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Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:55 am
by isabelle

I try not to react as I hear Mista speaking. For a second, I hope her friend doesn't hear her since if she's concious there's no way CPR would be appropriate. But she tells him to trust me and to go.

Biting my lip, I watch him go. Then I turn to look at Isabel apologetically. I hope she won't be made like she was when I healed Liz. Nobody's nearby and I know Mista's friend will keep the healing secret. And Mista -- She saved us from Valenti.

I notice Isabel move her head ever so slightly. It looks like she's nodding her approval. At least, I hope so. Turning my attention back to Mista, I place my hand over her stomach.

"Look at me," I ask her. She turns her head, but her eyes are unfocused. I know I'm running out of time. I'll have to do it on my own. Concentrating, I focus on her body until I've made the connection. I pour my power into her, moving molecules, repairing her body. I see flashes of her life. A pod. A wolf. A lot of wolves and humans, looking to her as a leader, almost. She's a werewolf, but she's also like us!

At length, I blink and pull out of it. Mista's color has returned and she seems to be breathing again. "You're going to be okay," I tell her, not sure what's going to happen next.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:03 pm
by StormWolfstone

I felt my life slipping free, felt myself fading when vaguely I recognized a hand on my stomach and in the haze heard Max’s voice, "Look at me," he said and I tried to turn toward him but I wasn’t able to see. I feel a strange connection being made and my mind comprehends that he’s helping me even though he didn’t have to. I’d spent years hiding and yet he was healing me. Why? "You're going to be okay," he says after a few moments and as I focus, I realize that the pain is gone.

Slowly, knowing better then to rush, I push myself up on my elbows to look at Max, my vision slowly clearing. “Thank you. You didn’t have to risk yourself to save me.” I comment low enough that only he can hear me. Through the tendrels of connection I have with my pack, I feel many of them in pain and others concerned. “I have to go for a while. My pack needs me and thanks to you I can save some of those that are wounded almost as badly as I was. I’ll be back before dawn and I’ll explain everything you want to know, answer any questions you have.”

“Be careful.” I hear Isabel say and look up to give her a tentative smile.

“I’ll be alright now, the undead… well, other then the vampires… are gone. The vampire’s will not harm any of you and in less then four hours they will have to go to their temporary deaths.” I explain as I slowly get to my feet and hold out a hand toward Max, “For now, Max… let me introduce myself in a different manner. My name is Mista, I am Lukoi; which is a term for a Werewolf, as such I am their leader and called Ulfric. I am more then human and Lukoi, I am a necromancer and I am not completely of this world.”

I turn as I see Daniel and Moira step out of the tents, Moira fully recuperated though still wearing the bandage around her arm. “Moira, Daniel. I have to go to the others. Daniel, as my Freki, I permit you to speak the truth to these teens.” I motion to Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria and Alex.

“What of Kyle, my Ulfric?” Moira questions as she steps up and moves to sniff behind my ear in greeting as she rubbed her cheek against mine.

“Kyle… I prefer to deal with explaining things to him on my own. When the time is right, my secret will be revealed to him and not before.”

“He already knows some things, Mista.” Moira’s voice shakes as thought frightened and I simply reach a hand out to her shoulder.

“When I return, you can tell me how much he knows. Until then, speak no more of it to him.” I tell her and she nods, backing away slightly for which I nod toward Daniel who places his arm around her shoulder.

I turn to look at Max and I know he is uncertain whether to trust me or not but I can’t stick around to find out what he decides. Howls fill the air and I quickly run into the woods, calling back behind me. “I’ll return safely.” As I moved, the vampire’s began moving with me. I could feel them and smell them. I looked at Asher who stopped beside me when I did.

“Miraculous recovery.” He says and I shrug.

“I need your aid. I need energy.” I knew he’d know which type of energy and I was right as he nodded and leaned over me, his lips touching my neck softly before I feel an energy rise in him and over me. I know the feel, I’d heard of it. It was called the ardeur and as his fangs pierced my skin I felt myself shudder with a longing that I couldn’t control. “Only blood.” I murmur even though the way it feels at the moment I’m hard pressed not to do more. As the arduer fills me I find myself calling upon the munin to a degree that I had never before imagined.

One of the male wolves comes up to me and as he does, I find myself reaching out to touch him. My hand cupping his length as he is standing before me in complete human form. I watch, amazement filling me as his wounds along his sides begin to thread themselves back together even as I work him into a release. “Let me make you my human servant?” I hear Asher whisper as he draws back, sounding slightly drunk.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:56 am
by isabelle

Mista is up and running before I can fully decide how to deal with this. I wanted to tell her to pretend she was still ill, at least until morning, so her friend wouldn't suspect. But she says that others need her and she's off. Isabel wishes her luck and I hope for the same. She's a healer, too. I don't know why she was unable to heal herself, but she's promised answers later.

Asher comments on her recovery and I wince. It's exactly what I was afraid of. If I believed in a god, I'd ask him to protect my secret but all I can do is trust in complete strangers not to ask too many questions. Trust in Mista to not say too much or too little. I hope I haven't increased the danger we've been in since I healed Liz. I hope that Sheriff Valenti and his officers never hear about this...

I don't much like the conversation with Moria about Kyle, either. I'll have to talk to Mista before she talks to him. He's a bigger danger than she can guess.

I turn to Isabel as Mista leaves, leaning close. Isabel said nothing about Mista's 'not of this world' comment. I don't know if she didn't pay attention or if she was just wisely keeping silent. I know I need to tell her about some of what I saw. "We need to talk," I tell her quietly, hoping nobody can hear me.

Then I look at Liz and Alex. Both have stayed nearby, very concerned for Mista. Alex even moreso, I thought, but I wasn't really paying attention so I might have mis-read that.

"Sounds like the excitement is about over," I say. The undead are gone, except for the vampires. Vampires! but Mista says they won't hurt anyone. What a crazy night this has become.


"...Try to be friends with Liz, friendship is better then nothing.” Dad says, and I start to slowly nod. Yes. There's good reason for me to be friends with Liz. That wouldn't be at all suspicious. And while I'm doing that, I can keep an eye on Max for my dad. I'm about to agree tot his plan when my dad's next comment throws me off.

“You don’t want to end up stuck with just your old man for company.” Huh? Wait a minute. This was relationship advice? Not keeping an eye on the alien in our midst? Hell. There have been a lot of times I've wanted to really talk to him, wanted him to be my dad again. Now he's finally doing it when there's an alien to worry about. I'm having a hard time focusing here.

"Yeah, sure," I say. I can still watch Evans and be friends with Liz at the same time. Although I think a new girl-friend will beat being 'just friends' with Liz for the rest of High School. Still, I'm not completely sure I have to give up on Liz yet...

"So... Besides what happened in the Crashdown that day, what else do you know about Max?" I remember he was adopted, so maybe his parents aren't aliens, too. What about Isabel?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:56 am
by Bordersinsanity
bump -- this thread has been pruned you may want to resubscribe to it to get your update notices.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:51 pm
by StormWolfstone
I'll be trying to post when I get to my neighbor's house.. this is just a reminder that this RP is here... and with luck our Tess is back too :D So we can really have things get going even more.... Hope everyone likes how things are going currently.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:59 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Yeah, sure," I hear my son reply and wonder why he seems so surprised by what I've said.

"So... Besides what happened in the Crashdown that day, what else do you know about Max?" I sighed as I leaned back slightly, closing my eyes as I tried to think back to things I knew.

After a moment of thought I shook my head, "There isn't much more that I know other then the fact that it seems as though the FBI has been investigating Max and his friends. I'm almost certain that the FBI has also targeted Maria DeLuca and Liz Parker for their investigation as well." I pause a moment as I realize the implications of what I'm saying, "Promise me son, be careful if you remain close to Liz. I don't think the FBI is on the level." I think back to a conversation I'd had with Topolsky.

With a sigh, I opened my eyes and looked at Kyle. "I don't want anything to happen to you."


"We need to talk," I hear Max saying to me as Mista walks away and nod. Glancing at Liz and Alex, I think about the talk I'd had with Alex earlier and give him a light smile.

"Sounds like the excitement is about over," My brother adds and I nod.

"Sounds like it. Max... let's go ahead and talk." I glance at Alex again as I tell him, "Alex, I'll be back in a few minutes. Everything will be okay."

Michael steps up closer to all of us, having stayed back a bit. "I'll stay with Liz and Alex, you can update me later." I was certain he chose to do that because he was concerned about the strange happenings around here.

"Thanks, Michael." I comment with a smile, feeling better with the knowledge that someone I trust would be there to protect Alex in case something happened while Max and I talked.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:18 pm
by StormWolfstone

It takes a moment for my mind to recover as Asher releases me and the ardeur vanishes from my senses. His question was still burning in my mind and I shook my head, "No. I do not wish to be anyone's human servant, Asher. Now, you and your vampires had better return to a safe point, dawn is nearing." I watched as Asher sighed and shook his head, obviously not happy with the fact that I'd refused his suit.

"As you wish, I will see you when the sun goes down." I simply nod and watch as he flies off.

With a sigh, I glance at my pack, all of those that had been on the hunt, in the fight and around the woods were gathered except I could feel the loss of nearly ten of my pack members. "Return to your homes, rest and we will meet again in the evening. I have matters to attend. You have all done well, those that have fallen will join the munin tomorrow night, they will be gathered before dawn." My eyes watered as I thought of the loss before turning and walking away from my pack.

I had lost members, it was the first true loss I'd felt since becoming their Ulfric. Closing my eyes, I walked slowly back toward the camp. I wasn't ready to face anyone for a few minutes and needed time to grieve alone. The ardeur that the master vamp had called up had managed to aid me in calling the munin to heal those that were not mortally wounded and had revitalized me even more then Max's healing.

Damn, I couldn't believe how I had managed to end up having my cover blown. I'm certain that they'll definitely be hating me. I should have told them back when Alex had learned my secret, at least then I could have covered both secrets at once. Thinking back to that day, I smiled slightly. At least I knew that no matter what I had a friend. He'd understand why I didn't tell him the entire story, right?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 7:02 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, hope these work


I'm hardly surprised to see Max ignoring Ashers instructions as he goes over, asking him to go get a blanket, before placing his hands on her chest. I move closer, feeling concerned. I might not have been good friends, but I know Mista from school, and work, she helped us earlier, and I'm worried now as I note the colour of her skin and shallow breathing. It's obvious it's serious, and the fact that Max is obviously willing to use his powers only confirms that... He's not careless, he doesn't just heal on a whim...

Michael and Isabel might think that's exactly what he did with me of course, but he didn't...not really... I was dying, and Max knew that... He healed me on impulse yes, but it wasn't without reason... I'm sure I wouldn't be here today had he not come over as he did...

When he pulls back shortly after, I could swear there is a funny look in his eyes, but maybe it's just me reading something into nothing...he's probably tired...

Mista sits up slowly, and I see her lips move as she speaks to Max although I can't hear what she says. A few moments later, she's standing up,
insisting to Isabel, as she warns her to be careful, that she will be fine, and speaking more before calling to Moira and Daniel, speaking to them and disappearing, apparently fully recovered despite the fact I am sure she was near death a few minutes ago...

"Sounds like the excitement's all over..."

As Max says this, I'm hoping to be able to talk to him some more about what happened earlier, but Isabel mentions going to talk, making it clear this talk isn't to include Alex or I as she tells him she'll be back shortly and I have to frown. After everything we've been through, it's still aliens and humans...three and three... I try not to think about the fact I don't really know where I actually stand in that division at the moment, and concentrate on a simple fact... We're in this together... Alex, Maria and I, whether Max and the others like it or not, are involved, and I don't know if splitting off within the group is a good idea...

Michael decides that he's going to stay behind too though, and I know there's going to be no changing minds right now... "I guess we'll just be here waiting then..." I comment, feeling like something of a third wheel right now and not liking it one bit. I know Max well, and I can telle he's hiding something right now, I just wish I knew what...


I can't believe I'm watching the same person as Mista gets up after Max's 'doctoring' session... Certainly she was seriously hurt, and now one wouldn't know she had anything more than a scratch... I shake my head, wondering what other people will make of her miraculous recovery but still relieved beyond words to find that she's okay.

As Isabel speaks to her, it's quite incredible the difference I see from earlier in the day, and I have to smile despite everything because I think the two of them will get on well if they get to know each other.

As Mista then walks off, talking to Moira and Daniel on her way, Isabel indicates that she and Max need to speak, inidcating from her words that it needs to be 'private' and telling me she'll be back shortly.

"No problem, I'll be here..." I respond with a small smile inspite of everything...

"I guess we'll be waiting then..."

Liz seems a little put out, and I set to trying to cheer her up as I slide an arm around her. "Cheer up, they'll be back soon..." I tell her softly, noting that she looks a little pale at the moment. A sugar boost probably wouldn't go amiss... "How about I go see if I can hunt down some drinks or something...?" I pause a moment to look over at Michael. "I'd suggest us all going, but you should probably keep out of sight as much as possible given you're not supposed to be here, and maybe when I get back you wouldn't mind explaining what happened out there, and how you are - here that is...?"

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:32 pm
by isabelle

I'm a bit surprised that Michael has chosen to stay out of the conversation. I know I'll need to share this not just with him, but with Liz, Maria and Alex, too. Maybe it would be easier to do this all at one time -- But Isabel is already moving away for the privacy we're going to need. Perhaps it is better to have someone stay at the camp who can protect our friends, even if Mista did say that the vampires were going to do that for her. Although, Michael isn't supposed to be on our camping trip and he doesn't know about Liz. Will he be able to help her if she needs it? I hope she'll be okay. She does seem to be getting marginally better at controlling the powers I've inadvertently inflicted on her ...

I follow Isabel to where she stops, a hundred yards from the camp and behind a large rock outcrop. That should help control any sound carrying back to camp...

I moisten my lips, trying to figure out how to start. There's no soft way that I can think of. "She's more than a werewolf, Isabel," I say, keeping my voice as low as possible. "She's like us. I saw a pod."


Great. The FBI is investigating my ex-girlfriend because Max Evans is an alien. If they were investigating her, it's likely they'd have looked at me, anyway, and getting real close to her again would make me an actual target. But it's also the best way I can investigate Max Evans myself, not to mention get Liz back...

"I can take care of myself," I promise my dad. He's taught me to protect myself. I'm sure this is a lot more than anything he ever expected but now that I know, I'll be sure to watch my own back.

"What about Isabel?" I ask. "Is she one, too?"

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:54 pm
by StormWolfstone

"No problem, I'll be here..." Alex tells me and I smile, walking away from the camp. I'd rather be prepared for the news before we share it with the others, though I know we will be sharing it. When Max joins me, I wait to see exactly what it is he's going to say.

"She's more than a werewolf, Isabel," He starts, hiw voice low. "She's like us. I saw a pod."

I feel my eyes widen, "What?! How can she.... why wouldn't we...?" I shake my head. Is that the reason I'd always felt strange around her? "What are we going to do, Max? Does she know about us? Is that why she's always not far from things when they happen?"

Had Mista known all this time who and what we were and simply hid it? Was she really on our side? I can't believe that this is going on. I can't believe that I feel so lost about this. It makes me want to ring her neck or blast her. Why wouldn't she reveal herself to us if she knew? We've always thought that we were alone until recently. Learning about Nacedo had changed things. "Could she be Nacedo in a different form?" I venture to ask, knowing that it's probably pointless since Max wouldn't know more then I would. Boy, would I have a bunch of questions for her when she returned.


"I can take care of myself," My son promises and part of me is afraid that is exactly what he'll have to do. I sigh, thinking about just how messed up things have become.

"What about Isabel?" I hear Kyle ask next. "Is she one, too?"

I shrug, "I believe so." I couldn't mention Topolsky's words to me, now was not the time. "There hasn't been any concrete proof, but I'll tell you this. Max did something to help Liz, there was a bullet hole in her uniform." I yawned and lay down slowly, feeling exhaustion seeping into me. "I need to sleep, son. I suggest you rest too if you can. Tonight was a very odd night."