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Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:20 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I was with Liz," Max replies before glancing down, though he added, "We did see Mista. She seemed to be fine."

I'm trying to think but my head feels like it's pounding out of control. "Dad!" I hear Kyle call out and turn to look at my son, feeling a little off, "Are you okay?"

"Other then my head pounding, I'm okay." I reply and reach out to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Mayhaps, you should allow your son to help you to your tent so that you can rest, Sherrif. We'll fill you in on details of the attack here later on." I hear a woman say and turn to see a blonde with blue eyes, she seems both beautiful and tough.

"Who are you?" I ask, unable to determine if I know her or not as I meet her eyes.

"Detective Talia Moreno from the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team." The woman replies and smiles and suddenly I feel like I need to spend time with my son, feeling as though I've had something remind me that I haven't been there for my son.

"Kyle, let's go to our tent so I can rest and we can talk. I think I have a great deal of things to talk with you about." Have I screwed up my chance of having my son in my life? I can't help but wonder about that at the same time as I feel as though I'm missing something.

Swaying, I begin to walk towards our tent.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:50 am
by isabelle

I'm stunned as dad suddenly decides to go to his tent and talk to me. It didn't sound like it was bad news and I feel a smile deep inside me. Outside, my expression of concern doesn't change. I look up at my vampire 'baby-sitter' but he no longer seems to have any desire to follow me. Something do do with that Talia, person, I think.

Dad is swaying a little as he walks so I hurry to catch up with him. I take his arm, encouraging him to lean on me if he needs it. He's says he's okay but the way he's acting tells me he's not quite 100%.

"I got ya, dad," I tell him. A few minutes later he's settling down, sitting on his sleeping bag. I sit beside him on mine.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:18 pm
by StormWolfstone

My son takes my arm, and I lean on him as we make our way to the tent, "I got ya, dad," he says. We enter the tent and he helps me into a sitting postion on my sleeping back before sitting on his own.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Kyle asks me and I take a moment and simply look at him.

"I've just come to realize that I've been as bad as my father was. Getting wrapped up in my work and ignoring the fact that you need me. Even though you may not need me as much as you used to." I begin, "I'm sorry son. I really am. I never meant to be like my dad was." I take a moment before I decide that I should explain the situation that I'd been hooked into.

"Your grandfather was right, Kyle. There are really aliens here on our planet. I don't have proof but something happened with the Evans' boy that day when the shooting went down. There was a bullet hold in Liz's uniform and yet there was no injury. The mark you told me about... was the same found on victims many years ago when we ended up having mysterious death's. Some were the very one's my dad was investigating."

I pause, waiting for my son to tell me that I was crazy the way I'd always told my dad.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:15 am
by isabelle

As dad starts to talk about how he's abandoned me in favor of his job, I find myself getting angry. Part of me is glad that he's finally figured it out and I want to tell him it's okay, but I still need to feel this frustration at the way he's been treating me this year. I'm ready to fire that back at him, but then he starts talking about aliens and all of that goes out the window.

"What are you saying?" I ask, flabbergasted. "That an alien did something to Liz? That Max is an alien? That mark on her stomach is gone. Is she still going to die?"

Liz actually likes this guy. She insists they're not 'together' but I know that's not true. Even Alex knows they were making-out tonight. And he's some creature who's going to kill her?

"We need to warn her!" I say.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:41 pm
by StormWolfstone

"What are you saying?" My son asks and I look at him with surprise, having expected him to believe I had lost it. "That an alien did something to Liz? That Max is an alien? That mark on her stomach is gone. Is she still going to die?"

Yes, the mark was gone when I'd asked her to show me. I'm not quite certain how to explain what I'm thinking or even if I'm certain about what I'm thinking.

"We need to warn her!" He exclaims before I have the chance to respond and I hold up a hand.

"Hold on, Kyle. Liz is aware of the murders that took place. Thing is, the marks were found to be the cause of death at the time. I don't think she's in danger from Max Evans. I know I've seemed obsessed, but now you know what it's been about." I pause a moment, "But, Kyle... I don't have concrete proof and I want you to promise that until I have something you won't say anything to anyone. I don't want the word getting out in town and causing a panic or trouble for the boy. I just want to learn the truth."

I look at my son and sigh, he's grown up so much and I can't help but think that I haven't had much to do with it in the last few months. "Son, I promise you, I'm going to stop hiding so much from you. Make up for all this time I've stopped being there. I hate that I was doing the same thing that my father did to me."

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:45 pm
by StormWolfstone

I'm glad that Talia has joined me and now as she manages to send the Sherrif and my charge away, I smile as I look at the boy who was being called Max, "Talia, we are to watch out for these humans while the Ulfric takes time to heal."

"Max!" I hear the blonde who had rushed toward the Ulfric call out. "There's something wrong!"

I look at Talia, "Talia, stay here with them, I'll check out the Lukoi and see what is going on." I walk away, making my way over to the fallen Lukoi leader and kneel down, I can already tell that her pulse is fading before I touch her skin and find it nearly icy to the touch. "Talia, find some of the shifters that are no longer in the battle and aren't wounded. She needs to get warmed and quickly. She's fading."

"As you command, Mon Capitan." Talia commented quietly and I watched her take off into the wood.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:58 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works, tell me if it needs changing?


Dad gives me a look to say that this isn't going to pass without comment, and I bit my lip, just hoping that he's not going to re-evaluate his crazy theories from earlier this evening to include Max as the drug dealer now... Honestly, I can see where he got the idea, but I really had hoped that he would know me better than to actually think I would get involved in something like that.

Of course his comments have had another effect though, making me realise how much I must have changed if he would think that of me... It's a soboring thought, but deep down I guess I know it's true...

For now I'm saved from having to deal with that, although I'm sure I won't have heard the last of it, as Asher returns and somehow manages to get him to leave with some story about another team needing to speak to all the adults. I'm amazed to find he's not objecting, but still, for now I guess I'll just be thankful, and leave the wondering till later when I have time...

The newfound peace doesn't last long, as the Sheriff suddenly arrives, breaking into our little group as he asks where Max was and then goes on to ask about Mista. Again I'm relieved at this moment in time to have the excuse that Alex provided, and I squeeze Max's hand, looking over slighly with a small smile.

Valenti is swaying back and forth, and looks terrible. It doesn't make him any less suspicious though, and it's a relief to find a new woman, who introduces herself as 'Detective Talia Moreno' stepping up and persuading him in some unknown way to leave things be and go to his tent. He walks away, accompanied by Kyle, and the group is once more left without any of those who don't know about what's going on.

Isabel's voice carries across, calling to Max, but Asher indicates of us to stay where we are while going over himself to check. His reaction after checking doesn't seem positive, and Talia slips off to do as he asks.

"Is there anything we can do to help...?"

I'm surprised to see Alex moving forward, and although I don't know, and could be wrong, I can't help thinking that he's showing rather more concern than he would for someone who was a mere aquaintance as I thought Mista had been to him today...

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:47 pm
by isabelle

Asher tells us to stay where we are but somehow, I can't do that. I hurry forward, pushing past him and I fall to my knees beside Mista. I can easily see why Isabel was concerned. She looks ashen and seems to be having trouble breathing. I look up at Asher. Mista said this man was a vampire. I have no idea why she would say something like that, but even if it were true, that doesn't mean that it's safe to share my secret.

I'm not even completely sure if I should. If it's possible for her to recover naturally, that would be the best. ... Except that she's a werewolf. I'm sure she can't go to a regular hospital any more than we can. And she did save us back there at the sighting...

"Why don't you, uh, go get a blanket or something. I'll start CPR," I tell him as I lay my hand on Mista's chest. Please let him listen to me. Make him turn away so I can help...


"I don't want the word getting out in town and causing a panic or trouble for the boy. I just want to learn the truth," my dad says and I look at him in disbelief. I knew he'd been after Evans and the reasons is more astonishing than I can say but this? This sounds like he's trying to protect Max. Why in the world would he want to do that? If he's really some green-blooded freak then let the government take him and get him out of here before he hurts somebody. God, what if he's carrying some alien disease????

"Son, I promise you, I'm going to stop hiding so much from you. Make up for all this time I've stopped being there. I hate that I was doing the same thing that my father did to me."

"Okay," I tell him, trying my best to keep my voice level. "Then tell me. Why do you care if there's trouble for Evans? I'd understand if you said you were worried about people not believing you and thinking you're a nut but why do you give a crap about Max?"

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:31 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Okay," I hear my son begin, "Then tell me. Why do you care if there's trouble for Evans? I'd understand if you said you were worried about people not believing you and thinking you're a nut but why do you give a crap about Max?"

I sigh as I hear my son’s question and shake my head a moment. “Kyle, I know you are upset with Max because of Liz. I wish there were something I could do to take that sort of pain from you, but I can’t. The only thing I know is that Liz would be dead right now, but somehow Max did something to save her life. There’s been nothing to show that Max and the others are a danger to us.”

I reach out a hand to place on my sons arm which was a bit of a stretch but I managed, “For Liz Parker’s sake, knowing that you care for her even still, don’t make trouble for the boy. The instant I think he’s dangerous; I will do something about it. Try to be friends with Liz, friendship is better then nothing.” I add, thinking of the fact that it would be easier all around if Kyle grew closer to the situation. Of course, I felt some guilt at other thoughts but pushed them away. “You don’t want to end up stuck with just your old man for company.”

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:32 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Is there anything we can do to help...?" I hear one of the human’s ask and turn, my expression grim as I state simply, “We need to get her warm but not near all these people. She could end up in her wolf form again if she slips much farther.” I respond, being honest despite the fact that we have often kept things hidden from the human race as much as possible. Even with the recent ruling in their Supreme Court which made my kind a legal citizen which meant vampire hunter’s were no longer legal, it didn’t change how cautious the council wanted us to be.

"Why don't you, uh, go get a blanket or something. I'll start CPR," I could smell a lie of sorts from the boy that spoke next. Watching as he placed a hand on Mista I was about to comment when I heard a very faint voice.

Looking at Mista carefully, I saw her lips move and with my keen hearing heard her say clearly, “Trust him, Asher. Go away. Make certain all the zombies are gone.” To the others, her voice would barely have sounded even in the lowest of whispers, but it was … for the moment… enough for me.

I simply nodded, “I’ll return.”


Floating, aimlessly floating, that’s what I feel like I am doing. I see many things as my body seems to shift and fade. The royals, my pack, the humans and vampire’s all needing me. Why? I wasn’t completely certain of the reason, but somehow it seemed as though everything hinged on me. The scents of blood, forest, corpse and vampire’s seemed to mix and before I knew it, I could feel a pull. Glancing up, I saw him. The first human I had ever come to care for was standing there, waiting for me. ‘Come home, Mista. You are no longer needed on your world or mine.’

‘I’m not ready. I have many things that I must do, many people that count on me.’ I heard myself respond.

‘No, Mista… there is no one that counts on you. They can all make it without you.’ His voice was so soothing that I found myself reaching out a hand but suddenly I felt a weight on my chest and my hand dropped and the floating stopped. I found myself drifting back down and with it came the pain. Vaguely, I heard Max telling someone to go get blankets and he’d do CPR. I sucked in a sharp breath and told Asher, “Trust him, Asher. Go away. Make certain all the zombies are gone.”

Then, almost as soon as I felt the vampire’s presence move away I snapped open my eyes and yet I could not see. I’m almost certain that my eyes had probably glazed over or that maybe I’d rolled them into the back of my head. I knew that I was dying and I knew that Max could help me but I didn’t ask him to. Instead, I could only manage to mutter, “pack.” The dark haze tries to take over again and the pain seems to dim as I feel cold seep into my body.

Slowly, I began to remember the events over the last few years. The awakening in my pod, being found by my adoptive father, walking through the woods when I was attacked and things I learned I was capable of. The book of Destiny that I kept with me, my watching Max and the others and wanting to have what they had but knowing that being a lycanthrope would change that. I may be the same as they are, but having survived and become a Lukoi had made me different as well.