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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 20


So after my speech to Maria, I think she finally understands or at least will give me a chance to make my mind up.

See when I said maybe Liz doesn’t deserve a second chance, I was lying to myself. If she told me right now that she wanted me back I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat. You are probably wondering why, but there is no simple answer.

Yes I still love her, she may have done what she did and even though I suffered from it, I could tell she did as well. I didn’t help the situation at all arguing with her, I drove her away in my own way and I know that now.

I know I wasn’t perfect. Hell I’d be a hypocrite if I said I was.

I am stubborn as hell and while Liz and I dated I was not a piece of cake to deal with, but one of the amazing things about Liz was her ability to make me see when I was being one sided. She opened my mind to the possibilities of the “gray areas” as Maria would refer to them.

Now I’m not a straight arrow by any means and I did wrong Liz in the past, but she forgave me, so why couldn’t I forgive her?

Your probably wondering how I wronged her, well let’s say it was a certain incident that happened at our junior prom.

Liz and I went together of course, but I ended up leaving for a couple of hours with some friends. Of course we got shit-faced drunk and next thing I know I’m back at the prom, since I was so plastered I decided I needed to just take a minute to catch my bearings.

Well as I was leaning against one of the walls of the entrance, this girl who had been after me since freshman year came over and started kissing me, I should have pulled away but I was so out of it. But I finally pulled away and caught sight of Liz, the look on her face…

I had made her a promise that day, that from that point forward I would do everything to prove my trust to her. I still regret it till this day. I know it was only a kiss and it meant nothing, but that situation was just a misunderstanding. So how do I know what happened with Kyle wasn’t either? What if Maria thought she saw something or what if…? Hell I don’t know anymore, and to be honest I’m not sure I care.

Liz told me she wasn’t pregnant, and I’m glad she told me. But there is another part of me that can understand why she didn’t, not cause she meant to. I know Liz, and I know that she wouldn’t intentionally, not tell me. Both our emotions were running high and we said things we didn’t mean and at this point whatever happened with Kyle, happened. I can’t change it and I can’t erase it.

Anyway, the main reason why I feel the way I do is because till this day I have no idea what happened that night, I mean I know what happened but how, why?

Who knows if I will ever get those answers now and if I do, will I really want them?

A big part of me wishes to be back with Liz but another part is afraid to trust her again. She has the power to destroy me with not only her words but also her actions.

I need to decide if I can let her back in, that is of course if she wanted…which she obviously doesn’t since she’s leaving.

I’m broken out of my thoughts when I finally pull up to Serena’s apartment.


“Hi Max, is there something I can help you with?”

“Hi Serena and yes there is, could I come in for a minute?”


“Okay well first of all I want to apologize to you for the outburst last week, it wasn’t your fault and I am sorry about it.”

“It’s okay Max, I could only imagine what you were feeling.”

“Thanks, but the other reason I came was to tell you that if you still want us, we want you.”

“Really!” Big smile on her face, of course she wants it but I still have to ask.

“Yes really!” I have a smile on my face now, she just lights up.

“Oh thank you, thank you so much! I should have never doubted Liz.”

“Doubted Liz, what are you talking about?” I ask somewhat confused.

“Ah well, she told me that you are as stubborn as they come but you know what is right and wrong and that you would never hold her against me.”

“When did she tell you this, yesterday?” It had to be, I mean when could it have-

“No, the day we left the studio.” I went off on her and she still said something like that about me?

“Oh okay, well I will have Maria call you to set up the first session.”

“Okay. Ah Max?”


“Do you still love her?” I turn slightly to head towards the door.

“It’s not that simple, I wish it was but it’s not.”

“Okay, but maybe it is.” I didn’t turn around, I pretend I didn’t hear her comment.

“So I will see you when I see you.”

“Right bye Max.”

“Bye Serena.”


Well I’m headed over to Nicole’s for our date. Right now I can barely focus on driving let alone hold a conversation with Nikki.

I just keep thinking about what Serena asked me, ‘do you still love her’. Ha! Did I love to breathe – I never stopped loving her, but I don’t trust her.

How can I invest myself in a relationship with her where I don’t know where I stand? Will she do it again? Or will it be something else, something better then we could have imagined?

Okay this is too much I need to focus on something other than Liz. Impossible, but I’ll try.


I arrive at Nikki’s place. Why am I nervous?

“Hey sweetie.” Okay that name used be cute but right now it’s damn irritating.

“Hey how’s everything going?” I lean into her and give her a kiss on the lips.

“God, I’ve missed you, I feel like I haven’t seen you in days.”

“Well I’m sorry we haven’t had a lot of time together, it’s just I’ve been really busy.”

“Oh, do you want to talk about it?” Do I want to take about it, sure, why not? See Nikki, my ex-girlfriend the one I was going to marry is back, I know shocking, but anyway I am having these feelings for her and well things just aren’t going to work out between us because I’m still in love with her. Nah, can’t see that conversation going over well.

“Well maybe you and I should have a talk about us.” Huh? Where did that come from, that was not what I was going to say.

“Okay sure Max, let’s have a seat in on the couch.”

Here goes nothing. “Nikki I really like you and like spending time with you, but I don’t think we should be together anymore.” There I said it I feel some relief, I can’t string her along now that I’m dealing with Liz, it’s not fair to her.

“What? I mean I though we were going good Max.” She is tearing up and I feel like an ass for making her feel bad, but it would be a lot worse if I let it continue.

“I thought we were taking things slow because…because you didn’t know how you felt or, or whatever?”

“We were Nikki, but some things have come up and I need to focus on them.” What a liar! I can’t lie to her.

“Look do you remember when I told you I was dating someone seriously for a couple of years?”

“Yes, is this about her?”

“Yes, she’s back and while I have no idea where she or even I stand, I don’t want to string you along in a relationship that I don’t know how is going to end, it’s not fair to you.”

“But I thought it was over and you moved on?”

“I thought so too but seeing her again, I don’t know, it may be nothing, but I won’t have you in limbo while I try to figure it out.”

“Max, you know that I love you right?” This is a hell of a lot harder then I ever imagined it would be.

“Yes, Nicole I do and that’s what makes this so hard, I didn’t want to hurt you but in the end that’s exactly what I ended up doing and I’m so sorry…”

“Okay Max, I’m not going to beg or anything, I’ll just pick up my stuff tomorrow or something.” Stuff? The only thing she has here are some CD’s and DVD’s, I guess that’s what she means.

“Nikki, you don’t have to do it tomorrow.”

“Yes I do.” She says firmly. Okay no arguing with her. I know she’s hurt and she’s trying to hide it as best as possible.

“Okay well let me give you the key and when you’re done you can just drop it off at my office tomorrow.”

“Yeah, that would be fine.” I know she’s holding back her tears but there isn’t anything that I could say or do to make it better so I just leave it alone.

“I’ll just get going now then.” I head towards the door.

“Wait!” Her cry stops me and I turn around. Before I know it though she is kissing me. We pull apart and she looks me in the eyes and says,

“Sorry, I just needed to do that one last time Max.” I just nod and walk backwards towards the door.

“Okay, goodbye Nikki.”

“Bye Max.”


Wow! And to think I did not plan to breakup with Nicole, but that’s what happens when I have Liz on the brain everything I do turns to shit. I can’t concentrate at all.

I need to talk to somebody…Michael.

I head to Michael & Maria’s house maybe Michael can help me sort through some things.


“Hey Michael, how’s everything going in Maria Land?” I say with a teasing smile.

“You know, she is driving me insane as usual.” We both laugh at that. When does Maria not drive anyone crazy? Never!

“Look could we talk for a minute?”

“Yeah sure, what’s up?”

“Well I talked to Serena so when you’re ready just have Maria call her and we can get working on the album.”

“Great!” I knew he would like that bit of information.

“Yeah, I know you would like that, anyway the other thing is, I broke up with Nicole.”

“I mean, that’s your choice but can I ask why?” It is times like this that I realize how very different being friends with Maria is compared to Michael. If it were Maria she would have shouted first and asked questions later.

“Liz, I think… I don’t know anymore.” I say with a defeated sigh and lean back against the couch.

“Okay, look I mean seeing Liz again after all this time was hard but are you sure about this?”

“No. Hell you know she told me she would be leaving after the album?” He nods in agreement, Maria must have told him…big shocker there.

“Well a part of me can’t wait because maybe what I’m feeling will go away, but the other part is saying…”

“Stay.” I jerk my head in his direction. How does he know?

“I know Maxwell, when I saw the look on your face when you saw her last week, it was Max and Liz all over again. I just don’t know if it’s there anymore Max and I don’t want to see you that broken again, but it’s your decision.”

“Thank you Michael, but that’s the problem. I don’t know what I want. I’m trying not to have feelings towards her but that is impossible you know?”


“It’s like I forgive her but how can I forget? Could you forgive Maria if she did something like that?” He thinks about it for a minute then answers.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know Max. We are just different. I love Maria more than anything but I can’t say it was the same as you and Liz. I mean the first time I met Maria she told me off because I knocked her books out of her hand when she passed me in the hallway.”

“Yeah Michael, but that’s Maria.”

“I know but you and Liz it was like…I don’t know just different, I can’t even describe it you know?”

“Yeah I know Michael. God, why can’t this be simple? I need to get in control, I will work with Serena, Liz will be there but I will not focus on that fact, not until I figure out what I’m feeling.”

“You still love her don’t you? After everything you love her. How? I mean she broke your trust in her and cheated on you Max.”

“Years ago, I would have never found myself saying this after everything that happened but now I can honestly say, I forgive her. She was young and scared and I didn’t help the situation at all. I walked away from her and told her I couldn’t forgive her. I told her that I hated her. Granted not in those words but when she asked, begged me not to hate her, I walked away. Hell if it was the other way around I would have left too.”

“So that’s it? You still love her because you understand and you would take her back after everything she did?”

“No Michael, I didn’t say that but I have no idea what happened after she left my bedroom that night, so how can I form a justified opinion on the matter without that information? And to answer your other question, I still love her because I never stopped, I tried but I couldn’t.”

“So ask her.”

“Ask her what? What happened that night?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“No, I can’t. I’m not ready to hear it in addition to the fact that she obviously is over me, if she wasn’t she wouldn’t leave right?” Now I am even more confused then before I can over here.

“What do you mean?” He says…now I’ve made him confused.

“Nothing, I don’t know. Look just don’t tell Maria about Nicole alright? I’m going to tell her but I know she’s going to flip out.”

“My lips are sealed, but if she suspects something, I will have not choice but to tell her.”

“Got it, thanks for listening man.”

“No problem Max, that’s what I’m here for.”

“Yeah, okay well I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See ya.”

I leave Michael’s and I know I’m going to face another restless night of sleep. That has become the story of my life nowadays.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 21

Serena POV

Finally today I get to start working on my album. I am so excited; I glad Liz is going to be there, I want her there.

She has been so depressed ever since Maria’s visit. She was harsh, but as Liz explained, ‘that’s Maria’. I don’t agree with what she did and said but I am an outsider to this now.

My mind however keeps drifting to what Liz revealed to me about her and Kyle. I cannot believe that she never thought about it being date rape before. I guess I can understand, she was dealing with a lot of things at the time and she was confused. It seems like the longer I know Liz the more I learn how strong she really is, which is a great contrast to what she appears to be.

I admire her for so many things; besides the fact that she’s a great songwriter, she can sing great, although she will deny it up and down, she had an amazing heart and an even better soul.

I know she still loves Max but when I asked Max yesterday if he still loved her, he didn’t say no. So I wonder if what they really need is to sit down and really talk to one another. But I have to admit that even though Liz says that Max is stubborn…poor girl is just as stubborn.

Who knows maybe they will maybe they won’t but I won’t interfere in their personal lives, that’s for them to choose and deal with themselves. I know if it were me, I wouldn’t want anyone getting involved in my personal life.

I’m headed to pick up Liz, I hope she’s ready.



What the hell am I doing? Seriously, I can’t face Max or Maria today. Why do I always put myself in these situations? I know why Liz, because you are destined to live a miserable life.

Well looks like Serena’s here, yippie!

Anyway, I hope today goes good for her since I know it won’t for me.


We have been in the studio for hours and everything is coming along really well.

It’s about two hours past lunchtime and so we all decided to order in.

Maria, Serena and I were waiting for the food to arrive, while Max and Michael went to their respective offices to make some phone calls in the meantime, we had a visitor.

“Oh hey Nicole, how are you doing?” Maria said to this girl who had straight dirty blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. She was strikingly beautiful, like a model from a magazine, but not those anorexic looking ones…more like a Victoria’s Secret model. Yeah like that because of course she had a perfect body and curves in the right places…is there anyone out there besides me that was average? Anyway, I wonder who she is?

“Good Maria, thanks.”

“Where are my manners? This is Serena Winters and Liz Parker.” Weird when Maria said my name the girl gave me this…I don’t know…like she knows me or something…whatever.

“Nice to meet you.” Both Serena and I respond.

“You too.” Yeah right real convincing, who the hell is she?

“So Nicole you looking for Max?” Why is she looking for Max? Is she like a singer or something?

“Yes actually, I just needed to talk to him for a minute.”

“Oh well he’s down the hall in his office, you know where that is of course.” Oh my God! Who the hell is she!?

“Okay thanks Maria, look I have to run so I’ll catch up with you later.”


“Bye.” We all say in unison.

Serena must have been reading my mind either that or she saw my frustration.

“Oh, was she one of your clients as well?”

“No, she’s Max’s girlfriend.” WHAT?! Oh this is just so much worse then I could have ever imagined. Max had a girlfriend, a gorgeous girlfriend who’s in his office with him right now.

At least I have an answer to the ‘look’ she gave me.

How could I have been so stupid? Of course he has one, why wouldn’t he? He’s smart, funny, sweet and lets not forget drop dead gorgeous. Talk about a ton of bricks – it’s really done, there will never be a ‘Max and Liz forever’.

I hid my emotions well because Maria didn’t seem to notice at all. I have to get the hell out of here before Max comes back with her.

“Oh God, Sere, I’m sorry I totally forgot I have a conference call at 6. I have to head out now if I have any hope in making it on time.” I lie to her…but it’s a little white lie so it doesn’t count…right? Right!

“But Liz, I drove you.” Did I mention I am a terrible liar, now that I have given it up.

“Oh that’s okay, I’ll take a cab or something. I really have to go.”

“Liz are you okay?” Serena asks, damn she knows me too well. If I don’t get out of here I’m going to break down and it won’t be pretty.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? I’ll see you guys later. Maria, can you tell Michael and Max bye and that I’m sorry I had to leave?”

“Yeah sure, see you later.” She is completely oblivious, either that or she doesn’t give a shit about my feels…probably the latter.

I make my way out of the building luckily avoiding both Max and his girlfriend…Nicole.

What kind of name is that anyway… Ni-co-le…he probably gave her a cute nickname like Nikki or something. UGH! I need to stop obsessing already.

I hop in the first taxi that stops.


Serena POV

“What the hell is wrong with you Maria? Why would you say that?”

“Say what?” Okay I know she’s not stupid but come on!

“About Max’s girlfriend?”

“Because you asked who she was.” Okay I take back my last comment…she IS stupid.

“Okay, maybe I’m not asking the right question. Why would you say that when you know it would hurt Liz’s feelings?”

“Look she needs to get over him already, obviously he has. I was just helping the situation along.” Bitch!

“Helping? How could hurting her and making her feel worse than she already does, if that’s even possible, help!?”

“Look you need to stop raising your voice. I am sorry, I know I shouldn’t have said it so you can just back off now!”

“Back off?! Okay what you did was uncalled for. You did it on purpose you just said so yourself…don’t say you’re sorry if you don’t mean it!”

“I said I was sorry! I really do mean it, maybe when I first said it I didn’t but as soon as it left my mouth I was!”

“Hey! What the hell is going on and where is Liz?” This came from Max as he and Michael entered the room with worried faces. They must have heard us yelling.

“Well Max, maybe your ‘best friend’ can answer that question best.” I say sarcastically.

“Look I don’t care who answers the question so long as it’s answered. Well Maria?” She looked anywhere but in his direction.

“Serena?” Okay so I get to be the barer of the news, glad to!

“Well Max, your girlfriend came to see you and well Maria announced it to us as if we were supposed to know or something, then Liz left.”

“That was not the way it happened at all!” This girl is working my last nerve.

“Oh really well Maria, why don’t you explain the details so we get it the right way!”

“Okay would the both of you just stop yelling already. Wait…she left because she thought Nicole was my girlfriend?” BINGO! Give the man a prize. But before I get to confirm his response, Maria interrupts with her great wisdom.

“No, because Nicole is your girlfriend and because she said she had a conference call to get to.”

“But I thought she came with Serena?” WOW! Two in a row, now he’s on a roll.

“She did, but obviously she needed to get the hell out of here. You know she guilt trips herself day in and day out. She has people show up at her doorstep to ream her out so she doesn’t need to come here and get it too. She doesn’t deserve it at all and none of you even understand it!”

“I know Serena, but Nicole is not my girlfriend anymore, I broke up with her yesterday.”

“You did?” This came from both Maria and I.

“Yes, and before you say anything Maria, I was going to tell you tonight.”

“Look we need to get back to work so that means arguments on your own time.” Michael interrupts our conversation.

We finish in the studio and I head home for the night. I hope Liz is still awake by the time I get home. I need to make sure she’s okay.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 22


I can’t believe it, what was I thinking? I cannot work with Max, that is just not possible anymore. He has a girlfriend, he probably loves her more.

On top of that I can’t get what Serena said to me last night out of my head.

I never thought about what happened between Kyle and I in that way. It doesn’t really matter because if that’s what it was I can’t change or erase it either.

I don’t know why I never realized it but regardless no one can ever know…ever.

God this just makes me feel worse. I feel horrible, it wasn’t my fault after all but now I can’t even tell Max because he’ll just think I’m dirty. I feel dirty.

I need something to take away this feeling now, not later. Time hasn’t worked so far.

So I do something that I know I shouldn’t but I ask the cab driver to bring me to Max’s house. When I get there I open my bag and pull out the box I placed in there earlier and a piece of paper and scribble a little note to him and leave it on his doorstep.

After my stop there I ask the driver to drop me off at the nearest bar he knows.

I head into the bar and take a seat, the bartender immediately asks what I want to drink. I haven’t had anything to eat today except for breakfast. I order a beer. I then proceed to milk that beer for all it’s worth…I’m not much of a drinker.

After about an hour I order another. I start to feel a little better, it’s actually helping me. Two hours and four beers later…I’m not feeling so great but I’m still sitting up straight so that’s obviously a good sign right? I know that I’m drowning myself in misery but I can’t help it…he has a girlfriend and it’s not me.


Serena POV

Well as soon as I get home I call Liz to just make sure she’s okay since I haven’t heard from her. But I called her house three times to no avail. I decided to call her cell phone but that was turned off because it went straight to her voicemail.

It’s eleven and I can’t even begin to imagine where she would be. She doesn’t go out so where the hell is she?

I will wait a little longer but not much longer.


Okay I waited a half-hour longer and I drove to her house but she wasn’t there. I’m really getting worried. I don’t know what to do or where to find her. I drive back to my house and check to see if I have any messages…nothing.

All right, maybe I’ll try and call Max because I don’t know what else to do or who else I could call.


“Uh Hello. Can I please speak with Max?”

“Yes this is Max.”

“Oh! Hi Max, it’s Serena.”

“Ah hello Serena, can I help you?”

“Well, I just um…you know what I shouldn’t have called you…sorry to -.”

“Wait! Is there something wrong?” Is there something wrong…YES my best friend is missing!

“Maybe not…I mean…look have you heard from Liz?”

“No, why would I hear from her…did something happen?”

“No…I mean I don’t know…look Max I know she may not be your favorite person right now but I’m worried.”

“Serena, look, just tell me.”

“Max, she’s missing and I –.” He cuts me off instantaneously

“What do you mean missing? Did you try to call her?” Now why the hell didn’t I think of that? Oh that’s right…I did!

“Yes Max I’ve been calling her for over an hour and I’ve been to her house but she wasn’t there and the last time I saw her was…”

“This afternoon when she left the studio right?”

“Yes. I just don’t know where to even begin looking for her and I’m scared you know. I mean she didn’t have her car so where could she be?”

“Look Serena, maybe she just needed to think or something, I’m sure she’s fine.”

“You think so Max?”



Do I think so? Hell no! Where the hell is she, she wouldn’t just take off like that right? Well Max she did it before what’s to stop her from doing now? Stop it! Liz wouldn’t do that again, I know she wouldn’t. Right? God I hope so.

I wish I knew where she was right now. To be honest I’m terrified but I don’t want to worry Serena anymore than she already is.

“Serena look just stay put, I know that Liz will call you as soon as she gets home. She probably doesn’t realize her cell phone is off or something. Just stay by the phone and if you hear from her call me…not matter what time it is okay?”

“Yes Max…but what if she doesn’t call then what?” Then I will search high and low for her, that’s what.

“We’ll cross that bridge when and if it gets here, which I’m sure it won’t. If she contacts me I will call you right away okay?”

“Yes Max okay. I’ll just wait.”

“Okay Serena…just try not to worry too much.” I know that won’t comfort her anymore than it does me but I don’t want her to start panicking.

“Bye Max.”

“Bye Serena.”


There’s a knock at my door and I’m really hoping it’s Liz…not that I would expect her to show up on my doorstep but a man can hope can’t he?

But it’s not.

Maria POV

“I cannot believe you Max, why did you break it off?”

“Hello to you too Maria.”

“Cut the crap and answer the question.”

“Because Maria, I told you I was never going to love Nicole and it wasn’t fair to her.”

“Because of Liz!?”

“No! Yes – look we are not going over this again. Besides Maria you promised to let this be my decision.” I did promise him and what did I do? I put my two cents into it anyway.

“I know I said I was sorry. But I really had no idea that Liz would get that upset, I mean you told me yourself that she said she was leaving so why would I think it would bother her?” I really feel bad, I shouldn’t have said it but I thought she was taking my advice and moving on. I guessed wrong…again!

“I know you didn’t mean it Maria, it was still wrong and very hurtful, but I can’t think about that right now.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m just worried.” What is he talking about now?

“Worried about what?”

“Not what…who.”

“Liz?” He nods. Okay I still don’t get it.

“Why would you worry?”

“Because she’s missing.”

“Missing, Max what are you talking about?”

“Maria, sit down for a second.” Oh God!

“Max is everything okay?”

“No Maria, it’s not, I think Liz may have left again.”

“What? See Max what did I tell you, she doesn’t-.” He doesn’t let me finish that sentence.

“Maria please just listen okay?” He pleads with me he looks really upset. So I just stop talking and listen.

“I came straight home from the studio and I found a box with a note attached to it, it was from Liz.”

“Did she leave it today after she left the studio?”

“I think so but I’m not sure.”

“What did it say?”

“That’s not important right now, what is important is that she never gave up on us…I did.”

“Max, she gave up! She left you without an explanation, nothing, you tried she left remember, don’t tell me your falling back into Lizland?!”

“Maria, please not time for jokes.”

“I’m not joking Max. I’m serious. So because the girl still loves you, you are ready to jump feet first into a relationship with her, that’s ridiculous!” Is he crazy? He must be how can he just be over everything that happened with no explanation no nothing?

“Maria, this is not up for discussion. But I still love her Maria. I tried not to but I do.”

I begin to finally understand Max…I know it’s taken me awhile but I’m still upset. What if she wants him back and she does something like this again…he won’t be able to handle it. He is not thinking straight.

“Max, listen to yourself. So that’s it she’s back, she says sorry and seven years are wiped clean?”

“Maria, I said I still love her. I may forgive her but I don’t trust her. And because of that I don’t know what to do.” He sighs heavily and leans further back into the couch. I can tell he’s torn between the love he once had and what he might have now.

“I’m sorry Max, I had no idea. I mean I know you said that you still had feelings for her but I didn’t know they were still so strong.”

“It’s okay. Hell I didn’t know I did until I read her notebook.” See here he goes confusing me again.

“What notebook?”

“This one.” He pulls a box from off the coffee table and opens it and pulls out…the pink notebook. Boy it’s still around? I would have thought that thing would have been shredded to pieces by now. But it looks pretty good for as old as it is, you can tell it was well taken care of.

“After all these years, she still has it?” I say dumbfounded.

“Yeah and Maria every song in there…every single one is about someone.”

“Who Max?”


Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 23


Thank god Maria left. I don’t know how many more confrontations I can have with her about Liz. I’m so confused; I just wish I had more answers.

I mean Serena said that Liz left because she thought I had a girlfriend. Then the notebook, the songs that Serena sings are from there and all of them are about me.

You are probably wondering how I know that. That’s because while Liz and I were dating she used to jot down things in there and one day I asked her what she was writing. She told me that she wrote songs whenever she was inspired. I then asked her why it always seemed like when she was with me she wrote. To which she smiled at me and told me it was because I was her inspiration.

I called Serena a few minutes ago after Maria left to see if Liz showed up, but she hadn’t yet. And I’m about five minutes away from going into full-blown panic mode.

Across Town


“Miss…miss are you okay?”

“What? Oh yeah I’m just fine.” No I wasn’t. I had way too many beers and now I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do.

I take out my cell phone with every intention of calling Serena but obviously my mind has a plan all it’s own.



Its starting to rain and I don’t know what to do with myself. I can’t fall asleep, not that I would until I find out where the hell Liz is, but Serena said that she would call me when Liz arrived. I just wish she would get –.”

‘Ring Ring’

I roll over quickly on the bed and answer the phone…it must be Serena.

“Serena.” I say somewhat out of breath and clutch the phone tightly in my hand, because I’m so nervous, what if something happened or…

“Hi Max, how’s it going?” Okay that answers my question.


“Yes it’s me Liz.” Obviously she’s had some drinks in her because her speech is somewhat slurred.

“Liz, thank god, where were you?”

“A bar Max. Drinking lots of alcohol, why do you care anyway?”

“Why do I care? Liz you had me worried?”

“Oh well Max too bad for you, I’m tired of feeling bad about what I do.”

“Liz where are you?”

“A bar.”



“Liz just answer me please.”

“I don’t know Max.”

“Liz give the phone to the bartender.” I hear some muffled sounds then a man’s voice.


“Hi yeah, look my friend; the girl that gave you the phone, I need to pick her up. So can you tell me where you’re located?”

“Yeah sure no problem.” He gives me the name and directions to the bar. I arrive there about a half hour after her phone call. When I get there Liz has her head down on one of the tables and I walk over to her.

“Liz.” She looks up, I can tell she’s been crying and she just breaks my heart.

“Max.” She seems relieved.

“Come on Liz. I’ll take you home.”


I get her in the car and start heading towards her house. I roll the window down so she can get some air. Uncomfortable silence fills the car, it’s about a forty-five minute drive to her house and if this is the way it’s going to be then it’s going to be one hell of a long ride home.

“Max stop, don’t drive me home.” I pull over slowly to the side of the road to find out what she’s talking about now. It’s the first thing she has said to me since I started driving.

“Well, where do you want to go then?” I turn to look at her, but her head is down and she says in a very small voice,

“Your place.” My place? Why would she want to go there? But I can’t deny her so…

“Okay Liz whatever you want.” We ride the rest of the way wrapped up in our own thoughts.

We get to my house and I usher her into the kitchen to have a seat. I begin making her some coffee to try and help out. We sit in silence once again for a few minutes, but I can’t go on like this much longer, it’s killing me to not know what to say or do. When it would come to Liz I knew exactly what I needed to do to make her feel better, but this time, I’m in the dark.

“Thanks.” I hear her say as she finishes the last of her coffee and places the mug on the counter.

“No problem. Liz what’s going on? Talk to me.” I need to know what is going on in her head. How can I get past this wall she has up if she doesn’t tell me anything?

“I can’t.”

“Why not? You used to be able to tell me everything.”

“Things change Max…people change.”

“That may be true but I know there is something your not saying.” I know it because she doesn’t look me in the eye when she says it.

“Max please look I’m tired and well do you think I could stay here tonight?” Okay do I go with my mind that says NO or do I go with my heart that says…

“Yeah sure Liz. Come on I’ll show you to the guest room. Are you okay to walk?”

“Yeah I’m good I just have a really good buzz going on that’s all.” I can tell she’s not lying her speech has improved tremendously and she’s very coherent so I know she’s not really as bad off as I thought she was at first.

“Here you go. Bathrooms right through that door and I’ll be right back with something for you to sleep in.” I run down the hall to my room and pull out a T-shirt for her to sleep in. I bring it back to the guest room and she quickly goes into the bathroom to change.

I take that opportunity to call Serena on the bedroom phone to let her know that Liz is with me.

When she comes back out she takes a seat at the edge of the bed and looks down. I take that as my queue to leave.

“Okay well I’ll just go now and let you get some sleep…goodnight Liz.”

“Night Max.” I turn to walk out the bedroom door but her words stop me.

“Please don’t leave Max – just stay with me for a little while.” Her voice is soft and pleading. She just gets to me, I wish I could fight it but I can’t not when we are in the same room alone together, it’s beyond my capabilities.

I just nod and head to sit next to her on the bed. I feel really…uncomfortable, I don’t know why this feels so weird. It’s not like I’ve never been on a bed with Liz before but it’s been so long and we’re not together. I guess that’s why I feel weird, I’m with Liz but I’m not with her, another piece of my heart chips away.

I honestly don’t know how much longer I can hold out for her. Yes, I don’t trust her but God I still love her. I just want to be with her, I know it’s stupid, I shouldn’t want to be with her ever again, but you can’t help who you fall in love with. I have tried hard to fight it but why do I want to? To prove a point, that she left me and broke my heart? At this point it’s been so long I don’t want to live in the past I just want her in my future, but it will be a mistake to take her back right? I just don’t know anymore.

“I’m so sorry Max.”

“Liz don’t even worry about it.” She nods but still hasn’t looked at me.

“Can I ask you something Liz?”

“Yeah sure, what is it?”

“What happened today? Why did you leave without telling or calling anyone?”

“Because I was upset that…that you have a girlfriend and I know it’s stupid because we are not together and you have every right to have one and…”

“Liz stop rambling. Nicole was my girlfriend but I broke up with her.” Aha! That made her look up.

“You did? Why?” I can’t lie.

“You Liz. Because of you. It’s like when you came back into my life all these feelings came back and it wasn’t fair to her.”

“Did you love her Max?”

“No Liz. I didn’t…I couldn’t.”

“Why not?” This question however I couldn’t answer. Because the truth was that I still loved her. I think she took my silence as me not wanting to answer which was good.

“I’m sorry Max.”

“For what Liz? Why do you keep apologizing to me?”

“Because I just wish that you never found that stupid notebook all those years ago. Because that way you would be happy and so would I.”

“Liz look at me.” I take my hand and gently force her chin to tilt her head so that her eyes meet mine.

“No matter what happened between us that lead us here, I would never take back a moment that we shared.” I truly meant it too. I would never trade all the heartache and separation for anything. I would have never known her or known what it was like to really love someone and have them love you back.

“Why Max? You should hate me. I just want to be happy again that’s all.” Her eyes are starting to tear and I know she’s trying so hard not to cry.

“Do you think I’m making you unhappy?”

“Yes.” My heart breaks a little more if that’s even possible at this point.


“Because you don’t love me anymore and you hate me for doing what I did and you can never forgive me.” She openly starts to cry. Hear tears are falling and I hate to think it’s because of me that they are.

“Liz first of all I could never hate you. I may be angry or upset but I could never hate you. I never stopped loving you Liz. I tried so hard but I couldn’t and I also forgive you because I had to, it was time. Besides I don’t even know what really happened that night…” She cuts me off.

“Max I don’t want to talk about that night, okay?”

“Okay Liz.” I won’t push her on this.

“But can you stop crying? I hate it when you cry Liz.”

“Why Max?”

“Because it hurts me Liz.” I honestly tell her because it does.

“Okay.” She wipes her eyes and I get up and head into the bathroom to get her a box of tissues. I hand them to her and take my seat back beside her.

“Liz can I ask you something else?” I lean back against the headboard, she leans back with me and our shoulders are touching. I can feel my body warm up with that little contact. I miss being with her, holding her, touching her.

“Yeah Max go ahead.”

“Um, okay look if you don’t want to answer it after I ask you don’t have to okay?”


“Liz the songs they are all about me right?” She just nods but doesn’t look at me.

“Well why did you give it to me?” She takes a deep breath and waits a moment before answering me.

“Because Max, it was the last material thing I had left that kept me holding onto you. And I wanted you to have it to keep forever to remember me.”

“How could I ever forget you Liz? That’s not even possible.”

“Max can we ever be what we were?”

“I don’t think so Liz as much as we might want.”


“Because we are different people now, we have lived separately longer than we’ve been together.” She looks down and is playing with her hands. God I want to just wrap my arms around her and hold her forever.

“So where does that leave us then?”

“I don’t know Liz…I don’t know.” I really didn’t know. Yeah I still love her but that won’t solve the problems between us.

“Well we have to work together on Serena’s album.”

“Yeah but after that are you still going to leave?” God I hope not.

“I don’t know anymore Max, I’m so confused.”

“Okay Liz look if we can’t be together then can we at least try and be friends again?” I really hope so because now that I have her in my life I don’t want to let her go.

“I don’t know if I can just be friends with you Max.”

“Why Liz?” I need to know for myself how she feels about me.

“Because Max I still love you and I still want to be with you but I’m terrified that we would end up the way we are now and I can’t go through this again.”

“So am I Liz but I’m not asking for that. I’m asking to at least be more than civil to one another, just think about it okay?” I need her in my life and now that I know she still loves me I just can’t help myself.

“And do you think it can turn into something more?”

“I don’t know Liz, right now I don’t think it can.” I know this is going to break her heart.


“Because I may love you Liz but I don’t trust you.”

She starts to cry again and I can’t take it anymore. I lean over and place a hand on each side of her face.

“Liz baby please don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it Max.” Her sobs consume her body.

“Liz tell me what’s really wrong. Because I know it’s not just about us. I know you Liz and when you’re keeping something from me you don’t look me in the eye.” I know that she cannot be this upset about what I said because she would have had to half expect it. I mean she just came back into my life.

“Max…Max I can’t talk about it. Please don’t ask me, please, please.” She looks at me and begs me not only with her voice but with her eyes as well.

“Shh. It’s okay Liz you don’t have to tell me.” I’m holding her in my arms and she looks up at me.



“Can I have this one night with you?” The first thought that comes to mind is what the hell is she talking about? The second is, I know exactly what she’s talking about and while I should say no…I just can’t turn her away.

And without another word I lift her up so she is now sitting on my lap and I take one last look into her eyes before I close my own and kiss her.

God it feels so good. How could I have forgotten what this felt like? My memory does no justice to the real thing.

My hands trail up her back under my T-shirt. She is so soft, softer than I remembered and warm. I could stay here forever in her arms.

Our kisses start off slow and gentle and quickly turn more demanding. I lay her back on the bed without breaking our kiss. She asks me to remove my shirt and then proceeds to move her hand to the button of my jeans. We break apart momentarily so that I can remove them. I look at her as she lies there and her eyes tell me exactly what she’s feeling because I’m sure mine are saying the same thing. ‘I love you’

We begin to kiss again and so many thoughts are running through my mind. Lust, Hate, Anger, Pain but the one at the forefront of it all is Love. But my conscious is getting the better part of me and I break away from our kiss. We are both panting heavily and I’m finding it hard to think but I have to ask her.

“Liz are you sure because I don’t know what I can give you and I don’t want to hurt you.” She looks right into my eyes.

“Max I’m sure and the only way you will hurt me is if you turn me down right now.” Hell if that’s going to happen now.

I place my hand behind her head before I lean back over her and kiss her again I tell her that I could never do that, no matter how hard I try.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 24


I cannot believe what just happened. Max and I made love for the first time in over seven years. And the only word I can find to describe it is…amazing. To feel him surround me and hold me, it’s all I’ve ever wanted all these years. As we lie side by side on our backs I’m thinking these very thoughts until Max interrupts my train of thought.


“Yeah Max.”

“I love you Liz, I never stopped and I…I want to try again. I know we have a lot to discuss but I don’t think I can let you go again.” Okay I don’t know how I should be feeling because he just poured his heart out to me and said all of the things I have longed for him to say but it can never be…not anymore.

I turn over to face him and I have tears in my eyes because what I’m about to tell him will believe it or not hurt me more than him.

“What are you saying Max?”

“That I want you back Liz…so much.” He’s now on his side facing me.

“We can’t Max…I can’t. I want to so bad but I’m not ready and I don’t know if I will be ever again.” He turns his face away from me and lies back down on his back. I can see his tears brimming his eyes but he won’t shed them…I know he won’t. He’s shed too many over me already.

“Okay Liz. I’m sorry for saying it.” He moves to leave the bed but I reach out my hand to stop him.

“Max, don’t leave. I didn’t say that to hurt you, although I know it did I just…I need you Max please just hold me. Please just for tonight. I’ll leave in the morning and I’ll never ask you for another thing.”

I can tell he doesn’t know what to do. The conflict is written all over his face. But he nods and lies back down next to me. I turn over and he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me. I think we both realize that this is the last time we will get to do this. That’s the last thought I have before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up about an hour ago and Max is still asleep beside me. I wish I had the strength to be with him.
It’s quite ironic, the one thing I wanted in this world was to be with Max again and when he tells me he wants me back…I turn him down.

I know you’re probably wondering why. That answer however is not a simple one though.

It’s like just when I got my wish I realized that I may not want or deserve it.

The more I think about what happened with Kyle the more I realize that Max deserves better than me. God I was so stupid.

I think that’s why I needed to be with Max tonight. I needed to not feel dirty for just a little while. I wanted to feel special and feel loved and I did. Max could always do that for me.

He always made me feel special. He’s not perfect but he is as close to perfect as you can be.

Yeah he has made mistakes and has hurt me but he has at least admitted them to me. Where as I have hid the truth from him and tonight when he asked me about that night with Kyle, I could have told him the truth but then what would he have thought?

That I’m a whore that’s what, that I ran from his bed to another’s. I know he knows that Kyle and I slept together but me telling him would just be a big reminder for him. I would just be bringing up the pain and hurt all over again and he would surely change his plea to me tonight.

I make myself sick. I want to be that girl that Max Evans adored but she’s gone. Lost in a world full of self-hatred and loathing.

I wish things could be different but they can’t. Not until I face the reality that is my life. I need to learn to accept all the bad things and learn from them instead of running from them.

That’s why I have decided to stay in LA even after Serena’s album is completed. I need to start living again. But God, how I love Max. I mean how could you not?

I mean after everything and without knowing the whole truth he still wanted me back. He will make someone very happy one day…I just wish it would be me.

The Next Morning

I roll over and I feel that the side next to me is empty…he left he doesn’t-.

“Morning Liz.” He says while bringing me a glass of orange juice. He still remembers. While we were dating he would come by to my room early in the morning and bring me breakfast and he knows that I like to have a glass of juice when I wake up.

“Thanks Max.” Maybe he doesn’t hate me…maybe he understands where I’m coming from.

“Are you feeling okay?” Why is he being so nice to me?

“Yeah I’m fine just a little headache.”

“Okay well I put some clean towels in the bathroom and I washed your clothes they are in there too. So when you’re done just come downstairs and I will take you home.”

“Thanks Max, what time is it anyway?”

“Nine and we were supposed to be at the studio at seven.”

“Okay I’ll be right down then.”

He turned and left the room. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower at first I thought about it because in doing so I would remove the smell of his cologne on my body and I didn’t want to let go. But then you add in the ick factor and a shower was a must.


He drops me off at my house and tells me he’ll see me in a little while. I know it hurts him to be with me and not be with me at the same time.


I make it to the studio at about a quarter to eleven. The album is coming along great, I can’t wait until it’s done and I know Serena can’t wait either.

“Hey Liz, glad to see you, I was so worried about you.” She gives me a hug.

“I know Sere, I ‘m sorry. I’ll never do that again.”

“You better not.” She gives me a nudge into the back booth where Michael and Maria are.

“Hey Maria, Michael.”

“Hi Liz. Good to see you.” Michael said looking up at me.

But Maria approached me and looks really serious.

“Liz can I talk to you for a second…in private?”

“Sure Maria.”

“Look Liz I am so sorry for yesterday, I had no idea that you would react like that but most importantly I should have not used that to hurt you Liz. Can you forgive me?”

“Maria I was hurt…really hurt but I know you are trying to protect Max and for that I am grateful and don’t worry about it Maria. I should have known. I just hope you are as hard on all of the other girls flocking to Max’s side.” I say kidding around with her and give her a big smile to let her know I accept her apologies.

“You know I am girl, he’s special and deserves the best.”

“I know he does.” I said mournfully

“Liz, I didn’t say that to hurt you. I said that because regardless of what happened he still loves you and you know what that means?” Here we go with the riddles.

“No what?”

“That you are special Liz. Max wouldn’t waist his time, that I know for sure.” She smiles and gives me a hug before she turns on her heels and walks back into the room to be with Michael.

Okay what just happened, Maria is behind me now? Must be those pregnancy hormones or something.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 25


Well the album is just about finished.

After Serena is finished in the studio today we are all headed out to look at a couple of places that Maria wants to see for Serena’s album release party.

Did I forget to mention that Serena has a manager and publicist? Can you guess who it is? Not me that’s for sure.

Maria, I know they are not the most obvious of duos but they work out really well besides Serena met with several people but she didn’t trust any of them. She asked me my opinion and regardless of what happened between Max and I, I still trust Maria and she’s a professional at that. She didn’t let what happened between Max and I deter her from speaking to Max and trying to help the situation when I first arrived. That says a lot already. In addition to the fact that we have come to an understanding and I still love Maria and she’s a big part of my life and will always be.

Michael was against it at first since Maria will be out of commission with the baby in less than four months. She of course was able to use her power of persuasion and talk her way through that one by telling Michael she could work from home or something like that. To be honest I stopped listening when she started whining.

I have to meet them in about an hour so I need to get dressed if I have any hopes in accomplishing that task.

I usually don’t have a problem finding something to wear because when I see Max I am usually at the studio so I wear a pair of jeans and tank top. But today is different I will see Max and spend a few hours with him not in the studio.

So I am desperately trying to look casual but not plain and boring which is what I am. I can’t even compete with his ex-girlfriend. God why am I trying to compete? It’s not like Max and I are dating right?

Still I need to make an impression. ‘God Liz just pick out a damn outfit already.’

This is ridiculous. I slept with him no more than a week ago…I think I definitely left an impression alright!

You’re probably wondering what the hell that was all about.

Well that’s easy I needed to feel like he was mine if even for just that moment. I didn’t use him because I could never do that. I love him still but that night I felt like that was it he had a girlfriend.

Granted they weren’t together anymore but when he told me it was because of me, my heart broke a little more because all this time I could have lost him for good. Not that I had him physically but in my heart and mind he was mine and would always be there.

But that night reality hit me hard.

Max will one day belong to someone else. He will share the rest of his life with them. Have children with them and it won’t be me and in a way I left my heart and soul with him forever that night. See because even if I were by some miracle to fall in love with someone else they will and could never be Max.

It’s not just because he was my first love, it’s because he is my one and only true love.

Being in his arms that night made me realize it. It wouldn’t be fair to him for me to go back to him if I don’t even know what I want in addition to the fact that I’m not ready to tell him everything.

If we were to be together again then I would not want to lie to him or keep secrets…after all that is why we are in this position to begin with. But I’m just not ready to tell him.

Sometimes you can love someone with everything you are but if you’re with them the fairy tale you live over and over in your mind never becomes reality. I want to keep Max and I locked in my heart so that no one can ruin us…especially ourselves.


I finally got out of the house and am headed to the first place we are meeting up at. It’s a nightclub I believe; again I wasn’t paying very much attention to Maria. I know I shouldn’t ignore her but she rambles all the time not just when she’s excited.



Maria, Michael, Serena and I arrive at one of the nightclubs Maria had decided she liked for the party. The name of it is ‘La Vida’ (the life). We are just waiting on Liz. I can’t wait to see her I haven’t seen her in two days. She hasn’t been at the studio, I can understand why but I still want to see her.

She arrives about ten minutes later.

She approaches us on the sidewalk outside the club and its as if the world tips on its axis for just a moment and moves in slow motion.

There is a small breeze and her hair is hanging loose, just the way I love it. She’s wearing a light pink dress with spaghetti straps that comes just above her knees.

It looks like she’s floating towards us because the dress is catching the wind just right and it sways with her every step.

She is so beautiful. No one has or could ever compare. I know she doesn’t think so, I know she’s not sure of herself but if I have anything to say about it that will change soon.



“Hi guys sorry I’m late.” They don’t need a reason why. Hell Max sure as hell doesn’t need to know it was because of him.

“That’s fine Liz we just got here.” Maria says to me.

“Shall we?” Serena says to me and we enter the club.

Twenty minutes later we exit the club and Max, Michael, Maria and Serena are satisfied with what they saw and heard.

“So Liz do you like it?” This question comes from Max.

“Yeah I really like it. I thought it was gorgeous inside and the owner seemed really nice.”

“Good then it’s settled.” Okay what just happened? Why would my answer on whether or not I liked the place be the deciding factor?

Oh well that’s probably not what he meant. He probably just wanted to include me so I didn’t feel left out right? Why does everything have to be so complicated with Max and I?



“Okay well Michael, Serena and I have to get going we have a thing to do.” Maria says hastily.

“Thing? What thing Maria? Besides you are my ride.”

“Oh Max sorry I made these plans awhile ago and I just remembered so maybe Liz can give you a ride?”

Ah ha! I see what she’s doing. Not smoothly I’ll add but I get it. Could she be anymore obvious?

“Liz is it alright?”

“Oh that’s fine with me.” She says and looks at me with a small smile on her face. I want nothing more than to pick her up and kiss her and carry her away to keep her forever.

But I can’t she doesn’t want to.

“Okay we’ll see you guys later.”

“Alright bye guys and Maria?” She turns around to face me.

“Yeah Max?”

“I’ll call YOU later.”

“Yeah okay got it.” She says turning back around and waving her hands in the air.

“Ready to go Liz?”

“Yeah Max let’s go.”

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 26

Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 26


We start walking towards her car and I actually have a free day today and I wonder what she’s up to so I ask her.

“Absolutely nothing, I’ll probably grab some lunch now and maybe rent a movie and have dinner later. My usual. Isn’t my life exciting?” She says with a small laugh.

“Well compared to mine it is. Sometimes I wish I had time to do that but I’m usually working late.”

“Well I’m sure you made time when you were dating…what’s her name?”

How cute is she pretending she doesn’t know her name? Is that a tinge of jealously I hear?

“Ha ha Liz, you know her name was Nicole.”

“That’s riiight.” She puts a finger on her chin when she says that; absolutely adorable is what she is.

We reach her car and I open her door then walk around and get in.

Just as we pull onto the highway, I don’t want my time with her to end just yet.


“Yeah Max.” She’s currently looking ahead concentrating on driving. I want to lean over and kiss her so bad. Control Max…control.

“Ah…do you…I mean would you want to grab lunch or something with me?” Come on Max that was not smooth at all!

“Yes Max I’d love to.” Okay that went well.

“Where did you want to go?”

“Oh just turn right at the next light and go to the stop sign and make a left. It’s this little Mexican place I go to sometimes. They have really good food.”

“Sounds great I’m so hungry.” This is really weird to have a normal conversation with her that’s not about music or Serena.



In a way I’m so glad that Max asked to have lunch with me. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, setting myself up but I can’t help it. When I’m around him I just can’t resist. I know weak right?

Once we got to the restaurant we were immediately seated and our orders were taken.

“So Max how long did you date Nicole?” I really do know her name its like permanently tattooed on my brain but I had to mess with him before. But this question I needed to answer to, why? I have no idea.

“We dated for a little over six months.” He looks uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to have this conversation but oh well we all can’t have what we want now can we?

“Was it serious?” I have to make him sweat. He’s so cute when he doesn’t want to answer a question. I have a pretty good guess that it wasn’t otherwise why would he have broken up with her so quickly after I came back in the picture? Which by the way makes me feel a little giddy.

“It was semi-serious but…I mean it was the first relationship I had after…after you.”

What does he mean semi-serious? Did he? No, I can’t even ask the question. I mean he’s a guy and it has been seven years.

I feel hurt, I know I shouldn’t but I do. Hell I have no right but I can’t help it. To know that he shared himself with someone else is too much. It’s not fair for me to think that but I do. I always felt I had that one up on other girls.

He broke me out of my thoughts. I think he knows what I was thinking but doesn’t address it…thankfully!



Okay I was sweating there for a minute at lunch with those questions about my relationship with Nicole. She got silent for a moment there after I told her it was semi-serious, but I wasn’t sure what to say… I didn’t want to lie to her. I can only guess by her silence she knows that I slept with Nicole but there’s nothing I can do about that now.

Once we were done with lunch we headed to my house.

We have been in the car for about fifteen minutes when a very large sign captures my attention.

“Liz get off on the next exit.”

“Why Max?”

“Because Liz there’s a carnival.”

“Max a carnival? What the hell are you talking about?” I sigh.

“Liz come on it will be fun.”

“Okay Max if you say so.” She gives me an exasperated sigh but gets off the exit ramp.

She pulls into the parking lot and I unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out of the car. I quickly make my way around to her side to let her out.

“Come on Liz.” Okay I know I’m acting like a five year old but it’s been so long.

“Alright Max, I’m coming calm down. How old are you again?”

“Ha Ha very funny Liz. You’re going to love it.”

“I don’t know Max. I never enjoyed carnivals because I don’t get on any rides.”

“I know that Liz but if you come with me I promise to win you a big teddy bear.”

She lights up. And how old is she? But I won’t mess with her she looks really happy.

I hold out my hand for her to walk with me and to my surprise without hesitation she places her small hand in mine.


We are at the carnival for about an hour or so when I see the line for the Ferris wheel. I know Liz doesn’t like rides but I’m going to try and convince her to get on with me.

“Come on Liz.”

I pull her gently in the direction of the Ferris wheel, she resists of course.

“No Max you know I hate rides.”

“Yes Liz but this goes very slow.”

“But it’s too high.”

“You’ll be fine Liz.”

“But I’m scared.” God I love her.

“Don’t worry Liz. I won’t let anything happen to you.” And with that she takes my hand and looks at me. I know she trusts me so she will do this for me.

We are on the Ferris wheel for about five minutes and we get to the top when the ride stops as it did a few minutes ago to let more people on.

“What’s wrong? Why did it stop again?” She grips my arm.

“It’s okay Liz.” I say removing her death gripped hand from my arm and place her hand in my lap and gently caress it.

“We’re too high, what if we fall Max?”

“We won’t fall. They are just letting people on and we’ll move again in a minute or two.” I say trying to reassure her.

“Are you sure because I think it’s been a minute or two and we haven’t moved. What if we get stuck on it for hours like those people did on the Superman ride a few years ago and I have to pee or something?”

I have to laugh now she looks panicked her eyes are huge and she’s gone back to gripping my arm to the point where her knuckles are white. I reach my arm around her and rub her shoulder. I then take her hand and stroke the back of it with my thumb.

“Liz I promise nothing will happen we will move again and then we’ll be off the ride okay? Just calm down.”

She looks at me and takes a deep breath and tells me she’ll try.

There is a slight breeze blowing through her hair and I can’t resist. I reach out my other hand and run my fingers through it.

It is so soft and silky. I look into her eyes and let my eyes soak in every part of her face. She licks her lips and at this moment I want to kiss her so bad. Kiss her until she is breathless. Kiss her until her lips are red and swollen. Until we…

The ride starts again breaking me out of my thoughts.

“See Liz what did I tell you?”

“I know Max, thanks.”

“For what?”

“You know what for. Helping me calm down and not freak out.” She says shyly.

“Oh you didn’t freak out? Cause I could have sworn that’s exactly what you did.” I say teasingly.

She pulls her arm away from mine and gives me a quick slap on the arm.

“Jerk!” We both smile at each other, and then we sit for the remainder of the ride in comfortable silence.



He is so adorable. Right now he’s shooting basketballs to win me a huge ‘Hello Kitty.’ I saw it when we got off that damn Ferris wheel and I felt sick. I hate any and all rides but Max wanted to go and I didn’t have the heart to say no. I guess he saw my face light up when I saw it and immediately went over to win it.

Oh well I guess he won because he just turned around and looked at me flashing his sexy smile.

Boy things would be easier if he wasn’t so damn sexy. It’s hard to focus on what my mind is telling me when just one look from him melts my heart.

We head back to my car it’s already starting to get dark. We’ve been here for at least two hours.

It would be easy to just tell him but if I do I’m afraid of the rejection. See I know Max has not thought about what me discussing what happened with Kyle and I would do to him.

I know I have and he doesn’t even know the whole story. See Max is ready to say he doesn’t care anymore but if we were to discuss it, I know he would remember all the pain again and I’m afraid he will pull away from me and not be able to look at me without thinking that I cheated on him. How can he when he won’t have any security that it wouldn’t happen again…only my word. And right now I don’t know what that’s worth.

Regardless of the situation I had a choice. I chose to go to the party with Kyle instead of waiting for Max. And I think beyond everything else that is the one thing I cannot forgive myself for.

It’s so hard to explain but just imagine having the person you love most in the world and who you know loves you just as much turn to you and look at you with disappointment. That would crush anyone.

Everyone wants to belong and I feel like the only place I belong is with him. But I want to prove my love to him because he should have that. And at that point if he decides he still wants me then I will know he would never be disappointment in me and that he fully trusts me.

Max wants me back but he doesn’t trust me and I don’t blame him.

So how can I go back to him?

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 27 & 28

Post by Behrsgirl77 »


The DATE isn't over just yet.....

Chapter 27


We are about a block from his house and we are once again sitting in silence.

I pull up to his house and put the car in park and turn to him.

“Well Max I had a great time today.”

“Oh really, what about the Ferris wheel?” He asks with a knowing smile and I smile back.

“Ah well that was okay once you calmed me down.”

“Okay good I did my job then.”

“Job? What job?” I ask confused. He looks at me seriously.

“To keep you safe Liz.”

See what did I tell you? How can I not want to throw myself at him? I royally fucked up.

“Thanks but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself you know. I’m not all that defenseless anymore.”

“Anymore? What do you mean by that?”


“Ah um nothing just saying thank you that’s all.” Okay that made no sense at all, I wonder if he noticed? I take a quick peak out the corner of my eye.

Yup he noticed. Right now he is giving me the squinted eyes that say ‘what are you not telling me?’ So I decide to change the subject.

“So Max do you think I could come in for a minute to use the bathroom.” What? I was thinking on my feet. What else should I have said?

“Yeah sure Liz, come on.” He opens the door and gets out but not before he tells me to wait until he let’s me out.

Boy that Nicole girl must have been a fool. She shouldn’t have gone down without a fight kicking and screaming for him. I know I didn’t and I regret it everyday.

We get into his house and he shows me the small bathroom downstairs. I really had to go at this point so it was all not in vain.

Afterwards I walk out of the bathroom and am headed towards his living room. Where he must be because I can hear the television.

But as I exit the bathroom I see a door cracked open. ‘Hmm, I wonder if that’s his bedroom?’ Well the better part of me was like, ‘just keep walking.’ While the other part was like ‘what harm could it do to take a little peak inside?’

The latter of the two won out.

I slowly lift my hand to gently push the door open. It was a very spacious room with a king sized bed. All of the furniture was a dark cherry wood and the rug was a light beige. There was a huge fireplace in what looked like a sitting area and probably the biggest plasma television I’ve ever seen, definitely looked like a man’s bedroom so I decide to see for sure.

I walk into the room and the first thing that catches my eye are picture frames sitting on top of the dresser.

I walk over to get a closer look at them but what I see surprises me to say the least.

There was a picture of…me and him from high school. I pick it up.

“What are you doing?” Oh shit, caught! Great just great!

“Max I ah…I got lost and well…I…I…okay that’s a lie, I wanted to see if this was your room.”

I said shyly and placed the picture frame back on the dresser with my head hanging low.

I feel so stupid.

But my head snaps back up when he spoke.

“Well why didn’t you just ask me?”

“Because I felt stupid asking to see your bedroom.” Okay I now know that my cheeks are bright red.

“Liz you can ask me anything and it would never be stupid.” He says honestly.

Okay here’s my chance to ask the question that was on my mind the moment I saw that picture. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a really deep breathe.

“Okay, well can I ask you something kind of private then?”

“Yes.” He walks over to the edge of his bed. Dangerous ground Liz, dangerous ground.

“Well while you were dating Nicole, how did she feel about the picture or did you just put it away when she was here or did you not even have it up when you were with her…I mean…”

“Liz, stop rambling.” I smile at him and bit gently down on my lower lip.

“The picture has been up since I moved to LA Liz. And what do you mean how did she feel about it?” Oh he’s going to make me work for this snooping isn’t he?

“Well I mean you guys you know…slept together and well didn’t she see the picture and ask why you had a picture of you and some girl on your dresser?” He gives a small chuckle and lays back lacing his hands behind his head.


“No?” Hell I know if I were her I would have. But I’m not her that’s for sure.

“No. How could she if she’s never even been in my room?” Okay I know I’m not the brightest crayon in the box but I don’t get it.

“Never been, well then how…I mean where?” Oh god Liz you are not asking him where he had sex with her are you?

YES! Okay I would like to find a large hole and crawl right into it now. I walk over to the bed and take a seat next to him and he grabs my arm causing me to loose my balance and I fall on my back, he then turns on his side to address me.

“Liz, no girl, except for Maria has ever been in my bedroom.”

“Why?” I don’t get it why wouldn’t he let his girlfriend into his bedroom.



Why? She wants to know why? Well I bet she’s not going to expect this answer.

“Because Liz, she wasn’t you.” She’s lying on her back and when I say that she looks up at me and smiles her half smile that makes my stomach do a flip flop.

“Me? What do I have to do with it?”

If she only knew, I can’t tell her though. I’ll probably scare her off but when I bought this house it was because deep down I always wished that one day she and I would live in it together. That was our original plan anyway and well things didn’t work out that way.

Anyway, if that day ever came I would want this to be our bedroom, our bed and I didn’t want to share that experience with anyone else. I wanted my first memory to be of Liz and I making love in it…not someone else. So instead I tell her…

“Liz, just because I slept with her doesn’t mean that I loved her. I could never lover her because she wasn’t you and I would never toss your memory to the side for anyone. So it was either I put the picture away or I go elsewhere.”

“So you chose to go elsewhere?”

It was I who was now shy. “Yes.”

“Max.” She whispers my name in awe.

I look at her and before I know it she wraps her hand around my neck and pulls my face down and kisses me.

It feels so good to kiss her again. I thought for sure that the night we spent together would be the last time I would have the opportunity.

So this time I put everything I have into that kiss. She slides her tongue into my mouth; she’s so warm I can’t help it I run my hands down the side of her face. We are devouring each other with our mouths.

She rolls over to lie on top of me and her dress rides up her legs. I take that opportunity to run my hands up under the dress over her backside straight up to her small of her back.

My skin is on fire and I can tell so is hers.

I immediately come to life I want her so bad and I can tell the way she is grinding against me that she feels the same.

I roll us both over so she is now lying on her back; I take my hands and go up the front of her dress to remove the scrap of lacy material underneath. Her breathing has increased along with my own.

She then pushes up against my chest, her way of asking me to back up a little, so I do. At which point she removes my shirt and starts undoing the button and zipper of my jeans and pulls them down past my waist. I take that opportunity to move slightly away from her to step out of them. I go back to my position above her and she then trails her hands up my chest and wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me back down to lay back down.

My body is now laying against hers once again and I let my hands trail up her body. I can feel her heart racing and I can feel the small puffs of air escaping her parted lips against my face. I then cover her mouth once again with a gentle but needy kiss. Our tongues are dueling in a battle we both don’t mind losing.

I can feel her heart racing as fast as my own. I know what’s going to happen we can’t stop ourselves. I know that we probably shouldn’t but I can’t help myself.

I pull away from the kiss just long enough to remove my boxers. Then she says the words I have longed to hear.

“Make love to me Max.”

“God I love you Liz.” That’s the last thing I say before we loose ourselves in one another.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 28

1 Week Later

Serena POV

“Max come on, we are done. Michael said so himself.” I am whining now. God can you tell I have been hanging around Maria for far too long?

“Serena, we are done when both Michael and I say and I still think we need one more song.” Stubborn as hell.

“Maxwell, we have eleven songs we are good.”

“No we are not Michael, we need the single and its should be the last song on the album.”

Oh you don’t know this either, Max has this theory that as he says ‘has not failed me yet.’ And that is the album will be complete and successful when the last song, the twelfth song to be more precise is recorded.

“Okay Max, we’ll go with you on this but we don’t have anymore songs, so what do we do about that problem?”

And it is a problem because ever since Liz and Max slept together, Liz has not come to the studio unless it is extremely necessary. She’s trying to make it easier for Max. She told me he wants her back but she’s still confused mainly because if they were to get back together she would have to tell him the truth, which I think he should know but she’s scared.

I’m the only one that knows that bit of information about them sleeping together twice. I told Liz that she needs to be honest with him and not lead him on like that if she has no intentions of moving forward to a real relationship.

I wonder however why Max has not told Maria. He tells her everything as is so why not this? Unless he’s just as confused as I am about Liz’s feelings or her intentions. Maybe he has told her but according to Liz he has not told anyone.

They have been talking every night on the phone; they even went out to dinner last week. I know how hard it must be for both of them. You can tell they want to be together but they have no idea how to go about it.

At least Liz gets some reprieve; poor Max has to listen to me sing songs that he knows are all about him day in and day out. I can tell it bothers him but he’s a complete professional.

I can see why Liz fell in love with him. I’m with Max just about everyday in this studio and it’s really hard not to like the guy. He’s such a sweetheart he would do anything for you and he genuinely cares for his friends.

Maria breaks me out of my thoughts. I thought she left…oh well. She just walked back into the room like she was on a mission. I wonder what’s up?

“Well someone is going to have to go to Liz and ask her for another song and it can’t be Max.”

“Why not Max?” I say

“Yeah why not me?”

“Because Max needs to hop his ass in the car and drive to San Diego.”

“Maria, what are you talking about I don’t have to be in San Diego for another three weeks, same as you, Michael and Serena for her first performance?”

“No Max, not if you still want to have it.” Oh no here we go again!

“Maria stop the riddles and get to the point already.” This came from Michael; well that’s a change.

“Well the place that you rented out said they double booked and called to say they have to cancel our show.”

“What?!” This came from Michael and Max simultaneously.

“How can they? It’s already paid for right Michael?”

“Yeah man I handed it to the receptionist.”

“Well Michael the event coordinator just called and said that they were waiting for our confirmation but since they didn’t hear back from us they booked another event and we’ll have to find another place.”

“I told you Michael, you should have let me handle the deal.” Max said in a frustrated sigh.

“How was I supposed to know the receptionist was a moron?”

“Because Maria told you!” He couldn’t respond because he knew Max was right. If Max had done it I have no doubt we wouldn’t be in this position right now. But Max was busy doing other things…or shall I say someone. I know low blow but hey it’s true!

Michael is good behind the scenes in the studio he does amazing work and Max comes in and puts the finishing touches on it but he’s there with his input for the whole album. They really make a great team.

Usually if they get into it though they can be at it for at least a half hour but Max backs down first.

“Okay Maria, call a hotel…”

“Done already Max, your staying at the Hilton San Diego it’s not that far from the Convention Center.”

“Alright I have to go home and pack, I should be there in a couple of hours with traffic and everything and then I’ll head back in the morning. As soon as I get there I will meet with the coordinator and straighten everything out.”

“Okay Max I already uploaded all the information onto your laptop.”

“Thanks, okay guys remember one more song and then it’s good to go.”

“Got it Maxwell.”

“Call us when you get there.”

“I will Maria, see you guys tomorrow.”

Max leaves so Maria gets nominated to go to Liz’s and get the other song, while Michael and I finish up.



‘Ring Ring’

Why is it when you are trying to clean does the phone always ring?


‘Hi Liz.’

“Oh hey Max, what’s up?”

‘I just wanted to call you and tell you that I have to drive to San Diego today, we’re having some problems with the venue.’

“Oh well okay that’s fine Max, we can always reschedule.”

‘I’m sorry Liz,’

“Max don’t even worry about it.”

‘Okay well I just wanted to call you and let you know so you didn’t wonder why I didn’t call you sooner.’

“Okay thanks…bye Max.”

‘Bye Liz.’

After I hang up the phone I go back to my cleaning.

Wondering what Max and I have to reschedule? Well we actually had a date tonight.

I know shocking but this past week, ever since we slept together again, we have been talking almost everyday. We’ve brought each other up to date on what we have been doing for the past seven years. You would think that after all this time we would be over each other but we’re not…I think mainly because we are both holding onto what we could have been. It’s not healthy by any means but it just is that way.

It feels good to be able to talk to Max again. There is however this unspoken agreement that we are friends nothing more. I know what you’re thinking…who sleeps with their friends? Well I guess I do but it’s not like I set out to sleep with him it just happens and when I’m with him I can’t control my feelings. I waited so long to be with him and now that I have him in my life again I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to spend time with him.

I ask myself everyday though, why are we only friends? Oh that’s right because that’s what I wanted. But now I’m not so sure and before I tell Max, I have to be 100% sure, I can’t put him through that emotional roller coaster again. He deserves better.

I just wish I could see into the future for just a little while then I would know the answer for sure. But that’s not possible, guess I’ll have to do it the old fashioned way – wait.


‘Ding Dong’

Now it’s the door. Does it ever end?

“Hi Maria, what’s going on?”

“Oh well I was volunteered to ask you if there was a possibility in getting one more song, because you know Max, we need twelve songs and that would mean we are one short with only eleven right now. And he would have come himself but he had to drive to San Diego.” I smile, yeah Max has explained his theory to me.

“Yeah he just called me a few minutes ago.”

“Oh okay good.”

“Um well I don’t know Maria, I have a few more but I’m not sure of them.”

“What do you mean? You write great songs Liz, you know that, I know that, hell all of the world knows that.”

“Don’t blush either and I know this is a long time coming but I’m so proud of you Liz. I know that we are not the friends we used to be, but I just want you to know that I am…I knew you were going to be someone great.”

“Maria, please being able to write my feelings on a piece of paper doesn’t make me special.”

“To Max it does.” What?!

“Excuse me what did you just say?”

“Oh nothing just that I know for a fact that Max is more than proud of you.”

“He is?”

“Yes, silly girl how can anyone not be?”

Well I should answer her but I don’t want to go into it.

“I guess you’re right, well let me go to my office and get the song.”

“Okay.” I come back shortly with my folder.

“So how have you been doing? Finally past the morning sickness?”

“Yeah pretty much, which is good but now all I want to eat are maraschino cherries, Michael is so sick of seeing me eat them....”

“That’s not bad.”

“Mixed with chocolate chip mint ice cream and a side of salt and vinegar potatoes chips.”

Eww spoke to soon!

“I can see why.” I say jokingly.

“Aha! Okay here you go Maria.” I pull out a piece of paper and hand it to her.

She looks over the paper then looks at me and says,

“Well how should it be sung?”

“Maria, don’t pull a Serena on me, just let her read it and she will know, besides Michael will be able to decide what will be best.”



“Come on if I go back there an I don’t know how, Michael and Serena will not be happy and I’m pregnant I can’t handle it.”

I know she is half kidding so I give in.

“Okay I will sing part of it then you pass it along got it?”

“Deal.” We move into the living room and I walk over to the piano and begin to sing.

You breathe and life begins
You speak and my world makes sense
That’s how it is when it comes to you…

TBC…no will power so it will be soon!
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Chapter 29

Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 29

Maria POV

Liz sits at the piano and starts to sing and although it’s been awhile since I’ve heard her sing, she still sounds amazing. Her voice is soft, light more than a whisper but also crisp at the same time. When she sings you can’t help but get chills up your spine.

I always wondered why she never became as singer and I took this opportunity to ask her once she is finished.

“Because Maria, it was never my goal in life besides I’m done with music, I have past that part of my life, there is something more I’m destined to do. I may not know what it is but I will know it when it happens.”

And they say I talk in riddles?

“Okay Liz, but I just want to say that was great. And now I’m going to ask you a dumb question.”

“What’s that Maria?”

“Was that about Max…I mean the song?” She sighs.

“Yes it was.”

“When did you write it?” This answer should be interesting.

“Last week.” That’s it? She knows me better than that I need more info and she can tell by my look.

“You know the night I went disappearing? Well the next day I wrote it when I got home.” Got home? Home from where? Wasn’t she already home? I wonder what happened to make a song like that come out of her?

“Liz, do you have any other songs?”

“What do you not like that one or something?” She looks at me confused.

“No it’s not that it’s just I saw you singing Liz and something happened that night. I don’t know what but that song is too important, so I would prefer another one if you have it.”

“Maria, really it’s okay.”

“Liz please.” I plead with her.

“Okay I’ll get another one.”

Just what I wanted to hear her say and as soon as I am done here I’m making a very important phone call.

A few minutes later she brings me the page with the new song.

“Okay here you go, I’ll just let you hear how I think it should go.”

“No you don’t have to do that Liz, I got the jist.”

“Jist? Maria you don’t even…”

“Look Liz it’s getting late and I should get back. I don’t want Michael getting worried.”

“Well okay if you’re sure?”

“Yes okay…bye Liz.”

“Bye Maria.”

She yells to me as I run out of her front door and get into my car and pull out my cell phone.



“Max its Maria.”

‘Hey Maria, is everything okay?’

“No Max it’s not. Do you want to know where I just came from?”

‘No Maria I don’t, so please no games get to the point.’

“Liz’s house…”

‘Is there something wrong? Is she okay?’

“I don’t know Max, is there something you forgot to tell me?”

He sighs. Aha! The secret is about to be revealed.

‘Maria, please leave it alone.’

“Nope. I will not.” I’m can be just as stubborn as him.

‘Fine you know the know that day Liz went missing and then last week when we went out for lunch and the carnival?’


‘Well that night she stayed at my house and…last week she stayed again.’

“And?” Would the man just get to the point?!

‘We slept together…both times. Okay are you happy now?’

“TWICE? Wait stop the bus and reverse. Did you say you and Liz slept together as in…slept together…as in more than cuddling?”

‘Yes Maria.’ Another exasperated sigh.


‘Maria don’t yell please.’

“Sorry Max but don’t you think I should have known about this sooner?”


“No, what do you mean no?”

‘Because I didn’t want you ragging on Liz about it, it was both our decisions.’

“Max, I wouldn’t do that to her. You guys are getting along and everything besides I know how she feels about you.”

‘You do?’



“Max her songs, the way she looks at you when you walk in a room, the way she says your name or when you’re mentioned they say a lot Max.”

‘Maria it’s not that simple. Mainly because she loves me but doesn’t want to hurt me and doesn’t want me to hurt her and that makes it a very complicated situation.’

“But Max how will you know if you don’t try?”

‘Maria I want to more than anything but she’s scared and I won’t press her because there is still something she’s not telling me.’

“Like what Max? A secret?”

‘Yes Maria exactly, something she doesn’t want me to know.’

“Just give it time Max, she’ll crack soon.” With a little help from me of course but Max doesn’t need to know that.

‘I know Maria. So did you get the other song?’

“Yes Max all set, I’m on my way back to the studio with it.”

‘Okay Maria talk to you tomorrow, I’m heading in a meeting with the coordinator now.’

“Okay Max, take care.”

'You to Maria.’

“Hey Max?”


“Give them hell.”

‘Maria what am I?’

“Stubborn Max…stubborn as hell.”

‘That’s right…love you Maria.’

“Love you too…bye.”




Maria was acting very weird when she left here. Then again she is weird and has always been.

I have to admit it did feel good to hear her say that she was proud of me. And even more so that Max was as well, not that he hasn’t told me, but it’s different when Maria tells me because she gives you the no holds bar version.

And it makes me so happy. So happy that I’m even happy about doing laundry.


Two and a half hours later and I’m done with cleaning the whole house and doing laundry. And I have to admit I am tired as hell. I’m hoping that Max will call me tonight when he’s done with his meeting. I just want to hear his voice. So I’m just going to run into the bathroom for a quick shower.

I am just out of the shower when the phone rings. What is it with the damn timing of people?

I throw on my robe and get the phone on my bedroom nightstand.


‘Yes can I please speak with Ms. Parker please?’

“This is how can I help you?” It’s kind of late for a phone solicitor but you never know these days.

‘This is…’

I stopped listening after she told me why she was calling. I feel sick and cold at the same time this must be a bad joke, she can’t be serious. She just can’t. I drop the receiver and collapse on the floor.


Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.