Unorthodox Love (UC, K/Ma, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 32

6 months had passed since they had told thier parents about the baby. And Maria was as big as a house, practically. Max was checking up on her frequently, and it turned out that there were two little babies in there. She was having twins.

Kyle was extatic. He'd been made machanic at Toby's Auto. Maria had quite waitressing becuase of Liz, and because it was too hard to be on her feet all day. Besides, Max had put her on strict orders to stay in bed at least half the day. Her body was just so small, and the babies were so big.

Isabel, Alex, and MAx stopped in all the time to see what Maria was doing, and to help her with things. SHe always found it funny how they treated her like a glass doll. "I'm not going to break," she would tell them. They jsut rolled thier eyes at her and laughed.

School had kicked her out. Claiming it was a distraction for her to be there pregnate, but it worked out ok, becuase MAria had enough credits to graduate early. Things were going really well for the gang. Ther had been one incedent with Liz. She was getting alien powers. Which they realize were cuased by Max healing her. BUt after some time, the physical effects of her powers went away and Liz left them alone again.

This particular day, Maria was laying in bed watching TV. She was in a good mood becuase the babies were kicking. That always made her happy. When all of a sudden, Her stomach started to glow with Green Flickering lights. Not unlike the ones Liz experianced when she was changing.

"Oh God," she breathed. What was happening to her. She was alien. Kyle wasn't alien. Why were her babies acting like little spark plugs. Then she felt pain rip through her. It was excruciating. She reached over and grabbed the phone. She dialed the Evan's number and waited. "Hello?" Isabel answered.

"Max..I need Max." Maria said before passing out cold.

Isabel hung up the phone and rushed upstairs. "MAX! Somthing's wrong with Maria. We have to get over there right away." she screamed.

Max grabbed his jacket and followed Isabel out the door. What could be wrong? He didn't know. But he was pertified to find out.

MEanwhile...on the other side of town...

Kyle was installing a carburator in a car that had been brought in this morning. Toby was in the office fucking around as usual. Kyle was tired. MOre tired that usual. He thought he was comming down with a cold.

That would really suck, he thought. BEcuase then he would be banished to the couch. He couldn't rist getting Maria or the babies sick. Especially with thier fragile conditions.

All of a sudden, Kyle felt Sparks fly from his fingertips. "Oh shit," she cried. This couldn't be happening to him. It hadn't been long enough. He was healed a year after Liz. He should have at least anouther 8 months to go.

His hands began to spark again. He covered them with his sleaves and ran into Toby's office. "I got to go," Kyle said as calmly as possible.

"No, you finished that carburator and you can go." Toby said without looking up.

Kyle said a few four letter words under his breath and went back to the carburator her was working on. The sooner he got it done, the sooner he could get home an call Max.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 33

Kyle raced up the stairs of his apartment building. The ride home had been an experiance. His hand kept flickering and it hurt like hell. He needed to get a hold of Max.

He opened the door to find Isabel and Alex sitting on the couch with solemn looks on thier faces. "What? What's wrong?" Kyle asked forgetting about his own problem. His attention was focused on Maria and the babies now.

"Kyle, are you making the change?" Isabel asked.

"How did you know?" Kyle asked. His hands were covered. How could they have known.

"Maria's feeling your changes. The babies are changing too." isabel said.

Kyle ran into the bedroom. There he saw Max with Maria. "Is she ok? What's wrong?" Kyle asked in hysterics.

"She's asleep now, so be quite. The babies are fine. But they are getting powers from you. It has to be the connection you have to Maria and the babies. They are feeling what you are feeling. And because you are going through the change, so are the babies. Maria will be fine. It jsut hurts, as I imagine it hurts you." Max explained calmly. he could see that Kyle was on the edge of breaking down.

"Thank you, Max." Kyle said. He knew that Max still felt bad about the changes since they delt with Liz.

"It's no problem. I can ease the pain. BUt it's going to have to run its course. Just like with Liz. Have you gotten any powers yet? Like Liz can see the future and sent out electric shocks. What can you do?" Max asked.

"I dont know yet. It jsut started today. I came home to call you." Kyle said. His attention was still focused on Maria. He hadn't noticed that the green sparks were getting more intense.

"Let me ease the pain, Kyle. You are like a spark plug." Max offered.

Kyle nodded and sat down next to Maria. Max eased the pain and Kyle let out a sigh of relief.

"You want me to stay? Or us to stay? We could stay in the guest room. That way if the sparks start in Maria again, i can help her right away?" Max asked. He would feel better if he could keep and eye on both of them, but he knew that Kyle had too much pride for that. If Max pushed the Maria issue, there was a large chance he would give in.

"Ok. Yeah, you can stay in the guest room. Alex and Isabel can stay too, but i dont know where they are going to sleep," Kyle said laying down next to Maria. He wrapped his arms around her and snuggled to her. He was tired and wanted some sleep.

"We'll figure it out," max said as he left the two alone.

In the living room, Max explained what was going on. Isabel and Alex breathed a sigh of relief. They were relieved that Maria was going to be ok. They had been so afraid for her and the babies as well as Kyle, becuase if he lost Maria, he wouldn't survive.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

A/N: Thanx to everyone who has been reading this story...lurkers included...i really has taken me a while, but now it is done...i could have written more, but i feel that it is time for this one to say goodnight...i'll be starting a new story soon...thanx again


Maria stood in the hallway of the church waiting ro go in. A nervous Jim stood next to her and Isabel was just in front of them.

"Ready?" the usher asked.

Marria nodded and gave him a nervous smile. She looped her atm in Jim's. He squeezed her hand and they followed Isabel down the aisle.

The wedding march played and Maria could see Kyle, the love of her life, standing there ready to spend the rest of his life with her. Joy was bounding out through every pore of her.

She also saw her mother, crying in the front row, with the two other loves of her life: Maxwell Alexander and Isabella Maria Valenti.

Tears filled her eyes as she reached the alter. Tears shown in Kyle's eyes as well, when Jim gave Maria away. They had been a family for a year, and now they were going to make it official.

Kyle started his vows. "Maria. I am in awe of you everyday. You are the one woman for me. I know it's been hard, and we were not supposed to be together, but none of that matters to me. I love you with all of my heart. You have given me so much. Love. Acceeptance. Friendship. But most of all a beautiful son and daughter that i love more than i can possible explain. You are my Juilet. We may be star-crossed lovers, but i will never love anyone like i love you." he finnished on the verge of loosing it. He had to stop several times to regain his composure.

Max handed him a handkerchief and then it was Maria's turn. Long past the point of tears, she began, "My Love. My Kyle. Today is the beggining of the rest of our lives. A life that i know will be full of promise and love. I can't imagine how you have put up with me. Especially through the nine months of mood-swings and cravings. But i'm glad you did, becuase you are my one, my only. My Soulmate. And i am so proud of you everyday. I think God that you came into my life. And you are going to be my husband now and forever."

Rings were exchanged and they were pronounced husband and wife. There was not a dry eye in the church.


The reception was beautiful. All white a red. And then it was time for the first dance. Kyle and Maria picked the song out together. They thought it was pretty perfect for them. "Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks.

Is love so fragile...
and the heart so hollow
Shatter with words...
impossible to follow
You're saying I'm fragile...I try not to be
I search only...for something I can't see

Kyle moved Maria around the dance floor like a pro. MAx must hat tuaght him Maria guessed. She was so in love.

I have my own life...and I am stronger
Than you know
But I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door
Still I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door

Kyle was in awe that Maria had married him. He knew that he was the luckiest man in the world. She was the best thing in his life next to his children.

Lovers forever...face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather...
Take from lace

"I love you," Maria whispered in Kyle's ear at the chorus.

"I love you, more." he said as they continued dancing.

You in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me
And you were right
When I walked into your house
I knew I'd never want to leave
Sometimes I'm a strong man
Sometimes cold and scared
And sometimes I cry
But that time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow I'd get by
First time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow I would get by

Isabel, Max, and Alex watched thier two friends move across the dance floor. Isabel began to tear up and Alex wrapped his arm around her. "They are so in love," she said.

"Yeah. They are the kind of couple that you dream of being," Alex agreed.

Max watched on silently. HE was so happt his two best friends found each other.

Lovers forever...face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather
Take from lace

Kyle kissed Maria lightly on the forhead. He looked over at his children in thier grandparents arms.

Lovers forever...face to face
My city or mountains...stay with me stay
I need you to love me...I need you to stay
Give to me your leather
Take from lace
Take from lace
Take from lace

The song ended and the guests clapped. No one could deny that Maria and Kyle were perfect for each other.

Later, after Kyle and Maria cut the cake, Maria could tell Kyle was getting anxious. They hadn't been able to get alot of alone time becuase of the new babies. But they were going to be gone for a whole week, alone. Yeah, if she was boing honest, she was alittle antsy too.

"You wanna get out of here?" she whispered.

Kyle grinned from ear to ear, "Yeah, i'm dying here."

Maria nodded and smiled. "Let me just tell our friends and parents."


In the hotel room, Kyle carried Maria onto the bed. "You are so beautiful, Mrs. Valenti." he said.

"I'm never going to get sick of being called that," she said pulling him down on the bed with her.

They spent the next week in bed. They never left the room. Not once. They have 6 months of time to make up for.

The End.
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