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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:13 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I laugh as the skins scatter from my vision. They are running now. It’s been years since I’ve been had something to use my full force of power on and it feels good to be free. I’m still laughing at the skins in which I am killing when I hear it. An echo of explosion, a sound I know well. I look to my left to see my Anya on the ground blasting a skin to pieces. I’ve never been prouder in my life.

I jump off the roof, running towards Anya and the place where Micah and Zan had been. Max lets down his shield and I watch as Dominique runs for the car her mother is in. I see Natalie crouched down behind the car still, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

“NATE!” I scream to get his attention. “ANYA NEEDS HELP!” I continue running to my baby girl.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:20 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I felt the moment he was gone, the moment they took Zan. I couldn’t’ get out of Max’s shield. So I had kept my concentration on killing the skins and now they have taken my Zan.

As soon as Max’s shield is gone I bolt for my mum’s car. It’s my fault they took Zan. I should have tried harder. I should have made Max let me out but I had wanted to stay by Nate’s side. I was selfish and now they have Zan.

It hurts to breathe. It hurts to think. It hurts to feel and the only thing I can think of is that when I get to Mum she will make it better. So I run faster.


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:05 pm
by lizandzackfan
I'll take Liz if she hasn't already been taken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:11 pm
by Athenea
Liz is Yours

Anya is also open if your interested :D


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:14 pm
by lizandzackfan
lol yea I'll take her too. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:51 pm
by Athenea
Great :D[/b]

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:04 pm
by isabelle

"Nicholas," I say, staring around. Where is he? I heard his voice order the Skins to take my children only, to kill the rest of us. Well, they didn't succeed in most of that. They killed nobody and took only one of my children. My blood goes cold over what they might have planned for Xan. I'm even more scared of what's going to happen to Micah. I have to find them. I have to find them NOW!

I hear Michael ordering Nathaniel to heal Anya and I know he's right. First we have to take care of the people here, but we have to be fast. We have to find someway to track Nicholas -- was he 'Duke'?

Nat races to help Anya as Dominique runs to her mom. I turn to Michael. "Are you okay?" I ask him but he's already running for Anya. I Natalie near our car, looking shaken but unharmed. Turning back towards Ava, I notice the shield around her car is still up. No doubt Jayden is still too afraid, especially since her daddy just disappeared. I step toward them.

"Jayden?" I say softly. "You're safe now. You can put it down." I don't feel any change in the energy so I raise my own shield, merging it with Jayden's. Her shield is surprisingly strong. She's an amazing child. In a moment, I'm able to open our combined shield and I step through the hole, approaching my granddaughter. Now that I'm inside, I let the shield down completely. "It's okay, baby. We're going to find your daddy. I promise." Glancing at Michael, Nathaniel and Anya, I add, "And your cousing Micah, too."


The shield goes down and everything changes. All the Skins are gone and Dad is yelling for Zan. He's gone and so is Micah. I'm rushing towards Dad and I see Anya just as I hear Uncle Michael tell me to heal her.

I change course and head for the wreckage of Micah's car, dropping to my knees by Anya's side. She's pale and breathing heavily. I can see cuts and burns all over her. "It's okay. I'm here," I promise her, taking her hand and staring into her face.

It doesn't take long to make the connection. I can feel all the pain and wrongness in her body. I gasp, moving further into it so I can heal her. I ignore the flashes of her memories, even the ones I recognise. I have too much to do. In a few moments, I'm done. Breathing heavily, I release her hand, smiling into her eyes, knowing that she's well. Then I remember Micah. What are we going to do now?


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:12 am
by isabelle


I hear the sound of Zan calling my name. I feel a gentle hand running through my hair. I almost start to smile but then pain across my body makes itself known and I know I'm not dreaming. Zan sounds worried and scared. I open my eyes and I know why. We're locked up somewhere. And Zan is hurt. He's hurt a lot worse than me, I think.

“Are you okay?” he says with his soft warm voice.

"I've been better," I say, pushing up onto my elbows and then my hands so I can sit. I wrap one arm tight around my ribs, which hurt like I've been kicked -- but I don't think they're broken.

"You don't looks so good," I say, wiping Zan's hair from his forehead. I try hard to focus on him and not anything outside our cell. "Can you heal yourself?"

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:01 am
by Athenea

"I've been better," he says pushing up onto his elbows and then his hands so he can sit up. I try to sit up myself but when I do everybody part screams in agony and I try to nonchalantly lie back down. I obliviously doesn’t work because Micah says "You don't looks so good,"

"Can you heal yourself?" he asks as he wipes the hair off my forehead and out of my eyes. I sigh at the gesture and close my eyes. “I’ve never really tried before.” I say with my eyes still closed because the harsh light of the room is starting to give me a headache. My brow furrows as I concentrate but then I stop and say, “This room feels funny…wrong.” I say knowing it doesn’t really make much sense. “I don’t think I could heal myself even if I knew how to go about it.”


Max is taking care of Jayden so as soon as the shield is down I have an arm full of my daughter. I want to cry and scream at the world myself but I know I need to be strong for her. She’s sobbing Zan’s name over and over into my shoulder.

“Shh, its okay we’ll get him back, I promise.” I say stroking her hair. I’m not sure how we will do it but I know we will. Zan is stronger than he looks, he’ll survive this and hopefully help get Micah out too, and we just got to figure out how.

OOC: Edited Out

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:57 am
by isabelle

Something wrong with the room? I’m not sure what Zan means by that. I start to shrug, but it hurts.

“Okay. Let me try,” I tell him. My healing ability isn’t that great. Dad could rarely do it and then only for minor stuff. I guess I never really expected to be good at it so I haven’t tried much. It would be great to have a surprise here, but I don’t know that I’m going to be any help. I’m not sure I could even handle my own injuries, never mind someone-else’s.

I don’t say anything about that as I try to adjust my position so I can put my hand on Zan’s chest. In spite of his injuries, I can’t help thinking what a nice chest it is. “Look at me,” I tell him, meeting Zan’s eyes. I try to focus and reach out for the connection – but nothing happens. No healing. No connection. Not even the familiar sense of building power. I reluctantly pull back my hand. “You’re right. There’s something interfering with our powers.”

It shouldn't be surprising. We’ve been captured by enemy aliens who know all about us. Of course they’d have a way to be sure we couldn't use our abilities to escape.

“Guess we’ll have to do this the old-fashioned way,” I say. I pull off my tee-shirt, revealing big purple bruises everywhere. No wonder it hurts so much. I start to tear the shirt into strips, hoping I’ll remember how this is done. It’s not something I’ve ever tried before but I’ve seen it on TV a lot. With an effort, I lurch to my feet and stumble across the small cell to the sink. I turn on the water and wet one of the strips, then I sink to the floor again next to Zan.

“This might hurt,” I apologize and then start trying to clean his wounds before I wrap them up with the other strips. I'm trying hard not to think about what's coming for us but the thoughts keep sneaking in. I heard someone say they wanted Uncle Max's kids and they wanted to kill the rest of us. Whatever terrible things they're going to do to Zan, I have a feeling I won't be around to see them. God, I hope my dad can find us fast!


"YOU IDIOT!" I yell at Thomas. "Why did you bring the other one?"

"I had to!" he protests. "They were together. If I waited, I wouldn't have been able to get Zan."

I scowl at him, barely containing my anger. This attack was a total joke! I'd taken twenty-five Skins to take Zan alive and kill those with him. I can't believe I got out of there with only these six left. I thought it was lucky that we could get a shot at Nathaniel and Natalie but we couldn't even get close to them. How did Max get so strong? And since when has Ava been able to make a shield? I need to kill something!

I raise my hand at Joseph, wanting so much to blast him but he did get Zan. He raises his chin, waiting and that also raises my opinion of him. "Okay," I say lowering my hand. "You can live."

"I'll go kill him now, sir," says one of the others. Rebecca. She's always trying to get ahead.

"No," I tell her. "I'll be the one to kill him." I turn and head for the prison block, wondering if there's anyway I can turn this to my advantage.


"You're okay now," I tell Anya, helping my cousin get to her feet. It's quieter now. No more fighting. But my pulse is still racing. I walk over toward my dad. He's comforting Jayden but my mind is spinning.

"Dad? How are we going to find them?" I ask.
