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Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:03 am
by Rowedog
Sigh... this is what I was afraid of.

Because people can't be civil, I'm ending this discussion. Take it to PM's people if you want to argue and be passive aggressive.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:03 pm
by killjoy
What got on my nerves and bugged me was how they kept changing the bad guys in an out on us.I mean Jim in season one and than the FBI and than the Skins and than Khivar.I wish they would have just stuck with one and built them up.

I do have to ask which bad guy did you like the most? The earth ones human/FBI/SU or the alien ones Khivar/Tess/Skins?

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:18 pm
by valentinebaby
killjoy wrote:What got on my nerves and bugged me was how they kept changing the bad guys in an out on us.I mean Jim in season one and than the FBI and than the Skins and than Khivar.I wish they would have just stuck with one and built them up.

I do have to ask which bad guy did you like the most? The earth ones human/FBI/SU or the alien ones Khivar/Tess/Skins?
Hmm toughie. I think I'm going to have to go with the human ones.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:56 pm
by juliecollard87
I loved loved loved the skins. I thought it was so cool they stayed the same age. Also that you never knew who was one so they could be anywhere. I wish there story line would have been longer. I think it would have been cool if Khivar was the main villain through the whole show but the skins did his biding. I always felt that Khivar went away too easy he was the big bad he could have put up a way bigger fight. So I guess I liked the alien ones the most.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:58 pm
by valentinebaby
juliecollard87 wrote:I loved loved loved the skins. I thought it was so cool they stayed the same age. Also that you never knew who was one so they could be anywhere. I wish there story line would have been longer. I think it would have been cool if Khivar was the main villain through the whole show but the skins did his biding. I always felt that Khivar went away too easy he was the big bad he could have put up a way bigger fight. So I guess I liked the alien ones the most.
Yeah that was lame. Khivar came to get Isabel, then leaves and is never heard from again. Very strange.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:42 am
by Coccy
I don't remember if it was already written here.. anyway a thing that got on my nerves: destiny
But i'm not talking about the destined couples. I'm referring to the plan made by the antarians that created Max and the others. For the life of me i will never understand how that plan could actually work.. it was unrealistic and very flawed.
Firstly, i think that the idea itself that Max and the others could really be Zan&Co again is very flawed. They could never really be those people and i think that the show stressed this point a lot. It doesn't matter if it was reincarnation or just clones because they could never really be them.
The antarians wanted Max&Co to "save" them from Kivar and basically fight into a war. But frankly their plan was good for kamikazes.
For me it's not realistic to believe that four teenagers could, alone, save a planet and fight against a powerful enemy who had allies and weapons.
I always read people that blame Max and the others saying that they abandoned the antarians but how could Max and the others save antar from Kivar if they basically had nothing? No informations, no spaceships, no allies.. nothing. No one tried to contact them. 3 years of roswell and they never received a clue from antar.
I think that you can't abandon who abandoned you.
Either the antarians suck and their military skills are really weak and they wanted a miracle from Max and the others or they simply didn't care about them anymore.
Max&Co didn't have allies here on earth that could concretely help them. When you have to fight into a war allies and a decent army are important things for me unless it's a suicidal mission.
They didn't know what they were really supposed to do on antar, in the first place. When the momogram said "save us" it was a bit too generic and she didn't really provide any real useful informations for their mission. Also apparently watching that message activated something that told their enemies where Max&Co were (btw what happened to Howie from the backstreet boys? :lol:) and it made them more vulnerable . Since it was such a risk to watch that message then the antarians could have used it in order to give them more details and useful informations, at least.
Max&Co didn't even know if they really had allies on antar, in the first place. They didn't know if those people existed or still existed after 40 years. The supposed supporters of the royal four never communicated with them and it's not that they couldn't do it. I mean, they had plenty of possibilities and advanced technologies. They could have used the trick that Larek and the other aliens at the summit used.
The royal four had only *one* spaceship (the granolith) and they didn't even know that it was one. The granolith could be used only one time so apparently the antarians didn't make a plan B. Beside, they couldn't really use their spaceship because the instructions were written with a language that they weren't able to understand. Reason of why Tess had to use Alex.
And what about the protectors? Two of them died and the other two were traitors that basically tried to kill them. One made a deal with their enemy and the other one hated them and basically abandoned them.
Math is not an opinion, even if the protectors were their allies (and they weren't) they would always be a group of four+2 people against many enemies. Even if you count the dupes too (assuming that their powers were strong or like the roswell set) It isn't enough for me. In FMax's time i seriously doubt that the world ended just because they didn't have Tess. Being four could surely make them stronger than when they're 3 but I doubt that alone the royal four could really win against Kivar.

Above all i always wondered about the fact that the aliens seemed to not have a military base here on earth. I mean.. where they made their experiments? They obviously knew our biology and they carefully chose specific human donors when they created Max and the others. Also.. were Max&Co the only hybrids apart from the dupes? By logic i would think that they firstly tried their technique with other hybrids and then they made Max&Co when they understood that it could actually work.

I've read some fanfictions that created a much more believable version of the plan made by the antarians, more believable than the canon one. Really the writers didn't know what they were doing with that storyline to the point that it seemed to me that they didn't really like it, in the first place. This is one of the reasons of why the second season is not my favorite.
I like sci-fi but i like it when it's well done. The second season only created tons of questions that never got an answer (It's one of the reasons of why i hate the ending of Lost for example)
The third season could never do what the second one never did. The third season, mediocre and all, could never repair the damage that the second season made IMO.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:07 pm
by Sin
I think I liked the human villains the best, the FBI, Pierce, Agent Topolsky, etc.

I agree with Coccy. The entire Antar storyline never made sense. I think they should have gone with the Superman background story that would have pretty much been a great origin story and still wouldn't have changed too much. The show could basically still end up being the same (Tess could go crazy saying that they needed to save their alien linage and say that she and Max were made for each other, etc. and it also still makes all of the alien stories plausible because the Skins, Shapeshifters could still be enemies of the Antarians, etc.

But the whole Royalty storyline and saving Antar bits never worked.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:16 pm
by RoswellOracle
Another thing that always bugged me is the whole stupid thing about the Sheriff losing his job.

He was investigating a girl, who her mother said hadn't checked in, but who turned out to be fine. And then the mother sues the department? For what? Isn't that what the police are supposed to do? Check out possible crimes? :lol:

Valenti did step over the line hitting Grant, but to fire him for that? And Grant did turn out to be a kidnapper and killer.

And for some reason Valenit's state police buddy got focused on Max and Isabel, and all the sudden his deputies are 'noticing' strange behavior when no one ever has mentioned this before. :lol: It was all just silly. Valenti isn't being very careful if suddenly the whole town knows something weird is going on.

What point did it serve in the story to make him not Sheriff any more? It caused a little conflict between Max and Kyle, but other than that really had no effect on the storyline. They didn't really do anything with Valenti after that.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:50 pm
by Earth2Mama
RoswellOracle wrote:Another thing that always bugged me is the whole stupid thing about the Sheriff losing his job.

What point did it serve in the story to make him not Sheriff any more? It caused a little conflict between Max and Kyle, but other than that really had no effect on the storyline. They didn't really do anything with Valenti after that.
I honestly believe that they (The Powers That Be - :lol: Still reminds me of Angel!) needed to give William Sadler a story-line. Remember ... this was a teen/20-something centric show. The main protagonists on the show were the kids - who the hell cared really about the adults? :roll:

Eventually, the PTB realized ... "Oh sh*t! We've got Bill here and he's got nothing to do really except appear in a few episodes when the 'law' is needed". And up until that point of the show, he hadn't really had much of a storyline ... well, a strong one anyway. Sadly, Bill Sadler - sorry no pun intended - became a "filler actor" - someone who was needed during a particular storyline to amp or hype it up into something more. In my opinion, it not only happened to him. It became the norm as far as I'm concerned for the actors who played the Evans and Parker parents as well.

Him loosing his job wasn't that unbelievable to me, at least to me at the time. It was the other half of that story ... The Kit Shickers? Now that was a hot mess if ever I saw one! It was liking playing fetch with your dog and then giving him a pat on the head when he went after it.

Truly a waste. :x

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:36 am
by dopiecat
I think the one thing that I really would have liked to see is more between Maria and Michael. It had the potential to be a real love story and somehow the writers just kept it kind of in the background. It was anti-climactic but kept you wishing something would happen. That made me want to bang my head against anything.