When the heck IS Max's birthday anyway? The Roscanon thread

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Post by jbangelo »

Isabel's middle name is Amanda. Not sure if we ever knew Tess'... :?
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Post by Chrisken »

tequathisy wrote:What color is Max's hair? I always thought it was brown but I've read a couple of fics lately that describe him as raven-haired which would be jet black. Am I crazy or are they wrong?
A lot of terms are used to describe the characters because they sound good and because the people using them don't quite understand what they mean. I wasn't even sure what 'raven' would be in terms of a color until I looked it up.

No, he doesn't have raven hair, or black hair. It's a very dark brown though, so 'brown' by itself doesn't seem to cover it. Is there a good term for describing really dark brown hair that doesn't refer to candy of any sort?? (chocolate, cocoa, etc.)
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Post by lizard_queen »

Lillie wrote:It's been so long and I can't remember what exactly were the powers that the aliens had? If anyone knows, can you give me a sort of explaination on them?
Max - could heal, and he had that nifty green shield.
Isabel - could dream walk and in the Suprise ep she kinda counters out whitakers powers with her own.
Tess - mind warp.
Michael - never really had a specific power, apart from shooting his powers at stuff. I think all the aliens could do that, but he had the most force with his.

And Nesado and the other shape shifter who's name just suddenly escaped me could shape shift.

Hope that helps a bit.
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Post by Chrisken »

Lillie wrote:In The Convention episode, did Hubble ever see Liz? I can't remember if he did or didn't. And when exactly did Hubble's wife die?

Thanks again.
I don't think Hubble ever saw Liz, but I can't say for sure without watching the whole episode. (Liz kinda looked a bit like Sheila, didn't she? I wonder how things would have changed if he had taken an interest in her.)

As far as Hubble's wife dying... the newspaper clipping about the silo murder said 1972. Valenti said that it was two years after his wife died before Hubble found the drifter. Therefore, I think she died in 1970.

Also, the photo had a 1970 sticker on the license plate. :lol:

Hope that helps.
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Post by Chrisken »

Jezebel Jinx wrote:When Liz ran from Max in the S1 finale did she really go to Florida and if she did who did she stay with?

I think the only reference we have is from Skin and Bones:

MARIA: Max, little advice. The girl goes off to some aunt in Florida for the entire summer and barely says good-bye to you. In layman's terms, she blew you off big time. I mean, and look at you. Look, you're like a groveling dog. (in a whiny voice) Have you heard from Liz today? Did Liz call? (end whiny voice) No. That's no good. Look, you've gotta play it cool, all right? Let her come to you.

Now, at the time, Maria *was* lying about not having heard from Liz, since Liz was already back in town and Maria knew it. But that was just because Liz wanted to get settled in a bit before seeing Max again, so I think we can trust the rest of it. I don't think the aunt is named.

Max mentions her in 'it's too late and it's too bad', again not named. In connection with Liz's plan to pretend she's really in florida when she goes to Sweden.
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Post by Zanity »

Lillie wrote:Does anyone know what happened to Michael that threw his balance off? Why he got so sick and had to be taken to River dog?
He went to a ritual called "the sweat".
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Post by Chrisken »

killjoy wrote:I'm writing a new story and I need to know if they ever gave Courtney a last name? I was just going to give her one but I don't want to do that if she already had one on the show :?
I think she's listed on IMDB as Courtney Banks, but I don't remember that name ever being mentioned IN the show. I've given her a different last name for the 'kismet unchained' series, because banks didn't really fit. (I actually used the last name of sara downing's character from 'smallville' and made her Courtney Brooks.)

Hope this helps.
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Post by RebeccaBehrEvans »

After they translated the Destiny book did they ever actually read any of it to us. If so what episode so I can go get the text? Also any episodes that just talk about it's contents post translation.
I thought they read some of it in the Departure episode, but all I could find was what Alex said before he was killed, and well I guess he was more or less quoting what was written in the Destiny Book and what he had managed to translate.

Alex: (In Kyle's vision): You are the royal four. You are created from the genetic materials of your alien predecessors and human subjects...

Tess: Kyle!

Alex (in Kyle's vision): You are given human forms so you can...

I don't remember if there is anything else somewhere else, but I doubt this will help but that's all I found. :(

You can also check out the Max to the Max episode script... they talk a little about what is supposed to be written in the book and what they now know (or think they know) about themselves... but that was before the translation of course.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

My guess is it repeats what their mother had told them in Destiny. 'You were given human form so that you could live safely until you return to our planet one day...' or something like that. Of course, I just made that up, so I could be wrong. :lol:
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Post by Chrisken »

Zanity wrote:After they translated the Destiny book did they ever actually read any of it to us. If so what episode so I can go get the text? Also any episodes that just talk about it's contents post translation.
Okay, let's see. Here's the transcription from crashdown.com of the beginning of it.

You are the Royal four. Zan the king. Ava the queen. Vilandra his sister.
Rath his councilor. You were created from the genetic material of your alien predecessors and human subjects. You were given human form so that you could live safely on the planet undetected until the time comes for your return.
You have been given the granlith, a transport between this planet and Antar.
You have also been given communication technology which will allow you to access information from your true home. The chamber containing your
hibernation pods and the granlith has been hidden away from human
settlement. It can only be accessed by the four of you. You have been
provided with a guardian who will protect you from danger and keep you
hidden from your enemies, both human--

I can't find a copy of the second page, but I remember that it wasn't really good stuff to take for canon... in fact, it looked like someone had just taken a page out of a book about alien abduction experiences. :D

Max's speech from the beginning of 'departure' is presumably based on info from the book:

Max: This is a key. When we insert it the Granolith will transport us...home. It will take 24 hours for it to prepare itself. When it's ready, we have to be on board or we don't go. The granolith is capable of one mission, only one. When we use it, it's gone. It's our only way home. Is everyone ready?

And, from 'ch-ch-changes':

Max: According to the book, I can use the healing stones to amplify my powers. [he places the stones around her body.] If we do that, it might wipe out whatever is happening inside of her.

That's all I could find right now - hope it helps!
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