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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 16/, 2/21/12

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:27 am
by Ilonka.Green
“You’re going to love her from a distance and romance her. That’s what you’re going to do…”
- Isabel -

Chapter 16

The El Flamingo: One week later…

Sitting in at a table in the far corner, Max and his friends (Alex and Kyle) caught up on business issues waiting for Michael to finish his shift. A flirtatious waitress wearing a tight, low cut white top and short, black mini skirt arrived with a tray of food and beverages. “Hello, gentlemen… Michael made lunch for all of you…” Leaning over the table giving everyone an ample view of her voluptuous chest she set the plates of food in front of each of the men. Turning from the table, she reached for the drinks as her skirt hiked up her long, slender legs displaying her white thong.

Setting the drinks in front of Max and his friends, she turned colliding into Michael. “Oops. Sorry…”

“Yeah, I bet…” Lifting the tray from the collapsible stand, Michael handed both to the waitress. “You can leave now… And take these back with you.”

“Yes, Mr. Guerin….”

Joining his friends, Michael sighed. “Sorry about that… She’s new.”

Max smiled. He was used to it. Women threw themselves at him constantly… All except for his friends and of course Liz Parker. He could understand his friends; they were after all childhood friends, but why not Liz Parker? What was up with that?

Liz Parker… Successful theater actress and professional dancer with flawless, creamy white skin, deep almond shaped hazel eyes, lush kissable lips and a well-proportioned body…

“Max… Did you just hear what I said?” Kyle asked.

“Huh… What? Sorry, I was just thinking…”

Michael smiled. “Thinking of a certain someone are you?”

Max blushed. Kyle and Alex laughed. “I asked how things were going living with Liz,” Kyle repeated his question.

“Things seem to be going okay…”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “Just okay? According to Isabel you’ve been helping her rub ointment on and bandaging those tattoos you gave her last week…”

Kyle and Michael looked over at Max. Max sighed. Nothing was sacred anymore. “Look, there’s no way she for her to reach the two on her back… So, being the fact that we’re housemates, she asked me to help her. No big deal…”

“Uh-huh… Yeah right. You might as well admit that you have feelings for her,” Kyle commented.

“Why not put Liz out of her misery and ask her out,” Alex suggested.

Forks dropped as eyes turned to Alex. “What did you just say?” Max questioned.

Oh, shit… Liz is going to kill me. “What? All I meant is that if you have feelings for her, you should ask her out.”

“No… What did you just say?” Max repeated his question.

Alex sighed. He was in a bind and had no choice. Liz is going to kill me if she finds out. “This does not leave this table…” he started. The guys nodded in agreement. “Liz has had a crush on you since high school… Nobody knew except for Maria and me and she made us promise never to tell anyone.”

Michael grinned. “Wow, who would’ve guessed Maria could keep a secret that long?” he thought out loud. Knowing Maria, the guys laughed.

Max thought back to his conversation with Liz that night in the Viper Room. She mentioned she was asked ‘who her first crush was’ during a game of ‘Truth or Dare’ and chose not to answer the question knowing Maria would keep her secret. Yet, Isabel must have figured it out because she was the one that called the Viper Room. “So, that’s why she was so embarrassed when I asked her why she chose not to answer the question…”

Alex continued. “At the time, she had no idea Isabel would dare her to go down to the Viper Room and have you give her a tattoo...”

Kyle chuckled. “Obviously, it backfired on her. I can only imagine how she must have felt.”
Meanwhile in Cloud 9…

… Liz stood behind the bar listening as Serena and Courtney explained and demonstrated how to make the house drinks. “The cheat sheets are located on the wall above the sink…” Serena stated. Liz nodded.

“Ready to give it a try,” Courtney asked.

“Um… Sure. But, isn’t that wasting alcohol?”

“Not at all… I’ve taken the liberty of inviting Maria, Isabel, Ava, Pam and Tess up here to join us,” Serena stated. “We’re going to role play… You’re going to be the bartender and we’re going to be your customers,” she added.

“It’s the best way to practice,” Courtney added. “That’s how we’ve all learned. It’ll be fun,” she promised.
Minutes later, everyone strolled in walking up to the bar. “I don’t think you’ve met Tess, Liz…” Serena stated glancing over at Isabel who glared back.

“Okay, everyone… Liz here is studying for her liquor license and I thought it would be fun to do a little role playing. Liz is going to be the bartender and we’re going to be her customers,” Serena explained.

Eying Tess, Maria looked worried but said nothing. What is Tess going to pull? “So, where do you want us to sit?” Maria asked Serena.

“At the bar, stupid… We’re customers,” Tess replied before Serena could give further instruction.

Maria was pissed. Nobody referred to her as ‘stupid’ and got away with it. She’d have to remember to tell Max. “Gee, Tess. Who put you in charge? If I recall, Serena is the bar manager,” she replied smugly.

“Knock it off you two…” Serena ordered. “We’re here to help Liz out. Okay, Liz… We’re going to sit at the bar, so whenever you’re ready.”

Liz smiled. It had been years since she last mixed a drink. You can do this. It’s just like bartending at Ivanhoe’s in New York. Silently, she pulled the small notebook and pen from her back pocket, looking up past her friends towards the doors. Max, Alex, Michael and Kyle were walking in and heading over to the bar. Oh, God… Suddenly, she felt nauseous. Not only did she have to serve the ladies, she now had to serve the guys as well. Breathe… Just breathe. Everything’s going to be okay.

Maintaining her role as bartender, Liz silently stood behind the bar waiting for her new customers to get situated. “Hey, everyone… What’s going on?” Michael asked giving Maria a peck on the cheek.

“We’re role playing…” Maria started.

“Yeah, Liz is our bartender and we’re her customers,” Tess added cutting Maria off in mid-sentence.

Michael glared at Tess. “I was talking to Maria, not you.”

“That’s enough, guys… We’ve kept Liz waiting long enough. Why don’t you take a seat?” Serena invited.

“Come, sit by me, Max.” Tess cooed. Pam rolled her eyes. When would Tess get a clue that he wasn’t interested?

Max looked around the bar. All the other stools were taken except for the two at the far end of the bar away from the others. Not wanting to cause a scene, he sat by Tess.

“Okay, Liz… Whenever you’re ready,” Serena instructed carefully watching Liz’s every move.

Walking to the far left end of the bar, she nervously approached Alex and Isabel. Welcoming them to Cloud 9, she took their drink orders.

“A Tequila Sunrise for me and a Cosmopolitan for Isabel,” Alex ordered. Liz nodded writing down their order; noting names after each drink.

“I’ll have a White Russian…” Courtney ordered.

“And I’ll have a Peach Margarita,” Ava added. Liz nodded and continued on down the bar towards Serena and Kyle.

“I’ll have a Gin & Tonic and Serena will have a Long Island Iced Tea.” Adding the drinks to her list, Liz continued on to where Michael and Maria were sitting.

Michael and Maria gave her an encouraging smile. “I’ll have a Mai Tai, and Maria will have a Hurricane.” Liz nodded moving on to where Tess was sitting by Max.

Eying Liz, Tess reached over resting a hand on Max’s thigh slowly gliding her fingers up and down flirtatiously. “I’ll have a Pousse-Café…”

All eyes turned to Tess. “Liz is just learning to mix drinks, Tess… We didn’t cover layering drinks yet…” Serena was quick to point out ready to call an end to the exercise but Liz interrupted her.

“No, it’s okay, Serena…” Liz wrote down the drink order. She approached Max and smiled.

Reaching down, he pushed Tess’s hand off his thigh. Smiling at Liz, he winked. “I’ll have a Mojito and you’ll have a Beautiful.” All eyes turned from Max to Liz. Tess frowned. Liz blushed.

“Excuse me?”

“What? Can’t a guy buy a girl a drink?”

“Um... Thank you,” she whispered writing down her drink order.

Glancing down at her drink orders, Liz searched the shelves of liqueurs and began removing bottles from the shelves lining them up in a neat row. Starting at the top of the list, she grabbed a cocktail shaker and began mixing drinks one by one lining them up to one side; saving Tess’s drink for last while Serena, Isabel and Max watched her every move.

Slowly adding the last liqueur to Tess’s drink, Liz set it aside. Reaching for a drink tray, Liz set the first half of drinks on the tray walking over to where Alex and Isabel were sitting. “One Tequila Sunrise and Cosmopolitan…” Setting the drinks in front of her customers (friends), she continued down the bar until her tray was empty. Setting the remainder of the drinks on the tray, she continued on distributing drinks careful not to ruin Tess’s drink. Reaching Max, she eyed Tess. “Mojito for you… And a Pousse-Café for you,” she smirked carefully setting Tess’s drink in front of her.

Everybody looked over at Tess’s drink. The liqueurs were perfectly layered in the glass. “Can I get anybody anything else?” Liz asked.
Finishing their drinks, everyone gradually drifted out of Cloud 9 leaving Serena, Courtney and Liz to clean up the bar. “You did a great job despite the circumstances,” Courtney started putting the bottles of liqueur back on the shelves.

“Yeah… Except what Tess did was uncalled for. She knew you were just learning…” Serena added loading the last glass into the dishwasher.

“It was nothing... I made the drink hundreds of times bartending at Ivanhoe’s years ago, so it was no big deal.” Wiping down the counter with a damp cloth, Liz took a seat on a bar stool.

“But still uncalled for… She deliberately put you on the spot ordering that drink.”

Liz shrugged her shoulders. “I suppose.”

“I gotta know though, what’s going on with you and Max?” Serena asked.

“We’re friends who are housemates, nothing more. Why?”

“We’re just wondering that’s all because Max doesn’t make it a habit of buying drinks for ladies,” Courtney stated.

“I think he likes you,” Serena added with a smile. “… And I think you like him back.” Liz blushed.
Meanwhile in Condo #4: Tess / Pam’s condo…

“How could you do that, Tess?” Pam asked her housemate.

“Do what? All I did was participate in some lame role playing exercise and order a drink.” Tess retorted.

“You knew Liz was just learning how to mix drinks, yet you ordered one of the most difficult drinks to mix…” Pam pointed out.

“Yeah, so… That’s what I was in the mood for.”

“That’s not the point. We were supposed to be helping Liz out…”

“I was. I ordered a drink and she made it for me.” Hello, captain obvious.

Isabel’s office…

… Max sat across from Isabel at her desk. “We’ve got to figure out a way to convince Liz to bartend here at the Safe House once she gets her license, Max. Did you see that drink she made for Tess? It was perfect…”

“I know. I saw it. The Pousse-Café is one of the most difficult drinks to mix yet she pulled it off flawlessly. I’m still trying to figure out how she pulled it off having only bartended while in college years ago... Most bartenders struggle with layering the liqueurs.”

“She’d be a real asset bartending in Cloud 9 with Serena and Courtney…” Isabel pointed out the obvious.

“I agree.”

“But, what about Tess?”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on, Max… It’s obvious you have feelings for Liz. And Tess is jealous of Liz…”

Max sighed. “I know… Alex let it slip earlier that Liz has feelings for me too.” He paused. “God, Isabel what am I going to do? I can’t just ask her out on a date… Not after all that Sean did to her. She’s not ready for another relationship.”

“You’re going to love her from a distance and romance her. That’s what you’re going to do…” Opening her planner, Isabel looked at the event calendar. “You know, Mardi Gras is coming up in a few weeks…”

“Yeah, so?”

“Hello… Mardi Gras Masquerade. Everyone wears a mask. You could hook up with her early in the evening and spend the night partying together. You’d just have to be sure she doesn’t follow you back upstairs or see your mask lying around somewhere.”

“I don’t know, Isabel…”

“Oh, come on Max. You know you want to ask her out. But, like you said she’s not ready for another relationship yet. So, start slow… Flirt with her. Spend time with her as a friend. Express an interest in what she’s doing. Talk to her and in time she’ll come around.”

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 17, 2/22/12

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:53 am
by Ilonka.Green
(** This chapter contains adult content **)

Chapter 17

Max & Liz’s penthouse: The following morning…

(Liz’s dream)

… The stage lights were off. All eyes were on her; she could feel it. The lights turned on and there she was silently sitting on the chair sideways flirtatiously leaning backwards with her left hand crossing her body.

The music started and ever so slowly, she shifted forward back into a sitting position her left hand sliding across her body again. Leaning over the back of the chair she faced the audience and smiled. Suddenly, she leaned back slightly and lifted her right leg over the back of the chair. Straddling the chair, she leaned forward flashing the audience another smile before shifting back in the chair and putting her hands on the seat of the chair and lifting her whole body up into a hand stand…

Her flowing mini-dress shifted down exposing her bare backside and the men went wild. Holding the position for a moment, she rotated her hands on the chair exposing her whole bare front. Then, opening her legs wide into the splits, she lowered herself to a sitting position, straddling the chair, her back facing the audience. Pausing for a moment, she then lifted her whole body again into another handstand, rotated her hands, held the position for a moment, and did the splits again before ever so slowly lowering herself back into a sitting position, straddling the chair so she was facing her audience again pausing before lifting her right leg back over the back of the chair so she was sitting sideways…

The alarm buzzed shaking Liz from the best performance on the stage of her dreams. Groaning, she reached over but rolled out of bed as her legs tangled in the sheets. She hit the floor. Ow. The alarm still buzzed. Dammit. Reaching up she turned the annoying alarm off.

A gentle knock sounded on the bedroom door and in stepped Max holding a steaming cup of coffee. “Rough night,” he smirked looking down at where laid on the floor still tangled in the sheets. She scowled. “I brought you a cup of coffee…” Setting the mug on her nightstand by the clock, he offered a hand helping her off the floor.


“No problem.” Picking up the mug of coffee, he handed it to her. “I’m going to be working in my home office if anybody calls and is looking for me.”

Ten minutes later…

Rummaging through her closet, Liz pulled out her favorite pair of low rise jeans and an army green Maroon 5 t-shirt laying them out on her bed along with her underwear. Grabbing her terry cloth bathrobe from the hook, she headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

Turning on the shower, Liz waited for the water to warm up. Stripping out of her satin nightie, she tossed it to the floor before turning on the CD player sitting on the shelf above the vanity. Stepping into the shower, the hot water cascaded over her creamy white skin as the steam began to fill the bathroom. Closing her eyes, he came to her…

(Day dream)

… Massaging her creamy white skin as the water cascaded over them both. Leaning back against him she melded their bodies together. Brushing her long brown tresses to the side, he placed soft, butterfly kisses on her neck and collar bone as he slowly glided his fingers up and down her arms and sides. She sighed. Kissing her shoulder, he embraced her brushing his fingertips up and down her stomach creating intricate patterns along the way. Reaching for her soft, wet breasts, he cupped them massaging them in a slow circular motion. Reaching up, she brushed a hand through his wet dark hair and moaned.

Releasing her breasts, he turned her to face him. Bewitched by her hazel eyes, he smiled but said not a word. Backing her up against the shower wall, he cupped her breasts and massaged them turning her nipples to tender peaks before sucking each one as if they were sweet passion fruit waiting to be had. Taking his fill, he brushed his erection up against her stomach as he embraced her in his muscular arms, pulling her close as he claimed her petal soft lips for a tender kiss. As his tongue parted her lips, he deepened the kiss swirling his tongue around hers as the tidal wave of passion swept over them both…

A loud ring sounded in the distance. Someone was at the door. Dammit. “Max… Can you get that?” Liz called out. The doorbell rang again. Dammit… He obviously didn’t hear the door. Stepping out of the shower, she quickly wrapped her hair in a towel and wrapped herself in her terry cloth bathrobe.

“I’m coming,” Liz called out leaving the bathroom; sprinting through the living room and into the foyer. Peeping through the peep hole, Tess was standing impatiently waiting at the door. What does she want? Opening the door, she greeted Tess. “Hi, Tess…”

Not bothering with pleasantries, Tess stormed past Liz into the foyer. “How could you?”

“How could I do what?”

“How could you embarrass me like that yesterday in front of everyone in Cloud 9 yesterday?”

“What are you talking about? We were participating in an exercise in which you ordered a drink… Playing the role of bartender, I made your drink…”

Tess glared at her. “I don’t know why you bothered enrolled in Bartending School… You’ve got one hell of a pipe dream if you think they’re going to hire you on.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Whatever…”

“How dare you roll your eyes at me!”

“Um… I live here. I can do whatever I want.”

“The only reason you’re living here is because you’re Max’s flavor of the month. Within a month’s time he’s going to kick you to the curb…” She paused. “Until then, you listen to me missy… You’re wasting your time because he’s mine! Why not do us all a favor and go back to where you came from.”

Suddenly Max appeared from around the corner. “Liz… Tess… What’s going on?”

“Oh, Max… I thought I’d be nice and stop by to invite Liz to lunch, but she was so rude,” Tess whined lying through her teeth.

Raising an eyebrow Max turned to look at Liz with her hair wrapped in a towel and wearing her bathrobe. “Liz…”

“I was in the shower when the doorbell rang. I answered the door and Tess stormed in…”

“She’s lying, Max.”

“Tess… Meet me in my office. Liz, you wait here…” Max ordered. Sticking her nose up in the air, Tess smirked following Max down the hall to his office. Stunned, Liz sat on the couch.

Liz’s cell phone rang from where she left it charging the night before. Grabbing it off the end table, she answered on the second ring. “Hello…” Silence… ”Hello…” Silence… “Hello, anybody there?” Silence… Panicking, she ended the call tossing her cell on the coffee table. Sean, it had to be Sean. Closing her eyes, she slowly counted to five. Breathe… Just breathe. It’s okay, he can’t hurt you.
You’re here, he’s in New York.

Meanwhile in Max’s office…

… “What’s going on, Tess?”

“Oh, Max… It’s like I told you. I stopped by to invite Liz to lunch and…”

“Quit the bullshit, Tess. I heard the whole conversation. And Liz is right. She did no such thing to embarrass you. You ordered a drink during a practice exercise and she made it for you…”


“But nothing… As for whether or not Isabel and I offer Liz a job once she completes Bartending School, that’s none of your business. It’s between us and Liz.”

“But, she’s using you Max…” Tess stated.

Max raised an eyebrow. “Using me… Using me how?”

“Oh, please Max… It’s obvious she just wants in your bed.”

“How dare you imply Liz is a tramp and tell her to leave! My relationship with Liz is none of your business, nor anybody else’s for that matter. And as for us, we were never an item…”


“No buts. And the next time I hear about you bullying Liz, your job will be at stake. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Max.”

“Good. Now get out here… And not a word to Liz on the way out.”
Back in the living room…

... Tess stormed through the living room, into the foyer and out the door slamming it behind her. Within minutes, Max reappeared finding Liz sitting quietly on the couch where he left her. “Mind if I join you?” Silently, Liz shrugged her shoulders as Max sat down next to her. “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?”

Picking up the tube of ointment from the coffee table, Max stood up. “Lie down on the couch. I’ll apply the ointment and bandage your tattoos.” Shifting her position, Liz laid down on the couch on her stomach. Reaching down, she untied the belt of her robe. Kneeling on the floor, Max slipped the robe off her shoulders sliding it down her back. She shivered.

Squirting ointment on the tattoo on her upper back, he gently rubbed it into her skin in a circular pattern. “Talk to me… What happened?”

“I was in the shower when Tess rang the doorbell…” Liz started. She sighed. “I answered the door and she stormed past me accusing me of embarrassing her yesterday during our role playing exercise…”

“Which, you did great bartending…”

Liz blushed. “The next thing I know, she said I was wasting my time in Bartending School saying I had a pipe dream if I thought I’d be hired to work at the Safe House…”

Reaching for a gauze pad, Max bandaged her first tattoo. Picking up the tube of ointment, he squirted it on the large tattoo on her lower back; gently massaging it into her soft, creamy white skin in a slow circular pattern. “It’s not a pipe dream… Isabel and I were impressed with how you handled Tess and her drink request yesterday. We’d be thrilled if you’d come to work at the Safe House once you obtain your bartending license…”

“I’d like that.” She closed her eyes. “I rolled my eyes at Tess,” she confessed. “She got upset and the next thing I know she’s referring to me as a tramp; saying you belong to her and that I should go back to New York…”

“You’re anything but. And no, Tess and I are not an item. We never were…” Max paused. “I hope Tess didn’t deter you from staying…”

“Of course not.”

Piecing together gauze pads, Max bandaged the large tattoo design on her lower back. “I’m going to need you to turn over onto your side…” Rolling over facing the back of the couch, Liz slid her robe off her thigh exposing her third tattoo. Squirting ointment on her tattoo, Max massaged it into her soft skin. “I talked to Tess in my office…”

“I know…”

“I told her she needs to stop bullying you.”

“She won’t.”

“If she doesn’t, her job is on the line. I told her so.”

“You didn’t have to stand up for me. I could’ve handled it.”

“You could’ve, but you shouldn’t have to. Besides, that’s harassment.” Bandaging her third tattoo, Max helped Liz back into her terry cloth bathrobe.

Tying the belt around her waist, Liz sat back up. “Thank you…”

Standing up, Max sat back on the couch next to her. “So, what’d you do while Tess and I were talking?”

Why does he care? “Nothing… My cell phone rang. I answered it. Nobody was there, so I hung up.”

“Do you think it was Sean?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I think it was.”

“Has he called before?”

“I don’t know…”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?”

“I’ve received calls like that before, but I have no idea if it was him or not.”

Max’s cell phone rang. It was Isabel; he could tell by the ring tone. “That’s Isabel. I’m sorry, but I need to take this call. If you need me for anything I’ll be in my office…” Answering on the third ring, he exited the living room wandering down the hall into his home office.
Picking up her laptop from the coffee table, Liz began composing an e-mail to Kenya.

Subject: Another day in my so-called life

Hi, Kenya.

I hope all is well with you. Any word from Sean or his whereabouts? Why I ask, I don’t know. Just thinking about him makes me sick.

Hard to believe I’ve been here a week already and have made yet another arch enemy (aka: Tess Harding)… It all started yesterday during a role playing exercise in Cloud 9 in which I was the bartender and my friends pretended to be customers. (The purpose of the exercise was for me to get practice mixing drinks.) Anyways, everyone orders typical mixed drinks except for Tess… She ordered the Pousse-Café which is one of the most difficult drinks to mix if one doesn’t know what they’re doing (which of course, I mixed perfectly).

Anyways, today she showed up at my door accusing me of embarrassing her in front of everyone during the practice exercise (I did no such thing, honestly). Then, she states that I’m wasting my time with Bartending School stating I have a pipe dream if I think I’m going to land a job at the Safe House. Topping that off, she claims the only reason I’m living with Max is because I’m his so-called ‘flavor of the month’ and that eventually he’ll kick me to the curb. (Can you believe it?) Wait – It gets better… She then claims Max belongs to her and that it would be best if I pack up and head back to New York. Of all the nerve!

Turned out, Max was working out of his home office and heard the whole conversation; hauled her sorry ass into his office and went off on her for harassing me. Can you believe it?

In other news, I think I’m losing my mind… Literally. Last night, I dreamed I was performing the chair routine on stage in a seedy club. Then, when I was in the shower my mind drifted off and I envisioned myself in the shower with Max (No details. Use your imagination). Anyways, what’s up with that? We’re friends and housemates for God’s sake. Nothing more.

Later, I received a call on my cell. There was nothing but silence when I answered the phone. Was it Sean? I have no idea because it was a number I didn’t recognize.

Question: I was looking at the calendar of events for the Safe House and noticed the big Mardi Gras celebration is coming up within a few weeks. Everyone I’ve talked to says it’s a blast and that I should plan on attending. Anyways, I was wondering if you’d be interested in coming for a visit that week and attending the celebration. Check your schedule and let me know.

Not much else new and exciting here.

Talk to you later.


P.S. Everyone here at the Safe House says ‘hi’.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 18, 2/22/12

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:04 pm
by Ilonka.Green
A fluff chapter... But, it sets the scene for what's to come.

Chapter 18

El Flamingo: One week later…

… Liz sat lounging on a chair in the back corner; books spread out in front of her. Today was the day and in less than four hours her fate would be determined. Reading over her notes for the umpteenth time, she was oblivious to the sights and sounds around her. A heaping plate of food was set on top of her open textbook; an ice cold cherry cola on the table.

“You’ve been neglecting yourself… You need to eat something,” Michael stated sitting down across from her.

Liz sighed. “I know, but I’m so nervous, Michael. I haven’t taken the bar exam in years.”

“You’re a professional bartender… You’ll do fine.”

“God, I hope so… All this reading is insane.”

“So, take a break and eat something. I made your favorite… Club sandwich with all the trimmings, including the fried egg along with a side of homemade seasoned fries, coleslaw and a cherry cola. You have at least three hours and your food is getting cold…”

Liz smiled. “Thanks, Michael.”
Heads turned as Isabel and Maria came bustling into the restaurant. “Liz… There you are. We’ve been looking for you all over...” Isabel stated sitting next to Liz. Maria sat next to Michael.

Yeah, right… That’s what cell phones were for.

“And, that’s my cue to leave…” Michael stood up from where he sat. “I need to get back into the kitchen to see how my new Sous Chef is doing. Good luck with the exam.”

“Thanks, Michael.” Picking up her sandwich, Liz took a bite. “What’s going on?”

Isabel could barely control her excitement. “Max finally decided on the theme for his birthday celebration this year…”


“Yeah, he wants to have a Monte’ Carlo night. How cool is that?” Maria added.

“Um, yeah… But I care about this why?”

Isabel rolled her eyes. Obviously, Liz knew nothing about birthday celebrations. “Max’s birthday is five days after the Mardi Gras Masquerade...” Nabbing a fry from Liz’s plate, Isabel took a bite. “It’s one of the highlights of the year for exclusive club members…”

“And you should attend… Not just Monte’ Carlo night, but the Mardi Gras Masquerade as well,” Maria chimed in.

They were up to something, but what? I don’t know… Kenya was thinking about coming for a visit that week…”

“So what? As an honorary exclusive guest member she’s more than welcome to attend any event she wishes at no cost to her. You should invite her.” Isabel suggested.

“She’d have a blast,” Maria added.

“Why do I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me?”

Isabel sighed. “You might as well show her the flier, Maria…”

Unfolding a neon green sheet of paper, Maria handed slid across the table to Liz. “Every year, there’s an amateur dance competition for men and women at the Mardi Gras Masquerade…”

“Sorry, but I’m not interested. My dancing days are over.”

“Um… It’s a little late for that…”

“What do you mean, Maria?”

“What Maria means is that you’re already signed up.”

“What?!? You guys signed me up…”

“We figured you wouldn’t want to. But, you’re such a fabulous dancer…” Maria started.

“And you’d be a shoe in to win the women’s competition,” Isabel added.

Dare she ask? “I don’t know guys… What type of dance routines do women normally perform?”

“The more risqué the better,” Isabel said with a smile.

Maria grinned. “And who knows, maybe you’ll catch the attention of a certain friend of yours.”

Liz blushed at the thought. Somehow she didn’t see herself dancing around on stage in a club in a sleazy costume wearing a Mardi Gras mask and plastic beads.
Six hours later...

… Excited, Liz exited the ABC Bartending School of America. She passed her bar exam with flying colors. Climbing behind the wheel of her green Impala, she reached for her cell. Who to call first? Dialing a number at random, Alex answered the phone on the second ring. “I PASSED!” Liz practically yelled into the phone.

“Hello to you too, Liz… Congratulations. I knew you’d pass. Where are you?”

“Oh, I’m in my car in the parking lot at the school. I’m on my way back.”

“That’s great. I’ll be sure to let the others know. See you when you get back.”

Saying ‘goodbye’ to Alex, she called Kenya and left a message knowing she was in the middle of rehearsal. “Hi, Kenya… It’s Liz. Just calling to let you know I passed the exam. Give me a call later. Bye.”

Whipping out of the parking lot, Liz sped down the street towards the Safe House. Pulling up to the parking garage, she slid her parking pass into the machine and the gate lifted. Driving around the curve and up the ramp, Liz approached her parking spot by the elevator. And there Max stood waiting for her with a dozen white roses in his hand.

Parking her car, Max approached her car opening the door for her. “Congratulations, Ms. Parker…”
Handing her the flowers, he embraced her in a friendly hug.

“Thank you, Max but you didn’t have to come all the way down here…”

“But, I wanted to…” Stepping into the elevator with Liz he pressed the button for the fourth floor.

Liz raised an eyebrow. He was definitely up to something. “Why are we headed upstairs to Cloud 9?”

Damn. “Serena and Courtney wanted to throw a party for you… So, act surprised.”

Liz smiled. “Okay, I’ll do that…”

Stepping off the elevator with Max, they approached the doors to Cloud 9. The door was locked and the lights were off. “Ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be…” Liz opened the door with Max following close behind.

“SURPRISE!” everyone yelled as the lights went on. There among the group stood her friend, Kenya.

“Omigod…” Embarrassed, Liz turned colliding into Max. A lone tear of happiness glistened on her cheek. Nobody had ever cared enough to throw her a surprise party.

Embracing Liz, Max whispered in her ear. “This is your party… Enjoy yourself.”

Wiping away the tear, Max gently turned her around and led her further into the room towards the bar where Serena and Courtney stood ready to pour the drinks. “Liz, will you do the honors of making the first drink of the evening?” Serena asked with a smile taking the flowers from Liz.

Liz smiled. “Okay…” She stepped behind the bar and searching the shelves began removing bottles of liqueur; lining the bottles up on the counter. Reaching for a cocktail shaker, she measured out the ingredients; pouring them inside with ice. Snapping the lid on, she shook the glass and quickly tossing it in the air she caught it before removing the lid. Grabbing a pilsner glass, she poured the contents inside and walking over to her good friend, Kenya handed her the first drink of the evening with a smile and a hug. “Thanks for coming,” she whispered.

Then, turning to her other friends, announced the bar was open and within minutes, someone turned on some music and the party kicked into full swing. Hurricane in hand, Liz made the rounds talking with everyone about everything from her exam to bartending and upcoming events at the Safe House; thanking everyone for coming. A small inflated beach ball came soaring out of nowhere. “What the…?”

Approaching Liz, Maria and Alex, Max chuckled. “Don’t ask... It just magically appears at almost every party…” Everyone laughed.

“… And nobody has any idea who it belongs to,” Alex added.

Cake was served and presents were opened as the evening wore on. Liz approached Kenya standing over by the bar. “It’s great to see you… But, how long are you in town for?”

Kenya smiled. “I was invited to stay for two weeks. But, I might have to leave early depending if my agent calls.”

“So, you’ll be in town for the Mardi Gras Masquerade and Monte’ Carlo night…”

“Are you kidding? This is me we’re talking about. Of course I’ll be in town because I never miss out on the opportunity for an awesome party… Especially in Vegas,” she laughed. “I heard you’re entered into the women’s dance competition. Have you given any thought to what you’re going to do?”

“Mardi Gras Masquerade is only a few days away so I don’t have much time to prepare. If I get desperate for an idea, I might resurrect the infamous chair dance... But, somehow I don’t see myself performing in a sleazy costume wearing a mask and plastic beads.”

“Oh, come on. It would be awesome. The guys would go crazy…”

“I know and that’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Afraid of what?” Max asked approaching the bar from behind Liz.

Startled, Liz jumped. “Oh, nothing… Nothing at all.”

Kenya chuckled. “Liz is signed up for the women’s dance competition during the Mardi Gras Masquerade,” she was quick to explain. Liz glared at her. “She’s afraid nobody will like her dance routine.”

Liz wearing a revealing costume, mask and plastic beads. Max groaned. “I’m sure your dance number will be nothing but wonderful.” In more ways than one.
Max & Liz’s penthouse: Later that evening…

… Kenya and Liz sat on her bed talking about Liz’s visit to the Viper Room weeks ago. “So, let’s see the tattoos…” Removing her shirt, Liz turned to show Kenya the two on her back; then pulling up her skirt, showed her the third. “He did a really awesome job, Liz. Do think he’d do a tattoo for me if I asked him?”

“Probably, but you’d have to ask because I’m not sure what his schedule is like.”

“Speaking of Max… What’s going on between you and him?”

“What are you talking about? We’re friends and housemates… Nothing more…”

“Oh, come on Liz. It’s obvious he likes you… His eyes were on you all night. And what about that kiss he gave you on the cheek when he thought nobody was looking at the airport when he left New York?”

“I think you’re hallucinating.”

“Okay then, what about day dreaming of Max joining you in the shower? If that doesn’t spell out passion, I don’t know what does. So, admit it… You have feelings for him.”
Silently, Max stood in the hallway outside her closed bedroom door listening in on the conversation. So Liz was fantasizing about him in the shower with her. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought knowing he was being disrespectful. But, he was curious.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 19/P 1, 2/23/12

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:41 am
by Ilonka.Green
Sorry everyone... This is another 2-part chapter (due to length). With that said, here's Part 1 w/ the promise of more "excitement" to come.

Chapter 19 / Part 1

Mardi Gras Masquerade
Isabel & Alex’s condo…

Knocking on the door, Kenya and Liz were greeted by Isabel who ushered them inside taking the garment bags from Liz. “Everyone else is here and helping each other get ready except for Tess,” Isabel was quick to point out.

Leading the pair into the kitchen where Maria sat at the far end of the table with curlers in her hair talking with Ava who was giving her a manicure. “Liz, Kenya… Hi. Are you guys excited about tonight?” Maria asked.

“I don’t know about Liz, but I am.”

Liz sighed. “I’m nervous… What happens if everybody recognizes my dance routine from ‘Night Life’? Wouldn’t that disqualify me from the dance competition being that I’m a professional dancer?”

Isabel chuckled. “Oh, please… Max, Michael, and Alex are the judges for the women’s competition. And all the dancers wear Mardi Gras masks and are announced by number, so none of the guys have any idea who anybody is and cannot play favorites. The chance of you being disqualified is slim to none… If anything, you might get an invite to a private room.”

Oh, God. “Private room?”

Serena laughed from where she sat carefully applying Courtney’s make-up. “She’s kidding, you know…”

“Yeah, Alex hasn’t requested any private dances since him and Isabel started dating years ago. Michael quit requesting private dances once he hooked up with Maria,” Courtney was quick to point out.

“And Max… Well, I’m not sure what exactly happened but he hasn’t requested any private dances in over a year… I know because Tess is my roommate and she’s constantly complaining about it.” Pam added.

“So, you have nothing to worry about.” Ava stated.
Meanwhile in Max & Liz’s condo…

The guys (Max, Michael, Alex, and Kyle) stood striking poses in front of the bathroom mirror checking out their hair.

“Any idea what Liz is wearing tonight,” Michael asked Max.

“Don’t know… Last I heard, she had it narrowed down to three dresses. And neither she nor Kenya is saying a word about which one she selected or what it looks like.”

“Figures… That’s the way Isabel is too,” Alex stated.

“Is it true that Maria and Isabel entered Liz in the women’s dance competition?” Kyle asked.

“Uh-huh… And according to Maria she has quite a routine planned that’s guaranteed to bring the house down,” Michael stated.

I can hardly wait. “If Liz’s routine is anything like the video clip that was on ‘Night Life’ you may need to beef up security by 69 (gentlemen’s club) and Perfect Poison (ladies club), Kyle.”

Kyle smiled. “I already figured as much, so I made arrangements with an outside security company to help secure the place.”

“Good to know. I’ll let Isabel know.”
The Safe House: Early evening…

Stepping off the elevator into the massive lobby, the ladies slipped their colorful masks over their faces taking in the sight and sounds around them. Kyle stood by the main doors with members of his security team checking ID’s of party goers hoping to be admitted in, collecting cover charges and handing out paper wrist bands. Men and women dressed for the occasion gathered around the gaming tables in Deuces Wild trying their luck while others dined on Cajun and Creole food in the El Flamingo as Cajun music played within. Club music was heard in the distance coming from Club Anything as party goers opened the doors to join in the festivities.

“Wow… This is quite the party,” Kenya commented. “What’s going on upstairs?”

“There’s a popular local band playing in The Rave tonight and the DJ is playing dance music in Club Anything…” Maria explained as she arranged for the evening’s entertainment.

“Upstairs in 69 and Perfect Poison, the regular strippers are performing up until the time of the dance competitions,” Isabel added.

“And upstairs in Cloud 9,” the drinks are flowing freely for exclusive club members looking for a place to relax and visit with friends,” Serena chimed in.
Cloud 9…

Standing around the bar, the ladies ordered drinks before finding a quiet corner to sit in. “One hour left to go, Liz. Are you excited?” Ava asked.

“For some reason, I’m more nervous than anything,” Liz confessed.

“You’re a professional dancer and actress, Liz. There’s nothing to be nervous about,” Maria pointed out.

“Yeah, I’m a professional. But, I’ve never competed before.”

“Liz… You’ve done the routine so many times; you can do it in your sleep. You’ll be fine,” Kenya commented.

“Has anyone seen the guys?” Serena asked.

“No, but knowing them they’re either in Deuces Wild, the El Flamingo or 69.” Isabel simply stated.

“Speaking of which, we better get you downstairs, Liz…” Maria piped up.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 19/P2, 2/24/12

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:09 am
by Ilonka.Green
Chapter 19 / Part 2

An Evening of Entertainment

69: Backstage…

Wearing nothing but a sequined Mardi Gras colored (purple, green, yellow) bustier with a matching sequined bikini bottom, Liz sat on a stool in front of the vanity mirror in a dressing room. Isabel pinned up the sides of Liz’s hair, clipping the back up with a matching feather covered barrette while Pam carefully applied the stage make-up.

“I don’t know why you bothered entering into the dance competition… You’re only going to make a fool out of yourself,” Tess stated with distaste standing in the doorway. Silently, Isabel glared at her.

“Shut-up, Tess… Liz is going to do just fine,” Pam retorted glaring at Tess.

“By some small miracle she may, but I’m going to win this one… I always do…”

“Um… Actually, if I remember correctly you came in second last year,” Pam mentioned.

“It was one time,” Tess retorted. Hearing her number, she stuck her nose up in the air sauntering onto the stage.

Maria peeked her head in. “I just saw the lineup. You’re next after Tess, Liz.”

Great… Just great. “Thanks…”
In the club…

… No one seemed to notice the lone man with the buzz cut and goatee wearing nothing but black jeans and a white t-shirt sitting at a table in the center of the crowded room anxiously awaiting the next act. A flirtatious waitress approached asking for his drink order. Not thirsty, he waved her away.

Sitting at a rectangular table set up by the side of the bar, were Max, Michael and Alex decked out in jeans and button down shirts, wearing Mardi Gras masks and multi-colored plastic beads around their necks like most everyone else in attendance. Pencils in hand, they rated Tess’s dance routine whispering quietly amongst themselves.

The stage lights dimmed as the stage crew bustled around removing props. Grabbing a wooden straight-back chair, someone positioned it in the center of the stage. The lights were completely off. Receiving her cue from the crew, Liz took her position on stage. All eyes were on her… She could feel it. Breathe… Just breathe. You can do this. You’ve done this before…

The lights turned on and there she was silently sitting on the chair sideways flirtatiously leaning backwards with her back arched and left hand crossing her body.

The music started and ever so slowly, she shifted forward back into a sitting position her left hand sliding across her body again. Leaning over the back of the chair she faced the audience and smiled. Suddenly, she leaned back slightly and lifted her right leg over the back of the chair. Straddling the chair, she leaned forward flashing the audience another smile before shifting back in the chair and putting her hands on the seat of the chair and lifting her whole body up into a hand stand… The men went wild. Holding the position for a moment, she rotated her hands on the chair exposing her flat stomach. Then, opening her legs wide into the splits, she lowered herself to a sitting position, straddling the chair, her back facing the audience. Pausing for a moment, she then lifted her whole body again into another handstand, rotated her hands, held the position for a moment, and did the splits again before ever so slowly lowering herself back into a sitting position, straddling the chair so she was facing her audience again pausing before lifting her right leg back over the back of the chair so she was sitting sideways. As the music softened, she leaned down arching her back; returning to her starting position.

Silently, she sat holding her pose waiting for the stage lights to dim. She didn’t dare turn to face Max and the others. The audience went wild applauding her.
The stage lights dimmed and she hurried off the stage towards the dressing room where she was greeted by her friends. “Omigod, Liz! You were fantastic,” Isabel complimented her.

Hugging her friend, Kenya smiled. “I knew you could do it…”

“Wow, Liz… That was way better than the performance we saw on video,” Maria stated.

“Thanks, everyone… I’m glad you liked it.” Walking into the bathroom, she changed back into her party dress.

Standing in a dimly lit corridor outside the dressing room door, Tess frowned. She was pissed. Liz’s performance was flawless. Was there anything Liz Parker couldn’t do?
At the judges table…

Max was stunned. Liz Parker oozed sex appeal as she enticed the audience and like every other man in the room, his eyes were glued to her. What he wouldn’t do to have her. Wait a minute… He owned the place. Not only that, he had his own private room which he rarely used.

“Max… Did you hear what I said?” Michael asked.

“What was that?”

Rolling his eyes, Michael smiled. “I asked your opinion of the performance.”

“Oh… It was original. I liked it…”

“I’m sure you did,” Alex teased.

Maria’s cell phone rang. Checking the caller ID, she raised an eyebrow. It was Max. What did he want? There were still three more contestants. She answered on the second ring. Silently, she listened to what Max had to say. Glancing over at Liz, she smiled. “I’ll ask her. But, no matter what, she’ll be there.” Saying ‘goodbye’, she tossed her cell phone back into her purse.

“Who was that Maria?” Ava inquired.

“That was Max… He’s requesting an encore performance after the contest is over, Liz.”

She paled. Oh, God. Max requested an encore performance. She couldn’t turn him down. He owned the place. What was she going to do?

“That’s wonderful, Liz.” Isabel commented with a smile.

“Consider it an honor, Liz… Max hasn’t requested a private dance from anyone in well over a year,” Pam pointed out.

“No offense, but I’m not a stripper… I’m a professional dancer and theater actress.”

"None taken," Pam replied.

Remembering Liz’s extensive training for ‘Dancing Queen’ Kenya smiled. “What those dance moves you learned while training for ‘Dancing Queen that ended up being cut from the theater production?” Liz was puzzled. “You know the ones you learned while at the club?”

“I don’t know… I’ve never performed those moves for anyone.”

“So, why not now… What have you got to lose?” Kenya questioned.
On Stage…

The stage lights dimmed as the last contestant exited the stage. After quick deliberation, a decision was reached as the stage lights turned back on. Walking around the tables, Max, Michael and Alex stepped up onto the stage.

“We’d like to start by thanking everyone for attending this evening. And to remind you that the party lasts until 2:00 am and that if you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out the other venues as there’s plenty left to do.” Michael started.

Alex continued. “After much deliberation, we’ve reached a decision. But, before we announce the winner, let us bring out the contestants one last time…” As if on cue, all the ladies appeared on stage in their party attire and Mardi Gras masks with their numbers pinned to the front of their dresses.

Approaching each lady, Michael draped plastic Mardi Gras beads around each of their necks before handing Max the sealed envelope.

“This was a tough decision, but there can only be one winner,” he started. Opening the envelope, he read the contestant number. “And the winner is contestant number 7.”

Liz won. Omigod… That’s me!

A round of applause and many cat calls and whistles sounded from within the audience as Liz stepped forward. Approaching Liz, Michael shook his head and smiled. Handing her a bouquet of red roses, he shoved the make-shift Mardi Gras crown on her head, giving her a friendly hug and a peck on the cheek. Alex and Max then approached giving her a friendly hug and peck on the cheek as well. Liz blushed.

Hugging Liz, Max whispered in her ear, “7th Floor, second door on the left from the elevator…”
The club…

Exiting the backstage area, Liz accepted congratulations from club guests and posed for pictures as she scanned the room. “Well, well, well… Fancy seeing you here,” a familiar voice stated approaching her from behind.

A chill ran down her spine. How did he find her? Silently, she turned just as Kyle walked in. Don’t panic. Seeing the terrified look on Liz’s face, he quickly maneuvered through the crowd, approaching Liz and the unrecognizable man.

Silently, he shot her a look. Just play along. “You’ll need to excuse me, sir. But Mrs. Evans needs to get going. Her husband is waiting for her,” he lied convincingly.

Pasting a fake smile on her face, Liz blinked. Mrs. Evans? What will her friends come up with next? “Thank you, Mr. Valenti…” She paused. “It was nice seeing you again, Mr. Harrison. Enjoy your visit.” Liz said as politely as she could under the circumstances.

“It was nice seeing you again, Mrs. Evans,” he lied. “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go try my luck down to Deuces Wild.” Turning on his heel, he sauntered out the door.

Phew. What a relief. He left. Kyle radioed downstairs to security giving the guards a complete description of Sean explaining that he wasn’t causing a problem, but to keep an eye on him anyways. “Mrs. Evans?” Liz raised an eyebrow.

Kyle chuckled. “Hey, don’t knock it… He believed it, didn’t he?”


“So, where are you headed off to?”

“Max asked to meet me after the contest.”

Kyle raised an eyebrow. Max hadn’t requested any private dances in years. “Upstairs… 7th floor, second door on the left from the elevator. I’ll walk with you.”
Max’s private room (7th floor)…

The wooden door was closed. Approaching the room, Kyle stopped. “Okay. A few things to note… All these rooms are sound proof and private. For everyone’s safety, there’s security cameras mounted from the ceilings in each room… Because this is Max’s personal room, nobody watches the camera tape unless a problem is reported,” Kyle began to explain. “The general club rule is that strippers can pretty much touch men anywhere, but they cannot touch you. The men however, call the shots. In other words, if they want you to dance; you dance. If they want you to strip, you strip. A man’s clothes however must remain on at all times. Kissing and sex are not permitted.”

Liz was getting nervous. “Um… Okay.”

“However, the rules do not necessarily apply to you because you’re not a stripper and because you will be with Max. The rules are there for everyone’s safety, but it’s up to you whether you choose to follow them. That’s up to you.” Kyle looked Liz in the eye. She was definitely nervous. He smiled. “Not to worry, Max is usually a stickler for following the rules and if at any time you feel uncomfortable, just let him know.” Knocking on the door, Kyle opened the door for Liz.

Nervously entering the room, she closed the door behind her. Scanning the room, she took it in. It was a small cube like room with minimal furnishings consisting of a black leather couch resting up against the far wall, a lone wooden straight back chair situated in the center of the room with a stripper pole off to the side, and a small square table positioned in the corner by the door; the only thing on the table being a remote control for the stereo system built into the wall.

Silently, Max sat on the couch his eyes gazing intently into hers… Waiting. This is it… You’re in control. “Sit…” she instructed motioning to the chair in the middle of the room. Curious, Max raised an eyebrow as he sauntered across the room. Taking a seat in the chair, he glanced up at her. Did she have further instructions?

Reaching for the remote, Liz searched the music options. Selecting a soft, sultry song, Liz pressed the play button setting the remote on the floor. Ever so slowly, she sauntered over to where Max sat swaying her hips provocatively. Gazing into his eyes, she stopped directly in front of him and squatted down for a brief moment providing an ample view of her cleavage and with a slight smile rested her dainty hands on his thighs.

Slowly hoisting herself up, she sat on his lap straddling his legs. Inching forward, her breasts brushed up against his chest as hands glided up his arms, resting on his shoulders as she claimed his sultry lips for a quick, teasing kiss. Sliding off his lap, she squatted back down in front of him presenting him with another view of her breasts before standing back up.

Sauntering over behind the chair, Liz squatted down again. Reaching around with her arms, she glided her hands up and down his muscular arms and across his chest. Embracing him from behind, she whispered in his ear, “Having fun?”

Max groaned. She was driving him crazy. Reaching behind him, he snagged her arm giving it a gentle tug. He wanted her. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she sauntered back around to face him.

Screw the self-control. “Turn around,” Max instructed. Raising an eyebrow, Liz did as instructed turning so her back was facing him. Max stood up and embracing her from behind, reached up and cupped her breasts through the fabric of her dress; massaging them as her nipples hardened. Throwing her head back, Liz moaned.

Tightening his embrace, he held her against his well-sculpted chest. Tenderly kissing her collar bone, he slowly worked his way to her neck, licking, sucking, and gently biting; staking his claim. “Oh, Max…” Liz moaned.

Sitting back on the chair, Max shifted his position spreading Liz’s creamy white thighs open wider. Releasing her breasts, a hand glided down her toned stomach and thighs and up the short flowing skirt of her dress. Reaching its destination, his fingers rubbed against her panty covered mound teasing her. Her panties were soaked. “Oh, God Liz… So wet…” Max moaned.

Liz could feel his erection pressed up against her backside. “Mmmm…” Leaning back, she grinded her butt up against him. He groaned.

He teased her ear with his tongue. “Turn around,” he whispered in her ear releasing his embrace.

Sliding off Max, she turned around resuming her previous position. Gazing into his hazel eyes, she smiled; claiming his sultry lips for a passionate kiss. Grabbing her ass, Max pulled her closer; his erection brushing up against her. Deepening the kiss, he slowly grinded himself into her.

“Oh, Max…”

“Oh, Liz…”
A loud knock sounded at the door. Dammit. “Max… It’s Isabel. We need you downstairs. It’s urgent…”

Breaking the kiss, Max looked Liz in the eye. “I hate to do this, but I need to go…”

“Max… Come on…” Isabel called from outside the door.

Liz frowned. “… I want you to go back to our place and lock the door. Do not answer the door to anyone except either myself, Isabel or our friends.” Silently, Liz nodded sliding off his lap. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

Walking to the door, Liz opened it walking past Isabel saying nothing. Max glared at Isabel. “What is so earth shattering important that you had to ruin my evening?”

“Your evening… What about mine?” she fumed.

Max sighed. It was a no win situation. Whatever had happened ruined both their evenings. “What’s going on?”

“We need to get downstairs. The police arrived and are looking to talk to both of us.”

A look of dread crossed Max’s face as he followed Isabel to the elevator. “What happened? Is everything okay? Was anybody hurt?”

“Relax, Max…A drunken man approached Alex in Deuces Wild accusing him that the games were rigged and took a swing at him but missed. Security arrived asking the man to leave, but he refused so Kyle called the police…” She started.

Stepping out of the elevator on the first floor, she continued. “As the police were hauling the man away, Kenya identified the man as none other than Liz’s ex-boyfriend, Sean Harrison…”

Omigod… “Did he hurt anyone?”

“No, nobody was harmed. But, he was cursing you for marrying Liz.” Isabel raised an eyebrow. “Is there something you need to tell me?”

What the hell? “What?!? Liz and I aren’t married. If we were, you’d be the first to know… Hell, you’d have been present as a witness.”

“Good to know.”

The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:58 pm
by Ilonka.Green
Chapter 20

4th Floor Conference Room…

Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena, Kyle and Kenya sat around the large oval table with an officer from the Las Vegas Police Department answering question after question about what happened earlier that evening while everyone else worked in the venues as the party wore on.

“Mr. Harrison was arrested for disorderly conduct and attempted assault. He is also wanted in the state of New York on an assault and battery charge…” the officer started. “Does anyone (Alex Whitman, Max Evans, and Isabel Evans) want to press charges?”

“What happens if we don’t press charges?” Isabel asked looking to weigh their options.

“If nobody presses charges, the New York City Police Department will be notified of his whereabouts and will take him into custody…” the officer explained. “If however you decide to press charges, Mr. Harrison will serve his time here in Nevada before being sent to New York to serve his time there.”

“What are our rights as business owners?”

“As business owners, you have the right to restrict him from entering your club… And because of the attempted assault, you Mr. Whitman can file for a restraining order against Mr. Harrison.” the officer explained. “Will you need time to discuss pressing charges?”

“No… We’d like to press charges,” Isabel stated.

“And I’d like to file for a restraining order,” Alex added.

Adding to his notes, the officer looked over at Alex. “There will be some paperwork for you to fill out, Mr. Whitman. I’ll have someone fax it over to you first thing in the morning. Once completed, you can either it off at the station or mail it.”

Closing his notepad, the officer thanked everyone for their time and handed both Max and Isabel a business card stating he’d be in touch and would call if any questions arose before walking out the door.
Max looked up at the wall clock. It was already 1:30 am. All the venues would be open until 2:00 am. “It’s late, Kenya… Can you go upstairs to check on Liz?” Max asked.

“No problem...”

“Oh, and make sure you knock door. I told Liz not to answer it unless it was one of us.” Max added.

“Okay…” Grabbing her purse, Kenya said ‘goodnight’ to everyone before returning to the penthouse.

Waiting a minute to ensure Kenya was gone, Max turned to the others. “We need to address the situation immediately. But, first I want to know if anyone knows anything about the latest rumor going around that Liz and I are married…”

“I accidently started the so-called rumor,” Kyle confessed.

What?!? Remain calm and listen. “Why would you say such a thing to anyone?”

“Sorry, Max but Sean approached Liz earlier in the evening as she was walking through 69 trying to find the rest of us…” Kyle started. “I didn’t know who he was at the time, but I could tell Liz was terrified. Thinking quickly, I used the first plausible excuse I could think of hoping to deter the guy. Thus, addressing Liz as Mrs. Evans, I mentioned her husband was waiting for her…”

Everyone except Max busted out laughing. “Oh, that’s a good one,” Serena stated. Max rolled his eyes.

Kyle continued. “Liz played along with it so he seemed to believe what I said was true…” He paused. “He seemed like a nice guy when I first saw him and said nothing at the time about Liz being Mrs. Evans… Never did I suspect he would cause problems in Deuces Wild or throw a fit later on about Liz supposedly being married.”

Max sat silent for a moment. Kyle didn’t intend to start the rumor. He just made the comment to safely get Liz out of 69 without guys hitting on her. “It’s okay… I’m not mad or anything. I was just curious as to why and how the rumor got started that’s all.”
“So, how are we going to address the situation,” Alex asked.

“There’s a half hour left before the venues close for the night. I know everyone will be tired, but I think its best we have a mandatory staff meeting for all casino, bar, restaurant and security employees immediately after close to discuss the events from earlier this evening and remind everyone on the protocol for handling similar situations if they should arise,” Isabel suggested.

“It’s a good idea, but we should also include Maria so she’s in the loop with what happened so she can keep an eye on things in The Rave and Club Anything,” Kyle suggested.

Everyone else agreed. “I’ll have Ava post a memo on the employee bulletin board by the employee lockers. In the meantime, if you guys (Serena, Alex, and Kyle) could spread the word to your employees that would be great…” Isabel suggested.

Max thought for a minute. “We’ll meet in Cloud 9 at 2:15 am. If anyone asks, the meeting should last no longer than fifteen to thirty minutes.”

“But what about the rumor… Don’t you want to nip it in the bud?” Alex asked.

Max thought for a minute. According to Kyle, Sean believed they were married. If Sean believed it, so would the others… Especially since the Love Shack (wedding chapel) was downstairs. “No… If people think we’re married, they’ll leave us alone. Only those looking to cause problems will bother us, including Sean.” Now, he just had to convince Liz.
Meanwhile in Max & Liz’s penthouse…

… Liz slipped out of her dress; changing into her emerald green satin nightie. Walking past the mirror above her dresser, she stopped. Turning her head sideways, she saw it; the large hickey on her neck. Omigod… What am I going to do? Everybody’s going to know…

A knock sounded at the door. “Liz… It’s me, Kenya… Max loaned me his key card, so I’m coming in…” she called out not wanting to spook her.

“Come on in, Kenya…” Liz called back from her bedroom. Shit. How am I going to cover this up?
The door opened and in walked Kenya into the foyer. “Be out in a second,” Liz called out from her bedroom.
Kenya sat with Liz in the living room talking about the evening. “Oh, Kenya… I’m so confused.”

“Confused about what? You like Max and Max obviously likes you. So, what’s the problem?”

Liz sighed as she briefly began to explain what happened earlier that evening. “Exiting 69 (gentlemen’s club), I bumped into Sean… Luckily, Kyle was nearby to assist…”

“What did Kyle do?”

Embarrassed, Liz blushed. “Kyle interrupted our conversation referring to me as Mrs. Evans and stating my husband was waiting for me…”

“That was Kyle who started the rumor?”

“What are you talking about?”

“There was a rumor circulating that you and Max up and got married. Needless to say, Max got wind of it and is trying to figure out who started the rumor and why.”

Liz chuckled. “I can only imagine what his reaction was.”

Kenya smiled. “It was classic…” Taking a sip of her cherry cola, she asked Liz to continue on with her story.

“As you know, I was headed off to meet Max…” Liz continued on, mentioning she took Kenya’s suggestion and performed another dance routine from ‘Dancing Queen’ leaving out the explicit details. “The entire time, Max said nothing… The only reaction I got was when he kissed me…”

Glancing at her neck, Kenya raised an eyebrow. “He kissed you?” Damn, that must have been one hell of a kiss.

“He did… And that’s why I’m confused. I’m falling for him, Kenya… I don’t want to, but I am.”

“Why not, Liz? You’ve had a crush on him for years. So, what’s changed?”

“Oh, I don’t know… Maybe I’m just not ready for another relationship. Maybe it’s because we’re friends and housemates.”

“What Sean did to you was horrible. But, you need to forget the past and move on. Friends become lovers all the time and Max is a great guy and I’m sure if given the chance, he’d give you the love you so rightfully deserve.”
Cloud 9: 2:15 am…

Serena and Courtney poured the drinks. Drinks in hand, the casino, bar, restaurant, and security staff sat around silently praying the meeting would not last long. “As most of you know, earlier tonight there was a situation in which a drunken man approached Mr. Whitman and tried to assault him…” Isabel began.

“The man’s name was Sean Harrison. Refusing to leave the premises when asked to do so, he was arrested for disorderly conduct and assault. Ms. Evans-Whitman, Mr. Whitman, and myself have decided to press charges. He is no longer welcome on the premises and if anyone sees him within the Safe House, they are to report it immediately… For those of you who were not in Deuces Wild earlier, a picture has been posted on the employee bulletin boards,” Max continued.

“Kudos to everyone who was working tonight in Deuces Wild for how well you handled the situation; preventing it from getting out of control.” Isabel stated. “For those of you who were not in the casino, we want to emphasize the importance of reporting any and all suspicious behavior, harassment, and abusive behavior,” she added.

“If anyone is unsure who to report things to, the information can be found in your employee handbook. For those of you who may have misplaced your copy, a copy is available in the employee break rooms,” Max mentioned. “Does anyone have any questions?”

Someone in the back of the room raised their hand. “Is it true about you and Ms. Parker, Mr. Evans?”

Max sighed. It was the dreaded question he hoped to avoid. “Confidentiality is a part of the policies here at the Safe House. This includes the details of a person’s personal life which are private unless they choose to share with someone.” Max stated.

“If nobody else has any questions, you can all go home,” Isabel chimed in. Nobody did. “In that case, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sitting at the bar, the friends (Max, Isabel, Alex, Kyle, Maria, Michael) talked with Serena and Courtney while they cleaned up for the night. “I’m sorry for interrupting your evening, Max,” Isabel started knowing what was going on behind the closed door.

Max shrugged his shoulders and sighed. Shit happened. It was part of owning a business. “Don’t worry about it…”

Although he acted like it didn’t bother him, it did. His friends could tell. “We tried to handle the situation ourselves,” Kyle started. “But then the police insisted on talking with both you and Isabel.”

Poor Liz… Maria silently thought. She’d have to talk with her later in the day.

Isabel must have been reading her mind. “Can you tell Liz we’re sorry?”

“She understands I’m sure. But, I’ll tell her.”
Max & Liz’s penthouse: An hour later…

Max walked into the penthouse he shared with Liz. The lights were out. Silently, he walked from the foyer into the living room. The glare from an infomercial on TV shown on the frame of a sleeping silhouette in emerald green stretched out on the couch. It was Liz. She looked uncomfortable.

Carefully scooping Liz off the couch in his muscular arms, Max carried her down the hall. Stepping into his room, he gently laid her sleeping form in the center of his bed. Stripping down to his boxers he slid in front of Liz. Embracing her, he rolled over onto his back; Liz draped over his body. Taking in the sensual fruit smell of her shampoo and shower gel, he sighed. Her body melded so perfect with his. She was where she belonged; in his protective arms. Tenderly, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead as he closed his eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 21, 2/28/12

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:59 pm
by Ilonka.Green
Chapter 21

Max & Liz’s penthouse: Early the following morning…

(Liz’s dream)

She was standing in the middle of the room. He approached her from behind; embracing her. Cupping her breasts, he massaged them through the thin fabric of her dress; her nipples hardened.

“Mmmm… Oh, Max…”

Tenderly, he kissed her collar bone, slowly working his way up to her neck, licking, sucking and gently biting; staking his claim.

“Oh, Max…”

Positioning himself on a nearby chair, Max spread her thighs open. Releasing her breasts, one arm wrapped around her waist pulling her up against his well-sculpted chest while the other hand gliding down her body and up the short flowing skirt of her dress. Reaching its destination, his fingers rubbed against her panty covered mound teasing her. Her juices flowed.

“Oh, Max…”

Pushing her panties aside, he inserted one finger and then another thrusting them in and out creating a steady rhythm. Within seconds, she began moving with him.

“Oh, Max… Faster.”

She could feel his erection pressed up against her backside. Leaning back, she grinded her butt up against him.


Her inner walls began to tighten around his fingers. He pumped his fingers faster and over the edge she went; her juices oozing out.

“Oh God… Max!”
Embracing Liz in his muscular arms, Max’s eyes flew open. Liz was still asleep; she was dreaming of him. Gently rubbing her back, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and grinned.

“Mmmm…” Liz stretched pushing up against a hard body. Her eyes fluttered open. She glanced down. Muscular arms encircled her waist; a hand gently rubbed her back. She was in her nightie but not in her room. What the?!? She was in bed with Max. Omigod… What did I do?

“Morning, Sweetie…”

“Omigod, Max…”

“Shhh…” Reaching up, he brushed her silken tresses from her face.

“Did we...?”

“No, we didn’t… About last night…”

Liz blushed at the thought. “I understand. Sean was causing problems…”

Leaning down, Max kissed her. Releasing her, he sat up. Then, reaching for Liz, sat her across his lap; embracing her. “But, did you enjoy yourself last night?” Liz blushed at the memory. Max kissed her forehead. Reaching his left hand up, he cupped her right breast, brushing his thumb across her nipple teasing it. “Did you enjoy my hands on your breasts?”

“Mmmm…” she moaned softly.

His right slid down her short nightie and finding her sensitive mound slid a finger over it teasingly. “And what about this?”

Tossing her head back, she gasped. She wanted more. She needed more.

Gently nipping her lower lip, he teased her mouth open brushing his tongue across her teeth before claiming her tongue for a dual of passion. Deepening the kiss, he shifted his position taking Liz with him so they were facing side by side; embracing her in his muscular arms. Snaking her arms around his neck, she moaned.

Tumbling over, Liz’s nightie disappeared leaving her clad in nothing but the satin panties that matched her nightie. Looking up at Max, she stiffened in his arms. Oh, God…

Silently, Max cursed to himself. Sean really did fuck with her. Tenderly, he kissed her forehead, cheeks and lips. “It’s okay… I’m not going to hurt you…”

“It’s not that… I’m still technically a virgin.”

Max raised an eyebrow. “Technically?”

Gazing into his unreadable eyes, Liz nodded. “Sean and I never went all the way. No, it was all about him… Pleasing him.”

Bastard… She was begging to be touched. How could anyone deny her such a thing? “Close your eyes,” he whispered before lowering his face down to her perfect, white globes. Brushing his tongue over a nipple he teased her before taking it into his mouth; swirling his tongue around her bud.

“Mmmm…” she moaned. Her juices began to pool around her legs soaking her panties. Sensing her pleasure, he switched breasts as his hand slid down her side. Finding her panty covered mound, he slid the inferior fabric aside inserting a finger into her dripping wet folds. She gasped. Slowly, he started thrusting; creating a steady rhythm before gradually increasing his pace. She bucked against his hand. Her inner walls began to tighten. “Oh, Max….” she groaned. She was almost to the brink, he could feel it. Inserting a second finger, he pumped deeper, harder, and faster. Her mind was spiraling; her heartbeat quickened. “Oh God, Max!” Her insides exploded spewing her juices all over his fingers.

Slowing his pace, he nibbled her upper and lower lips; claiming them for a passionate kiss as Liz came down from her orgasmic high. Removing his fingers, he brought them to his lips licking off her sweet nectar gazing into her eyes. “Mmmm… You taste so good. So sweet…” he murmured. Liz blushed.

Popping his finger out of his mouth, Max began nibbling on her ear lobe.

A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door. It was Kenya. “Max… Have you seen Liz?”

Max groaned against her ear. Dammit. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Liz pulled him closer rolling her eyes. “She’s here with me, Kenya… And yes, she’s fine,” he added for good measure.

“Okay. Thanks… I’m going to go meet the others for breakfast. See you two later.”

“Sorry, she’s a bit of a mother hen…”

“I figured as much…” Max kissed her. “Next time though, no interruptions.”

Next time?!?

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 22, 2/29/12

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:00 am
by Ilonka.Green
"Next time" is not quite yet... Sorry. But, when it happens I promise it will come about in a most interesting way.

In the meantime... Liz gets involved with "Lady Luck".

Chapter 22

Early afternoon in Cloud 9 (VIP Lounge)…

Liz poured drinks for the elite club members while Courtney and Serena did inventory for the evening. “Liz… There you are.” Isabel greeted her taking a seat at the bar.

“Hi, Isabel… What can I get for you?”

“I’m working down in Pure (gift shop) this afternoon, so just a cherry cola.”

Grabbing a clean glass from the dishwasher, Liz dried it off and filled the glass sliding it across the bar to Isabel. “What can I do for you?”

“Two things...” Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a small black box. “The first being that I brought this for you to borrow,” Isabel started opening the box. Inside was a one karat blue diamond ring with a platinum band. “You’re going to need it if you want to convince people you’re Mrs. Evans…”

“What are you talking about? Why would I want to convince people I’m married?”

Isabel looked puzzled. Max was supposed to have talked to her. Obviously he didn’t. “Didn’t Max tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

She sighed. Typical Max… Leave the dirty work to me. “Last night while you were with Max, Sean Harrison tried to hit Alex in Deuces Wild, accusing him of rigging the games…”

Oh, God…

“… The police were called because Sean refused to leave and being escorted out the door cursed Max for marrying you.”

Oh, God…

“Needless to say, we were all shocked by the news until Kyle explained later how Sean approached you in 69 and the comment he made to safely get you out of there…” She added. “Anyways, after talking with the police, Max mentioned that he thought it was a good idea to continue with the farce because we’re not sure how Sean found out your whereabouts. He either has an inside connection or accidently bumped into you. Either way, it’s believable. If people think your married, they’ll leave you and Max alone. Only those looking to cause problems will bother you guys, including Sean.”

Silently, Liz took the ring out of its box and slipped it onto her finger. It fit perfectly. “It’s lovely…”

“I figured you’d like it. I have other rings if you prefer to borrow a different one.”

“No, this one is fine.”

“Okay…” Taking out a small notebook from her purse, she opened it to a page of notes. “The second reason I stopped by is to discuss with you working Monte’ Carlo Night.”

“But, I’m already scheduled to work…”

“I know, but there’s been a change of plans. Serena, Courtney and you are moving into Deuces Wild. They will be bartending, while you serve drinks dressed up as Lady Luck…”

Liz raised an eyebrow. Having seen similar costumes in costume shops, she could only imagine what the costume looked like. “You want me to dress up as Lady Luck? Isn’t Lady Luck supposed to be a blonde?”

“Typically, yes. But, we’re looking to break from tradition and you’re perfect for the job…” Isabel started but was quickly interrupted when Tess walked into the lounge.

“There you are, Isabel… I was wondering when I can pick up my costume for Monte’ Carlo Night.”

“Sorry, Tess but it’s been decided that someone else will dress up as Lady Luck this year.”

“What? I’ve been dressing up as Lady Luck every year since the Safe House opened…”

“I know… But, the decision was reached for Lady Luck to have a new image…”

“New image? Oh, please… Everybody knows that Lady Luck is a blonde. She always is.”

“I’m sorry, but this year it’s been decided to break from tradition.”

Eying Liz, Tess fumed. Turning on her heels, she stormed out the door. Isabel turned back towards Liz, Courtney and Serena. “Don’t worry it. She bitches, whines and complains when she doesn’t get her way but in the end, she gets over things. She always does.”
El Flamingo: Later that afternoon…

Sitting at a booth in the far corner, Liz and Kenya sat talking about the events from the last few days when Maria bustled over to where they sat. “Rumor has it you spent the night with Max last night, Chica…”

“Yeah, so…”

“Well… Is it true or not? Because if it is…”

“Quiet down, Maria. We don’t need the whole restaurant knowing,” Kenya pointed out.

Sliding in next to Kenya, she looked across the table at her friend. “So, it’s true…”

“Um… Yeah.” Liz blushed.

“Omigod… That’s huge. So, what was it like?”

“I’m sorry, Maria. But, that’s personal…”

“It’s okay I understand, Chica. But tell us this much, did you at least enjoy yourself?”

Liz blushed. “Okay… I take that as a yes,” Kenya chuckled.

“Oh, I’m so happy for the both of you,” Maria gushed.

“Um… Thank you. But, I’ve got a bigger issue on my hands.”

“What’s that?” Kenya asked.

“Remember when I mentioned I’m scheduled to work Monte’ Carlo Night… Well, Isabel approached me earlier mentioning I’ll be working in Deuces Wild serving drinks dressed up as Lady Luck.”

“But, Tess has been dressing up as Lady Luck every year since the Safe House opened,” Maria was quick to point out.

“I know. Tess strolled into Cloud 9 while Isabel and I were talking asking when she could pick up the costume. Isabel informed her someone else was chosen to be Lady Luck this year…”

Oh, God… “So, how did she handle the news?” Kenya asked.

“She was pissed and tried to argue with Isabel over it.”

“She tried to argue with Isabel… The Ice Queen? If arguing was an Olympic sport, Isabel would take the gold,” Maria pointed out. “Did Isabel happen to mention you are her replacement?”

“Nope… And that’s what I’m worried about. What’s going to happen when she finds out?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. Isabel wouldn’t have asked you if she thought there’d be a problem,” Maria answered. Looking down, she saw something sparkle on Liz’s right hand. “Omigod…”

“It’s Isabel’s… She loaned it to me.”

“It’s beautiful, Liz.” Kenya said.
A few tables away, Tess sat eating lunch with her friends and couldn’t help but overhear what Maria had said. Liz spent the night with Max? How could she! Max belongs to me.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 23, 3/1/12

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:29 am
by Ilonka.Green
More romance to come... I promise!

Chapter 23

Max & Liz’s penthouse: Days later…

… Kenya and Maria sat on Liz’s bed watching as Pam carefully her make-up while Isabel sectioned off her hair inserting curlers. Liz sighed. “Remind me why I’m doing this again.”

“You’re doing this because about a year ago Max set his foot down insisting someone other than Tess portray Lady Luck for future events.” Everyone turned with questioning eyes towards Isabel.

“I remember the last time Tess dressed the part, but what happened?” Pam asked.

“I’ll tell you, but you need to promise to keep it to yourselves.” Everyone nodded. Isabel sighed. “It’s no secret that Tess has feelings for Max and that Max isn’t interested… Well, it was during the Mid-Summer Night Dream party last summer that Tess crossed the line.” Inserting the last curler, she continued. “There was a new girl hired to perform at 69 and that night was her first performance. Needless to say, she caught Max’s attention and before the end of the evening, he requested a private dance.” Setting the timer on the vanity table, Isabel took a seat on the floor before continuing. “Well, Tess got wind of the request and after her performance snuck upstairs to Max’s private room only to find the other girl waiting for him. Kicking the girl out, she waited for Max… And well, you can only imagine what happened.”

Liz couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Omigod…”

“The girl quit the following day,” Isabel added.

“So, is that why Max quit using his private room and stopped watching the shows at 69?” Pam wondered.

“You could say that.” She paused. “It was during a meeting the following day that Max set his foot down saying there would be no parties with Lady Luck unless someone else dressed the part.”

Maria was confused. “So, then why is Tess still performing at 69?”

“Reading through the harassment policy, we had nothing on her. She was however written up and given a verbal warning about interference.” Isabel could sense Liz’s uneasiness. “Don’t worry, Liz… She won’t hurt you. Most of us will be in Deuces Wild throughout the night keeping an eye on things.”

The timer buzzed. Standing up, Isabel walked over to where Liz sat and began removing the curlers.

The door buzzer rang. “Max… Can you get that?” Liz called out. The buzzer rang again. Either Max didn’t hear the buzzer or he left early. Dammit.

“I’ll get it…” Kenya stated hurrying from the room before the buzzer rang again. It was Ava with a long, white box for Liz. Thanking Ava for the delivery, Kenya signed for the package inviting Ava to join them. She politely declined having to double check to make sure everything was set for the party.

Box in hand, Kenya returned to Liz’s bedroom. “Ava stopped by to drop this off for you. It was just delivered. Where do you want it?”

Eyeing the long, white box with the pale pink satin ribbon, Liz began to wonder. Flowers? Nah, it couldn’t be. “Any idea what it is?”

Maria rolled her eyes. “That’s a florist box… May I?”

“Go ahead… But I want to open the envelope.”

Maria untied the satin ribbon setting it aside. Lifting the lid, she gasped. “Omigod…” There in the box were a dozen long stem roses; four red, four pale pink, and four white along with a decorative crystal vase.

Liz jerked her head around. “What?”

“Hold still, Liz…” Isabel scolded removing a curler.

Carefully taking the roses and vase out of the box, she held them up to show everyone. Everyone gasped. “They’re beautiful. Any idea who they’re from?” Pam asked.

Rummaging through the tissue paper, Maria found the envelope and handed it over to Liz. Opening the envelope, Liz took out the card and silently reading it; blushed. The flowers were from Max.

“What does it say,” Kenya inquired.

Beauty gets the attention. Personality captures the heart…” She paused. “They’re from Max,” she added as if it wasn’t obvious who they were from.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Pam gushed.

“It is… Can someone fill the vase with water?”

“I’ll do it,” Kenya volunteered taking the vase into the bathroom.

“Okay… Let’s get you dressed, Liz…” Reaching for the garment bag hanging over the back of the closet door, Pam removed the bag to reveal a low cut, strapless red and black satin dress with a short flowing skirt that was backless. A sequined applique resembling a pair of dice covered the chest; sequined appliques of a pair of dice and a full house hand of cards were sewn to the front half of the skirt.

Omigod… The costume was revealing. Taking the dress from Pam, Liz removed her bra and slipped it over her head. The dress fit perfectly. “Um… What do I do to prevent a wardrobe malfunction?”

Isabel smiled. “I have the fabric tape right here on the table.” Cutting pieces of tape, she handed them to Liz. “Okay, let’s finish fixing your hair…”

“Oooh, Max is going to die when he sees you,” Maria teased.
69 (Gentlemen’s Club): Monte’ Carlo Party / Later that evening…

… Standing behind the curtain waiting to go on stage, Tess scanned the club. Nobody was walking around dressed up as Lady Luck and Max was nowhere in sight. Isabel lied. Fuming mad, she stormed back stage where Pam was sitting at a vanity table applying her make-up.

“What’s wrong, Tess?”

“Isabel lied… There’s nobody dressed up as Lady Luck.”

“What do you mean, she lied?” Pam asked playing stupid.

“I was told someone else was dressing up as Lady Luck. There’s nobody out there.”

“Maybe she hasn’t shown up yet. It is after all still early,” Pam pointed out.

Tess frowned. “Maybe… But, it’s Max’s birthday and he isn’t even here…”

Pam sighed. Here we go again. “Max can come and go throughout the entire building as he pleases.”

“But, it’s his birthday celebration…”

“Give it up, Tess. Max isn’t interested. He hasn’t been here to see an actual show since about a year ago…”

Tess scowled.
Meanwhile in Deuces Wild…

… Liz bustled around the casino taking orders, serving drinks and posing for pictures. Max and his friends (Isabel, Ava, Maria, Alex, and Kenya) were sitting around a game table playing Poker waiting for the others (Michael, Kyle, Serena, Courtney, Pam and Liz) to finish their work shifts.

Out of the corner of his eye, Max saw Liz walk by as some guy tried to grab her ass. Snapping her arm back, Liz shoved the offending hand aside before returning to the bar for another tray of drinks. Reading the order, she sighed. Her friends ordered another round of drinks. As Liz rounded the table distributing drinks, Max’s arm snaked out pulling Liz onto his lap. Wrapping an arm around her waist he took the small drink tray setting it aside.

“Take a load off…” Liz raised a questioning eyebrow. She still had about four hours left to go. “I’m losing here and could use some luck,” he whispered in her ear handing his cards to her to hold. Resting one hand on the table, he glided the other under the table and down her body, sliding it up under her skirt and caressing her thigh, teased her legs open. Her juices began to flow. Pushing her panties aside, he inserted one finger and then another slowly thrusting them in and out of her wet folds. Taking his turn, he pumped his fingers faster. Her inner walls tightened. Biting her tongue, Liz held back the moan as Max took her over the edge.

Removing his fingers, Max gave her a tender kiss before handing the tray back and sending Liz on her way. Watching the display of affection, their friends smiled but said nothing.
Hours later…

The party quieted down as everyone (Michael, Kyle, Serena, Courtney, Pam and Liz) finished their shifts joining the others around a Poker table in Deuces Wild. It was time for a friendly game of Poker with outlandish bets. Alex dealt the cards as everyone placed their bets challenging each other to do things.

Reaching for his cards, Max looked at his hand. “I’m betting that if I win, I get an uninterrupted date with Lady Luck over there,” he stated pointing over at Liz.

Liz blushed at the thought. “And if I win, Maxwell P. Evans owes me $1,000 and a bottle of Samuel Adams Utopia.” Liz stated smugly.

“Okay… The bets are in, and the rules are the same as always. Once a person wins they’re done playing for the evening. We play to the death with the final game being between the last two people,” Alex explained.

And the game began with Max winning the first hand. Looking up across the table, Max smiled over at Liz. She blushed. Walking around the table, Max took a seat next to Liz. “Oh, no… You’re not looking at my cards,” she teased. “You’re going to make me lose.”

Alex dealt the next hand of cards and the game continued hand after hand. Liz won the seventh round and Max groaned. He owed her $1,000 and a $100 bottle of beer (Samuel Adams Utopia). Placing a teasing kiss on his cheek, she smiled handing her cards back to Alex for the game continue.

Alex dealt the next hand and the game continued hand after hand until the last two battled it out while the others sat around watching intently.
Having entertained the last guest of the evening at 69, Tess silently stood outside the door of Deuces Wild. There inside at a Poker table was Liz dressed up as Lady Luck with Max by her side with an arm draped around her waist. That bitch. I’m Lady Luck. How dare she steal Max from me? He’s mine.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 24 / Pt 1, 3/3/12

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:54 pm
by Ilonka.Green
Hi, everyone. Sorry it took me so long to post the first part of this chapter... I have a flex schedule at work and haven't had any time to work on it for the last few days.

This chapter is a 2-Part chapter, so PLEASE bear with me on this one. The second part will be worth the wait, believe me. In the meantime, enjoy part 1.

Chapter 24 / Part 1

Max & Liz’s penthouse: Late morning / the following day…

Carrying a tray of food from the kitchen, Max stopped outside of Liz’s door. Gently knocking, he entered not waiting for a reply. There curled up within the cocoon of blankets was Liz sleeping peacefully. Setting the tray on the floor, Max sat on the edge of the bed. Spying the vase of roses with the card on the nightstand, he grinned. Gently, he nudged her sleeping form. “Liz, sweetie… It’s time to wake up…”

Fidgeting under the blankets, she groaned. “Come on, sweetie… You need to wake up.” She groaned again. Gently pushing her sleeping form over on the mattress, Max grabbed the tray and sat up against the headboard. “I made you brunch and its getting cold… So, I’m going to eat it myself,” he teased taking a bite of the scrambled eggs. “Mmmm… It tastes so good…”

Peeling the blankets down, Liz glared at Max scrambling to sit up. “Like hell you are…” Handing her the tray, he chuckled. “Good morning to you too, sweetie.”

Taking a drink of orange juice, Liz noticed four stacks of what appeared to be $10 bills bundled up on along with a bottle of Samuel Adams Utopia amongst the plate and bowl of food. Seeing the bottle of beer, she laughed. “What’s with the bundles of money?”

“It’s the $1,000 I owe you along with the bottle of Samuel Adams Utopia.”

Fanning the bundles of money in her hand, she raised an eyebrow. “You paid me out in $10 bills?”

Max smiled. “One hundred $10 bills to be exact along with the bottle of beer.” Nibbling on a piece of bacon, Liz elbowed Max. Ow. “Sorry, but I have this sudden twitch in my elbow...”

Taking a bite of a juicy strawberry, she held it up to Max’s mouth. He took a bite. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“It’s a surprise.” Liz pouted. Max smiled. “You’ll need to dress casual and wear comfortable shoes,” he added. Feeding Liz the last strawberry, Max removed the tray from her lap handing her the money and bottle of beer. Leaving with the tray of dishes, Max left Liz to get ready for the day.

“Oh, and Liz… Pack up your home movies. We’re taking them with us,” Max called from the kitchen.
Mid afternoon…

Into the Unknown

Taking the elevator down to the first floor, Max walked with Liz through the main lobby and into a stairwell. Approaching an unmarked door, Max unlocked it, holding the door open for Liz. Following behind Liz the motion censored lights turned on as Max closed the door. They were standing in what appeared to be an old passageway. “Where are we?” Liz asked.

Walking through the passage way hand in hand, Max began telling Liz about the history of the Safe House as they strolled along. “I’ll give you a tour a little later, but first I thought we’d stop for lunch.” Tapping the base board along the floor with his foot, a hidden door opened into what appeared to be a small 19040’s dining room with a fully stocked bar. “This is the first of many hidden rooms we’ve discovered. The shelving unit is actually a secret door that opens into the El Flamingo’s kitchen. According to the original floor plan, this was originally a private dining room. In an effort to restore the room to what it once looked like, old black and white photographs were used,” Max explained. “The tables and chairs are authentic.” He added.

Liz was giddy. “We’re eating lunch here?”

“We are. I just need to call Michael to let him know we’re ready for lunch.” Reaching for his cell, Max called Michael. Liz looked around the room with interest envisioning mob members eating in that very same room. Pocketing his cell, Max walked over to where Liz stood looking at a framed ‘WANTED’ poster. “It’s authentic… The excavation team found it while cleaning out what once was a bar on this floor.”

Liz traced her fingers over the glass. What it must’ve been like to actually see your picture on a WANTED poster… “Wow…”

Within minutes, the secret door opened and Michael slipped through carrying a tray of food and beverages. “Leave the dishes. I’ll clean up later.” He stated before joining the others back in the kitchen.

“Have a seat, Liz…” Max invited pulling out a chair for her before taking a seat across from her.

“You mentioned this is one of several hidden rooms you and Isabel found. How many have you found total?”

“Oh, about forty so far. But, according to the original floor plan, there are others we have yet to discover… We have an excavation team that comes in with a historian once a year to search for the other rooms. A room was found last year, but the main entrance is blocked off by concrete blocks. We have no idea what it connects to or what’s in it.”

“What about the other rooms? What are they used for?

Max smiled. “The ten rooms in the basement are the archive rooms where we store historical items that were found during the original walk-through and remodeling. All the items are cataloged. We also keep log down there of the items on loan to the public museum as part of a continual rotating exhibit,” Max explained. “Throughout the building there are ten rooms which are used for storage. We also have eleven rooms that were restored to resemble rooms from the Safe House when it first opened in the 1940’s. These rooms are open for public tours at various times throughout the year.”

“But that leaves nine rooms. What are those used for?”

“Those are what we like to call our private rooms…” Silently, Max began to rack his brain trying to think of all the rooms off the top of his head. “On the second floor connecting to both The Rave and Club Anything is a game room and gym. The third floor has a home movie theater that connects to both 69 and Perfect Poison. On the fourth floor connecting to Cloud 9 there’s a small conference room for small group management meetings and a private lounge with a bar and on both the sixth and seventh floors there’s a studio flat (apartment) along with a private room for entertaining. The studio flats connect to the penthouses with the private rooms connecting to the studio flats.”

“Wow… That’s a lot of rooms.”

“I know and believe me when I say it’s easy to get lost in this building,” Max stated as if speaking from experience.
Leaving the dishes for Michael to clean up, Max led Liz back out into the lit passageway. “I was thinking we could watch home movies upstairs in the theater...” Max suggested. Opening a door to a hidden freight elevator, Max shrugged his shoulders. “We added the elevator during the remodeling process to move items down to storage.”

Stepping into the freight elevator, Max pressed the button for the third floor. Exiting the elevator, he turned to Liz. “Right now, we’re in the passageway between 69 and Perfect Poison. The theater is just up ahead…” Unlocking the door, Max invited Liz to take a seat on the couch.

Putting a DVD into the player, Max joined Liz on the couch draping a hand around her shoulders as the lights automatically dimmed and the home movie started to play as an image of Liz and Kenya appeared on the screen. They were dressed for Halloween.

“What were you doing?”

Liz laughed. “That was the year Kenya and I decided to dress up as Magenta and Columbia from the Rocky Horror Picture Show… I was trying to show Kenya how to do the Time Warp.” Max laughed. Segment after segment they watched as Liz took a trip down memory lane talking about the different characters she portrayed throughout her career, the dances she performed and all the crazy things her and Kenya did with the little time they had off in between shows.

The DVD ended and Max inserted another one in the player. It was one of his home movies from back when he and Isabel first purchased the Safe House. The DVD started to play as an image of Isabel walking into the unidentifiable remnants of what once was a room. “This segment was filmed during our original walk-through tour when we first purchased the building… The room originally was a bar. Now, it’s the Viper Room,” Max explained. Segment after segment he talked about his experiences discovering hidden rooms and stairways along with many items from the 1940’s that were now in the archive room.

Movie after movie Max and Liz watched getting to know each other from who they once were to the people they’ve become. Together they shared stories from the past and laughed over practical jokes and embarrassing moments caught on film.

What seemed like minutes was hours. The last DVD ended. Max looked at his watch. It was already 6:00 pm. In Max’s eyes, it was still early.
Returning to the small hidden dining room for dinner, they made plans for the remainder of the evening. Max suggested a tour of all the secret rooms as well as a visit to the archive rooms. Liz suggested visiting the game room. “Have you ever played Craps, Liz?” Max asked.

“Um… No. Why?”

Max smiled with a glint in his eye. “Then, I'll have to teach you later.”
Finishing dinner, Max and Liz were on their way. “Why don’t I start by showing you the archives?” Max suggested wanting for them to work their way upstairs; ending up in his studio flat. Riding the freight elevator to the basement, Max took Liz’s hand leading her through a series of passageways. Unlocking the last door on the left, Max turned on the light and grabbing two pairs of white gloves handed a pair to Liz.

“Put those on and you can touch the items.” Putting his own gloves on, Max wandered to a far back corner where he uncovered several large items. “These are the original gaming tables from the casino… We found them down here by the wine cellar.” Rummaging through a box, he showed her everything from vintage Poker chips, playing cards and dice to posters, books, and journals. “The other rooms contain everything from vintage furniture, clothing and jewelry to dishes, glassware and everything in between.”
As the evening wore on, the pair left the archive rooms finding their way upstairs as Max led Liz on a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the Safe House. Room after room Max opened telling Liz about the condition each room was in when they were discovered to what the rooms were originally used for. “It was Alex and Michael’s idea to restore the original secret dining room and casino to what they originally looked like and to add them as part of the tour,” Max explained. “When the private rooms were remodeled, the plan was to create a hidden realm of sorts. Maria and Ava suggested a home theater. Serena, Courtney, and Pam wanted a lounge with a bar. Kyle insisted on having a home gym and Isabel thought we needed a conference room…” Max added.

“But, what did you want?”

Max smiled. “I wanted a place where I could go to step away from things without any interruptions. Thus, the studio flats and entertainment rooms.”
Reaching the game room, they stopped. Liz insisted on playing a round of each game (Ping Pong, Pool, foosball and air hockey). And so they did acting like kids at heart. Much to Max’s dismay, Liz beat him at foosball and air hockey. Pretending to pout, he creamed her at Ping Pong.

Racking the balls on the Pool table, Max aligned the cue ball. “I racked them, so you break…” Leaning over the table with her stick, Liz aimed and completely missed sending the cue ball into the far corner pocket.

“What kind of shot was that?” Obviously Liz sucked at Pool. Taking the cue ball from the pocket, Max re-aligned the cue ball. “Try again…”

“Oh, no… It’s your turn,” Liz insisted wanting to avoid further embarrassment.

“I insist… Come over here.” Demonstrating where Liz faltered on her first shot, Max had her reposition herself over the table as if she were to break. Leaning over, Max positioned his body over hers helping her align her stick with the ball. “Now, focus…” he whispered in her ear. “Ease the stick back and when you’re ready to shoot, use your back hand to give the stick a quick push forward,” Max instructed before assisting Liz with her follow through. The cue ball knocked both a striped and solid ball into each of the far pockets.

Embarrassed, Liz blushed. “Um… Thank you.”

“Call it… Stripes or solids…”

“I want plaid,” she joked. Max rolled his eyes. “Kidding… I’ll take stripes.” Taking her next shot, she missed.

Max groaned. It was going to be a long game. Lining up his shot, Max took his turn shooting a ball into the side pocket. Taking his next turn, he shot another ball into the far pocket. Liz’s jaw dropped. Max was a bonafide Pool shark. Moving around the table, Max looked over at Liz and something tugged at his heart. Lining up his third shot, he missed; giving Liz a chance to catch up.

Walking around the table to where Liz stood, Max set his stick against the wall watching Liz line up her shot. Positioning herself, Liz took her shot. The cue ball rolled, but barely touched the striped ball she had her eyes on. It didn’t move.

Frustrated, she glared at over at Max. Sauntering over to the table, Max grabbed the cue ball repositioning it back in front of the striped ball. “Try again…” Leaning over the table, she focused lining up the cue ball with the striped ball. Easing her stick back, Liz took her shot gently knocking the striped ball into the far corner pocket.

“Good shot… Now, take your second shot.”

Taking their turns, Max had the patience of a saint giving Liz the opportunity to do-over the shots she missed. It was the final shot for both… The one shot that would determine the game. Eyeing the two balls on the table, Max mentally lined up his shot before leaning over the table to take his turn. He fumbled… The cue ball flew over the eight ball and into the pocket. Ugh! Liz couldn’t help but smile. “Wipe that smile off your face, missy. Let’s see you make that shot.”

Walking around Max, Liz followed Max’s instructions; focusing on the balls on the table and mentally lining up her shot. Then, leaning over the table, she took her turn. As the cue ball gently knocked the eight ball into the far corner pocket, Liz stood there in shock. Max embraced her in a hug happy that for once she was able to forget about Sean and enjoy herself.

The game was over. Liz Parker beat Pool shark, Max Evans at his own game.