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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:12 am
by StormWolfstone
Isabel is now free... I'm going to take her.... Chris is going to have Michael.... and I'll take Maria .... it definitely looks like we don't have M with us because RL has really taken hold of her.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:36 am
by StormWolfstone

After the group that came from the future were completely settled in at a hotel, Tess and Kyle returned home. Tess was exhausted but she was also forced to remain awake as she tossed and turned in bed. Morning seemed to come far too soon and she really didn’t want to get up for school. I couldn’t help but think that Zeus and Alex would definitely end up getting along at this rate. They were both technical junkies. Hart was rather cute and I couldn’t keep from noticing that Zeus was too.

It pretty much sucks that I have a destiny to follow. Everyone thinks because I’m so good at putting it off as such, that I really want to follow this destiny that was laid out before we were born. The destiny that was grilled into me for as long as I can remember wasn’t really completely down in the depths of my heart… but it was one way for me to get something I didn’t have, a family.

Sure, Kyle and Jim were becoming a family, but there was something missing, they weren’t like me and it was hard not knowing which way was up. Max and I were married once and I do remember what it was like to be loved by him. And, I know that’s another big part of what I’m looking for.

Sighing, I get up out of bed and grab my clothing, heading in to take a shower. I had confiscated one of Kyle’s jersey’s again to wear to bed and it was much more comfy then what I normally would wear now that I was in a house with guys that weren’t really used to knocking.

Nearly an hour later, I get out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go although not to school if I had my choice, but since my guardian is the Sheriff I don’t exactly have the option to skip. I can’t help but wonder just what we’re going to find when we meet with Zeus and the others later. I know I offered to help with searching for parts they needed in the junkyard, I can’t really remember who else signed up.

“Morning, Buddha boy.” I greet Kyle as I head into the kitchen to pour a glass of juice. Looks like Jim’s already off and running for the day.


Oh… oh no… I can’t believe I can’t find my other earring. Oh God… this is the pair I really wanted to wear. Glancing around, I try once again and wish I could find what I was looking for. This morning I’m running a bit behind schedule when it comes to getting ready. I think all the strangeness of the night before and the new cuties that are in town is what got me. Okay, so I know that Michael and I are kind of not together at the moment and I am so totally free, but even with how hot Zeus and Hart both seemed, I couldn’t stop from wishing that Michael would be as calm as they were when we all said goodnight to each other.

They were so uber calm and collected, yet friendly and smiling. If my heart wasn’t already taken I so would not be able to decide which one I’d want to date. I’d told them last night that if I didn’t have a shift at the Crashdown after school, I would have gone to help them find what they needed to modify that Vid thing they kept talking about.

But, I was scheduled to work and I was almost certain Spaceboy was too… just couldn’t remember if Liz was or not. I still couldn’t get over her comment last night about giving Tess a chance. Why would I want to give that backstabbing bimbo a chance? All she had done since she came to Roswell is uproot everything around her and cause havoc. Her and Nacedo had caused nothing but trouble.

Giving up on finding my other earring, I force myself to choose different set, silver hoops would have to do for the day. “Maria, don’t forget that I’m going to have more pies for the Crashdown. When you get out of school, come by and get them.”

“Okay, Mom.” I call out back to her and hear the door closing. She’s probably off to buy more baking ingredients as usual.

With a sigh, I grab my purse and walk out of the house, locking up after me before climbing into the Jetta. As usual, I have to fight to get it started but once it is, I drive to the school hoping that Liz and I have the chance to chat a bit before classes start.


I glance in the mirror one last time before nodding and leaving the bathroom. I’ve been ready now, but as always had to decide whether I liked the color of my make-up and the way I had my hair before I went to school. After all, I had a reputation to maintain and I hated disappointing my little fan club. More because if I did, then my air of normality I worked so hard to keep would be gone.

I was going to take Jakki shopping after school… oops… did I forget to ask Max about using the jeep since my car is once again in the shop? I’ll have to ask him on the way to school. Making my way down to the kitchen I’m greeted by mom, “Morning, honey.”

“Morning mom,” I go over and give her a brief hug and kiss her cheek before getting into the fridge for some orange juice before sitting down. Once again mom has made a normal breakfast for which I am grateful, otherwise I don’t think after our night last night; I’d be able to eat. French toast, bacon and eggs I can handle. It’s when she starts experimenting that I get frightened. I really should never have gotten her that subscription.

As she finishes, she sets the plate before me and I glance around, “Dad already at the office, mom?”

“Yes, honey. He has this big case that he needed to get started on early. Do you plan to be home for dinner tonight?”

“Actually, no I don’t. A few of us are getting together to study.” At least in a way that is the truth. But, the shopping is going to be first. I never got a chance to ask the girl Rome if she wanted to go with Jakki and I because she’d been on her walk with her brother. Maybe I could get Liz or Tess to tag along.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:45 am
by StormWolfstone
I am making this note on many boards. Those I am members of because I'm not certain that some of the creators have had the chance to be on and see this as well as my own games. There has been a new ruling made. If you are in a Mature or Adult rated game, you have to check in ... 04&start=0

Only 17 years of age or older are by ruling allowed to be in games with those two ratings. For my games, I will be checking this thread regularly and if I don't see a name on that list within two weeks of a player in my game, characters will be reassigned. If for some reason you have not been on the boards within that matter of time but you do get added to the list, you can PM me to let me know. However, as of right now in my games which will be listed below, a person can not post until they are on that list and if they post without being on the list, it will be reported to Mods. Players in my games have until July 8th to either have checked in on that thread and be posting, or to inform me that you are under 17 and will need to give up your characters.

My games are as follows: Pirate's Bounty, Masquerade, Future's Visitation, Preternatural Curses, Choosing Grounds, Sons and Daughters, Roswell Magick Legacy, Matches Made In Heaven, Crossing Distances, Roswell Next Generation (used to be Anna-Liisa's), Dormroom Diaries (used to be Lizzie_Parker_17's), , Shadowed Dawn.

I co-run the following: The Fifth, Darkened Doorways, World Of Change

Games I'm In: Destined Mates, Soul Mates by Madroswellfan, Three's a Party by Madroswellfan, A new day...every day by Madroswellfan, Land of Hope, by Anna-Liisa, Change of Heart by Anna-Liisa, Happily Ever After by Buffsteraddict, Where the Stars Don't Shine by Isabelle, A Baby Story by Isabelle, The Missing Piece by katnotkath, Fleeing Roswell by AlexEvans, Sacrifice by Anna-Liisa, Deny My Heart and Dangerous Intensions by Zanssoulmate08, Age of Ulyssa by isabelle (formerly by emmylala), Deceptive Appearances by Katnotkath, Second Generation by Zanssoulmate08,

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:46 am
by isabelle

Wow. What a night, I think as I get dressed in the morning. I’m not completely sure that I slept at all, although I did lay down for about an hour and a half. Three incredibly amazing things happened last night. Liz gave me her journal to read, I slept with Liz and cemented our connection, and I met a group of people from the future and cured one of them of a genetic disease. (And they weren’t the first real time-travelers I’d heard of, either, since earlier that night, Liz had told me about the visit from a future version of me.) Of the three, I have no idea which is the most amazing. Every time my mind focuses on one, that seems to be the stand out, but then my mind drifts immediately to one of the others…

Liz. She loves me. She really loves me. She showed me with her beautiful body last night. A night beyond anything I’d ever hoped for. I’d always been convinced that nothing would ever happen since I’m different but it did. Liz knows what I am and she loves me. I love her with every molecule in my body. We’re connected now. Deeply. I wonder if she could feel me from here. I close my eyes and think of her, my feelings for her making me warm and filling me to bursting. I silently ‘push’ them off, willing for her to feel it, too. I don’t know if it will work. I’m almost two miles away from her. But I can’t seem to move out of this happy haze. I know how hard it’s going to be to hide it from everyone, especially Tess. Right now, in the privacy of my room, I don’t have to hide it. I revel in it, savoring every moment.

I read her journal last night, staying up almost until dawn. The visitors from the future were pushed entirely from my mind as I read about the past 14 months in her words. It’s not some mushy romantic diary. Her language is clean and thoughtful, befitting a journal. And yet, it’s filled with feelings. There’s confusion and fear, even sadness and disappointment, but her feelings for me are always the same. She loves me.

And Michael was the one who had her journal last year. That one was a shock. How could he have read all this and not said anything? How could he have let me and Isabel live in fear over the missing journal when he had it the whole time? How could he have read all that and still be asking me about dating advice? He should have known the things that girls think and want – But he and Liz never said anything. I can’t let him know that I know. It’s one more secret, but one that should be a lot easier to keep than the knowledge of ‘future me’ and my connection to Liz.

I’m ready to head down for breakfast now. Glancing at the mirror one more time, I try to school my expression, hiding my feelings for Liz. Time to concentrate on School and the time-travelers. These don’t have anything to do with Liz and me. It’s the only one of last night’s amazing events that Isabel knows about. We didn’t talk about it a lot last night. I hope she didn’t think that was odd. Afterall, I do like to think things through in private, sometimes. Of course, I wasn’t thinking it through much because I was reading the journal. I’ll need to make up for that quickly. I need to have a plan...

I carry my stack of books downstairs, hiding Liz's journal in the middle so I can return it to her as soon as I get to school. I wonder how she feels about not being able to record her thoughts of last night in there. That would be very interesting to read, I'm sure. I've changed the color of the cover slightly although I don't think Isabel would recognize the book anyway. As I get downstairs, I see that Isabel is already at the table.

“Actually, no I don’t. A few of us are getting together to study,” she says to mom. They must have been talking about her plans for after school. I know that the 'friends' are Zeus and Hart and the others and that 'studying' is not going to have much to do with school, but it should satisfy mom.

"Hi everyone," I say, settling into a chair. I don't want to interupt their conversation. The things that Isabel and I want to talk about can't be done here, anyway, so they can wait. I pour some juice into a glass and help myself to some breakfast.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:24 pm
by isabelle

I wake up feeling rested, but also a bit disgusted. This place isn't like home. It just doesn't feel 'clean.' Maybe all hotels are like that. So many people every day and they don't have the room sanitizing systems that we have in my time. Time travel. It's amazing. From a purely theortical standpoint, it could be possible, but the forces involved would be incredible. There's no way I could duplicate it. We're stuck here until Quixote decides to bring us back.

Still, this time does have something great to be said for it. Max. The boy who healed my brother. I can't get over it. He just put his hands on Hart and then ... everything was okay.

I roll over, feeling a huge smile on my face. Jakki's in the next bed, still asleep. I decide not to bother her. I get up and head for the shower, looking forward to seeing Hart up and around again. The bathroom is also a bit of a sanitation nightmare, but nothing can get me down today. I get cleaned up as best as I can and dry off before going back into the bedroom. Then I slide back into my clothes from yesterday. Would it have been so hard for Quixote to tell us to bring some spare clothes? Well, at least we'll be doing some shopping tonight.

"Wake up, sleepy-head," I say to Jakki as I rub the towel in my hair a bit more. "It's a brand new day. -- Or at least it's new NOW, even if it is a thousand years before we were born."

Time travel. It's amazing.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:19 pm
by maougha
Hey storm I just replied to the list thing so I’ll just wait tell you give me the go before posting ok?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:05 am
by StormWolfstone
You're good to post :D As long as you've replied, I'm fine.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:30 pm
by maougha

It’s morning all to soon in my humble yet correct opinion. I get up off the couch stretching the kinks outs before I head to the bathroom. We have to look into getting a fold out couch there is just no putting it off any longer, I wonder if Tess can zap one up?

After showering and getting dressed I head out to the kitchen for food, I always think best on a full stomach after all. By now I can’t put off what happened the night before any longer people from the future need our help! So lets see that means my life is now like the X files and Back to the Future and it’s not even freaking me out that I know people from the future as much as it should. Damn I’m becoming desensitized to weirdness.

I have breakfast going by now eggs, bacon, toast, left over Pizza... hey I don’t mock your eating habits you don’t mock mine besides I know people who drink tabasco like water.

“Morning son.” dad comes in dressed in his uniform, by the way the guy is the sherif of this quant little town. Do you know how hard it is to get a fake id when your dad is the long arm of the law? “Smells good.” he goes on.

“I hope so.” I say my mind still wandering on these weird thoughts. Yes and this is how I occupy my morning tell dad leaves. Now I’m just setting here nursing my coffee the nectar of life tell it’s time to go to school. Yes I fight the FBI, aliens, and socialize with people from other time zones yet I have to go to school. I ask you where is the justice?

“Morning, Buddha boy.” Tess’s greeting startles me out of my stupor. Damn I didn’t even hear her enter.

“Morning you majesty.” I reply glancing at the clock still some time left before we go to hell..bah I mean school!

A silence settles over the room now me sipping my coffee and Tess getting her drink. It’s strange she used me to get close to Max and for that I never thought I could forgive her but what do ya know she’s now the closes thing I have to a sister? But lately she’s been I don’t know after she came back from New York we haven’t talked much. I haven’t even told her about Ava who was so cool!

I can’t take the silence any longer though I just hate it. “So what do you think about the future people? And the fact that your not the strangest person in town now?” I smile adding. “Your highness.”

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:34 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, still not sure if this works but hoping that it does


Oww... I turn over in bed, sticking out my hand to switch off my alarm as it begins to ring and the whole of my body seems to be aching... As the memories from last night come flooding back into my mind, at first I wonder if it was all a dream but the soreness I'm feeling right now seems to indicate otherwise, and I reach up to my neck, smiling softly as my fingers come into contact with a small stone and I remember everything...

What a night... Everything that happened, everything that we went though, it wouldn't seem at all suprising if it had all been a dream... It wasn't as though it would have been the first time I dreamt of telling Max the truth afterall...since the day I convinced Kyle to pose in bed with me I have wished she could tell him and night after night I have imagined what I would say...

But this wasn't a dream...and I don't regret one minute of anything which happened. I told Max the truth about FutureMax, we talked, and kissed and...well, I'm not a virgin anymore... That wasn't all though was it, there was also his proposal...the promise that one day we are going to be together...and the fact that no one can know that for the moment...

That last causes my smile to drop, my hand closing over the pendant around my neck as I try to sit up and swing my legs slowly round to the side in order to stand up.

No, we can't tell anyone... We have to just continue on as we have been for the moment, and hope... Hope that Tess will realise that there's more to life than 'destiny', and that she will find a place in the group which makes her feel as though she belongs without being Max's wife...

It could be weeks, it could be months, and much as I hate to admit it, it could stretch to years... It all depends on us following through with this plan for the moment though, which is why it's important for us not to slip up.

Now that I'm fully awake, I realise that the strange 'connection' between Max and I seems to still be there... It's almost dormant at the moment, but I can still 'feel' him to an extent, and the realisation of this causes me to smile as I concentrate a moment to try and send through a burst of love as a sort of 'good morning' I guess... It's a nice feeling, having at least some contact with him...

Swallowing, I begin to move about properly now, although keeping my movements fairly small and gentle to try and keep the discomfort to a minimum as I head into the bathroom to have a shower and then get ready for school, wondering what the new day will bring.

As I'm getting dressed, pulling my jeans up slowly, I begin to think about the other part of the night - our visitors from the future... I wonder what's going to happen to them - they didn't seem to know how they got here, so will they be able to get back? And will they want to get back - from the little that was said I can't say that their time sounds the greatest...

I guess the first thing would be to talk some more to them... Alex said from his brief look at the machinary they had that their story seemed to fit... He certainly hadn't seen anything like it before, and that's of course saying something with him so I'm inclined to believe they are from where they say - the future...


Mom calls up the stairs and I make my way over to the door, calling down that I'm almost ready and I'll be down in a minute before finishing off my bag and heading down the stairs just as I said I would.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:21 am
by isabelle