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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:37 pm
by magikhands

“Thank you, Alex. I don’t know how I… we… earned such devotion from a great guy like you. I’m glad that you’ll be at my… our side.” Isabel says as we walk out.

I feel my face flush and am grateful that the darkness is hiding it. I didn't know what to say to her compliment. I know that I've been infatuated with Isabel for a couple of years now, I was dragged into the 'alien abyss' by Liz and Maria with my constant nagging. I never dreamed at the time that I would be leaving my life behind for my friends. Not just Maria and Liz, but for Isabel and Max. Michael still made me nervous at times and Kyle...well, he's always been out of my league. He's new to the group like Tess. I really didn't know either of them.

Looking around the parking lot I see Tess standing near Kyle across the way partially obscured by the shadows.

"There they are." I point out.


Liz and I walk out hand in hand. She stops by Kyle's car and look back at the road that we used to get here. I know that she is thinking about Roswell. I was doing the same. The difference is that I knew that one day Isabel, Michael, and I would have to leave it. Though it was hard to leave our parents, I had already admitted to myself that it was necessary for our survival. But Liz... my heart went out to her. She had thought of leaving after graduating... her dreams of Harvard coming true, coming home to visit her parents as often as she could. Now, she couldn't go back. It was too late.

"We're going to be okay...aren't we...?"

I untangled our hands and moved so that I stood behind her before wrapping my arms around her, pulling her back against my front, encasing her body into my protective embrace. I continue looking in the direction that led home.

I don't want to lie to her because I don't know if we are going to be ok. I don't want to make promises that I may not be able to keep, but she needed comfort. We all needed assurance.

"I will do everything in my power to protect those I love." I say meaning ever word of it. I was willing to die in that white room by Pierce's hand in order to protect the others, especially Liz. How could I do anything else? I have always protected Isabel and Michael. Now my family has grown and have vowed my protection over them. Suddenly my shoulders felt heavy from the burden I've taken on, and hoping that I could keep my vow.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:33 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this is okay


As soon as I ask the question, I know I'm being unfair and shouldn't have asked but I can't help it... I'm just...scared... I don't want to make this worse for him, I don't want to make this even harder but...

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his front in those strong, warm, comforting arms which are one of the safest places I know... For a few moments, everything seems perfect, but it's for all too short a time before the truth of reality returns...

"I will do everything in my power to protect those I love..." He says and I know he means it... But it's a scary reminder of the fact that we're always in danger, and I suddenly realise how much of a weight that is on him. Looking out for us all the time, feeling that he has to protect us, and if I know Max well, probably thinking about the fact that he's pulled me, Alex, Kyle and Maria into this...

Turning around, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head in his front for a moment before pulling back again slightly to look up. "Max...crazy as it sounds, hard as this might be, I want you to know something - Whatever happens, I wouldn't choose differently; I'm right where I want to be...with you..."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:51 pm
by magikhands

Liz's words flow over me like a warm breeze, the heat sinking into my skin. I look down into her angelic face, never before seeing anything more beautiful. She would do it again. She would chose to be here with me no matter what. That thought make my insides tighten. I don't know if it's caused by exhileration or guilt. I've dragged her into this by healing her and exposing myself to her, but I've loved her since the first time I set eyes on her.

I sigh and I feel a corner of my lips lift slightly. "Thank you Liz. That means a lot to me."

Reluctantly I pull her arms from my neck while I lay a gentle kiss on her forehead. As much as I'd like to keep this moment for a while longer, I know that we have to get on the road. I open the car door for her to ender.

"Michael!" I yell hoping he's out here. "Time to go." Well, if he isn't I know that the others heard me.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:22 am
by isabelle

I'm happy to hear Max calling me. It's a welcomed interuption. I'm sure that Maria is still pissed at me. Nothing I ever say in these situations seems to be the right thing to satisfy her. But it's true. Right now, every minute does count for a lot. If it were possible, I'd have had us eat on the move, too, but it was a good thing to get Max cleaned up and give him a time to recover.

But Maria hasn't yet said anything -- which is probably not a good sign.

"Guess we gotta fight this out later. It's time to go," I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I do love you, you know. I just don't want anything bad to happen to any of us."


After I announce what might be my stupidest decision ever, I hear Max calling for Michael and saying that it's time to go. Why the hell is he in charge, anyway? Well, I guess it's better than Michael would be.

"Looks like we're gonna miss the bus," I say to Tess.


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:20 am
by isabelle

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:48 pm
by KatnotKath

Max smiles slightly, and however small a smile it is, really nothing more than a slight lift of his lips at the edge, it warms me to see it although all too soon he's pulling my arms from his neck, pressing a kiss to my forhead before opening the car door to allow me to climb into the car as I know it's time to do.

I'm not quite ready yet though, not quite... Rising up on my toes again, I press my lips against his for one more, briefest instant before pulling back and bending over to dip my head and slide into the car, moving across the seat as I sit back and cross my legs, looking out the door to where Max is still standing, waiting for him to join me as he calls out to the others and I look around, watching for any sign of them coming.

What happens next is going to be anyone's guess, except for the fact that we're leaving of course... Where we're going, what we're going to do though, that's all still a mystery... I know as much as matters though - I know I love Max, and I know whatever happens next, we're going to be doing, or going through it, together...

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:33 am
by isabelle

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:08 am
by StormWolfstone
Will be trying to post when I get home from D*C. I'm half way home now. Stopped the night with a friend so we could get some sleep.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:09 pm
by isabelle

I walk towards the van taking big steps to close the distance more quickly. Maria walks besides me, taking two fast steps for every one of mine. As I arrive, I see that Max is standing there waiting next to the Jeep and the Mustang like he's in charge. Okay, so he's king. Maybe he is in charge, but I got the keys so I get to decide who drives.

At least, I think I do.

I move over to Maria's little Jetta. I might have actually liked the old thing now that it has a jazzy new color -- but I stick to the plan. With a wave of my hand and a little concentration, I turn her liscence plate back to the original numbers so it can be found when Ms. Deluca files the stolen vehicle report as we expect her to do.

Who has the keys to Kyle's car? Tess, I think.

"Okay. Let's get out of here, then." I say, moving back towards the jeep. Max may be looking a lot better but I'd still rather be with him for now. Isabel should be able to handle Tess and Kyle.... Or Maria and I could switch with Alex and Isabel.

"Where are Kyle and Tess, anyway?"


"We better get moving," I say again as Tess still doesn't respond. I can't believe I'm even going along with this, but I know she wants to be with the rest of her alien buddies.

I turn and start heading around the corner of the building towards the area of the parking lot where we left the cars.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:54 pm
by magikhands

Michael and Maria came over to Kyle's car where I stood and Liz waited. Isabel and Alex were coming from another direction and in the distance Kyle and Tess could be seen. We were all gathering back together again and it was time to get on the road...again.

I sigh feeling weary. "Alex will drive the jeep. Isabel, Tess and Kyle can ride with him." I say to Michael. "We get the joy of Kyle's mustang a while longer." I give Michael a smile for we both appreciate a good sports car."

If there were any protests of my decision, none made it known. I let Michael drive knowing he liked the feel of the car and I really wasn't up to it. I'm sure I will have my share of turns coming up.

Alex drives follows us in the jeep. I can only hope that Isabel is handling the others with little trouble.

As the time rolls by, the motion of the car and the feel of Liz in my arms lulls me to sleep.