Shifting Realities (AU,A/I,MATURE) [WIP]

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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Post by Mt Gazer »

Before I begin with responses, I want to say thanks for all of you who kept my parents in your thoughts and prayers. The issue is resolving, but there is one final thing that must happen. I’ll let you know when it does. Until then continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. And then we can rejoice together. ;)

Mt Gazer


And this appears to be yet another of those joint feedbacks.

I’m glad that you all enjoyed The Misunderstanding and that the humor I meant to portray did exactly that.

So it left us with some questions, which would be… how are Max and Michael gonna react? Remember the show from which this was taken, and think for a moment how it would have gone if Isabel went for it. Neither brother was happy and had basically forced her hand into not telling.

Well, I changed that, Diane is now firmly in the know, and her and Isabel can finally have the mother/daughter relationship that Isabel is craving.

I initially had not written this next chapter, but I kept reading the responses of the readers and I did not care to disappoint you... LOL!!! :lol LOL!!! So this is what some of you were asking for, The Fallout.

Thanks to ChrystalKay: Who pondered the state of Max, livid and worried about what Diane will do… she mentioned something about the next part being the Fourth of July for sure…. FIREWORKS ANYONE??? Creative Nickname: Who can’t wait for the fallout, Isis: Who is curious how the boys are going to react and can’t wait to see what is next, StargazerUK: Who can’t wait for Max’s return, and jbangelo: Who can't wait to see the boy’s reactions…. This is for you guys specifically.

UK-Warning: I think you already know how Max might react, from our talks about chapter 13. Just be prepared.

And then I would like to say “Hi and thanks for dropping in” to 3 new readers. LXC, Biged, Punk Pixie… Great to see you join the story.

So lets continue with The Fallout, shall we?


And one more thing, credit where due. Thanks to Stargazer MD ~ PAUL~ for all the help on the ending of this chapter. Great Dialogue, ;) I like the way it turned out and couldn’t have done it without you. (( HUG)) You are an awesome beta, taking something great, and making it perfect. Thanks for all the help you’ve given on this story so far. I really appreciate it. *High-Five* :):D

Mt Gazer


Shifting Realities

Chapter Sixteen:

The Fallout

Max had been very upset when he had returned from the quarry that day, not the least because they had ended up walking most of the way home, due to the fact that Max did not have his cell phone on him, it was in the jeep, which needless to say Isabel had taken.

He did not want to deal with Isabel and he had an awful feeling that he didn’t want to go home either, so he and Michael sauntered into the Crashdown in a less than happy mood, after the long walk back. They were damp from perspiration and that made the dust that was clinging to them turn into some form of muck. It was not quite mud since there was not enough dirt. But they were sweaty, dirty, and frustrated as well as very upset with Isabel and though they were not sure if she had informed Diane Evans of the secret, the way Isabel was acting during the past week, there was a strong likelihood that she had.

The first people they saw upon entering the Crashdown Café that day in January, were the last people on earth that they wanted to see at that particular moment… Alex and Isabel, sitting side by side no less, and Isabel was slightly smiling at something Alex had just said. The frustration level raised to anger, in the two already irritated young men.

Isabel knew sitting with Alex might be seen by her peers, but after what she had just done, she needed to feel secure. Inside she was reeling once again; her world felt as if it had once more been turned upside down, and this time she knew that she had caused the overturn. No matter what was going on in the outside world, she needed to feel Alex’s presence beside her. She was so happy with how everything turned out with her mother, but that was the part that was over, the agony of the secret lifted. The part that was just beginning was Max and his reactions. And she was not looking forward to them, hoping to avoid him. But she realized that would be hard to do when he was standing at the edge of the table glaring at her. She glanced up sideways. Brother and sister caught each other’s eyes momentarily and she swallowed long and hard. Holding in a deep breath as it caught in her throat.

Max could read the emotions in her eyes, and he did not like what he was seeing; she was guilty, as she did not hold his gaze long before turning away, and she had quickly sucked in her lips. She was frightened, of him. She had practically flinched when he drew near the table. And she was nervous, very nervous, for she had swallowed silently when they made eye contact. His hand at his side clenched into a fist and unclenched as he stood there silently absorbing the events that had apparently played out as he ran his other nervous hand through his thick dark hair, pushing back his bangs. Max was staring at his sister, his jaw firmly set. He was so angry that he wasn’t talking, or doing anything.

Isabel knew she was in trouble; she glimpsed back up to read his reaction, since she could feel his ‘wrath’ under the surface. Taking in another hasty breath she quickly averted her eyes from his, as her right hand dove under the table to find Alex’s. His left hand was doing the same, and they connected under the table.

Liz came over and laid her hand on Max’s arm, “Max?” A low growl escaped his throat, and she felt every muscle in his body tense rigid. She quickly left his side and made her way over to Maria who was at the counter watching the drama unfold, wiping down the same spot repeatedly, her bulging eyes never leaving the alien trio. Liz sidled in and whispered, “Oh Boy Maria, this is not good… No one is talking… Max was actually growling.”

Michael, sliding into the table, broke the taut silence. In a very tense whisper he leaned in to Isabel, … “You told her didn’t you?” He didn’t need Isabel to answer; the guilty expression on her face said it all. He straightened up, “Adults are the enemy, remember that!” ‘When this goes bad…’ “I hope you’re happy, because now our lives are in danger.” He hissed. Just a little louder, as he stood to his feet, he turned to the still staring brother. “Lets go Maxwell, lets get away from this traitor.” Michael spat out the last word and shot Isabel a spiteful look and then turned his back on her as he started towards the door.

The disappointment and fear in his face were more than Isabel could take. At the mention of “traitor” her face rapidly fell, and she quickly excused herself from the table heading into the back room. One thought chose that moment to run as a movie through her mind … Congresswoman Whitaker was telling her, “You had a great love...and for him...for betrayed your brother, your race.” Isabel reacted forcefully to the words, “NO!!!” And the congresswoman continued, “You sacrificed him. You sacrificed everyone...even yourself. And history, my dear, always repeats itself.” She remembered the feeling of the stroke on her cheek, it chilled her to her core and there was nothing gentle about it, she rubbed the spot unconsciously as she stood in the break-room. One of her worst memories was playing out and she now she had to deal with Max and Michael feeling betrayed. She deeply sighed. ‘This isn’t even an issue for now… Everything must be played close to its original point…. and that was my 18th birthday.’ She sighed deeply again.

Max followed her; leaving Michael to wander back to the table and keep Alex in his sights… he was not about to let him go near Isabel. Max and Isabel needed to talk. Alone. Alex stood up at the table’s edge and faced off with Michael. He would be in that room in a second if Isabel needed him, going right through Michael if he had to.

Maria and Liz continued to watch the whole scenario with their collective breath held. Whatever had happened was not good on so many levels. What they saw scared them, and they worried that a brawl would break out in the ordinarily peaceful restaurant. Michael looked like he could fry Alex with his scathing look, as they stood toe-to-toe; literally, the tips of their shoes were touching. They were in a matched stance, feet firmly planted shoulder width apart, knees locked, arms folded across their chests, and jaws firmly set. Both were inflexible and neither were speaking. Michael was upset with Isabel… and Max was seething. The only thing the girls could deduce was that whatever had happened, Isabel was at the heart of its cause. And it had set everyone on edge, including Alex.

That was the barometer for them, Alex was normally so easygoing and laidback that they were shocked by the fierce intensity written all over his tight set face.


In the break-room, Max and Isabel were slowly circling each other like cats about to strike. Max spoke in low, tense tones. “Isabel, I am so upset… that I don’t… even have words right now.” Every word he spoke was sharp and slow. “ I… cannot… believe you did that…” another low growl escaped, “after everything that’s been going on.”

She had never seen her brother so upset, even after finding out Sheriff Valenti had a tape of her using her powers. She was shaking, yet she had to hold to her position, she had done the right thing. She had known that Max was going to be livid, she had only told her mother because it had to be done. She would never purposefully try to go against Max unless it were necessary. It was. She knew that Alex was keeping Michael away so that she only had one of them to deal with, but how she wished he were holding her up right now. If her adrenaline had not been coursing at top intensity she would have collapsed to the ground already, but she continued in her position, as acid churned in her stomach, leaving her with a sickly feeling. She slowly spoke, “Max,” she swallowed, “that’s why I did it… because of everything going on. We need an adult… I chose Mom. Would you have preferred that I told Dad?”

“You wouldn’t?” He eyed her suspiciously.

“It was one or the other Max, I- I- chose M-m-om.” She reached up with the back of her hand to wipe moisture from her cheek.

“But why Isabel? We always kept this to just us, why now? Why were you so hell bent on telling her?”

“I’ve already given you those answers this week.” The tears were starting to sting her eyes and she really didn’t want to end up crying in front of her brother, so she swallowed hard and said, “Because I need her. Valenti is tailing me… I don’t feel safe anymore. I needed her to know. I need my Mom.” She turned on the water in the sink and doused her face for a second trying to regain control, before she turned back to him.

He let out a deep sigh, “Well, I’m not sure about your safety or any of ours at this moment, and Isabel she is not your mom,” he shook his head at the sound of that, “our mom…” he shook his hands in front of him as they clenched and unclenched again.

“She is our mom Max… It’ll be ok, you’ll see. She does love us. She’s ok with it Max, go talk to her, please?” She pleaded…

“Is-a-bel!!” his voice raised. A very angry sigh escaped, “I can’t deal with this anymore. What’s done is done! And rather than causing you physical injury,” he opened his clenched fists and ran them forcefully through his hair, as he felt himself on the verge of losing control for a second time in less than five minutes. And not wanting to cause harm to anyone, he decided to leave. “I’m leaving.” He spoke through his clenched teeth.

“Thanks Max, I’m so glad to know that you would refrain from hitting your sister.” Isabel retorted sarcastically.

“Don’t tempt me Isabel!!” His voice was seriously rising, now. “I’m already on the edge. This is not over!!” With that he clenched his jaw again, as he stormed out of the back room, his hands balled into fists at his side.

He was not even aware that the entire restaurant had overheard the very last of the conversation. Alex had bristled when he heard Max’s raised voice, but seconds later Max blew right by him as he jerked Michael out the front door. The door to the break-room was swinging wildly on its hinges. And the two angry young men climbed into what else? The Jeep. Now Isabel and Alex were the ones on foot, and the sight at home wasn’t going to be pretty, indeed.


At that moment Max was so furious that he couldn’t talk to anyone so in this understanding he dropped Michael off at his trailer, before he made his way back to his house.

His mother was waiting for him as he expected, and he did not greet her enthusiastically. Instead he slammed the front door for emphasis, causing the windows on the lower level of the house to rattle in their frames, he took one look at his mother, who had leapt to her feet as he entered, … and said, “I already know you know, I ran into Isabel. I am not talking about it right now.” His hand was sharply emphasizing his point as he shook it in front of him. He then headed straight to his room and turned on his Counting Crows CD. Blaring it louder than ever.

Diane let out the breath she had apparently been holding as she slumped back onto the couch, she sighed, thinking, ‘Poor Isabel must be in a state right now. And I’m sure the fight of the past month has just escalated to epic proportions.” Rolling her eyes, she slowly stood up. “Where Angels fear to tread… I must be the fool who rushes in.” She hesitantly made her way to her son’s room, knocked, and then entered without his permission.

Diane walked over and turned off the CD for a moment. “Max, I know you don’t want to talk… and I’m not going to force you to.” She sat on the foot of his bed and touched his leg, much the same as Isabel had done earlier in the week. “I just wanted to say one very important thing. You are my son. I love you… no matter who you are or where you came from… OK??” She was met with rigid silence. “I’ll be here if or when you want to talk.” She patted his leg, and stood up…

More silence, Max kept staring at his feet, which were propped on the end of his bed, his arms across his chest. He heard his mother, but he could not respond, he didn’t know what to say. And he was still so confused by all the current events that he was deeply brooding. All this time they had worked so hard to remain hidden and in one rash moment it had all come undone, he needed to figure out a way to do damage control, to reverse time, anything. He couldn’t talk about it, he wasn’t comfortable with his mother knowing, she was alright he supposed, and Isabel was probably correct in that she could handle it… it was the unknown, the who would she tell? That worried him no end. What would Dad do if he found out? These were the questions racing through his mind, and he did not like the feelings they created in him. His stomach was churning; he was so stressed. He kept staring at his shoes, in silent misery.

Diane hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek before she walked over to the CD player. She turned on the CD lowering its volume, and then closed the door as she walked out.

No sooner had she reached the living room but the volume of the music was raised again. Max wanted to drown out the world right now, and so his mother left him alone.

She slouched back into the cushions of the couch, as she placed her head in her hands, “Well! That went well, considering….” She wryly stated, and the tears started to flow. Her family was hurting, this time the cause was known, but the solution seemed out of reach. And what would she say to her husband? How was she to start that conversation? She knew that it had taken every ounce of Isabel’s strength and then some for her to tell the secret. There was no way that Isabel was going to tell her father, and she needed her strength now for the upcoming fight with Max that was more than likely on the horizon. Diane just let herself cry as the weight of the day, and the week, fell in on top of her. At least Isabel was with Alex, she was in the best hands possible, and Diane smiled as she reminisced on the huge misunderstanding of a couple of hours ago. In that short of a time, her world had tilted on its axis, permanently.


At the Crashdown, as Max had pulled Michael from the premises; Alex slumped into the bench, his legs just gave way. He let out a very long, punctuated sigh, of relief but also of tension. There was no way this issue was over; rather it had just begun.

The girls, each taking care of a customer, shot each other a worried look, and as soon as their duties were over for the moment, each separated to care for one half of the disjointed couple. Liz headed over to Alex and Maria made her way into the break-room.

“Alex? You ok?” Liz slid in the side opposite him, as she placed her hand on his.

He looked up and mumbled, “That went well … considering...”

Liz was stunned, “Well?” She responded to his comment, “I don’t think so… What just happened???”

His head was down and staring at the table as he realized that he was partly responsible for the chasm that was destroying his girlfriend’s family. Isabel had asked him to be with her as she let her mother in on the secret a couple of hours ago, and it was all blowing up in their faces, especially Isabel’s. He needed to get to her to see how she was doing, but he couldn’t move just yet… his knees felt rubbery; he had just squared off with Michael Guerin, yet he had lived to tell about it. He looked up in shock to stare at Liz. She had a concerned look all over her face, “So much, so much just happened.” He mumbled as he just sat there blinking, sort of bobbing his head, in not quite a complete nod, trying to take it all in. He wasn’t able to discuss it currently.


Meanwhile in the break-room, Isabel had been so tense when Max left that she found herself leaning against the brick wall for support as she let her self come down off the adrenaline rush. She was completely shocked at what she had done. The events played in her mind, she had told her mom, she had actually stood up to her brother, truly stood up to him. Never before in her life had she been so “bold.” Her still wobbly legs buckled under her as she slid down the wall, her head on her knees and shaking. Trying to regain her composure. And that is how Maria found her.

The careful blonde first looked through the diamond shaped window and then she slowly pushed open the break-room door, and peered inside, calling out cautiously, “Isabel?”

The taller girl looked up from her position on the floor and folded her arms across her chest, they were trembling and she’d rather not be seen in such a weak moment, an unreadable expression was on her face, yet she also looked like she was in shock.

“Are you ok…. Max didn’t hurt you did he?” Maria was still perched near the door. Isabel, at this current moment was not the Ice Princess, and that left Maria nervous. Maria had seen brief glimpses of the teenager that Isabel hid behind her façade in the past few weeks, especially when the boys were sick, but this was too much. All of Isabel’s defenses seemed to have been broken. Maria also did not know what was going on with all the members of the alien trio, and that unnerved her completely.

“Umm… No?” Isabel stated, in it was the hint of a question. And realizing that it was over but just beginning, the emotion started to pile on top of her as tears gathered in her eyes and she gulped in a few breaths to keep herself together. Just an hour or so ago she was laughing hysterically, now she was back to tears. And they were threatening to burst the dam.

Maria saw the look on Isabel’s face and quickly got her a paper cup filled with water from the sink and then went to get Alex, conversing with herself in whispered tones along the way. “Max, what did you do to her? You hurt her… of course you did… You sure don’t seem to care. Well, I know you did something to her… I mean, the Ice Princess is crumpled to the floor of the break-room and is on the verge of tears.” Her hands were in a questioning gesture while she shrugged her shoulders as she continued to dialog with her self, “What else could be the reason for that?” She came next to Alex who looked as if the wind had been knocked out of him and Liz sitting there with her hand on his gently.

“Alex… Come-on.” Maria got his attention. “Someone needs you.” She tugged at his sleeve. His inner strength returned immediately, and he shot out of the bench, tossing aside his own concerns as he preceded Maria into the back room, throwing open the door forcefully as it slammed against the opposite wall. The sound caused Isabel to jump unconsciously, and the sight that met his eyes, gripped at his heart. He silently mouthed the words, “Ohh Baby,” in a pained manner, as he rushed to her side. He knew Isabel was hurting, she was huddled against the brick wall between the bookshelf and the staircase, enclosed into a tight place, with her hands wrapped tightly around her middle as if to hold herself together, literally. Her head was down and she was breathing shallowly. He stroked her hair softly and she nearly jumped out of her skin at the contact, then she slowly looked up. “Sorry.” She mumbled.

Without a thought or care, Alex bent down and scooped her off the cold floor. Maria was by his side the whole time, her eyes wide in curiosity, and worry. She gathered the water cup off the bookcase, and dumped it out in the sink, and then she dampened a clean dishcloth for Isabel to wipe her face if she so desired. Alex carried Isabel gently over to the couch. And as he sat down, Isabel buried her face in his shoulder, silent tears sliding down her cheeks. She was in a very bad state, and felt ashamed for losing it so publicly. She kept her face buried.

Maria touched her back carefully. “Isabel? Are you ok? Anything I can do to help?” The silent girl shook her head against Alex’s shoulder. Maria pressed the cloth into her hand.

Maria looked at her friend deeply comforting Isabel, his head down and whispering soothing sounds at the top of her head, the intensity was still etched on his features. So Maria asked what everyone wanted to know at that moment, “What happened Alex?” Alex looked up silently, pain written all over his face. Maria continued, “I’ve never seen the guys so upset; I thought Max was going to do physical harm to Isabel, I mean look at her… maybe he did.” Isabel shook her head ‘no,’ in response to Maria’s assumption.

“If he does, he goes through me.” The tense young man answered. “I don’t think we’ll be discussing any of the events of today for awhile,” he looked down at Isabel, as he released a heavy sigh. “We have some things to deal with first. Right Iz?” He whispered, and she nodded while biting her lip.

“I gotta get back out front. I wish I didn’t but you know… gotta work. So just let me know if there is anything I can do?” Maria headed back out to the counter, shock written all over her face. Liz met her, “What happened?”


Maria glanced around and realized that all the customers had left and the place was temporarily empty. So grabbing the empty dish bin she started to clean off a table, ranting all the while.

“I have no idea what happened but Max Evans had just better be watching himself.” She threw a fistful of silverware into the bottom of the bin and it clanged together. She started to gather another fistful of silverware angrily. “If Alex doesn’t hurt him I just might. “

“So? What happened?” Liz asked.

“All I can say is that Max Evans did something to hurt his sister. His own Sister. He definitely did something to her.” In went the next batch of silverware. Clatter.

“I mean you should have seen her Liz… Crumpled to the floor of the break-room, between the stairs and the bookcase, like she was trying to hide… Trying to hold it together, but there was no way she was going to, so I got Alex you know.” She moved on to the next table to forcefully gather more silverware, she didn’t want to break any dishes, and she was so upset that she needed to keep throwing something, silverware was great.

“Is Isabel ok?” Liz asked softly.

“Beats me, I mean Alex picked her up off the floor and carried her to the couch…. Whatever just happened, it toppled the Ice Princess, if even momentarily. Isabel is literally clinging to Alex for some kind-of support, and I don’t think Alex is in a very forgiving mood for the guys that broke her.” Maria shook her head disbelievingly as she ranted…. In went yet another handful of silverware.

“Oh!” Liz responded. She’d seen some of Isabel’s true unhidden self in the past weeks, but what Maria was describing in between her forceful tossing of utensils seemed almost unbelievable. And Maria was too upset. Liz walked over, “Sit down Maria and sniff some cedar oil or something.” Maria’s eyes questioned her and she said, “You need to calm down, gather yourself together… I’ll be right back.” So she took the bin and carried it into the kitchen, crossing through the door to the break-room. Alex looked up as she entered and gave a slight smile. And then he looked back down to Isabel, who was still firmly planted in his lap with her head buried on his shoulder. Liz dumped the silverware into the hot dishwater in the sink and then went back out to the dining front and Maria.

“I’m sure they’ll be ok, ‘Ria.” She touched her friend’s hand. She loved how concerned Maria could get over anyone, even Isabel, who a couple of months ago terrified her.

Maria stood up and answered her with, “I don’t know about that, I have no idea… but I’ve a feeling that emotions are going to be running high in a few certain Czechoslovakians for sometime to come.” She had calmed down enough to gather the rest of the dishes properly. So she grabbed the empty bin and started working.


And after a few minutes of regaining her composure; Alex and Isabel made their way back to their table, where they slid in on opposite sides, to take a drink. She noticed that the Jeep had been taken and they were now the stranded ones. She wryly smiled while she stated, “And so it begins…” Then she looked at Alex while a grateful smile crossed her face as she shook her head in disbelief of how this day turned out. She stated very slowly as if piecing it all together, “I’m” … she bit her lip…. “we’re still alive… So?…. I guess that went well… considering… every-thing.”

At the comment Alex smirked, then asked, “Are you ready to go somewhere else?”

Isabel looked up at him in surprise, “Yeah… The mall… I need to blow off some steam and cash…” she giggled. Instantly sobering, “And Max has more than likely gone home… We were trying to get away from the drama for just the one night…. One night,” she moaned. “Instead we ended up knee deep in it.”

Alex looked at her and mumbled under his breath, “You sure that’s not more like chest high and we’ve got to wear waders to walk through it?”

“Alex,” she replied with a pout, exposing a crack in her unease.

Alex decided to attack that crack using his favorite tool, humor. “Or perhaps we can just go with the flow and just go swimming in it.” He did his best Groucho Marx imitation. “I’d love to see you in your bathing suit.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Al-ex!” She exclaimed as she reached across the table, playfully slapping him on his chest. Isabel decided this was one contest she could win without anyone getting hurt. She thought back to the previous time line, to his embarrassment at his accidental over exposure during her birthday party. She leaned in closely and whispered, “and I’d love to see you in yours, ever think of wearing a speedo?” She grinned wickedly.

Maria watched as Alex sputtered, and his soda spewed while he began to turn an interesting shade of red. All the while Isabel laughed delightfully and bit her lower lip, ducking her head momentarily to hide her faint blush. He wiped quickly at his mouth sending Isabel an incredulous look, which made her giggle all the more. Maria looked at Liz, “How does he do that?” she asked in awe. “Like ten minutes ago he was literally picking her up off the floor, and now he has her laughing.”

“I don’t know how he does it,” Liz replied. “But he’s been chasing her since sixth grade. Hopefully she’ll realize how good for her he can be. Look at her eyes, they are shining.”

Isabel did realize how much she needed him, and how lost she was without him in the last timeline, but she also knew that they needed to get out. “We need a car,” she exclaimed. “I don’t want to go near my house, do you think we can get your’s?” She asked as the couple paid for their meal and headed out into the darkening night to hit the mall and blow some money.

Would Isabel ever be able to face her brother again? She had no idea, but she knew she was safe, and her mother would be there for her. And that alongside the love of Alex was just what she needed to get her through the situation she had just created. The rest would just have to work itself out.


"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Chapter 17: Part One A

Post by Mt Gazer »

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities
Author: Mt Gazer
Category: CC/ AU?
Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Events up to and including “Into the Woods”

I have both a dream and a flashback scene in this chapter and as usual they are being placed in bold italics.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Seventeen: Part One, A (B follows immediately)

Out of the Woods

Just a few short weeks, roughly two and a half, after the kitchen fire and Isabel telling her mother that she and Max were aliens, the next event from her past came-up; the camp-out in Frazier Woods. The timing of this event was the late end of January 2000, whereas the fire had been near the beginning of January.

Max was quite uneasy with his mother’s newfound knowledge and his avoidance techniques had gone into overdrive. He realized that his mom still wanted to discuss it, but he didn’t want to and so he remained absent as much as he could. In the weeks since Isabel had revealed their origins, he had not talked to anyone in his family; he was avoiding all of them. Isabel especially. She knew how upset he was for he did not have anything else to say to her, he wasn’t trying to give orders or keep her safe… he was ignoring her outright.

And Alex and Michael had in the course of the standoff at least come to a non-verbal understanding, that Alex was there for Isabel and he would support her every decision. Michael gained a respect for him when he stood toe-to-toe with him that infamous day in the café. Michael was secretly happy for Isabel. But he wasn’t about to let either her or Alex know that. And he continued to watch everything with a very measured cautiousness.

Isabel had sat him down a few times in those tense silent weeks and discussed things from her perspective. Michael wasn’t happy that Diane was now involved, but Isabel being more like him than he cared to admit, he realized that she had just gone off and done what she felt was important. No, it wasn’t for the reason of discovering more about themselves, and yes, it entrenched her firmly in the world of humans, but seeing how Max had essentially gone to war with Isabel, Michael had to talk to her. He couldn’t handle watching the only family he had falling apart, and Isabel and him had always been close.

Diane didn’t treat him any differently the few times he had made his presence known at the Evans’ house. And Michael once again found himself envious of the Evans. Isabel’s mother loved her, truly loved her... as Isabel had said she would, but more than that, she accepted her. Hank would never accept him. No one ever would... he was an alien, a freak among the normal... the humans. And he became more determined than ever to discover where they had come from, there had to be someone out there who wanted him, someone who cared about the mess that he called a life. Someone who cared about him.

Neither he nor Max were at the Crashdown the night that would begin to forever alter their lives.

Alex and Isabel were seated in their booth at the Crashdown, in their usual location, sitting across from one another, and Maria and Liz were working as usual. The lights darkened momentarily and then blazed back on. Then they repeated the process.

Maria said, “I guess we’re in for quite a storm.”

“Yeah I guess so,” Liz answered. “We’ve had dry lightning in the woods for a few days now.” They continued to discuss other things that Alex and Isabel tuned out as they sat in their spot, discussing their own things.

They all looked up in surprise as someone raced through the doors of the restaurant in an uncharacteristic state of excitement. “Is Max Evans here? I’ve got to find him.” The person asked, breathlessly.

Milton Ross, owner and curator of the UFO Center, was practically jumping out of his skin from his barely contained excitement. Milton, excited? These words would never be used together in a sentence unless one thing was to occur… something alien related.

Alex flashed Isabel an understanding, yet curious look. And then he turned to Milton and quipped, “Doesn’t he work for you, dude?” Milton shot him a perplexed look; his sense of humor did not register properly.

“Why do you need him? What’s wrong?” Isabel gave a quick short shake of her head as she pressed Milton for more answers.

“You’re his sister right?” Milton eyed Isabel with a look of curiosity, which caused her to feel nervous.

“Yeah??” She questioned, shrugging her shoulders in confusion.

“Nothing’s wrong, I just have to find him, ok?” Milton responded in an agitated manner.

“Why?” Liz responded with concern, “Why do you need him so badly?”

“This is it,” he said jubilantly. “The moment we have waited our entire lives for; him, me, most of Roswell…” Milton’s eyes were flashing with a rare exhilaration. “There’s been a sighting!!” he exclaimed excitedly.

Alex reached out to squeeze Isabel’s hand but it went unnoticed by Milton.

Liz said reassuringly, “We’ll send him over as soon as he turns up. In the meantime, can we get you something to eat?”

“No! I have to get back, have to get ready…” He rambled on with alien sighting related nonsense. As he left the door of the restaurant they heard, “…and maybe even contact.”

Maria turned to look at her friends, they all started to laugh when the saw the doors to the center close behind Milton, who had run back across the street. Maria shook her head and said, “That guy needs a life… not just a hobby.”

Alex, still holding on to Isabel’s hand said, “Yeah! That center is his life…”

”Did you know he even sleeps there?” Isabel added. “When Michael ‘broke in,’ she mouthed the words, “Milton was actually there. The guy is a crazy UFO/alien nut.”

Alex smiled warmly at his alien ‘girlfriend’… “I can’t say his theories are wrong.” He gazed at her lovingly. “But there is just one word that describes Milton… say it with me everybody…” Alex led off.

And they all joined him in a sing-song version of, “Ob-sessed.”

“Oh yeah! Big Time.” Intoned Maria.

A while later when Max turned up they sent him over to the center to talk with Milton.


Milton had a large map of the area rolled out on a big table in the back room. The corner of it was being held down by a radio looking object; the face of which was covered with blinking lights and flashing numbers. Sharp tones and staccato bursts of language poured forth from the tinny sounding speaker. The detached voices spoke with a practiced efficiency, utilizing sentence fragments and code words, almost unintelligible to the casual listener.

Milton pointed to the location on the map that he first heard about before he ran across the street to track down Max. “It was right out here in Frazier Woods; a real close encounter. I know you’re hooked and are waiting… it might just be your time boy. Your time to have what so few of us ever get the opportunity to see; an alien, up close.”

To himself Max could not help but think, ‘You’re having one every time you look at me.’ But he eyed Milton warily as he said, “So how were you able to find out?”

Milton shook his head as he wondered if the kid was as stupid as he was appearing.

“Max,” he said, “when you’ve devoted your entire life to finding proof of other intelligent life in the universe, you use any resources available.”

Max gave him a skeptical look.

Milton returned the look. “Police scanner Max. Law enforcement can’t be trusted to share information. You have to find it on your own.” He pointed to the police scanner on the table. “You’ve only been listening it to for the last ten-minutes. Weren’t you paying attention?” Milton eyed him curiously.

Max asked, “How did it first get reported?” while he feigned interest.

“Some hiker named Buzz.”

“Buzz, huh?? I doubt that would be the guy’s real name. You know how he probably got that name??” Max tried to downplay it; “It was probably Buzz’s hallucination, so it could be a hoax.”

“Oh no Max. I understand your disbelief, but this is most definitely the real thing.” Milton jumped in, “He’s not the only witness either. There were let’s see,” he started to list them off on his fingers, “there were two motorists, a family that was camping, and a fly fisherman. When you are in the business of investigating the paranormal, extraterrestrial end of things you encounter a lot of hoaxes. I have Max and… this is no hoax, my boy.” Milton said with all assurance.

Max returned their attention to the large area map and said, “Look how much area Frazier Woods takes up, it’s a big place, how can the information be accurate?”

Milton, excited to be sharing this information with someone, shook his head, and put his compass point down on a particular place on the map and said while drawing it in a circle, “It is accurate when you know where the cops are looking.” The circle drawn, his finger landed directly on an area that sparked Max’s genuine interest.

“It was out near the Mesaliko Reservation huh? What exactly did these witnesses see?” Max was curious for more information.


Later that night, Isabel settled into bed with a photo of Max and herself taken at Christmas a month ago. Her mother liked to get their photos done as a family, and as siblings. She was wearing a red sweater, and her hair was done in spiral curls. Max was wearing a black button down short sleeve shirt. Both were dreamily smiling. She had removed the photo from its new location on her dresser.

She had lately moved it there when Alex had given her a framed 5x8 school photo of himself. It had the typical blue background but he was wearing a plaid blue and white button down short-sleeve shirt; top button closed, yet a mega watt smile on his face. ‘He needs help,’ she had thought to herself when he had given it. But this picture was taken before she had entered his life, so now top buttons were no longer an issue. She grinned to herself as she looked over at it, Alex’s photo now had the place of prominence on the nightstand closest to her bed and so the picture of Max and herself got moved.

Alex had given her that photo last week, since she had told her mother about their alien identities. He had been visiting her after school one day and no one was yet home. Alex knew that Isabel considered him to be her boyfriend, but with no one else in the know it would not be good for her to have his picture. So under the pretense of a dream-walk connection, he gave it to her, with a soft kiss on the cheek and said, “I’ll be waiting, whenever you need me.” She smiled wistfully at his picture, and then went back to the task at hand, dream-walking her brother.

She looked at Max’s image without yet touching it; tracing her hand around the outside frame as she thought to herself, was she doing the right thing? She looked over at the photo of Alex and asked it, “Sweetheart, what do you think I should do?” She kept thinking, Max was already mad enough. He had not spoken to her, or their parents since she had told her mother that they were aliens. Max liked to be in control, and it was his deafening silence that was really starting to worry her, to scare her. Would it do to add to it by this invasion of his innermost privacy? Max just wasn’t acting himself, even for how upset he was, he wasn’t right. Isabel knew that she had no choice but to take a little stroll into the nightly subconscious to even determine what he might be thinking. If she didn't, how else could she understand what he was feeling? How could she see around his anger to tell where to go from here? She smiled to Alex’s picture and said, “Not tonight. I have something to take care of. Goodnight Alex.” And so she lay down and snuggled into the covers with the picture of her and her brother. Resolutely she placed her fingers gently on her brother’s smiling face. He wasn’t happy with everything going on in their lives when that was taken, but at least he was still talking to her. “Come on Max. Let’s do this. Let me in!” While she touched the photo, as the familiar wave of distortion rippled under her finger and raced across it’s surface, she found herself being drawn into a deep sleep. Her eyelids felt heavy and she dropped them close.

She found herself in an unfamiliar landscape but it was dark, and arid, and she could not find her brother through the thick haze. Usually she would just land in the dream plane of the person, but this time it seemed as if he knew she was there, and was hiding from her presence. But where was he? This place was so vast and empty and dry. Isabel felt parched, and unable to breathe. She twirled around frantically, “Max!” She cried repeatedly, trying to gain her bearings, trying to get a location. The fact that she was somewhere, indicated that she had entered the dream plane. But just where was she? Where was he?

She felt his presence faintly off to her right. ‘That’s right Max,’ she thought, ‘don’t hide.’ Yet the haze engulfed her, strangling her, choking her, and she knew that Max was trying to keep her out. The haze, the formless thick mist threatened to overcome her. No matter what, she was his sister, and she had to help him, choking mist or not. So she struggled against the unseen barrier, screaming into the still and silent air, “Let me in! Max! Let me in!” Her words echoed back to her but otherwise the air remained silent. She beat her fists against a wall, to a point of exhaustion. Max was outright blocking her. The mist was still formless but it was unyielding and now appeared to be acting like a wall. The wall she was futilely slamming her fists against. It had more than likely been erected by alien powers, and the only way to break it down would be use of the same. Isabel steeled herself, took one last blow with her fist, and coupled with a burst of alien powers she forced a hole in front of her, a small aperture, about the size of her fist, but enough to shove, or pry open. And that was what she intended to do.

Satisfied with the small hole that had started to open before her, that she had forced into the unyielding wall; she reached out to push through it, but the feelings of despair and confusion that came from it, almost made her snatch her hands away. ‘Oh Max!’ Her heart went out to her brother. She had expected anger, denial, but not this. It was time to go searching for her distressed brother.

Determined to get through, she placed her hands together with the backs touching and spread her arms wide, forcing it open all the further, until it was large enough for her to step through. She did so and stayed to the side as she observed. Once she had forced her way through, the barrier evaporated. Max had no reason to keep it up any longer, Isabel was there, in his mind, and he could do nothing about it.

The one thing he knew was that when his sister was determined, she got what she wanted. And she had used everything she had to get in; he knew that, for he had done everything he could to keep her out. Yet there she was, stubborn as ever, and the dream played out.

In abnormally bright sunlight, Max sat on a rock, head hanging, just staring at the ground. The ground was parched, cracked and lifeless, completely barren. The sun had wreaked havoc here repeatedly. ‘Just the way I feel right now.’ He thought. He raised his eyes and looked around at the dead landscape. Desert was never this lifeless. Not a plant, not so much as a weed broke the landscape for as far as he could see.

“Max…” A voice called to him.

Max jumped up and whirled around to look behind him. Diane was holding her arms out to him. “ Max, please let me in. I’m your mother! I love you.”

In this desolate wasteland, he saw his mother standing next to a pool of calm water, and cool shade from a tall and stately tree. She was standing in an oasis, in the midst of the desolation. But the sight was too unreal, it had to be a mirage, such a peaceful, calm and safe place just could not possibly exist.

Max saw himself standing over Isabel and his own words rang in his mind… “She is not your mom… our mom.”

He shook his head, at the image of his mother, he didn’t trust it to be real. “I can’t! Don’t you understand? I can’t!” He turned and ran away. Away from his mom. Away from the look of hurt in her eyes. He seemed to run with the wind. And soon he once more stood alone in the dead landscape.

Light laughter came from behind him. Once more he turned… and saw himself, Michael and Isabel lying on the grass in the park. He remembered the moment, it was a year ago and they had all collapsed there after an impromptu game of basketball. Michael had tried to use his powers to cheat, and so now they had no ball. He had exploded it, and they were all laughing about how Michael had a propensity to blow things up. It was one of their happier moments. They were relaxed, close, and together in every sense of the word. All for one and one for all. Their world was safe and their secret unknown. Max had been so sure he could keep them all safe forever.

Suddenly his happiness was shattered as Liz stood in front of him, holding out a microscope slide. “I know Max, I know!” Maria stood beside her, her arms crossed, her eyes angry. “I know what you are!”

In the distance behind them the Sheriff’s car was coming on fast, siren blaring. It ran right through the little piece of park, and the scene of he, Michael and his sister shattered and blew away like so much dust.

His heart cried out. “NO!” But the empty desert spread out, and an echo answered back…” No! ... No! … No!….”

To his right, Dream Isabel said, “I’m sorry Max.” Isabel just stood off to the side observing the conflict between her brother and his version of herself.

He was suddenly shaking mad. “You broke the rules, Isabel… and that’s all you can say? The rules are to keep us from being discovered, and to keep us alive. You changed everything Isabel!”

Isabel started crying, “We are falling apart Max. Don’t keep pushing me away. I’m scared. I need you. You don’t even know how much.” The dream-walker agreed with a silent nod, and added to herself, ‘You have no idea what I’m going through. How much has changed…’ But she cut herself short on the off-chance he could hear her, or read her thoughts, this was Max’s dream after all, who knew if the rules for her forays into human dreams even applied.

Alex appeared out of nowhere and put his arm around her. “Come on Isabel, you don’t need him. You need me.” They turned and walked off without even a backward glance.

Max tried to go after them but his feet could barely move. “Isabel! It’s not safe!” He screamed. Unheeding the warning, they walked on until a fissure opened up and swallowed them. Frantic, Max ran to the spot and started digging in the dirt with his hands. Nothing, just dirt and rock. His hands bloodied as he scraped at the brittle surface. He kept trying to find them, but the hopelessness besieged him. He had lost her. His feeling of guilt was overwhelming him. It was all his fault. He was supposed to keep them safe.
Somehow it all got away from him. If only he could get it back! If only it was just the three of them again! Like that day in the park.

The silence was interrupted, “I know Max. You are my son. I love you… no matter who you are or where you came from. Is it so bad that Isabel told me? Don’t you want me to be your mother?” Diane was once again beckoning to him from the serenity of the oasis.

Max looked at his mother, at the tears in her eyes. ‘Do I?’ He wrestled with his thoughts, ‘Do I dare let her in?’ He wanted to. He more than wanted to, and at that moment he came closer to running into her arms than he ever did when he was a little boy. ‘ Oh! to just give it up. To give in!’

But the feeling was short-lived as two faceless men in black appeared beside her and grabbed her arms. “ Come on lady, we need to ask you some questions.” One turned to Max with a grin. “We’ll be back for you later.” All three disappeared, they just vanished, into the direct light. The oasis, and it’s illusion of safety vanished with them.
Max ran in the direction he thought they had gone. ‘Isabel shouldn’t have told her! I can’t protect her!’

He saw his father sitting in the sand, head bowed low, very somber. Max ran up to him. “Dad! What’s wrong?”

Philip looked up sorrowfully, “They came and took her away, they took my Diane, and they took Isabel.”

Max hesitated. “Did she tell you?”

“Tell me what?” The look of fear on his son’s face answered the question, “Oh that. Yes, I guess she did son.”
Max felt a sense of impending horrible dread. “Run Dad! Run!” He ordered.

His Father jumped up and started running after Diane and the two men. But another fissure cracked the desert floor, as the ground shook and swallowed him whole, leaving nothing but Max and the empty desert.

Max fell to his knees, and cried. He was gone. They were all gone. No one was safe anymore. Somehow it was all his fault.

Once more he heard happy, lilting voices and turned to his right. There were trees and grass and a big picnic table. His Mom, Dad, Liz, Maria, Isabel, Alex and Michael were all there calling to him. A feast of picnic food blanketed the table. He was being invited to come and eat with all of them. They were laughing and having a good time.

To his left, stood a bunch of tombstones with all their names written on them.

Before him ran a paved highway disappearing into the distance.

Behind him, the highway started out from a strange slanting rock formation, that jutted outwards on a sideways angle. He looked at it for a moment feeling a vague sense of familiarity, and then dismissed it with a shrug.

To his left and right, stood two possible futures. Before him ran another. ‘Which way? Which way?’

Max woke with a start, happy to just be in his own bed for the moment.

Isabel’s eyes flew open. Max’s despair and confusion understood at last. Even his anger could be understood now. It was how he was fighting his feeling of helplessness. She ran her fingers over her face, unsurprised to feel tears, she had been crying in her sleep. And yes, she did understand. Now maybe she could help guide the situation.


She tiptoed into her brother’s room. He was sitting in bed trying to hold himself together. He knew she’d be coming after she was in his dream. He had felt her there, but he was glad she could see what trouble lay ahead by the secret being told.

She stood at his door, “Max are you awake?”

“Course.” He answered curtly.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she sat down on the edge of his bed.

He grunted a reply, “Whatever.” He seemed so resigned. She was definitely more worried now than even before the dream-walk.

“You want to talk?” She bit her lip.

“No!” He answered in yet another single word answer.

“Can I talk?” she placed her hand on his calf.

Once again, he replied, “Whatever.”

So she just reminded him that there were three possibilities in the dream. The mysterious road. The large extended group of friends and family, all working together. And the one he was the most worried about; something happening to those he loved most.

“Max, the way I see it, by Mom knowing, the worst case scenario has now been averted. She’ll do anything to protect us. But what if that had happened without her knowledge? How could she defend herself if she knew nothing? And how could we be safe? She loves us Max. She’ll protect us.”

She was met with silence and so she continued, “Think back to the fire Max. The sheriff told her about putting water on a grease fire, and it caused her to doubt what happened. It also made her ever so curious about us… You should stop thinking that they would turn us in if they knew, and start to understand that it is much more likely that they will say the wrong thing because they didn’t know… That’s why I told her. To keep us safe.” She bit her lip and nodded.

He snorted.

He had heard Isabel, he heard her every time she talked, it was just what was he to do with her reasoning? He wanted to see what the next move was, he wasn’t sure what his was yet, but discovering their alien roots sounded like a viable plan. He needed alternatives. So as Isabel spoke at length about Mom and possibly Dad being on their side, he thought through all the ways to get into the woods to get to the sighting. But he continued to listen to his sister; he just wasn’t ready to deal with that situation yet. And so he did not discuss it.

After awhile they both were tired again, and so Isabel gave her brother’s leg a squeeze. And then she proffered a hug. Although Max was always hugging someone, this hug was unaccepted and so with a heavy sigh she headed back into her room. To fall back into a restless sleep.


The next day at school Maria and Liz were in the hallway at West Roswell High, discussing Maria’s new and improved fuller figure. She was wearing an aqua bra; which touted all the fun of implants without the invasive surgery. She was reveling in the fact that it was second period and she already had 3 phone numbers. They watched as Max entered into the Eraser Room. A few minutes later Michael also stepped inside.

Maria joked, “It’s no wonder Michael couldn’t make a commitment, he’s pitching for the other team.”

“Ma-ri-a!” Liz said in mock shock, as she shook her head at her friend’s weird sense of humor.

They were still watching the Eraser Room door as Alex walked up and stared at it with them for a moment before he said, “I don’t see anything going on? What are we doing, or what are we staring at?” His eyes momentarily traveled to Maria’s ample chest. And then so as not to be caught staring, he turned his head to once again look in the direction they were.

Liz replied, “This is an aqua bra Alex, Care to try it on?” While she ran her hand in a game show model fashion down Maria’s front.

He gave her a puzzled look as he said sarcastically, with a fake sweet smile, “I think you’ve had me as an honorary girlfriend just a bit too long… I’m trying to raise my PE grade,” he said also sarcastically. “Gotta pass out these fliers,” he said while feigning enthusiasm. “I’m absolutely pathetic, and I’m trying to not have a “C” in PE. A class you should be able to get an “A” in.” He shook his stack of papers in a frustrated manner in front of him. “Please take one of these, the more of them I hand out, the better my chances.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Pity me please…” He begged as he handed them one.

Liz took it and looked at it. She read silently to herself for a moment and then she held it up as she asked. “I don’t suppose??…” She was cut off by both of her friends.

“Right!” Alex responded cynically. “Picture this… Me,” he pointed to himself. “Me hiking? Me camping? Got the picture? Now I ask this? Can you just see me in the woods? The extent of my athletic prowess is on the dodge ball court,” he lamented.

Maria raised her hands in feigned surrender, “No Dad!!”

And Liz realizing her friends wouldn’t be going to commiserate with her said dejectedly, “I hope my dad won’t drag me to this without you guys, and instead has outgrown it. But I sincerely doubt it.”

Alex looked up and spotted Isabel alone at her locker. It wasn’t an unusual sight, really; internally, she was a loner. He realized that he had observed her for far too long, and then actually getting to know her, he knew way too much about the girl. She would never want to be considered a loner, because she hates to be alone. He faked a look at his non-existent watch as the class bell rang…. “Check the time? Gotta go… See ya.” And he headed to Isabel’s locker with his stack of fliers in hand.


“Hi Isabel.” He asked, “Are you walking this way?” He pointed in the direction in which she was facing. Which was the direction of her classroom and so she really should be headed in that direction.

“Actually… yes I am.” She got a wicked smile as she said, “I’m headed to the Eraser Room, not class.” She raised her eyebrows questioningly. “Not just yet.” She said teasingly.” She grinned, wondering if his jealousy would register as she started to walk down the hall. ‘Conversation started out the same. So I’d bet I’m about to get asked out.’

“This works!” He stepped into stride beside her, and handed her one of the fliers as they walked. “Eraser Room huh? Think I could tag along?” he playfully suggested.

‘Nope no jealousy… Gosh he’s got confidence in us, not even curious why I might be headed to the Eraser Room…. But wanting to be the one in there with me.’ She bit her lip as she continued to think it through. But then she answered, him, “I don’t think so. No! It’s a private meeting.” ‘Yeah about the sighting, with my brothers. But lets keep Alex pursuing me, it’s kind of fun.’

They were still keeping their relationship on the down-low at school. The fact that they were friends kept the questions off of them for the most part. And Isabel for one was glad that she didn’t have to defend them or their relationship to too many people. They didn’t look like a couple when they hung out. They sat on opposite of sides of each other in their booth at the Crashdown and they didn’t even hold hands, except when they knew no one was watching. The thing was, Alex had this profound impact on her and she could feel that the time was coming soon to take their relationship to another level. She was actually ready to do so, but she didn’t know how or what to tell him, or where to begin that conversation… so she didn’t even suggest it.

“So movies?” He asked somewhat timidly.

Thinking back to the first time she had this conversation, ‘Oh yes! He’s so comfortable with me as his friend, that he is about to ask me to some lame movie retrospective or something.’ She shook her head at the thought.

“Movies?” Isabel echoed.

“Yeah? Anyway there is this Fellini retrospective at the Art House Theater on Friday. Is it a ‘public’ date??? He sounded hopeful. Or if not that, a regular movie? Down to You is still playing.

“No! It’s not a public date, you should know that. And I’m not into that kind of movie.” ‘But the regular movie might have promise.’ She had stopped with her books in her arms in a playful irritated stance. Her eyes were shining and he knew she wasn’t really irritated. She smiled sweetly to herself, while recalling the fact that plans would soon change and they would not even be taking in a movie. ‘Hopefully I treat him a little nicer when we stargaze this time. Why did I ever treat him so bad?’ As she caught herself smiling she answered him… “Alex, so far we’ve been to a rave, danced the night away, eaten at the Crash, more times than I can count, and have gone out of town a few times. I can honestly say, taking in a movie sounds like a fun thing to do. A regular movie though, ok… and only as friends.”

“Sure. Whatever you want Isabel. See ya.” He answered as she quit walking and started to enter the door on her left.

Pushing the door open, she found her brothers inside and moaned, ”I can’t believe I’m in the Eraser Room with the two of you.”

They shot her a look. Max reached over to turn the lock, sealing it with a click.

“Yeah! Load of fun for me too. I’m in here with my ‘sister,’ I can think of someone more fun than you as well.” Michael teased back. “If she were talking to me that is.”

Michael continued, “Did you see her out in the hall, flirting with every male that came near? Is she trying to make me jealous? I mean that’s a human emotion. And if so, you don’t go out with another guy, it’s a great way to lose the one you already have.” He shook his head, “Chicks. Who can understand them?”

“Well Michael if you actually talked to her, you might get somewhere. But ignoring her won’t do it. If you’re jealous, do something about it.” Isabel suggested. As she secretly agreed with his logic; she lost Alex to “Sweden” by going out with Grant. It was too early in the relationship to pull a move like that, and he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Michael was right, some could be made jealous, but Isabel had learned the hard way, others could be driven away. She didn’t want to see that happen to Michael and Maria.

Michael smirked and Max interrupted, “Knock it off you two. This was the safest place that I could think of for us to talk. Milton told me a lot about the sighting last night, and he thinks without a doubt that it is real…’

“You’ve definitely been spending way too much time there, Maximillian,” intoned Michael. “I told you that place would get to you.”

“Well then, would it interest you to know that five different sources saw the flash in the woods?” Max continued.

“That doesn’t make them credible,” Michael replied.

“True, and I agree with you completely but why this?” Max then answered with what he knew would get Michel’s attention. “Why did Valenti cordon off a four square mile area of forest out near the reservation?”

Michael took the bait, his surprise and curiosity registered on his face. “Like out near the cave? Where we got healed?”

Max nodded and Isabel asked, “Max, are you thinking? This sighting isn’t??…”

Max cut Isabel off, “There’s no doubt about it. This is the real thing. Well, something is definitely out there, though we aren’t sure what. That’s why we’re talking here. We have to find it before anyone else can.” Max was showing his closest to excitement that Isabel had ever seen.

“But wouldn’t it make Valenti more suspicious of us if we were just discovered out there?” Michael jumped in.

Max said, “ What do you do in the woods?”

Isabel answered, “You hike, fish, camp out…” She was cut short by the smile of a plan that was tugging at the corners of her brother’s mouth.

Max started…”We could go on that school camp-out this weekend.” He pointed to the flier that was still in Isabel’s hand. She grinned conspiratorially.

Michael watched the two of them, and groaned, “Come-on you two have lost it! Not to mention that Valenti will be crawling all over the place.”

Isabel just responded, “Perfect Max… we’d just be kids who got lost from the group if anyone should find us.”

Max said, somewhat disappointed, “The only problem is, it is a Father’s weekend. Get to know your dad type of thing.”

‘Well, seeing as I don’t have a dad, and Hank sure would never come, that leaves me out I guess.” Michael sullenly answered.

“You could come with us Michael. I’m sure our dad wouldn’t mind.” Isabel stated as she placed her hand gently on Michael’s arm.

He shrugged it off as he answered bitterly, “Right your ‘dad.’ Sorry I’m out.” Michael left the room in frustration.

Isabel’s face fell, and she sighed loudly as she let her arms fall completely to her sides in a gesture of defeat.

Max comfortingly said, “He’ll come around somehow.” It was the most words he had spoken to her in awhile.

“Yeah,” she answered him in a tone that matched Michael’s sullenness. “Max let me talk to dad. I’ll get him to go with us ok?” She started on her next angle.

“You?” he questioned. “Don’t you think it would sound better coming from his son?” He insisted. “I’m not sure I trust you to talk to any of our parents, anymore. I don’t know what you might say to him, and I already know that you are not off the hook for telling Mom about us…. I just haven’t decided what I’m going to do about it yet…” He looked at her in distrust. She sighed. Max continued, “You’ve never gone against me, and you always tried to hide ‘us’ before you got this relationship with Alex going.” He warningly said, “I’m not giving the chance to do that again.”

‘MAX!!” she answered him clearly in a don’t-mess-with-me tone. “I’ve got Dad wrapped around my finger. I’m his ‘little Princess,’ always have been. If I say we’re going camping, we’re going camping. He’ll take us. Let me handle it ok? I’ve got everything under control.”

“Ok Isabel,” he eyed her suspiciously. ‘I still don’t see why you….”

Isabel Evans walked out of the Eraser Room with a triumphant smile on her face, and the tiniest hint of a plan in her heart.


Later that evening Isabel walked into her bedroom and removed a certain treasure from its location of prominence on her nightstand. She cradled it tightly to her chest as she lay down supine on her bed and recalled the instance in which it entered her life, and how she would always cherish it.

Her father had given it to her a couple of weeks back after she had told her mother all about her/ their alien origins. She had a wistful smile on her face as she remembered the moment.

Philip had come to her bedroom after he had returned home from work one evening. She recalled that he looked slightly tense and his hands were clasped behind his back.

Isabel was lying on her bed with her knees bent up and her ankles locked as she drew in her sketchpad. But as she saw her father enter her room she looked up.

“Hi Dad.”

“Hi Sweetie.” He answered.

“Did you want something?” She questioned, curious as to why he was just standing there.

“Oh yeah! How’s my little Alien Princess?” He asked her.

“What did you just say?” Fear struck her heart momentarily.

“Well, You’ve always been my little Princess. And I had a lengthy talk with your mother lately. Imagine my surprise when I returned from the business trip and I learned all about the origins of my children so… how’s my Alien Princess?” He smiled reassuringly at his daughter.

She relaxed visibly as she said, “I’m good.” She rearranged her self on her bed so that she was now sitting on its edge, as she patted the mattress beside her in a non-verbal manner, asking her father to sit if he so chose. “Are you ok Dad? I know that must have been quite a shock. Do you want to talk about it?”

“No. No, I’m fine really.” Philip nodded. “You know, I wanted to get you something from just me. This is to let you know that I’m ok with it and everything, so here Honey this is for you. He pulled out his hands from behind his back and nestled in one of them was a little iridescent silvery lame’ Alien Beanie doll. It was about 8 inches tall, from top to bottom, but sitting it was 4 inches high. And it melted her heart.

Her dad started to stumble through his explanation and she couldn’t help but think he sounded like a nervous boy trying to work up the courage to ask out a girl he likes. She had definitely never seen that side of her self-confident, no-nonsense, lawyer father. She reasoned to herself... ‘They never really grow up do they? How many times has Alex stumbled over his words in my presence… past Alex… this one is confident to a fault. I still wonder why? Ok, now I’m doing it. I need to listen.’ So she redirected her attention to her father.

Philip explained, “ I went into Ms. Deluca’s shop, you know Amy? She thought it odd that I was there too, but anyways I had to get you something, and I wanted it to be alien… Well, you know why. Girls like something tangible to remember the good things in their life, right?” Philip prattled on, “I mean your mother has kept the very first roses I ever gave her and dried them… they are part of that bouquet in the hallway, actually that whole dried flower arrangement is made of different flowers I’ve given her over the years.” He stood there nervously trying to figure out an approach to talk to his very special daughter; as he deviated from what he was intending to say, …not making it to the point he was originally shooting for.

‘Exactly like Alex…’ Isabel thought to herself. And then she decided to put her dad out of his apparent misery, “Yeah, we do like to remember the good times.” Isabel just watched with fascination as her dad continued with his tale of how the little “E.T.” had found its way to her arms.

Realizing that he was way off topic, Philip regained himself and continued, “Well, I was looking around at these little dolls in particular, and I was wondering what you might really look like on your planet… you know, and Amy had these silvery ones and green ones…”

Isabel raised a curious eyebrow at her father, who was still standing just inside of her door, with the cutest little toy alien waiting her retrieval...

“I somehow can’t see you green,” he laughed. “So I closed my eyes while holding on to them, one of each and kind of let, well something guide me. I knew the silver one was the right one, I felt somehow drawn to it.”

She walked over to him. ‘Does that mean that we are the hybrids of humans and ‘grays’?’ She thought to herself. “Silver huh?” She answered her father as she gently removed her prized possession from her father’s hands, and nestled it into her own.

“Yeah,” he answered. “When I closed my eyes, its almost like I could see what you looked like. It’s not really silver, it would be better described as an energy or light … but of my choices, silver better “reflected” that. Do you like it?”

How could she not? Her eyes were misting up at how much love and attention to her was put into his picking it. Her dad loved her and accepted her for who she was, she was more than ok with it.

“I love it Daddy, thank-you. I think I’ll put it right here.” She walked back over and placed her little “E.T.” on her nightstand, the one opposite her bed, and leaned it against the photo of her parents. “This way I’ll always remember how much you guys love me and accept me for who I really am.” She walked back over to her father, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “Thanks Daddy, for everything. I love you too."


After she lay there reminiscing, she sat up and thought of how to get her father to go camping with them that weekend. As a plan crossed her mind, she nodded a short nod to herself, took “E.T.” and headed to her father’s home office. It was right down the hall.

He was perched behind his big wooden desk and looked busy with paperwork.

“Hi Daddy, umm. Am I interrupting, I can come back later?” She stated a bit nervously.

Philip looked up momentarily and noticed that she had the doll in her hands and so he curiously decided to see what Isabel might want. “No Sweetie, you’re fine. Did you need something?”

“Yeah, I need to talk to you about,” she held up her little doll. Shaking it gently as she shook her head and tentatively whispered… “Alien stuff.”

“Come on in and close the door.” He motioned her into to a nearby armchair. “Now, what can I help you with?”

Entering into her father’s home office she proceeded to tell him everything about the sighting, the camping trip, and everything pertaining to the weekend. She had his full attention and as he had already agreed to take them camping, she finished by saying, “I’m asking you to play along. If we go looking for the sighting, you can’t go with us. But you also can’t ‘know’ what we are doing either… it would just put you in too much danger. You know, play the frantic dad or something. OK?”

“So we’re going camping this weekend huh? Our secret. Max doesn’t need to know how you got me to go, and I’ll just be a frantic dad when or if my kids disappear.” Philip gave her a wink. “Off topic, do you think Max is ready to learn that I know about you guys?” He asked carefully.

“No!!” She said in a way too hurried manner, she almost jumped out of her skin. Philip watched for her explanation, he knew there was one after that reaction. “I’ll be honest here Dad...” Isabel confessed, “I dream-walked Max last night. His silence has been really getting to me, and I was just wondering what he was thinking.” She shook her head as she continued, “All I know is that I have no idea what is going on with him, but it would not be good to inform him, not yet… I’ve never felt such hopeless despair before. He just doesn’t trust anyone right now. I would say wait until he starts talking to any of us again, and maybe then we can slowly bring him in. Right now, I don’t know what he’s going to do, I really don’t. But he can so easily snap; he’s really scared Dad.” She answered honestly.

It felt so good to be able to share her fears with her parents, she felt so loved and protected, she only wished Max could feel it too… but he was too scared to open up. And since opening up involved being open, he had decided that ‘humans’ were off limits. So not only was he not talking to anyone in his family, he wasn’t talking to his newly formed group of friends either. To say the least, though he would not admit it, he was quite lonely. “I’ve never seen him like this Dad, Max is always so strong.” Isabel stated in all seriousness.

“Wow!" Philip scratched his head momentarily, "I hope that this thing you guys are looking for can help break down that barrier between you a bit.” Philip said with a sigh, “I hope its something useful you find out there,” he finished as she stood at the office door to return to her room.

“Thanks Daddy. I’m sure this won’t be the last time that I need you to work with us on alien things.” Isabel slightly smiled, “I mean, this is kind-of my life.” She wryly laughed. He did too, and she headed back to her room.


That Friday afternoon before everyone met together at the school for the camping trip the teens were in their usual hangout…the CrashDown.

Max, Michael, and Isabel were all seated together in a booth discussing the current events even further. Michael was telling them about a visit he had had from River –Dog the previous evening. River-Dog had told Michael all about the sighting, and so they were discussing who River-Dog might possibly be in relation to the aliens as well as discussing the sighting itself. Michael went so far as to say he thought that River-Dog could be their father, and was shot down in his opinion by Isabel, so he ended by saying, “Look, Philip Evans is not your father, as much as you want him to be. And River-Dog knows more about us than he ever will. No matter how many camping trips you guys take trying to connect with your “Dad.”

TBC... Right now, next post.
Last edited by Mt Gazer on Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
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Chapter 17, Part One B

Post by Mt Gazer »

Quick A/N: Just if you need a visual reference, the fathers/ actors I used are these.

The Mr. Evans who showed up in the episode "Into the Woods," is the Mr. Evans of this story. And the Mr. Whitman of S-2 after Alex's death, is the Mr. Whitman of this story. I'm sorry but I don't know those actors names. This gives you a visual reference, if you need one.

Mt Gazer.... Now on with Part One, B


Shifting Realities

Chapter Seventeen: Part One B (Part A on previous page)

Out of the Woods

Meanwhile, Alex was waiting for a chance to speak with Isabel concerning their ‘non-date’ movie plans for the evening. He was seated at the center counter talking to Maria and Liz while he passed the time. “So is she looking at me?” He asked excitedly.

“No Alex, she’s not.” Maria said sighing. “But you know she already likes you so don’t worry. Ok.” Maria was trying to get him to focus on something besides Isabel. Those two drove her crazy. Why didn’t they just get over it and tell each other they were an item, and stop hiding their obvious feelings.

Liz chimed in, “Think about it Alex. Look who she is talking to right now. This is so important for them that they just need a bit to discuss everything.”

Maria countered that with, “I’m sure she’ll be back to watching you ‘inconspicuously’ in a few minutes… and then you can talk to her. And because you’re not ‘officially dating,’ she made air quotes around the words, “you might want to reconsider that or don’t be so obvious.” Maria ordered. “You two are absolutely pathetic.” She whined as she shook her head.

Liz joined her in giving their boy some pointers, “So you got it right?” She looked Alex directly in the eyes. “Start going out officially, or stop staring. Well, you’ve always stared… its just her. It’s less noticeable now, but the fact is she still steals glances in your direction. And because of that, right now, like it or not, everyone has a hundred questions about the two of you, and they think we…” She pointed between herself and Maria, “have the answers.” She looked at Maria and they shook their heads together, “Do we have those answers Alex?” She returned to holding his gaze, “Ironically, in spite of what you might think, we don’t.”

“Yeah,” Maria added into the conversation, “We have to field them for you. So we know that there are questions being asked…”

Noticing that Isabel was alone at last, Alex said, “Fine. I’ll go talk to Isabel.” And he made his way from the stool he was sitting on over to the booth where she was.

“You know what Liz?” Maria turned to the brunette. “I really doubt he heard a word of what we were saying… I mean here we tried,” she threw her hands into the air in an effort to drive her point home, “but he’s too wrapped up in Isabel, to even hear us. Though it’s for his own good. Are we going to have to run an intervention or something?”

“Yeah. Poor Alex, getting sucked in again.” Liz sighed as she watched her pathetically love struck friend walk over to the object of his affection. “That’s what you would say, right Maria?”

“Hey, he really does like her Liz.” Maria retorted. “And she’s ok once you get past that exterior. You just gotta get to know her. Ok so I don’t know the girl that well myself, yet, but I don’t think she’s going to kill me with a death ray or anything. At least I don’t think that anymore.” She giggled.


“So Isabel?” Alex slid in the booth opposite Isabel, “Lets work on our plans for tonight, you know, our non-date movie, but actually in Roswell?” Alex started right in…

She looked up with a look of momentary surprise, and then he could tell she just as quickly started to cover… “Oh Alex! I’m so sorry.” She pretended to be, but he could read right through her. “Believe it or not, we’re going on the school camp-out. You know that Father’s thing...” She sucked in her lips momentarily, “Yeah, our Dad really wants to spend time with us, get to know us or whatever. I’m so sorry, but I have to cancel.” She stumbled out her apology, which he could tell wasn’t even truthful. He wanted to get down to the truth, so he kept talking about the trip.

“Cancel,” he asked? “No movie, with just the two of us?” He pouted playfully.

“No movie Alex. Sorry.” ‘And now he quickly decides to follow me, and I’ll be seeing Alex in the woods for a night that is much better than a movie. But why tell him that?’ She liked having a bit of past timeline knowledge at this moment. She could not wait to go stargazing with Alex again; it was one of her favorite memories of the other Alex.

“No! No don’t be sorry Isabel. Fact is, I- I’ll be on that camp-out too.” He stuttered out. “I was gonna cancel on you… but I guess you got the jump on me and beat me to it,” he laughed nervously. “You know how dads can be about that kind of stuff, well obviously you do, since yours is dragging you along as well.” He threw up his hands in a mock defeated shrug.

“You’re going camping in Frazier Woods, all night?” She looked at him as she shook her head in disbelief her eyebrows curiously raised.

"Quite the coincidence isn’t it?" Alex was still trying to see what she was really hiding from him.

She looked at him curiously as if she didn’t believe a word he was saying, well, she didn’t. Actually they were even, they both now were lying about the camping trip for different reasons.

“Isabel, please tell me the truth,” he leaned in closer as he whispered, “Is this about… you know… the sighting?”

“Yeah,” she leaned in very closely to him and whispered almost so softly it couldn’t be heard, “it is. And there is something out there.”

“Thanks for being honest,” he whispered in return. Then straightening back up he said, “See you in the woods Isabel.”


At the school parking lot a short time later, students and parents alike were getting ready for the camping trip.

Alex’s father, Charles Whitman, pulled up in his car and looked conspicuously out of place in a three piece suit and not a real stitch of camping equipment, save a couple of sleeping bags and warm winter parkas. Alex spotted him and headed over.

“Pops, Hey you made it? Sorry for the short notice, but glad you could.” Alex was genuinely surprised that his dad had appeared.

Charles took one look at his son, wondering why they really were doing this and asked him, “Alex, this is what you really want to spend your weekend doing? You really want to spend it camping? Not doing your music or anything?”

“Yeah. It is; come-on lets go sign in.” Alex steered his dad towards the coach who was signing in families on the clipboard.

Pointing at this attire, Charles Whitman replied, “We’re certainly not prepared, it’s the end of January and we don’t even have tents with us, let alone I’ve nothing else.”

Alex, not about to be dissuaded said, “Oh we have our parkas, two sleeping bags, the wind at our backs… What else do we need? People have slept in the cold forever. We’re far too civilized.”

Charles just looked at his son trying to determine the real reason he had been dragged from work to a camp-out with no time to prepare.

And another odd thing happened; the Evan’s family arrived to partake in the weekend. Neither the Evan’s nor the Whitman’s usually took in the school camp-out.

Philip Evans placed his hand on Isabel’s back in a gesture to indicate that their secret was safe with him as he launched into a ‘curious father mode.’ He asked, “Are you sure you guys really want to do this?”

Max answered, “We’ve been looking forward to it. Time with our dad, out in the middle of nowhere. Sounds great,” Max said unenthusiastically.”

Isabel replied, with a covert wink and fake enthusiasm poring out, “Yeah, absolutely. Look, I’m even wearing braids, I’m totally ready for a night in the woods.” She tucked one of her braids behind her ear to emphasize her point. Then she turned to her brother and acted more displeased with the whole arrangement. “Critters, Mosquitoes, and pit-toilets, all the amenities of camping, alright, lets do this.” She turned back to her father, “Yes!!!” She made a gesture with her hands to indicate her ‘excitement.’ “Really looking forward to this Dad.” She gave him a faked smile.

Philip watched her; inwardly laughing at how well she was playing up the thing she must hate most. His fashion queen was acting excited about being away from any of the accoutrements of civilization. So he played it up as well, “Well, It’s about time to see you joining in and doing something school sponsored, it makes me happy to see you like this.”

“Well, that’s our new policy, Dad.” Isabel continued in her artificial excitement. “We’re joiners, right Max?” She gave him a grin that spoke, ‘answer now.’ While she elbowed him in the ribs.

Max dryly answered, “Joiners,” in a rather flat voice.


Everyone was milling about and talking as they prepared to head out.

Sheriff Valenti and Kyle discussed their new tent and the sheriff’s work schedule. Mentioning that he’d be gotten a hold of if they really needed him.

Sheriff Valenti walked up to Charles Whitman and mentioned the obvious, “Hey, I’ve never seen you guys on this trip before. Alex is rather the unathletic type I thought.”

Charles answered, “Yeah! I’m a little surprised myself. Hello Sheriff.” He had a puzzled look on his face.

“It’s just Jim. No need to be formal, we’re just guys enjoying time with our kids, and we can be on a first name-basis. So please, just call me Jim for the weekend.” The sheriff answered in an attempt to make both of themselves more comfortable.

Charles asked him the one question that was bugging him since he found out where the camp-out was being held, “So Frazier Woods, huh? I don’t know about you guys but it makes me a little nervous.”

Valenti addressed him, “Why? It’s a well marked campsite.”

“I mean about the possible sighting?” Charles replied nervously, “Isn’t it supposed to be close to where we are going? You know kids…someone is likely to wander off and try to make contact or something.” He joked half-heartedly.

“I really don’t think there is anything to worry about, they’d be walking an awful long time to find anything if anything is even there. Its three, maybe four miles away from the camp-site.” Jim reassured him that all would be fine.

Sheriff Valenti then noticed the Evans’ family signing in and thought that it was very odd indeed, and he determined to stay close to them for the night. With Isabel and her unexplained incidences and Max and his fire fighting techniques, Jim had a feeling something might happen of an extraterrestrial nature tonight, and he wanted to be sure to be a part of it if indeed it did.


After they had signed in and the people were starting to load the bus, Philip took Alex aside for a few minutes… Placing his arm around the young man’s shoulder he started to share from the heart, “Alex, I just want to say thanks for being the friend you are to Isabel. I really don’t know if she would make it through whatever is going on without you.”

Alex understood what he was talking about, and so he nodded and replied, “No problem Mr. Evans. I’m here for her. Ask Maria and Liz, you know, I’d do anything for my friends. Its no problem really...”

Philip wouldn’t have him brush it off so easily, “No Alex, I know you’re being modest. My wife and I are beside ourselves some nights trying to figure out what to do,” he swallowed hard as he thought of all the hurting people in his family. “But then we hear her on the phone with you, and sometimes she is crying her heart out. And you seem to make things better. I really appreciate you being a listening ear. I mean, I know you’re not getting any sleep sometimes.”

“Yeah.” Alex tightly pressed his lips together. “Isabel is not who she appears to be on the outside, she’s got a lot going on. I can only hope that I am making it better.” He tried to subtlety keep control of the conversation.

The only way to get answers from this young man was to dig, and so Philip dove right in, “Lets lose the shallow and deepen this conversation Alex. What is going on with her? Why is she having repeated nightmares? And why won’t she talk to us about them?” He said in a concerned but authoritative manner, “You seem to be the only one she trusts with them… but she hasn’t had nightmares in years.” Pleading, “Alex please?? Let me know something, so that my wife and I can help our daughter.”

Alex’s lips were set in a tight line as he let out a hefty sigh. “I’m sorry sir. They are not my secrets to tell. Isabel is deeply hurting, but that fact is pretty obvious. I have nothing more that I can say.” He drew his lips together again.

Philip realized that Alex had revealed two clues, maybe unawares; one was that Isabel had secrets she wanted to remain hidden, and the other… “Deeply hurting?” He asked the silent boy, as he remembered a conversation he had with his wife a few weeks back, and so he started to question Alex again, “Yeah! Diane just lately likened it to her grieving… She said that Isabel is in mourning.” He looked at the young man for any reaction to what he had said, but seeing none, he continued, “Alex, is this true, and if so who?? Maybe she is remembering the crash somehow and losing her family. Is she remembering her past somehow and the only place she can deal with it is in her sleep, seeing how her abilities lie in the realm of dreams?” Philip kept his arm around the tall boy’s shoulders as he questioned really trying to make sense of Isabel’s almost nightly nightmares.

‘Yeah! Dead on.’ “Mr. Evans. Just notice, I think we are coming to the end of them… I’ve only been called twice this week, and that was on two separate nights. A couple of months ago they were nightly and many times a night. I think she is going to be ok. But as her best friend, I’ll be here for her, you know, if she has any more.” Alex tried to reassure Philip Evans.

“Mr. Evans, Whitman, bus is leaving. Time to go.” The coach called out.

As Philip sat next to his daughter near the back of the bus she whispered, “What was that about?” And she looked up to find Alex watching the interaction with her father.

“I just wanted Alex to know how much he is appreciated by us, your mother and I.” Philip slightly smiled at Alex who was sitting a few rows ahead of them on the opposite side of the bus. It was obvious he was watching them.

“What?” Isabel choked out in a surprised whisper. “What do you mean?”

Philip put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and whispered very closely to her ear, “Isabel, your nightmares aren’t secret, you aren’t waking up screaming anymore, but you are still waking up. We know you call Alex. I was just saying thanks for getting you through whatever is going on.” He squeezed her shoulder to give her comfort in whatever the situation was. “You know honey, you could tell us. I think we could handle it.”

After running an internal dialog with herself as she silently sat there, she looked up to be met by her Dad’s caring eyes. “Thanks Dad.” A slight frown crossed her lips, and she answered, “Sorry. I need Alex when they happen. I really can’t explain anything else.”

“A- Word stuff?” He mouthed very cautiously, and looked over to the right side of the bus and up two aisles, where he attempted to smile at his son. Max sighed, shook his head, and looked away.

“Yeah, sort-of.” Isabel answered. “Sorry. I’m sorry for waking you up and putting you through it. I didn’t know.” She felt so bad for all the pain she had lately caused. And apparently it was more than she realized. Her parents woke up when she had her nightmares, and those were so frequent.

Philip could tell that she was feeling badly about everything and so he hugged her shoulders tightly, “You’re my daughter, Isabel. Don’t be sorry. Just know we are here, ok. Just think abut it.”

“Yeah! Thanks Dad.” She lied, “I will think about it.” ‘That won’t happen.’ “But thanks for coming camping today.”


A little while later out in Frazier Woods, everyone was trying to find their own places to set up camp; each family to themselves.

Philip said, “Hey, Look here’s a great spot.” He was ready to place the tent down when Max pointed to a further out spot.

Max said, “What about over there?”

Philip looked in the direction his son was pointing and said, “Hey, secluded, near the trees, even better. Great call Max. ” His father gathered everything together and headed over with the tents.

Max leaned in to have a whispered talk with Isabel as they walked over slowly to where their father was. “We can get away easier if we’re actually in the woods.” He stopped for a second and asked her directly, “ Does Dad know about why we’re really here? How did you get him to come?”

Isabel, in her usual irritated mode said, “Yes Max, he knows.” She shot him a don’t-mess-with-me look concerning it. “Valenti is like right here, following me, this is absolutely crazy. I know I agreed to it but…”

“I’ll keep you safe Iz, but that’s why we have to do this. We have to get to the sighting first. We really have no choice.” His eyes narrowed and he sighed, “I can’t believe you told Dad as well… that’s what’s crazy… you’ve told three people now! I haven’t told anyone really… Liz figured it out on her own…. and I’m not sure how much more I can let you out of my sight Isabel…. You just better be watching yourself…” He gave her a look that matched her previous one, as they neared the trees with their belongings. Philip was watching the interaction but he did not let on that Isabel was not to blame for his knowledge; he was letting things cool down between the siblings first, before the proverbial pot was stirred again, as he waited to see how Max would deal with it.

Isabel answered sassily, “Just so you know, you can let me out of your sight now. I have no intention to tell anyone else.”

Max looked at her, shook his head sadly and walked on to where his father was.

The Evans’ kids arrived where their dad was setting up camp. Philip smiled at them and Max helped to set up the tent while Isabel plopped down on a log and watched. The girl was rather useless in events such as this. And she was feeling rather stressed inside. Tonight Valenti could find them, Max practically hated her… The only good thing so far was that Alex was here and she was going stargazing later, unbeknownst to Alex of course, and she was looking forward to it. She was determined that it would end better than last time, it had no choice not too, they were already dating ‘privately’… she couldn’t use that as her excuse for lack of closeness this time…

Sheriff Valenti got onto his cell phone and called for extra help on the cordoned off section and then he went looking for a campsite with ‘better reception.’

‘Amazingly,’ he found it right next to the Evans’ leaving the whole family on high alert, though he was unaware of that fact. Jim asked if there was extra room, and Philip Evans, with a small look of fear from his kids, played it off and invited him in. His logic was that, if the sheriff was watching his kids, it would be great to have him in the campsite, so that he could keep an eye on him as well. Jim Valenti then invited in the Parker’s. And in this little area the Parker’s, Evans’, Valenti’s, and Whitman’s all chose to bunk out for the night; and everyone got to work pitching tents.

Everyone was doing camp related things later that night after it had grown dark. Kyle was telling the Roswell version of ghost stories around a campfire… alien horror stories. Some of the other men were playing poker along with Max. And Isabel and Alex were out in the woods stargazing.


Isabel was leaning in somewhat closely to her unofficial boyfriend as she pointed out the stars to him. “And then to the right of the Milky Way, that's Orion, the hunter. That strand of three stars is his belt, and quite easy to spot.” And on a really clear night you can even see his sword hanging from his belt. They are the stars that are in a straight line down from the three right there.” Pointing just up from that she said, “And those two that look sort of like legs right above Orion, that’s Gemini, the twins.”

Alex in awe just answered, “Oh Wow!!!” As he looked to the blackened night sky, through the trees. The whole sky just seemed to be alive to him; the stars were twinkling and dancing in the atmosphere.

Isabel continued to point out the constellations...”And see the North Star? Right there?”

He answered “Yeah…” she smelled so good, like a fresh flower garden, he was having trouble concentrating on what she was showing him, the scent was overpowering his reasoning. It was so intoxicating.

She pointed out some more, and his mind got a little more distracted by her scent and her beauty. But he still managed to hear her and act like he was paying attention…

“Ok, now look a little to your left... and a little further out, that small group of stars right there, that's the Cygnus constellation, its often thought of as the swan. It's the furthest we can see from here.” She smiled and looked at him briefly. “And this one is easy to spot and remember, do you see the ‘W’ shape right there?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “That’s Cassiopeia.” She informed him. “She’s the queen ….” Isabel looked over to realize that he wasn’t watching the stars anymore, all his focus was directly upon her. She smiled sweetly.

“It's amazing.” Alex told her all the while thinking, ‘You’re amazing.’

“What is?” Isabel questioned him, knowing he was about to say one of the sweetest things he ever said to her.

He just said, “Staring at the stars with you. I mean, I used to look up there, and stars were just stars. One was just as good as the next one.” His hands were animatedly moving about as he spoke and they emphasized what he was saying. He smiled softly, “Somehow with you...I mean... It's so wondrous, you know? I mean...each star a mystery, you know, and so full of possibility. “Look out there,” he pointed to the “V”-constellation, out to the right from Orion and directly down from Cassiopeia, his fingers landing on Aries. “I mean; somehow that’s where you came from… This is so much better than seeing a movie.”

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew

She thanked him as she bumped his back a little with her shoulders. The contact was enough to drive him crazy. This girlfriend of his just did not have a clue what she was doing to him. He was feeling so drawn to her. She was his and he couldn’t believe his good fortune. He was still was having trouble believing that the past few weeks were real.

Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

As he turned to her slightly so that they were looking at each other, Isabel realized that she was reading the emotions in his eyes; she saw his love for her it was shining through. She watched with fascination the looks that were playing upon his face; contentment, love, and possessiveness were reading clearly, amongst a myriad of others. She remembered feeling the same way at her prom just about ‘three months back’ and she smiled a relaxed smile as she surmised to herself, ‘He wants to kiss me. I’d know that look anywhere. That was me.’

Alex caught her smile as he said cautiously, “I’m going to do something I said I wouldn’t do until you were ready.”

‘He’s going to kiss me. I know that line, that’s the same one I used on him.’

“Isabel, I know we agreed to take things slowly, heck, we’re not ‘officially’ dating yet,” he laughed …As he was talking she found herself edging closer to him, and she placed the palms of her hands on the top of his right thigh, as she watched him; the mere touch sent a shockwave of desire through him. Alex continued, slowly, a bit confused by the intensity of the feelings he was experiencing. “But I need to kiss you, just once. If you still don’t feel you are ready. Just let me know, and not with a slap ok?” He laughed a bit nervously again, as his hand reached out to take hers. They both adjusted themselves a bit more comfortably, so that they were gazing deeply into each other’s eyes.

Everything in her wanted to rush herself into his arms and kiss him senseless at that moment, she had been away from this type of contact for far too long and she was craving his touch. But she restrained herself as he gently prepared her, being ever the perfect gentleman. Her mind screamed, ‘Oh quit being the perfect gentleman and just kiss me already.’ It was everything she could do to keep herself from grabbing his face and kissing it.

He continued to gently talk to her, preparing her, which she wasn’t hearing a word of, as he said, “Just once, let me know?” His eyes were having a hard time staying locked on hers, they kept flickering to her lips, but not knowing if it was acceptable he kept trying to be a perfect gentleman and to keep his eyes on hers. ‘They are so beautiful, and… inviting,’ his gaze flitted again, ‘and luscious… I’ve got to kiss her. She just can’t say no, I won’t be able to help myself.’ He was moving closer to her without her approval, and he felt as if he were fighting himself to stay in control. He was trying to think about her eyes, but all he could think about was how those full, rich, perfect lips would feel on his own. Alex was hopeless and he knew it.

Isabel nodded her head in response, as she found herself drawing ever closer. ‘I’m going to feel his lips on mine again; warm, soft, gentle. It’s been so long… since prom. I know I kissed his ghost, but I was seriously messed up, this is real.’ Isabel could barely contain herself. Alex could barely contain himself either, ‘She said yes. Ok Whitman this is the moment you’ve waited for, forever. Stay in control.’ For the both of them the world went into slow motion, and it seemed as if they would never reach each other.

Tilting their heads in the opposite directions they slowly entered into each other’s very personal space. Alex placed his hand on her upper arms and held her in place; she returned the gesture by also holding his. And as they reached the center, their steamy breath mingled together in the chilly night air. Closing her eyes, she felt the warmth of Alex’s lips descend upon her own. Very gently and slowly he kissed her, as his lips tenderly massaged hers. All of her emotions were in a heightened state of awareness and a few tears escaped. Isabel was sublimely happy, but she did not have a chance to properly return the kiss she had been waiting for so long to receive. Because as gently as Alex had started, he also pulled away, breaking off the kiss gradually.

She sat there with her eyes still closed, and she felt the absence of his lips upon hers immediately. A few more tears escaped, slowly trickling down her cheeks and falling from her chin to noiselessly splash on her jeans, leaving little wet circles. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking and as happy as she was, she was also scared that she wasn’t what he wanted. She placed her face into her hands and used a small stroke of powers to erase all traces of her make-up. She could tell that her emotions were on the surface, again. He hadn’t kissed her very long before he pulled away. Isabel pulled her hands away and sat there with her head slightly averted downwards and her eyes closed, afraid to look at Alex, afraid to know what he was thinking, as she nervously started to chew on her bottom lip.

She never saw the intensity with which he was regarding his gorgeous girlfriend. ‘Wow!!… That was… There are no words… I could definitely get used to this…’ Alex was considering what had just happened and he was in Heaven. But he saw Isabel shake her head and he saw the tears that fell from her beautiful eyes, and he thought he had gone too far. ‘She wasn’t ready. Maybe she had received a bad flash.’ He was processing these thoughts as he watched her intently. A small frown played upon his lips.

Isabel had shaken her head as if to say, “No, continue,” but words had escaped her capacity. She could barely formulate a coherent thought much less speak a monosyllabic word. She only knew one thing, she wanted more of Alex and she wanted him now. She needed to feel his touch. She was feeling chilled and wanted his warmth to heat her up. Again.

Alex sat studying every emotion that was flitting across Isabel’s beautiful face, and the shaking of her head and the increase in her tears did not escape his attention. He was certain he had offended her, and it pained him to see her hurting. He slowly reached out and stroked away the remaining tears, his unexpected touch caused her to jump a little in response, but she captured his hand with one of her own and held it there next to her cheek. Opening her eyes, slowly, she studied him in response, their eyes meeting.

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes

He looked at her and very tenderly said, “Ok. We’ll wait until you are ready. I’m sorry…” His mind was screaming, ‘How long is she gonna take? I can’t wait forever. I want to connect to her tonight! I can feel it. I want this… Now!’ His rational side forced out this selfish thought as he pondered on all that she had been through lately as well as in her previous timeline. And he reminded himself that he could indeed wait for her. So he smiled softly at his Isabel.

She was silently watching him with rapt attention wondering what he was thinking because he certainly was not vocalizing anything but was most definitely deep in thought.

She quietly and shyly said what Alex never dreamed he’d hear, and the thought of it sent his heart soaring.

Isabel reached in and grabbed the sides of his face in-between her hands as she mumbled, while looking directly into his eyes, “Muur.” It was the closest to “more” that would come out of her current linguistically challenged mouth.

“Excuse Me?” he pulled out of her hold while still watching her. “Did I hear you correctly…” A big smile crossed his face as she nodded in response. He sexily lowered his voice. “You want more of this?” He pointed to himself. Still talking huskily he said, “This studly, sexy, specimen of a man?” He was entering into her personal space slowly as he spoke raising his eyebrows suggestively but playfully in her direction. Alex was covering for his nervousness, and glorying in the moment in typical Alex fashion; humor.

“Mmm, Muur.” She mumbled out, her eyes closed and awaiting his return. His lips came crashing down upon hers, in an intensely passionate kiss, their lips teasing each other.

He was making it up as he went along; he had never been anywhere near this close to any girl before. But the way that Isabel was relaxing into his hold told him he was doing ok.

I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

Isabel’s mind started to scream, “CONNECT!!!” and everything in her wanted to intensify the kiss, but she knew that this was Alex’s first kiss and she did not want to scare him off. So no, she forced the thought out and reasoned to herself that any amount of closeness with Alex was perfect and that she would do this at his leisure. She could deal. So she reveled in the love that was being shared between the two of them, as their lips wrestled for control.

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts

Starting to feel warm they realized that it was as if every cell in their respective bodies was feeling the same cell in the other persons and heating up together. They were getting warm and dizzy. They broke their kiss momentarily as they shed their winter wear; hats, gloves, and jackets were discarded carefully beside their rock.

Now more comfortable, and able to actually feel each other, they returned their attention to each other and made themselves more comfortable upon their rock. They straddled it somewhat and turned to face each other directly. Smiling lovingly to each other they resumed their former activity.

Once again, they found their lips hungrily devouring the other persons in unheeded passion, alternately nibbling or sucking on each other’s lower lip. And their lips were not the only aspect of them that was being affected. They were keenly aware of the other person’s presence, for everywhere they touched each other it was left with a tingling sensation.

I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms

“Its never been this good before. With Anyone.’ Isabel realized to herself. ‘Wow! Alex is amazing, and he doesn’t even know it.’

‘Is this what kissing is like? Or just kissing my princess? Either way, who cares?’ Alex thought to himself.

The passion continued in this manner for some time before Alex slightly parted his lips while he gently traced her lips with his tongue. He opened his eyes and looked longingly into hers, smiling as he nudged her lips lightly with the tip of his tongue in an invitation for Isabel to deepen the kiss. “I really am going into uncharted territory now.” He thought as he waited for her response. Their eyes never left each other’s.

‘Oh my god! He wants THAT!?…’ Isabel’s thought slammed her into reality as she realized what Alex was proposing and her body stiffened in surprise while her mouth froze in place. ‘OK.’ Realizing that her surprise might be mistaken for rejection she recovered as she edged in nearer to him closing what little distance there still was between their bodies. Wrapping her right arm around his shoulder she started to wind her fingers through his luxuriously soft hair and she pulled him closer into the kiss with her other hand against the back of his neck, as she accepted the invitation. ‘I hope I’m doing this right. Alex probably thinks I’m all experienced.’ Isabel confessed to herself.

Isabel realized that Alex was waiting for her to make the next move, and so she tilted her head a bit more, and they awkwardly found themselves hitting against each other’s teeth, each finding themselves encountering a mouthful of teeth and tongue. ‘He doesn’t assume that anymore… This is embarrassing,’ Isabel lamented, and at the same time Alex was inwardly chuckling. ‘Oops.’ He was thrilled to realize how innocent she actually was, and he said to himself, ‘Lets try this again.’ Isabel, in a new attempt, readjusted her head, tilting it a little less than before, as she slightly parted her lips and hesitantly slid her tongue into his mouth as she sought out his; she was pleasantly surprised by the sensation of soft warmth and moistness that she discovered. Alex’s tongue was waiting for hers and the tips of their tongues met and leisurely caressed each other. A few stray tears began to roll silently and slowly down her cheeks.

Alex moaned gently but it was more distinctly like a hum of pure pleasure. ‘Isabel… so soft…’ “Mmmmm,” he hummed as he slid his tongue along Isabel’s, a couple of tears of pleasure mingled with hers.

‘Oh, Alex!!!’ she was overcome by just how much she loved him and missed him and so she let her mouth do the ‘talking,’ as their tongues started to stroke against each other, beginning a dance in their mouths, as the kiss increased. The sound of his humming caused a shiver to ripple excitedly down Isabel’s spine. ‘God Alex!!!… Where did you ever learn to kiss? Like That???’ They continued in the passionate portrayal of love that their mouths were acting out.

His tongue mimicked hers as they tasted each other holding each other tightly and softly caressing one another. They were fully engaged in their kiss, and every part of them felt as if it were tingling.

In that moment, the instant their tongues united, and the kiss deepened, Isabel found herself onslaught with a sudden rush of emotions and she could not stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. “I’m really here, I’m really kissing him…” She poured her whole self into the kiss, it just felt right, more appropriately, perfect.

I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

A jolt of electricity coursed through the both of them simultaneously as the flashes began and the bonding intensified. She was receiving a rapid succession of images from Alex and she saw what he saw when he looked at her. Alex thought that she was the most special, beautiful, and compassionate woman he had ever met. ‘Has he met me before? Compassionate?… Hello Ice Princess here.’ She could not believe what he saw in her and it made her want him all the more. So she got even closer, pressing her body completely against his she continued the assault on his mouth as they slid to the ground and leaned into their rock.

Alex at the same time was receiving her thoughts of him and he realized that he was her stability, without him she felt lost and alone. He held her more tightly never wishing her to feel that, again.

There was no more space between them and their bodies were pressed flush against one another. And as their first kiss intensified while their tongues danced the intricate dance of passion, their souls merged.

More, so much more, than just the most intense kiss either of them had ever experienced took place as they sat out there in Frazier Woods, passionately absorbed in each other. Their souls were bonding, fusing together, and they were beginning the process of becoming one with the other. The connection was happening on a deeply intimate level, one could almost relegate it to a spiritual experience.

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew

The rest of the known and visible world faded into oblivion and the young “lovers” were only acutely aware of each other and what it felt like the kiss was doing to them; merging them and making them one.


Music: Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Byrd


I would like to give credit where due. To Paul~Stargazer MD, and to Chrystal Kay. Thanks so much for the dream-walk guys. I couldn’t have done it without you. You each gave imagery to my ideas and joined together it was awesome.

Paul thanks for all the other ideas and suggestions, as you can see that they were worked in. Thanks again.

Trude, thanks for all the encouragement as the “Stargazing” scene was written. I’ll bet you love the final version don’t you?

Mt Gazer
Last edited by Mt Gazer on Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Chapter 17: Part Two

Post by Mt Gazer »

I am leaving a note to say, if you like recaps of the part before, be sure to check out the feedbacks, a post or so before this. That should give you whatever re-cap you may need, and whatever type of preamble as well.

Now on with the story...

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Events up to and including “Into the Woods”


Shifting Realities

Chapter Seventeen: Part Two

Out of the Woods

Max found himself walking down a wooded path that opened into a clearing deep in the heart of Frazier Woods. It led into a small secluded area and the stars were absolutely breathtaking. It was the perfect place for stargazing, the stars overhead shone brightly and clearly in the overhead night sky. The sight before him caused him to draw in a deep breath and to hold it.

He spied Alex sitting on the ground with his knees up and his legs spread apart as he leaned against a large rock. Isabel was kneeling on the ground between his legs firmly pressed to him, her arms were draped on his shoulders and wrapped around the back of his neck, and his were wrapped around her back. They were very engaged in an extremely passionate kissing session.

Max couldn’t draw his eyes from the sight of them, much as he wanted to. He also wanted to run forward and to yank them apart, but as his legs were seemingly rooted in place he could not do that either, so he did what was left, he watched them, as he exhaled the breath he had taken a few moments earlier... He observed the emotional display between his sister and her obvious “boyfriend.” ‘Had Isabel even had a true “boyfriend” before?’ The thought flashed across his mind when he realized that this was probably her first time. And then watching them he couldn’t help but wonder, “first time” for what, or how much? Especially since their auras were very visible at the moment, and were intertwining with each other’s.

The more passionate they were, the more their auras intermingled. Isabel’s normally white radiant energy was glowing, but sparkling with swirls of fine gold. And Alex’s very unique golden glittering aura, now was glowing with an energy it did not have before, and his translucent white seemed to have become more solid. Max knew that this was a highly spiritual or emotional moment because of the fact that their auras were visible to him, which was not an everyday occurrence.

Max had two thoughts going through his head, one as a protective brother that Isabel was definitely too involved with Alex, and the other, one of awe. Their mingled auras were a sight to behold and he thought that it was stunningly beautiful… yet at the same time tremendously disconcerting; the connection was so strong it was as if Isabel were ‘married.’ Max became extremely worried, but continued to observe them.

They were holding each very tightly and possessively, he noticed, but their hands were only on each other’s upper back or higher. Their hands were well placed and were not roaming and they were fully clothed. Yet the passion and intensity that was emanating from that kiss belied their current stance. And the expression about seeing stars or fireworks shooting off in a kiss, it fit them. For even though they knew what the kiss was doing to them and how exactly it felt, they weren’t able to observe it from an outward standpoint. Max was.

What he saw and felt amazed him and confused him at the same time. They seemed to have an electrical energy emanating off of them, separate from their physical auras. It arced back and forth between them manifesting as fine thread-like filaments of whitish colored electricity coursing between their connection, ebbing and flowing again in time and syncopation to the intensity of the kiss. It also electrified the surrounding air. Max felt as if he was near a static charge, their kissing was generating some type of current. Whatever the case, he could tell that whatever was happening, they were bonding, merging, and he could not help but wonder how far they actually had taken the relationship, completely unaware that it was their first kiss.

He was thinking about the past few weeks and how Isabel seemed to always be with Alex. Now he was her best friend, so, what was up with this? This uncharacteristic display of…. There was no way to describe what he was observing; it just wasn’t characteristic of Isabel at all. His confusion expounded.

He had seen more than enough and so he cleared his throat in her direction trying to gently get her attention. It was unheard. Next he tried a louder, more punctuated cough, again, no response. Finally he spoke her name jarringly. “Isa-bel!!!”

That did the trick. As Max watched, in less than a split-second their auras retreated into their proper placements… The shimmering gold disappeared from Isabel’s, the white in Alex’s became once again translucent, and the glowing disintegrated, and then the sight of them all but vanished. Everything had gone back to its normal intensity. Max almost felt bad for breaking it off, if for no other reason than it was breathtakingly beautiful to watch. But he couldn’t allow Isabel that level of intimacy… there were way too many unknowns, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let his sister become an experiment. He and Michael had barely survived their bought with illness several weeks prior; and that was caused by something as simple as a cleansing ritual. Max had no idea who they [the aliens] were, or where they had come from, and if other seemingly harmless or simple things could cause any other serious reactions. But after his brush with death he had decided to be more cautious with new situations. And he really had no idea if either of them [Alex or Isabel] would be safe if they “bonded.” He felt so helpless, Max in a way really loved seeing Isabel so happy. But were they compatible with humans? He had no idea, and he was determined that Isabel and Alex were not going to be the two to decide that for everyone; not if he could help it. Max would be devastated if anything happened to Isabel, and so he had taken charge of the perceived out of control situation.

Isabel’s eyes flew open at the same time as Alex’s and they momentarily were looking at each other as they sprang apart reflexively, the connection severed and the air became still, the electrical charge evaporated, as everything returned to normal. She stumbled to her feet, acting a little bit tipsy, and tried to nonchalantly address her brother as if he hadn’t just caught her and Alex doing God only knows what. It was kissing, most definitely, but it was so much more. She couldn’t have even described it. They were … “connecting.” She couldn’t help the huge grin that graced her face, nor the sensation of warmth that was slowly creeping over it.

“Machx,” she tried to speak, the word jumbled; finding her voice sounding wooden as if she was unaccustomed to using it.

“What the hell are you two doing?” He demanded of her.

“Max. Wha’ are you doing here?” She was thoroughly annoyed with the fact that he had interrupted her “connection” with Alex.

He condescendingly replied, “I could ask you the same question but we’ve got to head out. It’s time. You’ve been gone for a long time, is this what you’ve been doing?”

She held out her hand in Alex’s direction, “Come-on Alex,” as she retrieved her winter wear from him.

When Max had squared off with Isabel, Alex had used the moment to gather their belongings. It also gave him a moment to re-gather his presence of mind and to stop thinking about the phenomenal event that had just occurred, if that were even possible, he chuckled to himself. He heard her, “Come on Alex,” and handed Isabel her winter items. He had no idea what they were doing or where they were going, but this was the reason she had come to the woods. He had just been invited by Isabel and he certainly wasn’t going to say “no” to that.

Max stiffened at Isabel’s invitation and addressed her, “Alex isn’t coming with us. This concerns us and only us. Got it?”

Isabel pulled herself up to her complete height of 5’9”, placing her hands on her hips she added, “He most certainly is. Get used to seeing Alex around, he goes where I go, and he’s coming with us! Got it?”

‘Fine.” Max ground out. “Then I guess I’ll just have to watch the two of you even more closely. You just can’t seem to stay away from each other. ” He spoke as he started to lead the way up the path, it was implied that they would follow.

Alex responded to Max’s statement with a choking sound that was a cross between coughing and clearing his throat, “I’d like to see you try.” He murmured, as he caught Isabel’s amused half-smile.

Placing his arm protectively but lovingly around Isabel’s shoulder, they followed a little ways behind Max. He leaned in and whispered, “Is he always like this?…”, dragging out the word always… because he had already encountered this side of Max when she first returned.

She answered, “I’m his sister… he is the leader… sometimes he just thinks he knows what’s best for us. He means well, he just doesn’t know how to say it, or show it… ”

They were lagging too far behind for Max’s comfort, so he stepped to the side of the path and waited until they had passed him, falling into step behind them. They were just too involved for his liking and he recalled back a few weeks previously, actually it was almost two months ago at this point. He remembered the morning after the rave, when Isabel had called Alex over very early in the morning and had taken him into her bedroom. Max had observed the whole thing from his vantage point in the darkened hall ; and that day had been eating at him for the past two months. He just as of yet hadn’t spoken with her concerning it. Everything had started to go rapidly downhill from that day on… but on the other hand Isabel finally seemed content, happy even … and Max liked seeing her in such a state. It was definitely not her normal one. And so he really had tried lying to himself for the past couple of months, convincing himself that there was no reason to worry; that Alex was the reason for her better mood, and that she was in good hands. But now it appeared that there most definitely was a reason to worry, and that he should have intervened sooner. Isabel and Alex had become inseparable from that point, even though it was seemingly as best friends, and today… well, he’d seen enough to cause him to wonder. Today they were engaged in a serious liplock, and two months ago, they spent the night, well early morning, together. Isabel was moving way too fast for his comfort, and so he reasoned that at least from in the rear of them he could watch them more closely, as he vowed to do.

Once in front, Alex once again whispered in Isabel’s ear? “In charge, much?”

She subtly laughed. She was so happy at the moment. She loved what it felt like to be encircled by Alex’s protective arms. It reminded her of the day when she kissed him in the Eraser Room, and they become a couple. Even though it was short-lived. Destiny had screwed it all up after that. She was so thankful to God or whomever was giving her this second chance at her life, that she was not about to waste a minute of it. She had promised her Alex as she left the other timeline to connect with this Alex as soon as she could, and tonight she had. She had been in the process of it when Max stumbled upon them. She was thinking about the first kiss that they had just shared, it had truly bonded them; taking them deeply into each other’s souls and she really wished for a chance to continue it. But that wouldn’t be for tonight. She smiled and sighed dreamily as she reflected on how good her life truly was with Alex in it. He squeezed her shoulder in response.


Sheriff Valenti was keeping his ear on his radio, but considering that some of the kids have been missing a good portion of the night, mainly Alex Whitman and Isabel Evans, he was suspicious but not overly concerned. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, at least not yet, and he hadn’t had any unusual calls from the officers patrolling the woods. Max had gone searching for his sister at his father’s request, after a few hours of her being missing. Little did Sheriff Valenti know that Philip was helping them to get a head start on finding whatever they were looking for, and that Max would not be returning to the camp.

Even Max was unaware of the fact that Philip was aiding them. He was none too happy that his father now knew the secret, and he thought that Isabel had revealed it to him to get him to go camping with them. His father had not yet sat him down to talk with him concerning it. But Isabel had told Max that he knew the truth when they first got to the woods as they were walking to their spot.

Sheriff Valenti noticed when Liz Parker headed out and that Maria followed a few minutes later. ‘Probably just using the bathroom, girls do seem to do that in crowds,’ he reasoned, but he sat up more alert and observed all the activity, taking place, nonetheless. When he had finally decided it was time to head out, it was confirmed as Mr. Parker woke up and couldn’t find Liz, or Maria, who was staying with them. Jim Valenti quickly gathered up his things and told Philip Evans, Charles Whitman, and Jeff Parker that he would be going to look for the kids. He had been keeping an eye on their activities but Liz had been gone too long for just a bathroom run and he feared that they must have gotten lost.


In the meanwhile Max and Isabel as well as Alex were starting their walk in the direction of the Mesaliko Reservation. They stood motionless, and as still as statues when they heard the rustling of leaves, cautious footsteps, and twigs snapping under foot. Liz was coming from another direction and bumped directly into Max as he was silently standing there. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, and Liz gave the couple a funny look, because she knew that they were the first to go missing and she wondered where they had been all that time. Liz stated in an irritated tone, “You should watch where you’re going. You almost scared me to death.”

“How do you think we felt? If anyone should be watching themselves it is you.” Isabel retorted. “We could hear your footsteps, before we saw you!” Isabel barked out in a whisper as she relaxed her hold on Alex’s hand. She had just clung to it for support when they heard the noise in the woods.

Max stated forcefully, but in hushed tones, “Liz. You really need to go back right now. Isabel insists on taking Alex,” he stated in an annoyed way, “but we can’t have too many other people, it will just attract too much attention.”

“Hey, we know your secret and decided to be your friends, this matters to us as well, because it concerns you.” Liz reasoned.

Isabel said impatiently, “We don’t have time for this…What matters is that we find out what this sighting is all about before anyone else can. And believe me Valenti is watching. I wouldn’t doubt he has already started to follow us,,, So are we going?” She tightened her grip on Alex’s hand and started to walk away. She knew how close Valenti was the last time they did this in the other timeline, and she was hoping that he was further behind this time, but she really didn’t know. She had hardly been at camp all evening.

All of a sudden Maria appeared with a flashlight and she took in the hand-holding of Alex and Isabel, but she said nothing.

Isabel stopped walking and turned to glare at Maria, she was starting to get really nervous about being discovered, the girls had found them, and Valenti was more than likely on their heels. So she walked back over to Maria and grumbled, “Oh! That’s just great. Why don't we send out a flare? That will tell Valenti where we are.” She yanked the flashlight out of her hand and clicked it off. “Turn it off till its less noticeable.” She barked out, handing it back.

“Maria, they're checking out the sighting.” Liz volunteered.

“You mean that’s real?” The smaller blonde stared at Max and Liz in turn.

“That's what we are trying to find out,” Max impatiently replied… ”And Isabel is right if you’re coming then come, otherwise, we are leaving. NOW!!!” He started to lead everyone on a brisk walk through the dense trees.

After quite some time Maria began to complain, “Ok. We've been, like, hiking forever; it’s been at least an hour if not more. And I’m inclined to think it’s more… My feet hurt and it is officially freezing out here.” She was rubbing her hands on her upper arms to warm herself up.

“We're getting closer,” Max answered her. “It’s right out by the cave. Just keep up.”

“Maria, it's not that cold!” Alex remonstrated his friend, stepping in behind her and rubbing her arms momentarily.

She was annoyed, “Really Alex!! Well then lets see you wear an ice bra! Whatever the outside temperature is, it's really uncomfortable!”

They started to hear the sound of dogs in the distance. Max and Alex looked to each other in understanding. “Search dogs,” they said in unison, as they came to the same conclusion at the same time. Alex quickly brought up the distance and closed in beside Isabel.

Max asserted, “Come-on!! We must be getting closer if we can hear them.” They all started to run. Alex held tightly to Isabel’s hand to try to calm her as she pulled him through the woods. The sounds of voices and barking dogs started to get increasingly louder, reverberating and echoing around them in the still night air. The officers on patrol held on to the dogs, flashlights shining wildly in all directions as they ran, pulled by the rushing dogs. The small group of hurrying teens was rapidly running out of options and so quickly hopped over a log and dropped behind it as they discussed the situation in hushed tones.

Max started to sound panicked, “They're too fast. We can’t outrun them. We need a plan. And we need it NOW!!!”

Isabel matched his fear, “What are we gonna do, Max?”

Max responded frustrated, “I don't know, I just don’t know.” He ran his hand nervously through his thick dark hair.

Liz, thinking on her feet came up with a split second decision, “Keep going.” Max and Alex looked at her incredulously. Max went to protest, but Liz cut him off. “Maria and I'll stay here and let them catch us. We can just say that we got lost in the woods, you can’t. It’ll be alright. This is too important for you guys. You have to find what you came here for, we don’t. Trust us this is the only way you’re going to make it. Now get going.” She turned to her male ‘girlfriend.’ “Alex! Decide! With us or them, either way, Its now!!!” She shoved Max off, “Now get going. Just find what you're looking for. Go now, RUN!!!!”

Max, Isabel and Alex started to run through the woods, and with a bit of distance between them, Liz and Maria put the next plan into action.


They started to wave their arms frantically and furiously calling out plaintive cries of help as if they were really lost, drawing attention to themselves. Maria was frantically waving her once again turned on flashlight, ‘Might as well use it like a flare now.’ She thought irritated. “Mom lets me go camping with you guys and I get ‘lost’ in the woods. My mom's gonna love this, really.” Maria complained to her best friend.

The deputies on patrol heard their cries and the dogs started to bark wildly as they came upon the two missing girls. After they were found a cruiser was called out to the location and the parents were brought in to meet the girls.


A short time later a sheriff car carrying Philip Evans who was looking for his kids and Alex Whitman, as well As Jeff Parker who was looking for Liz and Maria, pulled up to the “lost” girls. Jeff and Philip raced out of the car, and Philip Evan’s looked around for a moment as he got increasingly more worried.

Jeff Parker raced over and embraced the two girls in a hug…”You two scared me to death, going off like that in the middle of the night...”

Liz started to apologize, “Dad, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.”

“No!!!” Maria jumped in, “It was my fault Mr. Parker, I really had to go to the bathroom and we went down to the stalls you know, but I think we got lost walking back, cause the road disappeared after awhile … and I am so sorry, Mr. Parker.”

Jeff looked relieved but yet concerned for Philip Evans whose kids along with Alex were still at large. “It's ok. I'm just so glad you guys are fine…” he squeezed their shoulders tightly then he turned to Liz, “ Liz honey? You wouldn’t know where Mr. Evans’ kids are would you? They are missing as well.”

“Sorry Dad, we don’t know where they are.” Liz added shaking her head.

Philip, knowing that Isabel would be proud of him for his panicked father role continued in that vein… “Officer, uh, you didn't find anyone else did you? These girls haven’t seen them and my kids are still missing, as is one of their friends. I just don’t know where else to look for Max or Isabel Evans or Alex Whitman.”

The deputy pointed and said, “I’m really sorry but the only other person we have found out here is that guy over there.”

Milton, searching around with a metal detector chimed in, “I'm a scientist!”

The deputy rolled his eyes and said, “Found him like that, wandering around the woods with a metal detector… looking for space ships. What else in Roswell? Come-on I’ll give you all a ride, maybe the other kids have turned up. We have to get these two back though.” Everyone piled in and rode back to the campsite.


The three other kids ran along the trees staying as concealed as possible until they finally reached the cave out on the reservation.

They were startled when they found River-Dog entering the clearing with Michael in tow.

River-Dog turned to Michael, “I brought you, what are they doing here?”

Michael answered, “They came on their own apparently.”

River-Dog eyed Alex as if he didn’t belong. But he said nothing except, “All right. This is the spot.”

Max asked, puzzled, “What’s here? What’s at this spot? All I see is the ground. What are we supposed to be looking for?”

All of a sudden Isabel gasped, “Oh, my God.” She pointed to the ground about two feet away. They all walked over, silently, and turned their eyes to the ground, for where they were standing seemed to be on top of an alien symbol. “It's the symbol from the cave, and my necklace.” Etched into the dirt was the same double-swirl looking symbol that was on the pendant Isabel got at Atherton’s.

Michael got curious, “The white light, or whatever the hell that was, caused this?”

River-Dog replied, “Yes. It's a sign, it was left here specifically.”

The aliens moved toward the symbol, and those with flashlights turned them off. They bent down and held their palms out over the symbol, causing it to light up with a bluish white glow.

Alex just stood back transfixed; this really was the first time that they seemed more like aliens and less like regular teenagers. He thought they seemed pretty normal most of the time. He drew in an audible breath as he mumbled, “Wow!!!” All the while standing beside River-Dog with his arms crossed against his chest.

River-Dog smiled as he told the alien teens, “It was left for you...”

Max asked what it meant and River-Dog replied that Nasedo was back.

They quickly extinguished the glowing symbol and reformed the ground to it’s normal grassy state and were startled when Isabel suddenly leapt into Alex’s arms, throwing her arms around his neck as she quickly initiated an intensely passionate kiss. She made motion with her hand for them to get out of there and to do so quickly. Alex knew she must have a logical reason so he went along for the ride. River-Dog slipped out of view when he saw that, for he too knew there was a reason behind it.

Michael understanding the importance of laying low grabbed the shocked brother and pulled him through the woods in a dead run. They were a distance a ways when Sheriff Valenti stepped out into the clearing and found the young couple. Really though it was only like a two minute gap.

The sheriff had easily followed Maria’s footsteps. She had worn these thick furry boots and the pattern on the soles was very unique. So with a bit of good police work and observation skills he readily caught up to the girl’s last known location, that, and he had been notified when the car was called in to rescue them. He also knew that the perimeter was being watched out at the reservation so he followed the tracks of three other people… most likely Max and Isabel Evans and Alex Whitman, which had separated out from the girl’s last known location. The tracks were headed out in the direction of the Mesaliko Reservation, he’d noticed; and sure enough, he ended up at the reservation shortly after the others.


Sheriff Valenti stepped out, hand on his holster, but gun not drawn and all he saw were a couple of teenagers very involved in a heat of the moment passionate kiss. He looked confused. He briefly searched around for the others, but the only people remotely visible were the young couple. He addressed them. “Miss Evans, Mr. Whitman?”

Isabel winked covertly to Alex and pulled out of the embrace acting a bit flustered. “Oh! Sheriff, Hi. You startled us.” She placed her hand on her chest as if she was catching her breath, in reality she was completely calm and in total control of the situation. “Um, can we help you?”

He eyed her suspiciously and stated, “There was some kind of strange flash out here, I saw the light through the trees. Where is it?” He demanded. “There was something here.” He then said suspiciously, “I don’t suppose either of you two saw it did you?” He was giving them a look of disbelief, but from behind his glasses so they had no idea what he was thinking.

Alex decided to take that one, acting like a love-struck teen, not too hard a role… “I think we kind of lost track of everything. I doubt we would have noticed an earthquake… Um … probably would just think that the kiss made the ground move beneath our feet, you know??” He asked sounding kind of guilty and shy at the same time.

Isabel really felt the blood rushing to her head now, Alex didn’t mind totally covering with her, and he was good at it. She blushed as she addressed Sheriff Valenti, flashing him a look of demure innocence with her head cocked slightly to the side. “There’s nothing out here Sheriff, except us, and we seem to have gotten a little lost, we were just walking forever and we ended up out here... Sorry.” The blush intensified as she thought of what truly had been taking place tonight.

Alex continued to show his aptitude at thinking fast on his feet, “Yeah, we were keeping each other company while we waited for someone to find us… her cell is back at camp and so we couldn’t call anyone.” He motioned towards Isabel. “We’ve been out here forever and I was just keeping her warm.” He emphasized his point by standing behind her and rubbing her upper arms forcefully in an effort to warm her up. “Thanks for finding us, I’m sure our parents are getting quite worried, we’ve been away from camp for a few hours already.”

Sheriff Valenti could not help but think that the children were hiding something, but he knew it would take catching them to find out what it might be, these kids had a solid story, fabricated, he was certain, but solid. He addressed them, “Actually your fathers are quite concerned, and seeing how it will be a long walk back I think we should get started, don’t you?”

The two teens looked at each other with a look of ‘Uh oh!’ at the mention of walking back. Yes it would be a very long walk, as Sheriff Valenti no doubt wanted to talk to them.

Isabel continued her innocent act, as she coyly said, “Thank-you so much for finding us Sheriff, it was getting so cold, and I would hate to think of us needing to spend the night out here all alone, with no one else around.” She was fully aware of the double entendre she was sending in Alex’s direction.

His eyes widened in surprise as he listened to her, ‘Was Isabel implying even half of what it sounded like?’ But he decided to play it cool as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Lets get you warm honey, we would hate to have that happen now, wouldn’t we? Yes … lets get back.” And then turning to the adult with them he said, “Thank-you for the concern Sheriff. I’d hate to see her freeze out here.”

Sheriff Valenti decided to try one more time to see if he would be able to extract information unaware. “So where’s your brother Max tonight? Isabel.”

She answered, “Oh… I have no idea… I’m his sister, not his keeper. You don’t think he would have given Alex and myself any privacy if he was around, do you? Like I said, I kind-of wandered out here with Alex. Haven’t seen him, really.”

“Ok I was just wondering because it seems as if you aren’t the only kids who wandered off tonight. Your Dad was bordering on panic when I was last there, seeing how both of you were missing. Come on its cold, and quite late, I’m taking you back.” Valenti finished his conversation.


Max and Michael had run for quite some distance before they stopped to take a breather. Max was concerned for Isabel’s safety. “Michael, I just left her there.” He was bent over, hands on his knees gasping for air, and panting. “I need to go back,” he continued to gulp in air, “why don’t you go to camp?” He breathed for a moment and was able to take in longer draughts of air, “I’ll find you later.” He took in some deep breaths as he turned in the opposite direction from which they had just ran. “You already know how Valenti is watching her, and now we just left her there, talk about an invitation to trouble….” He kept panting.

Michael addressed him, “She has Alex,” he gulped in some air, “I’m not worried.” He really wasn’t, he’d trust her life into that boy’s hands any day. Alex had more than proven himself the day he faced him off at the Crashdown, not letting him near Isabel.

Max answered that, “I am. Not only is she being set up for Valenti,” his breathing was slowing down and he could soon run again. “But did you catch that kiss when we left?”

“Of course, it was a brilliant cover.” Michael exclaimed, as he breathed deeply, hands on his knees. “Isabel bought us our escape, speaking of which, we need to use it and get out of here.” He grabbed for Max’s upper arm, and straightened himself up.

“That’s just it Michael,” said Max turning to the guy he had considered a brother all of his life, “it wasn’t a cover. She really was kissing him like that.” He ran his hands through his hair sighing, “A little earlier tonight I found them seriously making out. Let me say this, with what they were doing, I’m surprised they were still clothed.”

“MAX!!!” Michael said indignantly, “That is your sister you’re talking about!!!” He continued to reprimand his closest friend. “Isabel isn’t like that. I trust her, she can take care of herself. I’m not too worried, I think she’ll be ok with Alex… come-on lets go.” As they turned and started walking back towards the last direction they were, Max was insistent on getting back to Isabel, Michael thought back on the two times that Alex had confronted them. He had stood up to Max in the quarry a couple of months back, and himself a couple of weeks ago in the Crashdown. Michael didn't have a moment’s doubt that anything would harm Isabel while she was under Alex's protection, but maybe, just maybe, it was time for him to confront Alex, and explain just what would happen to him, if he were to break her heart.

His thoughts were interrupted, as Max stopped abruptly and turned to him, “Well then worry about this,” Max continued to let Michael know why he mistrusted the two of them together. “She has already had him spend the night, he slept over the night of the rave.” Michael’s lips pursed as he was about to ask a question but Max raced on, “Isabel called him after I should have been asleep and waited for him to come over and then she brought him into her room… and now this?” Max pointed towards the woods where he had caught them earlier that night. “Michael,” he said in an extremely worried tone, “Isabel is getting very serious with Alex, and I’m concerned about it. I don’t like how close she is and I don’t think she is safe with him.” Michael scratched his eyebrow with his middle and fore fingers as he raised his eyebrows in silent question. Max understood the question and so continued, “That morning, he left at one point in a panic, she followed him outside. But this is the totally weird thing, she was crying.”

“Isabel was crying?” Michael leaned in closer. “Are you sure?” Michael straightened up completely, crossing his arms on his chest, and looked at Max directly, as he drew in a smooth draught of air.

Max nodded, his eyes wide in fear. Fear for Isabel and angry with himself for letting things get out of hand.

Michael was very confused by what Max was telling him, and he was also wondering why Max had kept silent for so long. Max had shared a bit back when Valenti really started to follow Isabel, but it was not enough to worry Michael completely. “What happened?” Michael asked gruffly, “What did he do to her?” ‘Something’s not right. I know the guy’s character … At least I thought I did … This isn’t making sense. And if he did anything to her or even tried to, Isabel would have definitely moved on, not moved in…’ Michael just listened, hopeful to get a clue or an answer.

Max angrily answered, “I don’t know. I really should have checked with her to see what happened, but I left her alone; and I’m forever going to regret that decision,” he said while making an emphatic, chopping motion with his hand. He sighed wearily, as he blamed himself for everything going on lately. “Something happened to her and I didn’t take care of it. What kind of brother doesn’t protect his sister?” He sadly shook his head as he continued in his self-incrimination. “But at that point I was thinking, you know Isabel? She would never want to be seen in that state so I checked on her some, looking through the window. She never knew I was there; she was sitting against the porch, with tears coming down her cheeks. I was so torn as to what I should do. And now I know I did the wrong thing. Anyways Alex came back a long time later and they ate breakfast together.” He paused for effect, “She was eating horseradish… Michael.” Michael scratched his eyebrow in thought again, as he stared dubiously at Max. “Alex did something to her… she only eats that when she is extremely stressed, and you know that ... She tried to cover it up and she said something about him getting her through nightmares. But I really don’t buy it, they were practically flirting at the table, and she gave him a wink when she said it. Something had happened between them. Then they left for the day. I don’t know why, but sometime during the day she told him the alien secret, maybe in her room, or maybe later, but I know she did. Liz talked to me about it. And then that following Monday they were both questioned by Valenti about the dance.”

Michael nodded in understanding, mostly to let Max know that he was listening, he was really trying to work out what might have taken place between his ‘sister’ and Alex. Yet at the same time he finally fully understood Max’s reasoning for wanting to break the two of them up and why he was so angry with his sister the day that Sheriff Valenti questioned her and Alex.

Max asserted his controls, “If it seems if I’m being hard on her, I have to. She needs it. Alex did something to her, something to make her cry,” his voice lowered to the level above a whisper, “something to give her repeated nightmares.”

“What? What nightmares?” Michael really was becoming concerned for Isabel now.

“She had those for a month as well. Every night sometimes more than once, she would wake up screaming. And many times she would be screaming the words; ‘no’ and/or his name. They started around the time he was there as well. I don’t think she’s had them in awhile, but that first month was …” he paused looking for a word to fit what he was feeling, “frightening.” He finally finished.

“If Isabel is having nightmares don’t you think you should’ve told me?” Michael now was more concerned with why he hadn’t been brought into the situation.

“I would’ve,” Max continued, “but she refused to talk to anyone about them. And she told me in no uncertain terms not to let you know.” Michael just continued to stare at him. Max looked to his best friend and said, “Michael, you know it’s serious if Isabel ends up crying, or having nightmares... or keeping secrets. When have you ever seen her like that? I didn’t stop it, or fix it … that time,,, that day. But I’m not going to let anything happen again, I’m not going to give him another chance to hurt her. That’s why I don’t trust him. That’s why I’m going back to get her. Something happened between them. I just really hope she didn’t sleep with him,” he deeply sighed, “or worse…”

Max trailed off and Michael stumbled through the scenarios playing in his head, “Hey!!” Michael countered on Isabel’s behalf, only now hoping that she knew what she was doing, “Alex is a good guy,” ‘I’m pretty sure.’ “He’s definitely a lot better than all the other jerks she’s dated. He’ll treat her good at least.” ‘I Think. ’ “And he’ll definitely keep her safe as evidenced by how quickly he helped her to buy our escape just now. Or what about the way he took care of her and us when we got sick, remember? Or the way he has stood up to us when he felt it necessary. I trust her, I trust Isabel. And Alex seems to make her happy. No guy or anybody really has had this kind of effect on her. Whatever happened, we can’t worry about it right now. We have to go NOW!!! We better not be anywhere around here.” He pointed in the direction Max was headed and shook his head. “We just have to trust that she is ok right now. Come-on lets go!!! Lets go!!!” He grabbed Max’s arm again and started to pull him.

Max nodded, knowing that they did have to make themselves scarce again.

And the two of them started to run towards the camp again. Each of them thinking about what the other had just said.


Meanwhile back at camp Charles Whitman and Philip Evans had decided to chat with each other considering the fact that it was their children who were missing, they made their way over the table and sat down with a couple of cups of “camp coffee.” It was the freeze-dried crystals mixed into steaming water type and it was a poor excuse for freshly brewed, but it was all there was. It was past midnight or even later, and the sky was chilling down for the night. They needed the coffee to get warm while they waited for their missing kids to return.

Charles started, “When I heard that we were going to be camping near the sighting, I got a little nervous, because you know how kids are? They’ll get curious and wander off, trying to make ‘contact’ or something. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was safe for the kids and all ... And now ours have seemed to be the ones who wandered off.” He shook his head in disbelief that it was Alex of all people who had disappeared. ‘That kid would not be able to navigate his way out of a paper bag with a compass,’ his father thought. Charles just couldn’t believe his son had wandered off. He continued talking to Philip. “I would really hate it if there was ‘something’ or ‘someone’ out there and the kids, not just ours, but any of them, got hurt.” He sighed, “I just really wished the school had changed the dates in spite of the recent events with the sighting and all.” He took a long draught from his warm cup. “I think that the kids safety should have been the very top priority and I’m not so sure it is going so well with all the kids that seemed to have gone wandering tonight.”

Philip took a sip as he listened, secretly happy that his kids were “missing” because they were looking for something very important to them. And the fact that Isabel was hopefully with Alex made him happy too; she was sharing whatever it was with her best friend. He decided to address Charles concerns. “I’m sure it was coincidental. The school can’t change dates on a whim. But where do you think our kids made off to?” They were interrupted by the sound of heavy footfall and labored breathing.

Both fathers looked up to see a tired looking Max and Michael run into the center of camp and collapse in the tent. They had been running or something, the thought was not lost on Philip. Not to mention the fact that they now had one more than they had started the trip with. Philip knew that he needed to cover for Michael’s sudden appearance and so he called out, “Hey Michael, glad you decided to join us after all. Where’d you come from?”

Max called out from the inside of the tent through his panting, “He was out hiking. I convinced him that you had meant it when you said he could stay with us and so we raced each other back here after we ran into each other.”

Michael grumpily called out, “ Yeah, nothing like a brisk run in the cold night air.”

Philip laughed, “Yeah, Max has always liked the night hours. Glad you enjoyed your race. Night boys. He was met with one snore and one muffled, “Night.” Michael and Max had been out running. Isabel who was being tailed constantly was still missing, and the sheriff was still away from camp as well. He really hoped that Isabel and Alex were safe now and so he decided to play on the fear that was currently causing his heart-beat to quicken.

Philip turned back to Charles Whitman and the two fathers exchanged a look when they realized that theirs were the only two missing and that needless to say they were of the opposite sex. Charles saw the flash of panic that crossed his new friend’s eyes and he said comfortingly, “I’m sure they’ll turn up. Look, Max did.”

“Ok, I know that my daughter considers your son to be her best friend, and I am really glad for that relationship. But right now, I’m a little concerned because sometimes I think she might secretly like him as more than a friend, if you get what I am saying. Her eyes light up when he is around, there is no mistaking it. And with them alone in the woods, well anything is possible.” Philip confessed.

Charles acted surprised, “Isabel likes Alex? If that is the case the feeling is definitely mutual. She is the only girl that he has ever had eyes for.” He laughed, “He keeps waiting for the day when he can find a way into her heart. My boy has this crazy notion that she is ‘the one’ the ‘only one’ for him. And he is going to wait for her.” He sighed thinking of how he and Alex really did not have much in common and turned to Philip. “I’ve got that on good authority. Alex and his mother talk often. So whatever I need to know, I get from her.”

Philip sighed, “Yeah, I hope he doesn’t wait too long. I would hate to see his heart get broken in the interim. Alex, no offence, is not really the type of guy that Isabel goes out with. She keeps her dates pretty casual and unattached. The words ‘Ice Princess’ mean anything here? It’s her moniker. Personally and sharing a hidden secret with you, its probably because she is scared to death of commitment. But when you consider what she and her brother went through as children, I guess there really is a reason for her emotional unattachment. To just be abandoned out in the middle of nowhere like that must surely do something to your trust level of people. And I think, all things considered, my kids have pulled through the ordeal remarkably well.“

“Yeah,” Charles nodded in understanding, “I remember my father telling me about those two shortly after you found them,” he stated sadly. “News like that travels in a little town. That was before you were able to seal their records and keep it hidden. We didn’t even live here at the time. But my Gloria was so heart broken over the whole thing that she would cry every time she looked at our youngest son for days after that. Alex is a similar age to your kids, and when she would see how small, precious and innocent he was, the tears would flow as her heart broke for those tiny two. She could not fathom how anyone could just dump their kids out in the middle of nowhere. Charles was becoming very agitated. “But to destroy their dignity and to not even leave them any clothes was just too much… What is this world coming to?” He said disgustedly as he got up and shook some of the adrenaline out of his hands. “Want to walk with me? I seem to have gotten a little worked up over that, and I can only imagine what you must feel towards their birth parents. After all you are the one who found them.”

Philip got up and took a stroll with his new friend, stating sadly, “I’m just glad we found them when we did. Can you imagine any of the other awful things that could have befallen them if we hadn’t? I shudder to think. My Diane has poured her life into those two, and they are so lucky to have her for their mother. And I know that Isabel refuses to talk of any parents besides us. We’ve tried to get her to share or to tell us what life was like before they were found. She goes silent, and claims to not remember a thing. We are her parents, in her eyes and ours … and she and Diane have a pretty good relationship where mothers and daughters are concerned. Unfortunately my son is more distant… and moody. I don’t know what he is thinking half the time.” Philip chuckled softly, “And lately I think he’s been wishing that he were being raised by someone else. He just quit talking to us, but we can’t figure out why. Maybe we should try some family counseling, again.” He just kept talking about normal things to keep away from the fact that he really knew why his son had gone so silent. “It didn’t work when they were younger. Isabel just sat there staring at the person, and silent as a clam. If she couldn’t bury her head in her mother’s or my arm, she rested it on Max’s shoulder. And Max? He sat there indifferently, usually with his hands in his pockets and staring at the floor. It was too early in our relationship when we tried that, apparently. We were just hoping to be able to break through their obviously traumatic beginnings. But they refused to talk. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and I’m glad we all found each other.”

Charles patted him on the back, “Yeah. I agree with everything. And Max … he’ll talk again.” Charles smiled reassuringly. “They get moody around this age. And sometimes it might be weeks before you discover what you did to offend them. Robert, my second, oh boy I could tell you stories upon stories of the days of silence. Not that we are that vocal a family. But the tension that kid would throw out. Teenagers. They are in between childhood and adulthood, constantly.” He rolled his eyes before he made his next point. “And they act like it.” Chuckling briefly, “But back to the issue of finding them [your children] we probably ought to get back and ‘find’ ours. Do you think that they are behaving in the woods alone?” He raised a questioning eyebrow towards the other father.

Philip, really having no idea what was currently going on stated, “I trust my daughter, and I have only seen admirable qualities in your young man, so as they are best friends, I am sure they are fine. Probably just lost track of time talking or something.” He responded to Charles last thought.


As they made their way back to camp they arrived about the same time as did one Sheriff Valenti who was being trailed by two teenagers whose heads were hung in shame, embarrassment, or other, Philip couldn’t quite read them. But the fact that they held each others hand with interlocked fingers was not lost on either father, it was the first thing they noticed. They exchanged another look before Philip started in.

“Isabel?!” He stated somewhat sternly.

“Daddy?” she questioned in response. In its tone was more than trying to explain herself, she was trying to remind him of the reason they were camping in the first place. She looked to him pleadingly.

He continued, “Why did the Sheriff just return the two of you? Mostly everyone else has gone to sleep. You left us frantic with worry, we had no idea where you were. Where have you been all night, Young Lady?”

“Daddy, we were looking for a clearing to go stargazing,” she explained while looking down somewhat embarrassed, as she bit her lower lip. “I wanted to impress Alex with my knowledge of the constellations. You know how much I like the stars? But I sure did not impress him with my navigational skills, we got lost instead. Very lost.” She knew that she was more than likely about to get grounded, and so she just stared at the ground.

Surprising both teens, Sheriff Jim Valenti, did not explain about the situation he had found them in and instead he somewhat covered for them, interrupting the moment between Isabel and her father; he took off his glasses, and hooked the stem over his pocket as he addressed him, “They got themselves a little lost, actually very lost … I found them clear out by the reservation and it took us at least an hour and a half to return here on foot, if not longer. I’m sure that they are sorry, and that they didn’t mean anything by it.” He volunteered for them, somewhat using Isabel’s lie as his excuse.

“The reservation?” Philip asked out loud while his eyes silently questioned his daughter, wondering if she found what they were looking for. Isabel nodded, in an effort to communicate that yes she had found what they were after and that yes they were clear out there.

Valenti broke the silence, “Now if you all don’t mind, I’m going to turn in, I have done my share of tracking down lost children tonight and I am beat. Night all.” With that the sheriff turned into his tent and fell straight to sleep.


“Off to bed with you Isabel, we can talk more later.” Philip ordered his daughter to turn in. They had brought two tents and he realized that the Whitman’s had none. Realizing this and noticing that the night had turned decidedly chilly, he addressed his silent daughter again, “You can either go bunk with Liz and Maria though they’ve been asleep for quite some time...” He pointed to one of the Parker’s tents.

Jeff had been relegated, in a form of mutual understanding, to a one-person pup tent by his daughter who wanted to be alone with Maria. She did not feel that sleeping in a tent with her father, who was getting too nosy in the affairs of her life, would be comfortable. So realizing they were in a state of discomfort with each other, he had dragged out his old one-man tent. ‘Teenagers..’

Philip still determining where Isabel was going to sleep said, “Or Mr. Whitman and I will bunk with you, and Alex will join Max and Michael.” No matter where Isabel slept, he was determined to keep her away from Alex. It looked as if the relationship was crossing into a possible romantic category, and it would not be good for her to be sleeping in such close approximation to Alex if that were the case.

“She can come in with us.” They heard Liz call from inside her tent.

“Well looks like you’re with the girls. Night Honey.” Philip sent his daughter off with a hug. She gathered her sleeping bag and made her way to the girl’s tent.

Philip turned to his two tent-mates, “Charles, Alex,” he addressed them shaking his head slightly, “I’m not even going ask how or why you ended up out here. You have no tents and you seem totally unprepared,” he pointed to Charles’ business suit. “I can only wonder if a certain tall, blonde, beauty might be the reason?” Philip aimed his fatherly gaze directly at Alex.

The young man turned his gaze away but not before an obvious flush had rushed over it. He scurried to the tree, and gathered up his sleeping bag, tucking it under his arm he choked out a “Good night Mr. Evans. Night Pops.” And he left camp.

Philip slapped Charles on the middle of his back, and laughed, “Well, that answers that. Night. I’m turning in myself.”


Isabel left her shoes outside and crawled into the girl’s tent to find them sitting up wide-awake and apparently waiting for her.

“What?” She glared at them.

“Soooo????” Maria dragged out the one word questioningly.

“Sooo, what?” Isabel eyed her suspiciously.

“So, what were you doing with Alex in the woods all night?” Liz pounced on Isabel’s discomfort.

“Nothing,” she replied abruptly.

It was too quickly answered that they knew she was hiding something or covering it up, so they continued …

Maria, ever tactful, knew she had a way to make Isabel squirm if she weren’t prepared. “So! How was Alex?” She asked in a sultry voiced manner that Isabel could not mistake the meaning in the question.

Isabel acted as the thought were repulsive, “What? We didn’t do anything. We got lost out by the reservation, that’s all … “

“Did you kiss?” Maria knew she had her squirming and she wasn’t about to let her off easily.

Isabel continued to unroll her sleeping bag acting very calm and collected, as she cleared her throat in response to the last question.

Liz grinned to Maria over Isabel’s back, she knew that not only was Isabel definitely hiding something but also she had most definitely kissed Alex tonight. Isabel was way too uncomfortable with the questions. She couldn’t resist the next question…. “So what’s he like?”

Isabel tried clearing her throat again as she got in control of the situation, “Whether we didn’t kiss or we did, isn’t the issue, got it? The issue is this, if I tell you we had, you drop the subject.”

“Never gonna happen,” Maria looked at her squirming friend, squirming inwardly, outwardly she was very collected.

Liz added, “Oh right!!! Maria the bull-dog, dropping any subject. I can so see that happening … in ten years,” she exaggerated. “You are just gonna have to talk Isabel, or we’ll get it out of Alex.”

They knew they had her on the ropes and that she would respond in one of three ways, all of which they could handle. The first she might try is telling them, but that was not very likely. The second would be she would escape and leave the tent. Or the third would be that she would go into her complete ‘Ice Princess’ role and ‘ice’ them out. They just waited to see what she would do.

Isabel was feeling extremely uncomfortable as well as flushed and flustered so she countered with, “Too many bodies in here. Its getting warm don’t you think? I’m going to go outside for some fresh air.” And with that she crawled out not even giving them a moment to ask anything else. The cool and crisp night air hit her flushed cheeks and she felt instantly better. The sky was so breathtakingly beautiful that she decided to go for a walk to enjoy its splendor for a few minutes. So slipping on her shoes, she stopped by her dad’s tent to let him know she would be gone this time and headed off on her walk.


After Isabel was away from the tent, the two girls high-fived each other. Liz grinned, “Oh yeah! She kissed him alright.”

Maria continued in a overtly fake Southern accent, “And I’m goin’ ta have ta say that judgin’ by her reactions,” she placed her petite hand on her chest demurely, “it weren’t some lil’ innocent schoolgirl peck on the lips.” She looked directly to Liz who was just grinning away at her behavior. “It was most definitely, ‘HOT.’ Maria fanned herself in mock exaggeration. “It’s no wonda she was feeling a little ‘wam’ and needin’ ta cool off.”

“Maria, girlfriend. I know you’re right… but come-on. Let them go, don’t speculate.” Liz laughed.

Maria went back to her normal speech and raised her eyebrows, ”Who’s speculating?” She innocently asked Liz.

They sighed wistfully, “Our little boy is finally growing up, found himself a girl, and got his first kiss.” They sighed wistfully again.


Isabel was tired, but enjoying the scenery. She continued to walk for like ten minutes, with her hands tucked loosely into the pockets of her coat. She dreamily thought of all the happiness this one day had brought as she just slowly walked out under the stars. She started into a small nearby clearing where she could just sit and observe the stars and end her night stargazing before she headed back to bed. As she stepped into the clearing her heart started racing, her palms grew sweaty, her mouth went instantly dry, and she found herself tucking her hands deeply into the pockets of her coat. She didn’t know what to do next, and she seriously thought of turning around and heading back. Isabel didn’t make a move, she stood there silently watching overhead as the stars twinkled and danced in the atmosphere.

“Hello Isabel,” he said to the air not even turning in her direction.

“How did you know…” she was cut off…

“You were there?” He finished her question.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“I don’t know, I sensed you. Actually I sensed you drawing nearer before you even stepped into the clearing. The air around me kind of electrified, and left me tingly. It felt very similar to the kiss.” Alex confessed.

“The stars sure are beautiful aren’t they?” Isabel had to change the topic from the intensely personal note it was heading into. She realized that she too had been felling the same sensations before she ever entered the clearing. It was almost as if they were being drawn together. ‘What had that kiss done?’ She thought to herself in amazement and horror at the same time, ‘Was it really bonding us, the way it felt it was?’

She heard him answer her question. “Beautiful they are. Please come sit beside me.” He patted his hand on the log, motioning for her to take a seat next to him.

“Alex,” she hesitantly tried to address him.

“I won’t kiss you, I promise. I have to be ready for that again…” he laughed to himself, “I don’t think I can just do that simply. That was mind-blowing… I’d just like to sit with you and enjoy the stars. I’d really like your company.”

She quietly walked over and planted herself beside him molding into his side. She pointed out more constellations and shared a bit more of herself with him. Sleepiness started to overtake her and she stifled a yawn as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“You know, I always thought I loved you,” he kissed the top of her head, while his arm was comfortably draped over her shoulder, pressing her into his side. “I used to joke with myself, that I would love you even if the stars had opened up and dropped you in my lap. I wasn’t too far off was I?” He laughed, thinking of the irony of his personal ponderings. “They really did send you to me.” He kissed the top of her hair again. Alex smiled lovingly at her, and motioned for them to sit on the ground so that she could lean into him more comfortably. It was only then that she realized that he intended to sleep outdoors as he had brought his sleeping bag with him and it was unzipped and laid out flat, to form a soft blanket to offset the hard, rockiness of the ground.

They sank down upon it, still in a seated position, and leaned their backs into the log they were sitting against. She got up, shook her head while she looked at Alex and had him close his eyes. Wandering around for a few moments she found what she was looking for, and holding her gently glowing hand out over the oversized rock, she transformed it into a soft, billowy, queen size pillow. She asked him to lean forward and she placed it behind his back. Then she snuggled into his left side as her eyes slowly closed and she drifted off to sleep, secure in Alex’s arms and listening to his heartbeat.

He pulled his sleeping Princess to the ground and lay next to her. He snuggled her into his chest tightly as he wrapped his arm securely around her stomach while he spooned into her back. He was quite surprised and pleased when her arm came to rest upon his and to join it, entwining their fingers for the second time that night. He fell asleep breathing in the intoxicating floral scent of her hair, and wished that he could run his fingers through it, especially when they were kissing, but seeing as she wore braids, he would have to dream of what it felt like.

And the night grew darker and colder and the young “lovers” slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Chapter 18, Discussions

Post by Mt Gazer »

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: “Into the Woods”

Shifting Realities

Chapter Eighteen:


The night passed on into early morning hours as daybreak brought a magnificent sunrise while the sky trailed colors of coral, rose, and orangey hues across the eastern horizon as the sun began its westward ascent.

Birds chirped happily in the treetops, swaying in the very gentle breeze, in the early morning light. As the first soft sunlight of the day filtered through the tops of the trees, it played lightly upon the “lovers,” casting a gentle rosy hue upon their sleeping bodies. The mild warmth awakened them and they smiled lovingly at each other as they realized they were in each other’s arms.

Isabel’s eyes flew open wider when she realized just exactly where they were…. Laying…in each other’s arms… in the woods … That fact alone startled her as she sat bolt upright and grabbed Alex’s wrist, forcing a glance at his watch. She knew with the time that she had to get out of there, and fast, so as not to be discovered together. She really did not have time to figure out how this “new Isabel” that she seemed to be turning into would handle the situation, as the “old Isabel” rushed to the forefront and took absolute control of the situation.

She turned to Alex as she stood up; he was watching her with rapt attention, as he could feel her nervousness. She said harshly, “We’re going into camp from opposite directions and I’m going this way.” She pointed in the direction from which she had entered the clearing the night before. “Got it?”

“Ok Isabel,” he replied, “I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed waking up with you in my arms this morning.”

She cut him down, “Alex!! That wasn’t supposed to happen. Don’t follow me; I’ll see you back at camp. Bye…” Under her breath she mumbled something that caused Alex to smile in spite of himself, even though he had to strain to hear the words, because she was almost out of earshot. “I really liked it too.” She stormed out of the clearing…

He couldn’t help but laugh to himself at her “mood swing.” While she had admitted that she enjoyed being with him, she also stated that he could not be seen anywhere around her. He understood that even though they had sometime the previous evening, shared the most passionate, mind-melting, soul-merging kiss of their lives; as well as spent the night in each other’s arms … they were not “officially dating” and so he watched her return to camp, alone. He sympathized with her need to keep things low-key, understanding that, while he wished that she was ready to make the relationship public, the fact that they had any kind of relationship was fine with him… then his thoughts were confusing him, and so he decided not to ponder the future, but to revel in the present.

He sat down on the log and reached out onto the ground and picked up his treasure from the night before, “their pillow,” still warm from her touch. Though he knew how she did it, because he had seen her powers at work before, it never ceased to amaze him that she chose to share herself with him. He was entrusted with her deepest secrets, and he was determined to keep them and in the process, her, safe. And so he had let her return to camp alone. He inhaled deeply as he realized that her heavenly floral scent permeated its very fibers. He hugged it to his chest as he marveled over his absolutely wonderful fortune from the day before, and how it had all ended up. He was quite happy.


The fact that neither teen-ager had slept in the confines of camp was not lost on either of their fathers. Philip recalled how Alex headed out with his sleeping bag very shortly after being returned by the sheriff. He also had lain awake for quite sometime while awaiting Isabel’s return, which hadn’t happened by the time he had fallen into an exhausted sleep.

After they got out of the tent, Charles unfortunately still wearing the suit from yesterday. Philip had at least changed into something quite relaxed, jeans and a chamois; and to ward off the chill, his Woolrich red plaid jacket. They looked at each other and asked in unison, “Now do we get worried?” They made their way to the table where they sat down to discuss the teen-agers “disappearance” this time.

“My daughter never made it back to camp last night,” Philip said softly, looking at the taller gentleman sitting directly opposite him.

“Alex took his sleeping bag so he could sleep under the stars with his new friends, I thought.” Charles replied.

Philip Evans shook his head, “Max and Michael never left their tent the rest of the night,” he explained.

“Oh,,,” Charles uttered in an understated manner. And then all of a sudden he looked up sharply, “Oh!!!” He exclaimed in surprise as he realized Philip’s concern. He shook his head, “Hold on. Don’t get so worked up.”

“That isn’t helping.” Philip stated wryly, “My daughter just spent the night in the woods alone.” He looked directly at his tablemate, and said deliberately, “With your son.”

“I understand.” Charles said in a reassuring manner, “I’m not ready for this either.”

“For what?” Philip asked in a panic?

“Alex… Dating. I thought I’d get a bit more time.”

“I can handle Isabel dating,” Philip replied, “she’s done so for a couple years already. Like I shared last night she never gets close to anyone, so I’ve never felt too worried or threatened.” He ran a hand backwards through his curly hair. “But this… NO!” He said forcefully, “This falls under the clause of getting too close, not just getting close.”

“Yeah, they are not little kids anymore are they?” Charles Whitman asserted.

“No they are not,” Philip agreed. “But we are still the parents, and she is going to get talked to. This was unacceptable behavior. She’s 17 years old, and she’s just… just… not ready.” He said parentally.

“You’re not ready either are you?” Charles spoke Philip’s unspoken fear.

“To let her go, to let some boy take her away from me.” Philip moaned, “No I am not. I must admit.”

“If it helps, Alex is a good kid.” Mr. Whitman spoke for his son’s character.

“Don’t know if that helps either.” Philip Evans looked carefully at the other gentleman, “My son hates him for some reason. My wife and I were on an overnight business trip when everything went crazy. We came back and Alex became a fixture in our house. Isabel isn’t acting herself. Our son tenses whenever he sees Alex near Isabel; and Isabel and Alex are always together, so needless to say Max is always tense.” He shook his head as he tightly pressed his lips together. “I know, she says it’s as friends. But something happened behind the scenes the weekend we were gone. And then last night they spent the night together in the woods.” Panic was flashing on his normally calm face. “I feel as if I’m losing control of my daughter, or is it my mind?? I’m not sure.” He stated in his confusion, as he raked both hands backwards through his hair. “Isabel has never been like this before. I don’t know if I can trust her anymore.”

“If this helps calm you a bit, I trust my son, Alex!!” Charles said with an air of confidence, which made Philip relax. “Nothing will ever happen with that boy, which neither of them are ready for.” He nodded reassuringly as he continued, “He is a very conscientious and considerate young man.” His face darkened, “He’d better be.” He clenched his teeth, “That’s how he was raised, and he’d better be a gentleman with the ladies.”

Philip looked at the taller man sitting across the table from him and shook his head; his relaxed position was now replaced by worry. He cupped his chin on his hands as he looked directly at Charles Whitman. “I’m not so sure that thought was as comforting as I’m sure you meant it to be. What if they both feel ready for ‘something’ but they really aren’t or weren’t?” He asked worriedly. “What if something happens to them?” As he said the next thing he was holding his arms in front of him as if he were invisibly rocking a baby, “You know, ‘something’?“ His eyes were flashing panic, as he stared at the elder Whitman for help with his feelings. Charles understood.

He slapped the table in front of him as he stood to his feet. “Yeah, Philip my man, I’ve already made it through three older boys.” He sighed, “Alex is my last here, and I can assure you it doesn’t get any easier.

“Four teenagers?” Philip challenged, as he turned in his seat to watch the Elder Whitman. “All boys.” He huffed, “So?? You’ve never had the pleasure of waiting up while your daughter was out with a boy?” he retorted sarcastically. “I fell asleep most likely after Three am last night. Just imagine for a minute if you had four daughters.”

“Daughters,” Charles sighed, as he stood there listening to the slowly rising panic in his new friend. “I don’t think so. I don’t know what I would do if I just found out my daughter was in love.”

“She’s in love!?” Philip exclaimed in utter surprise, as he straightened all the way up. “When did that happen?” The confusion expounded. “And how did I miss it?”

Charles laughed, as Philip watched his every move. “I can only assume she is, based on how Alex has been acting lately. Come to think of it, he’s not been himself either. Though I was unaware of their relationship.”

“How do you do it?” Philip asked in both awe and fear? “How do you know that they’ll make good decisions and do the right things? How did you ever make it through?” He shook his head; two were hard enough, and two very special ones at that. He looked at Charles in his admiration, “Three already, WOW!!!”

Charles laughed at the question from his newfound friend’s novice foray into the world of parenting a teen, in love. “You trust that you’ve given them everything they need to succeed, that you have taught them good morals, and given them the best life you could, and that you have modeled responsibility before them so that they know how to accept it graciously. But I can’t honestly tell you that they will always make the right choices, and that they won’t make mistakes or mess up, or that they won’t become young parents…” he sighed, “Philip I understand your fears, this thought is always in the back of the mind of any parent guiding their teens through those turbulent years. I can’t give you complete reassurances; no one really knows the future.”

Philip looked at him incredulously, “How did you do it? How do you make it through?”

“You just do, and you take comfort from the fact that you know that you’ve done the best for them that you could. Once they reach this age however, it becomes time to start letting them make some of their own decisions, and you always remain there for them and ready to catch them if they fall… My oldest, Harry, is 26 now, married for almost a year, and I can definitely say, from experience, that they never stop needing their parents for some reason or another.”

Philip looked at Charles in a measure of fear, “I know that you’ve more experience in this area, and I know that you are just stating things that are logical and assumingly helpful, but… I’m not so sure that I needed to hear this particular conversation at this particular moment seeing how Isabel and Alex are missing and most likely together.” Philip protested, “I’m sorry but the conversation was a little disconcerting Charles. Now I’m worried.” He stated dejectedly.

“Ahh! Don’t be.” Charles played it off. “At least not yet.” Philip flashed him another look, as he continued. “Now I don’t recommend that the opportunity for them to spend the night together present itself again… that would be an invitation to temptation.” Charles sighed.

“Yeah.” Philip agreed full heartedly, “There’s no way I’m going to let anything like this happen again if I can do something about it. No way at all.”

“I’m sure that they are just fine.”… Charles explained the likeliness of what had happened, “I’m betting that they just got so tired that they couldn’t return, and so kept each other company. They must have been exhausted after not only walking all the way to the reservation, but back again as well.” He laughed slightly. Changing the subject and giving his friend a chance to cool down, he asked, “So? Who’s going to put on the pot of water so we can at least have a morning cup of coffee ... And then we might care to think about breakfast ideas. Alex roped me into this trip so fast I prepared nothing.” He chuckled, “Trust me, I usually am a bit more prepared when I go camping, which with Alex is…” He stopped to think when the last time he camped out with Alex was, “Uh… never. It’s my oldest who really enjoyed it. Eleven years or so ago I was a regular at these campouts,” Charles laughed…

“My kids, usually won’t go camping,” Philip, answered him, “So even though I’ve all the stuff I never get to use it. My darling little princess hates dirt and other such things. I don’t really myself know how we arranged to be here.” Philip sent back the confusion.

Together they looked at each other and in echo fashion stated:

“Tall”… Charles started

Nodding, Philip said, “Good looking”

“Beautiful,” intoned Charles.

“Guy,” said Philip.

“Princess,” Charles laughed. “Well, gorgeous girl anyway,” Charles finished the conversation; as he pointed to Philip, “you’re the one who called her a princess first.” He smiled.

“So our kids knew each other was coming and had to be here.” The realization of Isabel’s full intentions hit him like a ton of bricks, “Yep more than best friends…” Philip laughed to cover his nervousness. “Looks like much more.“ he stood to his feet to do something, anything that would take his mind off the situation. “Let me get that water started… I’m sure Isabel will want a cup as well. Watch how she reacts to last night….” He chuckled knowing Isabel would play it cool.

Leaning down he stoked the fire and got the embers glowing again, placing the grill down he then set the pot on it and the water started to heat. Then he went about placing cups out around the table and placing the coffee crystals in the midst of it.


Isabel came cautiously walking into camp very shortly after her father had started the pot of water. She knew that he liked to get an early start to his day and that he rarely slept in. Their eyes met as she walked up and once again she was lost as to how to explain her presence, or lack there-of. This time, however, she was infinitely more confused as to how to explain where she had actually slept. If it came up she’d deal with it, otherwise she decided to calmly see what was going on and to take whatever her father dished out. She slid onto the bench at the table and grabbed an empty mug, “Morning Dad,” she calmly stated, as she reached for the coffee crystals and spooned them into her mug.

Philip poured the boiling water into the mugs and then replaced the pot to the fire.
Stirring the contents of their cups, Philip slid in the seat directly opposite his daughter; they eyed each other as they continued to stir their coffee. Isabel added several packets of sugar and then her usual, Tabasco sauce. Philip liked his black with a touch of sugar and cream. Camping out, he went without the cream. “Morning Sweetie. Did you sleep well?” The look he sent her indicated that he was fully aware of the fact that she had not been in camp all night and that the question was more pointed than it sounded.

She knew exactly what her father was asking and so she responded with her own very brave double meaning, “Yeah Dad, I did. Thanks for bringing me camping, I found what I was looking for and more. She boldly raised her eyebrows to explain the “more” and she calmly smiled.

Philip started in, “So let me guess? You’re done with the joining in factor of the trip, you’ve accomplished what you came to the woods for, and you are now ready to return home forgoing the second day of the camp-out… would I be right?”

She sent him an exasperated look, “Of course, look at me,” she whined as she idly brushed at her pants which were streaked with dark brown smears from where she had been kneeling in the dirt as she kissed Alex last night. ‘I was kneeling in dirt.’ Her mind was screaming. “I haven’t seen a proper bathroom since we left home, I stepped in something that went squish, I slept out on the almost bare ground under the stars last night, getting bit by something that probably has more germs than Pam Troy, and my hair smells like wood smoke.” With her voice rising in panic, she squared off in front of her father with her hands on her hips. “I need to go home, right now. I don’t know if I have enough body wash to ever feel clean again, I need to burn these clothes, and look Daddy,” she added shoving her hand in his face, “I broke a nail.”

“Nice try Isabel,” Philip teased, unmoved by her impromptu performance. “I especially liked the part about the germs, but we are still going to discuss everything. Why we came to the woods in the first place,” he sent her a secret smile. “And we really need to discuss your ‘disappearances’.”

“Yeah, maybe later Dad. I’m not ready right now.” She inwardly knew that she would need to come up with a very good reason to explain the events of the past night, where Alex was concerned, and she was holding herself in control to not think of those very things. Discussing them currently would not be a very good idea indeed.


When Maria and Liz had awakened, they heard Isabel’s voice outside of the tent. It was obvious that she had never returned and they wanted to talk to her. So they quickly scrambled into their fresh changes of clothes and hurriedly crawled out of the tent. Once outside they heard a cheery voice, “Morning ladies… lovely day isn’t it?”

“Alex??” they both asked, turning quickly to the sound of his voice, and then Liz turned back to Maria, “Alex is awfully ‘cheerful’ and Isabel was never ‘home’… You don’t think they… “

Maria cut her off, “Like I said a short time back, its not likely they did ‘that.’ But I’m pretty sure they were together, look.” She pointed in the direction on the opposite side of the camping area as Isabel headed out of sight. Isabel was making a point of vanishing just as Alex was making a point of strolling in.

He sauntered in and put his rolled up sleeping bag and “their pillow” against a tree, he was stretching languidly as if he had received the best night’s sleep ever and not the actual fact that he had slept on almost bare ground last night. He looked rested and peaceful, even more than usual and none of this was lost on the girls.

Charles who had himself remained scarce during Philip’s conversation with his daughter, had reappeared at the table and was nursing along a cup of coffee as Alex entered. He took one look at Alex, “Morning son, I trust you slept well??”

“Morning Pops.” Alex decided to play it cool. “I sure did, communing with nature is really relaxing. We ought to come camping more often. I took my sleeping bag to this most wonderful spot, then slept out on the almost bare ground under the stars,,,” A sudden noise to his left interrupted his thoughts and he rushed over.

“Are you ok Mr. Evans???” Alex gave him a couple of swift blows to his back as he seemed to having started choking.

Philip found himself choking on a swallow of coffee at Alex’s mentioning of sleeping out under the stars… both of the teens had now said the same thing, his mind was racing with thoughts of what he was hoping did not happen. He started to sputter. After the blows to his back he weakly answered Alex while looking at him directly, “Yeah! Thanks there.” He gave a few short coughs as he regained his breathing, “Swallowed wrong I guess.” He attempted to clear his throat for the final proof that he was alright. The look he sent the young man indicated that he knew of their whereabouts all night.

Alex returned the look with one of his own that said he understood, and that he knew where he stood with the gentleman.


Liz turned to her best friend Maria, ready to solve the mystery playing out before them…”Ok! Here’s what we know, we know that when Alex appeared, Isabel immediately disappeared.”

“Yeah, she’s completely avoiding him,” Maria jumped in and Liz sent her a look, “Sorry, continue.” Maria held up her hands as if in surrender.

“Ok try this,” Liz continued, “have you ever seen Alex look quite like that before? He almost looked ‘dreamy’ if that could be used as a description.”

“Oh come-on Liz!” She whined, “We have the facts, they were together last night. What I want to know is what they were doing?… Any of the times they disappeared.” Maria was eager to get answers.

Liz wanted the answers just as much but she was trying to figure out a discreet way to find them. “And there are only two people we know who we could talk to who have that answer,” Liz continued, “Alex and Isabel. Now!!! The question is who do we go after?” She pointed to Alex in a conversation with his dad, “or” she pointed in the direction that Isabel had last been seen heading.

“Come-on Chica, lets get somewhere we can discuss this a bit more privately.” Maria pulled her friend into the woods a little bit and they stood there talking over the matter at hand. “Ok! Liz, I see what you are saying but we’re dealing with two things here. On the one hand we have Alex whom we’ve known most of our lives and he is our best friend.” She held out her right hand palm extended upwards, “and on the other hand we have Isabel,” continuing the motion with her left hand now gesturing as if she were weighing something. “ Now person number one,” she held up her right hand, “is our most logical choice. Except for one problem.” She looked at her friend to see if Liz was still following her train of thought.

Liz questioned in confusion, “And that would be???”

Holding up her other hand in a repeat gesture, and motioning as if the scales had tipped in her favor, Maria answered, “Person number two.”

“What??? That makes zero sense Maria!” Liz exclaimed.

Maria grinned in her understanding as Liz stood there bewildered. “It makes perfect sense Liz, we can’t ask Alex because of Isabel.” Maria reasoned.

Liz not speaking, just shot her a look of confusion.

“Don’t you see it ??” Maria grabbed her shoulders and talked directly in her face, “Liz, Alex isn’t the type to kiss and tell. If he in anyway thinks that he will harm, embarrass, or otherwise humiliate Isabel he won’t talk. He’ll keep her safe, even if it is from us.”

A flash of understanding crossed Liz’s eyes at that moment as she grabbed Maria’s shoulders in an effort to communicate her understanding. “So what you are saying, is that we really only have one option?”

“Exactly,” answered Maria, smiling triumphantly.

Looking at each other, in unison they stated, “Isabel.” Sharing a conspiratorial grin they again in unison said, “Girl’s Night!” And then they started running to catch up to the one person who had all the answers.


Isabel hadn’t wandered off very far, she had just gone to the nearby stream and was sitting upon a boulder watching the sunlight sparkle on the bubbling brook, it danced and glistened in an ever-changing pattern as the water burbled and splashed as it coursed over the protruding rocks. She thought that the sound was peaceful, it somewhat indicative of how she was feeling inside. As Isabel was reflecting on the events of the previous night, she realized that she really didn’t know what to say to her dad yet, so here she was avoiding him, and Alex. ‘Oh Gosh! What should I do with Alex?’ She left abruptly in the morning when she found herself awaken in his arms because she knew that her resolve would not be able to withstand even a further glance into his eyes before she would do something impulsive, like kiss him, passionately again. Her first sight had already been gazing into his luminous, soft, hazel eyes, and she could barely draw herself away, though by her outward reaction it would have been pretty hard to tell. She was really hoping that this Alex was like her “other Alex” and that he would understand that she really enjoyed being with him, but she just was confused inside about the new level that their relationship had increased to, and so she pushed him away for protection. She hadn’t done that to him yet and it could really turn out disastrous she realized, but she didn’t have any other recourse, so she sat in the woods somewhat brooding.

She looked up in alert, when she heard the snapping of twigs, it sounded as if someone was running and they were coming closer to her. She jumped off her rock preparing to defend herself if needs be. Her hand was unconsciously raised ready to ward off an attacker. She wouldn’t need it.

She watched the two girls come rushing in to where she was. And as Liz who was in the front abruptly stopped, Maria went crashing into her. They stumbled over each other for a moment as they tried to see who would reach her first, “Is-a-bel.. Isabel??” They were calling out her name. She laughed softly to herself at the sight of them, literally tripping over themselves to reach her first. She had an idea as to why they were there, probably had something to with Alex and the events of the previous night. But she could not let them know that so she cocked her head to the side and eyed them carefully using every advantage of her height to intimidate them. In her typical, succinctly, annoyed way, Isabel spoke, “What do you want?”

“Um, Ice Cream,” Maria blurted out far too quickly, having not thought out anything she wanted to say in advance.

Isabel looked at Maria directly as she slowly asked, “You want ice cream?”

“No… Do you?” Maria’s nervousness was evident, nothing she wanted to say was coming out right, and the manner in which Isabel was currently glaring at her with her eyebrows curiously raised, well, it unnerved her completely.

Isabel gave her a short scoffing laugh as she shook her head, still wondering what they were trying to ask. They had not even yet mentioned Alex.

Liz, realizing that if Maria was left to continue in that vein, would in the end completely confuse them all, so she cut to the chase. “What flavor of ice cream do you like Isabel?”

Isabel now turned to Liz and shot her a questioning look, “What is it with you two and ice cream?”

“Just answer the question Isabel,” Liz ordered.

“Ooo-Kaay!” Isabel drew out the word, the ‘Ice Princess’ glared at Liz, and said, “If you recall when we did those questionnaires for History class, that I don’t even eat ice cream. I like Sorbet. What flavor? Peach.”

Liz glared back and said, “I don’t have sorbet. So what flavor of ice cream would you eat, if it were presented before you?” Her hands were on her hips and she was matching Isabel’s every nuance.

‘Whoa,’ Isabel was surprised at how Liz stood up to her. “I like mint and chocolate chip or something with chocolate in it, but not straight chocolate.” Isabel sounded perplexed as she conceded.

Liz nodded her response saying nothing in reply, which served to confuse the normally composed Isabel even further.

“I just knew you were a chocolate girl.” Maria triumphantly announced, “So am I. It’s not worth it if it doesn’t have some kind of chocolate in it.”

Isabel shifted all her weight onto her right foot and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for a hopeful and logical conclusion to this odd conversation. She once again raised her eyebrows in silent question.

Maria answered, “Girl’s Night, Isabel. We needed to see what flavor of ice cream you like….”

“Girls Night?” Isabel could not let her confusion be shown but these two were acting so oddly.

“Yeah you know”, Maria excitedly continued, “girlfriends get together and share/ talk about stuff over ice cream and sometimes a movie. “

‘So that’s what they want,’ Isabel had never had any real girlfriends before and she couldn’t believe what these two were actually asking her… The manner in which she answered them though was in direct contrast to what she was feeling at the current moment. Acting as if the thought were distasteful she said, every word was slowly enounced, “You want me to come to a girl’s night?”

“Yeah, tonight 10:00 after the Crashdown closes.” Liz answered happily.

“You don’t really want me there.” Isabel leaned into Liz’s face in a stance of sheer intimidation, “You just want to know about me and Alex.” She added accusingly.

Liz was undaunted, she leaned upwards and looked Isabel in the eyes in another moment of sheer bravery. “Only if you want to tell us, we really would like to have your company.” Inwardly, Liz really did want to know everything that had transpired but if she gave any indication of that fact, Isabel would most likely resort to her ‘Ice Princess’ persona, icing them over and the chance would be lost.

“Let me get this clear?” Isabel leaned into Liz again, “We talk about ‘stuff’ and I don’t have to talk about Alex if I don’t want to!”

“No!! Whatever you want to discuss Isabel.” Liz volleyed the idea back.

Maria was glaring at Liz for letting Isabel off the hook, but Liz ignored her knowing that a major victory had been won if Isabel even accepted the invitation.

“Ok,” Isabel shrugged her shoulders and then started back to camp. “I’ll make an appearance,” she called out over her shoulder.

“Don’t forget your PJ’s.” Maria called after her, “Girl’s nights are usually all-nighters.”

With that, Isabel disappeared from their view.

“We’re gonna find out what happened…” Maria was shifting her feet in a little happy dance as her voice lilted in a sing-song to match.

“Calm down Maria, we might not find out anything..” Liz just looked at her friend and laughed, “Lets get back into camp.”

“We’ll find out everything.” Maria pointed to herself, “Just leave it to me…. By the end of the night Isabel will have willingly spilled all the information.” Maria nodded triumphantly.

“Okaayy.” Liz sounded skeptical.


Alex could sense her the moment she entered camp, and then he laughed to himself because she did not have a minute to react to anything before she was unceremoniously escorted out to the woods by her “brothers,” one on each arm. “Come-on Iz, time to talk,” Max stated. Alex could not believe how many people were going to try to get information out of her… yet everyone was leaving him alone. He sat down at the table to watch the little show, as he placed his arms behind his head and slouched down getting comfortable. The boys had only taken her out of earshot, but not out of sight. Though they were a distance away.

Max seemed intent, Alex observed… What he was asking was, “What’s going on between you and Alex? You two were pretty serious last night, and I thought that we had agreed not to get attached to any humans.”

“What else have we got left Max?” She stated in annoyance. “I’m not going to date my brother. I think we’re going to have to choose a human.” Alex noticed the annoyance clearly written all over her face.

“So you’ve chosen?” She nodded. “Ok Iz, here is the problem, what if we have to leave? We’ve always talked about it, he’s gonna get his heart broken, and you will too if you get too close. Which I think may have already happened.” Max added accusatorily.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes…

“What was going on when I found you last night?” he demanded.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business!’ She exclaimed.

“Everything any of us do is my business, I’m kind of in charge of all of us… we’ve always done it this way.”

“So why have we???” She argued back.

“Tell me about that kiss,” he demanded again.

“Fine.” Isabel threw her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “We were talking and stargazing. He said he wanted to kiss me and so he did. That’s all.” She haughtily replied.

“Calm down you two.” Michael interjected. “ No one’s getting attached, Max. So don’t worry. I have had fun with Maria and Isabel is apparently trying stuff with Alex. You can’t admit you don’t like being with Liz. You have stalked her since grade school. Alex has stalked Isabel equally as long. Let them have fun.”

“Thanks Michael…” Isabel responded, surprised. ‘Where did that come from, and why?’

Max heard him, but he continued to press Isabel, “So that kiss that I interrupted was ‘that’ kiss?”

She looked directly at him and answered, “Sort-of. Things did get intense, but we were never out of control for even a moment.”

“Isabel, I am worried about you... because we don’t know what relationships with humans are like… things might not be the same.” Max sighed, “I’ve talked to Michael about what I saw and he said that he’s never had that with Maria. You’re the only girl in this mix as you have so often pointed out, and things seemed to be a bit weird between you.”

“What are you talking about Max?” Isabel was warily watching her brother.

“The kiss Isabel. I could see ‘it’ not just you guys, but it was bonding you. It was like it was making you ‘one.’ There was electrical energy all over the two of you, and it was in perfect timing to what you were doing… I’d hate to see what happens during sex.” Max bluntly stated.

“Whoa, hold on Max…” Michael jumped in… “jumping out a bit deep don’t you think? No one is talking about sex… It was a little kiss, harmless? … Right Isabel?” The unspoken meaning not lost in his tone.

She had a surprised yet confused look and she nodded in confusion. She really could not believe Max had jumped out so far with his rationalization...

“That’s just it Michael,” Max leapt in again, “It wasn’t a little kiss… and I don’t think it was harmless. Tell him about it Isabel, and tell us both what happened the night of the rave?”

“Yeah,” Michael jumped in, “What did happen the night of the rave, Max said you had Alex in your bedroom?”

She turned to Michael, and placed her hand on his arm, “You trust me don’t you?”

He answered, “I don’t have enough facts.” She responded with, “You know me though.”

They both turned to her, and Michael demanded for the both of them, “You took him into your room, what happened?”

She could not believe that they were not listening to her and were accusing her of sordid acts. And Isabel really did not feel like defending herself to her brothers, so she took the only recourse she knew well, she drew on her role as the ‘Ice Princess’ and glared at each of them in turn, with her hands on her hips, stating coldly, “I wanted him there. And other than that,” she cocked her head to the side as she continued to make her point crystal clear, “I’m not telling either of you anything… about what I was doing last night, or any other,” said forcefully, “night of my life. This is my personal business. If I feel like kissing Alex, then I’m kissing Alex.” Softening then so that they wouldn’t all be riled up she said, “I told you Max it was intense. I think I know what you are talking about, the ‘bonding’… that’s how it felt. I can’t explain it, but it was truly only a kiss.” She bit her lip and looked down demurely, then she slightly raised her eyes back up as she said, “Our first Max…” She sighed. “We haven’t done anything.”

“That was your first kiss?” He turned to her with surprise written all over his face.

She shyly nodded.

“If that was your first kiss, then I’d really hate to see what…” Max’s eyes got a mischievous glint, and he raised his eyebrows suggestively as he started to hiss the beginning of the word,,,”sss…”

“Don’t you dare go there Max.” Isabel slapped his shoulder playfully but warningly.

“Yeah, you do and you’ll be swimming with the sharks my man, very deep water indeed…” Michel stated. “And I really don’t need mental imagery of anything else, either.”

“Alright, alright I’m done.” Max still raised a suggestive look to his sister, in one last tease, as he raised his hands in surrender. Then he pointed playfully but seriously to Isabel… “You be careful… it seems to be a little different with you.” Then he added, “We will still need to talk about this.”

She nodded. “Got it Max. Now can we go back? This conversation has gone to places that I’m not willing discuss with the two of you….”

“Lets go back.” And with that they rejoined the others back at camp.


When they got back from the talk, Isabel was more than ready to depart; and Max was uncomfortable anyways. Isabel was able to talk her dad into leaving. Based on the conversation from earlier in the morning he knew they’d be leaving early and so he had called his wife when the kids were talking in the woods. He informed her that he would be calling in a short time to get picked up. They needed a ride back to the school at least, he needed to get his car.

She avoided Alex until they left and he realized that she had not uttered a word to him since she left his presence that morning when they had awakened, nor had she said good-bye when they left the campsite. He was only hoping that she was as happy as she appeared to be last night, because she was back in her princess mode where her thoughts and emotions were carefully hidden. As he thought back on the events of the night, he realized that she was avoiding him for her own sake. She needed him at night to chase away nightmares, but this was daytime. She was probably as elated as he was, but it had become very “real” and very “emotional” twice in the course of the night and it was probably best if he just kept his distance. When he thought of how she said she had treated “the other Alex,” he realized that she had her protective shield up, and would probably be avoiding him completely for a few days. He resigned himself to the fact that he would be “worshipping her from afar,” again. He sighed, realizing that there was nothing to hang out at the campground for.


Alex was ready to talk his dad into leaving, and so, they needed to call Gloria to pick them up as well. He was meandering his way over to the table when Michael sauntered into camp in an agitated state. He looked worried about something Alex couldn’t help but notice. “Alex!!!” Michael said brusquely, giving a curt nod, as he grabbed the young man’s upper arm and pulled him into a private part of the woods.

Once there he slammed Alex into the base of a tree and leaned in very closely into his face, while holding him there. Then he pulled back before doing any harm to Alex and muttered, “I trust Isabel, I trust my sister.” He watched his captive to sense his reaction, while he ran his hands through his hair making its unruly spikiness even more pronounced.

Alex had no idea what Michael was upset about, but he knew that the only way to get through to Michael was to speak the guy’s language, so he stayed put and watched him. “Michael!!!’ Alex nodded a short assent of his head, as he continued to hold his ground standing against the trunk of the tree.

Michael took the cue, and leaned in very closely again. “Ok Alex!” I’m only going to say this once. I trust Isabel, and I think I trust you. I just hope I did the right thing.”

Alex stood his ground and silently quirked a raised eyebrow.

Michael continued, “Twice! I’ve defended you to Max, but I don’t have all the facts and I’m going to tell you one thing, if you’ve harmed Isabel in any way, it will be the last thing you’ve ever done. We go way back, and I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

“I understand,” Alex agreed. “ Now what is going on?”

‘Max said you spent the night with Isabel and you made her cry. What did you do to my sister?”

‘No wonder Max is having a hard time with us. Didn’t he talk to Isabel? Ever?’
He looked at Michael and said, with his hands raised in a gesture of surrender, “Nothing Man! I swear I never hurt her. The ‘rents weren’t home, she was having bad nightmares and she just wanted me to help her get through them. I swear nothing happened.”

“And last night?” Michael reminded him of the fact that they never were in camp.

“We kissed. Later we talked and she fell asleep. Again nothing.”

Michael smirked, “You kissed. And now you call it ‘NOTHING’?” You are aware that we are talking about my sister here, right?”

Alex’s bravado was wearing off and being in this close of proximity to an upset Michael was starting to unnerve him and in typical fashion he started to ramble.
“The kiss wasn’t nothing. No! Not at all. It was very much something... I would have loved to have continued even further.”

“ALEX!!!” Michael’s sharp voice drew him back into focus. He clamped his mouth shut as he realized how what he had just said could be construed.

“What do you want to continue with my sister?” Michael was leaning into him closely and smirking again.

‘Just don’t make me nervous and I do fine,’ Alex thought to himself. ‘Now lets do this again.’ He smiled at Michael and said, “Michael lets try this again. I kissed Isabel. It was… OK! It was amazing, alright? And I’d love to kiss her again like that. That’s all I was trying to say.”

Michael nodded. And then leaned in, again. “Ok! Listen good. The only reason Isabel dates is to maintain her popularity, to see and be seen. She doesn’t get close to anyone and she has left a string of broken hearts all over West Roswell High. She chews ‘em up and spits them right back out. So the fact that she has talked to you for so long says something about you. A lot. She likes you Alex, so you’d better not ever hurt her, or you’ll wish that you had alien powers to defend yourself when I get a hold of you. Because I’ll unleash my entire alien wrath on you and you’ll be nothing but a bloody pulp by the time I’m done with you. Is that understood?”

Why pass up a chance for some payback. Alex's back still smarted from being slammed into the tree as he held out his hand for Michael to shake. "I understand perfectly."

Michael took Alex's hand as he continued, "Good. I'm glad you understand about sisters."

"Yes I do, actually." Alex agreed with a smile on his face. At this point he decided to give Michael a demonstration on just how much hand strength guitar players had. "Which brings us to Maria."

“What?” Michael asked confused, but not so much as flinching at the pain in his crushed hand.

Alex leaned into Michael, staring him in the eye. “She’s like a sister to me, and I’d hate to see her get hurt just as much. If you do anything to her, you remember this, I might not have alien powers, but I’ll deal with you as well. And you can let Max know that goes for Liz too. You aliens don’t scare me. No one hurts my girls! Any of them.” He smirked at the larger, spiky haired boy, as he released his hand.

Michel nodded asking the obvious question so that he could hear Alex’s answer. “Isabel’s on that list?”

Alex grinned, “Isabel tops that list, man! I’m not going to let anything happen to her Michael. You have my word.”

“Yeah Ok!” Michael responded. “I knew I did the right thing. Now you really might want to talk to Max soon. He’s got this all blown out of proportion. And he really thinks you hurt her.”

“No Problem. I’ll have to get Isabel to set me up with some face-time. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s not talking to any ‘humans’.” Alex quipped back.

“No kidding?” Michael facetiously replied.

“So we done?” Alex asked.

“Yeah we are.” Michael kind of punched his arm. “Gotta go man. See ya!” He nodded towards Alex, smirked and walked off.

Alex was free to go. And so he made his way back to camp and talked his dad into leaving.

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Chapter 19 A Girl's Night

Post by Mt Gazer »

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I may be borrowing some scenes; and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating:Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Never Been Kissed with Drew Barrymore is discussed. The entire synopsis is laid out, briefly. So if you haven’t yet seen it, you may want to avoid a small scene in this Girl’s Night..


A/N #1: As of today I got a job. So I don’t know so much when I will get time to work on this. I’m going to continue it though. Just bear with me, I’ll try to keep up.


Mt Gazer

A/N #2 Due to a grouping of songs being used to fill out this chapter, I have created a playlist (so to speak). As usual they are in regular italics.

The artists are numbered as the lyrics are used.

These are the musical excerpts:
1. Our First Kiss by Billy Gilman
2. The First Time by Robin Beck
3. You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith


And the final note... This like chapter 17, is being split into parts A and B for the purpose of posting. B will immediately follow.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Nineteen: Part A

Girl’s Night

Much later that day, 9:50 pm to be exact, Isabel arrived at the front door of the Crashdown carrying what appeared to be a gym bag and a plastic sack from the local grocery store, as well as a rolled up sleeping bag and a pillow. She was wearing her customary black leather pants, a blue pullover shirt, and her black leather jacket over that. Her hair was styled for comfort, in a single French-braided ponytail. Jeff Parker let her in, and escorted her up the stairs to Liz’s room, seeing how he did not seem to recall her ever being past the dining front.

When they arrived at Liz’s bedroom, Isabel graciously thanked him and proceeded to knock somewhat timidly on the door, while he resumed his duties downstairs. She was truly entering into new territory and she was slightly nervous, though no one would ever know of that fact.

Liz opened her door. “Isabel, you made it. And on time too I see.” Thinking to herself, ‘It’s such an informal thing that you could drop over anytime.’

Isabel, as a gracious guest launched into an almost memorized speech, “My mother has taught me to always be prompt when given a time. And she has also taught me to bring something for the hostess or to offset the event, so, here...” She thrust the grocery sack towards Liz. This whole display made Maria who was sitting Indian Style on the bed giggle in spite of herself.

Liz peered into the sack and squealed, “Ice cream toppings, and so many to choose from... You really didn’t have to Isabel. We run a restaurant, we have plenty of stuff.” Maria made her way over to see what Isabel had contributed.

“Well, actually I did,” Isabel, rebutted Liz. “My mother insisted.” In the meanwhile Maria was peering into the opened sack.

“In that case thank her for me,” Maria said as she pulled a bag of M&M’s from the assortment. “I love these, I’m still working on Spaceboy, he’d rather eat a candy bar, ‘easier to put the Tabasco on,’ he says.” Isabel nodded in her understanding and agreement.

Liz turned to Isabel, “And back when you thought Vanilla was a ‘dreadful’ or were you thinking ‘boring’?” Liz rolled her eyes to emphasize her point, “choice, to be a favorite ice cream,” reminding her of when they were doing the assignment of getting to know each other for history class, “it really is the most versatile when you mix it up with different toppings.”

“Oh!” Isabel had been put into her place and she just nodded at Liz’s statement.

“Please don’t stand there all night, come in...” Liz gestured for her to come inside, “Make yourself comfortable. You can hang your bag and jacket on my coat rack,” she pointed to a corner of the room. “And you can sit anywhere you’d like. I don’t think you want to stand in my doorway all night do you?” Liz teased her taller acquaintance.

So Isabel came in and made herself comfortable on the bed, near Maria, who was now lying on her stomach with her ankles crossed. Her feet were at the head of the bed, and she was nibbling on the M&M’s that Isabel had contributed. They were spread out on the bedspread in a rainbow of colors and Maria was eating them methodically. Isabel sat down somewhat stiffly at the foot of the bed. Keeping her posture intact, and looking oddly out of place in the comfort department.
She turned her head to look beside her and stared at the M&M rainbow and then snatched a green one from the middle, she popped it into her mouth and then replaced her hands; folded demurely into her lap. The look on her face dared Maria to mess with her, however. Maria reached into the bag and calmly replaced the stolen candy.

What Isabel knew and Maria was unaware of; of course, was the fact that Maria doesn’t eat sugar usually. She was letting it all go and just enjoying herself.

“Relax Isabel.” Maria laughed. “You’ll get a backache if you stay like that all night.” She observed Isabel’s rather stiff posture. “Get comfortable, really… we’re gonna have fun.”

Isabel crossed her ankles and sank into the foot a little more, as she placed her hands flat on her lap. She was still a long way from ‘fitting’ into the relaxed atmosphere.

“Girlfriend, you need help.” Liz said. “And I know just how you’re gonna get it.” She held out her hand to Maria, “Maria get off the bed,” she ordered. Maria hopped off, and the three of them were now standing in the center of Liz’s room. “Okay, everyone, plop.” Liz stated as she sat where she was. Maria grinned and sat where she was as well, leaving Isabel to follow suit.

The three of them were now sitting on Liz’s floor, staring at each other curiously.

“If you want to get more comfortable we can lean against the bed or other furniture,” Liz stated, starting to think to herself that Isabel had never done anything like this before.

They soon found themselves in close proximity to each other and all relaxing against the side of Liz’s bed.

And the girls started to put Isabel to ease with their humor.

Maria put on a phony rich accent and tossed her head into the air as she said, “For our viewing pleasure tonight, we have selected a fine movie with romance, comedy and emotion.” Her hands were accentuating her words as she tossed them about with flourish. And then she reached under the bed and pulled out the selection...

Never Been Kissed,“ Isabel read the title out loud as she started to chuckle. “Ok, I get the idea I’ve been set up. Maria, really, you know what I could do to you don’t you??” She grinned evilly.

“Yeah, but I know you won’t.” Maria teased back.

“And what about you Liz, how do you intend to trap me?” Isabel ribbed her smaller friend.

“Me? Trap you?” Liz responded, ” And after I went to such lengths to prepare such a lovely feast for us… you accuse me of trapping you.” She feigned hurt. “Maybe you don’t want to know what we have for our dining pleasure.” She pouted playfully and sniffled in response.

‘No wonder I’ve never hung out with human girls… they are a little odd. But I’m actually enjoying myself.’ Isabel thought to herself. She turned to Liz and met her feigned hurt with feigned indignation. “Fine then, I guess I don’t care what we shall eat.”

Maria watched her joining in and nodded, she started to softly laugh. Quietly, so as not to be heard, she said, “Good job Isabel.”

Isabel turned the mood and said, “So seriously? What kind of ice cream were we having? … And don’t say Vanilla…” she whined playfully.

“There is always Vanilla Isabel, but as you are the guest of honor, we also have Mint and Chip. Hope you like…” Liz stated, “but its not just here in my room, I’ll have to get it out a little later when we’re ready for some serious girl talk.”

Once again all Isabel could do was to nod in response. The only girl talk she’d ever really had was about clothes, make-up, hair, and sex; though the last topic was never one she fully joined in... And how the proper combination of the aforementioned things, not the sex of course, could get a guy. There was a truth to it she supposed, she had the hair and the clothes and the body and she’d always had the guys. But it was a game; there was never anyone to trust with her innermost self until Alex had appeared. She really was unaware of what serious girl talk was. She’d find out.


The girls settled into the living room to watch the movie scattered on the couch and chairs. It was high school exaggerated, and they were somewhat watching themselves through another’s eyes.

At one point, Maria pointed to the screen and giggled, whispering to Liz who was sitting next to her, “That is just so like Isabel. Look at that girl.” The scene was playing when the populars were staring at the new girl disbelieving that she was talking to them. Maria was thinking back a couple of months when Isabel scared her. Liz nodded and pointed silently to Isabel who had a transfixed expression on her face.

Isabel was taking in the whole story, and though she couldn’t fit into the main character’s shoes, of being unpopular and coming out of it, she could relate to the popular girl getting the unexpected guy due to being herself.

And the whole underlying theme of the movie about hiding out undercover, and discovering yourself through the process, it was truly the story of her life. Soft tears had gathered in the corners of her eyes. But she did not feel safe giving them release. It was hitting so close to home that she found her heart aching. She got up and went into the Parker’s kitchen and got a drink of water as she regained her composure.

Coming back she finished the movie with them and all three of the girls were crying to some degree as it ended. Isabel had politely excused her self and had retrieved a handkerchief from her purse. She was unaware of where things were kept in the Parker’s residence. But ever since she had returned in time and had countless break-downs in Alex’s arms, she had made it her policy to have the handkerchief there at the ready. She had determined its necessity after emotionally losing it that day in the park when she was sharing all her secrets; Alex had luckily managed to find a tissue in her purse, though his shirt took the brunt of her emotions. She was so glad for alien powers, no one ever knew that she’d been crying when they had entered the Crashdown that night. But that was the day that convinced her to always have her handkerchief at the ready.

Maria thought to herself that Isabel was a normal girl after all; a hopeless romantic. Somehow the film had touched her. But she also realized that she was poised and in control even as she cried. It was feminine, just the glistening eyes being daintily dabbed with the corner of a hankie. Maria didn’t feel as if she’d measure up to that level of perfection and beauty. Isabel even cried elegantly. But she was unaware of the price Isabel paid to maintain such standards, and how they were wearing on her and becoming very shallow.


Sometime after the movie, slumber party in full effect back in Liz’s room, Maria winked to Liz covertly and said, “Let’s play a game… it’s really easy.”

Liz answered, “Ok, lets try it.” As she conspiratorially returned Maria’s wink.

“How do we play?” Isabel swallowed the bait, though nervously.

“Well, we each ask someone in the circle a question, but they can’t have just been asked, so we all are answering. Ok… and,” Maria quickly added excitedly almost as if it were an afterthought, “you can only tell the truth. But we will all be doing the same thing… it’s a sharing game.” Maria stated matter-of-factly.

“Ok,” Isabel nervously bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if she was going to like this.

“I’ll start,” Liz said… “Maria? What made you fall in love with music?”

So Maria launched into a little known fact of her life, though Liz as her best friend was aware of the answer already. “My Dad used to play the piano or guitar and he would pull me onto his lap and I would sing. So my love for music is attributed to the man who no longer has a part to play in my life.” She threw her hands out in a flippant manner as if she didn’t care. “It figures.”

Maria then turned to Isabel to explain the rules a bit more clearly. “Ok since I was just asked the question, now I ask someone, but I’ll ask you… Isabel?” She smiled at the taller blonde, “How old were you when you figured out you were ‘different,’ and how did you discover it??”

Isabel stated assuredly, “We kind of always sensed it… but I knew for sure when I was 9, we went to the UFO Center and I had some kind of reaction to the displays. Also I had accidentally dream-walked my mom, I didn’t know I could. She didn’t sleep for a week afterwards, and Max had healed a bird when we were even younger than that, he was unaware that he had powers as well. It’s something that just happened.”

“I can’t blame her, I was afraid to close my eyes after your little nocturnal visit myself,” chided Maria.

Isabel looked to Liz, “So I ask Liz something?” They nodded… “How long have you lived in Roswell?” She asked the simplest question leaving Liz to elaborate.

Liz answered “All my life. When the crash happened, my great grandfather had a bar called Parker’s. The military officers frequented the place. My grandfather took over the bar, but it went out of business when they closed the base in 1967. Now my Dad owns a restaurant… it’s in the genes I guess…”

After awhile as the game progressed, and many things had been learned, Liz picked Isabel, “Who do you share your secrets with Isabel?”

“Excuse me?” She queried in confusion, “I don’t have anyone… except my brothers… but my secrets are kind of their secrets, so…” She shrugged her shoulders, not fully understanding the question, nor the fact that she had just been set up.

“So you would tell them which guy you like?” Maria dove in.

“No!!” Isabel exclaimed, “ Never. Have you seen how Max is reacting to Alex? They aren’t privy to that type of information.”

“Who do you tell?” Liz asked gently.

Shaking her head, “No one. No one cares enough to know what is inside me… keeps me safe.” She stated calmly and assuredly.

“So you’ve never had a true girlfriend before?” Liz tried again.

“Not really, I suppose,” Isabel said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Ok then,” Liz nodded, “I need to go get something and I’ll be right back…” Liz headed to the restaurant kitchen and pulled out the two tubs of ice cream, bowls, and spoons, grabbing a bottle of Tabasco from a table, she headed back upstairs.

“Isabel,” She said grinning broadly as she balanced the goodies in her arms, “If it would be alright with you, we would officially like to welcome you into the ‘Girlfriends Club’.” Maria started slapping her lap rhythmically to imitate a drumroll.
“You might not have had them before, but you do now, you have us.” Liz said as she doled out the bowls and spoons. “We’ll always be here for you. But you have to return the favor and be there for us as well.” She smiled, “Friendship is a two-way street. We’ll help you out along the way, we understand if this is new to you.”

“Yeah, so now you come to girl’s nights, and you tell us your secrets, and we share stuff, ok?” Maria said as she dug into the Mint and Chip ice cream.

“Ok!” Isabel nodded cautiously, as she also dug in.

Liz had to clarify, “So you really never had any girlfriends before?” As she planted herself facing Isabel; tubs of ice cream in the center of the three of them. They were more or less in a triangular shape, with Isabel and Maria as the base, leaning against Liz’s bed.

“NO! Not anyone I’d feel completely safe with.” Isabel replied assuredly.

“That is so sad,” stated Maria.

“Why?” Isabel raised her eyebrows.

“Surely you’ve had a crush on someone before,” Maria took bite of the ice cream, wiped her lip a little and said, “and wished you could just tell it?”

Isabel nodded, “Yeah 6th Grade.” All three girls got looks of reminiscence on their faces as they dreamily stated out the names of the guys they had liked back then, “Bryan Porter,” Isabel stopped to gape intently at both of them. “You guys liked him too?”

“He was the cutest boy ever.” Maria stated. “Yeah that blonde hair and those blue eyes… “ She trailed off with a dreamy look on her face.

“He was in the upper echelon ... Good looks, parents had money, popular … I was allowed to like him.” Isabel reasoned. The girls turned to stare at her. They were unaware of the social rules in her circles.

“Remember who he took to the Spring Dance though?” Liz reminded them of that season, “He didn’t ask any of us…not even Isabel, who would be ‘socially allowed’ to go with him.”

“Of course he didn’t go with me,” Isabel lamented with a whine. “Remember what I looked like in 6th grade? … Talk about your ugly duckling … I was taller than most of the other girls, skinny as a rail but I didn’t have a figure yet, and most of my adult teeth had grown in but I still had a little girl’s face… so they were just big. I think I got asked ‘out’ three times that year, and two of them were pity dates … I was tall, skinny, and geeky looking. 8th grade was when I started to be really noticed. When my body finally grew into itself, and I was never without a date.”

“Oh come on Isabel, you’ve always been beautiful.” Liz reminded her, “ We all were awkward at that age.”

“Yeah, maybe so,” she agreed dismissively, “but I’ll never forget who he went with,” Isabel said thoughtfully, “it said a lot about the guy.”

“Ashley Slaton.” Liz responded. “And you want to know why? Because she had a reputation and she would kiss any boy.“

“Definitely leaves me out, never experienced that till yesterday,” Isabel stated softly, not realizing she had said that out loud. She knew it the minute the girls turned to stare at her. “Did I say that out loud?” She cringed.

A tiny bit nervous
I'd never been kissed
Did you open your eyes?
Cause I never did

“Yes you did.” They answered in unison curiously staring at her, “You want to talk about it?” Maria questioned.

She smiled shyly as she shook her head at her own admonition… Her head dipped down as she bit her lip; and a warm feeling crept over her entire body, but most specifically her face. Isabel was blushing furiously with no way to stop it. She stared at her lap and absentmindedly played with her hands as she waited for the feeling to pass.

The truth is I'm clueless
A little bit hazy
But when I remember
I can almost taste it

She looked up a few moments later and the girls noticed that she was beaming. She did not have to say anything, somehow that kiss affected her deeply.

“Was it that good?” Maria asked in amazement.

Wordlessly she nodded, as she smiled in remembrance.

“Alex’s kiss left you this speechless?” Liz jumped in, “You have to talk to us ... We want to know what happened.” Her eyes were begging for the details.

Isabel softly said, “I can’t describe it.”

First time, first love
Oh what feeling is this?

Ever the tactful one Maria wanted information, and she dove in headfirst. “So?? Have you ever kissed anyone before, so you have something to compare it to??” She questioned.

Isabel knew she’d have to lie about the past timeline, yet at the same time she’d be telling the truth. Alex was her first kiss. Then. And now. But she did have kisses to compare it to, Grant, and that guy, Dave, in Vegas, and there was no comparison. Innocent, completely naïve Alex could kiss better than anyone ever. And this Alex, even had something on her other Alex, she wasn’t sure what, but he kissed even better than “him.” Maybe it was his confidence, she had always been the initiator before...

Isabel looked at Maria and raised an eyebrow in mock question. “What would make you think that?”

“Oh come on Isabel,” Maria used her most disbelieving tone as well as look, “with all the guys you’ve gone out with, surely you experimented a little.” Maria looked at her curiously. “I mean even Liz and I have. And we’re nothing as popular as you.”

“Liz? Remember that conversation we had about my platonic relationships?” Isabel turned the discussion a bit.

“Yeah of course.” Liz nodded, and she smiled in understanding.

Isabel then turned to Maria, sitting to her right, “I haven’t dated anyone more than three times, usually not more than twice. I have had to use my ‘skills’ to get away from their octopus tendencies sometimes, and I have had to force guys away from my mouth, those don’t count. A kiss is shared between two people, and I’ve never been in a relationship before… so NO. I really don’t have anything to compare it to.”

“But you do know how it felt right?” Liz asked carefully.

“Absolutely,” biting her lip, she looked up demurely. “Amazing.”

Electricity flows
With the very first kiss

“You ready to talk?” Liz was watching her face. She was practically glowing with happiness.

Isabel turned the question onto the smaller brunette. ”Let me ask you something Liz? Have you and Max kissed yet?”

“No, sorry.” She shook her head, and sighed thoughtfully, “He kind of shied off after whatever happened between you all a couple weeks back.” Then she went into Isabel’s space, “What did happen anyways?” she asked carefully.

Isabel shook her head, “Not now … Ok, you haven’t but I know Michael and Maria have,” she now turned to the smaller blonde, “they were the first of us to do so.” Isabel chuckled, “Typical Michael, impulsive and unrestrained.”

“Oh yeah, that’s Michael all right,” Maria got a dreamy look, “my brooding anti-hero,,, him against the world,,, against everything.”

“That spark of intelligence in his eyes”,,, Isabel had a faraway look in her eyes, yet she continued to converse.

“Yeah Michael, battling the world, carving a place in it just large enough for the two of us,,, not letting anyone in, barely letting me in.”

“He just sits on the sidelines watching the world go by,,, not willing to make waves.”

“So insanely jealous, almost stalking me,,, insecure and needs me around.” Maria lamented.

“Alex is pinching himself trying to see if he is dreaming. He’s content to settle for whatever time I can make for him,,, But with ‘stalker tendencies,’ she said teasingly as she made air quotes around the words…”He hates for me to be out of his sight, where he can’t keep me safe.” Isabel raised her index finger in warning, as she shook her head.

Maria laughed and Liz looked on, wishing that she could have some of this with Max … these girls seemed so happy with their guys, Impulsive Michael versus Gentlemanly Alex, and yet the same spark of tremendous elation was in each of the girl’s eyes.

Maria continued, raised her hands in surrender and said, “When we kiss, he looks at me, like a wild animal, I can see the lust in his eyes.” She was leaning into the center, getting all excited as only Maria could do.

“Innocence is what I see on Alex, the look of wonder on his face, as if he can barely believe that I'm there with him,,, that we are sharing time together. As I gaze into his eyes all I see is love staring back.” She smiled wistfully.

“Michael is powerful and forceful; he grabs me,,,

“His touch is so soft, so gentle, as if I were delicate glass to not be handled roughly,,,”

His lips come crashing unto mine. He sucks my breath right out of my lungs,,, I’m left standing, gasping for air and wanting more.”

“Alex’s lips barely grazed my own,” her hand reached up and gingerly touched the spot as if she could still feel it. “He pulled away and then he looked at me to make sure I was alright,,, that I wasn’t upset.” She said in a dreamy tone, almost reminiscent.

“With Michael, when we're together the earth moves, it's like a surging volcano,,, explosive, hot, and fiery... passionate.” Her hands were emphasizing every word with sharp, punctuated movement.

“When we're together he touches my soul, it's like we're in this peaceful meadow,,, warm, soft, and carefree… safe.” Isabel relaxed completely against the bed and crossed her hands on her chest, as she took in a soft breath.

Together they said in unison, “He would do anything for me,,,”

“Kill” ,,, said Isabel.

“Or die” ,,, answered Maria

“To protect me”,,,

“It's like we”,,,

“Were made”,,,

And then they realized that they were finishing each other’s sentence, looking at each other and nodding they said, “For each other.”

“Wow!!” Liz exclaimed breathless. “Gosh I wish Max and I could get this close. What you two have sounds amazing. I want even a little bit of it.” She moaned as she scooped another bite of Vanilla ice cream smothered in caramel and topped with multicolored sprinkles from her bowl.

“Give him time Liz.” Isabel stated all knowingly, “Max is kind of in charge of us, and lately we are all coupling up. Me and Alex, Maria and Michael. “ Isabel pointed out.

Maria rolled her eyes at this. And Isabel in sympathy said, “I know he’ll come around. He wouldn’t want to be away from those kisses, if he is even feeling half of what you described.” And then she turned back to Liz, “And right now Max feels as if he has lost his control and he is scared to death of ‘human/alien’ relationships. I’m sure he’ll come around; just give him some time…. He’s more scared of hurting and being hurt. All our lives we have talked about what happens when we have to leave, if we have no attachments, easy ... we walk away. But if we have them, everyone will end up hurt.”

“Are you going to leave?” She bit into her ice cream, and melted it in her mouth for sometime before swallowing. She stared at the green ice cream topped with M&M’s in her lap, bothering it with her spoon but not eating any it, as the colors all swirled together. That’s how she was feeling inside, swirled together. Maria wasn’t so sure she wanted to hear the answer. She liked Michael and didn’t want to lose him the way she had her dad. The question had just come out of her as her abandonment issues appeared momentarily. She waited for the answer with her head down.

‘I’m not going anywhere, I refuse to give up Alex like that.’ But Isabel shrugged her shoulders, “We don’t know. We don’t even know where we are from or if anyone is even looking for us. We only have a genetic link to our past… but what is our past?? Who are we? Where are we from?” She licked her spoon, slowly cutting through another bite of Mint and Chip doused liberally in Tabasco.

“That’s got to be rough.” Liz placed a gentle hand on Isabel’s arm.
Isabel turned to her newest confidant, “Well it explains the boys that’s for sure, Stonewall Michael who won’t let anyone in, and leader Max who has to make sure everyone is acting within their prescribed roles.” She cocked her head waiting for their next question.

“What about you, how does it affect you?” Liz asked curiously.

“Ever meet the ‘Ice Princess’?” Isabel gave a toss of her head, “I’m kind of like Michael, I have my own way of being a wall. But I came to realize one very important thing lately, ‘in the other reality’, we have attachments; Michael the least of us, but we were raised by our adoptive parents, the Evans. My mother is a big attachment for me. It would kill me to leave her. And my Dad, he is so supportive and he is so loving… I really hope to never face that day; I don’t think my heart could handle the pain.” She shared honestly, leaving the girls sitting there in wonderment. Isabel wasn’t known to speak so much or for so long. They were unaware that she was retrieving what to her was deemed lost, their friendships. Isabel was opening up of her own volition to get her friends back into her life.

“So do they know?” Maria winked at Isabel. “That you and Max are…”

And Isabel, recalling the conversation in the car the day Maria gave her a lift when the jeep overheated, finished it, “Disgusting, horrible creatures from outer space who come into your room late at night and perform excruciating experiments on you?? Yes they know.” The two girls doubled over in laughter. It was an inside joke to them alone.

Liz was horrified, “They think that?” Her eyes wide in revulsion.

“No Liz,” Isabel teased, “that’s what Maria used to think. I went against Max a short time back and told my mom… actually we, Alex and I, told my mom. Max has threatened to get even,” she bit her lip momentarily as she thought about how much she wanted or needed to share and then she continued, “he hasn’t done anything, so he probably is gonna let it go. But I don’t know; he’s pretty upset. That’s what happened a couple of weeks ago that you all have been wondering about... the thing that set everyone on edge… and caused that showdown at the Crashdown. Max still hasn’t gotten over it; he’s not talking to ‘humans’ more than he has too.” She turned to Liz directly with an apologetic expression on her face. “I mean, he is/was trying to date you. But he can’t get past his own fears and insecurities; we just have to give him time.”

“Did Max hurt you that day? I’ve never seen you so upset before.” Maria tentatively questioned, while she gently laid her hand on Isabel’s.

A somewhat sad expression crossed Isabel’s face at Maria’s question. “NO... He didn’t.” Withdrawing her hand from Maria’s, she placed it atop her drawn up knees, resting her chin on her arms. She was thinking through the events that had transpired and sorting out her thoughts, shaking her head in the same sadness, “I guess the pain I was feeling was in the fact that I did the right thing, but I had caused pain to my brothers, and I had no way to repair it. Max was so upset, and it hurt me to see him like that.” She continued to explain how out of sorts everyone had become from that event… “Alex wanted to punch him out, would have, except I begged him not to. I explained that I caused my pain, and that Max would be more than worried about me if he were ‘attacked’ by a ‘human’ on my behalf. He would see Alex as a loose cannon and very unpredictable, and that the one thing Max needs right now is stability. The whole thing is to let Max know that things haven’t changed much, and that he is loved and accepted. So far, I have no idea how that is going. Max is still avoiding everyone.”


Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
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Chapter 19 part B Girl's Night Continued

Post by Mt Gazer »

Shifting Realities

Chapter Nineteen: Part B

Girl's Night, Continued...

“You told your mom? How did that go?” Liz asked carefully. “I mean, besides the obvious fight it created with Max.” Isabel readjusted her sitting position now sitting Indian Style.

“It went well actually,” Isabel smiled. “After getting our signals crossed and totally starting out on the wrong foot.” Isabel was blushing, but laughing.

“How did it go wrong?” Maria was curious; she couldn’t fathom why it made Isabel blush...

Isabel’s head dipped down as she mumbled softly, her hands folded in her lap, “She thought I was pregnant…” Isabel shook her head dubiously as she bit her lower lip. The comment was met with momentary silence except for the sound of falling silverware hitting the sides of ceramic bowls as the girls both dropped their spoons and turned to stare at Isabel, mouths agape.

“What?” The girls choked out in unison. Liz ended up choking on her bite of ice cream, after she calmed down her breathing she resumed the questions, “How did she come to that conclusion?” Liz was more than curious now.

“Isabel laughed and explained just how much she relied on their best friend, “I’d been crying and was so nervous, that she misread the signs… and somehow, though we were having a conversation, we weren’t, at least not the same one. Alex is the one who set us straight. It was hilarious. Neither of us will ever forget it, and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. She really loves me… she really accepts me…” Isabel’s eyes were shining and the girls realized that she was letting them into her deeper thoughts.

“Of course she does Isabel, mothers do.” Maria reassured her.

“We weren’t sure ours would,” Isabel shook her head, “we were always scared of ever revealing the truth to anyone. Liz if you hadn’t thought that Max was acting weird in science class that day … the way he avoided the assignment … you still might not know and we wouldn’t all be sitting here. Thanks for being so nosy.” She ribbed the smaller girl.

“No problem Isabel, glad to help.” Liz giggled.

Isabel’s face fell as she once again stared at her lap and it worried the girls, “I’m so sorry Liz,” She mumbled, “Max has kind of erected a personal ‘no humans allowed’ barrier around him right now. And after what I did, he has placed me in the same category. ‘Human.’ She looked up and watched Liz hesitantly. “He is so scared of anyone else finding out… especially our dad.” She laid a very tentative hand on the smaller brunette.

“Wait!” Maria jumped in, “You said they know.” She looked at Isabel directly, and queried, “You told your dad as well?”

The talk had gone into a very personal nature and the ice cream was long forgotten. The girls quit eating it and just listened intently as Isabel shared from her deepest self.

Sucking in her lip she shook her head yet again, “My mom did, and Max is not even aware that he has known for almost three weeks. Dad’s keeping it quiet … Max is so fragile right now. My dad loves me guys; he really does. But I know how Max is feeling, I used to feel the same way.” She sighed, “I always knew my mom could handle it, but I was never sure about my dad; you know, and that worried me. And because of that sighting, I had to tell Max that Dad knew why we were really in the woods, I wasn’t going to lie to him when he asked me. I have to lie enough as it is to keep alive,” Isabel was doing the very unusual, rambling, “Anyways, Max really hates me right now, he thinks I told our dad to force him into taking us into the woods; So not only does he not like mom knowing, but now in his opinion Dad just learned, and I am guilty on two counts.” She threw up her hands in confusion, “Three, if you count telling Alex first. These have been a crazy two months.”

“Yeah we understand that,” Liz concluded, “But really, Isabel it’s been crazy since September.”

“True, it really has been crazy since then, but for me in the personal sense, it’s been crazy since the rave. The day after it, I let Alex in on the secret, and in so doing, re-established your friendships … and pissed off Max, the first time.” She moaned, “He yelled then, so I know how upset he is now, he’s gone silent over the whole issue… he’s far more upset than that time.” Isabel rolled her head on her shoulders for a second as she continued. “He loosened up a bit this morning, actually talked to me, though he was grilling me for information about the kiss… but the other issue is still very tenuous. Max is panicked.”

“How are you handling that? “ Maria was concerned for her new friend’s state of mind, “to have your brother so upset constantly?”

“The best I can,” Isabel informed her, “knowing Mom is there to talk to when things get tough and they do, and I have talked to her a lot. And Alex. He’s been my Rock, without him, I couldn’t get through.” She turned to Maria, “Somehow at least on the issue of us, he even made an impression on Michael. Michael is ok with us together…. I said its gone crazy… Michael is even more hands off the humans than Max usually is…. But he defended Alex to Max. I thought I’d entered an alternate reality.” Puzzlement was written all over her face as she continued to share, “I have no idea what Alex said to him, but it made a serious impression. And I have talked to my dad a bit too, but I’m closer with my mom. But my Dad…” she smiled wistfully, “You know what he called me? His Alien Princess.” Isabel Evans continued to ramble on, “He has always called me his princess... but he called me his Alien Princess, and he said it in love. As much as Max and I are having trouble, I’ve never been happier. My parents love me. You don’t know how good I feel, how ‘normal.’ I finally get to feel the love of a family, and know that I am accepted for who I am. And I don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing or slipping up anymore. All the damage that can be done, has been.”

The girls were so touched, and realized that Isabel had probably shared her deepest feelings. They were amazed that she had opened up so much. “Oh Isabel,” The taller girl found herself suddenly lunged upon by the two smaller girls as they engulfed her in a simultaneous hug as they rejoiced with her over things. “We are so happy for you. Thank-you for sharing that with us.” Liz stated.

“See,” Maria chimed in mater-of-factly, “this is what being girlfriends is all about. You have someone to talk to. Thank you for telling us.”

Isabel knew why she had shared everything but she sardonically answered, as she pulled from the embrace, “Well you’re all kind of involved, being the only other people who know our secret.” She said haughtily. “Who else am I going to tell?” She got up and walked for a second while she shook herself from her thoughts. “I need to seriously change the subject here guys, this was so intense so… she thought of which way she could turn it, “You know, we were speaking of relationships a bit earlier, and I was thinking, I can never learn this in my circles, and I really haven’t cared, but Alex is a different caliber of person, and I was just wondering what do people like you guys think of me?” She crossed the room and once again leaned against Liz’s bed, sitting in the center of the girls, Liz had rejoined them against the bed. Isabel knew she was setting herself up and she had a vague idea of how she was seen, and she knew that she had been referred to as the B-Word on quite a few different occasions, in the past timeline for her own reference, but this Isabel followed her characterization perfectly. So she was able to tap into the memories and realize that they were one in the same. But she wanted someone who was not afraid of her to really tell her straight. ‘Might as well deal with everything hard in one night, get it over with.’

“Brutal honesty, or tamed down?” Maria was giving her an out clause and really hoping she’d take it. They didn’t want to see her become upset with the way she was viewed, they knew it was an act, they’d seen enough of Isabel to know that the ‘Ice Princess’ was a person she hid behind and who kept her more than safe. It kept her untouchable.

“Brutal honesty please.” Isabel asked hesitantly.

“Guys or girls?” Maria continued, with a heavy sigh, she had rejected the out clause.

“Both.” Isabel cocked her head to the side.

“Ok,” She looked to Liz who nodded for her to go on, “This doesn’t mean that we see you like this, anymore” … Maria beat around the bush. “The girls see you as one of the most popular girls in the school who is very concerned with her looks and is extremely vain. You are the Elle McPherson of the sophomore class. And every girl wishes they could be you. Popular, Drop Dead Gorgeous, and untouchable. Anyone who tries will be wiped up with a mop. You are unkind, ok the word they use is a bitch. You use people, to get what you want, which is recognition. And when you have achieved what you wanted, you move on and leave another trampled heart or crushed ego in your wake. No one’s feelings matter to you...” Maria warily eyed the taller girl who was just sitting there quietly absorbing everything she was saying. And so Maria bravely continued, “You walk around with an air of superiority, you are better than anyone else. Extremely conceited. You won’t even associate with others not in your social class, minus your brothers of course. And you are a snob.” She took in a breath and sat back against the bed.

She mentioned as an aside while she smiled to herself, “To that I add, if they could only see you now, so normal.”

Isabel looked at them in aghast shock. ‘So this is the persona I created for myself? No wonder I have no true friends.’ She ducked her head to absorb all the information that was thrown out at her request.

“Do I want to know what the guys think of me? I’m not like Ashley am I?” Isabel asked softly, disheartened that she had formed such an unapproachable façade to keep her safe.

“No! Definitely not Ashley, or Pam Troy, those girls, they have no morals,” Liz wandered off topic before she reined herself back in. Sighing she resumed, “But the bitch category carries over here too,” Liz picked up where Maria left off, “The guys think you are a tease, your body... which you can’t help. If we could all be so lucky, as well as your looks, and the way you dress… No you aren’t thought of as a slut.” She laughed wryly, “And that is because they all know they wouldn’t want to deal with your wrath if any false rumors were started about how far one of them had managed to go with you.” Liz was laughing at the mental image of Isabel tearing them apart. “I hate to say it, Isabel, but you are in another class altogether, you are every guy’s erotic fantasy.”

Isabel dryly stated, “You don’t know how true that is.” At the confused looks sent her way she said two words that explained it all… She threw her hands up, “Dream-Walk?”

“Oh, right,” they said in unison in a knowing tone, those two words said it all.

Liz continued, “Isabel you are thought of as a challenge. That’s why they are all willing to risk your rejection and to ask you out. They are convinced that one of them is going to score, as far as they are concerned, it’s just a matter of time before you cave, and that one of them will eventually find his way into your pants.” She stated boldly.

Isabel bit her lip as the information sank-in, and she blushed at the deeper level of the conversation, and the information overload … not realizing that she mumbled, out loud, “My pants are spoken for." She suddenly looked up to the others and started laughing in her embarrassment, as she shrugged her shoulders.


Her embarrassment was instantaneously promoted to mortification when she heard a gentle, mid-toned, male voice say teasingly, “Oh they are, are they?” He had just walked in.

Her eyes went wide, as they caught his, which were twinkling with laughter, and a look of abject horror mingled with a crimson hue, crossed her face. She quickly buried her head in her hands, as she groaned, “Oh God! I can’t believe I said that out loud!” She swallowed hard. “And, he heard me!”… Shaking her head in disbelief at what she had done, she was wishing that the earth would open up at that very moment and swallow her whole. Isabel moaned, “This can’t get any worse.” ‘Oh Lord, Strike me down now! PLEASE!’

“What are you doing here?” Liz jumped up as Isabel turned around to bury her face in Liz’s comforter. After what she just said, and he heard, she could not face Alex.

“I’m an honorary girlfriend right?” He held open his arms. “Your Dad let me in and said that girl’s night was in session and that I was late and you were all waiting for me. So what are we talking about?” He teasingly stated, “Something about Isabel’s pants?” He quirked a suggestive eyebrow.

They heard a stifled moan from the bed.

“Al-ex!” Maria whacked him on the chest, with the back of her hand. Not quite like Isabel’s slaps, but similar. She had also run to him when he entered the room.

“What?” He feigned indignation as he playfully rubbed at the spot Maria had just smacked. “I like them, they look good on her?” He playfully teased, as the moaning from the direction of the bed escalated. Isabel was never going to raise her head again.

“So I see we have a new member,” he stated the obvious, pointing to the moaning heap at Liz’s bedside, “and since I am late, I need filled in… what were we talking about?” he grinned.

And Isabel moaned yet again, her face deeply burrowed into the folds of the comforter, as it left imprints from the creases; she was pressing into it so hard.

“Actually, we are still trying to find out what went on in the woods last night. Isabel must be a lot like you; she isn’t going to talk without your permission.” Liz accused him of being tight-lipped.

He got a very broad smile when Liz mentioned the woods. And he asked, “What do you know?” As he sat down next to Isabel, he placed his hand on her thigh. The touch registered immediately.

Maria launched in, her words tumbling over themselves, “We know that you kissed, that it made Isabel speechless, that you never slept in camp. All we know from Isabel is that you lightly grazed her lips with your own, we know more than that happened… What happened??” She took a breath and stared at him for the answers they couldn’t get from Isabel.

Isabel turned around to glare at Maria, and Alex just laughed. Then he whispered, “Didn’t say anything huh?”

“I don’t know if you would want me to.” She whispered back.

He whispered in one last response, “I’m here now, we might as well tell them everything, together.” He reached down and linked his fingers in with hers, resting their entwined hands on her thigh. They looked up and smiled, in unison, “We connected.”

They were met with a barrage of questions, which they deftly answered… and they ended up sharing about all of it, the awkward French kiss, to the electrical current, but not about the flashes, those were private. But talking about it only served to do one thing, make them more aware of it. The more they shared the more they wanted each other, now! They were speaking less and less clearly as time went on and had begun slurring their answers.

Maria and Liz were amazed at the effect being in each other’s presence seemed to have on them.

After awhile Alex somewhat inarticulately said, “Got any ice keam left???”

Liz stared at him wonderingly, but responded anyways, “Not unless you like soup,” she lamented, peering into the puddles.

Isabel grabbed the containers and holding her glowing hand against their sides, she reconstituted and refroze the contents, once again they had ice cream to eat, not the melted mess it had been a second prior.

“Definitely, need her for girl’s night.“ Alex teased, every word took a bit of effort to speak now. “How … many … times… have we junk… our ice keam???” He wagged his finger for emphasis.

‘Practically every time”… Maria stated, staring at him, wondering what was going on.

But Isabel was digging a spoon into the Mint and Chip and completely oblivious to the conversation, and after filling her bowl slightly, from which she had removed all traces of Tabasco before she filled it, she leaned into Alex and offered a spoonful of the ice cream to him. He swallowed and all thoughts left his brain as well. He scooped a bit of the same onto a spoon for her and with a dash of the Tabasco; he fed her. They continued this way for a short time, leaving Maria and Liz to gawk, eyes wide at the display in front of them. And then Isabel who was only gazing at Alex, the entire focus of her current world, shyly said, “You haf a bit right there,” pointing to the corner of his mouth, as she wiped it off with her index finger, and then proceeded to suck the tip of her finger, pulling it out slowly, bright brown eyes locked onto his shining hazel ones.

As he fed her another spoonful, this time with the spoon upside-down so some would be sure to stay; he nodded slightly and touched her lips, and then leaned in to replace his finger with his lips as he started to kiss her. The cold of the ice cream dissolved into the warmth of his lips, and the taste was far sweeter.

This life, this love
All the sweetness I feel
So mysterious yet
So incredibly real

Their eyes fixed on each other and the world completely vanished. Alex flipped around and pinned her against the side of Liz’s bed, straddling Isabel’s left thigh as he kneeled between her legs, and their hands came up together to be joined as their fingers interlocked and as his tongue sought out hers. Immediately, their connection flared to life and the flashes began. They could not have stopped what was happening if it had been an option.

I can feel it inside
Something new has begun
And it's taking control
Of my body and mind


Liz and Maria, watching how quickly they got last in each other, excused themselves silently and in a state of shock, from the room, and headed downstairs into the dining area. Where they proceeded to talk about it for a few minutes, getting more wound up each passing second.

“I could feel it Maria, my room was buzzing, vibrating. I don’t know, but there was definitely something ‘electrical’ going on.” Liz said excitedly.

“Yeah… They’ve been in there awhile, I wonder if the room will have melted by the time we return.” Maria teased. At that moment, the lights dimmed, flashed brighter, and then returned to normal.

“Guess another storm is coming in.” Maria commented.

“A few days ago it was alien related, maybe it still is.” Liz said, playfully pointing towards the upstairs where her room is.

“Oh come on Liz,” Maria said incredulously, “that’s just crazy! It’s a storm unless I learn otherwise. But whatever, MY GOD!!! That’s a kiss… it’s no wonder she was speechless.” Maria was dumbstruck.

“Yeah”… Liz stumbled back, “Its like they are ‘one,’ thinking the same thoughts… doing the same thing.”

“NO!!!” Maria was shaking her head…

“No what??” Liz was confused.

“No!!! It has never been like that with Michael, I’ve never seen that, felt that, nor heard of that.” She pointed towards Liz’s room. “They are intimate, beyond intimate, in their kissing…” She squealed incredulously trying to make sense of what was taking place. “The only thing that could be different is female Czechoslovakian, versus male Czechoslovakian. Isabel must be the deciding factor.” She grabbed Liz’s shoulders in an effort to fully communicate what she was feeling, “Look how far they are Liz, they are reading each other’s minds, they are in each other’s souls… and they only had their first kiss yesterday???” Maria continued to ramble on… Her brain raced ahead to the obvious conclusion kissing like this would eventually lead to, “What do you think?? Or how long before??? Or what will it be like???”

“Ma- ri-a!!” Her friend’s innuendos registering in her brain, “we left them alone in my room… I hope they don’t…” Liz was starting to panic a bit now.

A drugged, slurred voice behind them said, “Hope they don’, wha’?”

“Alex!!!” The girls jumped in surprise. They hadn’t heard him come down the stairs they had been so wrapped up in their conversation. “But you were with Isabel?” They asked in unison.

He was teetering, unsteadily, “Done,” he mumbled, “Nigh’ see ya ‘mo-rrow.” He said with great difficulty, as he clumsily stumbled out the break room outside entrance door. They watched, as he had to lean against the building to gain his bearings before he stumbled out into the night.


They slowly made their way upstairs rather scared to open the door, Alex and Isabel had been previously engaged for at least twenty or more minutes. And he’d said something about being “done.” They closed their eyes and then opened them as Liz tentatively reached for the doorknob. Turning it gently they hesitantly opened the door to Liz’s room to find Isabel looking equally “drunk” and still leaning against the bed, where she was when they left the room. And they were hating themselves for thinking so lowly of their friends. Everything in the room looked intact, including Isabel, and nothing appeared to be melted or otherwise harmed.

Isabel’s eyes were not focusing, and she waved her hands with a drunken flair and slurred almost unintelligibly, “Tol’ zhu… conneted. Ti’ed…” She yawned and unsteadily got her sleeping bag and pillow and lay down on the floor. Instantly asleep.

The two remaining girls looked at each other and let out a silent scream of confusion, as they shook their hands in front of them... Alex and Isabel weren’t themselves, and weren’t coherent enough to talk to.

Twenty or so minutes later, Liz’ s cell phone rang. She dove to answer it quickly. The voice on the other end said one word and she let out a sigh of relief. The word was, “Home.” Alex was still love-struck, (seemingly inebriated) but he knew they’d be worried about him and so he called the minute he hit his room. After that, like Isabel he fell asleep on top of his bed. He was face down, and his head hadn’t even managed to hit the pillow, his arm draped over the outer edge.


The next morning, the love drunken stupor gone; Isabel was once again facing questions from the girls. For while she/they may have answered questions raised by their night in the woods, their actions, or behavior, last night begged for an explanation.

Liz was putting on her uniform and snapping it closed while she spoke, “As you can see, we do have to get to work soon, but there are just a few things that we aren’t clear on, and we need to know. I don’t think Alex will mind you telling us, look at what all the two of you shared last night??” She pointed out somewhat teasingly.

Isabel smiled as she sat in a very relaxed manner on the foot of the bed watching Liz get dressed and Maria put on her make-up in the bathroom. She’d already had her shower and fixed herself up being the guest. She was in jeans and a cream colored, slightly cropped, pullover sweater. Her hair was flowing freely down her back, and just brushed off to the side from a left part.

Liz launched in excitedly, as if she had taken Maria lessons, “First off, what the hell was that kiss last night? Both of you were wasted when it was over.” She stated the obvious, “You could have been arrested for DUI?” She was shaking her head in disbelief, “Alex took longer than usual to get home on foot, but he did make it, he called the minute he did.”

Isabel smiled wistfully as she thought of last night’s kiss and the fact that he called to let everyone know he was safe, ‘Typical Alex.’

I've got a funny feeling
The moment that your lips touched mine

“I’m so sorry about that.” She shook her head, in shamed confusion. “I can’t even explain what was going on.”

Something shot right through me
My heart skipped a beat in time

“Yeah, well. Watching your friends go into make-out mode is a little uncomfortable.” Liz teased. “But don’t worry about it, something was going on between you two, from the moment he touched you. There was like an electrical current that ran through the room … I doubt you could have done any differently.”

There's a different feel about you tonight
It's got me thinking lots of crazy things

“Yeah well, we still were out of line.” Isabel tried to apologize in vain, nothing would make any sense. “Um, anyways, blame ‘THAT’ on my alien genetics.” She groaned as she looked up at the brunette. “Cause I don’t have any other reason for it. I am so sorry.” She said slowly and abashedly.

I think I even saw a flash of light
It felt like electricity

“Forgotten, ok?” Maria chimed in, trying to put Isabel to ease. “ No one will ever know. But what was that kiss?” She yelled out from the bathroom.

Isabel turned to her, and shrugged her shoulders, “I told you, we connected, and that connection was interrupted in the woods. I guess we had to finish it… best I can figure.”

“You didn’t do anything did you??? What could you possibly mean by finish it?” Liz queried.

Isabel tried to make sense of it to the girls, “There was a bonding happening, and when we get near each other’s presence we can sense the other person, tangibly, before they are near. I felt him when he got here last night, I thought I was imagining things until he walked in,” she laughed in remembrance. “That’s the best I can describe it. I think we can kiss normally now, but I don’t really know, like I said last night, ‘what do I have to compare it with’?” ‘Honestly, nothing.’ She thought to herself, ‘I have no comparison for that kiss. I never had that before, ever.’

It's an uncharted sea
It's an unopened door

“When you say done, what are you saying?” Liz continued to ask the question for both of them.

Isabel looked at her and placed a hand on her arm, as Liz sat down beside her on the bed, wanting to grasp everything Isabel was trying to explain. “We’re meshed, ‘spiritually…’ would be the only way I could describe it. Our souls have… merged.” She kept speaking out loud as she was working it out for herself at the same time. “We had to do that… kissing. Um… we weren’t ever out of control. I mean, we knew exactly what we were doing, and there was nothing sexual going on per se.” She was met by two sets of eyes staring at her skeptically, Maria had stepped out of the bathroom to listen to her explain herself. Her arms were crossed on her chest but loosely, and she stood next to Liz, watching Isabel. Isabel shook her hands as she tried to word it. “I’m saying that we aren’t ready for that kind of intimacy, we would not have gone there, not either of the nights.” She whispered, “Our hands were either joined or on each others backs or higher. It’s an indefinable kiss.” And then she turned on the ‘Ice Princess.’ “Enough…” She stated forcefully, “I can’t explain it… don’t understand it… know it was necessary. Please, can we drop the subject?”

But you gotta reach out
And you gotta explore

“OK.” Liz nodded, “Sorry to make you so uncomfortable.” She got off the bed to give Isabel some space.

Maria had re-entered the bathroom, but she wasn’t quite ready to let it drop, so she called out, “You had said something last night about never being in a relationship…” She peered into the room to be met with Isabel’s questioning eyes, “Then what the hell do you call ‘this thing’ between you and Alex?”

They're all watching us now they think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends

Isabel calmly answered, “A relationship. What I said was ‘I’ve never been in one before.’ I’m definitely in one now.” She bit her lip.

“And that thing about your pants, I can’t believe you said that, I thought you’d die of embarrassment,” Liz cajoled,” but you were thinking Alex weren’t you?”

“Yes,” Isabel nodded her head. “Alex is a gentleman; he’s the first relationship I’ve ever been in. I’ve dated extensively, I’ve never committed to anyone before, but I know I want to be with him… he’s the one.”

Maria stuck her head out again, “I can’t even say Michael is absolutely the one… Alex is it for you?” She asked very surprised at what Isabel had just disclosed. “What about when you’re older?? I mean Alex is great…”

“Mmm Hmm..” she nodded as she cut off Maria… “Know this, I’ve gone on a lot of dream-walks into guy’s heads, and I usually excuse myself rather quickly…. I couldn’t pull out of Alex’s… he was dreaming of me. And it was romantic, and sweet, and loving, and gentle…. Whatever happens in my life, I want Alex by my side. He is The Only One.”

And when something happens
That words can't define
Only then do you know you're in love

“Whoa,” Maria said in her still state of shock, “so you’ll be the high-school sweethearts who marry huh???”

Isabel shrugged, “I guess… If he wants to.”

“He’ll want to,” Liz jumped back in, “Isabel we all know how Alex feels towards you. But this is so funny, it’s almost ironic...”

Isabel looked at her in confusion, “What is?”

“Alex is new to relationships too.”

Isabel laughed, and corrected the smaller brunette, “Alex is new to dating.“ She laughed, “Actually he knows how to have a relationship... And I definitely have you girls to thank. He is well trained, and he knows how to be very attentive, I’m sure you had a hand in it somewhere.”

“Yeah, we’ve worked hard on that boy, grooming him into perfect boyfriend material,” Maria gushed with the praise. Liz and Maria regaled with laughter. Alex would have won Isabel over without any help on their part.

“I really do have one more question though.” Liz stated with a curious expression.

“OK?” Isabel was very open and she knew until all was discussed the issue would not, nor could not, be put to rest. These girls just were too curious to let it drop.

“Ok, so we know from the day after the rave that he called you his girlfriend, and you two were pretty close that day, really close actually.” Liz pointed out, as she slid her slivery sequined antennae headband onto her head.

“Yeah, but since then, you have this ‘best friend’ act going in public… you never hold hands, well unless certain people aren’t around, you sit on opposite sides of the booth and you don’t act that close… sometimes you watch the other person… but you’ve even pulled back on that. That was almost extensively the first couple of weeks after the rave.” Maria broke into the conversation.

“Yeah, Alex isn’t talking about you as if you are in love. So what’s with the best friend act, and what will this kiss do to it and everything??” Liz queried.

They're all watching us now they think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends

“Ok, ok questions…” She sighed deeply, “Our best friend thing is real… he is my closest friend, but its also my cover. We talk on the phone mostly and we hang out; I can be seen with him, but I don’t have to be ‘out’ with him, if you know what I mean?” Then she giggled slightly, “And we have gone on some private dates, just not in Roswell.”

“Isabel why?” her face clouding with instant anger, “Is he not good enough to be seen with?” Maria jumped in to defend Alex.

“No it’s not that…” Isabel bit her lip and held up her hand to stop Maria from attacking any further. “It’s me… I can’t let people in; my group as I explained earlier is a very safe place… the rest of you aren’t.”

“We’re not safe?” Maria still had her dander up and Isabel knew she’d have to find a way to break through the fiery girl’s defenses.

“I’m expected to open up, to share… I don’t do this. I really don’t know how. I have to be ready to let my group go, and to replace it with you guys, but its been my safety for so long that I don’t quite know how to do that…. And my social rep is going to take a big hit when it does. I need to do this in my timing.” Isabel explained herself, and watched, as Maria was still ready to tear her apart. Apparently that sounded prideful or something. She went for a different approach, disarmament.

“Look at Michael, Maria? “ She pointed out the one thing Maria would stop to think about, “He’s closed off, and he doesn’t have a very public relationship with you either, when he has one. People scare him. How many dates have you been on?”

Isabel couldn’t wait to see how this played out.

Maria looked at Isabel in confusion, and tried to count them, holding up her fingers she worked through all the times they kissed and kept trying to find the dates they had been on; she couldn’t find any…” She turned her palms over in a defeated, questioning gesture and watched Isabel for her reasoning.

“Exactly, not public.” Isabel pointed out as she smiled, “It doesn’t mean you don’t have a relationship, its just not visible.” She then went for the point she was initially trying to reach, “That’s Alex and I right now. Not public… I promise both of you it won’t be that way forever, but in the meantime, let me do things my way please???”

Isabel shook her head as she stated wearily, “I opened up more last night than I ever have in my life.” She smiled at her girlfriends, “Usually I can give Michael a run for the money in the closed off department.”

They were interrupted by a shout from below, “Hey did my wait staff get abducted by aliens?” Jeff shouted. “It’s Sunday morning, and I have a café full of hungry customers.”

‘Saved by the bell,’ Isabel thought. “This opening up stuff is hard work,” she stated to her companions as she stood from the bed, “especially since I’m not used to it. And Maria remember that, cut Michael some slack sometimes.” The shorter, more energetic blonde gave Isabel a partial nod of understanding.

“All set?” Liz chirped, as they left her room and headed downstairs.

“How can you be so cheerful?” Isabel asked as they stomped down the stairs. “I’m still tired. Exhausted rather.”

“Maybe we metabolize sugar differently?” Maria replied with a knowing grin, throwing her hands up in a feigned questioning gesture.

Liz joined in the tease, “Or maybe it’s because the two of us didn’t get a special kiss goodnight.”

Isabel moaned in exasperation, “Please!”

“Our little Alex is growing up,” Maria continued in her best ‘mom’ voice.

“Who would have thought he had it in him?” Liz agreed.

“I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” Isabel muttered as she headed for the door with a wave over her shoulder. The two girls looked at her giggling, shaking their heads, ‘No!’ As they each made their way over to different tables. They smiled and waved in return as she walked out.

Isabel decided to walk the distance home so that she could think about all the phenomenal events in her life of the past forty-eight hours. She dropped her belongings off in the jeep across the street. Max was at work and so it was parked out front, she’d retrieve them later when he got back. She couldn’t wait to fall into her bed after she got home; and walking, though it would give her time to think, was also the perfect way to finish wearing her out so that she could sleep deeply and hopefully avoid any nightmares.

She hadn’t had one in two nights, but that had happened before, a couple days of peace before one would hit. They seemed to stay away she realized, when she had driven her body to its physical limits. She would then be too tired to dream. But her happiness, she now realized, was better than anything, so maybe it could keep the nightmares at bay. She shrugged her shoulders to herself and headed down Main Street. She would make her way eventually to 7637 Newton Avenue; her home, and subsequently her bed.

Isabel walked home with a huge smile on her face. From her perspective, it was an extremely successful night.


Musical Excerpts:
1. Our First Kiss by Billy Gilman
2. The First Time by Robin Beck
3. You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Shifting Realities Chapter 20: Part One

Post by Mt Gazer »

Three more feedbacks:


I'm not sure if I've seen your name on this story or not. If you have been here before, forgive me for not remembering. And if you haven't: Welcome! Its always nice tosee a new face in the crowd.

For information on my dad, read the authors note that precedes this post.

Dreamer at Heart:

Wow!! I drew in a dreamer. I'm honestly shocked. But Welcome.

AS to your questions, I really can't tell you what I'm doing with Isabel and why she has the connection she does with Alex. But there is a reason for it.

I do have plans for MAx and for bringing him around, but you'll just have to wait and see like everyone else the whens and the hows of that.

As to A/I being ripped off in the show.. BINGO! I totally agree, or I don't think I'd be writing this.

I hope my next statement doesn't offend you: I think that Max and Liz had a lot of screen time, where A/I rarely had any, and so I am giving them theirs. Its A/I's time.

But if this helps any, I don't intend to keep Max from Liz as a couple.

Thanks for reading, and welcome to the story.

Creative Nickname/Kristina: So you are the third person who had to enjoy Girl's Night with Ice Cream at hand. Too Funny.


I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I may be borrowing some scenes; and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: None really, except my previous chapters.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Twenty: Part One

Its Just a Matter of Time


When Isabel arrived home from her evening with the girls she was happier than she had been in a longtime. She had recently “connected” to Alex, had bonded with the girls over ice-cream and girl-talk, thereby jumpstarting the relationship between the three of them, and her biggest happiness, her parents knew she was an alien, and accepted and loved her in spite of that fact. Life was good; she had a beaming smile on her face, deep in thought about all the incredible things currently happening in her life.

She stepped into the house, and the smile instantly froze on her face. The good feeling evaporated at the sight before her.

Her parents were sitting on the couch, closely together and obviously united, they looked as if they had been waiting her arrival, and their faces bore a matched serious expression. Her father had on his ‘lawyer look’ as the best way to describe him, and her mother’s hands were folded in her lap and her lips were tightly pressed together.

Isabel didn’t want to know what was up so she thought she’d try to escape quickly, saying, “Hi” she turned towards the stairs.

Her father’s voice permeated the tense silence of the room, “Not so fast, Young Lady!!!” Philip bellowed. ‘Huh? What’s with dad’s tone?’ She thought in confusion. “Isabel Amanda Evans, come here, RIGHT NOW!!!” He demanded of her forcefully.

Isabel slowly turned around to face her parents, they were definitely waiting for her, and she was definitely in some kind of trouble. Her mind started to question just what she could have possibly done to bring them to this place and then she remembered, ‘Oh yeah… Frazier Woods, I still haven’t talked to my Dad about that.’

Isabel peered cautiously into the living room and her dad motioned her in. She entered slowly, a questioning look on her face.

“Take a seat,” Philip said forcefully. “You’re going to be there awhile.” His eyes were blazing.

Her mother seemed worried she thought, and Diane nodded as she motioned wordlessly for her to sit down in one of the nearest chairs.

Isabel stepped into the living room and placed her purse beside her on the floor and eased herself slowly into the chair. She looked up at her parents who were still in the same position and their expressions hadn’t changed. Her hands copied her mother’s.

Diane cautiously addressed her daughter, “Is there anything you want to tell us Isabel?”

Confusion crossed her face, “Tell you?”

“Yes, Isabel,” Philip said tersely, slowly and deliberately, “about… you… and Alex?”

She nodded her understanding, took in a deep breath and began to proceed after she got an embarrassed smile. “I know what you probably want to talk about. And I’m really sorry dad. But I guess after running most of the way out to the reservation and then walking all the way back, I got really tired. I didn’t know how tired I was till I fell asleep on Alex’s shoulder. I didn’t mean to, and we definitely weren’t planning on meeting each other, it just happened.” She apologized hurriedly to the best of her ability.

“So nothing happened in the woods?” Her father asked pointedly.

“Not really.” She responded a bit too abruptly for their comfort. “But, if you must know our whereabouts the other time, umm… we kissed. But that’s all. So we didn’t do anything and we are both very sorry for being out all night. That’s what you wanted to know right?” Her words tumbled out, tripping over themselves. She’d spit it out without anytime to formulate her thoughts. But she was glad it was out in the open. Maybe now she could go to her room for a nap.

“Well I’m glad to hear that nothing happened,” Diane answered, “but that really isn’t what we are talking about, Isabel.”

Isabel silently raised her eyebrows in question to her mother’s statement.

Diane did not miss it and responded with another very pointed question, as her eyes bored holes through her daughter. “What are your feelings towards Alex?” At its mention, Isabel’s right hand flew over her heart subconsciously and she drew in a sharp breath and swallowed forcefully a couple of times, finding it rather hard to breathe. Her parents watched her reaction curiously, that was a very unusual response they thought.

I wanna know about all of your secrets
And all that, that you've been keeping
Oh, tell me your secrets

Isabel had to recover from the pain that shot through her heart at the mention of how she felt towards Alex. It would be impossible for her to describe how much she loved him; yet at the same time missed him. She was in love with two different versions of the same person, and she was still hoping that one of these days the grieving would be over so she could fully love this Alex. But she had been coming to the conclusion that there would always be a part of her that missed the other Alex, a part of her heart that would be incomplete without him. This was a different relationship, a different ‘Alex.’ Biting her lip, she looked up at her parents and said the last thing they ever thought she’d say. “I love him.” She said softly and directly. ‘And I miss him terribly and I wish you weren’t asking this, because now I feel the pain of his loss, again.’

“You said you loved him?” Her father queried, and concerned, “so I am to assume he is much more than your best friend and confidant?”

In a quiet whisper she said, “I love him more than anything.” And then resuming biting her lip, not out of nerves but to keep back her emotions, for her eyes were misting. She stared at her lap.

“And Alex? Isabel? Does he feel the same?” Her father continued with his direct questioning.

She nodded. Unable to speak, a long strand of her golden silk was being twisted in her slender fingers.

“Then I guess we really do need to have this discussion. I was really hoping that we wouldn’t and that it would be another misunderstanding.” He sighed wearily, “But apparently your feelings for each other are very strong.” Philip Evans stated as he questioned with purpose, “How long… have you been… in love… with… Alex?”

“For sometime now.” Isabel answered truthfully. The tears were lingering at the surface and she was not sure how much more of this conversation she could handle.

Both her parents let out protracted heavy sighs and she watched her mother tightly close her eyes for a moment before she slowly reopened them as she sadly shook her head, a frown playing upon her lips.

Quietly Isabel looked up completely and asked innocently, “Did I, or, we even, do something wrong?” She swallowed as she waited for the explanation of their interrogation.

“Well, we were hoping that you would be honest with us about it honey, and if pressed, you would confess on your own.” Diane stated, looking directly at her daughter. “Apparently that won’t be the case.” She said in a disheartened manner.

Isabel was lost, she wondered just what her parents thought they had done, and when?

“Do you remember what happened the weekend we went to Clovis lately?” Her father queried.

She shook her head in innocent confusion.

Diane interjected somewhat sadly, “I thought we could trust you Isabel. We’ve always thought you to be a responsible and very trustworthy daughter.”

Philip nodded and picked up where she left off. “But now we aren’t so sure.” He looked at his daughter directly, every inch the parent. “It has come to our attention that you have broken some pretty important household rules in our absence lately. Not to mention sleeping all night in the woods with Alex, whom you claim to love.”

She stared at them in her confusion waiting for them to inform her of their logic.

Diane sighed, “Honey, Max had a long talk with us yesterday when you were gone. And he said that you had an overnight visitor, and that you called him over late at night and had him in your room, and that when he woke up the two of you were eating breakfast together the next morning…. Sweetheart?” She paused, “Did Alex spend the night?”

Disbelief overwhelmed Isabel instantly, “Oh my god! … Max told you that!?” She exclaimed indignantly. “Oh My God!!” She said slowly, realizing what her parents were thinking. And fighting back her tears she looked at the both of her parents and said shakily, ”I have to make a phone call, I’ll be right back.” She stood out of her chair, and turned to walk away. ‘I can’t believe he did it. He threatened to get even for the ‘alien thing’ … but he actually did... Its about to backfire….’

Philip forcefully stepped into his parent role as he got off the couch, reached out a firm hand and placed it on her shoulder. “You’re not calling Alex, Isabel.” He held her securely in place. “We need to talk about this. Now go sit back down!” He ordered his daughter as he turned her in his hands and pointed to her empty chair.

As she turned to look directly at her father, the sight startled him. A few tears were trickling down her cheeks. And she said through her tears, as she was shaking her head, “I have to.” Then she turned to Diane and said while wringing her hands in front of her, “Mom, we didn’t lie to you about anything.” She wiped away a couple of tears with the back of her hand, “I know it looks like we did, right now.” She was shaking her head as her words became more distorted from her crying. “But you have to trust me. Please??” She begged. And then before she totally collapsed into tears in their presence, with no way to explain them she ran into the kitchen. ‘I hate this, one minute I’m happy, and the next I’m going through something alien related, again. Thanks Max. I’m going to kill you.’

Tears flowing like a river, the sobbing girl picked up the phone.


Meanwhile in the Whitman’s living room, Alex and his mother were enjoying a quiet Sunday morning. He was thinking of the one thing that occupied most of his thought as of late, Isabel. And he was playing his guitar as he was settled back in the chair.

Alex had recently heard a song that symbolized exactly how he felt towards Isabel, and was trying to see if he could figure it out on his guitar. He was hoping to have a moment to share it with her sometime later. He understood right now, that she needed her space; he had gathered that from the way she was acting in the woods. And so he was learning the song for later, when she would allow him near again.

Regarding last night at Girl’s Night, and the event that had occurred, their spontaneous, amazing, and very bonding kiss, well it was unwarranted, and a huge surprise to the both of them. He had no way to begin to reason out what had happened. And he was pretty sure neither would Isabel, so the reality as he saw it was that now Maria and Liz were fully aware of their couple status, but Isabel was probably more freaked than ever about their relationship. If she had been keeping him at arm’s length in the woods, now she probably would be icing him over in public, in full on princess mode.

He wryly shook his head as he took comfort from the fact that she did come back in time for him, and so he knew she liked him, well more than liked, but she was nowhere near ready to utter those words, directly. So Alex was just quietly reflecting and playing his guitar.

The phone rang, two rings, it was his line. He ignored it momentarily thinking that it was probably one of his band buddies. Then it rang again.

He reached over the edge of the chair and grabbed the cordless from the end table beside him. “Hello?”

He found himself straighten right up as he was met by the most heart-wrenching, mournful sobbing on the other end of the line. The caller was unable to speak.

Isabel was leaning against her kitchen cupboard on her elbows, as she held the receiver in her shaking hands. She was crying uncontrollably and couldn’t regain herself.

In the Whitman’s living room, Alex’s heart was constricting and making every breath difficult to draw. He could feel her pain, it was seeping through his love for her and the sound of her so broken was tearing him up inside. He wanted to know what had happened, what was hurting her so badly. He placed his guitar beside the chair leaning against the armrest. He slowly stood out of the chair and started to pace the living room.

He tried to break through her tears. “Isabel?” He questioned helplessly as he raked his free hand through his hair. “God!! Honey? What’s wrong?”

The way she was sobbing uncontrollably, reminded him of how she often sounded when she called him after one of her recurrent nightmares. Only this was daytime he realized, and something awful must have happened. His whole body went on alert, ready to act in whatever manner she may need.

He was brought back to reality by the simpleness of her answer. “A-lex.” She choked out, (referring to the other Alex). Everything. We have to tell them everything.” Her tears were falling so forcefully and she was sobbing so hard that she was barely comprehensible.

Alex rushed to the credenza in the entryway and grabbed his keys from the bowl, all the while speaking in code because his mother was in the same room. “You mean, ‘the rest,’ Isabel?”

“Y-Y-Y-es,” She stammered out, barely able to mange the one word.

“I’m on my way!” He was already halfway out the door, clicking off the receiver; he laid the phone on the credenza. He stated quickly to his mother, who was watching the increased tension in her son with concern, “Isabel just had a huge fight with her brother. ‘Gotta go.”

And with that he ran out of the house; but finding that his father had parked behind him, Alex decided to run the three blocks to Isabel’s house. He took off on a dead run heading down East Morningside Drive.

And at the Evans’ Isabel wasn’t usually given to praying not knowing if God knew of or cared about aliens, but she breathed out a short prayer, “God, give me strength… I need it.” Then she went out the back door to await Alex’s arrival.


Meanwhile at Isabel’s rapid departure to call Alex over, her parents started to converse among themselves.

When she left the room, Diane turned to her husband and asked, “Do you think Max lied about Isabel and Alex?”

“No! I don’t think he lied.” Philip agreed, “He has disliked Alex from that weekend we went to Clovis. I even mentioned that to Charles Whitman.”

“You did?” Diane asked, surprised, “What did he say?”

“He said Alex is trustworthy and a gentleman.” Diane smiled slightly at her husband while he continued. “But you’ve seen Max, I can’t imagine him hating someone as much as he does Alex, without some reason, or provocation.” Diane nodded in her agreement. “Something definitely happened that weekend we went out of town. And Isabel seemed nervous just now, her body language says that she is evading the truth or hiding something.” Philip sighed, shaking his head, “Something is absolutely going on Diane, and when Isabel gets back in here we are going to get to the bottom of it.”

Diane asked her husband, “ You don’t think she slept with him do you?” She was so concerned and confused.

“Diane if she had,” Philip responded in a tone of confusion, “she wouldn’t be calling him over here to face us. If she loves him even half as much as she claims to, she’d take the flak alone to protect him.” His shoulders slumped, “And she still seems too innocent.” He shook his head in bewilderment. “But something is most definitely not adding up, we’ll figure it out, I promise you.” Philip said as he reached for his wife’s hand and held it to his lips, kissing it gently, in a gesture of loving comfort.

Diane’s large blue eyes searched her husband’s, “Philip what do you think is going on then? She just said they didn’t lie, I’ll assume she was referring to when she revealed her and Max’s alien status, and if that is the case,” Diane pulled back for a second thinking through the timing of these events, “they hadn’t even kissed yet. They weren’t going out. I’m thinking two days ago was her first kiss with Alex, you know their little ‘adventure’ in the woods?” Diane smiled softly as Philip kept watching her work out whatever could be the story with Isabel. “Of course I don’t really know.” Diane admitted, “But I do know this, if she slept with him when we went to Clovis two months ago, then they did lie to me. But Isabel made a point of telling me, just now, that they hadn’t ever lied.” Diane couldn’t figure things out any further and was eagerly waiting for Isabel to return into the living room, so that she could work things out better. Sighing deeply she leaned into her husband’s chest, more for comfort than anything else. “What do you think happened between them when we were gone?” Philip’s hand came up to rest on his wife’s neck as he stroked her hair in a calming gesture.

“After learning the kids were aliens, honey,” Philip stroked his wife’s hair. ”I can’t even begin to imagine.” He pointed towards the kitchen, “But we somehow just drove our normally very composed daughter to tears. And she went to the only person she trusts when she is in that state.”

In unison they looked at each and said, ”Alex.”

They heard the back door close and so they sat on the couch waiting for her to reappear, with another member to the conversation.


Isabel was waiting on the back steps when he ran up the driveway panting and pretty much out of breath. He hadn’t been jogging, but he’d been on a dead run the whole time he made his way to her house. When he saw her, he could tell that she needed him desperately. And so still running he made his way towards her. She met him half-way and flew into his arms tears starting to pour out.

They just held each other in a tight embrace for a few minutes, he to regain his breathing, she to feel his strength. When he could finally breathe more normally he pulled out of the embrace, “Izzy?” He wiped at her cheeks, her tears flowing over his long, gentle fingers, “Come-on let’s go inside.” He led her by her hand, through the back and into the kitchen. Once there he stopped again and pulled her to himself as he held her trembling body, supporting her against her sobbing, hiccupping cries, as he wrapped his loving arms tightly around her. A few minutes later he guided her into the living room, where her parents were waiting for them.

They took one look at their daughter, who had her head against Alex’s shoulder, and how his arm was wrapped protectively around her back, holding her securely to him and they went to sit in the living room chairs, creating an opening on the couch for the two teenagers.

He looked at the Evans’ parents and shook his head, essentially saying that they wouldn’t be talking yet. He just let Isabel cry into his shoulder, as she gripped his shirt in her fists. “I love you baby, I’ll take this for you.” He whispered into the top of her head.

Diane got out of her seat and attempted to comfort her daughter, her hands on Isabel’s back rubbing soothingly, but Isabel clung all the harder to Alex. He apologetically shrugged his shoulders, and shook his head sadly. Diane more than a little bewildered at what was taking place in front of her, returned to her seat. She was a little disheartened that Isabel was not accepting her comfort at the moment, but she had no idea how deep the current of pain in Isabel ran.

Tell me some of your secrets, your innermost thoughts
Don't hold it back, let it all out
I wanna hear every single part
I wanna know all about you, don't hide
Tell me your secrets

A little later, Isabel’s tears subsiding enough for her to talk, they were now the unified couple on the couch and they faced her parents jointly, fingers entwined, and hands overlapped, as they held onto each for support and strength.

The Evans’ parents noticed this and thought to themselves that they definitely were an item. They looked over at each other and each raised curious eyebrows in silent question. Then they turned to watch the young couple again.

Alex whispered into her ear, “I’ll tell them everything. Or do you think you can?” She shook her head slowly as she once again buried it against his shoulder. The tears had begun again, and her audible sobs were causing pain to all who were present. Their hearts were aching watching Isabel so torn up.

He tipped her head up so that he was looking at her directly; firstly he wiped away some of her tears and then holding the sides of her face in his hands, he kissed her, in the presence of her parents. That was a very bold move indeed in front of parents who thought they had slept together, and left them perplexed. Alex was so loving and natural. He did not seem one bit nervous, yet Isabel looked as if she were about to come apart at the seams; actually, she was coming apart at the seams...

Alex reached a decision. He stood and held out a hand to bring Isabel to her feet. She stood up, accepting the proffered hand. “What?” She mouthed.

Tears were glistening on the surface of the young man’s hazel eyes. He held Isabel securely to himself as her crying carried over to him, shaking sobs coursing tiny tremors through the both of them. “I need to take you to your room.” He stated sadly, as a lone tear escaped. Isabel’s pain was almost more than he could bear, but he knew that he had to, he had to take on her burden, and her pain, and share it. She couldn’t do this, not without support.

“No!!” Isabel whimpered. “No! I- I need to tell them.” She shakily answered.

“I know. I know you do.” He kissed the top of her head and then pulled her back to look at him directly, his hands on either side of her face. “But I can’t let you do that.” Alex shook his head, “Isabel, if you stay in this room, you’ll fall apart even more than you are right now.” His thumbs stroked away her tears again. “That’s not saying much,” he mumbled. “And I sure as hell am not going to make you say it, or relive it. So??? That leaves me. I’m taking this for you. I’m going to tell them ‘everything’ Sweetheart.” She swallowed tightly against the lump currently lodged in her throat as she nodded her approval, and returned his previous kiss with intensity.

Alex turned to the Evans’, “Mr. And Mrs. Evans, I mean you no disrespect, but I need to ask you to excuse us.” With that said, before they could even respond, he headed straight for the stairway, supporting the severely distraught girl.


“He’s taking her to her room,” Philip said incredulously as the young couple made their way up the stairs. “I didn’t think he’d ever been past the lower level.”

“No, he’s a gentleman. I’ve never seen him go near her room.” Diane agreed.

Diane and Philip looked at each other, shocked at this young man’s apparent familiarity with their daughter, but seeing that he was the only balm for the upset that they had unwittingly caused, they said nothing else.

I wanna know about all of your secrets
And all that, that you've been keeping
Oh, tell me your secrets


Alex had led Isabel all the way to the door of her room where he left her. He gently kissed her forehead. “I’ll be downstairs talking to your parents,” he said softly. “Just call if you need me.” She bit her lip and nodded again, he walked downstairs and she slowly turned the knob and entered her room.

Grabbing a fashion magazine that she no longer cared for, she held her slightly glowing hand over it and created something that would not be good to have in her possession, but something that at the moment she needed desperately. She had pored over its pages so many times that she was familiar with their every feel, and every sight. Albeit only some of it was familiar, and this recreation was much thinner in some respects; it was what she needed to look at, a recreation of her Junior Year 2001, issue yearbook. She climbed onto her bed and sat Indian Style in the center of it, with the book on her lap. She closed her eyes tightly before she reopened them, as she reached for the yearbook.

She smiled sadly as she opened it slowly; knowing what she would find on the dedication page. It was a two-page spread that memorialized Alex and his life; Maria had done really well trying to capture the essence that was Alex. Isabel remembered how stressed Maria was and how the yearbook teacher got her to only place in the most important photos, not every imaginable photo of Alex. In the end, she and Michael sat there for a couple of hours piecing the final draft together. Michael could sometimes be so loving… And the ones left captured the core essence that was Alex and each spoke something to Isabel, whether it was a happy memory, a regret or something else, each photo meant something to her… and right now she needed them… all of them…

She started on the left hand page, top right corner and she was looking at an image of Alex in fourth grade, when he had moved into Roswell. Some other favorite shots were of: The Whits in concert, that was in the middle of the right hand page. For Isabel it represented a regret, she had never heard him play, yet his music was his favorite thing. There were other photos and each set off a fresh round of tears. She swallowed hard as the memories flooded over her… His striptease at her birthday, that also was on the right hand page, Isabel’s personal life had become so messed up from that point. And then there were the ones she really needed to see at this particular moment, Junior Prom. It was the happiest night of her life. And she was finally ready to let him in. These pictures were tucked away carefully into the lower left corner, of the left hand page. There were two of them; one of their kiss, a side view that locked in their passion for all to see, framed in a ‘lacy’ heart. ‘Pure Maria, she would…’ Isabel smiled sadly. And the one she needed most at that moment; a full on face shot of him and some of the back of her head was all that was visible. She grazed her finger lightly over his image and traced the look on his face, the awe, wonderment and love that was so perfectly captured for all time.

Isabel’s tears never ceased flowing and the page became wet and imperfect. It had become the very facsimile of the yearbook she left behind; tear stains and all. She had spent many hours perusing that yearbook, in full on regret mode. Wishing that she could have him back, have a chance to let him know how she felt, mourning her love for him that was unrealized until his passing. Now she had a chance to recover herself and to love this Alex. But at this moment while Alex was downstairs telling her parents of her little excursion in time, she was hugging the very reason she was here at all. Isabel’s heart was aching and so she lay down on her side, in the middle of her bed remembering; remembering her Alex, her different Alex. And she cried, yet again, as large bitter tears slowly strolled down her cheeks, falling on the pages below as she was left in her reverie.


At the same time that Isabel was lost in her memories of the past, Alex turned to the Evans’ who had puzzled expressions on their faces. They shook their heads in question. Diane motioned with her head for him to look down. It was only then that he realized he was barefoot, and that he had run the three blocks to her house in that form. He had been kicking back at his house, and as yet hadn’t put shoes on, and when she called, he took off immediately.

He looked up to them and answered one word while pointing towards the stairs, “Isabel.” He shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

Extreme question crossed Diane’s face, and she made a what type motion with her hands, as she mouthed it.

Philip started to stammer, “You?? ... What??… Why did you??” … And then since he couldn’t ask what he wanted to know he said it very succinctly as he pointed in the direction of Isabel’s room, after taking in a breath. “What the hell? How did we end up talking to only you? When we were trying to get answers from Isabel?” He ran his hands through his curly hair.

“Yeah, what is going on Alex?” Diane interjected in a tone of extreme confusion.

He sat up straight, drew in a heavy breath, let it out as a cleansing sigh, and looked Philip Evans directly in the face. “Mr. Evans,” he asked pointedly, “do you remember the day of Frazier Woods?”

“Yeah,” Philip stared at him curiously, “your disappearances have me a little baffled.”

Alex shook his head, as his mouth had its little sideways smirk, when he was concentrating. “Before then, by the bus, do you remember what we talked about?”

“Isabel’s nightmares?” Philip questioned, wondering, completely lost at the turn of this conversation.

‘Yes, exactly.” Alex stated assuredly. “We’ll be discussing them. But I’m assuming that you want other answers as well. 1.) The looks on your faces, and 2.) Isabel would never share this unless pressed to do so. So you obviously were asking things and she called me. So where do we start?” He eyed them both boldly, as he waited for them to continue.

Philip was amazed at this young man’s strength. Most young men shake in their boots at the thought of talking with the girlfriend’s father, yet this guy was setting up the talk and doing it confidently.

Philip gulped as he looked at the young man before him and just blurted out, “Did you spend the night here?”

A crooked smile crossed Alex’s face that he only had one response to that, as he nodded. “Yes sir I did.” He watched Philip’s eyes go wide at the revelation. He looked about ready to come out of his chair. So Alex lifted his hand in a wait gesture, “But the reason was purely innocent I can assure you.” He answered as he tilted his head slightly. ‘So that’s what they were asking Isabel about…’

Alex wasn’t even going to lie; Philip Evans could not believe the nerve or was it bravery of this guy.

Diane looked up at the mention of the word innocent, “How so Alex?”

He started in to the discussion that would probably shock Diane even more than the previous one a few weeks back. “Isabel called me at probably 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, I’m not even sure… there’s something about hearing a choked up voice on the other end of the phone when you’re still half asleep that makes your brain go into overdrive.” He nervously laughed. “I had told her to call me if she needed anything, when I dropped her off. When she called me she had been having some wicked nightmares and she just wanted me to be with her, holding her, while she slept.”

“So you slept in her bed with her?” Philip stated in a low, even tone while his jaw was clenched.

“Yes sir. Yes I did.” Alex admitted, realizing how this was probably starting to sound. “She needed me and she didn’t want to be alone. You should have seen her, it was the only thing I could do. She wasn’t going to let me leave and she refused to talk about her nightmares.”

I wanna remove all doubt my baby
Take a look inside
I need to see your heart, your feelings
I wanna make it right

“Why?” Her father asked, “Why you? Its not like you’d been dating or anything?” Philip looked to Alex, whose face bore the look of one with a secret. Philip noticed it but didn’t press for the answer yet. “Why was she having nightmares, and what triggered them? There has to be something to explain it.” He looked to his wife first with a shrug, and then back to the young man sitting before him.

And Diane joined the question, “And that must have been when they started, because when we got home from that weekend they became a routine in our nightly lives. All of ours.” She looked to Alex in understanding.

“Yeah that would pretty much be when they started.” Alex stated wryly.

“What were they about Alex?” Philip seemed concerned, as his wife spoke, “What are they about, that she needs you so often?” Diane continued. “She has refused to talk to us about them. And we know you have the answers.”

Alex folded his hands on his lap and leaned in towards the center of the room to get closer to her parents, his stance indicated whatever he had to say was important, as he was making sure he had their full attention. They mirrored his actions and leaned in also. Alex began, “This is the reason I sent her out of the room,” he stated authoritatively, “and this is where whatever I have to say gets weird… and stays between us.” Alex looked at each of them in turn to make sure he had their full attention. They nodded, intently looking at the young man. His face bore an extremely serious mask. “No one is to ever know of this,” he shook his head to emphasize his point. … “Promise me???” He said sharply.

Tell me all about all of your secrets
And all that, that you've been keeping
Oh, tell me your secret

“Al-ex?” Philip asked worriedly.

“Promise?” Alex insisted.

“Yeah ok,” They both agreed, “What are you saying?” They looked at each other and again shrugged their shoulders and then returned their gaze to Isabel’s ‘boyfriend.’

He started to drop a succession of bombshells on them, “They were about me.” Alex stated calmly.

“You??” You could have heard a pin drop, the room had gone utterly silent. … “Ni-Nightmares??” Diane answered that one in utter confusion after a few moments.

Alex gave a short jerk of his head in a nod. “Yes,” he paused for effect and the formulation of his next statement. “My death…” he finally finished.

“Your?” If the room was silent before, now it was dead calm and felt as if all the air had been sucked out. “ … Death??” Asked a very bewildered Philip Evans whose eyebrows were puzzlingly raised. He wasn’t expecting that.

Try and tell me in detail
that'll remove every single doubt

Alex dropped another one, “Yeah.” He paused, “You see,” he paused again, “I died on April 29, 2001 … and Isabel has been coping ever since.” He stated in such a manner that it was as if he were speaking of an actual event that had already taken place.

I wanna know all about it,

“What??” Philip flew out of his seat in surprise, he wasn’t even aware that he had. “Its only January 2000??”

don't make it up

“I told you it gets weird.” Alex let out a half chuckle. “Being that she is a superior being from another world, they have technology at their disposal that we can only dream of.” He wryly smiled at them, “Can you figure out where I’m going with this???” Alex then expertly allowed them to work out the pieces for themselves as he continued to study their every move.

Tell me your secret

“You’re kidding right?” Diane looked at him incredulously while her other half finished the thought, from another part of the living room. Philip was pacing as he worked on his thoughts, “That would be completely impossible…”

So Alex dropped the final bombshell on them, “Interesting,” he nodded in agreement, “I said similar things to her, but the fact is, she did. Isabel has returned to her past because of my death. She time traveled back to me. But in her sleep she has been dealing with my death and all the things that surrounded it. Her soul came back, her essence, we don’t know.“ He said helplessly, “It was an emergency trip and so she really has no idea how it all works out. But as any person who has lost someone they care deeply for, she has needed to grieve.” He dove in, “I’m alive! Isabel deals with it in her sleep. She is still grieving and mourning him.” Alex straightened back up, crossing his arms on his chest and looked to her parents in anticipation. What he was waiting for, he wasn’t sure, but he was wondering how they would respond to this very unusual turn of events.

Tell me all about all of your secrets
And all that, that you've been keeping
Oh, tell me your secret

“I knew my daughter my grieving, I could just tell. This past month her dreams left me thinking that.” Diane stated in understanding, looking to her husband. Philip returned the look as he mouthed, “You were right.” As he walked over to the chair to stand beside his wife, his hand reached for hers. Then he turned back to Alex.

“So if it has affected her this hard,” Philip squeezed his mate’s hand as he asked the question they both wanted and needed to know, “she must have had a very deep relationship with your other self?” Philip shared a look with his wife, placing his had on her back and turned to Alex, “Were they… ?” Pausing before he finished the statement, because what he was asking worried him for its most likely answer; he sighed heavily as he forced himself to ask softly, “Intimate?” His eyes were showing strain, pain for his daughter.

Diane’s eyes were glistening, and she turned to her husband, clasping his other hand in between both of hers, “Philip; They had to be, look how in love Isabel is with Alex.” She frowned slightly, “I knew there was more than a close friendship between them.” She stated with an all knowing mother’s intuition, as she shook her head sadly.

Alex’s next words startled her, “To answer your question Mr. Evans,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I honestly don’t know, she won’t say.” … ’Judging from our first kiss, I sincerely doubt it.’ “But they had a strange relationship due to the alien origins.” And with that he proceeded to tell them all about the night of the rave, her nightmares and his being drawn into them, and about the day in the park when she let him know she was an alien and all about the other Alex. He filled them in on everything he could, but not ‘everything.’ There were still secrets that he kept expertly hidden, especially the knowledge of his and Isabel’s future twins.

I wanna know about all of your secrets
And all that, that you've been keeping

Diane was silently crying into her open hands by the time he finished, hearing just what her poor daughter had been through, and in a way grieving for the lost relationship her other parents had with Isabel… all those years and they never knew her secrets until it came to a head. Philip had sat down on the armrest of her chair and just held her as she cried.

And then she understood why Isabel had the strength to defy Max and to let them know of the alien origins a few weeks back. And why things were tense between them for those weeks, and why Max had revealed to them what he did last night. He was getting even for it, and thought he had something on his sister. Her thoughts were interrupted however.

A small, breathy, choked and raspy voice called out, “A-A-Alex?”

Looking up, he got out of his seat and met her at the entrance to the living room; arms open wide for her to fall into. “Come here Baby.”

Isabel stood there silently for a moment between the hall and the living room; in her arms she was tightly clutching to her breast, what appeared to be a thin, hard covered book. She looked… bereft.

I wanna remove all doubt my baby
Take a look inside
I need to see your heart, your feelings
I wanna make it right

That look on her face alone, was the final proof the Evans’ parents needed to fully convince them that everything Alex had shared was true. They believed him, had no reason not to, but seeing Isabel in that state of distress grabbed their hearts and clenched them tight. They hesitantly stood from the chair.

Isabel swallowed hard, but it was obvious that she had been crying the whole time she was out of the room, her eyes were red-rimmed and her cheeks rashy.

Isabel slowly made her way over to Alex. He tenderly said, “They know everything now,” as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her securely into his side.

“Oh sweetheart,” Diane enfolded her arms around her daughter, as tears were flowing down her own cheeks as well. “I’m so sorry.” She stroked her distraught daughter’s head. “So very, very sorry.”

Philip was at a loss as to what to say or how to help her, so he just offered to be there for whatever she may need. “If you need anything at all Isabel, anything… “ He reached out to remove whatever she was gripping in her arms so tightly, managing to just adjust it enough to see its cover, before she clutched it desperately to herself again. And he nodded silently in his understanding. “Anything Isabel...” her father whispered into her ear, as tears started to sting his eyes as well. He too enveloped his precious child with his strong protective, fatherly arms.

I wanna remove all doubt, my baby
Take a look inside
I need to see your heart, my baby
I wanna make it right

Isabel opened her mouth to speak, but the words came out very broken, “I-I-I nee- d,… “ And nothing else would come out as her words were overpowered by deep mournful sobs that wrenched themselves from her throat, leaving her wordless and weeping in their arms. They stood there rocking her supportively as she was wrapped up in the security of their love. They would all be here for her, and she could finally start the process of healing and moving on.


Musical Excerpts: Secrets by Eternal


The intensity of this probably took you by surprise didn't it?

Just to inform you; the intensity and another season of angst has essentially begun. You may want to have tissues at the ready for the next few parts.

And another side note: I had mentioned to someone that this and the next part are my absoute faves in this whole story. But as I was going over some future stuff last night... I realized that this whole season we are entering into is my favorite. There is a lot of great stuff on the very horizon.

Stay Tuned...

Mt Gazer
Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

THANKS and Chapter 20: Part Two

Post by Mt Gazer »

Before I even post this part, I must say thanks to each and everyone of you wonderful readers.

My winners banners are being posted here, since I could not, nor would not have won them if it weren't for all of you.

Without you, there would not be Shifting Realities. You are the reason I write.

So these are for us to share. Thanks so much


and also


For Best Lead Portrayal of Alex Whitman

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I may be borrowing some scenes; and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: None really, except my previous chapters.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Twenty: Part Two

Its Just A Matter of Time

The conjoined group of her parents and Alex, maneuvered Isabel over to the couch and all sat down with her, surrounding her in their love as they discussed many things, including some of the changes in the timelines. Isabel placed the book that she had been hugging so tightly onto her lap and shared her memories of him with them; she was allowed to mourn, and to feel the loss of Alex. Isabel was completely safe. Her parents knew absolutely everything, and would do anything to protect her. She was so thankful that she had made the choices to tell them.

But after a couple hours of intense emotional upheaval, her emotions had left her exhausted. She was drained in every sense of the word, her mental state, and her vitality. Isabel found herself plodding through the conversation. So after some ground rules were laid, her parents allowed both teens to enter her room.

Philip and Diane Evans realized that they were doing things not commonly done, by allowing their teenaged daughter and her boyfriend to take a nap in her room. But they had set some firm boundaries and felt that it was the best choice to make under the circumstances. Isabel needed to be with him; they somewhat understood that the bond the two had was incredibly strong and that it definitely transcended the realm of time. And so they sent them upstairs to rest, and sat down to discuss the new turn of events.

Awhile later Max came home from a partial day of work, and went searching for his sister. He wanted to speak to her about her talk with their parents. Diane and Philip were in other parts of the house and also seemed inaccessible, so he headed upstairs to Isabel’s room.

Max came to an abrupt halt outside her bedroom door. “That’s it you two!!!” He insisted. “Get your hands off my sister,” he ordered Alex; then he turned towards the hall …”MOM!!!” Max called out, worriedly.

Lying on Isabel’s bed were she and Alex, she was nestled into his left side, her head over his heart, and her left hand resting comfortably upon his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breathing, as she was sleeping deeply and enjoying his presence. His arms were surrounding her and his head was resting against her pillow, which was propped on the headboard. Alex was dozing off and on, but was enjoying the freedom to have her in his arms, and he was mostly watching her sleep, and observing her. He could get sleep at home, he reasoned, but Isabel needed it desperately now. And so he lovingly watched her breathe, in time and rhythm to his own.

Diane came running at the sound of panic in her son’s voice. “Max? What is it? Are you ok?”

“How could I be ok?” He pointed into Isabel’s room. “They’re sleeping together, after what we discussed. Have you talked to her yet?” He was incredulous, something wasn’t right…

Diane peered into the open doorway and realized that Max must have awakened his sister, she was stirring, but she had not left her chosen position, listening to Alex’s heart. Alex’s eyes had popped open completely and he was watching the scene outside Isabel’s bedroom door with wide eyes, and growing fascination.

Diane stuck her head in and said softly, “Go back to sleep honey. I’m really sorry for that interruption. I’m closing the door, but the rest of the rules have not changed, alright? Sleep well.” And she gently shut the door behind her.

In less than an instant, where Diane had been gentle with Isabel, she turned on Max. She looked him over, assessed the situation and reached up and grabbed hold of his ear. “You’re coming with me.” She dragged him down the upper hallway to his father’s office. “Inside NOW!!!” She demanded as she shut the door behind him, letting go of his ear and ordering him to sit down in a chair.

Philip’s eyebrows rose in question and he was smirking. This was going to be interesting to watch and he was going to let Diane do whatever she wanted. Isabel had dealt with more than enough lately.

As Max plopped into the burgundy leather armchair against the wall, he looked up at his mother with a look of surprise. He and his sister were decent kids and rarely gave their parents any cause to assert their authority in such a manner. Max was stunned at her behavior. In fact he never recalled being physically moved by his ears. His mother must be really pissed he realized. But why? He would find out.

“MOOOM!!!” He exclaimed indignantly.

“MAAAX!!!!” She sent back in the same tone.

“What is wrong with you Mom?? What’s going on?” Max overstepped his bounds. Diane launched in.

“What is wrong with me Max??” She barked out, “I don’t think that is the right question. The proper question would be what is wrong with you?” She forcefully stated.

Max’s eyes went wide and he looked to his dad for understanding. Philip pointed at his wife in an indication to say… “She’s in charge right now.”

“First,” A livid Diane went near her son. “Waking Isabel up like that was extremely rude. You wouldn’t want to be awakened abruptly from a sound sleep would you?” She questioned pointedly.

“BUT!!!” Max attempted a protest.

“But… Nothing!” Diane cut him off, as she pointed between her husband and herself. “Both your father and I are fully aware of where Isabel is and what she is doing at this precise moment. She’s taking a nap, that’s all.” She informed him vociferously.

“What if she’s not?” Max countered back.

“If she’s not,” Dine placed her hands on her hips as she faced off her son, “first that is for us to deal with, but know this much. Alex won’t be allowed here if he breaks our trust. He is allowed to hold her through this nap, period.”

A very confused Max just looked up to his mother from his spot in the chair, “What is going on? Did you guys talk?”

Philip decided to join the conversation; he stood from behind his desk as he crossed around the side to its front, leaning into it in a partially seated manner and arms folded on his chest. His face bore his lawyer look. He was very serious. “Go on Diane,” he mentioned.

Max started to slump into his seat a little further, his arms resting on the chair’s wooden arms; he did not like the way this was turning out. He stared at his mom, who still was the parent in charge.

Diane started to set Max up for the kill… “We were waiting for Isabel when she returned from the girls night. And we talked to her about your accusations or report. And we learned some things, isn’t that right honey?” She said in a syrupy sweet manner as she turned to her husband.

Philip nodded and said, “Exactly right.” He swallowed as he addressed his son, “We know that Isabel told you the morning that Alex was here for breakfast that she was having nightmares and called him over. We also know that she told you in the woods that they had just had their first kiss. Isn’t that right Max?” He stated with purpose.

Max’s head down, he nodded.

Philip dove in, with all authority.. “So??? … You perpetrated a deliberative error of omission, misleading us to believe that your sister was ‘sexually involved’ with Alex.” Philip was pacing in front of his son. “Why would you do that Max? What has Isabel done to you that would deserve that?
Philip turned to his wife, … she nodded in understanding and continued. “You were getting even weren’t you Max?” Diane was now leaning on the armrests of the chair, directly accusing her son to his face. “Isabel defied your wishes, commands… and informed us of the alien secret.” She gave a short toss of her head. “You were waiting until you had something on her with which to level her. I never thought I’d see the day when you two were at permanent odds with each other. I’ve always considered myself a lucky mother because my children were so close. But you decided to change that.”

Max did not like how everything was being turned against him, and he wanted to get out of it. “Not Me, Isabel!!!” he protested.

“Isabel did not intentionally change anything Max.” Diane held her position in Max’s personal space, “This all started with the dance she and Alex had. You were still upset that she went on a ‘date’ with him, and believing your own things about what they did in her bedroom that morning after the rave you already had targeted Alex as untrustworthy in your opinion.” She huffed, “Isn’t that right?” She snorted and scoffed as she resumed, “So you were sure he was to blame when Valenti started to tail Isabel. Shortly after this, she told us the alien secret and you thought your sister had it out for you. So you’ve been waiting, for events and timing to line up to blackmail her… to get even with her. Am I getting close?” Diane asked through clenched teeth.

Max was staring at the floor, his face burning. He dumbly nodded in response.

“Max, Isabel needed to tell us about the alien stuff. How could you not realize that it was tearing her up inside? She made the best decision she could and went for it. She was exhausted from the weight of the secret… and seeing how your teenage friends were in on it, she told us as well. And today, what you did, opened up the door for another very long discussion. We learned all about her nightmares… She’s going through a lot. Sheriff Valenti is tailing your sister, first he did because of Maria, and that thing Isabel did to her car. But then the dance just brought him down harder… and you’ve turned on her?” Diane was incredulous. “Max!! Isabel is having nightmares and dealing with things in her sleep.” She was staring at her son, “You sure did not help her through it. So she turned to Alex.” Diane looked to her husband and the two shared a look, “And we’re ok with that.” Diane informed him.

“What are her dreams about?” Max cautiously asked. “Did Alex do something to her?” ‘If he did anything and I find out about it, I’m going to kill him.’ “I mean, she cries his name out in her sleep, and she’s been messed up since that night?”

“I think that her dreams are private Max,” His mother informed him, “but we can say this, she dreams that Alex dies. And with how she is starting to feel towards him, the pain is too great and she cries his name.”

“Why does she dream of his death?” Max was perplexed to say the least.

Diane knowing all of her daughter’s secrets, knew she’d have to keep them as safeguarded as Isabel had been doing so she covered, “We don’t know. But this we do; Max… Isabel is falling in love.” She smiled softly, “She would hate to lose Alex, yet in her dreams she does and she is forced to cope. Anything else you want to know about them, talk to her yourself.” Diane pulled away from her son for a moment as she made her way to the desk.

Philip then stepped into the conversation… as he walked over and pulled up a matching chair to sit beside his son. He placed his arm around Max’s shoulder and started to gently talk to him.

“Max,” he started calmly, “I know that ever since you hatched… were born, whatever you want to call it, that you have felt an obligation to take care of your sister. I also realize that for all those years you have been the leader of you guys. Max,” he said as he held his son’s hand, and his wife kneeled by the opposite side of the chair holding the other, “I think you’ve done a great job. You being the same age as the one in your care, your sister, have made the best decisions you could to keep you two protected. You are alive and are pretty much hidden and safe due to your leadership. It wasn’t anything we’d done. You’ve never let us in. But part of being a good leader is letting go, and knowing when things are bigger than you. OK?” Philip asked him sincerely.

“What are you saying Dad?” Asked a puzzled Max.

Philip continued to verbally assess the situation, “I think that Isabel also has the same innate desire to keep hidden and to keep you safe. Can you honestly say that since she told us everything that you have felt threatened or intimidated by your mother or I in any form?”

“No Sir.” A very chastened Max quietly replied.

“Ok Max.” His Dad patted his leg, “Things have gotten bigger than you. It’s time to step back. You are still a kid Max. You both are. Diane and I are the adults here and we care for you. I’m glad that we know what is going on, we’re on your side and we’ll be here to protect you.” He gave his son direct eye contact, as he stated the seriousness of the matter, “Max!! We would have ourselves most likely ended up tailing you eventually if you continued to remain secretive and left us out.” He looked up at his wife still sitting on the opposite side of their son, she was intently listening to the dialogue. “The day your sister told your mother everything, was the day your mother had already started to work on it. She was going to try to get to the bottom of it by the end of that weekend, and Isabel was obviously a weak link and at that point she just might have caved.” Philip needed his son to understand that their time was already up. “Son, when we would have decided to know everything going on with you, there would be no stopping us from figuring out something… maybe not the right thing even, but we would have discovered something. I can guarantee it.”

Diane took the reins momentarily again, as she dropped the bottom line, “We Love You Max.” Each word was spoken slowly and deliberately so that they had a chance to sink in. “You and your sister are our children. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe. But you can’t hide from us anymore. OK??”

The room was silent, Max was absorbing everything.

“Max?” Diane questioned.

“Ok.” He mumbled out. And then he looked up to his parents, “Am I going to be grounded or anything for what I did to Isabel?” He carefully asked.

“Oh No Max!!! Probably worse.” Diane smiled. “This is between you and your sister; you two find a way to work it out.” She thought for a second and then finished dispensing with the discipline, “Actually, its between you, your sister, and Alex. And seeing how he is feeling about the way you’ve been treating Isabel lately…” She patted his leg, as she wryly stated, “… Well all I can say is … Good luck.”

“Gee thanks…” He wryly shot back.

“Hey!” Philip interjected, “We discussed it and feel this is the best way to handle the situation. You have caused your sister a lot of undue pain in the last couple of months, and last night was just the clincher. I think this will eventually make you closer, and since you have drifted apart… that’s what you need more than anything.”

Max understood where he now stood with his parents but he didn’t have all the answers he wanted and so he looked up, “Can I ask something here?”

“Sure?” The Evans adults knew all this took adjusting to and so they gave him free rein to ask whatever he cared to.

“Why are they sleeping together? Why did you let them?” Max went back to the very first topic that had begun this whole scenario.

“Ok first, as we mentioned we are the adults,” Philip started to answer the question, “and as such really don’t need to explain our actions or reasoning to you.” Max stared at him, upset that he was going to be kept out of the loop. Philip calmly continued, “But since you have only this moment stepped back we will share a bit with you.” He smiled.

Max sat there impatiently waiting.

Philip stood up and crossed back to his desk, still watching Max as he nodded, “This is the most important thing… we need to clarify some terms… At this moment Isabel is resting. She has not ever in any way ‘slept with Alex’ in any sexual use of the term. Yes he was called over to get her through her nightmares, and that involved holding her, but she has never ‘slept with him.’ Ok Max?” He pointedly looked at his son.

“Ok.” Max nodded in agreement, “What are they allowed to do right now?” He asked, since whatever they were doing was not construed as sleeping together, to his parents.

“What did you see exactly when you looked into her room?” Diane asked softly as she stood to join her husband at his desk.

“They were on her bed, and he was holding her.” Max recalled the way he had found them a short time back.

Diane decided to let him know just what was accepted, “Right, the rules were these: They may lie on top of the bed, but not sharing any covers. No kissing of any kind; that can be done later and in another more visible part of the house. And they are to leave the door wide open. The sole purpose is she is in there to take a nap, but Alex is there to buffer her in case of a nightmare. He’s the one she has enlisted with that role. And he has been faithfully doing it for quite some time. I can only imagine that he is as tired as she.” She sighed as she thought of how true that statement actually was.

“Wow.. ok. I guess you really do know what they are doing.” He stated in his acceptance of the rules and then something his mother had just said struck a chord and he choked out in surprise, “You want them to kiss in the visible part of the house? I don’t think that’s such a good idea. They go into full-on make-out sessions. That’s what they were doing in the woods.”

The parents shared a knowing look and turned to him, Diane could not believe she was discussing her daughter’s ‘private’ life with her son. But he really did need to understand their reasoning and so she kept her calm and a straight face as she questioned very pointedly, “Ok, Think of this… Would you rather they ‘make-out’ the way you found them out in the woods; in private, behind closed doors, where anything can happen? Or would you rather that there is a limit on how far is acceptable?” She raised her eyebrows in question.

“Definitely a limit,” … he choked out. “I mean they are really close…”

“That is what we are giving them. A limit. It is to be done where it can be monitored if we choose to. But I can assure you if they are ‘making-out’ on the couch, and everyone is home… that they will be mindful of that fact.” She quirked her eyebrows almost in a tease as she chuckled.

“OK!!! Point taken. And I really don’t want to discuss this anymore.” Max shook his hands in front of him. “Eww…”

Philip chuckled, “Yeah.” He nodded, “Now you have to remember that we are taking over our parent roles and letting you relax a bit. I know you’ll never quit worrying for her, or all of them…everyone who knows the secret, and that is good. But loosen up a bit. Try to follow Izzy’s example and date that girl you like. Be a kid Max. We’ve got your back.” Philip laughed at how red his son’s face was. He was definitely uncomfortable talking about his sister’s deepening relationship with Alex.

“Yeah ok.” He mumbled out, “Mom, Dad?”

“Yeah son.” They answered in unison.

“I’m sorry. I haven’t known what to do with Isabel and I felt so out of control, because she seemed so out of control.” Max launched into his apology, “But I guess I never really listened to her. She tried to get me to, but we long ago had decided not to ever reveal this to anyone. When Isabel just started doing exactly that, and it had ramifications… I got scared. Very scared, first for her, but also for everyone.” He rolled his eyes, “Including Alex. And I didn’t know how to handle it.” He lamented.

“We understand Max,” Diane stated lovingly, “as long as you understand that Isabel really did do the right thing by involving us.”

He heard his mother but he had more to explain and so he ignored her response and continued with his apology. “I just felt everything spiraling out of control. I’m responsible for every person that gets added into this exclusive club. How many am I going to be responsible for?” He whined, “I felt overwhelmed, it was all happening so fast, and I couldn’t stop it. I really did not mean to hurt Isabel. I was only trying to keep her safe. She means everything to me, she’s my sister, and we’ve been together since we came out of the pods.” He ducked his head as he swallowed and led on, “… That’s kind of why I told you about her involvement with Alex. We don’t know if ‘human/alien’ is even safe … She’s getting serious with him, and I couldn’t control her anymore, so I thought maybe you could help… Sorry I left out stuff. I’m just worried for her, with everything going on. I don’t want anything to happen to her… “ He pleaded with his parents for their understanding.

“I can assure you that we feel exactly the same way.” Philip answered him. “And we would hate to see anything happen to any of you kids as well. And we’re including all the members of this exclusive club as you called it.”

“I’m sorry for how I acted the last couple of weeks.” Max continued in his apologies, “You know avoiding ‘humans’ and all. I thought it was better that I didn’t speak though, than to act on whatever I was really feeling inside.” Max stared at his lap. “I have loved having you as parents… but for how I acted, all the secrets I’ve kept and forced Isabel to keep … I probably don’t deserve that love. I can leave, and not be any more trouble. I mean, who wants an alien for their kid?” Max frowned at the thought. “I’m sorry I kept it secret for all this time… but… we don’t tell anyone. Isabel obviously wants to be human…. So… I’ll let her stay. Just let me know…” Max stood to walk out of the room, heavy hearted. He was stepping back as his parents had asked. He was allowing Isabel to have the life she craved, and he would willingly back out of all their lives as long as he knew that Isabel was well cared for. He didn’t matter, but she did. His head down he reached for the doorknob.

“Max!!” Philip choked out, “No one is leaving. WE Love You, Alien or not. You’re not any trouble. You are our son.” Philip stated assuredly, his eyes damp thinking that Max was about to walk out.

“Max!! The word is Son.” Diane stated as her eyes teared up, and her hands crossed over her heart. ‘Max still has trouble believing we love him and that he is wanted.’

“We’ll repeat this until it sinks in to you. You are safe here Max. Your secret is safe with us. You are protected. We’ve got your back. And we will do anything in our power to keep you protected outside of here as well.” Philip was hoping that he was breaking through to his son. He didn’t want to lose him.

“But it’s really ok with you that we’re different?” Max asked timidly from his position at the office door, his head still down. He was almost fearing the answer. “You really still want to be our parents??” His voice was cracking, as he realized that like Michael he was just looking to belong. He never realized that he felt out of place in his house, as he usually felt as if everything was ok. But with Isabel’s staunch determination to finally tell both parents the secret, he had started to feel very out of place. He had felt ready to run if they didn’t accept him. He looked up where both his parents were silently watching him. They were nodding quietly their acceptance of him and his sister.

“Thanks,” he mumbled, softly.

“If you’re done, so are we. There is really nothing more to say Max. So?” His mother was giving him permission to walk out of the office now if he still wanted to.

“No I don’t have anything. Except maybe, can I hug you guys? I’ve even avoided this for the past few weeks.” He stated, questioning with his eyes.

“No problem son.” They enfolded him in their arms, and held on tight. It was a few minutes before anyone let go. It was quite an emotional moment for a teenage guy, and one that he would never tell anyone about. When it was over he looked at his parents directly in the eyes and said, “I love you guys.”

“Oh Max we love you so much too.” Diane was choking up, “Now leave Isabel asleep until she wakes up on her own ok? She might be out for a long time. She has really been going through it.” Diane stated in authority.

“Yeah OK.” He agreed, “I’m going to head to my room. And then he sheepishly said, with a nervous laugh, “I have some unpacking to do.”


Diane gave her husband a short, quick kiss and headed out to help Max adjust, in whatever way he would accept. They smiled, they had their kids back, and even more than that… their kids had them, and knew it. The Evans family was WHOLE again.

It hadn’t fully sunk into Max yet, and they knew that it would take some time, and probably more time just talking about it… but he was unpacking, which meant that he was resettling in, and wasn’t ready to run anymore.

Philip knew in that moment that he had done the right thing by not letting Max know he was aware of the secret, for he had felt inside that Max would take off, if he knew that his dad had been informed. Because if Philip knew, than Max wouldn’t have anyone to trust, Mom or Dad. But if Mom kept silent, or appeared as if she had, then Max could warm up to the fact that maybe everything would be ok. His mother was trustworthy, and someone to rely on, and so Philip kept his involvement silent, and let Max work through his feelings in his own way. He was sorry for how upset Max got with Isabel a couple of days ago when she let him know their dad was involved as they walked to their camping spot. But Max really handled that one well, he blamed Isabel, but didn’t avoid his father, and that was a huge step in his favor. Sure he got even afterwards, but even that had a good outcome and Philip sat down at his desk, arms folded behind his head as he leaned backwards in his high backed, leather, office chair thinking through everything.

He closed his eyes as a small, contented, smile passed over his lips. He was just glad to have his family back, however it happened.


I told you all I had an awesome scene planned for Max didn’t I? Well… who best to deal with him but the parents? Hope you liked it.

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
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Chapter 20: Part #3

Post by Mt Gazer »

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I may be borrowing some scenes; and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities
Author: Mt Gazer
Category: CC/ AU?
Rating: Teen+ eventually higher
Spoilers: Some discussion of The Convention, but otherwise not much.

Author’s notes… #1) I have done research of the city of Roswell with help from my beta Paul… Thanks for the map!!!

I have of course had to take liberties at some times, but at others, I’m using accuracy.

Since the pilot episode had the Evans living on Newton Ave, you will likely realize that a couple of chapters ago, after girl’s night, as she walked home that she went to Newton Ave, and not Murray Lane... This was why...

When Alex came to her rescue the next morning, he headed down Morningside Drive… his street, to the Evans 3 blocks away. My beta Paul has invented where Alex lives, and other places for me. YOU ARE THE BEST PAUL!!!

I use Roswell, NM This is a detailed city map of Roswell, and I am using as many real locations as possible.

Morningside Drive is a real location, and E. Apple Street has become Newton Ave for the purpose of this fiction… its 3 blocks from Morningside Dr. and it has a bend in the street. Recall they live on the bend? The episode is River Dog when the Evans house is broken into, that we get a pretty good outside look at it.

So if I give detailed instructions and actual street names, I am going off the actual Roswell Map. Hope you like the extra little touches.

#2) There is a “newspaper” article in the body of this. I have placed it in bold to differentiate from any other writing.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Twenty: Part Three

Its Just a Matter of Time

A few days later the town of Roswell was abuzz with the tenth annual UFO Convention. Milton Ross, the owner and curator of the UFO Center predicted that it would be the best one ever with the appearance of the lights in the sky outside of Roswell during the past week. Though the dates of the annual event hadn’t changed due to this event, the hype did increase. The general consensus was that they were caused by some extraterrestrial source and were unexplained and definitely alien. Perfect for the town of Roswell. Once again, something alien was underfoot and the town was drawing lots of people who wouldn’t normally be turning up there. A lot of people decided it was perfect for vacations or conventions, and people started filing into the town in the middle of the week. Sheriff Valenti was becoming overwhelmed with all the phone calls of curious citizens and even some tourists who wanted to know what the unusual flashes in the woods were the week previous. Dry Lightning wasn’t going to hold them off much longer, but it was the reason his deputies were informed to give.

The Convention was an annual three day event and this time Milton had gone for broke hiring a panel of Ufologists to answer questions and even went so far as to procure the actors from the Star Trek shows. He was as excited as he could be, and he was in over his head with all the preparations and work he had to do and so Max volunteered to take on an extra load.

In the meantime all Isabel wanted to do was to avoid it. She was thinking about all the things that had happened the last time this same particular convention was held, in the past time-line.

Apparently when Max healed Liz, the silver handprint had alerted the focus of one extreme alien hunter, Everett Hubble; whose wife Sheila had been killed by such a thing. Larry Trilling, one of the tourists who had been at the Crashdown when Liz was shot, had made an issue at the convention of pointing Max out as the kid who had healed Liz. Larry wouldn’t let it rest and Hubble had thought Max to be a shape-shifter and sought to exact revenge. Isabel found herself happy that at least the Everett Hubble mess wasn’t going to even factor into play this time. Last time, the way they got Larry to shut up was that Michael had to use his powers to give Larry some kind of “allergic reaction” which left him itching and scratching furiously and in so doing, he looked like an idiot and so he was escorted out. But no matter what he looked like, Hubble was on the scent and took Max out to Bitter Lake. He had almost killed Max and the sheriff for some reason defended him; it was the beginning of Valenti becoming their ally, but the actual event that would make him one was still months off.

In this timeline no one had been shot and so the silver handprint had not alerted Hubble nor the FBI; but other things it seemed had. There were Isabel and her unexplained incidences, two of them now. Ms. Topolsky had shown up right on schedule because something alien had occurred … Isabel had tampered with Maria’s car… but since Valenti had garnered the information and he knew Maria to be truthful, if not a little high-strung, the FBI had been notified. And then we also had Alex and Isabel’s dance in the parking lot. Actually the tally was now up to three unexplained events if you also counted last week, and the flash in the woods during the Father’s Camp-out; the flash caused by the symbol Nasedo left for them. Of course Isabel had been kissing Alex as a cover, but Valenti had seen the flash, and as would be logical, attributed it to her. Plus add in the fact that Max put out the kitchen fire with his powers. The sheriff was definitely analyzing every event.

Last time she was dealing with this same convention, she had done one of her famous ‘run from Alex’ routines after he so sweetly got her a book on stargazing; what he never knew was that the book had been displayed prominently on her shelf along with a few other choice reading materials. She had treasured it, but she had never even said thank-you. ‘I really was a bitch, I really did hide how I was feeling didn’t I?’ “I’m so sorry, Alex…” ‘I wonder if Alex and I can avoid the whole crazy town and go on one of our private dates or something?’ She thought to herself. She had an eerie feeling that had started the day before and it was not going away. The only way she could foresee to counteract it was to not feed it by going to the UFO thing. She’d dealt with enough alien drama in the last timeline, she thought, to last her the rest of this one. Though being an alien kind-of guaranteed that there would be plenty more where that came from.

It was Thursday, February 3, 2000, the day before the convention began and Isabel and Alex had been discussing their weekend plans moments before while eating their lunch in the quad.

Isabel hardly realized that she had zoned out on him so deeply. He just watched her as her thoughts drew her in farther and further away from his reach. It was when she started to think of the two time-lines that she had spaced out on him.

“Izzy?” … He noticed a flicker of recognition in her eyes; as she, blinking, turned to look at him. “What are you sorry for?” Alex asked carefully.

She jerked back to reality, her thought pattern completely interrupted by something Alex said or wanted… “Huh?”

“You said, ‘I’m so sorry Alex,’ kind of mournfully. What?” He asked softly, slightly worried, his brow creased in question.

She slumped her shoulders momentarily as she looked at him. “Other Alex.” She whispered.

“Oh!” he said understandingly, “Anything I need to know?” He was ready to listen if she felt the need to discuss anything.

“NO!” She shook her head slightly, as she sighed, “Just apologizing for my being a bitch, and never treating him right. Sorry.” she mournfully regretted in reply.

“Izzy! What’s going on?” Alex was concerned, “I’ve never lost your attention like that before.” He stated as he reached out to cover her hand with his. “I mean, yes, you’ve zoned a bit, but never in the middle of something, and never where I had to call your name for a couple of minutes before you tuned back in. He was looking at her very carefully, “Are you OK?”

“I must be tired,” she flippantly replied, faking a yawn to prove her point.

He raised his eyebrows at her display and chuckled to himself, as he stated evenly,, “Like hell…” Alex shot her a look to emphasize his point; “ You went somewhere else, where did you go?” He wanted her to answer, and to do so now.

“I can’t get anything past you can I?” She moaned, her head down, defeated by how Alex unlike anyone else could read her like a book.

“I don’t think so…” he said lovingly, “So what is it? You feel ok?” Alex was studying her carefully as she definitely wasn’t acting herself.

The way she was being intently watched by him made her already uneasy nerves, even more uncomfortable… “Of course I feel fine, we can’t get sick,” she barked out.

The harshness of her words stinging him a little, he decided to make an example of what he had just said.

“Something is bothering you.” He pointed out, “You just zoned off to another planet, you’re lying about how you feel, and you are extremely edgy.” He slid his juice over to her in a silent offer. “There is more than one way to not feel well; it doesn’t have to be physical.

She was nervously drumming her fingertips on the table, and then she pulled her hand from the table and ran it through her hair backwards, watching him, as she grabbed for his juice and took a drink. ‘Why did I do that? There’s no Tabasco in it?’ She was quickly desperate for something spicy to counteract the sweetness of the juice, and she noticed that Alex had a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Reaching for it, she now had the perfect combination of spicy and sweet.

As he saw her hand reach for his Cheetos, he held out the bag to her as well, a curious expression playing upon his face.

Taking a few, Isabel then took another sip of his drink and decided to level with him. “I’m antsy ok Alex. It’s nothing. I’m sure everything is fine.”

He was thinking, ‘Yeah right, just fine.’ (Sarcastically). And then she started to ramble in a somewhat Maria fashion, which only served to convince him that something was definitely NOT RIGHT.

“I just have some strange feeling about this weekend.” Her words coming out rapid fire as her hands moved about frantically emphasizing her statements. “I don’t know if I am tuned in to someone or something… if something bad is going to happen…” and then her voice dropped into an anxious whisper, “or if the fact that I returned in time has left me with a sixth sense… what… I just feel weird.” Isabel finished abruptly, staring at him for a response.

“Ok,” he slowly nodded, as he really did not have a way to respond to that. She took another sip of his drink and shared a few more of the cheesy snacks. He was surprised and yet thrilled that she was acting pretty much as if they were a normal couple. He knew she was unconsciously reacting to her internal stress level, but she was sharing his food. The way couples do.

They went back to their previous discussion, planning to meet at the Crashdown later for dinner or a snack, or something.


“Liz, what is going on?” The diminutive brunette looked up from her sandwich, trying to make out the figure in the shadows. She raised her hand to her brow to shield her eyes from the noonday sun and watched as the figure came into a clearer focus; she saw the face of her former boyfriend staring down at her.

“Oh, Hey Kyle?” Liz patted the bench beside her, “have a seat.”

Kyle Valenti seemed tense, but ever since she had started to talk to Max Evans which was back in September, Kyle seemed to be that way. He ran his hand through his hair nervously but took the proffered seat. And then he started to speak, “Liz, It’s ok that we aren’t going out anymore, I really do care about you, but that relationship ran its course. I mean we kind of split up in October, so don’t get me wrong, I understand your need to move on.” He informed her. He took in a breath as he finally opened his lunch sack and pulled out an apple. Taking a bite he continued, “But I’m worried about you with the new friends you seem to be keeping.” He watched for any reaction, as he slowly chewed the fruit, but she played it cool.

“Kyle,” Liz placed her hand on his arm, “Its no problem I can’t handle.” She smiled to him, “But thanks for the concern.” She withdrew her hand and closed it around her sandwich once again as she took a bite.

“So there is a problem with them then?” Kyle crossed his arms on his chest awaiting her reply as he thought through all the oddities as of late that Liz was somehow a part of; and he was staring through her as he worked it all out. He intended to figure out what was going on with Liz and the Evans’ kids.

His dad had already ordered him not to get involved with them, before he took off on his road trip to follow them, which had landed him as well as all of them in Texas. But his Dad’s fear worried him, and if his dad was worried than he should be more than worried about Liz. Liz was more than involved; she seemed to have become tight friends with these kids. So he decided to talk to her at lunch this day. Maria was tied up with something, and all the usual lunch kids were not surrounding her. And even more unusual was the fact that at times the two separately distinct groups were merging into one larger group. Lately however, he had noticed that Isabel and Alex were alone most of the time; almost as if, he did not dare to think the idea through, they were a couple. Liz and Maria were hanging out alone but that wasn’t too unusual, seeing how they are best friends, and Max and Michael were separated unto themselves. Isabel was usually a part of that mix.

Liz swallowed her bite and answered him, “There’s no problem Kyle,” in a drop the subject type manner.

“But you just said…” he went to protest but catching the look she was sending him, and dropped that comment as he continued… “And look Liz, Isabel Evans is somehow involved… I don’t know much about her, but I know that my dad is following her. I know she did something to your friend Maria.” Liz seemed surprised, “Overheard my dad, nothing anyone else knows.” Liz visibly relaxed which was not lost on him either. “And you guys all seem to be sworn to silence. I can see that you have shut out everyone who meant anything to you, and that’s not healthy. You’ve turned into a stranger Liz. You are not the same person you were three months ago!” he stated very empathically. “And back in November I talked to Alex about this and he agreed. Now? He seems to be part of the ‘group’ as well.” Kyle then asked very pointedly, “What is going on with you?”

“I’m still the same person Kyle.” Liz tightly smiled as she nodded her head for emphasis.

Kyle knowing a brush off when he felt one, stated in a forceful manner, “I’m watching Max Evans. If he hurts you in any way, I’m gonna kick his ass into the next century. I don’t like seeing you so wrapped up in him and the others with him.”

She just couldn’t get rid of this guy, “Thanks Kyle… I’m in control though, ok.”

“Fine,” he slapped his palms on the table, “I’m gonna go talk with Evans. See ya Liz.”

Kyle made his way over to another table, where Max was re-reading a book; Among Us, by James Atherton. He was sitting next to Michael who had chosen this day to appear at school. Michael was staring into space.

Kyle practically pulled Max from his chair, “Evans can I have a word with you, over here?” Kyle motioned to a nearby wall in an out of the way location.

Max had no choice but to follow the younger Valenti.

“Ok Max, I just talked to Liz.” Kyle’s finger was pointed in the other young man’s face. “I don’t know what this hold is you have on them, her, Maria, Alex. But my concern is Liz.” He glared at him. “You hurt her; I’ll break every bone in your body. I’m onto you Evans; my Dad is onto your sister. You’re involved in something, and I’ll figure out what it is. And when I do, your sister is going down, maybe taking you with her. Unless you want to let me know what is going on, and so maybe then I can protect Liz.” Kyle crossed his arms as his jaw tightened.

Max tried to smile disarmingly, “Kyle, Liz chose to my friend. I don’t have any control over her as you have implied, and nothing is going on that should worry you.” He turned the conversation around, “Liz and I have gone on a couple of dates, but I’m sure you went on more than that. I don’t know why your dad is following my sister. I know she can be overbearing, and outright intimidating, but I don’t think there is anything illegal with that is there?” He chuckled, inwardly hoping he was getting this guy off the scent. “Thanks for the concern Kyle. Liz can talk to whom she wants, so… maybe you two can sit down and have a talk, or something.” He shrugged his shoulders.

After threats were exchanged, and Kyle Valenti had finally left him alone; Max made his way over to the only place he could find his sister, with Alex. She was sipping on his juice, and eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos with every swallow. When Max saw that he moaned, ‘Mom said she was falling in love. Understatement. They are definitely a couple,’ he thought to himself. ‘As if I didn’t have enough to worry about.’

He sighed deeply and then walked over, “Iz, watch yourself.”Max leaned in between them closely, “Kyle is now trying to dig up dirt on you; he just came over to me and ‘talked’ to me.”

The young couple looked up momentarily, “Thanks Max. I’ll be fine.” Isabel said shortly.

Max was dumbfounded, “That’s it?”

With a toss of her head she responded in annoyance, “That’s it Max. I’m going back to my discussion now, unless you wanted something else?”

“N-N-Nothing else.” Max stammered out, “You’re not even going to talk to me about this?

She shook her head, “Not this or anything else.” She glared at him in a complete ‘Ice Princess’ demeanor. “You are still not off the hook for what you told Mom and Dad.” Her jaw tightened. “I’m still mad at you. At least they handled the truth alright. The truth you have not once tried to ask either of us, Little Brother.” She cocked her head angrily to the side. “So no, thanks for the warning I appreciate it. Oh one last thing… before you go, I need the jeep later this afternoon,” she thrust her hand out for the keys, “I’ve gotta do some research at the library and I’m meeting Alex after band practice at the Crashdown. she stated haughtily. And if you don’t give it to me, well, you’ll wake up kissing Brad Pitt for the next five nights. Alex dipped his head as he snickered.

“That important of research huh?” Max dolefully removed his keys from his pocket and placed them into his sister’s waiting hand.

“Thanks Max.” She jangled them in front of him. “You’ll have it to bring home from work, I’ll ride with Alex later. I knew you were reasonable.” She said in a falsely sweet voice.

“I know when I’ve been blackmailed,” he retorted, “and Mom and Dad sure haven’t helped by letting you do whatever you want to me. You want the jeep… just take me to work. Are we gonna talk about the other thing?” he asked hopefully.

Isabel glared at him with a short shake of her head and a minor clearing of her throat. “I told you… NO! Not till I’m ready. And I’m not. You can go now.” Isabel waved her hand dismissively as if she were talking to one of her subjects. “Discussion OVER!”

Max could take a hint and left the young couple alone. He was inwardly upset and he let out another heavy sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. He was still worried for Isabel.


After Isabel dropped Max off at work she headed over to Roswell’s public library. Yes she did have research, and yes it was important, but no.. It wasn’t for school. She needed to understand what changes were in the timelines, from September 19th. That was the day of the shooting in her past, and with The Tenth Annual Convention coming to town she needed to see if her assumptions about Larry Trilling, or Everett Hubble were even accurate... Would either of them even show up and what would the cause be if they did?

She walked up to the counter and started to speak to the Librarian. “Excuse me? Could you possibly assist me?”

“What do you need dear?” A lady in her mid-forties with kind blue eyes smiled up at her.

“I’d like to find a newspaper article from a particular day. I’m looking for something in September, 1999.”

“Well dear, if you’ll follow me,” the librarian led her into a small room in the back. “We keep all our newspapers here on this shelf for a limited time, and when it gets full we recycle them. They will be taken out tomorrow or the next day. Now if you don’t find what you are looking for here, we’ll set you up on the computer. I’m Christine… Let me know if I can be of any more assistance, alright?”

“Yes thank-you very much.” Isabel smiled warmly and turned to her task.

She sighed as she looked at the mountainous pile of newspapers stuffed onto a metal utility type of shelf. There were two complete stacks of them, and so she just started in. She grabbed an armload of them and looked at the date of the one now on the top of the pile. It was dated in December.

She placed the first bundle on the floor and grabbed another armload, November, 15, 1999. She sighed and kept creating piles to return, until she landed on an October One, 1999.

I only have to go back three more weeks. She set that armload beside the others. And then she started to read the dates backwards as she scanned the remainder of the pile.

“September, 23… 22…21… 20…. Here it is! This is the last paper in the stack. If that doesn’t make you believe in the Hand of Providence or something.” She mumbled to herself. “If I came tomorrow or even the next day they’d all be in recycling. And truly what are the chances that the very first one, or last one, whichever way you look at it, is the one I need?”

She yanked it off the shelf and placed it on the low table behind her as she replaced all the others in reverse order of the way she had removed them. Then she headed out into the main area and sat down at a table to study what if anything had happened that day.

Roswell Daily Record, Sept. 20, 1999

Shooting at the Crashdown
Article by Kristin Binder
The normally peaceful, family restaurant, the Crashdown Café, owned and operated by Jeff and Nancy Parker, lifetime residents of Roswell, New Mexico experienced a shock yesterday in the form of an argument that got out of hand.

One man, after becoming angry, pulled out a gun, and shot at the other man who was sitting with him. The second man ducked causing the bullet to go errant.

A young waitress, who happened to be the proprietor’s daughter, fell to the floor moments after the shot rang out. A red liquid was seen oozing all over her dress.

A young couple, on their way to California to be married, witnessed the entire event.

"Yeah. The fight broke out and the girl was standing over in the waitress station over there." Larry Trilling points in its direction. "After the gun went off, the other young waitress shouted her name, ‘LIZ,’ and the long-haired one fell to the ground and a red puddle formed around her, we weren’t sure if she was shot or not."

Jennifer, his fiancée, also reported the activity of yesterday. "There were two teen boys sitting over here," she points at a table near the window, "and the taller one seemed rather scared or nervous. But the other one, a serious dark, haired boy ran over to her, apparently he knew her or something. Anyway, he helped her sit up. She was a mess but insisted that she wasn’t hurt and that she dove to the ground when the gun fired."

The waitress, Liz Parker, tells her tale. "Yeah I heard the gun and my friend Maria calling to me and I dove to the ground. I wasn’t even aware that the bullet was that close to me."

How close was it? Had she stayed standing, the gun would have shot the young waitress. Instead it pierced through a ketchup bottle on the second shelf spilling all over her, and lodged in the back wall.

The shy young man with the hero’s heart ran out shortly before the sheriff showed up. Was he camera shy or gun shy? The most we know about him is that his name is Max Evans, and that he is Liz Parker’s lab partner at school.

It’s ok to be a hero, Max. The world needs more like you.

We, as well as the Parkers, are all thrilled that this event didn’t end up any worse than it did.


‘Whoa, so if Liz hadn’t ducked, the timeline would be exactly the same. Ok. Larry and Jennifer were here, but nothing happened with Liz so I doubt Larry’ll be the obsessed crazy person of the past. And Max didn’t do anything but help Liz sit up, so…. There definitely is no handprint. I can just about guarantee myself that Everett Hubble isn’t going to turn up, so… I guess alls well that ends well.’ Isabel stood from her chair and folded the paper up and walked to the front desk.

“Excuse me Ma’am?” she asked. Christine looked up, “I found what I was looking for, I was wondering if I could keep this paper or if I should copy the article or what I should do?”

“Oh go ahead and take it. Like I said, they’ll all be recycled very soon, so if you found the one you needed, by all means, have at it.” Christine smiled politely.

“Thank you so much. I guess that’s all I needed, so I’ll be on my way. Thanks again.” Isabel tucked the paper under her forearm and shoved through the double glass doors as she left.


Isabel and Alex met at one of the favorite places to hang out in the small town of Roswell; her eerie feeling having left her on full alert and ready for anything. She just felt strangely as if something was amiss. And so she looked around the establishment and took in all the different patrons: there were the different groups of local kids, or other regular patrons, nothing strange there, a couple of tourists who had been there in September, a young kind of odd couple, Jennifer and Larry Trilling… ‘So they got married this time, and they did come back…’ the elderly couple who were also regulars, and a Podiatrist Convention, they were taking in the sights as well as the whole weekend. Isabel did a double take. That was it; Isabel shuddered when she observed them. They were out of place and Isabel was pretty certain not who they claimed to be.

“Alex, lets go.” She ordered.

“What?” he looked up in surprise, whining, “I want to eat.”

She teased him to calm herself momentarily, “You always want to eat, so then lets go eat at my house, I’ll make something, or my Mom might.” She was halfway out of the booth. “I want to get out of here.” She said low and evenly, Isabel was now standing at the edge of their booth, bouncing uncomfortably on the balls of her feet, and pleading with her eyes, her nervousness was also fully evident as she snatched his menu right out of his hands, and placed it atop hers, which was laying on the table, “ You won’t need that.” Their corners were aligned perfectly. He looked over to her side of the table and realized that she had already rearranged the condiments in order of size on the table.

He knew something was up, she was in an organize and rearrange mode, and so he nodded his permission. “Ok, let’s go,” Alex barely responded as she grabbed his hand and jerked him away.

“Bye … Alex?” shouted Liz to the blur that had just left, as she caught the keys Isabel threw to her. Isabel said one word, “Max.”

“Chica, what was that about?” Maria came over and pointed out the rearranged table and the menus in a perfect stack. They had never ordered, even so much as a drink.

“Hmm… something must be up with Isabel. She pulled him out of here so fast I didn’t get a chance to say hi, and she threw me these keys to hold for Max or something.” Liz answered, confused, “Whatever.” Maria responded by shrugging her shoulders, but secretly was a bit worried for her new ‘Girlfriend.’ Isabel wasn’t acting right. Liz decided to take the keys across the street on her break.


“Ok… what was that about?” Alex demanded as he turned north onto Orchard Avenue as they neared the Evans’ street. Luckily he had his car with him at the Crashdown as he had met her after band practice, and they had taken it in her haste to leave.

“Something is up, but it might not be a bad thing, I’m just getting weird vibes.” She answered with a sigh.

“From the Crashdown?” he asked a bit lost.

“No. Not the Crashdown, but someone inside the Crashdown.” She bit her lip momentarily, as he turned west onto Newton Ave. They were almost at the Evans’. Isabel continued nervously, “ ‘The ‘Podiatrist Convention.’ No more than a certain Guidance Counselor at West Roswell are they what they appear.”

Alex was deep in thought and had slowed the car unconsciously to a snail’s pace. “Hmm?” Alex was confused, but letting her follow her train of thought.

“Did you see their suits Alex?” she asked almost in a panic, “Did you really notice them?” She was pleading he realized.

“What Iz?” He wasn’t sure what she was getting at.

“Black suits, with dark ties, and white or light button shirts, all of them??” She mentioned incredulously, “Alex there were at least 5-8 people there, at the one table..." She bit her lip again and thought in silence for a couple of moments as she figured a way to explain what she feared. Alex came to the bend in the road and pulled up in front of the Evans as he parked in front of the curb. Getting out, they continued to discuss things as they made their way up the walk. Her mother had already arrived home from work seeing how it was around 5:30 pm or later, her father was finishing up some last minute things at the office and he would be on his way shortly.

Isabel continued to talk as they walked, but in a very hushed tone seeing how they were now in public, “They are scoping out Roswell. They are here because of the sighting… among other things…” They went inside, freely continuing the conversation as they entered the door. Isabel was glad that Max’s ‘kingship’ had forced her secrets out of hiding. As long as he was gone she could talk freely about anything.

Diane noticed that they were deeply conversing over something and her daughter seemed to want to have the upper hand and so she listened in momentarily.

“Isabel scoping it out? Why?” Alex responded, “Who are they?” he was concerned and had stopped her with his hands on her arms the minute they shut the door behind them.

“I’m not fully sure,” she sighed, “but I’d bet they were FBI or some affiliate thereof. They are too obvious.” She shook her head. “One thing the FBI does is stick out like a sore thumb.”

“So why are they here?” His grip was unconsciously tightening on her arms in his concern.

She shrugged out of his uncomfortable grasp and cocked her head with her hands loosely on her waist, almost teasing, “Why do you think Alex? Who is standing in front of you?”

“My beautiful girlfriend?” He smiled warmly melting her just a little. He loved being able to say that freely in some places now. It still wasn’t public, but it was more than accepted in the Evans’ home.

“Thank-you,” Isabel whispered, “that’s sweet.” Needing to bring the conversation back into focus she went for the kill, in a teasing manner she drove home the point. “But what ’color’ am I Alex?” she said as she placed ‘bunny ear’ fingers behind her head, in an effort to symbolize antennae.

“You think they are watching you?” He choked out surprised.

“Wouldn’t doubt it,” she responded curtly, “I got weird vibes off of them.” She pulled back and crossed her arms on her chest.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,,,, what’s going on?” Diane Evans ordered as she jumped into the conversation. Her daughter was talking about someone scoping out Roswell and watching her. She needed to know what the conversation was about completely.

“Speculation Mom,” Isabel turned to the newest member of the conversation in complete control, hoping not to frighten her mother, “but I think that the FBI is in Roswell. A lot of them, more than the usual.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “They are using the cover of a Podiatrist Convention. I think they have gotten wind of the few unusual events that have surrounded me as of lately, and they are checking it out….” She shook her head, as she wearily sighed, “Which would make them indirectly checking me out.” Turning back to Alex who just stood there with a shocked expression all over his face, she finished, “Which is why I dragged us out of the Crashdown. I do not need to be studied.” she said forcefully. “And this must be why at school I was thinking about avoiding the whole thing this weekend all together.” she nodded briefly.

“When you zoned out?” Alex puzzled, thinking back to lunchtime and how she was acting.

“Yeah.” She smiled in acknowledgement. Isabel loved how he always seemed to be on the same page with her, he just understood what she was saying.

“Oh!!” he nodded, “Ok…” Stopping to think for a moment he brought up another factor of that talk, “How does the ‘other Alex’ tie into this.”

She laughed slightly as she realized that absolutely nothing got by him. Licking her lip she stated, “He doesn’t except for the weekend aspect… but I was thinking about all the changes that are obvious…” His eyebrows rose in silent question, and she shook her head, “Don’t get worried, I’m not even going into them right now. But that’s what I was thinking about. You brought up the weekend and I was analyzing the last time it happened…”

“Ok. “ He nodded, appeased with her answer, “So what are we going to do?”

“Hopefully something not involving there.” She said pointedly, looking directly at him.

The tone in which Isabel had just addressed Alex was not lost on Diane Evans who was standing silently, listening to the entire conversation. She wasn’t about to walk away until she knew what exactly was going on or they were up against. She turned to her daughter, “Sweetheart are you ok?” Diane asked.

Isabel ran her left hand backwards through her loose hair, “If I can keep us steered away from a certain place,” ‘UFO Center’ “ and a certain group of people, ‘Special Unit’ “I think everything will be fine.” She turned to her mom, “One thing though, Max is trusting of no one… but he doesn’t know how the FBI,” ‘Special Unit,’ she thought to herself, “usually looks when not under complete cover.” Rolling her eyes she gathered all her hair and let it drop again. “As if you could miss them.” she stated dryly. “I’ve seen more, and I know more, and certain experiences give me an insight into these things.” She talked around the issue; and then stopped discussing it altogether. “Mom can I help you get dinner?” Isabel abruptly changed the subject, in so doing Diane knew she was uncomfortable and let it drop.

“Sure sweetheart.” Diane smiled and welcomed the assistance.

After dinner was cooked her father came home and joined them for the meal. They discussed among other things, Isabel’s reservations, and suspicions. She also shared her newspaper article with them, and talked about the changes in the timelines. Everyone who knew about it was in that room with her and so she used the dinner hour to discuss and to strategize. Both her parents joined her on full alert status. Her father promising to keep an eye on any one unfamiliar. Mostly though, they just had a normal dinner. And a couple of hours later, after discussing any number of things and getting to know each other better, Alex gave Diane a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for the wonderful meal and went home.


The next day was the first of the 10th Annual Convention. Isabel had been getting Alex into shape along with herself, and ever since she had been back in time for a couple of weeks they had gone on a bi-daily run. She was talking to him as they jogged down the street toward where the Roswell Sheriff’s Station was, and reminding him teasingly of their first run; when they both wheezed and gasped their way to 2 miles. Now they were effortlessly up to 4 miles.

Feet pounding rhythmically on the pavement, they headed south on Garden Avenue as she teased, “Remember that morning Alex?”

His long legs in a matched stride with hers, feet also pounding out rhythm, rolled his eyes as he teased back, “How could I forget?” he laughed. “What was it?? 7:00 am on a Saturday morning and a very bouncy Isabel is on my doorstep in sweats, carrying two water bottles? I knew I was in trouble when I saw that.” He groaned in remembrance.

“And why was that?” She asked teasingly.

“Because Isabel,” he laughed still remembering that morning, “You thrust one of them into my hand and said, ‘Let’s go! You’ll need this’.”

“Yeah and you said, ‘The only place I’m going is back to bed. Get me when you’re done.’ She responded also remembering that first jog.

Alex slowed his pace for a second as he stopped, hands on his hips and head cocked haughtily to the side. “ ‘Whitamn get your ass in gear, and meet me at the curb in five minutes or you won’t have sweet dreams for at least a week.’ ” He recreated her mannerism of that morning, a perfect imitation of Isabel ordering him around.

Isabel was watching him, giggling with delight that he took it so well. “I’ve never seen you get ready so quickly.” She teased.

“I was motivated.” He retorted plainly, “Not that I had the chance to have pleasant dreams; being on constant alert for the phone to ring and you to be on the other end, needing me.” She smiled comfortingly, “But the threat still had me ‘running scared.’ He was bouncing on his feet ready to run again, so he took a drink of water.

“Al-ex!” She rolled her eyes and reached out to playfully slap him in response to his bad pun.

Water spilled down his front. He should have known she’d do that. It’s how she always responded.

She started to lead the pace again, “I’ll never forget what you said as we stretched out on your lawn, however. You said, ‘Why do you want to go for a run?’ “Which I answered, ‘Because I want to! And I’m going to spend my life with you, and we are going to do things together. Starting now.’ “ She answered assuredly. And she looked at him running beside her, matching her pace and she continued to razz him for the way he protested that first run, “And you answered how?” Cutting him off before he had a moment to respond she answered for him, “ ‘Why this? I’m not athletic? Unless you count dodge ball…’ “

Alex found that he needed to get in a word quickly or she would overrun him, and so he interrupted her monologue, “Then you hopped off the ground ran somewhat down the street and shouted over your shoulder, ‘Which, I don’t.’ And the chase was on, you Isabel, had gotten the jump on me and I had to run to catch up. We ran in silence for some time before I spoke again… Then we settled into rhythm and set a pace we could both handle and I realized that you were as unathletic as I was. You were perspiring heavily and pushing yourself to run. So I had to tease you… ‘So Isabel?’ I said, ‘Why are you doing this? I thought your only form of exercise was riding the escalator at the mall?’

Isabel jumped back in, “And I answered you… (Which she said in a sarcastic tone) ‘Why does everyone then or now like that line so much?’ Then she stated dryly as they ran side by side, “Truth is though Alex, it was.” She looked over at him as a look of momentary sadness flashed across her eyes, “I continued to answer you though, ‘Things happened in my life and I needed a release where I could be alone for long periods of time to think and to exhaust myself so I didn’t have to think. Jogging was perfect.’ “ She answered softly.

Alex placed a gentle hand on her wrist, as he looked at her, while they still were measuring out a stride on the pavement. “And right then I knew that something in the past had happened that you didn’t want to talk about and so, I decided not to push the issue. And instead to push you so I forced myself ahead of you and took off on a dead run toward the park and shouted, ‘Eat my dust Isabel Evans.’ Which you will be doing again today, See you at the Sheriff’s station.” He started laughing as he took off on a dead run once again, and forced Isabel to catch up to him. One thing he loved to do was to challenge her and to tease her at the same time. And he had really gotten to enjoying their runs together. The physical results were reward enough, but he loved spending the time with Isabel when they could talk or play, and it was as friends.

When Isabel cleared the last building, and gained full view of the entrance to the Roswell Sheriff’s Department, she halted to a complete stop unexpectedly. Alex who was right behind her, and concentrating on catching up did not notice the sudden halt and went plowing into her, and he had to grab her quickly to keep her from falling over. “Whoa, Izzy… warn someone when ya stop ok??”

“Shh… “ She held her index finger to her to her lips, and then she grabbed him and pulled him back behind the corner of the last building and as she peeked out from around the corner, her heart was hammering in her chest; it wasn’t from her physical exertion. “Stay Back Alex!“ She commanded as she continued to observe the sheriff Station.

Isabel stole another furtive glance and reached into the neckline of her top, pulling out an item that was nestled between her and the fabric; a small pair of binoculars. When she ran, they were always on her person, just to be on the safe side. There were some things she just did not want to take any chances with since she had arrived to a different reality. Spying on suspicious activity was something she was prepared to do at a moment’s notice. She stole yet another glance, and Alex being even taller peeked around the corner over her shoulder. Then she backed against the wall and took a deep breath to gather herself. She held up her binoculars to her eyes and resumed her intent observation of the Sheriff’s Department.

Parked in front of the station was a black Crown Victoria, which could only mean one thing, FBI, most likely Special Unit. Alex positioned himself the nearest to the corner and unconsciously stepped into a protective mode. Isabel now had to peer from around his back. He snatched the binoculars from her, pulling the strap from around her neck, and peered across the street through them. She felt all his muscles tighten and though they were outside, the air seemed to have become very thin all of a sudden for he found himself breathing hard. She kept her hand on his back and watched with him. Alex pulled back and leaned against the wall erect, eyes wide and swallowing forcefully. Noticing the way he was reacting, Isabel jerked her binoculars back and stared through them. Two gentlemen in dark or black suits with very similar ties were leaving the sheriff’s station, and were stating their goodbyes to the sheriff. One of them seemed to hold in his hand an object about the size and shape of a video-cassette tape. “Oh My God,” she whimpered, biting her lip, all her muscles had gone tense as well. Upon her exclamation, Alex grabbed the binoculars back and trained them on the two gentlemen, one was holding a videotape, and the other was clutching a manila file as if it were a prize. They were talking amongst themselves and seemed happy, though he couldn’t make out what was being said. And they got into the car to drive out of the lot.

Isabel placed her arm across Alex’s chest and forced him back against the building and listened to the tires as the car made its way out of the parking lot. It was turning left, which meant it would be passing them. She forced herself against the wall, reached sideways with her arm, grabbing blindly at his shirt, but getting a solid grip on it, and yanked him until he was in front of her. “Kiss me!” She demanded.

“Yes Ma’am.” He grinned crookedly, and so he positioned himself in front of her, shielding her with his taller body as his hands were leaning on the wall on either side of her head, as he began a slow and methodical exploration of her mouth. They remained like this for a moment forgetting everything, until her brain kicked back in, as the car drove past them. She started to gasp, partially from the kiss and the need for air, but partially from fear. “Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!!” She was panting, repeatedly, her eyes had gone wide in fright. And then her voice tremulously cracked, “Al-ex,” Isabel swallowed, “do you know what that tape was?”

His eyes were wide with fright too, but he did not want to reveal how scared he was so he wisely chose not to speak. His voice would more than likely crack, or squeak, so with his lips tightly pressed together he nodded. And enfolded his ‘girlfriend’ into his arms. Only then did he realize that she was trembling, the spasms carried over to him. He whispered. “Its ok Izzy. You’ll be ok.”

She curtly replied, pulling back in almost shock, “You’re sure of that?” her eyes silently flashing fear.

“Come here.” He wrapped himself tightly around her. “Shh… No more talking. They are gone, and we are going back to your house.” With that he locked his hand into hers and began the long walk back to the Evan’s residence. They were publicly displaying the relationship right now, but it was the last thought on her mind. Who knew if anyone had seen them or not?


When they got to her home, he went in with her and positioned her on her couch and he went into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. After she was cared for, he then he sought out whichever of her parents were home, seeing how he briefed a glimpse of an Evans’ car in the driveway.

Diane Evans stepped out, “Hi Honey,” she said to her daughter, not noticing the tension written on her face, “Alex here?“

Isabel nodded silently and pointed in the direction of the backyard. Just then he came in from the back and said, “Mrs. Evans, Oh good!” He breathed a sigh of relief, “There you are.” He seemed edgy or nervous she observed. “Take a seat,” he pointed to the chair where she had been told other news before. And he licked his lips as he slid into the vacant spot on the couch besides Isabel, entwining his fingers in hers and holding her hands securely. Then nodding to Diane he sad, “We need to talk to you for a moment.” Diane had not yet sat down and she turned her head toward the entryway.

“PHILIP!!!!” Diane screamed, and at the sound he came thundering down the stairs, running from the upstairs office. They had come home from work together today. “Honey what is it?” He asked concerned; as she nodded to the two kids on the couch and the matched looks on their face, and she whispered, “I don’t know, but its not going to be good news. Look at them.” He gabbed her hand and stood beside her, wrapping his arm around her back. They then took the living room recliner, she in the seat and he on the armrest. Just a week ago they had been in this same position as Alex revealed Isabel’s time travel.

“What’s wrong Alex?” Philip asked carefully.

The young man sighed and ran his hands through his hair as he faced his girlfriend’s parents. Would he ever be done sharing surprising or bad news with them, this was becoming rather common he realized to his chagrin. But he sighed deeply again as he started in, once again holding Isabel’s hand securely. “The FBI is definitely in Roswell.” He stated bluntly, and then taking a pause he looked each of them over in turn, “Remember our little discussion from yesterday?”

Diane looked at him wide-eyed, as she slowly nodded.

“Do you remember everything we’ve told you about the Dance in the parking lot and Sheriff Valenti?” Alex questioned directly.

“Yes?” Diane answered questioningly and softly. Philip was staring at him with a look of ‘go on,’ written all over his face.

“The FBI has that tape.” All the air sucked out of the room as everyone held their collective breath. Once again Alex was facing her parents in dead calm, sharing bad news. “We just saw them walk out of the sheriff station with it, as well as what we can only assume are the written reports on Isabel’s activities.” He squeezed Isabel’s hands, in his for comfort.

“Oh My God! Do you think he called them?” Diane turned to Alex. Philip wasn’t speaking because he was working through everything he was learning. He just nodded, in an agreement with his wife.

“Who cares,” Alex barked out, “the fact is that the FBI has the same information that he does, now.” He sighed, “I’m not going to say that we are not in danger, but I’m not going to panic either….” He looked them over carefully again, “We will all have to be very careful and to watch ourselves in public. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, please don’t let Max know of this. Let Isabel and I handle it somehow in our own timing.” He licked his lips momentarily, “He reamed her unmercifully when he found out about the tape the first time. If he finds out the FBI has it…” He shook his head dejectedly as he trailed off.

Diane got out of her seat and crossed over to the couch where she sat down next to her daughter, holding her hand. “Are you ok, Sweetheart?”

“I’m fine Mom,” Isabel stated softly. “Here is why… You know some of the things I’ve told you of the past??” Diane and Philip both nodded, “Well the biggest one is this,” she said while looking over to her father, “Max didn’t heal Liz, this time… That’s what alerted their attention, and brought them down hard in that timeline. So I’ll just keep watching them.” She smiled in an effort to reassure her parents that she was fine. “I don’t even have healing abilities, that’s Max. I think I’ll be fine.” She smiled reassuringly at her mother who wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter.

“Oh honey,” Diane said relieved, “I’m so glad to know what is going on with you. I’m glad you’ve shared all your secrets with us. Your ‘other mother’ must have been frantic with worry half the time. And never knowing why??” She shook her head in disgust at the thought. “I couldn’t deal with that. Are you sure you’re ok?”

Isabel nodded and then said wryly, “Well lets see, I’d happily give up being an alien, to have a normal life, and not have to always watch over my shoulder to see who is tailing me now. But like you’ve taught us, ‘life has no guarantees, you deal with the hand you’re dealt.’ My being alien actually in the one instance of returning back for Alex has been a good thing.” She continued to explain her reasoning, “If I were a normal human, I would have truly lost him.” She smiled sadly and then leaned her head into his shoulder. He enfolded her in his arms, with a small kiss to the forehead. “So I’m fine, I’m more than happily dealing with the hand I’ve been dealt and I’ll spend the rest of my life watching over my shoulder. Whatever. It’s not like I didn’t do this before. I’m fine Mom, Dad.” She smiled at them calmly.

Alex and Diane watched in amazement as Isabel laughed off her circumstances as if it were water on a duck’s back. Was she truly at peace with it, or was she a good actress? They weren’t sure. Philip just cautiously kept watching his daughter for any sign of a crack in the façade. Diane and Alex, both knew they would be freaking out inside if it were their life on the line. Wait a minute… Alex was freaking out inside, because his life was on the line. Isabel is his life. And he locked his hand into hers once again as he buried his head into her shoulder to draw from her strength. He was scared.

A few minutes later they all went into the kitchen to work on dinner. And after another night of eating at the Evans and more socializing with the family, Alex went went home.


That next day, Saturday, the second of the three day event, some of Milton’s computers had gone a little awry in the morning and it was a bad day to find immediate help; upon Max’s insistence he had called Alex Whitman to look into the problem. But being that he had ended up there he had called Isabel and told her to meet him. The eerie, uneasy feeling that had plagued her for the last few days, hit her full force the moment she stepped through the door, she found herself grabbing onto the railing with both hands as the intensity of it almost drove her to her knees, practically knocking the wind out of her. She started to lightly perspire. Her first thought was of killing Alex who somehow had forced her to come to this thing, surely whatever she was feeling was related to where she was somehow. ‘I told him I hate this place.’ She thought angrily to herself.

The computer problem was readily fixed and a grateful Milton shook Alex’s hand and said, “Go find her, she’s certainly more interesting than the computer is.” Alex had mentioned something about waiting for his girlfriend there when he was done.

So he left Milton, stepped out into the crowded room and found Isabel. She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of him and he quickly noticed that she had small beads of perspiration along the sides of her face. He asked her about their plans and they both decided to take advantage of the fact that they were jointly there and so they decided to check out the FBI that had been around the previous day. Every once in a while they spotted someone dressed in such a manner, but they were scattered and interspersed.

Isabel was turned sideways looking at some display when a person backed right into her. She turned and looked up and found herself face to face with a tall, well-dressed, handsome, dark haired gentleman. And her heart stopped beating.

He apologized for not watching where he was going and she nodded dumbly. The acid in her stomach was churning, making her feel queasy. And as if that wasn’t enough, her stomach actually started revolting on the spot, and her blood had turned into ice water in her veins. She felt sick. She swallowed hard again to resettle the contents of her stomach and weakly mumbled, “Its ok. No problem.” His gaze lingered too long for her comfort, as he seemed to be watching her curiously. She looked like she was about to get sick, and he wanted to make sure she was ok. But being regarded by him was making her extremely uneasy and it forced her next move. She couldn’t think; her mind felt muddled, and hazy. Everything she heard sounded far away, and she felt like she was about to throw up. She straightened herself up and took in a deep breath, giving an indifferent toss of her hair, all the while trying to act nonchalantly.

All of a sudden Alex heard Isabel, who was standing to his right, take in a sharp intake of air, and she held it. Then he felt her grip his hand tightly, but the interesting thing was that it had gone cold. Her skin felt like ice to him. ‘What the hell is going on?’ He did not have time to think before he found himself being yanked quickly into another room and another direction.

She turned to face him and whispered rapidly; “Do you remember when you told me to tell you anything you could do to help when my two timelines crossed paths?” He nodded. “Right now is one of those times. Follow my lead.” She stated forcefully.

“Izzy?” He started to question.

“Don’t use my name or any part of it.” She ordered him still whispering.

He nodded, “Sweetheart?” He then tried to question but she was already speaking.

“Catch me!” And with that she pressed her hand to her temple and started to sway on her feet.

“Wh, what? Baby are you feeling ok?” He was instantly concerned, for Isabel had seemed to start teetering in his arms. She had suddenly gone very dizzy, and she was rocking unsteadily on her feet. She was moaning and had gone pretty much unintelligible but he thought she had said something about not feeling well. And then she just dropped. Her eyes closed tightly, her knees buckled, and she crumpled to the floor. Alex caught her right before she landed with a thud and instead gently laid her on the ground. He leaned over her wiping the hair from her face in a gentle motion. She was in a cold sweat, and her skin still felt extremely icy.

“Honey, wake up! Are you ok??” He was gently slapping at her face trying to evoke a response. “Come on Baby… wake up…” he was very worried and the expression was etched all over his face.

A crowd started to gather around. “Oh My God? Is she ok?” Was heard. “She looks really sick,” said another. Yet someone else said, “My daughter passed out when she was pregnant.”

Alex quickly looked up and said, in the direction of the onlookers, “She’s not pregnant.”

Someone else said, “She looks like I did when I had a really bad case of the flu, I was sweating like crazy, and I passed out from it.” And still another said, “She was right in front of us when we were walking in, she almost passed out then.” A person with them said, “ Yeah.. grabbed onto the rail and held on until she was recovered….” And someone else said, “Anyone call an ambulance? We need to call 9-1-1,” as they reached into their pocket for their cell phone.

Michael, who had been standing around looking extremely worried and on the verge of losing it, was watching the whole scene with growing anxiety. He answered, “No!!! No ambulance. She’ll be fine. Her family doesn’t believe in hospitals, or something like that.” The person replaced his phone and mumbled something about stupid beliefs. He was ignored as Alex attended to Isabel. And Michael held back the slowly advancing crowd; he let Alex and now Max care for her. Inside he was panicked.

In the meantime Max had pushed through and he felt his sister’s skin. It was icy to the touch. “What happened?” He looked to Alex in shock, “My God Alex! She feels like ice.” Alex shrugged, bewildered, “I don’t know Max but I’m extremely worried. She just passed out in my arms... dropped. I barely caught her.” He was speaking slowly, looking at Max in confusion, seeming rather shell-shocked. But for once he and Max were on the same side, they were jointly concerned for Isabel, and neither was to blame.

Alex was thankful for whatever the elder Evan’s had said to Max last weekend, because they had been starting a friendship during the past week. Now Isabel still was not speaking to her brother and was pettily getting even in any manner that she saw fit. So Max and Alex were unable to speak at length, but they had an unspoken understanding that had begun.

Max reached out to gently slap his sister’s face. His voice was choked, “Come on Iz, wake up. Please, come-on.” He whispered, ”We need to get you out of here.” He knew they’d have to act quickly before anyone else tried to call 9-1-1. “Let me help you with her.” He looked directly at Alex. (And was interrupted.)

“Swee-ie?” A mumbled moan from the ground was heard. “Wha’ happen? Uhhh.” She placed her hand on her hand. “Get me up.” She demanded.

“Why don’t you just stay there for a second?” Alex concernedly looked at her, his hand on her back keeping her steady. She pointed with her eyes over his left shoulder and mouthed the word “No.” He thought that he could read a hint of fear in her deep chocolate colored eyes and he wondered what could have caused it.

“I’m fine, let me sit up!” She acted as if she were annoyed with the help. Once upright, “Lets go,” she mumbled. Alex helped his unsteady girlfriend back to her feet and walked her up the stairs and then out the doors of the center, sending a helpless look back towards her brother, which was returned; and covertly looking in the direction she had pointed with her eyes. There were quite a few people around but one in particular that caught his attention, a nice looking, well dressed, dark haired gentleman.


Feedback Please.
I'm going through stuff in my life right now, and seeing the responses just brightens my day. Thanks.

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."