Second Chance at the First Time (UC,Mx/Ma,Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 21

The group dug with all their might after succesfully burning Jakk’s body down to ash. After about a half hour, they had dug a deep enough whole.

Max used his powers to remove the cadmium-x from Jakk’s body and carbon dated the body for 45 years old. Then the guys threw Jakk’s remains into the whole, and the aliens covered it with their powers.

A silent sigh of reliefe was expelled from the 6 conspirators. They had done it. Jakk could never hurt anyone again, spacifically Maria.

Max rode back with Maria, who didn’t really feel like being alone. The car ride was pretty silent until Maria finally said, “Thank you, Max.”

“No thanks needed, I wouldn’t have survived if you had died.” She looked at him. He really ment it. He wouldn’t be able to go on with life if something happened to her. This both pleased and scared her. She finally decided as they were walking up to the house, that she was going to let go, and give herslelf completely to this man.

She turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed her on the lips. When they walked into the house, Michael and Isabel were huddled together talking about something. Finally they adressed the rest of the group.

Isabel was the one to speak, “Ummm, Max. Maria. Michael and I want to give you the guest room tonight. You guys need it. We can sleep in the living room.” Isabel gave an awkward smile. She sooo didn’t want to think about her brother having sex.

Maria smiled, “Thank you, guys. That would be great.” Then she winked at Max causing everyone in the room to blush.

Kyle then spoke, “Nah, I’m the one alone,” he made a moke sad face, “I’ll sleep on the couch. Michael and isabel, take my bed. But I better not come across anything in my bed that will burn out my virgin eyes,” he joked.

Everyone laughed. “Well, I’m kinda tired,” Max said. Everyone knew what that was code for. “Let’s save the drama for tomorrow, ok?” He and Maria retreated up the stairs to the guest room.

Once inside, Max wasted no time before removing the shirt from Maria’s body. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight. His lips clamped down on her. Hungry for her taste. “Wow,” Maria said breathlessly, “don’t seem that tierd to me.” She grinned at him.

They quickly removed each other’s clothes, and searched each other’s bodies. They made love for hours. They couldn’t stop themselves if they wanted to. They had been craving each other’s bodies since the last time they joined as one. And now, with the connection that Max had formed with Maria after saving her life, their pull to each other was even stronger.

They would lead each other to climax and release and then start the process again. Max never had this kind of stamina with Liz, no. Only Maria could make him feel this way.

Finally, they drifted off to sleep, their bodies physically unable to make love any longer. He fell asleep inside her. And for the second time in her life she felt completely whole.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 22

Everyone woke up at about the same time the next day, which was suprising, with all the ‘exercise’ they knew Max and Maria got last night. Maria was a little nervous about how to break the news to Liz about Max. So, she couldn’t just sleep the day away.

Kyle could sense something was bothering Maria at breakfast so he asked, “What’s up, ‘Ria?”

“Ummm, it’s nothing. Just…well now that the Jakk thing is over. It’s time for me to tell Liz about me and Max. And I have a good feeling that that is not going to be fun.” Maria answered.

Isabel knew exacly how Maria felt. It was the same way she felt when she and Michael had to break the news to her about their feelings for each other. “Honey, I know how you feel. But it has to be done. I know it may not sound like much. But no matter what happens you still have all of us.”

“Yeah,” Michael said, “Remember when Izzy and I came to you. At first you went in to Huricaine-Deluca mode. But with time, you excepted it, and even came to our wedding. If Liz is as good a friend as you think she is. She will forgive you.. It will just take time.”

Maria knew they were right, but it didn’t make it any easier. “Well, do you think I should call her, or wait till we go back home?”

“I’d say tell her in person.” Jim pipped in to everyone else’s surprise. They didn’t know he was interested in their love lives. “I’d also say the you and Max should tell her together. I mean Maria didn’t fall in love on her own.” He gave Max an ‘I’m serious’ look.

“The sheriff’s right,” Max said, “I’ll be right there with you.”

“Thank you guys so much,” Maria said. “All of you. I don’t know where I’d be without any one of you!”

They all shared and awww moment, and then Isabel announced that she wanted to go into town with Maria for some girl bonding. Maria was relived. She loved Max, Michael, Kyle, and Jim but the teststerone was getting to her. They went upstairs to get ready.

Downstairs, Max talked to Michael and Kyle about something while Jim went to work. When the girls got downstairs, Max told them that he needed to drive to Las Caruses and he would be back later that afternoon. Maria was confused, but told him to have a good time. Then they all went off to do their own things.

Maria shopped a little at the Rowell mall, but they were quite dissapointed at the selection. It certainly wasn’t New York or San Francisco. But they had fun hanging out together doing girly things. Maria and Liz hadn’t been able to hang out in a long time. And Isabel had NO girlfriends out in San Fancisco. They laughed and joked all day.

Michael and Kyle went bowling. Where Michael cheated, pissing Kyle off in the process. Then they went back to Kyle’s and hung out. They watched Braveheart again. They couldn’t understand why the girls didn’t see how wonderful this movie was. When the girls got back, Michael suggested to Maria that she get dressed-up and Max’s request.

Maria was, needless to say, very confused but she went upstairs to change anyway. It was a good thing she had brought a dress with her.

Downstairs, Isabel gave Michael and ‘tell me what is going on or else’ look. So he did. Max told him not to tell Isabel, because he was afraid that she would tell Maria, but his marital happiness was more important.

Just after telling Isabel the scoop, Max walked in. He looked nervous. The minute he looked at Isabel, he knew she knew. “Ok, time for us to get out of here.” Michael said winking at Max.

“Maria is upstairs in the shower, we will be back later.” Isabel said grinning.

After everyone left, max got the living room ready. He wanted to make this the perfect night for Maria. After all he loved her and she deserved to be pampered. As he was lighting the candles on the dinning table he set up, Maria made he way down the stairs. She looked stunning. Max’s breath caught in his throat. She had on a black v-neck halter dress that was cut just above the knee. Her long dirty, blond hair fell over her sholders in soft ringlets. Max had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.

When Maria saw the wonderful dinner Max had, had catered, and the soft light of the candles. She was elated. When she saw Max standing there starting at her in his black suit, her heart raced. Damn, he was hot.

She walked toward him and kissed him lightly. He deepened the kiss. They broke apart finally, and Max pulled out a chair for Maria. She sat down and smiled. All this was for her. Know wonder Michael and Kyle had shared that knowing look and booked out of the house the minute she went upstairs.

They ate the food, which was wonderful. She wondered where he got it. No resturant in Roswell was this fancy. That must have been why he drove to Las Caruses. Imagine that, driving 2 hours to make sure she had a wonderful dinner.

When they were finnished, Max removed the plates and brought back dessert. Tarimisu, he favorite. He knew it. When she was done, she said, “Max, I love you so much.”

“I love you more,” he grinned. “I want to ask you something.”

Maria was intrigued, “Anything,” she said.

“I know that this is kind of a bad time, with having to tell Liz about us, and Jakk, and well, just everything but I love you. And I want you to know that I’ve never felt this way about anyone, ever. Not even Liz in the beginning. So…” He kneeled down and Maria’s heart skipped a beat, “I want to know…” He pulled out a velvet box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring, “Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?”

Tears ran down Maria’s face. There was only one answere she could give him, “Yes!” she said, “Yes, Yes, Yes!”

He smiled and pulled her into his arms. They kissed 1,000 kisses before retreating to the guest room. Max would clean up dinner later.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 23

The next morning, the crew grinned at Max and Maria’s disheveled looks as they came down into the kitchen. Maria ignored them with a roll of the eyes and a smile. While Max, blushed furiously.

“Well, I guess we better book a flight for today, huh?” Max said to Maria.

Maria sighed, “Yeah.”

“No, no, no! You guys don’t get off that easy? How did last night go?” Isabel pushed. Michael laughed, Isabel was so funny when she is curious.

Maria lifted her left hand for the room to see the beautiful rock. It wasn’t a Tiffany’s ring or anything, but it was from Max and that was all that mattered to her.

Everyone gave that couple warm smiles and Isabel pulled her into a hug. “We are going to be sisters!”

Maria looked up at her, “We are sisters anyway. This just makes it official.”

As everyone talked to Maria, Max slipped ff to call the travel agent. When he returned her said, “Ok our flight is at 4:30 this afternoon.” He didn’t want to leave them so soon, but he knew that he and Maria had to get back and deal with Liz.

Smiles turned to frowns around the room. “So soon?” Isabel whined.

“Yeah, Maxwell, you don’t have to bolt!” Michael growled.

“You guys are welcome here as long as you need,” Jim offered.

“No, we have to get back and deal with Liz,” Max answered, “I just want all the turmoil behind us ASAP. I don’t want to have to hide us from anyone.” Max finished squeezing Maria’s hand.

“Not that she is going to ever forgive me once we tell her.” Maria added weakly.

“Just give her time, ok?” Kyle tried to comfort her. Maria nodded half-heartedly.

“Well, I say that you guys pack really quick and then we spend the rest of the day together! Hmm?” Isabel said.

“Sounds great!” Maria perked up and she ran up the stairs.

And that was exactly what they did. The gang spent the rest of the morning lounging around. Mostly they talked about how they were going to keep in touch. Finally, it was decided, that after Michael and Isabel’s lease was up, they would move to New York City. Kyle would join them this summer and attend a community college out there. Jim would stay behind, but they all promised to come back to Roswell every chance they got.

Now that they all had bonded in such a way, they couldn’t be apart. They got their strength in each other. Besides, Kyle’s powers were starting, and he would need someone to teach him how to use them.

After saying their good-bye’s, Maria and Max drove off to Las Caruses to catch their plane. Tears filled the eyes of Isabel, Michae, Kyle, and Jim. The men didn’t even try to hide it. Michael and Isabel knew they would be reunited in a couple of months, and Kyle knew it would only be a little less than a year before he joined them, but it was still hard wo watch them drive away.

Max and Maria slept on the plane, the whole way to New York. Niether of them had slept well in the past few days for obvious reasons. When they got back to NYC they hopped in a cab and headed to Max’s apartment. They decided that they would tell Liz tonight.

Maria pulled out her cell and dialed Liz.

“’RIA! You back in town?” Liz answered.

“Yeah. Um actually… what are you doing tonight?” Maria felt her stomach rumble.

“Nothing, I was just gonna hang. What bout you?”

“Well, I kinda have something I wanna talk to you about.” Maria said

“Oh, well yeah totally. When will you be home?”

“Give me like an hour, k?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you then. Bye.”

Maria let out a big breath when she hung up the phone. Max wrapped her tightly in his arms in a comforting act.

Maria and Max spent little time at Max’s apratment. She just picked up the clothes she ahd left there and they headed out the door. Ready to confront Liz. Well, maybe not ready, but as ready as they would ever be.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 24

Maria and Max approached the door of her apartment and took a couple of deep breaths before walking into the door. They heard Liz’s voice, “Hey ‘Ria. Is that you?” she sounded so excited for Maria to be back home. This was going to be hard.

Liz came skipping into the living room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Maria standing there with Max. “What’s going on?” she asked hesitantly, the worst coming to her mind. Who died?

“Can we sit down.” Maria asked fear rising in her voice.

Liz made her way to the couch, Maria and Max following her. Max grabbed Maria’s hand seeing her fear rising. This did not go unnoticed by Liz, but she brushed it off wanting to know what was going on. “Seriously, whats going on?” Liz finally say.

“Ok, well first I want to say. I love you very much Liz. And I would never want to hurt you.” Maria said.

Liz got even more scared. “Just spill it, Maria.” She bit out harsher than sh ehad intended.

“Well let’s see about a week ago, after my first recording session, I ran into Max,” Maria explained and looked an Max, “and we go to talking. And I invited him to the show that night.” Maria took a breath.

“Well, we…ummm… there isn’t anyway to say this but to just say it, is there? Look… Liz, Max and I are in love.” Maria spit out waiting for the worst.

“What?” Liz said, in shock, “I must have misheard you. Because I know that the girl that is supposed to be my best friend wouldn’t have just said what I just thought I heard you say.” Liz’s eyes were in fire.

“Look, Liz,” Max spoke up, “We didn’t plan it. And if you want to blame someone, blame me. Maria was th one worried about your feelings the whole time. We love each other. We complete each other.”

“Oh well that’s just perfect for you two isn’t it?” Liz screamed.

Maria had tears rolling down her face, “Look, I know that this is the worst possible thing I could have done, but I don’t regret it. I love Max. We are a part of each other. I can’t blame you for being mad. I would be too. But I just pray that you find it in your heart to forgive us.” Max squeezed her hand, “Liz, if you had been in my position, you wouldn’t have been able to control it either.”

When Maria was finished, Liz just have her a hard glare. “No, I don’t think I would have stabbed you in the back,” she answered.

“Maybe not,” Maria said, “but hopfully one day you can forgive me anyway. Please don’t throw 10 years of friendship away? Please!”

“I think you should have thought about that before you decided to turn, old-school Maria on me and fuck Max like some tramp!” Liz yelled back.

Hurt and tears filled Maria’s eyes. Liz had gone for the jugular, and she knew it. Max stood up, “Liz! You have every right to be mad, but do say things you don’t mean. You can’t possibly be so heartless now that you would intentionally want to hurt your best friend.” He sat down and calmed his voice, “the one who held you when you cried night after night. The one who you shared our secret with because you trusted her so completely. The one that took your side time after time when I came to me. I can’t belive it. I won’t.”

Liz looked at the floor with tears in her eyes, “Can you just get out?” she snapped.

They both did what she said. As they reached the door, Maria turned back around, “I’m sorry, Liz.” Then they made their way outside. The both heard Liz answere “Whatever.”

Liz laid down on the couch after they left and cried. How could they do this to her? Especially Maria. She had trusted her and she went behind her back and sleep with the love of her life. Well, that wasn’t being fair, Max wasn’t the love of her life anymore. But still, it was heartless of Maria.

Liz wallowed in self-pity for about and hour before she heard the phone ring. That better not be Maria. The last thing she wanted was to hear her voice. Liz looked at the caller ID and didn’t recognize the number. Fuck it, she thought and picked up the phone. “Hello,” she said.

“Hi, Liz. It’s Isabel.”

“Yeah,” Liz said rather cooly.

“Ummm have you talked to Maria yet?”

“As a matter of fact I have. Oh you knew too. So was I the only one in the dark?” Liz’s voice rose into the reciever.

“Look, Liz. I know you are mad at the world right now, and I don’t blame you, really. But you can’t hold a grudge against Maria. She couldn’t help the pull she and Max had on each other.” Isabel pleaded.

“I’ve heard all this, Isabel.”

“I’m sure you have, but I’m trying to get you to belive it. I know you aren’t going to be able to forgive and forget in a night. Ok? But I also know that you need each other. Yeah, Maria had all of the Roswell crew that you apparently don’t want to be apart of, but you have a special place in her heart. You have shared so much. Frankly, I can’t compeat with that.” Isabel said, hoping she could pull at least a little at Liz’s heart strings.

Liz didn’t want to have this conversation. “Fine, can I go?”

“Yeah, just think about it.” Isabel finally said. And Liz clicked down the reciever. And that is what she did. She went in her room and started thinking.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 25

Back at Max’s apartment, Maria was distraught. Max could barely get her to eat. As they were sitting on the couch, watching but not really watching TV, the phone rang. “Hello,” Max answered.

“Hey man, It’s Michael.”

“Hey. Whats up?”

“Did you guys talk to, Liz yet?”


“How did it go?”

“How do you think?” Max was getting frustrated.

Michael picked up on Max’s frustration. “Hey, do you think I could talk to Maria?”

Max reluctantly agreed and handed the phone to Maria. “Hello?’ Maria said.

“Hey, it’s Michael. I just wanted to tell you that I know that this is really hard right now, but Liz will come around, and even if she doesn’t you always have us. We all love you and will be there for you anytime.” Michael said.

Tears welled up in Maria’s eyes, “Thanks, Michael. That means a lot to me.”

“Well, that’s all I really wanted to say, I know you probably don’t feel like talking. But just remember, you can call me, Isabel, Kyle, or Jim anytime day or night. We love you.”

“Thanks, I’ll give you a call tomorrow. Tell everyone we send our love. Bye.”

Maria hung up the phone. “I’m tired. I think I’m gonna hit the sack.” She said to Max.

“Yeah, me too.” Max replied.

When they laid on the bed, Maria began crying again, and Max held her close to him as she cried herself to sleep. They woke up melded to each other the next morning. Maria was still upset about losing her best friend, but as she look at Max, she realized that things would get better. At least she had him. And they were going to get married. She had actually fallen in love with a man who completely and totally loved her back.

They both tooh their shower together, needing to be close to each other. When they got out of the shower they got dressed and prepared to go out for breakfast. Before they got to the door, Max heard the doorbell ring.

Max opened the door and was surprised to find Liz standing there, looking very nervous. He welcomed her in and called for Maria. Max motioned for Liz to sid down. As they sat their, they looked at Liz, wondering what she was doing there. Finally, Liz spoke. “Ummm I came here to say… that I can MAYBE forgive, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget. And I know why you are together. I once felt a pull toward Max too. But I’d be lieing if I said I still felt that.” She took a deep breath, “The thing is that I want us to be friends again, I really do. But I just don’t think I can. I promise you I will try, but I need time. I can’t be around the two of you for a while. It just hurts to bad. I just wanted you to know that I was willing to try.”

Tears were welling up in Maria’s eyes, “That’s all I can ask you for. But there is one more thing we have to tell you. We didn’t feel like it was the right time last night, but I wanted to tell you now. We are engaged. We are going to be married. And the gang is moving to New York City.”

Liz sighed, “I don’t know what to say, I will try to work through my issues with this, but I still don’t want to have anything to do with the alien abyss. You were my best friend once, and maybe we can be friends again, but it can’t ever be the exact same.”

“I understand.” Said Maria giving a weak smile. And with that, Liz got up and walked out the door.

“Well, that was better than nothing,” Maria said as Max put his loving arms around her.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 26…

12 Months Later…

Maria was sitting in the Guerin living room, and Isabel was sitting with her going over the last minute details of the wedding. Maria was a nervous wreck. Within the next 3 days Maria would drop her debut album and marry the man of her dreams. Yeah, she was in complete freak-out mode.

Max, Michael, and Kyle were in the living room playing playstation, without a care in the world.

“I’m freeking out, here Isabel. I mean what is the flowers don’t get there, or is the Evan’s and my mom can’t get here in time? I mean my dress hasn’t even been altered yet. And the album is coming out tomorrow so I wont have anytime tomorrow to get things in order! I can’t handle this!”

Isabel grabbed Maria’s hand that was waving violently in the air. “Honey, take a deep breath. Listen! Everything is going to be fine. We are going to get organized today and then tomorrow while you are promoting the album I will get everything together. Everything will be fine. Alien, right here, remember? And there are three more over there in the living room. We can make this happen. Now just don’t freek out! Ok?”

Maria took a deep breath and nodded. They went back to work prioritizing. The boys entered the dinning room trying to cover their amusment. Isabel shot them an ‘don’t piss Maria off or I will zap you’ look. That quickly sobered them up.

Max thought it was adorable how worked up Maria was over the wedding because he didn’t care if the flowers made it or not. He just wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. They could get married at the courthouse for all he cared.

“Hey, baby. Why don’t you take a break?” Max asked.

“Are you crazy? There is too much to do!” Maria huffed.

“No, go out. Michael, Kyle and I can get everything together.” Michael and Kyle were about to protest until Isabel shot them another look.

“I can’t ask you to do that.” Maria protested.

“Go! It’s my job as matron of honor. I only get to do this once.” Isabel smiled at them. Maria smiled and hesitantly left with Max. She was still worried about the wedding, but it was nice to get away from he madness.

The next day, Maria woke up bright and early. She had to be completely up and at ‘em for the record promos today. Mostly, all she had to do was record signings. She gave Max a kiss on the forhead before she left.

The day was long and hard. She never thought smiling for 7 hours could be so tiring, and her hand hurt like a bitch. She went straight to Michael and Isabel’s apartment and flopped down on the couch. If she never signed another CD in her life it would be to soon.

Max who was already there, sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Long day?” he asked.

“You have NO idea!” She answered with a yawn.

“Well, Isabel, Michael, and Kyle are practically done with the wedding stuff, so why don’t we all just take the day off tomorrow and relax, hmm?”

“That sounds great,” she said yawning again.

“Just a guess, but I think you might need to go to bed,” Max said sarcastically.

“Mmm hmmm,” she said falling out of consciousness. He picked her up and laid her in bed. She needed sleep he knew. She hadn’t been sleeping well with all the shit going on with the record and the wedding.

The group sat in the living room for a few before deciding that they needed sleep as well. They all whole-heartedly agreed that tomorrow should be a day of rest. They knew they were quickly entering the adult world because it was 7:30 and they were all hitting the sack just to do nothing the next day.

The next day they all did exactly what they planned. Nothing. The only productive thing that happened, was that Isabel picked up Maria’s dress from the alteration place.

They watched movies and hung out, basking in the strong friendships they had formed. This group was tight. They knew nothing to break them apart. It was too bad Liz wasn’t there, but Maria told herself that Liz just needed time, and she couldn’t push her.

Everyone went to bed early that night to get rest for the big day ahead of them.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

This is done by time: the wedding is at 2:00pm

Chapter 27


Maria rolled over to find the bed empty. She saw a little note on the bed. She smiled and opened it. It read:

I left before you got up because u know, it’s bad luck to see you before the wedding. I love you so much and I will see you at 2:00 at the tea house! Don’t stress, not matter what happens we are going to be together, that is all that matters.

She smiled wider. He was so precious. She rolled out of the bed and get into the shower. When she got out, she decided to put on her favorite pink sweat pants and a white-tee shirt. She was going to have to wear that beautiful but uncomfortable wedding dress all-day, so she was going to be as comfortable as possible until then.


Maria met Isabel in the living room. She could see the excitement in Isabel’s face. The boys had already left. Maria knew that Isabel had kept her cool for a long time, but now she was going to go into Wedding Nazi mode. Which was ok with Maira because it gave her less to worry about.

They sat on the couch and talked about the ceremony and ran through everything one more time before walking out the door.


The men had gone golfing in the morning. They saw it as their version of a Bachlore party. They knew the girls would want to be left alone, and knowing how Maria and Iasbel could get, they all agreed that was for the best.

The girls also decided on a lazy day, they walked down to the corner coffee shop and talked, girl talk. Isabel was still so surprised at how strong her relationship with Maria had gotten. They told each other everything.


The girls got a cab and made their way to the tea house. Max and Maria decided on this Tajikistan Tea House, because it was absolutly beautiful, and they didn’t feel comfortable getting married in a church. Niether believed whole-heartedly in God, so the tea house was a better choice.

The girls went into the back room to get things set up to make sure they were both beautified properly.


The men showed up at the tea house. Michael complained that it didn’t take 3 hours to get dressed, and Max promptly elbowed him in the ribs explaining that they were supposed to bond together before the wedding. The men all laughed.

12:00 pm

The men quickly got dressed. Michael didn’t know how to do his tie, so Max helped him. Kyle watched and pretended to whip away a tear. “Our baby is growing up!” he joked.

Max rolled his eyes, and then went for Kyle bringing him to the ground. They grunted and wrestled for a little while and the Max let Kyle up. At this point they were completely disheveled at this point. Isabel would kill them if she saw them like this. She Max quickly used his powers to clean Kyle and himself up. Those powers sure did come in handy sometimes.

Isabel started on Maria’s hair and make-up. Finally deciding that Maria should wear her hair down, and go with light earthy makeup. She didn’t use her powers, she wanted to have a human bonding moment with Maria and do it the old fashion way. Besides they had plenty of time. They laughed and joked as Isabel made Maria look more beautiful than she ever thought she could.


The men had officially been dressed for an hour and were ready to get this show on the road. Max was beginning to get nervous. “What if I’m not good enough?”

“Maxwell, you got to breath. She loves you man,” Michael said. “You were made for each other.”

“Yeah, besides, you will be good enough. Because you know that we will kill you if you arnt!” Kyle joked.

Isabel had slipped into her dress already and she was getting Maria into hers. Maria had picked a strapless dress that had a corsett-like top and a flowy satin bottom. She had decided on a long viel because she thought she looked elegant in it.


Jim knocked on the girl’s door. “Everyone dressed?” he said.

“Yeah!” the girls called, and he walked in.

“Alright. Wow, you look absloutly breathtaking,” he said to Maria, as she blushed. “The boys are all ready and they are heading to the main room, so I thought I would hang with you guys for a few until we make our way down there.”

The girls smiled at him. Maria was glad that he was going to walk her down the aisle. He was the only father-figure she had ever known.


Isabel, Maria and Jim mad their way down to the main room. They stayed in the hallway and waited. Maria really wanted to catch a peek at Max, but Isabel forbid it good naturdly.


It was time. Isabel stood in at the open doors and made her way down the aisle. Maria slipped her arm though Jim’s and he gave her hand a squeeze. The wedding march started as they made their way down the aisle.

Halfway down, Maria spotted a brunette woman with tear filled doe eyes smiling up at her. Maria couldn’t control her tears. Liz had shown up. That was the one thing that could make this day perfect, and she had gotten it.

As Maria walked toward Max, he teared up. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her bare sholders and long veil mad her look like an angel. He knew he was the luckiest man in the world.

They had written their own vows. Max’s idea. And as Max spoke, Maria cried tears of joy. “Maria, you are the one person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love everything about you. Even the way that you freek-out and then sniff ceder-oil because you honestly belive it helps. I love the way you look when you sleep. The sound of your snore is music to my ears. I love your uncontrolled emotions. They say ‘love is patient and love is kind’ but I think love is the feeling I get when I’m with you. The way my heart races when you enter the room. There is no one else in the world that I would rather grow old with. You are my heart. We are one. I will be here for you always and forever.”

Maria took a deep breath and began her vows, “Max, I remember the first day we were thrown in each other’s lives. I thought you were controlling and pompus.” She laughed, “But I was wrong. What you really are is the most caring and loving man in the entire world. You have been the rock in my unstable life. I am so lucky that you have chosen me. I love you with every fiber of my being, and yet those words don’t even begin to discribe how I feel about you. Words cannot express the bond we share. I look forward to all the years I am privliged enough to soend with you. I love you so much.”

After that rings were exchanged, and they were pronounced man and wife. They kissed and their guests clapped and they walked back down the aisle. Now Husband and wife.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 28

They didn’t have a real reception because of the fact the the guest list was so small. They just had a get together back at Isabel and Michael’s apartment. When Max and Maria got their the party had already started.

Maria immediately noticed Liz sitting in the living room. She let go of Max’s hand to go talk to her. “Liz!”

“Hi, Maria. Isabel invited me. I hope that’s ok.”

“Okay? I’m so glad you came!”

“Maria, look. I’m really sorry about how I reacted to you and Max. Hearing your vows today I realized that I could never stand in front of that kind of love.”

“I’m just so happy you are here,” Maria said hugging her.

“So you think we could start over?”

“I’d love that.” Maria said giggling. They talked for a while before Max stepped behind Maria and wrapped his arms around her.

“Hi, Max. Congradualtions. You got a great girl. You better treat her right.” Liz said.

“Don’t I know it. Hey, thanks for coming.” Max said as he smiled and gave Liz a hug.

The rest of the evening, everyone had a good time. They listened to music, drank, and ate. The highlight of the night for Maria was when Mr. and Mrs. Evans told her that they were honored to have her in their family. She was so happy that they had accepted her.

At the end of the night, after Max and Maria had said goodbye to all their guests, Michael and Isabel handed Max a hotel key.

“What’s this?” Max asked.

“Honeymoon sweet at the Hilton.” Michael said with a grin.

“How did you afford this?” Maria asked.

“We can change ones to 100’s remember.” Isabel said with a laugh.

In the hotel room Max, by tradition, carried Maria across the threshold. How cheesy. He threw her down on the bed. She giggles. He worked to unhook the bottons on her dress. Finally, in despiration he ripped it off. She let out a yelp.

“I’ll fix it I promise, but those buttons were pissing me off!” She laughed at him.

When he was down to her strapless bra and panties he removed his clothes. Then he kneeled down in front of Maria. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Yeah,” Maria said.

“Michael was telling me about bonding, and I want to bond with you.”

“I thought that’s what we just did,” Maria said confused.

“Well, see on Antar, people didn’t get married, they bonded. It’s perminate. Once they bonded, they belonged to eachother forever. It’s primal. We would be one with each other.”

Maria looked at him intently. “Let’s do it.” She said.

Max smiled and gently moved his hand up Maria’s leg to her stomach. There he used his power to connect with her. The royal seal glowed on her stomach. As the bonded, their minds became one. He could see and feel everything she saw and felt, and she could so the same with him.

When they were done, the emotions in them were more intense than any orgasm they had ever experianced. Max moved onto the bed and lay in between her legs. He kissed every inch of her body with tenderness that made her ache for more. They made love that night until the sun rose. And each time the orgasm was more intence than the last.

They had become one body. They both knew that they would betogether forever, and even in death they wouldn’t be able to survive without their other half. They were complete.

The End.