Hope you enjoy!!

Roswell 10/2/00

Chapter 32

The party was in full swing. Michael had arrived two hours ago and was pleasantly surprised to see a full house and a birthday party that was just for him. His birthday was always something Max made a big deal about, mainly because most of his earlier birthdays were spent in an orphanage. Not exactly the kind of memories a child wanted to carry around.

“Max, Liz said you wanted to talk to me.” Kyle approached Max after a few minutes of watching him, watch Liz. He couldn’t help but smirk. He’d never seen Max react that way with any woman…ever. It was a nice change and he was glad that things had worked out for the better.

“Yeah. Can we talk in the kitchen for a minute?” Max asked as he tore his eyes away from Liz. She looked stunning, but then again when didn’t she, he thought. There she stood across the room wearing a silk, deep wine colored dress, it came just above her knees, and her heels matched perfectly. Honestly, it didn’t matter what she wore, she would have still looked perfect to him. Her shoulders, so soft and delicate looking, her legs trim and sleek looking…

“Earth to Max,” Kyle ribbed him. Max finally snapped out of his trance and lead Kyle to the kitchen.

“So what’s up?” Kyle fidgeted a little. He was always so intimidated by Max. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he was sure it had a little something to do with the fact that Max was always so damn hard on him.

“I wanted to talk to you about Serena.”

“Serena? Why?” he almost wanted to yell. How could Max be interested in Serena when he had a great girl like Liz? He sagged his shoulders in defeat. Kyle knew that if Max wanted a girl; he would have her no matter what. He didn’t stand a chance. Oh well, it wasn’t like he loved her or anything…right?

“Kyle, what I’m going to tell you can’t be repeated. Only Liz and Michael know and now you will to, I’d like to keep it that way.” Max pinned him with a stern look.

“Okay.” Kyle wasn’t quite sure what to make of Max’s demand, but decided if he knew what was best for him, he’d agree.

“A while ago, I found my mother’s diary or journal…whatever. Anyway in it I found out that I was a twin.”

“Wow! So you really do have family. Max, that’s great…” Kyle trailed off when he noticed the saddened look on his face.

“Yeah great. Look, she was taken from the hospital the day she was born. My parents never found her and I guess I was too young for them to talk to me about her. I don’t know, but anyway…”

“Oh God…you don’t think…?” Kyle trailed off knowingly. He knew exactly what Max was getting at. Yes, it was uncanny how much he and Serena looked alike, but Max couldn’t possibly think that she was his sister.

“I do think. So does Liz and now that Michael has seen her, he does as well. I know what you’re thinking Kyle.”

“Do you? I don’t think you do. I know her Max and I’ve even met her parents. I’ve seen baby pictures and…”

“That would all make sense.”

“No, you can’t just come into her life and bring all this stuff up. What if you’re wrong Max?” Kyle pinned him with a dubious glare. Was Max that selfish?

“That’s not what I’m afraid of, Kyle.” Max spoke gently, patiently, knowing how Kyle’s feeling for Serena had progressed rapidly.

“Then what are you afraid of?” Kyle glared at him. Why had he ever invested any time in being Max’s friend? That was the question that was plaguing his mind.

Max squared his shoulders and looked Kyle right in the eyes, “I’m afraid that I might be right. And that if I am, I will be destroying everything she’s ever believed,” Max admitted and then looked away.

Good God, would Max ever cease to amaze him?

“I knew I kept you around for a reason. Thanks for proving everyone wrong,” Kyle joked lightly, knowing the severity of the situation.

“What?” Max peered up with a raised eyebrow.

“Everyone always said you never cared about anyone else’s feelings. That all you ever worried about was you and Michael, but I have to say I’m glad they were wrong. So, what do you plan on doing about this?”

“Well Liz had an idea, but I didn’t want to do it behind your back.” Max shrugged his shoulders.

“What plan?” Max then proceeded to explain to Kyle how he wanted to approach Serena. After the confusion had settled, Kyle felt it was the best tackle to the situation. Knowing that Max was that concerned about Serena made Kyle believe that it was truly in the best interest of everyone to know the truth.


“Hi Max. Kyle said you wanted to see me?” Serena asked as she entered what appeared to be a study or office. She noticed the large picture hanging over the fireplace on the other side of the room. She wasn’t quite sure what Max had wanted, and honestly she was quite unsettled when she was around him. Maybe it was the way he looked at her, or maybe it was the fact that he looked so much like her. She wanted to deny it the first time they met, but she would have had to be blind not to notice the similarities they shared. All the same, that didn’t mean anything and her parents later confirmed it for her as well.

This was it, the moment of truth. It could go one of two ways, and Max prayed it went his. Max spun around and closed the book he held in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he smiled and greeted her.

“Hi, thanks for coming. You can have a seat if you’d like.” Max extended his hand and motioned towards the leather couch, but she simply shook her head. This was going to be so much harder than he thought.

“So I guess you’re wondering why I asked to speak with you,” he began treading lightly.

“Yes,” came her one word response. She was nervous but didn’t know why. She knew the truth and if Max were going to ask her what she thought he was, then she would simply explain he had the wrong girl.

“Those are my parents,” Max motioned towards the painting above the fireplace. Serena simply nodded and fidgeted uncomfortably. He wished that Liz was there with him, but she felt he needed to do this part alone.

“They died in an accident when I was five,” he cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Serena spoke for the first time, sorrow evident in her voice.

“After all was said and done, I ended up in an orphanage where I met Michael. He was all I had, and I was all he had for so long. I carried around this book bag with me, it was the one thing I had left that my parents gave me before they died. Inside, I put as many things as I could carry from our house before I was taken from there. One of which was my mother’s journal. I never read it, not until recently that is. I guess it took me so long because I felt like I was invading her privacy you know?” Max chanced a look at Serena, and noticed that she was now seated on the couch in front of the fireplace.

“I’m sure she would have wanted you to read it though. They may have been her personal thoughts, but being as she died when you were so young, I’m sure she would have wanted you to have it. That way you could get to know her better when you grew up, so you could feel a part of her.” Serena offered genuinely.

“I know that now, thanks to Liz. But there was something in there that she wrote, something I never knew about and then…” he trailed off deliberating whether to tell her now or to let her draw her own conclusion.

“Then?” Serena questioned, her heart thrumming in her chest. What was wrong with her?

“My mother wrote about her being pregnant with me and about her labor. She wrote that she was so happy her children were born and they were perfect. Everything she and my father wanted them to be. She and my father never got to meet their daughter, and I never knew about her. U-until I read this,” Max thrust forward the journal. Serena’s eyes had misted up by that point. How sad of a story, so much pain in his eyes, and she hated that she would soon deliver more bad news.

“Max, I’m not her. I’m not your sister…I’m sorry.” Serena stood and peered into his eyes. Eyes that mirrored her own, and that’s when she truly took the time to look at Max. She noticed the structure of his nose, the shape and distinct color of his eyes, the color of his skin but more importantly she was finally close enough to notice the birthmark. She hadn’t thought it was a birthmark until that moment, she always thought of it as a beauty mark. But how would two strangers have the exact beauty mark on their upper lip? How was it possible that both strangers had the same eyes, same exact hair color and the same birthmark? No! Her mind shouted out to her. It was purely coincidence. There was no possible way that she was his long lost sister…twin at that.

“Are you sure?” he had to ask. He couldn’t stop himself.

She was stunned into silence. Serena looked at him again and nodded her head. “I’m positive,” was the last thing she said before fleeing the room.

A sad smile played on his lips in the wake of her departure. She believed it, despite what she said, she did. And now, she would either find out that her parents were lying to her all her life or she would find out that she and he simply looked alike. Nothing more. His heart told him better, as well as his mind.

Serena was his sister.


Liz was nervous for Max. Whatever happened within the next few minutes would be big. The party was winding down and some of the guests were leaving, which was just as well since everyone had pretty much drank and ate everything there was in the house, she laughed to herself.

Alexis had fallen asleep an hour ago and Liz had just returned from putting her to bed upstairs. Just as Liz reached the bottom step she heard the doorbell ring. Who would be arriving this late, she wondered.

Making the long trip through the main hall and into the foyer, she pulled open the door and stood stunned by the sight before her.

“Hi, is Max home?” said the red head that stood on the other side of the door. Liz was speechless, was this woman serious? Liz eyed her up and down and thought it had to be some kind of joke.

“I’m sorry, and you are?” Liz questioned.

“Just tell him Candi is here to see him. Trust me he’ll want to see me,” she winked and waited impatiently, at that for the short brunette to let her in.

“Candi? Right, okay. Look obviously this is a joke…”


“Yes. You come here dressed in a scrap of material you are trying to pass off as a dress, and tell me you want to see Max. Are you a friend?” Liz questioned as she crossed her hands over her chest.

“A friend? Sure, if you want to call me that.”

“Look, either you are a friend or not!” Liz was growing impatient and to be honest, worried. Very worried.

“Let’s just say I know Max…intimately.” Liz’s jaw dropped, her voice escaped her. This couldn’t be one of his…no…Max had told her he was done with all that.

“Sorry but are you going to let me in, or am I going to have to call him for you?” Candi said pushing passed the door fairly easily, seeing as how Liz was frozen on the doorstep.

A moment later Serena ran past Liz, followed quickly by Kyle. Liz still had not moved from her spot, only the sound of Candi screeching out Max’s name managed to draw her attention back. Slamming the door shut, Liz marched into the living room.

“I’m sorry but I don’t remember saying you could come into my house!” Liz ground out coldly.

“Your house? Right! Now that’s a joke. Seriously, where is Max?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Oh honey, he is my business. In fact, that’s what I’m here for.”

“What?” Liz asked confusingly. She just wanted this night to be over.

“Me and Max go way back. I’m in town for the week and we have a lot of business to catch up on, if you know what I mean?” Again with the wink! Liz was furious. She turned on her heels and stalked towards Max’s study. Ripping the door open she just about collided with him.

“Liz? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, you want to know what’s wrong? Did you forget you had a hot date tonight?” Liz tried to conceal her hurt with anger.

“I could never forget any dates I have with you,” he said as he reached out for her but she pulled away quickly.

“No! Not me.”

“Liz, what the hell are you talking about?” he asked, growing frustrated with the situation. What was going on?

“Candi.” Liz saw realization dawn on his face.

“How could you?!” she cried out as she ran from the room.

“Liz! Liz wait!” Max called out after her but ran straight into the cause of the problem.

“Max, finally!”

“Get the hell off of me!” Max ground out.

“In fact, get the hell out of my house!” he said as he proceeded to make his way out of the room.

“Excuse me? Where the hell do you get off?”

“What did you say to her?”


“I’m going to ask you once more, and then I’m physically throwing you out of this house.”

“All I said was that I knew you intimately and that…”

“Why would you do that?” his eyes narrowed in fury.

“Max, come on! You act like you give shit.”

“I do! Now get out! Don’t ever come back. Ever.” He yelled out furiously and noticed that Michael had entered the room. Michael knew Candi, not as well as Max, but he knew of her. She was someone Max kept on the side for his personal use. Damn, apparently Liz had found out, this was not good. Not good at all. Max pinned him with a helpless look and Michael nodded his understanding.

“Hey Candi, let me show you the front gate. Maybe you should take a picture, because it’s as close as you’ll ever come to it again.” Michael quickly ushered her from the room. Leaving Max to find Liz…quickly.


Taking the stairs two at a time, he searched their bedroom and then her old room, to no avail. Liz wasn’t anywhere in sight. Making a quick decision, he ran down to the second floor, and that’s where he found her. In the theater, lying on the long red couch, crying her eyes out.

“Liz,” he whispered out.

“Don’t talk to me, Max.”

“You have it all wrong.”

“Do I?” she peered up at him with sad, teary eyes.


“Was she not someone you slept with?” she questioned already knowing the answer.

Max stood stunned, what could he say? He wouldn’t lie. Taking a ragged breath, he nodded.

“See, so she was one of your play things.” Liz muttered in satisfaction.


“Don’t Liz me! Why would you tell her to come here?”

“What?” his eyes narrowed in confusion.

“I haven’t spoken to her in over eight months, Liz. I swear to you.” He said as he came to stand before her.

“She was really pretty,” she choked out another sob.

“No, she wasn’t.” Max smirked. Liz was jealous. He could easily resolve that.

“How can you say that?! Max, she was tall and she was…perfect.”

“Not by a long shot, Liz.” Max kneeled in front of her, pulling her into a sitting position. He was glad he had the hindsight to lock the door behind him.

“I- I know that you slept with other girls, Max. B-but I never wanted to see what one of them looked like.”

“Liz, don’t cry.”

“Why do you love me?”

“What?! We are not going through that again Liz. We are not moving backwards,” he bit out frustrated with the entire situation. He understood her anger and hurt, but he would never betray her, not for anyone.

“Liz, if you think I cheated on you or something. I didn’t. I could never,” he began softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“What? No, Max…I didn’t mean to make you think that. I was just hurt and upset. I wasn’t prepared to see her.” Liz apologized and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I know you didn’t. Love me, Liz.” He whispered out to her.

“I do love you,” she responded just as softly.

“No. Love me. Trust me.”

“I trust you,” she whispered out as she brought her lips to his. They knew this was one of many more obstacles they would need to overcome, but so long as they had their trust they knew the would make it.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:56 pm
by PSW2001
Thanks for this great part! Liz and Max together will get through the past and consolidate their relationship with trust and confidence. Post new part please.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:38 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Yes you are reading correctly it is an update in a timely manner! I told you I was trying harder. In any event, this part was originally 17 pages long, but I had to cut the end off to carry over to the next part otherwise it would have been 20 pages, and since I've used the greater part of 8 hours to write this part...I have nothing left in me *lol*

I want to thank all of you for your feedback and encouragement, it truly means a lot to me and keeps me going! Besides the fact, I do enjoy writing this story!

Oh and a very special thanks to La'Shon who is always there when I need her, to offer her opinion on things. Especially when my mind goes off in one direction, which sadly is not the direction of the story *lol* Love you girl!

Now...on with the show!

Chapter 33

“Michael do you think we should leave?” Maria asked after everyone had cleared the house. Max and Liz were still upstairs, and Alexis was in asleep in her bed.

“Nah, let’s just go upstairs. There are plenty of extra rooms. Besides, I think Max and Liz need some alone time.” Michael responded as he secured the alarm and turned off the lights on the lower level.

“Should we let them know?” she asked as they made their way to the elevator.

“If I know Max, he’ll know that I didn’t leave and besides there is a monitor in Alexis’ room, so they can check on her from there.” Michael smiled as he pulled Maria into his arms.

“I missed you, you know?” he murmured against her soft lips.

“I did too. What do you say we make up for lost time?” she winked as she entered the elevator with Michael trailing behind her.

“Sounds like an exceptional plan.”

<center>**** </center>

“So, was your plan to drive me crazy all night in that dress?” Max asked after they broke their kiss.

“No. Just most of it.” Liz blushed as she reached out to balance herself using his shoulders.

“Where are you going? I’m not done with you yet,” he teased as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against his body.

“I figured you were tired,” she smiled sweetly at him.

“Not tired enough to make out with my hot girlfriend,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her, right before he sealed their lips.

“How did it go with Serena?” Liz asked as they found a comfortable place on the couch to cuddle.

“She ran out on me. But I’m telling you Liz, I saw something in her eyes when she looked at me. Its like she was trying to fight what she really knew,” he shrugged his shoulders, pulling Liz closer.

“Do you think she’ll come around?”

“Maybe. I hope so. I know how hard it must be, but if she is my sister, then I want to know her. She’s the only family I have left,” he explained in a hoarse whisper and then realized how his words could be taken.


“No. I understand. She’s your only blood relative, but more than that, she’s your twin sister.” Liz quickly explained her understanding.

“You and Alexis are my family, just like Michael is. I just never thought I’d actually find her.” He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“Max are you tired?” she asked softly.

“Yeah, but can we just stay here for a little while?” he mumbled out as he began to doze off. Liz cuddled closer to his side, and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to place around them.

“Not at all. Sweet dreams, Max.”

“You too baby.”


One Week Later

“Honey what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, mommy.” Alexis sniffled again. Liz had tried for the greater part of an hour to find out why her daughter had come off the school bus practically in tears. Not only was she worried something happened, but also she was confused as to why her daughter wouldn’t tell her.

“Lexi, you know you can tell me anything right?” Liz tried to soothe her, carrying her into the kitchen, she placed her on the counter top. She was in the middle of preparing dinner and didn’t want to burn it.

“I know mommy,” she turned her face away from her mother to look at the back door.

“When is Max coming home?” Alexis asked and Liz’s head snapped up from the pot she was stirring.

“He should be home in a little while, did you want to talk to him instead?” Liz asked, feeling a little hurt but trying to hide it. She wasn’t jealous of Max, not in the least, but there was something wrong with her daughter and her daughter didn’t want her for it. It was different, but she knew it was also a part of Alexis growing up and becoming closer to Max. And because she knew this, it helped with the impact of the situation.

“Yes, mommy but I don’t want to make you sad,” she turned to her mother with sad eyes.

“I’m not. I love you baby, you know that right?” Liz felt the need to reassure her daughter.

“I know mommy! I love you too! Can I go watch Scooby now?”

“Of course, you can.” Liz helped her off the counter and watched as she happily bounced out of the kitchen. With a small smile tugging on her lips, she returned to getting dinner done.

Liz was setting up the dinning room for dinner. As she placed the silverware down she couldn’t help the smile that played on her lips. She never thought staying home and raising a family was in her future. Of course she had Alexis, but working was a means of survival then. Now though, being with Max she actually had choices and while finishing school was one of them, raising a family was another.

She hadn’t known when the thought occurred but it did nevertheless. And she found herself wondering if it was too soon to be thinking of it. Max did, and had openly told her that having a family and being with her was his ultimate goal. Deep, profound happiness settled in her heart, she knew Max was the one for her. It was getting to that ultimate point that was the tricky part.

Liz knew they couldn’t rush things and although she did have a mini breakdown just last week over that wretched girl, she knew deep down Max loved her. More over, she knew that despite the fact that she knew they needed to go slow, there was nothing stopping them. Except maybe for themselves.

It was a hard conversation to swallow that next morning, when they’d awoken. Liz had asked Max about his other partners, and whether or not he had ever been tested. Having countless sexual partners, Max had understood her concern. He had actually taken her upstairs a few minutes later and handed her a file. In it contained his medical records for the last eight years. Liz had refused to look at first, but Max had insisted. He wanted her to know that when the time was right, that she would be safe with him. As she leafed through the file, she saw that he not only got tested on a yearly basis, but as he got older, and she would suspect more famous, he was tested nearly every three months.

“I’ve never had unprotected sex, Liz.” He had explained candidly to her. He knew she didn’t want to know the details, but it was something she knew they needed to discuss.

“Did you ever want to?” had been her question in response.

“No, I never did because I knew how important it was for myself that I didn’t.” She had smiled until her face hurt with that news. Which was why she was more than glad she had gotten on birth control a few months ago. Knowing that Max had not been sexually active over the past few months and that she was on birth control, she knew there was nothing in their way. But the time had to be right and she honestly didn’t have enough experience to know when exactly that was.

“Oh mommy! Max is home!” Alexis shouted from the living room.

“Okay baby!” Liz responded with a smile in her voice.

Now she hoped that Alexis would tell Max the problem so that she would know already, it was killing her to wait.


“So how was it today?” Liz asked Max while serving up her plate.

“It was pretty good. The guys are gearing up for our game next week. I’ll only be out of town for a few days and when I get back there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.” Max hedged on lightly. He was excited about his meeting today with the General Manager of the Saints; he just hoped that Liz would be as well when he told her.

“Sounds promising,” Liz smiled and motioned for Max to turn his attention to Alexis.

“So princess, how was school today?” Max asked and the moment he did he saw her bottom lip tremble. Oh damn, what did he do now?!

“Lexi, Max asked you a question.”

“I know he did mommy, but I don’t wanna talk about it.” Alexis turned her teary eyes toward her mother then to Max.

When Liz saw Max’s worried eyes, she spoke up quickly. “It’s okay, you can talk to Max later.” Liz smiled her reassurance and saw the tension in Max’s shoulders lessen.

Max had no idea what was going on, but he couldn’t wait to find out. Never had he seen Alexis so sad, it worried him and he hoped something didn’t happen to her at school. If it did, he would fix it immediately and he’d promise her it would never happen again.

After they’d finished dinner, Max offered to help with the cleaning, but Liz insisted he speak to Alexis.

“Princess, why don’t we go outside and you can play on the swings for a little while? Besides, I think Riley needs some fresh air,” Max offered already making his way out the back door.

“Okay!” she said as she followed closely behind him.

After placing her securely on the swing, Max pushed her gently and reveled in the giggle that escaped past her lips a second later.

“So you want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked softly and watched as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Do you think I’m pretty?”

“No, I think you’re beautiful. Why?” he asked in confusion. Where was this coming from, he wondered.

“Mommy says I’m beautiful too, but she’s my mommy.” Alexis offered for what little help it supplied Max.

“Right,” he shook his head not understanding what he was obviously supposed to understand.

“So, she’s a girl.” Alexis said in a small voice. Finally! He understood. It had to do with a boy.

Wait! She was too young to be thinking about boys. He gritted his teeth and continued.

“Lexi, is there a boy that said you were pretty?” he queried.

“No! He said I had cooties! I don’t want cooties, Max! I don’t!” she jumped off the swing and catapulted herself into his arms crying.

“Calm down, baby,” he soothed her gently. He placed kisses on the top of her head and made his way over to the swing she just vacated. He sat holding her crying form for a minute as he watched Riley run around the backyard like a dog gone wild.

“Princess, do you know what cooties are?” he asked gently, mindful of her emotions.

“No! But I don’t want them, Max! And I don’t have them right?” she turned her head up and regarded him with sad eyes. His heart melted at that moment. Even though this was something small, to her it was the biggest thing in the world and he wanted to help her.

“Of course you don’t. Tell me exactly what happened.”

She sniffled and he wiped the tears from her eyes. She turned in his arms to face him completely and played with the fabric at the base of his neck. “Tommy and I were playing on the jungle gym, and I fell down, but I didn’t get hurt. So he helped me and I said thank you, cause mommy always says you should say thank you. And then he told me not to touch him cause I have cooties!” she wailed out again, throwing herself in his arms. He couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped past his lips. He was grateful she didn’t hear it.

“You don’t have cooties. That’s just something boys say to girls when they are your age. Don’t worry when he grows up he won’t think you have cooties,” he tried to explain and then realized he had no idea what he was talking about. Well, he did, but he didn’t. He had never talked to a child her age about things like that. He hoped he didn’t mess up.

“So, if I don’t have them why did he say it?” she asked innocently.

“Ah, Lexi, I can’t answer that, but I can tell you a secret. But if I tell you, you have to promise never to tell anyone else?”

“Not even mommy?” she asked her eyes wide like saucers.

“Not even mommy. This is our secret,” he whispered out.

“Ooh okay! I promise!” she sat up a little straighter and her pigtails bounced up and down with each movement.

“Boys, who like girls but don’t want to, will sometimes say mean things or pull their hair.”


“Because they like them so much, but they are afraid that maybe the girl won’t like them back. So you know what you have to do?”

“What? I can do it Max!” she clapped her hands together enthusiastically.

“You have to pretend that when he says you have cooties, that it doesn’t bother you. Because you know you don’t have them, and you know you are beautiful just like your mommy. And if that doesn’t work, then you tell me and I’ll take care of it,” he added for good measure. No one, not even a five or six year old boy would mess with her for long.


“Yes, really.”

“Yay! Thanks Max!” she propelled her arms around him and kissed his cheek before jumping to her feet and running after Riley.

He smiled in satisfaction for a job well done, he hoped.

“So are you her superhero now?” Liz asked from behind him.

“Nah, I wouldn’t say that.” He turned slightly to pull Liz into his arms.

“Max, we can’t fit on here,” she reprimanded him coolly.

“Sure we can,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head against her shoulder.

“So is everything okay with her?” Liz couldn’t help but ask.

Max laughed softly against her. “Yeah, apparently Tommy told her she had cooties.”

“Oh God! Is that still around?” Liz groaned and her heart ached for her baby girl.

“Apparently, but I think I took care of it.” Liz nodded.

“Thank you, Liz.” He said after a few moments of silence.

“For what?” She turned to regard him.

“For allowing me to be such a part of her life,” he looked up at her with a smile.

“Thank you for being such a big part of her life, Max. She wouldn’t talk to me about it, I think she was embarrassed and so I’m thankful that she if she can’t go to me, then she feels comfortable enough to go to you.” Liz smiled and kissed his lips softly.

“I love you, you know that?” he asked with awe laced in his words.

“I know. And I love you too!” she said as she placed a smacking kiss on his cheek.


The next morning the house was quite. Max rolled over and pulled Liz into his arms. He buried his head in her hair and smiled against her.

“Max?” she whispered out.

“Yeah baby,” he responded over a yawn.

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” he bolted up in the bed and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

“That noise…shh…listen,” she whispered out fear evident in her voice. Max gripped her hand as he rose from the bed.

“Go in the bathroom, Liz.” He urged her on softly.

“No, Max. Alexis is out there.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to her. Liz, the alarm would have gone off if someone broke in.” He tried to reassure her. Knowing that it had to be Michael or even maybe the cook, hell he didn’t know but he would find out soon enough.

“You’re right. Okay. Just come back right away,” she nodded her head and kissed him softly before locking herself in the bathroom.

Max quickly dressed and made his way over to the monitor. He checked Alexis’ room first, then had the system bring up five rooms at a time. Each one empty, and then he caught a shadow moving into the kitchen. Quickly bringing up that room, he looked but to no avail.

“Shit!” he cursed and decided he had to head downstairs with great haste.

Finally, making his way into the living room, he heard noise coming from the dining room. Creeping slowly, he peeked his head inside.

“Damn it Michael! You scared the shit out of me!” he barked out running a frustrated hand through his hair.

“Jeesh! Sorry, I figured you’d be up already.” Michael turned and almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of Max’s voice.

“Yeah well, I am now. And Liz is completely panicked too,” he shook his head and went to the intercom system to alert Liz.

After getting her attention he turned to Michael who had a bunch of papers rolled up in his hands.

“What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you have work?” he asked as they made their way into the kitchen. He needed some coffee, now that his head was throbbing.

Sighing, Michael threw the rolled up papers down on the kitchen table.

“Maxwell, you know better than this.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“This!” Michael thrust the latest tabloid papers at Max. He watched as his best friend unraveled them and as his eyes opened wide in shock.

“You didn’t tell them did you?” Michael eyed him curiously.

“No. How the hell did they find out that much about her?” Before Michael had a chance to ask a question, a small gasp came from the doorway.

“Oh God! What did I do?” Liz covered her mouth with her hand and ran out of the room.

“Liz!” Max called out after her. Turning back to Michael he said, “Take this out. Do me a favor, head upstairs and keep Alexis occupied if she wakes up.” Michael simply nodded and made his way in the direction of her room.

“Liz.” He saw her crying on the living room couch.

“I did it,” she cried out.

“What?!” Max hissed out in disbelief. But she simply shook her head reverently.

“I told my boss and my co-workers all about Alexis and us moving here. She had to know who you were.”

“You told her you lived with me?” He was still in shock. Why would Liz disclose such personal information to strangers?

“No. I didn’t mention your name.” Liz shook her head and tried to explain passed her tears.

“Liz, your picture is in the paper, you know better.” He reprimanded her coolly. He knew that it was only a mistake, but it was a big one. One that would be nearly impossible for him to fix.

“I know. I messed up. Now her name is all over, and when she goes to school people are going to know her.” Liz stood and began to pace. How could she be so stupid?

“I told you we should have enrolled her in a private school and…” Max began only to be cut off.

“I know! Don’t you think I know that? I just wanted her to go to a regular school.”

“Liz, why would you tell them about Alexis?” he asked trying to focus on the problem. Trying to figure out how this all got so messy.

“Because they asked about her, and I thought they seemed nice. I didn’t think they would tell the first person they saw,” Liz drawled out sarcastically with a wave of her hands.

“You have to be more careful. People know me Liz, and they now know you…” he trailed off with a nod of his head. She was simply trying to connect with people, he knew all about that. But in his line of business, it was something that needed to be done gradually, and the trust needed to be earned not given.

“This is crazy! It will never be normal with you will it?” She turned to face him, her shoulders squared and her eyes brimming with tears. It was too good to be true, maybe she was wrong in believing that things with Max were perfect.

“Normal?” he questioned confusingly.

“Yes! I won’t be able to walk into a store without someone knowing that I’m Max Evans’ girlfriend.”

“No. I’m sorry you won’t. Is that too much for you to handle?” he whispered out with an ache in his heart, and his tears evident in his voice.

“I don’t know, Max. I don’t know.” She shook her head sadly, turned on her heels and left him standing in the middle of the room…alone.


“So, how is Alexis doing?” Max asked as he rolled over onto his side. It had been three days since he’d left Liz and Alexis at home. He had a game to tend to and he hated that he had to leave while things were still up in the air between he and Liz.

“She’s doing good. It seems as though Tommy is no longer bothering her.” Liz smiled into the phone. Despite the fact that she was hurting she was happy that at least she and Max could still talk to one another. Granted it was only about Alexis, but it was better than nothing.

“Liz…you know I didn’t want to leave, right?” he asked softly after a moment of silence.

She shook her head even though he couldn’t see. She had tried to hold back her tears but she couldn’t. She missed him, and she wanted to tell him how sorry she was for losing her head but she was ashamed.

“What are we going to do, Liz?” he pleaded almost desperately for her to just respond to him and not close herself off.

“We are going to think, Max. I’m sorry and because of my mistake my daughter is going to suffer.”

“Liz…” he began softly.

“No Max, you can’t make this one better.” There was a finality in her voice that told him she meant it and that he shouldn’t push. So he didn’t. They finished their pleasant conversation with a quick, ‘goodnight’ and that was it.

He wanted to tell her he loved her, but knew that she didn’t want to hear it at that moment. He would give her time.


“Liz in a few years, Max will still be remembered but they’ll know him better as a coach. It won’t be as high profile but it won’t matter because he loves you. You know that right?” Maria had tried to offer her support over the situation. After Liz had called her crying she left work and headed straight to the house to talk to her.

“Yes, I know that. I just feel like I let him down.”

“That’s the problem?” Liz nodded.

“Liz, he understands that this is all new to you. I’m sure he made mistakes like this before.”

“I know, but I messed up so bad. He trusted me Maria and I let him down,” she cried softly to her friend.

“I think what you need to do is forgive yourself for something he obviously has already. You need to just work together to help Alexis and explain to her what’s going on,” Maria tried to soothe her worries, but knew the only person that could make things better was Max. Unfortunately, he wasn’t due home for another day.

Taking Maria’s advice, Liz saw her out and after tucking Alexis into bed she made her way up to her room to call Max.

She let the phone ring three times but he didn’t answer. It figures, she was ready to apologize and he wasn’t there. Looking at the clock and seeing it was only nine, she decided to catch up on a little reading…

“Liz, wake up,” came his whispered words.

“Hmm,” she groaned out turning to her side.

“Wake up baby,” he whispered in her ear.

“Max?” she opened her eyes slowly taking in the room.

“Hi baby,” he smiled softly while scooting over onto the bed next to her.

“Max!” she smiled brightly and pulled him into a tight hug.

“I missed you,” she whispered out against his lips.

“Me too. I missed you to, which is why I took the earliest flight I could get.”

“I’m sorry for being so stupid,” she blushed and batted her eyes at him. Already knowing that Maria was right, Max had forgiven her long ago.

“You’re not stupid. You just have a lot to learn about the sports entertainment industry,” he teased.

“I love you. And I promise to be more mindful of what I say and to who.” She swore.

“I know you will. Now, I think its only appropriate we make up for lost make out time,” he mumbled against her soft lips before capturing them in a sweet kiss.



“I love you so much,” she smiled as she pulled him down against her.

She knew that she wasn’t perfect, but more than that, she knew Max didn’t expect her to be. And for her, that was all she really needed deep down.

Well, that and him for the rest of her life.


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:48 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - I'm trip last week was beyond the realm of terrible, in fact I might just give up my career and walk dogs in Central Park for living...anyways...I wanted to have WYHWM updated as well, but I spent so much time on rewriting, Three Thousand Miles that my muse ran away.

Long story short, I plan on working on that this week, so that and MTML should both be updated sometime this week.

I want to thank you all for the feedback and bumps! I wish I had the right amount of time to respond to your feedback, but I've been writing for hours at this point, and I need to get some sleep *lol* Forgive me because I still love you all *muah*

I also have to thank Tiffany for her help on this part...*trick or treat*

Hope you enjoy...

Chapter 34

The game against New York had finally arrived. Max, Liz, Alexis, Michael and Maria had all boarded Max’s private jet and landed in the city not more than four hours ago.

After checking into their hotel suites it was time for Max and Liz to talk. He had been avoiding the conversation, not because he didn’t want her to know, but mainly because he was nervous about what her reaction might be.

“What’s wrong?” came her soft question from behind him. They were taking a leisurely stroll in the city at sundown. She wrapped her coat around her a little snugger as he draped his large arm around her shoulders.

“Are you cold?”

“Stop avoiding the question. What’s wrong?” she asked again, pinching his arm for good measure.

“Ouch! No need to get brutal. I don’t know, I’ve just been thinking.” He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, but she knew better.

“Max, I know that things have been pretty hectic with Alexis’ birthday coming up, but don’t think that I haven’t noticed,” she offered empathically. She knew that it had been a long couple of weeks and their time together seemed to be limited. Liz had wanted to get everything prepared for Alexis’ birthday party, as well as their trip to Disneyland, which was going to be a complete surprise to Alexis.

“I know. I just, it’s been weeks and she hasn’t even come around. Kyle even said that she’s distancing herself from him. It’s all my fault too, you know?” he croaked out self depreciatingly. Liz shook her head and laced her arm with his.

“Max, it’s not your fault. She needs time to think, and I’m sure talking to Kyle, your friend, has got to make it harder. I think she’ll come around.”

“Oh you do? You have some inside information?” he joked, finally allowing a smile to tug on his lips.

“Nah, call it women’s intuition. Now, onto another subject, you wanted to talk to me about something,” she hedged on cautiously when she watched his demeanor change.

“It’s about my job. Actually, more like my role with the team. I’ve had a few meetings and I’m thinking of buying the team,” he rushed out.

“Buying? You can afford to do that?” her mouth agape she managed to ask the question.

Laughing a little, he stopped and turned her around to face him. “I can afford more than you think. And yes, I can. Liz, I have been investing my money, very wisely for years. And don’t forget, I’ve had endorsement deals and several other income driven opportunities. I still do, I’m not that far out of the game.” He cajoled lightly.

“I know that. Besides you’re sexy and you look great on all those magazine covers. Sexy and hot.” She winked and licked her lips seductively.

“Stop teasing me!” he growled as he pulled her flush against him.

“Who said I was teasing,” she mumbled out against his warm cheek.

Max closed his eyes tightly at her words. It was too much and he was wound too tight, he only had to last a little longer. He coached himself for a minute and then opened his eyes.

“Now, back to what I was saying. I wanted to buy the team. I can’t coach anymore Liz.” He explained gravely.

“Why not?” Her brows creased.

“Coaching is too close to playing…and playing is the one thing I can’t do. I’m not happy, but I think if I controlled the team, behind the scenes it would free up more of my time. I would still have to travel, but it would be different. Besides, there are other things I want to do with my life,” he concluded candidly.

“Max, if this will make you happy, then it makes me happy. Now, what is it you want to do with some of that free time?” she asked sincerely. She knew Max hated not playing; he gave it up for her and Alexis. She knew that. Because despite what he’d said before, she knew he would have played, if even for a little while. But, she knew he loved her and her daughter enough to let it go. As she watched the light dance across his face, she vowed to keep him happy for the rest of her life.

“I want to…let’s go pumpkin picking!” he evaded her question. He was losing his nerve.

“W-what? Max, finish what you were saying,” she urged him softly, even as he dragged her into the park. People were lined up for their pumpkins, and Liz wasn’t sure, but she could have sworn that one of the men turned to Max and winked at him. How odd she thought, then again she’d never been to New York before, maybe it was normal. She shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the pumpkin he thrust into her hands.

“Max, do you really want to do this now? I mean, maybe Alexis wants to and…”

“Come over here,” he said as he pulled her to a more secluded part. They sat on a long wooden bench, it looked out over a tall fountain and she thought it looked beautiful. It was a pretty brisk night, but she had enough clothing on to keep her warm enough. Max, however was acting strangely and she wondered if maybe too much flying had finally gotten to him.

Max searched his pocket for the small bag that he’d purchased earlier. “Here you go,” he placed the carving knife in her hands and smiled brightly.

“Max, is it wise to give so many people knives in this city?” she asked half serious, half joking.

“You’re so damn adorable. And no, actually they don’t give them out. I bought ours. And before you ask, you are only supposed to go pumpkin picking, not carving.” He answered her next question and urged her to begin carving. She didn’t look happy, but he hoped that by the time she was done, she would be.

As she attempted to carve something out of pumpkin, she had to ask him why they didn’t pick their own.

“Because, we don’t have time and the people know that I don’t.” he rushed out and Liz didn’t believe a word he said.

“Oh right!” she rolled her eyes dramatically but went along with him, only because he was smiling more than she’d ever seen him before.

“I can’t do this!” she placed the pumpkin down next to her and tossed the knife down as well.

“Oh poor baby, do you want me to help you?” he asked with a hint of a laugh in his words.

“For all I care you can carve the damn thing yourself,” she huffed out crossing her arms. Why was the damn pumpkin nearly impossible to cut into, she wondered.

“I see what the problem is.”

“What?” she peered over his arm to see what he was referring to.

“It’s not real,” he offered trying to hide his smile.

“What do you mean?” she leaned over further and watched as he removed the top of the pumpkin. Now why didn’t it do that when she had it?

“What the hell! Do they not know you can’t carve a fake pumpkin? Seriously I mean…what?” she asked in confusion when he stared down into the open top.

“Look,” he urged her on softly. Taking it in her hands she looked inside and her breath hitched.

“Max…” she turned to him with wide eyes and watched as he reached inside and pulled out a small black velvet box.

Seeing that she was in a state of total shock, he removed the pumpkin from her lap and then slid to the ground before her, on one knee.

Taking in a fortifying breath, he prepared himself to do the one thing he never knew he’d have a chance to do.

Propose to the love of his life.

“Liz, I thought of a thousand ways to ask you, but none of them seemed perfect enough. You taught me what true love is and more than that you taught me how to be a better man. I don’t think I could ever thank you for that, so all I can offer to you in return is my love, for the rest of your life,” he smiled and watched as her tears skimmed down her flawless cheeks.

“Liz Parker, will you marry me?” he asked and he waited…and waited…

“Omigod! Omigod! Yes!” she jumped into his arms, wrapping herself around his body as best as possible and successfully toppled them to the cold ground. They peppered kisses across each other’s faces. Finally, Liz sat back and straddled his waist.

“I love you,” she smiled past her tears.

“I love you too, baby. Now, how about I show you the one piece of jewelry I expect you to wear for the rest of your life?” He winked as he pulled them to their feet.

“Okay, I guess,” she shrugged indifferently and then a moment later she was bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Max couldn’t hide the happiness he felt. There was so much planning and so much doubt, he knew Liz loved him, but was she ready to marry him? Now, he knew the answer and he couldn’t have felt more content.

Opening the box, he heard her gasp and begin to cry all over again.

“Max, it’s beautiful…and…” she trailed off as he removed the nearly five caret princess cut diamond from the box and slid it on her finger. He placed a kiss over it before releasing her hand.

“It’s so…so…shiny,” she opted for the most politically correct statement.

“You can say it, baby.” He teased her and watched as their eyes met.

“It’s huge!” She yelled out and they both doubled over laughing at her outburst. Taking one last look at her smiling face, he bent and lifted her in his arms.

“Now, I think its time I take my fiancé back to our room,” he said as he nuzzled her neck gently as he carried her back towards their hotel.


“Max?” she whispered out as their lips drew closer.


“Make love to me,” she whispered out softly. Her heart thrummed in her chest. She was nervous and anxious all at the same time.

“Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. He didn’t want her thinking that was the only reason he asked. No, he chided himself, he knew better. She loved him.

“I love you, what else do I need to know?” she smiled as her eyes bore into his.

Even though he knew it wasn’t the case, he still had to tell her. “I love you too, but we don’t have to do this,” he swallowed thickly. At the moment her soft shoulders and her sleek long neck were distracting him.

“What? Why not, don’t you want me?” she tried to hide her disappointment but it was futile.

“Of course I want you. I want you more than my next breath most days, but as much as I want to, I need you to be sure, because once we do you can’t take it back,” he explained carefully. Max wanted her to understand that he wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings and that he did in fact want to be with her, but only if she was positive.

“I love you Max, and you love me. And we’re getting married, I think we need practice,” she teased as she brushed her hips into his.

He laughed to himself. Now this was a situation he’d never found himself in before. He cradled her in his arms and leaned closer.

“Make love to me, Max. Make me yours…forever,” she whispered out against his lips before capturing them in a hungry kiss.

Max was defenseless to stop what would happen next, but they were in a hotel. It should have been more special, she deserved as much. Breaking the kiss he pulled much needed air into his lungs.

“We can’t here, Liz. We can’t make love in a hotel room,” he groaned out in humility. What was wrong with him? He was going to make love for the very first time and he was actually contemplating doing it in a hotel, a place he’d taken many women before? There was something seriously wrong with him.

With a small smile tugging on her lips, Liz reached out and placed her palm against the white plush comforter beneath her fingertips. “But it’s so soft,” she said licking her lips in a teasing gesture.

“Liz…please…” he begged her as she laid back, her hair fanning out behind her. She looked edible but he wouldn’t do it like this. He would at least bring her to a castle or a mansion or something! Anything other than a hotel, even if it was the most expensive one in the city, and it technically wasn’t a hotel room, it was a suite. Oh God! He groaned, he was actually figuring out a way to make this okay in his mind.

Just as he made his move his body froze and everything male in him stood at attention. He licked his dry lips as he watched her raise the hem of her shirt up, revealing every inch of creamy flesh that lay beneath it.

“You’re not playing fair,” he growled and watched as she sat up slowly, seductively and reached behind her back to unsnap her bra.

“God, what you do to me,” he whispered out as he moved to lay on top of her. His hands ran up her body, caressing the sides of her breasts, as his lips ravished hers hungrily. He wanted all of her. He wanted to know what it felt like to make love to her, to feel himself within her. It was almost too much and not enough at the same time. He’d never met anyone like her, but he was thankful all the same that he had.

Liz’s body arched up into his. With each sweep of his warm tongue against her, she felt her body grow tight with ache. She wanted him and she wouldn’t wait another day until she had him.

Max slowly leaned back on his knees never breaking their intense kiss. Ever so gently he reached down to caress her exposed thighs, she was quivering and he wondered if maybe she’d changed her mind. In that next instant he skimmed his hands over the lace of her panties and smiled against her lips when she moaned into his mouth.

He wanted to take his time with her, he needed to, but she wasn’t allowing it. Max wondered at that moment if she would always take his breath away. He’d seen plenty of women naked, but there was something so pure, innocent and almost virginal about Liz that made his blood boil.

Resting back on the palms of her hands, Liz waited anxiously for Max to claim her as his. Licking her dry lips, she parted her thighs slightly, allowing him room to settle between them. Little did she know he had other plans in mind.

Max stood and stripped himself of his clothing. He stood before her stark naked and watched as her eyes roamed his body appreciatively. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw her eyes settle between his thighs. He kneeled back down in front of her and ran his hands up her legs. Hooking his fingers in the sides of her panties, he slid them down effortlessly.

He lay upon her once again, kissing her softer this time. Wanting her to relax enough for what was to come. “You’re so beautiful baby…” he said as he wrapped one hand around her neck, and the other around her waist. Their lips came together, their heartbeats thrumming heavily in their chests.

“Max…please…” she half begged half cried. He reached down between them. He needed to be sure she was ready. Gently he pressed two fingers inside of her, stretching her gently below as his mouth roamed over the soft swells of her breasts. Taking the time to cherish each one, before making his way back up to her swollen lips.

Liz’s body was on fire, she needed him desperately, but he was taking his time, something she was thankful yet frustrated with. Gasping out as she felt the first waves of her climax, she felt him pull away. Opening her eyes she watched him carefully, “What are you doing?” she gasped out.

“I’m sorry…I don’t have any protection with me, Liz.” He was angry with himself for not remembering sooner but there was nothing he could do about it now. It wasn’t as if he’d planned on it.

Liz smiled softly and reached out her hand, placing it behind his neck. “Its okay, Max.” she assured him.

“You’re on birth control then?” he asked relieved when she nodded her head.

“It’s not perfect you know?” he said with a slight hesitance in his voice.

“I know…but I’m okay if you are,” she muttered out meekly. What was she thinking? Was she really ready for what the implications might mean if she and Max made love and she became pregnant?

Max’s heart skipped a beat and he was almost certain he had forgotten how to breathe. Was she serious? Was he? He looked down into her beautiful face and he knew she was it for him, but that didn’t make the timing right. He had already proposed, but he wasn’t sure if having a child so soon would be the right decision.

“Tell me what you want, Liz. Ask me anything and I’ll do it.” He wasn’t sure why he had said the words, they weren’t what he was thinking…or were they?

“I want my first time to be just you and me, Max. I-I know it’s not really my first time but it is the first time I’ve ever made love and I always pictured it that way since we’ve been together. I can understand if you don’t…” she trailed off unsure of what to expect from him. After her initial thoughts, she realized that this was what she wanted with him and only him.

Max closed his eyes tightly, taking a deep breath he opened them up to see her staring at him so openly and lovingly, he didn’t want to say no. He couldn’t. Instead, he leaned over her, kissed her lips softly and told her, “I’ve never been with anyone like this and I want to feel you and only you,” he confided softly as he reached between their straining bodies and began easing himself into her warm, wet body.

“Yes, Max…” she moaned out as their bodies joined for the first time.

“Liz…” he moaned against her lips as his body pressed flush against hers. He needed to give her time, but it was killing him to do so at the same time. Feeling her almost virginal walls surround him, pushed him closer to the edge, and as he began to move within her his body was pushed to its limits. He needed to wait for her, and he would even if it killed him.

Her tiny body shook with each thrust. Their moans reverberated throughout the room; sweat began to form on his back, his chest and down the backs of his legs. Her body felt incredible, unlike anything he’d ever felt. Her fingers bit into the flesh of his back and down to his butt, and as his thrusts increased so did her moans. Her body began to convulse around him, his legs began to shake, and each thrust was intensified greatly. Finally her body grew stiff beneath his as he did above her, and they both cried out in mutual pleasure as their joint orgasm tore through their heaving bodies.

“Omigod,” Liz cried out as her body continued to shake. Max could do nothing but pull her to his side, as their bodies came down from their highs.

“I’ve never…god!” he gasped in amazement.

“What?” she panted out, her hair matted to her head and her chest heaving.

“Never at the same time…ever…” he tried to explain he’d never had a joint orgasm in his entire life.

“Really?” she asked with excitement.

“Never…you are amazing. I love you so much and I can’t wait to make you my wife.” He pulled her closer into his arms and kissed her soundly on the lips.

“I can’t wait either. I love you,” she smiled against his lips, as she slowly moved to situate herself on his lap.

“What are you doing baby?” he asked as he caressed her hips softly.

“I want to know if we can do it again.”

“What, make love?”

“No,” she smiled as she lifted herself up to settle her body over his.

“Oh…you want to see if we can…”


“I’m game if you are,” he groaned out as her body began to move over his.