Fleeing Roswell (AU, CC, TEEN)

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Post by isabelle »


I shake my head. This is all going too fast. Somehow, I've lost control. Maria is coming with us. A vibrator, that's what she is. She does things to me that I don't quite understand. Moves things...

More, Liz and Alex are coming too. Now I have seven of them to look after, including Max who still looks like he's about to fall over although he's already sitting down. I wish he would speak up and say what he's thinking, but I'm guessing he's too wiped-out to contribute much.

I run my hand through my hair, looking around the shack trying to figure out what to do next. One thing I don't have to worry about is getting money out of the bank.

"It'll be light in a few hours," I tell them. I'm torn between the need to run now, under cover of darkness, and Max's obvious need for rest. There's a cot set up in the small office. We could let him rest and then wait until tomorrow night to go, but I'm afraid the FBI would have moved in by then. Road-blocks and frozen bank accounts seem guarenteed.

"Maybe Max should rest for a while, while the girls hit the ATMs," I suggest.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: ok, so this ended up rather longer than I had intended, but hopefully it'll work.



A few moments earlier Michael was trying to say that Maria, Alex and I should stay in Roswell…that we’d be able to just walk away from all of this and lead normal lives… He was wrong of course…even if we had wanted that, and I don’t, because I don’t want to leave Max, we couldn’t…we’re already in too deep, we know too much and more than that, other people know we know…

He said that leaving us in the dark about where they were going would be safer…I think in truth it would have signed our death warrents… I don’t know that they would believe us if we said that…

Of course all of this is pointless anyway, because I know that I’m not staying… It was less than a year ago that Max saved my life… In doing so, he changed it in ways we couldn’t have ever imagined, but you see one of those way, was that he showed me what real love was, and I couldn’t ever go back to the way I thought before. What I’ve experienced with Max is a one of a kind…once of a lifetime, that I truly believe… Grandma Claudia was always saying that if something wasn’t complicated then it wasn’t true love, well maybe she’s right, but I think this is complicated enough…

The fact is that I love Max, and as much as it might hurt, the idea of leaving my family, I know that I’ll do it without question, because I want to be with him… We’re still both young, and many people would say we couldn’t possibly know we feel like this, that we don’t understand what we’re saying, but I know that I do… I love Max Evans, and wherever he goes, I’m going to be right by his side…

As Maria starts echoing my words, I get ready to back her up, to reinforce my earlier statements, but in the end it’s unneccessary… Michael changes his mind and seems to accept it, albeit reluctantly. The conversation veres to matters of money, Maria mentioning emptying her account and I nod knowing that she’s right.

I have a fair bit saved…probably more than most of the others… The purpose of it was to get me into college one day, to help mom and dad with the cost if I actually got into Harvard… Harvard, it’s been my dream for so long…my plan… I know it’s not going to happen now…I doubt that college is going to happen at all but strangely enough I don’t feel that worried. In all likelihood, we’re going to be high-school drop-outs, but I guess the important thing is that we’ll be alive, and together… The money I have isn’t going to be used in the way that was intended when I put it there, but I don’t mind…as long as I can be with Max I’ll deal with whatever comes along.

I open my mouth to add my savings to the money the group can count on but before I can speak Isabel starts and what she says I have to admit amazes me…

"Look I know we all feel bad. The four of us feel bad that we drug all of you into our crazy lives. You three feel bad because you think we don't want you to come with us…I feel bad because I do want you guys to come with us."

This really is Isabel…this is the girl who pushed everyone away and refused to let Alex get close. I guess things like this make you rethink what’s important…

Michael seems to take charge for now, saying that Max should rest while we all go and get the money we’ve been talking about. Maybe he’s right, and I know that we can’t afford to wait too long, but I don’t want to leave Max…not now… I look over at Maria, pulling my wallet out of my back pocket and throwing it over to her. “Get the maximum you can out of mine too will you? I’m gonna stay here…” It shouldn’t be a problem, she already knows my pin so there’s no reason why she can’t take it out for me…that’s one of the beauties of ATMs…

I’m about to sit back down with Max, but then I remember the cot in the back office. I nod in response to Michael’s suggestion about Max resting. “That’s a good idea…” I reach out to touch Max’s arm. “Max…can you stand…if I help you…?” I ask softly. I hate seeing him this way. “If you can, how about we go into the office…there’s a cot there where you could lie down a bit…I’ll stay with you – I promise I’m not going anywhere…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I nod as Liz talks to Max about lying down. I hate to split up the group right now, but I do think he needs the time. Unless Max insists on something different, we're going to need some power in both groups, if we do this. I don't have any money to get but I think I can protect him. Although if Tess stayed, she could mindwarp anyone who came into not seeing us. But that would probably work much better out there at the bank to keep the girls from being seen.

I wish she'd told us about this nifty power of hers before, but no, she had to go using it to try to manipulate Maxwell. Worse, I didn't even believe him when he came to me for help about it. But that's all in the past.

"Tess, you go with Isabel and Maria, then. Make sure nobody sees them, and you can get your own cash if you have any. I'll stay here. Alex? Are you staying or going?"
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Post by Roswell4ever1 »


I smiled up at Michael then looked at the other girls. "We need to move quickly. You all ready?"
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Post by isabelle »


I nod at Maria, agreeing with her sense of urgency. If we're going to do this, we have to do it fast before they have time to act against us. I still feel slightly uncomfortable about spliting up the group, especially since Maria won't be with me, but right now, I don't see any other choice. I have to protect Max.

I look to Max. He's still obviously drained, but I wish he would say something. He's always shooting down my ideas and I hate that. But when he points out the problems, then I can do something to fix it. All our lives are on the line here. It would really help if I had Max's input. Maybe we should throw him in a car and start driving for the coast now...

"Max? Are you okay with this?" I ask, hoping he's been coherent enough to be following the conversation.
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Post by CandyDreamQueen »


“Max…can you stand…if I help you? If you can, how about we go into the office…there’s a cot there where you could lie down a bit…I’ll stay with you – I promise I’m not going anywhere…”

I look up at Liz and give her a reassuring smile. I can tell that she is worried about me. That everyone is worried about me. I want to argue about staying here, but I’m still a little week and lying down on a cot for just a moment does sound good. I’ll just appease them by doing what they say.

I allow Liz to help me to my feet. At this moment I can say that I have ever been happier to have her with me. She is so courageous. I want to feel guilty that I am taking her away from her family in Roswell and all that she has ever known, but I can’t quite bring myself to.

It’s rather selfish, but I want her with me. I need her with me. And I couldn’t see myself doing this without her.

“I’m fine Liz.” I say. I’m a little wobbly though and Liz wraps her arm around my waist to settle me. I give her a smile and lean down to kiss her forehead thankfully. Then I turn to address the others.

“Be careful all of you. We never know who’s watching. We can’t bring everything with us because we don’t have much in the way of car space. While you’re in town buy a few things, but only the essentials. And empty your accounts completely. Once we’re on the road we can’t afford to make any withdrawals that can be traced.”

I don’t really like the idea of the girls going to the bank alone. And I know that Michael’s only staying here because he thinks that I need protecting. I admit that I am still week, but I think that we are safe here for now.

“Michael you should go with the girls.” I say turning to meet his gaze. “Just in case anything happens. I’ll be fine.”
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Post by isabelle »


"No way," I tell Max as he settles onto the dusty cot. He hasn't objected to the plan of splitting up, but I'm not going to leave him and Liz alone. Max is drained, drugged and weak. Liz has no powers at all. Hopefully, nobody will find them here, but I can't leave that to chance. Someone with powers has to be here, just in case.

"Tess and Isabel will be there. Tess can keep them hidden and if that fails, Isabel can keep the girls safe. She has more control, anyway." I say. If the FBI comes upon the mine, control isn't going to be a problem. But if something happens out there...

"Someone with powers needs to be here and it's gonna be me," I state, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't have any things to collect and no money worth going back for. I'm staying. But we best get this moving before the F.B.I. has a chance to catch up with us. The rest of you, get moving." With the last, I spin a chair around near the entrance of the mine and straddle it backwards. I'm keeping watch and nobody's gonna move me.
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Post by Roswell4ever1 »


I am terrified. I know that Michael needs to be with Max but it still scares me that while we're gone, the FBI will catch up with them. I keep having this fear that we will never see each other again as a group. Walking over to Michael, I lean down and kiss him lightly on the lips. "Be careful. We'll be back as soon as possible." I turned to walk to the exit from the mine and turned back to Michael. I've never told him before, but now seems like the perfect time. "I love you Michael."
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Post by isabelle »


Maria leans over and kisses me and all of a sudden I'm feeling confused again. She makes me feel... well, different. This is why she shouldn't be coming along. Things are never clear-cut when she's around. Everything gets all ... tangled.

I have to be a stonewall. Nothing's gonna move me. I swore it. Max needs my protection and I'm gonna give it to him.

Then Maria has to go and say she loves me.

Before I even realize it, I'm on my feet standing less than five inches away from her. One hand is on her shoulder and the other on her chin as I pull her face towards me and lean in for another kiss. Not a short light one like she did. This one is deep, sucking her in, pulling her closer to me. Closer. My hand sliding behind her neck, keeping her near.

The next moment, I step back, running my hand through my hair. "Hurry," I tell her. "Be safe."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC:Not my best, but I know it's been long enough so wanted to get something out.


Max smiles at me, and I know that he’s trying to make me feel better, but right at this moment in time only one thing could do that…for none of this to have happened…to be able to go back to being normal teenagers, me and Max a couple, enjoying time together and going out on dates.

That’s not going to happen though. I’m not stupid, we can’t turn back the clock… Michael has always said that they would have to leave eventually, but I don’t think he ever imagined anything like this… Not only him, Max, Isabel and Tess, but me, Maria and Alex… Three more than would have been expected as a maximum and I think he knows that whatever is said, we’re not going to change our minds.

I love Max, I’m not leaving him… It means leaving Roswell to be with him, but then without Max, Roswell wouldn’t be home… I will miss my family, I could never say that I won’t, but at the same time, I have a second family now…the friends who are all stood here…and as long as we’re together, we’ll get through this…

I offer Max my hand as he takes it.

“I’m fine Liz…”

Despite his words, he almost collapses as soon as he lets go.

“Yeah, you really look it…” I try to joke but it doesn’t really work. I’m scared and worried about what he has been through. I want to help, but I don’t know how. I slide my arm around his back, giving what support I can. “Come on, come and lie down…”

He smiles and reaches over, pressing his lips against my forhead. Despite everything that we have been through, I cannot imagine a time when such an action won’t make me feel like I’m in heaven. All it takes is one touch from him and I just know without a doubt that I love Max in a way which I have, and will never love any other.

I can see that he’s struggling, but still he makes the effort and turns to the others. “Be careful all of you. We never know who’s watching. We can’t bring everything with us because we don’t have much in the way of car space. While you’re in town buy a few things, but only the essentials. And empty your accounts completely. Once we’re on the road we can’t afford to make any withdrawals that can be traced.”

Simple words, but words which speak plainly of reality. This isn’t a nightmare…this is happening… Max has been the prisoner of the FBI for a time – short, but still far too long. We’re leaving Roswell, because to stay would be dangerous… We’re leaving, and who knows what is going to happen next.

“Michael you should go with the girls…Just in case anything happens. I’ll be fine.”

As he finishes, I can see that Max is about ready to collapse and I help him to cross the next few meters and lie down on the cot. I take a seat on the edge and reach for his forhead, brushing away his hair as I lean over and press my lips against his forhead. “I love you Max, nothing is going to change that, and I’m not going anywhere…I promise…whatever happens, I’m not going to leave…” I tell him softly before pulling away and looking back at Michael.

It doesn’t take much to see that he’s unhappy with that idea and he wastes no time in objecting. I can understand what he’s thinking, but I want to know that Maria and Alex are safe…

Michael insists that he’s staying with us and effectively ends the conversation as he tells the others to go.

Maria goes over to him but I don’t know what she’s saying. I’m too far away and to be honest, I’m not really listening…my attention is fixed on one person, Max… I have to know that he’s alright… “You know I was so worried about you…I was so worried that something had…that you might…” I trail off, trying to swallow the lump in my throat, unable to finish, unable to admit my fears… What would I have done if something had happened…if we hadn’t got Max back, or if it had been too late…? I can’t face that…I don’t even want to think about it…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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