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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:32 pm
by magikhands

"Now, not only is it dangerous for us but for you, Liz, Kyle and Maria. How are we supposed to make it, Alex? I'm glad that you are here, but I don't like that you are in danger..."

"Isabel..." I stop her from continuing. "We are here by choice. Well almost all of us." I glance toward the door which Tess and Kyle exited. I felt for Kyle. He had been dragged in kicking and screaming...but then again, he chose freely to follow us. I give her a reassuring smile. "We'll make it. With all of us working together, we'll be fine."

Before she can say anything else Michael taps his knuckles on the table. "Time to go, troops."

"I guess it's time to hit the road again....and driving duty." I stand and pull her up, my hand still clasping hers tightly.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:44 am
by isabelle

Alex responds and I see him and Isabel getting up. I want to go check on Kyle and Tess and get them back into the group but I can feel Maria's eyes on me. I don't know what I did to piss her off but I guess I need to sort that first.

"Go grab Tess and Kyle for me, okay?" I say to them. I turn around then and step back to where Maria is still standing.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask her.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:02 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this is okay, sorry for the delay


"Do you think they will ever get along?" Max asks me as Michael heads after Maria.

I look up at him as he squeezes my hand, leaning my head against his shoulder for a moment. Despite everything that's going on, I can't help giggling at his comment, because basically, it's Maria and Michael in a nut-shell... They fight like cats and dogs, complain about one another endlessly, and yet deep down, I know they love one another... It's just their way... "Oh they get along really...just...not in the way most would consider getting along you know...?" I respond softly, looking up at him again.

"They have their own way...and we have ours... Just personally I prefer ours..." Squeezing his hand back, I turn around so that I'm facing him, and reach up, pressing my lips against his for just a moment. I know what Michael said about leaving the lovey-dovey stuff until later, but I need to say this... "I'm not leaving you...ever..." I murmur as I pull back, meaning every word. I don't care what happens, or where we go, I just want to be with him... "I love you..."

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 6:50 pm
by isabelle

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:10 pm
by magikhands

I can't stop my hand from gently brushing through her hair as I look into her eyes. "I love you too." I say softly and feel a smile tugging at my lips. I would like nothing better than to take her in my arms and disappear, just the two of us forever, but there is Michael, Isabel, and the others that I have to protect. "But it's time we go."

I let my hand slide down and take her hand in mine before leading her toward the front and out to the cars.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:22 am
by StormWolfstone
I'm going to be trying to get something out here this week... being ill has really screwed up everything the last few weeks... still don't know what's wrong even after having a CAT scan.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 12:33 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Isabel..." Alex interrupts and I look at him, "We are here by choice. Well almost all of us." I can’t help but sigh. I know that he was here by choice, but I still couldn’t keep from worrying that he’d get hurt because of being there with us. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if he ended up hurt because of me. He glances toward the door where Tess and Kyle had gone before looking back at me with a smile. "We'll make it. With all of us working together, we'll be fine."

I barely keep from jumping as Michael comes over to the table and taps his knuckles on the table and says, "Time to go, troops."

"I guess it's time to hit the road again....and driving duty." Alex says and I sigh again as he stands, pulling me up with him as his hand continues to hold onto mine. There was a time when I would have simply pulled my hand away and walked off, but instead I give his hand a slight squeeze as I nod.

“Go grab Tess and Kyle for me, okay?” Michael asks and I have to say I’m a bit surprised.

“Right. We’ll get them.” I simply respond as Alex and I began to walk out of the dumpy place. Hopefully Tess hasn’t ended up killing Kyle or vice versa. Looking at Alex when we walk out, I give him a slight smile. “Thank you, Alex. I don’t know how I… we… earned such devotion from a great guy like you. I’m glad that you’ll be at my… our side.” I glance around, looking for Kyle and Tess, wondering if I should take the time to say other things to Alex before we hit the road because some of what I wanted to say was private.


"I'm not a child!" Kyle starts sharply and I feel two different urges hit me. One is to bite back with something and the other is to simply walk away because it hurts to see him treating me differently like this. Of course, I’d never reveal that human emotion part of me. It would be completely stupid to let anyone know that I have more then one weakness.

"Sorry," Kyle ends up starting off gently, "That was nice... what you said about my dad."

“I meant it Kyle. Other then Liz, Maria and Alex, we had no one we could turn to about things. When your father found out the truth about us we were scared to death that we’d end up lab rats or killed. Your father could have turned us in, instead he was on our side, wanting to protect us. He’s saved our lives. After seeing how Max was from only a few days in with the FBI, I can’t help but think about how it would have been if your father hadn’t been such an honorable man. There aren’t many humans I can say I trust, Kyle. Your dad was among the first.” I reach out and place a hand tentatively on his shoulder, “I’d gladly give my life for his if I could and I know you aren’t a child, Kyle.”

I pause a moment as I try to think of the best way to say things. “I know that you are for the most part capable of taking care of yourself, but that doesn’t mean you have to do things alone. You have absolutely every reason to hate us, but don’t hate yourself for not being there. I’m not very good at this sort of thing, Kyle… but I’m going to take a leap of faith because your father did the same for us. I’m going to trust you to make the right decision about us. If you want to leave before any of the others come out here, I’ll look the other way.”

What the hell am I doing? I have no idea, I just know that something tells me that I have to do it. “I can change your license, give you a new identity, change your car a bit… and you can go if you want… When the others find out, I’ll deal with the consequences. I’ll trust that if you leave or stay our secret is safe. In other words, Kyle… my life is in your hands. Turn me in if you want, get your vengeance for what I’m sure you blame us for. Or, blackmail me. Just do me a favor, if you decide to go against us… leave the others out of it. I’ll even stay separate from the others so they can catch me and not the others.”

I decide to leave it at that as I remove my hand and look out across the parking lot. I can’t believe I’m taking a leap of faith, but Sheriff Valenti had done the same for us, so I couldn’t do any less for his son.


"Hey," I hear Michael say before he asks, "What's your problem, anyway?"

Before I can even respond he’s walking past me and going onto our table, interrupting Alex and Isabel which only adds to the way I’m feeling. Doesn’t he understand that even with the dangers there are some things people need at this time? Doesn’t he care that a little assurance goes a very long way? Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a fool to think that after our talk in the car things would be better. God, I love him so much but honestly there’s only so much a girl should have to put up with.

I watch as Isabel and Alex stand, finding myself smiling only slightly when I see that they are holding hands. Is that a good sign? Or is that just a friendship thing for them? I know Alex would be much happier if he and Isabel were to actually get together, but I can’t help but hope at times that he wouldn’t get mixed up with the ‘I’m dating an alien club.’ After all look at all the things Liz and I already go through and what he’s gone through already so far.

Michael starts walking back toward me and I’m expecting him to ignore me and make his way back to bombard Liz and Max when he stops in front of me. "Okay, what's up?" He asks and I shake my head.

Figures. He doesn’t have a clue. “I don’t know why I even bother, Michael. It doesn’t matter how many times I spell things out for you, you just don’t get it. I know you care about me, Michael. Knowing it is one thing, but did you even pay attention to what I said before? We’ll be okay. We, as in all of us. Do you not see that sometimes a little assurance, a little reminder, is something that a girl likes to get? You come out of there with Max and Max instantly begins assuring Max that she’s alright. I’ve spent several hours having nightmarish images of what it would have been like if I had lost you to what Max was going through. Isabel and Alex were having a moment, a very needed moment and you just rush.”

I shake my head again and turned to look toward Max and Liz, “I know that we are in a dangerous time, but five minutes wouldn’t kill. Five minutes of being able to be reassured by your arms around me and being able to feel and hear your heart beating would be nice.” I cross my arms over my chest as I turned to face Michael.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:56 pm
by isabelle

Great. What am I supposed to say to that? If I go and do something now she'll know it's just because she said something and that won't count for her. But if I don't then things are even worse. I do love her -- I love her more than I even know how to say. I just don't understand how to make her know that. Why do I need to keep telling her, anyway? Didn't I just spill my guts out there in the car with Max and Liz listening in? How the hell does Max always know what to do?

Biting back a sigh, I get a hold of Maria's arm and pull her close for a tight hug. One of these days she's going to give up on me and leave. I don't do it right. I'm not good enough. Maybe things would be better if she did leave now, before she really knows. Before she hates me. ... but I just can't give her up.

"I'm sorry, Maria," I tell as I release her. "But you're wrong. Five minutes might not kill you, but it could be the difference between the FBI finding us or not. I just need for us all to be safe. You, too."


Tess invites me to leave, saying that she'll look the other way. I blink at her, not sure if this is some sort of crazy test.

“I can change your license, give you a new identity, change your car a bit… and you can go if you want… When the others find out, I’ll deal with the consequences. I’ll trust that if you leave or stay our secret is safe. In other words, Kyle… my life is in your hands. Turn me in if you want, get your vengeance for what I’m sure you blame us for. Or, blackmail me. Just do me a favor, if you decide to go against us… leave the others out of it. I’ll even stay separate from the others so they can catch me and not the others.”

"You? Why the hell would I send the FBI after you? You didn't kill my dad, did you?" I say. It's not a question. It's a statement. They told me before that it was the FBI who did it. But hell, if I were going to be sending the FBI after this crew, I would want them to nab Evans. He's the one who stole Liz from me. He's made my life hell this past year. Well, I guess if he weren't there, Liz would be dead and that would be even worse but geeze... If I did try to lead the FBI to Max, Liz would probably be arrested for helping him -- assuming they didn't accidentally kill her in the cross-fire. And why would I help the people who killed my father, anyway?

Still, it leaves the question of what to do now. Leave? Stay with the Interplanetary Zoo Crew? I live the rest of my life knowing that the aliens are out there and I do what? Go back and be in protective custody as the FBI makes up lies about my dad? Maybe eventually getting shipped off to live with Mom, wherever she is? What if Max and the others aren't what they seem? Will I ever know? What if I should have stopped them but I can't because I left?

And what about Tess? She seems pretty decent. Not to mention incredibly hot. Is it right to leave her alone and in danger with them? I know she said she was going to protect me but maybe she's the one who needs help...

"I'm staying," I say. I hope the hell I'm not making a mistake.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:29 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works, sorry for the delay


I nod reluctantly, knowing that Max is right as he says it's time to go. The FBI will be behind us, almost guaranteed, and we have no way of knowing how close they are. Staying here longer than is neccessary would be careless and dangerous...

I look down as I feel his hand slide into mine, a small smile forming on my lips as I watch our fingers intertwine. I want to ask him if he's alright, but after everything I guess that's something of a stupid question. Certainly he's coming across as being more like himself, but that doesn't mean that he's completely over what happened.

No, that's going to take time, if he ever does, and I know that all I can do is be there for him as, and when he wants or needs me...

As we stop at the car, I glance back down the road we arrived along... The road which leads back to Roswell, the place where we all grew up, and where we may never be able to go back to again...

Biting down on my lip as I think of my parents, I swallow and blink, refusing to let my feelings show for the moment as my thoughts turn to Kyle who, must be suffering far more I know. I might have left my parents, but at least they're alive... Kyle only had his dad, and now he's gone and Kyle's been thrown into all of this head first...

"We're going to be okay...aren't we...?" I ask softly, looking up at Max as I stop, standing by the car for a moment as I wait to get in.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:24 pm
by isabelle