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Chapter 4G

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:46 am
by candysteffi
mary mary: Lol yep, all men can eat eat eat… and the total unfair thing is… a lot of them still don’t gain any weight.

sarammlover: Lol, it’s funny as long as you are not the one naked and outside. ;)

keepsmiling7: Hm, you never know… there is still one BIG waiting, huh?

Janetfl: Hi Jan! Lol yep, I think you got that right.

Well, that’s true… what is this little “lie” of Max compared to that huge asteroid waiting?


Alien_Friend: I am sure you wanna hug him again after today, hehe.

True, the longer Max keeps his true identity to himself, the harder it will get to bring the truth towards Liz. Not an easy decision to make.


xilaj: We will find out what Michael has to say to Maria today and where he tells her all of those things.

Hm, how Max gets the truth out has yet to be seen. ;)

I wouldn’t feel all too comfortable in Alex shoes!

Chapter 4G

“You sure you don’t wanna sit while you eat that?” Michael asked, amused as he watched her from the corner of his eye when she ate her fries.

“No, I’m good,” she mumbled around a bite and made a waving gesture with her hand when she swallowed. “Damn, that was hot.”

“You spilled cheese sauce,” he mentioned.

“Where?” Maria looked all over her clothes, but couldn’t find a spot anywhere.

He stopped and walked up in front of her, using his free hand to wipe it away from her chin. She followed his movement when he then licked it from his finger and smirked at her.

Damn, that was sexy, she thought and distracted herself with looking back at the food. “Knew you were hungry, buddy.” She took one fry and held it up to him until he opened his mouth and took it in, deliberately touching her fingers with his lips.

Their eyes met for a very long intense moment, but neither of them moved. It would be so easy to kiss her now, he thought, but didn’t go for it. Yet. Before he would put a real move on her, she had to know who he was and what is life was like. If he was lucky enough and she didn’t run away screaming, he would kiss her.

“Come on,” he nudged her slightly and winked before they continued their way. “We’re almost there,” he pointed at something in a distance.

“We’re going to Yacht Harbor?”


“Well, okay.” She didn’t really know why, but let him guide her. Maybe there was a deeper motive behind it or maybe he just liked the place.

It only took another few minutes before they reached their destination. Michael led her to the very end, along a small jetty until the dead end. He rested his lower arms on the railing and stared out over the ocean while Maria leaned her back on it to eat the last of her fries. “Want some more?”

He shook his head. “No thanks.” Right now he was really too nervous to eat.

“Okay,” she said, but somehow had the feeling something was wrong. He was even more quiet than earlier that day and didn’t say anything while they stood there, watching the birds catching fish out of the water.

She walked over to a nearby trashcan and tossed the empty wrappings away, wiping her hands on her jeans before she joined him again.

Michael tried to find the best way to start this conversation, but it was really hard to find something fitting. He had never really told anyone about his life, except the few people who knew about it anyway.

“Is everything okay?” Maria asked after a while of silence that started to get uncomfortable. He turned his head to look at her intensely. “I mean, you seem to be a little… off.”

“Everything’s okay,” he said finally and straightened up a bit and scratched his eyebrow. “I guess…”

Maria turned and hopped up to sit on the railing, wrapping her feet around the lower one to steady herself. “You guess…” An uneasy feeling was washing over her. What did that mean?

“There is something I need to tell you,” he pushed himself to continue. “You know… before we…” He pointed between the two of them, not knowing how to describe it. He didn’t want to call it a relationship yet.

She nodded. “Okay.” Fear was creeping up her spine. What could he possibly tell her that was so serious on a first date? Was he sick maybe?

He looked over the ocean and pointed to a small yacht in the distance. “My family used to have a similar one when I was younger.”

“That’s cool.” He didn’t strike her as a guy with a rich family though and those things cost a fortune.

“My mother loved to dive. She had worked pretty hard since she was very young to afford it and once she was able to buy it, she spent every free minute out on the ocean.” He cleared his throat. “Took me out a lot too, but I kinda hated diving. It just creeped me out.”

“I know what you mean,” she admitted quietly. “I’m not sure I could do that either.”

“One day she was out there. Alone, like she had been countless times before.” He shook his head. “It’s never really been resolved how it happened, but she drowned that day. It was probably some defect in her equipment.”

Maria held onto the railing to not fall while she tried to come up with some words. She was really surprised to hear something like that on a first date and she wondered if it was just the beginning of more. “I’m sorry, Michael. How old were you?”

“Six,” he said hoarsely. “The Coast Guard took three days to find her and my father was going crazy at home. She would probably still be alive if she hadn’t been out there alone again. My father had told her countless times he didn’t want her to go out on the water alone but she didn’t listen.”

His tone was angry and she wondered if the anger was aimed at his mother or the situation in general.

“My mother had always been the head of the family, the one who held us all together, the one who worked the hardest. When she was suddenly gone, my father felt totally swamped. He had never cooked in his life before, never used a washing machine. Having to raise me alone, earning money, and taking care of the household was too much for him.”

She could imagine what a hole his mother had left in the family, but life had to go on, right? Though her father wasn’t dead and had just left them, her mother had done that all alone as well.

“He fell into a depression, started to drink and lost his job over it.” The wind was picking up and he moved his head to look at her. “Are you cold?”

She actually was cold, but shook her head. Somehow this seemed to be more important than finding a warmer place. “I’m okay.”

Nonetheless, he reached into the pocket of his jacket and got a beanie out. “Here,” he gave it to her.

“I’ll look stupid with it on,” she complained, but took it from him anyway. She grasped her hair all together and whirled it up to sit under the beanie when she pulled it over her head.

He laughed quietly when he looked at her.

“See, told you I’d look dumb.”

“You don’t,” he shook his head. And she really didn’t in his eyes.

“You wanna continue?” she asked gently after a moment.

“Yeah…” he agreed, preparing to get to the more important things he wanted to tell her. “It didn’t take long until we lost our house and had to move into a small crappy apartment at the other end of the city. I was hoping my Dad would someday snap out of it, but…”

“Never happened, huh?” Maria said when he didn’t say anything and seemed to be so lost in that moment.

“No”, he affirmed. “It pretty much went downhill from there. I was bad in school because when I got home I was confronted with a mess and at one point I didn’t care about anything anymore either. I met Kyle in our apartment building and he had a pretty similar family situation, so we started to hang out together and the older we got…” he shrugged, “let’s say we weren’t up to anything good.”

She felt sorry for him, but wasn’t sure how much of it he would appreciate. “That’s a tough childhood you had.”

He breathed deeply. “Yeah. We didn’t have any money, so we came up with a lot of shit. I mean, we were hungry you know and there was never a warm meal waiting for us or anything at home.” He snorted loudly. “To be honest, there was never anything good waiting for us at home. The only things our fathers had for us was beer and a beating.”

Damn, what should she say to that? Her heart clenched tightly at his confession and she felt incredibly sad about what had gone on in his still young life. She reached out to place her hand over his on the railing and squeezed it slightly instead of saying anything.

“You ARE cold,” he remarked and stepped away from the railing to stand in front of her, blocking at least a bit of the wind blowing at her.

Maria let go of her hold and rested both of her palms against the sides of his neck, waiting to see if he had anything else to say.

“Okay, M, what I’m trying to say is you’re probably way too good for me.” He shook his head when she wanted to protest. “I finished school finally, I got a small apartment and a job and I’m trying to be better than that now, but the truth is my money is hardly enough for food and the monthly rent, my apartment is anything but fancy and …yeah, I also have a criminal record.” He met her gaze while his heart was pounding like crazy in his chest. Never ever had he admitted so much about himself and especially not to anyone he hadn’t even known for more than 24 hours. This was crazy, but he didn’t regret it and at least she wasn’t running away - yet. “You know what Kyle said last night?”

She shook her head. “What?”

“That you’re way out of my league and I guess he’s right, but it didn’t keep me from coming here anyway.”

Maria studied his features, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Was he trying to tell her they couldn’t be together or was he saying they could? “So, if you think I’m too good for you… why are you here, Michael?”

He shrugged and avoided looking at her. “Maybe I had to hold onto the first good thing that’s happened to me in a damn long time.”

His words saddened her. She squeezed her hands on his shoulders to get his attention. “Wanna hear my way of looking at this?”

“Sure,” he nodded, although he wasn’t sure how much he’d like it.

“Okay,” she played with the collar of his jacket while she thought about a way to start. “To my way of thinking, you won’t find out about deserving each other by comparing your life status. I mean, more money or less money, it doesn’t say anything about who you are. Of course appearances blend people and I wouldn’t exclude myself from that, but in the end there is something else that counts the most. It’s the way you treat people.”

He frowned when he wasn’t sure what that meant for them.

“When we met each other yesterday, I guess it was obvious that Tess and I don’t normally go to bars like that, right?”

“Yeah,” he smirked. “You strike me more like cocktail bar girls.”

She laughed. “We normally are. But the point is you didn’t make fun of me or treat me bad just because you were angry with the whole world and the more wealthy people. You treated me an’ Tess right and without prejudice and that’s really all that matters to me.”

He only could hope that she meant what he thought she meant because it was still hard to make out if she was okay with his background or not.

“Michael, you really don’t have to worry about not being good enough for me or whatever, okay? As long as you treat me right it won’t matter what happened in the past or where you live, or what you did.” She smacked his head slightly. “Of course you better stay out of any trouble with the police, buddy.”

“Will do that,” he promised and felt incredibly relieved that it was finally out. Kyle had called him insane when he had told him about his plan to tell her the truth, but now he was just happy he hadn’t let his best friend change his mind about it.

“It looks like you carried that around with you all day,” she said slowly when she detected his more relaxed features.

He shrugged. “I wanted to tell you right away what you got in front of you and I wasn’t sure how’d you react.”

“I’m glad you did,” she admitted, knowing it would have led to complications if he had tried to hide parts of his past.

They stood there for several minutes in silence. Michael watched her as her eyes followed a bird sitting on the railing. He had a small stick clinging to his leg and was trying to pick it away in frustration. A smile played around her lips while she watched the animal.

“You are the cutest woman on earth,” he said, amused when her features showed off all the emotions running around in her head.

“Cute?” she asked and turned to him, noticing that he had been watching her the whole time.

He nodded.

“I’m not sure I like being cute.” She made a face. “Couldn’t you have said something like sexy or something?”

He laughed out loud and stepped closer, bringing his arms around her waist. “What if I tell you cute is really my type?”

Maria could feel the warmth coming from his body and let her own arms slip around his neck. “Then I guess I could live with being cute in your eyes.” Every part of her body was reacting to his presence. Her arms and legs were tingling, her stomach was feeling just as weird as the day she got her first kiss in fifth grade and her cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“I’m sure that beneath all those layers of clothes,” he brought his face closer and nudged the collar of her jacket with his nose, “I will also find sexy.”

“So, about what we talked about last night,” she said and used her index finger to swipe along his lips.

“’ven’t been smokin’,” he mumbled against her finger.

She had to smile when he remembered immediately what she meant. “Then you know what to do.”

“Pretty sure,” he mumbled and tipped his head up, nudging her nose with his playfully, and then finally pressing his lips against hers in a gentle manner.

He felt incredible soft, was the first thing she thought and suppressed a frustrated groan when be backed away again already.

Michael only moved away an inch or two, widening his stance and using his arms to settle her more fully against him before he closed the distance again and let his lips sweep over hers - first only in slow motion and then a little faster. He kept the kiss tender, ignoring the desire for more deep inside of him for now.

His kiss feels so different compared to everything before, Maria mused. One of her hands swept over the bare skin of his neck, her thumb stretching out to drive along his jaw. The way he kissed was different too. While most teenage boys tended to be overheated, stormy and well… way too wet, he was gentle and just altered the intensity to make it more thrilling. Yeah, it was the first time she had the feeling that it meant something not only to her, but him also.

They were both ready to take the kiss further when a loud grumble from his stomach interrupted and made Maria laugh. “You sure you’re not hungry?”

“Well maybe a bit now,” he admitted, his gaze wandering down to her lips.

“Thank God I’m a genius and took a few burgers with us, huh?” She pressed another light kiss on his mouth and nodded over his shoulder. “They’re over there on the bench.”

He turned slightly to detect the bag out of the corner of his eyes. “Ya sure? I probably won’t taste that good afterwards.”

“I told them to leave the onions off,” she replied with a wink and ran her hand along his temple with a nod. “Guess we have lots of time for the rest later.”

“Yeah,” he agreed and brought her closer for a hug once more. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

He shrugged. “Not judging me for… you know, my life.”


Maria smiled sadly at the pic on her cell and the memory attached to it. They had stayed on the harbor for another few hours, talking, kissing and taking a few pics with her cell to remember.

It was several years ago now, but she could still remember it as if it had been yesterday. “I love you, Michael. Come back to me,” she whispered quietly into the dark.

Chapter 4H

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:46 am
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: He’s making an appearance today.

mary mary: Lol, I didn’t even realize that.

There will be more about the asteroid in a few parts…

Alien_Friend: Lol, we could hug him both. You want front or backside? Hehe

M&M did make a good couple right from the start.

sarammlover: Thanks! Just a bit patience, I will get them back together. ;)

xilaj: For once a man did the right thing just from the start, huh? LOL

Hm well, let’s see how much of honesty Max has to offer today.

Chapter 4H

Tess wandered along the corridors of her house after leaving Maria alone again. She had refused to come out with her again, probably lost in memories of her and Michael. But could she be mad at her for it? Not really! They hadn’t seen each other for a very long time and the waiting was keeping her friend on edge all the time. It was probably better if she stayed in her room tonight, considering what she had might have overheard earlier.

“Where’s Maria?”

Tess stopped and turned, seeing her father and another man in the hallway to her left.

“Is she not feeling well?” Ed walked up to his daughter.

“She’s in my room,” Tess replied and looked at him. “Can I ask you something, Dad?”

He already had a feeling he wouldn’t like her question considering her tone and expression, but he nodded anyway. “Go ahead.”

“I accidently overheard a bit of your talk with the president earlier.” She swallowed when she saw his face change into a protective mask. “Is something wrong with Michael?”

“Sweetie, you know I can’t talk about my job with anyone, not even you.” Ed tried to sound unconcerned. How much had she heard? The less she knew, the better. He didn’t want her to be in danger and as harsh as it sounded, hanging out with Maria was putting her in potential danger right now.

“I know, but… M’s hurting, Dad. And Michael told her a week ago he would be home and he still isn’t. If there’s something wrong with him, then you gotta tell her! She’s going crazy over the waiting.”

Ed didn’t know what to say. It was one thing to hide the truth from the public and the press, but it was another to lie to his own family.

“He’s still alive, right?” she asked fearfully, checking his face for any emotions.

“He is,” he told her convincingly. “Don’t worry about it, okay?”

Tess knew there wasn’t much more she would get out of her father, so she just nodded. His words showed her though that there was something going on and if the president and the Secretary of Defense were involved, then it was probably serious.


Liz laughed at another story Max had told her about hiding from the press. “Wow, must be really exhausting to get away all the time, huh?”

Their drinks had long been empty and she had been able to find a second blanket, which kept them both warm enough to forget the rough weather. “It is,” Max admitted with a slight smile, but it soon faded.

“You’re not so happy about that,” she guessed. Even though he had told her a few humorous stories about his life, she couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness in him. There was something about him that told her he wasn’t always comfortable in his own skin and she wondered where it came from.

He looked at her silently for a few long moments and then nodded. “There are times I wish I could just walk out the house like a normal person and do normal everyday things that others wouldn’t think twice about.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” she said slowly and looked up at the half moon. “My mom’s been sick with cancer for as long as I can remember. Some days she feels good and others she can’t even walk. I’m all she has so I stayed in Boston after high school to help her as well as I can.”

“You wanted to go somewhere for college?” he asked, feeling totally stupid about it. He KNEW all these things about her and yet he had to pretend to be clueless. It was so low.

“Yeah, I’d have liked to go to Washington University and Mom really tried to talk me into going, but…” she looked at him quickly and shrugged. “I couldn’t.”

“Guess I can understand that,” Max stated gently. “No one wants to leave someone alone and sick.”

She nodded sadly. “I’m taking online classes. They’re pretty stupid because I’m always getting paired up with assholes and…” she frowned. “Are you going there for real? I mean, you do study at the University of Washington right? We met there before.”

He grinned at the memory. “How could I forget?”

“Shut up,” she laughed.

“I tried to go there like a normal student, but,” he snorted loudly, “didn’t work out that well with the secret service thing going on and all so now I take online classes as well.”

“Yeah? Cool, then you probably know all about being set up with idiots. Or are you kinda… ya know, able to choose them?”

“No,” he shook his head. “Told them I wanted to be treated just like everyone else.”

She had expected it after what she had learned about him tonight. “How do people react when they find out they’re paired up with the president’s son?”

He shrugged. “They don’t know.”

“No? But don’t you have the online profile for the university? I had to set one up.”

“Yeah, but mine’s fake.” He made a face. “Safety measures and all, you know? Hate it.”

“Oh, well, I guess that’s understandable.” It had to be hard not to be able to be the person you were, she thought.

Hopefully she’ll remember this conversation if she ever finds out I’m William.

“So what’s your fake name?” she asked with a smirk.

“Sorry, I can’t tell you, would totally blow my cover,” he said with a wink, hoping she’d see it was also the truth.

“Guess that answer was expected.” Liz bit her lip. “Too bad I’ll never know if I get paired up with you.”

He smirked and turned to look at her while he tried to consider how clever his next suggestion would be. “Well, we could kinda agree on a secret sign or something.”

“Yeah?” She sat up, intrigued. “What kinda sign?”

“I don’t know. A word or a sentence maybe. Something totally inane.”

“What about I LOVE PEANUT M&M’S.

He laughed at her suggestion. “If that’s what you want.”

“Well, it’s random and I do love them.”

“They’re not bad,” he agreed. “Okay, I’m good with that.” He wasn’t sure if he would ever use it though. “You gotta promise you won’t post anything like: OMG you’re Max or something, cause that’d totally blow my cover an’ all.”

She lifted two fingers. “I swear.”

He nodded. “Good.” It all sounded so easy.

“I hate to interrupt the little party out here,” someone said from a small distance and when he took another step closer, his face lit up from the pool lamps.

“Dad,” Max said, surprised. “What’re you doing here?”

“Looking for you,” he said simply and approached them. He didn’t know how much he liked that his son was sitting outside with this girl, but he decided to not say anything about it. His son was angry with the world and him most of the time, so there was no need to make it even worse.

“Um, good evening, Mr. President.” Liz straightened up and hoped her blush wouldn’t be all too obvious. It was easy to forget who Max really was when you talked to him, but with his father’s presence it was different.

“Good night would fit better,” Philip said with a slight smile, “Miss…”

“Parker,” she blurted out. “Liz Parker.”

“Miss Parker,” the president nodded and looked at his son. “We’re ready to go to our hotel for the night.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute, okay?”

Liz glanced at her watch when the president walked off again. “Wow, it’s already past two in the morning.”

“Time passed by quickly,” Max agreed, hating that he already had to leave and tomorrow they would be back to being strangers over the internet.

They both got up quickly, unable to think about anything intelligent to say or do. “Well,” she started. “It was nice to get to know you a bit, Max Evans.” It felt unreal to get to know the president’s son, but at the same time she had enjoyed herself tonight. She was pretty sure though that their paths wouldn’t cross again any time soon – if ever.

“It was nice to meet you too, Liz Parker,” he said with a slight smile. In person, he added in his thoughts.

“I’ll be waiting for your sign on the internet,” she joked.

He forced a grin. “I’ll remember that.”

“Max,” his mother was at the door this time. “You know we can’t afford any delays in the itinerary. Come on.”

He rolled his eyes and looked at Liz apologetically. “Everything’s planned to the last second with our arrivals and departures. I’d better go.”

“Okay,” she agreed and watched him hurry into the house.

As soon as he entered the house he was rushed through it – passing a wall of secret service agents who guided him into the already waiting limousine at the back of the house. He took a quick glance around and detected his mother and father entering another huge black car in the long caravan.

The door was held open for him by a man in a black suit and as soon as he was inside the car, he mumbled something into his watch and closed it.

“You have a nice night?” Only now did Max notice his sister sitting across from him with Alex Whitman next to her.


Alex stared out of the tinted windows of the limousine while they drove through the night, the caravan accompanied by local police. He had known before that the action around the president must be huge when he was travelling but seeing this was something different – it was really beyond anyone’s imagination what was necessary for it.

“Did you enjoy the night?” a female voice asked.

He turned to meet the beautiful eyes of Isabel Evans next to him. “I did.” He nodded, but it was a lie. The evening had been pretty boring since he had known absolutely no one and he wasn’t allowed to talk about the reasons why he was currently staying at the president’s residence either, so small talk had been a real pain.

“You’re lying,” she said, amused. “You were bored shitless.”

He smirked. “That obvious, huh?”

“Hell yes,” Isabel winked and relaxed with a wide yawn. “There have been better parties.”

He didn’t know what to say to that and turned his gaze to the window again. Not being allowed to talk to anyone was hard. Nobody but Melody knew where he was at the moment and more importantly, WHY he was here, but he couldn’t even talk to her about it over the phone or the internet.

There was another meeting with the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the head of NASA, and the National Security Advisor tomorrow, but he was afraid that he didn’t have many more details yet. The thing was still too far away to be more predictable.

The thing, he thought and almost snorted aloud. He had been told that chances were good the asteroid would be named after its discoverer. What an honor to share his name with a potential global killer.

Chapter 4I

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:35 pm
by candysteffi
begonia9508: Still got a few already written and try to keep posting regularly. ;)

Yeah, let’s see if they will use the nickname, huh?

keepsmiling7: It gets more and more difficult for him to play this hiding game! Thanks.

Alien_Friend: Lol, forgot about the end of the world? It’s still there, but we gonna deal with other problems first. :)

Let’s see if the Dreamer couple comes around to use that secret code. ;)

Thanks girl!

Aw leaving the front to me? ;) Cool!

mary mary: We will find out eventually. ;)

xilaj: Well, we had other problems to deal with, right? We let the president handle the asteroid for a while and concentrate on our characters. ;)

Aw, kill everybody in the end… now that would be mean, lol.

It’s true, Liz got a bit of an insight in the true Max Evans and it will help her to understand once the truth comes out.

Natalie36: Our characters are all brave! They gonna find a way to get over that mess. ;)

sarammlover: Seems like everyone has to deal with a lot right now, huh? Liz and Max playing the hiding game, Maria worries about Michael, Michael struggles to survive, Kyle struggles to find Michael, Alex has to deal with the end of the world, Tess tried to figure out how to bring bad news on her friend. Isabel is the only one light headed right now…

lizzy_koh: True, if he hadn’t told her the truth right from the start, their relationship would have never gotten as strong as it is now.

Let’s see if Max gets the chance to use the code before Liz finds out on her own…

Chapter 4I

The car as well as his body was shook badly when the wheels dug though the nasty uneven ground. Michael felt the dizziness that had become his constant companion combined with a permanent ache right above and between his eyes. The lack of liquid was making an impact and with every passing hour it became more difficult to think straight.

Where were they taking him this time? What time of day was it? Hard to tell with the sack constantly over his head, the material so thick that he could feel the heat of his own breath on his face.

He tried to concentrate, tried to hear anything familiar, to remember a street they could possibly be on with every curve they took, but he was drawing a blank and it really didn’t surprise him anymore. It was hard to remember things like that in a healthy and fit state, but it was impossible after days of torture and sleep deprivation.

Although he was familiar with a lot of Arabic words, he couldn’t get the right translation in his head as he listened to the men around him – hoping for a hint about his location. Not that it would really help, he thought. It wasn’t like he could just pull out a telephone token and call someone to help him.

His mind wandered back to his encounter with Ibrahim yesterday. Or had it been today? He curled his tightly bound hands into fists when he remembered the moment he had shown him the picture of Maria. The asshole was threatening him with her because he knew she was one of two people he cared about most in his life and hurting one of them would be the perfect revenge for killing his brother.

Maria…. His heart clenched tightly at the thought that she might be hurt because of him. What if they made their threat real and got her? What if Ibrahim forced him to watch as he killed his girlfriend before his eyes?

God no, that couldn’t happen. It couldn’t or he would find his end here too. There was nothing left that could keep him in this hell of a world after watching something like that.

The car shook another time and made his injured leg twitch enough to cause a stinging pain through the length of his body. The pain was a welcome distraction from the dark thoughts in his head though.

Where were they taking him this time? They had transferred him to several different places now, making it really hard for anyone to find him. If there was anyone looking for him at all. He knew what he had agreed to when he came to the ASCT unit and it hadn’t allowed for a rescue in cases like this.

There were a few hurried voices when they suddenly stopped. Doors were pulled open and steps on the crunchy dusty ground could be heard before someone pulled on his left arm sharply to drag him out roughly. Michael coughed slightly from the sudden activity, the air felt like sandpaper in his dry throat.

He was pushed and shoved forward, but surprisingly he managed to stay on his feet until his body collided with a hard barrier – a door, and the handle of it bored into his side painfully. Someone pushed it open before he had the chance to get a solid stance again and it caused him to stumble into whatever they were entering and this time he couldn’t avoid crashing onto the hard ground.

Just stay where you are, his clouded mind told him when he didn’t feel enough strength to get on his feet again. His body felt worn out like after a marathon even though they had only walked a few feet.

Hands grabbed him on both sides again – they dragged him upright at the same time as he heard a dull beat, like wood crashing into something hard.

Just dazed, he felt his body moving forward again, probably more from being carried than walking on his own. There were steps or something similar, but his feet missed them and he fell again, deeper this time, but he didn’t feel any pain in that moment.

His body was turned around until he lay on his back and he feared that he would be pushed up again, but nothing happened. They were letting him lie on the ground just where he was and they finally ripped the sack from his head.

Michael prepared his eyes for some light and squinted them shut, but it slowly became obvious that there wasn’t much light in his new location. Numbly, he watched as a three men climbed up the few steps to a more illuminated room.

A man appeared at the hatch, staring down at him. From the silhouette it could be Ibrahim, he thought, but wasn’t sure and before his eyes could focus more, the wooden flap was closed, leaving him in a dirty underground hole. There was still a bit of sunlight coming through the cracks between the planks, but it soon disappeared when something was dragged over the ground from the floor above.


Max squinted when the flashes from several photographer’s cameras blinded him as soon as the limousine had stopped and they stepped out. Why would people wait for hours out in the cold night for this? Everyone knew what they looked like, so what the hell could be so interesting about a photo of him walking into a hotel on a random night? Ungh, he hated the hype about his family.

He sighed when the doors fell closed after them, leaving all the intrusive loud people on the other side of the building. Now, if he only could get rid of the secret service as well.

“Are ya joining us at the bar?” Isabel asked her brother as she hooked one arm into the crook of Alex Whitman’s.

“No, I’m tired,” he lied. Max really wasn’t in the mood to watch his sister flirting with this politician or whatever he was.

“You’re no fun,” she complained, but winked at him to let him know that she wasn’t really mad. To be honest, the question had been more out of courtesy than her really wanting him to join them.

“See you in the morning, Iz,” he lifted his hand for a wordless goodbye to the man next to her before he turned to walk to the elevators just at their parents entered the hotel from a different entrance. He could see his mom’s eyes checking the room for both of her kids and she relaxed when she saw both of them inside and safe.

“Our rooms are on the seventh floor,” she told him when they passed him and she squeezed his shoulder for a moment.

“I know,” he mumbled and saw two secret service agents out of the corner of his eyes on each side of him. Their rooms were always on the seventh floor when they stayed here and they even had the same room numbers every time, but still everyone reminded him about it.

The elevator finally opened and he stepped into the empty cabin, pressing the button for the right floor and almost laughed when the door closed too early and bumped into the side of one chaperone-suited monkey. He leaned against the wall behind him and watched the display where the numbers of the floors where shown in red light as they moved upwards.

With a small *bing* the door opened again and he stepped out of the elevator, turning right to walk down the hallway to his room. Another agent was waiting there, he relieved the others and nodded at him before opening the door with a key card. “Good night, Sir.”

“Yeah, night,” Max said back, not really paying attention to what the men said anymore. He sighed, relieved when he was able to close the door to be alone. Finally!

Immediately, his gaze wandered to the small bag he had packed at home and had been placed on the bed by the secret service earlier. He walked over to it and opened it up, getting the small net book out and hitting the power button to turn it on.

Despite the ride to the hotel, he had found himself enjoying this night out for a party for the very first time in a very long time and he knew that the only reason for it had been Liz. It had taken him a while to really talk to her in person and maybe it had been just a little bit of luck or fate kicking in when she had come out in the garden – but every minute with her had been so much better than the past weeks of his life. With her, he was able to be the person he really was and really wanted to be. Thank God, she had forgotten about her preconceived notions about people like him and the talk between them had turned out to be fun and light-hearted.

If she only knew how good we REALLY know each other, he thought and kicked his shoes off before lying down in bed and taking the net book to rest on his stomach. He wished he could just tell her the whole truth about him without her being mad or things starting to get complicated because of who he was. It would be so much better to talk to her totally open without this big secret between them. He wanted her to know because he always had the feeling that he was lying to her.

Suck it up, Evans! You know this can’t be! It would never work out.

He punched a few buttons on the small keyboard on the net book and waited until the explorer led him to his email account. A slight smile ran over his lips when he saw an email from Liz. It was followed by a frown when he noticed the time though. She must have sent it while we were still together out in the garden, he realized.

Hey Willi,

How’s your evening going?

Mine’s okay, pretty boring party as I told you.

BORING? Was she serious? He’d had the best time in what felt like an eternity and she told him it was fucking boring!?

She told William
, he corrected himself and calmed down again. Maybe she just didn’t want to hurt his feelings by telling him about another boy? It had to be that because she hadn’t looked bored at all!

Hey Browny!

Boring huh?

My evening was actually pretty nice. Met a nice girl and we talked for a long while. I enjoyed it! ;)

Before he could think twice, he had hit the send button and the email was gone.


Liz sighed when she slipped under the blanket in her provisional bed in Tess’ room. It was just a mattress on the floor while the other two girls would sleep in the bed, but she didn’t care.

Maria was still in the bathroom brushing her teeth and Tess was busy checking her email at her computer, so she grabbed her cell and decided to do the same.

She grinned to herself when she saw a new message from William in her inbox and didn’t wait any longer to open it up to read it.

He met a girl? And had fun?

Liz couldn’t help the jealous feeling in her chest when she read his email. She had been thoughtful with him and hadn’t told him about Max and that she had actually enjoyed his presence and now he was telling her the exact thing? Unbelievable!

After all the back and forth flirting they had done over the last weeks in a chat room, he had the nerve to tell her about another woman? Just wait, buddy. Now you’re getting the truth from me as well!


A girl, huh? Got her number? :p

I actually met someone after I wrote you as well. He turned out to be very enjoyable company! ;)

She sent the email to him immediately and then placed her cell aside, frustrated. A girl! He met a girl! And then he even rubbed her nose in it!

“So Parker,” Tess distracted her before she could think too much about it. “You were out in the garden with Max-Fucking-Evans for a damn long time. You gotta share details, girl.”

“There’s not much to tell.”

Maria snorted when she overheard Liz’ comment and sat on the bed. “You can give it up, Lizzie. You know that answer won’t count with Tess and really, if you were talking to the president’s son for hours, then it is worth telling us every small uninteresting detail about it.”

“Exactly,” Tess snapped her fingers at her friend’s words. “So spill, E! What’d you guys talk about?”

“Alright,” Liz sighed deeply and sat up again. “It really wasn’t anything deep or really exciting. He told me a lot about how his life is being the president’s son and that he’s sometimes pretty fed up with it. And then we talked a little bit more about classes and college.”

Maria and Tess exchanged a disappointed look. “That’s all?” they both asked at the same time.

“No flirting?” the curly blonde added.

“Well…” Liz bit her lip and thought about it. Had there been flirting? Maybe just a bit, but it wasn’t like totally obvious. “I don’t know. We had fun… and he gave me those looks sometimes, so maybe?”

“Those looks, huh?” Maria teased.

“He’s totally into her, M,” Tess nodded. “You should’ve seen the glances he was shooting at her all night.”

“You’re totally exaggerating as usual,” Liz groaned.

“I am not,” the other girl denied. “And you said you had fun, so I guess he wasn’t boring after all.”

“No, he wasn’t,” Liz agreed. “Surprisingly he came across pretty cool.”

“An’ he’s pretty hot too,” Maria said with a grin. “I mean, not my type, but I can see him being yours.”

“Why would you say that?”

“I don’t know. He comes across a bit mysterious… serious, but still interesting, quiet, but not boring…” she shrugged. “He would fit you.”

Tess clapped her hands together, when she had found something on the internet she had been looking for. “Ha! Maria’s right! Plus, he has a hell of a hot body!” She bent to the side to reveal what she had found.

There was a big picture of Max Evans on the screen. Naked and just covering himself with one hand while he looked into the camera, stunned.

“Oh, my god, I can’t believe you knew about that,” Liz gasped and got up to take a better look at the computer.

“Well, he was in all the newspapers.”

Maria nodded and started to laugh. “Oh yeah, I remember. Very nice toned body, Liz. Congratulations.”

“Yeah,” Tess mumbled and took a closer look as well. “Seems like he’s well-hung as well, from what it looks like.”

“Shut up,” Liz giggled and couldn’t help but stare at the picture closer as well.

“Yep,” Maria agreed when she appeared next to the other girls and leaned on Tess’ shoulders, who was sitting on a chair in front of the computer. “The photo definitely promises a good package.”

All three girls laughed as they stared at an embarrassed Max Evans on the screen and Liz couldn’t help but imagine her hands on his muscled chest.

Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch4I - Pg 17 - 11/26/12

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:34 pm
by candysteffi
xilaj: True, it won’t be easy for Michael to deal with the fact that he brought her in danger, but they gonna find a way… ;) First, we need to get him out of this horrible prison.

I think Max and Liz will get their chance. ;)

sarammlover: Kyle will find a way to get Michael outta this, I promise!

Yep, if M&L only knew who they are talking to, huh? Well at least Max knows.

keepsmiling7: Yeah, being in the middle of all attention every time is really no fun.

mary mary: Oh yeah, she has. Especially when it comes to hot people and horribly embarrassing moments, lol.

Kyle needs to hurry and he will!

A/N: Okay, just a little warning… this won’t be the happiest part I’ve ever written…


Chapter 5A

It was shortly after eight in the morning when Maria opened her eyes tiredly because some noise had woken her up. The night had been pretty sleepless thanks to her sorrows about Michael, so she wasn’t happy about waking up so soon after finally being able to sleep at all. “Liz,” she half-complained, half-groaned when she saw the silhouette of her friend standing at the window. “What’re you doin’ up already?”

“I gotta leave,” she whispered quietly to let at least Tess sleep in peace and neared the bed to sit down on the edge, already fully dressed in a pair of jeans and a pullover that she had brought with her to avoid having to go home in her dress again.

“Why?” Maria rubbed her eyes tiredly and rolled to her side to face the other girl. “Thought we’d have breakfast together first.

“I have to check on my mom. She wasn’t feeling very well the last few days after coming home from the hospital again. She’s weak and I wanna prepare the breakfast for her so she doesn’t have to force herself to get up for it.”

“Oh, okay,” the blonde girl nodded. It happened all too often that Liz missed out on the fun because of her sick mother, but of course she could understand her worries and was sure she would be doing the same thing if it was her mother. “Tell Lucy I said hi, okay? I hope she feels a little better again soon.”

“I will,” Liz agreed and kissed her cheek. “Sleep a little more, sorry that I woke you up.”

Maria yawned. “Don’t worry about it.”

“He’ll be home eventually,” Liz said when she could easily see the worries in the other girl’s face. A look she was carrying all too often herself and she didn’t like it. “Sometimes things just don’t work out the way they were planned, but that doesn’t have to mean that something bad’s happened.”

“I know. Can’t tell you how much I try to convince myself about that every day, but it’s not easy to believe it when it’s also likely that something has happened considering his job and all.”

“Think positive,” Liz nudged her cheek with her fist gently.

Maria smirked. “You too!”

“Trying.” She glanced up when she heard a sound from the other girl next to Maria. “Tell Tess she snores way too loud after drinking alcohol.”

Just as she said that the girl rolled on her back and started to snore slightly like a sleeping cat. Liz and Maria giggled and pressed their hands over their mouths to not make too much noise. The brunette got up from the bed again and walked over to the door after grabbing her backpack. She waved at Maria silently and slipped out the door as noiseless as possible.

Just as she closed the door and turned around to follow the hallway, she came face to face with a strange man in a black suit. The man stood there, a little surprised to see her up this early, but he didn’t move away from his position next to the door and relaxed again without saying anything.

Liz opened her mouth, but closed it again when she didn’t know what to say. The man looked like a bodyguard, maybe a man from the secret service and even though she had no clue why he was waiting next to Tess’ bedroom, she didn’t wonder too much about it. Maybe the president was already here again for a meeting? Or Ed had some protection now too? Since the man didn’t show any signs of panic that she had seen him, it was probably all okay and she continued on her way out of the huge house.


After a 15-minutes walk in the cold and foggy January morning, Liz was more than ready to be home, but there was still one block to go. Her feet were ice cold in shoes that were totally wrong for this time of year and the wind felt like tiny little needles in her face. Gosh, she hated stupid winter weather like this! Why couldn’t it be summer all year?

She bowed her head as much as possible to hide half of her face in the high collar of her jacket, already dreaming about the hot coffee she would make for her and her mom as soon as she got home. Because of her posture and lowered gaze, she didn’t notice the ambulance parked in front of her building until she had to move her head to make sure the street was clear to cross it.

A slight feeling of panic crept into her body immediately, increasing with every step she took. Although Liz tried to calm herself, her pace became faster and faster towards her home. The huge double doors at the entrance of the big apartment building were standing wide open and indicated that the rescue workers were still inside somewhere.

She glanced back at the vehicle again before entering, but there was nobody in it. From a distance she could hear voices in the hallway, probably coming from the EMTs. She heard a male voice barking out instructions, but the voice wasn’t clear enough to understand.

For a moment she considered taking the elevator, but at the last minute she decided to take the stairs again, letting her panic finally win over the wish to remain control. Taking two steps at a time, she rushed up the stairs towards her own apartment - with each passing floor the voices were getting louder, making her even more certain that something was wrong with her mother.

For the last two floors she ran, not paying attention to the neighbors in the hallway who were all curiously checking on the noise in their building. Her heart sank when she saw the front door of her home standing wide open, giving her proof that the ambulance was there for her mother again.

She rushed inside and almost knocked Silvie, her mother’s friend, over, who was leaning against the wall in the hallway, her face horrified and swollen from crying. “Oh my God, Liz,” she gasped since she hadn’t expected the girl to be home yet.

“What’s wrong?” the younger girl asked, fear overriding her voice and making it shake. She glanced around the other woman to see more and detected her mother’s bedroom door open as well. An EMT was kneeling on the ground right in the frame, blocking her gaze. “Silvie,” she asked again when she didn’t get an answer, “what’s going on here?” This couldn’t be true, she had just been away for a few hours. “Mom?” she called out.

“Liz,” the older woman finally snapped out of her daze and tried to get her attention. She grabbed her by her shoulders to prevent her from taking a closer look into the other room. “I just came here a while ago,” Silvie whispered. “Your Mom and I wanted to have breakfast together, but…” Tears and sobs prevented her from saying anything more.

Liz’ eyes grew wide. She could feel the tight feeling in her chest and got shook off the grip around her to run towards her mother’s room, immediately wishing she hadn’t done it when the situation sank in slowly.

Two men and one woman were kneeling on the ground around her mother’s lifeless body. One of them had both of his hands on her chest, moving up and down for the cardiac massage, while another was leaning forward to breathe air into her lungs as soon as the movement was stilled. Then the procedure was repeated again.

“Mom,” Liz cried out under tears, getting the attention of the woman in the room. She got up and blocked the girl’s gaze, forcing her a few steps out of the room.

“Don’t look at this,” she said gently and with sympathy.

“What’s wrong with her? I wanna be with her!”

“That isn’t a good idea,” Aubrey said. She hated situations like this, but it had become a sad routine in her job. “Your mother had already stopped breathing when the emergency call came in,” she explained calmly and recognized how the movements behind her lessened just as she had expected.

Liz shook her head furiously. “NO! What’re you saying?”

Aubrey turned and watched her co-workers lean back to look at each other with a shake of their heads. “Miss Parker, I’m sorry, but your mother’s passed away.”

The young girl stared at her, not believing the words. “No, no! She wasn’t doing that bad. My mother’s not dead; she just needs to rest to gain her strength again.”

Silvie rushed to her side and wrapped one arm around her. “Come on, Liz. We’ll go and sit down in the kitchen.”

“No,” she shrugged her off stubbornly. “I wanna see my mother.”

“Miss Parker,” Aubrey tried again, knowing that it happened often that the relatives reacted this way. “We couldn’t do anything for your mother. She had probably already been dead for an hour when she was found.”

It felt like the ground was ripped away beneath her feet and her vision became blurry as she stared at the bedroom door. “I wanna see my mom,” she mumbled again in a daze.

The two men glanced at each other and then nodded slightly, removing their gear from the bedroom and lifting the dead body of the middle-aged woman back onto the bed, where they had removed her to place her on the ground about 30 minutes ago to try the resuscitation. Sometimes people had to see their deceased again to realize the situation fully and they had to accept it.

“Sweetie,” Silvie tried, “don’t do that. Keep her in your memory the way you knew her,” her mother’s friend tried, but she could see that her words didn’t reach her.

Liz moved forward slowly, feeling like a robot at that moment. Her eyes roamed over the slim quiet body in the bed while she waited for any sign of life –but it didn’t materialize. “Mom,” she whispered quietly.

Aubrey followed her but stood in the hallway to give her a little space while her co-workers handled the paperwork and calls to organize a transport.

Lucy Parker was still wearing her nightgown, a prefect sign that whatever had been going on had happened during the night since her mother had always been a morning person who refused to lay around undressed no matter how bad she had felt. Tears were running down her daughter’s face uncontrollably while she stood a few feet away from the bed. “I’m sorry, Mom,” she choked out under sobs. “I am so sorry. I should’ve been there.”

“Liz,” Aubrey spoke up softly when she realized what the young woman was doing. “From what we know right now, your mother probably died in her sleep. Even if you had been here, you wouldn’t have noticed in time.”

She shook her head. “She wasn’t feeling well, I should’ve stayed.” Finally, she closed the distance between them, but didn’t dare to touch her. She didn’t look dead, it looked like she was just sleeping and it could happen any time that she would wake up again. No, she couldn’t lose the only family member she had left – this wasn’t possible.

“There’s no one to blame for this, Liz,” Aubrey tried, but the girl refused to believe it and shook her head stubbornly.

Silvie walked past her and grabbed Liz’ shoulders, forcing her to look at her. “Come on,” she said in an insistent voice. Lucy’s daughter was in shock and right now she couldn’t think straight. With slight pressure she managed to get her out of the room and into the kitchen. “Sit down,” she begged, but it was like her words just deflected off of the surface of her skin.

“Liz!” She tried again and finally the younger woman’s eyes started to focus on her. “I’m sorry.”

How could life be so unfair? First her father had been taken away from her and now someone had taken her mother too? She could feel the anger building in her slowly and before she had a chance to control it, she cried out and slammed her hand on the counter hard. The pain wasn’t strong enough to outpace the one in her heart though and with the feeling that her chest would explode from the pressure at any time she sank down to the ground with shaking hands.

Aubrey walked up to Matt in the hallway. “We should probably give her something to calm her down.”

The man nodded and went over to their gear, looking around for the meds she had requested.

“I’m gonna stay with her today,” Silvie said and tried to push her own hurt aside. She knew Lucy had always wanted the best for her daughter and she would make sure that she knew she wasn’t alone now.

Liz didn’t listen to the conversation going on, her mind was blank at the moment and she couldn’t feel anything. It felt like life was vanishing out of her as well.

Chapter 5B

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:52 pm
by candysteffi
sarammlover: And we are not over with the drama yet… It will take a while for Liz to get over it.

keepsmiling7: Your question will be answered today.

Liz got a sad time ahead, but here friends will help her as good as possible.

Alien_Friend: Lol, no worries girl!

Thanks, I am glad you feel that way about my writing. :)

Blaming yourself after a death of a beloved is hard and it takes time to get over it. Her friends will help as much as they can.

begonia9508: No, you cam never be ready for something like this. At least Liz is not knowing yet what is still waiting for them up in the sky…

xilaj: Thanks! It will take a while for Liz to get over blaming herself and her friend will help her as good as possible.

mary mary: No it really isn’t the same. To have family is always special and Liz now has no one to call her family anymore.

lizzy_koh: It will be hard for her to get rid of the thought that her presence would have changed anything. Hm, well maybe Max is able to help. ;)

Well okay, it seems like the world didn’t fall of. Damn, now I have to finish the story, huh? Lol

Thought today would be a good day to update this, so here we go. Lovely Christmas everyone. Seems like we actually need presents this year, too. :)

Chapter 5B

“This is bullshit,” Kyle exploded and threw the clipboard with a few printed files across the military tent. It hit the fabric quietly and then fell to the ground, kicking up a little dust cloud.

The Commander glanced up from the computer and glared at him before his eyes followed the files he had thrown. “Keep it together, Private Valenti.”

“This isn’t getting us anywhere! We have two hundred tips about where Ibrahim could be or not and you know as well as me that most of them are ridiculous.” Half a day had passed again and they were running in circles without getting anywhere. “The informants don’t know anything about his whereabouts and our transmitter just tells us where some stupid cars are that Ibrahim’s been seen with. They’re spread over the whole fuckin’ country.”

“Getting impatient won’t get us anywhere,” Sullivan said and got up to stretch. He walked over to the mobile radio and squeezed the button on the mouth- and ear-piece. “Come in, Alpha team, over.”

Crackling could be heard and after a few seconds a male came across along with several disturbing sounds. “Here, Alpha team, over.”

“Termination of Operation Desert Eagle. Please confirm.”

Kyle bounced his left leg unconsciously while he waited for Sullivan to finish his order for team Alpha. He lifted his eyebrow in surprise when he heard him terminating a different operation because of the situation.

“Terminate Desert Eagle,” the voice said through the radio and it was easy to read the surprise in it.

“That’s right,” the Commander barked. “Confirm termination, over.”

“Team Alpha verifies the termination of Desert Eagle. Waiting for new instructions. Over.”

Sullivan wiped his eyes tiredly and pressed the button again. “You’re meeting with unit ASCT. Coordinates will be sent to your Captain. Confirm, over.”

“Meeting with unit ASCT. Understood. Over.” Again, there was surprise in the other voice, but the Commander ignored it this time.

“ASCT, over and out.”

“You’re ordering the Alpha team over here?” Kyle asked, surprised when the Commander threw the mouth piece back on the table in front of him.

“If we find Ibrahim, we’ll need help as much as possible.”

“Yeah, if,” the younger man grumbled and kicked a stone on the ground.

“We will!”

“No, we won’t!” Kyle got up from his chair and started to pace. “Not without any help.”

“Help?” Sullivan growled and glared at him.

“We should contact Kalil Chalid, if –“

“Chalid is not to be trusted,” the Commander dismissed him before he could finish the sentence.

“He’s the only one who might know where Ibrahim’s hiding Michael,” the younger soldier countered back, agitated.

“And no one knows if his information would lead us into an ambush. Last time we trusted that man, it ended in a massacre.”

“That wasn’t his fault! We put him under pressure to give us information and he warned us SEVERAL times about the uncertain factors.”

“And after that he refused to work with us. We almost had him,” Sullivan yelled and slammed his fist on the table, making everything on it shake, “and that asshole knew that but kept his knowledge to himself.”

“Half of his family was killed in that ambush and after that our troops were removed… we left him alone with a village of dead bodies and havoc – NO ONE would’ve helped us after what we did.” If his hair was long enough he would pull it out right now, Kyle thought, frustrated.

“Chalid is not helping the US Military anymore, Private.”

“Maybe not the military,” Kyle said calmer and looked at the Commander intensely. “But he would help if he knew Michael is with Ibrahim.” He had no doubt it was true. Kalil Chalid may be fed up with the US Army, but Michael and he had formed a friendship. They had saved each other’s lives more than once and they had made it clear to him that leaving after the ambush a year back wasn’t a choice they had made on their own.

“We can’t trust him.”

“No, we can,” he insisted. “Let me go and talk to him. He’s the only one who could give us some worthwhile information.”

Sullivan narrowed his eyes to small slits while he stared at the young man. “If he defects, we’re screwed.”

“He won’t! Chalid hates Ibrahim, he won’t do anything to help that bastard.” Kyle walked up to him, almost nose to nose. “I trust him and so did Guerin.”

A hardly visible nod could be seen in the Commander’s posture. He knew that his men had spent a lot time with Kalil and if anyone knew him, it was Valenti and Guerin. His information had always been right and a lot more possible to work with than what they had obtained from their other informants. “You have to go alone and you won’t share any information other than the few things he would need to know to help us. No slip about our coordinates and I don’t want him to be there when we operate.”

“Understood,” Kyle straightened up and saluted. “Do we know where Kalil is right now?”

“It won’t be a problem to find out.” Sullivan pointed his index finger at the exit of the tent. “Now get the hell outta here, Valenti. I’ll give you the necessary information as soon as we have it.”


“M’ria, you should really sleep longer,” Tess complained in a tired mumble when she opened her eyes to check the time and detected her friend already dressed and sitting on the window ledge.

“It’s already after nine.”

“After a party,” she pointed out and sat up to rub her eyes. “We used to sleep till noon.”

“Sorry, right now I’m happy if I make it through the night with any sleep at all.” Another day had passed and there was still no sign from Michael. It was really getting harder and harder to convince herself that everything was okay.

“Are you staying for breakfast?”

“Sure, why not? I like the coffee at your house better than mine anyway.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “It’s so good to know that you’re staying because of the coffee, ya know?” She swung her legs out of her bed and grabbed the dressing grown on the armchair to slip into it.

“Hey,” Maria stood and walked up to her friend. “I know it’s really no fun to hang out with me right now. I’m just so full of sorrows and it seems like I’m unable to switch them off…”

“M,” the curly blonde wrapped her arms around her. “You don’t have to apologize for this. I was just teasing, you know that, right?”

“I’m really going crazy.”

“I can deal with crazy.” Tess pushed her away slightly. “Why don’t ya spread some pillows on the ledge and I’ll get everything for breakfast? My parents probably still have some visitors here from yesterday, so I think staying here would be a better idea. Unless ya wanna get wrapped up in some political talk already this morning?”

“Ungh, no. I’ll wait here then.”

“Gimme a few minutes. Maybe I can sneak some croissants as well,” Tess winked at her before she left the room.

Alright, Maria thought and grabbed some pillows and the blanket from the bed to place them on the wide window ledge. The weather outside was cold, windy and rainy, so she wasn’t looking forward to walking home anyway. Just when she was about to get comfortable there was a knock on the door.

She walked over and opened it, her gaze low since she expected little Daniel on the other side. Her eyes collided with deep blue cloth pants though so her gaze snapped up. “Ed,” she said, surprised to see Tess’ father in front of her.

“Good morning, Maria,” greeted in a warm voice, but there was also something else. Nervousness maybe? “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure,” she nodded and was about to step aside so he could enter the room but he made a sign for her to follow him.

The weird feeling in her chest increased when they walked down the hallway to the lobby in front of the second entrance to the building. Through the milky glass of the door, she could see a black-coloured car parked, the engine already running. “What’s this all about?” she asked, her voice revealing the worry and fear in her.

“Maria,” Ed stopped to face her. “You trust me, right?” He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her intensely.

She nodded dumbly.

“There’s a car waiting for you in front of the door. Two men from the Secret Service are going to drive you to your apartment.”

“Why?” She frowned, her heart hammering like crazy.

“I can’t explain it to you right now,” he said gently, but it also didn’t leave room for questions. “I want you to pack some things for a few days, maybe a week or two. Clothes, bathroom articles and whatever else you may need. Food isn’t necessary.”

“This has something to do with Michael, hasn’t it?” Her eyes filled with tears as she stared up at him. “Please Ed, you have to tell me.”

He sighed and gave her a small nod. “I’ll explain everything later, okay? For now I just need you do to what I tell you.”

“But what if he gets home and I’m not there?” She started to babble while her mind tried to make sense of the situation. “I can’t just leave. Where do I go?”

“Maria, he won’t be home anytime soon, okay?” Ed hated to see the hurt in the girl’s eyes. She had always been like a member of his own family and he felt the need to protect her like he would protect his own daughter.

“Is he hurt?”

“We don’t know.”

She frowned and wiped her tears away. “How do you not know?” This had to be a bad dream.

The door was opened from outside and a man in a black suit stepped in, looking at them in question.

Ed turned to her again. “I know you have a lot of questions, but there’s no time to answer them now, Maria. Do what I’ve told you and I’ll meet you later. You can trust these men and they won’t leave you alone. Don’t doubt anything they do and don’t make their job any harder, okay?” He gave her a slight gentle push in the direction of the car.

Maria hesitated and glanced back down the hallway. “I need to say goodbye…”

“You need to go, I’ll inform my daughter.”

With that she was rushed into the car and the door was slammed shut behind her as soon as she was inside. The windows were darkly tinted so it wasn’t possible to see anything from outside.

“Miss Deluca,” one of the men said, startling her with his voice even though it hadn’t been loud. “We need the directions to your apartment.”

Maria looked at him as if he was talking to her in a different language and it took several moments before the question registered in her brain. “This way,” she pointed down the street and her hand was shaking when she lifted it up.

Chapter 5C

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:21 am
by candysteffi
mary mary: Well, i can’t think of any time that would be a good time, no. ;)

Alien_Friend: One step closer to the rescue, but still not there. ;) That’s true, Michael worries more about her than about himself and the thought that she could be in danger is tearing him apart.

Well, I know I kept you waiting, but today we will find out about Tess reaction to all of that!


begonia9508: The men want Maria away because the man, who kidnapped Michael, is after her.

This all has nothing to do with any movie, the only thing that is leaned on several movies is the asteroid thing itself and what it could do to Earth – the rest plot in this fic is what I came up with.

xilaj: Yep, they are all facing there „little doomsdays“ before we get to the real threat in the end. We gonna have to get the gang together before we start with this. :)

sarammlover: We will see soon. ;) Uncertainty is definitely a lot worse than the truth, but I’ll will fill in Maria soon!

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

lizzy_koh: The girls need a friend, lets see if Tess is able to hold them all together. Thanks!

(Belated) Happy New Year! Sorry for the update delay, the weeks were pretty busy.

Chapter 5C

Alex rubbed his eyes tiredly when he looked into the confused, disappointed and somewhat angry faces of Vice President Richard Mason, Joint Chief of Staff George Cole, and last but not least National Security Advisor Charles Blair. The night had been short and the president had called another meeting in the White House just an hour after they had gotten back to Washington DC.

“We need better information than that to come up with an emergency plan,” Blair growled. “A time frame of almost six weeks is ridiculous and what should we do if we don’t even know where the damn thing will hit us?”

“IF it hits us, there won’t have to be an emergency guide,” Alex reminded and placed the files in his hand on the table. “I know the information is squishy and questionable, but it’s all we have right now and there’s just no way to predict anything when the asteroid is still far away and could be influenced by more things than we could think of.” He hadn’t been able to give the man much more information than he had at their first meeting. The computer at the White House was definitely the best he had ever used, but the thing couldn’t tell him the future either. They had a few more details about the mass and state of the asteroid but that was pretty much it. It was fast, it was huge and it would destroy Earth and everything living on it if there was a direct collision, but it was still too far away to tell what direction it would take. “A very tiny variance of its direction right now would change all of our calculations. It doesn’t have a high density so the possibility of a split exists and that would mean not only one but several collisions.”

“Several?” Cole barked. “Are you saying this thing could hit us in several different places?”

Alex sighed. The only man who had been at least a bit knowledgeable of the whole topic – the head of NASA Greg Shepherd – had already left the meeting for another appointment. He wished he was still there to support him. “If there is a split,” he nodded. “Several smaller asteroids could hit us, leaving damage that we can’t imagine right now.”

“But at least there would still be an Earth afterwards,” Mason threw in.

“Yeah… I guess. The best scenario would be that it changes direction enough to miss us altogether.”

“When will we be able to tell more?” the president intervened. He had watched the other men shooting their question at the young man for a while now and he felt kind of sorry for him since he knew Mr. Whitman was doing his best to get the information everyone wanted.

“If it maintains its speed…” Alex thought about it for a while, “maybe around May… or June.”

“That’s four or five more months,” Blair shouted. “We –“

“Charles,” the president interrupted and glared at him. “Mr. Whitman is not a visionary.”

The other man snorted and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest as he glared at Alex. “We need better information. What’re we supposed to do to prepare for this if we don’t even know what or where it will happen?”

“Mr. Whitman,” Mason leaned forward and rested his hands on the table while he glanced down at the notes Alex had given everyone. “What would you suggest would be necessary precautions we could take?”

“Well,” Alex coughed slightly, “based on the fact that we don’t know the impact location, my advice would be to build several protection areas spread over the world. Fallout shelters in massive mountains like the Black Hills would be good. Considering the possibility of a nuclear winter or air contamination there should be supplies for at least three months and an air system to pre-process the air would be necessary.” He scratched his head while he considered if he should bring up something else. “I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen the movie 2012? Well, even though it was fiction, there’re also a few interesting facts as well. A few hits in the right places and we could be facing massive volcanic activity, which makes life on the continents hardly possible.”

“Are you suggesting ships?” Cole asked. He had seen the movie and was convinced it was bullshit.

Alex nodded. “It’s a possibility that should be considered.”

Blair laughed sarcastically. “Mr. Whitman, we don’t live in a fictional world here. This is real and…”

“Mr. Whitman is here for the astrological aspect and not to give us the solution for a possible collision,” Philips Evans reminded them all. “We have other specialists for this and I want you to contact them with the newest information,” he looked at Charles Blair meaningfully and then went on to give orders to the other men in the room before he ended the meeting and everyone but him and Alex left the room.

“Politics is always turning up with greedy dogs. You’ve gotta feed them with something,” Philip said and squeezed the younger man’s shoulder, placing a coffee in front of him.

“I guess that’s right,” Alex agreed and took the mug thankfully.

“I suppose we’ve kept you here long enough, Mr. Whitman. You have family here in Washington if I was informed correctly?”

“My parents live here,” he agreed with a nod.

“I wanna be honest. I would appreciate it if you would stay in Washington. I want you to continue the research, but I suppose we can’t hold you in the White House any longer. There are a few nice apartments here and the government will pay the rent.”

Alex wondered if it was really just a suggestion or just a nice way of telling him what he had to do while making it sound like an invitation. “I’ll do whatever is necessary as long as I can do my job.”

Philip smiled, satisfied. “I knew we could count on you, Mr. Whitman. We’ll talk about the details later if you don’t mind. I got another video conference with the Secretary of Defence in a few minutes.”

“Sure,” Alex agreed and knew it was time to get up. He took the mug from the table and said goodbye to the president for now, before he left the office to walk back in the direction of his room.

“Alex,” a female voice called when he turned right into another hallway.

He turned around with a smile and came face to face with the president’s daughter, who had been very attentive the last days. He still wondered if she was always like that or if she was just curious about his reasons for being here. “Isabel.”

“Another boring meeting about politics,” she guessed with a smile and glanced into his half empty mug. “And they got you that awful coffee from the machine in the office.”

He grinned and looked at the brown liquid. “It’s not that bad.”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “No need to be polite, I know it’s not.”

“Alright,” he chuckled. “Guess I’ve had better.”

“How about I invite you for a much better one?” she asked and hooked her arm around his.

“Sure. Sounds good.” Even though he doubted her motives, she was enjoyable to hang out with.


“Dad,” Tess had been bugging her father for hours now, not leaving his side to get some answers out of him. “What’d you do with Maria? Where is she? Why isn’t she picking up her phone?”

“Tess,” Ed said sharply, his nerves stretched to their limits. “Get off my back now.”

“But I just wanna know what happened to my best friend. One minute she’s here and the next she just disappeared. I’m worried, Dad,” she pleaded.

He sighed and stopped in the hallway to face her, hurting at the worried look on her face and wishing he could just tell her the truth. “She’ll be okay.”

“You know where she is, don’t you?” she asked quietly.

“I do,” he admitted. “And you know as well as I do that I can’t tell you anything about this. The less you know, the better.”

“But…” she started to protest again.


“I just wanna know if she’s okay and why you’re hiding her. Is she in any danger?”

Ed bit his inner cheek – as much as it was bothering him to leave her in the dark, it was a necessary step right now.

“And Michael not coming back… this’s somehow connected isn’t it?” She tried to make sense out of it, but there wasn’t really an explanation that came to her mind.

“Leave it alone for now,” her father begged and glanced at his watch. He had a video conference with the president soon about the situation in Afghanistan and he needed to hurry to avoid being late. “We have everything under control and you don’t have to worry about her.”

“I can’t just stop worrying.”

Ed sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders, making her to look at him. “Tessie, everything will be okay with her. I care about her as much as you do and I promise you she’s fine.”

She really wished his words would help her to relax and even though they didn’t she nodded anyway. There was no way she would get out anything of him, but she had to try anyway. “I’ll go to my room.”

“Okay,” he let go of her and watched her leave, her pace lacking its normally light and easygoing manner.

Tess closed her bedroom door behind her once she had reached her room and glanced around. The tray with the untouched breakfast was still sitting on the bed. She walked over to it and broke off a small piece of pancake with her fingers to put it into her mouth. It was long cold and really didn’t taste great in a situation like this. What had happened in the twenty minutes she had been in the kitchen? People didn’t just disappear!

Her gaze fell on her nightstand and locked on her cell. Without thinking twice she took it and pushed the speed dial button to call Liz. Impatiently she waited for the other girl to pick up and when it went to voicemail she frowned and hung up just to try it again three more times.

When she was about to give it up, her friend finally answered the call. “Hello?”

“Parker, why do you never take your cell with you,” Tess started to ramble immediately, run over by her own feelings and too distracted to detect the hint of sadness in her friend’s voice. “I really need something to hit right now, I swear! Gosh, E! I am so mad!”

Liz fell back on her bed and stared up to the ceiling, hardly noticing what the other girl was rambling about. It still felt like she was surrounded by a heavy thick cloud, which held her in like a prisoner.

“Something happened to M, but I don’t know what it is. One minute she’s here with me and then when I come back to bring breakfast, she’s gone. Just gone.” Tess waved her hand in the air. “Can’t reach her on her cell, can’t reach her at her apartment and that’s so unlike her. I mean, she hasn’t let her cell outta her sight for the last week in case Michael calls, right?”

Tess frowned, when she couldn’t hear an agreement from the other end. “E? Did you hear me?”

“Yeah,” it came quietly, but it didn’t sound convincing.

“Is everything okay? I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

“No…. no, you didn’t,” Liz said thickly and felt the tears shooting to her eyes again, which spilled over in no time.

The sound of her voice finally reached Tess, alarming her, and she straightened up. “What’s going on, Liz?”


“Talk to me, Parker!”

“My mom,” she finally croaked out and wanted to suppress a sob, but failed.

Tess suddenly felt dizzy and sat down on the bed, before her legs could give out. “What’s with your mom?” she asked quietly and fearfully.

Liz suddenly lost control and started to cry badly, unable to say anything.

Just hearing it, it brought tears to Tess’ eyes as well. A dark anticipation waited in her mind to be confirmed, but she still waited for her friend to calm down and prove her wrong.

“She… she died,” the brunette managed to get out before her throat felt too tight to speak again.

Gosh, this couldn’t happen, Tess thought and wiped her tears away, determined to be stronger than this. She got up and looked around to find her bag sitting at the desk next to her computer. “Give me a few minutes, Liz. I’ll be there.”

She hung up and shoved the cell in her jeans, putting herself on autopilot to just ‘operate’ in that moment. Both of her friends lives were falling apart overnight and she was determined to pick the pieces up again and put them back together.

Chapter 5D

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:27 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: Well…. Uhm… Sorry. :)

lizzy_koh: Yeah, Tess needs to be strong for the other two girls.

It is no fun to have impatient politicians at your back, lol.

Hm, in my opinion they would keep it a secret as long as possible, but you never know.

Alien_Friend: Yeah, Tess is really strong, we will see more in this uppy.

No, there is really nothing to envy in Alex’ situation right now.


begonia9508: Hate that too. Interesting theory. Well no matter what would happen, it probably wouldn’t be good.

sarammlover: Hm, probably not?! Sorry.

mary mary: Tess will give her best!

xilaj: Not checking with Maria or Michael yet (but soon), we wills stay with Liz and Tess today.
Oh, I am sure Isabel will do her best to enlighten Alex’ mood. ;)

Chapter 5D

Her lungs hurt from the cold air as she took the steps two at time to get to Liz’ front door after someone had let her into the building. She had never made it to the other girl’s house so fast without her car, but walking had seemed to be the better option when she had seen that the windows of the vehicle where all frozen up.

Tess had to catch her breath when she reached the floor before she was able to knock on the door. This situation still felt so unreal – how could so much happen in only a few hours?

Silvie opened the door, not surprised to see one of Liz’s closest friends there. She had expected them to get there soon and she wondered if the other blonde would show up as well. “Hello, Ms Harding,” she greeted her since she remembered her name based on her family status.

“Hello,” Tess nodded in greeting. “I just talked to Liz and found out what happened. I wanna see if she’s okay.” She wasn’t asking if the other woman would let her in, she HAD to.

“Sure,” Silvie opened the door wider and stepped aside to let the girl in. “She’s in her room. I’ve made some tea, maybe you can take it to her?”

“Okay,” the curly blonde walked inside with a determined stride and kicked her shoes off in the hallway before she went straight to the kitchen. “How did it happen?” She turned to look at the other woman when she followed her.

“The EMTs couldn’t do an exact diagnostic here. They said maybe it was a stroke, maybe a heart attack …” Silvie sobbed slightly and brushed a tear away, “or maybe her heart was just too weak after all the treatments to go on anymore.”

Tess swallowed and gripped the counter behind her. “Will they do anything to find it out more clearly?”

“Liz had a patient’s provision so it’s up to her if they do that or not.”

“God,” she rasped. How awful would it to be to have to make a decision like that? Would you really want to know?

“I think she’s blaming herself for not being here even though the EMTs said it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end.”

Tess nodded. She had already expected that because Liz had always cared about her mother more than herself. “I’m gonna go to her,” she said and took the cup of tea from the counter before she walked out of the kitchen towards her friend’s room. She knocked on the closed door slightly, but stepped in before she heard an answer.

Her heart broke when she saw the brunette curled up in a ball on her bed, some stuffed animal that she knew her mother had given her when she was little, tightly pressed into her arms. “Hey E,” she greeted her in a whisper.

Liz noticed the presence of her friend, but didn’t move. It felt like she couldn’t, like something was pressing her down on the mattress and made it impossible to move ever again.

“I brought some tea for you,” she placed it at the nightstand and sat down on the bed behind her, leaning over slightly to look at her face. “Hey…” Tess reached out to wipe a strand of hair out of her face. She could easily detect the trails of tears and the puffy red eyes.

Liz closed her eyes at the slight touch and took in a shaky breath. The emptiness she could feel inside of her kept her from talking or doing anything. Everything just felt so… dull.

Tess blinked away her own tears and moved up onto the bed fully to lie behind her friend. She wrapped one arm around her and stayed silent for a while, just letting her know that she wasn’t alone in that moment. Right now she wished Maria could be here. She would know what to say to get Liz to talk, the other girl was so much better at stuff like this.

“It’s not your fault, Liz,” she tried after a long silence and squeezed the other girl’s hand. “You couldn’t be around her 24/7 and you know she wouldn’t have wanted that.”

The words just passed by Liz without really registering in her head, since her thoughts were on a different topic right now. “I should have worn it,” it came from her, hardly audible.

“What’d you say?” Tess lifted her upper body and rested it on one arm while she looked at her. She followed Liz’ gaze and saw a green dress hanging from the door of her wall closet. “The dress? Why?”

“My mother bought it for me a while back and last night she wanted me to wear it, but…” she swallowed hard and grimaced as new tears swamped her. “I wanted to keep it for something more important and now she’ll never see me wear it.”

“Ah, hell, girl,” her friend hugged her tightly. “She knew you were saving it for a special occasion. And you will wear it someday. Lucy was proud of you no matter what you did and that never stopped.”

She knew that everything her friend and Silvie were telling her were probably true, but that didn’t keep her mind away from the horrible thoughts. What it she had been awake when it had happened? What if she had been in pain and cried for help but no one could hear her? Just thinking of it her heart felt like it was being squeezed together in a very tight grip and it made it hard to breathe. “I need to know.”

“You need to know?” Tess replied and already had a dark anticipation what this was about.

“I need to know how she died and if she was able to feel anything,” Liz suddenly sat up, almost kicking her friend from the bed. “I can’t go on if I don’t know.”

“Okay,” the blonde said. If it was something she wanted then she would support her decision, but what if the results said that Lucy actually had felt something or worse, what if came out that it had taken a long painful time? Liz would never forgive herself for leaving that night in this case. She reached over to get the mug from the nightstand and then handed it to her.

“I don’t…” Liz started, but knew Tess wouldn’t leave her alone until she had drunk the damn tea, so she took it from her, too weak to fight her friend. Her cell buzzed on the nightstand, letting her know she had received another new email.

“Want me to get it?”

“No,” she shook her head. Normally, she would have been eager to read it immediately in anticipation that it was William, but right now she didn’t even feel strong enough to do that. What could she say in that moment anyway?

Tess leaned back and rested her head on the headboard. She was really on the edge right now as well. Normally Maria would have been here to help out and afterwards they would have talked about it alone for hours, but everything was bottled up in her right now and she hated that feeling. She wanted to talk so bad about what happened to her other friend, but the only one who would understand was Liz and the girl was not in any state to process that information right now. “What about we stay in bed all day, order pizza and watch some movies?”

“I’m not really hungry,” Liz said and placed the mug aside to lie down again. “But stayin’ in bed sounds good, although I need to go to the hospital this afternoon for some formalities.” She feared that moment, but she needed to get over with it as soon as possible.

“I’m coming with you,” Tess said, not wanting to leave her friend alone with that. She would try to contact Maria again later, maybe she would be able to answer her calls then?

“How am I supposed to ever go in her room again?” Liz asked and stared at a photo of her mother next to her bed.

“Hey, come here, E,” her friend opened her arms and sighed when she gave in, letting her hug her willingly. “That is nothing you need to worry about right now, okay? It’s okay to be sad and to grieve for now. Besides, you have friends at your side, remember?” Hopefully Maria would be back soon.

“Did you tell M?” Liz mumbled quietly. She was almost sure she had, Tess couldn’t hold back in moments like this, she had to talk about stuff or she exploded.

Tess bit her lip, what was she supposed to say? Although she wanted to tell her about the Maria drama, this wasn’t the right time for it. The last thing Liz needed was to worry about that on top of everything else. “No, thought she’s got enough to deal with right now. Ya know… Michael and all.”

“Yeah,” Liz agreed, although she was a bit surprised. “That’s right.”

“Why don’t ya try to sleep a bit and then we’ll go to the hospital.”


Max sat down in front of his desk and checked his email again, frowning when there was nothing in his inbox yet. They had been back home for a few hours now and Dad had immediately disappeared for an important meeting, taking their new houseguest with him. He still wondered what this all was about, but was he interested enough to go and find out? Nope! Maybe Isabel would have a clue soon thought, he thought, amused. His sister seemed to be interested in the guy.

Maybe she was still with the girls
, his gaze wandered back to the screen. Her reply to his last email had had him grinning this morning after waking up and he had asked her to tell him more about the man she had met last night.

Had fun, huh?

How much fun did ya have? ;)

Now he was eager to get an answer from her. Would she be honest?

He got up and paced around his room, stopping to look in the mirror next to the door. Was it wrong to ask her a question like that? Yeah, it probably was, but he couldn’t help it. Last night had been the best since his father had become an important politician, but it had left him edgier than usual.

Now more than ever he wanted Liz to know the truth about him now and it was getting harder to resist the urge to just tell her, but there was also a part of him that was afraid he would lose her over the truth.

They had gotten along very well last night and if he wasn’t completely wrong, she had also flirted with him, but what would she think when she found out that William and him where the same person and he hadn’t let her know that?

Plus, what if that wasn’t the problem? What if she didn’t want to date him because he was who he was? She had been okay with it last night, but dating him meant publicity and she wasn’t the type of girl who would enjoy that.

Add the distance factor and we have the perfect mess, he thought in frustration and plopped down on his bed, but was up again when he heard the little sound that announced a new email.

The grin from his lips slipped when he realized it was just an email for the university with yet another stack of homework to do. Ungh! He marked it as unread and left his room to find something to eat. Maybe she would have answered when he came back.

You sound like a pussy, he thought. Walking around your room waiting for an email – that’s ridiculous! But Liz Parker wasn’t leaving his thoughts alone no matter how he tried to distract himself and no matter what he did, the hole he had dug himself into was getting deeper and deeper. He had to make a decision soon – and using their new code would be a possibility, but it also meant he would set his money on getting all or nothing out of it.

Chapter 5E

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:47 am
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: That’s the question lol. We will find out!

begonia9508: Thanks! Yeah, Liz did nothing wrong and she will learn to not blame herself.

mary mary: It is a very sad position, but Liz has friends to support her.

Marsis: Thanks, I am glad the friendship comes across right, it’s important to me and the fic.

It’s true. Mom’s always want the best for their kids. Lucy and Liz were close and she knew that with her sickness her daughter had a lot to deal with all the time. She wanted something better for Liz and she can be very proud about her daughter as well – Liz just needs to accept this fact first.

We will check in with Maria today. ;)

Alien_Friend: Yeah, Tess tried to hold it together for now.

We will find out about max and when he will spill his secret… just not yet. ;)


lizzy_koh: Liz will need some time to accept her new situation, but one day she will learn that she’s not at fault of her mom’s death and she’s a strong person.

Hm we will see how Max handles this… or how he finds out.

xilaj: Welcome back. ;) I’ve heard about the asteroid as well and saved it up in memory for later, lol.

If Liz finds some piece soon has yet to be seen, but we can hope.

Tess is a real great friend, a lot wouldn’t expect this from her, but Liz and Maria know her better.

Checking in with Maria today. ;)

sarammlover: The three girls stick together no matter what, but sadly Maria has to deal with other stuff right now, but at least Tess can support Liz. Thanks!

Chapter 5E

Maria paced around the room the two suit-wearing bimbos had dumped her into about two hours ago. Her muscles were stiff after an eight-hour drive in the car, she was hungry, cold, confused and lonely, but no one seemed to care.

The windows of the car had been darkly tinted, so it had been hard to see anything at all, but considering the length of the drive and the bit of landscape she had been able to see she was pretty sure she was in Washington DC.

But why was she here? She glanced at her lonely bag sitting on the bed. The room they had taken her to was at a higher level, seventh or eighth floor if she was right. It was large and contained everything necessary for living. There was a couch, an armchair and a flat screen at the center of the room, a high shelf separated the living area from the sleeping area. A huge bed as well as a nightstand and a wall closet could be found on the left side of the room, as well as a door which led to a small bathroom that contained a small tub, toilet and sink. Then on the right side of the room a 9 or 10 foot long counter separated everything else from the kitchen furniture – a few barstools sat there as well.

It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t home either and the circumstances left her with an uneasy feeling. There wasn’t a phone and they had taken her cell from her, so there was no one she could contact. She should have been worried about herself, but all she could think about was, what had happened to Michael? She knew these happenings were somehow connected to him, and the uncertainty was driving her insane. Her mind was coming up with the worst and probably most ridiculous things, but she couldn’t stop it.

“What the hell is going on?” she yelled into the room although there was no one with her. She stepped closer to the large window and stared outside, narrowing her eyes when a fire truck rushed down the street across from the building. Yep, she was definitely in DC, but why? And why wasn’t she allowed to go outside… or call her Mom? So many questions and she was slowly but surely going insane from them.

“Alright,” she took a deep breath and went over to the bed, opening the bag she had packed in a hurry. Maybe a little bit distraction would help, she thought and started to pull her stuff out.

She hadn’t just packed clothes and important stuff like Ed had suggested. No, she had also thrown in a good book as well as a framed picture of Michael and her, taken in 2008. They both smiled in it; although she remembered all too well that her smile had been faked that night…


“Is everything set with the grill?” Tess called for David, who had been busy for the past 30 minutes with it now.


She rolled her eyes and took a seat across from Maria. “I told them he couldn’t do it, but did they listen to me? NO!”

Her friend laughed and sipped on the plastic cup filled with punch. “Relax, girl!”

All of their classmates had gotten together for one last barbeque in Boston Park. Graduation day was just a few weeks ago and soon a lot of them would leave Boston to spread around the states in different colleges. Although she was excited about it as well – and she would stay in her home town – it was kinda sad to see a lot of friends go.

“What? I’m hungry! If Peterson doesn’t hurry then I’m heading over to Taco Bell, I swear!” Tess leaned forward to warm her hands over the small fire they had built.

“Grill’s not going yet, huh?” Michael said as he joined the girls, taking a seat behind Maria to wrap his arms around her. “Hey M,” he greeted her quietly with a nudge of his nose against her cheek.

“Michael, can’t ya go over and show him how to do it right?” Tess complained before the couple could be pulled into the snuggling-kissing contest they engaged in at their greetings. They had been together for over a year now – at first she had thought this behavior would pass with time, but it hadn’t and she had gotten used to the fact that her best friend and him still behaved like lovebirds at times.

“What makes you think I’m willing to grill food for all of you?” He was over a year older than the rest of them and had left high school behind a while ago.

“Well, because you love us?” She gestured between her and Maria.

“Us?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“M an’ me, we’re a package deal. You can’t get just one.”

“Does that count for every part of this relationship?” he asked with a smirk and earned an elbow from his girlfriend.

“You better shut up before you dig your hole deeper, Guerin,” she warned him.

“Was just asking,” he teased and tightened his grip around her for a second before he freed one hand to pull something out of his pocket. “Here Harding, we don’t want you to starve.” He threw a small bag of chips to her.

“Okay, now it’s official,” Tess said and opened it up immediately before she looked at Maria. “I love him too, sorry.” She winked at her and shoved a few chips into her mouth. “I’m gonna go tell Peterson to hurry up.”

Michael watched her leave, glad that he was getting a chance to talk to his girlfriend alone since there was something he needed to tell her.

“Tess is being her usual self,” Maria sighed with a smile and shook her head.

“Gotten used to it by now,” he chuckled. “Could be worse.” Although the other girl was crazy, loud and noisy, he couldn’t think of a better friend for his girlfriend. “Where’s Parker?”

“Visiting her mom in the hospital, but she should be here soon.”

“How’s her mom doin’?”

“Some days are better than others,” she shrugged. Liz’s life had been up and down for a long time now and while she and Tess tried to support her as well as they could, it didn’t seem to be enough at times.

Maria turned in her seat until she could face him. “How was your day? You met that army guy, right?”

The last months hadn’t been easy for him at all. He had lost several jobs in that time, but because of his past criminal record it wasn’t easy to find something – at least nothing that brought in enough money to survive at the end of the month. Kyle and him had supported the National Guard last summer, they had helped at a few different places that had suffered from devastation from hurricanes. They had both hoped that it might be a steppingstone for something else… maybe in the National Guard or something similar, but nothing had really come out of it.

Recently Ed had been talking to them and was able to make some arrangement so he and Kyle had started quickly with basic training in the US army, telling them that he had a few things in mind for them if they were willing to work for the army. Michael nodded. “It was okay,” he started and looked up at her. “Actually, it might have brought up a possibility.”

“Yeah?” She smiled. “Cool, what is it?”

He almost felt bad about her excitement because while it would probably mean a job that paid well, it had a huge downside as well. “The Commander we met offered us a job if we’re able to pass some tests and training.”

“Oh, I’m sure whatever it is you’ll both succeed.” Although his high school graduation hadn’t been the best, he was smart in a lot of ways and she was positive that he could do almost everything.

“Yeah…” he agreed and grabbed one of her hands, playing with it absentmindedly. It wasn’t so much that he feared failing, but what would she think of the job in general?

“Tell me more about it,” she said gently. Was he so frustrated about past disappointments that he didn’t want to be happy about a possibility already? “Guess the army has a lot of possibilities.”

“This guy, he watched Kyle an’ me a few times while we went though basic and he says he likes what he saw.” Michael swallowed. “Pretty sure Ed’s behind this as well. They’re looking for some guys for a unit. He said he couldn’t say much about it because they operate secretly… like Special Forces or something. The tests and training will be hard, but he said he’s positive we can do it.”

“Oh wow,” Maria said, not knowing what to think. “Sounds weird. He didn’t say what your primary task would be?”

“Well, no.” He scratched his eyebrow and looked at her directly. “It’d be different stuff, depending on the operation. Dangerous stuff. I’d be away a lot.” Sullivan hadn’t held back, underlining that the job was anything but fancy, but he didn’t want to repeat it all for his girlfriend. “But on the other hand they promised to delete our juvenile criminal records within a year of working for the army and I’d earn enough money for both of us.”

“You don’t…”

He pressed his index finger to her lips. “I know you’re gonna to say that’s not necessary and that you’ll work as well. I just mean with your Mom moving out of town you wouldn’t have to worry about money during college and we could get an apartment together.”

“What’d Kyle say?”

“He already signed the papers to start the training.”

Yeah, she had expected that answer. The thought of living together was exciting, but how huge would the sacrifice be? “And you’re interested in it too,” she stated, pretty sure she was reading his body language right.

Michael shrugged. “I’m considering it, but…”

“You’re holding back because of me.” It was easy to figure it out and his slight nod just proved she was right. “Why?”

“Why?” He frowned.

“Yeah. I mean, if it’s what you want to do…”

“Getting a job that pays well and deletes my past mistakes sounds good and I’m positive that the army’s the right thing for me, but if it means losing you over it then I’ll pass. I’m not willing to stitch one hole just to tear another one.”

Maria grabbed the collar of his jacket with both hands, touched by his words, as she made him face her. “You won’t lose me, Michael. This won’t be easy and all, but I’m sure we can do this.”

He reached up to squeeze one of her smaller hands with his. “You sure?” Losing her wasn’t an option, but giving up the possibility of this job meant also giving up the chance for a better future as well. How much could he offer her otherwise? A job in an office would be his death. She was about to go to college and he couldn’t even find a job that paid enough money for him alone.

“We can do this,” she repeated and leaned in for a kiss.


Now she didn’t know if she had been convinced or if she had just said it to stop his worries.

Would she still agree with the knowledge she had now? Of course Kyle and him had both been able to complete the training successfully. First they had been away for days, and then their trips had lasted for two or three weeks up to a month. For the past year and a half now it was hardly possible to count. Three months, four? Half a year?

She dropped down on the bed, still holding the picture from that night in her hand.

Yes, she was smiling in it, but there had been this black cloud hanging over her, shadowing her mind with fearful expectations and if she was totally honest with herself, she had to admit that since that day the cloud hadn’t completely gone away.

Chapter 5F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:16 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: Thanks. Tess grows over herself right now. ;)

Alien_Friend: Lol, I know I am not good at updating regularly with this story, sorry (hey that rhymes, lol).

Oh yeah, he really does! And so does she! ;)

Yeah, it has to be really hard!

begonia9508: Well no, definitely not in jail! ;)

lizzy_koh: Thanks! She will get answers very soon! ;)

xilaj: Yeah, this situation really isn’t easy and I guess a lot of relationships break because of issues like this.

The truth will come around in no time. ;)

Chapter 5F

“Hey,” Tess greeted gently when Liz’ head on her chest moved slightly to indicate that she had woken up again. It was shortly after 3pm and she knew the girl needed to go to the hospital for some formalities, but she hadn’t wanted to disturb what at least had seemed to be a peaceful sleep.

Liz stayed quiet for a few moments longer, while her eyes just stared holes in the air. For a very short moment she had thought it had all been a bad dream, but as soon as her mind had lost the cloudy comfort of sleep, reality hit her again. “It really happened,” she whispered hoarsely. “Oh God,” sobs escaped her tight throat while she froze in the same position she had woken in.

“I’m here, Liz,” was all Tess could say when the other girl’s hurt easily swept over. Her friend’s body was tense and shook slightly from the tremors of crying. It was hard to witness and almost impossible to find a way to ease her pain, but she tried at least to calm her down a bit with soft soothing strokes over her back.

It took some time before she calmed down again – just enough to get the strength to sit up and look at the other girl. She was surprised when she found her also crying quietly and leaned over to give her a tight crushing hug. “I need to go to the hospital,” she mumbled and released her again.

“I’m coming with you,” Tess nodded.

“You sure? It could take forever and…”

“I’m sure,” the blonde interrupted her and sat up. “Got no other plans anyway.”

“Maybe you should go an’ see Maria,” Liz suggested. As much as she appreciated that her friend wanted to be there for her, she didn’t know what was waiting for her at the hospital and she was used to dealing with her hurt mostly alone.

Tess bit her lip while she weight of her options about telling Liz the truth about their friend or not. Liz was not in a position to take anymore bad news, but on the other hand anything else would be a lie and neither of them would get anything out of that. “There’s something I need to tell you E,” she started, already hating herself for bringing more hurt into the mix.

Liz frowned, but nodded. There was really nothing she was afraid of now that the worst thing she had always feared had happened.

“Maria kinda disappeared,” Tess started, knowing how stupid that sounded. “I mean not really, but my father had her taken somewhere and I don’t know why and where.”

“Have you tried to call her?” The brunette asked and was almost thankful for the little distraction.

“Yeah, but she’s not picking up.” Tess bit her lip and tried to come up with some information that made sense. “I don’t know what’s going on and my father refuses to tell me anything, but it’s gotta have something to do with Michael.”

“Oh…” Liz said, her mind totally drawing a blank right now, unable to register so much information combined with the hurt and pain she felt.

“Sorry, I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, I just didn’t want to lie either.” Tess got up and used both hands to make her friend look at her. “You don’t worry about her, okay? My father promised she’s okay and I trust him. Whatever it is, I’m sure they’re just taking precautions or something…” A deep sigh left her throat and she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to bring her thoughts in an order. “We’ll go to the hospital now and you leave the Maria situation to me, alright?”

Liz just nodded dumbly, while her mind was still trying to process everything.

“I’m sorry she can’t be here for you, E,” Tess said sadly when she looked in her confused, shocked face. “I know M would be much better at the comforting stuff and would know the right things to say to make you feel better, but - ”

“No, no,” Liz shook her head and hugged her again tightly. “Don’t say that, Tess. I’m glad you’re here and there isn’t a thing anyone could say to make me feel better, okay?”

“Okay,” she agreed and they let go of each other again.

“Thanks for coming over. It really means a lot to me.” There wasn’t a situation in her life she could remember where she had felt closer to Tess than now. Even though they had been friends for so long now, it had always been more Maria’s part to be the glue between her and Tess while the role of the girl in front of her had been the funny and sometimes annoying one. Now suddenly roles seemed to be reversed and she found proof that there was much more to Tess than she usually showed them.

“Let’s get done with the hospital thing first and then we’ll decide what comes next, okay?” Tess said and wiped her tears away.

“Okay,” Liz breathed deeply and for the first time since that morning she felt a bit of strength creeping back into her body.


Maria woke from her slight doze when she heard a sound. She sat up immediately, not aware that the framed photo of her and Michael was still lying on her chest. It crashed to the floor violently, glass front facedown. “No,” she muttered when it made a sound like glass breaking and reached down to lift it up again.

Her eyes watered when there was large crack across the picture, exactly between her and Michael’s faces. With the fingertips of her right hand she drove over his image as if she could really take comfort from it. Although her mind told her that it was totally ridiculous, she couldn’t help but think it was kind of a bad omen and maybe she’d never see him again.

“FUCK,” she screamed and threw the picture across the room until it hit the wall hard and crashed to the floor, the glass pieces now spread over the tiles. Her sadness suddenly transformed to anger over the situation she was in. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she repeated again and shot up to wander around the apartment. “Can somebody finally tell me what the hell is going on?” Tears streamed down her face, but she ignored them in favour of letting out her frustration. “Fuck this,” she swiped down a basket with fresh fruits someone obviously had set up for her earlier. It rattled to the flagged floor loudly, the apples and kiwis rolling over the tiles in all directions.

“Stick your damn things up your ass,” her voice sounded broken but there was no one who would’ve cared about it. She grabbed the magazines on the kitchen counter and threw them at the window, half relieved and half disappointed when they didn’t make it break.

That had to be the point where she went crazy and got locked up in a padded cell with a straitjacket, she thought, frustrated when her gaze lowered to the broken frame on the ground in front of her. As quick as the furious anger had appeared it was now gone and replaced with misery again. The heavy beating heart in her chest clenched and hurt as she sank down to the ground to peel the photograph out of the broken fragments. Blood dropped to the white flag when she cut herself on a small piece of glass, but she ignored it and leaned her back against the wall, photo clutched to her chest while waves of sobs shock her body violently.

Ed Harding stood in the open door of the apartment and wished he would’ve been anywhere else instead of having to witness the breakdown of a girl he cared about almost as much as his own daughter. The painful cries from across the room got through the hard shell he had built because of his job and went straight to his heart. He closed the door and went across the room with large steps, placing the little paper bag with takeout food on the counter before he crouched down in front of the girl.

“Maria,” he started to speak to her gently because she hadn’t even realized his presence yet. “Hey, girl, look at me.”

She barely registered that someone was talking to her and lifted her head slightly to look around. Someone was crouched down in front of her, but she had to blink several times before her blurry gaze cleared again.

Ed swallowed the lump in his throat when he looked into the devastated face of the young woman in front of him. “Have you hurt yourself?” He reached out to take her hand when he saw the blood drops on the ground and was relieved when it was only a superficial cut from to the broken pieces around her.

“’s nothin’,” she mumbled and threw herself into his arms when he looked at her wounded finger.

“Hey…” he said, surprised and struggled to stay on his feet when the move nearly toppled him. Carefully he sat down on the floor next to her and held her tightly while she cried again.

Maria clung to his shirt with two fisted hands while she allowed the hurt and fear to override everything else. After a week of hoping and worrying about her boyfriend, she couldn’t find any strength left to stop it.

“I’m sorry,” he told her and rocked her back and forth. “I am really, really sorry.”

Her head suddenly snapped up when his words sank in. “You’re sorry? About what?” she asked fearfully. Was Michael gone? Had they brought her here to tell her that? Or worse, did she have to identify him? “Is he….” No, she couldn’t say it.

“No, he’s not,” Ed rushed to tell her when he realized where her mind had gone. “He’s alive, Maria.” At least everyone hoped he was.

A little bit of relief flooded her body and her hands on his shirt relaxed. “Why isn’t he home then? He told me he’d be home, so something has to be wrong. Michael would never have told me he’d be home if he hadn’t already been on his way.”

He looked down at her while he tried to decide how much information he should give her. Originally he had planned to tell her only a little, but lying to her now would mean she might distrust him later and that would be bad in case the worst case scenario happened. “He was on his way home,” he started with a calm tone. “His convoy was attacked though.”

“Attacked?” Her eyes went over his face, seeking more answers. “Is he hurt?”

“We can’t tell for sure,” he answered honestly.

“You can’t tell?” She sat up. “How can you not tell if he’s…”

“The people who attacked us kidnapped him, Maria.” Ed hated to have to tell her the news and he wished there was anything he could add that would give her hope, but sadly they were running around in circles right now.

“Kidnapped,” she repeated breathlessly. “What now? Is the kidnapper demanding something? Money maybe?”

“No…” he shook his head.

“No…” Maria frowned.

Ed sighed and massaged his forehead with one hand. “The people who have him aren’t interested in getting anything from us.”

“What’s their motive for taking him then?”

“Revenge probably… we don’t know for sure.”

“Which country was he in?”

For a moment he wanted to keep that from her, but the reminder that the case also involved her personally made him rethink that. “Afghanistan.”

There was silence for some long moments before she lifted her head again. “Terrorists,” Maria whispered fearfully. It was the only thing that made sense why someone would kidnap him without making a demand.

Ed nodded wordlessly.

“Oh God…” her voice trembled while the information sank in. “What are you doing to get him outta there?”

“We’re doing everything possible to find him right now, but….”

“Find him?” she interrupted him with a frown. “You don’t know where they’re hiding him?”

“No, not yet,” he admitted.

“But you said he’s alive,” she accused. “How do you know?” Maria searched his eyes for the answer and saw the helplessness there. She swallowed hard. “You don’t really know, do you?”

“We don’t have proof,” he admitted and went on before she could break down again, “but we’re pretty positive that he’s alive, Maria.”

“What makes you think that?” It hurt so badly to know what Michael’s been through – that he was maybe hurt and alone somewhere and she knew he was blaming himself for telling her he would be home.

Ed cleared his throat, preparing to tell her the last bit she didn’t know yet. “The reason why you’re here, Maria, is that we have reason to believe the people who have him are looking for you.”

Maria’s eyes widened in shook. “For me? Why?”

“To torture him probably.” It was the ugly truth and he hated to have to tell her that. “But at least this way we’re positive he’s alive. There would be no reason for them to look for you if he wasn’t alive.”

“This’s a nightmare,” she cried harder again, because she knew it would work. If someone was threatening him about going after her… Gosh, she couldn’t even think how he must feel about that.

“Maria,” Ed mumbled and hugged her again, “we’ll do everything to protect you. This building is the best guarded in DC.”

“I’m not worried about me,” she shook her head. “What if I deliver myself to them? You could implant me with a transmitter or whatever and find us that way.”

Although he admired her bravery, he damned this strictly. “These men don’t make compromises so you forget that thought, do you hear me?”

“You need to find him, Ed! He doesn’t deserve this.” No, not Michael, she pleaded silently.

“We have our best men looking for him. We will find him,” he told her determinedly, but wondered if he was just trying to convince himself. “The fact that they were looking for you allowed us to mobilize our troops there, so in a twisted way you could be his lucky charm.” He grabbed both of her upper arms to force her to look at him. “We have good reason to hope that we will get him outta there, okay?” Ed stared at her, trying to find something in her face that showed him she believed what he had said. “Okay?” he asked, louder this time.

Maria nodded slowly. “Okay.”


Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch5F - Pg 21 - 3/25/13

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:52 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling: Well no, she did not just disappear, she was just quickly taken away.

Hm, Max is probably still waiting for a reply from Liz. ;)

begonia9508: True, Maria shouldn't do something stupid, because it won't help at all.

xilaj: Yep, Tess uses to be the funny, loud and noisy cool friend, but she is the best friend in times that matter.

Lots of questions, maybe a bit is answered today. ;) Thanks for the bump! lol

Alien_Friend: Nobody wants to change places with Maria right now, huh? And probably not with Liz either. Our poor girls, I should make them better, but my writing is so slow, lol.

Thanks for bumping me to page one again, lol.

sarammlover: Yeah, she knows the truth now and even though she probably doesn't feel better about it, she at least can stop to wonder why he did not return home.

lizzy_koh: Yeah, we hope not. ;)

Glad you like Tess here.

We check on Liz and Kyle today. ;)

I know, I've been a bad updater lately, but at least I made it back before my summer vacation, lol. See you guys soon!

Chapter 5G

“I’m in the living room if you need me,” Silvie glanced at Liz, trying to decipher the younger girl’s mood. It had been late when she had gotten back from the hospital and she hadn’t so much as said a word about it.

“You really don’t have to stay, you know…” Liz told her. She was thankful that her mother’s best friend wanted to keep her company in the apartment, but she didn’t want her to feel like she had to stay.

“I know, but I will anyway.”

“Alright. I’ll be in my room,” the brunette said and went through the hallway silently. She stopped at her mother’s bedroom and looked at the closed door sadly. It almost felt like she was still there and just sleeping. The air still smelled like her favourite perfume and there were leftovers of the cake in the refrigerator she had baked a few days ago.

How much would she give for another hour with her! There were so many things left unsaid and now there was no chance to say them anymore. “I love you, Mom,” she whispered and hadn’t even realized she had taken a few steps forward to the door. Her hand lay on the door when she blinked and suddenly became aware of what she was about to do. Shocked, Liz flinched, pulling her hand back as if she had burned it and ran the other way to her room, slamming the door shut and resting her back against it, breathing heavily.

“I can’t do this,” she told herself and shook her head. There was no way she could take a step into her Mom’s room ever again – where everything would still feel like she wasn’t gone… everything reminded her about her. It was just too cruel.

The beeping sound of her cell brought her back to reality and she walked over to check the message she had just gotten.

Just one word and I’ll come over, you know that right? Or you could come to me and stay overnight?

Liz smiled sadly as she read the text from Tess. She had been supportive during the long time they had spent with waiting and filling out paperwork in the hospital. Although a lot of people had advised her against a more exact analysis of her mother’s death, her friend had stuck by her side and told the doctors that it was her right to know about it.

“We can’t guarantee we’ll find out anything at all, Miss Parker. And please consider that a more exact reason could also make you feel worse in the end,” one of the doctors in the morgue had said.

“We know that, but my friend has made up her mind so please respect her wishes, okay?” Tess had told him back in her own way when people started to get on her nerves going over the same things again and again.

I know you just wanna help, but I need a little time alone, Liz wrote back and sat down on her bed. Thanks for being there today. Hugs.

She fell back on the mattress and stared up on the screen until the small letter there flew away, indicating that her message was sent. Her eyes landed on the little blinking sign on the upper left side of the illuminated display and she sighed loudly. All day she had put off answering him and she knew it wasn’t fair to just ignore his messages any longer. She should at least give him something so he wouldn’t continue to ask questions.

Pulling herself together for what she told herself was the last time today she got up again and sat down in front of her desk, turning the computer on.

Her mind wandered back to last night while she waited for the computer to start. She remembered saying goodbye to her mother before the party, she remembered her words convincing her to go out and have fun. If she only had known that it was the last time she would get the chance to talk to her. It had been obvious that the older woman hadn’t felt well considering the pale weak look in her face, but yet she had let her talk her into going to the stupid party. Why? Why had she listened this time of all times?

Another thought entered her mind and made her heart hurt in pain. What if her Mom had known or felt it would be her last night? They say that sometimes people just know, right? Had her mother wanted to protect her by convincing her to go to the party?

“You won’t get an answer to this,” Liz told herself firmly and hammered her fisted hand against her forehead to get rid of the thoughts. She was thankful when a few beeping sounds in a row brought her focus to the computer and she reached out to open up the first message from William.

Had fun, huh?

How much fun did ya have? ;

Liz smiled sadly when she remembered the last night and her little encounter with the President’s son. He had been a nice distraction for a while.

Yeah, while your mother was dying at home, her conscience haunted her, but she tried to shake it off again and opened up William’s next messages.

3:04pm: No answer? Have I been replaced? So soon? ;)

6:12pm: Everything okay?

7:55pm: Sorry, I know I’m probably getting on your nerves, but I’m a bit worried since I can’t remember a single day you didn’t at least answer my message within a few hours. You’re probably just hanging out with the girls… Promise I won’t spam your inbox any longer until I hear from you.

Yeah, was he definitely worried and it really didn’t surprise her because she had never ever ignored a message from him for so long before. She had to answer something; it wasn’t fair to leave him in the dark.

Slowly she brought the cursor over the button to open up a new message and stared at the blank white screen for a moment before she bought herself to write.

Hi William!

Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you waiting, but something happened today and I’m still trying to realize it. My Mom died and

Her fingers hesitated over the keyboard and she looked up to check what she had written. Should she really tell him all of this when she knew she wouldn’t be online a lot in the next days? Telling him the truth would leave him worried and he would probably answer with more questions in his mail… questions she wasn’t ready to answer yet. Reluctantly she deleted almost everything again and started new.

Hi William!

Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you waiting, but a few things came up today that I need to take care of. I won’t be online much within the next days so don’t be surprised if ya don’t get another answer from me soon. Please don’t worry, I’ll explain soon.

Hugs, Liz.

She felt bad for lying to him even through it wasn’t a complete lie. Her answer wouldn’t be satisfying, but hopefully it would keep him from asking too many questions and would also give her the time to deal with everything in real life.

Hesitating for a moment while she read over everything again, she nodded and hit the send button before turning the computer off and dragging herself to bed.

A slight feeling of guilt washed over her when her gaze locked on a photograph of Maria and her on the opposite wall. All afternoon she hadn’t even thought about her friend and the misery she was in. “Forgive me, M,” Liz mumbled quietly and rested her cheek against the pillow.


Kyle shot up from his cot when he saw the outline of another person in his tent, his hand immediately grabbing the weapon under his right side. Sleeping with a submachine gun had become a common thing around the soldiers in his unit, a habit you quickly adopted after getting attacked in the middle of the night.

“Easy, Private,” Sullivan said to calm the young soldier down before he could do something dumb just because he thought he was the enemy.

“You shouldn’t just sneak around like that, Commander,” he said tiredly and swung his legs down to the ground to sit up. When was the last time he had been able to sleep a night through, he wondered. Sleep out here was always light and you stayed on some kind of alert, but the last nights had been extremely exhausting.

“We found Chalid,” the older man said in a quiet tone so he wouldn’t wake up the other soldiers sleeping in the same tent. He crouched down in front of him and placed what looked like a map in his hand.

Kyle leaned forward to grab the flashlight from his pack next to his bed and switched it on. He glanced over the map several moments before he lifted his head. “Sangar?” He grimaced. “I hate that big fuckin’ country, that’s a 7-hour drive through the mountains.” Damn it, couldn’t the guy be any closer?

“Be glad it’s not Heart,” Sullivan gave him an encouraging smack on the shoulder and pointed outside. “I’ve got a driver and a jeep. Not armoured though, it was the only vehicle I could get without drawing too much attention to us.”

“Hell, who needs armoured right?” The soldier tried to make a joke. “Guerin sat in a freaking double armoured hummer and what good did it do him in the end?” He shook his head and got up to collect his stuff.

The Commander waited until he was ready and then followed him outside into the clear cold night, their heavy boots making cracking sounds on the stony ground. “Remember what I said, Valenti,” he reminded him when they stopped at the jeep. “You tell Chalid only what he needs to know and we operate alone.”

Kyle opened the door to throw his stuff in before he turned to look at Sullivan again. “Understood,” he said shortly with a nod. The full moon illuminated his superior’s face and made him look a lot older than he probably was.

“We have a safe connection from Sangar, address is written down on the back of the map. Do not use the radio, unless you really need to. Team Alpha will meet with us here at 8:00 this morning, so we’re ready to kick that bastard’s as whenever we need to be.”

“Let’s hope Chalid has something for us and we don’t get there too late.”

Sullivan agreed with a grunt, knowing that with each passing hour the survival chances of his Corporal sank dramatically. “Get in the jeep and don’t make me lose another man, Valenti.”

Kyle just snorted and climbed into the vehicle. “Do you have any information about his girlfriend?”

“Far as I know, she’s been taken to a safe place and guarded 24/7.”

He nodded, satisfied that Maria was safe for now. It was the least they could do for Michael. “Let’s get going,” Kyle told the driver and closed the passenger’s door, saluting at his Commander when they took off.