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Post by isabelle »


I hear Liz's silent reassurance and I quell the urge to insist. I know it makes no sense, but Kyle's attitude just makes me want to fight back. I know I shouldn't. And in fact, it does make a lot more sense for her to go with Kyle. Afterall, they're both going to his house and I'm -- not.

“Kyle’s right, you might as well go straight home, I’m sure it’ll be quicker for you…”Thank you for the offer though, and thank you for this morning…” , Liz says, smiling.

"No trouble at all. I was happy to," I say.

“I’ll call you later maybe to talk about that idea…if that’s okay…?” Liz asks.

"Sure thing," I assure her. Clearly she doesn't want to mention the specifics of her invitation in front of Kyle. Makes sense since it's not final and it's bound to cause raised eyebrows, but I can't help but smile at the thought of what color purple Kyle might become if he knew we were concidering living together. It would be most amusing, I'm sure.

I catch Liz by the hand and my fingers dance briefly with hers. I feel like leaning over and kissing her lightly on the cheek like yesterday. Just a 'friends' kiss. I have come to care for her deeply and parting makes me want to show it, but it seems a bit too much with Kyle watching. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow," I say.
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Post by KatnotKath »


I know that Kyle’s probably wondering what this ‘idea’ is, but I don’t think telling him right now would be a very good idea… I’m still thinking about it anyway, but even if I was certain, I think maybe breaking it to him AWAY from Max would be advisable… Not that the two of them are openly hostile, but somehow I don’t see it going down too well…and from recent conversations, it’s quite likely he will initially jump to incorrect assumptions that I’m doing this because of pressure…

I smile softly as Max’s fingers hook around mine for a moment and I nod as he says maybe he’ll see me tomorrow. A couple of weeks ago, it would be unlikely given that I’m working, but now he’s a pretty familiar face in the Crashdown, and not an unwelcome one at that… “Sure…I have a shift after school, but you could always drop in and say hi if you wanted…”

Unfortunately much as I might like to talk longer with him, Kyle is here, and it’s really not the time. I know Jim will be expecting us back soon, and I don’t want to keep him waiting. I tighten my hold on my jacket. “Okay, well I guess we should be going…”

Picking up my keys, I lead the way towards the door, both guys following, but as I reach the door, before opening it I stop a moment, turning back to Max and hesitating a moment before offering another small smile and, on impulse, reaching up to brush my lips ever so briefly against his cheek. “Thanks, I had a great time…” I tell him softly as I pull back and open the door now, holding it open for both he and Kyle as we all exit, and then locking the door behind us and dropping the keys into my bag.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I feel a grin cross my face as she kisses me lightly on the cheek. It's nothing much, just a gesture of the warmth we've started to feel for each other. Friendship and maybe more. We're getting to care for each other, but if that's enough to go further, is still anyone's guess.

But it means so much that she did it in front of Kyle. It was innocent, but it was public. I'm so pleased that she's comfortable enough with our 'relationship' to do that. Of course, if she's really thinking of having me move in, I guess she'd have to be ready to publically admit that we're more than acquaintances...

She drops her keys in her bag and goes off with Kyle. For a moment, I stand on the doorstep, not moving before I shake it off and head for the jeep. No need to look like a dope.

I'd asked if I could put in some extra hours this afternoon after I found out that Liz was busy, but it didn't pan out, so I have the afternoon free. I start up the jeep but before I move it out of its place, I pull out my cell phone and give a call to Alex to see what he might be doing this afternoon. Isabel was working and I'm not sure what Maria and Michael might be doing but I figure they're together. Alex's phone is busy, so I leave a message on his voice-mail.

"Hey, Alex. Max. I'm heading back to the townhouse. Just calling to see if there's anything going on. If you're caught up with your work, maybe we can do something." I'm thinking about more granolith hunting, but I'd settle for an old movie or whatever Alex might feel like doing.

I hang up and then start to drive back to the house. It's been an interesting morning to be sure. A quiet breakfast becomes an invitation -- How am I going to tell Michael about that without making he leap to all sorts of stupid conclusions? I think I'll keep quiet about it until Liz tells me she's sure, but I have a feeling that she will. Eventually I'll have to say something ...


She kissed him. Damn it, she kissed him! What hell was that for? What's going on between them now? She didn't make out with him or anything, but still ... what does she think she's doing kissing him? It'll give him the wrong idea for sure. She couldn't possibly be --

Suddenly, I feel pale. He was there in the morning. What if he was there longer? Had he spent the night? Did he ... DID HE? I glance at Liz, nervously, but she doesn't seem to be at all anxious or upset. Well, maybe a little, like there's something on her mind.

Biting my lip, I lead Liz to my car, watching Evans through the corner of my eye. He's just standing there. Is he planning to break into her place when she's gone? What would that accomplish? What if she gave him a key? Did he do something?

No, he's leaving now. Good. I open the car door for Liz and she gets in. A moment later, I start the car and head down the road. I delay for a few moments longer, turning on the radio, but I can't keep my thoughts in for long.

"Why do you keep humoring him?" I ask, trying not to sound as angry as I feel. Liz doesn't respond well when I'm angry. "What was he doing there this morning?"

I want to tell her to tell him to disappear, but first I have to know if it's too late....
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works


Sitting back in the seat, I look over at Kyle, a little surprised by the tone of his voice. He sounds angry, but while confused, or puzzled I might understand, I don’t quite see where angry comes in… For a few moments, I say nothing, and then I shake my head. “What do you mean humouring him Kyle…Is that really what you think I'm doing...?” He knows we’ve been out on some dates, and he also knows I’m not certain about things yet, but does he really think I would do it just to humour Max…?

It’s never been like that, not even at first. I was nervous I’ll grant, and there’s a certain strange sense of obligation to people I don’t even know, but it was never just humouring someone… Max and I said we’d give it a go, and that’s exactly what we’re doing, it’s taking time, and it’s not exactly simple, but I thought that Kyle understood that…

I know I haven’t told him about the ‘breakfast dates’, but that’s more because I haven’t been alone with him, and as yet, I can’t exactly let this go public…

Of course if I’m talking about him moving in, I guess that does make it pretty public… I bite my lip, still wondering if that could really work. On the surface it sounds like it could solve all our problems, but I can’t help worrying that it might just cause more…

Reactions of others for example, particularly two guys, one older and one younger, both with their own very definite views…

I swallow and shake my head again, telling myself I’ll just have to deal with that as and when, I turning my attention back to Kyle now. “I’m not humouring anyone Kyle… That’s not what this is about… It’s about finding out if it could really work, for both of us…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


"If it could work?" I repeat her words with mixed emotions. First relief-- if she's still saying 'if' then it hasn't happened yet. Second amazement -- she's still concidering this! Hasn't this charade gone on long enough?

"Liz," I say, seriously. My voice calm and steady. "It's not going to work. You're sixteen. He's twenty. He's a stranger. This isn't right. You know that yourself. Everytime you try to get together for a 'date' something comes up. You have to face it. It's not meant to be. You have a life here in Roswell. They have no right to try and take that from you."

Max is a nice enough guy, but really, she can't be even imagining that this could work. Could she? I've tried to be supportive of her, to let her make her choice. She's such a smart and logical girl. Why can't she see that this is a disaster?

I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. "God, when I saw him there this morning, I thought --- Liz you know this is crazy."

It's also illegal. Statutory rape. I've avoided mentioning this, but damn, if he ever did do this, I could have dad throw him in jail. That would mess up their plans to leave the planet, wouldn't it? -- well, maybe not. It would only make Liz mad at me and they could just use those cheater powers of theirs to escape. This is just so wrong.
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Post by KatnotKath »


“If it could work…?”

It’s obvious from his tone he doesn’t think much of that suggestion, and his next words serve to confirm this as he states firmly that it’s not going to work…

The first thing he picks on of course is our ages, and in that he’s right. It’s far from ideal… Listening as Kyle basically tells me that I’m being stupid, I bite down on my lip, swallowing and looking down at my lap. Part of my head says he’s right of course, there’s so much stuff which says that there’s never going to be anything between us…our ages, conflicting schedules which make it difficult to spend time together… I should just forget about it, and yet, another part of me knows I can’t…

One thing I do know though, is that Max isn’t a stranger as Kyle said… He’s a friend, and someone I care about. Maybe Kyle thinks that I’m doing this all because I have to, but that’s not true. Max isn’t trying to take my life here away… He’s not trying to make me do something I don’t want… He came here and told me something, and then stood by and is letting me make my decision… He’s taken it as slow as I could want, and he’s never once pressed me for an answer to the question we both know is there… Michael’s the one pushing, and Max is the one telling him to leave it alone and give me time. He’s given me time and space, and I’d like to think up a solid friendship…

I’m not ready to say that I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I have to admit, that prospect doesn’t sound as terrifying as it did a month ago… I don’t know if there could ever be something more than friendship between Max and I, but it’s not something I can just walk away from…I need to know…we need to know…

“Liz you know this is crazy."

Jolted out of my thoughts as I hear Kyle speak, I look up at his words, a little shocked by the force behind them and shake my head. “Maybe it is Kyle, and maybe you’re right about that, but you’re wrong about Max… He’s not a stranger, he’s a friend, and he’s not trying to take my life away from me, he’s not trying to make me do anything…” I give him a pleading look. “Why can’t you see that…? Max is struggling with this just as much as me you know, this isn’t a one sided thing…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by KatnotKath »

*JP in third person between Storm and I for Alex, Isabel and Maria*

Hearing first her boyfriend and then Maria, her friend, Isable laughed, "Well, hey yourselves." She couldn't believe her luck. "Actually, sorry Maria, but I was looking for my very intelligent and sexy boyfriend." She couldn't help but laugh picturing Maria doing her mock hurt look. She really did want to talk to Alex about what she'd seen even though Maria was also a part of things too.

"I could feel hurt you know..." Maria teased her friend, laughing at the same time at Alex, who seemed incredibly interested in his hands thanks to Isabel's comment about sexy. She shook her head and smiled. "Alright, I'll let you two chat, but you have to promise me some girly time tonight.. Much as I love Michael, he's driving me nuts with all the grouching and pushing about Liz and Max, and I need to relax... "

With this, she simply wished her friend goodbye, and switched off the phone, waving to Alex with a grin as she disappeared back upstairs, leaving him alone to talk to his girlfriend.

Alex shook his head, waving back to her and then turning his attention back to the phone he held in his hand. "Well she's gone, so now you get to have me all to yourself..." He winked despite the fact he knew she couldn't see him, and pulled out a chair to sit on. "So, how's work going today...? You don't need any strong muscle men do you, because I'm not too sure where I'd find one..." He smiled, having no problem with making a joke of his own lack of muscle. He wasn't ashamed, he was just good at other things...

Isabel laughed softly as she heard Maria's words and then smiled, saying goodbye before listening for the phone to go off and sighing. At Alex's words she couldn't help but smile, wishing she really did have him to herself in person right then and there. "Work's going great, I've got everything basically done... I just found something... well I found something that I think we all will recognize. I don't quite know how it came to be here and neither does Tanya, who's going to be late getting back by the way." She wanted to ask him to come by the shop, but then wasn't sure it would be a good idea. Still, since this customer was supposed to be coming, someone she hadn't met before, maybe having a guy around even if he wasn't beefy, wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Alex, would you have the time to come to the shop? I want to show this to you and also have someone here when a customer arrives. He's supposed to be here because of picking up an order Tanya was holding."

If she hadn't already, the tone of Isabel's voice would have given her Alex's full attention. Something she thought they would recognise... He presumed that by 'they' she meant her, Max and Michael, but still, it was certainly interesting, and a mystery from the sound of it. He continued to listen as she resumed speaking, asking about coming by the shop and nodding instantly, feeling rather silly afterwards as he realised that she couldnt of course see him. "Sure, of course I can, the car's here, so no problem you want me now, or later....?" He trailed off, the smile on his face beginning to disappear as she mentioned a customer being related to this request. Without waiting for her to respond, he nodded to himself. "Alright, I'll be there in about ten minutes, just need to tell Maria and Michael where I'm going okay...?" He told her, already standing up and heading towards the stairs to call Maria down.

Isabel nodded even though he couldn't see her and spoke into the phone, "That sounds good. I have an odd feeling about this." She found herself saying as she glanced down at the pendant in her hand, "I'll see you when you get here. I love you." She spoke into the phone, not really wanting to get off the phone at the moment, but also wanting to see Alex as soon as possible.

He frowned as he heard her first comment, opening his mouth to ask more and even suggest that this was something that the whole group should be in on if she was wanting to do something about it, but then stopping and listening as she continud. Part of him still felt as though he should wait, but a greater part was concerned by her mention of a customer, and her obvious reluctance to be alone with him. "I love you seeing you soon..." He assured her softly. "Take care okay..." After saying again he'd be seening her soon, he then ended the call, yelling again up the stairs for Maria who appeared a moment later. "Isabel wants some company, so I'm gonna go join her for a bit... I'm gonna take the car, but can you get Max to give me a call when he gets back maybe...?"

She nodded, a questioning look on her face. "Sure...everything okay...?"

Alex shook his head uncertainly. "Not right sure at the moment...I'll see you later though, okay...?"

She nodded. "Sure...see you later..."

Stopping only to grab his coat and keys and cell, Alex now headed out of the house, closing the door behind him, walking down the drive and climbing into the car before pulling out onto the road and driving off.
Last edited by KatnotKath on Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


A friend. Right. I try not to snort at that idea. A friend who's twenty years old coming out of nowhere to say he has to bop you in order to save an alien planet she'd never even heard of. That's a great friend. I bite my lip on those words because I know it's not going to go down well with Liz. Why she can't see that he's using her I have no idea.

It's not that I don't believe him -- I have no reason to believe or not believe his story of alien royalty -- but really, why can't she see just how bizzarre this whole thing is?

He's 'struggling with it'. I'm so sure. He's struggling with how to get into her pants. If it really bothered him, he'd go away and leave her alone.

"If you say so, Liz," I say, not trying to hide my doubt at all. "But he came to town with an agenda and it's just ... I don't like what it's doing to you. I know things hadn't been easy for you before he came, but now it seems like you're always confused and torn and undecided. I want to see you smile more."

And not the way I saw you smiling at him, I add to myself. That's just creepy. And kissing him like that... was that just leading him on or is it more? This is just so wrong...

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Post by isabelle »


I'm just pulling up to the house when I see Alex driving off in the car. That's strange. I just left him a voice mail and he hadn't gotten back to me. I wonder what's up. I know Isabel is working, so that would explain why he wasn't with her but I'm not sure where he'd be going or why he didn't answer my call.

I turn the jeep around and I'm about to follow him when I decide that's just dumb. He's probably just going to get milk or toner or something. I head inside and I don't see Maria or Michael so I leave the jeep keys on their hook and I head for my room. I suppose I could go hunting for the pod chamber as my whole afternoon is free, but I don't really know where we haven't searched yet. I have nothing else to do so I pick up a book I bought in the last town and never had a chance to read.

Liz is busy for the rest of the afternoon, so I know she won't be calling. I take the book outside. It is a really nice day. I'll go find someplace pleasant to read.

Last edited by isabelle on Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by KatnotKath »


I dropped my phone on the seat next to me as I got in the car, but as I stop at a set of traffic lights, I suddenly notice that there's a 'missed call' symbol showing.. I wonder who called...? It's not like a lot of people have my number - my parents, obviously, Isabel, Maria, Max, Michael, Liz, oh, and work of course...

I have to put finding out who on hold for a moment as the lights turn green again the next time I stop is to park up outside the shop. Cutting the engine, I pick up my phone again, opening it up, pressing to dial the answerphone since I see the icon flashing, and holding my phone to my ear as I lock up the car and cross the road.

Listening as the message replays, I sigh. That's typical, I must only have missed him by a few minutes... Shaking my head, I press to return the call, and push open the door of the shop, stepping inside and giving Isabel a quick wave and smile as I wait to see if he'll pick up.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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