The Age of Ulyssa (AU/UC/ADULT) Thread #1

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Post by StormWolfstone »


"It is done." I hear Ulyssa say and once again in the dark I'm moved without control and this time actually was started by being forced into a standing position before walking through the dark.

"Well, now that the agreement has been signed, there is just one more piece of business to take care of before I release you to your duties." Ulyssa says and a moment later adds, "Lumen." With that the room once again becomes filled with light and this time as my eyes adjust I'm not standing near Alex. It's Kyle standing in front of me. What the hell is Ulyssa playing at?

I looked around to see that Tess was with Alex, Max with Maria and Michael with Liz. What? I shook my head, she wasn't doing what I was thinking? She couldn't do that? Wouldn't? Would she?

"What the hell is this?" Michael yells and I'm glad he does because I'm not quite certain I could speak aloud at the moment.

"You of all people should know!" She says, "You've always known." It's obvious that she is amused by this. she adds, sounding amused.

"No, I don't know, why don't you explain it to me." Michael replies. I can tell he is growing angrier and I want to call out to him, try and calm him.

"Very well..." Ulyssa begins speaking and then adds after a slight hesitation, "...these are your mating partners."

My eyes grew wide and I felt the shock hit me. She was doing exactly what I'd begun to think. How could she? How could she expect me to sleep with Kyle? I glance over at Tess and Alex and suddenly realize that I'd wasted so much time and I'd pushed him away for too long and now there was definitely nothing that could come of things.

Michael and Ulyssa continue to go back and forth but my mind is no longer focused on that. I look back at Kyle, uncertain about what to say or even how to react. I school my expression and let myself seem unaffected. I'd think more on all of this later on. I vaguely hear Ulyssa say we could leave and at that moment, leaving sounded like a good idea to me.

"Um...Well...I...Don't know what to say..About this. So maybe I should quiet.." Kyle mumbles and looks away.

I didn't respond, simply stood there unable to say anything for the longest time before I said softly, "I need space. Since we're free to go, I think I'll go home." Looking at Max, I asked him, "Do you want me to tell mom and dad that you are spending another night away?" I just needed to think, absorb this and get on with it so that I could mentally prepare myself for something I had never wanted.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by emmylala »


As Ulyssa disappears, I take to pacing the room. This can't be happening, this just isn't possible. I keep thinking over and over again as Kyle mumbles something under his breath. The thought of having to do this was bearable before, when I thought Maria and I would be paired together, but now...

I saw this coming, I was the one who pointed it out to Max and the others, so why am I so surprised by all of this? Sighing loudly, I move my hands through my hair angrily as I turn to face the others and see...

"What the hell are you doing?" I say loudly, walking over to Max, who has taken Maria's hand into his own. Max looks at me, a mixture of shock and confusion on his face, but says nothing.

"She's gone ten second and you're already moving in for the kill!" I say venomously, not taking my eyes off of Max and Maria. Still, Max remains quiet, knowing that nothing he says will calm me down.

Throwing my hands in the air, I collapse onto the couch and stare at an ashtray on Kyle coffee table. I try to calm myself down by thinking this isn't Max's fault, that he's as innocent in all this as I am, but it's no good, the image of Maria with Max keeps poping into my head and it makes me want to...BOOM! One of the girl's screams as the ashtray I'd been staring at explodes into a hundred pieces.
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Post by isabelle »


All of a sudden I have two aliens demanding my attention and strangely enough, neither one of them is Tess. Surely she'll be making her displeasure known in no more than eight seconds. Isabel wants to leave and Michael is fuming because I was paired with Maria -- as if I had anything to do with that!

Isabel first, I think. She's asking if I'm going to stay.

"I think so, yeah," I say, accepting her offer to tell Mom and dad that I'm doing a double overnight. "I think we all need a little time together and sort this through." I'd like Isabel to be here, too, but I'm not going to demand it. I press my lips together, trying to figure out what to do. How can I help everyone? "If you're sure you don't want to stay and you're not coming back, do you want me to come home later?"

I would tell her I'm willing to talk and I am, but somehow I'm thinking that we'll mostly be just commisserating with each other and that might not need a lot of conversation.

Before Isabel answers me, there's an explosion behind me. Spinning, I see the scowl on Michael's face, confirming what I'd expected. There's a pile of fragments on the table -- the remains of something ceramic.

"Michael," I say, not loudly, as I approach him. "Nobody wants it this way. Not even if it were with the people we wanted. But we're going to get through it." I pause for a moment, not even wanting to voice my thoughts on the contract. We put something in there for what would happen if Ulyssa didn't meet our demands but there was nothing about a penalty if we didn't meet the conditions... Still, I don't think we can count on that. She says she's coming back in a year -- by that time we have to have all the babies concieved, unless we've found some other way to stop her...

Instead, I shake my head gently and gesture losely towards the shattered remants. "I just hope that when the times comes, you'll treat Liz more gently than that." My tone is soft and almost casual but there's an edge in it that I hope tells him I'm deadly serious about what I said.
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Post by shadows »


What in the world had just happened! Max?!?! No way! That could not, would not be possible. That would destroy everything for all of us.

After Michael goes crazy he finally sits on the couch, but then an ashtray goes into flames.

"I just hope that when the times comes, you'll treat Liz more gently than that." I listen as Max speaks to Michael, but his words did not help. As Micheal looked up I could still see the anger in his eyes.

"WAIT! BOTH OF YOU JUST CHILL!" I yell as I step in front of Max. "I tried to tell you all that this was all crazy, but no... we all signed the damn thing anyway. We wondered what the hell she wanted with babies from us, well now we have our damn answer! I don't think this has anything to do with children... it's about tearing us all apart, all of us. How in the hell are any of us going to be able to be the same! This will destroy all of us....all of our relationships. Knowing that the one you love was with someone else with destroy that, we'll never be able to look at each other again.... and then, then knowing that is with our best friend, well there goes that relationship too! Shit!" I said as I kicked the table.

I walked toward Michael who was still sitting on the couch. I kneeled down so my face was even with his and I placed my hands on his, "I don't want to do this Michael... I don't. Screw the rest of the world your more important."
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Post by emmylala »

ooc: Let me just preface my next post by saying this. My intention was and still is for the group to do as Ulyssa has commanded (i.e. bear her children with the aforementioned partners) . However, how this happens and when is entirely up to the individuals. Some of you might choose to try to find away out of the situation and avoid doing what Ulyssa asks until the bitter end, others might choose to fight for a while, but finally give in. Whatever you decide, just understand that in the end, these couples will find that they have no other choice but to do what she asks. Also, as in real life, keep in mind that one does not always become pregnant the first time out. Often times it takes multiple attempts before one achieves pregnancy. Just something you might want to keep in mind. :twisted:
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Post by emmylala »


"Michael, nobody wants it this way. Not even if it were with the people we wanted. But we're going to get through it." Max says in his soothingly calm voice that only serves to infuriate me further.

Shaking his head in disapproval he gestures towards the remains of Kyle’s ashtray and adds, “I just hope that when the times comes, you'll treat Liz more gently than that." In a smooth, but stern tone that I choose to ignore.

How the hell can he be so calm about this, especially where Liz is concerned. Liz, the love of his life, everyone knows that. How could he so blasé about this whole situation. I don’t know what I expected his reaction to be, but passivity was definitely not it. Ranting and raving, yelling and screaming...that was normal, that was what I understood, but Max’s reaction was not a reaction at all. It’s almost as though he’d shut himself off somehow, and no longer allowed himself to feel anything.

"WAIT! BOTH OF YOU JUST CHILL!" Maria yells, startling me slightly. "I tried to tell you all that this was all crazy, but no... we all signed the damn thing anyway. We wondered what the hell she wanted with babies from us, well now we have our damn answer! I don't think this has anything to do with children... it's about tearing us all apart, all of us. How in the hell are any of us going to be able to be the same! This will destroy all of us....all of our relationships. Knowing that the one you love was with someone else with destroy that, we'll never be able to look at each other again.... and then, then knowing that is with our best friend, well there goes that relationship too! Shit!" she finishes.

Walking over to where I am sitting, she kneels down so my face was even with hers, and placing her hands on mine says quietly, "I don't want to do this Michael... I don't. Screw the rest of the world your more important." Pressing my lips together, I freed one of my hands and ran my fingers through Maria’s hair. She was right, Ulyssa might have wanted children, but she really wanted more than anything else was to destroy our lives and our relationships.

Staring at Maria for several moments I said nothing, only thought. Thought about the nightmare that I experienced when I walked out the door and about what she might experience if we didn’t do this. I loved Maria to much to let her be with Max and I loved her too much to not.

Removing my hand from Maria’s hair, I gesture for her to come closer. Standing, Maria takes a seat on lap and buries her face in my chest.

“We’ve gotta figure out a way out of this” I say, loudly enough for the group to hear.
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Post by isabelle »


I hear Maria say "I don't want to do this Michael... I don't. Screw the rest of the world you're more important."

Her words make me shiver as the memory of Ulyssa's nightmare hits me again. I have a feeling Michael is thinking the same thing as I see his face become ashen and he also falls silent.

“We’ve gotta figure out a way out of this” Michael says a few moments later, sounding as desperate as I feel, as desparate as all of us.

I sit down next to Michael, speaking quietly to both him and Maria. "Before she came back, I was about to assure Kyle 'cause I thought it was Liz. Now I'll tell you. With my powers, I can be sure that it 'happens' the first time. I can promise you that."

Having said that, I pull back a little, not really expecting a direct answer from either of them. Maria words about how this could be meant merely to destroy our relationships within the group bother me a lot. It could certainly work for that, although I can't imagine how that would benefit Ulyssa. Unless she was an agent of Khivar and was trying to destroy us that way. Divide and conquer?

I can't say that the thought of Liz in bed with Michael doesn't turn my stomach and make my blood boil. Seeing her with Kyle nearly killed me. That was a betrayal I still don't understand. But Michael? He's my best friend. He has been since before we were born on this world. Knowing he doesn't have a choice does very little to diminish the churning tension I feel at the idea...

"You know," I say slowly, my voice slightly louder. "There might be a way to fullfill the contract without that..."

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Post by emmylala »

ooc: isabelle, sent you a couple of PM's, check your box girlie. :smile:
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Post by Serephinah »

First my note: I haven't been able to post anything lately because I had/have a death in the family. My mind has been occupied by other matters. In that time I seem to have lost many posts and the rapid forward momentum of our rpg. For the sake of not having a really long long post (which at the current moment I do not feel up too) I'm going to pretend Liz went on autopilot up to this point because of signing away her child and finding out Michael, rather than Max is the one she is supposed to have her child with. Her thoughts have been elsewhere twinged with desperation, and perhaps a hint of madness...because if you think about it this whole situation is mad...and Ulyssa is the Mad Hatter personified. Just some minor thoughts in my head/Liz's head to explain a little. So right now Liz is coming out of the retreat her mind had become.
Liz Parker

I couldn't focus on anything that was going on around me after Ulyssa set us up with our partners. My mind couldn't seem to grasp the concept of Michael and and Michael. I had thought about it earlier but I hadn't been able to grasp it then either. I could hear a little voice start to sing

Liz and Michael sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

I reached my hands up to my ears to try and shut out that song. My fingers where centimeters away from my ears before I realized that no one was actually singing it, it was in my head. I brought my hands and stared at them, as if they belonged to someone else. This wasn't me, this was all a dream, at any moment I would rub my eyes, sit up in my bed and yawn and shake my head clear of this cobweb of a nightmare. I roughly sat on the floor with a thump and unconsciously started to rock back and forth as I started to mumble,

"This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real,"

as if it could help me wake up. I wanted to go back to Kansas, just as Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz. My voice started to rise in volume as I continued my clicking my red shoes mantra.

"This isn't real, this isn't real, . . . THIS ISN'T REAL, THIS ISN'T REAL, THIS ISN'T REAL! . . . "

After the third time I said it I just stopped, because I could hear myself yelling it in my head. I kept rocking and hugged my arms around my waist. I whispered through my raw throat,

"I want to wake up now...I don't want to be in Oz anymore..."

ooc: Just assume Liz does this after what Max says to Michael and whoever would like to respond be my guest. I think I just wanted to write something mad and dark. Someone's gotta crack under the pressure.
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Post by emmylala »

ooc:Serephinah, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of one of your family members. If your not up to posting right now, everyone will understand, take all the time you need and don't feel pressured to post if your really not ready.

With that said, I love where your taking Liz. This was Ulyssa's entire purpose in doing all of this. She wants the group to implode. She wants to create chaos and discord. So your post is a perfect reaction.