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Post by Athenea »

Here's a Pic of Adam

[img][img] ... 2403da.jpg[/img]

ooc: This is Liz that Adam runs into.


I look around the club for more followers and not sencing any I decide to head home. But as I turn around and try and make my way to the door I run into the cute brunette coming out of the bathroom. We hit so hard she is almost knocked to the ground but I catch her before she does. She's even hotter up close than she was on the dance floor.

I give her a half smile, "Sorry about that, beautiful. Are you ok?"
Last edited by Athenea on Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


A pic of Trevor


I watch Maria get up from the bar, leaving me alone with Teresa. It amazed me how two people such as Michael and Maria could like each other so much and never show it at all. At this thought I look over at my brother, still sitting alone at the bar.

My thoughts were distracted by Teresa shifting beside me. I look down at her and smile. Usaully I liked blondes but for her I could change my mind. I bend down close to Teresa's ear and ask "Do you want to dance?" [/img]
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I was just stading there, thinking about leaving when I felt someone tug my jacket. I turned around and saw Maria.

"Hey? What's going on?" she asked.

"Not much, just thought I’d, you know, get out a little" I answered. It was the truth but Maria looked at me like she didn't believe me at all. "What?"I asked.

"You've been having them again, havenit you?" She asked, sounding concerned. I looked at the ground when she called my name.

"No Maria, Ok I have not been having them again?" I said annoyed. Not true, but I didn't want to make him more concerned.

"Don't lie to me Kyle, I know you have. I know you have, because I've been having them too” Maria said.

I looked at her and didn't know what to say. I looked around for a while and then I just decided...

"We have to talk, now!" I said. She nodded and started walking to the VIP section. When we got there I looked around to see if there was anyone hearing us.

"It seems like we're alone" I said. "Now...why didn't you contact me? We promised ourselves that if we'd have them we'd tell each other, right?" I asked.

I messed with my hair and looked around in the place. I didn't know what to say or what to do. Well, I hadn't told Maria either, but Maria hadn't told me either.

"I'm sorry...I should've told you too" I finally mumbled when I saw her face. I guess I overreacted.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I look at my best-friend and watch as she reaches for the moonstone hanging about her neck. I know that there's got to be a reason she came to me after all these many years. I watch her eyes water and move over to sit beside her, placing an arm around her.

"I was on a beach and I think you were there." She responds, "Something's wrong with me... I'm different. I don't think I'm Serena anymore." I gently pull her against me to comfort her as she and I had always done in the past.

"I don't know what happened, Serena. But, I swear to you that we'll find out. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I reach for the dead moonstone amulet and tell her, "I need to give you a new amulet." I was tempted to say as Maggie had once said to us, but the time wasn't right, not while she seemed not to have any memory.

There were many times when we'd been on the beach fighting the Followers in L.A. so it could have happened at anytime in our past. Damn! I wish I had Catty here, or whoever my Daughter of this time was going to be. I knew their powers when I saw them, usually not before unless I reached them through their dreams. So far, I'd managed to reach a couple, but I don't know if they were ready.

I hoped that Cameron would see to Alex as much as she can. He's going to remember what was going on with Anna, no matter how much I wish he wouldn't. Cam won't let the memory be lost even though she could manipulate it so that it was. I agreed with Cam in that respect.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by M »


I walk into club, bouncing slightly to the music. I arrive late, largely to make sure that everyone will be there- you can't make an entrance otherwise. I stop in the middle of the dance floor and spin slowly taking in the club, its occupants, and their activities.

My sister is talking to Kyle Valenti in the VIP section, Trevor and Teresa are chatting at the bar, Liz is talking to a hottie I've never seen before, Is is here somewhere with her college date Stacy is going to throw a fit! , Alex is with another person I've never seen before, Michael is doing his usual impression of an angry rock at the bar and ... Max. Perfect. Max is sitting by himself in our section, watching Liz and her hottie chat.

I head that way, shaking my hair back and smiling widely at the brother of my best friend. I was really happy when the Evans moved back to Roswell. Although I get sick of Roswell on a regular basis, having my best friend in all things here, not to mention her cuter than words brother, made life in Roswell bearable again. I'm not sure how I actually feel about Max, but I sure like to look at him!
I sit next to him and after a few seconds in which he doesn't notice me at all I nudge him lightly and lean over, whispering 'y'know looks can't actually kill, although in your case I'm sure they might cause a heart attack or two- at least for the females involved.'

Max turns to me startled and I can't help but giggle at the look of chagrine he throws me.
'So buy me a drink?'' I ask, sure that he'll agree- he's nothing if not a gentleman.
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Post by isabelle »


Isabel moves away across the dance floor so there's not much for me to do. Nobody to talk to. I guess I could get up and go dancing, but who would I dance with? I didn't come with a date...

Looking across the dance floor, my eyes fall on Liz again. She's talking with a guy I don't know. She seems pretty happy. I guess she's having a good time with him... He looks young... Maybe too young to be in a club like this, although he must have shown ID to get in...

Frowning, I concider asking one of the bouncers to card him again, although I know I wouldn't actually do that. Suddenly, someone nudges me and I spin my head around to see Tess. My sister's old best friend from before and the two of them seem to have fallen right back into that closeness they'd shared before. It's nice to see that some things stay the same and I smile.

Tess laughs when she sees that I'm startled. Giggling a bit more, she asks for a drink.

"Sure, Tess," I smile at her. I raise a hand to alert one of the servers to come by. As the server approaches, I turn back to Tess. "What are you drinking?"
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Post by emmylala »


Kyle and I make our way up the stairs to the VIP area. I point to an empty couch in the far corner and we sit down. Kyle is looking around the club, I glance around as well and notice my sister sitting with Max a few feet away. When did she get here?

"It seems like we're alone," Kyle concludes "Now...why didn't you contact me? We promised ourselves that if we'd have them we'd tell each other, right?" I watch as he messes with his hair, something he's in the habit of doing whenever he's nervous or worried about something.

" Well these things are not the kinds of topics you bring up in casual conversation..." I say "…and besides, you weren't exactly forthcoming yourself, Kyle." I add, defensively.

"I'm sorry...I should've told you too" Kyle apologizes.

"So much for girls night out…God, I can't believe I'm talking about this tonight." I say more to myself than to Kyle. Tonight was supposed to be about having fun, and spending some time with my best friend. Not about rehashing nocturnal horror shows.

I quickly remind myself, that Kyle probably feels the same way and feel grateful that I'm not alone. The reason I haven't told him is because I find it very difficult to talk about. Talking about them is like reliving the terror all over again.

"I think this has something to do with it," I say, pulling out the moonstone amulet from my back pocket."The dreams started right after my mom gave this too me" I said, handing the amulet over to Kyle. I take a deep breath and continue.

"The nightmares…they’re always the same…a snake…. with fiery yellow eyes… attacks me over and over and over" I say, my eyes filling with tears.

"It's not your garden variety snake either…. It had fangs, but they aren't poisonous…" I pause for a moment, wiping away the tears that are streaming down my face. "It's almost as though the snake is really a vampire…but instead of sucking blood from my body…its sucking the hope from my soul…"

I stop, I feel the room get very cold, my heart begins to race, my stomach lurches, then I see a flash. A vision of the snake rearing, and then it strikes. I feel a scream rise up in my throat, I quickly lift my hand to my mouth, to quell the sound, when I notice, my hand is gone.[/i]
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Post by KatnotKath »


After about five minutes first talking myself into accepting that nothing can ever happen between Max and I, and then falling back to wondering what if… I tell myself I’m not leaving the bathroom until I’m rid of these silly notions, but that kinda gets thrown out the window as a woman walks in. She doesn’t take long in the toilet, and when she comes out, she gives me a funny look as she sees I’m still there.

I pretend to be fixing my almost non-existent make-up and fix a few loose strands of hair back using a couple of bobby pins. Finally I know that I can’t put it off any longer and pick up my bag to head back out into the club.

Coming out the door, I have to admit I’m probably not paying as much attention to where I’m going, as I should be… That would be because I’m watching Max with Tess…they look cosy…

Of course my lack of attention means that I manage to walk right into a very muscly chest… Given the unusually thin heels I’m wearing – not my best choice of footwear I have to admit, although they do look great with this dress – the force of the collision is almost enough to send me flying.

I’m certain that I’m going to end up on the floor – soooo embarrassing – but just as I’m falling, I feel someone grab my arm, helping me to regain my balance. Looking up, I find the face which belongs to the chest, and I have to say, he’s not bad looking… Dark hair, brown eyes…quite a looker, if you’re into that sort of thing…

He gives me a sort of smile. “Sorry about that beautiful…”

Beautiful…did he just call me that…? I’m a little surprised. I’ve never really thought of myself in that way… I mean I know I’m not ugly, and like tonight I know my dress looks pretty good, but beautiful, that’s something else… I feel my cheeks flush slightly and return his smile as he asks if I’m ok. I nod at him. “Y-yeah, I’m fine…and please don’t worry about it, I’m the one who should apologise, I wasn’t looking where I was going…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by M »

OOC: Hope it's ok, for some reason I'm not sure if I like it


Max immediately agrees to get me a drink and raises a hand to alert a server. I pretend to think about what I'm drinking for a second, making a bigger deal then it is, mostly because I can see my antics are making Max smile, which is never a bad thing. Finally I laugh and ask for a cherry coke with lime. After the server leaves I turn to Max with a pseudo serious look, and, like my kidding about the drink, pretend that I'm very intent.

'So, Max. You are sitting here, in a club, with music and beautiful people, which I might add you are one of, and yet we find you here, albeit in the VIP section, sitting all alone, No dancing, no beautiful people. Now why would that be?'

I see Max's eyes travel involuntarily over to where Liz is still talking to the stranger. Inside I roll my eyes at him. I like Max. To be honest, I could really like Max, but I usually have a lot of fun going over the top in flirting with him instead. He gets really embarrassed and is always pining over Liz anyway.
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Post by isabelle »


I have to smile at Tess' antics. She's really a fun person and I'm glad to have her around. Then she asks why I'm sitting alone and not dancing. I can't help but glance over at Liz, who is now chatting happily with another guy.

"I don't know, Tess. I had been thinking of heading home, but now that you're here, I guess I'll stick around a bit." I give her a broad grin, glad to have a little company. Especially company as pleasant as hers.

As I try to divert my thoughts from Liz and whatever cute guy she's chatting up next, my mind falls back on the one other big thing that everyone's wondering about.... "I was thinking about those kids from school. Bill and Carol are still missing. Dave and Barbara are wandering around like zombies. It's so strange..."
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