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Post by KatnotKath »

~Serena~ (temping)

As plans begin to be made, I’m fully expecting an objection as Liz voices her wish to go. I’m not too certain if Isabel and Adam didn’t hear her, or if they’re actually accepting without a fight, but somehow the latter doesn’t seem very likely…

Usually there is definitely an argument for her going of course, her being the healer of the group, but it would appear that Max can deal with that side just fine so I’m definitely not expecting them to just accept it…

Of course as much as I would like to volunteer to go, I know full well that I’ll be more of a liability than a help if I did so there’s no question that I’ll be staying behind.

Alex talks about finding plans of the base, moving off onto the computer to deal with that while a plan to occupy the Sheriff is discussed. Isabel includes me in this one, and I nod slightly. “Sure, we can deal with that, right Cam…?” I smile at her and shrug, wishing that there was something more I could do.

Seeing Michael like that while we were in the circle… Watching what was happening, feeling as though it was real enough to reach out and touch, and yet at the same time knowing that I couldn’t…knowing that I couldn’t do anything…

As Max voices a concern about using three people just to occupy the Sheriff, I realise that he’s right… It’s about the best idea we have for the moment though… Even just taking him out of the picture is going to be a plus, and it’s not like the rest of us can be doing much if we’re not there with Max and the others anyway… Alex can find his plans, Cameron and I can help in preparation maybe, but when it comes down to it, anyone that stays back here is pretty much at a loose end… At least this way we’re doing something…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Nobody responds to my suggestion about manpower so I hasten to clarify. "It sounds like a good plan to occupy the sheriff, I'm sure. We'd just need to make sure he forgot about it afterwards, or we'd be in even deeper trouble when suddenly Kyle was well again," I say. Tess's mindwarp might be able to do it, or maybe the Donovans have some sort of helpful magic for that...

"We just need to know who we need inside first, to be sure we can spare them. He's the sheriff and he seems like he's in charge at the moment, but there might be someone-else even higher up. The Air Force, the FBI, the NSA, anyone. There might even be other people we know. My dad. The school principal. We just don't know." I bite my lip, not wanting to scare anyone, but it's true. We really don't know anything about what's going on in there.

I hate to hurry him, but I have to turn to Alex and ask, hopefully. "Any luck so far?"
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Post by KatnotKath »


My offer seems to go down well, Isabel pointing me in the direction of the computer which I then go sit down and switch it on. It doesn’t take me long to log onto the net, and soon I’m busy locating the site I want. There’s obviously going to be plenty of security up around it I know, but give me a little time…

First of all I try searching on a map-site for any buildings the right sort of size in that locality… It’s hardly surprising when nothing comes up though… Probably it’s a blanket black area for buildings…

I could try the planning office, or something like that next, but I have a feeling that they’re going to give me exactly the same results so I decide to try a slightly more direct approach. The Sherriff’s Office…Jim does work there afterall… Being careful to cover my tracks, not wanting to leave a trail back to us, or rather Isabel and her family I guess, I do a little digging around, and manage to turn up a couple of locked files…

These could be something to do with what I’m wanting, but I’ll only find out if I can look at them and to do that, I need to get inside…

“Any luck so far…?”

I turn at the sound of Max’s voice, shaking my head. “Maybe…but I’m not in yet…” I respond after a moment. “I think I might have found something, but whatever it is is locked off, and I need to make sure that no one can trace where we’re hacking in from either…”

Basically this isn’t simple, and it’s going to take time. It’s not something that can be rushed, and I just hope that Max and the others can accept that… I don’t like to hold them up, but I’m working as fast as I can, and right at this moment in time I really can’t afford to slip up…

I type another few commands, and a moment later get up a request for a password. Password…now what might that be…? It could just be random numbers…or letters, or then again it could be something more personal…

A lot of people use passwords that mean something to them – it makes it easier to remember… A birthday or name seems too obvious though…

I look over at Kyle. “You don’t have any idea what your dad might use for his password do you…?” I ask although I know it’s unlikely. Meanwhile I’m continuing to think it over in my head of course, and a couple of thoughts come to mind. “Maybe an important date for him…or a name…?” I look at him and then sit waiting for an answer. If Kyle doesn’t know I’ll still get in, but it’s going to take a lot longer then…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Gee. Dates and names. Maybe being the son of the guy holding Michael might help afterall. Now what would Dad use as a password?

"Let's see. His anniversary was May 17th. Mom's birthday was April 2nd. Um... You might want to use July 14, 1947 for the Crash, you know? For names, Mom is Barbara Jean. His middle name is Kevin." I don't know if any of these are good or not, but I keep trying to think as Alex starts plugging in the ones I've suggested. I guess we could do names of pets. That's pretty common.

"You could try Jasper and Pookie, too. Is any of this helping?" I ask.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this isn't too much


As Kyle begins to reel off dates and names, I’m struggling to look up and have to turn back to him. “Hey…slow down will you…I might be good with computers, but a touch-typist I am not…” I joke weakly. It’s probably not really the time, but anything to try and ease the tension, and to be fair there is a serious message there…

Originally I was thinking that anniversary or Kyle’s mom was unlikely, but the others aren’t working, and I’m getting desperate… I begin to enter the dates, starting with Kyle’s birthday which I already know, and then going onto his mom’s…

Both result in me getting the same failed message and I have to come out and go round again so as not to trigger any security alarms. Doesn’t take me long now that I know what I’m doing though, and a few minutes later I’m trying the date of his anniversary. It’s the last I would have expected to be right, but to my surprise then I get a new screen, showing we’re through. Bingo!

To my surprise what looked like a single file is in fact a whole host. Most look pretty normal though, probably just related to his work as Sheriff. Looks like this is pretty much a let down…

“Dead end…” I mutter, shaking my head as I pull out again.

Okay…so what else…? I’m just about to give up when something catches my eye. The little green alien in the corner of the screen… For Roswell that’s pretty much par for the course, even for something to do with the Sheriff’s office… But maybe…?

It seems simple, I don't really expect anything from it... As the cursor hovers over the image nothing changes, but when I click on it an hourglass appears, followed soon after by another password request. “Uh…guys…I might have something…” I announce, beginning to try the earlier numbers and such again. As I get to Kyle’s birthday though, everything changes and a completely new screen replaces the first… “Project Clean State…” I read out the name which has appeared on the screen.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by M »


It's annoying when Max tries to placate me which he doesn't do often. I look at Maria for sympathy and she rolls her eyes in understanding. Max uses the placating voice on her a lot. Tess, I don't think Kyle is going to be in any danger if he's with his dad
It's not his dad I'm worried about. It's everyone else. It's the people with guns and the people with Magic and the people with energy bolts that sometimes miss the target slightly and can seriously cause some charring of the flesh.
None of this seems to occur to Max though as he just keeps on planning with Kyle involved as an active player. Everyone seems ok with this and I can't understand them. Especially Max. I know he must be worried because he normally listens to us and respects how we feel about things. He is a good leader in that he always makes sure that we are ok with almost all the decisions. Now however I feel totally invisible as they blithely continue planning.
I walk slowly to the couch and sit down, arms crossed, in the corner, feeling scared and sad and frustrated. So much for being the optimism of the group. I want to refuse to help if they put Kyle in danger but I know that isn't fair and I know that I'm just being immature but I suddenly understand Maria's rants about us not listening to her. I think I now understand how she feels because I feel the exact same way.

I want to try again with Max, ask him not to let Kyle be involved. Or just talk to Kyle, but I know just by looking at him that he wouldn't agree. He feels he has something to prove and he wouldn't voluntarily give that up.

I feel the cushions bend and look up to see a pair of friendly eyes looking back into mine.
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Thankfully as my argument goes towards Isabel, Max comes up with something that I feel will actually benefit us better then my cousin putting herself in harms way. "Why would we need to to anything like that? We know where he is. Between your magic and our powers, we should be able to get him out. And we have Trevor coming, too. Maybe we can wait until the Sheriff leaves and then go in disguise."

"It could be dangerous. We don't know what they have down there." I hear Isabel reply and turn to see her looking at me. I, on the other hand am trying not to look towards a particular blonde. "Do you think glamour would work well enough?"

I shrug in reply, "Mom could answer that better then I can and you know that all we have to do is ask and the family would join together to strengthen the family bond. Not to mention, the elements have to become one."

I watch her shake her head and I knew why. She had always said that she wasn't going to let destiny shape her, she would shape her own destiny. "We'll think about that after Michael's safe." She says and begins glancing around before asking. "Alright, we need to think of a solid plan before I will even agree to anything, and I need to know how many of you would be planning to go in there?"

I state firmly and clearly, "I'm going, no matter what."

"Me, too," Max says before adding, "And we could use Tess. She could hide us," I look over at her and find myself struck by the memory of the sensation I'd felt when we were holding hands during the ceremony.
"Kyle should probably stay, unless we know for sure his dad is home," Max adds and I force my gaze away from the blonde with the lovely and enticing eyes. "If the sheriff saw him, it would be bad."

"Are you sure?" Kyle replies almost sounding as though he was ready to disagree, "If it went bad and I were there, I might be able to convince him to let us go."

Max makes a valid point, "Sure, and he might just be convinced that we'd forced you or brainwashed you or something, making it worse."

"What should I do?" The girl named Maria replies.

"I don't know," Max replies and as they continue slightly, I let my gaze wander back over to Tess. She's beautiful and something about her has simply enchanted me.

“I want to come with you…” I hear a softly spoken yet firm reaction from Liz and without looking at her quite yet, I decide I'll have my say non-verbally since the others are working on making plans and probably didn't hear.

'No, you are not putting yourself at risk, Liz. Uncle Boone would have our hides. He already almost loss Jesse several years ago, no way are you going.' I tell her, feeling that this will be then end of it. Isabel would agree with me once she had the chance to realize that Liz had said something about going.

“We call my power mindwarping. I can make you see things that aren’t there, or not see things that are. I can also make you forget situations as if something never happened. I’ll do whatever you need Max, you know I’ve got your back.” I hear Tess explain suddenly, and realize I must have phased out and gone off into my own little world while I was looking at her. “But only if Kyle doesn’t have anything to do with it, I won’t have him in the middle and I can’t be worried about him.”

"I'm not helpless!" Kyle starts, feeling insulted from what I can tell from his emotional reply, though I'm sure Liz could tell me a great deal more but I'm not going to ask her to be bombarded by emotions. "If we can get him out of there, then I can keep him occupied, somehow. Turn off his cell phone and stuff???"

"I don't want you to have to wait, but I know you'll need time to come up with a plan. I just don't know how to get dad out of there..." I had to admit silently that his idea's were posibilities but I didn't want to do anything that would make me seem like the enemy so I remained silent for a moment.

"Max, I meant what I said. I'll do anything, but I can't if Kyle's put in any danger."

Tess pulls Kyle away and begins talking to him privately. "Kyle, please understand, I won't be able to concentrate enough to do anything if I'm worried about you." From how she's appealing to him, I can't help but wonder if there is something more between them then friendship and I force my gaze away.

"Tess," Max says, trying I guess to placate her, "I don't think Kyle is going to be in any danger if he's with his dad. Right now, I don't know if getting him out of there is reasonable or not, but if we could get him back to Roswell then having Kyle occupy him might be a good idea."

Max looks at Kyle and next thing I know Isabel and the others are discussing how to get the Sheriff back into town. "That's all fine, but it's only part of the plan," Max says after a few moments. "It would be great to get the Sheriff out of there, but he's not the only one. Can we spend three people to occupy just him? Maybe we should figure out what we're going to need inside the base, first."

Everyone else carries on but as far as I'm concerned there are other issues we need to consider and as was stated earlier we still had another person coming to this little party so I decided to focus on something else. Glancing back at Tess I note that she's sitting rather dejectedly on the couch and decide that here is one thing I can do without feeling like I'm jumping the gun too much.

I walk over and take a seat beside her on the couch and simply look at her a moment, not wanting to interrupt too much. As she turns and her eyes meet mine I'm struck again by their beauty. "Hey, it'll be alright. Cam won't let anything happen to Kyle if he stays behind. Not to mention, if there's any trouble, we can be there in a blink of an eye. See, it takes some energy, but we can teleport." I hold out a hand to her, wanting to offer her comfort, "None of us will let him be placed in danger, nor will we allow anything to happen to the rest of you. It's the Donovan way. And harm none, do as ye will."
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I've finally managed to get to the address that Tess gave me and pull up in front of the house, parking the car and shutting off the engine. Something tells me that this is going to take a while, so I grab the stone of midnight and place it in my jeans pocket before climbing out of the car. Making my way to the door, I lift my hand to knock but before I can the door opens and a young girl around my age opens the door, "You must be Trevor, come on in." She says and I nod, following her inside.

She leads me into the living room and says simply, "I'm Cameron Donovan. We'll explain everything momentarily."

As we enter the living room, I see several things at once. Max and some strangers are in discussion. Tess and some guy are sitting pretty close to each other though whether she wants this attention or not, I don't know. Rather then wait for explanations though, I shake my head as I speak loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"I want to know everything you know about Michael and I want to know now!" The girl Cameron turns to look at me and before I can react her hand is on my shoulders and I've got images rushing through my head so quickly that I can't completely understand them. Images of some circle that my friends and these strangers were part of, images of some strange mist that showed my brother and his captors. The image that was the strongest was of the torture my brother was going through. Another showed a rock formation in the desert.

She pulls her hand away and says simply, "Now you know what we know. We're trying to find a true location and background information on those that have Michael."

"How the hell did you just do that?!" I can't help but exclaim. She didn't feel like she was one of us, her aura didn't look like one of ours. I couldn't understand how she could share her memories with me.

"I'm a witch." She responds easily and I can't help but look at Maria, then Max and then Tess for confirmation of this fact. "I'm also someone that has been close to Michael. Now, my question is this... why do you care about Michael?"

"He's my brother." I respond simply and leave it at that as I go and sit down waiting for whatever is going to come next.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


I'm not really sure where to start with explaining things to Trevor. He's one of us, and we never knew. But before I can begin, Cameron goes over and touches him, "Now you know what we know. We're trying to find a true location and background information on those that have Michael."

"How the hell did you just do that?!" Trevor demands. I'd love to know WHAT she did. Somehow she told him everything in a moment? Does he know about the Sheriff, too?

Cameron explains who she is, leaving out the fact that her family is all like her. But it's Tevor's response that makes me react.

"Your brother!" I exclaim. "We've been friends with you for almost a year. You never told us you had a brother. Why didn't you ever tell us you were like us?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »

OOC: Due to the fact that Cameron is such an integral part of this role play and has been missing in action for far too long, I've taken her back and will now be writing for her.


For a while, the talk around me seemed to just drown out as I kept picturing Michael over and over. What we'd seen just wouldn't get out of my head. I had to find him, had to help him. I didn't know of anything else that could be done. Of course, when I heard my name mentioned and a request to remain behind I wanted to argue but Isabel had a point with what she was planning and if something happened I would need to be able to restrengthen the glamour spell or if necessary teleport everyone away to safety so I'd simply nodded.

After several moments, I had a small image of someone at the door and stood, moving in that direction without a word to the others. My dad often ignored the smaller images he recieved, but I often used them to my advantage. I opened the door and gave the boy a light smile, "You must be Trevor, come on in." I say, stepping back so he can enter.

Once he's inside and the door is closed again, I start leading the way to the living room saying simply, "I'm Cameron Donovan. We'll explain everything momentarily."

"I want to know everything you know about Michael and I want to know now!" Trevor says and I turn back to him, placing my hand on his shoulder and sharing the memories of what we'd seen. I knew it was a rush, but it was the simplest way for me to do it. I knew it would take a few minutes for his mind to process what he'd seen and as I released his shoulder I stepped back.

"Now you know what we know. We're trying to find a true location and background information on those that have Michael." I tell him and he seems to look at me intensely. More then likely trying to decide if I am like them.

"How the hell did you just do that?!" He exclaims and there's something about him that makes me want to cry, something familiar and yet not quite the same.

"I'm a witch." I tell him and then decide to turn the questions around, "I'm also someone that has been close to Michael. Now, my question is this... why do you care about Michael?"

"He's my brother." The guy responds and simply goes to sit in one of the chairs as though that revelation isn't going to effect a great deal. Michael has a brother? He isn't as alone as he'd always thought? I look down at the ring in my hand and try not to allow the images that often came.

This just get's more and more confusing and drama keeps coming, I send to my cousins.

I'm trying not to let my hopelessness be felt by Liz, I don't think she needs to deal with that when she has enough to worry about. I'd vaguely heard her say she wanted to go on the rescue, but if I know Iz and Adam, they won't let her. Of course, they can't stop her if she puts her mind to it. I'm sure Iz will come around before Adam does though.

"Your brother!" The guy named Max exclaims and I'm shaken from my thoughts, "We've been friends with you for almost a year. You never told us you had a brother. Why didn't you ever tell us you were like us?"

I look over at Trevor and see him clench and unclench his hands as he speaks rather distantly, "I was sent here for a purpose, mentioning to you who and what I was wasn't part of my orders. Finding my brother was my own personal mission, but Antar wants me here for another reason." He turns and looks at Max as he said simply, "I'm not like you, I'm not a hybrid. I was born and raised on Antar."
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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