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Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:43 pm
by isabelle

"Great," I mumble as I settle into the back seat of Evan's jeep behind Alex. "I guess I understand why the 'prisoner' doesn't get to drive, but king Max won't even let me be inside my own car? This sucks."

Tess gives me a small smile and puts one gentle hand on my arm. "You're not a prisoner," she says, not bothering to explain about her offer. I guess they don't need to know all the details.

I acknowledge her gesture with a nod. "That's right. I'm still here of my own free will guys, so maybe you can start treating me like one of the team, eh?" I look at the rearview mirror so I can see Alex's face in the front. "How did you get into this odd club?"


Max sorts out the driving arrangements and I really can't be annoyed at them. Kyle's mustang is a pretty sweet ride. Although I have nothing bad to say about the jeep, either, now that I think of it. We filled them both up with gas at the rest-stop so we should be good to go for a while.

Maria climbs in beside me and I don't know if she's angry or not. She's not babbling at me so I guess she's upset. Not much I can do about that. I drive down the highway, planning to pick turn-offs at random. It's the only plan I have at the moment. But first, I just want to get as far away from Roswell as possible.

After a few hours, I glance in the rear-view mirror and see that Max is asleep again, leaning against Liz's shoulder. Well, at least this time it looks like normal sleep. He's not exhausted to the point of collapse. His face has some color to it, not drained and thin-looking. He'll be okay, I tell myself.

After a while, Maria starts babbling at me again. She talks at random, it seems, about whatever she happens to see. Good. Maybe she's not mad afterall. I'm constantly scanning the road behind me and in front, not to mention the sky, searching for some sign of pursuit. So far, there's nothing. I only hope it keeps up that way.

As the hours drag on, I'm starting to think about diner, or at least a bathroom break. I pull up along side the jeep and try to make eye-contact with Alex to let him know I'm ready for a stop.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:32 pm
by magikhands

"How did you get into this odd club?" Kyle catches my attention in the mirror.

Sometimes I wonder that myself. But then I remember that I bugged and persisted until I knew the truth.

"It's a tale of a wild party, booze, and jail time."

I watch Kyle's eyes widen in surprise then disbelief set in. I chuckle. I should have known that I couldn't have gotten away with anything that wild. I was the computer geek after all.

"Ok, I knew Liz and Maria were hiding something. I bugged, I nagged. Then that night, the one with the party at the soap factory...well, Liz and I got put in jail. I was so mad at her so she told me the truth. I didn't believe her at first, but Isabel showed me the wrong of my ways."

I smiled and glanced at her. She smiled back at me.

We drive...and drive...and drive. Through all the turning and route of small unbusy roads, I follow Michael knowing that with each mile we are getting farther and farther from Roswell. My home. My parents. I sigh knowing that this was my decision. That I would go to hell and back if I had to in order to help my best friends...and Isabel.

Michael slows down until we are side to side. I look and give him a nod. No one has said anything or complained but I did hear a stomach growl a little while ago. Or was it mine? Either way, I know I had to use the bathroom.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:51 pm
by isabelle

Alex and Liz in jail? Oh that's right. Dad arrested them for possession of alcohol. Sounds like he might have really had another reason. A reason with green blood. How long had he known about them and he never told me?

There doesn't seem to be much to say to that, so I sit back, wishing I could talk to these people a bit more. I see Michael pull up and Alex nodding.

"We have a new plan?" I ask. "Are these guys telepathic, too?" Have they been chatting away in their minds and leaving me out?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:01 pm
by isabelle

I pull ahead of the jeep and start towards the righthand lane so we can pull off at the next restaurant. We've been keeping to the secondary highways in order to avoid any sort of road-blocks that might be in place, but it has cut down on our ability to make good time. Still, it hasn't been so bad.

"We're going to stop again so you can all stretch your legs and all," I tell Maria and Liz. The message goes for Max, too, but he's still asleep. I suppose we ought to wake him. I'm hoping to drive through the night but it would probably be good if we take shifts so everyone can catch a little sleep.

I spot a "Big Boy's" up ahead. That should do. As I turn into the the parking lot, I hear a helicopter overhead but I can't see it. I didn't notice any traffic delays. Is it a news helicopter? Or something worse. Maybe we shouldn't stop.

I slow down, wondering how I'm going to get a look at the birdie, when suddenly a police car pulls into the lot from the wrong direction. Lights flashing. A voice booms over the speaker on the car. "Please pull over."

"SHIT!" I shout and I turn around to start backing up, only to see another cop car coming up behind Alex. "Double that," I growl. "I guess it's time to see what this car can do." I hope Alex is up for this.

"Everybody, get down!" I throw the car into gear and slam on the gas. I tear up driving straight at the car in front of me. It's not moving, but I don't care. At the last minute, I veer to the right just missing his bumper as I exend a hand out the window and blow up his engine.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:31 pm
by magikhands

Michael's loud warning and the car suddenly speeding up woke me. Looking around, I see the lights of the police cars and glance back at the Jeep. Overhead, I can hear a helicopter close by.

"Shit Michael." I brace myself as he swerves and barely misses the car. I watch as the engine blows on the car as we pass it and couldn't stop the awe of power that Michael held. When had he gotten such control of his powers?

Pushing the thought away, I turn and hold my breath watching the jeep.


"We have a new plan?" Kyle asks. "Are these guys telepathic, too?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. I open my mouth to make a smart ass reply when police lights start blinking and the sound of a helicopter roars overhead.

"What the...?" I start but am cut off as I watch Michael speed up. Not really knowing what he had planned, I press the accelerator harder and try to keep up but still keep a distance. Not an easy thing to do when I'm in an old jeep and Michael is driving a newer sports car. At least we didn't have Maria's car to slow us down further.

I watch horrified as Michael heads straight for the police car, not slowing down, but speeding up. He turns sharply and I feel my heart plumet to my stomach.

Then I realize that I'm doing the exact thing...heading straight for the car and I'm not slowing.

"Isabel?" I say panicked, hoping she's got some alien mojo to help me out as I reach back to all the driver's ed classes I took the year before.

Trying hard not to close my eyes, I turn sharply like Michael had done, but further away. I fishtailed but got the jeep quickly under control again, flooring it.

"Ok, now what Michael?" I mumble glancing up at the helicopter. How in the world would we lose that thing?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:20 pm
by isabelle

"What the hell is that freak doing to my car!" I can't help but exclaim as I see Michael trying to run down a police car. He swerves at the last minute and my heart starts beating again. Even the explosion doesn't distract me from my relief. "Jesus!"

Alex is following at a breakneck speed while the car behind us and a helicopter overhead follow. My first day on the run and I'm about to get killed.

I duck my head low as someone behind us decides to start shooting but I peek up through the gap between the front seats, trying to keep an eye on my car.


I hear Max swear behind me and I know he's awake. What a day. He almost never swears but today I think we've expanded his vocabulary a lot. I pick up speed, heading for smaller roads and trying to dodge around other cars. It's not good. That damn helicopter is going to find us no matter where we are.

"Damn it!" I swear. The explosion is going to make it clear that they did find aliens. I've messed up as bad as Max did when he healed Liz but this was different. I couldn't let them catch us. I just couldn't. We only just got Max back.

Only now do I realize that maybe there was another way. Tess. I'm not really used to thinking of her as part of the group. She was with Nacedo and Nacedo was the enemy -- or he was until he showed up to help get Max -- which was after he was the one who got Max captured in the first place. Arrgh. Still, Tess is the only way out of this.

"Somebody call Tess! She has to hide us!"

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:56 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry if this is terrible, I'm doing my best and trying to catch up



Max dozes off to sleep in my arms, and in time, I follow... It's peaceful, relatively quiet could be some time until I can really lie down, so I guess some sleep is better than none...

It hardly seems like seconds before I wake up to the sound of an explosion though, Max starting in my arms as the sounds from the surroundings sink in and I look around. My heart is thumping in my head it seems, the blood echoing in my ears as my nails dig into the side of the door

OMG, they've found us, what are we going to do... I swallow and bite down on my lip, reaching for Max's hand and squeezing on it gently as I hold my breath and watch, helpless to do anything about it...until Michael mentions Tess, at which time I reach to grab my phone, already dialing the number.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:54 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- using Tess slightly. Storm had been temping her.


I spare an instant to check my rear-view mirror, looking for the jeep. They seem to be keeping up. That's one good thing. I also spot Liz dialing a number into her phone. I'm turning back and concentrating on our escape before I stop to wonder about that. Liz knows Tess' number?

Then I remember that they'd been pretending friendship early on and I think there was some exchanging of such information in the mine, too. I'm just glad that someone can talk to her and I hope that she can do this.

From the corner of my eye, I can see how pale Maria has gone. Man, I can't let her be hurt, either. Please, let Tess be able to do this!


As I'm ducking down, trying to watch my car, I hear Tess' phone ring. A hell of a time for conversation, I think. Then I realize that it's probably Max trying to establish a plan. Guess they're not telepathic after all.

"Hello?" I hear her say. "Liz?"

Liz? I wasn't expecting that, but I don't much care. I just want to get out of this alive and with my mustang in one peice!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:22 am
by StormWolfstone
Just so ya'll know... when I'm checking net and all, I am hoping to be able to post here again... my muse as I've said is coming back... that is if ya'll want me back as Maria, Isabel and Tess??

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:47 am
by isabelle
OOC-- fantastic! Looking forward to your Tess post