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Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:55 pm
by Sundae
Isabel the Bitch.

I hate it. I never considered Isabel to be a bitch on the show. Yes, at times she had a standoffish attitude, but I don't think she was ever a bitch...she just had a strong personality.

I don't care if you want to make her that way in AU all human stories. Because you can deviate and I admit, sometimes I like her that way...but it absolutely bothers me in cannon stories when authors make her a "bitch" for no apparent' reason other than the fact that she's Izzy.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that "bitch" was a personality trait.

Its contradicting to what I consider cannon Isabel. Yes there were times where she was straight off standoffish, especially in the beginning of season 1, but it was a fake mask that she wore and we slowly saw the real Isabel come out once the humans found out about the alien secret. So it honestly doesn't make sense when an author makes her "bitchy" if they're writing a season 2, 3 and onwards Isabel.

If doing simple things are beneath her then why did she help Maria out in the Crash-down that one time? She put on a waitress uniform and severed customers. She wiped away the drink Liz spilled on her shirt when they were going to Atherton's dome. She changed Liz's nail polish color. She helped Kyle have a little fun with her powers, she was there for Michael when he sent of the signal in the air.

I mean by the end of season 3, Isabel was completely different from the mask she wore during the beginning of season 1. And I can't comprehend her still acting like a bitch towards those she's close to years later. I'm not saying she didn't have her moments, but it was never a constant thing, in fact they were few and far in-between compared to everything we did see of her. So to make he personality be consonantly bitchy in cannon stories just seems odd to me.

Really isn't it real for her to not be a bitch? The ice queen facade was something she used to cover up the real cannon Isabel (around those that's she's close to) wouldn't really a bitch for the sake of being a bitch.

Anyways...rant over. I just had to get that out and it's my opinion.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:49 pm
by jake17
Ok I am completely confused, I was watching the third season of roswell, (to be honest mainly to just stare at Max) but so much makes no sense. Maybe someone out there can make sense of it for me.

I was watching the episode "to have and to hold' and "interruptus",

Ok this whole Khivar coming back for Isabel before she gets married plot. does anyone else out there think that this is just stupid?

If I understand this correctly Nasedo made a deal with khivar forty years ago for Tess to grow up and seduce Max and have his baby, then to deliver them to khivar. (I'm assuming not for tea and cookies) for revenge? to have him killed insuring Khivar's rein over Antar or I off track here?

Ok so if Khivar was able to infiltrate Isabel's dreams and manipulate her emotionally, why the hell didn't he use this to kill Max? He only came down to Earth because she was getting married? :? OK If I was an evil dictator who wiped out a the royal family and wanted to insure my place as king my first priority would be to destroy the one person that they tried to bring back on another planet to avenge all the deaths I caused and kick me off my thrown.... not to get my 'girl' back only because she about to take wedding vows... I mean even if she meant that much to him would Earthly wedding vows stand in my way?

Oh and another thing, the big show down in the woods when she becomes all black eyed and is channeling Volandra and protecting Khivar... its not her brother's Max and Michael who she's know her whole life and apparently her past life who snap her out of this spell, no its (overacting, aggravating) Jessie, who she's known for two months who brings her back to Isabel. :? :roll:

oh OH and i just loooved this! All this time Isabel is tortured thinking that she betrayed them and was the reason they were all killed and suddenly magically out of the blue in the woods Michael remembers that Khivar told her that no one would be hurt?? Was he even there to hear this? OR was that just conveniently stuck in there like so many other plot holes.

I don't know I guess it just bothered me because they made such a big deal out of Khivar being this big threat, the reason for the whole damn trip to Earth and this crazy plan of mixing with human DNA to save their people back on their tormented planet and this is what they show us?

I loved how she pushed him in that transporter thingy and said "if you come back I"ll kill you myself" :roll: and he just disappears... whoa that some evil mastermind! Personally I thought Nicholas played a much better villain.

Maybe I've got this all wrong and am just misunderstanding the just doesn't make any sense to me.

Khivar is face to face with Max/Zan and ....*crickets chirping*

IF they were going to bring Khivar to Earth they could've done something so exciting... it could’ve been this big emotional culmination of everything Max has been through facing him. He could've fought within himself whether he had an obligation to follow through with what his people (mother) whatever planned for him or reclaimed his life for his could've been this big inner turmoil thing ...a kind of emotional maturity for him.

I guess in a way Max did all that when he rejected the whole king destiny thing but you know what I’m getting at.

Or I could be just really over tired and be making absolutely no sense. :wink: :lol:

If I’m totally off base please anyone feel free to correct me.


Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:10 pm
by PML
I am sorry that I can not disagree with you, Carrie. Because you are pretty much right about all of the above. But it gets wall bangingly worse. Why?

What is all Max can think about during the early parts of Season three? HIs son. Its all about the child he supposedly had with Tess, and how the need to save him pushes him to do some pretty cold hearted things. Like nearly abandon all of his friends and family without saying good bye.

Khivar is standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Does Max even ask or make demands or anything?

Nothing. Max says nothing. Almost like he'd completely forgotten the tyke that was supposedly the driving force for him that season.

Sure saving Isabel is important. But this was one of his best oppotunities for information. And he says not a word. Then again, neither does Khivar.

It is like it never even happened.

So much for continuity.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:12 pm
by keepsmiling7
Three cheers for both Carrie and Peter!
The whole 3rd season was off track in my opinion......
Expecially the Isabel story line, and Max looked like a complete idiot most of the time.
When I go back and look at season 3, I think no wonder the show got cancelled.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:46 pm
by Earth2Mama
I hated everything about Season Three and them having Liz and Max get engaged and married - to me - felt like a bitch slap to the face. It was like - "Oh, we know we screwed this up guys, sorry! But here you go, they're together now. Please forgive us?"

Uhm ... no. Still haven't and won't ever.

It's why I can't watch the episodes still to this day.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:00 pm
by jake17
sorry posted twice, is anyone else having problems with the site/? :roll:

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:16 pm
by jake17
PML wrote:I am sorry that I can not disagree with you, Carrie. Because you are pretty much right about all of the above. But it gets wall bangingly worse. Why?

What is all Max can think about during the early parts of Season three? HIs son. Its all about the child he supposedly had with Tess, and how the need to save him pushes him to do some pretty cold hearted things. Like nearly abandon all of his friends and family without saying good bye.

Khivar is standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Does Max even ask or make demands or anything?

Nothing. Max says nothing. Almost like he'd completely forgotten the tyke that was supposedly the driving force for him that season.

Sure saving Isabel is important. But this was one of his best oppotunities for information. And he says not a word. Then again, neither does Khivar.

It is like it never even happened.

So much for continuity.

omg Peter you are so right! I never even thought of that!


I completely agree with you too Caroyln and Ellie...

I'm so disgusted with them robbing us of that moment of Max and Liz it still makes me sick. To this day I cannot watch that balcony scene where he turns the coal into a diamond and you think...finally FINALLY...we're going to see what we've been waiting three years for ...and nothing...

but they had no problem showing everyone else having sex...

oh OH AND what the hell did they do to Mr. and Mrs. Beaver Cleaver parents the 'Evans"

Not only did they throw Max out of the house but they we're going to skip their only daughters wedding???? :shock: come on! that was just so stupid! Here they are being depicted as understanding level headed supportive parents and suddenly they're making Hank look not all that bad :roll: that was just one more thing that made no sense to me... I know they did the right thing at the end but the fact that they would even think that way was just so crazy to me. I didn't like Jessie either but it wasn't like he was from a biker gang and ran illegal dog fights for money!

i'm rambling now...but you get my point .. was any of us not shaking our heads with confusion during season three?

It was as if the producers handed out each episode of season three to different writers who never watched the first two seasons and said, this is a show about aliens, make up a storyline that can be wrapped up in forty minutes. don't worry about a story arch or character development.

:x all I can say is that I feel lucky to have found this site and others like it, all you writers out there saved me from being bitter about the whole thing. The stories found here are above and beyond the garbage they fed us.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:20 pm
by valentinebaby
Did it bother anyone else about how gungho he was about finding the baby and then he finds him only to give him up for adoption, because supposedly the child was entirely human. Yeah the child's not even a year old yet but hey no powers yet so we're all clear? Being healed by an alien gives you powers but being birthed by two gives you nothing? Not to mention that Max supposedly felt him at one point. And even if the kid for sure would never grow up with powers, he went through all that, nearly leaving Liz, getting her thrown in jail, screwing with Cal's life for what, just to give the kid up to complete strangers? No sense.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:56 pm
by PML
Amazing how fast that went wasn't it? What, the kid doesn't have a Seal and isn't super powered from birth like his dad. NEXT!

But lets be honest in this. I can see him doing it, once he realize just how big a deal taking care of a tiny child is. And he wasn't ready for it at all. Add in the danger he faced on a regular basis, with the possiblity that the Army or Air Force could find them at any time....

It's just awfully fast for it all to work out. And the worry over him would be constant. Because just how hidden will little Zan be? And how safe from Max's many human and alien enemies without someone without powers to protect him.

Really no good options there.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:00 pm
by RoswellOracle
I completely agree with you guys that season 3 SUCKED, and not much made any sense. It wasn't the show or the characters we loved any more.

If Khivar can come to Earth with that nifty transport, why didn't he bring a whole army through? He could have easily killed off Max and Michael and taken Isabel whether she wanted to go or not.

And you guys are right, the whole baby Zan story was just so stupid. It's like the writers didn't know what to do with him once they had him. They should have just made him a mind warp. It would have been much easier.

If he was human, was he really born in a month, or was that a mindwarp? Did he really 'contact' Max, or did Max just have gas?

And seriously, if the government really wanted to track down Zan, how hard would it be? There are records of everything these days. You don't think that a friend of Philip Evans who suddenly has and extra baby to adopt out isn't going to seem suspicious if they are looking?

The baby being human was completely stupid too. With all their technology, don't you think the aliens would have done something to ensure that any offspring would be part alien at least? Otherwise what is the point of them having children?

If Nasedo really made the deal with Khivar, he could have handed over Max and Tess at any time and Khivar could have destroyed them or used their DNA to make a baby if he wanted. Why wait for them to produce an heir if there was a chance he might be human?

It didn't surprise me that they didn't ask Khivar anything. No one EVER asked anyone anything. Nasedo, Tess, Larek, the dupes, the Skins, Courtney, Congresswoman Whitaker, not one question to any of them about anything about the history of the planet, what was currently going on, how their families were, how to get their memories back, better use their powers, how to get home, what the granolith was, etc, etc, etc.

Earth2Mama I totally agree with you. Max was a complete ass-hat in season 3. Did he even deserve Liz? I don't think so. He treated her so badly. The romance was gone between them. Their relationship was basically destroyed, and never really put back together. The proposal and wedding was a slap in the face. Just way too little too late. It almost seemed like an afterthought, like they said, 'we'll give those whiny fans what they want since this is the end'.

No, I'm not still bitter. :twisted: