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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:21 am
by M

He’s smiling again. It’s a warm smile, but at the same time it sends shivers down my spine- in a good way. He leans slightly closer and whispers It's alright, I'm always available when people need to get their stress out.

I feel the slight heat in my cheeks again, but I ignore it and smile, a little wider. From nowhere he produces a wreath of flowers and places it lightly on my head.
Ah, 'tis as I thought. They do nae detract from yer beauty, they simply meld with it.

His accent is rough and sinuous and I bite my lip to stop my embarrassed giggles. Lovely lass, if that we could speak in private for a time, 'twould be an honor to get to know you better. I guess though, dear lady, that we'll 'ave to wait until the rescue has been a success.

He asked me out! I mean, I think he asked me out! I’m not sure, but then he lifts my hand and kisses it and I think I’ll swoon. To be honest I never believed women really did swoon like in some cheesy romance novel, but that was before I had my very own prince charming, complete with flowers, accent, and hand kissage. I look at him in profile, studying him as he looks at Isabel, and then looking at where our hands lie, lightly intertwined, on the sofa between us.

I’m not sure if Adam was talking to his cousin or not, but Isabel suddenly speaks and I feel like I do when I have been caught daydreaming in class.
As much as I'm certain everyone has questions, we have some planning to do and some things to get settled. The longer we dilly dally, the longer Michael remains in that torture chamber.

Dilly dally? Who say’s dilly dally? I wonder if he would think that she’s kind of like a teacher and he seems to glean my thoughts because he turns to me, grinning My cousin is indeed one that doesn't like to mince words, but her bark is worse then her bite.

“She reminds me of a teacher a little” I smile, hoping he won’t take offence, and wrinkle my nose a little to show that I’m just joking. I’m about to say something else but my attention is caught by Maria and Trevor talking. I can’t hear much of anything, but then Trevor says something and it’s like a kick in the chest. Nia'co lamaren.

‘All leaves fall in time’ I whisper to myself. It’s something someone used to say to me a lot when I was young. But not when I was young here. A youth a long time ago, and life-times away. It means to wait as things happen when they are supposed to and we can’t make it happen faster. I was told that a lot when I was little and impatient and more spirited then I was supposed to be.

I’m still rolling the sounds around in my mouth, feeling their weight and familiarity when Isabel breaks in to my thoughts with the teacher voice again. Max, Kyle, Tess and Maria. While Alex is busy doing the search, why don't we finish getting the basics down so we have a relatively sound plan? She gives Trevor a quelling look that I wouldn’t like to meet alone in a dark alley And we can figure out how to work him in as well.

I hear Adam speak beside me Isabel, what are you planning to do?
They begin a conversation I have no hope of understanding so I turn my attention to Maria and Trevor until an unfamiliar voice rings inside my mind. * Children, Is everything alright? I can't stop getting the sense of all sorts of emotions. Do you need our help with anything?*

It’s strange to hear someone other then Max or Maria, even though I’ve already spoken to Trevor. I think it will take me awhile to get used to the idea of communicating telepathically with other people. I try not to listen in, but it’s so funny and so nice. Family banter, and affection. I’m a little surprised when they start to give Isabel a hard time, but she responds well and I feel her rise in my estimation, teacher voice and all.

I’m thinking about trying to communicate back. I’m trying to think of what I could say to Adam that wouldn’t sound dumb or downright creepy when Cameron falls to her knees and Adam’s hand clutches mine tightly for a second. I hear Cameron ask a question and then others join in.

I hear another, older voice 'Tis nae any Donvan at work, children. 'Tis nae our magick. Reach out and feel the shadows within

I see Cameron look at Adam and I follow her gaze to see his eyes closed. The concentration rolls off him, as did his earlier self-possession. Trevor voices the question I’m thinking and Cameron gestures to the window in response Look out the window. It's a storm, brewing because of a witch but not one of our family. The storm is going to hit and when it does, no one will be able to leave this house.

I’m beginning to worry a little when Max takes control again. Can you maybe give us all a rundown of exactly what you can do? We've seen the scrying and such. What else is going to help us here?

Cameron responds and then points to Adam. When I look at him and he holds his free hand out in front of him. Without any noticeable effects he makes a ball of fire, followed by water and then ice. I’m amazed, and it explains how he got the flowers on my head. My thoughts wander for a second, wondering what interesting uses those powers could be put to, but then I mentally chastise myself for my lack of attention and pay attention to the group again, apparently just in time to answer some of my daydream questions.

Adam is... well, let's just say his elemental control and substantial ability with the Craft itself is his strongest suit. We don't like when Adam loses his temper very much. The storm out there is just as powerful, or almost as strong when it's called up simply to let him vent. I look at him in awe and this time it’s his turn to blush. I’m a little glad as I was beginning to think that he didn’t embarrass at all.

He gets up, squeezing my hand slightly before leaving it lonely on the sofa cushion. He closes the blinds with a wave of his hand and then says something about not being able to leave. As it finally computes I realize Max has gone through the same process. We can't wait a couple days! They've got Michael! He's counting on us. We have to help him! We can't let a little rain slow us down. They could be doing ... unspeakable things to him. It'll be the four of us then. Forget the Sheriff. We'll go in ourselves.

I’m scared when Max says we’ll go in by ourselves and I realize that I’ve already started to rely on Adam for comfort. But then I think about the feelings I got from Michael, and what it would be like if it was Max or Kyle and I know that Max is right. We can’t wait.

Cameron seems close to tears as she bursts out Do you think I want to leave him there?! I love him! I hate thinking about what he could be going through even now. But, look out there, Max. Look at the weather. How would you get through it with it pouring down like that?! Do you want to get yourselves killed?! That's not a normal storm, for Goddess sake... She breaks down and the tears spill down her cheeks.

Max looks at her, lost for a second, before he recovers himself to respond It might not be a normal storm, but we're not exactly normal, either

I nod, letting him know that I agree with him, and letting Cameron know that we won’t just leave him to be … whatevered. We don’t need to, and we won’t. Finally our powers have a good use, and we can help someone like us in the process. I know we won’t let a little rain get in the way of that.

Kyle has sat down beside me and we hold hands, comforting each other. I look at Adam, with his arm around Cameron and I can feel myself falling for him. Everything slows down and his face seems etched in relief in the air. He speaks suddenly and the world speeds up again to move at a normal pace.
If I can get an exact idea of where to do it, I can focus the elements on it. Getting the right location even with what we know might not be so easy.

“What do you need? What would help?” I turn to Maria “We should start calling our parents, whether we do the rescue now or later we won’t be home for a while. Maybe you should start- you know how your mom can be sometimes.” I turn back to the Donovans. “do you have supplies in the house? Or do we need to try to get some before the storm gets worse?”

I realise that I’m beginning to understand the magnitude of the storm outside. If Adam feels he has that little control it must be big and being prepared is the best thing I can think of to do right now.
“I could go to my house if we need things. It’s really nearby and my parents won’t mind.”

I look to Adam and Max, knowing that without Isabel here they are the next in line to take charge.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:57 pm
by isabelle

I don't like that guy at all. Thick Irish accent, phoney gesture with the flowers. And look at Tess! She's just eating it up. I bet she thinks he's cute, too. Doesn't she remember what we're doing here?

Okay, maybe she does, she's asking Max and Adam about the next steps. I lean back against a wall, crossing my arms, trying not to seethe and doing a terrible job of it. They're going to be using magic and alien powers against my father. What if he gets hurt? I know Max won't try, but it's possible. I have to be part of this to get him out of the way of the danger and Tess is all cranky about that. Just 'cause I don't have any powers...

Oh, but the Donovan dude does. She goes all dewey eyed for him. Damn! It's not my fault I'm human, after all!

I look around the room through slitted eyes, not sure if I even want to be here. They don't want to bother diverting my dad anymore so what use am I? I gotta get him outta there, somehow. I know he's hurting Michael and I hate that, but he's still my dad ...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:19 am
by StormWolfstone

“What do you need? What would help?” Tess questions and I smile as I watch her look at Maria. “We should start calling our parents, whether we do the rescue now or later we won’t be home for a while. Maybe you should start- you know how your mom can be sometimes.”

Maria nods, "Yeah, I should..." She replies and prepares to pull out her cell phone but looking at it she sighs, "I don't have a signal."

Cameron helps take care of this part, "Here, I've got a normal phone with a little magical help." She smiles as she hands it to the girl.

Maria nods, though looks skeptical. She picks up the phone and dials home. I however don't listen as she starts talking.

Tess looks back toward us and I listen as she continues, "Do you have supplies in the house? Or do we need to try to get some before the storm gets worse?”

Before we can respond however, she seems to continue on in a rush, “I could go to my house if we need things. It’s really nearby and my parents won’t mind.”

I shake my head and smile, placing my hand on hers. "Relax, Tess. We have everything needed here. You will be comfortable."

I'm about to say more when Isabel suddenly appears and looking soaked through the skin. "What's everyone sitting around for?" She starts automatically, her expression distant and cold. "We've got a rescue. Adam, focus on the Hematite Seal. Cameron, be ready to try and see Michael. Liz.... you are staying here." Isabel continues and then looks at Kyle, "Kyle. Your father isn't at the facility. The storm has him stuck on the road between here and there."

She looked over at Max, Maria, Tess and Trevor. "I've got something that all four of you will need to have on you in case something happens and we need to locate you." With a small gesture, she holds up four amulet's with pure diamonds in the shape of stars on them.

Trevor stands and moves to take the one she held out for him and then grabbed hold of the others, using a small bit of power to send them to Tess, Max and Maria.

I look at Isabel and try to speak to her telepathically, but she's still closed off. With a sigh, I nod and close my eyes. She's going to end up ill, I know it. Yet, for the moment there was only one thing I could do. I began calling on the energy I had learned to control all my life, concentrating on the storm, the lightening. I withdrew my hand from Tess' hand and pictured the stone in my mind.

The Hematite Seal, a stone of hematite with a golden sun around it. I found it, in my mind. Then, almost as clearly, I saw it laying on the desert floor, rain falling heavily around it, a puddle forming around it and drawing on everything I could... I managed to focus two bolts of lighting into the center of the seal, right through the hole in the sun. The hematite burst and crackles of what looked like electricity speared around it.

With a sigh, I opened my eyes, nodded and then leaned back on the couch to catch my breath. I'd had to fight the storm, the magic of the weilder and nature itself to do what I'd done. It had nearly drained me. "It's up to the rest of you."

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:56 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- okay.... I'm not at all sure what Adam did. Did real lightning strike at the facility? I'm confused....


I frown as Tess starts asking about running for supplies. I thought this storm was supposed to be too much to allow us to leave the house. That isn't quite addressed as Adam simply says they have enough supplies.

Then Isabel comes back and gets all snippy about the fact that we need to start the rescue. Again, that's what I wanted to do, but these Donovans kept saying we couldn't leave the house. Now all of a sudden we're the slackers? I'm still hoping Alex's computer search is going to get us some sort of decent information on the layout of the place, although maybe Isabel's 'fly-by' will serve the same purpose.

Still, I take the amulet that Trevor sends my way. I feel a little funny putting it around my neck. Hopefully, it won't have to show. I tuck the diamond under my shirt.

Adam sits and closes his eyes. He seems to be exerting himself although he doesn't move. Suddenly, he announces, "It's up to the rest of you."

"What did you do?" I ask Adam. Then, without pausing, ask Isabel, "How can we get there? Do you know how we can get in?"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:48 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: way overdue, but you don't get rid of her that easily ;). I'll hopefully have an Alex up tomorrow, when I work out what to have him find...


I listen in silence as the discussion goes on around me, fighting for the moment to control all the emotions that are flying round. I know that my cousins are trying, Serena too of course, but right now I know that we're all pretty emotionally charged, and even with practice that's hard to contain.

My head keeps feeling like it's going to explode, and add to it the emotions coming pouring off Kyle, whether they be of guilt, fear, worry or even jealousy as he looks over at Tess, I'm really not doing that well at the moment.

More shock revelations follow as Trevor arrives, announcing that he's Michael's brother when asked. Cameron gets it right on the head with her comment, every surprise and revelation tops the last...

Max and Trevor seem to look at each other, and despite the fact I can't hear anything, it's just like they're talking... I'm fast coming to the conclusion that they, like us, can speak telepathically too...

I don't miss the looks that Adam keeps giving Tess either, nor the feelings coming off him. I'd say surely this isn't the time, but in truth I know you can't control that, and it's only when he kisses her hand, causing a fresh, strong wave of jealousy from Kyle that I really begin to have a problem with it. I frown and close my eyes, strengthening the blocks I have in place and then turning my attention back to the conversation.

It goes through questions of what Trevor can do, followed by a mention of Alex who's continuing to search on the computer. Isabel offers me to show him the one back at her house if he wants it, but as he makes no response, I focus my attention on what's going on with my cousins, realising that they're counting me out of this, but not quite ready to give up yet. I've made my decision, but fighting with them right now simply means we're wasting time. Instead I'll bide my time, and make sure I know what's happening.

As Isabel mentions taking a flight, I immediately want to object, but Cameron does it for me. I know that she's probably not going to take any notice, anymore than I will she and Adam, but still...

As my Aunt Ana asks if I'm okay, I nod silently sending back a response for all to hear. *I'm fine...there were a few too many emotions flying round at first, but I'm getting there, I'm stronger than you think...* I laugh mentally. From looking at me, most people would think I was a pushover... That couldn't be further from the truth though.

As Cameron mentions the storm, Adam confirms it's mystical and Isabel disappears from the room a moment later. Adam says to leave her be, she'll be back in a minute, and I have to agree...for now... If she's gone a long time, well then that's another matter...

My attention refocuses on Max as he asks about just what we can do, other than what he's already seen. Cameron takes charge of explaining this, working through it carefully, accompanied by a demonstration for the elemental control by Adam. I smile in amusement, remembering a time when his control wasn't quite so good and he almost set on fire the rug we were all sat on.

As Cameron finishes, leaving out Isabel and I, she comments that she thinks it'll be a few days before we can do anything, suggesting that they stay because of the storm, and that certainly doesn't go down well. I don't like the idea of leaving Michael in there that long either, but considering the present situation...

Max flies off at this though, his emotions running riot again as I wince. He really needs to learn some control...

His reaction causes Cameron to break down, and I frown, seeing the effect his words have. "We care about Michael just as much as you! He's our friend, like family to us!"

Kyle comes up with an idea that seems the best one yet for the moment, but it needs Isabel, and there lies the problem... As Adam says, she's good at blocking us... The waves of jealousy rolling off him get stronger again as Adam speaks to Tess again too, but as Isabel reappears in the room, completely soaked, that all fades into the background.

"We've got a rescue. Adam, focus on the Hematite Seal. Cameron, be ready to try and see Michael. Liz.... you are staying here."

She speaks as though there's no question, but this is one time when I'm not just going to step down. I shake my head as Adam starts his part. "No Isabel, I'm going! I said it before, and I meant it..." Usually I'd start to use the argument of the fact that I'm the healer of the group, but unfortunately with Max there that's less important... Still... "What if one or more of you get hurt...? Max is going to be there sure, but he can only help one person at once!" I look at her, my eyes bright with determination. Usually I'll accept what she says, but on this occassion no! *This is part of who I am Isabel... My dad understands that, and as much as he might not like me being in danger, he accepts it...Please don't fight me on this one, I'm going!* I send to her selectively, knowing that she's going to try and object. I knew it as soon as I voiced the fact I wanted to go, but I also knew I wasn't going to accept no as an answer...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:09 pm
by StormWolfstone

In my hawk form, I fly over the desert looking over the landscape for what we need to see and as the rain lashes down on me, the wind nearly keeping me from being able to keep to the air. Down below, I see the Sheriff’s car mired on the road and make a quick dive to see if he’s actually in it. If so, that will be one less problem to worry about. Seeing that he is, I mentally nod and beat my wings, rising once again until I’m soaring further into the desert.

I finally locate what I needed and swoop down to land in my human form. Calling through magic, I bring forth the hematite Seal. Something that is very important to our family. “By wind and rain, by light and dark, let all combine and hit their mark. Let none but I hold again, the Hematite Seal of Grandfather Finn.” I place a protective spell upon the seal so that no one else can handle it in case someone that is not an ally attempts to pick it up before I make it back for it.

Drawing in a deep breath, I teleport back to Cameron’s living room soaked but not caring.
"What's everyone sitting around for?" I glance around, knowing my expression isn’t very friendly. "We've got a rescue. Adam, focus on the Hematite Seal. Cameron, be ready to try and see Michael. Liz.... you are staying here." I look over at Kyle, giving him the chance to hear something that might ease his mind slightly. "Kyle. Your father isn't at the facility. The storm has him stuck on the road between here and there."

Glancing over toward the four strangers who I was still wary of, I spoke simply. "I've got something that all four of you will need to have on you in case something happens and we need to locate you." Closing my hands, I think the small spell and open my hand to hold up four star diamond amulets.

Trevor stands and moves to take the one I held for him then grabbed the others and used a telekinetic push to send them to the others. I catch Adam looking at me but I’m not about to open telepathically to him at the moment. I watched him take his concentration stance.

"No Isabel, I'm going! I said it before, and I meant it..." I hear Liz interject and look over at her, not wanting to have this conversation at the moment but noting the expression on her face, I simply wait to hear what else she has to say. "What if one or more of you get hurt...? Max is going to be there sure, but he can only help one person at once!"

For the first time in a long time I see a different brand of Donovan determination in my empathic cousin’s expression and open my mind as I am certain she’ll wish to continue trying to convince me. Of course, I’m right as only a few moments later I hear her say, *This is part of who I am Isabel... My dad understands that, and as much as he might not like me being in danger, he accepts it...Please don't fight me on this one, I'm going!*

I don’t respond right away, turning as I felt the magic begin to build, the electricity intensify. I waited for a moment, "It's up to the rest of you." Adam says and I nod, turning to begin thinking on the next step.

"What did you do?" Max questions Adam and then without really waiting looks at me to ask, "How can we get there? Do you know how we can get in?"

“Alright, here’s the deal. Kyle and Alex will remain here in the safety of the Donovan home. We don’t know what sort of things we’ll have to work with there. The rest of us,” I meet Liz’s gaze as I give a nod and continue, “Will be teleporting to the compound where there is an entrance that will need to be forced open since thanks to the double lightening bolt that my brother hit them with, they have no power. When we get in there, Cameron will use her gift to try and lead the way toward where Michael is being held, but also I will be taking a different form so that I can use another method of locating him.”

“Isabel, how can you even consider placing Liz into this as well?” Adam questions and I glance over at him.

“Don’t, don’t start debating with me. I know what I’m doing. Now, back to the planning.” I say, my tone brooking no arguments.

I paused a moment and looked over at Tess, “Something was said earlier about you being able to hide us, I think that it may well come to be something that will be necessary. Maria, I need you to attempt another dream walk with Michael. Hopefully he is asleep.” I say and take a moment to try and think what else can be done. I hate the responsibility that I feel for all those that are involved. “Trevor, I think you should be prepared to take point amongst the others and I’ll flank everyone. Max, you and Liz remain in the center. I understand that you’ll want to be a big part of things, but as healers, we’ll need to be certain that you are best protected in case something happens, but also for Michael’s sake.”

I glance around, waiting to see whether my plan will be accepted by all or questioned. Then with another thought, I look at Kyle, “I’m going to leave a headset with you and a radio. If you end up hearing anything on the radio that might spell out trouble for us, use the headset and let us know.” She looked at Alex, “And as much information as you can get on this Project Clean Slate, save it to the computer and we’ll check it all out when we’re back. If we have to, we’ll see to it that this group goes down if they are after aliens or witches.”

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:19 am
by KatnotKath

I give a small smile of satisfaction as Isabel nods at me, silently conceeding to my argument. She explains what's going to happen to Max and the others, at which point Adam speaks up, objecting to me going again. Isabel's response to this is rather curt though, allowing no further discussion, but it gives me what I wanted, what I need to do, so that's fine by me.

Continuing on, she speaks of how people can help, and exactly how they're going to be involved. I'm unsurprised to hear Isabel saying for myself and Max to remain in the centre of the group. In truth, her reasoning or this is sound, and I nod, not seeing any point in arguing further. Her mention of Michael causes me to close my eyes though, my chest tighening as I remember what we saw in the mirror before, but I know we can't dwell on that at the moment. The best thing we can do is be strong, and concentrate on getting him out...

*We're coming Michael...* Whether it'll get through or not is debatable, but I have to try, I have to try and tell him we're not giving up on him...

As Isabel turns to speak to Kyle and Alex now, the boy at the computer turns with a smile on his face. He reaches for something that's just been printing out, handing it over. "I'll continue to do what I can, but this might help you for now..." He holds out something that looks a little like a map of a building. "I know it won't tell you where Michael's being kept, but at least it'll give you an idea of the layout of the place..."

I smile, taking it and then passing it to Isabel. "Thanks Alex..."

"You guys be careful okay...and bring him home safe...?" Serena says, looking over at us as Isabel looks round now, checking that everyone knows, and accepts what they're doing.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:12 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I'll continue to do what I can, but this might help you for now..." The kid Alex begins and I see him holding out a map which Liz reaches for, "I know it won't tell you where Michael's being kept, but at least it'll give you an idea of the layout of the place..."

Liz hands the map to Isabel as she smiles at the boy, "Thanks Alex..."

"You guys be careful okay...and bring him home safe...?" Serena says and I turn to smile at her.

"Don't worry, Rena. We'll all be fine. We'll get Michael home very soon." I slowly stood, knowing I wasn't quite a hundred percent, but within moments, I know that my energy will be revitalized and I'll be good to go. I will not be a burden to them in any manner.

Moving over to where Isabel and Cameron already stood, I saw Cam holding Michael's ring, her eyes misting with tears. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I give her a slight smile. "Cam, we'll get him out safely." I know that she feels even more at fault then the rest of us because she felt it was up to her to protect the guy she had been in a relationship with.

"What if… if he's not the same? If he doesn't want us… around?" Cam nearly whispers and I wrap my arms around her.

"You know that won't happen. We're his family." I look pointedly at Trevor, not about to let this guy try and take the place of the family that Michael has known. I won't stand in the way of Michael getting to know his brother, but I sure as hell won't let the guy try and come between us and Michael either.

Isabel's voice sounded, "Cam, don't worry lass. We'll rescue 'im safe an' sound, then we'll all be together again as a family." at least until we decide whether we return to our old homes or remain here. I heard Isabel add silently and she looked at me as though to inform me silently that I was the only one that had heard her.

Damn, now what was that supposed to mean? I glance over at Liz, "Ready, cousin?"

My gaze then turns to the enchanting Tess and I give her a smile. I'm glad that we'll be working together and I aim to remain close to her during the rescue so that I can make sure she remains safe.

Isabel glances over at Serena, "If we feel the need, we'll contact you, Rena. We'll let you know how things are going every step of the way." My cousin's tone is soft and I know that it's because for her Serena had been a sister even if it wasn't by blood. Rena had been family for all of us, just as Michael was.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:21 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Who are you? Why are you after the Donovans? Why would you help me?" Michael asks me and I give a slight smile.

"My name is Laina Donegal and I'm not really after the Donovans. I'm more wanting to learn a few things to try and keep my kin from starting a needless war." I reply at first, most of it the truth. "As to why I'd help you, because obviously you and the Donovan's are close. I never had that, but I also refuse to let you remain a victim here and a lab rat. I'll not let you be killed because stupid mortals will it." I continue.

I look at Michael and place my hand on his brow. "Let's get you out o' here lad." I comment quietly, I wonder if he's strong enough to be able to walk out of this place, but I figure that if I aid in releasing him, I might manage to get in close to the Donovan's and learn what they are doing here other then rescuing the boy. Besides, my healing spell had worked obviously, but that didn't mean he had energy.

It had been so easy to get into league with the Project Clean Slate people, they wanted to believe in the other worldly things themselves. Not to mention, I'd been a captive for some time, tested beyond normal limits and proven myself as a part of their team. "I'll ask the Donovan's the questions myself once you are safely back amongst them." I tell him and hold my hand out to him. "I can't teleport the same way they can, but I can get you out. I know you have no reason to trust me, so if you feel better using me as a shield to get out, you can."

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:39 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: not very good I know, but I'm trying, I know my posting here is long overdue


Adam assures Serena that we're going to be find, adding that we're going to get Michael back soon, but I don't like the way he looks as he stands up, as though she's still short on energy. *Do you need some help...?* I ask silently, sending this to him, and him only. I know he won't want to admit it if she does, but we need to know...

Looking over at Cameron now, I see her looking at Michael's ring, feeling the waves of emotion coming from her as she struggles not to cry. I can feel her worry, but more than that I can feel the guilt - she's blaming herself for what happened.... *Cam, it's not your fault, it'll be okay, we're going to get him back!*

She says something to Adam which I don't catch, causing him to wrap her in his arms, and I move over to join them. He insists that we're Michael's family, looking over at Trevor as he says this, and then Isabel again assures her it's going to be okay.

"Ready, cousin...?"

I can see that Adam still doesn't like the fact that I'm coming, but because Isabel accepted it, he has done too and I nod. "Whenever you are..."

Taking a breath, I look over at Max, giving him a small smile. I don't know why, but I'm glad that he's coming with us...


As Isabel assures me she'll keep us informed as to what is happening, and 'call' if they needed us, I nod back. "Make sure that you do, and just bring him, and yourselves, home safe okay...?" I give a weak smile, looking round at them all. Take away these new people, and these are my family now... I've grown up with them, and each is like a brother or sister. "Take care of youselves..." I tell them softly in little more than a whisper.

I don't know what else to say, and I only wish there was more I could do... Sometimes being in a house of supernaturally gifted people can be difficult when you're one of the only one's who is normal... It's like I can hear them in my head, but I can't respond...and when it comes to something like this, I'm stood on the sidelines looking on, wishing there was something I could do and feeling completely incompetant...

*You're helping just by being here you know...don't put yourself down...*

I blink as the familiar voice sounds in my head, looking over to Liz who gives a small smile as I catch her eye. 'Thank you' I mouth silently, smiling softly as she nods. *You're family Serena, just remember that...*