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Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 21 2/23/11

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:57 am
by jake17
Carolyn: thanks for noticing that Max has learned some lessons this time around, you are just the sweetest to me Carolyn, Please know how much I appreciate all your kind words :)
Ellie: Hope I you saw my explanation to why jim is there under your fb, thanks for your always on going support! :)
angelina:I think your going to seriously hate tess after this, thanks so much for being you angelina, I couldn't ask for a better friend. :)
Natalie: Tess will get her's but it won't be easy. thanks so much for being here. :)
Eve:Thanks so much Eve, always happy to see you at my stories :)
Ginger:thanks ginger, so happy you like this :)
cjeb: wow what a sweet fb, just made my day, so happy you found this and enjoy it, thanks so much for letting me know. :)
PML: thanks so much Peter, Congrats right back at you! So excited to see your work get the acknowledgment it deserves! so happy you like this! :)
6throck:thanks so much for your sweet fb, always love to see new people here! :)

Chapter 21

Alex had only a few more inches to go as he continued to slice against Liz’s restraints with the sharp metal from the seat belt before the door swung open taking them both by surprise.

“Nice try, now I’ll have to separate you two.”

Alex was crushed hearing Tess’ demented voice through the burlap sack knowing Liz didn’t have long.

It was painfully clear that she needed to connect with Max in order to heal very soon and now he had no idea how he was going to help her.

Feeling strong hands grasp her shoulders roughly an idea popped into Liz’s weak mind.

“Wait! P-Please before you take me away from him can I just hug him one last time? I’m not stupid Tess; I’m guessing I’m not getting out of this alive. At least let me say goodbye, I think you owe me at least that much.”

Muffled voices argued outside of the car that grew in volume before she felt a sharp blade slip between the ropes on her wrists releasing her.

Her body stiffened as she felt the cool alien’s lips close to her ear.

“Make it quick Liz, and no tricks, you know what I'm capable of.”

Swiftly she threw her arms around Alex’s neck and whispered as fast as she could.

“Try and sleep so Isabel can come to you, tell them where we are – “

Feeling a rough tug on her shoulders she was violently pulled out of the car.

Alex felt small hands checking his bindings making sure they were secure.

“Get comfortable Alex, I’m afraid your efforts just bought you a long cold night's stay in this luxury vehicle.”

Slumping down in the seat he took a few deep breaths wondering how the hell he could possibly fall asleep under these conditions.


Michael immediately became defensive as Kathleen slipped out of the truck behind Jim.

Maria threw her hands up in the air in complete disbelief.

“Are you freaking kidding me? Can things seriously get any worse?”

Replacing his arm with Maria’s so Max could stand Michael fearlessly walked towards the both of them.

“Why are you following us?”

Taking a deep breath Kathleen stepped out in front of him and raised her arms in the air.

“Look you’re all in danger, we came here to warn you, we’re the only chance you have at coming out of this alive, so please just hear us out.”

Shaking her head Maria rolled her eyes.

“I’m afraid you’re a little too late to be reading us warning labels considering the FBI has been chasing us for days.”

Groggy and weak Max lifted his head and whispered softly.

“Why would you want to help us, I don’t understand, I thought you were part of all this?”

Yelling back towards Max Michael raised his hand in the air.

“She is Max, that’s why we have to get rid of her now, there isn’t much time left.”

Blocking her body Jim pleaded for them to listen.

“Look you’re right, you have no reason to trust her but think about it, if she wanted to turn you over you would be surrounded right now. Max you a smart guy, why would we show up alone.”

Stepping out from behind Jim Kathleen quickly assessed the situation.

“Where are the others?”

Refusing to trust her Michael kept his hand directly raised towards them. “Explain to us why you feel the need to help us again?”

Nervously Kathleen scanned the area around her before looking back at Michael.

“My partner told me what they plan to do, it's not pretty and there's no one standing in their way, You have to believe that I had no idea, I would never agree to hurt innocent kids. Listen to me there isn't must time, you have no choice but to trust me, If we were able to find you, you can bet the FBI isn’t far away.”

Jim focused on Max as he spoke.

“Her partner was just killed trying to warn her of what the government had plan to do to you, Please you need to get out of here, once they have you there's nothing we can do to save you.”

Suddenly they heard the on coming hum of a motor approaching them from the darkness.

“They’re here! They must be tracking you somehow, do you have cell phones on you?”

Glancing at each other then at Max they waited for him to give an order.

Max just shook his head.

“Everyone has a say, I’m not your leader, but my vote is to trust her, the sheriff is right if she was still working for them we’d be in the hands of the FBI by now, time is running out, we have to find Liz and Alex.”

After a nod from Isabel Michael lowered his hand. “How do we get out of here?”

Jim opened the jeep door rushing them inside. “Smash your phones on the rock on the edge of the woods and take my truck. We’ll keep them here as long as we can. Drive till you get to the devil’s mouth and push it over the cliff, it's too steep to get to. They’ll think you died instantly. It’s your only hope.”

Holding onto the door Max lifted his weary eyes towards the Sheriff.


Remembering the night at bitter lake Jim rested his hand on Max’s shoulder seeing only an innocent kid not an evil monster.

“Because I would hope if my son needed help someone would be there.”

Spotting the evidence of headlights Kathleen pulled Jim out of the way and closed the door.

“You have to go now! Drive as fast as you can!”


Flying down the road the four of them sat in silence still stunned by what had happened.

Taking a deep breath Max held his head in pain.

“If I feel this bad she must be in agony, we have to find them, Isabel you have to try to reach Alex, Liz will be too weak.”

Panicking she held her hands up in the air. “I don’t have a picture of him, does anyone?”

Shaking her head Maria sighed. “My purse is in the Jetta, I have nothing.”

Sitting back in the seat Isabel began to cry. “That’s it, they could be anywhere, we’ll never find them now.”

Holding tight to the wheel Michael turned towards Max. “I thought you could reach Tess, tell her to come to you or something.”

Letting his head fall back he sighed out in frustration. “I’m not strong enough yet, besides there’s no guarantee she’d bring Liz or Alex.”

“Wait!” Maria yelled from the back seat as she pulled a guitar pick from her pocket.

“He made me take it for good luck, I know it’s not a picture but it is special to him, do you think you could make it work?”

Lying back Isabel closed her eyes and held the pick tight against her heart.

“I’ll do my best.”


After several attempts Alex knew only one thing would relax him enough to allow him to possibly fall asleep.

It took a few minutes but he soon found himself in the arms of his love dancing slow in a room lit by candlelight.

After several spins around the dance floor he pulled her close and lifted her chin up towards his lips.

It was as if she was in a trance caught up in the moment, he was definitely dreaming.

Parting slightly he breathed out lost in her wanting to stay this way forever.

“This is really nice Alex, but if we’re going to rescue you I have to know where you are.”

A wide grin appeared across his face as he held her tight. “I knew you would find me.”


Gasping for air Isabel sat straight up in her seat.

Yelling from the front Michael eyed her in the rear view mirror. “Did it work? Do you know where they are?”

Wiping the sweat off his forehead Max smiled slightly knowing his sister.

“Judging from her blushed cheeks I’d say it worked just fine.”

Thoroughly embarrassed Isabel smoothed out her blonde hair and pointed out the side window.

“They’re not far, but he’s alone, they took Liz out of the car. I can describe where they are but we have to move fast. Alex said she didn’t have much time.”

Lowering his head Max whispered to Michael as his heart pounded against his chest.

“Hurry, Michael …please.”


Kicking down the door of the abandoned building Tess threw Liz inside furious at her attempt to escape.

Kneeling down to her covered face Tess pulled the sac off and positioned her flashlight so it was shinning straight in her eyes.

“Get it done Tess!”

Liz shivered as she heard the cold monotone voice of Nasedo as he slammed the door behind him.

Sitting Indian style across from her she titled her head to the side studying the frail brunette.

“If you tell me what I want to know I'll make it quick, if not, well lets just say I have ways of making a few hours seem like a lifetime, do we understand each other?"

Fighting to keep herself from loosing consciousness Liz nodded slowly.

“Question is do you care enough about Max to save his life?”

Coughing from her severely dry throat and increasingly constricting lungs, Liz took a shallow breath before answering her.

“What do you want from me Tess?”

“Does he have it back?”

Resting her head against the cold wooden slates of the broken down building Liz sighed.

“Does he have what back?”

Standing Tess kicked her hard in her ribs sending her crashing to the floor wincing in pain.

“Would you like to play more games, or are you ready to talk, because honestly Liz I could do this for hours, this is the most fun I’ve had in a really long time.”

Spitting out a small amount of blood Liz curled into a ball on the floor.

“I’m not sure, he was pretty weak after it was over, I don’t know if he has all his memory or not, and that’s the truth.”

Looking back as the door opened Tess quickly turned back around and kicked her hard once more in the face this time knocking her out cold.

“I think she was telling the truth.”

Folding her arms she nodded towards Nasedo and smiled.

“Yeah so do I, I just couldn’t help myself, she's just so cute when she's sleeping.”


As the four of them stood at the edge of the Devil’s mouth watching the sheriff’s jeep burn Max fell to his knees in agony.

Rushing to help him Michael knelt beside him. “What is it!?”

“It’s Liz, she’s dying, Isabel, you have to connect with Alex again. Tell him to distract them away from her. I have a plan, but I’m going to need all your powers to make this happen, we’re going to have to work together.”

Running as fast as they could with Max in their arms, they began to make out what looked like the bumper of the Jetta parked in front of the broken down structure that looked more like a shack.

Lifting his drained body his hoarse voice cracked with pain as his connection to her became stronger.

"She's in there, I can feel her, oh my god she's so scared."

Whispering Maria’s voice shook with fear.

“What the hell are we going to do now?”

Bracing himself against a tall pine tree Max gazed over in her direction overwhelmed with the feeling of her love for him.

It was that moment he knew exactly what they needed to do.

"We have to combined our powers, our essence."

Isabel rested her hand on his shoulder worried about what could happen.

"But Max, we've never tried this before, what if something goes wrong?"

Reaching out for her hand he smiled without fear or doubt.

Giving a reassuring nod to Michael he stepped out from the tree struggling for the strength he knew he had to find for her.

"It's been there all along, we just had to have faith, separately we don't have a chance, but together they can't touch us."

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 22 2/28/11

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:28 pm
by jake17

So happy you like this, I so so appreciate all your fb! thank you so much!

Chapter 22.

Trying to steady his hands Max raised them out to grasp the others.

Seeing the seriousness in his golden almost glowing eyes Maria backed away as the three of them formed a circle in a small clearing.

Whispering afraid to break his concentration Maria cleared her throat.

“What do you want me to do, while your …umm… meshing your alien mojo?”

"Walk to the edge of the woods next to the Jetta, we’re going to cause a diversion, Tess will be for lack of a better word disabled. As fast as you can get Alex out of the car, and bring him back here.”

Michael gazed over at Maria and nodded telling her that she would be safe; he knew that Max would never send her into the lion’s den unless he was sure this would work.

The air was already becoming thick with electric energy as they interlocked their fingers securing the circle between them.

Max’s voice was strained as he quickly glanced over to Maria.

“Go now! We’re only going to have a few minutes to pull this off, I’m not taking any chances, Alex is strong plus he’s not being watched, but Liz is a different story.”

Scared but determined Isabel tightened her grip around Max’s hand.

“What do you mean?”

Beads of sweat covered Max’s forehead leaving the tips of his hair damp as he struggled to keep his emotions at bay.

“Tess is torturing her, she’s slipping in and out of coconsciousness, and she’s not alone. There's someone else there besides Tess, but his power, it's not the same, he's not one of us.”

Michael’s eyes widened with confusion as a burst of white light flickered from his hands into the other fingers sending sparks like fireworks falling to the ground.

Max turned toward him jerking his hand hard downward to get his attention.

“You can’t show anger Michael! Get your feelings under control. There is no time to explain now but back in the cave I remember that Tess is not hear on Earth alone, he or it is not human and more importantly he is not stronger than we are. I’ll explain more after we get Liz and Alex back.”

Turning towards Maria Max mouthed the word ‘go’ and she took off through the thick tuff of branches and leaves.

"Concentrate on your powers, imagine them merging together into one concrete mass of pure energy, feel the strength flowing through your body, believe, there is no room for doubt. Our bond is our power, used together we can do anything. You must believe this."

Isabel could feel her entire body begin to come alive, it felt as if she had been asleep for ages and was finally waking up to her true self.

"It's working! I feel you and Michael, your aura's are so powerful, like an unstoppable force!"

"Holy shit I feel it too! I feel like I could lift five hundred pounds right now! This is awesome!"

Max had never felt so close to any of them before, the love and loyalty was rushing through him like hot water in his veins.

"Yes, it's definitely working but we only have a few minutes, we have to focus now, close your eyes. Picture Liz in your mind. We have to combine our energy to make ourselves strong enough to fight as one."

Michael shook his head confused. "But how -"

"Just let it happen, I promise this will work, please close your eyes and focus on Liz."

Taking a deep breath they felt their essence combine as one, slowly an elmerald green mist began to float from their hands out into the middle of the circle.

Deeply Max spoke as his target became crystal clear.

"Concentrate, picture Liz in your mind, picture her being protected ...sheltered...we almost there - "


Lying on the ground with her cheek pressed to the hard wood floor, Tess grinned condescendingly at Liz as she tried to open her swollen black eyes.

“Gee you must be very confused right about now, I know I would be. I mean he’s not amnesia boy any longer and yet still …”

Rolling her eyes around the water damaged room filled with rotting wood and smelly mold with roots shooting up through every crack Tess shook her head mockingly.

“See I’m thinking now that he knows who he is and more importantly what he is, the last person he’d want to be is with a lowly human, who lets face it has absolutely nothing to offer him.”

Grimacing in pain Liz spit out a wad of blood as her need to just slip into sleep began to over take her.

“You’re wrong.”

“Oh really?”

Almost bouncing to the door excitedly Tess nodded for Nasedo to enter the room.

“I think you may want to witness this, it’s the biggest weakness a human can possess, their endless faith in the power of love.”

Getting down on her belly Tess lifted Liz’s ring finger in her hands and smiled as she batted her bright blue eyes gleefully up towards her.

“You see Liz, I have known Max for lifetimes, we have shared epic battles, passionate love affairs, a marriage that bonded hated nemeses together for the good of many, hell we even walked through the shadow of death and was reborn to start all over again.”

Liz's scream pierced the unstable walls as Tess effortlessly broke her finger before reaching for the next one in line.

Folding his arms disapprovingly Nasedo sighed as boredom kicked in.

“Results Tess, I’m still waiting for –“

Whipping her blonde locks forcefully in his direction as she effectively broke the bone clear in half Tess gritted her teeth in frustration.

“Do you want him here at full strength looking for revenge or do you want him torn apart distracted by guilt thinking only of his fragile half dead little girlfriend, I’m sick of you doubting me, I know what I’m doing!”

Feeling strong fingers wrap around her neck Tess gasped as she rose into the air.

“Are you sure about that Tess, because if this is part of your plan …well it kind of sucks!”

Backing towards the door Nasedo was more than surprised to see three of the royal four appear before his eyes.

Falling to his knees before her Max cradled Liz in his arms and held her close to his chest.

“You’re safe now, just hold on a little longer, I've got you.”

With her feet dangling in mid air Tess fought helplessly against Michael’s grip as her strangled voice beckoned for Nasedo’s help.

Stepping confidently in front of Nasedo Isabel raised her hand high in the air. “I’m thinking now is a good time to leave.”

Shifting his eyes from the three of them back to Tess, Nasedo turned and reached for the doorknob.

“Wait!” kicking her feet into the air Tess called after him.

Hesitating for a moment Nasedo calmly spoke before disappearing into the woods.

“You said he would always act alone Tess, this was a grave mistake, one I’m afraid was not meant to repeat itself as history often does. I will report back, you have failed.”

“No!” choking Tess scurried to the corner of the room after Michael released her just in time for Alex and Maria to walk in.

“So the party’s been moved in here I see.”

Jumping into Alex’s arms Isabel breathed a sigh of relief. “Alex your safe!”

Grinning widely Alex closed his eyes as he felt his dream come to life. “This isn’t an extremely vivid dream walk I’m experiencing right? I-I mean I’m not complaining but its been a really rough day and I’d just like to know – “


Michael picked Tess up by the back of her jacket and used Alex’s bindings and Liz’s sack to tie her up and cover her head so she would be blind as to where they would be taking her.

All of them ducked as thunder crashed shaking the ground beneath them followed by bright flashed of lightening.

Isabel glanced out the small cracked window. “It’s just a storm.”

Shaking his head slowly every one began to hear the high-pitched sound of a motor and blades cutting through the air above them.

Max whispered, making sure not to startle Liz who was in and out of sleep in his arms.

“What is it?”

“Helicopters, they probably have the cliff where we left the jeep burning surrounded by now, we have to get out of here.”

Nodding towards Michael he stumbled weakly past everyone.

“Michael will explain everything, I have to get Liz back to the cave, if I don’t heal her soon we both wont stand a chance.”

“There has to be something we can do, you’re too weak, how are you going to restore your strength enough to save her?”

Standing in the pouring rain Max kissed her on the forehead before looking up at Michael’s worried expression.

“You don’t understand, it is only her that can heal me and I that can in turn bring her back. There is no other cure; we are connected because of what Riverdog has done in the cave. I risked her life and now it’s up to me to heal her.”

His lips began to tremble in the cold rain as he his eyes fell to her bruised swollen face and body that was covered with injuries due to Tess’ wrath.

“Michael, if I …lose her…”

Yelling over the sound of the pounding rain Michael reached out his hands for her giving him a look of confidence and assurance.

“You wont, I know you Max, you can do this. Now go, before anyone finds us. I will protect the others. Hand her over to me, we have to hurry.”

Gently taking Liz from Max’s arms Michael laid her across the back seat of the Jetta and helped Max in the drivers seat.

Before closing the door he caught his eye.

“You really believed this was going to work didn’t you?”

Shaking his head Max started the car before locking eyes with him.

“No, but I believed in you and Isabel, I knew if it didn’t work we’d find another way. We always do Michael, we are survivors, were family.”

Backing away Michael smiled as he watched Max drive away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, be careful Max.”


As they approached the bottom of the hill leading to the cave the temperature had dropped to almost below freezing.

He could hear Liz moaning quietly from the excruciating pain caused by Tess and the depletion of her life force she had given to Max back at the cave.

Carefully lifting her out of the car he handed the keys to Riverdog who had been waiting out of sight in the woods for them to arrive.

“They’re everywhere, you need to hide the car then go somewhere out of sight. Are you sure you can do this?”

Looking down at Liz Riverdog nodded slowly wondering to himself if they were too late.

“I will be fine, everything you need is in the cave, go quickly she is fading fast.”

Staring up at the massive hill that looked impossible to climb Max stood for a moment trying to catch his breath as the thunderstorm continued to rage down upon them.

The merging of their powers had taken nearly everything he had; he was running on sheer will at this point.

After stumbling tripping and falling down several times Max had finally made it to the opening of the cave.

He was so focused on scaling the mountain he hadn’t noticed how shallow her breathing had become, how pale her face was turning, or how her lips were a scary shade of blue.

She was losing her fight to live.

“No, please Liz, hold on, just a little bit longer.”

Unable to stand any longer he fell to his knees and literally dragged himself still holding her tight to the fire that was deep inside the cave.

Breathless and shaking he finally reached the blanket by the flames that Riverdog had set up for her.

Tenderly laying her down he made a frightening discovery as he touched her face and noticed her lips.

From the ice-cold rain and her vulnerable state Liz was showing signs of hypothermia.

Throwing more wood onto the fire he began to panic knowing how serious this could be in her weak state.

Remembering when Mr. Hardy went over this in biology Max knew that severe trauma along with freezing temperatures could be a contributing factor.

He also recalled that aggressive fast treatment was needed or her organs would soon begin to shut down.

“Damn it!”

Looking back he knew that they were alone, he knew the others were going to the safe house and Riverdog would make himself well hidden knowing that there was nothing more that he could do for them.

He had to do this alone.

Rubbing his hands together he began blowing on his fingers to get them warm, he soon came to the grave realization that they would never be able to reach the state of consciousness needed to complete the healing if didn’t do what was necessary and raise her core temperature.

Realizing the sheer lack of resources he had available to him he knew that the only way to do this was to use his own body heat.

Suddenly Liz began shivering out of control Max knew he had to act fast.

Quickly he began to strip off his wet clothes throwing them quickly near the fire.

When he was completely naked he looked down nervously at her feeling that same rush of adrenaline as he did back on that fateful day at the crashdown.

Her life was completely in his hands once again.

Knowing time was of the essence he quickly began to remove her clothes that were soaking wet.

He hands shook knowing that if he couldn’t increase her circulation immediately he could lose her forever.

Deep in his heart he knew this was just not an option.

Within seconds he had her completely bare her drenched clothes thrown with his by the fire.

Pulling her as close to the fire as possible he turned her towards him so they were both on their sides facing each other.

Swallowing hard he knew he had to give her as much of his body heat as possible and that meant completely intertwining them as close as possible.

His heart hammered so hard in his chest he felt as if it would burst through at any second.

Breathlessly he pressed his body against hers interlocking their legs and arms so every inch of them were touching.

It was as if it wasn’t possible to tell where one ended and the other began.

Still as she laid there in his arms unconscious her body violently shivered sending unbearable panic straight to his weakened heart.

Grabbing for the only other dry blanket left for them he pulled it over their shoulders making sure she was entirely covered and rested his forehead to hers.

His heart clenched tight as he silently prayed for her to open her eyes and wake up.

Moving his hand he gently but quickly rubbed her back, waist and thighs hoping to get her blood circulating again.

Too much time was passing by and he knew it.

She should’ve been awake by now,

Utterly exhausted himself he couldn't help but let his emotions over come him.

Brushing her wet hair from her trembling blue lips he finally broke.

Tears that he had been holding back for so long came rushing to the surface spilling down his flushed cheeks.

He could feel the physical sharp pain of his heart breaking as he whispered against her frosty cheek.

His shaky words were barely understandable as he held her tight to his body never wanting to let her go.

“Please Liz, please …you’ve got to wake up. I-I need you. I can’t live in this world without you.”

Gasps of air warm air escaped his full shaky lips drifting across her pale face as he sobbed shamelessly.

“Please come back to me…I love you.”

Suddenly he felt something flutter against his skin.

Too devastated to hope he kept his eyes firmly closed lost as to how he could possibly let her go.

Slowly he began to feel her body’s shivering state decrease from violently shaking to a gradual mild quiver as her shallow puffs of air began to diminish.

She was taking her last breathe of life.

Knowing he had failed he cupped her cheek with his gentle hand and placed a soft tender kiss upon her cool lips.

As his sweet warm breath brushed against her parted lips a white luminous light glimmered outward from the point where they connected.

This shimmering intense glow glistened all around them lightening up the walls of the damp cave illuminating the symbols that were carved there so long ago.

It was as if the stars engraved on the stone around them had come to life and were shinning bright just for them.

Suddenly he began to realize that the fluttering he felt were her long beautiful dark eyelashes sweeping across his cheeks.

She was waking up, she was breathing again…she was alive.

The pure unselfish love and devotion was enough to spark the energy he needed as he held her close.

This selfless act of blind commitment and adoration was flowing freely through the bond that was created so long ago.

Without even realizing it as he was saving her, she was saving him right back.

Slightly pulling back his heart began to race with blissful joy as she slowly opened her soft brown eyes in wonder.

Her hoarse throaty breathless voice was music to his ears as she struggled to speak.

“I heard you…It was so dark …but still I could hear you.”

Tenderly brushing his thumb across her lips he smiled as tears of happiness fell from his glistening intense amber eyes.

"I thought I had lost you."

Seeking out his warm welcoming mouth she whispered as she pressed her lips softy to his.

"Never, Max...never."

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 23 3/21/11

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:41 am
by jake17

Thanks so much for all your awesome fb! :)

Chapter 23

Pacing back and forth nervously Maria waved her hands in the air in a continuous ramble as the rain pounded on the leaky wooden roof above.

“Seriously this isn’t good guys I mean we’re in the middle of god knows where with an incredible pissed off evil alien in the next room who can at any moment zap our brains into making us see and do whatever she wants and we have like no plan what so ever plus there’s the fact that we don’t even know if Liz and Max are alright and if they are we have no way of contacting them because we smashed all our cell phones oh and did I mention there are now freaking helicopters circling the arson grand theft auto scene of the crime that were responsible for? I for one – “

“Can you do something about her?” Grabbing Michael by the shoulders Isabel gritted her teeth as her patience began to waver. “I mean you are now her official boyfriend, are you not? Do you think you can shut her up before I'm forced to kill her?”

“Hey!” folding her arms in front of her chest Maria shot Michael a look as if to say, stick up for me buster. “I think I have a right to be a little freaked right now, I mean have we forgotten how dangerous Blondie Mc Mindwarp can be in there?”

Sighing heavily Michael looked down at his watch waiting for the lightening to light up the room so he could see the time.

“'We all agreed we should stay here till first light, it’s just too dangerous to move in the woods at night especially with the FBI out there looking for us.”

Pressing his ear to the only bedroom door in the two-room cabin Alex strained to hear if Tess was up to anything.

“I’m with nervous Nelly over there, Tess could be signaling that creepy Nasedo guy or worse and we’re just sitting here.”

Shaking her head Isabel moved towards the only tiny window in the whole place to see if the rain showed any sign of stopping.

“I don’t think Nasedo is coming for her, he looked pretty pissed off to me, even with that emotionless monotone way of his. He definitely wasn’t thrilled with her. Did you hear what he said? They were expecting to deal with only Max; she failed her little mission. Something tells me he won’t be risking his neck to save her.”

Shivering Maria wrapped her arms around herself and pouted towards Michael.

“Well can you at least do your hocus-pocus Houdini trick and start a fire? “

Pulling her to sit on his lap to calm her down Michael leaned his chin on her shoulder nuzzling her sweetly.

“First of all Houdini was an escape artist, second we can’t afford anyone spotting smoke coming from the chimney, we have to stay out of sight till the morning.”

Leaning her head back Maria kissed his lips softly before batting her eyelashes at him.

“Does that mean we’ll have to find other ways to keep warm through the night spaceboy?”

Covering his eyes Alex raised his hand before sighing heavily. “Can I share the room with the mind sucking kidnapping creature from outer space?”

Laughing quietly Isabel pulled Alex down with her on the lopsided dusty flowered couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Relax Alex we’re going to be fine, we just have to wait it out here for tonight. In the morning we’ll meet up with Max and then we’ll figure out what to do next."

Breathing in her perfume that lingered along her neck Alex decided that he would be just fine with this plan.

Really what's a little mind warp when you get to snuggle up to Isabel Evans he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and sighed.


Kathleen pulled the collar of her coat up to her ears as she walked the poorly marked path that supposedly lead back to the highway.

Jim knew she was tired but there was little he could do, with the FBI covering the area they had no choice but to get out of there as soon as possible.

Kathleen would now be considered the enemy and that was something that scared her more than she liked.

“So what are you going to do now?”

Flashing him a small smile she raised her eyebrows and sighed. “Well I’ve got to get out of town that’s for sure. Disappearing the way I did, ignoring orders, they know I’m helping them I’m sure of it.”

His voice was filled with sincerity as he plopped his cowboy hat on her head as a somewhat shield from the rain.

“I sure am sorry for how everything turned out for you, it must be hard to walk away from a career you’ve worked so hard for.”

Nodding she stared straight ahead as the memory of her lover flashed in her mind.

“Murder and hunting down innocent kids wasn’t what I signed up for Jim. I wanted to help people, save lives, not destroy them.”

“Still that was mighty decent of you to stick your neck out the way you did, in a way you did exactly what you set out to do. We both know those kids are harmless, if not for you they’d probably be dead or worse right now.”

Stopping suddenly she reached out and clutched Jim’s arms urgently.

“Jim, as soon as we hit the highway I’m going to hitch a ride out of here, you just stay walking on the side of the road. One of them will spot you, when they do tell them that someone stole your truck while you were responding to an incident at the reservation. They can’t know that you’ve been involved in this. Under no circumstances can they find out that we’ve been helping them or that we even know each other. Your life and your son’s life depend on this Jim. Do you understand?”

Lifting his hat off her head he nodded his head towards an opening in the woods.

Watching as a car sped down the highway Kathleen took a deep breath and gave him a brave smile.

“I’ll go first, wait till I get picked up before you start walking.”

Holding his hand out to shake hers he gave her a grateful smile mixed with worry. “This is far from over isn’t it?”

“It’s up to you now to look after them, please be careful, these people will stop at nothing to get what they want. Be safe Jim you’re the only ally they have right now.”


With both their physical wounds healed Liz and Max laid in each other’s arms still shivering from the immense energy and that sparked wildly between them taking them both by surprise.

Breathless they stared wide-eyed at each other as a shimmering prism of light danced off their warm skin almost like musical notes rising and falling up and down their body.

“We’re glowing.” Max’s tone was deep and raspy still shaken by the deep emotional connection that flowed between them.

He was truly hypnotized by how beautiful she was with the light from the flames flickering like fireworks off her sparkling skin.

Her smile slowly turned sad as tears flooded her eyes spilling over onto her flushed pink cheeks.

Panicked Max searched her for signs of pain. “Are you alright? What’s wrong Liz are you in pain?”

Shaking her head quickly she attempted to pull herself together enough to speak.

“No, I’m fine …in fact I’m better than fine. I’m happy.”

Confused Max brushed her tears from her face and continued to soothingly stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Then what? Why are crying?” His voice full of concern for her as he tried to calm her.

Tilting her head to the side she brushed the dark hair that had fallen across his brandy colored bright eyes marveling in awe at the very presence of him.

“Max I’ve been trying to be strong this entire time, strong for you, but the truth is when you hit your head in the jeep and was knocked unconscious…it terrified me.”

His warm eyes filled with empathy for her as she spoke from her heart.

“The fact that you didn’t know me….Max…I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life.”

Whispering he nuzzled the side of her cheek placing soft kisses on her neck to try and sooth her,

“Shh…it’s ok now.”

Pulling back so he could see the seriousness in her eyes her voice quivered with emotion.

“I felt so alone…Max I tried to be so brave … but in reality I was dying inside, every day that went by. It felt as if you were drifting further and further away, I was so worried that you would never remember that day and what happened between us. That you wouldn't remember... me. I-I don’t know what I would do if…”

Capturing her lips he passionately kissed her taking away all her fear and apprehension.

Breathing him in her body shuddered in his arms as she gave herself over to his intense need to take all her pain away.

Gasping as they parted out of urgency to fill their lungs with some much needed air he rested his forehead to hers.

“I could never forget you. You are everything to me. You were never lost Liz ….my mind was clouded, weighed down, muddled with something I couldn’t possible accept, but it was you …you that brought me back…what happened that day…”

Unable to keep from kissing her he slowly hovered over her gently lying on top of her still connected while colorful beams of radiant light spiraled off of them in every direction.

“…what happened that day bonded us together forever…

… I love you Liz…

I will always love you.”

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 24 5/17/11

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:35 am
by jake17

Thanks so much for all your awesome fb! Please forgive my mistakes, wrote this during my ansomnia nights... :wink:

Just a reminder since its been so long since ive updated, Max has all his memories back, they were able to save Alex and Liz from Tess but Liz was very banged up by Tess' torture, Nasedo was able to get away but Tess was not so lucky,

Max and Liz are held up for the night in Riverdog's cave, Max saved her from Tess' injuries and hypothermia. She is very much healed now and they are feeling the effects of the several life and death moments that they've both just lived through while snuggling under a blanket in front of a fire alone (did I mention that they're both naked because Max needed to cure her of her hyperthermia by using his body heat? ) :wink:

Meanwhile the gang has Tess in Riverdog's shack, they are miserable and fighting stuck together without a plan waiting till morning for Max because the FBI is out looking for them. :mrgreen:

Chapter 24

Burnt orange glow of the dying embers lit her face beautifully as Max slowly lowered his body down hovering just above her.

The muscles in his arms trembled as they held his upper body up so as not to hurt her in any way.

Talking of the past and what would be their uncertain future had eaten up the night faster then they had hoped.

After the nightmare that Tess had put her through, and them both hovering over the jaws of death this precious night meant so much to them.

They wanted to hold onto it as long as possible, savoring every moment that they knew was from now on a gift.

Old memories now flooded his mind freeing him of the jail he was sentenced to during his amnesia.

He realized as he held her that although he couldn’t remember the specifics of their time together her essence, her spirit lingered within him always.

Not quite a solid picture or scene that he could recall in his minds eye but a feeling, a strong warm presence that never left him.

A constant reminder that he wasn’t alone, that there was someone there, always with him soothing his frightened thoughts calming his fragile state of loneliness.

Max knew at that moment that if not for her he probably wouldn’t have had the courage to fight the strange dreams and unexplainable forces that plagued him without explanation making him feel as if he had lost his mind along with his memories.

When everyone had lost their patience with him and his anger she was there, forgiving, understanding…loving him selflessly, unconditionally.

He was never so grateful in his life to have those memories back.

It wasn’t the big momenteous recolllations that stuck out for him but the tiny seemingly everyday ordinary occurances that he treasured the most.

Smoothing his hand tenderly along the curve of her hip he suddenly remembered the seventh grade dance.

His mother forced him to go with Isabel thinking it would help him come out of his shell to be around other kids.

Of course he ended up leaning awkwardly against the gymnasium wall watching everyone dance.

But then he saw her.

Elizabeth Parker sitting on the bleachers crying because Ralph Davies spilled punch all over her dress and proceeded to laugh and point at her with his friends.

It took all the courage he had to walk over to her and ask if she wanted him to walk her home.

He remembered everything about her as if it was now burned in his brain.

Her slight smile when he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her waist to hide the punch pink stain, the three miles they walked in near silence because both were too bashful to talk, and especially her hand that reached out and touched him ever so gently when they reached her door as to say thank you.

There were a million of these cherished moments that he was so incredibly thankful to have back.

He wondered if she would ever realize what she did for him.

How the hundreds of special days spent with his parents, Isabel, and Michael were now once again at his reach.

Never again would he take these valuable memories for granted.

And this night was no different.

All through the night they laid in each other’s arms in such an intimate way both unclothed feeling their hearts beat as one, it was magic.

He had never felt so close to anyone in his life, it wasn’t a sexual thing, it was deeply intimate.

Two souls bearing their most personal private feelings without fear of judgment or rejection, he knew that the person he was before the accident would never have been able to give up that kind of control, but because of her he was free from those constraints.

It was only a matter of time before the conversation reached the point of that day.

Chills rushed through him making her shiver as he remembered the fear of her laying on the floor the bullet ripping through her tissue, blood spilling out at an alarming rate.

There was no decision to be made, no argument to be fought, her life was tied to his in a way that was above everything.

Max could not only recall what it felt like emotionally, but physically he was able to experience the warmth of her blood on his palm, the glazed over look in her eyes, the power rushing through him like a speeding train as flashes flickered bright behind his eyes as her heart beat pounded inside him.

The euphoria that he felt when the bullet dissipated and her tissues came together repairing the damage under his hand was palpable even to this day.

And her eyes, the look in her eyes as she stumbled to her feet, the look of knowing, of understanding that he was different, that his hiding was over, that the only person in world he cared about knowing his real self now knew.

Yes euphoria was the perfect word to describe the feeling when the girl you love sees inside your soul and doesn’t run away.

And now here she was wrapped in his arms, her skin pressed exquisitely against his chest, their legs intertwined as if they were one.

God how he never wanted it to end.

Eventually inevitably their talk came back around to what led them to be there that night.

She described what it felt like to hold his body terrified that Riverdog was wrong, and how she gladly gave everything she had to restore his life again and how he in the end saved her right back.

It does something to you when you come that close to dying, they both were forever changed forever in a way that made them cherish every second this world had to offer.

The full moon still shone above them among the fading stars that had began to dim under the break of dawn.

He knew their time alone together was running out and soon they would have to join the others.

Sighing his heart leapt as the first burst of golden reddish sun peaked slowly over the horizon beyond the entrance to the cave.

He was determined to hold onto this incredible bliss for as long as possible, selfish maybe but heaven is not easily something he can just walk away from …and she was his heaven.

Liz’s tired eyes were focused on the dying fire as she nuzzled closed inside his broad chest.

His eyes closed as she spoke as he tried to memorize the beauty of her whispering voice.

“It’s always going to be this way isn’t it Max?”

Opening his eyes alerted by the concern in her voice he brushed his lips against the shell of her ear and squeezed her tight.

“Like what Liz?”

Hesitating for a moment she searched for the right words so as not to upset him.

“What I mean is there is no guarantee that this will all stop with Tess…that if Tess and Nasedo are out of the picture there wont be some other threat out there waiting for us.”

Thinking quietly he knew that the old Max would have lied to spare her the worry of the danger that could possibly be out there waiting for them.

He was almost embarrassed realizing that in the past he would’ve needed to take control over the situation relieving her of her worries even though they were valid.

But he was different now, changed because of her. Max respected her and believed in her enough to relinquish his control and have faith in her ability to handle whatever they would have to face, because they would be facing it together.

This was truly a gift she had given him, a gift that ended up repairing relationships in his life and restoring the trust that he had lost with not only her but Isabel and Michael.

They were all better for it and he knew he had her to thank for it.

Resting his chin on her shoulder he knew that honesty and respect now defined their relationship and that left no room for lies, even if those lies were meant to make her feel safe.

The truth was there was no safe anymore.

Whispering calmly he nodded before placing a soft kiss on her shoulder.

“You’re right Liz, there are no guarantees, tomorrow it could be the FBI or Nasedo’s allies or even another alien race that we’re unaware of that may come for us.”

Grazing the back of his hand down her soft cheek pain caused his voice to falter showing just how much he hated the fact that her life would always be in peril because of him.

“I’m sorry for that, this is not the life I would have wanted for you.”

Smiling as if shocked that by now he still didn’t understand.

“Max I can except that this is my life now, the danger, the hiding …even the fact that college may not be a possibility for me. The only thing I couldn’t except is a life without you. Don’t you see that? "

Moved by her unwavering devotion to him he lifted her chin to turn her face towards him so he could look her in the eyes.

“But just know this Liz, I will always be there…beside you….doing everything I can to protect you and keep you safe. I promise I will never let you down again."

Turning completely on her side to face him she lifted the blanket up and over the both of them blushing as her unclothed body came into his view.

Shivering Max licked his dry lips stunned by her sudden move.

They were now on their sides staring into each other’s eyes about to create a new memory that would last until they look their last breath.

His lips parted lost as to what to say as she smoothed her hand along his waist skimming his ribs ghosting over his collarbone.

Her touch was like a white-hot flame engulfing him in a passion that he had kept at bay for so long.

A small gasp deep in his throat escaped as she reached for his hand and turned on her back.

Keeping eye contact she placed his hand on her belly and moved over his mouth barely touching his lips.

Her throaty breathless words instantly caused an instant reaction making his body come to life.

“I’ve been waiting for so long Max. Please, put your hands on me.”

Turning on his side he tilted his head so he could stare into her wide innocent eyes that were lit by the fading embers.

Slowly he raised his hand to her lips outlining the perfect fullness of her mouth before skimming his fingertips gently down her graceful neck.

He watched in fascination and awe as her beautiful full breasts rose and fell in response to his touch.

With loving care he tenderly caressed her completely entranced by her body’s response.

Swallowing hard he glanced up at her flushed face struck by her hooded dark eyes as she panted softly.

Passionately he kissed her, slow at first but quickly increasing to a feverishly breathless need that could not be stopped.

Breaking from his lips she gasped for air throwing her head back causing him to delve onto her neck grazing his tongue lightly between the valley of her breasts.

His head was spinning as her vanilla scent tantalized the tip of his tongue causing the world to fade into an elated fiery haze.

His body trembled at he sound of the sweetest moan as he circled the peak of her breast with his lips before sucking her into his warm mouth.

Drunk with happiness that he could give her so much satisfaction he couldn’t help but whisper her name again and again against her breast causing his lips to tease her mercilessly.

Liz gasped as cool puffs of air from his sweet breath startled her senses past the point of pleasure compelling her to arch her back forcing her breasts to thrust upwards.

The air forcefully left his lungs as he gazed down at her, her hair wild tossed about her slender shoulders, chocolate strains strewn across her long dark eyelashes and pale pink parted lips, her cheeks flushed cherry red and a thin sheen of glistening sweat shimmered like diamonds over her flawless skin.

It was the most beautiful sight his eyes had ever seen.

His eyes slid shut trying to calm his heart as she laced her fingers through the back of his hair clutching him tight.

Max felt an overwhelming urge to explore every inch of her placing open mouth kisses along the curve of her breast and down across belly.

Half cast-darkened eyes followed her beguiling delicate curves as he reached up and very gently formed his hand around her throat brushing his thumb along her bottom lip.

Frantically her heart raced as her ragged breathing hitched briefly by slurred muffled words strung together by high pitched moans that only served to urge him zealously on.

His soft lips were fixated almost obsessively on her golden silky skin as he descended lower skimming his fingertips lightly along the curve of her hips.

His heart pounded hard inside his broad chest as she now lay shivering with increase intensity as he leisurely began to glide his tongue faintly along the inside of her thigh.

He vast inexperience didn’t seem to matter as his instincts took over, his love for her was pure and unconditional; they trusted each other completely… nothing was held back.

Making love came naturally for them, she was entirely uninhibited with him and he was thoroughly sensitive to everything she was feeling.

Their cries and moans echoed off the walls of the cave as they moved effortlessly together in front of the burning ambers as dawn quickly approached.

Her fingers dug into his hair as he placed light kisses upon her core, a satisfying grown deep in his throat escaped as her soft thighs brushed lightly against his cheeks.

Max was intent on getting her to the point of escasy slowly, he wanted it to be memorable, unforgettable.

With the lightest pressure he found her sensitive spot and took his time, it was like nothing he had ever experienced.

Liz was trembling, her eyes staring down in wonder at the intense pleasure he was giving her.

Suddenly her body stiffened, she was breathless but still hovering on the edge lost in the momentous explosions for her first climax.

It wan only when he lifted his dark brandy eyes up and caught her gaze that she came almost in tears falling her body convulsing beautifully beneath him.

Still in the throws of passion she opened her eyes to find him gazing wondrously into her eyes.

So overwhelmed with emotion tears suddenly rushed to the surface scaring him.

“Liz? What’s wrong? I …did I – “

Placing her fingers over his lips she smiled through her tears.

“I’m just so happy.”

Pressing his forehead to hers it was his turn to shiver as she wrapped her legs around his waist making the connecition for the first time.

Tembling in her arms he lightly brushed his lips to hers whispering I love you as he slowly made love to her.

The two of them tangled together moving loving each other in the mist of the morning dew under the reddish orange sunrise.

It was like a beautiful dance choreographed just for them, effortless ...something that was always meant to be.

A memory that neither of them would or could ever forget.

back at the shack

Alex was the first to feel the punishment of falling asleep with his neck leaning against Isabel’s shoulder.

“Ouch! Crap! I can’t move my neck!”

Snapping her head up suddenly awakened by Alex’s complaint Maria squinted her eyes at the light shinning through the dirty pane of glass.

Groggy she attempted to stand and quickly felt back into Michael’s arms on the floor realizing her foot had fallen asleep and unlike her had not wakened up yet.

“Hey!” Feeling the full weight of Maria on his side (all one hundred pounds of her) Michael rubbed his shoulder.

Looking up at the couch he shook his head angrily and punched the wall.


Pulling her long blonde hair out of her eyes Isabel furrowed her eyebrows instantly aggravated by Michael’s tone.

“Is that your idea of scaring someone to death? It’s not like we’ve been through enough you know, with the almost dieing and everything! Geez what the hell is your problem?”

Rubbing the spikes on his head he furiously stomped over to the door to the room that held Tess and whipped it open.

My problem is you were supposed to have the last watch Isabel! Do you want to explain how you ended up sleeping next to Alex on the couch instead of guarding the prisoner?”

Isabel drew in her top lip and bit down hard as she attempted to remember what occurred, nothing came to mind.

“Oh my god, seriously Michael I don’t remember anything! Do you think she mind warped me? Where the hell could she be??”

Taking a deep breath Alex waved his hands in a downward motion trying to calm everyone, which wasn’t easy since Maria was standing in the corner singing all the songs that she sang at the Pizza Pan hoping they hadn’t been sucked from her brain.

Isabel stood with her hands on her hips staring at Maria.

“Yeah cause the first thing an alien killer who’s being held prisoner is going to do is make sure you never sing cheesy Pat Benatar cover songs again …” Rasing her eyebrows and nodding as she mulled over her statement Isabel continued, “On second thought maybe she’s trying to make up for all the wrong she’s done in the world."

Suddenly Alex pointed out the window into a cluster of trees just outside the shack.

Its her! She’s just sitting there on the ground cross-legged mumbling to herself!”

Pushing Maria out of the way causing her to fall once more Michael ran out the door and held his hand out ready to blast her if she made the slightest move.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and a quiet steady familiar voice in his ear.

“Wait, I think she’s talking to someone.”

Taking another step closer to Tess Michael raised his hand once more.

“All the more reason to kill her Max,”

Stepping in front of Tess Max held out his hand to everyone and put his two fingers to his lips telling everyone to be quiet.

"Listen to her, she's not speaking English. She's in some kind of trance, she's not even aware that we're here."

Sighing Alex hid behind the open door and peeked around the corner. "Isn't that all the more reason to kill her Max? What if she's sending for more alien backup or something?

Kneeling down to her level Max tried to pick up any clues to what she was saying with no luck.

It was then he felt Liz's hand on his shoulder, "What are you thinking Max?"

Looking around at everyone he stood keeping his eye firmly planted on Tess.

"I'm thinking that we need to know what she's up to, I'm thinking that the time for peaceful negotations is over. When she comes out of this we should get all the information out of her that we can."

Lowering his hand Michael shot a look at Isabel then back at Max. "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

Taking Liz's hand his voice deepened to a serious tone. "By whatever means necessary Michael, but this isn't my decision, we're all in this together. We can get rid of her now and be in the dark about what's coming or we can ...get it out of her."

Looking around at everyone he waited for a response.

Nodding he looked back at Tess keeping in mind what she had done to Liz.

"Majority rules, we Interrogate her."

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 25 5/21/11

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:13 pm
by jake17

Thanks so much for your sweet fb, I promise to update very quickly now, I so appreciate you staying with this story even though it took me so long to update due to my screwed up life. :roll:

Chapter 26.

Looking down at Tess Michael shook his head with his hands perched sternly on his hipbones.

“I say we throw some cold water on her head, I bet that will wake her up out her other worldly trance.”

Sitting on the ground very close to her Max held up his hand to quiet Michael as he listen very carefully to the foreign language that was being muttered incoherently by the blonde alien.

Leaning against the door of the shack Alex sighed nervously looking all around the perimeter of the woods.

“I don’t mean to interrupt the pre interrogation silence but has anyone thought of what were going to do if the FBI shows up looking for us?”

Whispering close to his ear with her arms folded across her chest Liz kept her eyes focused suspiciously on Tess.

”We’re safe, at least for now, the FBI is probably still hovering over Sheriff Valenti’s police SUV, looking for clues in the ash.”

Nodding Alex held his hand to his stomach before turning to investigate the cabinets for any canned food.

“Yeah well I have this sinking feeling that somehow safe isn’t exactly in our vocabulary any more Liz.”

Replacing Alex’s spot next to Liz Maria gave her a skeptic once over before looking back at Max.

“So, you look a whole lot better then last night.”

Keeping her eyes fixated on Tess Liz shifted uncomfortably under Maria’s glare.

“Yeah, he…h-healed me. I feel fine now.”

Knowing her friend their entire lives Maria slowly raised one side of her mouth in a devilish smirk.

“Uh huh, something tells me you’re better then fine, spill it Parker what exactly happened in that cave last night.”

Averting her eyes to the ground the bright pink blush across her cheeks gave it away.

“I knew it!”

Laying her hand over Maria’s mouth Liz shook her head no. “Please not now Maria, its not the time, but I promise we’ll talk.”

Removing her hand Maria wrapped her arm around Liz’s shoulder and whispered in her ear. “Oh you bet your ass we’re going to talk.”

Suddenly a loud gasp broke the silence as Tess fell backwards onto the rocky ground.

Fluttering her eyes open she looked around everyone as they started to huddle around her.

“Ouch, you could’ve at least caught me Max, your sitting right there.”

Smoothing her blonde hair back Isabel shook her head in disbelief. “ Do you believe this girl, she actually thinks we give a crap about her comfort.”

Grabbing her wrists Max asked Michael to get a chair from inside and what ever they had that could substitute for rope.

Plopping her in the hard wooden chair Max tied her legs and wrists with a couple of belts and some twine they found in one of the cabinets.

Lowering his mouth to her ear he whispered quietly his clear intent.

“You almost killed Liz, any negotiations are off the table, I understood somewhat who you where talking to and what it was about but you’re going to tell me the rest.”

Staring straight ahead Tess didn’t even flinch as he tightened the last belt around her ankle securing her tightly to the leg of the chair.

“You’re threats are meaningless to me Max, you’re power is weak and disabled, what makes you think you can demand anything of me.”

Without a word Max held out his hand in front of her and tightened it into a fist.

Immediately Tess was screaming in pain, her head flung back against the back of the chair her fingers stiffened straight out as if she was being electrocuted.

The gang stood in shock, eyes wide open completely stunned at his actions.

After a few second his hand relaxed and flattened out before lowering back to his side.

Tess let out a painful groan as her head fell down towards her chest. She was gasping for air and shivering from the after affects of his wrath.

“As you can see Tess, I’m feeling much better now.”

Isabel shot a nervous glance over to Michael who appeared proud as hell of his brother.

Grabbing his hand she pulled him aside while Max went inside to get another chair placing it directly in front of Tess.

Whispering softly Isabel yanked his shirt getting his immediate attention.

“Michael what the hell was that? Did you know he could do that?”

A smile spread across his face as he focused his eyes on Max waiting to see what else he had up his sleeve.

“No, I didn’t know, maybe when Liz healed him more of his powers were restored, at any rate I don’t really see the problem. We need him strong, we need to know what she knows.”

Chuckling weakly Tess coughed a couple of times as her flaxen hair covered her eyes.

“Is that all you got little boy King? Still walking the pathetic line if you ask me, maybe you should hand the reins over to your second in command, his balls seem a bit bigger than your poor excuse for – “

“Shut the fuck up you bitch! Your lucky we don’t just kill you now!”

Tilting his head to the side Max calmly lifted her chin up and brushed her wavy hair from her eyes.

“Michael hold on, let her talk.”

Breathing hard as trickles of blood dripped from her nose Tess gave him a look of hatred and disgust.

“I almost had her, I felt her heart slow down as she gasped for her last breath, all I had to do is squeeze her neck a little more and the bitch–“

Maria was next to run up to the chair fury inflaming her red face.

“Fucking kill her Max!”

Everyone stared at Max with confusion as a slight grin appeared across his face.

Cupping her chin he gazed deeply into her sapphire glassy eyes concentrating quietly before releasing her.

“No, we’re not going to kill her –“

Infuriated Michael yelled making a flock of crows take flight from a tall pine tree next to them.

“What? Why? Give me one good reason we should end her miserable life right now Max!”

Still staring intensely into her eyes Max calmly spoke; making sure Tess understood every word he was saying.

“We’re not going to kill her because that’s exactly what she wants us to do.... isn’t that right Tess?”

Gritting her teeth she clenched her jaw before lowering her head downward to stare at the shackles on her wrists.

Lovingly Liz walked up behind Max and rested her hand on his shoulder.

“Why Max?”

Covering his hand over hers gently he laced his finger through hers and held it to his cheek.

“Because what we’ll do to her is nothing compared to the slow torture Kivar has in store for I getting warm Tess?”

Everyone in the group tensed alarmingly wondering who the hell he was talking about.

Michael walked beside Liz and stared down at Tess watching as she pulled at the belts around her ankles.

“Who the hell is Kivar Max?”

Shaking his head Max sighed disappointed in the person he was before the accident.

“I was trying to protect all of you, I didn’t think it was necessary to make you terrified over someone that could never in actuality hurt the two of you.”

Isabel nodded, “So tell us now Max, since its obvious things have changed.”

Her voice was full of anger, her mouth in a thin line, her eyes unable to look at him.

Liz smoothed her other hand around his neck protectively.

Isabel I understand how you must feel but he’s not the same person he was before, and although he actions were wrong, his intentions were always good. He kept things from you to shelter you.

Glaring back at Liz Isabel hardened her voice. “Well thank you for the synopsis of my brother Liz but this is none of your business!”

Max’s head snapped up immediately towards Isabel, his soft honey eyes now dark with anger.

“On the contrary it is her business, I wouldn’t even be here if not for her, so I would appreciate it if you directed your resentment at me instead Isabel.”

A soft giggle escaped Tess’ bloody mouth raising it to a evil grin.

“Hmm, dissention in the ranks, poor little boy king, loosing his disciples before he even gets to rule.”

This time all it took was a quick flash of his eyes in her direction to inflict a painful scream from her immediately quelling her sarcastic rant.

Again the group was stunned at Max’s new abilities, as the screech of black crows flew once again overhead.

“Kivar is from our …home, the planet where we came from. He overthrew …me or who I used to be I should say. He enslaved our planet, but he failed to get the one thing he wanted more badly than an empire. He wants me, doesn’t he Tess.”

Sliding down the side of the shack Alex sat on the dewy ground. “I need to sit down.”

Grabbing his hand Maria leaned against him. “I think we all need to sit down.”

Max glared back at Tess calmer now.

"I told you all that Tess was an alien like us, but not exactly the same, I could feel memories that she wasn't aware of. I knew she was dangerous but I also knew I could control her. She told me of our past, I guess I just didn't think it would help your already difficult life to know."

Michael folded his arms and looked away. "That wasn't your decision to make."

Nodding Max agreed

“Tess and I have a special …connection, Nasedo is an ally of Kivar, before they sent us away they had him plant a special chip in us. We could always communicate with each other, locate each other when we needed to.”

Max felt Liz closer, her warm supportive love all around him, he had nothing to fear anymore.

“I kept our ‘meetings’ secret because I never trusted her. You know the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer, well that was my plan before the accident. What they all didn't count of was the power that I possessed, She wasn't able to control me as they had hoped. I was much stronger than Tess. So they had to find another way. Let's just say Nasedo was getting impatient, that was until the accident.”

Nodding Isabel raised her eyes to the darkening sky. “So when she caught wind of your amnesia she knew this was her moment to strike.”

Waving his hand shyly in the air Alex slowly stood. “So why didn’t she?”

Looking back at him confused Alex cleared his throat almost wishing he didn’t open his mouth. “Well his memory was lost for a long time, what was standing in her way? She had plenty of chances.”

Rubbing his thumb over her hand Max smiled warmly his amber gaze returned to its normal sensitive color.

“It was Liz, she could break the bond that we have, no matter how awful or distant I was Liz didn’t give up on me. So that’s when she decided to kill her.”

Looking back at Tess Max’s voice turned gravely serious.

“But now since you failed the tables are turned aren’t they Tess? Nasedo has new orders, a demand to bring you back home, not a place I’m thinking you want to be right now, am I right?”

Furious Tess shot her bloodshot eyes back up to Max. “That’s right, good job, there’s only one thing you left out. He can find you as easily as he can find me, that chip is like a homing device. I’m not the only one he’s after, your going to wish for death when they get you back home.”

Scared Isabel ran over to Max. “What the hell are we going to do about this chip Max? How are we going to hide you?”

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a bloody piece of metal the size of a paper clip.

“You mean this chip?”

Knowing she had just played her last card Tess growled in defeat.

"What do you want from me?”

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) ~complete~ 6/7/11

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:37 pm
by jake17

thanks so much for following this through to the end. your fb meant so much to me. so hope you like the ending :)

Chapter 26

Dusk fell over the forest as the group watched Max pace slowly intensely deep in thought over their next move.

Exhausted Maria laid her head on Michael’s shoulder and groaned.

“I don’t mean to be negative in an already difficult situation but its getting late Michael, we can’t stay here forever.”

Sighing Isabel gathered her long blonde hair in her hands and pulled it up to make a ponytail high on her head. “I hate to agree with her but she’s right, we have to do something about …her.”

Nodding towards Tess Isabel laced her hand with Alex’s causing a deep satisfying warmth within him.

“Isabel’s right we’re out of our gourmet canned beans and its going to be getting cold soon, not to mention our parental units, we covered last night but with no cell phone’s they’re going to be wondering where we are.”

Overhearing Alex’s quiet whisper Michael took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the woods where Max had stopped to rest against a tall pine tree.

“Has the high commander come to any decisions yet?”

Rubbing his temples he glanced over at the group who looked more than stressed and shook his head.

“I don’t know Michael.”

Frustrated he ran his hand through his spiky hair and gritted his teeth.

“As I see it we have two choices.”

His eyes fell to the disheveled flaxen alien who was staring straight out into seemingly nothing.

“We hand her over to Kivar or we get rid of her ourselves, either way she has to be taken care of.”

Suddenly a flock of black crows screeched above them and flew in all directions up into the sky causing nearly every one to jump except for Tess.

Staring up Max seemed to be concentrating, honing in on something mentally blocking out everything else.

“….did you hear me? Nasedo isn’t a threat, if he had the power to kill you he would have done it already …its Tess that needs to die.”

Waving his hand in front of Max’s face Michael became highly irritated.

“Maxwell! What the fuck! Are you even listening to me?”

Still looking up at the heavens Max nodding slowly as he placed his hands firmly on Michael’s shoulders and whispered in his ear.

“Calmly get everyone together, you have to get everyone out of here now.”

Dusk had quickly turned to darkness making it even more dangerous for them to be running through the woods, but they had no choice.

“Max what the hell – “

Glaring into his eyes Max squeezed his shoulders tight while trying very hard to keep his composure.

“Michael please for once just trust me, get the others to the cave. We’re being watched. I’ll take care of Tess.”

He could see the seriousness in his eyes and for the first time held no doubts, he felt it deep inside, they were in this together and now more than ever they had to trust each other.

Quickly walking over to Liz Max cupped her cheek and smiled reassuringly.

“You have to go with Michael I’ll meet up with you in the cave, you have to leave now, its not safe here.”

Shaking her head fiercely Liz covered his hand with hers. “No, I’m not leaving you, we’re in this together now, remember? No more secrets, no more going it alone.”

Overcome with her unwavering loyalty and courage he captured her lips for a long passionate kiss pouring all his feeling and love into her with soft caresses of his mouth telling her all she needed to know.

“I love you more than you will ever know Liz, you have to trust me now…please have faith in me. Go with Michael …we will be together soon.”

Seeing a pair of soulless eyes in the tree just behind Liz’s head Max looked over at Michael who had already gathered the group together and nodded.

Michael knew what that slight nod meant, he knew it was Max having complete confidence that he would keep her safe, that he would keep them all safe.

Pulling her in for a hug Max breathed her in trying desperately to imprint the warm of her body, the sweet scent of her skin in his memory.

Whispering softly against her ear he closed his eyes as he let himself for a second relive their night together.

“Stay deep in the brush and run as fast as you can, don’t go out in the open Liz, promise me.”

There was no time to explain, as the loud flapping of wings grew louder.

Pulling away quickly he looked back only once just in time to see her mouth the words I love you before reaching for Michael’s hand and taking off into the woods.

Slowly he walked close to Tess pulling a switchblade from his pocket that Michael had given him.

Without looking up she began to speak, her voice muddled from the dryness of the blood stuck in her throat.

“So this is it, forgive me if I sit in disbelief, I just really don’t think you have the balls to do something that evil Max.” laughing to herself she gasped for air. “You forget I know you better than you little girlfriend, we shared a bed and ruled over a kingdom, not exactly the same as sipping cherry cokes in a greasy diner.”

Without a word Max leaned over and placed the blade between the leather of the belt and the wooden chair one by one until she was free.

Rubbing her ankles and wrists she brushed her hair back out of her eyes and stared up at him with revulsion.

Shrugging her shoulders sarcastically she raised her hands up in the air.

“Well? Where’s my punishment little boy King? Where’s the big vicious wrath you intend to bring down on me?”

A look of confusion covered her face as he began to walk slowly backwards folding the knife and shoving it in his back pocket.

She grimaced as she rose from the hard chair trying to steady her shaky legs pain evident still rushing through her body from his previous attacks.

Standing at the edge of the forest Max was nearly camouflaged into the trees as darkness enveloped him.

Tess however was in plain view with the bright light from the moon shinning down upon her.

Brushing off the loose dirt from her clothes she began to chuckle.

“I knew you were too much of a pussy to kill me, oh how the mighty have fallen Max.”

Stretching her arms out high in the sky she could only see the bright glow of his amber eyes as he stood quietly just inside the trees hidden from view.

Feeling her strength slowly begin to return she had one single thought in her mind.

Now more than ever she was convinced that she would get everything she wanted, everything she deserved.

Max even with his memory and his power was no match for her, without the cold blooded instinct to kill he was powerless. She laughed realizing that in the end it would be his human side that would be his downfall.

Smiling with great satisfaction she placed her hands on her temples knowing that he had essentially freed her.

“You fool, what did you think, that if you let me go I’d leave your little bitch alone? What is this, a trade, your life for hers? Not a chance, now you both die and then I will go back to my world and claim what is mine.”

Squinting her eyes she raised one side of her crimson lips power and coolness seething through her tiny frame.

She would be Queen and rule again, she would get what she deserved.

Holding out his hand he halted her next move while the rustle of leaves and twigs stirred just behind her.

“Wait, please I just want to know one thing.”

Releasing her grip on her temples she lowered her hands placing them firmly on her hips.

“I guess I should grant you one last word, go ahead Max ask me anything, I really can’t wait to hear the last ramblings of a dying pathetic …human.”

Coyotes howled in the distance as the sounds of the night began to come alive all around them.

Still he remained calm and focused.

“It’s true Tess, I’m not a killer, and I do consider myself more human then alien, but unlike you I don’t see that as a weakness. In the end it’s our choices that define us and my choice is to not go through life with blood on my hands.”

Rolling her head back in forth in obvious boredom Tess was deeply unaware of the approaching steps of the ravenous malevolent monster encroaching behind her.

Yawning she smiled raising her eyebrows.

“Sooo is that it? Are you done, because really I’m getting very weary of this world, almost as weary as hearing your winy self-righteous speeches Max.

Speaking a little louder Max deepened his voice desperately holding onto the love he knew was waiting for him back at the cave.

Be strong, you have to make it back to her.

“Just one more thing, what exactly did you mean when you said you were going to go back to your world and claim what is yours?”

Wiping the blood off her lips she stood tall and proud ready more than willing to shove it down his throat.

“Did you really think I was doing all this just to go back home and serve under that arrogant dictator? I spent a lifetime by your side stifled by the restraints of being your wife. I had to stand bound in silence while I watched you bring down our kingdom with your passive weak sympathetic ways. No, not this time, if its your head kivar wants he’ll get it but make no mistake after he will feel the blade of my knife as it slides deep in his back.”

A deafening shriek rendered the forest completely silent except for the relentless pounding of Max’s heart.

Stay clam, she’s waiting for you…

An eerie hush fell over the woods as if everything was frozen in fear, even the wind stilled in the grip of his presence.

“You intend to murder Kivar, what then Tess?”

Struck by his stupidity she shook her head.

“Then I will take the throne as it should have been all along, I will rule Antar and its people will bow down to me, their rightful Queen.”

She thought for a moment of giving him the peace of dying without the truth, but that just didn’t sit right with her, why not make him suffer?

“You stupid little boy don’t you understand, did you really think it was Kivar that brought you down? It was your wife that plunged that dagger deep into your back; it was me who brought you down to your knees. It was that bastard and his little slut Vilandra that silenced me, deceiving everyone into thinking it was him that assonated the gentle king.”

Once again Max backed away into the safety of the thick branches leaving only his velvet voice floating outward into the air.

“So now you seek revenge.”

Placing her fingers firmly back into the sides of her filthy skin she grinned victoriously.

“No Max, now I have my revenge, I will finally get what I deserve.”

A shaky breathy escaped his full lips as terror trembled deep inside his body.

“Yes you will.”

His eyes widened as tall black wings rose from the ground high above Tess’ head grazing the tips of her fair locks.

Gasping she turned just as the massive crow transcended into human form.


Her cry was a sharp shrill piercing the night like a sword cutting into flesh spilling blood onto the ground.

A deep low growl echoed like thunder across the valley as she trembled beneath his presence.

“Vengeance was always mine to wield you foolish little girl. Now it is time to go home.”

Sweat poured from his brow as Max ran through the trees, not looking back once he could still hear the distance cries of Tess begging for her life.

By the time he reached the cave his legs gave out leaving him to collapse at the entrance alerting everyone that he was there.

Huddled around him their hearts beating with fear it was Liz that held him in her arms as he rested against the cool wall of the cave.

“Max we heard the screaming, is it over? Did you kill her?”

He looked up at Michael as he pulled Liz’s hand up to rest on his heart.

Knowing in her soul the truth, Liz placed a kiss on his lips as she brushed his wet hair from his forehead.

“No, he didn’t but she’s gone isn’t she?”

Nodding Max stood taking her with him holding her close in his arms.

“She’s gone, Kivar …took her…its over.”

Everyone looked at each other knowing their lives would never be the same.

Alex slowly raised his hand like he was in kindergarden afraid to bring up the obvious.

"Not to be Debbie downer but why didn't Kivar go after you Max?"

Shaking his head Max stared out into space recalling the sight of him engulfing Tess, tearing at her flesh.

"Maybe it was because I didn't have the chip inside me, maybe his anger towards Tess took his attention. Honestly Alex I don't know."

Isabel looked up at Max her hand clutching Michael’s tightly afraid to let go.

“So Max what do we do now?”

Hesitating for a moment he looked around at all of them gripping Liz close to his chest.

“We live, the best we can, we appreciate everyday, and never forget what we mean to each other.”

Michael swallowing hard with a low voice spoke what they were all thinking.

“And what happens if he comes back Max …what happens if he comes after us again?”

Steady and strong Max placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder as he gazed around at all of them.

“Then we fight… together...”

No one heard the quiet effortless flight of the black crow as it rose over the cave up high into the v-shaped alignment of the bright stars... but he was there …listening …

Planning his return …

Vengeance will be mine

~ the end ~