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Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:47 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I've missed you, too," my brother tells me and I can't help but smile. I'm just so happy to be around him and Michael. I feel so much more complete and for some reason, the small part of me that had always seemed to be missing even when we were all together before didn't seem so empty. That was something that kind of confused me.

"We'll check on Mom and she'll be okay," I sigh, seeing Michael nodding his agreement and nod knowing that there wasn't much that we could do. I could check on her later in her sleep and hope she was well. Even take Michael and Max in with me. It wouldn't be quite the same for her, but she had missed both of them. Maybe for a moment, she can feel like she has us all back. At least in some way.

"Okay, well dinner is done. Let's eat and catch up. Oh, and don't you gentleman even think that I've forgotten that it's been a very long time since I even recieved a missive telling me how things were progressing. 'Walking' and reading are much different matters. Not to mention, half the time I worried I might 'walk' and see something that would simply make me feel the need to burn my eyes out along with the part of my skull that holds memories." As I finished my comment I was smirking at Michael.

Even before they'd left, I had always known that Michael was a wild one with the women. I was aware fully what the men in society did when they went toward the docks. It wasn't as though I hadn't snuck out a time or two and been dressed like a boy just so I could have a taste of freedom. The night I was taken I should have been smart and done it that way.

I shuddered thinking about the abduction and sighed as I moved to set the meal on the table. "Eat up." I say simply as I think about the pros and cons to having been abducted. There were some things I had no intention of telling Michael and Max... at least not now. If I did, they might risk getting themselves caught.

"So, tell me about this crewman Alex of yours? Though we spoke on the ship, I never got around to asking just how it was you met him? Or how you decided that having a bard aboard was safe?" I can't help but lift an eyebrow with silent laughter since I know they have to understand what was so funny about a bard being on a Pirate's Ship.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:26 pm
by magikhands

"Okay, well dinner is done. Let's eat and catch up. Oh, and don't you gentleman even think that I've forgotten that it's been a very long time since I even recieved a missive telling me how things were progressing. 'Walking' and reading are much different matters. Not to mention, half the time I worried I might 'walk' and see something that would simply make me feel the need to burn my eyes out along with the part of my skull that holds memories." She ends smirking at me.

I shrug my shoulders and sit at the table and start dishing the food on my plate. "I can't help what happens in my mind when I'm asleep." I return her smirk.

"So, tell me about this crewman Alex of yours? Though we spoke on the ship, I never got around to asking just how it was you met him? Or how you decided that having a bard aboard was safe?"

"That's a question fr your brother to answer." I looked to Max with a brow raised knowing that I had protested about first.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:05 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, and shortness, but hopefully the next will be better


Well I have absolutely no previous experience of doing anything like this, but I am ready and willing to learn, and hopefully not making too big a mess of things... Maria has been doing most of the instructing for sure, but I have tried to do what she says as well as possible, and things seem to have come together, or so I hope...

It is quite a thing to see, her moving around, looking completely at home... I have a feeling that it will be some time until I can do that, but I am better than I was an hour ago even, and nothing teaches better than experience, or so I have heard.

As she offers me a choice between setting the table, or watching the food, I do not need to consider, knowing that one I can definitely do, while the other might ruin the food which I am sure we are all ready for. "I think perhaps I would be less likely to mess up the first..." I respond softly, offering a small smile, and looking back as I move towards the cupboard she indicated. I have no problem with laughing about myself - my life has hardly prepared me for this, it is little secret, and I am the first to admit that. "Afterall, it would be a shame to ruin what smells quite delicious at such a late point wouldn't it..."

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:43 pm
by isabelle
(OOC -- I just realized that Storm's opening post had names designated for Max and Michael's ships ... names we didn't use. I'm sorry about that. I don't know how I missed it... :cry: )


"So, tell me about this crewman Alex of yours? Though we spoke on the ship, I never got around to asking just how it was you met him? Or how you decided that having a bard aboard was safe?" Isabel asks.

"That's a question fr your brother to answer." Michael says with a sour expression. He wasn't much of a fan of Alex at first, but since then they've become fast friends so I know this sour expression is just an act. Mostly, anyway.

"I don't believe he was much of a threat to us," I say, keeping my expression even although I want to smile at her question about if having a bard was safe. It was having Women on board that was supposed to be unlucky -- not music, and well, we seemed to have survived the women as well. So far, anyway. Then I shrug and try to answer the question more seriously.

"I ran into him in a tavern in Milford Haven. I liked the sound of his music although I wasn't about to invite him along... not at first. But the next night, he'd run into some trouble outside and I'd happened along in time to help out. We got to talking after that. He'd had a bad run of luck and I offered him a berth in trade for some entertainment." The 'bit of trouble' had been a band of bandits trying to steal his meager earnings. He'd been out-numbered five-to-one and out-classed in fighting skills, too. I'd felt more than justified in secretly using a little of our special skills to turn the tide our way after I joined him. Since then, he's improved his fighting skills greatly although he is always very careful of protecting his hands. He doesn't know it, but I'll always help him with that, making sure he never suffers any permanent damage.

"Our men are just as fond of amusement as any other and Alex fit in amazingly well," I explain, smiling at my sister as I remember how easily Alex had managed to become friends with most of the crew even 'though they were nothing like the people he was used to dealing with. The man was a true diplomat. He could could have easily worked as an emissary if he'd been more highly born.

"I'd thought to just let him try his trade here at Lucky Ace, but instead, he ended up being Michael's crewman." I raise one eyebrow as I focus my attention on Michael. "I believe the turningpoint was a night of roudy amusement in Wexford."

The two of them had gone missing together and hadn't turned up again for more than a day, delaying our intended departure. And when they did return, neither one of them were truly in any shape to sail. To this day, I've only gotten spotty details of what they'd been up to and I'm often glad I don't know more.


I smile as Liz decides to handle the serving duties. It feels so different to have her here trying to help in the kitchen, listening to my instructions instead of having me there to serve her needs. I'm also usually not in the kitchen, except to take care of myself. It's a lot of fun to have a 'staff' to help me out. Even the men are stepping up and fetching water and other things that the kitchen boys would usually do.

"Fine," I say. I reach up for the short stack of miss-matched plates and hand them to Liz. "You can sort that and I'll manage the food." I turn back to the fire, having already seen that Alex didn't seem to have any lifting dishes. No doubt he usually served himself straight from the pot. We'd do the same tonight.

I start to whistle as I stir the stew before stopping myself. Whistling is unlucky. I quickly switch to humming. I don't remember the last time I felt so good about my life...

Looking over my shoulder, I say, "Alex, why don't you tell us a bit more about your captains? They don't seem at all like what I thought pirates were."


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:57 am
by StormWolfstone
ooc: don't worry about it Isabelle, I never noticed lol... it's all cool.


"I can't help what happens in my mind when I'm asleep." Michael smirks back at me and I simply roll my eyes heavenward. He is never going to change. When he replies to my questions concerning Alex I can’t help but shake my head. Typical Michael… "That's a question for your brother to answer."

I glanced over at Max as he began to reply, "I don't believe he was much of a threat to us." I knew that he’d take it that way, still it was fun to see the way he seemed to be holding back as he began to explain, "I ran into him in a tavern in Milford Haven. I liked the sound of his music although I wasn't about to invite him along... not at first. But the next night, he'd run into some trouble outside and I'd happened along in time to help out. We got to talking after that. He'd had a bad run of luck and I offered him a berth in trade for some entertainment."

So, my brother had been a hero… why does that not surprise me? Well, it really doesn’t because even with my brother being a pirate, he wouldn’t harm anyone unless it was to protect others or himself. He’s always been good at taking care of others, the underdogs so to speak.

"Our men are just as fond of amusement as any other and Alex fit in amazingly well," I see his smile and can’t help but wonder what else he was thinking. "I'd thought to just let him try his trade here at Lucky Ace, but instead, he ended up being Michael's crewman." I turn to look at Michael, unable to keep from wondering about that. "I believe the turning point was a night of rowdy amusement in Wexford."

“Wexford?” I couldn’t help but look at Michael with a grin, “You didn’t get the poor guy too drunk did you? I’m almost certain he wouldn’t be able to handle it as well you would.” I just don’t take Alex as being the type to be able to keep up with how Michael is when he gets to partying. Of course, the fact that we have the strange abilities and are nearly certain we aren’t really normal humans, would factor in to this in some ways.

I sigh and shake my head, “So, am I going to be guaranteed that both of you will be here for that dinner I’m planning? After all, I have a few things that I’ve managed to hide upon my person that the slavers didn’t take that I plan to trade in the shops around here so we can make something brilliant for the dinner. Liz, Maria and Tess and I will make something that will floor all your tastes. And of course, a few separate dishes with plenty of spice.” I smile, letting my words and tones remind both of them of some dishes I’d helped cook make several times that had been just for us. The three of us always loved things extra spicy.


I’m fully aware of the closeness that there is with Kyle helping out some in the kitchen and I can’t help but like the fact that he is so close by. I’d wanted to have the chance to get to know him more when we were on the ships, but that hadn’t happened because I’d also wanted to be close to where Isabel was since she seemed to be so similar in some things to me. It seemed almost as though she and I had some connection of sorts and I didn’t feel so alone. Yet, now even with the others in the kitchen with me, I felt the same emptiness I’d become used to over the years.
For some reason I was worried about Liz and Maria when they were on the ship with Isabel’s brother, but after a few conversations with Isabel I’d relaxed. Yet, a part of me had also not liked how they were treating Kyle like a prisoner. He’d helped us as much as he could when we were with the slavers.

The meal is nearly done and I am more then happy about that. As Liz began setting the table and Maria set the food, I went ahead and began working on the desert for the five of us. It was a relatively simply cake that luckily Alex had the supplies for me to make. One thing about back home in America, I’d learned how to bake rather well. I actually enjoyed it.

I mixed the batter and listened as Maria spoke from nearby, "Alex, why don't you tell us a bit more about your captains? They don't seem at all like what I thought pirates were."

I can’t help but smile at that as I remembered how Maria and looked at the Pirate Michael. Not to mention the way Liz had seemed around Isabel’s brother. I am actually more interested in learning more about Kyle but I know I’ll have time for that later. Instead, I glance over my shoulder and can’t keep myself from giving Kyle a smile.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:34 pm
by isabelle

I allow myself a slight smile as Isabel questions Michael about getting Alex drunk. She's pretty quick at putting the pieces together. He's refused to elaborate, but I'm guessing it started as a means to question the man's loyalties, to be sure he wasn't a spy. And somehow, they'd become bosom buddies. God only knows what manner of devilment the two of them stirred up in port that day. It's a fine thing that we're pirates so that the law couldn't track us.

Then Isabel goes on, insisting that we be here for her banquet tomorrow, promising some special spicy dishes for us. She's already surveyed our larder and has seen that we've got a load of spices for such things.

"Of course we'll be here," I promise. "Where else would we go? You couldn't drag me away from your special culinary treats."

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:05 pm
by magikhands

"I'd thought to just let him try his trade here at Lucky Ace, but instead, he ended up being Michael's crewman." Max turned to me with raised brow. "I believe the turningpoint was a night of roudy amusement in Wexford."

I gave him a smirk remembering that interesting night Alex and I spent bonding only in the way men can bond.

“Wexford?” Isable looked at me with a grin. “You didn’t get the poor guy too drunk did you? I’m almost certain he wouldn’t be able to handle it as well you would.”

"That is something only Alex and I have the previlage of knowing." That night forged a friendship between the other man and myself. I had doubted his loyalty, why a man of his talent would want to spend his life on a pirate ship. But by the end he had no doubt that Alex was a worthy friend.

Isabel went on about food but it wasn't the promise of her cooking that intrigued me. It was the promise of setting eyes on a certain fiery blonde.

"Of course we'll be here," Max said. "Where else would we go? You couldn't drag me away from your special culinary treats."

"Count me in as well." I smile. It had been so long since I'd smiled so much. I'd forgotten how Isabel always made me smile.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:20 pm
by magikhands

With all of us helping in the small kitchen it got a little crowded. Once I'd done what I had to do I backed out and watched the girls taking command. I had experience in the kitchen, having grown up on a ship, but this... these women actually knew what they were doing. Or at least they looked like they did.

I couldn't stop my gaze from wandering over to Tess from time to time. Watching as she worked. It was clear that something was on her mind. Was she worried about Isabel? Or maybe the thought of a new life here on an island of pirates unsettled her. Whatever it was, I had the urge to comfort her. But I couldn't. I barely knew her and it was inappropriate.

"Alex, why don't you tell us a bit more about your captains? They don't seem at all like what I thought pirates were." Maria says though I disagreed somewhat. She wasn't on the recieving end of a sword tip. Nor was she distrusted by them. A shiver runs my spine at the thought of how it felt when I thought they would kill me.

Tess turns and gives me smile. I instantly forget all that and return a smile to her. I hope to have time to get to know her more. That is, if Captain Max allows me time to myself, I think glancing over at Alex knowing that he's my babysitter for the night.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 6:49 pm
by isabelle

The stew is done and I have to say it smells great. I hope that Alex and Kyle like it. I'm pretty sure Liz will. She's tasted my cooking before. As I listen for Alex's answer to my question about Michael ... it had seemed that he and Michael were fairly close. I only hope he'll be willing to tell me things I want to know but I daren't ask.

Still, just as I'm about to haul the pot from the fire, I stop myself. "Kyle? could you lift this off for me? Dinner's ready." I wish we had fresh bread, but there simply wasn't time for that. Thankfully, we do have the loaves given to us by the innkeeper, bless her heart. Still, I'll have to see if I can prepare some fresh bread for tomorrow. I'll make enough to bring some for Isabel's feast, as well.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:39 pm
by magikhands

"Kyle? could you lift this off for me? Dinner's ready." Maria says looking at me.

I nod and go to lift the pot from the fire. The smell of it drifts to my nose and my stomach growls hugrily. I hadn't realized how hungry I was.

"This smells delicious." I say moving it so that it could be more accessible to the others. "It's been a while since I've eaten something that smelt this good, or that wasn't cooked on a ship."