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Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:34 pm
by isabelle

We all turn to Alex, hoping he has another clue about this project the Sheriff was part of, and maybe some information on this bunker where Michael is being held.

Or at least, that's what I think everyone is thinking of until Isabel starts taking charge. She starts talking about taking a flight. For a second, I assume she has a piper cub or other small plane available and I'm about to argue that she'll be seen. But in the next moment, I realize that she's talking about something very different indeed.

Then something really strange starts. I'm suddenly listening in on a conversation in my head with people who I don't know at all. Isabel's aunt, and uncle, someone called Rowan. I tried to keep my expression neutral so they wouldn't realize I was eaves-dropping unintentionally, but I didn't try to block it out. It was so surprising and new, I just listened... Something about heirs that made this power thing sound like destiny or duty or both.

Cameron joins in along with another unseen one, this grandp has a very heavy Irish accent.

Trevor apparantly heard it to, and questions Cameron about it. She mentions a storm and everyone looks out the window to see that she's right. So much for going out to set protections at Kyle's house (whatever that meant) or to see about Liz's computer.

Isabel disappears, anyway, although her family had just finished saying that everyone should stay. Suddenly, I'm feeling terribly as if I'm in over my head again. I'm glad to see it all, since that gives me more hope about overcoming the Sheriff's group, but I wish I knew more about how it all worked so I could help sort out how to use their strange abilities.

"Can you maybe give us all a rundown of exactly what you can do?" I ask. "We've seen the scrying and such. What else is going to help us here?"


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:35 am
by StormWolfstone

"Can you maybe give us all a rundown of exactly what you can do?" Max asks, and I glance at Adam and Liz, then at Serena before looking back at him. "We've seen the scrying and such. What else is going to help us here?"

I concetrate on trying to reach Isabel but she's closed us off so our link is currently severed. Damn it! I look at Adam, wondering what we should and shouldn't mention. We've never had a need to be so open and yet I felt guilty because they'd been open with us. Adam simply shrugs and gives me a light smile before I turned to look at Max again. "Well, as witches we have basic abilities with spells that can be used for ill or for good. We.. some of us have a good control over the elements.."

I point toward Adam and watch as my cousin holds his hand cupped before him and first forms a baseball sized orb of fire and then a moment later it became water heavily contained. Then he shaped it into ice and then it vanished.

"We can call animal companions to aid us in things. We work with nature and feel it's stirring. Then we each have our own individual abilities that are not shared with others in our generation. My older brother for example, Aiden can get images of the future to come with a simple touch to an object or person. Where as, I'm a touch psychic of another kind. I get the images or the owner of the object at present time. My father and I have both worked with the authorities in Oregon during missing person's cases." I wouldn't mention what Isabel's and Liz's powers were, but from Adam's expression I knew he was alright with it.

"Adam is... well, let's just say his elemental control and substantial ability with the Craft itself is his strongest suit. We don't like when Adam loses his temper very much. The storm out there is just as powerful, or almost as strong when it's called up simply to let him vent." I smiled at my cousin who flushed with embarrassment. "My aunt Morgana was the same. His brothers and sisters have different varied abilities, none like his. The four of us you've met were the ones to get the strongest of our families power for our generation."

I paused and Adam interjected, "One would say it is because of a family curse that began hundreds of years ago that the four of us are needed to end, as we are our ancestors hope for a true beginning and a purging of the negative energies."

"That's what the four meant that came during the scrying. We are them and they are us. It's up to us to set things right, but Isabel..." I began and shook my head. I was saying too much. "If you are concerned Max, that we won't be able to help, we can prove what we can do. It looks like we'll have a couple of days to get to know each other. This storm won't let up before then."

"I can't even get it to calm slightly." Adam said, his expression puzzled before he looked at the others, "I suggest if you need to contact your parents, you do so. You won't be safe out in this storm to go home. And though we could teleport you there, it wouldn't be safe to our secret, or to yours since it would seem to be rather suspicious."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, closing the blinds again. I decided to add something to that, "If your parents want an excuse and you aren't certain where to say you are, you can always inform them that some new people in the neighborhood are paying you for helping them unpack all their belongings."

Trevor seemed to smirk, "Oh, and if they wanted to see the money afterward, then what?"

"We have the money. That's not an issue." Cameron said, a frown furrowing her brow. It was rare that she felt displeased about something but she didn't like this guy's attitude.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:00 pm
by isabelle

I'm amazed at the demonstration of the magic powers. Fire and water and ice. Sure, I can light fires and put them out, or create an orb of light, but this is a bit different.

Calling animal companions, controlling the weather. I'm not really sure how any of this will help, but it's good information to have. And they claim to be connected to four beings from an ancient time -- or maybe they're re-incarnated -- or something, and they've got some destiny to make things right by eliminating negative energy? Okay, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'm sure it does to them and I'll work with it.

Then suddenly, I'm brought up short. "If you are concerned Max, that we won't be able to help, we can prove what we can do. It looks like we'll have a couple of days to get to know each other. This storm won't let up before then."

Not being able to help was the last on my mind. I was pretty sure they'd be even stronger than the three of us. ... four, counting Trevor. But a couple days!!!

Adam and Cameron go on about making excuses for not getting home tonight, but that's the least of my worries.

"We can't wait a couple days!" I say when I find my voice. "They've got Michael! He's counting on us. We have to help him!" I can't believe they're even thinking about waiting. They saw him! I've felt him in my mind. Maria's been in his fear-filled dreams. No, I can't allow him to wait another moment.

"We can't let a little rain slow us down. They could be doing ... unspeakable things to him." I turn on Trevor. He claims to have powers stronger than ours and trained to use them for combat. "It'll be the four of us then. Forget the Sheriff. We'll go in ourselves."

It's not that I don't like the plan to divert the sheriff, but we need the witches for that. If they're hiding from the rain, then we'll skip it. But we're not abandoning Michael.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:20 pm
by StormWolfstone

I couldn't help but laugh at the Sheriff who was now uncoscious and when he awoke to find himself in his patrol car on the highway would have no idea what had happened. My storm would do wonders to keep him from the base while I had my own sort of fun with the boy planned. Walking through the complex, I smiled as I passed some of the men.

When I reached the door to the cell where the boy, Michael was being held, I nodded at the men, "Let no one enter and disturb me. I don't care if he ends up coming to his senses. I can handle myself." I patted the guns at my side with a smirk as the men opened the door and I walked in to the room. As soon as the door closed behind me I smiled and walked over to sit on the edge of the cot that was Michael's bed.

Running my hand along his forehead, I spoke softly, "Michael. I can help ease the pain. I just need you to tell me about the Donovan's. Why have they come to Roswell? Are they trying to amass more power?"

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:22 am
by isabelle

I feel a touch on my forehead, brining me back to conciousness. I try not to flinch but I feel an eyebrow twitch, revealing me. Or maybe not. That could happen if I were still asleep, couldn't it?

I don't want to wake up. My whole body is aching. I'm sure it will hurt like hell if I move, but i can't even try. I'm still strapped down to this cot. I remember the sheriff and his doctors hurting me. It was nearly unbearable. I thought I was going to die. And then ... then, I guess I passed out. Maria was there. Maria? Where are you? I don't want to be alone.

There's a voice. A woman's voice speaking softly, almost gently. "Michael. I can help ease the pain. I just need you to tell me about the Donovans. Why have they come to Roswell? Are they trying to amass more power?"

They came here to help me, I think to myself but I don't say it aloud. I keep my eyes closed and my body limp trying to feign continued sleep. I can't answer her questions if I'm still asleep. Please go away. I'm tired. It hurts. I can't deal with this again...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:19 pm
by StormWolfstone
OOC: Laina coming soon too.


"We can't wait a couple days!" Max says, and I feel my heart tighten. "They've got Michael! He's counting on us. We have to help him!" They don't even know him or how difficult this is for me. They know nothing about him other then that he is one of their kind and Trevor's brother. I've known him for years. The thought of what he's going through causes tears to fill my eyes and I shudder.

"We can't let a little rain slow us down. They could be doing ... unspeakable things to him." I watch through the tears as Max turns to Trevor. "It'll be the four of us then. Forget the Sheriff. We'll go in ourselves."

"Do you think I want to leave him there?! I love him! I hate thinking about what he could be going through even now. But, look out there, Max. Look at the weather. How would you get through it with it pouring down like that?! Do you want to get yourselves killed?! That's not a normal storm, for Goddess sake..." I break off unable to speak as the tears simply flow without control.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:15 pm
by isabelle

"...Look at the weather. How would you get through it with it pouring down like that?! Do you want to get yourselves killed?! That's not a normal storm, for Goddess sake..." Cameron says and I can see that she's close to tears.

I look out and I do see that the weather is a lot more fierce than anything I'm used to, but we still have to get Michael out there. Not just for him, although that is certainly enough. I've touched his thoughts. I know what he's feeling, how scared he is. How much he's hurting...

But there's also the question of any of us being studied by a group like that. The last thing we need is for "Project Clean Slate" to be amassing data about us that we don't know about ourselves.

"It might not be a normal storm, but we're not exactly normal, either," I tell her. I'm not ready to give up yet. Still, I do need to have whatever information Alex can get, too, so maybe there's no point in leaving until we have that.


I can't do anything right now and I've never felt more useless. I hold onto Tess's hand, thinking to give her support but I'm sure she thinks she's protecting me.

"Wait," I say. "You said something about controlling elements and such. If you can't get rid of the storm, is there some way you can use it to protect Michael?"

"How?" Max asks, looking both puzzled and angry, but I know his anger isn't directed at me. He's angry because he can't do anything to help, either. "They're inside. The rain won't stop them."

"But what if there was no power?" I ask. "I'm sure they have back-up generators for ventilation and stuff, but maybe they'd be reduced enough that they'd have to hold off ... well they'd have to hold off." I turn to Adam. "Can you do that? The lightning is out there. Can you make it hit the right place and slow them down?"

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:09 pm
by StormWolfstone

"It might not be a normal storm, but we're not exactly normal, either," Max says toward Cameron and I get up and go to her, seeing that Tess has someone by her side, she doesn't really need me. Instead, I put my arm around my cousin and turn just as Kyle begins speaking.

"Wait, you said something about controlling elements and such. If you can't get rid of the storm, is there some way you can use it to protect Michael?" I can't help but furrow my brows.

"How?" Max asks, "They're inside. The rain won't stop them."

"But what if there was no power?" Kyle continues. "I'm sure they have back-up generators for ventilation and stuff, but maybe they'd be reduced enough that they'd have to hold off ... well they'd have to hold off." I watch him turn toward me, "Can you do that? The lightning is out there. Can you make it hit the right place and slow them down?"

I was silent for a moment before I nodded slowly, "If I can get an exact idea of where to do it, I can focus the elements on it. Getting the right location even with what we know might not be so easy."

Cameron turned, "If Isabel can shift and get to the place then we can teleport in long enough to alter the lightening strikes. However, if we aren't careful the weather could end up causing us problems as well. You'd have to be completely focused, Adam. The smallest distraction could spell disaster for anyone with us." Her tone is filled with warning as she wipes her tears away and shakes her head with a sigh. "The problem is, getting Isabel to come back here."

I sighed and nodded, "I've tried to get to her but I can't reach her."

"Neither can I." Cameron admitted.

"Then, we need to figure out if anyone can in the family. Or if we can even locate her and go to her. She's gotten too good at blocking us." I comment and sigh, going into thought as I tried to figure out how to do this.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:37 am
by StormWolfstone

I'm not sure if I feel a change in him or not, but instead of thinking on it, I simply decide that I'm going to do exactly as I was planning before I was drafted into a second plan. I'm going to do this my way. I remove the chains on his wrists, reaching over him gently to do so. Then, I move to the basin of water that must have been brought in shortly before I came and grabbing a cloth, I settle back at Michael's side.

Carefully, I begin wiping his brow with the water soaked rag while I chant softly, a spell of healing and peace. When the spell is completed, I simply continue the gentle ministrations. "I can get you out of here, Michael." I tell him softly, not sure if he's awake or not, but knowing that once the pain begins to fade with the healing he might wake up.

"In fact, once the storm outside let's up it'll be too late for me to help you because Valenti will return. All I need to know is if the Donovan's are here for power. I know that you know them and part of the reason might be to try and help you. That's honorable, but why the entire family? Why all the cousins?" I ask, keeping my voice soft and calm. I don't wish Michael harm. He is not my enemy and I don't use methods like Valenti to get information.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:26 pm
by isabelle

The strange woman doesn't speak again but she also doesn't leave. I can feel her bending even closer and unfastening the restraints at my wrists and ankles. I can smell the faint scent of her perfume. I'm freed from the cot but I still can't get up. Somehow, I feel even more helpless now than I was when I was bound, because I still can't get up, even if I want to. I'm still hurt and weak and dizzy and I don't want her to know I'm awake. I know I can't fight past her now. Besides, if she knows about the Donovans, it's possible that she's a witch, too. Whether she is or not, she's after them and is bound to be well prepared. In any case, she's certain to be more than she appears.

Something cool and wet touches my face. It feels so good but I can't let myself show it or even enjoy it. I hear her talking to me again, but I must be worse off than I thought. Her words seem soft and far away and I really can't make any sense of them. I don't have any idea what she's saying and I'm sure I'm about to pass out again.

But then, instead of oblivion, I feel the pain drain away entirely. That confirms one of my suspicions. She's a witch.

"I can get you out of here, Michael. In fact, once the storm outside lets up it'll be too late for me to help you because Valenti will return. All I need to know is if the Donovans are here for power. I know that you know them and part of the reason might be to try and help you. That's honorable, but why the entire family? Why all the cousins?" she asks.

Unlike all the questions the Sheriff was asking, I know the answer to that. I know they came just to help me but she's already told me that she won't believe that. I can't believe I've been used to draw them into a trap.

I'd love to continue to feign sleep but I know that she knows that her magic has succeeded. I open my eyes and see her. She looks younger than I expected. Long black hair and dark demanding eyes. With a sigh, I push myself up into a seated position on the cot. My gaze rests briefly on the mirror but I can't be worried about anyone watching or listening. If she's with them, they already know. If she's not, then I'm sure she's already taken care of that.

Instead, I avoid the question. "Who are you? Why are you after the Donovans? Why would you help me?"