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Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:51 am
by isabelle

So far, Liz hasn't responded to anything going on since her outburst. I only hope that I'm doing the right thing for her.

"Come on. Stand up. That's a girl," I tell her soothingly as I get her to her feet. The plan had been for the girls to sleep upstairs in the Sheriff's room, but I'm no longer sure how many people will be spending the night here. Maybe I should bring her to Kyle's room on the first floor, instead. She'd be closer to the rest of us if she came out of this and needed something.

I notice Kyle coming back into the room, looking as shocked and dazed as the rest of us. I pinch my lips together as I look at him. He's already slept with Liz, and now, now he's going to be having sex with my sister. I watch him steadily, almost staring, for a long moment, hardly knowing what to say.

"I'm going to bring Liz upstairs to lie down," I tell him. "Then we need to talk." I loop Liz's arm over my shoulders and walk her towards the stairs.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:07 am
by Anna-Liisa

I see Max starting to help Liz up and though that maybe I should've helped him. Then again, I wasn't sure if Max would want me to help him in anything after what had happened...Even if it hadn't been real. I stared of to somewhere else, feeling him staring at me. What did I do to him now? Then he talked.

"I'm going to bring Liz upstairs to lie down," he said and I nodded silently. "Then we need to talk."

"Sure.." I mumbled and turned my eyes in him when he walked towards the stairs. Did he want to talk about what happened between me and Liz or did he want to talk about 'You're-going-to-sleep-with-my-sister' kind of speech? I wasn't quite sure. I didn't want to ask. I'd find out anyway. I looked at Alex. He had been too quiet.

I waved my had in front of his eyes. "Earth to Alex, can you hear me?"

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:32 am
by isabelle
OOC -- Do we still have a Liz in this RP? ~


I guide Liz to the stairs as Kyle goes to join Alex in the livingroom. I can only guess what that might be like, seeing as Alex is the one who's been obsessing over Isabel and now Kyle is the one who's going to father her baby...

I put that from my mind right now, concentrating on helping Liz upstairs, one step at a time. In a few minutes, I'm guiding her to the Sheriff's bed. Although it was definatately a man's room, the whole area was clean and organized and the bed was neatly made. That would help, I think.

Using my powers, I pull back the blankets and top sheet as I sit Liz down. "Here you go," I tell her gently. "I'll get your shoes for you."

I bend down and unlace the shoes, removing her socks before sliding her feet under the sheets. I pull the blankets up over her shoulders and stand, staring at her for a long moment. I love her so very much. I always will, no matter what. I want to crawl into that bed with her and hold her close, comforting her all through the night, but I don't think that she'd want that...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:42 am
by Anna-Liisa
Vacation thread:
Serephinah wrote:Hi. I'm going to be away till the first week of August due to a school project, moving, and dealing with all the RL that comes with that. For Age of Ulyssas feel free to move Liz or use her words in a post for the duration I am gone. I should be back somewhere on Friday or Saturday of the first week of August.


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:45 pm
by isabelle
Thanks Anna. I hadn't noticed that.

So... do I wait for her or does max go chat with Kyle and Alex first?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:42 pm
by Anna-Liisa

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:35 pm
by emmylala
ooc: shadows I used Maria alittle, if you need me to change something, just give me a holler.


The car ride back to my apartment was quiet, neither Maria nor I were up for much conversation in the wake of everything we’d just heard. Pulling onto my street, I parked Maria’s Jetta right in front of my apartment and turned off the engine. Neither of us moved for a long while, Maria quietly contemplating, me trying desperately to push away the thoughts of Maria and Max in bed together.

My fists tightened into solid fists, as the thoughts kept playing in my mind, unbidden. Staring intently out the window, my power concentrated feirecly on expelling the thoughts from my mind when, CRACK.

“Michael” Maria shouted, bringing me out of my momentary paralysis.

Turning my head to glance at her, she turned her frightened face forward. Turning my head, I realized why Maria had been startled. A giant starburst had appeared on the windshield of the Jetta, as though a giant rock had been thrown at it, shattering the glass that was trapped between the layers of shatter-resistant material. Frowning slightly, I looked back at Maria and said,

“Don’t worry, I can fix it” as I waved my hand over the windshield. It took several passes before the entire windshield had been repaired, probably because of my extreme state of fucked-up-ness.

Several uneasy moments passed before I turned to open my driver’s side door and exited the car. As I made my way around to the other side, Maria emerged from the car as well. As we walked to my front door, I opened the door with my key. Maria went to move inside but I stopped her.

“Hang on…wait here” I said, raising my hand. Maria frowned slightly but did as I asked. Moving into my apartment, I did a quick sweep of the place before allowing Maria to enter. Obviously I’d wanted to make sure the place was safe, but I knew in the back of my mind that it was pointless, Ulyssa seemed to easily appear and disappear out of thin air, whenever she pleased, no amounting of checking and re-checking of the apartment would prevent her from doing that.

As Maria walked into the apartment she closed the door behind her and plopped herself on the couch. I watched her for a minute before moving to the refrigerator.

“You want anything…coke…milk…coke…” I said, feeling slightly stupid. When she did not reply, I turned my head, my body still in front of the refrigerator, my hand on the door, to see Maria staring off. Closing the door, I moved slowly but deliberately towards her and sat down beside her on the couch.

“You ok?” I said, my voice low but kindly. Maria nodded unconvincingly, a large strand of hair falling into her eyes. Leaning over, I pulled the hair way from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“I’m gonna figure out a way out of this.” I said, not sure whether I was trying to convince Maria or myself. “I promise you...”

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:40 pm
by Serephinah
Liz Parker

My mind doesn't really focus as Max helps me up the stairs. My body goes on autopilot--lifting my foot, bending the knee, and placing the foot back down again and keeps doing it till we are in the bedroom. Max bends down and I can feel his hands picking at the laces on my shoes. He slides both of them off along with my socks. Max pulls up the covers as I curl around a pillow I clutch close to me. He looks down at me, I can't see him doing it but I can feel the way I've felt it all the times before. Before this crazy mess we had suddenly gotten into. Me and Michael? I was just...everything was hard to imagine.

I couldn't turn my face around to face Max but I could still talk.

"Please stay."

I said it simply and quietly.

"I know that in the morning all of this will still exist and that eventually I will find a way to make myself do the right thing, but I want tonight...I want you here with me...just for tonight."

ooc: I hope this isn't really sucky, but I'm having issues with getting into character on this one. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any. Otherwise I'll just try and keep plugging along.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:15 am
by StormWolfstone

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:08 pm
by shadows

“I promise you...” Michael said. Trying his best to reassure me. I slight smile spread across my face as I shook my head. "The whole freaking world could be in danger and the only thing that seems to bother me is you sleeping with Liz...." I laughed. I was tried of being upset, sad, mad. I just wanted to laugh, to smile. To pretend at least for a few moments this was all a dream. I continued to laugh hysterically for a moment. Then I finally stopped. "That felt good." I said looking at Michael and smiling.

"We will figure this out Michael. I know we will. I sure as hell am not losing you or any of my friendships without putting up a hell of a fight..." I leaned in a placed my lips on Michaels and gave him one long kiss. If worse came to worse and Michael had no choice but to be with Liz I was going to be sure it was me he was at least thinking about the whole time.