Page 3 of 5

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:25 am
by Maia
Hi everyone

Thanks mlover25, I slept nearly all Sunday, so today I´m feeling much better, just taking it easy now.

Next Part

"Jacob, I´m really sorry, but I can´t see you anymore" Liz whispered over the telephone, checking behind her, incase Max accidently overheard her.
"But why Liz? I don´t understand"? He replied disappointedly.
"Jacob, it´s just that I have so many issues to deal with at the moment, and I don´t think it would be right if I bought you into it all". Closing her eyes she knew she had to tell him the truth about her feelings.
"But Liz...I can help you deal with anything you have on your plate." he insisted.
"Jacob, I know you could". She hadn´t expected anything less from him.
"But it´s just not that. I don´t have the time to put into any new relationships now, and it would be unfair for me to make you believe I can ". She sighed, but it had to be done.
"So does that mean that you don´t want anything to do with me anymore"? He asked despondently.
"It´s nothing personal believe me. Your a really nice guy and all". She said, letting someone down was never easy.
"But, you don´t want to take things any further". The disappointment in his voice was obvious.
"I can´t let you get your hopes up". She continued to whisper.
"I understand Liz...look I gotta go". He needed right now to go somewhere and clear his mind.
"Sure..I´m really sorry Jacob". Liz hoped she didn´t sound to patronising.
"See you around Liz" He replied before hanging up the phone.
Liz sunk into the lounge seat. She had decided last night she would risk everything for Max. Hopefully he wouldn´t let her down.

Walking passed his bedroom door, Liz knew he was inside. Knocking gently she waited for him to call out.
Hearing his voice she entered the room, seeing Max sitting in front of his computer.
"How are you feeling"? She shook her head thinking what a dumb question.
"As good as can be" Max replied before turning back the the computer screen.
"Max I wanted to talk to you about something" Liz tentatively moved towards him.
"What about"? Unperturbed by Liz´s presence, he continued staring at the information on the screen.
"About us", she answered unsure of herself.
"What about us"? Max flicked through a few pages using the mouse.
"Max, I´m here for you if you need someone" she said. Standing there uncomfortably.
"What about Jacob"? He needed her in his life, but then if she had someone else.
"I talked to Jacob, there is no Jacob and I anymore". Liz admitted.
"Oh". He replied unmoving.
"I knew I had to give you a chance Max, especially since the truth was made clear to me". She replied feeling somehow that she didn´t belong in his room.
"What if I told you I´m not ready to move into a relationship with you or anyone for that matter". Max replied.
"I would say, I understand your fear about becoming involved with any girl at the moment". Liz replied although that´s not what she really wanted to say.
"How can you understand what happened to me"? Max stayed steadfast unemotional.
"Truefully I can´t say I know how it feels. And although I´m not profesionally indepth to give you any advice on the matter, I can help you pick up the pieces". Convincing herself that Max just had to believe her.

Looking into the screen again, Max had remembered how yesterday it had felt so good to be in her arms again.
"OK Liz" he lowered his hands from the keyboard.
"OK Liz what"? She asked confused by what he meant.
"I want you to help me pick up the pieces" he admitted.
"Good" she answered. "Because whenever you wanna talk to me, I´m here for you. Whenever you wanna just cry on someones shoulder, I´m here for you. And whenever you want to go back to what we had before", her voice was at a whisper. "I will be waiting for you".

Touched by what she had said, he swirled his chair to turn to her.
"Good, because I re-thought what I said earlier" he moved to her surrounding her waist in his arms, leaning his head against her flattened stomach. "I need you in my life" he cried out, feeling Liz´s hand gently brush through his hair.
"I need you too". she exaled, feeling him in her arms again. It was a start at repairing the damage done, but a start in the right direction.


umm in the next up and coming updates, the time frame will move forward slightly, and new developments will be taking place.


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 7:07 am
by Maia
Thanks to everyone who sent me fb to the last post.

VeroniB, thanks for your concern.

Next Post

Max´s POV

It´s now been 3 weeks since that incident with Tracy occurred. Things between Liz and I have been improving and although it´s not back to how it used to be between us, time will tell.
We are back together as a couple, but the intensity is not there like it used to be.
That´s got alot to do with Liz, just wanting to take a step back in our physical relationship and concentrating on my healing process.

I still haven´t admitted to anyone apart from Liz who it really was, although Isabel called me up on it one day. She knows it´s Tracy Hill, but unless I confirm it, nothing can be proved. We ended up arguing about it, her saying that Tracy should be punished for what she has done. As long as she stays the hell away from me, I don´t care what happens to her. Isabel then accused me of being to apathetic in the whole matter.
I know she´s right but still I have my doubts about what can be done against Tracy.
We argued until Mom got home and told Izzy to lay off of me. Either way this whole ordeal has caused problems for me and everyone I love.
My Mom cries constantly about it, and Iz well once she´s on the warpath she has only one agenda in mind.
The only ones who have really been able to help me funnily enough are Jeff and Liz-must be in the genes.
Jeff arranged for Jim Valenti to interview me one day. I agreed and told the Sheriff all that happened apart from who the person was.
Afterwards, Jim said there was probably not much that could happen, especially since there were no witnesses, and it would be her word against mine.
Back to Liz, although she knows the whole truth, I swore her to secrecy. She wasn´t happy about it at first, but she respects that if I want to devulge the truth to anyone else then it´s up to me to do so.
But I know sooner or later everything will come out, only when that´s another story.

So far it´s been easy to avoid Tracy. She goes to the other high school in Roswell, and I pulled out of the Football team, so no more after game functions. But Roswell is a small town so it´s only a matter of time that we cross paths with each other again.

3 days later.

"Max, Mom said she wanted the low-fat milk not full cream milk, swop it before she sends you back to change it anyway". Isabel scolds me.
Walking back to the milk shelves a womans laughter caught his attention. Recognosing the laugh Max´s looks behind him to see Tracy standing some distance behind him. Dropping the milk from his hand, he watched as the cartoon smashed to the ground and the contents spilled out.
"What do you think your doing"? Isabel shook her head in disbelief at Max.
"I....I....gotta get outta here", Max mumbles before moving passed her.
"Max where do you think your going"? She grabs onto his arm, turning him to face her. Isabel seeing the shock stricken face of her brother then asks. "Max....Max what the hell happened back there"?
Turning his head, he spots Tracy again. "Izzy please".
Looking passed Max, Isabel sees who is behind him.
"It was her wasn´t it Max"? She holds tighter onto Maxs arm.
A slight nod from his head finally confirms her suspicions.
"That bitch is going to pay" Isabel spits out, as she drops Max´s arm from her grip and makes her way in Tracys direction.


Hmmm, sorry but you´s are going to have to wait to see what Isabel does.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:34 pm
by Maia
Sorry for not posting sooner, but I´m having a banner attached to one of my other fics, and seeing as I don´t know how to do it, the lovely woman who made the banner, Just This Once, needed my password to do it under my username.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the fb, nice to see strawberry dreamer reading this one too!

Next Part

"Your bitch", Isabel slapped Tracy across the face.
"Izzy" an aghast Max tried to take hold of his sister, no easy task considering the tall statue of Isabel.
"What the hell"? Tracy winced in pain.
Losing all control of the situation Isabel bounded forward, ready to unleash some of the pain she had been holding inside.
"You Tramp", Isabel attempted to back-slap her, then connecting with incredible force.
"Izzy", Max held onto her waist, dragging an angry Isabel backwards.
"Let me go Max", she tried to struggle out of his grasp. "Max I said let me go".
"No Iz, she´s not worth it"! Max held onto her tight, not willing to give Isabel the opportunity to attack Tracy again.
"You bitch Isabel, someone call the Sheriff" turning to a bystander Tracy ranted. "You saw everything, you saw how she hit me". The girl held her hands against her reddened cheek.

"Max please let me go. After what she did to you, please Max" Isabel begged him.
"Izzy, please! Tracys not worth all of this", he turned Isabel holding her face between his hands. "This is not the way". Max focused on Isabels now teary eyes.
"I´m sorry Max, I just saw her and reacted". Isabel sunk into Max´s chest. "I´m so sorry". She cried.

By now a busy crowd had surrounded the normally quiet area. Tracy was being attended to by two shoppers, and the manager had in cell on hand and was contacting the Sheriff.
"Could you send Sheriff Valenti to Doyles straight away, there´s been an incident that has occurred here between two customers. Apparently one of the customers a young woman attacked another young woman". The Manager explained.
"Yes, good in 10 minutes then, thank-you". The Manager replied before clicking the cell off, and facing the people in front of him.
"Please everybody, who was not involved I would like to apologise for the disturbance......".
Max tuned off, wrapping his arm around a sobbing Isabel he only wondered when this whole nightmare would end.

15 minutes later a subdued Jim Valenti entered Doyles. He found it strange when he had recieved the call over his radio. It wasn´t usual that the Manager from the store rung him up. If so it was usually because of customers who had stolen goods, that happened now and again, usually young teenagers who couldn´t be bothered paying. So Jim was really interested to find out why this had happened.
Nearing the Manager, Jim tipped his hat slightly then seeing the two Evans kids and another young girl, Jim became very wary.
"Tom". Jim acknowledged his former school friend.
"Jim". The man replied. "I thought it would be a good idea if we could go into my office, it´s quieter there, these two people". Tom pointed to a middle-aged man and woman. "Witnessed the whole incident".
"She hit me for absolutely no reason". Tracy spat out, narrowing her eyes at Isabel.
"And you know why"? A red-eyed Isabel scorched the girl with her blazing eyes.
"Now quiet". Jim raised his voice. "We will get to the bottom of this one way or another" Jim looked over to Max.
"Now I´m going to have to question everybody, so this will take some time, so please Tom if you could show us to your office, I would like to get this over and done with".
Jim had caught the scared look in the Evans boy eyes. Jim remembered how a few weeks ago his friend Jeff had bought his step-son over to him to file a report. One of the most bizarre things Jim had ever heard of before.
A male raped.
The kid had gone through hell.
Whether this incident was related to that report or not, Jim had heard from Jeff that both his step-kids were normally always good kids. Which surprised Jim that Jeffs step-daughter would hit someone without good reason.
Either way Jim knew he had to be impartial to both sides, and would hear both sides of the story, and not pass judgement on any.
"Why don´t you kids ring up your parents", he said to Max and Isabel.
"Yes sir". Max answered stiffly.
Isabel nodded in agreement.
"And you too young lady, sorry I didn´t get your name", Jim faced Tracy.
"My names Tracy, Sir. Tracy Hill". The girl answered.
"Well Miss Hill, maybe it´s a good idea if you ring your parents up and tell them what´s going on".
Once all parents were contacted, they all followed Jim to be interviewed.


Hope you´s like this part. Until next time.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:38 pm
by Maia
Thanks again for the fb! I´m just going to post quickly on this one.

Next Part

"Izzy what were you thinking about when you hit that girl"? Dianne asked Isabel calmly.
"That´s the thing Mom, I wasn´t thinking, I just put 1 and 1 together and ended up with bang", Isabel cowered hating to upset her Mom.
"Honey you should have thought about your brother. This is a battle that I don´t want none of my kids fighting". Dianne sympathesised with Isabel, thinking she might have reacted the same as her.
"I know I was wrong Mom, but you should have seen his face when he came to me, it was like someone had kicked him in the stomach". Isabel stared at her feet, finding them suddenly interesting.
"Nonetheless Isabel it was wrong for you to react like that, now don´t talk your brothers coming".
With his head down-cast Max felt like everybodies eyes were on him as he walked, admitting to Sheriff Valenti that it was indeed Tracy that had...Max couldn´t even think about what happened anymore.
But all the questions that people would ask him. Max knew that if the truth was revealed to anyone, it would only be days until the whole of Roswell found out about his ordeal. Then how would his friends treat him? Max shook the idea away, not ready to confront the outburst this would cause.
"Mom, Iz I´m finished here now". Max still couldn´t bring himself to look at them.
"Honey what did the Sheriff say"? Dianne asked.
"Only that Tracy wants to press charges against Izzy". Max replied, shuffling his foot around in a circle.
"But after what I told him..."
"What did you tell Sheriff Valenti". Dianne was torn at which one of her children to comfort, so pulling them both to her side she asked quietly.
"What did you tell him"?
"I told him the truth, and that Izzy only hit Tracy because she was angry at her because of what happened"? Max answered his Mom, leaning against her for more than physical support.
"I´m proud of you Honey, you did the right thing. Even if it doesn´t get your sister off the hook, you still done the right thing" Dianne pulled Max´s head to lean against her shoulder, kissing him.
"Did the Sheriff say anything else"? Dianne asked.
"No". Max replied. "Only that we can go and he will contact us within the next couple of days".
"Well I think I´m going to call your Father about this one, he could at least do something for you´s too for a change". Dianne pulled the both of her children by theirs hands.
"Your going to call Dad"? Isabel rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear about the man she had not heard from in almost 5 years.
"Do you have too" Isabel sulked.
"Yes I do actually even if it means contacting your Father again. I will not allow that girl to ruin my family". Dianne stepped out of the store with an added kick in her step.
"Max, Honey do you mind driving home alone, I want to talk to your sister again". Dianne walked them over to Max´s jeep.
"Yeah I´ll be fine Mom, I might go out for a drive actually I need to be alone".
Kissing Max one more time, Dianne understood her son. "Just don´t be to late home Honey".
"I won´t Mom". Max sat in his jeep and drove away once he sould see them gone.
Once Max had driven for some time, he pulled out his cell-phone quick-dialling Liz´s phone.

Seeing Max´s number appear on her own screen Liz answered.
"Max where are you"?
"I´m out driving, can you meet me"? He asked hoping his voice didn´t come over to anxious.
"Whereabouts"? Liz asked making her way to her car.
"Out in the desert, you know where". Max replied.
"I´ll be there as soon as I can".
"And Liz..." Max began to speak, wanting to reveal his heart to her finally.
"Yeah Max".
"I´ll see you soon". He answered this not being the time and place to tell her.

Max waited out in the desert for almost 15 minutes when he heard the engine of Liz´s car in the distance.
He remained leaning against his jeep, waiting patiently for her to come to him.
Once parked up Liz slammed the car door behind her.
"Max are you OK"? Liz bit down on her lip nervously. He had been looking so defeated lately, not the same guy she had first meet.
Moving towards, him Liz stood only a foot away from him.
"Max are you alright"? Liz asked again, lowering her head so she could look into his face.
"I´m fine now" Max reached for her face, resting his hand against her cheek, allowing his fingers to dangle freely through her long hair.
Liz closed her eyes, it had been to long since he had touched her like this.
"I love you Liz". Max said out of the blue.
And as the words sunk into her heart, she leaned into his body, revelling in the feel of being surrounded in his arms again.
Leaning her head against his chest, Liz could hear how fast his heart was beating against her ear. He was as nervous as she was especially after his confession.
Encircling her arms around Max´s waist, Liz looked up into his amber eyes, a sheen of tears welled her eyes.
"I´ve been waiting a long time to here those words". The resting her head in the crock of Max´s neck Liz said. "I love you too Max, I think I have loved you from the first time I saw you".


I don´t know why I just thought it was appropriate for Max and Liz to admit how they really felt about each other.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:06 am
by Maia
Hi all, thanks again for the fb, I love hearing from you´s all the time.

Welcome, Milla, Maxhot, Sarah Whitman and Roswellrulz thanks for reading this fic. I know the story-lines quite intense, but it will be awhile before the parents find out about Max and Liz´s true relationship.


Next Part.

Walking back into the house together, Max and Liz found a very pissed off Isabel talking to Jeff and Dianne.
The smile that have covered their faces soon disappeared seeing their family.
"Mom and Jeff what´s the matter now"? Max restraint himself from reaching over for Liz´s hand.
"Mom called Dad up". A puffy eyed Isabel told him.
"Oh". Max commented, he didn´t know how to feel about his Mom ringing his Dad up.
"Yes Max I called your Father, because I don´t only think he had a right to know, but as a lawyer I thought that he could help you and your sister out". Dianned leaned against Jeff when he draped his arm around her shoulder.
"What did he say then"? Max looked over to see what Liz´s reaction was.
"Well you Dad said that he would contact Sheriff Valenti. He believes that he can stop Tracy from pressing any charges against Izzy". Dianne explained looking at Jeff for her support.
"How can he do that"? Max dug his hands deeper into his jeans pockets.
"If insisted that due to mitigating circumstances, he can have the any charges against Isabel dropped". Dianne continued.
"And what does that mean in english"? Max looked clueless to the faces in the room.
"It means because of what Tracy had done to you Honey, Isabel felt compelled to hit her". Dianne moved over to Max.
"But what if Tracy decides to go through and press charges". Max felt the hairs stand on end. When was there going to be an end.
"Well if Tracy does go on and press charges your Father wants to file a counter suit".
Hearing what his Mom had just said, Max wanted to do nothing but crawl up in a ball in Liz´s arms, she must have read his mind, because then he felt arms surround him.
"I can´t go through this anymore" Max whimpered leaning against both his Mom and Liz.
"Max we´ll be here for you". Liz said as she and Dianne encircled Max in their arms.
"Honey, your Fathers a damned good lawyer, so I´ll just have to convince him that he has to work on our first option, hopefully it won´t have to go any further". She said, letting out her own tears.
"Max I´m sorry I hit Tracy" Isabel joined the entanglement of bodies and arms.
"I´m not sorry you did it". Max sniffed wiping at his eyes.
"I know your really hurt Honey". Dianne drew away from him. "But don´t let that girl turn you into someone bitter. I know what kind of person you are, and don´t let that girl change you".
Liz and Isabel were both in tears by now, they looped their arms into Max´s arms.
"Your Father just suggested that you´s all just try to get on with life, and if you ever meet Tracy unexpectantly again. Turn and walk away from her. It´s not worth making this situation any worse by confronting her again". Dianne warned them all.
They talked on for awhile before having dinner.

Later on during the night Dianne lay in bed next to Jeff.
"How is he"? Jeff asked as Dianne cuddled into him.
"He out like a light". She replied feeling the warmth radiating from Jeffs body.
"So what do you think he will say to Phillips proposition"? Jeff asked her.
"I don´t know, maybe it will be a good idea for Max to get out of Roswell. Then maybe he will find some peace". Dianne said trying to relax herself.
"When are you going to ask him if he wants to live by his Father"? Jeff asked, saddened that his family may be breaking up.
"I thought I would ask him within the next couple of days, in a way for his sake I hope he says yes". She answered, as tears began to well in her eyes.
"C´mon Di, you haven´t even asked him yet". Jeff said trying to comfort his wife.
"You know Jeff I always thought that bringing the kids up in Roswell I could alway protect them..but now I´m beginning to think that it would have been better if we bought the kids up somewhere else". Dianne reached for a tissue on the nearby side drawers.
"Dianne you couldn´t have known something like this was going to happen stop kicking yourself about it". Jeff reasoned with her.
"I know, but it still hurts to know that some girl violated my little boy". Her body shook as her tears got the better of her.
"We´re get through this together Di, trust me". Jeff pulled her into his arms.
"I do believe you, but when will this be over"? She asked.
"I don´t know Di, I just don´t know. All I know is that if we stick together we can get through this". Jeff added. "But I was thinking whether Max decides to stay in Roswell or move to his Dads in Boston that it would be a good idea if we send him to a therapist, because this is an issue that none of us are prepared to deal with. Max has alot of hurt and pain and we can only be there for him when he needs us, but if he goes to a therapist then maybe they can help him to deal with all of that". Jeff said quietly.
"I´ll talk to him tomorrow then about everything then, because I think your right, I think Max does need to see a therapist".


Oh man I think in tomorrows post although Dianne is going to talk to Max, I put a bit of Dreamer in the part as well. Just so it´s a bit cherrier.


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:18 pm
by Maia
Hi all thanks for the fb, I´ve know that Max and Liz should be admitting their relationship to their family, but that won´t be happening for awhile yet.

Next part

Isabel slowly twirled her straw in her milk-shake. Resting her hand against her hand, she sighed staring out of the window of the small cafe.
She had had a hell day in school today, and not wanting to return home straight away she sat there alone, wondering if her like could get any worse.
It was weird for her to be shunned away from the rest of her follow students, but yesterdays events had some-how managed to the topic of the day.
Frustrated she pushed the drink away from herself, standing to leave she gathered her bag when someone bumped into her from behind.
"Oh sorry", the voice said.
Isabel turned to give the person a piece of her mind when she came face to face with Jacob.
"Hi Isabel, I didn´t see you standing there". He smiled at her.
"Jacob, Jacob I wanna a coke not a lemonade". A small boy tugged at his jeans. Brothers"! Jacob blushed at Isabel.
"I know what you mean". Isabel agreed with him.
"Why don´t you find us some-where to sit down"? Jacob attempted to keep his cool.
"How why don´t you´s sit here"? Isabel asked bouncing on the soles of her feet.
"You weren´t leaving were you"? Jacob placed the tray on the table.
"I was going too, but if you don´t mind the company I think I´ll stay". Isabel hoped he would say yes, he had been one of the few friendly faces she had seen all day.
"Yeah I don´t mind, hey Anthony why don´t you sit down"?
"You said your´d change my drink for me". The younger boy pouted.
"Well scoot into the booth, I´ll be right back". Jacob told him.
"You don´t mind do you Isabel"?
"No not at all", she smiled at him sympathetically.

After Jacob and Anthony finished eating, Jacob asked Isabel if she wanted to come with them to the park. Needing a break from her family, Isabel agreed.

"So tell me Isabel". Jacob pushed her on a swing. "You didn´t look so happy when you saw me today". Jacob pushed her higher, hearing Anthony in the back-ground as he played with some other kids.
"I just had a hard day". Isabel tilted her head as she stared off into space.
"Do you wanna talk about it"? Jacob asked pulling the swing to a stop.
"It´s just so complicated". Isabel kicked her feet against the ground.
"Hey I´ve been told that I´m good at listening, you wanna try me"?
Isabel debated whether or not she should tell him or not, stretching her legs out in the air she then said.
"I did something terrible yesterday, and now I´m beginning to realise that now I´m starting to pay for the consequences". She tucked her feet under the seat of the swing, and then kicked her feet back out again.
"It can´t be all that bad can it"? Jacob began mimicking Isabels actions.
"Yeah it is actually". She admitted swinging higher in the air, and closing her eyes felt the sun beam down on her face.
"Jacob, Jacob can you push me". Anthony called out to him, from the round-about.
"Yeah just a minute Bud". Jacob hit the ground with his feet, bringing himself to a halt. Leaning his head against the chain of the swing he said.
"Whatever it is things will get better Isabel. We all do things in life that we regret doing later". He whispered to Isabel.
As the momentum of the swing slowed down, Isabel turned to him.
"I know Jacob, but it´s so hard at the moment".
"Hey". Jacob stood and reached for Isabels hand. "Now why don´t you stop thinking about whats bugging you". He tugged Isabel to her feet. "Now give me a smile". He grinned at her.
Isabel lowered her eye-lashes.
"C´mon where´s that smile that your usually wear". He leaned his head toward her.
Isabel unconsciously turned the ends of her mouth into a grin.
"That´s better, now if you get on the round-about with those little kids, I´ll push you around".
Isabel´s heart began racing, he´s such a sweetie, she thought to herself, shrugging her shoulder she said. "OK then". And let Jacob let her over to the playing children.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pulling up to ´their place`, in the desert Liz stepped out of her car.
Max had asked her to meet her out here afterschool, and as soon as she got out of her class she had gone straight to her car eagar to meet Max.
Seeing him, he walked over to the car, opening the door for her.
"Hey". He leaned down to kiss her soft lips.
"Hey yourself". She replied. "You wanted to talk to me"? Liz took his hand letting him help her out of the car.
"Yeah". He closed the door after Liz got out.
She let him help her sit on top of the bonnet of her car, Liz knew something was not right for him just from his nervous reactions.
"So what did you want to talk to me about"? Liz asked as Max moved between her legs, resting his hands on her hips.
"Liz my Mom asked me this morning if I wanted to go and live with my Dad in Boston"? His amber eyes began to dew over.
"But no you can´t ....". Liz felt as if something got caught in her throat.
"Why"? Her doe eyes covered in a gleen.
"Because of what happened with Tracy"? Max closed his eyes, not being able to bear the tears in Liz´s deep pools.
Cupping his face so that he would look at her, Liz asked". How do you feel about it"?
"In a way, I do wish I could pack up my things and get as far away from Roswell as possible....but".
Liz´s heart constricted at his words. "But what Max"?
"But I can´t leave Roswell, not when your still here". He whispered gently.
"Max I don´t want you to go, but I can´t sit by and watch this whole affair eat away at you". Lit bit down on her lip, trying to force herself not to cry.
"So you do want me to go then"? Max asked dejectively.
"No, no! I want you to stay here with me, I just found you Max". She felt her bottom lip begin to tremble. "But I don´t want my own selfishness to come between whats best for you". Liz held onto the sleeves of his arm, trying to keep her tears at bay.
"Your the best thing for me". Max rubbed his cheek against Liz´s face, revelling at the softness of her skin.
"Then if you stay what can we do to help you"? A tear pushed itself anyway passed her eye-lashes.
"My Mom suggested I go to therapy". Max leans his head into the crook of Liz´s neck. "And hugs and kisses. I need heaps of hugs and kisses". Max said confidently knowing no way in hell he would leave Roswell now.
"Well if you want me too, I can come to your therapy sessions with you".
Liz smiled through her tears.
"You´d do that for me"? Max encircled her in his arms.
"Anything to help you". Liz wrapped her arms around Max´s neck.
"And what about the hugs and kisses". Max inhaled Liz´s scent, his senses captivated by it´s essence.
"I think I can help you out on that one in a big way". Liz pulled his head away to look into his handsome features.
"I´m sure you can". Max grinned sassily at her. "So prove it then". He had a twinkle in his eyes, and then motioned himself to feel the soft caresses of gentle kisses linger over his face.


What did you´s think about that part? I´m not to sure myself. Was it alright?


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:58 am
by Maia
Hi everyone, thanks for the fb! Much appreciated.

LPorter, I know that you found the Jacob and Isabel scene a bit weird. I don´t know if you remember the part when I first introduced Jacob into this fic. He was one of Max´s biggest rivals, only because he was just as popular with the girls than Max was. In all Jacob is a genuielly nice guy. Who genuielly cares about people.

Next part

"Jacob, I´m getting tired". Anthony leaned against Jacob.
"Then you ready to go home". Jacob asked him.
"Then go and say good-bye to your friends then". Jacob patted his younger brother on his head.
"What a pity he wants to go home". Isabel stepped off of the round-about.
"I was having alot of fun". She pulled her blond locks into a pony-tail.
"I noticed". He grinned at her.
"I haven´t done anything like that since I was a kid". Isabel crossed her arms over her chest watching Anthony farewell the kids.
"Maybe if we bump into you again, you can join us". Jacob leaned his hands casually on his hips.
"Or you could call me"? Isabel bounced on her heels.
"I don´t know about that Isabel especially with Liz", Jacob grimaced his face.
"Oh, I´m sorry about that, I kinda forgot about you and Liz". Isabel said disappointedly.
"There was nothing really ever between us, she didn´t want to become involved with me other than being a friend". Jacob revealed.
"I didn´t realise that". Isabel thought about the relationship Max and Liz and how they had broken up after Tracy. "But you did like her didn´t you"?
"Yeah I did, but hey that´s life". Jacob mused.
"But that doesn´t have to stop us from being friends". Isabel said to him.
"Yeah that´s true". Jacob smiled ath her. "Why don´t I drop you off home then". He then offered.
Then calling Anthony, they walked to Jacobs SUV.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once Max had declared that he would stay in Roswell, he bought his mouth to Liz´s warm lips.
As his lips meet hers, she parted her mouth slightly, inhaling the scent that was so Max.
Bringing her arms to lock at the back of Max´s nape, he edged his tongue to tastes the sweet recesses of her mouth.
"Max". Kiss, kiss.
"Hmm", kiss.
"I"kiss, kiss. "Missed". Kiss, kiss. "This". Kiss, kiss.
"Me". Kiss. "Too". Kiss, kiss.
He once again felt himself drowning in her arms again, wanting to sink into her soul.
Tentatively Liz fingers touched over his face, fondly tracing the shape of Max´s face.
Her fingers dwindled over his lips, lining the outlines of his mouth.
"I love you so". Liz consumed every part of her body with his amber eyes.
"I love you too". Taking her hand, Max kissed the back of it tentatively.
"We should get going home soon". Liz said, leaning her forehead against his forehead.
"Not until I can get some more hugs and kisses first". He closed his eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With everyone finally at home, Dianne called them into the kitchen for dinner.
Once everyone was seated, bowls were passed around the table until their plates were all fulled with ample amounts of food.
Feeling like everyone was staring at him, Max then said.
"Everybody, I´ve decided that I need to go to theraphy".
"Honey that´s great news". She cut her potatoe up, turning to him.
"Max I´m really proud of you, that´s a step in the right direction". Jeff patted him on the back.
"Good on you Max". Isabel kicked her Mom under the table, not sure where this announcement was coming from.
"Oh it´s only that this morning I suggested to Max that it might be a good idea if he sees someone". Dianne replied.
"And did you decide anything else then Max"? Jeff asked before chewing on a piece of chicken.
Only that it´s going to be in Roswell". He answered, playing with his food.
"And Liz is going to join me for a few sessions". Max then said.
Both Jeff and Dianne thought it was weird that Liz would go with Max to his councelling sessions and their quietness stressed that.
"It´s only that Liz and I have become really close since she´s come here to live, and I´ve entrusted her with alot of things that I haven´t told anyone else before".
Lit blushed, knowing what he had entrusted her with-his love.
"And I just feel much better if I had someone I trusted with me".
"How do you feel about that Liz, I mean what Max has been through isn´t easy. You may feel that this is all to much for you to handle". Dianne commented to Liz.
"Dianne I would do anything to help Max get through this, and if he thinks he needs me to go with him, I´m willing".
"Are you sure you can handle it though"? Jeff then asked.
"Dad, I don´t think anyone is ready to handle this kind of situation. But I want to be there to help him if I can". Liz sliced her vegetables up.
"I think the main thing is that Max goes immediately to therapy, maybe Liz can give him the physically support just by being there that he needs to talk through this with a stranger". Jeff then added.
"When would you like to start then"? Dianne asked.
Just then the telephone began to ring.
"Oh that phone". Dianne stood from the table. "Who could be ringing now"? She went to answer the phone in the lounge.

As Dianne spoke on the phone, Jeff asked. "So son have you thought about when your´d like to start then"?
"Ummm...I haven´t thought about it yet". Max remembered he was supposed to make a decision at some stage, but got distracted today in the desert kissing Liz instead.
"Well I only decided that I wasn´t going to move in with Dad". Max answered.
"Hey come no one told me about that"? Isabel shot a look over to Max.
"Mom only asked me this morning". Max shrugged his shoulders.
"How come I always find out things last in this family"? She moaned.
"Well it really wasn´t a decision that concerned you Izzy. Your Mom and I thought we didn´t need to say anything to you or Liz at this stage". Jeff answered. Then saw Dianne walk back into the kitchen with a worried look on her face.
"Who was that Honey"? Jeff asked her.
"That was your Father" she remained standing.
"What did he say"? Max dropped his utensils on the table, seeing the appearance of his Mother.
"He said that Tracy is going ahead with the charges against Izzy". She folded an arm across her chest. "So he wants to press counter charges against her".
Max´s head sunk into his hand, Liz put a supporting hand on his shoulder.
"But he said he wouldn´t do anything until you gave the OK Max".
"Max it will be OK". Liz said to him quietly. "The decision is up to you".
Heaving a deep breath into his lungs, Max turned to his family.
Then caught the whimpers from Isabel.
Jeff stood up to hold her from behind.
"It´s OK Izzy, everything will work out for the best". Jeff comforted her, then raised his head to look at Dianne.
"Tell him to go ahead with it". Max said coldly. "Tell Dad he can go ahead with the counter-charges". Max replied, knowing that one way or another he was going to sit by and watch his sister suffer from Tracy´s crime as well.


I hope you´s aren´t to upset with how I left this part. Stayed tuned everyone.


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:54 am
by Maia
Hi everyone thanks again for the fb, I tried posting another part to this yesterday but had problems getting on this thread.

I´m going to be watching the semi´s for the Rugby world cup in another hour and a half, so posts for my other fics, will be a bit delayed.

Take care all


Next Part

Walking inside the house, it was strange for Max to hear nothing but silence. Liz and Isabel were at cheer-leading practise and his Mom an Jeff still at work. Taking the opportunity to get some home-work done he went upstairs to his bedroom. About 20 minutes into his studying the phone rung.
"Hello he answered the phone.
"Max, hi it´s me".
"Hey Dad, how are you? Did Mom call you today"? He asked surprised to hear his Dads voice again.
"Well I´m fine". Phillip scratched his head. "Yeah I talked to your Mom this morning, she said you might be home about now, I´m glad I caught you".
"So have you pressed the charges against Tracy then"? Max asked in anticipation.
"Yes, I talked to Sheriff Valenti and told him to go ahead with the charges". Phillip informed him.
"So what happens now then"? Max asked him.
"Son, once the Judge sets a date for the trial then I´ll be coming home to help you prepare for it. But Max that´s not just what I wanted to talk to you about". Phillip heaved a deep breath.
"What else did you have to say Dad"? Max asked confused.
"I just wanted to ask you if your ready to testify Max. These kinda trials aren´t easy. I´ve seen full grown adults break down in court Max".
"Dad I don´t think I´ll ever be 100% ready for this, but I can´t let her get away with this and now with Izzy". Max spoke comfortably with his Dad.
"I agree with you Max, this girl has to face the consequences of her actions, it´s just unfortunate Izzy got invovled in this too". Phillip sighed.
"I know I should have known better. I could have stopped her before she hit Tracy.....I was just".
"It´s alright son it happened, we just have to make sure that when we go up to court, that we do a good job of making the charges stick to Tracy, then I think that the court case against Iz will get thrown out of the window". Phillip said confidently.
"Max the important thing for me right now is that when going to realise what your getting yourself into once you step into that courtroom". Phillip said worriedly.
"What do you mean Dad"? Max sat down nervously.
"Max the defending attorney will do everything in his powers to discredit your character, he´ll pull at anything to make the Judge see that it wasn´t rape".
"Why Dad, I don´t understand".
"It´s just that this is a very usually type of case. Your a teenage boy who apparently was raped by a girl".
"But Dad, it happened". Max was outraged.
"I believe you son, but the defense attorney won´t think so. So if you have anything to hide tell me now". Phillip knew that it was going to be personally hard for Max to admit anything to him.
"Dad I´m not the one on trial". Max spat out.
"I know that Max, but the defense attorney will try to rip you apart if he finds out any information about you".
"Dad, before this all happened I was a normal teenager who liked to go to parties to drink a few beers with his buddies, and I dated alot of girls". Max admitted.
"How many girls Max"?
"Dad"! He said indignantly.
"Max this is important, see you just said that you dated alot of girls. The defense attorney will pick up on that and would probably insinuate that you wanted to Tracy as well, but when she didn´t agree, you came up with these crazy trumped up charges".
"Would he really do that"? Max could see the problem.
"If I was on the other side I would. But anyway don´t worry to must about the trial until a dates been set. In the meantime I have hired a private detective to try to dig up some dirt on Tracy". Phillip informed him.
"Is that normal Dad"? All of this was beyond Max.
"I want you to know son, I will do everything in my power to help you and your sister out...I know I haven´t been there for you´s, so think of this as a small token for not being there.
"But Dad isn´t it going to be suspicious if you have a private detective snooping around here asking questions about Tracy"?
"She´s very good at her job, I have alot of faith in her, but don´t worry about that". He instructed Max.
"Oh Dad while your there I thought I may as well tell you that I´m going to stay in Roswell".
"I respect you decision Max, I just wanted you to know that you had options if you needed them". Phillip shook his head understandingly.
"Thanks Dad, and I´m going to be starting up theraphy soon". Max pursed his lips together.
"Good son, I´m proud of you". Phillip smiled slightly. "Son I have to go now, I´ve got another client waiting. But you contact me whenever ever you want to. Your Mom has my private number as well. It´s usually better trying to talk to me at home, it´s always crazy to contact me in my office".
"I´ll call". Max said disappointed the call was coming to an end.
"But if you need to talk me here, don´t hesitate to call OK. Look I better go now". He said regrettably.
"I miss you Dad". Max sighed into the phone.
"I miss you too, son. I ´ll call you in a few days then. I love you son".
"Yeah I love you too".

Then hanging the phone back on the hook, Max went over and lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking about what was going to happen now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Going downstairs to make himself a snack, Max was surprised to find Liz home.
"Hey I didn´t hear you". Max said walking in her direction.
"I just got home, I wanted to put my uniform in the wash". Liz said smiling at him.
"I missed you today", Max said taking her naturally in his arms and kissing her.
"hmmm". Liz pushed him away from her, seeing the hurt in his eyes. "It´s just to risky if we do anything around here". She bit her lip nervously.
"But Liz". He stepped closer to her.
"Max if your Mom or my Dad caught us". Her eyes began to water.
"But they´re at work now, they won´t find out about us". Max insisted.
"Max all I want to do is take you in my arms and kiss you senseless, but I´m scared that if we get caught, our parents will try to seperate us". She held all her restraints from going over into his arms.
"Liz, I just want to yell out to the whole world that I love you and that your mine". He said his eyes clearly showing how he felt for her.
"I do too Max! But at the moment we´re both living under our parents roof". Liz touched his cheek ever so gently.
"One day Liz". He whispered to her. "One day we will be together, and there´s nothing anyone will be able to do to seperate us". The determination melting in his voice.
"I know Max one day". She whispered softly back to him


Hope you ´s liked that part, thanks for reading


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:09 am
by Maia
Hi everyone

Geez I was actually sweating about the last part, because of all the Attorney jargon I had to use. But yes the trial is going to be hard on everyone, but trust me on this one, in the end everything will work out for Max, one way or another.

Thanks again for the fb, I always fic it awesome when I read everyones fb!


Next Part

Within days the news about the trials ran around like wild-fire in Roswell.
Despite the fact that everyone in the Parker/Evans household had been keeping things quiet, Tracy hadn´t.
Once she discovered that Max was going ahead with the charges against him, she started up a slur campaign against Isabel and especially him.
Jacob who went to the same school as Tracy began hearing through the school grape-vine what was going on.

"Man can you believe that loser Evans, trying to say that Tracy went and raped him. Everyone knows the guys a player". One of Jacobs friends said to Jacob and a group of his friends as they sat for lunch.

"Max Evans raped, yeah right, he´s got more sperms floating around Roswell then he´s got cells in his brains. Him raped like anyone around heres going to believe him". Another guy laughed mockingly.

Jacob was slowly losing his temper, but remained silent. He had no idea what to think.

"As for that sister of his, she probably only hit Tracy because when she heard what Max was doing, she only wanted to knock some sense in Tracy for not really doing it". Another one of the Jocks laughed out.

"Hey you´s just leave Isabel out of this". Jacob´s usually cool demeanor finally snapped.

"What´s up with you"? One of the guys asked.

"I happen to know Isabel and I won´t sit around here with you idiots talking about her like that". Jacob narrowed his eyes at them all.

"Just cool down Bud, we were only joking". The guy sitting opposite Jacob said to him.

"I don´t care if you´s are only joking about her or Max, I´m not going to be a part of it". Then picking up his tray he angrily left the table, shoving it on the counter as he left the cafeteria.

"What´s his problem"? One guy asked.

"I don´t know, but he´s lost it, hey lets just forget about it". He suggested and the continued to eat their lunch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On the other side of school at West Roswell High, Max, Liz and Isabel were all having a terrible day.
It started the moment Max parked his jeep up at school this morning. He noticed the snide whispers of a group of girls who walked passed him. Ignoring them he didn´t realise that his day would start so terribly until he began walking down the hallway.
"Rape my ass Max". Linda Timms said to him when she walked pushed him with her nose in the air. Max knew who Linda Timms was, he had a fling with her last year.
"Linda". He called her name.
"What Max, you going to press charges against me too. Friggin males. Just because you couldn´t get any from the girl you have to resort to this level". She spat at him, turned her back on him and walked away.

Max didn´t know what she meant by her last comment, but then again Linda was a confused bitch anyway.

Max thought he was going to break-down, and pushing his hands into his jeans pocket, he solemnly continued walking on.
It was if every person in the corridor had stopped whatever they were doing and were huddling in small groups of 2 or 3 whispering about him. He could see the taunting eyes that followed him, and felt like shrinking into a small ball.
Sometimes as Max kept on walking a student or two would point at him and fall down laughing, Max could hear their demented comments and when he was about to turn around and leave the school building he saw Michael, Kyle, Alex and the rest of his football team mates standing around his locker. At this point Max had no clue why they were all waiting around for him, and when he decided he had had enough and was indeed turning to leave Kyle called his name.
"Max, don´t go we´re all got something to say to you".
Hearing Kyle he stopped in his tracks, Max turned around ready to face whatever they had to say to him.

Walking towards them, Max stood there his arms crossed against his chest, ready to listen.

"What"? Max said his voice clearly on the defensive.

"Bud, me and the boys heard about what happened to you". Kyle said in an even tone.

"What about it"? Max cocked his chin upwards.

"We´re behind you Max". He said and choruses of, "yeah Bud". And "yeah Max", drummed in Max´s head.
"We all know what a piece that Tracy is, so if theres anything we can do to help. We´re there for you Max". Kyle finished saying.

After the reception Max had recieved from the other student body until now, Max was truly thankful that at least his football team mates were going to stand behind him. "Thanks guys". Max said to them.
"Yeah Bud". Michael patted Max on his shoulder sympathetically. "Don´t let this get you down".
Stepping forward Alex said to him. "I don´t care what that Tracy says about you. What I do care about is what she did to you". Alex said determinedly. "Your my friend Max and friends stick together".
Then one by one his team mates each patted him on his back or on his shoulder telling him to hang in there.
Max grimaced his lips, greatful for his friends support, but just when he thought his day was looking better, he opened up his locker, and lying there was a card.
Reading the card, Max sunk down to the floor. Because on the card read:

Rape Support

Ring 0505-57932-343 for a little fun with Lisa and her willing ladies.

Credit cards accepted.


What did you´s think?

Take care all


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:31 am
by Maia
Hi everyone, when I was writing the last part I tried to think up of the worst possible scenario that Max could be faced with living in a small town like Roswell. Out of all the fics that I have written before the last part I wrote was probably the hardest one I had ever typed up before.

Again I wanna thank everyone for the fb posted to me, despite that horrible last part.


Next Part

Liz and Isabel had just arrived at school and were walking through the hallway. They too noticed all the stares and giggles they were recieving from the other students, then Liz said to Isabel.
"Don´t you get the feeling that every eye is watching us in this school".
"Yeah I do". Isabel unaccustomed to this treatment, clutched her books higher in her chest, trying to shield her face from the ogling.
"I don´t like this at all, one bit". Isabel turned her head to see a group of girls giggling childishly at her.
She was upset, and Liz picked up on it. "Whatever it is, just ignore it Iz".
"Liz what if everybody knows about what happened"? Isabel had barely asked Liz this when both of them saw a small crowd huddling around Max´s locker.
"No God, please no". Liz ran in the direction of the crowd pushing herself throught them. "My God Max". Her voice shrilled when she saw Max sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to him chest, and his head buried behind his knees. She immediately bend down, and dropping her belongings put her protective arms around him.
"Just get away". She warned the people around him, an arm waved for them to stand back. "Just leave him alone, all of you´s". She then surrounded him in her arms again.
Isabel was also crouching by his side, beckoning everyone away with her wavering arms. "Stand back, just get the hell away from us". She said defensively.
His football team mates then began ushering people away, some of them losing their tempers and yelling for any by-standers to, "piss off". Not caring what profanity they used to disperse them.

"Max it´s OK now, we´re here". Liz said calmly to him. "Max what the hell happened"? Liz asked him worriedly.
Hearing her voice Max lifted his head up from his knees. His expression was totally void, his eyes blank as if there were no emotions left in his body.
Liz bit her lip down nervously, those beautiful amber eyes that were usually shining with love were dead to her now as she searched his eyes for a sign of life anything, something.
But his eyes remained hardened.
"Max please say something to me, tell me what happened"? She took his face between her small hands. Refusing to give up on Max now and refusing to cry in front of him, but rather she bit back on the bile in her mouth.
As Max came out of his self-imposed world of thoughts, he heard her voice, bringing him back to reality.
"Max tell me what happened"? She pleaded with him.

His football mates, looked speechless between one another unsure why Max had broken down like this.

"Liz". He finally said, then holding the card out to her nimbly in his fingers, she took it from him reading what was written on it.

"Oh my God, how can anyone be so cruel"? Liz spoke, she didn´t think she could hold her tears back anymore, but remaining strong, put her hand over her shocked mouth.

"What is it Liz". Isabel asked her, clinging onto Max´s forearm.

Without saying a word she passed the card over to Isabel. When Isabel read the card, she burst out into tears, and Alex as her ex-boyfriend pulled Isabel to her feet and held her in his arms.

With Alex´s arms around her, Isabel dropped the card to the ground.
Then Michael wanting to know what was written on it, picked it up.
"Bastards". He spat out in disgust. "If I find out who wrote this I´m going to kill them.

Once it had become knowledge what was written on the card, Kyle who was the only one who had remained calm about the whole matter said.
"Guys this is beginning to spin out of control. Liz and Isabel I don´t think it´s a good idea you´s stay at school today".

"Tommy, go down to the office and get the receptionist to call Mr and Mrs Parker(Dianne). Just tell the receptionist that Max broke down at school and that the girls are taking him home. Max I don´t think your in any state to drive Bud. Give me your keys, and I´ll get someone to drive your jeep back to your place".

Max fished around for his keys in his jeans pocket, finding them he passed the keys to Kyle.
"Give them to me Kyle, I´ll drive his jeep back". Alex offered.
"Good then". Kyle gave him the keys. "Liz you up for driving these two home"? Kyle asked her, seeing as she was the most stable out of the siblings.
"Yeah". She said still clutching onto Max.
"Go home for now, and your parents can cover for yous for today". Kyle told her clearly.
"Alex, I´ll drive out after you, so that we can come back to school together. Kyle began ordering coolly, much like his Father would do.
"Gotcha". Alex said. "But what do I say if a teacher stops us"? He asked.
"Just say that there has been a family crisis or whatever, look at their faces it says enough". Kyle said calmly. "I´ll follow you´s out soon, now go all of you´s". Kyle hushed then away.
Liz, nodded in agreement. Leading an upset Max away. Alex who was still comforting Isabel walked with them too, slowly trudging behind Max and Liz.

"And we are going to find out who wrote this". Kyle who held the card in his hand held it up in the air. "Also when we do find out who is behind it, no one is going to act on it, do I make myself clear".
"Kyle that´s our friend whose practically in tears because of that card, and you want us to do nothing about it". Michael interjected angrily.
"Michael if we lose our cool about this, we would get into alot of trouble because of it. And I don´t fancy getting punished by my Dad to tell you the truth".
"So what are we going to do about it"? Asked someone else.
"I´m giving it to my Dad". Kyle said wisely. "He´s the Sheriff, and I´m sure he would be interested in seeing this".
"Is that clever though". Asked another team mate.
"I don´t know but I know he would have done the same thing if he was me"? Kyle replied. "Then we are going to use some bullying tactics for our friend Max". Kyle smiled to himself.
"What do you mean"? Michael asked him. "I thought you said we should keep cool about this mess". He added.
"Nothing really intimidating just threats. We´re just going to pass a message through the school grape-vine that anyone who dares mess with Max or his family, are going to have to face us as a consequence". Kyle smirked slightly.
"Yeah man, we´re not the football team for nothing". A guy spoke up.
"Exactly". Kyle agreed. "Once the teachers get a hold on everything that happened here, they will be some help, but outside of the classrooms we´re the ones who rule the school". Kyle then said. "Look I better go follow Alex. We´re be late for first period". He then shrugged his shoulders, when everyone looked at him. "The most I´ll get is a detention, small price to pay to help a friend. I better go"! Then Kyle left the boys standing there.
"Like he said, just threats but no acting on them, have I made myself clear". Michael reiterated Kyles words in a hushed tone.
Then when everyone was in agreement they moved onto there classes.


What did you´s think? Was that last part OK?

Thanks for reading
