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Post by isabelle »


"Wait a minute," I say as Trevor 'explains' himself. He has a mission? He's on 'orders?' I don't have any idea what he's talking about but I have a sudden uncomfortable feeling about it all. Is he like those aliens in the movies? What is he here for?

What are WE here for?

I'm surprised he didn't complain that we hadn't told him, either, that he didn't know. Instead, he seems to have known about us all along. He was friends with us on purpose and he never said anything.

"We're hybrids? What does that mean? What's Antar?" I ask. I have to start somewhere.
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Post by M »

OOC: I wasn't sure what Adam looked like so I took liberties, hope that's ok :)


It's Adam, and his dark eyes are kind as they assess me. Hey, it'll be alright. Cam won't let anything happen to Kyle if he stays behind. Not to mention, if there's any trouble, we can be there in a blink of an eye. See, it takes some energy, but we can teleport.

I sigh, still unhappy, but feeling a little more ok about the whole thing, especially when he holds a hand out to me and look seriously into my eyes again. None of us will let him be placed in danger, nor will we allow anything to happen to the rest of you. It's the Donovan way. And harm none, do as ye will.

Shyly, I take his hand and then smile. It's warm and dry and large. My fingers are lost in his enveloping grasp, but it's kind of nice in a way. I look back up and then blush at his frank gaze. It's funny, because I'm never shy, or embarrassed and I've never reacted to a boy like this before, but there seems something different about Adam. He's so self-possessed, so calm and yet there is this power that just radiates off him. This close to him I can feel it, like a warm wind, carressing me, small tendrils of it envelope me and ease my frustration and my fear.

"Are you...? " I want to ask if he is doing something, something magic to make me feel better, but I realise that it is both rude and dumb so I look down again, shaking me head. "Nevermind, forget it."

I feel like I should explain, like maybe he's come over because he's noticed my frustration and I don't want him to think that I'm petty, or immature.
"See, it's just that Kyle is... well... he's my best friend. I don't think I could deal if something happened to him that was because of me. He's... he's important to me and I hate that we always put him in danger, and this time it's worse because he and his father are pretty close and if this came between them...."

Realising I'm rambling I trail off and stare at the floor, embarrassed again but I feel a light squeeze on my hand and I realise it's still held in his grasp. I look up and see Adam smiling at me and I can't help it, I smile back.

I think he's about to say something but just then Trevor walks in and demands loudly to know everything. I'm not sure what Cameron does, but somehow afterwards he seems to know everything, even though he still isn't totally happy because he wants to know now how she did it. Her revelation about magic is shocking in its matter-of-factness, but as Trevor drops the bomb about his fraternity I realise that I forgot to tell the others in all the excitement.
Max is the first to respond and I'm glad now that I didn't tell him before. I wouldn't have had answers and it probably wouldn't be good for the ritual we did earlier to have a divided focus.

I was sent here for a purpose, mentioning to you who and what I was wasn't part of my orders. Finding my brother was my own personal mission, but Antar wants me here for another reason. I'm not like you, I'm not a hybrid. I was born and raised on Antar.

I'm trying to follow the conversation between Max and Trevor when I hear a throat clear lightly next to me. Drawn from the drama unfolding before me I glance quickly over at Adam who in turn glances down at our linked hands. "Oh" I gasp lightly. "I'm sorry" I whisper. Without realising it I've been clutching his hand and from the color of his fingers it looks like I was holding pretty tight.

I see Maria look over at us and raise an eyebrow and I frown at her before turning back to Adam.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

OOC: Maria and Tess can hear only Max's side of the telepathic conversation.

JP Between myself and Isabelle for Trevor/Max.

Trevor shakes his head as he looks at Max, listening to his questions and thinking how child-like he sounded. Of course, it didn't surprise Trevor that they weren't aware of who they truly were. Still, he'd hoped that their protector had given them something, but maybe he wasn't around like he was supposed to have been. "Antar is the planet from which you were sent here. Your DNA is a mix between Antarian and human, giving you the ability to better adapt since you were sent here before birth. Michael was also sent here. You were sent here to survive in case things went badly back home during a vast war that our people were involved in. Of course, the Collective isn't aware of your existance at this time." Trevor was grateful for the fact that the Collective hadn't learned the truth about the hybrids. Very grateful for that fact.

It didn't escape Max's notice that Trevor had switched to telepathy. No doubt he wasn't comfortable discussing such things openly amoung strangers -- or maybe he was hiding even from Alex and Kyle, dispite their friendship. Max didn't know, but he hoped that Trevor was including Maria and Tess in on his comments. That was what Max himself planned to do, let Maria and Tess in by openly sending his telepathic speech to them while doing the same for Trevor.

Still, knowing the name of the planet he'd come from. Antar. It was, amazing. Something they'd all dreamed of for so long. Someone who could tell them ANYTHING at all about who they were, where they were from and why they were here. It wasn't a good time for such conversations. Not when Michael was in danger and they had so much to plan. None-the-less, Max needed to know these things. They all did. It was Trevor who had chosen to keep this information from them when they could have been told at a more conveinent time.

Max tried to process the information he'd been given. Part human and part alien. Although, Trevor, who claimed he was fully alien, looked just as human as Max did. Was he a shapeshifter like he'd heard about? Or were aliens really that much like humans? And there was something-else. A war and ... *What is the collective?*

"The Collective is what most of our people are a part of. They are joined, linked in minds so that they share everything with each other. You'll be nearing the age when they will feel you and try to get you to join them. My mission doesn't include helping you to withstand them, but that's one thing I plan to do while I'm here. To join them is to become a slave, to live hearing their voices, feeling their feelings, seeing what they see, but not to be an..." Trevor had to think of the word that the humans used, "An individual. I, and several others, have stayed away from the Collective.. but at a large price."

Max nodded. This 'collective' sounded rather ... eerie. Creepy, even. Alien. It was clear there was a lot to learn but they could probably wait on most of it. They first had to rescue Michael. "If Michael is your brother, does that mean he's an alien, too? Or a hybrid?" Max said aloud. Trevor had also mentioned that Michael had been 'sent' like himself and Tess and Maria -- hybrids. It probably didn't matter, but Max was trying to understand.

Then, silently he added. *And what is this 'mission'?* Max desperately hoped it wasn't something dangerous to the Earth -- that it wasn't something that would justify the government's paranoia and this extreme response. 'Project Clean Slate.'

"Michael is a hybrid like you and the others. However, his DNA was taken from both of my parents before being mixed with human DNA." Trevor responds easily, his gaze going around the room and noticing that one of the strangers, a rather intringuing blonde was looking at him cooly.

Returning his attention to Max, he responded telepathically, *To track and locate some items that were stolen from Antar, items that in the wrong hands can destroy planets or enhance our powers. That is my mission and I carry the twin to those items with me. I am to do everything I have to in order to regain those artifacts and return them to the safe keeping of our people.* Though he didn't add that he wasn't going to return them, instead he had plans to hide them and keep them from anyone that might end up having the chance to use them for harm.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Tess seems to take my hand in a rather shy manner but her smile leaves me certain that she's alright with it. I give her hand a light squeeze as I continue to smile at her, glad that she hadn't rebuffed my wanting to offer her some comfort. Her aura is still slightly troubled, but I can see also that she's a bit more relaxed at the moment. The feeling of her hand in mine once again sends a rather unusual sensation through me and I can't help but wonder if any of the other Donovan's had felt the same before.

The blush that creeps over her features as she meets my gaze, causes me to simply think that it makes her even more attractive and perhaps gives me hope that there's something that can be there between us. Of course, I know I should be focusing on Michael, but one thing I'd learned was that any form of dissension could cause many things to go awry.

"Are you...?" She begins and then seemed to decide not to continue as she added, "Nevermind, forget it." I want to ask her what she was going to say, but decide that it is better left alone for the moment.

"See, it's just that Kyle is... well... he's my best friend. I don't think I could deal if something happened to him that was because of me. He's... he's important to me and I hate that we always put him in danger, and this time it's worse because he and his father are pretty close and if this came between them...." She explains and then stares off at the floor, seemingly embarrassed. I squeeze her hand lightly and smile as she looks back up at me. The smile she gives me causes a warmth to spread through me and I'm about to say something when some guy comes in demanding answers.

Glancing over, I watch as Cameron uses one of the benefits of her psychic powers, reversing the memories and letting Trevor see what we'd seen. She'd done that with me once, something that had surprised me until Uncle Sebastion told me that it was a rare gift that even he couldn't do at will. He told me that his grandmother had been able to, but his mother and father hadn't and neither had he. I'd realized then that it was part of our destiny, part of what we were supposed to set right.

After, he asks her how she did what she did and I'm proud of my cousin for telling him straight out what she is. Of course, his next words shock me. Michael's brother? How could that be? Where had he been all this time? Of course it also tells me that this man is an alien or at least part alien.

Max responds first and begins firing questions at the guy who seems unconcerned about answering and then though I'm not getting the message, I can feel telepathic signatures being used in the room and glance at each of my cousins in turn.

I suddenly realize that my hand is slowly being gripped to the point of losing feeling and glanced down at my hand, before looking at Tess and clearing my throat. I'm thinking that quietly getting her attention is better then making a scene. When she glances at me, I look at our joined hands and her gaze follows mine. Gasping slightly she says, "Oh." Then seems to feel that she should apologize as she whispers, "I'm sorry"

She glances over at someone else, but I only have eyes for her. When she looks back at me I smile, squeezing her hand gently as I whisper in response, "It's alright, I'm always available when people need to get their stress out." I joke and she colors slightly before smiling. Without being able to resist, I lift my free hand up and with a light murmur of words, I conjure up a small wreath of Irish wildflowers which I gently place on her head. "Ah, 'tis as I thought. They do nae detract from yer beauty, they simply meld with it."

I see her try not to laugh even as she seems pleased not only by the broguish accent, but also my gift. "Lovely lass, if that we could speak in private for a time, 'twould be an honor to get to know you better. I guess though, dear lady, that we'll 'ave to wait until the rescue has been a success."

With that said, I lift the hand I hold and press my lips to her knuckles before simply placing our hands between us. I know that the move and words were old fashioned, but I believe I learned well from Grandfather Finn. My father and grandfather weren't always that smooth, but Finn, well too bad his charming and easy manner wouldn't rub off on Isabel. She was always far too uptight.

Thinking about my cousin, I turn to look at her and she seemed to be glaring at the newcomer. "Isabel, what is your problem?" I asked her telepathically and she didn't even turn to look at me.

"He knew about Michael and left him to feel alone and now expects to simply join the rescue without so much as a how do you do." She replies in the same manner before she speaks aloud. "As much as I'm certain everyone has questions, we have some planning to do and some things to get settled. The longer we dilly dally, the longer Michael remains in that torture chamber."

I sigh and look at Tess with a wry grin, "My cousin is indeed one that doesn't like to mince words, but her bark is worse then her bite." I joked softly, making certain that only Tess heard.
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Post by isabelle »


"As much as I'm certain everyone has questions, we have some planning to do and some things to get settled. The longer we dilly dally, the longer Michael remains in that torture chamber." Isabel complains.

I nod at this. This is why I was already cutting short my questions for Trevor. There was a lot I didn't know but saving Michael was the priority at the moment. There may be time to talk more later but not until we have a plan of action. Michael is in danger. The fact that Michael was unconcious meant that his suffering has eased for now, but he's far from comfortable and there was no way to know how long even that would last.

I fix Trevor with a steady look, still bothered by the fact that this 'friend' had had all these answers for so long while Tess, Maria and I knew absolutely nothing. There was so much he could have done to help us understand and he had chosen not to tell us.

I glance at Maria and Tess. We all have powers that are the same, but we each have a few that are a lot stronger in one than the others. Like healing for me, dreamwalking for Maria, mindwarping for Tess. That left one more question that needed to be answered for the rescue.

"What are your powers beyond telepathy? How can you help with the rescue?" I ask.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I smiled, the woman that was glaring at me had spunk and I admired that. "As much as I'm certain everyone has questions, we have some planning to do and some things to get settled. The longer we dilly dally, the longer Michael remains in that torture chamber."

"What are your powers beyond telepathy? How can you help with the rescue?" Max asks me and I turn to smirk.

"Max, let's just say that my powers are for combat situations more then anything else. As a full Antarian, I am capable of more then you three combined with Michael, not to mention, the artifact I hold simply enhances what I can do." I know I may sound conceited to them, but it's simple truth. Though I've begun to feel human emotions since being around them, they haven't completely clouded who and what I am. I know however, that they can.

"Now, what's the plan?" I simply ask as I glance around at everyone and decide to walk over to Maria, place a hand on her shoulder and smile at her, "Don't look so glum, we'll get Michael out of there and then I'll teach all of you how to tap into things you don't even realize you can do."

Maria looks up at me and shakes her head, "I don't even know if I trust you, Trevor. You hid so much from us for so long..."

"Look, I'm not supposed to actually have contact with any of you. Had I opened the floodgates in the memories that reside deep within you three, you would have more enemies on your asses then you'd know what to do with. But, for now, let's focus on getting my brother out of there. If you choose not to trust me, that's your per.. choice." I couldn't remember the word I was going to use. This language was still not the easiest to master.

Sighing, I stepped back from Maria and muttered, "Nia'co lamaren." Not caring that I'd just spoken in the Antarian tongue. They may or may not recognize it since there was so much that they hadn't learned about themselves.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


"Now, what's the plan?" Trevor asks, in a take-charge manner that instantly makes me feel like resisting. Suddenly, I'm not so sure I want him inolved in this. But the truth is, he already is involved. And if his powers are combat-orientated and stronger than ours, he's probably exactly what we need. What Michael needs.

He exchanges a few words with Maria, assuring her of his help as she continues to express her unhappiness over all that he's hidden from us. All this time he's been there with the answers and we never knew. He still hasn't told us much, but knowing that we have a chance to know something about our pasts is amazing. I want to demand answers immediately, but I know we have to wait.

"Look, I'm not supposed to actually have contact with any of you. Had I opened the floodgates in the memories that reside deep within you three, you would have more enemies on your asses then you'd know what to do with. But, for now, let's focus on getting my brother out of there. If you choose not to trust me, that's your per.. choice."

Sighing, he steps away and I hear him muttering, "Nia'co lamaren."

The words hit me like a splash of cold water. They're familiar in a way I can't describe. I'm sure it's a language from Antar and I can almost tell what he means. Almost. Or maybe I'm imagining it -- infering something from his tone of voice. But it feels like something mom would say when I'm asking for something I can't have yet. Something about things that will happen but can't be rushed. 'Wait and see?' 'it will come in time'? 'you'll understand when you're older'? I know those are wrong but I can't quite get the right phrase.

"What does that mean?" Kyle asks.

"We'll figure it out later," I tell him because this isn't time for a language lesson. I mentally shake my head, banishing those thoughts for now. We have other priorities. I go back to Trevor's previous question, although if he has all of Cameron's memories, he should already know all that we do.

"Alex is looking for information on the site so we can form a plan. We were talking about using Kyle to trick the Sheriff to come back to Roswell but we need to know more about this place." I bite my lip as I look back at the screen in front of Alex. What he'd discovered just before Trevor's appearance was both encouraging in terms of making progress, but also incredibly chilling in terms of what it implied. Even just the title ...

"It looks like something called 'Project Clean Slate,'" I explain.
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"What does that mean?" Kyle asks in regards to what I said and I smirk. I can't help but think that he had always been a little too curious but he was also worth a laugh rather often.

"We'll figure it out later," Max replies and then looks over at me, replying to the question I'd asked.

"Alex is looking for information on the site so we can form a plan. We were talking about using Kyle to trick the Sheriff to come back to Roswell but we need to know more about this place."

"It looks like something called 'Project Clean Slate,'" He added and I felt a chill.

"Alright, Alex. What's it say about this 'Project Clean Slate' and what it's agenda is?" I asked, having to know. Some of the Antarian intelligence among those of us that had remained away from The Collective had spoken of possible threats I might face when coming to Earth, but none had mentioned this.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

OOC: I've placed up the basic family tree for the Donovan's since I recently got one of the books that had it in it. You'll find the link on the title page.


I can't help but sigh as I watch and listen to everything that's going on. There's still so much that we have to plan out and get set. So, after a few minutes I decide that there's got to be a different way to do this. "Max, Kyle, Tess and Maria. While Alex is busy doing the search, why don't we finish getting the basics down so we have a relatively sound plan?" I look over at Trevor, "And we can figure out how to work him in as well."

I glance over at my cousins, Adam is busy talking with Tess who seems more at ease then she had earlier. I have a feeling that when this is all over, Adam won't be going home with the rest of us. Then again, the others might choose to stay as well. Looking at Cameron, I see her trying not to start pacing, holding Michael's ring in her hand.

I'm sure she's trying to get a vision, something to let her know that after what we'd seen he was alright. I hope it actually works soon. Still, I need her for a part of this plan. "Serena, Cameron, I need you to take a look at the area we'll be working with if we go with this plan to help fake an injury for Kyle." Glancing at Kyle I ask, "Would you mind taking them to your house so they can get the proper protection spells in place?" I know Serena isn't a witch like we are, but she's come to realize that even being a human, her energy helps affect magick.

Looking toward Alex I say, "You can use our system as long as you need to and if you need a better computer in case of heavier encryption, I have one over at my house that my father has set up specially. If need be Liz can guide you over there."

Adam looked at me a moment and asked, "Isabel, what are you planning to do?"

"Take a flight and see whether I can get a set location for this place and watch how things go. Maybe I can get an idea of their scheduled comings and goings."

"No, you don't need to be doing that alone. It could be dangerous for you even in a different form." Cameron says as she looks at me.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder whether my cousins even realize just how seriously I have to take the fact that I am a daughter of princes. As my father before me had to take being a son of princes seriously so do I. It had been fate that led her father to her mother, her mother at the time completely unaware that she had elven blood within her. She'd heard the tale time and again, enjoyed every bit of it.

Grandmother Arianna always seems to know what to do and how to do it, but even she admits that being an heir is much different. I think to myself as I sigh yet again. "Cam, please don't argue this with me. I have to do what I feel is needed and I'm better off alone for a time."

I was and would always be a lone wolf, even if signs tried to tell me differently. Love waits. I'd heard those words repeatedly during different moments in the last two weeks as though fate was trying to guide my hand. I wouldn't be rushed. I wouldn't be forced.

I knew who the voice belonged to, had always known, my family wasn't about to let me walk away when they had looked into things that I have tried not to see. I'll look for others, but I don't want to look for me. I glance at Adam again, has he looked for himself? I can't help but wonder.

Children, I hear the telepathic sound of Aunt Ana's voice. Is everything alright? I can't stop getting the sense of all sorts of emotions. Do you need our help with anything?

I shake my head and can't help but smile slightly as I respond back, We're fine Aunt, we've had some upsetting developments in our search thus far, but we're working through them. Where are you and the others anyway?

I hear mental laughter come from my mother, We decided to spend some time at the new shop getting everything set up. Your father said to tell you that once you get to know local kids he wants names of any that are promising for the company. And even Morgana has mentioned something similar. I think so far Sebastion and Ana are the only..

Hey, not so fast Rowan. I may need some help with the training programs.

Uncle Sebastion, you would never need help. You could break just about any mount that came into your reach. This idle banter seemed to help relieve a great deal and I was feeling a bit better.

Liz, are you alright? Aunt Anna asks and I realize that we've all automatically been sending it out family wide, but then I think.. had we ever met others that were telepath's. What if our conversation was being heard by Max and the others?

Next thing I know, I hear Aunt Morgana asking Adam and Uncle Sebastion asking Cam whether they are alright as well.

Isabel, remember what I've told ye about livin' as a lone wolf.

Aye, Da. I remember, but even you say there's times.

Don't be stubborn like your father, Izzy.

Mom, I don't need both of you harping on me. I'm following in my father's footsteps, I have more responsibilities then I should have at my age, but I accept them and bear them well.

OOC: yes, Tess, Max, Trevor and Maria can hear this conversation that's being had telepathically lol.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


As the mental conversation between the family began, I did my best to respond but there was a nagging feeling moving through me that something was wrong. Then, before I could say anything I sensation hit me and I fell to my knees, looking at each of my cousins and noting that they too were affected.

The telepathic conversation ceased and without moving, I turned to face the window, letting a thought open the blinds quickly. It was just as I thought, a very unnatural storm was brewing. Who's upset? I ask telepathically.

No answer comes to confirm and I try again, Who is wanting us to open to fate?

I hear Isabel add, Da, Mum, Granda?

'Tis nae any Donvan at work, children. 'Tis nae our magick. Reach out and feel the shadows within.

I looked over at Adam and saw that his eyes had closed and knew he was trying to look in a way that was different from humans. Slowly, I began to stand and was surprised to feel a hand on my arm assisting me. As I looked up I saw that it was Trevor and gave him a weak smile. "What the hell is going on?" He asks, his voice a bit gruff for my liking.

"Look out the window. It's a storm, brewing because of a witch but not one of our family. The storm is going to hit and when it does, no one will be able to leave this house." I pulled my arm away and turned to look at Adam who opened his eyes.

"Did it work?"

"No, Cam. Whoever this witch is, the shadows cover her easy. I can only tell that it is a woman." I glance over at Isabel only in time to see her vanish from the room.

"Damn it! Should I try to go after her?" I say, not caring who it is I'm speaking to or who should answer.

Adam shrugs, obviously not certain. We all know that Isabel get's in moods where it's best to leave her alone. Izzy is fine, she's here with us. She'll be back in a few minutes.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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