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Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:28 pm
by Doublestuf
femmenerd wrote: But the main people I've gotten to talk about it with in that way are another grad student friend of mine and my undergrad advisor who, as I said, is listed on as a "Buffy scholar."
Sigh. So jealous. I tried to get my undergrad advisor into Buffy, and he recognized the beauty of it but didn't have time to watch...
I have two words for ya lady - "intertextuality" and "polysemy" yeah huh.

Oh baby, baby!!!! The things I can do with a word and its various meanings... Mmmm...
Yes and why did Kendra have to be so annoying? Sorry she just drove me nuts. That accent was not a good thing.
I either read somewhere or heard some commentary that her accent was supposed to be from a very specific island and this dialogue coach was quite strict about it. Too bad it just came off all wrong.

Speaking of commentary, I think (vaguely at that) the "Normal Again" commentary mentioned that the end was just to spook us but the Buffyverse that we knew for 7 seasons was the real one, not the looney bin.

I just got a text message from a friend that cracked me up. She's visiting friends who can afford luxuries like cable. Here's what she wrote: "All these channels and no Buffy? What's the point of satellite?"

Really, good question. What is the point of lots of channels if you can't find Buffy on one of them at any time of the day?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:10 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
Thanks for answering my queston :D

I figured it was just to freak us out, because come on, where could were they going take that? Let's go into Buffy's real life of her being nutty in an asylum. I don't think so. I also think it was a stupid thing to do, but then i hate when something happens on a show simply for the shock value (why do you think Max slept with Tess?) So anyways thanks for answering!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:59 pm
by femmenerd
Yes, yes, I was always sure that the buffyverse as we know it was the "real" thing and not the scary madhouse version.
I just got a text message from a friend that cracked me up. She's visiting friends who can afford luxuries like cable. Here's what she wrote: "All these channels and no Buffy? What's the point of satellite?"
Haha! A good question indeed.

I am slowly beginning to have more and more of Buffy on DVD. My partner manages a video game store that sells used DVDs and he just came home with seasons 3 and 4 as presents. Yahoo!

Have any of you ever read any Buffy/Roswell crossovers that were good? I've never really read any so I was just wondering. I find the idea of crossovers conceptually interesting but I've never really investigated all that much.

This is off topic but I think that X-Files/roswell crossovers would be really interesting and could potentially mesh very well. I read somebody's post somewhere about how cool it would be to read conversations between Mulder and Max Evans.

In some ways, crossing the fictional worlds of Buffy and Roswell might be almost overload as one is so firmly rooted in mysticism and ritual(erm, Buffy/) and stuff while the other is much more concerned, I think, with humanity (yes, despite the fact that Roswell is ostensibly about aliens, I think that it is mostly about what it means to be human).

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:06 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
I've read an X-files/Roswell crossover and it was very good. Mulder and Scully were following leads to aliens, and they were led to roswell by Liz's uniform with the bullet hole. I can't remember where I read it at (it wasn't here) but I think it's a really great concept, since it's logical that eventually they would hear about strange alien happenings in roswell.

Does anybody know of any really good buffy/Angel or Buffy/Spike fanfiction that ends happily?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:19 pm
by Doublestuf
Yay for partners bearing Buffy!!!

I don't know of many Buffy/Roswell crossovers. I think you're right femmenerd (you know I just love typing that name too much!) that it might be an overload - so much mythology, too many wonderful characters to do them all justice... I do know of one crossover by a great author. It's called I'm No Buffy by Bennie (who, by the way, has Zan/Liz fic you need to read one of these days).


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:22 am
by femmenerd
Well, M'dear, I'll have to check that one out and report back at some point.

I once read a one parter where Spike comes to Roswell and makes out with Isabel. But I have absolutely no idea where I found it. I was just wandering around. It was his POV. It was actually pretty good, but just a musing - a whisper of how the two worlds could touch. It wasn't even all that sexual.

Haha, you like typing my name, which is much more self-explanatory than yours, you naughty girl.

I just watched the Buffy eppy today where the ghosts of the student who shot his teacher that he was having an affair with possess Buffy and Angelus. I have always loved that episode. Especially the parts where they are acting out the parts all cross gendery, 'cause you know, that kind of thing intrigues me. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:35 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Hey guy's,
Since you guy's were just talking about fanfiction, I just wanted to say that me and two of my friends, whom I met on a Buffy board, just recently started a Buffy season 8 website. We'll be writting our own season 8 of Buffy, we haven't yet posted any episodes but we are still looking for a couple of Writter's, Editor's and Brainstomer's to help us out.
Check it out if you want:)

Steph :) :D

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:41 pm
by Doublestuf
Buffsteraddict: Thanks for the heads up!

femmenerd: I love that episode too! I remember the first time watching it when I realized what they were doing, oh I thought it was so beautiful. Great material - Buffy's guilt - and intelligent way of addressing it.

Speaking of gender bending, I just got Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan and it is taking everything within me to keep it on my shelf until I finish the books I have to read for class.

I, of course, caved and read a bit of the introduction (just to get a taste of the author's writing style, which I like so far). She (Lorna Jowett) referrences this quote by Joss and this quote is just one of the reasons I love this show so much.

"'Part of the attraction of Buffyverse' is that it 'lends itself to polymorphously perverse subtext. It encourages it. I personally find romance in every relationship [with exceptions], I love all the chararcters, so I say B.Y.O. Subtext!'"

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:52 pm
by femmenerd
stuf-momma - I am far too tipsy on whiskey and home made popovers to fully address your last post but simply have to comment on this:
"'Part of the attraction of Buffyverse' is that it 'lends itself to polymorphously perverse subtext. It encourages it. I personally find romance in every relationship [with exceptions], I love all the chararcters, so I say B.Y.O. Subtext!'"
I love this quote and have used it in papers before. It is basically proof that Buffy not only permits but also encourages our slashy, crazy minds.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:49 pm
by RoswellFan1947
I'm a huge Buffy Fan as you can tell from one of my blinkies. I own all the dvds, books, magazines, jewelry, posters, you name it. It's such an intruiging show! Of course, Roswell is my favorite show and Buffy is my second. I've always loved sarah michelle gellar and she is so talented, she did an amazing job playing buffy summers for 7 great seasons. I'm sad it's been over but i can always watch the dvd's...

My Fav Buff characters

1. Buffy
2. Cordelia
3. Angel
4. Xander
5. Willow
6. Spike